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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A05: Warehouse District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A05: Warehouse District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=
The freshness of the Tornmawr River cuts along this section of Alexandria. Its broad expanse creates the district's eastern border. Ships and barges dot its surface. Some make deliveries here and up the river, while others dock for repair. These vehicles move slowly over the water, their sails colorful and proud. No few bear a nod to Rada, or three, for luck's sake. Many also bear the colors of different nations and city-states, all of them coming here to bring trade to Alexandria.
The freshness of the Tornmawr River cuts along this section of Alexandria. Its broad expanse creates the district's eastern border. Ships and barges dot its surface. Some make deliveries here and up the river, while others dock for repair. These vehicles move slowly over the water, their sails colorful and proud. No few bear a nod to Rada, or three, for luck's sake. Many also bear the colors of different nations and city-states, all of them coming here to bring trade to Alexandria.
Warehouses line the district's streets, dotted with the names of shipping companies and various industries. These, mixed with the occasional sailor's tavern, set the tone for the area. Overall, it's bustling, busy, about what one would expect for a city of this size.
Warehouses line the district's streets, dotted with the names of shipping companies and various industries. These, mixed with the occasional sailor's tavern, set the tone for the area. Overall, it's bustling, busy, about what one would expect for a city of this size.
To the south, the great Sea Wall and the Port of Alexandria. Both are considered wonders of the modern world.
To the south, the great Sea Wall and the Port of Alexandria. Both are considered wonders of the modern world.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=
Redmane Hideous red hair like a scarcrow, this hobgoblin is d 0s 14m
Naneth Half-Elf Brunette with long pony-tail 10s 13m
Moonshadow Tall oruch woman with a dancer's grace 4s 2h
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Redmane Hideous red hair like a scarcrow, this hobgoblin is d 0s 14m
Naneth Half-Elf Brunette with long pony-tail 10s 13m
Moonshadow Tall oruch woman with a dancer's grace 4s 2h
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Bridge <SE> Adventurer's Guild <AG> Ox-Strength Tavern <OX>
West <W> North <N> South <S>

Latest revision as of 19:26, 24 April 2014

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A05: Warehouse District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=

The freshness of the Tornmawr River cuts along this section of Alexandria. Its broad expanse creates the district's eastern border. Ships and barges dot its surface. Some make deliveries here and up the river, while others dock for repair. These vehicles move slowly over the water, their sails colorful and proud. No few bear a nod to Rada, or three, for luck's sake. Many also bear the colors of different nations and city-states, all of them coming here to bring trade to Alexandria.

Warehouses line the district's streets, dotted with the names of shipping companies and various industries. These, mixed with the occasional sailor's tavern, set the tone for the area. Overall, it's bustling, busy, about what one would expect for a city of this size.

To the south, the great Sea Wall and the Port of Alexandria. Both are considered wonders of the modern world.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=

Redmane Hideous red hair like a scarcrow, this hobgoblin is d 0s 14m

Naneth Half-Elf Brunette with long pony-tail 10s 13m

Moonshadow Tall oruch woman with a dancer's grace 4s 2h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=

Moonshadow: Light green skinned, tall, graceful. All of these words can be used to describe this dark haired, green skinned woman. She has light green eyes, an angular face that seems to be always smiling in one form or another, and an athletic yet feminine body that moves with a dancer's grace. Her hair is colored black with a couple of locks of hair colored dark red.

She usually keeps her hair in an elaborate ponytail or braid and wears light clothes, to provide the best movement. Her hands and feet are taped, though upon her feet are a pair of light sandals.

Naneth is a woman of two worlds. Clearly of Elven descent and barely reaching not quite 5 feet, she is much stockier and more sturdily built, that combined with the shape of her eyes betraying her half-human heritage. Her silky dark hair is in a pony-tail that starts at a top-knot behind her head. The color sets off against her tanned skin and brown eyes.

Like many with fey blood, she is built like a combination of dancer and athlete, an athletic frame that looks like she can do just about anything. Her stomach is muscular and trim, with a gentle thickness of muscle about it. Built and proportioned, she is much curvier than an Elven woman would be. Her human heritage shows through in a well-padded chest and thick thighs causing her swelling silhouette to be instantly recognizable as female. Despite her stockier nature, the girl is able to move comfortably and gracefully, obviously trained in motion more by her Elven parent than her other.

She normally wears studded leather armor that is masterfully crafted to fit her form, intricate embossed patterns in the leather of Elvish design providing a small bit of ornamentation. Under this she wears comfortable and practical leather breeches over sturdy hunting boots, with a short-sword strapped to her waist. Over it all she wears a plain charcoal colored cloak whose hood can be drawn up on the hunt. But the crowning glory of her outfit is the composite longbow of Elven make usually strapped to her back. Clearly the most expensive and wonderfully crafted thing she owns, it too has designs laid down lovingly in the wood, and a thickness and size that seem almost too big for the short woman, indicating a powerful draw to the weapon.

It's a rather nice day out today, at least for the weather. It's just warm enough to where people don't need heavy clothes, but the shade is just cold enough to be chilly to those who don't. it's an odd conundrum for most. The warehouse district is somewhat busy with normal things, like deliveries and such, but there is another busy part of this area.....the Adventurer's guild. Many potential adventurer's wander in and out of the guild, but one bypasses all of the 'wanna-bes' and looks over their heads....kinda literally since most of them are at her shoulder or chest level....cuz she's just friggin huge. Yes, this is a woman, and green skinned with black hair that falls down to her knees......

After talking to Boshter and Sandy the other day about the benefits of guild membership, Naneth has decided to take the plunge and apply for official inclusion. So it is that she comes out of the Adventurer's Guild reading a scroll, eyes glancing up and down it for a moment before starting to roll it back up to read later. Her sharp eyes look up and scan the streets on this lovely day, and the first and most noticable thing there is to see, the enormous Oruch woman, enough to turn Naneth's head and follow her trail as the green-skinned one begins to approach the guild.

A hobgoblin that is head and shoulders shorter than the Oruch woman walking through the area is standing and looking out over the Tornmawr, hands resting easily on the hilt of his falchion he seems to be contemplating something as he finally turns and with a sigh and a brief set of his shoulders begins a slow move towards the Adventurer's Guild. He seems to be slightly hesitant though when he spots the Oruch woman, not afraid, per se, but in awe of the statuesque creature. It's like seeing an airship for the first time. You can't believe that something that big could be up there, but then you realize, no, you weren't /that/ drunk last night and it actually is there.

The woman seems rather nice to the people that make their way on in, but she doesn't discourage them. If they had the will, perhaps they were able to rise above the others. But she slides into the guildhall rather quickly, then steps right back out, shaking her head. "Nothing to work with yet. Hmmm...." She says quietly as she walks her way towards Naneth and Redmane. "Greetings to you both." She says politely. "Greetings, well met." Naneth's tone is neutral, curious perhaps, but neither friendly nor overtly hostile. It's a careful and guarded tone, but when she looks to see who else the Oruch woman might be addressing and she spots the hobgoblin Redmane, she purses her lips together, "Another one..." That part said lowly but audibly. Perhaps the half-sil isn't used to seeing the likes of oruchs and hobgoblins, shifting her weight ever so slightly, pulling her cloak a bit tighter around herself.

The hobgoblin nods to the large woman when she speaks, but seems to need to clear his throat for a moment. Finally he says, "Me joined Guild just day ago...Coming to see what work to be had. You no see any work in there?" he glances at Naneth and nods to the half-elf, a little wary of the womans' reaction he instead sticks his foot out and bows low over it in greeting to the woman, thrusting his hands to the sides, palms up in a show of deference to her. "I not very good with common tongue, but I wish you to harm no." he thinks for a moment and then shakes his head, the gnarly, greased up mass of red whipping slightly about him, "No, that not right." he thinks one moment more then says, "I wish no harm to you and your house." He smiles slightly, self-satisfied that he finally got it right and that smile alone is enough to turn a troll's stomach, revealing teeth that have never been within earshot of the word 'dentistry', pretty much ever.

Moonshadow smiles and slightly chuckles towards Redmane. "I would not worry about harming me, Arvek Nar. Just because I do not carry weapons, does not mean I'm unarmed." She then bows low towards Naneth. "Well met. You need not be guarded around me, ma'am. I will not harm you unless you give me cause to." She then looks back to Redmane. "No, I see plenty of work. It is all in Dragonier at the moment, facing undead, trying to tke on Heth the dragon and bring down his minions. However, if everyone went to face off against Heth, who would remain to protect Alexandria?" She then seems to come up with an odd thought, as she looks at Redmane. "This question might seem silly, sir....but are you a follower of the Maiden of battle?"

Rather than assure the others of her own confidence Naneth remains silent and lets them exchange greetings. And she doesn't seem too concerned about either of them hurting her, that bow on her back far too finely crafted to be merely for show or hunting after all, but she merely says, "I'm unaccustomed to seeing Oruchs or Hobgoblins, the city does seem to be awash in them. THe Mythwood is not as... diverse a place." No, the elves stick to the elves, and they like it that way mostly. Though of course she is not a pure-blood. "The sight is unusual and...." A short pause as if trying to find something diplomatic to say about Redman's smile and Moonshadow's size, "unique." Letting her cloak fall free again, she says, "The war in Dragonier, or what is soon to be a war, does seem to be on everyone's mind."

The hobgoblin looks confused for a moment, then puzzles through what the Oruch woman was saying. He shrugs a shoulder and says, "I not care what face, as long as money good. Need place to live and can't with money in others' pocket." he then shakes his head and says, "I leave gods 'lone. They leave me 'lone. We work well that way." To Naneth's statements he nods, though if he feels any ire at the common name 'hobgoblin' instead of his people's name, he doesn't show it, instead he nods, "I know what mean. When me travel with father from Arvek nation, it all new and sparkly too. Never seen pinkskins before and thought funniest thing." he sighs happily and says, "But me know now, pinkskin and Oruchkin alike, good people. Accept Redmane for who is, not what is or was. If war, we fight it. That Arvek way, much as hate it, me know can no let war approach doorstep else all get hurt."

Listening to them both, the oruch woman seems to listen to them both, then smiles. "Your past makes you who you are, but the future can change you when you experience it." She then nods to Naneth. "I understand, Mythwood doesn't exactly like the oruch because of the past, and old grudges are hard to break. I assure you, however, the Oruch of Adom are not the same oruch as the Fel orcs. Myself included." Her attention is then turned towards Redmane. "You'd be surprised at what the gods can provide, as well as their faithful." She says before tilting her head. "Blar. A wonderful country..."

"What made you ask if he served the Goddess Serriel?" Naneth tilts her head back towards Redmane, looking the Arvek Nar over from top to bottom, examining closely his appearance and all the bad... but a surprising amount of good... in his looks. "I don't see any overt signs of the Goddess, or any markings of an order." She seems curious as to the answer to this question, as if she might learn something more about the religion of the Battle Maiden, or taught some perceptive clue that she herself missed. "I myself follow the path of Gilead, though not as devoutly as some."

Redmane shakes his head and says, "Not that wonderful. Unless wonderful mean something me not know it mean. It full of Arvek for one. Militant ass..." he scratches his gnarly red hair for a moment and then says, "What word? Chasm? Fissures? something like that. They definite ass fissures." he reseats his hands on the hilt of his falchion, standing more comfortably, almost a parade-rest type maneuver and says, "Be honest, me like Alextown more better than Blar. Freer. People no ride smelly horse all day. Me got donkey, him smell okay but him bite like female dog." he doesn't realize that definitions aren't exactly the same as the colorful jargon he's looking for because he goes right now, "Donkey an' me...we good team. He not sneaky enough though. Hard to scout with Donkey around." he peers suspiciously at Naneth, "Who Serriel? She work in Blar? Me think me remember bar wench in lower Blar name Serriel. Something. She got big bazoombas." he grins at the thought, then realizes he may have made a faux pas and holds his hands out beside his hips about a foot to either side to indicate what his definition of 'bazoombas' could be. "That her? I no follow her anywhere...she married to horse lord, me think."

Moonshadow giggles a little bit. "I was here when the Arvek Nar were building the temple in the temple district fot the the Maiden of battle. it is why I asked. Serriel is......interesting." She then tilts her head towards Naneth. "Another good one to follow, Is Gilead. More burturing than most others I believe." She then lowers her head. "I do apologize for talking about religion without introducing myself. I am Moonshadow of the Burning blade clan, part of the Order of the Thinning Veil."

Redmane's comments make Naneth look back and forth between her and Moonshadow, as if gauging the size of their own 'bazoombas' respectively. Granted, Naneth is much more curvy than any elven woman would be, owing to an apparently stocky human heritage. But still. She smirks slightly and rather than getting more involved in the religion discussion, she only says, "I've never heard of the Order of the Thinning Veil. Though I'm suddenly reminded that I need to save up the coin to purchase a mount of some kind. I'm accustomed to running long distances, but it seems there's more travel than ever in store now that I am a guild member."

Redmane puffs up a bit, apparently he's met an important person! "That sound like you grand high poobah! You important lady...er...woma...uh, Oruch?" he seems hesitant to label Moonshadow and embarass her or himself. "I question though. Burning blad would set thin veil on fire though. How you keep veil from burn?" he nods to Naneth and says, "Get a donkey. Donkey good donkey. Travel important to get to place of danger. Don't want danger to come to our place...rather travel far."

Moonshadow says, "I am a woman, can you not tell?" She says with a very amused tone to Redmane, but she then looks to both Redmane and naneth in turn. "The Order of the Thinning Veil is the monastic of Eluna, goddess of magic and dreams. The 'veil' is the border between reality and dreams. However, what happens when you can make dreams reality? That is the question the order looks at when we train. When you run or stretch, you can enter into meditation or a trance, and while your body trains, your mind explores itself and it's memories.""

"Don't tease the poor man, he was trying not to be rude." Naneth murmurs this just before Moonshadow begins to explain the purpose of her order, "I've heard the name Eluna before." But apparently little more than that, taking in the rest of it as if it is news to her. She is attentive, giving this a long moment of thought before offering. "Any profession which demands discipline of mind and body and an attentive care to the moment is a noble one." She looks up into the sky then, as if checking the time by the passage of the sun in the sky, though silent on the matter for now.

The hobgoblin's skin around his nose flushes from a dusky purplish hue to an almost lavender color. It takes a moment, but apparently he's blushing. He stammers a bit then says, "I not idiot Moonshadow. I just not want you think I call you frail by call you lady. Not know how mighty Oruch like addressed." he toes the dirt he's standing on for a moment then looks gratefully at Naneth when she sticks up for him, "Yeah, 'Pole Light' that what I being, Pole Light. I no try to defend you." his language is, at this point, nearly gone, poor little neurotic bastard. Between an Oruch accusing him of idiocy and a half-elf sticking up for him, this day is completely upside down for the guy.

Moonshadow shakes her head at Redmane. "Don't worry about it. I was teasing you. Women can kick just as much ass as a guy can. The guy that doesn't think women can kick ass is going to be killed by a woman, or embarassed to where he wished he would die." She says gesturing to Naneth. "case in point. Women aren't frail. In fact, you might make a woman blush simply by calling them a lady. But women are not weak." She then pats him on the shoulder. The maiden of battle....Serriel....is a a female deity." She says with a smile. "I learned this when I came to Alexandria as well. the best thing I can tell you is to ask many questions." She then smiles to Naneth. "Eluna is otherwise know, by my people, as the White Disc. Around human cultures, she's simply known as....the Moon." She then bows her head reverently. "She is our light in the darkness...."

"And speaking of darkness, the night will be here a bit sooner, I see the sun has passed its noon point, and I've much to accomplish before it sets." Naneth, without much ado or pleasantries, quite suddenly announces her leaving. Well you know Rangers, wandering the woods alone for months at a time with no one but animals to keep them company. Not much for social graces, "Perhaps we'll fight together on a Guild job soon." Redmane just shakes his head, trying to compose himself for a moment, "Fine, you be lady then Moonshadow. Lady Moonshadow of Thin Burning Veil." this is said with a little flourish to show its importance. He turns to Naneth and says, "You leaving now? Thing just start to get interesting. Me saw you checking out Lady Moonshadow of Thin Burning Veil's bazoombas minute ago. You not embarassed are you?" this seems to be an earnest, if awkward statement, and he looks at her expectantly as if wondering what he did.

Moonshadow bows to naneth as she begins to depart. 'perhaps we will, Naneth. I hope you accomplish everything need to." She then blinks at Redmane. "Moonshadow is fine, sir. All of those titles are just for 'show', if you get what I mean. Like you twirling your falchion around to show how good you are with it. You shall earn yourself titles in due time yourself by joining groups of people, or following a deity, if you so choose." She says starting to head out of the area. "What is your name anyways?"

"I am Naneth, Warden of the Mythwood." Naneth pulls her cloak up over her head as she introduces herself at last, though something Redmane says makes her snort and choke briefly, shaking her head at the displayed....social inexperience before offering, "I enjoy the company of men." And with that dropped to the group, she steps off the porch of the AG, and begins making her way back out into the Warehouse district, on whatever business she might have. Redmane looks confused for a moment as he raises a hand at Naneth leaving. He then trails alongside Moonshadow as they walk out of the area and Naneth leaves heading the other direction., talking with her companionably enough, "Me Redmane. Redmane the Younger, if you want technical, but...just Redmane. What she mean she enjoy the company of men? I enjoy company with men and women. All people have interest stories to tell." he glances over his shoulder at the Adventurer's Guild then looks back forward as they move on, frown on his face as he tries to parse out this conundrum hidden in his deficite of the language.