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Log Info

  • Title: Autumn Murder!
  • Emitter: Zenia
  • Characters: Oates level 11, Benthus level 10, Azog level 11
  • Place: RP Room 1
  • Time: November 27th, 2014
  • Summary: A harvest festival turned into an investigation
  • APL: 11
  • Encounter 1: Clockwork assassin (CR roughly 11, as Shira Div barring abilities, DR/Resistances, and reflex save)

Harvest festivals are a common practice this year. Certainly it varies between village, between observances of deities, but each settlement seems to celebrate it in its own way. Azog and Oates in particular have found themselves settling in a smaller settlement, where food and drink flow relatively freely under the auspices of the clergy of both Althea and Daeus. Tables have been set up in the town square and the grand manor dedicated to the town's management has been opened for controlled tours. It seems like a good time all told. And yet, this is not to last.

It seems as Azog and Oates take part in the revelry, that the town guard is quietly led to the manor and the town crier calls out, "Due to unforseen circumstances, the grand manor of Arkannen the Fourth, lord of Blackstone will be closed a total of four hours early. Please continue on, there is no cause for concern!"

Azog is here and eating, and seems pleased with that. If asked he will explain that his home does not do farming, so there is no similar festival, and he is curious how this celebration goes. Towering above most people, he attempts to at least act civilized, though he is pretty rough, all told.

Oates is a farmboy, so he's familiar with these types of festivals. Besides, harvest festivals have always served two purposes: one, to give thanks for a good harvest; and two, to have an excuse to party. The announcement about the manor is noted, but otherwise he continues with a hearty meal.

Azog looks suprised at the interruption. "Questioning?" he asks. "I've been here this whole time," he points out. "The people here can vouch for me." He makes no move to rise, though he says, "If you need me to fight -for- you, I may be available for that."

"I've been here for about as long as he has," adds Oates, nodding to Azog. "But I am willing to lend a hand in whatever needs done. Can you tell us what the problem is?"

As the guardsmen nod, then gesture for those three present to follow. "Not here." he says. As they enter into the manor proper, they close the outside door securely then head into a large drawing room where a corpse lies on the floor, a dagger still in his side. The man that this corpse was seems to have been dressed quite well, perhaps even the lord of the manor proper. "We need your talents there." he notes. "If any of you have skill at investigation, we NEED to find the source of this act."

Azog follows Oates rather than the guardsmen. He is not coming with them, his body language says. Simply going along out of curiosity. When confronted with the dead body, he asks simply, "Did no one come forward to claim this as his victory?" But they're asking us to find out, so perhaps not. "It is strange the way you do things here," he says sourly. "If someone were able to kill the chief of our village, he would be the first to proclaim his skill."

Benthus normally keeps to the city where his duty is to take care of its inhabitants. But sometimes, he can be called away on religious missions and even some favours being asked of him from the adventurers guild. But for now, he helps in the revelries of one little settlement who pay tribute to his patron god, Daeus. As he goes about talking to the locals and enjoying their company, a guard comes along and addresses him in sudden manner. Not knowing what is needed of him, he follows along as his respect for law and law-enforcers compels him to do so. It is here that he meets up with Azog and Oates...

<OOC> Benthus says, "Roll heal check?" <OOC> Oates says, "Roll perception to look for clues?" <OOC> Benthus wants to see if the person is really dead and not dying. <OOC> Zenia nods, "Roll it, both of you!" GAME: Benthus rolls heal: (2)+6: 8 GAME: Oates takes ten on Perception: (10)+24: 34 <OOC> Benthus says, "That is very sad." GAME: Azog rolls perception: (15)+12: 27 <OOC> Benthus will assist (Assist others) Oates' roll. GAME: Benthus rolls perception: (7)+5: 12 You paged Benthus with 'Dead as a doornail, first of all.' You paged Benthus with 'You notice that amongst your medical examinations, the dagger has been thrust cleanly into the side, avoiding practically all flesh until the conjunction of the thoracic vertebrae, EXACTLY above the nervous branch where the heart is controlled. This was a professional job, if nothing else.' You paged Benthus with 'All bone, rather' You paged Azog with 'The blood has yet to settle, you remember being taught to skin hides early so that there wouldn't be a discoloration of any pelts if you left the corpse whole, for later. It could let the meat go rancid besides. The man lacks that discoloration in what area of the wound you can see. This is very fresh, perhaps the murderer is nearby still.

Azog sniffsniffs in the area of the body, then looks over to see the obvious wounds. He knows combat wounds well enough, anyhow, and hunting, and says, "The body is fresh. The deed was done recently."

Benthus observes the location of the murder weapon lodged at the back of the victim and says, "Whoever did this knew his or her anatomy well. It is a quick and clean kill. The victim couldn't even scream." He says thoughtfully. "I believe we are up against a skilled assassin."

You paged Oates with 'This isn't a pretty sight. But between several adventuring trips, you can tell something VERY strange. In all your investigations, ONE thing is usually left. Oil. The blade seems unusually dry. Even when wiped down, the blade still tends to retain a little bit of oil from the hand... Either someone was wearing tight gloves or the dagger never passed through living hands.'

Benthus asks the guardsman who brought them here, "Were there anyone else with him between now and, let's say, two hour ago?"

Oates frowns slightly and kneels down to take a closer look at the dagger, without actually touching it. "Possibly someone wearing tight gloves?" the farmboy adds to Benthus' query. "The hilt of the dagger is too clean to have been handled with bare hands." His frown deepens. "Or at least, not living ones..."

"No sir." The guardsman says. "The servants are trusted, most have been here for their entire existences." he notes. "...The master has eschewed living servants, preferring mindless automata. I emphasize, 'Mindless'." he notes. "There's absolutely no chance an automaton could be the assassin. In fact, the master has even been somewhat... Paranoid as of late. The automata being a security measure against harm. He hasn't abused the people of course, but his... Security was a touchy subject."

Azog interprets for the guard, "He was getting paranoid? Did he suspect anyone in particular?" He's looking around for the automatons, apparently not beliving the guard that they couldn't have anything to do with it. After all, Oates said it could be one.

Benthus nods to Oates, agreeing with his assessment, "Assassins usually do." He listens in to the information being given to them by the guardsman and seems even more curious. He also nods for Azog, the person having voiced out his query for him. <OOC> Benthus would like to roll knowledge/local and find out more about this murdered victim. Find out what possible reasons there may be as to why he is now dead. <OOC> Zenia says, "OK!" GAME: Benthus rolls knowledge/local: (19)+3: 22 <OOC> Benthus chuckles, "Well, I was socializing with the people of this settlement before I got approached by the guards." You paged Benthus with 'The master of the estate came into power relatively recently. It used to be a run-down place, a bit mismanaged and ill-represented. He had been reluctant to talk about his past, some suspecting a shady past despite his benign style of management.'

Benthus ponders something and decideds to offer what he knows to his two companions. "From what I have learned from the people who live here, this person, this Arkannen the Fourth, lord of Blackstone, only came to power just recently. All of this." He gestures to the estate. "Used to be run-down and mismanaged until his arrival. They say that he doesn't talk much about his past, which makes it easy for rumormongers to assume things about him. Dark things."

<OOC> Oates says, "Go ahead and advance."

"...If you want to request the presence of the automata for inspection, I shall fetch their control units." the guardsman says. It takes some time, but he eventually returns with a handful of orbs and presses them in sequence. One, two, three, four. And the automata come filing in, reporting to the location of the control units while they salute simultaneously, having lined up in the drawing room. As they stand at attention, the guardsman gestures to the automata and says, "Well then, as I said. Completely mindless, created by the master himself. Not a spot or flaw to be found." and indeed, the automata do seem to be uniform in nature if a bit amature in construction.

Azog is no judge of automata, so he just looks at them, and then at the guards who seem to be controlling them. "So," he wonders. "Who was controlling them at the time?"

Benthus nods to the guardsman, "Do they communicate in any way? Do they possess some cognitive ability or even be able to store memory?"

<OOC> Zenia says, "There's a trick here. I want to see if you guys get it."

Oates looks at the orbs. "Does it matter what sequence the orbs are pressed in?" he inquires, glancing from the orbs to the automata and back. <OOC> Zenia says, "...Dangit. Too obvious. Five." <OOC> Benthus says, "Perception check on their clothes, look for blood splatters." <OOC> Benthus wonders if he can draw a weapon now, or has that been confiscated? <OOC> Zenia says, "Still got it" <OOC> Zenia says, "There's a murderer around." <OOC> Benthus says, "Whew."

Benthus observes the automata critically and says to the guards, "How many servants does this Lord Blackstone have?"

"..." the captain just turns quiet. "Five, sir." he says, "I... Must have forgotten one of the control units." then turns to leave as he falls over, breathless. It seems a small dart has lodged itself in his neck as he passed by the automaton line. <OOC> Zenia says, "Roll initiative if you please." <OOC> Zenia says, "Or perception, if you want to see which one that came from." <OOC> Benthus says, "Ahmmm... +timestop?"

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Zenia has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Zenia to instruct you further.
       For additional in-combat commands, please type: +thelp.


GAME: Oates takes ten on Perception: (10)+24: 34 GAME: Azog rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 6 GAME: Benthus rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 5 GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 12 GAME: Azog rolls perception: (9)+12: 21 GAME: Benthus rolls perception: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Benthus says, "Location of where the dart is lodged on the neck?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Just mid neck. It was meant as a poison, not as a killing blow." <OOC> Oates says, "A 34 wasn't enough to tell where the dart came from?" <OOC> Zenia mentally wanted 1 higher <OOC> Oates says, "Ah." <OOC> Oates says, "Heh, I feel so special..." GAME: You roll initiative for Assassin: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 11 = Total: 26 <OOC> Benthus says, "Free action: Inform the rest of the obvious. Assassin is behind the guard. (Benthus is speculating, but if one of the automata moves without being programmed to do so, then...)" <OOC> Benthus says, "But free action only happens on my turn, sadly." <OOC> Zenia highfive <OOC> Zenia says, "Well." <OOC> Zenia says, "The automata aren't moving at the moment." <OOC> Zenia says, "Oates, doing anything?" <OOC> Benthus says, "Can I have a HP top up please? (+tdamage all=-100)" GAME: You damaged Oates for -100 points. 81 remaining. GAME: You damaged Azog for -100 points. 106 remaining. GAME: You damaged Benthus for -100 points. 94 remaining. <OOC> Benthus says, "Danke." <OOC> Oates says, "Draw my rapier and go Total Defense." As the guard falls, Oates draws his blade. "Anyone see where that came from?" he asks, keeping his eye out for more attacks. <OOC> Oates says, "Isn't it Azog's turn next?" <OOC> Zenia says, "...Oh, it is." <OOC> Benthus says, "Ahmm... You can move through the list of players by typing +ninit, Zenia. It makes it easier for everyone. :)" GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 26.
     It is now Assassin's turn! Oates is next!

GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Oates' turn! Azog is next!

GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Azog's turn! Benthus is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Azog ended. <OOC> Azog says, "So. Can we see an enemy assailant?" <OOC> Azog says, "Or anything obvious?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Not quite. I'll just wait for Benthus to go, then combat can start I suppose." <OOC> Zenia says, "Or Benthus can take an action, since he figured it out." <OOC> Azog says, "Can I knock down the automata? Azog's a few steps behind." <OOC> Zenia says, "...Hmmmmm. Sure, why not?" <OOC> Benthus says, "It's going to be like... Mirror image I guess." <OOC> Benthus says, "One out of five?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Go for it!" <OOC> Zenia says, "Get a 1 and you hit" Azog isn't sure what's going on, but with the guard dropping just as it passes the automata, Azog decides there must be some correlation, so he lowers his shoulder, and pushes over the servant hard. <OOC> Benthus says, "I think this is where it differs from Mirror image. In MM, you roll attack first and then roll if you hit the right one or not. In this case... roll first if you hit the right one, Zenia?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Ahhhhh." <OOC> Zenia says, "Whichever!" <OOC> Zenia says, "Roll your attack then." <OOC> Benthus leaves it in the capable hands of Azog. <OOC> Azog says, "I have no idea what's going on." <OOC> Benthus says, "Basically, there are five automata that are behind the guard before he fell forward. Only four were actually summoned. One of them is the impostor/assassin." <OOC> Zenia says, "Correct." <OOC> Azog says, "Ah." <OOC> Zenia says, "Anyway, Azog. Roll your attack!" <OOC> Benthus says, "As we were in front of the guard directly, and the automata were behind him, we could not see where the dart came from. But we know there is a dart fired at the back of the neck of the guard because we see it when the guard slumps forward, and most likely you gentlemen must have heard it with your keen ears." <OOC> Benthus says, "Sorry. Spamming." GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+20: (3)+20: 23 <OOC> Zenia says, "Miss" <OOC> Zenia says, "Actually" <OOC> Zenia says, "The noncombatants have MUCH lower AC than the true one" <OOC> Zenia says, "You might just pick it out if you cause it to dodge." <OOC> Zenia says, "Roll it!" <OOC> Azog says, "What am I rolling?" <OOC> Zenia says, "1d5, technically not possible but it is on a MUSH thankfully." <OOC> Zenia says, "NOPE!" <OOC> Zenia says, "You clatter into one of the mundane ones" <OOC> Zenia says, "...This may provoke an AOO, actually." GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (14)+21: 35 <OOC> Zenia says, "AC?" <OOC> Zenia says, "...3 over, it seems. I shall roll damage." <OOC> Benthus says, "Oh dear." <OOC> Zenia couldn't find any clockwork enemies, so is using a CR12 creature with paraphrasable stats, except where certain abilities may be inappropriate <OOC> Benthus says, "Hmmm... No sneak attack. That is strange." <OOC> Zenia says, "...Oh" <OOC> Zenia says, "Hm." <OOC> Zenia finds <OOC> Benthus says, "Oh dear!" <OOC> Zenia was using a Shira Div as the template <OOC> Zenia says, "Just swapping out crap when it doesn't suit the automaton" <OOC> Benthus says, "Sorry, Azog. I was just wondering if this was the real assassin and not a diversion, since the kill was likely a sneak attack. Daggers don't do much damage." GAME: You damaged Azog for 15 points. 91 remaining. GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 5.
     It is now Benthus' turn! Assassin is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Benthus ended. <OOC> Zenia says, "Benthus, go." <OOC> Benthus says, "Not sure if this works or not, but I have to confirm a suspicioun. So. Move action: detect evil against the figure who stood directly behind the guard and the one that attacked Azog." <OOC> Zenia says, "No registering. THAT HAVING BEEN SAID, automata are rarely evil. More commonly neutral."

As Azog charges into the automata, they tumble down... But not before one of them lashes out and stabs Azog in the side with an arm-mounted blade. It seems they have their assassin present! Time to put it down!

<OOC> Benthus nods, "Even worse then. Could be remotely controlled elsewhere. Anywho. State the obvious: Stop the automata that is attacking Azog. Standard action: draw a bag of tanglefoot from within my coat. And draw close to within 10 feet of active automata." <OOC> Benthus says, "Wait, can't draw close. Used my move action already." <OOC> Zenia says, "Oh, drawing with a move action yes?" <OOC> Benthus says, "If you will allow drawing a non-weapon out as part of a move action, sure." <OOC> Benthus says, "Bag of tanglefoot." <OOC> Zenia says, "Go for it." <OOC> Benthus is suspicious, but can not confirm if the creature deserves destruction or not. So restraint is objective at this moment. <OOC> Benthus says, "You mean you want me to throw my bag of tanglefoot at my target?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Sure." <OOC> Benthus says, "Target ground. AC10." GAME: Benthus rolls ranged: (4)+13: 17 <OOC> Benthus says, "I guess that hits the ground where it stood." <OOC> Zenia says, "Alright, hits the appropriate square." <OOC> Zenia says, "Reflex save, DC 15?" <OOC> Benthus says, "Posing." <OOC> Benthus says, "Ahmmm..." <OOC> Benthus says, "Yes." GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17 <OOC> Zenia knows that's not the shira div reflex save, but it fits a CR12 construct as per the build-a-creature <OOC> Zenia says, "Misses, anyway."

Benthus is not as quick as the rest when then saw danger coming. Probably because he was standing right in front of the guardsman who has now keeled over. His reactions are pretty slow because by the time he saw the dart lodged at the back of the guardsman, Oates has already drawn his weapon and shield out. And by the time it registered to him that the guardsman was attacked from behind, Azog was already tearing apart one of the automata. It is in his delayed reaction also that he manages to have a glimpse on the one who secretly stabs Azog from the side before retracting its weapon quickly. Now, he knows which of them is the target. He draws out his bag of tanglefoot, the action being very sluggish compared to those of his comrade and extremely slow compared to their foe. Once drawn, he calls out to everyone where the foe is, throwing his bag at the foot of his intended target. The bag burst and the material within it shoots out tendrils of white pasty material, coating the entire floor of where the creature was standing on with white goo. But the murder suspect is quick, being able to slip and slide as the white tendrils fly all around it. Benthus stares at it, amazed. GAME: Benthus used a Tanglefoot Bag.

And the clockwork creature dodges with a clatter of joints and a whirr of gears, the tanglefoot bag moving past it while it moves in an impossibly acrobatic way, using hands and feet interchangeably and bending in ways an organic body was never meant to. As it rights itself, it seems to move blurringly fast as it looks to the window behind Oates, and tries to move past him to get to it! This creature isn't after death, it's after escape it seems. <OOC> Zenia says, "Automaton heads towards the window, BUT likely provokes an AoO from Oates." <OOC> Oates says, "Which I can't take, because of Total Defense. :(" <OOC> Benthus says, "Didn't it attack Azog?" <OOC> Zenia says, "...Ah, derp." <OOC> Zenia turns this into fullblown combat then

And the clockwork creature dodges with a clatter of joints and a whirr of gears, the tanglefoot bag moving past it while it moves in an impossibly acrobatic way, using hands and feet interchangeably and bending in ways an organic body was never meant to. As it rights itself, it seems to move blurringly fast from the floor to the moulding, before it descends on Azog once more attempting to slice him with a pair of forearm blades.

GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (15)+21: 36 GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (5)+21: 26 <OOC> Zenia says, "OK, hit and miss." GAME: Zenia rolls 1d8+9: (7)+9: 16 GAME: You damaged Azog for 16 points. 75 remaining. GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Oates' turn! Azog is next!

<OOC> Oates says, "Circle in to flank the assassin and stab it one." <OOC> Zenia says, "Right, it's engaging Azog so you should be able to do that." GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: (14)+12+4+2: 32 <OOC> Zenia says, "Hit!" GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg: (3)+7+(4 acid): 14 GAME: Oates rolls SA: (15): 15 <OOC> Zenia says, "...What's SA?" <OOC> Benthus says, "Sneak attack." <OOC> Oates says, "Sneak Attack. A manual alias." <OOC> Zenia says, "Ahhhh" <OOC> Zenia says, "So 29?" <OOC> Oates says, "Yup." <OOC> Zenia nods, pose it!

Oates takes advantage of the assassin's preoccupation with Azog to dart in and skewer the automaton but good. The crystalline acid on the blade sizzles as the steel pierces a few significant components.

<OOC> Zenia says, "Go get 'em!" <OOC> Azog says, "Full attack on assassin?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Sure" GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+20: (14)+20: 34 GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+15: (10)+15: 25 <OOC> Benthus says, "Sorry guys, but I have to go AFK for about 30 minutes to pick up someone. If it is my turn, Benthus will draw out his +1 guisarme and try to trip our nemesis. CMB is +14. If fail, Benthus will drop the weapon rather than fall prone." <OOC> Zenia nods <OOC> Zenia says, "We can do things here." <OOC> Zenia says, "Anyway, hit and miss it seems." <OOC> Zenia says, "First one's a hit." GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+12: (1)+12: 13

Azog certainly wasn't expecting a self-preservation reflex in these automatons, and narrowly avoids a whallop or two. He nods towards Benthus as he realizes his error, sword and blade out as he lays into the 'automaton' that attacked him. Because if it took a shot at him, it's fair game now. Without hesitation, he strikes back with the long blade, but doesn't hurt it much.

Benthus becomes very alarmed by the way their assassin finds it so easy to stab his companion easily and repeatedly. He would prefer to subdue to foe but he knows very little of automatons and how they work. Still, he tries his best. He takes out one of his magical weapon, a guisarme, and wields it with both hands. He thrusts his weapon across the automata's legs and then turns, setting the hook to snag both of its legs. Well, he attempted to. Unfortunately, the creature is much to fast for him, and simply jumps out of the way before the half-sil servant of Daeus could even withdraw his weapon. (OOC: Also retroactively added here, made after the pose of the guard appearing.)

GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+14: (8)+14: 22 <OOC> Zenia says, "And he drops the weapon" <OOC> Zenia says, "...Unless..." <OOC> Oates says, "You only have to worry about being counter-tripped if you fail by 10 or more." <OOC> Zenia says, "Yeaaaaah, it'a based on a Shira Div. CMD 39" <OOC> Zenia says, "He'd need a roll of 15 to avoid the counter" <OOC> Zenia says, "ANYWAY, moving on" GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 5.
     It is now Benthus' turn! Assassin is next!


     Zenia advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 26.
     It is now Assassin's turn! Oates is next!

And the assassin whirls around in an elegant, almost dancelike manner as it nearly entangles itself with Benthus' attempt to trip it up, before he simply lets go of the weapon sending the assassin spinning mildly out of control and away from the counterattack. But not before it spins around and withdraws two blades from its feet, currently standing on its hands without the blades extended as it stabs at Azog. One! Two! It seems this creature is agile if nothing else. GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (19)+21: 40 <OOC> Zenia says, "...Lucky there." <OOC> Zenia says, "Nearly critical'd" GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (12)+21: 33 GAME: Zenia rolls 1d8+9: (5)+9: 14 GAME: Zenia rolls 1d8+9: (8)+9: 17 GAME: You damaged Azog for 31 points. 44 remaining. GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now Oates' turn! Azog is next!

Benthus has reconnected. <OOC> Zenia says, "...Hope I don't TPK you guys." <OOC> Zenia says, "I mean you're not DEAD but" <OOC> Zenia says, "That's not a good reputation." <OOC> Oates says, "Full attack on the bot." GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: (2)+12+4+2: 20 GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2-5: (2)+12+4+2+-5: 15 <OOC> Zenia says, "Er... Nope!" <OOC> Zenia should choose something CR11 next time.

Oates jabs at the automaton, but he can't get a good swing in at the whirling limbs.

<OOC> Azog says, "Same, 2 attacks." <OOC> Zenia says, "Ow" <OOC> Zenia says, "Sorry to see that." <OOC> Azog says, "Same, 2 attacks." GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+20: (20)+20: 40 <OOC> Zenia says, "YES!" GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+20: (10)+20: 30 <OOC> Zenia says, "Go Azog!" GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+15: (5)+15: 20 GAME: Azog rolls 2d20+24: (4)+24: 28 <OOC> Zenia says, "Which is the damage roll?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Or are those ALL attacks?" <OOC> Azog says, "Oh, I rolled it wrong" GAME: Azog rolls 2d10+24: (5)+24: 29 <OOC> Zenia says, "SHING! Nice job there." <OOC> Azog says, "Just the last one was damage. Oh, am I flanking?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Actually yeah, I think flanking doesn't care who's engaging it primarily. Just who's nearby. GAME: Azog rolls 1d6: (6): 6 <OOC> Azog says, "Sneak attack." <OOC> Zenia hits this guy for 35

Azog is patient, and though the automaton is roughing him up pretty badly, he hangs tough and counterattacks, thrusting his blade in roughly and growling defiance as he defies the assassin fiercely.

<OOC> Zenia says, "...Oh, both hit by the way." <OOC> Zenia says, "So I thiiiiiiiiiiiink it's-" <OOC> Zenia says, "Hrm" <OOC> Zenia says, "Another 1d10+12?" GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+12: (6)+12: 18 <OOC> Zenia says, "53 in one round..." <OOC> Zenia golfclap <OOC> Oates says, "Plus sneak attack, if relevant." <OOC> Zenia says, "Probably" GAME: Azog rolls 1d6: (4): 4 <OOC> Azog always forgets SA <OOC> Zenia says, "OK! Benthus if you're around, which I do not know." <OOC> Benthus says, "Channel." GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (11): 11 <OOC> Zenia says, "...Channel for..." <OOC> Zenia says, "Heal?" <OOC> Benthus says, "yes" GAME: You damaged Azog for -11 points. 55 remaining.

Benthus sees that Azog is being stabbed repeatedly by their automated foe and decides that he has to aid him. Cupping his hands together and head bowed, he draws upon the positive energy of his patron god. His body shimmers with light and that light begins to pulsate out of him. The light touches his wounded companion(s) and heals them a little of their injuries. It is not much, but at least it is better than nothing. (OOC: Pose added retroactively, happened after combat ended) <OOC> Benthus says, ". . . Driving. ." <OOC> Zenia shall use the map next time, was unaware that was a thing. That having been said, not much life left in this one. Should be dead in 1 or 2 rounds. <OOC> Zenia says, "You done, Benthus? Or do you want to pose?" <OOC> Benthus says, "done. Sorry." GAME: Zenia advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 5.
     It is now Benthus' turn! Assassin is next!


     Zenia advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 26.
     It is now Assassin's turn! Oates is next!GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (4)+21: 25

GAME: Zenia rolls 1d20+21: (3)+21: 24 <OOC> Zenia says, "Got lucky there Azog!" <OOC> Azog says, "Yep."

As the blows bite into the assassin, it seems that it's flinging a few small springs and screws around. The creature is heavily damaged, and it's not going to last much longer. But its current directive drives it as it strikes with imprecision at Azog, failing to get past his armor and defensive maneuvering while its plating is scratched and large chunks of inner mechanisms are spilled on the floor. Quite horrific and gorey, if you're of the construct subtype!

<OOC> Oates says, "Full attack, again!" <OOC> Zenia nods GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: (16)+12+4+2: 34 GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2-5: (12)+12+4+2+-5: 25 <OOC> Zenia says, "Hit, miss." <OOC> Oates says, "First one's a threat; rollling to confirm..." GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: (16)+12+4+2: 34 <OOC> Zenia says, "Wow, crit threat on 16..." <OOC> Zenia says, "That's neat!" GAME: Oates rolls RapierCrit+SA: (7)+14+(5 acid)+(5 acid)+(21): 52 <OOC> Zenia says, "Yikes!" <OOC> Zenia says, "Should've kept the DR on this guy." <OOC> Zenia says, "Seriously, this thing is almost down. Azog has a pretty much 00 of finishing it." <OOC> Zenia says, "Er" <OOC> Zenia says, "%100 chance" <OOC> Zenia says, "..." <OOC> Oates says, "+3 weapon, would've bypassed anything short of adamantine or alignment DR." <OOC> Zenia says, "100%" <OOC> Zenia says, "Comes after." <OOC> Zenia nods <OOC> Zenia says, "Point! Shira Divs have Iron/Good, so yeah" <OOC> Zenia says, "Would've made it adamantine though" <OOC> Zenia says, "Maybe adamantine/magic" <OOC> Zenia says, "Pose, then Azog"

Oates impales the automaton with extreme prejudice, spikes of crystalline acid erupting from the blade to help melt the innards of the machine.

<OOC> Azog says, "Same attacks as before." GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+20: (10)+20: 30 <OOC> Zenia says, "DED!" <OOC> Zenia says, "Good job folks" <OOC> Zenia drops out of combat time for further resolution GAME: Zenia removes the timestop. Timestop by Zenia has left. <OOC> Zenia says, "Because seriously, you're not going to deal less than 7." <OOC> Azog says, "Ah, no." <OOC> Zenia says, "Azog goes, then I shall pose further things."

Azog is able to finish off the badly damaged thing once Oates melts it badly enough, hacking it with his sword and felling it with a heavy strike. "Ah," he says to the guards. "I think we found your attacker."

<OOC> Benthus is back. <OOC> Zenia waves <OOC> Azog says, "WB" <OOC> Benthus says, "I guess I dropped my guisarme?" <OOC> Zenia says, "Mhm" <OOC> Zenia says, "Trying to see if I can use the Alexandrian Guard here." <OOC> Zenia says, "For exposition purposes" <OOC> Benthus makes a pose for the one that he missed. The one where he channeled. <OOC> Zenia nods, will retroactively add it <OOC> Zenia says, "Also, would it be OK for me to poke Beagle to ask about using the guard? Or is off duty basically, 'Do not disturb'?" You paged BeagleHugs with '...I hope this isn't a violation of some rule stating that off-duty admins aren't to be disturbed, but may I use the Alexandrian Guard to explain that a murder victim was basically in a witness protection program after betraying an organized crime group?' <OOC> Benthus says, "you could try Whirlpool?" <OOC> Zenia hasn't gotten a response <OOC> Benthus says, "I think you will be alright using the guards unless you plan something completely against their nature. I've posed on some occasions guards apprehending a bad guy." <OOC> Zenia nods <OOC> Benthus poses for the part that he tried to trip their foe but failed...

And between the melted metal, loose sprockets, springs, and generally horrible robot carnage, the automaton just stops dead in its tracks. A number of mechanisms are visible from the inside, as the power core still hums but the mechanisms are just damaged beyond functioning. Perhaps even repair, at this point.

As the guards step in, they're accompanied by an officer of the Alexandrian Guard who looks over at the room with a disappointed look. "...Unfortunate." she notes. "We got word that an individual of interest was potentially compromised after establishing a new identity in exchange for testimony. We're not at liberty to discuss the details... But suffice to say, this matter is safely in our hands now." as she gestures curtly for a few guards to work in the general area. "Prepare the body for transport back to Alexandria, and secure the automaton wreckage for study. We need to figure out the precise nature of the sender.." then looks over at those nearby. "Good work." she says, "I can tell between the three of you that you're no assassins. a sunblade would never keep that kind of company, I know that much. I'll have payment sent your way for this... The capture could have been smoother, but I get the impression you tried." she says, inclining her head to the used tanglefoot bag and accompanying substance.

Azog peers at the guard, but then shrugs. "He didn't seem like he wanted to surrender," the huge oruch says, bleeding from several places from his injuries. "Anyhow, he attacked us, we were defending ourselves. This is allowed, yes?" he asks, his tone flat.

<OOC> Benthus would like to gather information about this Arkannen the Fourth, lord of Blackstone. I'd like to know who he really is and possibly find suspects on who might want him dead. <OOC> Benthus is intrigued, even though this type of plots doesn't put him in his element. <OOC> Zenia :D <OOC> Zenia says, "So I take it you guys want a followup then" <OOC> Zenia says, "Well, later plot(s) and such." <OOC> Benthus says, "I would like to see who did it." <OOC> Benthus says, "Justice and all." <OOC> Benthus says, "Well... More out of justice than idle curiosity." <OOC> Benthus says, "Would you like me to roll diplomacy to see if I find anything interesting? Or do we get that information for free? :)" <OOC> Oates says, "I have to go heavy AFK. Thanks for the scene!" <OOC> Zenia nods, can handle that here. Roll it! <OOC> Zenia says, "So! How did you guys like it? Rating of 1 to 10." GAME: Benthus rolls diplomacy: (3)+20: 23 <OOC> Zenia says, "Good elements, bad elements, requests..." <OOC> Zenia says, "Y'know, just general feedback." <OOC> Azog says, "It was pretty good. A little draggy in places as we got things sorted out, but that's newness, not a complaint." <OOC> Benthus likes the cerebral part of it, and that we get to roll stuff other than attack and damage. <OOC> Zenia says, "Anyway, you don't get much. The officer simply refuses on the basis of procedure, asking for official sanctioning before info is given."

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