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Raniq Fairhair
[[Category:Inactive Character|Raniq]]
Raniq Fairhair is the third and youngest son of ''Lord Alvar Aiglos'', a diplomat descended from ancient Eldanar royalty, and ''Ce'Ilara Spellweaver'', a half-[[Llyranesi]] wizard. While his older brothers took more after their father,
Raniq followed in his mother's path, taking up wizardry and the faith of [[Eluna]].
Raniq is an accomplished scribe and calligrapher, and an avid student of languages. Family lore has it that his father is directly descended from an angel some centuries ago, and this has contributed to Raniq's fascination with angels.
Having been raised at court with a diplomat for a father, Raniq has a generally open mind regarding other races, cultures, and faiths, but is loyal to the family, to [[Alexandros]], and to Eluna. For example, he abhors the betrayal of the [[Mul'niessa]] as a culture, but reserves judgment on individuals until they show him an indication of their world view.
Raniq Fairhair is an 18-year-old Eldanar (human) male, standing nearly 6 feet tall with a slender, but well-toned build. He has platinum blonde hair with a natural wave, which he keeps fairly short and neatly styled. His eyes are a subtle sky blue, but looking at them can seem at times like gazing into the depths of a frozen lake. The angularity of his features indicates close Llyranesi ancestry with a trace of even more remote Celestial or Fey heritage. His soft hands and fair complexion suggest a gentle-born scholar more than someone who has had to eke out a living by physical labor or fighting. He carries himself with evident confidence and almost constantly seems genuinely cheerful, with the innocence of a happy childhood lingering in his soul.
His clothing looks like a blend of the finery of a courtier and the typical garb of Eluna's clergy, expertly tailored for a snug, comfortable fit, and exquisitely crafted for both durability, flexibility, and style. He wears a long-sleeved tunic of whitest silk, subtly embellished with finely embroidered accents in metallic silver thread, a matching cloak and pair of trousers of dark blue cashmere trimmed in arctic fox fur, ankle-high boots of soft leather, and a white Robin Hood-style hat, complete with feather.
Usually, an ermine sits nestled across Raniq's shoulders or climbs around his body, looking around with frequent jerky movements. Raniq also wears a dagger on his belt, a bag hung from a strap across his upper body, and a carries a polished dark blue pole strewn with silver moon emblems.
Raniq is a wizard, specializing in the school of Evocation, with Abjuration and Illusion for his opposition schools. He is usually quite glad to exchange a spell scroll for another in order to add to his repertoire. He has an ermine for a familiar. Its name is Herman.
== Cantrips (0-level) ==
* Acid Splash
* Arcane Mark
* Bleed
* Dancing Lights
* Daze
* Detect Magic
* Detect Poison
* Disrupt Undead
* Flare
* Ghost Sound
* Light
* Mage Hand
* Mending
* Message
* Open-Close
* Prestidigitation
* Ray of Frost
* Read Magic
* Resistance
* Spark
* Touch of Fatigue
== 1st Level ==
* Burning Hands
* Feather Fall
* Hydraulic Push
* Identify
* Mage Armor
* Magic Missile
* Shocking Grasp
* Sleep
* Unseen Servant
== 2nd Level ==
* Flaming Sphere
* Frigid Touch
* a fascination with angels
{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}Eluna's temple in Alexandria
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}lay worshipper
{{Badge-Title|Human PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Associated With}}House Aiglos, Alexandros
{{Badge-Title|Homeland PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Family History}}House Aiglos has held lands in the region for centuries, was royalty of the ancient kingdom
{{Badge-Entry|Politics}}Generally accepts what father says, but doesn't personally get too involved in politics.
* [[Ga'Elian Faravanilas]] - Sylvanori Ranger, male, Eluna
{{CPFOOTER}}[[Category:Alexandran]][[Category:CrafterScrolls]] [[Category:Elunite]] [[Category:Human]] [[Category:Wizard]]

Latest revision as of 00:41, 19 June 2018

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