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==Part 1 - 1st June 2016, 8:00pm BST==
Alba, Durrankar, Kira and Zyla are given a mission by a Rune general who tells them a Warrior's Mausoleum contains some constructs which are likely to have gone haywire, given the recent happenings. They travel there, climb over the walls and enter the mausoleum where they encounter several large statues which come alive and attack them.
==Character Levels==
* [[Alba]] - 7
* [[Durrankar]] - 9
* [[Kira]] - 8
* [[Zyla]] - 6
'''Average Party Level''' is hence (7+9+8+6)/4 = 7.5
==Type of PrP==
Standard, with combat.
One encounter with the following constructs:
* 1No. [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/cephalophore.html Cephalophore] (CR 8)
* 4No. [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/caryatidColumn.html Caryatid Column] (CR 3)
'''Total CR''' is hence 9.5, i.e. approximately APL+2.
==Purchases, Lasting Effects & Rumours==
===Lasting Effects===
All four of the Caryatid Columns and the Cephalophore were destroyed rather than disabled.
This was carried out as part of the constructs-gone-crazy part of the Rune-Dran War plot arc, which attracts an XP bonus to runners.
=Part 1 - 1st June 2016, 8:00pm BST=
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. In the spirit of open communication, I am to inform you the following: I am looking after the baby alone tonight.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. In the spirit of open communication, I am to inform you the following: I am looking after the baby alone tonight.
Line 861: Line 898:
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Nini."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Nini."
=Part 2 - 8th June 2016, 8:00pm BST=
| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Alba |HUMAN |Wtc | 7 | 31 | 31 | 19 | 17 | 3 | 6 | 7 |
|Durrankar |SITH-MAKAR|Dru | 9 | 94 | 94 | 24 | 22 | 11 | 7 | 12 |
|Kira |HUMAN |Mnk/Pal | 8 | 71 | 71 | 20 | 29 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
|Zyla |GIANTBORN |Mnk | 6 | 33 | 47 | 19 | 28 | 7 | 7 | 5 |
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, I think Alba is still asleep."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Would you like to continue?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I will leave her web in place."
<OOC> Kira is ready to continue. "I may be up and down some due to @work, but I'm here."
<OOC> Iadoth understands.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, Kira, you're up."
<OOC> Kira says, "Is everyone still in about the same places? Constructs were in a defensive formation, most of us were back near the
<OOC> Iadoth is having trouble working this out.
<OOC> Iadoth didn't move you.
<OOC> Kira is just trying to catch up, since she missed some of the end of the last one.
<OOC> Iadoth thinks it's just Zyla at the rock face.
<OOC> Zyla says, "yep I am up in the constructs face everyone else was back still"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks Kira had taken a step into the corridor, and that Alba and Durrankar had remained in the room behind.
<OOC> Iadoth will go with that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The first two, and the back left, smaller statuettes, are trapped in a web. The back right, and the large headless statue,
are free of the web."
"If you keep attacking them, they'll keep defending themselves!" Kira calls out to Zyla. "They're here to protect the mausoleum." She starts moveing forward, but not directly at the constructs. More on a path to eventually try and pass them. She acts as unthreatening to the constructs and the building as she can. Which isn't too hard for Kira. She isn't very threatening.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, this corridor is 10 ft. wide. Zyla occupies the end space on the left. You can reach the right space (directly in front of
the bottom right construct) in 4 squares; to get past them, you would have to use 6 squares."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "How do you wish to move?"
<OOC> Kira hmms. "Just to test things, and not leave them all possibly picking on Zyla, I'll move past if I can. I have up to 28 squares with a
double move."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's going to provoke a lot of AoOs as you try to get past."
<OOC> Kira says, "Ah. Ok."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, 28 squares?"
<OOC> Kira has 40' movement, plus Sudden Speed for an additional 30'.
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Kira says, "If needed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I feel like a map might be useful."
<OOC> Kira will use Sudden Speed, total Defense, and try to move past them with that. "A map might help. :) Sorry that I couldn't remember
who was where."
GAME: You invite Alba to join you. Offer will expire in two minutes.
Alba has arrived.
<OOC> Alba wave, sorry for late.
GAME: Alba refreshes spells.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, +tmap should now give you an idea about where you are."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla, Kira, the wall immediately to the right of you is a mistake I can't erase."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "There are also some niches, but if you get in that area I'll just let you know."
<OOC> Iadoth asks Kira where she'd like to go.
GAME: You move Kira to location D14 (25 ft).
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Three - Init 15.
It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, if you want to be somewhere other than you are, just say."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you're up!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Last turn you fired off some lightning balls, which are sitting with S1 and S2. You can move them with a move action,
and also take any standard action you like."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I give Zyla Stoneskin"
<OOC> Iadoth returns.
<OOC> Iadoth disappears for baby craziness.
<OOC> Iadoth returns. "Spooky. Anyway Stoneskin is fine."
<OOC> Kira returns after work craziness.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Good."
GAME: Durrankar casts Stoneskin. Caster Level: 9 DC: 20
<OOC> Durrankar says, "now Zyla takes 10 less damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Lcrargh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What about the lightning balls?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "leave them, they should be able to attack again."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (7): 7
<OOC> Durrankar says, "not that they do much damage."
<OOC> Alba says, "Damage is damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Spell resistance please :)"
<OOC> Iadoth is so happy this spell gives SR.
From afar, Kira guesses that positioning is fine. "I don't want to hold things up any more than I already have.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Rolled it...got a 23."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah. A 23 is insufficient :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry about the delays here."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Three - Init 8.
It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "...."
The front right statuette takes another robotic swing at the newly toughened Zyla.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (9)+8+-2: 15
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Fat chance."
But, the enveloping web is too much, and the sword misses widely.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Three - Init 7.
It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Note Stunned on Alba ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba, you're up. Sorry for the monumental delays here."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Monument is definitely a pun. Definitely."
Durrankar's spell doesn't seem to be getting through to the statues, but he does toughen Zyla's skin. "Zyla....get ready to run."
<OOC> Alba says, "S'fine. So! Spell Resistance is a bitchy beast to overcome, it seems; guessing it's about 26, bleh."
<OOC> Alba says, "But that's fine, I have a solution; I'm wearing a Necklace of Fireballs next to my face!"
<OOC> Alba says, "...Which would burn away the webbing. Hm."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I can put down an entangle."
<OOC> Alba says, "THat would be awesome."
<OOC> Alba says, "Just, I worry that one round of free movement would wreck us."
<OOC> Alba is thinking and plotting.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "If they get free, we're running, Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth smiles innocently.
<OOC> Alba says, "Fire damage burns away Web, y'see."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I know."
<OOC> Alba says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Alba says, "Is the west door open or closed?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're both closed."
<OOC> Alba says, "Then, swift action to activate my Boots of the Daredevil, double move to put me in front of the west door. Yes, right next
to S3, but needs must."
<OOC> Alba says, "Avoiding AoOs with Acrobatics checks as I need."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it!"
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (1)+10+5: 16 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (13)+10+5: 28
<OOC> Alba is so glad you can't crit skills.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Can I have a third, please? S3 gets one too."
<OOC> Alba says, "Oops."
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (2)+10+5: 17
<OOC> Alba says, "Feck's sake."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ohhhh, sorry, no. Total Defense."
<OOC> Alba says, "So that's two hits on me?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, none. They have low CMD worseneed by the Web."
<OOC> Alba says, "Aha!"
<OOC> Alba pushes up mask, thbpt @ statue.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You are where you need to be."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any other actions?"
There's a sharp *click* from the Witch as she taps her heels together, her fur legwarmers bursting into brilliant orange flame. "Protect the shaman!" she calls to Zyla as she eels above the monk's head toward the western door. "Warrior, to the other side! Seek the means of putting these cursed things to sleep!"
<OOC> Alba says, "Nope!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Three - Init 3.
It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Zyla ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't die."
<OOC> Zyla says, "ok. attacked s1 last time I believe going to do it again. ki for flurry though with first attack being hammerblow"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (10)+10+1+-2: 19
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (1)+10+1+-2: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (13)+10+1+-2: 22
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2-5: aliased to Melee+1-2-5: (13)+10+1+-2+-5: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits except no. 2"
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (10)+8+(2): 20
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (9)+6+(3): 18
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (8)+6+(6): 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's quite spectacularly down."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It is destroyed after the first hit; pose this howsoever you wish."
Zyla focuses, her inner ki as her arms still crackle with electricity. "That is what I am trying to do." Her skin hardens, well that is a nice bonus. She brings her hands together and slams then down onto the one that has been hitting her, shattering it, even as it is followed by three more rapid fire punches which just further crumble it.
<OOC> Iadoth lovely.
Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 27.
It is now CC3's turn! CC4 is next!
The enwebbed back left statuette stands down from its total defense stance and takes a swing at the witch with a mighty longsword.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (7)+8+-2: 13
The sword goes wild, and completely fails to connect with Alba.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 22.
It is now CC4's turn! C is next!
The back right statuette, not encumbered by the web, moves into the void filled by its destroyed partner. When it arrives, it makes to attack its predecessor's aggressor.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla, does 20 hit you at the moment?"
<OOC> Zyla says, "I belive so"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (1)+4: 5
The blow connects, and looks painful, but the damage is entirely negated by Zyla's toughened skin.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Bah, Stoneskin."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 18.
It is now C's turn! Kira is next!
<OOC> Kira thought it was only DR /magic.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's DR10/adamantine."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Which is ridonkulous."
<OOC> Kira says, "Oh, right. Not against constructs, since that's what most of them have, I thought."
The large statue clutching its own head uses this as a weapon against Alba, whom it can currently reach.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (14)+18: 32
<OOC> Alba says, "This is gonna hurt."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 4d6+14: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: You damaged Alba for 42 points. -11 remaining. (DYING)
<OOC> Alba splat.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yikes"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, sorry about that Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I debated Sickening y'all again, but also... kinda wanted to use the double slam attack."
<OOC> Alba says, "Hey, Crit happens. XD"
By some fluke, the head impacts against Alba's own. Squish. It's not a blow one recovers from quickly.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 15.
It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Kira. I had completely forgotten that I could have attacked you, and now wish I had done."
<OOC> Alba says, "No worries, seriously. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyway, it's your turn to be ineffectual against constructs."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Not like you can kill her."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I figured that if I struck her down now, she would become more powerful than I could possibly imagine."
<OOC> Alba says, "It's true. >:E"
<OOC> Iadoth should close the blinds.
<OOC> Kira will save you Alba! "I just have to do something about all these constructs between me and you."
<OOC> Kira doesn't like the noggin-bonking one hurting people, so... I'll grab it.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's not currently enwebbed. You're welcome to try and grapple it..."
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7: (15)+12+7: 34
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wow, that made it. Only just, but it made it."
<OOC> Kira will maintain as a move to pin.
<OOC> Iadoth assumes you have Improved Grapple.
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (6)+12+7+5: 30
<OOC> Kira says, "+view kira/grappling."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, so you grapple as standard, pin as move, and 5 ft. step to get there in the first place, right?"
<OOC> Kira nods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "30 isn't enough to pin, unless there's a penalty to CMD I'm missing when grappled vs. grappler."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh wait, of course. -4 to Dexterity, so -2 to CMD. So it is enough. Just."
<OOC> Kira says, "Nope. No pin."
<OOC> Iadoth apologises. "It is enough. Do you wish to repose?"
<OOC> Kira says, "Oh! Ok."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry about that. It is now pinned. Effectively flat-footed, with an additional -4 to AC."
"No! Leave her be!" Kira steps in on the headless one and grabs hold of it. She manages to not only grab hold, but maneuver an arm around its own leg, leaving it leaning and off-balance. Just in case, she even tries to turn the held head's face away from anyone. Never know if that might help. "Could someone please get her and stop upsetting the guardians?"
<OOC> Iadoth grr.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're disrupting my chakras."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 15.
It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Durrankar ended.
<OOC> Kira sorries?
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, Durrankar, are you here?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I'm here."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "putting down Entangle."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Entangle, as well as Web?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah. I guess they stack."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "on top of that.....Spell resistance: NO!!!!!"
<OOC> Alba hi5.
GAME: Durrankar casts Entangle. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
<OOC> Durrankar says, "reflex save or become entangled."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "other than that, it also becomes rough terrain, so no charging."
<OOC> Kira nods. "Doubles movement costs."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "so now the lightning."
<OOC> Iadoth thinks that's probably going to hit everybody in the room.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "ALba's down...."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+0: (2)+0: 2
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Kira's Reflex is high enough to avoid it I think."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (14)+6+-2: 18
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (1)+6+-2: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Kira rolls reflex: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. The headless thing is entangled, and pinned, and grappled. It's definitely caught. The statuette that just moved is
entangled. The others are not."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you don't have to worry, you can target it to avoid yourself."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "huh?"
GAME: Zyla rolls reflex: (18)+7: 25
<OOC> Durrankar says, "That was spell resistance for ball lightning. I'm not expecting to get past spell resistance at all....so I might as well
stop rolling."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "anyways, that's my action."
<OOC> Kira warns that she has about 20 minutes left before needing to idle for a while.
<OOC> Alba says, "There's no reason not to roll, even if you're crit-fishing."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, you have not gotten past SR."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose if you like!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 8.
It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
GAME: You move Kira to location E15 (5 ft).
The front right statuette continues its assault against Zyla, employing a longsword as before.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (15)+8+-2: 21
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9
Again the blow does not penetrate the thickened skin of the monk.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 7.
It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Alba ended.
<OOC> Alba brbl
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Alba. On the plus side, you're no longer sickened. On the downside, you'd better not fail your stabilisation roll."
Durrankar places his hand on the ground and brings up vines and the like from under the mausoleum to entangle the statues. if anything...it keeps them from getting anywhere fast.
GAME: Alba rolls constitution: (6)+1: 7
<OOC> Alba says, "Yeah that was gonna happen. :P"
<OOC> DurrankarIsn't surprised.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh ye gods."
<OOC> Alba says, "Luckily, plot is not DC. XD"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "thank god."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Too right."
GAME: You damaged Alba for 1 points. -12 remaining. (DEAD)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You bled to death."
<OOC> Alba heh.
<OOC> Alba will be chucking peanuts from the skybox, then. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That was bad luck with the roll, although you needed to roll a 20 to succeed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Onwards!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Four - Init 3.
It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Zyla ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla, you're up."
<OOC> Zyla says, "hit witchever one that moved into 1's spot 3 I think.. ki with the flurry, hammerblow on first strike"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (10)+10+1: 21
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (16)+10+1: 27
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (4)+10+1: 15
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-5: aliased to Melee+1-5: (15)+10+1+-5: 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits!"
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (12)+8+(4): 24
<OOC> Iadoth is disappointed.
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (7)+6+(4): 17
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (9)+6+(4): 19
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (5)+6+(4): 15
<OOC> Iadoth crumblecrumblecrumble.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a goner. Pose it up!"
Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 27.
It is now CC3's turn! CC4 is next!
Zyla doesn't like these things even more so when Alba goes down, her hands move in a flurry, together for a powerful blow, then slam, slam slam, go her fists as she causes another of the constructs to crumble.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba, what's the DC of your Web?"
The back left statuette moves to fill the void now left by two predecessors. Now, to break through that damn web...
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7-2: (7)+7+-2: 12
It fails, and so it remains, stuck in the fibrous remnants of the dead witch's web.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 18.
It is now C's turn! Kira is next!
The headless horror is pinned, and stuck. Its only option is to try and break free!
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+20-2: (16)+20+-2: 34
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, does that break the pin?"
<OOC> Kira checks. "I think just. My CMB for grappling is 33."
<OOC> Kira ers. CMD.
<OOC> Iadoth wonders if that means I can become the grappler.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nah, probably not. At any rate..."
<OOC> Kira says, "It can choose to."
<OOC> Kira says, "Or it can end the grapple."
Freedom! The bulky statue breaks the pin and stands, taking a couple of steps back into the niche from whence it came.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Attack of Opportunity, if you want it."
<OOC> Kira says, "Not me."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 15.
It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up, then, Kira."
<OOC> Kira says, "Just in time to have to go. I'll see about getting to Alba for LoH."
<OOC> Kira votes and thanks all for the scene today.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba is dead."
<OOC> Iadoth assumes a successful Acrobatics check to avoid the AoO.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 15.
It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar! What's the plan?!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Summon then."
<OOC> Durrankar burns a level 4 spell to do so.
GAME: Durrankar casts Call Lightning Storm. Caster Level: 9 DC: 20
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (6): 6
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one gets through, not that it matters much."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "done."
<OOC> Alba says, "What're you summoning?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a tiger."
<OOC> Alba says, "Noice."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Uh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "SR?"
<OOC> Alba says, "He rolled for SR, 27."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah. That doesn't get through."
<OOC> Alba says, "Erg?"
<OOC> Iadoth nods!
<OOC> Alba says, "Man, what's its SR?"
<OOC> Iadoth isn't revealing such information!
<OOC> Alba says, "If it's more than 29, neither Durr nor I would have done much good besides the area traps. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And the tiger."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This construct is particularly nasty against casters."
<OOC> Alba says, "Durr does supply good tiger, yus. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks of ways to smash tiger.
<OOC> Alba *does* note that we're two down, now. Maybe throw the tiger a bone? XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Does Tiger have summoning sickness?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Nope, it'll attack immediately when it shows up, next round."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ace, awesome. Any other actions?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "seriously!?"
<OOC> Iadoth huh?
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a 27 doesn't get through!?"
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "You were right albe...I'm crit hunting."
<OOC> Iadoth raises an eyebrow.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose if you like!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 8.
It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Alba says, "Crit-hunting, where your only hope is to roll a 20."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah."
The bottom right statuette makes another vain attempt to attack Zyla, with mechanical certainty.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (14)+8+-2: 20
Durrankar simply stays back, but since none of his attacks are getting through, he begins to chant. Calling for animals that can help him and his comrades, standing or fallen.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (4)+4: 8
Yet again, the attack fails to penetrate the stone skin of the monk that would not die.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 7.
It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Five - Init 3.
It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla! You're up!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You have two statuettes attacking you."
<OOC> Zyla says, "1 ki for elemental fury again, since its worn off now, and then flurry, no ki for it, first attack hammerblow"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okeydokey."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (9)+10+1: 20
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (2)+10+1: 13
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-5: aliased to Melee+1-5: (11)+10+1+-5: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes to all. It's against the one that attacked you last, to your northeast."
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (17)+8+(6): 31
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (7)+6+(1): 14
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (5)+6+(5): 16
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's dead."
Zyla has had the electricty fade from her but she invokes it again and when it is, goes after one of ther other constructs, taking out her fury on it as she leaves it a pile of rubble as well.
GAME: CC3 removed from initiative list.
Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 18.
It is now C's turn! Kira is next!
The large statue takes a single step forward and attempts to squash Kira with its head slams.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Marvellous"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (9)+7: 16
GAME: You damaged Kira for 31 points. 40 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Are you kidding?!"
The dual blows connect, and Kira looks a little less steady on her feet.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 15.
It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, I'll call it a night there."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Until next week!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't have nightmares."
<OOC> Zyla noms and waves, thanks
<OOC> Alba says, "Take care!"
=Part 3 - 14th June 2016, 8:00pm BST=
'''Note: '''Alba was not present, but Alba's character was killed in the previous part.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Who was the last one? Other than Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, the log is running now."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Umm, Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I saw her earlier, I think she'll be along shortly."
<OOC> Kira waves to eveyrone.
<OOC> Durrankar wavies.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now, Durrankar, you should remember one thing: the big enemy and the small enemies? They're different."
<OOC> Iadoth provides a catchup.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah, one's bigger."
Zyla has arrived.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hey!"
<OOC> Iadoth just has to phone wife and make tea. Will be 15 minutes, tops.
<OOC> Iadoth returns!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Right!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You've smashed three of the smaller constructs. One remains, intact. The big, big bad also remains intact."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "AND YOUR WITCH IS DEAD."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "KO-ed."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "key diference."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, in Tenebrae-wide terms she's incapacitated. In IC terms, here and now, she's actually deaded."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You need a medium to speak to her :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, you're up. You're standing next to Alba's body, within reach of the final statuette, and within Reach of the big bad
headless statue."
| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Durrankar |SITH-MAKAR|Dru | 9 | 94 | 94 | 24 | 22 | 11 | 7 | 12 |
|Kira |HUMAN |Mnk/Pal | 8 | 40 | 71 | 20 | 29 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
|Zyla |GIANTBORN |Mnk | 6 | 33 | 47 | 19 | 28 | 7 | 7 | 5 |
<OOC> Kira blinks. "I am? Oh! Right, I was originally going to try and heal Alba, but I guess that's not going to work."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not unless you can BoL him."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "*her."
<OOC> Kira can't do Raise yet, no. :(
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Kay."
<OOC> Kira says, "Is the west door open?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nope."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "test"
<OOC> Iadoth received.
From afar, Kira pages, so as not to spam others or log. "I know there was talk of finding some kind of deactivation control... thing. Is there anything noteworthy in the room? If not, I'll just grab Alba and open the west door to go in there."
You paged Kira with 'There's nothing noteworthy in this room, Durrankar already swept it visually.'
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d100: (62): 62
You paged Kira with 'You're free to use a move action to get through that door.'
You paged Kira with 'Alba is, I am informed, 122 lbs.'
<OOC> Kira will open the door and try to go west, grabbing an Alba along the way. "Or however much of that I can do."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All of that."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Several things to resolve."
<OOC> Kira says, "Ok."
You paged Kira with 'What's your strength? Just for information.'
Kira pages: 14.
You paged Kira with 'And your base move?'
Long distance to Kira: Iadoth seems to remember it was 40 ft.
Kira pages: 40, but I think I have Sudden Speed activated, which makes it 70
You paged Kira with 'Alba is a Heavy load for you, so you'll be subject to a Max Dex bonus of +1, an 'ACP' of -6 on appropriate skills and a reduced movement.'
You paged Kira with 'Your reduced movement is 50 ft. then, which is loads so that's fine.'
From afar, Kira nods.
You paged Kira with 'When you move through the door, the Statuette and the Headless statue are going to take AoO swings at you.'
Kira pages: Ok.
From afar, Kira checks. "Ok, my base speed is only 30 with the load."
You paged Kira with 'Okay, that's fine. I don't have my map to hand, annoyingly, but the room behind isn't huge.'
Kira pages: No problem. Should I pose or wait for the AoOs?
You paged Kira with 'Do you wish to use Acrobatics to dodge those?'
From afar, Kira can try.
You paged Kira with 'Unless you add a DC of 10, it will half your move speed, i.e. 15 ft.'
You paged Kira with 'You're also at -6 on this skill, and can only add +1 due to Dex.'
You paged Kira with 'So you're a bit restricted!'
From afar, Kira will stick with half then.:)
You paged Kira with 'Great news.'
You paged Kira with 'Oh! Sorry, I misread Acrobatics. You can't do that when carrying a heavy load.'
You paged Kira with 'Sorry about that.'
You paged Kira with 'I'll just swing at you.'
Kira pages: Ok.
You paged Kira with 'What's your AC?'
Kira pages: With Alba... 13, I think.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2: (8)+18+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (20)+8+-2+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (10)+8+-2+-2: 14
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d8+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: You damaged Kira for 27 points. 13 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jeez, Kira, how much hp do you have?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I have hit you so many times."
From afar, Kira blinks and thinks she might be missing some HP.
<OOC> Kira says, "Only twice."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a lot, it seems."
You paged Kira with 'You had the right amount as per losses incurred in the last plot.'
From afar, Kira was never hit last time, unless you're attacking people in absentia.
From afar, Kira didn't think she was, but could be wrong.
Long distance to Kira: Iadoth double-checks with logs.
<OOC> Kira says, "Not so many, now?"
You paged Kira with 'Oh. Okay. It was after you left, but had left Kira logged in. I feel sort of bad about that. How do you want to play that?'
Kira pages: If it was legitimate, it was legitimate.
Long distance to Kira: Iadoth nods. Okay.
<OOC> Kira says, "If it helps, I'll heal myself a little as a Swift."
You paged Kira with 'Do you have any abilities that let you dodge melee attacks?'
Kira pages: No.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it!"
GAME: Kira rolls 2d6: (4): 4
Long distance to Kira: Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Kira says, "Swift LoH"
GAME: You damaged Kira for -4 points. 17 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, we're good here then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up when you're ready!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you're next, so have a think about what you'd like to do."
<OOC> Iadoth thumbs up.
Kira reaches the terribly bonked Alba, only to find out she might be too late. Too late for immediate help that she can manage, anyways. "Maybe they can be turned off from over here?" she calls back as she grabs Alba and hefts her up to her shoulder with a grunt. Alba isn't very big, but neither is Kira. She shoves the west door open and heads through, slowly, but also gets smacked, herself, for her troubles. A touch of Althea's grace helps her some, but only some.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 15.
It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
You paged Kira with 'This room is small, and circular. It's about 25 feet in diameter, so you can get to the far end of it. There are several magically illuminated lamps attached to the wall, and a circular rug, some 10 ft. in diameter in the dead centre of the room. At the western edge, there's a few steps up into a yet smaller room, about 10 ft. square.'
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Okie. This round should have a tiger appearing."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah!"
<OOC> Iadoth sighs. Where?
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Behind the big bad, I think. I can't exactly jam it where Zyla is."
You paged Durrankar with 'I have a few questions about your summon. 1) Can you manage its stats? 2) Does it get its own init?'
<OOC> Iadoth says, "There's a little niche behind the bigbad. Is a tiger medium or large?"
Durrankar pages: it won't need it. We'll just say it moves on my turn. And I'll try.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Large."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, it can't fit in that niche then. Not really."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Throw it where it'll fit then."
<OOC> Durrankar wants it to attack the big bad anyways.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, it's on the +tmap"
GAME: You move Kira to location A15 (5 ft).
GAME: You move Alba to location A15 (5 ft).
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What else is happening on your turn?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any spells?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "the tiger is attacking."
<OOC> Durrankar resolves the tiger first.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Gotcha."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I am astounded by this."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "hmm?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits."
<OOC> Iadoth assumes that 19s don't threaten crits.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "no."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (1)+6: 7
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Durrankar rolls 2d6+6: (12)+6: 18
<OOC> Durrankar says, "NOW me."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "And....we do ball lightning"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Do you want to make the most of grab?"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16
<OOC> Durrankar says, "does nothing."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "grab?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Fraid not."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Your tiger has the 'grab' ability on claws and bite."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a free grapple on hits with those attacks."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah. Let it grab then."
<OOC> Iadoth quotes the SRD for full disclosure: Grab (Ex) If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw
or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless
otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can
use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple
normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a â“20 penalty
on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any
extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it
makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals
constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive text).
<OOC> Durrankar has it on screen too.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I think you can grab with all three attacks in that case!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "in the meantime......"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Flame strike them both....or gonna try."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "With what actions?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I still have a move and standard."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh wait, yeah Ball Lightning is like Flaming Sphere, isn't it. It's move to maintain though."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and swift."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Still flame strike"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "centering it at D15."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 9d6: (30): 30
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a Spell Resistance spell"
GAME: Durrankar casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, Reflex for your tiger?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "which I will lose."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Flame strike isn't that big."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "How in the...."
<OOC> Iadoth can work out where to put it for you. Nae bother.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Goddammit, I read the friggin thing weong."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It's going for headless....period."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Fair enough."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If you dropped it, say, B17, it can dodge the tiger."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "There are definitely options for it."
<OOC> Kira says, "Or maybe even way up in the corner at B19 or so?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Or centre it in the wall. I think you can do it, Durr."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So don't worry (although I will still need your SR rolls)."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "welp. here comes fail."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
<OOC> Iadoth hopes not!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yep, that penetrates the Big Bad's defences."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I WILL NOTE IN MY DEFENCE that you have never tried an SR spell against the headless statue before."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Just one for the other statuette's SR."
<OOC> Durrankar rolled them. failed.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (16)+6+-2: 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, the headless thing /just/ dodges the worst of the fire damage then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wanna check the tiger's grabs?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The headless horror has a CMD of 32, but this could happen."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "my turn has lasted long enough. Just handwave it."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (20)+15: 35
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (15)+15: 30
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The tiger grapples the headless statue with its first grab attack!"
<OOC> Iadoth which is frankly super
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're welcome to pose, then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's had 51 damage inflicted."
Durrankar's tiger appears right in front of the Headless statue to keep it's attention on the tiger...not that it'll do so for long. "Just a few seconds..." He says as he twitches his tail. "As much as it pains me to do this....." he lets out a hiss and begins to speak in draconic......and a column of fire erupts from the ceiling. "SHUT THESE THINGS DOWN BEFORE I DESTROY THEM!!!!" He bellows at Kira.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 8.
It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and it is 4:30."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Which means I'm heading home as soon as my ride's here."
The final statuette takes a very certain-looking step forward and swings at the monk, as her comrades have previously done.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (14)+8+-2+-2: 18
The blow does not penetrate Zyla's skillful defences on this occasion.
GAME: You move Statuette 2 to location C14 (5 ft).
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Durrankar."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any likelihood of your return?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I do not know."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "If I have net when I get home? yes. If not...no."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, Baby went nuts. Back now."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 7.
It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
<OOC> Durrankar ducks out for now.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Six - Init 3.
It is now Zyla's turn! C is next!
Durrankar has disconnected.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla, you're up at last."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry for the extended delay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You've got the last statuette very much in your grille."
<OOC> Zyla says, "going to flurry and hit cc2, first attack hammerblow, no extra ki"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey."
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1: (11)+10+1+1: 23
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1: (11)+10+1+1: 23
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1-5: aliased to Melee+1+1-5: (17)+10+1+1+-5: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, yes, yes."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "DR5/- to overcome."
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1: (10)+8+1: 19
GAME: Zyla rolls 1d6: (4): 4
<OOC> Zyla says, "forgot the elemental"
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1+1d6: (12)+6+1+(2): 21
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1+1d6: (10)+6+1+(4): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. It's deaded."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Congratulations, you've killed it."
Zyla looses another flurry of strikes, her arms and fists still crackling with electricty, fist together and down comes the first blow, followed by a quick pair of punches, crumbling that statue as well.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're the statue smasher."
Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 18.
It is now Coppervolt's turn! Kira is next!
<OOC> Iadoth yep, that figures.
The headless statue, grappled by the tiger, mindlessly tries to continue attacking its perceived foes. It turns on the tiger with its mighty arms and fists.
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2-2: (19)+18+-2+-2: 33
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2-2: (6)+18+-2+-2: 20
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (10)+7: 17
The slam attacks look like they hurt the tiger. A lot. But the d----d big cat keeps holding.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 15.
It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Kira, you're up."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What kind of things do you want to do, Kira? You're in the chamber to the west of the combat room."
<OOC> Kira will set Alba down and look through the room and into the next, quickly.
<OOC> Iadoth calls for a sneaky Perception check.
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (4)+13: 17 to Iadoth
From afar, Kira must be terrible at sneaky rolls.
You paged Kira with 'Your search doesn't seem to be terribly effective. Aside from the magic lamps attached to the wall, there's nothing obvious in this room or the next. The next contains a shallow rectangular pool of water and is slightly more poorly illuminated than the first chamber.'
Kira pages: Ok. I assume the pool is part of the mausoleum for reflective purposes? I don't know what deities or families the mausoleum is even for.
You paged Kira with 'Actually, it's been surprisingly deity-neutral, even here.'
<OOC> Kira poses.
You paged Kira with 'It is, however, for 'the glorious fallen of Rune'.'
Kira sets down the fallen Alba, where she'll be protected from trampling constructs, flaming hands of fiery doom, and not a tripping hazard to others. So Kira hopes. She then makes a darting look around the room and into the next, but doesn't find anything conspicuous. A large lever with a bright sign showing 'Golem Guardians Off' would be really helpful about now.
<OOC> Iadoth was tempted, but no.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 15.
It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh man."
<OOC> Kira says, "Uh oh?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, it's Durrankar's turn."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What would you have the Tiger do?"
<OOC> Iadoth was thinking, maintain grapple, rake.
<OOC> Kira says, "Sounds like a tiger? I think?"
<OOC> Iadoth figures it does.
Durrankar has connected.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Right on cue!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "We're discussing what your tiger should do."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "But you can tell us that for free."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It's meant to attack and attack."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "unless the golems are down."
<OOC> Iadoth nods. "It has a rake attack, and is grappling, so it can maintain grapple and 2x claws as a standard. Or break for free and full
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah so we'll do that."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The which?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh man, Baby again."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "the rake attack, so it'll maintain the grapple."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh right. Gotcha."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, maintain grapple with +5 circumstance, then attack with your claws as standard."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "do I roll for the grapple?"
<OOC> Kira says, "It could pin with the maintain, too!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This tiger is pretty kickass."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "tigers in general are."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, you do."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+16: (16)+16: 32
<OOC> Iadoth says, "At +5 circumstance."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a definite success, anyway."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Which is added in. Its CMB is +11"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So now, your rakey-mcrake-face."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "attack roll or just flat damage?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It looks to me like an attack roll"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No and yes, I think."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13
<OOC> Iadoth admits to having gotten a bit lost with the entangled conditions.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, that's 64 total damage against the headless statue, which is a solid amount of damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now, what would Great Druid like to do?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one thing first."
GAME: Durrankar casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Cuz I burned that one for the summon spell"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh right."
<OOC> Iadoth gotcha.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "crap...no I didn't."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I used Call lightning storm."
<OOC> Iadoth grimaces.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Well....since I cast it....I'll use it."
<OOC> Iadoth grins.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Spell Resistance!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yay!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 9d6: (21): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That hits the headless statue, that's for sure!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and the 21 is damage."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (1)+6+-2: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yay!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll be 85 damage to the headless statue."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "SO THAT'S IT."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and ball lightning."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one is going to the headless statue..."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey. The other statue is dead now."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So both at Biggie?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "dodged, then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The other, then?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "dodge?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "reflex for half, I think."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Negates, according to the spell desc."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yeah, negates. I double checked myself."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Success again!"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "NOW I crit."
<OOC> Iadoth sighs.
<OOC> Durrankar punches Iadoth's arm.
<OOC> Iadoth ouch.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "anywho."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Posing."
<OOC> Iadoth hangs fire on the +ninit
Seeing the other golem fall, Durrankar now focuses all of his efforts on the headless golem. Putting the Ball Lightning right up against it, then also bringing down another column of flame onto it......
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Is the Headless one metal?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nope, it's marble."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "K."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I am disappointed nobody used proper weapons against it."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 8.
It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 7.
It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
Round Seven - Init 3.
It is now Zyla's turn! C is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla! You're up!"
<OOC> Kira doesn't have any, sorry.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Make it count!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Wrong alt to use weapons."
<OOC> Zyla says, "okay can I 5' to the big one?"
<OOC> Iadoth shakes head. It's a bit further than that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "20 ft. to be precise."
<OOC> Zyla says, "okay, then will charge and hit it once"
<OOC> Iadoth nodnods!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it when ready1"
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+2+1: aliased to Melee+1+2+1: (9)+10+1+2+1: 23
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That will do nicely."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Damage please."
GAME: Zyla rolls 2d6+8+1+1d6: (9)+8+1+(3): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That takes it to 106 damage. So, it's deaded."
Zyla surges forward, she is a bit farther back from the largest one but it is still hitting her people and she charges, and slams her fist into it, which is enough to overcome and crack its surface.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hulk smash."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What do you guys want to do now?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "are the golems disabled or smashed?"
The headless statue ceases movement, and there is suddenly a very large pile of rubble in the mausoleum. Somebody is going to have to clean up these smashed constructs, but they're not going to cause anybody any harm anytime soon. Unless someone trips over the bits.
Oh, and there's a tiger here too. And plenty of blood and gore. And, inexplicably, quite a lot of spiders. Not to mention the ubiquitous thick webbing. And the vines attached to the floor. This place, frankly, is a mess.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're smashed, Durrankar."
Kira comes back out of the west room. "I'm sorry, there's nothing in there that looks like a control or anything... Oh." She now notices much less statues and much more rubble. "Is everyone alright?" She looks across the room and moves to the eastern door. "We should hurry and finish, to get Alba to my Sisters as soon as possible."
The eastern room, or rooms, is, or are, much like the western. There is a small circular antechamber, with torches around the wall and a central rug, and steps rising to a shallow rectangular pool, slightly more poorly lit. In either room, there are plaques on the wall listing what you can assume are names, with ranks, of fallen Rune soldiers. It would be sombre, were it not for the destruction in the previous room.
Closer inspection of the rooms reveals that one of the magic lanterns has a hinge, and presumably acts as a lever if pulled.
The tiger rumbles and pads it's way over towards Durrankar. Durrankar lets out a rumbles and stratches along the feline's spine. the tiger seems to relax as Durrankar walks over and puts a healing spell upon Alba...before picking her up. "To help stablize her, at least." He says putting Alba gengerly on the tiger's back. "Let us go back to your sisters, kira. She will need assistance there. Well done, Zyla...." He then looks at the lantern. "Kira.....try that." he points to the lanter.
Kira checks on Alba again. There's nothing more she can do for her, but that doesn't stop her concern. It takes her a moment to realize what Durrankar is talking about and she has to look twice. "Oh. Oh! Why would this be made like this...?" She pulls on the lantern to tip it on the hinge.
A bell chimes overhead in the main room, but... nothing happens. If it was meant to deactivate the constructs, it is now moot. They are already deactivated.
<OOC> Iadoth giggles furiously.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "A good perception check might have found it."
<OOC> Kira had to get to the correct room, too.
<OOC> Iadoth now grins impishly.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No, they were in both rooms."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I thought it was a bit unfair otherwise."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "plus, if the room hadn't been closed off......"
<OOC> Kira shakes a finger at WhirlDice.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "DiceCleanser(TM) can help with that!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anymore poses before I stop the log?"
<OOC> Iadoth gives you a few minutes whilst I do chores.
<OOC> Kira doesn't have anything too amazing, no.
<OOC> Zyla says, "I am good"
<OOC> Durrankar is also good. As long as we take Alba back to the Althean temple.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks for playing, then. I will try harder to kill you next time."
<OOC> Durrankar prolly had the most HP here.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and possibly the least AC."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Looks that way."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, and Durrankar?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Caryatid Columns."
<OOC> Iadoth hops away laughing.

Latest revision as of 22:28, 14 June 2016



Alba, Durrankar, Kira and Zyla are given a mission by a Rune general who tells them a Warrior's Mausoleum contains some constructs which are likely to have gone haywire, given the recent happenings. They travel there, climb over the walls and enter the mausoleum where they encounter several large statues which come alive and attack them.

Character Levels

Average Party Level is hence (7+9+8+6)/4 = 7.5

Type of PrP

Standard, with combat.


One encounter with the following constructs:

Total CR is hence 9.5, i.e. approximately APL+2.

Purchases, Lasting Effects & Rumours



Lasting Effects



All four of the Caryatid Columns and the Cephalophore were destroyed rather than disabled.


This was carried out as part of the constructs-gone-crazy part of the Rune-Dran War plot arc, which attracts an XP bonus to runners.

Part 1 - 1st June 2016, 8:00pm BST

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. In the spirit of open communication, I am to inform you the following: I am looking after the baby alone tonight.
      This means I may disappear suddenly (I will try to give warning), and also that I have some chores to complete (although I've done most 
      of it)."
Durrankar has arrived.
<OOC> Iadoth ooh.
Alba has arrived.
<OOC> Alba spiders! :D
<OOC> Durrankar says, "welp....we won"
<OOC> Alba notes, is using a new spell loadout, so don't be supa sure. XD
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  At a glance around Plot Room: Three  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Alba         15s     5'9"     122 Lb     Human             Female    
    A black-haired, masked Veyshanti woman.                                    
Durrankar    39s     7'0"     398 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      
    Silver Sith-makar with blue eyes                                           
Iadoth       0s      4'9"     111 Lb     Wild Elf          Female    
    Lithe elf with green eyes and plaited brown hair.                          
Kira         4m      5'0"     120 Lb     Human             Female    
    A young blonde woman wearing simple robes.                                 
Zyla         7m      7'5"     310 Lb     Giantborn         Female    
    Massive woman in simple clothing and robes                                
<OOC> Kira waves to everyone. Even the spiders. "They are nice spiders. Right?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "nice to us."
<OOC> Alba says, "They aren't going to swarm *you,* so, yes. Yes, they are nice spiders."
<OOC> Iadoth considers two things.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "One: APL+2 or APL+3?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Two: Standard or Death-Consent?"
<OOC> Alba says, "DC has to be pre-approved."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, well there's a quick answer for that then."
<OOC> Alba XD
<OOC> Iadoth ... in that case.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Has Terewin outleveled us?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Terewin's headed off soon."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Shame."
<OOC> Iadoth okay.

You have been gathered before one of the Rune army generals who specialises in ... special ops. One of her aides explains to you the protocol: If you are caught by the Dran army, or anything working for it, you will be disavowed. You do not exist. For this, you will be recompensed.

The general comes in, wearing fatigues, and smoking a fat cigar which reeks of expensive dream-baccy. "Troops, things don't look good within our own borders. We've had some reports of constructs going awry all over Rune, and the people are getting panicky. We have some ... particular concerns, though. A Warrior's Mausoleum, remembering the dead of all conflicts Rune has been involved in. There are constructs there. It's gonna be awkward if veterans and families head over there only to be smashed." She points to the place on the map, a few miles from your present location. "Any questions?"

Kira has many questions. The topmost would be 'Why is this terrible war happening at all and how can we stop it?' She doesn't ask this just yet, though. "I don't want anyone to be smashed. Is there somewhere we can put any malfunctioning constructs we find? Where they can't hurt anyone?"

Up at the corner of the room, reclining against the ceiling as if she had bullied gravity into working differently for her and her alone, the masked Veyshanti witch spends a moment considering the viper in her arms, whispering to it now and again. Finally, the mask rises, and oritents on the General. "Why us? If the threat is merely rage within the machines, can the arcanists not merely take away the magic? What is the threat that requires we to end it?"

Durrankar had been listening all this time, but he looks to Kira and puffs out some smoke. "It will depends upon what they were made to do. If we can draw them out of the mausoleum and into another place where they can defend Rune instead of kill their people." He then glances to Alba. "Because to take away magic, probably takes down the defenses to the mausoleum as well."

Zyla cocks her head to the side, "State of the constructs, how are we to go about, disable, take them out? Not sure we can knock constructs out."

The general considers Kira's question for a moment. "Disable them as much as you can. When they're subdued, we can send in a cleanup squad to deal with them. I just can't commit my own troops at the moment --- not without exposing the front."

Next the witch is addressed: "We have seen only limited effect from the action of the arcanists. Additionally, there are enough constructs to deal with within the city, and we have commitments further afield. As well you know. Your ending this threat releases resources that are desperately needed elsewhere."

Durrankar is addressed in order. "You are correct, but my sources suggest that these constructs are the primary defences for the mausoleum. Disabling the magic may have unforeseen effects, and we would wish for this only as a last resort."

Finally, Zyla is answered: "The state of the constructs is unknown. They may be active, they may be inactive. It is not certain without committing troops that we do not have. I cannot risk civilians finding out too late, either. If you cannot disable the constructs, then destroy them. We will deal with defending the mausoleum another time."

<OOC> Durrankar may run out to get food soonish. Alba's free to "ghost' me, if need be until I get back.
<OOC> Iadoth okay.
<OOC> Alba says, "Er. o.o"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any further questions? I realise the brief is vague."
<OOC> Durrankar shakes head.

The witch looses a rough sigh, raising her arm and allowing the snake to slither down her arm, to tuck itself into her hair. Pushing off the ceiling, she drifts to ground, fingering a set of beads attached to her mask. "Let us be on our way, then, and see what we may see."

<OOC> Alba says, "Nupe!"
<OOC> Zyla says, "nope all is good"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. If Kira has questions, then she can shoot them to me."

The way to the mausoleum is straightforward, with well paved roads. Horses have been provided for an expedient arrival. When you get there, the tall iron gate to the mausoleum is locked, with tall stone walls at either side. Beyond the gate you can see a low-lying stone structure, and an immaculately mowed lawn. Fountains and memorial stones are set into the otherwise plain landscape.

<OOC> Kira doesn't have any more. "Sorry, RL nabed me."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's no problem."

"I imagine if we wander in, we'll draw them out." Durrankar says quietly. "I don't really like bringing a battle to those that have heard, and answered, the song of the Death Singing Dragon, but it is better to find out what is wrong, than for others to be hurt."

Zyla shakes her head, not really sure what might be happening here. "How does one disable a construct? Pound it till it doesn't move but doesn't crumble?"

"I'm sure we can make it safe for everyone without making it defenseless," Kira talks as she walks. "But why would anyone want to attack a mausoleum?" She nods solemly to Durrnakar. "They deserve their peace, and their families some respect in their loss." Now she looks to Zyla. "We could lead them somewhere and trap them? Bind them? So long as they can't hurt anyone."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "You can just smash 'em up if you like xD"
<OOC> Durrankar points to an announcement.
<OOC> Iadoth sagenods.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "any we smash is one less for the defense of rune."

To the horse's evident relief, Alba drifts off her horse, touching down on the grass as she gives the mausoleum a long, considering look. "Better to fight there, than elsewhere in the city," she notes. "What was broken can be fixed. What is killed, less so."

<OOC> Kira nods. "Not a fan of breaking other peoples' belongings, anyhow. Pretty sure destruction of property is illegal."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, for sure."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Right. How are you going to get in?"

Zyla nods her head, "Well will do what I can." she looks over, "I don't think anyone is attacking the Mausoleum, it sounded more like this is widespread and they are concerned about innocents being hurt at the mausoleum." she glances around and looks for an opening.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "There is the front gate. The wall surrounds the mausoleum otherwise."

Kira's smile dims as her lips purse. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was locked. I should've asked the captain for a key..." She walks up to the gate to look it over, then up at in and the nearby walls. "Maybe we could climb over, if we have to?"

'Or someone's using disruptive magic and the delicate magic and magitech balance used to create the golems is creating a problem.' Says Durrankar's staff. "That's a good point, Tyrannix." he says as he makes his way to the front gate.

"'Ware," Alba notes, keeping to one side of the gate and looking up at the walls. "Remember our foe. First let us see what is a threat, and what is not." With that, she floats up to the lip of the wall, dropping atop the stones and peering out over the yard.

The view from the top of the wall is similar to that through the gate: Well-manicured grass, immaculately clean memorials and and otherwise dull view. The mausoleum itself is low-lying enough to suggest that it may be partly underground. There is an entrance via a wide stone door down several steps, supporting this theory.

<OOC> Alba says, "Nothing is lobbing fireballs at me?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not at the moment."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Disappointing, isn't it."

'the ones going haywire are probably underground Freddy.' Durrankar looks at the staff. "Who's Freddy?" 'I have no idea. Heard he was a scary guy though.' "You do realize that Alba is a female....right?" 'Yeah, and chicks are a lot scarier.' Durrankar groans as he starts to try and open the gate.......

<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's locked with a sturdy padlock and chain. Do you have Disable Device?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Newp."
<OOC> Alba says, "How tall is the wall? :D"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Tis 12 ft. high."
<OOC> Iadoth avoids cliches.
<OOC> Alba will Rapunzel everyone up, then. :D
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ohhh, that's all kinds of creepy."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your WHAT THE HELL IS THIS."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "At least it's not Bobobo...."

Kira looks from the wall, to the locked gate, and back. Then she blinks at a thought. "Don't open the gate. We should leave it locked. We can climb over to see what's happening inside."

Durrankar says, "Just a gut feeling that the lock will keep us from being attacked." Durrankar says looking to Alba."

"Done," Alba says, as her hair thrashes and writhes, molding itself into a thick braid that slithers down the stone wall, twitching back and forth. "The shaman may climb," she says, "but he will have to hurl his stick over first. This knowing pleases me."

Kira looks up and over to Alba, pointing out to the talking stick. "She isn't scary. See? She's helpful!"

<OOC> Iadoth smirks.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Y'know, Alba was one of the first characters I RP'ed with here."
<OOC> Zyla says, "will just climb over the wall"
<OOC> Alba XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. The Climb (Athletics?) DC is 25; you can take ten if you like."
GAME: Zyla rolls athletics: (16)+13: 29
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d4: (1): 1
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Speedy."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's your base land speed?"
<OOC> Zyla says, "50"

'I'd rather someone hang onto me while he climbs over.' tyrannix says as Durrankar hands him up to Alba. 'Wait WHAT!? You're gonna give me to HEr to hang on to!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN MIND!' if Alba takes the staff, he'll say 'Uhm hi......you're even scarier up close daggerfist sparklepants.' Meanwhile, Durrankar tries to climb....

GAME: Durrankar rolls climb: (19)+climb: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You's up and over then, Zyla."
<OOC> Alba says, "Athletics."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "That's supposed to be athletics. XD"
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (9)+12: 21
<OOC> Durrankar says, "can I take the first roll? XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, your first made it. So yeah."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's your base land speed?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "20 with the armor."
<OOC> Iadoth raises eyebrows.

Zyla takes a moment and looks at the wall, she thinks that she can do it and she really doesn't want to wait her turn so she gets a good start and she is up and over the wall without too much difficulty, her monk speed aiding her even here.

<OOC> Durrankar has fire spirit armor breastplate.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You need to succeed twice more then."
<OOC> Durrankar can increase my land speed though. but only by 10.
<OOC> Kira doesn't mind waiting her turn and taking up offers of help. "If people are being helpful."
<OOC> Iadoth wouldn't bother.
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (8)+12: 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That was to Durrankar, Kira."
<OOC> Alba says, "Does my hair count as a rope or somesuch?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I hate dice."
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (16)+12: 28
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (11)+12: 23
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (12)+12: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "One more, Durr!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (3)+12: 15
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yeah...this'll take me all day."
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (5)+12: 17
GAME: Durrankar rolls athletics: (9)+12: 21
<OOC> Durrankar will fill the screen at this rate.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, are you using the hair?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I thought your pose was ambiguous."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It's always ambiguous."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "as for using the hair....if Alba has my staff, then yeah."
<OOC> Alba says, "Yus, I do. At arms length."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If anyone is using the hair to climb, then the DC is only 5, so if your bonus is sufficiently high, no worries about 
<OOC> Iadoth apologises for any misunderstanding.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "K. then I don't need to roll. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth nope, it just takes 3 rounds.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "K."
<OOC> Iadoth sorries to all. Assumes Kira makes it.
<OOC> Kira can roll. "I just wasn't going to pose over people."
<OOC> Iadoth disappears to do chores for two minutes.

The staff is taken, and held at arms length. "And you," she mutters, "are loud and unpleasant. Perhaps the stick will tell to me why it should not simply be dropped to await its owner beneath the wall..." The staff is wiggled, once.

"because he's worried that termites will make their way into him." Durrankar says as he gets over the wall....slowly, yes, but he makes it. "And you will be nice to her. You do know that there are some spiders that burrow their way into wood, right? And Alba has spet spiders." 'Mommy....' "So.....treat her with respect." 'yes ma'am....uh sir.' Durrankar hrfs.

Kira waits for Durrankar to clear the wall, offering polite encouragement all the while. Once he's safe and solid, she takes her turn to scale the wall. Hair if offered, not if not. Either way, she gives the floating, masked, pigtailed, clawed, not-scary woman a warm smile and gratitude. "Thank you for your help. Maybe when we're done, you'd like help brushing? That must take awhile." Unless she's found a way to make it self-brushing? Who knows?

When Kira's over, she looks around the grounds again. "We should keep watch for the constructs, and any visitors. If there's any danger, we can evacuate them outside of the walls."

The stone door to the monument itself is some 30 ft. ahead of the gate, along a neatly raked gravel path. Everything about this place seems unnervingly restful and quiet. Even the birds seem muted.

Once Durrankar's feet hit the ground, Alba passes the staff back to his keeping, wiping her hand off on her knee. Kira's offer for help has her tilting her head far to one side in silence. After everyone is on the far side of the wall, her hair unravels, fans apart, and tucks itself back into its previous form; a waist-length ponytail, bound at its midpoint and very much not ten feel long. Then she merely steps off the wall, light as a feather, and touches down on one foot. "It is not likely that any are visiting now... but it would be a wise thing to do."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "From atop the wall you could see almost all of the grounds, and you didn't spot any visitors."

Zyla nods, "Looks like everything is going to be inside." she says and shakes her head, "Luckily the gate is still locked."

Durrankar says, "And to go inside, we'll need to unlock it. I'd say, lock it behind us...but we don't have the key."

<OOC> Zyla says, "so on the wall or inside the wall?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Inside."

Kira walks for the monument proper, looking around the grounds for any unsuspecting visitors at risk. "If there's no one here, and something is going wrong with the constructs, can't we just leave them inside? The walls and gate will keep them from coming out, and we can make sure no visitors go in until the city can send people to fix them."

Zyla nods, "And if the constructs are destroying the mausoleum on the inside?"

"Because if we do not break them," Alba says, "then the people who are sent to fix them may perish. And the people sent to defend them. And the people that those defenders have been guarding, before they were pulled away to fix machines. We are not here to end a threat," she says to Kira. "We are here to quiet a nuisance, and allow those facing the threat to worry less."

Durrankar says, "Your path of non-violence is invalid here, Kira. If we do not take care of these constructs, then someone else will have to, and they will get hurt. We can't just 'seal them up and wish for them to go away'. They will not. People are going to get hurt. It will be us....who have a means to heal ourselves...." And he points to Kira. "....or it will be people LESS suited for the job. And if people less suited for the job go in...they will die.""

The stone door looms large in Kira's vision. It is a very /tall/ door, perhaps as tall as the wall you just climbed. The door itself is a double-leaf type, in stone, with small round knobs set evenly on the outer edges.

<OOC> Iadoth hears baby wake up. Thinks may have to disappear for a bit... waits to see.
Durrankar has reconnected.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "grr"
<OOC> Iadoth grr indeed.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah, baby has gone back to sleep. Marvellous."

"If they're destroying the mausoleum, then we need to subdue them," Kira answers. "Just as we were asked to." She turns her smile to Durrankar. "It is never invalid, and I think you misunderstood me. I don't want anyone to be hurt. I won't leave something dangerous for others to face."

<OOC> Iadoth waits to see what will happen next. Is anyone waiting on anything from me?

"Then let us gain entry to this hall of the dead," Alba says, her patience beginning to slip. "We will solve aught standing before the door and prattling about."

Durrankar has partially disconnected.
Durrankar has disconnected.

Kira nods to Alba. "You're right. We won't know what we need to do until we go inside." So Kira tries to help with that, by trying to open the doors.

The doors yawn open noiselessly, revealing a pleasantly lit space beyond. Flickering, magickal lanterns line the walls on either side of a 10 ft. wide corridor, about 15 ft. high, leading to a shallow pool and a staircase down beyond.

Pushing off the ground, Alba drifts into the mausoleum, fingerknives singing against each other as she moves her fingers restlessly, mask turning this way and that. "Hn... There is no sign of these defenders, yet..."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyone else want to pose?"

Zyla stretchs a little, "Alright, shall we?" she asks and then cocks her head to the side, realizing so far they are right no constructs.

<OOC> Iadoth moves on a little.

The staircase descends 15 ft. into a small antechamber, with friezes depicting scenes from the various wars Rune has been involved in. There are no friezes involving the recent Dran conflict. Half-urns are cast into two niches, filled with what appears to be very clean water. There is another stone door, similar to the first but decorated with leaves, directly ahead of you.

The witch sighs, upon seeing the next chamber empty, and motions for the party to stay to the sides of the doorway. "The further we go and do not find trouble," she mutters, "the more trouble there will be when it is found. Hn..." And her hair thrashes, elongating into a fobrous black tentacle, used to open the door safely from far to one side.

Kira walks quietly, out of respect for those at rest. She speaks quietly, too. "There could be no trouble here, at all, too."

Zyla shakes her head and is ready, just confused that they have not come across anything yet.

The next corridor, 10ft. wide again, is laid with a thick, lush, dust-free red carpet. At the opposite end is another doorway, this time open, leading to a chamber beyond, where several statues are visible from here. The most notable, directly opposite, is holding its own severed head in its hands. This tall marble statue looms stern and forbidding over its domain.

Two other statues are also visible, at either side of the dismembered one. With its feet planted firmly together, these marble statues of female warriors holding stone swords rise up to support the ceiling.

Kira is curious, and hopeful that her optimism could prove true. They're all here to investigate. There's no proof that there are troubles going on in the mausoleum. She steps forward onto the carpet. "Rune is very respectful of their fallen, and their visitors. This mausoleum is beautiful."

Zyla cocks her head, "Do you think the statues are the constructs?"

<OOC> Iadoth would recommend Perception checks.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, where are you standing?"
GAME: Alba rolls perception: (9)+8: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"
GAME: Zyla rolls perception: (20)+14: 34
<OOC> Alba is floating near the ceiling as she can get, behind Kira nad Zyla.
<OOC> Zyla says, "probably just through the door"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira?"
<OOC> Kira just walked out into the hall?
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (2)+13: 15
<OOC> Kira must be admiring the plush carpet...

You paged Zyla with 'Okay, those statues? They're definitely constructs.'

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

	Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!

	Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.

	For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

GAME: Zyla rolls initiative: 1 + 2 = 3
GAME: You roll initiative for C: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 8 = Total: 18
GAME: You roll initiative for CC1: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 25
GAME: You roll initiative for CC2: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 8
GAME: You roll initiative for CC3: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 27
GAME: You roll initiative for CC4: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 22

Zyla pages: can I shout that or have to wait till my init?

You paged Zyla with 'You would have to wait for your init.'

GAME: Alba rolls initiative: 3 + 4 = 7
GAME: Kira rolls initiative: 11 + 4 = 15
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Zero - Init 27.
      It is now CC3's turn! CC1 is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 25.
      It is now CC1's turn! CC4 is next!

Beyond the carpeted room, you notice that one of the statues suddenly /stops being a statue/, and begins to advance towards the end of the corridor instead, partially blocking your passage.

GAME: Zyla refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 22.
      It is now CC4's turn! C is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 18.
      It is now Crow's turn! Kira is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Crow? Well, that's confusing."

The head-bearing statue is next to disengage from its plinth, marching forward heavily to stand a step or two behind the first statuette.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! CC2 is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kira ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, this is a surprise round, and you weren't aware of the statues. Sorry!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Kira says, "Ok."

The statue on the right also steps off its plinth and marches forward to stand in front of the headless horror and beside its feminine comrade.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Alba ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Same goes for you, Albs."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zyla ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla, you're up. Standard action or move action, your call. The statues are 25 ft. away, just beyond the threshold
      to the next room."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, and free actions of course."
<OOC> Zyla says, "will move up to stand in front of the first one I guess."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yayyyy."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose if you like; I don't mind."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 27.
     It is now CC3's turn! CC1 is next!

Zyla shakes her head, "Thought they might be." she says as she realizes just before they start to move what they are. She moves down the hall to stand in front of the first statue.

Another statue lumbers in from the left to fill the gap left by the first pair in front of the large headless statue.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 25.
      It is now CC1's turn! CC4 is next!
 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 2 =====================
     27   CC3              1  
  >> 25   CC1              1   <<
     22   CC4              1  
     18   C                1  
     15   Kira             1  
     8    CC2              1  
     7    Alba             1  
     3    Zyla             3  
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Alba      |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  7  | 17  | 31  | 19 | 17 | 3  | 6  | 7  |
|Kira      |HUMAN     |Mnk/Pal    |  8  | 71  | 71  | 20 | 29 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
|Zyla      |GIANTBORN |Mnk        |  6  | 41  | 47  | 20 | 28 | 7  | 7  | 5  |

Methodically, the first statuette automatically makes to strike Zyla as keenly as possible with a smart-looking longsword.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

The blow is deflected by Zyla's strength, and leaves no lasting mark.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 22.
      It is now CC4's turn! C is next!

Completing the square, a fourth statuette lumbers in from the right. Now four statues stand in a 10ft. square, with the large headless statue immediately behind them.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 18.
      It is now C's turn! Kira is next!

Immobile, the large statue glares at the approaching creatures, filling them with dread!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Can I have a Will save from everyone who would be affected by a mind-affecting fear effect, please?"
<OOC> Kira is immune and grants a bonus to those nearby.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's DC 16 to those who still have to roll."
<OOC> Zyla says, "what is the bonus kira?"
<OOC> Kira says, "+4 morale to saves vs feat to all within 10'"
<OOC> Kira says, "vs fear"
GAME: Zyla rolls will+2+4: (5)+5+2+4: 16
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ooh you jammy so-and-so."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're still sickened for 1 round."
GAME: Note Sickened added to Zyla with a duration of 1 rounds.
<OOC> Kira gives a heads up that she has to run away in about 15 minutes. :(
<OOC> Iadoth should also probably go to bed.
<OOC> Alba says, "We pausing, then?"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks that might be the answer here.
<OOC> Iadoth is a little disappointed.
<OOC> Kira wasn't sure and was waiting for her turn.
GAME: Alba rolls will+4: (3)+7+4: 14
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not disappointed in anybody, mind."
<OOC> Alba says, "Sorry, missed that."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ahhh, you're stunned then :P"
<OOC> Alba says, "And Alba is feared. *Alba.*"
<OOC> Alba says, "Oh man, I feel sorry for these statues."
GAME: Note Stunned added to Alba with a duration of 1 rounds.
<OOC> Kira guesses they have more spiders?
<OOC> Alba says, "THEY WILL SOON."
Durrankar has connected.
<OOC> Kira says, "Here he comes! To save the day!"
<OOC> Alba says, "+init in, Durr. XD"
<OOC> Durrankar tried to hurry.
GAME: Durrankar rolls initiative: 8 + 7 = 15
<OOC> Alba says, "S'okay, we're likely to pause and pick up again another time, but init in anyhow. :3"
<OOC> Iadoth will pop Durrankar alongside Alba.
GAME: Durrankar refreshes spells.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also Durrankar, could you roll a Will save please? Unless you're immune to mind-affecting or fear. With a +2 bonus."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, +4 bonus."
<OOC> Durrankar is immune to paralysis, poison and Sleep, and fear from dragons.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Doh, they ain't dragons."
GAME: Durrankar rolls will +4: (20)+12+4: 36 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Kira says, "He looks almost immune to me. :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're still sickened."
<OOC> Kira says, "Now we know who stole Alba's die."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
GAME: Note Sickened added to Durrankar with a duration of 1 rounds.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, Kira, you're up!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The statue block is beyond the doorway. If you move 20ft. you can be adjacent."
<OOC> Kira will lay a hand on Zyla, since she has Mercy: Sickened, unless she's out of reach and Durrankar is closer.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla is over there."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar is just behind you, so yes."
<OOC> Kira says, "Ok. And I'll pose."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "test"
<OOC> Iadoth receives the test!

Kira was too busy admiring the carpet and by the time she notices the statues moving, it's almost too late. Zyla's already moved up, and now the big one is glaring at them. Unsettlingly. Kira blinks as it seems to unsettle some more than others. "Wait!" She puts a hand on the nearby Durrankar, calling on and granting Althea's grace to his discomfort. "They are guardians of the mausoleum, right? They could be guarding it, reacting like they're supposed to. We're intruding."

<OOC> Iadoth shrewdly nods.

From afar, Kira is going to assume they aren't evil?

You paged Kira with 'You are correct.'

GAME: Note Sickened removed from Durrankar
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Durrankar. You're up."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No longer sickened, either."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "We're....not being attacked? I'm guessing cuz of Kira."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not true! One of the statuettes tried to smack Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, yeah, you weren't here for that."
Durrankar has reconnected.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "grr"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not true! One of the statuettes tried to smack Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, yeah, you weren't here for that."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "can I....identify what kind of golems they are to do something like that?"
<OOC> Kira noms all and has to run for now, sorry.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, I'll rearrange for next week."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, yes --- I can't remember the appropriate knowledge, though."
Kira has disconnected.
<OOC> Durrankar thinks it'd be Arcana, since they're magical things.
<OOC> Durrankar is hazarding a guess.
<OOC> Iadoth checks, finds it to be Arcana.
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+4: (2)+4: 6
<OOC> Durrankar says, "oh well."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Roll again for the other kind."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d2: (2): 2

You paged Durrankar with 'That's a Cephalophore. If they hit you with a slam attack, you might be dazed. They're also so hard that using weapons against them can damage the weapon more than it can damage them.'

Durrankar pages: the wall one?

You paged Durrankar with 'The large, headless one which is standing behind the four statuettes.'

You paged Durrankar with 'It is holding its head in its hands.'

You paged Durrankar with 'Large can be taken rules-literally.'

Durrankar pages: Hmmm.....

Durrankar pages: and the large headless one is the one who attacked Zyla?

You paged Durrankar with 'Ah, no, one of the statuettes attacked Zyla.'

<OOC> Durrankar does apologize for taking so long on his turn.

Durrankar pages: and it formed a wall after attacking Zyla.

You paged Durrankar with 'Umm, not really. Four of the statuettes are occupying a 10 ft. square. Behind that square is the Cephalophore.'

Durrankar pages: All righty. I'm making sure I don't need to spend a spell, but it seems I'll need to hit them anyways.

<OOC> Durrankar says, "looks like we'll have to get through the wall first. Shame we can't find some sort of lever or something to disable
<OOC> Iadoth didn't say that didn't exist.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "all right. can I search for one?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "or, at least, an obvious one?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Give me a Perception check. I'll make it a free action."
GAME: Durrankar rolls perception: (18)+17: 35
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nah, you can't see an obvious lever."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Are we being attacked at this very moment? If not, I'm going to make a more pointed search."
<OOC> Durrankar is....thinking.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "We're all doomed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla was attacked this round, yes."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "And then they formed the wall..."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Lets make a more pointed search for a lever, or button or something....."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They were kinda building their formation before then. The first round, two moved into position, the second round, the
      other two completed the square."
Durrankar has partially disconnected.
<OOC> Iadoth giggles at maths joke.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and none of us are at full HP."
<OOC> Iadoth fixes that!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "so, I'm doing my more pointed search."
GAME: You damaged Durrankar for -100000 points. 94 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Alba for -100000 points. 31 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Kira for -100000 points. 71 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Zyla for -100000 points. 47 remaining.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "is it possible to take 20 on a search?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not within a single round."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "okie."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hold on Durrankar."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "K."

You paged Durrankar with 'Your glance around the antechamber and carpeted corridor doesn't reveal anything that jumps out as being a lever.

Squinting into the room beyond, where the Cephalophore and his female guardians stand, you can't see anything immediately, but there are two chambers off of that room, one to the left and one to the right. Perhaps an override control might be in one of those, but you'll have to get by the guardians first.'

<OOC> Iadoth is just paging Durrankar.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "that my turn? or can I do something?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "well...other than search."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "test"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, still here."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "OKie."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, that search was a free action. You still have your standard and move."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And swift, I guess."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Just needed the standard. Which will be ball lightning."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "which I will put against the 'wall'."
GAME: Durrankar casts Ball Lightning. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Durrankar says, "reflex for half."
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Alba      |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  7  | 31  | 31  | 19 | 17 | 3  | 6  | 7  |
|Durrankar |SITH-MAKAR|Dru        |  9  | 94  | 94  | 24 | 22 | 11 | 7  | 12 |
|Zyla      |GIANTBORN |Mnk        |  6  | 47  | 47  | 20 | 28 | 7  | 7  | 5  |
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (10): 10
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You have another Ball Lightning globe, I think."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (6): 6
<OOC> Durrankar says, "side by side in the wall."
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Can I have a Spell Resistance check, please?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "d20+caster bonus?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "1d20 + Caster Level"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "okie then."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
<OOC> Durrankar says, "newp."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "test"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm slightly confused by the applicability of spell resistance here."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So Ball Lightning has 'Spell Resistance: yes', but Spell Resistance applies (usually) only when a spell targets a creature,
      which it's ... not really doing here. So why would SR apply?"
<OOC> Zyla says, "I would say cause it does target each when it moves into that square to attack it."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Awesome. That was kinda my reading."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "In that case, Durrankar, 'newp' is indeed valid."
<OOC> Durrankar doesn't think they wink out though, so they'll carry to next level.
<OOC> Iadoth agrees with that assessment.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I think I hafta roll it twice though."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They remain in the squares where you dumped them."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Both globes after all."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "That in mind."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
<OOC> Durrankar says, "also newp."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Newp indeed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any movement?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "No."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Do you wish to pose? The two statuettes are completely unaffected by the ball lightning. It's as though they have not
      even registered its presence."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!

The second statuette in the forward wall twists 45 degrees on its base and takes a swing at Zyla, in an action identical to its comrade.

After doing a bit of searching, Durrankar figures that the 'deactivation switches' are going to be where they least need them to be....in one fo the two rooms beyond where the wall is. "The switches will probably be back there." Durrankar says pointing towards the rooms behind the wall. In the meantime, Durrankar uses ball lightning, and plants them where the wall has been made. the wall doesn't seem to 'feel' them yet....but that will change soon.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+6: (8)+6: 14
<OOC> Iadoth hurts Zyla gravely.
GAME: You damaged Zyla for 14 points. 33 remaining.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "brb again"

The blow connects, and causes some serious harm to Zyla.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Alba! You're up!"
<OOC> Alba says, "Okay. So this is a 10' corridor, with doors behind the statues?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually the doors are in front of the statues. They open into the corridor."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The other parts of your question are TRUE."
<OOC> Alba says, "Oh well hell, that's easy. Can I target a Web spell to hit the statues, but not Zyla or the doors?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Iadoth?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, sorry."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Chores."
<OOC> Alba nod...?
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, if you target the middle of the room."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I think."
<OOC> Alba only asks because Web is a 20' radius, so it covers a good deal of ground. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yep, if you target right at the back of the large headless statue, you'll cover all five constructs."
<OOC> Alba says, "Awesome."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Without hitting Zyla or the doors."
GAME: Alba casts Web. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
<OOC> Alba says, "DC 15 reflex save, baby."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (15)+2: 17
<OOC> Iadoth eyeballs that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, so the headless one doesn't get caught, and neither does the statuette at the back on the right of the formation."
<OOC> Alba says, "But the two in front do."
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "As well as the back left."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any move action?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Nupe, not atm."
<OOC> Iadoth nodnods, straightforward!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose away!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla, you're up next."

"Hn," Alba grunts in answer to Durrankar... then pushes her mask up, revealing a sullen face twisting with discomfort as a fist-sized lump distends her throat. With an explosive cough, she launches a shiny,sticky ball of fibers toward the headless statue, which explodes into a steel-strong shambles of conjured webbing. "Then go, warriors," she says, eyeing her handiwork. "Find the means to end these things, the shaman and I shall keep them amused."

<OOC> Zyla says, "okay, ki for elemental fury, and then flurry, with attack#2 being style strike hammerblow"
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
<OOC> Zyla says, "good to go?"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "back."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Good to go, Zyla."
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (19)+10+1+-2: 28
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (16)+10+1+-2: 25
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2-5: aliased to Melee+1-2-5: (4)+10+1+-2+-5: 8
<OOC> Zyla says, "vs the one that hit me"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The first two hit."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Easily. You may have to remind me about Hammerblow."
<OOC> Zyla says, "my fists do count as magic. hammer blow, I roll the damage dice twice and add together before adding str bonus etc."
GAME: Zyla rolls first-2+1d6: aliased to 2d6+8-2+1d6: (7)+8+-2+(5): 18
GAME: Zyla rolls hammer+1d6-2: aliased to 4d6+6+1d6-2: (16)+6+(3)+-2: 23
<OOC> Zyla says, "and the d6 is electrical damage"
<OOC> Iadoth hrm.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Damage Resistance --- does electrical apply?"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks it probably does not.
<OOC> Zyla says, "reading on damage reduction, energy attacks normally apply full damage unless creature is dr against that type of
<OOC> Iadoth goes with that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Uhhh..."
<OOC> Zyla says, "hmm?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Sup, Iadoth?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Physical damage on the first one is 13, reduced to 8 by DR. Then we add 5 which is non-physical."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "which is 13. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Physical on the second is 20, reduced to 15 by DR. Then, 3 added which is non-physical."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, 13 + 18 = 31 hp. Right!"
<OOC> Iadoth just had to do that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose away!"

Zyla doesn't like the fact that she was hit. She focuses for a moment and then her body and arms start to crackle with electricty. She takes a breath and then slam her fist goes out hitting the statue that struck her hard, and then she brings both hands together and brings it down hard onto the statue as well, before loosing another fist, though the last she misjudged and it goes wide.

      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 27.
      It is now CC3's turn! CC1 is next!

The back left statuette moves smoothly into a defensive stance, somehow giving the impression of lightness-of-foot.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 25.
      It is now CC1's turn! CC4 is next!

The enwebbed statuette uses a free hand to take a good swing at Zyla again.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10-2: (5)+10+-2: 13

The webbing is too strong, and the construct fails to connect sword to flesh.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 22.
      It is now CC4's turn! C is next!

The back right statuette, unencumbered by webbing as it might be, copies its partner to the left and takes a defensive stance against the intruders.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 18.
      It is now C's turn! Kira is next!

The large, headless statue is largely free of the webbing, and is quite well hidden behind all of that thick web. You can still, however, see its penetrating stare, repeated again.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'll have a DC 16 will save from everyone, prease. +4 from Kira's aura."
GAME: Alba rolls will+4: (18)+7+4: 29
GAME: Durrankar rolls will+4: (10)+12+4: 26
GAME: Note Sickened added to Alba with a duration of 1 rounds.
GAME: Note Sickened added to Durrankar with a duration of 1 rounds.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zylaaaaa?"
<OOC> Zyla says, "yes"
<OOC> Zyla says, "fear thing again?"
<OOC> Iadoth noddos.
GAME: Zyla rolls will+2+4: (19)+5+2+4: 30
GAME: Note Sickened added to Zyla with a duration of 1 rounds.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Y'all are sickened."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And sickening. Don't forget that."
<OOC> Zyla says, "anyway to avoid the sickened? or not really?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nope, apart from being immune."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a useful debuff that this construct has."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "When it's not trying to beat you up."
<OOC> Zyla says, "and its a mind affect not a disease or something right?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No, it's a mind-affecting fear effect."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "With a Wisdom-based save."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Aaaaaannnnndddddd that brings us to the end of tonight's session."
<OOC> Iadoth hopes everyone had fun.
<OOC> Iadoth will rearrange for Wednesday or Thursday next week, same start time.
<OOC> Alba nodnod, sounds like a plan. :3
<OOC> Durrankar will try to be here....somehow.
<OOC> Alba tosses about the +noms.
<OOC> Iadoth won't be able to go on as late though. Probably until 2 hours before now.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Goodnight all! See you soon!"
 GAME: You save the current timestop as ConstructiveCriticism under slot #9.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Nini."

Part 2 - 8th June 2016, 8:00pm BST

|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Alba      |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  7  | 31  | 31  | 19 | 17 | 3  | 6  | 7  |
|Durrankar |SITH-MAKAR|Dru        |  9  | 94  | 94  | 24 | 22 | 11 | 7  | 12 |
|Kira      |HUMAN     |Mnk/Pal    |  8  | 71  | 71  | 20 | 29 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
|Zyla      |GIANTBORN |Mnk        |  6  | 33  | 47  | 19 | 28 | 7  | 7  | 5  |
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, I think Alba is still asleep."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Would you like to continue?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I will leave her web in place."
<OOC> Kira is ready to continue. "I may be up and down some due to @work, but I'm here."
<OOC> Iadoth understands.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, Kira, you're up."
<OOC> Kira says, "Is everyone still in about the same places? Constructs were in a defensive formation, most of us were back near the 
<OOC> Iadoth is having trouble working this out.
<OOC> Iadoth didn't move you.
<OOC> Kira is just trying to catch up, since she missed some of the end of the last one.
<OOC> Iadoth thinks it's just Zyla at the rock face.
<OOC> Zyla says, "yep I am up in the constructs face everyone else was back still"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks Kira had taken a step into the corridor, and that Alba and Durrankar had remained in the room behind.
<OOC> Iadoth will go with that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The first two, and the back left, smaller statuettes, are trapped in a web. The back right, and the large headless statue, 
      are free of the web."

"If you keep attacking them, they'll keep defending themselves!" Kira calls out to Zyla. "They're here to protect the mausoleum." She starts moveing forward, but not directly at the constructs. More on a path to eventually try and pass them. She acts as unthreatening to the constructs and the building as she can. Which isn't too hard for Kira. She isn't very threatening.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, this corridor is 10 ft. wide. Zyla occupies the end space on the left. You can reach the right space (directly in front of 
      the bottom right construct) in 4 squares; to get past them, you would have to use 6 squares."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "How do you wish to move?"
<OOC> Kira hmms. "Just to test things, and not leave them all possibly picking on Zyla, I'll move past if I can. I have up to 28 squares with a 
      double move."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's going to provoke a lot of AoOs as you try to get past."
<OOC> Kira says, "Ah. Ok."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, 28 squares?"
<OOC> Kira has 40' movement, plus Sudden Speed for an additional 30'.
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Kira says, "If needed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I feel like a map might be useful."
<OOC> Kira will use Sudden Speed, total Defense, and try to move past them with that. "A map might help. :) Sorry that I couldn't remember 
      who was where."
GAME: You invite Alba to join you. Offer will expire in two minutes.
Alba has arrived.
<OOC> Alba wave, sorry for late.
GAME: Alba refreshes spells.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, +tmap should now give you an idea about where you are."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla, Kira, the wall immediately to the right of you is a mistake I can't erase."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "There are also some niches, but if you get in that area I'll just let you know."
<OOC> Iadoth asks Kira where she'd like to go.
GAME: You move Kira to location D14 (25 ft). 
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, if you want to be somewhere other than you are, just say."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you're up!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Last turn you fired off some lightning balls, which are sitting with S1 and S2. You can move them with a move action, 
      and also take any standard action you like."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I give Zyla Stoneskin"
<OOC> Iadoth returns.
<OOC> Iadoth disappears for baby craziness.
<OOC> Iadoth returns. "Spooky. Anyway Stoneskin is fine."
<OOC> Kira returns after work craziness.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Good."
GAME: Durrankar casts Stoneskin. Caster Level: 9 DC: 20
<OOC> Durrankar says, "now Zyla takes 10 less damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Lcrargh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What about the lightning balls?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "leave them, they should be able to attack again."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (7): 7
<OOC> Durrankar says, "not that they do much damage."
<OOC> Alba says, "Damage is damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Spell resistance please :)"
<OOC> Iadoth is so happy this spell gives SR.

From afar, Kira guesses that positioning is fine. "I don't want to hold things up any more than I already have.

<OOC> Durrankar says, "Rolled it...got a 23."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah. A 23 is insufficient :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry about the delays here."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "...."

The front right statuette takes another robotic swing at the newly toughened Zyla.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (9)+8+-2: 15
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Fat chance."

But, the enveloping web is too much, and the sword misses widely.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Note Stunned on Alba ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba, you're up. Sorry for the monumental delays here."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Monument is definitely a pun. Definitely."

Durrankar's spell doesn't seem to be getting through to the statues, but he does toughen Zyla's skin. "Zyla....get ready to run."

<OOC> Alba says, "S'fine. So! Spell Resistance is a bitchy beast to overcome, it seems; guessing it's about 26, bleh."
<OOC> Alba says, "But that's fine, I have a solution; I'm wearing a Necklace of Fireballs next to my face!"
<OOC> Alba says, "...Which would burn away the webbing. Hm."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I can put down an entangle."
<OOC> Alba says, "THat would be awesome."
<OOC> Alba says, "Just, I worry that one round of free movement would wreck us."
<OOC> Alba is thinking and plotting.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "If they get free, we're running, Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth smiles innocently.
<OOC> Alba says, "Fire damage burns away Web, y'see."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I know."
<OOC> Alba says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Alba says, "Is the west door open or closed?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're both closed."
<OOC> Alba says, "Then, swift action to activate my Boots of the Daredevil, double move to put me in front of the west door. Yes, right next 
      to S3, but needs must."
<OOC> Alba says, "Avoiding AoOs with Acrobatics checks as I need."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it!"
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (1)+10+5: 16 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (13)+10+5: 28
<OOC> Alba is so glad you can't crit skills.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Can I have a third, please? S3 gets one too."
<OOC> Alba says, "Oops."
GAME: Alba rolls acrobatics+5: (2)+10+5: 17
<OOC> Alba says, "Feck's sake."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ohhhh, sorry, no. Total Defense."
<OOC> Alba says, "So that's two hits on me?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, none. They have low CMD worseneed by the Web."
<OOC> Alba says, "Aha!"
<OOC> Alba pushes up mask, thbpt @ statue.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You are where you need to be."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any other actions?"

There's a sharp *click* from the Witch as she taps her heels together, her fur legwarmers bursting into brilliant orange flame. "Protect the shaman!" she calls to Zyla as she eels above the monk's head toward the western door. "Warrior, to the other side! Seek the means of putting these cursed things to sleep!"

<OOC> Alba says, "Nope!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Zyla ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't die."
<OOC> Zyla says, "ok. attacked s1 last time I believe going to do it again. ki for flurry though with first attack being hammerblow"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (10)+10+1+-2: 19
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (1)+10+1+-2: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2: aliased to Melee+1-2: (13)+10+1+-2: 22
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-2-5: aliased to Melee+1-2-5: (13)+10+1+-2+-5: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits except no. 2"
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (10)+8+(2): 20
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (9)+6+(3): 18
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (8)+6+(6): 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's quite spectacularly down."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It is destroyed after the first hit; pose this howsoever you wish."

Zyla focuses, her inner ki as her arms still crackle with electricity. "That is what I am trying to do." Her skin hardens, well that is a nice bonus. She brings her hands together and slams then down onto the one that has been hitting her, shattering it, even as it is followed by three more rapid fire punches which just further crumble it.

<OOC> Iadoth lovely.
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 27.
      It is now CC3's turn! CC4 is next!

The enwebbed back left statuette stands down from its total defense stance and takes a swing at the witch with a mighty longsword.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (7)+8+-2: 13

The sword goes wild, and completely fails to connect with Alba.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 22.
      It is now CC4's turn! C is next!

The back right statuette, not encumbered by the web, moves into the void filled by its destroyed partner. When it arrives, it makes to attack its predecessor's aggressor.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla, does 20 hit you at the moment?"
<OOC> Zyla says, "I belive so"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (1)+4: 5

The blow connects, and looks painful, but the damage is entirely negated by Zyla's toughened skin.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Bah, Stoneskin."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 18.
      It is now C's turn! Kira is next!
<OOC> Kira thought it was only DR /magic.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's DR10/adamantine."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Which is ridonkulous."
<OOC> Kira says, "Oh, right. Not against constructs, since that's what most of them have, I thought."

The large statue clutching its own head uses this as a weapon against Alba, whom it can currently reach.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (14)+18: 32
<OOC> Alba says, "This is gonna hurt."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 4d6+14: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: You damaged Alba for 42 points. -11 remaining. (DYING)
<OOC> Alba splat.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yikes"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, sorry about that Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I debated Sickening y'all again, but also... kinda wanted to use the double slam attack."
<OOC> Alba says, "Hey, Crit happens. XD"

By some fluke, the head impacts against Alba's own. Squish. It's not a blow one recovers from quickly.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Kira. I had completely forgotten that I could have attacked you, and now wish I had done."
<OOC> Alba says, "No worries, seriously. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyway, it's your turn to be ineffectual against constructs."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Not like you can kill her."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I figured that if I struck her down now, she would become more powerful than I could possibly imagine."
<OOC> Alba says, "It's true. >:E"
<OOC> Iadoth should close the blinds.
<OOC> Kira will save you Alba! "I just have to do something about all these constructs between me and you."
<OOC> Kira doesn't like the noggin-bonking one hurting people, so... I'll grab it.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's not currently enwebbed. You're welcome to try and grapple it..."
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7: (15)+12+7: 34
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wow, that made it. Only just, but it made it."
<OOC> Kira will maintain as a move to pin.
<OOC> Iadoth assumes you have Improved Grapple.
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (6)+12+7+5: 30
<OOC> Kira says, "+view kira/grappling."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, so you grapple as standard, pin as move, and 5 ft. step to get there in the first place, right?"
<OOC> Kira nods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "30 isn't enough to pin, unless there's a penalty to CMD I'm missing when grappled vs. grappler."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh wait, of course. -4 to Dexterity, so -2 to CMD. So it is enough. Just."
<OOC> Kira says, "Nope. No pin."
<OOC> Iadoth apologises. "It is enough. Do you wish to repose?"
<OOC> Kira says, "Oh! Ok."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry about that. It is now pinned. Effectively flat-footed, with an additional -4 to AC."

"No! Leave her be!" Kira steps in on the headless one and grabs hold of it. She manages to not only grab hold, but maneuver an arm around its own leg, leaving it leaning and off-balance. Just in case, she even tries to turn the held head's face away from anyone. Never know if that might help. "Could someone please get her and stop upsetting the guardians?"

<OOC> Iadoth grr.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're disrupting my chakras."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Durrankar ended.
<OOC> Kira sorries?
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, Durrankar, are you here?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I'm here."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "putting down Entangle."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Entangle, as well as Web?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah. I guess they stack."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "on top of that.....Spell resistance: NO!!!!!"
<OOC> Alba hi5.
GAME: Durrankar casts Entangle. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
<OOC> Durrankar says, "reflex save or become entangled."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "other than that, it also becomes rough terrain, so no charging."
<OOC> Kira nods. "Doubles movement costs."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "so now the lightning."
<OOC> Iadoth thinks that's probably going to hit everybody in the room.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "ALba's down...."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+0: (2)+0: 2
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Kira's Reflex is high enough to avoid it I think."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (14)+6+-2: 18
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (1)+6+-2: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Kira rolls reflex: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. The headless thing is entangled, and pinned, and grappled. It's definitely caught. The statuette that just moved is 
      entangled. The others are not."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you don't have to worry, you can target it to avoid yourself."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "huh?"
GAME: Zyla rolls reflex: (18)+7: 25
<OOC> Durrankar says, "That was spell resistance for ball lightning. I'm not expecting to get past spell resistance at all....so I might as well 
      stop rolling."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "anyways, that's my action."
<OOC> Kira warns that she has about 20 minutes left before needing to idle for a while.
<OOC> Alba says, "There's no reason not to roll, even if you're crit-fishing."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, you have not gotten past SR."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose if you like!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
GAME: You move Kira to location E15 (5 ft). 

The front right statuette continues its assault against Zyla, employing a longsword as before.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (15)+8+-2: 21
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9

Again the blow does not penetrate the thickened skin of the monk.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Alba ended.
<OOC> Alba brbl
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Alba. On the plus side, you're no longer sickened. On the downside, you'd better not fail your stabilisation roll."

Durrankar places his hand on the ground and brings up vines and the like from under the mausoleum to entangle the statues. if anything...it keeps them from getting anywhere fast.

GAME: Alba rolls constitution: (6)+1: 7
<OOC> Alba says, "Yeah that was gonna happen. :P"
<OOC> DurrankarIsn't surprised.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh ye gods."
<OOC> Alba says, "Luckily, plot is not DC. XD"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "thank god."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Too right."
GAME: You damaged Alba for 1 points. -12 remaining. (DEAD)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You bled to death."
<OOC> Alba heh.
<OOC> Alba will be chucking peanuts from the skybox, then. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That was bad luck with the roll, although you needed to roll a 20 to succeed."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Onwards!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
GAME: Note Sickened on Zyla ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla, you're up."
<OOC> Zyla says, "hit witchever one that moved into 1's spot 3 I think.. ki with the flurry, hammerblow on first strike"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (10)+10+1: 21
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (16)+10+1: 27
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (4)+10+1: 15
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-5: aliased to Melee+1-5: (15)+10+1+-5: 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits!"
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (12)+8+(4): 24
<OOC> Iadoth is disappointed.
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (7)+6+(4): 17
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (9)+6+(4): 19
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (5)+6+(4): 15
<OOC> Iadoth crumblecrumblecrumble.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a goner. Pose it up!"
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 27.
      It is now CC3's turn! CC4 is next!

Zyla doesn't like these things even more so when Alba goes down, her hands move in a flurry, together for a powerful blow, then slam, slam slam, go her fists as she causes another of the constructs to crumble.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba, what's the DC of your Web?"

The back left statuette moves to fill the void now left by two predecessors. Now, to break through that damn web...

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7-2: (7)+7+-2: 12

It fails, and so it remains, stuck in the fibrous remnants of the dead witch's web.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 18.
      It is now C's turn! Kira is next!

The headless horror is pinned, and stuck. Its only option is to try and break free!

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+20-2: (16)+20+-2: 34
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, does that break the pin?"
<OOC> Kira checks. "I think just. My CMB for grappling is 33."
<OOC> Kira ers. CMD.
<OOC> Iadoth wonders if that means I can become the grappler.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nah, probably not. At any rate..."
<OOC> Kira says, "It can choose to."
<OOC> Kira says, "Or it can end the grapple."

Freedom! The bulky statue breaks the pin and stands, taking a couple of steps back into the niche from whence it came.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Attack of Opportunity, if you want it."
<OOC> Kira says, "Not me."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up, then, Kira."
<OOC> Kira says, "Just in time to have to go. I'll see about getting to Alba for LoH."
<OOC> Kira votes and thanks all for the scene today.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alba is dead."
<OOC> Iadoth assumes a successful Acrobatics check to avoid the AoO.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar! What's the plan?!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Summon then."
<OOC> Durrankar burns a level 4 spell to do so.
GAME: Durrankar casts Call Lightning Storm. Caster Level: 9 DC: 20
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Durrankar rolls 3d6: (6): 6
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one gets through, not that it matters much."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "done."
<OOC> Alba says, "What're you summoning?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a tiger."
<OOC> Alba says, "Noice."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Uh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "SR?"
<OOC> Alba says, "He rolled for SR, 27."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah. That doesn't get through."
<OOC> Alba says, "Erg?"
<OOC> Iadoth nods!
<OOC> Alba says, "Man, what's its SR?"
<OOC> Iadoth isn't revealing such information!
<OOC> Alba says, "If it's more than 29, neither Durr nor I would have done much good besides the area traps. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And the tiger."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This construct is particularly nasty against casters."
<OOC> Alba says, "Durr does supply good tiger, yus. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth thinks of ways to smash tiger.
<OOC> Alba *does* note that we're two down, now. Maybe throw the tiger a bone? XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Does Tiger have summoning sickness?"
<OOC> Alba says, "Nope, it'll attack immediately when it shows up, next round."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ace, awesome. Any other actions?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "seriously!?"
<OOC> Iadoth huh?
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a 27 doesn't get through!?"
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "You were right albe...I'm crit hunting."
<OOC> Iadoth raises an eyebrow.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose if you like!"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Alba says, "Crit-hunting, where your only hope is to roll a 20."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah."

The bottom right statuette makes another vain attempt to attack Zyla, with mechanical certainty.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2: (14)+8+-2: 20

Durrankar simply stays back, but since none of his attacks are getting through, he begins to chant. Calling for animals that can help him and his comrades, standing or fallen.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+4: (4)+4: 8

Yet again, the attack fails to penetrate the stone skin of the monk that would not die.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! CC3 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla! You're up!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You have two statuettes attacking you."
<OOC> Zyla says, "1 ki for elemental fury again, since its worn off now, and then flurry, no ki for it, first attack hammerblow"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okeydokey."
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (9)+10+1: 20
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1: (2)+10+1: 13
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed-5: aliased to Melee+1-5: (11)+10+1+-5: 17
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes to all. It's against the one that attacked you last, to your northeast."
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1d6: (17)+8+(6): 31
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (7)+6+(1): 14
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1d6: (5)+6+(5): 16
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's dead."

Zyla has had the electricty fade from her but she invokes it again and when it is, goes after one of ther other constructs, taking out her fury on it as she leaves it a pile of rubble as well.

GAME: CC3 removed from initiative list.
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 18.
      It is now C's turn! Kira is next!

The large statue takes a single step forward and attempts to squash Kira with its head slams.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Marvellous"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (9)+7: 16
GAME: You damaged Kira for 31 points. 40 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Are you kidding?!"

The dual blows connect, and Kira looks a little less steady on her feet.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, I'll call it a night there."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Until next week!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't have nightmares."
<OOC> Zyla noms and waves, thanks
<OOC> Alba says, "Take care!"

Part 3 - 14th June 2016, 8:00pm BST

Note: Alba was not present, but Alba's character was killed in the previous part.

<OOC> Durrankar says, "Who was the last one? Other than Alba."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, the log is running now."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Umm, Zyla."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I saw her earlier, I think she'll be along shortly."
<OOC> Kira waves to eveyrone.
<OOC> Durrankar wavies.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now, Durrankar, you should remember one thing: the big enemy and the small enemies? They're different."
<OOC> Iadoth provides a catchup.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah, one's bigger."
Zyla has arrived.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hey!"
<OOC> Iadoth just has to phone wife and make tea. Will be 15 minutes, tops.
<OOC> Iadoth returns!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Right!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You've smashed three of the smaller constructs. One remains, intact. The big, big bad also remains intact."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "AND YOUR WITCH IS DEAD."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "KO-ed."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "key diference."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, in Tenebrae-wide terms she's incapacitated. In IC terms, here and now, she's actually deaded."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You need a medium to speak to her :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kira, you're up. You're standing next to Alba's body, within reach of the final statuette, and within Reach of the big bad 
      headless statue."
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Durrankar |SITH-MAKAR|Dru        |  9  | 94  | 94  | 24 | 22 | 11 | 7  | 12 |
|Kira      |HUMAN     |Mnk/Pal    |  8  | 40  | 71  | 20 | 29 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
|Zyla      |GIANTBORN |Mnk        |  6  | 33  | 47  | 19 | 28 | 7  | 7  | 5  |
<OOC> Kira blinks. "I am? Oh! Right, I was originally going to try and heal Alba, but I guess that's not going to work."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not unless you can BoL him."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "*her."
<OOC> Kira can't do Raise yet, no. :(
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Kay."
<OOC> Kira says, "Is the west door open?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nope."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "test"
<OOC> Iadoth received.

From afar, Kira pages, so as not to spam others or log. "I know there was talk of finding some kind of deactivation control... thing. Is there anything noteworthy in the room? If not, I'll just grab Alba and open the west door to go in there."

You paged Kira with 'There's nothing noteworthy in this room, Durrankar already swept it visually.'

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d100: (62): 62

You paged Kira with 'You're free to use a move action to get through that door.'

You paged Kira with 'Alba is, I am informed, 122 lbs.'

<OOC> Kira will open the door and try to go west, grabbing an Alba along the way. "Or however much of that I can do."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All of that."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Several things to resolve."
<OOC> Kira says, "Ok."

You paged Kira with 'What's your strength? Just for information.'

Kira pages: 14.

You paged Kira with 'And your base move?'

Long distance to Kira: Iadoth seems to remember it was 40 ft.

Kira pages: 40, but I think I have Sudden Speed activated, which makes it 70

You paged Kira with 'Alba is a Heavy load for you, so you'll be subject to a Max Dex bonus of +1, an 'ACP' of -6 on appropriate skills and a reduced movement.'

You paged Kira with 'Your reduced movement is 50 ft. then, which is loads so that's fine.'

From afar, Kira nods.

You paged Kira with 'When you move through the door, the Statuette and the Headless statue are going to take AoO swings at you.'

Kira pages: Ok.

From afar, Kira checks. "Ok, my base speed is only 30 with the load."

You paged Kira with 'Okay, that's fine. I don't have my map to hand, annoyingly, but the room behind isn't huge.'

Kira pages: No problem. Should I pose or wait for the AoOs?

You paged Kira with 'Do you wish to use Acrobatics to dodge those?'

From afar, Kira can try.

You paged Kira with 'Unless you add a DC of 10, it will half your move speed, i.e. 15 ft.'

You paged Kira with 'You're also at -6 on this skill, and can only add +1 due to Dex.'

You paged Kira with 'So you're a bit restricted!'

From afar, Kira will stick with half then.:)

You paged Kira with 'Great news.'

You paged Kira with 'Oh! Sorry, I misread Acrobatics. You can't do that when carrying a heavy load.'

You paged Kira with 'Sorry about that.'

You paged Kira with 'I'll just swing at you.'

Kira pages: Ok.

You paged Kira with 'What's your AC?'

Kira pages: With Alba... 13, I think.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2: (8)+18+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (20)+8+-2+-2: 24
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (10)+8+-2+-2: 14
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d8+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: You damaged Kira for 27 points. 13 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jeez, Kira, how much hp do you have?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I have hit you so many times."

From afar, Kira blinks and thinks she might be missing some HP.

<OOC> Kira says, "Only twice."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "a lot, it seems."

You paged Kira with 'You had the right amount as per losses incurred in the last plot.'

From afar, Kira was never hit last time, unless you're attacking people in absentia.

From afar, Kira didn't think she was, but could be wrong.

Long distance to Kira: Iadoth double-checks with logs.

<OOC> Kira says, "Not so many, now?"

You paged Kira with 'Oh. Okay. It was after you left, but had left Kira logged in. I feel sort of bad about that. How do you want to play that?'

Kira pages: If it was legitimate, it was legitimate.

Long distance to Kira: Iadoth nods. Okay.

<OOC> Kira says, "If it helps, I'll heal myself a little as a Swift."

You paged Kira with 'Do you have any abilities that let you dodge melee attacks?'

Kira pages: No.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it!"
GAME: Kira rolls 2d6: (4): 4

Long distance to Kira: Iadoth nods.

<OOC> Kira says, "Swift LoH"
GAME: You damaged Kira for -4 points. 17 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, we're good here then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up when you're ready!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Durrankar, you're next, so have a think about what you'd like to do."
<OOC> Iadoth thumbs up.

Kira reaches the terribly bonked Alba, only to find out she might be too late. Too late for immediate help that she can manage, anyways. "Maybe they can be turned off from over here?" she calls back as she grabs Alba and hefts her up to her shoulder with a grunt. Alba isn't very big, but neither is Kira. She shoves the west door open and heads through, slowly, but also gets smacked, herself, for her troubles. A touch of Althea's grace helps her some, but only some.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!

You paged Kira with 'This room is small, and circular. It's about 25 feet in diameter, so you can get to the far end of it. There are several magically illuminated lamps attached to the wall, and a circular rug, some 10 ft. in diameter in the dead centre of the room. At the western edge, there's a few steps up into a yet smaller room, about 10 ft. square.'

<OOC> Durrankar says, "Okie. This round should have a tiger appearing."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah!"
<OOC> Iadoth sighs. Where?
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Behind the big bad, I think. I can't exactly jam it where Zyla is."

You paged Durrankar with 'I have a few questions about your summon. 1) Can you manage its stats? 2) Does it get its own init?'

<OOC> Iadoth says, "There's a little niche behind the bigbad. Is a tiger medium or large?"

Durrankar pages: it won't need it. We'll just say it moves on my turn. And I'll try.

<OOC> Durrankar says, "Large."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, it can't fit in that niche then. Not really."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Throw it where it'll fit then."
<OOC> Durrankar wants it to attack the big bad anyways.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, it's on the +tmap"
GAME: You move Kira to location A15 (5 ft). 
GAME: You move Alba to location A15 (5 ft). 
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What else is happening on your turn?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any spells?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "the tiger is attacking."
<OOC> Durrankar resolves the tiger first.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Gotcha."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I am astounded by this."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "hmm?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All hits."
<OOC> Iadoth assumes that 19s don't threaten crits.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "no."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (1)+6: 7
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Durrankar rolls 2d6+6: (12)+6: 18
<OOC> Durrankar says, "NOW me."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "And....we do ball lightning"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Do you want to make the most of grab?"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16
<OOC> Durrankar says, "does nothing."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "grab?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Fraid not."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Your tiger has the 'grab' ability on claws and bite."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a free grapple on hits with those attacks."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah. Let it grab then."
<OOC> Iadoth quotes the SRD for full disclosure: Grab (Ex) If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw 
      or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless 
      otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can 
      use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple 
      normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a â“20 penalty 
      on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any 
      extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it 
      makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals 
      constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive text).
<OOC> Durrankar has it on screen too.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I think you can grab with all three attacks in that case!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "in the meantime......"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Flame strike them both....or gonna try."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "With what actions?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I still have a move and standard."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh wait, yeah Ball Lightning is like Flaming Sphere, isn't it. It's move to maintain though."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and swift."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Still flame strike"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "centering it at D15."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 9d6: (30): 30
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a Spell Resistance spell"
GAME: Durrankar casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, Reflex for your tiger?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "which I will lose."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Flame strike isn't that big."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "How in the...."
<OOC> Iadoth can work out where to put it for you. Nae bother.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Goddammit, I read the friggin thing weong."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It's going for headless....period."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Fair enough."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If you dropped it, say, B17, it can dodge the tiger."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "There are definitely options for it."
<OOC> Kira says, "Or maybe even way up in the corner at B19 or so?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Or centre it in the wall. I think you can do it, Durr."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So don't worry (although I will still need your SR rolls)."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "welp. here comes fail."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
<OOC> Iadoth hopes not!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "fail"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yep, that penetrates the Big Bad's defences."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I WILL NOTE IN MY DEFENCE that you have never tried an SR spell against the headless statue before."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Just one for the other statuette's SR."
<OOC> Durrankar rolled them. failed.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (16)+6+-2: 20
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huh."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, the headless thing /just/ dodges the worst of the fire damage then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wanna check the tiger's grabs?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The headless horror has a CMD of 32, but this could happen."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "my turn has lasted long enough. Just handwave it."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (20)+15: 35
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (15)+15: 30
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The tiger grapples the headless statue with its first grab attack!"
<OOC> Iadoth which is frankly super
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're welcome to pose, then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's had 51 damage inflicted."

Durrankar's tiger appears right in front of the Headless statue to keep it's attention on the tiger...not that it'll do so for long. "Just a few seconds..." He says as he twitches his tail. "As much as it pains me to do this....." he lets out a hiss and begins to speak in draconic......and a column of fire erupts from the ceiling. "SHUT THESE THINGS DOWN BEFORE I DESTROY THEM!!!!" He bellows at Kira.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and it is 4:30."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Which means I'm heading home as soon as my ride's here."

The final statuette takes a very certain-looking step forward and swings at the monk, as her comrades have previously done.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+8-2-2: (14)+8+-2+-2: 18

The blow does not penetrate Zyla's skillful defences on this occasion.

GAME: You move Statuette 2 to location C14 (5 ft). 
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Durrankar."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Any likelihood of your return?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I do not know."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "If I have net when I get home? yes. If not...no."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, Baby went nuts. Back now."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
<OOC> Durrankar ducks out for now.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Six - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! C is next!
Durrankar has disconnected.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Zyla, you're up at last."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry for the extended delay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You've got the last statuette very much in your grille."
<OOC> Zyla says, "going to flurry and hit cc2, first attack hammerblow, no extra ki"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey."
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1: (11)+10+1+1: 23
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1: (11)+10+1+1: 23
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1-5: aliased to Melee+1+1-5: (17)+10+1+1+-5: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, yes, yes."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "DR5/- to overcome."
GAME: Zyla rolls 4d6+8+1: (10)+8+1: 19
GAME: Zyla rolls 1d6: (4): 4
<OOC> Zyla says, "forgot the elemental"
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1+1d6: (12)+6+1+(2): 21
GAME: Zyla rolls rest+1+1d6: aliased to 2d6+6+1+1d6: (10)+6+1+(4): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. It's deaded."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Congratulations, you've killed it."

Zyla looses another flurry of strikes, her arms and fists still crackling with electricty, fist together and down comes the first blow, followed by a quick pair of punches, crumbling that statue as well.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're the statue smasher."
      Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 18.
      It is now Coppervolt's turn! Kira is next!
<OOC> Iadoth yep, that figures.

The headless statue, grappled by the tiger, mindlessly tries to continue attacking its perceived foes. It turns on the tiger with its mighty arms and fists.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2-2: (19)+18+-2+-2: 33
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+18-2-2: (6)+18+-2+-2: 20
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d6+7: (10)+7: 17

The slam attacks look like they hurt the tiger. A lot. But the d----d big cat keeps holding.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 15.
      It is now Kira's turn! Durrankar is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Kira, you're up."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What kind of things do you want to do, Kira? You're in the chamber to the west of the combat room."
<OOC> Kira will set Alba down and look through the room and into the next, quickly.
<OOC> Iadoth calls for a sneaky Perception check.
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (4)+13: 17 to Iadoth

From afar, Kira must be terrible at sneaky rolls.

You paged Kira with 'Your search doesn't seem to be terribly effective. Aside from the magic lamps attached to the wall, there's nothing obvious in this room or the next. The next contains a shallow rectangular pool of water and is slightly more poorly illuminated than the first chamber.'

Kira pages: Ok. I assume the pool is part of the mausoleum for reflective purposes? I don't know what deities or families the mausoleum is even for.

You paged Kira with 'Actually, it's been surprisingly deity-neutral, even here.'

<OOC> Kira poses.

You paged Kira with 'It is, however, for 'the glorious fallen of Rune'.'

Kira sets down the fallen Alba, where she'll be protected from trampling constructs, flaming hands of fiery doom, and not a tripping hazard to others. So Kira hopes. She then makes a darting look around the room and into the next, but doesn't find anything conspicuous. A large lever with a bright sign showing 'Golem Guardians Off' would be really helpful about now.

<OOC> Iadoth was tempted, but no.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 15.
      It is now Durrankar's turn! CC2 is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh man."
<OOC> Kira says, "Uh oh?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, it's Durrankar's turn."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What would you have the Tiger do?"
<OOC> Iadoth was thinking, maintain grapple, rake.
<OOC> Kira says, "Sounds like a tiger? I think?"
<OOC> Iadoth figures it does.
Durrankar has connected.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Right on cue!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "We're discussing what your tiger should do."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "But you can tell us that for free."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "It's meant to attack and attack."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "unless the golems are down."
<OOC> Iadoth nods. "It has a rake attack, and is grappling, so it can maintain grapple and 2x claws as a standard. Or break for free and full 
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Yeah so we'll do that."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The which?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh man, Baby again."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "the rake attack, so it'll maintain the grapple."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh right. Gotcha."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, maintain grapple with +5 circumstance, then attack with your claws as standard."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "do I roll for the grapple?"
<OOC> Kira says, "It could pin with the maintain, too!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This tiger is pretty kickass."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "tigers in general are."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, you do."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+16: (16)+16: 32
<OOC> Iadoth says, "At +5 circumstance."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a definite success, anyway."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Which is added in. Its CMB is +11"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So now, your rakey-mcrake-face."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "attack roll or just flat damage?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It looks to me like an attack roll"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No and yes, I think."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13
<OOC> Iadoth admits to having gotten a bit lost with the entangled conditions.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, that's 64 total damage against the headless statue, which is a solid amount of damage."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Now, what would Great Druid like to do?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one thing first."
GAME: Durrankar casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Cuz I burned that one for the summon spell"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh right."
<OOC> Iadoth gotcha.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "crap...no I didn't."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "I used Call lightning storm."
<OOC> Iadoth grimaces.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Well....since I cast it....I'll use it."
<OOC> Iadoth grins.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Spell Resistance!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yay!"
GAME: Durrankar rolls 9d6: (21): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That hits the headless statue, that's for sure!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and the 21 is damage."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (1)+6+-2: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yay!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll be 85 damage to the headless statue."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "SO THAT'S IT."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and ball lightning."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "one is going to the headless statue..."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey. The other statue is dead now."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So both at Biggie?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yup."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "dodged, then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The other, then?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "dodge?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "reflex for half, I think."
GAME: Durrankar rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Negates, according to the spell desc."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "yeah, negates. I double checked myself."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Success again!"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24
<OOC> Iadoth says, "NOW I crit."
<OOC> Iadoth sighs.
<OOC> Durrankar punches Iadoth's arm.
<OOC> Iadoth ouch.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "anywho."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Posing."
<OOC> Iadoth hangs fire on the +ninit

Seeing the other golem fall, Durrankar now focuses all of his efforts on the headless golem. Putting the Ball Lightning right up against it, then also bringing down another column of flame onto it......

<OOC> Durrankar says, "Is the Headless one metal?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Nope, it's marble."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "K."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I am disappointed nobody used proper weapons against it."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 8.
      It is now CC2's turn! Alba is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 7.
      It is now Alba's turn! Zyla is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round Seven - Init 3.
      It is now Zyla's turn! C is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Zyla! You're up!"
<OOC> Kira doesn't have any, sorry.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Make it count!"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "Wrong alt to use weapons."
<OOC> Zyla says, "okay can I 5' to the big one?"
<OOC> Iadoth shakes head. It's a bit further than that.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "20 ft. to be precise."
<OOC> Zyla says, "okay, then will charge and hit it once"
<OOC> Iadoth nodnods!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it when ready1"
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+2+1: aliased to Melee+1+2+1: (9)+10+1+2+1: 23
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That will do nicely."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Damage please."
GAME: Zyla rolls 2d6+8+1+1d6: (9)+8+1+(3): 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That takes it to 106 damage. So, it's deaded."

Zyla surges forward, she is a bit farther back from the largest one but it is still hitting her people and she charges, and slams her fist into it, which is enough to overcome and crack its surface.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hulk smash."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What do you guys want to do now?"
<OOC> Durrankar says, "are the golems disabled or smashed?"

The headless statue ceases movement, and there is suddenly a very large pile of rubble in the mausoleum. Somebody is going to have to clean up these smashed constructs, but they're not going to cause anybody any harm anytime soon. Unless someone trips over the bits.

Oh, and there's a tiger here too. And plenty of blood and gore. And, inexplicably, quite a lot of spiders. Not to mention the ubiquitous thick webbing. And the vines attached to the floor. This place, frankly, is a mess.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're smashed, Durrankar."

Kira comes back out of the west room. "I'm sorry, there's nothing in there that looks like a control or anything... Oh." She now notices much less statues and much more rubble. "Is everyone alright?" She looks across the room and moves to the eastern door. "We should hurry and finish, to get Alba to my Sisters as soon as possible."

The eastern room, or rooms, is, or are, much like the western. There is a small circular antechamber, with torches around the wall and a central rug, and steps rising to a shallow rectangular pool, slightly more poorly lit. In either room, there are plaques on the wall listing what you can assume are names, with ranks, of fallen Rune soldiers. It would be sombre, were it not for the destruction in the previous room.

Closer inspection of the rooms reveals that one of the magic lanterns has a hinge, and presumably acts as a lever if pulled.

The tiger rumbles and pads it's way over towards Durrankar. Durrankar lets out a rumbles and stratches along the feline's spine. the tiger seems to relax as Durrankar walks over and puts a healing spell upon Alba...before picking her up. "To help stablize her, at least." He says putting Alba gengerly on the tiger's back. "Let us go back to your sisters, kira. She will need assistance there. Well done, Zyla...." He then looks at the lantern. "Kira.....try that." he points to the lanter.

Kira checks on Alba again. There's nothing more she can do for her, but that doesn't stop her concern. It takes her a moment to realize what Durrankar is talking about and she has to look twice. "Oh. Oh! Why would this be made like this...?" She pulls on the lantern to tip it on the hinge.

A bell chimes overhead in the main room, but... nothing happens. If it was meant to deactivate the constructs, it is now moot. They are already deactivated.

<OOC> Iadoth giggles furiously.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "A good perception check might have found it."
<OOC> Kira had to get to the correct room, too.
<OOC> Iadoth now grins impishly.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "No, they were in both rooms."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I thought it was a bit unfair otherwise."
<OOC> Durrankar says, "plus, if the room hadn't been closed off......"
<OOC> Kira shakes a finger at WhirlDice.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "DiceCleanser(TM) can help with that!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anymore poses before I stop the log?"
<OOC> Iadoth gives you a few minutes whilst I do chores.
<OOC> Kira doesn't have anything too amazing, no.
<OOC> Zyla says, "I am good"
<OOC> Durrankar is also good. As long as we take Alba back to the Althean temple.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks for playing, then. I will try harder to kill you next time."
<OOC> Durrankar prolly had the most HP here.
<OOC> Durrankar says, "and possibly the least AC."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Looks that way."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, and Durrankar?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Caryatid Columns."
<OOC> Iadoth hops away laughing.