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'''''<span id="friends">BRACELET OF FRIENDS</span>'''''
| colspan="5" | <span id=wrists_table>'''Wrists'''
'''Aura''' strong conjuration; '''CL''' 15th
| '''Wrists'''
'''Slot''' wrists; '''Price''' 19,000 gp; '''Weight''' —
| '''Market Price'''
| [[Wrists#Sleeves of many garments|Sleeves of many garments]]||200 gp
This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to each charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) along with his gear, as long as the owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is calling, and the ''bracelet of friends'' only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless. A bracelet found with fewer than four charms is worth 25% less for each missing charm.
| [[Wrists#Armbands of the brawler|Armbands of the brawler]]||500 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +1]]||1,000 gp
'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''refuge''; '''Cost''' 9,500 gp
| [[Wrists#Burglar's bracers|Burglar's bracers]]||1,050 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of steadiness|Bracers of steadiness]]||2,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +2]]||4,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Inquisitor's bastion vambraces|Inquisitor's bastion vambracers]]||4,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of archery, lesser|Bracers of archery, lesser]]||5,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bonebreaker gauntlets|Bonebreaker gauntlets]]||6,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of defense|Vambraces of defense]]||6,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Verdant vine|Verdant vine]]||6,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Longarm bracers|Longarm bracers]]||7,200 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of the glib entertainer|Bracers of the glib entertainer]]||7,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Charm bracelet|Charm bracelet]]||8,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Merciful vambraces|Merciful vambraces]]||8,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of the tactician|Vambraces of the tactician]]||8,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +3]]||9,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Seducer's bane|Seducer's bane]]||9,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of the avenging knight|Bracers of the avenging knight]]||11,500 gp
| [[Wrists#Arrowmaster's bracers|Arrowmaster's bracers]]||13,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of the genie|Vambraces of the genie (efreeti)]]||14,400 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracelet of bargaining|Bracelet of bargaining]]||14,500 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracelet of mercy|Bracelet of mercy]]||15,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of the merciful knight|Bracers of the merciful knight]]||15,600 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracelet of second chances|Bracelet of second chances]]||15,750 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +4]]||16,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of the genie|Vambraces of the genie (djinni)]]||18,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of the genie|Vambraces of the genie (marid)]]||18,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Vambraces of the genie|Vambraces of the genie (shaitan)]]||18,900 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracelet of friends|Bracelet of friends]]||19,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of archery, greater|Bracers of archery, greater]]||25,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +5]]||25,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of sworn vengeance|Bracers of sworm vengeance]]||25,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Dimensional shackles|Dimensional shackles]]||28,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Gauntlets of skill at arms|Gauntlets of skill at arms]]||30,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +6]]||36,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +7]]||49,000 gp
| [[Wrists#Bracers of armor|Bracers of armor +8]]||64,000 gp
<span id=wrists_desc>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Armbands of the brawler "> Armbands of the brawler </span>''''' ( 500 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint transmutation ; '''CL''' 3rd ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These scarred and worn armbands have clearly seen rough use, and are constructed out of coarse leather and fastened with thick leather straps. They grant their wearer a +1 competence bonus on grapple checks and checks to break a grapple. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''bull's strength'' '''Cost''' 250 gp </div>
'''''<span id="greaterarchery">BRACERS OF ARCHERY, GREATER</span>'''''
'''Aura''' moderate transmutation; '''CL''' 8th
'''Slot''' wrists; '''Price''' 25,000 gp; '''Weight''' 1 lb.
These wristbands look like normal protective wear. The bracers empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if she were proficient in its use. If she already has proficiency with any type of bow, she gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls whenever using that type of bow. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow; '''Cost''' 12,500 gp
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Arrowmaster's bracers "> Arrowmaster's bracers </span>''''' ( 13,900 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint abjuration ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This simple pair of leather shooting bracers are designed to protect the wearer's wrist from being snapped by bowstrings. They appear similar to a set of ''bracers of archery'', but a wearer notices the difference as soon as she dons them. The wearer of these bracers gains damage reduction 5/magic against ranged weapons, as well as a +1 deflection bonus against ranged attacks. In addition, once per day, as a swift action, the wearer can grant herself a +20 insight bonus on her next ranged attack roll before the end of her next turn. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ''protection from arrows'', ''true strike'' '''Cost''' 6,950 gp </div>
'''''<span id="lesserarchery">BRACERS OF ARCHERY, LESSER</span>'''''
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bonebreaker gauntlets "> Bonebreaker gauntlets </span>''''' ( 6,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint necromancy ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' 2 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These thick brass and leather gauntlets allow the wearer to tear through bone and muscle like paper. Once per day, as part of a melee attack, the wearer can activate the gauntlets to inflict a horrific injury on an opponent. If the attack hits, the target must make a DC 14 Will save. If the save fails, the gauntlets reduces the target's Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (wearer's choice) by –6. This penalty cannot reduce the target's ability score below 1. The injury heals over time, reducing the penalty by 1 for each day that passes since the time of the injury, and is immediately removed by ''heal'', ''regenerate'', ''restoration'', or any magic that can break a curse. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''bestow curse'' '''Cost''' 3,000 gp </div>
'''Aura''' faint transmutation; '''CL''' 4th
'''Slot''' wrists; '''Price''' 5,000 gp; '''Weight''' 1 lb.
These wristbands function as ''greater bracers of archery'', except that they grant a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and no bonus on damage rolls.
'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow; '''Cost''' 2,500 gp
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracelet of bargaining "> Bracelet of bargaining </span>''''' ( 14,500 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate diviniation ; '''CL''' 7th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This heavy gold band can be worn openly as a display of wealth or concealed beneath a sleeve. It grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. Whenever the wearer shakes hands with another creature In order to seal a deal or a promise, she can immediately sense whether deceit is involved (Will save DC 16 negates), though the wearer cannot determine the exact nature of the deception. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''detect lie'', ''detect thoughts'' '''Cost''' 7,250 gp </div>
<div style=''{{PadBottom|10}}''> '''''<span id=" Bracelet of friends "> Bracelet of friends </span>''''' ( 19,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' strong conjuration ; '''CL''' 15th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to each charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) appearing at the user's location along with his gear, as long as the bracelets's owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is attempting to teleport him, and the ''bracelet of friends'' only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless. A bracelet found with fewer than four charms is worth 25% less for each missing charm. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''refuge'' '''Cost''' 9,500 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracelet of mercy "> Bracelet of mercy </span>''''' ( 15,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint conjuration ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This metal bracelet is set with multiple gems blessed by a priest. If the wearer has the lay on hands class feature, she can use it one additional time per day and is always treated as if she has the diseased mercy. If the wearer already has that mercy, her effective caster level for removing diseases increases by +4. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''remove disease'' '''Cost''' 7,500 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracelet of second chances "> Bracelet of second chances </span>''''' ( 15,750 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate conjuration ; '''CL''' 9th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This bracelet is adorned with seven coral beads carved in intricate designs. When a critical hit or sneak attack is confirmed on the wearer, as an immediate action before damage is rolled, he can choose to convert the critical hit into a normal hit. Each time the wearer negates a critical hit or sneak attack in this manner, one bead shatters. When all seven are used up, the bracelet itself crumbles into powder. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''breath of life'' '''Cost''' 7,875 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of archery, greater "> Bracers of archery, greater </span>''''' ( 25,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate transmutation ; '''CL''' 8th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These bracers look like normal protective wear. They empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if she were proficient in its use. If she already has proficiency with any type of bow, she gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls whenever using that type of bow. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow '''Cost''' 12,500 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of archery, lesser "> Bracers of archery, lesser </span>''''' ( 5,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint transmutation ; '''CL''' 4th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These wristbands appear similar to ''greater bracers of archery'', though they are typically constructed of lighter material. They function as ''greater bracers of archery'', except they grant a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and no bonus on damage rolls. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow '''Cost''' 2,500 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of armor "> Bracers of armor </span>''''' ( '''+1 armor''' 1,000 gp; '''+2 armor''' 4,000 gp; '''+3 armor''' 9,000 gp; '''+4 armor''' 16,000 gp; '''+5 armor''' 25,000 gp; '''+6 armor''' 36,000 gp; '''+7 armor''' 49,000 gp; '''+8 armor''' 64,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate conjuration ; '''CL''' 7th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These items appear to be wrist or arm guards, sometimes etched with symbols of protection or depictions of vigilant-looking animals. ''Bracers of armor'' surround the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both ''bracers of armor'' must be worn for the magic to be effective. Alternatively, ''bracers of armor'' can be enchanted with armor special abilities. Special abilities usually count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of an item, but do not improve AC. ''Bracers of armor'' cannot have a modified bonus (armor bonus plus armor special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +8. ''Bracers of armor'' must have at least a +1 armor bonus to grant an armor special ability. ''Bracers of armor'' cannot have any armor special abilities that add a flat gp amount to their cost. Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack. If the wearer receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the ''bracers of armor'' cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the ''bracers of armor'' grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''mage armor'', creator's caster level must be at least two times that of the bonus placed on the bracers, plus any requirements of the armor special abilities '''Cost''' '''+1 armor''' 500 gp; '''+2 armor''' 2,000 gp; '''+3 armor''' 4,500 gp; '''+4 armor''' 8,000 gp; '''+5 armor''' 12,500 gp; '''+6 armor''' 18,000 gp; '''+7 armor''' 24,500 gp; '''+8 armor''' 32,000 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of steadiness "> Bracers of steadiness </span>''''' ( 2,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint abjuration ; '''CL''' 1st ; '''Weight''' 2 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These tortoiseshell bracers fit so snuggly against their wearer's skin that they almost seem part of him. The wearer of these bracers becomes exceptionally calm and composed if she takes her time to accomplish particular tasks. Whenever she takes 20 on a skill check for a skill that primarily depends on her arms and hands, she gains a +5 competence bonus on the check. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''aid'' '''Cost''' 1,000 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of sworn vengeance "> Bracers of sworn vengeance </span>''''' ( 25,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' strong evocation ; '''CL''' 15th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These white leather bracers have delicate elven runes etched upon them, one reading "swift defeat" and the other "vengeance." Once per day, as an immediate action when the wearer takes hit point damage from a target, he may cry out, "Death to those who wrong me!", swearing vengeance against the attacker. The wearer gains a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls made against the target of his sworn vengeance, and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on successful weapon attack rolls. For the duration of the effect, the wearer takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against any target other than his sworn enemy. These bonuses and penalties last for 24 hours or until the sworn enemy is slain or destroyed by the wearer, whichever comes first. If the wearer fails to slay the target of his oath, these bracers cannot be used again until 7 days have passed. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''shout'', creator must be an elf '''Cost''' 12,500 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of the avenging knight "> Bracers of the avenging knight </span>''''' ( 11,500 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate transmutation ; '''CL''' 8th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These silver bracers are polished to a mirrored sheen, but otherwise shift their appearance to match whatever suit of armor they are worn with. If the wearer has levels in a class that grants a smite ability (such as a paladin, or a cleric with the destruction domain), her smite damage is treated as though she were a member of that class four levels higher for one attack. If the wearer is not a member of such a class, once per day she may make one smite attack, gaining a bonus on the attack roll equal to her Charisma bonus, and a +5 bonus to the damage roll on a hit on one attack. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''bless weapon'' '''Cost''' 5,750 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of the glib entertainer "> Bracers of the glib entertainer </span>''''' ( 7,900 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate transmutation ; '''CL''' 7th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These decorative bracers are stippled with vibrant colors and have various tiny bells sewn onto their surface. While wearing them, the wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Perform checks. Once per day on command, the user can gain the benefit of the ''glibness'' spell. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''glibness'' '''Cost''' 3,950 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Bracers of the merciful knight "> Bracers of the merciful knight </span>''''' ( 15,600 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate conjuration ; '''CL''' 9th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These golden bracers are engraved with images of celestial creatures. When worn by a paladin, he is considered four levels higher for the purposes of determining the uses per day and healing provided by his lay on hands class feature. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can infuse a use of lay on hands with additional power, providing relief as a ''lesser restoration'' spell. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''cure serious wounds'', ''lesser restoration'' '''Cost''' 7,800 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Burglar's bracers "> Burglar's bracers </span>''''' ( 1,050 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint transmutation ; '''CL''' 3rd ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> On command, these plain leather bracers can transform into a set of masterwork thieves' tools. They can transform back to their bracer form with another such command. Once per day, while using these thieves' tools or wearing these bracers, the user can take 10 on a single Disable Device check, even when in immediate danger or distracted. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''shrink item'' '''Cost''' 550 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Charm bracelet "> Charm bracelet </span>''''' ( 8,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint varied ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> Tiny ornaments of gold hang from the links of a ''charm bracelet''. In addition to 1d4+4 nonmagical charms, each bracelet carries one of each of the following magic charms. These magic charms can be activated with a command, producing the listed effect, but each charm can be only used once. After a charm is used, it dissolves into a thick vapor and dissipates.
*''Arming Sword'': When detached, this charm transforms into a masterwork heavy wooden shield and a masterwork longsword. They can either appear on the ground or within the hands of the creature that activated the charm, ready to use. These items last for 1 hour before turning into vapor.
*''Healthy Apple'': When detached, this charm becomes an apple that when eaten (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity) heals 2d8 hit points. In addition, if the creature eating the apple is afflicted with any poison or diseases, it can attempt a new saving throw against each such affliction. Each successful saving throw immediately ends the corresponding affliction.
*''Loving Heart'': Upon detaching this charm, the wearer can use ''charm person'' as a spell-like ability (as the spell, Will DC 11) any time before the end of her next turn.
*''Lucky Star'': When this charm is activated, it releases good luck in a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the wearer. The wearer and her allies within the burst gain a +2 luck bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round.
*''Peaceful Dove'': Detaching this dove calms tempers within a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the wearer as though ''calm emotions'' (Will DC 13) had been cast. A creature affected by rage takes a –2 penalty on this saving throw.
Reduce the price of a charm bracelet that has one or more expended charms by 1,580 gp per absent charm. The charm bracelet itself becomes a nonmagical bracelet worth 100 gp when the last charm is used, no matter the number of nonmagical charms left on the bracelet. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''calm emotions'', ''charm person'', ''cure moderate wounds'', ''prayer'', ''shadow weapon'' '''Cost''' 4,000 gp </div>
'''''<span id="armor">BRACERS OF ARMOR</span>'''''
'''Aura''' moderate conjuration; '''CL''' 7th
'''Slot''' wrists; '''Price''' 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5), 36,000 gp (+6), 49,000 gp (+7), 64,000 gp (+8); '''Weight''' 1 lb.
These items appear to be wrist or arm guards. They surround the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Alternatively, ''bracers of armor'' can be enchanted with armor special abilities. See Table: Armor Special Qualities for a list of abilities. Special abilities usually count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of an item, but do not improve AC. ''Bracers of armor'' cannot have a modified bonus (armor bonus plus armor special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +8. ''Bracers of armor'' must have at least a +1 armor bonus to grant an armor special ability. ''Bracers of armor'' cannot have any armor special abilities that add a flat gp amount to their cost. ''Bracers of armor'' and ordinary armor do not stack. If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the ''bracers of armor'' cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the ''bracers of armor'' grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning.
'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''mage armor'', creator's caster level must be at least two times that of the bonus placed in the bracers, plus any requirements of the armor special abilities; '''Cost''' 500 gp (+1), 2,000 gp (+2), 4,500 gp (+3), 8,000 gp (+4), 12,500 gp (+5), 18,000 gp (+6), 24,500 gp (+7), 32,000 gp (+8)
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Dimensional shackles "> Dimensional shackles </span>''''' ( 28,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate abjuration ; '''CL''' 11th ; '''Weight''' 5 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These shackles have magical runes traced across their cold iron links. Any creature bound within them is affected as if a ''dimensional anchor'' spell were cast upon it (no save). They fit any Small to Large creature. The DC to break or slip out of the shackles is 30. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''dimensional anchor'' '''Cost''' 14,000 gp </div>
'''''<span id="dimension">DIMENSIONAL SHACKLES</span>'''''
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Gauntlets of skill at arms "> Gauntlets of skill at arms </span>''''' ( 30,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate transmutation ; '''CL''' 8th ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These finely crafted leather gauntlets have plates of silvered steel covering the back, and silver buckles at the wrist and forearm. The gloves enable the wearer to use any traditional elven weapon (longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows, and any weapon with the word "elven" in its name) as if he were proficient in its use. If he uses such a weapon and is already proficient with it, he gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an elf '''Cost''' 15,000 gp </div>
'''Aura''' moderate abjuration; '''CL''' 11th
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Inquisitor's bastion vambraces "> Inquisitor's bastion vambraces </span>''''' ( 4,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint abjuration ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' 3 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> Constructed of blackened steel, these vambraces augment the protection granted to the inquisitor by the protection judgment. While under that judgment's effects, the inquisitor gains a sacred bonus both to CMD and on checks made to cast spells defensively. This bonus is equal to the sacred bonus the judgement grants to AC. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''shield of faith'', creator must be an inquisitor with access to the protection judgement '''Cost''' 2,000 gp </div>
'''Slot''' wrists; '''Price''' 28,000 gp; '''Weight''' 5 lbs.
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Longarm bracers "> Longarm bracers </span>''''' ( 7,200 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint transmutation ; '''CL''' 3rd ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These bracers are constructed from woven strands of bamboo. Three times per day, as a swift action, the wearer can stretch her arms beyond their limits, increasing her reach by 5 feet until the start of her next turn. Her weapon attack rolls take a –4 penalty, while unarmed strikes and natural weapons using the arms take no penalty. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''alter self'' '''Cost''' 3,600 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Merciful vambraces "> Merciful vambraces </span>''''' ( 8,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate conjuration ; '''CL''' 7th ; '''Weight''' 3 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These vambraces are constructed of polished steel. When a paladin wears these vambraces, engravings of the holy symbol of a paladin's deity and other religious iconography mystically appear upon the metal's surface. Once per day, when the paladin uses her lay on hands ability, she can choose to apply an additional mercy to that use of lay on hands that she did not already select. She must be of sufficient level to use that mercy. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''cleanse'' '''Cost''' 4,000 gp </div>
These shackles have golden runes traced across their cold iron links. Any creature bound within them is affected as if a ''dimensional anchor'' spell were cast upon it (no save). They fit any Small to Large creature. The DC to break or slip out of the shackles is 30.
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Seducer's bane "> Seducer's bane </span>''''' ( 9,900 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate abjuration ; '''CL''' 6th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> This slender silver bracelet is worked in an intertwined design of three flowers. A DC 20 Knowledge (nature) check identifies the flowers as acacia, apocynum, and bilberry, symbolizing concealment, treachery, and falsehood. The bracelet grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks, and a +5 resistance bonus on Will saves against enchantment effects. If the wearer makes a successful Will save against an enchantment, the caster of that spell incorrectly senses the effect has succeeded. Additionally, the bracelet's wearer knows an enchantment targeted him and the enchantment's source. ''Seducer's bane'' creates an aura on its wearer, visible to ''detect magic'', matching the failed enchantment spell or effect, and lasting as long as the intended enchantment's duration. However, if the bracelet's wearer attacks the caster or its allies, or otherwise acts in a way that's contradictory to the failed spell's effect, the caster of that spell immediately realizes the enchantment was ineffective <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''detect magic'', ''magic aura'', ''resistance'', creator must have 3 ranks in Sense Motive. '''Cost''' 4,950 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Sleeves of many garments "> Sleeves of many garments </span>''''' ( 200 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint illusion ; '''CL''' 1st ; '''Weight''' 1 lb. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These translucent cloth tubes easily fit over their wearer's arms. The wearer of these sleeves can, when she slips them on, choose to transform her current garments into the appearance of any other nonmagical set of clothing. These new clothes fit her perfectly and are always clean and mended unless she specifically designates otherwise. When she removes the sleeves, her clothes revert to their original form. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''disguise self'' '''Cost''' 100 gp </div>
'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''dimensional anchor''; '''Cost''' 14,000 gp
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Vambraces of defense "> Vambraces of defense </span>''''' ( 6,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint abjuration ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' 3 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These polished steel vambraces grant a +1 deflection bonus to AC. Once per day, as an immediate action, if the wearer has at least one hand free, when he would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, he may deflect it with the bracers, taking no damage from it, as if he had the Deflect Arrows feat. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''shield'' '''Cost''' 3,000 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Vambraces of the genie "> Vambraces of the genie </span>''''' ( '''Djinni''' 18,900 gp; '''Efreeti''' 14,400 gp; '''Marid''' 18,900 gp; '''Shaitan''' 18,900 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint evocation ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' 3 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These bracers are decorated with icons representing air, earth, fire, or water, and depictions of genies appropriate to that element. The item protects the wearer against hot and cold environments as if she were using ''endure elements'' The vambraces' materials and other powers depend on their associated genie type.
*''Djinni'': These mithral bracers allow the wearer to use ''gaseous form'', ''invisibility'', and ''wind wall'' each once per day.
*''Efreeti'': These scorched bronze bracers allow the wearer to use ''invisibility'' (self only), ''produce flame'', and ''pyrotechnics'' each once per day.
*''Marid'': These coral bracers allow the wearer to use ''hydraulic torrent'', ''invisibility'', and ''water breathing'' each once per day.
*''Shaitan'': These adamantine bracers allow the wearer to use ''glitterdust'', ''meld into stone'', and ''stone shape'' each once per day.
<br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''protection from elements'' and the three spells the wearer can use '''Cost''' '''Djinni''' 9,450 gp; '''Efreeti''' 7,200 gp; '''Marid''' 9,450 gp; '''Shaitan''' 9,450 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Vambraces of the tactician "> Vambraces of the tactician </span>''''' ( 8,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' moderate enchantment ; '''CL''' 7th ; '''Weight''' 3 lbs. <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> These vambraces change their appearance depending on who wears them. If the wearer is a cavalier, these vambraces display the symbol of his order. When unworn or in the hands of a non-cavalier, they appear to be an ordinary pair of steel vambraces. A cavalier wearing these vambraces is considered two class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his challenge class feature. Furthermore, once per day as a swift action, a cavalier with the tactician class feature can increase the area in which he grants teamwork feats. Before the end of his next turn, when the cavalier grants his allies a teamwork feat, he can grant it to all allies within 60 feet, though they must still be able to see and hear him. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''heroism'' '''Cost''' 4,000 gp </div>
<div style="{{PadBottom|10}}"> '''''<span id=" Verdant vine "> Verdant vine </span>''''' ( 6,000 gp )<br /> '''Aura''' faint conjuration ; '''CL''' 5th ; '''Weight''' - <br /> ''DESCRIPTION'' <br /> Consisting of a vine with five green berries, a ''verdant vine'' is worn tied around the wrist. Once per day on command, the wearer can pinch a berry off the vine, and throw it up to 30 feet away, like a splash weapon. Viciously thorny vines erupt in a 20-foot radius from the point of impact, even if the berry misses its target. Creatures within the area must succeed at a DC 16 Reflex saving throw or become entangled, as the spell ''entangle'', as the vines coil around the creature's legs. The vines persist, but at the start of the affected creature's turn, it gains a new saving throw against the effect. If the affected creature fails the saving throw, it also takes 1d4 points of damage. A DC 20 Strength check, made as a standard action, allows an affected creature to break free and end the effect. Failing the check causes the vines to constrict, dealing 1d4 points of damage. <br />''CONSTRUCTION'' <br />'''Requirements''' Craft Wondrous Item, ''entangle'', ''plant growth'' '''Cost''' 3,000 gp </div>

Latest revision as of 19:22, 26 June 2017

Wrists Market Price
Sleeves of many garments 200 gp
Armbands of the brawler 500 gp
Bracers of armor +1 1,000 gp
Burglar's bracers 1,050 gp
Bracers of steadiness 2,000 gp
Bracers of armor +2 4,000 gp
Inquisitor's bastion vambracers 4,000 gp
Bracers of archery, lesser 5,000 gp
Bonebreaker gauntlets 6,000 gp
Vambraces of defense 6,000 gp
Verdant vine 6,000 gp
Longarm bracers 7,200 gp
Bracers of the glib entertainer 7,900 gp
Charm bracelet 8,000 gp
Merciful vambraces 8,000 gp
Vambraces of the tactician 8,000 gp
Bracers of armor +3 9,000 gp
Seducer's bane 9,900 gp
Bracers of the avenging knight 11,500 gp
Arrowmaster's bracers 13,900 gp
Vambraces of the genie (efreeti) 14,400 gp
Bracelet of bargaining 14,500 gp
Bracelet of mercy 15,000 gp
Bracers of the merciful knight 15,600 gp
Bracelet of second chances 15,750 gp
Bracers of armor +4 16,000 gp
Vambraces of the genie (djinni) 18,900 gp
Vambraces of the genie (marid) 18,900 gp
Vambraces of the genie (shaitan) 18,900 gp
Bracelet of friends 19,000 gp
Bracers of archery, greater 25,000 gp
Bracers of armor +5 25,000 gp
Bracers of sworm vengeance 25,000 gp
Dimensional shackles 28,000 gp
Gauntlets of skill at arms 30,000 gp
Bracers of armor +6 36,000 gp
Bracers of armor +7 49,000 gp
Bracers of armor +8 64,000 gp

Armbands of the brawler ( 500 gp )
Aura faint transmutation ; CL 3rd ; Weight 1 lb.
These scarred and worn armbands have clearly seen rough use, and are constructed out of coarse leather and fastened with thick leather straps. They grant their wearer a +1 competence bonus on grapple checks and checks to break a grapple.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength Cost 250 gp

Arrowmaster's bracers ( 13,900 gp )
Aura faint abjuration ; CL 5th ; Weight 1 lb.
This simple pair of leather shooting bracers are designed to protect the wearer's wrist from being snapped by bowstrings. They appear similar to a set of bracers of archery, but a wearer notices the difference as soon as she dons them. The wearer of these bracers gains damage reduction 5/magic against ranged weapons, as well as a +1 deflection bonus against ranged attacks. In addition, once per day, as a swift action, the wearer can grant herself a +20 insight bonus on her next ranged attack roll before the end of her next turn.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from arrows, true strike Cost 6,950 gp

Bonebreaker gauntlets ( 6,000 gp )
Aura faint necromancy ; CL 5th ; Weight 2 lbs.
These thick brass and leather gauntlets allow the wearer to tear through bone and muscle like paper. Once per day, as part of a melee attack, the wearer can activate the gauntlets to inflict a horrific injury on an opponent. If the attack hits, the target must make a DC 14 Will save. If the save fails, the gauntlets reduces the target's Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (wearer's choice) by –6. This penalty cannot reduce the target's ability score below 1. The injury heals over time, reducing the penalty by 1 for each day that passes since the time of the injury, and is immediately removed by heal, regenerate, restoration, or any magic that can break a curse.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse Cost 3,000 gp

Bracelet of bargaining ( 14,500 gp )
Aura moderate diviniation ; CL 7th ; Weight -
This heavy gold band can be worn openly as a display of wealth or concealed beneath a sleeve. It grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. Whenever the wearer shakes hands with another creature In order to seal a deal or a promise, she can immediately sense whether deceit is involved (Will save DC 16 negates), though the wearer cannot determine the exact nature of the deception.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect lie, detect thoughts Cost 7,250 gp

Bracelet of friends ( 19,000 gp )
Aura strong conjuration ; CL 15th ; Weight -
This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to each charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) appearing at the user's location along with his gear, as long as the bracelets's owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is attempting to teleport him, and the bracelet of friends only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless. A bracelet found with fewer than four charms is worth 25% less for each missing charm.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, refuge Cost 9,500 gp

Bracelet of mercy ( 15,000 gp )
Aura faint conjuration ; CL 5th ; Weight -
This metal bracelet is set with multiple gems blessed by a priest. If the wearer has the lay on hands class feature, she can use it one additional time per day and is always treated as if she has the diseased mercy. If the wearer already has that mercy, her effective caster level for removing diseases increases by +4.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, remove disease Cost 7,500 gp

Bracelet of second chances ( 15,750 gp )
Aura moderate conjuration ; CL 9th ; Weight -
This bracelet is adorned with seven coral beads carved in intricate designs. When a critical hit or sneak attack is confirmed on the wearer, as an immediate action before damage is rolled, he can choose to convert the critical hit into a normal hit. Each time the wearer negates a critical hit or sneak attack in this manner, one bead shatters. When all seven are used up, the bracelet itself crumbles into powder.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, breath of life Cost 7,875 gp

Bracers of archery, greater ( 25,000 gp )
Aura moderate transmutation ; CL 8th ; Weight 1 lb.
These bracers look like normal protective wear. They empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if she were proficient in its use. If she already has proficiency with any type of bow, she gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls whenever using that type of bow. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow Cost 12,500 gp

Bracers of archery, lesser ( 5,000 gp )
Aura faint transmutation ; CL 4th ; Weight 1 lb.
These wristbands appear similar to greater bracers of archery, though they are typically constructed of lighter material. They function as greater bracers of archery, except they grant a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and no bonus on damage rolls.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must be proficient with a longbow or shortbow Cost 2,500 gp

Bracers of armor ( +1 armor 1,000 gp; +2 armor 4,000 gp; +3 armor 9,000 gp; +4 armor 16,000 gp; +5 armor 25,000 gp; +6 armor 36,000 gp; +7 armor 49,000 gp; +8 armor 64,000 gp )
Aura moderate conjuration ; CL 7th ; Weight 1 lb.
These items appear to be wrist or arm guards, sometimes etched with symbols of protection or depictions of vigilant-looking animals. Bracers of armor surround the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers of armor must be worn for the magic to be effective. Alternatively, bracers of armor can be enchanted with armor special abilities. Special abilities usually count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of an item, but do not improve AC. Bracers of armor cannot have a modified bonus (armor bonus plus armor special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +8. Bracers of armor must have at least a +1 armor bonus to grant an armor special ability. Bracers of armor cannot have any armor special abilities that add a flat gp amount to their cost. Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack. If the wearer receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the bracers of armor grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, creator's caster level must be at least two times that of the bonus placed on the bracers, plus any requirements of the armor special abilities Cost +1 armor 500 gp; +2 armor 2,000 gp; +3 armor 4,500 gp; +4 armor 8,000 gp; +5 armor 12,500 gp; +6 armor 18,000 gp; +7 armor 24,500 gp; +8 armor 32,000 gp

Bracers of steadiness ( 2,000 gp )
Aura faint abjuration ; CL 1st ; Weight 2 lbs.
These tortoiseshell bracers fit so snuggly against their wearer's skin that they almost seem part of him. The wearer of these bracers becomes exceptionally calm and composed if she takes her time to accomplish particular tasks. Whenever she takes 20 on a skill check for a skill that primarily depends on her arms and hands, she gains a +5 competence bonus on the check.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, aid Cost 1,000 gp

Bracers of sworn vengeance ( 25,000 gp )
Aura strong evocation ; CL 15th ; Weight 1 lb.
These white leather bracers have delicate elven runes etched upon them, one reading "swift defeat" and the other "vengeance." Once per day, as an immediate action when the wearer takes hit point damage from a target, he may cry out, "Death to those who wrong me!", swearing vengeance against the attacker. The wearer gains a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls made against the target of his sworn vengeance, and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on successful weapon attack rolls. For the duration of the effect, the wearer takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against any target other than his sworn enemy. These bonuses and penalties last for 24 hours or until the sworn enemy is slain or destroyed by the wearer, whichever comes first. If the wearer fails to slay the target of his oath, these bracers cannot be used again until 7 days have passed.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shout, creator must be an elf Cost 12,500 gp

Bracers of the avenging knight ( 11,500 gp )
Aura moderate transmutation ; CL 8th ; Weight 1 lb.
These silver bracers are polished to a mirrored sheen, but otherwise shift their appearance to match whatever suit of armor they are worn with. If the wearer has levels in a class that grants a smite ability (such as a paladin, or a cleric with the destruction domain), her smite damage is treated as though she were a member of that class four levels higher for one attack. If the wearer is not a member of such a class, once per day she may make one smite attack, gaining a bonus on the attack roll equal to her Charisma bonus, and a +5 bonus to the damage roll on a hit on one attack.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bless weapon Cost 5,750 gp

Bracers of the glib entertainer ( 7,900 gp )
Aura moderate transmutation ; CL 7th ; Weight 1 lb.
These decorative bracers are stippled with vibrant colors and have various tiny bells sewn onto their surface. While wearing them, the wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Perform checks. Once per day on command, the user can gain the benefit of the glibness spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, glibness Cost 3,950 gp

Bracers of the merciful knight ( 15,600 gp )
Aura moderate conjuration ; CL 9th ; Weight 1 lb.
These golden bracers are engraved with images of celestial creatures. When worn by a paladin, he is considered four levels higher for the purposes of determining the uses per day and healing provided by his lay on hands class feature. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can infuse a use of lay on hands with additional power, providing relief as a lesser restoration spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, lesser restoration Cost 7,800 gp

Burglar's bracers ( 1,050 gp )
Aura faint transmutation ; CL 3rd ; Weight 1 lb.
On command, these plain leather bracers can transform into a set of masterwork thieves' tools. They can transform back to their bracer form with another such command. Once per day, while using these thieves' tools or wearing these bracers, the user can take 10 on a single Disable Device check, even when in immediate danger or distracted.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item Cost 550 gp

Charm bracelet ( 8,000 gp )
Aura faint varied ; CL 5th ; Weight -
Tiny ornaments of gold hang from the links of a charm bracelet. In addition to 1d4+4 nonmagical charms, each bracelet carries one of each of the following magic charms. These magic charms can be activated with a command, producing the listed effect, but each charm can be only used once. After a charm is used, it dissolves into a thick vapor and dissipates.
  • Arming Sword: When detached, this charm transforms into a masterwork heavy wooden shield and a masterwork longsword. They can either appear on the ground or within the hands of the creature that activated the charm, ready to use. These items last for 1 hour before turning into vapor.
  • Healthy Apple: When detached, this charm becomes an apple that when eaten (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity) heals 2d8 hit points. In addition, if the creature eating the apple is afflicted with any poison or diseases, it can attempt a new saving throw against each such affliction. Each successful saving throw immediately ends the corresponding affliction.
  • Loving Heart: Upon detaching this charm, the wearer can use charm person as a spell-like ability (as the spell, Will DC 11) any time before the end of her next turn.
  • Lucky Star: When this charm is activated, it releases good luck in a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the wearer. The wearer and her allies within the burst gain a +2 luck bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round.
  • Peaceful Dove: Detaching this dove calms tempers within a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the wearer as though calm emotions (Will DC 13) had been cast. A creature affected by rage takes a –2 penalty on this saving throw.
Reduce the price of a charm bracelet that has one or more expended charms by 1,580 gp per absent charm. The charm bracelet itself becomes a nonmagical bracelet worth 100 gp when the last charm is used, no matter the number of nonmagical charms left on the bracelet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, charm person, cure moderate wounds, prayer, shadow weapon Cost 4,000 gp

Dimensional shackles ( 28,000 gp )
Aura moderate abjuration ; CL 11th ; Weight 5 lbs.
These shackles have magical runes traced across their cold iron links. Any creature bound within them is affected as if a dimensional anchor spell were cast upon it (no save). They fit any Small to Large creature. The DC to break or slip out of the shackles is 30.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor Cost 14,000 gp

Gauntlets of skill at arms ( 30,000 gp )
Aura moderate transmutation ; CL 8th ; Weight 1 lb.
These finely crafted leather gauntlets have plates of silvered steel covering the back, and silver buckles at the wrist and forearm. The gloves enable the wearer to use any traditional elven weapon (longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows, and any weapon with the word "elven" in its name) as if he were proficient in its use. If he uses such a weapon and is already proficient with it, he gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an elf Cost 15,000 gp

Inquisitor's bastion vambraces ( 4,000 gp )
Aura faint abjuration ; CL 5th ; Weight 3 lbs.
Constructed of blackened steel, these vambraces augment the protection granted to the inquisitor by the protection judgment. While under that judgment's effects, the inquisitor gains a sacred bonus both to CMD and on checks made to cast spells defensively. This bonus is equal to the sacred bonus the judgement grants to AC.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith, creator must be an inquisitor with access to the protection judgement Cost 2,000 gp

Longarm bracers ( 7,200 gp )
Aura faint transmutation ; CL 3rd ; Weight 1 lb.
These bracers are constructed from woven strands of bamboo. Three times per day, as a swift action, the wearer can stretch her arms beyond their limits, increasing her reach by 5 feet until the start of her next turn. Her weapon attack rolls take a –4 penalty, while unarmed strikes and natural weapons using the arms take no penalty.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter self Cost 3,600 gp

Merciful vambraces ( 8,000 gp )
Aura moderate conjuration ; CL 7th ; Weight 3 lbs.
These vambraces are constructed of polished steel. When a paladin wears these vambraces, engravings of the holy symbol of a paladin's deity and other religious iconography mystically appear upon the metal's surface. Once per day, when the paladin uses her lay on hands ability, she can choose to apply an additional mercy to that use of lay on hands that she did not already select. She must be of sufficient level to use that mercy.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cleanse Cost 4,000 gp

Seducer's bane ( 9,900 gp )
Aura moderate abjuration ; CL 6th ; Weight -
This slender silver bracelet is worked in an intertwined design of three flowers. A DC 20 Knowledge (nature) check identifies the flowers as acacia, apocynum, and bilberry, symbolizing concealment, treachery, and falsehood. The bracelet grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks, and a +5 resistance bonus on Will saves against enchantment effects. If the wearer makes a successful Will save against an enchantment, the caster of that spell incorrectly senses the effect has succeeded. Additionally, the bracelet's wearer knows an enchantment targeted him and the enchantment's source. Seducer's bane creates an aura on its wearer, visible to detect magic, matching the failed enchantment spell or effect, and lasting as long as the intended enchantment's duration. However, if the bracelet's wearer attacks the caster or its allies, or otherwise acts in a way that's contradictory to the failed spell's effect, the caster of that spell immediately realizes the enchantment was ineffective
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, magic aura, resistance, creator must have 3 ranks in Sense Motive. Cost 4,950 gp

Sleeves of many garments ( 200 gp )
Aura faint illusion ; CL 1st ; Weight 1 lb.
These translucent cloth tubes easily fit over their wearer's arms. The wearer of these sleeves can, when she slips them on, choose to transform her current garments into the appearance of any other nonmagical set of clothing. These new clothes fit her perfectly and are always clean and mended unless she specifically designates otherwise. When she removes the sleeves, her clothes revert to their original form.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self Cost 100 gp

Vambraces of defense ( 6,000 gp )
Aura faint abjuration ; CL 5th ; Weight 3 lbs.
These polished steel vambraces grant a +1 deflection bonus to AC. Once per day, as an immediate action, if the wearer has at least one hand free, when he would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, he may deflect it with the bracers, taking no damage from it, as if he had the Deflect Arrows feat.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield Cost 3,000 gp

Vambraces of the genie ( Djinni 18,900 gp; Efreeti 14,400 gp; Marid 18,900 gp; Shaitan 18,900 gp )
Aura faint evocation ; CL 5th ; Weight 3 lbs.
These bracers are decorated with icons representing air, earth, fire, or water, and depictions of genies appropriate to that element. The item protects the wearer against hot and cold environments as if she were using endure elements The vambraces' materials and other powers depend on their associated genie type.
  • Djinni: These mithral bracers allow the wearer to use gaseous form, invisibility, and wind wall each once per day.
  • Efreeti: These scorched bronze bracers allow the wearer to use invisibility (self only), produce flame, and pyrotechnics each once per day.
  • Marid: These coral bracers allow the wearer to use hydraulic torrent, invisibility, and water breathing each once per day.
  • Shaitan: These adamantine bracers allow the wearer to use glitterdust, meld into stone, and stone shape each once per day.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, protection from elements and the three spells the wearer can use Cost Djinni 9,450 gp; Efreeti 7,200 gp; Marid 9,450 gp; Shaitan 9,450 gp

Vambraces of the tactician ( 8,000 gp )
Aura moderate enchantment ; CL 7th ; Weight 3 lbs.
These vambraces change their appearance depending on who wears them. If the wearer is a cavalier, these vambraces display the symbol of his order. When unworn or in the hands of a non-cavalier, they appear to be an ordinary pair of steel vambraces. A cavalier wearing these vambraces is considered two class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his challenge class feature. Furthermore, once per day as a swift action, a cavalier with the tactician class feature can increase the area in which he grants teamwork feats. Before the end of his next turn, when the cavalier grants his allies a teamwork feat, he can grant it to all allies within 60 feet, though they must still be able to see and hear him.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, heroism Cost 4,000 gp

Verdant vine ( 6,000 gp )
Aura faint conjuration ; CL 5th ; Weight -
Consisting of a vine with five green berries, a verdant vine is worn tied around the wrist. Once per day on command, the wearer can pinch a berry off the vine, and throw it up to 30 feet away, like a splash weapon. Viciously thorny vines erupt in a 20-foot radius from the point of impact, even if the berry misses its target. Creatures within the area must succeed at a DC 16 Reflex saving throw or become entangled, as the spell entangle, as the vines coil around the creature's legs. The vines persist, but at the start of the affected creature's turn, it gains a new saving throw against the effect. If the affected creature fails the saving throw, it also takes 1d4 points of damage. A DC 20 Strength check, made as a standard action, allows an affected creature to break free and end the effect. Failing the check causes the vines to constrict, dealing 1d4 points of damage.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, plant growth Cost 3,000 gp