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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Tatyannah - Rogue 8
Tatyannah - Rogue 8
Teppus - Fighter /Paladin
Teppus - Fighter/Paladin 7
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Abrahil adjusts his lenses as he regards the scroll. "Oh dear...do you see anything?" he asks, calling over. "I can try one of these again!"
Abrahil adjusts his lenses as he regards the scroll. "Oh dear...do you see anything?" he asks, calling over. "I can try one of these again!"
The creature is crusted over very well by the ice, but all the searching finds several things that could be sold, but nothing that looks like what the depiction shows.
The creature is crusted over very well by the ice, but all the searching finds several things that could be sold, but nothing that looks like what the depiction shows.
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However, you all manage to get out of the woods just fine. Of course, it's all because of Jibbom! Halani manages to make sure he doesn't send everyone in the wrong direction though and you get back to the city jut fine.
However, you all manage to get out of the woods just fine. Of course, it's all because of Jibbom! Halani manages to make sure he doesn't send everyone in the wrong direction though and you get back to the city jut fine.

Latest revision as of 20:45, 12 December 2013

Characters -

Abrahil - Wizard 8

Halani - Monk 10

Jibbom - Sorcerer 10

Tatyannah - Rogue 8

Teppus - Fighter/Paladin 7

Odd reports from the Redridge Mountains have been coming in for the past several days; massacres, slaughtered cattle, disapperances, it's been over all just strange. A call went out from the guild for a new group to go check things out, but first had to make a stop at the Temple of Daeus. It is still under construction from the Exorcism of the Azure Queen, but they still all have work to do. You are taken to one of the various priests who seems to be the client for this particular venture out of the city.

"Ahh, good, you're here," the older priest says, looking over a large tome on the desk. "Hope you all want a nice trip into the mountains, or woods, or wherever this thing is now."

"Oh! Oh dear...do you think it tore? I'm so afraid it tore..." A small, roundish figure bumbles into the room. Wider than he is tall and bouncing more than he walks, he's decked in a suit of brightest red. Bright red and softly fuzzy, it's trimmed in pale white furs, and comes with a conical, red-toned cap that's perched atop his head against the winter's cold. The gnome has on his gold-trimmed spectacles and has grown his beard out for the winter. It's...well, it drapes halfway over his chest (if indeed a sphere could be said to have one) and there are just so many candy canes popping out of the elderly white fuzz, just sticking out of it here and there that he's even now frantically trying to clear away.

He's also halfway covered in soot. "Oh, oh dear. First I ran into that chimney sweep, and then that candy cart! You'd think people would watch where they're going, you know, oh...oh dear. I'll be with you in just a moment!" And then he's trying to pull one of the candy canes away from his beard. He gives a tug, but it's stuck firmly in place.

"So, more demons?" Tatyannah asks with interest. "If so, I wanna stop by - someplace and get some stuff. Or ask you to bless our weapons. Y'know, since we're here." She pauses, "Well, if it'll last that long."

"Indeed, good citizen!" Jibbom shouts, stretching his wings in a needlessly dramatic manner. "Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, Alexandrian Hero, is here! Alongside many of his most heroic associates. We shall defeat all evils!"

Not a minute into the description of the latest 'contract' and Halani is already covering her face with her hands. Maybe she doesn't like trips into the mountains anymore. Or the woods.

"Demons?" says Teppus. He's just arriving to the sound of the conversation. "Do I get to kill demons?" Trust a paladin to sound very, very excited about this possibility. He's even smiling.

The round little gnome gives another tug at the cane. The effort yanks at his fuzzy white beard--but it seems quite stuck. His cherry-red cheeks, already flushed from the cold, strain a bit. "Oh...oh...oh my. I am afraid it's just...it's just...oh, pardon me! Pardon me a moment... And my goodness, I was just ever so lucky to get here on time. Why, they had this wonderful red winter suit on sale. Sale! you know, and I said, it's just so difficult to FIND a good sale during the winter that I couldn't pass it up! And we're going ADVENTURING! With the Steel van Ironblood, no less! I could do no less than look my best!" And then he gives a tug at the candy cane again, and looks quite embarrassed. Though, he /does/ do his best to stand up tall and straight (it's a little difficult to tell). And then Teppus mentions demons and he clears his throat a few more times and goes: "Oh dear."

The priest shakes his head at Tatyannah, "It won't last long enough, the one I know is only a temporary blessing, not long enough for the trip you might be on." He gives a moment to look at Jibbom and promptly ignores the halfling, remembering the dent in the dome they still haven't hammered out. "In any case, what you are after is this." He turns the book around to show an illuminated page that has a large symbol in the middle of it. "Or at least, part of it. This part," and he pulls out a cleaned up half of the symbol, "was recovered several days ago in a mine. If our records are correct, then what was released is extremely nasty, and perhaps the cause of the rash of demon related activities going on. The seal was broken," he shows the broken edge of the piece, "and we believe that it will help in defeating the creature if whole."

Tatyannah does a quick look around and foregoes the fist pump about being the tallest one there. She refocuses, however, of the briefing, sighing about the news of blessing not lasting long. "What exactly do you mean by 'extremely nasty'?"

"Extremely nasty?" Jibbom looks alarmed. "My Ex-Maybe-Wife isn't involved in this, is she?"

Teppus cheerfully adds to Tatyannah, "Well, there are always annointing oils that can bless our blades for demon stabbing." He sound spositively thrilled about the possibility of demon stabbing! Then he frowns at the priest and adds, "That does not sound good, actually. What DO you mean by 'extrmely nasty'?" Abrahil is being eyed, but with good humour.

The priest points to some of the writing around the symbol. "According to these records, when the seal was place, it was believed that the mine was cursed by something very evil and foul. It caused a man to go insane, and was uncontrollable. He died, but was sealed away with the cursed metal. In some research, some thing that since things are coming out, the man's soul may have been changed into a type of daemon. Hence the seal that was placed to keep it inside the mine."

The roundish gnome wrings his hands. He looks a little pale underneath all that red all the sudden. "Well," he says, and gives himself a shake. "Well!" he says, "Well, that is quite a story, isn't it? That poor man..." He waddles up to take a closer look at the book. And indeed, leans a little ways forward, his fingers on his glasses to get a better look.

"Oh, heya, now doesn't that just sound grand, yeah?" Halani says from behind her hands before dropping them with a sigh. "Extremely nasty is what we do best, right? Right?" Her eyes narrow a little at the sight of Teppus. "Some of us here are pretty good at stabbing things, after all."

<OOC> Abrahil would like to get hold of a wand of protect v evil. Is it okay to purchase one?

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sure, I don't have the vendors like you lovely admin have :)"

"Well, yes, that sounds extremely nasty," Tatyannah allows. She glances over the group again, scratching at her neck, "We're /definitely/ stopping to get supplies before we go."

"Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, shall purge this evil with his heroic associates!" Jibbom declares excitedly. "To the shopkeeps! And then, to adventure!"

The priest nods, "Indeed. We have been having various people out trying to find the seal, and thankfully because of our records, we're able to use some spells and prayers to do it. Whatever is carrying isn't hiding it. The last general location that we have report of the seal being in this area," he points onto a map, still along the mountains, heading north. "I am able to give you some scrolls to help you do the same so you can pinpoint the exact location."

"To adventure!" the gnome echoes, and his eyes sparkle a bit. His brand new red suit is covered in suit, but...heroism! Dashing! Daring! The stuff of legends, surely. He clasps his hands together.

"Agreed," says TEppus on the matter of supplies, then he nods towards he priest. "You have my word. WE'll deal with the problem. We may share different patrons, but this Serrielite will not allow this evil to go unchecked!"

Tatyannah rubs at her forehead, eyeing Jibbom, then Abrahil, and back again. She says nothing, but already looks exhausted just thinking about them and their future adventure.

<OOC> Elessa says, "ALright, if I remember for log purposes we need to go over purchases, but as I said, I don't have a vendor"

<OOC> Abrahil says, "Just note it in the log. ^^;"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay :)"

From afar, Abrahil pestered poor Whiteout already. ^^;

<OOC> Elessa says, "So what are you all getting? Or are you all in your books shopping? ;)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "ALl rigth. :)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "I'd like to spring for a couple of oils of bless weapon. :)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "To give to folks. :)"

<OOC> Abrahil is good to go!

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Yes, bless weapon!"

<OOC> Jibbom is set, equipment-wise.

<OOC> Halani says, "I should be good."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright :) Off we go. Who is using the scrolls to find said item?"

<OOC> Abrahil can-do.

After stocking up a few items while in the city, everyone finds themselve heading to the northern gates of the city and then out to area where they were shown of the last general area of the seal piece. It took several hours of travel before getting out in the area, and it was a wooded area, not formally the Mythwood, but getting close.

<OOC> Abrahil says, "May I cast mage armor? Also, recall it (pearl) and place it on Halani? >.>"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sure"

GAME: Abrahil casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

<OOC> Jibbom will also mage armor himself.

GAME: Jibbom casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "K"

The gnomish wizard Abrahil has his nose stuck in the scrolls. It's a longish nose, and it twitches now and then in excitement as he bumbles along. A few moments ago he'd stopped to, 'Bippity, boppity, boo!' and there are sparkles around his ankles and sleeves. And for poor Halani, her as well. They swirl and spin and dip as they walk.

You paged Teppus with 'The gnomish wizard Abrahil has his nose stuck in the scrolls. It's a longish nose, and it twitches now and then in excitement as he bumbles along. A few moments ago he'd stopped to, 'Bippity, boppity, boo!' and there are sparkles around his ankles and sleeves. And for poor Halani, her as well. They swirl and spin and dip as they walk. (re)'

"Waitwaitwait--" No use, Halani's protests. Or too late, anyways. And now there are sparkles. "Seriously? Oh for..." But the monk trails off, slowly bringing herself away from the brink of homicide. Abrahil has her best interests at heart, surely.

Tatyannah smirks a little, but says nothing. NOTHING.

"Embrace my portly colleague's incredible magical powers!" Is Jibbom's advice to Halani. "Now, onwards!"

When Halani suffers that fate, Teppus coughs. He's only g glad nothing happened to /him/. Yet.

"Oh, we're getting close...I can feel it! Just...feel it!" the roundish gnome sounds enthused. As enthused as though they're headed to a day at a picnic, rather than the maw of maddened demons. "And such an adventure this will be, such ADVENTURE!" He bumbles along, right with the rest of them. Every now and then he takes out a wand and taps at the side of his leg--and suddenly, magic sparks, lifting him wibbly-wobbly over a bit of brush or cracked rocks. It matches the color of fae-sparkles around poor Halani, and every now and then he praises her fashion sense: "Just perfect, and ready for the bards! Adventure, my dears! ADVENTURE! Tales of heroism, immortalized forever...why, I'm sure Jibbom has bards aplenty, all ready for his return and just waiting to hear how it went! We MUST look our best!"

You paged Abrahil with 'Since you have the scrolls I'm letting you decide when to cast one.'

Abrahil pages: Ok!

From afar, Abrahil wasn't sure what I needed to do. ':) These are 'detect' scrolls?

You paged Abrahil with 'Locate object scrolls.'

Abrahil pages: Ok. :D

You paged Abrahil with 'And you were given a copy of the seal so you know what you're looking for.'

Abrahil unrolls one of the scrolls, and then grips the faux seal in one small, chubby hand. "Alright, then! Bippity, boppity...oh dear, and just look at this handwriting! Did they? ...locate...find...oh! Here we go!" and then the scroll explodes in a shower of rainbows and light.

The shower of light then bolted off in a direction ito the woods, leading off into the woods. There is no road leading that direction though, just the forest floor.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, survival checks around to see how well you deal with the forest."

GAME: Teppus rolls Survival: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Tatyannah rolls survival: (7)+2: 9

GAME: Abrahil rolls survival: (10)+1: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls survival: (4)+2: 6

"I don't much like the forest," mutters Teppus. "There's alwys horrible monsters lurking out around there." He is doing his best, of course, not to pay overly much attentiob to Jibbom. Abrahil gets some amused looks, but he's definitely on his guard.

"The more horrible the monster, the more glorious it is to vanquish them!" Jibbom declares chipperly, beaming. "So. Who's for a game of 'I Spy'?"

"Great, no roads, this is going to be fun," Tatyannah grumbles. She tries to follow through the forest but it does not go well at all. She yells, "This is why I like cities and cobblestones and roofs and OH TARIEN, I JUST STEPPED IN SOMETHING GROSS!" She shudders.

"Oh dear...well. Well!" ...when the sparks vanish off into the forest. Abrahil adjusts his lenses and then fishes around in his pockets. "Oh, my, what a marvelous idea! Here, I have just the thing..." and he fishes around...and comes up with a set of magnifying glasses. Three of them. He passes them out, his features delighted. And then...well. Well... "Oh, oh dear...my dear..." he says, and he lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "I do believe you just stepped on a...don't look! Just don't look, m'dear. It's /quite/ awful. Just...step to the side. Quite gently. And look away..."

"It really is quite horrible," Abrahil adds. "The thing you stepped in."

Jibbom eyes Tatyanah's foot, stroking his chin. "... I spy, with my little eye, something that starts with P."

Abrahil hands Jibbom one of the magnifying lenses. While mouthing, "Don't tell her!"

GAME: Halani rolls survival: (2)+9: 11

Tatyannah doesn't look, just does what she can to scrap it off her boots. "I /hate/ the outdoors." She tries to pick her way through more carefully, but this means walking into branches and spider webs across the trail. The bane of being the tallest person in the group. "I'm not sure, but I think I'd prefer to be sailing," says the known-to-be-chronically-seasick ex-pirate.

Tatyannah stepping in something isn't the last thing that happens while wandering through the woods. Feet get stuck in roots, there is tripping, branches getting smacked into other member's faces, a whole slew of antics. Thankfully because of the spell, Abrahil has a good direction to go and can't risk actually getting off course. After what seems like another hour or so of tromping through the woods, and not very elegantly, the spell seems to come to a stop among the trees, but nothing overly special compared to what else has been traveled through.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Perception checks please."

GAME: Abrahil rolls perception: (19)+3: 22

<OOC> Abrahil ...

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+14: (7)+14: 21

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Halani rolls perception: (6)+17: 23

GAME: Tatyannah rolls perception: (15)+17: 32

GAME: Teppus rolls Perception: (4)+8: 12

You paged (Abrahil, Tatyannah, Halani) with 'You all spot a big creature (medium sized but big) about 40 feet away, one that didn't look like it should be able to hide because it is actually violet, and also covered in horns. And it looks mean.'

From afar, Abrahil...would like to use the sudden distraction to cover everyone in fashionable sparkles. I mean, protection from evil. ^^;

Long distance to Abrahil: Elessa laughs. Go ahead

From afar, Abrahil :D :D :D

"Hsst!" Halani warns suddenly, coming to a stop and pressing herself up against a tree, trying to ignore the crawlies and unpleasantries that live in the bark. "Something up ahead, hey?" she adds in a loud whisper.

"Oh...oh dear...excuse me," Abrahil says, just bare a whisper. And he begins fishing around his his pockets, and...well, before anyone can really blink? He's bippity-boppity-booing all the way 'round. Sparkles curl around boots and socks, settling a light layer of arcane protections into place.

GAME: Abrahil used a Wand of protection from evil.

GAME: Abrahil used a Wand of protection from evil.

GAME: Abrahil used a Wand of protection from evil.

GAME: Abrahil used a Wand of protection from evil.

GAME: Abrahil used a Wand of protection from evil.

"Was that a snake?" asks Teppus, looking around after Halalnis 'hsst'. He's nervous. Someone does /not like snakes/.

"Is it a terrible evil I can smite with my awesome magical powers?" Jibbom asks, hopefully.

Dryly, "I spy with my little eye, something purple, horned and angry," Tatyannah states. She goes in to get her spear and the potion of bless for it. She's not really bothering to hide, in a group like this.

Elessa has dropped a TIMESTOP!

GAME: You roll initiative for Demon : Roll: 9 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 10

GAME: Halani rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 22

GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 10

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 6

GAME: Abrahil rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 16

GAME: Tatyannah rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 9 = Total: 17

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Halani's turn! Tatyannah is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Halani ended.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright Halani. There is a big violet thing 40 feet away, and it looks angry."

<OOC> Halani says, "Well!"

<OOC> Halani will go punch it.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

<OOC> Halani says, "A ki point in AC, and activating Combat Expertise."

<OOC> Halani says, "And I will try for a stunning fist with the attack. Even though it will miss."

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+12+2-3: (3)+12+2+-3: 14

<OOC> Elessa says, "Miss :("

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Tatyannah's turn! Abrahil is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tatyannah :)"

<OOC> Halani says, "My AC should be up to 34 for now. 30 touch."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Run and stab, flanking with Halani."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 11 + 2: (5)+11+2: 18

"Not -that- angry, vera.." Halani moderates, before shucking her overcoat and dashing forward. She gets there before the purple monster thing has much of a chance to react, ducking beside it and aiming a punch into its torso. For all the good it seems to do, however. She may as well have just slapped it.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Nope :("

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Abrahil's turn! Teppus is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Abrahil ended.

<OOC> Abrahil says, "Vanish into a rainbow (greater invis), then cast displacement on the rogue."

<OOC> Elessa :p

<OOC> Abrahil says, "The greater invis is a swift action and an illusionist ability. ^^;"

<OOC> Elessa says, "How long do those two last?"

<OOC> Abrahil says, "The invisible is a per round thing, up to 8 rounds. Displacement is up to 8 rounds."

GAME: Note Greater Invisibility added to Abrahil with a duration of 8 rounds.

GAME: Note Displacement added to Tatyannah with a duration of 8 rounds.

Tatyannah goes running towards the creature and Halani, and she looks magnificent as she sails through the air to hit the creature. Such a /shame/ that she misses it by >< that much. Tatyannah swears. A lot.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Teppus' turn! Demon is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Teppus ended.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus"

"I...ohdearhelooksangry." The roundish gnome vanishes into a cloud of sparkles and then just...ceases to exist. Except there's a wobbling, crunching sound as he bounds over the forest leaves. And moments later, Tatyannah seems to split in two as an, "Excuse me!" rushes past.

<OOC> Teppus says, "HMM."

<OOC> Teppus says, "I move to the front of the group and ready an action with my reach weapon."

<OOC> Elessa says, "He's engaged with Halani and Tatyannah"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Or in melee with them, 40 feet away"

<OOC> Teppus says, "AH!"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Sorry, misunderstood. In that case, I advance and attack."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, roll it"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+12: (19)+12: 31

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7: (3)+7: 10

<OOC> Elessa says, "What is your crit range?"

GAME: Abrahil casts Displacement. Caster Level: 8 DC: 20

<OOC> Abrahil says, "Also, my apologies. X) I forgot about the 40'. The displace would be on Teppus then. Abs' move speed is 20."

GAME: Note Displacement added to Teppus with a duration of 8 rounds.

GAME: Note Displacement removed from Tatyannah

<OOC> Elessa says, "Gotcha"

<OOC> Elessa says, "And also, is your weapon good aligned Teppus?"

<OOC> Teppus returns. 20 only, Elessa.

<OOC> Teppus says, "My parents were bugging me. :)"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh I know how that goes."

<OOC> Teppus says, "Glaive's are x3 crit weapons. 20 only."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Makes sense, but is it good aligned?"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Not at the moment."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Gotcha"

<OOC> Teppus says, "I presume less, or no, damage? :)"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Perception ;)"

GAME: Teppus rolls Perception: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "It did nothing"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Demon 's turn! Jibbom is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (3): 3

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom! Will save"

<OOC> Abrahil says, "Oh gods. :("

Teppus rushes to the front, stabbing at it with his glaive! It does nothing. Really. Nothing at all, actually. "Huh! My weapon! It has no effect!" He reaches for a pouch. Abrahil's magic has his form flickering, however.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (6)+16: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls will: (19)+11: 30

<OOC> Jibbom sure hopes that saves.

The creature roars as everyone comes around it, starting to try and attack, and it seems amused by everyone's attempts. It takes one of its tries to bite into into Halani, but it proves ineffective against all of her skills and the spells. However, it turns and looks at the group, and looks over to Jibbom, glowing red for a moment, but it seems to fizzle.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yeah, you're fine"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Does the creature have any wings or anything like that?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "No, it doesn't"

<OOC> Elessa says, "It has lots of horns on it"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now Jibbom's turn! Halani is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jibbom ended.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright Jibbom"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Fly upwards to get an angle where I can Cone of Cold this guy without hitting the others."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Then, Cone of Cold."

GAME: Jibbom casts Cone of Cold. Caster Level: 10 DC: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls 10d6: (35): 35

<OOC> Elessa says, "And SR"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+14: (16)+14: 30

<OOC> Elessa says, "Perception"

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (17)+4: 21

<OOC> Elessa says, "It doesn't do quite as much damage as you think it should have done."


Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Halani's turn! Tatyannah is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Halani! *puts food in mircowave*"

<OOC> Halani says, "Flurry, ki point in the extra attack. Power attack. AC drops to 27."

"Foolish demon!" Jibbom grins in the face of the glowing horrible red thing, taking to the air with a mighty flap of his golden wings. "You face Steel Von Ironblood, the Bane of the Night!" He puts his hands together and fires a powerful spray of frost over the horrible creature.

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+10+5+2+2-2-3: (7)+10+5+2+2+-2+-3: 21

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+10+5+2+2-2-3: (11)+10+5+2+2+-2+-3: 25

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+10+5+2+2-2-3: (8)+10+5+2+2+-2+-3: 22

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+10+5+2+2-2-3-5: (18)+10+5+2+2+-2+-3+-5: 27

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+10+5+2+2-2-3-5: (10)+10+5+2+2+-2+-3+-5: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Got two hits"

GAME: Halani rolls 1d10+3+2+6: (8)+3+2+6: 19

GAME: Halani rolls 1d10+3+2+6: (3)+3+2+6: 14

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Tatyannah's turn! Abrahil is next!

<OOC> Halani says, "Cold Iron, Silver... no alignment bypasses though."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Full attack."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "W/flank."

Halani twists sideways, trying to get out of the monster's field of view as she shifts into a more aggressive stance. No longer weaving, she almost throws herself bodily at the Purple People Eater (yeah, she's assuming).. and by the number of glancing blow she throws, it's clear her attacks aren't exactly focussed. But a few solid kicks land.. at least they look solid.

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 11 + 2: (1)+11+2: 14

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 11 + 2: (3)+11+2: 16

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Oh, it's one of those days."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Wait, that 2nd roll wasn't right."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d20 + 5 + 2: (19)+5+2: 26

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "There."

GAME: Tatyannah rolls 1d8 + 5 + 4d6 + 1d6: (4)+5+(19)+(3): 31

<OOC> Elessa says, "And you hit on that one. Have you gotten your weapon blessed?"

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "The last 1d6 is shock damage."

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Yes, I put on bless weapon just before the timestop."

<OOC> Elessa says, "He didn't like that"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Abrahil's turn! Teppus is next!

<OOC> Abrahil says, "I think Haste is a great idea. +1 dodge bonus to AC (stacks with everything), +1 attack with FA."

<OOC> Abrahil continues to HIDE.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Teppus' turn! Demon is next!

<OOC> Abrahil will use bonded to cast haste, because I'm apparently a dummy. And chocolates are distracting.

<OOC> Elessa chuckles at Abrahil. Yes, they are. Paladin! What do you do?

<OOC> Teppus says, "I smite. :)"

"Excuse me," again. And then there's an explosion of color in the air around the party and...time speeds up. Weapons become a blur. That traveling bard behind Steel begins writing really fast.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Smite away"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Smite evil, yay! Okay, so. +4 to hit from the smite and haste."

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+16: (16)+16: 32

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Adding my paladin level to the damage. Is this an evil outsider with the evil subtype? X"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh yep"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Okay. Doubled damage from smite on the first hit, then."

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7+12: (6)+7+12: 25

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (1)+11: 12

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+16: (1)+16: 17.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Demon 's turn! Jibbom is next!

"Okay, then. How do you like THIS?" says Teppus. His glaive brilliantly glows and he jams it into the side of the creature. "Serriel's glory shall banish you, creature! Know fear!" Yes, he can be a bit cheesy.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (9)+16: 25

Tatyannah strikes out again at the creature and misses with her first hit, but her next one gets the monster but good. Sometimes, okay, a lot of time, it pays to be a rogue.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus, what is your AC now with the smite?"

<OOC> Abrahil says, "He has +4 to AC from smite and haste."

<OOC> Elessa says, "So it he hits one"

<OOC> Abrahil says, "He also has displacement. :D"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d100: (13): 13

<OOC> Elessa says, "And misses"

Oh, of course, Teppus is moving fast. Very fast. Which is why only the /first/ strike hits the demon, this time bloodying it, while the other two are horrible misses that leave him windmilling for balance. /Someone/ is not entirely used to being hasted.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Somehow, that part of my pose got cut off, so I thought It'd toss it in."

The creature roars as Teppus hits into him hard, and tries to retaliate in turn. He slashes away with his two claws, attempting to get at the one that hurt it. Unfortunately, when he thought he had the paladin, it was the wrong paladin...

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now Jibbom's turn! Halani is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Halfling!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Another Cone of Cold! Continuing to hover above."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

GAME: Jibbom casts Cone of Cold. Caster Level: 10 DC: 22

<OOC> Jibbom says, "SR roll, then damage."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24

GAME: Jibbom rolls 10d6: (43): 43

<OOC> Elessa says, "That kills him"

"Behold the might of Steel Von Ironblood!" Jibbom points and fires out another powerful jet of frost that completely envelopes the demon, freezing it nearly solid. Jibbom looks extremely pleased with himself.

With the creature dead, seems that it is all dead. But the task is still undone, the part of the seal not found, but it is supposed to be in this general area.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Perception checks."

GAME: Abrahil rolls perception: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Tatyannah rolls perception: (6)+17: 23

GAME: Halani rolls perception: (6)+17:

"Oh. Oh! Well then." And in a shower of sparkles and rainbows, the smallish gnome reappears. He's puffing and sweating just a bit, his features pale. He takes out a handkerchief and dabs at his forehead. "Does anyone see the..." and then, well. It doesn't turn up. He fishes out one of the scrolls. "Let's see..." And becomes quite engrossed.

"Good job," Tatyannah tells everyone, even as she rifles through and loots the corpse, under the guise of 'investigation', of course.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, who is investigating the big baddie?"

"Well, /that's/ good," says Teppus, relieved. "One more demon down the drain. Let's have a look around. See what we can find." He's definitely going to do that. Starts looking around. And by looking around, we mostly mean stomping around and trying to investigate quite badly.

GAME: Teppus rolls perception: (11)+8: 19

<OOC> Tatyannah says, "Me."

"Ew... you're touching it, vera?" Halani asks as she herself shies away from the frozen body. "We don't know where it's been, yeah? Or what nasty disease it might've brought with it!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (16)+4: 20

"Behold my amazing demonslaying!" Jibbom lands on the deceased demon and strikes a pose, flexing his arms and stretching his wings. "Another great feat of heroism!"

"It's frozen, and someone has to!" Tatyannah tells Halani. "What do you suggest I do otherwise?" She nods sagely at Jibbom, "It was very heroic, von Ironblood."

You paged Abrahil with 'The seal isn't on the demon.'

Abrahil adjusts his lenses as he regards the scroll. "Oh dear...do you see anything?" he asks, calling over. "I can try one of these again!"

The creature is crusted over very well by the ice, but all the searching finds several things that could be sold, but nothing that looks like what the depiction shows.

Abrahil pages: Or...I will have him cast it now. XD

Tatyannah tucks away the sellable objects, but she tells the others, "Nothing here, well, nothing like that drawing we were shown."

"Yeah, yeah, heroic, ver," Halani says, waving a hand at Jibbom while her eyes remain on the grotesque corpse. "Maybe we should drop a big rock on its head, hey? Just to be sure?" And then Tatyannah's report sinks in. "Wait... so we're not done yet?"

"Oh dear...alright, then!" Abrahil straightens his shoulders as much as he can. And... "Ohdearohdear...alright. Magnifying glasses, everyone!" And he takes out his own, just like a miniature Perlock Jolmes, and then poof! The scroll vanishes. The finding spell is cast once more.

The spell sparkles a bit, and then goes over to one of the trees not very far away, back to where the spell ended before. It circles the tree. It must have been hidden before you arrived.

"I think we should look over there," Tatyannah deadpans, pointing to the path of sparkles.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Perceptions again for the tree"

Abrahil hoists his magnifying glass, then looks to the others. And nods, Most Solemnly. "The hunt is on, m'dears! Lead the way, champion of Serriel!"

GAME: Abrahil rolls perception: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Tatyannah rolls perception: (16)+17: 33

GAME: Teppus rolls perception: (18)+8: 26

There is MORE stomping from Teppus. He is the BEST searcher ever. And by searcher, we mean he's probably really good at destroying evidence.

"Yes! Onward! To greater and greater feats of heroism and awesomeness!" Jibbom declares with a flailing of arms.

Abrahil hoists his magnifying lens. At some point, he elbows Jibbom. "You have to hold it dramatically!" He demonstrates.

You paged Tatyannah with 'In a knot down on the base of the tree, you find a small wrapped package.'

"Excellent hoisting, associate!" Jibbom encourages, then duplicates.

GAME: Halani rolls PERCEPTION: (3)+17: 20

Tatyannah trails after the group, shaking her head. One they come to the tree, she crouches down, with a frown, running her hands over everything until - "I've got - something." She pulls out a small wrapped package, which she tosses at Teppus, "You're the paladin, have a good look at that."

Abrahil leans down and spins the end of a wand in the air to his side. Teppus' cape begins to flutter behind him in a most dramatic and heroic fashion.

ANd thus Teppus catches the package tossed to him by Tatyannah, glancing towards Abrahil and then the others. "Well, it looks like a package." He is CLEARLY the most observant of souls. And then he begins to look closer.

You paged Teppus with 'It is a rather rusted piece of what you were sent out, the missing part of the seal :)'

"Uh," says Teppus. "I'm not sure it's supposed to look like this." With the package open, he's got a rusted piece of.../something/ in his hand. It looks a bit like a piece of the seal they were sent to find. "Uh oh," he says.

You paged Abrahil with 'Because the spell is still active, that's it :)'

Abrahil pages: Ok. XD

Tatyannah peers over at the thing and she sighs seeing it. "We are screwed, aren't we? I'm not entirely sure why I'm asking, honestly."

"No one is screwed with the powers of Steel Von Ironblood on their side!" Jibbom declares.

There's a bit of dramatic music. Just a touch far away. Teppus' cloak continues to flutter, of course. And then...it all goes silent. Dramatically silent.

"I believe, dear heroes...we have found the source of evil which has plagued this world!" Abrahil clears his throat, and then the ancient little old gnome blushes brightly. He looks inordinately pleased with himself, for working a bit of theatre into... "The magic says that's the piece!" he says, whispers urgently to Teppus. "You're supposed to POSE!" And then, "Jibbom, show him!" almost desperately. SHOW THE PALADIN HOW IT IS DONE, SIR!

Abrahil nudges Jibbom hurriedly!

"Show him, m'dear! It really is the piece!"

Halani just.... groans. If she had had any hope... a distraught look at the gnome and halfling show how little faith she has in that now. "Can you fix it?"

Abrahil pages: Would 'mending' fix it?

You paged Abrahil with 'Just really needs to be polished and cleaned. It's like something silver getting tarnished. I think mending does take care of that.'

From afar, Abrahil :D :D :D

From afar, Abrahil shall cast it if Teppus poses, then. ^^; With FLAIR.

Tatyannah glances from Jibbom and Abrahil and just turns away, so that she can hide the shaking of her shoulders and stifling her laughter.

"I don't know," says Teppus, studying the seal intently. Very intently. Like he's trying to figure something out about it. Then he eyes Jibbom and Abrahil says, "Serrielites do not /pose/," hmph! No fun at all.

Jibbom repeats his dramatic posing. It's very impressive.

GAME: Abrahil casts Mending. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

Deeeeep breath! The theatrical little gnome adjusts his lenses, then lifts his hands. He shoves back the sleeves of his red-fur coat with its pale-white lining and... "Ala...kazam..." he whispers. And then the disc in Teppus' hand flares! It sparkles! It glows! ...it mends, the pieces fitting together and the grime fading away. And the Serrielite's cloak flutters dramatically in the nonwind. The tiny gnome then adjusts his lenses. Primly. And looks over them at Teppus as though he's quite ashamed of you, young man, don't you respect your elders blah blah blah I'm old.

Teppus pages: Having a little knowldege/religion, anything I can tell about this thing? And also, detect evil pick anything up? XD

You paged Teppus with 'Go ahead on the knowledge, and it doesn't pick up anything. It's not evil'

GAME: Teppus rolls Knowledge/Religion: (9)+5: 14

<OOC> Abrahil bwahaha.

You paged Teppus with 'It's a seal, and it's OLD'

"This is a very old seal," says Teppus with an air of understanding and knowledge. He hands it back to Tatyannah, "Maybe we ought to see if we can follow the creature's tracks? See if anything else turns up?"

Tatyannah peers at Teppus for a moment, but nods, "All right." The piece gets tucked away as well.

"Yes! Follow the tracks!" Shoutings the needlessly posing Jibbom. "For heroism!"

"So we're not done yet..." Halani confirms to herself, casting a baleful look over at the frozen demon. Then at Abrahil and Jibbom. As if it's their fault. Then she grunts and... starts to attempt to follow the tracks.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, if we're going to try and track where this thing came from, I need those actually trying to track to give me a survival"

GAME: Halani rolls survival: (12)+9: 21

GAME: Teppus rolls Survival: (14)+1: 15

GAME: Tatyannah rolls survival: (17)+2: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Is Jibbom going to help or just try to look amazing?"

GAME: Jibbom rolls survival: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> Jibbom says, "BOTH. :("

<OOC> Elessa says, "And now I need another one to see how well everyone handles the woods"

GAME: Abrahil rolls survival: (10)+1: 11

<OOC> Abrahil ...

GAME: Tatyannah rolls survival: (19)+2: 21

GAME: Jibbom rolls survival: (4)+2: 6

<OOC> Abrahil needs to crash soon, on that note. ^^;

GAME: Halani rolls survival: (16)+9: 25

<OOC> Elessa says, "No problem."

GAME: Teppus rolls Survival: (1)+1: 2

You paged (Halani, Teppus, Tatyannah) with 'You guys find tne trail the creature left behind.'

You paged Teppus with 'You wander into a poison oak bush :)'

You paged Jibbom with 'You trip over nearly every root there is on the trail.'

Tatyannah is able to find the trail the creature left behind. Even better, this pass through the woods, not as painful as the last one. Thank goodness.

Halani doesn't look like a ranger. She doesn't act like one, either. And if one were here it would probably scoff at her attempts to find the creature's trail. Even so, she manages to verify, with confidence, that Tatyannah is correct.. and she starts shadowing the trail.

"What the hell is this? Augh," says TEppus, scratching himself. Apparently, somewhre along the way, he wandered through a bush and he's now scratching himself frantically. "AUGH. What the hell did I get INTO?" He's not happy about this. Scratch scratch scratch.

"Ooofh. Agh. Augh!" Those are the sounds Jibbom makes while stumbling gracelessly through the woods. You'd think being closer to the ground would make it easier for him to spot roots before tripping on them. Alas, it is not so.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4: (4): 4

The path as you follow it seems to meander around, only crossing paths of other animals, not really any roads or anything. You spend the next four hours out in the woods and find.... nothing.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Another set of survival or someone has any spells/prayers to help you find your way like Know Direction"

GAME: Jibbom rolls survival: (14)+2: 16

<OOC> Jibbom does not.

GAME: Tatyannah rolls survival: (12)+2: 14

"I think we should be ok," Tatyannah offers. "And I'm tired of rescuing Teppus from the thorn patches."

GAME: Teppus rolls Survival: (3)+1: 4

<OOC> Teppus laughs.x D

GRumbling at Tatyannah, Teppus glares at her half-heartedly. He's too busy itching to be too bohtered by it. "WEll, I guess we can just head back, then?"

GAME: Halani rolls survival: (6)+9: 15

You paged (Halani, Jibbom) with 'You know which direction north is and keep the party from getting completely lost.'

"Steel Von Ironblood shall lead the way! Forward! Ouch!" Jibbom trudges into more thorny bushes. " "It's a good thing we thought to bring an expert along, yeah?" Halani asks, voice only slightly acidic. And sarcastic. "Someone who could actually find what we're looking for, right? Keep us from getting lost? From dying out in the wilderness where no one will ever find us?" She pauses. "Oh, wait! That's right! We didn't!"

However, you all manage to get out of the woods just fine. Of course, it's all because of Jibbom! Halani manages to make sure he doesn't send everyone in the wrong direction though and you get back to the city jut fine.