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Lothos stumbles a bit before catching himself, "Ohh lovely, I wonder if that means he knows we are here." He looks around quickly. "So, whats our plan here anyhow?"
Lothos stumbles a bit before catching himself, "Ohh lovely, I wonder if that means he knows we are here." He looks around quickly. "So, whats our plan here anyhow?"
*THOOM* *WHUMP* Ugh...I hate teleporting."
Kiroth whoas as he takes a step to stabilize himself and he looks around. His sword and shield are out as he looks around. He hmms, "I think we should try to talk to him first."
Kiroth whoas as he takes a step to stabilize himself and he looks around. His sword and shield are out as he looks around. He hmms, "I think we should try to talk to him first."
*THOOM* *WHUMP* "Ugh...I hate teleporting." ferawyn grumbles as she gets up from her teleporting....and having her face planted in the ground. "ugh....lets get moving.
THOOM* *WHUMP* "Ugh...I hate teleporting." ferawyn grumbles as she gets up from her teleporting....and having her face planted in the ground. "ugh....lets get moving.
Zoob looks around on landing, catching his balance quickly. "Hey! I reconize this, we're in... y'know that place with the name. Thingy."
Zoob looks around on landing, catching his balance quickly. "Hey! I reconize this, we're in... y'know that place with the name. Thingy."

Latest revision as of 06:03, 2 May 2015

Aldean: Human male, short blonde hair, dark eyes, sturdy build.

Ferawyn: Short, red haired sylvan elf

Garak: Grey-skinned Arvek Nar wearing Serriel's symbol.

Kiroth: A Dark Haired Well Built Man

Lothos: Human male, dark hair, regular clothing, no armor.


Zoob: Bright green gobber with big ears and giant gun.

"Arendt has recruited someone from deep within Dran to help bring down Rune's walls. This shaman is in possession, we're told by our agents, of powerful magical abilities and a stone from the elemental plane of earth that would allow him to gate in a great many elementals... ones he could use to bring down the walls of RUne and lay waste to much of it. We can not allow this to pass. You must intercept and convince this Shaman that his allegiance does not belong with Arendt and end the threat he represents one way or the other."

That's your mission.

The Shaman's position has been located with magic, and you're being sent, with teleportation of course, into the stepps themselves to stop him one way or the other.

Right now, you're waiting in the, well... waiting room for the last few details you're getting, and to finish up your own preperations.

Standing off to the side of the room, Ferawyn stands with her arms crossed. She definitely doesn't like being inside of the building, but her companion, Oakheart, can't exactly fit inside of the building, unless the doors are wide enough to allow a tree into it.

Garak adjusts the saddle straps on a warhorse. He moves onto the buckles securing it's barding. Then he checks that a golden band is in place around it's neck and that a similar (though smaller) one is in place around Garak's. He chants a brief prayer under his breath and both glow briefly.

Kiroth listens to the mission, "And if our diplomacy are we to take this shaman prisoner and bring him back here?" He asks as his preparations are finished. "Do you know if he has any bodyguards?" He asks curiously as to what resistance they might encounter.

Zoob is fiddling with something on his oversized thunderbelcher. "Okay Bessie, we're going to cooperate on this one, no power surges or ammo jams, play nice and I'll give you a good deep scrubbing when we get back, okay?" He looks up, surprise on his green face. "Oh! Right, there's... stuff. Shaman, elementals, thingy... whatever."

Lothos had laid his cards this morning before the job, preparing to see if he can get a fortune read for the trip. Again, its neutral, nothing concrete. Lothos of course went on the job anyhow, cause what do cards know in the end, the gods and fate are fickle sometimes. He waits now, things will happen soon enough.

The big blonde man casually plopped in a chair in the waiting room, or if there is no chair to be had, the floor itself, has been listening to the entire explanation with every evidence of attentive interest. He's introduced himself, for those that haven't worked with him before, as Aldean."A man as'll turn his coat once'll turn it twice, mate," he tells Kiroth, still examining a composite bow inch by inch, and as he looks up, he flashes a grin at him. "Still, ain't think he'll like bein' taken prisoner." A mellifluous baritone voice is marred by a sailor's accent.

Kiroth looks over to Aldean, "Perhaps not, he could be being held prisoner and we could be rescuing him." He says as he stands up, "I doubt it, but you never know. You can hope for the best." He picks up his shield, "Well I am ready to go. Let's go find this shaman and save the walls of Rune."

"Hello! I will be your transport today!"

Is... is /that a cat/? Yes, it is.

"Yes, I'm a cat. Don't ask. Teleportation doesn't require hands, just words and a good idea of where you're going." The orange cat begins to lick his paw, then when he finishes, adds, "We've located him travelling through the Steppes. Approach however you think is best, but let's not forget this guy is a living weapon, and he won't hesitate to defend himself. All right?"

The cat sneezes.

"Ready when all of you are."

Zoob brightens up a lot at the siht of the cat. "Hey! Are you the same cat that didn't like that necromancer lich guy we fought? I remember him, that was painful, and there was a cat that talked... if you aren't the same one you should look each other up. Not many talking cats around I should think... unless I'm all wrong. Anyway, where are we going again?"

Garak pulls himself onto his horse. "Very well," he says agreeably. "If anyone would like to request the blessings of Serriel - either to ease you spirits or to aid your efforts in war - let me know," he adds to the rest of the party.

"Do you know many other talking cats?" asks the cat of Zoob, dryly.

Ferawyn says, "Just as long as my companion can join us. We'll need him I think." She says gesturing towards the nearby tree."

You say, "I'm not sure I know any non-talking cats. Maybe they jut don't have anything to say most of the time. Wouldn't put it past them."

Kiroth looks at the cat and he shrugs a little bit, "As long as you can get us there safely and safely back." He says as he adjusts his armor and he make sure his sword can clear the sheath.

Lothos nods to the cat, "Alright, well, as long as you know where we are going, thats all that matters." He looks at the others who already seem to know the cat pretty well.

At the sight of the cat, Aldean looks up, and his grin broadens, baritone laughter escaping him. "Well, well, we meet again, mate," he tells the cat, heaving himself to his feet quickly enough and slinging pack, bow, and drum over his back, in that order. "Some day I'd be after hearin' yer tale, but fer now ... yer in good hands." He seems prepared to follow the others.

"You're a bard. I'd expect ou to be chasing tales," remarks the cat, dryly, to Adean.

"We have a good idea, yes, and your mission is to intercept him and so on. So, are you all ready to go?"

Zoob shrugs his spindly shoulders. "Oh right, mission. I'm sure it'll be fine, whatever. Just tell me what to shoot and it'll all work out I'm sure."

"Aye, when ye are." Aldean shoulders his burden and makes to follow the others, his grin broadening, dary eyes dancing with laughter. He doesn't given voice to whatever it was he was thinking, though.

Ferawyn says, "We're ready." She says as the trees creaks up behind her."

ANd so you're teleported by a talking cat -- yes really -- deep within Dran territory. Into the rugged Steppes, you go, apparently with a shaman of great poer none too far away whom you need to convince not to join Arendt.

As soon as you arrive, the ground rumbles with a fury, shaking beneath your feet.


Lothos stumbles a bit before catching himself, "Ohh lovely, I wonder if that means he knows we are here." He looks around quickly. "So, whats our plan here anyhow?"

Kiroth whoas as he takes a step to stabilize himself and he looks around. His sword and shield are out as he looks around. He hmms, "I think we should try to talk to him first."

THOOM* *WHUMP* "Ugh...I hate teleporting." ferawyn grumbles as she gets up from her teleporting....and having her face planted in the ground. "ugh....lets get moving.

Zoob looks around on landing, catching his balance quickly. "Hey! I reconize this, we're in... y'know that place with the name. Thingy."

Garak reaches down and pays his warhorse's neck, adding a few murmured words of soothing. He directs his horse away from the others, Just far enough that a single fireball cannot strike them all. "We have to find him first," Garak points out.

Teleportation always disorients Aldean, and the shake of the ground is enough to throw him off balance; the bard drops to one knee, overbalances, and nearly falls as the spell completes and the ground shakes under his feet. It takes him a minute to pull himself together, to stand back up, and to look around. "Reckon that were the pipin' us aboard," he remarks to no one in particular, grinning. "Reckon he'll be showin' himself soon enough." He pauses, looks around, surveying the horizon and the rocks of the area, looking for any other signs of life.

The ground stills its rumbling for a time. Perhaps thirty seconds.. and then it starts again. A steady, mild shaking that tells you that, well... you're probably in the right area.

The very earth itself trembles. And so on.

The stepps are cold and muddy and it's presently raining.

Stjepan catches himself, then looks around and unlimbers his bow. It seems like a bow-time. Also, a time to not stand near anything that's going to shed rocks.

Lothos grunts faintly, "Alright, so, we should get the plan ready. Who's going to do the talking, and so on and so forth? I know when everyone starts blabbing at once it just gets crazy."

"Whoa," says the cat, "Uhm.. I'm going to wait here. For you guys to do your job. Then I'll bring you back, okay?" He does not look happy about the mud.

At all.

Ferawyn looks back. "I'd rather you hid. The last thing we need is for someone else tof ind you." She says softly. "Hmmm....mud. He's already started. Come on." She doesn't seem bothered by the mud. Nor does her tree.

"I can try talking to him," Garak offers. "But whoever it is that tries, we should perhaps have some signal ready - if it looks like the talk will end badly, we can try to take him by surprise."

Kiroth nods to the Cat, "Right be safe." He says as he looks around and he hmms, "Perhaps we should go in the directions that the shaking is coming from."

His convulsive shiver ripples through Aldean at the cold. The rain doesn't appear to bother him /too/ much, but he does pull up the hood of his cloak and pull it closely around him. "Could give talkin' to him a go," he offers. "Don't rush 'im, though. I be after findin' out what made him join up an' what else he knows." He looks over at Kiroth. "Any idea what direction, mate?"

There's a crack in the distance, like a stone splitting.

It's coming from the east.

That's /probably/ the right way. Probably.

Kiroth points to the east, "That way I'm guessing." He puts his sword away and he hmms a little bit, "Not sure yet, but we'll find out when we get there."

Lothos looks east, and shrugs, "That way looks good to me, so lets get going. We have someoen to talk out of doing massive structural damage, and we all know how fun that is."

"Aye." Whistling cheerfully, Aldean makes to set off with the others, careful to reposition the drum in such a way that his cloak is thrown over it.

Ferawyn says, "best guess we've got so far. Lets get going." Ferawyn says heading in that direction along with her companion."

Zoob is looking all round. "Sure, whatever, let's be on our way."

Garak leads his horse off with the others. He tries to keep to the middle of the group and using the increase in height from being mounted to look over the heads of those in front.

THere's nothing interrupting you except the... rather large series of earth elementals flanking one, large, muscular man that's moving through the Steppes.

He's not hard to find, that shaman. He's covered in leathers, dirt, and mud. He look serious minded and is striding across the countryside with his followers. ELementals. A lot of them. Men made of earth and stone.

He doesn't seem to notice your approach... or perhaps, more accurately, doesn't seem to care.

Lothos pauses a moment, lookign to the others. "I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. I hope one day to be able to be as impressive as that."

"Aye," Aldean says as he surveys the marching line, shading his eyes, then begins to sing a marching tune. Curiously, he's altered its cadence to match the heavy footfalls of the earth elementals marching, deepening the baritone voice as low as he can go for proper sound. After a moment, the sound becomes more complex, but remains his own voice. Without consulting with the others, he begins to move alongside as he sings.

GAME: Aldean rolls sing: aliased to perform/sing+2: (2)+18+2: 22

Kiroth clears his throat loudly, "Excuse Master Shaman. I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but I would like to talk to you about what you are doing. We'd like you to stop and instead come work for Rune to help defend it." He holds his hands up showing he has no weapons in them

GAME: Kiroth rolls diplomacy: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)

The rumbling stops... at least on the account of the elementals. They all stop and turn in ALdean's direction. It's interesting to them, to be sure.

The shaman too stops and turns in his direction. And Kiroth's.

"I had not expected visitors," he finally rumbles out.

"It would appear that you all have something to say."

GAME: Aldean casts Eagle's Splendor. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17

Stjepan folds his arms on his chest, and nods in assent to the shaman. Something to say. Only his mouth isn't going to move on this one. Not yet, at least.

Garak clutches the symbol of his faith and then murmurs a soft prayer. Then he nudges his horse forward to a spot slightly behind Kiroth.

GAME: Garak casts Eagle's Splendor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

Zoob is looking with curiosity at the elementals. "I've often wondered what keeps piles of rocks and earth in one piece and moving. Is it magic? Can they be dispelled? I don't know, I wonder if anyone does." He shakes his head quickly, coming back into focus. "Oh right, person. Yeah."

Ferawyn is just a little bit behind Aldean with this. She doesn't seem concerned, but then, she's also not the diplomatic one. Behind her? Oakheart. yeah.

As the shaman speaks, Aldean lets the marching tune fade off, making a rather comical face. "Was hopin' ye might, actually," he calls in response. "Yer march be a damned impressive sight, but it ain't one ye see every day. Or hear from ten leagues off." The sailor's brogue matches the nautical terminology.

GAME: Ferawyn casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

Lothos hangs back, looking over the elementals, but not doing anything, merly studying for now. He runs a few plans through his mind, most of them ending with everyone a bloody pulp.

"Well. That's not quite the approach I was expecting, I admit, but points for brutal honesty, I get. No. I will not turn against my country men. YOu're more the fool for even asking," says the Shaman to Kiroth.

"I am Sunder Rendfoe and I do not fight the Dran. So you're from Rune, are you?" He smiles, reching over to lay a hand on a nearby earth elemental as if to calm it's trembling rage. It stills.

"It is the gift of the earth that allows me to call on the elementals and control the stone beneath our feet. Your words are kind, but it is only something I am blessed to carry and use."

Kiroth takes a deep breath and he gives a smile to the shaman as he holds his shield adored with the the Shining Knight's symbol, "I am not one for flowery words or speeches I believe in saying what I mean and meaning what I say. When I speak you know that I am telling the truth. Your country men are wrong, attacking Rune will bring nothing but evil to everyone. This war is hurting both Rune and Dran, it is bringing nothing to both people. I'm asking you to stop, if you want to fight something that is worthy of your skill and magic, fight the evil dragonlich, lend your aid towards stopping a greater evil."

Lothos still has no comment, he takes a moment to scratch his backside, his pants riding up just a bit and he shifts around to make himself more comfortable.

Ferawyn leans against the tree behind her. She doesn't say anything, but she looks up to the tree for a moment, then rubs her face a bit.

Zoob raises a skinny hand as if in school. "Um, excuse me, do your elementals have names? It seems to me that maybe they don't want to fight at all. Maybe. Have you asked them?"

Before Aldean can answer, Kiroth says his piece, and all trace of smile fades. He crosses his arms, but says nothing more for the moment.

"I hear a lot of gobbeldy gook. You're done talking. Anyone else have anything to say?" the shaman looks to the rest of those present, seeming unenthused by Kiroth's words so far.

Stjepan scratches his cheek idly, and drawls. "Yeah. We're not from Rune, we're from Alexandria. This war is a fucking distraction, and Arendt isn't Dran, he's Arendt. I've met good men fighting for him and I've met honourless dogs working for him. Since I'm here asking you to step away from the fight, you can guess which one I've met more of."

Ferawyn raises her hand. "actually....I have something to say." She says stepping forward. "Who says you have to fight at all? You don't have to fight anyone, Shaman. We're not asking you to fight anyone. While we would LIKE you to take the fight to dragonier, all we ask....is that you not attack Rune. That's all. And I'm asking you as a fellow shaman type." She says gesturing behind her to the giant tree that's with them. "How many people do you know have a tree following them?"

Lothos pulls out his tarot cards, flipping through them for a moment. ((Anyone who actually makes a roll, will get a fortune hex from me.))

Garak's horse eases forward now, turning his head to stare evenly at the nearest elementals. Garak himself speaks up. "It's true, Arendt is not Dran. If you fight his battles it is for his glory, not that of your home or your people."

A baritone chuckle from Aldean greets the shaman's response. "Ye'll have ta fergive him, mate. He be a paladin," he remarks. "An' the rest have the right of it, but I've a question fer ye." Burly arms drop to his sides, one reaching to scratch at his chin as he considers the elementals. "How come Arendt's so set on destroying Rune?"

Zoob goes back to studying the elementals. He tries waving to a friendly-looking one. Okay, a less-hostile one. Okay, one picked at random.

The elementals for their part have remained still.

They're observing you, intensely, bodies almost trembling with an energy that seems to reach down into the earth itself, making it hum and vibarte bneath your feet.

"Ah," says Sunder Rendfoe, "that is a good question. Why does Arendt want to destroy Rune? Do you know the tale of the Dragon Knight?"

Kiroth keeps his smile although his hand moves down towards his sword. "Yes we have heard of the tale as is told by the Dragon-knight but the truth is a three sided sword, let us hear your version of what happened."

GAME: Lothos rolls Knowledge/History: (15)+15: 30

"A bit, mate, but I'd hear it from ye as well, if ye be so minded." Aldean's mobile expression has taken on an intently interested look, as one engaged in conversation.

GAME: Aldean rolls knowledge/history: (5)+17: 22

"Yes. I'm aware that Alexandria shelters the Dragon Knight. Is that the one and the same Dragon Knigh that murdered our warlord? I can not sy.Arendt beliees it to be so, but few Dran survived that day tgat were present. Amazing, is it not? Please, if we're to ahve detente, I would prefer if we seated ourslves." One of the elemetnals rolls forward and its shape flattens out, taking the form of a great round table. Others roll forward, becoming as boulders to serve as seats under the great shaman's command.

"Be respectful of the earth, guests. You are on Dranei land. A prayer to the earth for its blessings would be warranted."

Sunder Rendfoe waits for others to move forward. "You will not need that," he tells Kiroth as his hand goes towards his blade. He sits down.

Stjepan scratches his cheek. "Ayuh, that sounds like a wonder of a coincidence." Moves to sit forward, and nods. "Dana, blessed is the stone of your bones. Thank you for it, and for the strength that lets me serve Angoron."

Zoob walks forward tentatively and pats the stone table softly. "Hey, thanks. I hope that isn't uncomfortable for you or anything." With his short stature however he remains standing so as to be able to see over the flat surface. "I've learned that pretty much anything that happens in a war is going to be spun as mostly propaganda. Everyone will disagree on what happened partly because nobody really sees the whole picture."

GAME: Lothos rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (12)+15: 27

GAME: Lothos rolls intelligence+2: (1)+7+2: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

Lothos moves up, kneeling, and picking up some dirt from the ground and sprinkling it over the seat before he sits. "I would bless those from another plane with the touch of our earth before my body." He then sits quietly and watches.

GAME: Kiroth rolls knowledge/religion: (6)+13: 19

GAME: Aldean rolls knowledge/religion: (10)+12: 22

GAME: Aldean rolls knowledge/the_planes: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Ferawyn rolls knowledge/nature+2: (15)+15+2: 32

Ferawyn sits down quietly and runs her fingers over the elemental table. "You definitely have an interesting mode of control over these things, Shaman." She says respectively.

Blessings and the gods completely aren't Aldean's thing, but he drops his pack, sitting down on an offered boulder. "Blessin's of the earth be on this group an' on its talk, an' lend its stability to it." That's all he says, but with that done, hands spread over the table, he leans forward, cloak remaining over the drum, and rests elbows on the table.

"They are bound to me, and I to them," answers Sunder, laying his hand upon the table and uttering his own blessing.

"You all seem to have much to say. Offer your thoughts to me, each of you, one at a time. I will listen. Understand that wisdon in being measured in your words, however. Such a leson was taught to me by the the Daughter of the Earth."

Zoob focuses. "Thoughts? This war is either Arendt just plain wanting to beat up someone weaker than him, or it's revenge for something that Rune didn't actually do. Even if we grant that a dragon knight did break a sin of truce that is on that individual, not on Rune, a place that is just trying to defend itself and be left in peace. Twice now. Where's the glory in attacking someone who just wants to be left alone? Find a worthy foe I say, pit yourself against a country that is just waiting, lying in wait until both Dran and Rune are tired out from fighting." He takes a breath. Scatterbrained he may be but apparently he does have some thoughts on the subject. "The past is the past, what matters is the future. Rune isn't a threat to Dran but another neighbour is."

Lothos looks around, then focuses on the shaman. "Our job is to find a way to stop you from attacking Rune. I am afraid though I cannot offer any method to stop you with words, as I am unsure of your motives beyond honor and glory. If those are your only motives, then likely words will not be enough anyway."

GAME: Zoob rolls knowledge/military theory: (14)+12: 26

Ferawyn says, "Zoob has a point. Other than the dragon knight, what's the point of flattening rune? We already know Dranei are strong." She says as the tree begins to shuffle it's feet into the earth."

Garak frowns slightly. He's still seated atop his horse but tries to appear relaxed and non-threatening. It's not hard with all the elementals looking around. "War always has consequences, some good and some bad. Yet Defeating Rune will do nothing good for Dran, or her peoples. Or her Earth," Garak looks pointedly at the Shaman. "It will only bring glory to Arendt."

"Might actually be a bad idea," Aldean chimes in, nodding to Zoob. "Dragonier be a damned-all mess. Might need Rune's help ta stop it afore it goes after Dran an' Rune alike." He pauses, though, scratching at that stubble again. "Me thoughts, though? I be after learning sommat o' what Arendt means ta do. Avengin' that ... aye ... but can't imagine Rune'll do much different. Made a volcano erupt, aye? 'Tis what I'd hear from ye ... what be so important ta him?"

Kiroth listens to the others and he waits for a pause, "War brings nothing but destruction and sorrow. I don't know why you seek to aid the Warlord in his quest for destruction and conquest. Be it revenge or greed or lust for conquest. I am asking you not to attack Rune and find something more productive to do with your talents besides bring war to innocent people."

Stjepan looks towards Kiroth, and bells his nostrils. There's a kick from his long legs under the table.

To his credit for a man named Sunder Rendfoe, he listens intently to each person as they speak. Listens intently, and then nods gravely to each in turn. He leans back on the boulder, which shifts to embrace him wiht comfort. The elements seem tolove this guy. No wonder Rune was rightfully ocncenred about the danger he might represent to hte stone walls of the city. He could probably deal with them quite well, wizards or no wizards to repair them.

He is quiet for a time.

"And now, let me tell you a story. Dran was once a nation at war wiht itself. In fact, it still is to this day, ever since the death of Krieg. With his fall, though ther ehave been leaders before and since, there has been no unified Khanate, much as we might like to pretend otherwise." HE flashes an amused smile before continuing, "We saw a leader, once, who had in him the strength to take us back to a time when we were stronger, and in him we placed our hopes nd dreams. And then he was treacherously struck down under flag of trudce by one who was supposed to value their word, vlaue honor. He needed only victory to secure his place and to bring the peace of Dran to the world."

Kiroth having said his peace before chooses to stand there quietly and wait for Sunder to tell his tale.

Stjepan nods, listening, hands folded on the stone table. He is good about listening, eyes intent on Sunder.

Ferawyn also listens, in that patient way that all elves do.

Zoob traces lines on the tabletop with one fingertip and then leans forward and looks at the stone very very closely. He then looks back at the shaman and listens again.

Like the others, Aldean's also listening intently, elbows resting on the table. He looks briefly across at Kiroth, but returns his attention to the shaman after a moment.

Kiroth does move to finally sit down to listen to see if Sunder has anything else to say.

"And so Dran falls into war again. Countless lives are lost. A generation of young men die for their ambitions, and never once is this considered by those who would so eagerly defend Rune from what has benefitted from. Arendt wants justice for the Dran who have died that day. That is why he fights, or at least we believe. Like all conquerers, he probably hsa anothr agenda... but that is the nature of conquest. One must have vision. Tell me, does Rune have vision anymore? Does Alexandria? What is /your/ vision of a future?"

He asks it, clearly expecting answers.

Lothos shrugs after listening, "The future is unwritten, and changes by each action we take. I want to see a future where I'm a very old man sitting on the beach and sipping a chilled wine under an umbrella.......and a few scantily clad ladies hanging about me....that too."

"Were I wantin' a fight, mate, might ask ye 'bout the number of innocents the Dranei killed in that first march ... an' the second ... but I ain't," and here, Aldean flashes a grin that is intended to be easy good humor, one that broadens as he looks over at Lothos. "I'll make certain Darshan sends ye a few gobber dancers. Anyroad ... Alexandria wants trade an' commerce. Fer folk ta do as they please. War ... conquest ... ain't no good at all fer that. Fact, there be a song as speaks o' that, but never mind. Fer me? Kinda like that. A world where each man be free ta find an' does as he please. Muse ain't show herself where that ain't true."

Zoob perks up at the question. "The future! Trade! Peace and prosperity for all! I've spent most of my life on the airships of various nations and countries and I can say that life is better for everyone when nobody is trying to kill anyone else. That's the long term of course and there are always beasties and such that won't plan nice in the sandbox, but basically less of everyone trying to kill each other and more of buying and selling." He pauses for a moment of thoght. "If you kill someone and take their stuff that's it, no more stuff after that. But if you make a deal with them you can get stuff forever, and so can they."

Kiroth takes a long moment to think and gather his thoughts as he folds his hands in front of him. After a long moment of silence he speaks, "My vision of the future is simple. I am weapon of my god, the Shining Knight, and I will fight whatever evil that I am called upon to in his name. I put my faith in him to guide my blade to strike true or sheath my sword when necessary. I pray that the day will come when I need not draw my sword any more, that it may rust and become a relic of some bygone age. That I may see the buildings I help to build stand the test of time and shelter any that should live in them. I want to see my grandchildren play without fear of some monster coming to get them. Those days may never come, but I will continue to strive against evil and seek peace where it can be attained. I am hopeful that this day will be a day of peace that might lead to a future of many more."

Ferawyn says, "I lived in Alexandria's woods for a good three of their generations before I started out on my own as a druid. I will be living for many more of your generations before I fade from this world. What I want is balance between nature and civilization. Allow everyone to live somewhat peacefully and allow nature to live in peace on it's own. Which is....what's going on here, Shaman Sunder. The wild nature of Dran is clashing against the Civilization of Rune. the plainsmen have a right to live, but so does Rune. Perhaps, instead of trying to flatten Rune.....trade? Talk things out? Something like that?""

Stjepan shrugs. "I can't speak for Rune. Shit, I can't speak for Alexandria. It's leaders, I think so. Spit in the eye of Taara, for one, and all that entails. There are worse things, than having the audacity to defy a god."

"I believe that is a future none of the rest of us wish to see. Especially the part about seeing you as an old man with scantily clad ladies sitting around him." Sunder lets out a rumbling laugh as he answer Lothos.

Then his eyes go towards Aldean as he speaks, listening to him intently. "Trade. Commerce. Dran can best secure these things. There is peace in our strength. Wizards... when has suhc magical might /ever/ brought peace? Why does Rune stand when Dragonier falls? Why do demons ravage our land, and leave Rune untouched? Ask yourself this, then ask yourself if Rune is truly worth protecting, or whether or not they need something... different. I do not think Arendt intends to destroy Rune. He intends to conquer it."

Then to Zoob, he listens and nods once to him. "We in Dran /invented/ the practice of looting," he adds, somewhatd dryly.

Kiroth's words get his eyes on him in turn, and he adds, "There is no shame in knowing what you are. Being the blunt end ofthe stick has its place, but ask yourself what you will do when the blunt end is no longer needed. Whether that future will have a place for you in it, or whether you will be a relic of times gone by? You may think you know the answer, but I assure you... you do not."

He turns towards Ferawyn, now, and regards the druid for a long time. "This speak of trade again. So civilized," he says with a chortle.

And then to Stjepan, he says, "It is good that you know that you only speak for yourself. Taara. I am sure that Desire has her fingers in every pie -- but that does not make Arendt wrong. Why are you all /so sure/ he is wrong? What makes you willing to die to defy his future? What do you know OF his future? He seeks to remake the north."

Ferawyn says, "That is the problem. He's looking to remake the north. After Rune, then who? Dragonier? the golden Coast? Alexandria? When will he stop?""

Stjepan opens his hands. "I am as sure as I can be. I've dug up the bones of his home village, of a mass grave that erased his past. And that past speaks to the future he promises. His remaking comes with a blood price for the people I've sworn an oath to my own god to protect. Also, frankly, his supporters as assholes that talk a big game about honour while trying shit on the side. It's not the underhandedness that bugs me, it's the braying on about righteousness that really chaps my ass." He quirks a faint smile. "There you have it. Something deep, something shallow. Put it together, and it is one piece."

Zoob grins toothily. "My cousins aren't too shabby at looting themselves, but that was my point. Looting is a one-time thing. Trade lasts forever. Anyway, what are you looking for? Why are you out here with your army? What drives you, specifically? Arendt is just one person and he's not here to tell you want to do."

Lothos grins, but remains quiet for now, nothing further to contribute.

"He ain't gonna stop. This ain't about trade or commerce. This be about rulin' all. Dran ain't know a damned thing 'bout trade or commerce, save the means o' destroyin' it." He nods at Stjepan. "Ye talk a fine game about honor and' wantin' peace ... an' yer master an' his lackey be after pullin' tricks yer honorable self would never stand for did ye know."