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(Created page with "<pre>(Back story-- An optional side story to which Fishbelly volunteered to take) Briartip. The word brings back dark memories of a time you wish you could no longer remembe...")
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
Line 54: Line 54:
Long distance to Fishbelly: Benthus will still give you the info as you have been there before. And will be a source of information to your team. But if asked how you come to know...
Long distance to Fishbelly: Benthus will still give you the info as you have been there before. And will be a source of information to your team. But if asked how you come to know...
Fishbelly pages: I know nothing! Yet everything. I await ze backstory. :D
Fishbelly pages: I know nothing! Yet everything. I await ze backstory. :D
You paged Mel with '(DC10)It is a village that produces fish and lumber as well as the usual staple crops of wheat and barley. The village is lead by a mayor who gets his counsel from the village elders.'
You paged Mel with '(DC10)It is a village that produces fish and lumber as well as the usual staple crops of wheat and barley. The village is lead by a mayor who gets his counsel from the village elders.'
Line 371: Line 371:
<OOC> Benthus says, "So which is which, scramble up or aid another?"
<OOC> Benthus says, "So which is which, scramble up or aid another?"
<OOC> Mel says, "Aid. I'll help by pushing him up from underneath. ;)"
<OOC> Mel says, "Aid. I'll help by pushing him up from underneath. ;)"
<OOC> Benthus says, "I guess that would be a climb roll at DC10?"
<OOC> Benthus says, "I guess that would be a climb roll at DC10?"
Line 456: Line 456:
It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!
It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!
<OOC> Kira says, "If the three are safe, I guess I can go for the roof now. If not, I'll make sure they're all safe, first. :)"
<OOC> Kira says, "If the three are safe, I guess I can go for the roof now. If not, I'll make sure they're all safe, first. :)"
<OOC> Benthus says, "Nope. Goblins are running around chasing people. So leaving them would probably seal their fate."
<OOC> Benthus says, "Nope. Goblins are running around chasing people. So leaving them would probably seal their fate."
Line 945: Line 945:
GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19
<OOC> Kira says, "Less than 19. :("
<OOC> Kira says, "Less than 19. :("
<OOC> Benthus nods, "Normal damage then."
<OOC> Benthus nods, "Normal damage then."
Line 1,085: Line 1,085:
The goblins are on full retreat now, surrendering their advantage at the gate. Those trapped in the city will have to hide in very dark corners as the villagers will be actively hunting them down now. Still, a cornered animal is a dangerous animal. So, too, a goblin. So the danger is not fully resolved yet. But the tale of clearing the village of their foul presence is for another day.</pre>
The goblins are on full retreat now, surrendering their advantage at the gate. Those trapped in the city will have to hide in very dark corners as the villagers will be actively hunting them down now. Still, a cornered animal is a dangerous animal. So, too, a goblin. So the danger is not fully resolved yet. But the tale of clearing the village of their foul presence is for another day.</pre>

Latest revision as of 20:55, 29 May 2014

(Back story-- An optional side story to which Fishbelly volunteered to take)

Briartip.  The word brings back dark memories of a time you wish you could no longer remember.  But the past would not allow itself to be forgotten, and the word unceremoniously pulls you back into a time and place that still haunts your waking hours.  For the word is synonymous to grief and sorrow.  A memory you would give anything for forget.  

You remember travelling to this place a long while ago.  You came here just to catch up on supplies, have a warm bath and a get a good night’s rest.  You thought that it would be an uneventful stay, but fate chose otherwise.

That evening, a call to arms was sounded.  You rushed out of your room in an inn where you had your dinner and drinks.  The chapel bells are chiming loudly as people rush out of their homes to find out what is happening.  You hear someone yell of a goblin raid.  Immediately, you went into action, asking for direction as to where the goblins are gathered thickest.  You have no fear of them.  In fact, you believe that when you appear, they will be afraid of you. 

Just as you were about to rush into battle, an old maid places her hand on your shoulder to stop you.  She utters something to you, but you could not hear her words due to the loud tolling of the bell.  You soothe her by telling her it is alright, that you are there to save the day.  You doubt that she heard you, but the thrill of combat seems to have taken control over your faculties.  It was only when you have taken several steps away that you pieced out what the woman was saying.

“The children.”

You engaged the goblin hordes attempting to steal resources from Briartip.  You fought them hard, and you fought exceptionally well.  So well, in fact, that the other defenders of the village were not able to enter into combat before the goblins fled in retreat.

A great victory roar was made by all those around you, and they applauded you for your bravery and skill.  They carried you on their backs, cheering constantly until you all reached the village centre.  For a moment, everything was well.  And then, someone spoke.

The village had an emergency protocol wherein each and every person therein must follow a set of actions to protect itself.  One of those actions was for all the children to be gathered and kept safe under house cellars.  There were many house cellars to which the children would run into and hide.  When the coast is clear, the children would come out and declare that they are alright.

During that night, most of the children were gathered in a house cellar belonging to the Medister family.  The one leading the children and looking after them was Madeline Medister, and old maid.  The same old maid that halted you for a moment.

The one who spoke was Madeline Medister.  

Stumbling over several times to get to the throng of people gathered around the centre, the old maid kept calling for the people to listen to her.  It was only when people took notice that her face is covered in blood, that there was something terribly wrong happening.  What she said next shattered the hearts of all those present.

“The children have been taken...”

The entire village searched through the woods, hoping to find a trail to where the children might have been taken.  But even the best pathfinder in the locale could not succeed in tracing them.  For days, the people of the village continued to search for the missing tots, and when they were about to give up, they found them.  Or what is left of them.

Near a tree were the remains of the children.  There was a letter stuck to the tree.  It said:

“Children... brave, strong.  Made sure they suffer long.  Girl with pretty ribbon was best.  She suffered the longest.”

The letter was marked with two canine tooth belonging to a small humanoid, or probably...  little children.  You later learn that this is the mark of Gothral Skinpeeler, a bugbear.  From what you have heard of bugbears you know that the children had suffered a long and very agonizing death before they died.

The village mourned terribly the loss of these children, of which one of the parents committed suicide.  The night of the abduction would forever be called ‘Slow knife’, because for the families and friends of the children lost that night, it felt like a dagger being slowly and quietly thrust into their hearts.

(End of backstory)

Whether you have heard, or not, of a recent news that talks about the temple of Daeus sending some stuff to nearby villages, you find yourself in the temple district where traffic has become somewhat heavy. There, near the entrance of the temple of Daeus, wagon carts have been assembled and people are milling about, hard at work. There are several wagon carts stationed close to the temple, numbering about twelve of them.

Your interest gravitates to one of wagons located a bit more distant that the rest. It is here that you find a certain man with a checklist board. It doesn't take long for you to realize something out of the ordinary with this guy. Aside that he seems to be flocked by several young ladies (and some not so young) all eager to get his attention, you notice that he is exceptionally handsome. With blonde hair, cut short and prim giving him a distinguished appearance, he stands well over six feet with a physique which would make a superb athlete envious. He is adorned in polished full plate armour with the symbol of the sun is emblazoned on the chest portion. Even though the women around him aren't contributing much to help him out with his task, he nevertheless spurns them or tells them to go away. Patiently, he deals with each ones query and kindly repeats them even though he has given them instructions before.

As you approach this man, he shifts his attention to you, which causes the rest of the milled young ladies to stare at you with contempt (or pleasant surprise if you are a handsome man).

Vez: Hello there. (He looks you over) Judging by your gait and swagger, I would guess that you can handle yourself in a fight. Would you be interested in joining us on our trip to Briartip? (roll knowledge/geography or local, if you want) We could always use an additional pair of hands in safeguarding our little token for the village.

(DC20): It is a village located approximately 120km northwest of the city of Alexandria. About three days walk on average. It's a settlement located between lush fertile plains and a sea coast, with a dense forest towards the north.

(DC20)It is a village also known for its production of a unique dye extracted from a special shell-fish that inhabits their coast. This dye is of importance amongst magic user as it helps in the inscription of magical tomes and scrolls.

GAME: Mel rolls knowledge/local: (3)+9: 12

Long distance to Fishbelly: Benthus will still give you the info as you have been there before. And will be a source of information to your team. But if asked how you come to know...

Fishbelly pages: I know nothing! Yet everything. I await ze backstory. :D

You paged Mel with '(DC10)It is a village that produces fish and lumber as well as the usual staple crops of wheat and barley. The village is lead by a mayor who gets his counsel from the village elders.'

Kiroth gives a bright smile to the young women and he nods, "Yes the temple told me that they needed someone to help safe guard these and I said that I'd be happy to help them. Just tell me what you need me do." He hefts his heavy shield, "Are we all loaded up or do you need some help with that as well?"

Kira doesn't have swagger, and really doesn't look to be much of a fighter. She isn't so pretty that the other women would necessarily be jealous, either. Giving a polite smile to Vex, she volunteers, "I heard that the temple was donating to the village. I'd be happy to help protect it on the journey." Althea's mark on her robes could explain her helpfulness.

There's silence for a long moment from where Fishbelly was standing -- not far from one of the temples, where he'd been holding a discussion with an acolyte before they were called to another duty. There's a brief shadow behind the usually cheery oruch's eyes as he looks up, and then he's stepping over towards the gathered with a grunt, "I'll come along. Make sure th'wagon is secure'n safe... Rada smiles upon trade an' travel, after all."

Mel checks out one or two of the young women, offering a smile then looking back to Vez. He nods, "I can help out, yeah. I've done some caravan guarding, and it's probably the only way to get out of the city at this point. If you get locked into whatever for another five years, I don't want to get stuck inside!" If he knows anything pertinent about the town, it doesn't lend itself particularly to conversation just now. Perhaps the import will be clear soon?

Vez: Splendid. I'll inform the leader of the band, brother Epeth, that you will be joining our entourage...

A man wearing black, spiked armour approaches Vez, bearing a scowl on his face. Where Vez is handsome, this one is the opposite. Scarred and gruff-looking, the man ignores you and your party as he speaks to Vez with barely restrained annoyance.

Epeth: Why are we still here, Vez?

Vez: Brother Epeth...

Epeth: (Yelling) Stop calling me brother! Do I look like a paladin? (pauses to regain his strict countenance) I am Captain Epeth to you.

Vez: (Grins at Epeth and then draws a hand out to show the adventurers) These people here are going to help us on our trip to Briartip.

Epeth: (Looks at you and snorts) Great! Another batch of freeloaders. (Turns around and proceeds to the wagon) Get rid of them!

Vez starts to balk when rain begins to fall...

Epeth: (Stops in disbelief as he looks upwards and, for a moment, is silent. And then...) By all that is...! (Barely restrained fury)Squall! If you are responsible for this, I am going to gut you!

The group's elf druid pokes his head out of their wagon, confused. He's pretty short for an elf. One might even mistake him for a Halfling. A tall Halfling. Another head pokes out from the wagon's side. A corgi with its tongue sticking out of the side of its mouth.

Squall: What did I do now? (Wolf, the name of the corgi, barks twice)

Epeth points a finger to the clouds.

The short elf druid looks up for a moment trying to find out what he is suppose to be looking at. And then it dawned to him what it is Epeth is complaining about. He looks incredulous at Epeth.

Squal: You got to be kidding me... I don't control the weather! (Wolf barks and snarls)

Epeth: Yeah, sure. Sort it out! Or I will have you and your mangy dog pull the wagon... with the horses on top!

Squal: (Mumbles to himself and turns to wolf when it barks at him.) I don't think that is a good idea, Wolf. (the dog barks again) Well... I guess it benefits us all if we ask her one more time. (Another bark from wolf which causes Squall to sigh and turn to Epeth) You owe me one, Epeth!

Epeth: That's captain Epeth to you, you lazy elf! And I owe you nothing... except a kick to your behind for moping around!

Squall mumbles again as he and his corgi drop down from the wagon and head off to go somewhere. At this time, a dwarf carrying a box of food provisions can be seen bumbling eagerly towards the wagon. Epeth grabs the dwarf by the hood of his coat and yanks him up. The dwarf's feet are dangling in the air but still moving.

Epeth: (sneers) You better tell me those goods are not stolen from the Temple kitchen's pantry.

Brick: (Toothy grin) It's not stolen.

Epeth: (Menacingly) I don't believe you.

Brick: Epeth...

Epeth: That’s Captain Epeth to you, you...!

Brick: I got all of this from the kitchen Cook after a game of cards. I said I would gather my winnings when I see that the time is right. And as we are heading towards Briartip, I thought I'd call up on my winnings. You know what they have there in Briartip? Blood sausages! Not the fake blood sausages you find in the market here, but real blood sausages that many people from Stormgarde prize. I always wanted to make this special dish that requires real blood sausages. They say that whoever eats it, can breathe fire like a dragon.

Epeth: Baloney.

Brick: No, blood sausages!

Epeth: Whatever! (looking at Vez) What are you laughing at? Where's the cargo?

Vez: Father Alfred will be coming here soon.

Epeth: Alfred? He's joining us? (Exasperated groan) Don't tell me we'll be having a nurse tag along.

Brick: (Grins mischievously) A wet nurse more likely! Haha!

Epeth: (Scowling) If I want your opinion, Brick, I'll ask for it. (The dark knight looks at Vez) Go and fetch the father before we all die of old age!

Vez salutes the captain and departs immediately. At this point, a very pretty young woman with bright brown hair, braided to the waist, appears. If her pretty face is not enough to get anyone's attention, then her scantily clad uniform would be it. Donned in form fitting leather armour, the group's visiting ranger pops into view.

Titralis: Hallo!

Epeth lets go of the dwarf who hits the ground running, heading straight up to the wagon with his precious goods of herbs and spices. 

Epeth: Great! (He says this with great vehemence, and then speaks in a tone of voice like someone suffering from constipation) You won't find him here, Titralis...

Titralis: I know (she smiles coyly)... but you're going to tell me anyway.

Epeth drops his head, crestfallen, and jerks a thumb towards the temple.

Titralis: Thanks, sweetie (kisses him lightly the cheek and saunters off towards the temple.)

Epeth sighs and realizes that you are watching.

Epeth: What are you standing there?! Go pick up some crates and load it in the wagon! You expect me to do it for you?! I am not a pack mule. What? You want to know where? Do you have eyes in that thick skull of yours? (He points at the temple and storms out of the rain, which is starting to intensify)

Fishbelly, who normally would be the first to offer a flirtatious word or look to a pretty woman, barely notices the ranger-woman; a frown pursing his tusked mouth beneath the feather-strewn tumble of his beard, fingers idly shifting against the shaft of his trident. When finally the crotchety captain gives them an order and storms away, he shakes his head, slinging the weapon on his back and stepping through the rain to start loading up the crates without a word.

Kira watches the interaction with curiosity, but is polite enough not to stare. Captain does seem very stressed, but she attributes that to his strong concern for the task and safety of those on it, both valiant qualities. She leaves him to his worries to try and help ease them by following his instructions. This means following Fishbelly to the temple to help with loading supplies. "The captain seems very worried. I hope that he'll calm after we arrive safely."

Mel is boggling as he tries to follow the goings on, but then tunes out. It's somewhere between none of his business and not his job to comment. He stands by. He learned that one in the army, standing by is standing around ready to hop into action and very definitely paying attention while not paying attention to anything specific. Once the order comes in to load things up, Mel leaps into action, hefting crates and getting them loaded. This is something he can do.

"He seems a bitter man," Fishbelly says in quiet tones to Kira, pausing to grunt a bit as he hauls a crate up into the wagon, "Perhaps he has reason t'be. One never knows."

Mel is loading supplies with Kira and Fishbelly, and isn't quick enough to completely stifle a snort of amusement at Fishbelly's comment about the fellow being bitter. But he keeps on lifting up cargo. Best way to keep out of trouble is to be busy at something useful. Because people won't interrupt you unless it's really important.

Kiroth listens to the interaction between the crew that is going and he gives a smile to the scantily clad woman. He looks to Captain Epeth and he nods as he puts his shield on his back and he reaches down to pick up a crate to go put it in the wagon, "Well this should be an interesting trip."

(DM emit) There are no more crates to be transferred into the wagon. But there could be more in the temple itself? (

"Maybe this will make him less bitter?" Kira hopes aloud to Fishbelly while they load. "Everyone deserves to be happy, and he should be pleased when we're done." When the crates outside are all loaded, she heads into the temple to look for more.

Mel has loaded all the crates from here into the wagon, but isn't going to drag his backside into the temple unless there's actual work. He could head into the temple without asking, but asking's easy enough. "Captain Epeth," he calls out, but the fellow is gone, so he'll head inside and see about any more cargo. (fixed)

(DM emit)You and your group head to the temple of Daeus, where rain doesn't seem to fall down on it. There you find Titralis walking around, looking for somebody. She spots you and your group and smiles, "You wouldn't happen to have seen a blonde man in suit of armour pass by, right?"

Fishbelly rakes wet hair back from his face, pulling back from the wagon after the last of the crates is loaded in. "P'rhaps," he rumbles to Kira, then heads in with the others to search for further crates. A raise of his head to the scantily-clad woman, a faint smile, "Not since outside, m'lovely lass. You know if there's any more crates t'load up for Briartip?"

Mel ehs about the blond fellow in the armor, and says, "I think he came in here, but last I saw was out at the wagon, ma'am." He eyes the crates that seem to need loading, and with an old hand's eye for skiving off, he offers to the woman, "I could go look for him if you like?"

"I thought that he came in here," Kira answers Titralis, and looks around in the temple. "Maybe he is getting more supplies or speaking with the priests? Do you know if there are more supplies to load into the wagons?"

Kiroth shakes his head, "Sorry there are plenty of blonde men in armor around here you'll have to be more specific." He says as he looks around for the crates they are supposed to get."

Titralis: (looks at Fishbelly and places a hand to her mouth as she giggles softly)No, I am sorry. Probably Vez knows more. He belongs to this temple. (To the rest, she raises a hand and waves it) Don't worry, I'll find him for you guys. (wanders off)

As she goes off a corner, Vez comes into view from another corner. Accompanying him is a young looking ‘acolyte’ who couldn't be more than 16 years old. When the shining knight spots you and your friends, he waves and smiles. "I guess brother Epeth has asked you to pick up some more stuff from the supply room." He sighs and shrugs his shoulder and says, "There really isn't much to gather now. But if you like, there's a box of documents that one of you can carry to the wagon. It's just paper works that need to be signed by the people in charge of the chapel in Briartip." The young acolyte clears his throat, to which Vez turns and apologizes. "Oh, I'm sorry, this is Father Alfred. He'll be in charge of the ceremony when we get to the village.”

Father Alfred: Pleased to meet you all. (Spoken in a slightly high pitched tone)

Suddenly, Titralis comes out of the corner of where she passed through earlier. Upon finding Vez, she shrieks and runs into his arms. "Vez! It's been so long!" (More like two days, actually, but anywho... ) She disengages slightly from and begins to twirl a stray lock of bright brown hair around her finger as she accentuates her ample bosoms for him, "Do you miss me?"

Vez chuckles and offers her an affectionate smile. A smile commonly offered between siblings. "Of course, lady Titralis. I'd be lost without you." He says this literally as his path-finding skill is abysmal. The true meaning is lost on Titralis who seems to swoon at the reply.

Father Alfred wipes his bleeding nose.

Epeth: (shouting) Vez! If you are not back here in 5 seconds, I am going to leave and let you deal with this expedition!

Vez: (Looks very concerned) Okay, now he's angry. Hurry! To the wagon!

Fishbelly's brow furrows just a little as he looks to the priest. "...are y'well, Father Alfred? y'look a mite peaked, there. Walk into a wall, or jus' a nosebleed?"

Mel will grab the box of paperwork, and hustle out to the wagon. Someone's got to do it! And then it'll be done.

Father Alfred: I am okay... Thanks. But we have to hurry, captain grumpy-pants will get really mad, and we'd be in bigger trouble. (He sighs as he hurries towards the wagon)

"Ok," Kira nods, smile curling a little bit more at Titralis' affections. She notices, even if Vez doesn't really seem to. After Mel goes to grab the box, she asks, "If that is everything, should we let Captain Epeth know that everything is ready?"
Vez: (Looks at Kira with kind, if not slightly strained, eyes) We shall, and I will... Provided he is still there when we get there.

"Alright," Fishbelly grunts a bit, heading for the door, "Let's get goin' then..."

Mel will stow the paperwork when he gets to the wagon, and then hop aboard, so that he won't be the one people are waiting for. "I'm ready," he declares.

Kiroth nods to the cleric, "Greetings Sunguard. Are you all right?" He asks as he sees the bleeding nose." He nods, "If everything is prepared let us go."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, another long pose and then roll perception checks, please."

And so the group begins their journey towards Briartip. The rain passed away a little after the group has left the city. Vez thanked Squall thinking he had a hand with it, but the elf shrugs saying he did nothing. Titralis attempts to walk beside Vez, but Epeth commands her to scout ahead. Father Alfred and Brick are both in the wagon, safe and warm under the canopy, keeping secure the prized package that they and the accompanying adventurers are told to keep safe.

Travelling through the road towards Briartip, the group interacts with each other and get to know more about themselves (with the exception of Epeth, who would yell at you for no apparent reason). The passage seems to be relatively uneventful, other than a sighting of a wyvern on the horizon on the second day of journey. At the third day of travel, the rough roads begin to smooth out and the outlines of a settlement come into view.

Farm houses can be seen dotting the landscape as several fields of wheat and barley can be seen growing on the tilled soil. As the group progress, they can clearly see the stone walls that protect the village of Briartip. The walls appear to be three feet thick and twelve feet high. The entrance is barred by a steel-reinforced wooden gate that has three sentry guards stationed at all times.

When the wagon approaches the gate, the guards challenge those on the road. After a few minutes of security checks, the gate is opened and the wagon is allowed entry.

As the wagon lurches forward, you notice that the houses near the gate appear more closely packed, and somewhat of poorer quality. But as you progress deeper into the village, the houses become more interspersed, and of better design than those near the gates.

As you finally reach your destination at the village's chapel, a flock of Deusite worshippers comes out to greet you. The resident priest of the village, a father Thadeus, offer some refreshment for you and your comrades, but Epeth declines this for the group and says that the ceremony of turning over the sacred relic should commence immediately.

And so the day wears on with the lengthy ceremony taking most of the day. When the relic has finally been transferred into the chapel's altar, dusk has arrived. The village populace is very pleased in having this special memento and a feast is immediately declared by the mayor.

Everything seems to be going smoothly with the mayor about to make a speech, when a scream can be heard among the crowd gathered. (perception check)

GAME: Fishbelly rolls Perception: (17)+4: 21

GAME: Kiroth rolls perception: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Mel rolls perception: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (16)+6: 22

You paged (Fishbelly, Mel, Kira, Kiroth) with 'DC10: You see a two men and a woman lying on the ground with a pool of blood spreading around them.'

You paged (Fishbelly, Mel, Kira) with 'DC20: You spot several small green creatures with bow and arrows stationed on top of a roof, nocking another arrow to their bows.'

As they've been in town, Fishbelly has been fairly silent; keeping more to himself than usual, the hood on his raiment kept up as much to shadow his face as to keep off the weather, and he's been watchful more than boisterous. As the speech is about to begin, he pauses... and then he looks up, and his eyes widen. "Not ag... GOBLINS!" A roar from the oruch, carrying over the general hub-bub, "GOBLINS ON TH'ROOF!"

Mel was quite happy with an uneventful journey of nothing much going on, and he's properly respectful during the ceremony, quiet and attentive, though perhaps his eyes are wandering more than they should. This is why he's nudging the person next to him and pointing up onto the roof, and asking, "Are they supposed to be here?" And then the screaming starts, he mutters, "I'll take that as a 'no'."

Kiroth hmms, "It’s good to see a village that takes its fortifications seriously." He says as he heads in towards the village chapel. He hears the scream and he turns to see what's going on. He sees the three bodies and he quickly looks around. He flicks on his detect evil to see if he can see anyone evil that might have killed these people." He looks up as he hears the call of goblins on the roof. He unslings his shield and takes out his sword, "Everyone get to safety!"

Kira gasps when she spots the fallen and blood, then points when she sees the goblins on the roof. She's about to yell for people to get to safety, but Kiroth covered that. Instead, she runs for the fallen to see if they can be helped.

Titralis: Goblins!? In the village?!? But how?!

Epeth: Defensive formation!

Vez: Everyone! Seek cover!

Brick: No! My blood sausages! Why!?

Squall: I swear, it is not me!

Alfred: I am not a kid anymore, I can-- (Epeth shoves him inside a crate)

More goblins appear around the area. They seem to be popping out of nowhere. You see some of the green critters swarm around a dog and butcher it, gleefully tearing the poor pooch to pieces. You see another batch of goblins giving chase to people only to stop by a meat shop and loot the goods there. You see a goblin spring out from a window of a two-storied building, intent on jumping on top of a fleeing mother, only to miss its mark and break its neck on the ground. Chaos fills the village as some of the houses are being set on fire (with some of the goblins still in it).

Mayor: The front gate! Invaders at the front gate! They are breaking through!

Epeth: Vez--! (cut-short in his shout as Vez jumps out of his cover and makes a sprint towards the gate)

Titralis: Vez! (She shoots down a goblin archer that was aiming at Vez) Wait for me! (She sprints after him)

Epeth: Why doesn't anyone take orders from me anymore... (he spots Squall, Alfred and Brick looking at him). What are you waiting for?! Get to the gates now! (See you and your companions, he shouts) Take those archers out!

With that Epeth, Squall, Alfred and Brick make a run for the gates.
GAME: Kira rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 21

GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 22

GAME: Kiroth rolls initiative: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 16

GAME: You roll initiative for Goblin rangers: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 12

GAME: Fishbelly rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 18

As you probably know by now, there are several goblins sniping on top of a two storey building. The only easy means of getting up there without magic is a ladder which the goblins themselves may have used. They appear to be equally spread out which makes area of effect magic or projectiles less effective.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 22.
      It is now Mel's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Action, Mel?"

<OOC> Mel says, "Are there any goblins I could chuck a javelin at?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "A move action will get you into range."

<OOC> Mel will move and chuck, then.
GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

<OOC> Benthus says, "That misses. Pose."

Mel eyes the goblins on the roof, and he's got a javelin in his hand first thing. He sprints towards the building, hurling a javelin when he gets close enough to figure he's got a shot. He doesn't, the javelin goes skittering along the roof, then rolls down and off.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 21.
      It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kira ended.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Action, Kira?"

<OOC> Kira is going for the wounded three to see if they can be patched up.

<OOC> Kira doesn't have magic, just Heal skill and a kit.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Sure, roll heal to see if you can stabilize them. +2 for the kit."

GAME: Kira rolls heal+2: (15)+8+2: 25

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 18.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Kiroth is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Fishbelly ended.

<OOC> Benthus says, "You stabilize them, Kira. Pose."

"Remain still, I'm here to help!" Kira warns and reassures the injured as she runs to them. She quickly kneels, pulls out bandages from her kit, and quickly bandages the worst of their wounds to stop bleeding and keep them alive long enough for better care.

<OOC> Fishbelly will cast a Bless!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Cast away."

GAME: Fishbelly casts Bless.

Oh, no," Fishbelly snarls, lips curling away from his tusks, "Not this time... ENVELOPER! Guide our hands and steel our wills against these wretches, that we might send them down to be meat for Old David's Locker!" A roar, the words rise to, trident thrust into the air as a blessing spills outwards, somewhere a great serpent's eye opening... and approving of the adventurers.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 16.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Goblin Rangers is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kiroth ended.

<OOC> Kiroth says, "I guess I'll climb up after the goblin rangers."

<OOC> Benthus nods, "Roll a climb DC 15 to do it."

GAME: Kiroth rolls climb: (2)+-1: 1

<OOC> Benthus says, "Unfortunately, you don't get that far on the ladder."

Kiroth has to put his sword and shield away as he goes to start to try to climb up on the ladder but not getting that far.

<OOC> Benthus says, "One goblin attacks Mel. Another attacks Kiroth. The rest attack screaming villagers."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4: (2): 2

GAME: You damaged Mel for 2 points. 31 remaining.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 12.
      It is now Goblin rangers' turn! Mel is next!

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 22.
      It is now Mel's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Mel says, "Can I scramble up the ladder this round? Actually, can I help Kiroth get up also?"

The goblins on the roof continue to snipe at the panicking populace below. The goblin that was attacked by Mel nocks an arrow on his short bow and unleashes it on Mel, grazing him. Another goblin, stationed near the ladder, spots Kiroth and fires an arrow at him that bounces off his armour.

<OOC> Benthus says, "So which is which, scramble up or aid another?"

<OOC> Mel says, "Aid. I'll help by pushing him up from underneath. ;)"

<OOC> Benthus says, "I guess that would be a climb roll at DC10?"

GAME: Mel rolls climb: (20)+7: 27

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kiroth will have a bonus to his climb roll (+2) on his turn."

Mel makes it to the ladder just after Kiroth, and he sees the man having trouble getting up. Not one to shirk a heavily armored ally getting into the fray ahead of him, Mel will give Kiroth a thumbs up, and then brace him from behind as he goes up the ladder. It can't be easy in heavy armor, so he'll make sure the fellow can get his boots solidly on each rung.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 21.
      It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!

<OOC> Kira is going to get the stabilized wounded to some cover.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Pose it."

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 18.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Kiroth is next!

<OOC> Fishbelly shall head for the roof as well to climb up after the gobbers!

Now that they're not dying from the arrows they caught, Kira's next worry is that they'll catch new ones. It isn't very pretty or comfortable, but she tries to be gentle as as drags them for a building, wagon, or some other kind of cover out of the line of fire. "I'm sorry if this hurts..."

<OOC> Benthus says, “The ladder is sturdy enough to carry two at once. But it might be difficult to go around Kiroth, though. Roll climb.”

GAME: Fishbelly rolls Climb: (4)+-1: 3

Fishbelly breaks into a run for the ladder as well, leaping up to grab hold of a rung... and then his fingers slip, and he tumbles back to the ground with a crash. Swearing, he pushes himself back up.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 16.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Goblin Rangers is next!

<OOC> Kiroth says, "Continue to climb"

GAME: Kiroth rolls climb: (8)+-1: 7

<OOC> Benthus says, "Remember the bonus, Kiroth. Which doesn't do much, sadly,"

Kiroth starts up the ladder, but even with the helping it's slow going up the ladder to try to get to the rangers.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 12.
      It is now Goblin rangers' turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "The goblin who attacked Mel attacks him again. The goblin who attacked Kiroth attacks Kiroth again."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Benthus says, "Miss on all."

The goblin who sniped at Mel loads another arrow on his shortbow and fires it at him, but this time missing. This causes the goblin to jump up and down furiously, which also causes part of the roof to fall down, killing the goblin instantly. The other goblin is having a tough decision on which to shoot. Kiroth, Mel, or Fishbelly. In the end, it closes its eyes and fires randomly. The arrow bounces off Kiroth's armour.

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 22.
      It is now Mel's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Mel says, "I will go up the ladder myself. If I have an action left, I'll see if I can bull rush/grapple/shove one of the goblins off the roof."

<OOC> Mel says, "After the pose."

<OOC> Benthus says, "sure, Roll climb."

GAME: Mel rolls climb: (9)+7: 16

<OOC> Benthus says, "Mel gets to the roof. Careful, the roof is not so sturdy. The goblin who has his eyes closed is in front of you."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18 (bull rush)

<OOC> Benthus says, "Well, that is a hit, pose pushing the goblin off the roof."

Mel facepalms as even with his help, people are having trouble with the ladder. He flattens himself against the wall to avoid another arrow, and leaps up to the third ladder rung and hustles up the ladder as fast as he can. There's a goblin at the top with a bow; Mel wastes no time, he grabs the fellow's bowarm and yanks, switching places with him, taking a stand on the roof and leaving the goblin attempting to stand on air. This doesn't work out for the goblin, but luckily gravity intervenes and takes the goblin into its loving arms. BAM.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 21.
      It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!

<OOC> Kira says, "If the three are safe, I guess I can go for the roof now. If not, I'll make sure they're all safe, first. :)"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Nope. Goblins are running around chasing people. So leaving them would probably seal their fate."

<OOC> Benthus says, "But that is *one* choice to choose from."

<OOC> Benthus says, "So... Stay and guard?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, Fish and Kiroth. There is a prone goblin in front of you. Lucky it missed you in its fall."

<OOC> Kira says, "Oh! There are goblins on the ground! Yes, I'll try and help the villagers."

Kira desginates the wagon she placed the wounded behind as a safe spot. She stands her ground to guard them while waving to those villagers being chased around. "Come over here! We will protect you!"

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 18.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Kiroth is next!
<OOC> Fishbelly says, "I would like to stab the goblin that fell off the roof, if I may!"

<OOC> Benthus says, "+4 bonus for being prone and stunned."

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

<OOC> Benthus says, "Hmmm... a miss, sadly."

Fishbelly lunges over as he sees one of the goblins fall, the trident brought up - and then down sharply, but the greenskin rolls out of the way at the last moment, the three tines driving into the earth!

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 16.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Goblin Rangers is next!

<OOC> Kiroth says, "I'll try to climb again"

GAME: Kiroth rolls climb: (13)+-1: 12

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay... Still stuck at the first wrung, Kiroth. Pose."

Kiroth huffs softly as he tries to continue to climb up the ladder. The heavy armor does not make it easy.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 12.
      It is now Goblin rangers' turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Another goblin on the roof notices Mel and fires at him. A goblin, who was busy chasing some fleeing villager, comes into range of Kira. Kira, please roll an AoO if you like."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4: (3): 3

GAME: You damaged Mel for 3 points. 28 remaining.

GAME: Kira rolls melee: (16)+3: 19

GAME: Kira rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7

<OOC> Kira says, "7 Subdual."

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 22.
      It is now Mel's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Mel would like to shove another goblin off the roof for Fish and Kiroth to deal with.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Sure, bull rush one."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

Mel sees the other roof-goblins are still using their bows. He's got a fix for that, he dashes across the thatch, narrowly avoiding getting an arrow in his chest, and he grabs the goblin's arm in a solid grip. He's no orc, but he's bigger than a goblin, and he's got good leverage, planting his feet in the thatch and yanking hard, tossing the goblin down to face the tender mercies of Fishbelly and Kiroth. "Look out below!" he calls by way of warning.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 21.
      It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!

GAME: Kira rolls cmb: (10)+3: 13 (disarm)

<OOC> Benthus says, "Btw, Kiroth and Fish. The first goblin to fall is trying to crawl away. Too banged up to run, or even walk."

<OOC> Kira says, "Oh, +1 more from Bless."

<OOC> Benthus says, "That misses, Kira. CMD seems to be a bit high. But you gave it a good spank and it will try to run away on its turn. Pose."

When one of the villagers runs to fins protection, Kira reaches out to smack the goblin following them. "Leave them alone!" She then grabs for its weapon, but can't get ahold of it.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 18.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Kiroth is next!

<OOC> Fishbelly will try and stab the goblin on the ground again!

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

A pained squeal is cut short as Fishbelly drives the trident through the fallen goblin, looking over towards the other one that's fallen with a dark expression, snarling briefly.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 16.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Goblin Rangers is next!

<OOC> Kiroth says, "Continue to try to climb"

GAME: Kiroth rolls climb: (10)+-1: 9

Kiroth frowns as he continues to try to climb up the ladder, but the heavy armor is making it all but impossible

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 12.
      It is now Goblin rangers' turn! Mel is next!

The goblin near Kira is frightened out of its wits and attempts to run away. AoO again, Kira. Another goblin on the roof finds it that it is its turn to shoot at Mel.

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

<OOC> Benthus says, "Arrow hits target. Mel is becoming a pin cushion now."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4: (4): 4

GAME: You damaged Mel for 4 points. 24 remaining.

GAME: Kira rolls melee: (19)+3: 22

GAME: Kira rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Kira says, "8 more nonlethal."

<OOC> Benthus says, "You knock it cold. You can only imagine whatever dark dreams it is dreaming right now."

Kira isn't going to let it get away to just hurt someone else. Her foot comes up to give it a swift kick, though she isn't trying to seriously hurt the gobber, either.

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 22.
      It is now Mel's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Mel says, "How many goblins left on the roof with me? Just the one?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "One more, yes."

<OOC> Mel says, "I will Improved Feint it, then punch it, hopefully getting the sneak damage."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Roll it."

GAME: Mel rolls bluff: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14 (Goblin sense motive)

<OOC> Benthus says, "Well, it sees through your ruse."

<OOC> Mel says, "Ah well. Normal attack, then."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Roll."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26

<OOC> Benthus says, "Threat."

<OOC> Mel says, "I keep forgetting bless"

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Mel rolls 1d3+2: (2)+2: 4

Mel checks the roof, narrowly avoiding another arrow. These goblins aren't very bright, but he's not the swiftest horse in the stable, himself, is he, fist-fighting a goblin on the roof of a house in some village. Oh, he needs to let his friends know, "I've got the last one up here, don't worry about coming up!" He'll essay one of the trick punches his sergeant showed him once, going left and ... ack! His foot almost goes through the thatch! That wasn't a very convincing way to get his enemy off-balance! He gives up on fancy, and just takes a punch at the bowman, or bow-goblin, and bam! Now the goblin's really mad.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 21.
      It is now Kira's turn! Fishbelly is next!

<OOC> Kira is... still guarding villagers.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, some of the people who have headed to Kira are also bringing in unconscious people."

Kira thinks that the others have the distant goblins under control, so she stays where she is. Mostly, this means keeping an eye out for any other foolish attackers, but she also tries to reassure the frightened villagers as best she can. "Stay close and you'll be safe!"

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 18.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Kiroth is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Last fallen goblin is on the ground and is doing what the previous fallen goblin is doing, Fish."

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Benthus says, "Hmmm... I forgot to tell you tha it was prone so you have bonus to hit. So that hits. Pose killing another one."

Another goblin goes down; the trident in Fishbelly's hands spearing through the belly of the thing, tearing outwards in a spray of green-black blood.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 16.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Goblin Rangers is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kiroth, the only danger near your area is the goblin on top of the roof."

<OOC> Kiroth says, "Continue to climb"

GAME: Kiroth rolls climb: (10)+-1: 9

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, the ladder is a worthy foe."

Kiroth continues to try to climb the ladder, but he just can't seem to fight purchase.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 12.
      It is now Goblin rangers' turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, it attempts to draw its short sword, AoO, Mel."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Mel rolls 1d3+2: (3)+2: 5

Mel has forced the last goblin into action. It drops its bow and goes for its sword. In the critical moment when its hands are occupied, Mel steps in and gives him a facefull of knuckles, sending the goblin's body backflipping off the roof.

When the goblins see that several of their numbers have been dispatched quickly, one of them screams out, "They's killing us! Run!" And the goblins in the immediate vicinity take to their feet and run like the wind.

As the last of the sniping goblin has been taken down, the group has a decision to make. Reinforce the defenders by the gate or hunt down the goblins that are running amok around the village.

(DM emit to Fishbelly) At this time, you have a flashback. The scene is very much the same as you remember during the night of Silent knife. Although there is no old maid to tell you that the children need protection, you sense a nagging feeling that you have to go and find the location where the children are hidden. You remember very well where the Medisters’ house is located. You wonder if you are already too late and history has repeated itself.'

Kiroth frowns as the goblins start running and he takes a deep breath. A couple of them and he counts to 10. He looks to Kira, "How badly are they?"

"There's no time," says Fishbelly with a rough growl of voice, pulling the trident free of the goblin and turning to head deeper into the village--breaking into a short jog, "Follow me, there's no time, by the Red Tide!"

<OOC> Mel says, "Can I see if there's still fighting going on? I hopefully have a good view up here?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Yup, Mel, the gates could use some help, but Fish is going to another direction."

Kira looks over the villagers near her to make a quick assessment. "These three are badly wounded and will need I think the others are more scared than hurt. We do need to make the village safe!" Fishbelly has the right idea and she starts after him. With a look back to the mobile villagers, she asks, "Please watch over the wounded."

Mel will spend a few moments on the roof with a javelin in hand checking for hiding goblins, or laggards. Finally, though, when he sees none close, he comes down the ladder, and a lot more carefully than he went up. "Things went OK down here?" he checks, surveying the carnage. As Fishbelly urges action, though, he'll quickly follow the priest of Rada, pulling out his shortsword and donning a buckler with a military crest.

Kiroth looks over at Fishbelly, "Wait we don't know which way the fighting is. Don't go rushing off blindly." He looks up at Mel, "Yah for now. Which way is the fighting the most intense?"
"I know where I'm going, damn your eyes," is Fishbelly's call back over his shoulder; then his head is going down and forward, and he continues on without further looking back.

"Where are we going?" Kira trusts Fishbelly, but would still like to know what the problem is, since it seems there's more than just rampaging goblins. "Do you know why the goblins are here?"

Kiroth frowns deeply as he follows after them as he's not going to split up the party. He frowns at Fishbelly, "Next time we come to an agreement before you just rush off like that." He says clearly annoyed by it. "I'm not going to just run around this village while the gates need to be defended."

As Fishbelly runs through the street ahead of you, you notice a goblin on top of a building with a knife in its hand. It is attempting to cut a rope that holds a stack of lumber in the air. The planks are situated on an area where Fishbelly will pass through.

<OOC> Mel says, "Can I hurl my javelin at the trap-goblin?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "You can, but it will cost you time, and you will be further separated from Fish. Pose hiting it. and I will pose something after."

Mel is behind Fishbelly, so perhaps that offers a wider perspective. "Look out!" he warns the priest, dropping his sword and hauling out a javelin. He hurls it towards the goblin about to drop the boom, taking him out. One disaster averted, but it costs him time, and he's got to pick up his sword afterwards before rushing off, having lost a lot of ground now.

"Fishbelly! Look out!" Kira can't accost the goblin, but she can warn the oruch about it. She can also point, too.

The Goblin dies, but the frayed rope is not strong enough to hold the weight of the lumber. And so, after Fishbelly has rushed through, the rope snaps and wood planks comes falling down. Now, the passage is blocked. (roll acrobatics (DC20) to pass through it, or if you sacrifice one round, you can use strength (DC15) check to push the debris out of your path)

GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Mel rolls acrobatics: (2)+9: 11

<OOC> Kiroth sighs softly. "I hate my dice

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, roll until you succeed. I'll count the rounds until Fish gets reinforcements."

GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (9)+3: 12

GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Kiroth rolls strength: (12)+3: 15

GAME: Mel rolls acrobatics: (17)+9: 26

<OOC> Mel says, "Once I find a way through, can I lead/drag people after me?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Sure."

GAME: Kira rolls acrobatics: (19)+7: 26

There's a mighty crash behind Fishbelly--but the oruch doesn't even slow down. No, he just keeps running, as if the hounds of hell themselves were on his tail!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kira passes in one,"

<OOC> Kira sproing!

Kiroth growls, "Wait up!" He calls out as he tries to lift and move the logs out of the way as he knows that he can't just spring over them. It takes him a while to get the logs out of the way and when he's done he finds himself alone.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kira can still spot fish and can tell the rest where he is going. Kiroth, you go with Mel at second turn. The obstacle is made manageable by his effort."

Kira gasps when the lumber comes down, but she's relieved when Fish isn't hit. Of course, it leaves a mess ahead of her. She seems light on her feet as she weaves throw some pieces and jumps over others. See? There are benefits to not lugging around heavy armor or weapons.

Mel groans as the debris drops anyhow, and he's stymied by the clutter as he tries to climb over it or find a way through. He can hear Fishbelly running ahead, but can't find a path through the fallen debris. Seeing Kira get through, he'll follow her, calling out to Kiroth, "This way!" and waving to get his attention.

Kira also calls to Fish, "Fishbelly! Wait!"

The priest of Rada continues to dash ahead as you manage to hurdle/push through the obstacle on the street. Just as your friend passes a corner, a whole section of a wall blows apart (Reflex save avoids injury, fail: roll fortitude save, success means you take half damage and delayed another round. Damage is 10 from the flying flaming stone debris)

GAME: Fishbelly rolls Ref: (17)+1: 18

GAME: Mel rolls reflex: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Kiroth rolls reflex: (11)+5: 16

GAME: Kira rolls ref: (16)+5: 21

<OOC> Benthus says, "All managed to evade the exploding wall. Pose it."

Kira starts to call for Fish to wait or ask what's got him so riled... when the wall explodes. She reflexively dives away from it to the ground and manages to tuck, roll, and come back up to her feet. After the gobber and the wood, she worries that the wall wasn't an accident and theyre trying to lure Fishbelly into something bad.

Mel can't see Fishbelly anymore, but he's got his eyes on Kira. The explosion catches him off guard, but he manages to dive prone and avoid the flying debris, then take off like a sprinter, to keep chasing. 
Whatever Fishbelly's found that's so urgent, Mel will be there to help. If he can keep up!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Note, Fishbelly will be on the scene first. The rest will arrive in about two rounds after. Sorry, Kira, I know I said one for you. But I'd like to see if Fish can pull it off alone."

As there's an explosion, Fishbelly ducks his head a bit--a bit of flaming debris narrowly missing him as he charges onwards and forward, trident bobbing up and down in hand.

Kiroth growls as he throws himself against the opposite wall as the other wall explodes. He raises his shield to help deflect the debris. He looks around and follows after the others.

As Fishbelly reaches his destination, he finds a shadowy figure lurking in the trees. He would have not spotted it if it were not for the line of children that have been roped to the creature. Bound hand to neck, the children are tied to the shadowy figure and some of them are dragged on the floor, too tired and scared to move. As Fishbelly get closer, he realizes what it is. A bugbear.

Gothral: (Speaks goblinoid) Look what we got here? The hero returns... Did you enjoy my little souvenir I left by the trees? (Laughs)
GAME: Fishbelly rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 12

GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 7

GAME: Kiroth rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 18

GAME: You roll initiative for Gothral: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 21

GAME: Kira rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 21.
      It is now Gothral's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "The bugbear uses the children as human shields and takes aim at Fishbelly with his bow and arrow..."
GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

<OOC> Benthus says, "It misses."

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 20.
      It is now Kira's turn! Kiroth is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kira ended.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 18.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Fishbelly is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kiroth ended.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 12.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Mel is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Fishbelly ended.

GAME: Fishbelly casts Hold Person.

<OOC> Fishbelly casts Hold Person. DC 16!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kira and Kiroth are sprinting towards the scene."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+2: (11)+2: 13

<OOC> Benthus says, "You hold him. Pose."

"Skinpeeler." Fishbelly's lips peel away from his teeth in a snarl as the horrible sight of the children and the bugbear... an arrow deflecting off his armour, he brings his free hand up, "I'm not alone this time, you son of a bitch-- ENVELOPER! HOLD THIS MONSTER IN YOUR COILS!" His hand clutches into a fist - and the bugbear freezes in place as if being gripped by that hand.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 7.
      It is now Mel's turn! Gothral is next!

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 21.
      It is now Gothral's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Kiroth says, "Would probably be last and just react first. Wearing heavy armor"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Rolling for the bugbears will save..."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

The bugbear freezes in place, with only his eyes to move about. He tries to snarl, tries to break free from the enchantment, but Rada's powers are absolute at this moment, and the bugbear is held firm.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 20.
      It is now Kira's turn! Kiroth is next!

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 18.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Fishbelly is next!

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 12.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Fishbelly is going to move over and try and get the kids free of the rope!

<OOC> Benthus says, "You got a bladed weapon, Fish?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Pose cutting the rope as the bugbear won't be doing AoO on you this round."

<OOC> Fishbelly says, "That I do not! If I can at least get the rope out of his hand they could maybe run together, tho. >.>"

<OOC> Benthus says, "It's tied to him securely... Hmmm... escape artist skill to loose the tie?"

GAME: Fishbelly rolls escape artist: (7)+-4: 3

<OOC> Fishbelly fails! But tried.

"Kira!" Fishbelly can see the paladin running after him as he rushes over to the bugbear's side--tugging at the rope wrapped about the bugbear's arm to try and loosen it, glancing back, "Get th'children t'safety!"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, Kiroth. Anyway, Kira will be able to assist next round."

Mel is still running to catch up. He's not sure what's coming ahead, and he's losing ground because he's not used to distance running, but he's going to keep up, because Fishbelly seems to have a sense of urgency, and he's a priest, so he's helping people, right? Mel's sure it's got to be something important. Runrunrunrun.

Kira rushes after Fishbelly as quickly as she's able. Like Mel, she trusts that Fish's urgency is for a reason. Something has him rushing in and ignoring danger to himself. To Kira, that means that others are in great danger.

Kiroth tries to stay positive as they continue to rush after Fishbelly. The paladin is getting angry about this as he does his best to keep up with the others.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 7.
      It is now Mel's turn! Gothral is next!

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 21.
      It is now Gothral's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, Gothral the bugbear tries to save again..."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+2: (15)+2: 17

<OOC> Benthus says, "The bugbear is held no more!"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Fish, The bugbear moves away from you. For a moment, you can AoO him without penalty."

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

<OOC> Benthus will give Fishbelly a circumstance bonus for this round. "It hits. Damage roll please."

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d8+3: (3)+3: 6

<OOC> Benthus says, "Damage noted. the bugbear creates some space, intersperses the children between him and his opponents, nocks an arrow on his bow and fires at Fish with impunity."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: You damaged Fishbelly for 6 points. 26 remaining.

Gothral grits his teeth and with great effort, manages to break the spell's hold on him. He quickly attempts to roll out of Fishbelly's range but still got hit by him. Moving to get himself behind a wall of children, he knocks an arrow again and aims at Fish. "(Goblinoid) Die!" The arrow impales on Fish's shoulder.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 20.
      It is now Kira's turn! Kiroth is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kira, action please. You see Fishbelly take a shot from the bugbear."

<OOC> Kira guesses she can't charge Gothral with the children in the way. "Full move or run to get in close?"

<OOC> Kira says, "Wait. Could they be jumped over as part of a charge?"

<OOC> Kira just wants to get to him, don't have to attack this turn if I can't.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Hmmm... do the jump check at DC10."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kira, if you fail, you will stumble and fall."

GAME: Kira rolls acrobatics: (3)+7: 10

<OOC> Kira says, "That was horrible, but still a 10?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Nice Kira, and yes, 10 is all that is needed. Roll the charge attack."

<OOC> Kira designates him as Smite target. Also attempting Stunning Fist.

<OOC> Kira hedges that he's evil hiding behind children.

<OOC> Benthus says, "noted. Roll."

GAME: Kira rolls melee+5: (17)+3+5: 25

<OOC> Benthus says, "DC on the stun?"

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19

<OOC> Kira says, "Less than 19. :("

<OOC> Benthus nods, "Normal damage then."

GAME: Kira rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Kira says, "8. STill nonlethal."

Kira rushes in to find ... children? bound children? roped to this monster who is shooting Fishbelly. Althea help her, she is not about to let it harm children. "Let. Them. Go!" She doesn't even slow down and continues her run. When she reaches the line of little ones, she leaps, just clearing their heads. Kira lands in the bugbear's face, leading with her fist. Vows or not, it takes extra restraint to only bruise and not break bone.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 18.
      It is now Kiroth's turn! Fishbelly is next!

Kiroth continues to run after the other as he can hear the sounds of combat. He grumbles soft under his breath as he clangs along going as fast as he can.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 12.
      It is now Fishbelly's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Fishbelly says, "Can I move to flank with Kira?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "You have to jump the children."
<OOC> Fishbelly says, "Alright. I will instead... cast Spiritual Weapon, and have THAT hit him!"

GAME: Fishbelly casts Spiritual Weapon.

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19

<OOC> Benthus says, "Damage pls, Fish."

GAME: Fishbelly rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6

"BUTCHER!" Fishbelly's voice is a roar, "KILLER OF--" The arrow /thunks/ into his shoulder, and his words cut off briefly with a hiss.. and then he tears it out, raising the trident, "KILLER OF CHILDREN! Great Fisherman, strike down my enemy that he may be forgotten forever in the depths of the sea!"

A shimmering reflection of the trident appears in the air, lancing downwards and spearing into the bugbear's back.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 7.
      It is now Mel's turn! Gothral is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Mel?"

<OOC> Mel says, "I'll charge in, too, and a leap over the kids. Is there flanking available? I've got Gang Up in any event, so I don't need it for sneak, but the +2 may be needed."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Not at the moment for flanking bonus."

<OOC> Mel says, "All right."

<OOC> Benthus says, "roll over 10"

GAME: Mel rolls acrobatics: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Benthus says, "attack roll."

<OOC> Mel says, "Do we still have Bless?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Yes,"

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18

<OOC> Benthus says, "hit."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d6+2+2d6: (3)+2+(5): 10

<OOC> Benthus says, "Grievously wounded."

Mel turns one last corner and sees a his friends fighting a bugbear, and a bunch of children on a rope. Well, this wasn't a fruitless chase after all - it seems this mission was more important than others thought. He'll rush in hard, take a flat leap over the kids, and swing his shortsword at the villain. He may not be the best fighter in the world, but he knows about how to get the most out of a melee! He lets the monster face the magic hammer and Kira, and right as it's turning to face Kira's attack, he'll make his own attack, thrusting with his army-issue shortsword. His blade strikes true, the villain is grieviously wounded

      Benthus advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 21.
      It is now Gothral's turn! Kira is next!

Gothral is banged up pretty badly. It's time to flee. With a quick tug of a string, the rope becomes loose. He attempts to flee...

<OOC> Benthus says, "AoO, Kira and Mel."

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Mel rolls 1d6+2+2d6: (4)+2+(9): 15

GAME: Kira rolls melee+3: (20)+3+3: 26

GAME: Kira rolls melee+3: (17)+3+3: 23

GAME: Kira rolls 2d6+6: (7)+6: 13

Mel has done this once or twice before, it seems, he has the rhythm of working with allies in a melee. When it turns to face him, he focuses on tying its weapon up, and letting Kira attack, and when it turns to fight her off, he strikes. When it turns to leave, his blade darts out like lightning, his blade catching the back of its leg and hamstringing it, leaving it open and vulnerable.

Kira is NOT going to let this creature go so easily. The safety of others is paramount, and there is the large matter of justice. When Gothral turns to tuck tail and run, then is severely hampered by Mel she steps up and snaps her leg out and up, right into the back of its bugbear skull. There's no permanent footprint left, but it rattles things around enough to make Gothral's world go black.

Kiroth comes running up on the scene as he sees Kira take down the bugbear. He also sees the children and he moves over to check on them as it seems the others have combat well in hand.

Gothral: Feh! *cough cough*

Gothral: You good... *cough sputter*

Gothral: Too bad... *cough wheeze*

Gothral: One kid still alive... *gasps Snore* 

<OOC> Benthus says, "Anyone want to roll sense motive?"

GAME: Kira rolls sense motive: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Mel rolls sense motive: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Kiroth rolls sense motive: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Fishbelly rolls Sense Motive: (4)+4: 8

You paged (Kira, Mel) with 'The bugbear was bluffing. There was no last kid alive.'

You paged Kiroth with 'You are not sure if he is telling the truth or not.'

You paged Fishbelly with 'It is true. There is a kid still alive.'

"What was that?" A sharp snarl from Fishbelly, whose hand sweeps up to keep the spiritual trident from finishing the job... but it's too late. He regards the fallen bugbear for a long moment, stepping slowly over to look down at the figure with a deep scowl.

<OOC> Kiroth says, "Heal check on the general welfare on the children"

GAME: Kiroth rolls heal: (19)+8: 27

<OOC> Benthus says, "They're all fine. Scared, and probably traumatized for life, but they are physically well."

Kira blinks. "Another child..." Then she peers at the fallen bugbear. "I think he was lying, trying to worry us." Her focus turns entirely to the children; she's thrilled to learn that they're not injured and that another is already checking on them. She then works to get them untied. All that extra rope could be put to better use, like binding the bugbear. Just in case.

Mel has no compunctions about killing this villain, so he doesn't have any heartache about it expiring on the street. Rather, he cleans off his blade so it doesn't or corrode, and looks around to make sure there's no more monsters close by. He's not the helpful type, so he'll let the others deal with the kid.

"I hope so." The words are quiet, low as Fishbelly regards the fallen foe for a long moment, his jaw tensing, then he's slanting a look back to the others, "Are th'children alright? We should make sure that th'rest of th'town is well..."

Kiroth looks over at Kira and nods a little bit "They all seem to be fine physically." He draws his knife to help Kira cut away the ropes from them, "Where are your families?" He asks softly and he starts to look around for the presence of evil just to be sure.

"Good," Kira gives the children a smile and offers her hand to them. 
"Let's get you back to your families and make sure they're safe, too." If there are more goblin still running around, she'll be sure to encourage them to surrender and leave peacefully.

The goblins are on full retreat now, surrendering their advantage at the gate. Those trapped in the city will have to hide in very dark corners as the villagers will be actively hunting them down now. Still, a cornered animal is a dangerous animal. So, too, a goblin. So the danger is not fully resolved yet. But the tale of clearing the village of their foul presence is for another day.