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(Created page with "PRP DM: Colrick Player Characters: Aevarr (Inquisitor 2) Bor (Paladin 2) Klythos (Artificer 3) Lilyth (Sorceror 2) Lorien (Artificer 4) Stirling (Artificer 3) Dragonier, on...")
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PRP DM: Colrick
PRP DM: Colrick
Player Characters:
Player Characters:
Aevarr (Inquisitor 2)
Aevarr (Inquisitor 2), Bor (Paladin 2), Klythos (Artificer 3), Lilyth (Sorceror 2), Lorien (Artificer 4), Stirling (Artificer 3)
Bor (Paladin 2)
Klythos (Artificer 3)
Lilyth (Sorceror 2)
Lorien (Artificer 4)
Stirling (Artificer 3)
Line 63: Line 60:
<OOC> Colrick says, "http://i.imgur.com/nAPtwJu.png"
<OOC> Colrick says, "http://i.imgur.com/nAPtwJu.png"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You're entering from the gate on the top right of the picture."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You're entering from the gate on the top right of the picture."

Latest revision as of 02:14, 10 May 2014

PRP DM: Colrick

Player Characters:

Aevarr (Inquisitor 2), Bor (Paladin 2), Klythos (Artificer 3), Lilyth (Sorceror 2), Lorien (Artificer 4), Stirling (Artificer 3)

Dragonier, once a kingdom of dragon-riders and floating cities, now a dangerous land populated only by the undead and those foolish enough to plunder what’s left. Today, you fall somewhat into the latter category, as you’ve been commissioned to provide protection for Myrrish scholars. They claim to have found the exact resting place of several relics and holy scriptures that the Church of Daeus thought lost when Heth ravaged this realm. Eager to get there before anyone else, a small group of them went on ahead alone, leaving the rest of you to guard the remaining sage, an older woman named Olna, who fortunately has the directions to get there.

The first leg of the journey was via airship, and after a day’s travel you’ve made it to the outskirts of Dragonier. Once disembarked, you’ve continued the rest of the way by horse and on foot. While Olna rides in a two-horse cart, the rest of you have been given horses of your own if you do not wish to ride in the cart along with her. Fortunately she’s not an unpleasant woman - her 50 odd years have given her more than a few stories to share - and she’s brought ample supplies so there’s no rationing to speak of.

The route meanders through the southern edge of the Wyrmwood, following old roads and paths that haven’t been tended to since the kingdom fell. Your destination is the Haelker Manor, the home of a minor noble family - since driven from their lands - who supposedly gave shelter to traveling Daeusites and their treasures.

Lorien hefts up his rifle about his shoulder and pats at the strap, as he walks along. The youth scans the horizon and towards where the Manor should eventually come towards view, as he speaks, "We were on a rescue mission here recently," he says, as he adds, "We even met a Beholder, fought our way through, it's dangerous lands." He shifts his stance, and nods at those with him, heaving a sigh.

Klythos travels by dog, meaning he has a riding dog and of course, rides it. The animal seems trained for longer travels more than anything else, and the goblin of course doesn't weight a lot. Klythos remains quiet through most of the trip, mostly tinkering as they travel with his various devices, and his occassional random twisting of knobs on his armor, a faint clicking accompanying them. Its hard to tell if it really does anything, or the action is just something the goblin has to do.

Stirling has his own horse, a thick set shagy animal but then again Stirling is not a light load. A thick cigar is clamped between his teeth as he watches the countryside go by. A thin trail of dark smoke trails from the mana furnace on his armor, idling at low heat.

It's no surprise that the Temple of Daeus decided to send one of their own Paladins on this venture. Bor enjoyed the time in the airship, the feeling of freedom flying above the skies, and was a little disappointed when they eventually landed. Sitting atop the enormous steed meant to hold one of Giantkin statue, Bor rides along with his attention focused on the dangers around them, and nods to Lorien his understanding of the environment, "Rough place, with little forgiveness in it."

Olna grabs an apple from a pouch near her side as the wagon nears a sharp turn in the path up ahead. "A beholder? Vile monstrosities those are." she remarks, as she starts guiding the wagon around the steep escarpment the path curves around. "My life will be enriched if I never meet one. One took a colleague's foot. He was lucky to only lose the foot, as I am quite sure it meant to destroy him entirely." she adds.

Lilyth is riding with Olna actually enjoying the stories from the woman and what she has to share about anything. The young woman seems to be a sponge and absorbing anything she is being told. Right now though, she's closer to the edge so she can talk to the others around. "I haven't been up here as of yet, though I am from Sendor, but not to Dragonier."

Lorien nods gently at Olna, as he shifts his hip, and considers, "Oh, the Beholder was nice, we spoke with him, and assisted his rearch into the Void itself, was an... Interesting battle, we even got a view into a connection to the Sea of Mana itself," he says. Ya, idle conversation from him. Like. Whoa.

Klythos doesn't provide stories or comments. He keeps alternating between looking around for undead threats, and toying with one of his devices. The goblin apparently isn't much for chit chat.

"I've had a few friends come out, but this'll be my first time traveling through the area." Bor rumbles in response to Lilyth, "..and that's the first time I've heard the term Nice and Beholder together." The Giantkin chuckles, "Not sure I'd know the difference. Guess any of them not shootin' rays of doom at me I'd consider nice."

"Didn't think Beholders were capable of speech," Lilyth offers, but shrugs and nodding to Bor. "A lot of people seem to be heading up this way a lot, but then, with Heth and the whole thing with Dran and Rune... Just a whole lot of trouble, isn't it?" she asks as she looks up at the road, knowing they were heading into trouble.

Aevarr prefers to travel light, which means no horse unless absolutely necessary."So... if the tales about Dragonier being overrun with all manner of horrors is true, then the talk of ll its riches being available for the plucking must also be. Well, that and our well-versed associates wouldn't have nearly enough interest were it not so, yes?" He is rather apt for chit-chat and offers Lilyth a grin. "Well, it wouldn't be much fun without trouble, would it?"

And as the path rights itself once more, a vine-covered gate can be seen just a short distance ahead, with the rooftop of a large building peeking over it. Though the overgrowth is extensive, the gate is visibly ajar. "Ancestral home of the Haelker family. Over two dozen generations have called this estate home. They watched over the small village to the north. Now both are empty. Though I have been told the entire Haelker family and most of the village escaped. Maybe, in time, they can all return here." Olna declares with an erudite tone as the wagon approaches the gate.

Stirling for the most part stays silent, more intent on watching the countryside than making small talk. None the less he does turn his head from time to time as if listening.

Lilyth nods to Aevarr with a smile. "Very true, without trouble there wouldn't be much of a need for people likeus, right? Protecting scholars and innocents..." She falls silent as they seem to come to their destination and she looks up at the estate. "Glad to know they managed to escape. They don't mind us coming here then?"

Lorien nods, as he glances about at the speakers, "Aye, the beholder was nice," he says. He looks at the mansion, and rubs at his features, "Beautiful," he adds, as he grins, and considers aside, "Ah, the biggest problem with Dragonier is that the Wights actually are quite extensive, alerted by Vargouiles, it's monitored, protected, stealth is generally the safest way through it, always be on the move."

Looking over to Olna, Bor asks her, "Is there anythin' you know about this Manor we're headed to?" His brow furrows in thought at her words, "What the Family did? Wizards? Artificers? Any idea what we might run into in there?" as he nods his head towards the upcoming gate.

Klythos looks over the building as they near, reaching up to turn a knob on his armor. *click click* The goblin keeps a wary eye out, but still says nothing, perhaps already trying to be stealthy.

Aevarr isn't near enough to touch that dial, so he contents himself with studying the manor ahead. "If they all escaped, it should be empty, yes? Assuming that new tenants didn't take up residence, of course. Monitored? If we're under watch, I hope that you can read quickly, Olna, or whatever you intend to do."

Olna nods her head at Bor's words, putting the apple away now that their journey is almost over. "One of their youngest sons joined the Church of Daeus as a Paladin." she begins, keeping her eyes on the road. "A bit of a scoundrel, that one, but pure in some fashion I suppose. Matthias was his name, he helped provide the clues needed after getting drunk with one my colleagues, and we deciphered the rest based on those findings. The family has no extraordinary history to speak of, aside from what we may unearth in this expedition that is." she explains, nearing the gate. "Can someone be a dear and open that up for me?" she asks. From here you get a small peek of the courtyard just past the gate, and the red and grey stoned manor at the other end of it.

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can we open the gate?"

Lorien grunts, as he nods, and then swivels his feet so he can launch from the wagon and move towards the gate to assist with getting it open, not bothering much with the conversation itself.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Absolutely, it's not too heavy to move, since its properly balanced."

"Hrm... Matthias..." Bor ponders, but quickly let's the conversation piece pass as he dismounts. As he nears the gate he'll focus for a moment, checking to see if the presence of Evil can be sensed anywhere nearby, and nods to Stirling as he moves to help push the gate open.

<OOC> Colrick says, "http://i.imgur.com/nAPtwJu.png"


<OOC> Colrick says, "You're entering from the gate on the top right of the picture."

Klythos stops when the wagon does, and climbs off the dog. He points to the wagon and apparently is trying to tell the dog to stay with the wagon. He goblin then starts to look around, moving towards the gate, and examining things carefully.

Stirling hops down from his horse and readies his unusual rifle like weapon. While others open the gate he pulls out a set of magic detecting binoculars and investigates the area.

<OOC> Stirling says, "Using Detect Magic."

<OOC> Klythos says, "I'd like to check for traps if I could"

Aevarr accompanies others towards the gate. Of course, he's not so rude as to push himself to the front. A humble man doesn't seek the glory of opening gates.

The manor courtyard could use some tidying up and a gardener's love, but the passage of years has been relatively kind. The statues that stand proudly at the sides, and the two opposing ones at the fountain and end of the stairs, are still in good condition. The garden has been reduced to just grass, wildflowers, and twisted bushes, but that too could be fixed. It looks like the other group of scholars have already set up their equipment by the fountain, as crates of supplies are strewn about. Though some water still rests in the fountain basin, from here you can see an opening in the basin itself that could fit a person. Olna guides the wagon to the side and stops there, letting you proceed ahead for the moment. "I'll tend to the horses. Oh, and try to be careful, they might be in the middle of something." she advises.

<OOC> Colrick says, "There's no traps, nor any real place where a trap could be easily hidden. The ground is made of sturdy stone and nothing looks out of the ordinary."

Klythos seems to take a bit of the lead here, carefully examining things as he moves around, maybe just looking for loot. He doesn't say anything still, having been quiet almost the entire trip. Looking towards Lorien, Bor jokes "Guess we're late to this party..." and motions towards the second groups setup. As he proceeds further into the courtyard once the gate is open, he'll continue to scan the area, confirming that there is no vile presence waiting in ambush.

Lorien follows along with the group for the time being, as he nods at Bor, chuckling.

Lilyth hops off the wagon in order to join the others, staying out of Olna's way of course. "I wonder where the others are," she muses, but allows others to go first to keep an eye out for any sort of danger.

Stirling looks at the courtyard through his unusual binoculars for a long few minutes before approaching the fountain "Sensors are picking up faint magic by the fountain." he alerts the others as he homes in on the source.

"Better late than never, yes?" Aevarr quips between Lorien and Bor. "My guess would be that the others are there, by the fountain." He waves a hand to draw attention to the equipment at the fountain. "Well, their belongings are, at least. Maybe it's meal time?"

Stopping at the second landing on the stairs, Bor nods in Stirling's direction, and waits to hear what the Arvak has to say before moving towards the fountain. "I'm not sensing anything Evil close by..." He adds as he relaxes his concentration, and waits for Olna to finish up.

"I think I hear voices above!" declares a man, the voice echoing from the fountain basin. "Shhh! What if they're bandits? Or the dead?" says another man's voice from the same location. Meanwhile Olna is finished tying up the horses and slowly makes her way down the stairs. "Is that them? I thought I heard Edwin." she asks.

"Let's check..." Bor replies back to Olna, and steps closer to the fountain. "Who's down there? More Scholars? I'm from the Temple of Daeus..." he will keep pace with Olna in case something unexpected appears so that he can attempt to protect her.

Stirling walks over to the fountain. "I am Stirling Ironheel, we are not bandits but the remainder of the expedition." he declares very stiffly.

Klythos moves around the fountain, looking away, letting the others deal with the folks inside. The goblin will keep his eyes peeled for dead things that might attack them.

"Yes, we're here to take you-" Aevarr begins in a deepened voice, but then Bor speaks up, "... too wherever you need to go," he finishes.

Once you're closer, you can see the circular opening in the basin that leads down under the fountain. A wooden ladder has been lowered down into it and you can make out a figure at the bottom with a magical lighting floating before him. "Oh, that's splendid! But we're already where we need to be." the man replies. "Can you send Olna down? She is with you, yes? We need some translations done in this old diale-oh she'll know everything." he asks

Lorien says, "Lorien Valiant. We're here to assist."

<OOC> Lorien says, "Oh, what's the language dialect, we know yet?"

"Is there anyone besides scholars down there?" Bor asks into the fountain, and then looks around at the group of protectors, "Should we send someone down with Olna? Just to see what the area looks like?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "They sound Myrrish, Ecclesian to be exact."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Just like Olna."

Stirling hrmps. "Well, allow me to go ahead of you." he says to Olna before descending the ladder.

Klythos seems ready to stay up here a while longer, rear guard and all that. The goblin finds a spot to sit, and starts adjusting the death ray that is built into his armors right arm. It has like four different knobs and he begins to adjust them, a faint humm coming from the weapon and the small energy pak on his back.

Olna grins and shakes her head as she reaches the fountain. "Just like Edwin to open up everything as soon as he gets there." she remarks. "What?!" calls Edwin from below. In reply, Olna leans over and shouts down into the hole. "I said you're a damned fool! Now stop trying to poke at whatever is you've found and wait for me!" Her voice echoes into the secret passage under the basin, making Edwin visibly wince and clutch at his hears. A few seconds pass and a meek 'Alright' is uttered in return. She smiles at Stirling. "Such a dear, but I am sure it is safe." she adds, as she gets onto the ladder and descends after him. The space down below is pretty cramped, not much room to move around. Nothing but stone, damp earth, and writing chiseled into the walls along the entire length of it until it vanishes into darkness.

Aevarr looks down the well at the light and one or more scholars below. "My, my, that looks like so much fun." He has no issue with doing what he was asked; namely, waiting up here. While he waits, he pulls a copper from a pouch and idly handles it. "Hmm..." He eyes the well. "What to wish for..."

"Thanks." Bor responds with a smile to Stirling, and as he starts to head down he looks for a solid place to tie his spidersilk rope to... just incase they need to get up or down the fountain quickly in a group. "Give a shout if anythin' seems strange..."

Lorien relaxes, as he folds his arms a bit, and glances about, as he begins and settle about, near the ladder.

Klythos finishes adjusting the weapon and his armor, then simply waits to see whats going to happen.

Stirling swings his firearm around in the cramped space when he first lands but otherwise tries to keep out of the way and lets the experts do thier jobs.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Perception checks, everyone."

GAME: Klythos rolls perception: (4)+10: 14 GAME: Aevarr rolls perception: (6)+3: 9 GAME: Stirling rolls perception: (3)+6: 9 GAME: Bor rolls Perception: (14)+4: 18 GAME: Lilyth rolls perception: (1)+6: 7

Lilyth looks down the ladder a bit, and not really noticing anything, she just announces. "I'm going to head down," she offers, curious about what they are finding. Not waiting for anyone to say anything, she just heads to check things out.

( Lilyth had to leave at this point )

The passage at the bottom is barely 5' wide and looks like it heads underneath the manor itself, at least judging from the direction it first heads. The writing on the walls is in the Celestial alphabet, but is oriented in weird patterns that don't look like any proper sentence structure. With Olna with them, they all start talking at once about the linguistic problems they're having in deciphering the writing and what it all means and so on and so on. It's all quite distracting.

Bor continues to wait up top once he's secured the rope, and will scan the area away from the fountain. "Sounds like they're pretty excited down there..." but for the most part his attention is focused on the courtyard area for now. t you do scans, damage, and also track actions in a round.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Colrick has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Colrick to instruct you further.

For additional in-combat commands, please type: +thelp.


GAME: Bor rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10

GAME: Stirling rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 14

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lilyth and Stirling are currently at the bottom of the fountain."

<OOC> Colrick says, "This is a surprise round for you."

=============== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 ===============
    23   Aevarr              Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    22   Bandits,Rest        
    17   Bandit,Talker       
    15   Lorien              Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    14   Stirling            Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    10   Bor                 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    6    Klythos             Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  

05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)Koszhey | Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil | 05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)Koszhey |Aevarr |HUMAN |Inq | 2 | 14 | 14 | 20 | 4 | 2 | 6 | |Bor |GIANTBORN |Pal | 2 | 13 | 19 | 18 | 8 | 4 | 7 | |Klythos |GOBLIN |Art | 3 | 28 | 28 | 18 | 7 | 7 | 4 | |Lorien |HUMAN |Art | 4 | 23 | 32 | 16 | 7 | 7 | 2 | |Stirling |HOBGOBLIN |Art | 3 | 31 | 31 | 18 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)05:03, 10 May 2014 (EEST)Koszhey

"Might as well do it now." says a voice from the crates. Four men in cloaks and tattered armour and stand up from their hiding spots, and two more drop from the top of the side wall into the bushes. "I suggest running." says the one that talked, as the bandits draw blades and bows.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (10)+4: 14

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: You damaged Bor for 6 points. 13 remaining.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Two of the bandits advance on Aevarr and Bor. One takes a swing with a chipped and dented sword at Aevarr but misses, the one that talked is a bit more lucky on Bor."

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Colrick says, "The two bandits off to the side each loose an arrow, but only chip away at the stone on the fountain."

<OOC> Colrick says, "The other two by the crates split up, dashing around the other side of the fountain."

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Aevarr ended.

<OOC> Aevarr guesses that he can't eaily back up onto the well, either.

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can't 5' step on to it, it's difficult terrain (of sorts), but you can move action or withdraw action on to it. The latter won't draw an AoO"

<OOC> Aevarr will attempt to introduce #2s face to Aevarr's shield, instead.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Keep in mind that most of it is a fountain basin, so you can stand in it. There's just one small hole at the upper left corner that leads down."

<OOC> Colrick says, "And, just as in the picture, there's a large statue in the middle."

GAME: Aevarr rolls melee: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Colrick says, "Obvious miss is obvious :)"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11

"Oh? Feel free to run, then! Don't let us stop you." Aevarr even tries to help the man who swung at him by jerking his shield forward at him. Quickly. Too quickly, as Aevarr's feet can't keep up and he nearly topples over them.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8: (1): 1

GAME: You damaged Klythos for 1 points. 27 remaining.

"Just gut them!" the obvious leader declares in reply to Aevarr. However the leader's blade has no luck in scoring a hit on Bor, and the one that Aevarr tries to shield smash spends more time trying to avoid the flailing body before him. Yet more arrows are fired from the side, but only one comes close to Klythos. Finally the flanking duo end up behind the rest of you, now threatening Lorien and Klythos with their blades.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 17.
     It is now Bandit,Talker's turn! Lorien is next!

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Lorien's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Lorien ended.

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can I swiftly activate armor for +4 dex, draw, and shoot the bandit he tried shield-bashing?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "That bandit is behind Aevarr, so Aevarr would be providing cover for him. There's a bandit threatning you, so you'd face an AoO (unless you have Firearm Mastery)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Cover is +4 to the bandit's AC"

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can he shoot the bandit what's threatening him?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, you'd still get an AoO in return though."

<OOC> Lorien says, "Fair."

GAME: Lorien rolls ranged+PBS+2: aliased to ranged+1+2: (19)+5+1+2: 27

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: Lorien rolls 2d6+4+1: (6)+4+1: 11

<OOC> Colrick says, "Right in the shoulder!"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: You damaged Lorien for 4 points. 28 remaining.

<OOC> Colrick says, "But he manages to cut you a bit in return, just as you fire"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Bor is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Stirling ended.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Stirling! You are at the bottom of the ladder, you hear the obvious sounds of combat up above. What do you do?"

<OOC> Stirling says, "Shield spell and move up"

Lorien hefts up his Ray, and grunts as he's taken by surpise when all the bandits decide to attack, "Dragonier's got more problems than it should," he says, as he presses his weapon forward. With a burst of crimson mana-light right into the bandit's shoulder, he grunts as he takes a grazing blow on his arm which causes him to drip a bit of blood.

GAME: Stirling casts Shield. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

<OOC> Colrick places Stirling at the top of the ladder. You are now at the corner of the fountain.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Bor's turn! Klythos is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Bor ended.

<OOC> Bor says, "I'll draw my Earthbreaker, and Power Attack Bandit 1"

GAME: Bor rolls weapon1-1: (4)+7+-1: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "That'd be a miss, sorry."

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Klythos' turn! Aevarr is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Klythos ended.

<OOC> Klythos says, "Swift, activate Armor Dex bonus. Combat Casting Shield Spell."

GAME: Klythos rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

Taking a solid hit from the initial charge, Bor grunts from the attack, but is able to successfully dodge the second of the Bandit Leader's wild swings. He unlatches the earthbreaker from his shoulder baldric, and attempts his own wild swing that catches nothing but air.

GAME: Klythos casts Shield. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

<OOC> Klythos says, "AC now +5"

<OOC> Klythos says, "23 AC"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Noted :)"

GAME: Note AC 23 added to Klythos.


     Colrick advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

Klythos glares at the bandits approaching him, its so hard to shoot folks in your face. The goblin grunts and avoids the attacks, then reaches towards a dial on his chest, twisting it two clicks. His armor hums, a crackle of electricity and sparks run through it. He then starts adjusting a few other dials, and even more electricty sparks along his armor.

Stirling looks up the hole and frowns. Pulling out a mechanical disc he attaches it the center of his breastplate and starts to climb. The disc begins to spin and a shimmer envelopes the artificer.

<OOC> Aevarr will 5' to M17 and try the shield-face trick again.

GAME: Aevarr rolls melee: (14)+4: 18

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

GAME: Aevarr rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

<OOC> Colrick says, "A solid thwack"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

If at first you don't succeed, try to live long enough to try again! Aevarr sidesteps and plants his feet before swinging, this time. Now, the guy gets a facefull of metal. "Running is still an option for you!"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (20)+4: 24

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: You damaged Bor for 4 points. 9 remaining.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (13)+4: 17

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10

GAME: You damaged Klythos for 10 points. 17 remaining.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15

The bandit leader winced as the Earthshaker is brought out into play, but after seeing it miss he puts back on his best unimpressed face. With a lunge he adds another cut to Bor's collection. Aevarr's bandit is having less success, especially after getting smacked around by his shield. Klythos artifice fails to keep one of the bandit's blades at bay, but easily deflects another. The two archers find their targets being masked by their comrades closing in, and step closer to edge of the greenery to wait for better shots.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 17.
     It is now Bandit,Talker's turn! Lorien is next!

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Lorien's turn! Stirling is next!

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can I shoot the same guy again?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup! An AoO again though"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Go ahead and roll it."

GAME: Lorien rolls ranged+PBS+2: aliased to ranged+1+2: (6)+5+1+2: 14

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

GAME: Lorien rolls 2d6+4+1: (8)+4+1: 13

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: You damaged Lorien for 4 points. 24 remaining.

<OOC> Colrick says, "He cuts you as you aim, but your shot kills him"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Bor is next!

<OOC> Colrick says, "Stirling, you stand proudly on the fountain's edge, surveying the battle before you."

<OOC> Stirling says, "Walk up to the nearest guy, activate armor for strength and backhand him."

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2: (8)+5+2: 15

Lorien lifts up his Ray and then grabs it by the trigger. Flipping it to the side and about, he takes aim, "Target: Locked," he says, and then takes a clean slice towards his stomache which drips a bit with blood from his damaged armor. His finger flicks the trigger and the blast rips clean into a hole through the bandit with crimson light and splash, as the enemy takes a clean fall to the ground, "Got that one."

<OOC> Colrick says, "That would be the leader who has been attacking Bor, but unfortunately you miss"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You only need to do a 5' step to do it though. Do you have 2 slam attacks?"

<OOC> Stirling says, "if its a 5 foot yes"

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2: (18)+5+2: 25

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit!"

GAME: Stirling rolls 1d8+5: (2)+5: 7

<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid punch."

<OOC> Stirling says, "I take it the first one missed."

<OOC> Colrick says, "yeah, first missed"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Bor's turn! Klythos is next!

<OOC> Bor says, "Ok, can I take a 5' to flank with Stirling?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can!"

<OOC> Bor says, "Ok, 5', flank with Stirling, Power Attack, and Swift Action LoH on myself"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Alrighty, roll both"

GAME: Bor rolls weapon1+1: (3)+7+1: 11

GAME: Bor rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: You damaged Bor for -6 points. 15 remaining.

<OOC> Colrick says, "At least you've got him between a rock and a hard place now."

Stirling is not a hobgoblin to sit around and steps up to the nearest bandit, the furnace on his back starts belching blue smoke and a surge of power rushes down the cables to his titanfists. "Lay down your arms son." he says in a calm voice as he raises the fist to deck a bandit in the face.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 6.
     It is now Klythos' turn! Aevarr is next!

<OOC> Klythos says, "Ok, 5 foot to J 19"

<OOC> Klythos says, "Shoooting death ray with Tanglefoot"

Seeing Stirling coming up, and laying a solid punch on the leader Bor positions himself so that they both have a tactical advantage in their attacks. However, the previous two attacks have winded him sigificantly, and another of his swings goes wide. As he prepares himself for another swing, he prays to Daeus "Lord, give me strength..." and the glow in his hand seals some of the cuts on his body.

GAME: Klythos rolls ranged+1: (7)+6+1: 14

<OOC> Klythos says, "Touch AC"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: Klythos rolls 2d6+4+1: (10)+4+1: 15

<OOC> Klythos says, "Tanglefoot DC 15"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+2: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit pretty hard and stuck to the ground!"

<OOC> Klythos says, "-2 to hit, -4 dex, and stuck!"


     Colrick advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

Klythos is not impressed by the bandits, despite the one actually hitting him. He backs up, raising his right arm to point this death ray. His other hand adjusts various dials and the weapon hums, green energy showing through the tubing that goes to the power pack on his back. A burst from the weapon expells green goo, electrically charged green goo. The target is hit, and the goo quickly hardens.

<OOC> Aevarr will withdraw. to P17 or 18

<OOC> Colrick says, "Withdrawn!"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8: (5): 5

GAME: You damaged Lorien for 5 points. 19 remaining.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20

"Well, if no one else is going to run... Excuse me. Also, your nose is bleeding," Aevarr bids the one thug farewell, but doesn't exactly run. He carefully and lightly steps back and away, along the other pile of crates.

The unfair duel between the bandit leader and Bor and Stirling is not going well for him now, as his strikes get knocked aside or avoided. Snorting in derision at Aevarr's withdrawl, the other bandit tries to stab Stirling in the back but fails. With their comrade dead, the archers now have clear shots and resume firing, going for Lorien first, and then Klythos.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 17.
     It is now Bandit,Talker's turn! Lorien is next!

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Lorien's turn! Stirling is next!

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can Lorien try and persuade these Bandits and stand down and that it's not worth it?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can try and talk them down. You can try Diplomacy or Intimidate, though with the melee going on not all of them might listen."

<OOC> Lorien says, "I'll roll it with dice instead of itself, because it doesn't add all the factors right usually."

<OOC> Lorien says, "-2 from Artificer too."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Alright, roll it."

GAME: Lorien rolls 1d20+6+2-2: (11)+6+2+-2: 17

<OOC> Colrick says, "Pose your quick attempt at talking them down. But it doesn't look like it's swayed them."

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Bor is next!

<OOC> Stirling says, "Punch my guy twice."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Punch away!"

Lorien lowers down his Ray a bit as he stands near the corpse of a bandit for effect, "Listen! What good will this do you!? You will become like the ones that took this land from the Dragon Riders, it isn't worth it, look into yourselves and take heed, there has to be another way!" he exclaims, as he shifts his foot about.

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2: (3)+5+2: 10

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2: (6)+5+2: 13

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss and miss"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 10.
     It is now Bor's turn! Klythos is next!

<OOC> Bor says, "Power Attack ;)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Power attack him into the dust!"

GAME: Bor rolls weapon1+1: (1)+7+1: 9

<OOC> Bor sighs

<OOC> Colrick knows that feel, Bor. On the bright side, you can pose smashing bits of the fountain into dust, and sending wood splinters everywhere from the crate?

<OOC> Bor chuckles ;)

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 6.
     It is now Klythos' turn! Aevarr is next!

<OOC> Klythos says, "Can I shoot 2?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "He has Cover with the Fountain and Stirling, so +4 to his AC"

<OOC> Klythos says, "Hrm, nevermind :)"

<OOC> Klythos says, "I'll hit 6 again"

GAME: Klythos rolls ranged+1: (18)+6+1: 25

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: Klythos rolls 2d6+4+1: (11)+4+1: 16

<OOC> Colrick says, "Terminated!"

Truly Daeus must be with Bor because this attack has all of the gigantic Giantborn's power behind it! Whistling through the air, it hits with a devastating *CRASH*, sending stone, wood, and bits of fountain all over the courtyard... However... not one bit of Bandit is touched in the swing.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Pose the aftermath of your science!"


     Colrick advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

Klythos turns his head, looking for other targets that might need to be locked down in place, but seeing no clear shots he looks back towards the sticky foe. He grins, showing his sharp little gobber teeth, and then starts adjusting dials again. A humm and a blast of electricity this time, there is a smell of scorched flesh in the air and the target falls over, still covered in goo.

<OOC> Aevarr draws whip, swift to activate Justice Judgement. Disarm on 2. Flanking with Stirling.

Stirling swings his chrome fists twice catching naught but air, great hours of steam whistle from vents but the furnace on his armor still smokes away.

GAME: Aevarr rolls cmb+2+2+1: (11)+4+2+2+1: 20

<OOC> Colrick says, "His sword is yanked from his hand and falls in his square"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

Aevarr draws the coiled whip at his side with his empty hand and sends it lashing out at the one who courteously turned his back. The leather wraps around his weapon and yoinks it from his hand. "Excuse me! I think you dropped something!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Stirling, roll an attack of opportunity! One of the Bandits is trying to move away from you."

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2: (17)+5+2: 24

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: Stirling rolls 1d8+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10

GAME: You damaged Bor for 10 points. 5 remaining.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

One of the bandits had his eyes set on stabbing Stirling, until his sword is yanked from his grasp! With an angry snarl he turns to charge Aevarr bare-handed, but Stirling is quick to punish him for turning his back, and the bruised and battered bandit swings too wide when he reaches Aevarr. The bandit leader laughs at Bor's impressive display of collateral damage, drawing more blood from the Giantborn and getting cockier by the moment. "Is your brain too far from your limbs?" he remarks. The archers whisper quick words to themselves and loose arrows at Klythos, but his protective science shatters them in midair.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 17.
     It is now Bandit,Talker's turn! Lorien is next!

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 15.
     It is now Lorien's turn! Stirling is next!

<OOC> Lorien says, "Is the leader still standing?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Indeed! He is /taunting/ Bor over his size and everything!"

<OOC> Lorien says, "Will shoot him."

GAME: Lorien rolls ranged+PBS+2: aliased to ranged+1+2: (2)+5+1+2: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yeah, that's a miss, sorry"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 14.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Bor is next!

<OOC> Stirling says, "Looks like I am flanker ng the leader, 2 punches."

<OOC> Colrick says, "P-punch!"

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2+2: (2)+5+2+2: 11

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss"

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+2+2: (6)+5+2+2: 15

<OOC> Colrick says, "Sorry, another miss"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 10.
     It is now Bor's turn! Klythos is next!

<OOC> Bor says, "Power Attack, and Swift LoH on myself"

Lorien grunts, as he lifts up his Ray, but even though he's trained to shoot into melee battle, he doesn't want and hit his friends, so the mana-beam gets a wild shot offwards.

GAME: Bor rolls weapon1+1: (7)+7+1: 15

GAME: Bor rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: You damaged Bor for -1 points. 6 remaining. GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 6.
     It is now Klythos' turn! Aevarr is next!

<OOC> Klythos says, "Ok, Five foot south. Then blast 3"

Another tremendous swing... and another amazing miss!! Even the power of Daeus has little effect in healing the wounds that are covering Bor's body at this point.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it."

GAME: Klythos rolls ranged+1+1: (14)+6+1+1: 22

GAME: Klythos rolls 2d6+4+1: (6)+4+1: 11

<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit on the archer"

<OOC> Klythos says, "DC 15 tanglefoot"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11

<OOC> Colrick says, "He's entangled too"


     Colrick advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

Stirling swings twice more catching naught but air with his titanic chrome fists, steam pours from vents in the gauntlets.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Aevarr, you have an angry disarmed bandit in front of you."

Klythos turns, looking at the archers. "I shoot now." He moves just a few steps to get a clear line of sight, and points his death ray. The green energy charges up along the weapon and once more fires out the electrified goo. The zap hits, and the goo starts to harden on the target.

<OOC> Aevarr will smack him in the face with shield. "Because it's fun."

GAME: Aevarr rolls melee+1: (14)+4+1: 19

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit!"

GAME: Aevarr rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

<OOC> Colrick says, "Its not much, but he's already taken a beating before, so he's not looking so good"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+4: (10)+4: 14

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d3+2: (2)+2: 4

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" Aevarr asks the very angry and barehanded man. "Oh, yes! Now I remember. Your nose stopped bleeding..." He gives him another facefull of shield. "Oh, sorry. My mistake."

GAME: You damaged Aevarr for 4 points. 10 remaining.

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "AoO, Aevarr"

GAME: Aevarr rolls melee+1: (5)+4+1: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "You will have to put him up with a bit longer."

"Keep talking!" the battered bandit retorts in return, before landing a sucker punch on Aevarr. "I'll use it for a toilet when I'm done!" Meanwhile the bandit leader is dancing about the havoc caused by the Giantborn and Arvek Nar, narrowly avoiding their attacks but grinning. "You should both give up and go home in shame!" he taunts, though his own lunge on Bor goes wide. The entangled archer recovers and tries to fire back hastily, missing horribly. His comrade has little luck as well.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 17.
     It is now Bandit,Talker's turn! Lorien is next!

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 15.
     It is now Lorien's turn! Stirling is next!

<OOC> Lorien says, "Bossman still up?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "He is."

<OOC> Lorien says, "Shooting him again."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it"

GAME: Lorien rolls ranged+PBS+2: aliased to ranged+1+2: (9)+5+1+2: 17

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."

GAME: Lorien rolls 2d6+4+1: (9)+4+1: 14

<OOC> Colrick says, "That wiped the smirk off his face... because he's in the negatives and bleeding out."

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 14.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Bor is next!

<OOC> Stirling says, "Hrm leader is down I will whip out my deathray and shoot an archer."

Lorien lifts up his Ray and then shifts through to get a better vantage. He swivels up his weapon and flicks his finger at the trigger, "You should pay a bit more attention!" he exclaims, as he shifts the weapon sideways, flicks the trigger, and a ball of mana-charged crimson flame sears clean into the leader's torso in a spash of seared skin and blood as it makes the clothes curl about and leaves an open wound, dropping him to the ground so that he's on the verge, "I tried diplomacy," he intones to the others, ally and foe.

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can hit 5 without any issues, 3 has cover to you."

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (12)+5+1: 18

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: Stirling rolls 2d6+3+1: (4)+3+1: 8

<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit, still up tho"

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Bor's turn! Klythos is next!

<OOC> Bor says, "Ok, 5' to I17, Power Attack, 3rd of 4 Swift LoH on me"

GAME: Bor rolls weapon1-1: (9)+7+-1: 15

GAME: Bor rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: You damaged Bor for -4 points. 10 remaining.

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 6.
     It is now Klythos' turn! Aevarr is next!

<OOC> Klythos says, "Ok, tanglefoot death ray at 5"

GAME: Klythos rolls ranged+1+1: (14)+6+1+1: 22

GAME: Klythos rolls 2d6+4+1: (9)+4+1: 14

<OOC> Klythos says, "DC 15 tanglefoot"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Colrick says, "3 for 3 on tangling."

Either Daeus has no interest in seeing Bor draw blood today, or the gods are on the side of Bandits this evening. Stepping up to the first archer he sees, Bor swings, and misses again. Thankfully, though, the blessed Light from Daeus heals some of Bor's major wounds.


     Colrick advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 23.
     It is now Aevarr's turn! Bandits,Rest is next!

<OOC> Colrick says, "Aevarr, your dancing partner has seen better days"

Klythos nods with satisfaction as one archer is covered in goo. He looks to the other, and grins again. He has to adjust the dials, possibly setting ranges and things. The green goo is fired again, a shock of electricity and a hardening goo holds this one in place.

<OOC> Aevarr will keep with the shielding, since he likes it so much.

GAME: Aevarr rolls melee+1: (18)+4+1: 23

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

GAME: Aevarr rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

<OOC> Colrick says, "Knocked on his ass."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Pose your triumph."

GAME: Colrick advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 22.
     It is now Bandits,Rest's turn! Bandit,Talker is next!

With their leader suddenly broiled by artifice, their other comrade beaten down by Aevarr's shield, and their electrocuted bodies stuck to the ground, the remaining bandits toss aside their bows and declare their surrender.

GAME: Colrick removes the timestop.

<OOC> Lorien says, "Can Lorien save the leader's life?"

Poor guys's nose. Aevarr feels sorry for him. This time, he cracks him with the edge of the shield. No nose, just teeth. The guy still has a few left when he hits the ground, and Aevarr smirks. "Guess you should've taken him up on the running, eh?"

Lorien sheathes back his Ray, and takes off towards the leader, as he leans a bit and grunts, beginning to try and stabilize him, "Dangit," he says, as he heaves a sigh, and grabs supply. He doesn't seem like he wants anyone to be killed if it can be helped.

<OOC> Bor says, "if there's any healing that needs to go around to save people, I have one LoH left.. just let me know if I used it :)"

( Bor had to leave, as it was getting late )

<OOC> Colrick says, "No one is outright dead, just in various states of shock and bleeding out."

Klythos frowns, looking at the bandits, and then the others. "Prisoners much work." Is he suggesting killing them, or letting them go, or simply making an observation....hard to tell.

The wounded bandits are all stabilized, and fortunately there's plenty of rope in the scholar's supply crates in order to get them tied up so they won't cause any trouble. As for the scholars themselves, they stayed down below as soon as trouble started, and only emerge when the sounds of combat cease. Turns out Lilyth tried to join the battle as well, but lost her grip on a wet rung of the ladder and fell back down, injuring her leg. She'll be alright, but she won't be doing much more than a slow walk for a day or two.

Stirling eyes the carnage and wounded, his armor releasing an enormous amount of steam as it powers down. Despite everything he takes his time to fish a new cigar from his pocket and light it. "Alright, lets breaks some arms and see who talks." he says mostly old or the bandits benefit.

There's still the collection of scholars in the well. Aevarr hasn't forgotten them. Now that no one is suffering from an inconvenient threat of imminent death, he walks over to the fountain as he cols the whip and calls down. "Everyone still reading down there?"

Lorien relaxes slightly, and frowns at Stirling, "I think we should make sure they're safe before we do much of that," he says, and adds, "I'd hope they were cowering, or I would be concerned they were in on it," he teases.

Klythos walks over to a spot to sit down, taking a few pieces off his armor so he could work on them. Apparently fine tuning the armor and weapons systems.

While the fighting was going on, the scholars were busy trying to find out if the secret passage led to another exit, in case they needed to escape. In the process of doing so, they uncovered a secret wall that held the relics and scriptures they were looking for. Around that time you managed to force the bandits' surrender, so the need for an escape route became moot. The relics consist of an angel's jaw fragments, shards of a paladin's sword, and the holy symbol of an ancient Daeusite high priestess. The scriptures are carefully placed into sealed scroll cases for transport. The scholars all thank you profusely for guarding them, especially after Olna prods them into doing so when they lose sight of what could have happened if the bandits had won. Fortunately the trip back is as uneventful as your arrival, as the route through the Wyrmwood was carefully picked to avoid areas where Wights might roam.