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(Created page with "Tenebrae - Monday, June 24, 2013, 12:56 AM ------------------------------------------ -=--=--=--=--=--<* A05: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District *>=--=--=--=--=--=- The cit...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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branches and along hedgerows.
branches and along hedgerows.
A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital, for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's
A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital, for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's
care. However, in the Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers.
care. However, in the Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers.
Line 93: Line 93:
Sandy just falls out of the sky, crashing into a barrel and shattering it. She lands there on the ground, laying admist the splinters and wooden bits, and then mutters, "I'm going to kill her -and- that
Sandy just falls out of the sky, crashing into a barrel and shattering it. She lands there on the ground, laying admist the splinters and wooden bits, and then mutters, "I'm going to kill her -and- that

Latest revision as of 10:28, 30 June 2013

Tenebrae - Monday, June 24, 2013, 12:56 AM

-=--=--=--=--=--<* A05: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District *>=--=--=--=--=--=-

The city is divided, unofficially, into Upper Alexandria and Lower Alexandria. The Upper resides further up on the slope of the mountain, and rests to the east of the great river. The Lower resides to the west of it, and if the Lower could be said to have a heart, this verdant park might be its center.

Amid all the bustle of the Lower City, its Gardens District provides a peaceful respite. The warmth of Althea holds sway here, and though Daeus receives the occasional nod, this is clearly Her domain. She shares it with Dana, in the verdant green of this area. Vines and trees, remain green no matter the season and numerous flowers bloom along the park's walkways. Faerie-light lanterns hang from branches and along hedgerows.

A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital, for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's care. However, in the Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers.

The day is just starting to dawn, and out in the gardens, Mary is doing her good work. The girl is currently tending to a big, burly blacksmith who has - by the look of him - managed to shatter the bones in his hand. She's mumbling to herself as she tends to the man, tightening the bandages around his hand and rubbing, perhaps more firmly than is strictly necessary, a poultice of mashed green into the fabric.

"Shh, pointless really, beating iron with iron into more iron, then WHAM! You beat yourself. Should have seen it coming. But its alright. We'll have you beating metal again soon. Yes we will, won't we Typhoid? Mmhmm, mmhmm."

The crocodile cocks his head to the side at the question, and... yawns. Which makes the poor blacksmith look rather uncomfortable. All those teeth!

Mikilos is, for his part, simply strolling. It's good to do that every now and again. Being an Ivory Tower Intellectual has it's points, but really, you need to get out and see the world now and again to have works that matter. The elf pauses in his wanders, and peers a moment. Nature isn't exactly his strongest topic, but he's pretty sure crocodiles are not native to this particular bit of park.

Mary continues to mumble at the poor blacksmith, but eventually, slaps the man on the side, "Okay. You're done. You'll be fine in a few days if you say your prayers." He coughs, and nods his head, "Uh, thanks, I think." And away he wanders.

The crocodile, though, turns around, and stares at Mikilos. Its eyes blink. First one, then the other. Then it cocks its head to the side quizzically.

Mikilos mirrors the expression, though his eyes tend to blink in harmony. Looking around a moment, the elf nods to himself, and speaks to Mary. "Is this your reptile? Or are you his, as the case may be?" Can never be sure with animal lovers.

Mary looks up at the elf, and huhs. It takes her a few moments to ponder the question. "Typhoid is his own." She says, "And I am my own. But we walk the path the City sets for us together, you see? Ownership implies dominance more than I am comfortable allowing in either direction."

Mikilos nods, and relaxes a bit. Crocodile attacks in the middle of the city? Not a susprise if the city is Alexandria. "Likely a wise perspective. Might I inquire as to what brings your path to the park this early hour?"

Mary looks up at the sky, and so does the crocodile. She strokes her chin as she considers the question. "The city is in pain." She says, at last. "I can ease that pain in some small way. Tend to the fever, bandage the bruises, cut out the rot. It is more obvious here than elsewhere."

Mikilos takes a quick glance to the sky himself, but nods. "Then you are a healer?"

Mary hmmms thoughtfully, "I'm a priest." She says, "For the city. If the city was healthy, I wouldn't care about tending these little scratches. But it isn't... so for the moment, yes, I suppose I am a healer. I heal, anyway?" She seems almost apologetic as she finally looks down to Mikilos again. "I haven't been ... trained, in any way. I just use what I have picked up."

Mikilos smiles, and waves vaugely. "Picking this up is training. a little training here, a little there, many teachers, some who don't know they are teaching, some whom you don't realize are training you. And sometimes, a little bit of training yourself. Can be a very good way to learn, though does make it a little hard to tell for sure what bits you havn't learned yet."

Mary mnns, and nods her head. "Yes." She agrees, "It is irritating sometimes, but there is guidance if you look carefully." She produces a small wooden bowl from inside her armor, and holds her hands together over it, murmuring to herself before water trickles from her palms and into the bowl. "If you can listen, you will hear." She concludes.

Mikilos eyes the bowl curiously, but nods. "Though all too often, forget to listen until something is heard."

Mary lifts the bowl up, and sips from it, before she offers it to Mikilos. "Sometimes!" She agrees, "That is why I prefer the quiet places in the city. It is easier to practice listening."

Mikilos smiles, hesitates a moment, and accepts a sip. "I am the wizard Mikilos Mithralla, though most just call me Miki. Who are you?"

Bildor has arrived.

Mary is sat cross-legged on the ground, with her crocodile nearby, talking with Mikilos. The crocodile looks disinterested, though soon perks up as she produces a scrap of meat from inside her armor, and tosses it to the beast to eat. "I am Mary." She says, "That is Typhoid. I've never met a wizard before. At least, not that I know of. Do you have a tower?"

Mikilos smiles, and crouches down, a little easier on the neck for everyone. Well, maybe not for Typhoid, hard to say. "Actually, yes. I think. It's been many years since I went to see it, it might no longer be standing. I do study in the towers of the Academy, but those are not mine alone. The dormitory where I sleep is not a tower."

Sandy has arrived.

Mary nods in approval of the response, "That is good." She says, "Wizards should have towers, I think. Clerics should have temples. Warriors should have taverns and wenches. These are the natural environments for these professions. Even if you don't spend all your time there... the bird does not spend all its time in the nest, or the spider in its web. Though you should probably ensure it is still there, I would think..."

Bildor is walking along the street, carrying a large bucket full of fruits and vegetables that have started to go bad. An intiricately carved pipe, of dark wood is held in the other hand, trailing sweet smelling smoke. Puffs of smoke, waft lazily around his head from each time it's brought up to his mouth. Following closely behind him is a digger, sniffing at the bucket but without any leash or reigns to keep it in line.

Mikilos nods. "I really should. The lands are due for an inspection anyway, perhaps something later this month. Though in time I hope to live in a home of my own design. Something between a cavern and a house." The wizard ponders a moment. "Where do you tend to reside?" Glancing up, the elf blinks, peering at the dwarf. Well, moreso the Digger following behind. Seems a morning for non-native animals.

Mary scritches at her crocodile, partly to distract it from the arrival of the digger, and partly because she likes to scritch her crocodile. No judging, okay? Okay. The question from Mikilos actually makes her laugh, though. A short burst which has her grinning as she lifts the water bowl back to her lips. "The city is my home." She says at last.

Bildor hears something unusual for a surfacer and veers his path towards Mikilos. "Greetings. I would suggest making it more cavern like than house like, It'll be better that way." After some time staring at Mary, trying to decide just exactly what she is, he bows deeply. His attention however is taken by the crocodile and he clenches the pipe in his teeth, laying the hand on the diggers head so she knows it's not play time.

Mikilos chuckles softly, nodding to the words of both Mary and Bildor, though it's to the later he responds. "I plan to build my home into the side of the mountain, more for security than asthetics."


Sandy just falls out of the sky, crashing into a barrel and shattering it. She lands there on the ground, laying admist the splinters and wooden bits, and then mutters, "I'm going to kill her -and- that snake."

"That's a good choice but you need to be careful in picking a spot. Need to be sure it's stable." Replies Bildor as he pats the digger then points at the ground. The digger lays down but stares at the croc with her tail wagging furiously. "Good girl." He takes an apple from the bucket, holding it out to the digger as a reward and it's eagerly gobbled up. Oh, where are my manners. I am Bildor Thurgrim and this is Cinnabar. It is a pleasure to meet all three of you." He bows deeply, mirrored by the digger before she lays back down. He turns to looks at the commotion and the digger jumps up, running over to play, it must be pouncing time.

Mary doesn't seem too put off by Bildor's staring, though she does quirk a brow at the bowing. She sips from her water, and then Sandy explodes onto the scene. So she sips from more of her water, and then nods her head. "Mmn. Hello, Bildor. Cinnabar." She purses her lips before she continues, "I personally would be disappointed to meet a wizard in a cave. Caves are for bears or dragons, not wizards. Wizards need towers. Preferably built on clouds."

Mikilos nods, then starts as Sandy arrives, riseing and moving over to assist the fellow elf upright. "Her and what snake?" Glancing to Mary, he shrugs. "Would it help if I mention I'm a smith and busniessman as well?" He pauses, pondering a moment. "Tower on a cloud.... that.... might be intresting."

"Wizards need swift kicks in their asses," says Sandy to Mary, directly, after she picks herself up and brushes herself off. Yes, the girl who appeared on the scene by magic declares that wizards need their bottoms beat. She continues to pluck splinters off her person.

Mary nods firmly to Mikilos. "Yes, quite." She says, "Cloud towers are a must." And then Sandy offers her thoughts on the matter, and the girl hmphs, folding her arms across her chest. "That's rude." She says, "Wizards have their place ... in towers built on clouds, as previously discussed."

The digger hops side to side excitedly, with her tail wagging and waiting for the fallen elf to pounce. "No, Cinnabar. It's not play time." Calls out Bildor in khazadul and the digger slowly turns around, slinking back to where she was laying down. "What kind of smith?" He takes a long drag on the pipe, blowing out a series of smoke rings whilw watching Sandy curiously. "I don't know if that's really possible, but a tower on a cloud would be something exciting to see."

Mikilos nods to Mary. "Sandy is rude. It's part of her 'charm'." There are finger-quotes. Look to the dwarf, he ponders a moment and shrugs. "Weapon, armor, black, gem, leather, watch... most every kind really. Though blades are my ighest intrest." And to Lady Sandiel, he smiles. "Collectively, perhaps, and as individuals upon occasion. Though same could be said of most every calling. Though I remain curious to whom you blamed in particular for this most recent mishap."

Mary has disconnected.

"Do I need to kick you in the ass, Mikilos? I think I do," says Sandy, already approaching the elven wizard, apparently intent on doing just that. She's also still plucking things out of her clothes, then peers after Mary. "Who the hell was that?" She asks.

Bildor whistles at the list given by Mikilos and steps closer, looking at hime. "Are you sure you're not really a tall khazad with that of craftsmanship interests?" The elves look like theyre getting ready to fight or who really knows what they're doing so he steps back, leaning on the digger and smoking from his pipe.

Mikilos shrugs lightly. "I doubt you really need to, but expect you may anyway." He shugs again, eyeing the crocodile following away after. "Mary, and her companion Typhoid. Some sort of cleric, though I'm not sure who she follows. A druidic path, maybe, though seems a bit urban for that." He grins to Bilor, and shrugs one more. "I've a great many intrests. The act of creation being one of the greater."

"Need to? No, probably not. -Want- to, certainly," says Sandy, "Elves. Why the hell do elves have to be so damn annoying and smug all the damn time?" says the elf, eyeing Mikilos as if he is a prime example of this problem.

Bildor holds in his excitement at the possibilitis running rampant in his head. "Do you enchant items as well as making mundane items? I'm an armorsmith and an animal trainer." He gives the digger a rub on the shoulder and her tail wags. An eyebrow is raised at Sandy and he points with the pipe stem. "That's a good question and if you don't even know how can the rest of us figure it out."

Mikilos smiles to Bilor, fishing thru his pocket a moment before tossing a slightly ragged flyer for Mithralla Merchandise, crafter of quality magical items. The wizard turns to Sandy, and speads his arms wide. "Does somebody need a hug?"

Mikilos may die a horrible death, but he shall do so with a smile on his face.

Bildor looks at the flier, his lips pulling into a broad smile. "Excelent, now I know where to go when I get some gold. Do you also make horseshoes...or I guess something that a digger can wear instead? I've heard about enchanted horseshoes that make a horse run faster."

Mikilos blinks, hesitates, blinks again, turning his attention to Bildor. "...I... think so? Such horse shoes do exist, I've witness their effects, though never made any myself. I have made magical boots, which also have similar effects. I suppose it would be possible to make some sort of similar items for a digger. They don't typically wear anything on their feet, do they? Or paws, or whatever the proper term is in this case."

"...feh. I'm just going to go home," says Sandy, shaking her head. And without another word, she turns and marches away. The offer of a hug from Mikilos and the look of horror that crossed her face upon it may have something to do with it.

Sandy has left.

Bildor shakes his head and points at the digger's feet. "They don't wear anything on their feet. The claws are used for traction and digging and the feet are very durable so don't need any protection." He bows as Sandy leaves but doesn't comment on the interaction between the elves.

Mikilos grins after Sandy, but nods to Bildor. "Then will need a bit of work to find something which can both be enchanted, and will suit the digger. Comfortable enough it can wear it, and rugged enough to last."

Bildor runs a hand through his hair as he thinks. "Maybe some type of bracer, bangle, or arm band worn between the ankles and knees. Durability and comfort are both definetly important. They like to dig and I she carried me into battle."

Mikilos nods. "It will take some research, but I'm confidant can be done."

"That would be great. I'll stop by sometime and we can go over it, see what works well." Bildor grabs the bucket and clicks a few times. The digger hops up and follows closely, sniffing at the bucket. "But for now, we have some training to do." He bows his head slightly and starts walking west, towards the gate for some more open area.

Mikilos grins, and waves. "Fare well, shall see you some time."

Bildor goes home. Bildor has left.