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Ga'Elian does lead the way through the menacing woods to where the toy was recovered. As they get there, he shows Yelrona how he found it. "It was sticking out under this bush. I'll lokk around for other signs." He then starts to do exactly that.
Ga'Elian does lead the way through the menacing woods to where the toy was recovered. As they get there, he shows Yelrona how he found it. "It was sticking out under this bush. I'll lokk around for other signs." He then starts to do exactly that.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Perception+Forest: (6)+21+4: 31
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Perception+Forest: (6)+21+4: 31
It is sufficient. There are tracks leading past here, tracks that could easily be those of a human boy.
It is sufficient. There are tracks leading past here, tracks that could easily be those of a human boy.
Yelrona looks around herself, but really, neither forests nor tracking are her forte. She nods and smiles at Elian when he reports the results. "How wonderful! You're a godsend, Elian. Please, lead on!"
Yelrona looks around herself, but really, neither forests nor tracking are her forte. She nods and smiles at Elian when he reports the results. "How wonderful! You're a godsend, Elian. Please, lead on!"
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Track/natur/wLens+Forest: (8)+14+4+4+4+5+4: 43
As he does, he comments to Yelrona, "Do you know where the lad's mother entered the wood? Or if she actually got so far?" Before long they find the boy sleeping up against the trunk of a tall black tree.
As he does, he comments to Yelrona, "Do you know where the lad's mother entered the wood? Or if she actually got so far?" Before long they find the boy sleeping up against the trunk of a tall black tree.

Latest revision as of 23:02, 14 October 2016

It's Kesenday, Rhaltaas 14 11:23:28 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and slack. Fair weather clouds drift through the blue sky from the west. The wind is gusty.

H02: The Felwood

The Felwood is not the sort of place Yelrona would ordinarily spend a whole lot of time. But when a Tarienite parishioner shows up at the temple tearfully explaining that his wife has set out into the Fel to search for their missing child, and has been gone for hours... well, what choice does she have, really? So, here she is, poking around nervously, her guard fully up.

Fortunately for Yelrona, she hasn't penetrated too deeply into these cursed woods before she hears the familiar screech overhead of Erithamiel, patrolling these skies. The griffon's companion is not riding at the moment.

That _is_ fortunate! Admittedly, Rona has come to take good fortune a bit more for granted since Tarien reached out to her. She calls out to the griffon cheerfully, greeting him in Sylvan.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Stealth/natur+Forest: (12)+17+4+4+4: 41

Some are less obvious, and possibly more cautious, in their travels through the Fel wood. Uneth notes Yelrona's unexpected presence shortly before the screeching overhead makes the griffon's presence obvious.

Ga'Elian steps silently between a pair of trees to stand immediately behind Yelrona, and quietly says to her, "Well, well, fancy meeting you here." <sylvan>

Yelrona, keyed up by her surroundings and startled by the elf's sudden presence, dives forward and rolls to her feet instinctively, her rapier out and pointed towards... Elian. She shakes her head and laughs. "I suppose, in retrospect, I should have expected you to do that."

GAME: Yelrona rolls acrobatics: (15)+14: 29

Un'eth lets loose a brief, shrill whistle. While not a screech, its intent is more to gain Erithamiel's attention than that of the softskins. Following that, words are directed towards the sil. "It is wise to be both quiet and alert in the Fel wood. This applies to Erithamiel, as well. Some creatures here are willing and able to hunt others as large as he."

Ga'Elian, standing with bow in hand, flinches not a whit at Yelrona's martial reaction, but smirks in answer to her comment. "Hello, Meira." Then, nodding to Un'eth, he says, "Peace on your nest, Shaman, and you are, of course, absolutely correct. I have endeavored to teach him the techniques of being unobserved, but I have yet to manage to convey to him the discipline to discern when to employ them." At that moment, a horrible, soul-shaking howl rends the air, as if from a medium distance off, along the ground, or perhaps up in some tree.

Yelrona is once again startled, this time by Un'eth's presence. Which, thankfully, is at a less immediate distance. "I'll admit, I've mostly been assuming that anything dangerous in here will track me by scent anyway. But I'm searching for a couple of lost Alexandrians, so like it or not, silence doesn't really serve. Speaking of which, have either of you seen a young human boy or --" she is cut off by the howl... not the first one she's heard today, but still, commanding attention. "Can I just say that I _really_ do not like these woods?"

"Peace on your nests," Un'eth returns the greeting, though it is cut short with the howl. Head and eyes swivel about, ear frills lifting to catch more sond. "There is little to enjoy in these woods. They are corrupted and spoiled. One day, the source will be cleansed and Ea will reclaim them." Some day, just not today.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Perception+Forest+OutsiderEvil: (16)+21+4+4: 45

Ga'Elian pulls out a carved-wooden horse and shows/offers it to Yelrona. "Then that might explain why I found this." Then, his senses catch... something... that causes a look of utter seriousness to overtake his face and, indeed, his body stance. As he rapidly draws and nocks an arrow, he says, "Something is getting closer, and it's big." Sure enough, a moment later, the sounds of what might be a large beast can be heard moving closer.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     Ga'Elian has dropped a TIMESTOP!
     Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Ga'Elian to instruct you further.
     For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls initiative: 16 + 6 + 4 = 26
GAME: Un'eth rolls initiative: 11 + 3 = 14
GAME: You roll initiative for monster: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11
GAME: Yelrona rolls initiative: 3 + 6 = 9

Un'eth is and was listening, but only now does Yelrona's mention of the boy register with the visual aid of the carving. She blinks. "There is a child loose in the Felwood?!" It is likely NOT the child that they now hear approaching, however, and her snout snaps around towards that.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 26.
     It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Un'eth is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed ended.
GAME: Yelrona refreshes spells.
GAME: Un'eth refreshes spells.

Ga'Elian utters a sharp whistle, apparently the beast is heading here anyway, then speaks a short invocation to Eluna. In response to the whistle, Erithamiel descends nearby. Ga'Elian says, "We'll have to wait to find the lad until this is over, I suppose." (Elves are famous for their ability to state the obvious.)

GAME: Ga'Elian casts Gravity Bow. Caster Level: 8 DC: 14
GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Un'eth's turn! monster is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Un'eth ended.

Un'eth snorts. "I hope that the child is far from this..." She calls to Ea, its flesh, and the flora that grows upon it. Dark scales thicken and grow hardened texture.

GAME: Un'eth casts Barkskin. Caster Level: 15 DC: 18
GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now monster's turn! Yelrona is next!

The sounds are no longer distant. Whatever it is will likely be in the party's faces in mere seconds. It howls again.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Yelrona's turn! Ga'Elian is next!

"Blessed Coyote," Rona intones, clutching her holy symbol somewhat awkwardly, "assuming you don't decide it would be really funny to watch a distant cousin of yours chew on our bones instead, we would be very grateful for your assistance right about now." An amused chuckle comes from nowhere and everywhere in response, and you all feel lighter in spirit.

GAME: Yelrona casts Bless. Caster Level: 1 DC: 12
     Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 26.
     It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Un'eth is next!

As the creature still hasn't quite emerged from the cover of the trees, Ga'Elian casts one more spell, causing his head to become feathery as his eyes spread to the sides of it. Erithamiel prepares to do battle.

GAME: Ga'Elian casts Aspect of the Falcon. Caster Level: 8 DC: 14
GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Un'eth's turn! monster is next!

"Prepare yourselves," Uneth utters a final warning. There are possibly other actions she might take in this situation, but they are not currently available options. That leaves her to wait for the creature's reveal.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now monster's turn! Yelrona is next!

Finally, it comes crashing into view. This creature appears as a huge hulking ape-like creature with a bearâs head. Two large, downward-curving horns jut from its head. The beast's fur is reddish-black and matted with blood, and its hands end in razorsharp claws. It immediately attacks the two Sildanyar.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (9)+15: 24
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d8+14: (7)+14: 21
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d8+14: (4)+14: 18
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for 21 points. 58 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Yelrona for 18 points. 6 remaining.

The foul creature slashes one claw across each of the Sildanyari, causing a great, sudden eruption of blood.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Yelrona's turn! Ga'Elian is next!
GAME: Yelrona spends ONE use of CHANNEL ENERGY.
GAME: Yelrona rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: You damaged Yelrona for -4 points. 10 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for -4 points. 62 remaining.

"Look, boss, I was _kidding_ about the cousin thing, OK? Anyway... some healing would come in awfully handy right about now." A wave of positive energy spreads across the battlefield, slightly healing all the wounded, and pointedly avoiding their target.

     Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 26.
     It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Un'eth is next!
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (6)+16+1+1+1+-2: 23
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot-5: (11)+16+1+1+1+-2+-5: 23
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (19)+16+1+1+1+-2: 36
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (19)+16+1+1+1+-2: 36
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls BowCrit/Grav+OutsiderEvil/x3+Vindicator/x3+3-10: (19)+9 magic+12+3+3+-10: 36
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (10)+15: 25
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2d6+14: (12)+14: 26
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for 26 points. 36 remaining.
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CompanionMelee+Bless: (16)+7+1: 24
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CompanionMelee+Bless: (13)+7+1-5: 16
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CompanionMelee+Bless: (11)+7+1-5: 14
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CompBiteDmg+Bless: (4)+3 silver+1-10: -2

Ga'Elian stepped back and let the beast have his full fury, but only struck with one arrow... but a good strike it was. The demonic beast is now significantly wounded, too, but it gets off a horrible bite against the archer, too. The griffon strikes, doing a minor bit of harm, but the evil monster shrugs off that wound as if it had not found its mark.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Un'eth's turn! monster is next!
GAME: Un'eth rolls druid+wisdom: (8)+15+6: 29

This does not go well. Whatever the creature is, it is bloodying the sil far more quickly than can be easily repaired. They require respite, even if brief. "Ea, shelter us from this fiendish storm!" She beseeches, and Ea responds; from the bedrock of its flesh, fingers of granite thrust through the soil between fiend and softskins. They grind tight adjacent to stand taller than the creature and at least twice as wide. It is not a closed trap, but a delay.

GAME: Un'eth casts Wall of Stone. Caster Level: 15 DC: 22
GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now monster's turn! Yelrona is next!

Suddenly blocked by the granite bones of Ea, the demon howls in bestial fury and moves to come around it... on Un'eth's side.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Yelrona's turn! Ga'Elian is next!
GAME: Yelrona spends ONE use of BIT OF LUCK.

Yelrona watches the stone wall rise appreciatively, separating her from the beast. Much as she feels the impulse to attack, she acknowledges that she's not equipped for this battle. Instead she invokes Tarien's Luck on Elian's behalf.

     Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 26.
     It is now Ga'Elian's turn! Un'eth is next!
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (15)+16+1+1+1+-2: 32
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (15)+16+1+1+1+-2: 32
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot-5: (10)+16+1+1+1+-2+-5: 22
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot-5: (11)+16+1+1+1+-2+-5: 23
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (12)+16+1+1+1+-2: 29
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Bow+AspectFalcon+Bless+Vindicator-RapidShot: (6)+16+1+1+1+-2: 23
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls BowDmg/Grav+Vindicator+Bless-10: (6)+3 magic+1+1+-10: 1
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls BowDmg/Grav+Vindicator+Bless-10: (8)+3 magic+1+1+-10: 3

Ga'Elian, now at a little more distance, fires another volley of arrows at the demon, but although both hit, they seem to have little effect.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Un'eth's turn! monster is next!

"This may be a fight we should avoid," Uneth advises as the delay was more brief than she would prefer and the hunter's arrows all but ricochet off it it. She moves away from the beast before calling on Ea's nurturing power for the wounded sil.

GAME: Un'eth casts Mass Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 15 DC: 22
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for -22 points. 58 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Yelrona for -22 points. 24 remaining.
GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now monster's turn! Yelrona is next!
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (11)+15: 26
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (20)+15: 35
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 15-5: (4)+15+-5: 14
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d8+8: (1)+8+6: 15
GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2d8+16+12: (9)+16+12: 37

The Chaaor demon launches itself at Un'eth, raking horribly with both claws, but missing with its bite. Just then, the pit-spawned beast suddenly becomes a veritable pin-cushion as hundreds of celestial sprites suddenly appear, laughing merrily. The Chaaor is bled dry, it seems as their hail of tiny holy arrows strikes unerringly. What's more, when the demon is felled, it does not dissolve as would a summoned monster, but its carcase remains lifeless upon the forest floor. Just as suddenly, the sprites begin vanishing with little popping noises here and there, but not all at once.

GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian for -500 points. 79 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Ga'Elian's companion for -500 points. 59 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Yelrona for -500 points. 24 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Un'eth for -500 points. 156 remaining.
GAME: Ga'Elian removes the timestop.
Timestop by Ga'Elian has left.

Un'eth yelps as unnatural claws rend her toughened scales, loosing rivulets of fat, muscle and no small amount of blood. She puts arms and claws up to defend against a potential secondary onslaught. One that never comes.

Yelrona says "Thanks." <celestial>

Yelrona regards the demon's body. "Well. _That_ certainly escalated quickly."

Ga'Elian bows and says, "Thank you. That would have been terrible without you." Then to Un'eth and Yelrona, he says, "And thank both of you, too. It was a bit beyond me that's for sure." <sylvan>

She blinks, eyes remaining wide, at the sudden appearance of light from within the creature that quickly burn through it. "Dragon's Wings..." an exclamation of surprise. When that is done, she speaks further, somewhat winded, "That thing did not belong here. There is ... no need ... to thank..." The words become somewhat broken and she grunts while going to a knee.

"A bit beyond all of us, I would say," Rona agrees. "I think Erithamiel was the only one of us to actually injure the thing." Not that she'd even tried, granted... she'd primarily served as a channel through which Tarien's Grace had supported the group. Which made perfect sense, but still took some getting used to. She wondered if the Singer had sent their Celestial assistance directly, or whether they'd been chasing the demon for their own reasons. "Apparently it wasn't summoned, but -- Un'eth!!!" She moves quickly to the shaman's side, helping her stand as best she can, more protective than she normally is.

As the last remaining sprites vanish, Yelrona hears a sound of heart laughter in her mind and feels a swell of amusement wash through her.

Ga'Elian shakes his head, "Well, actually, not to toot my own horn, but he didn't. Not that his efforts weren't valiant." He rubs Erithamiel's neck affectionately. "And, whether that thing belongs in the world or not, I am sincerely grateful, Shaman. Your wall saved lives today. Now, I found this wooden horse toy about a quarter mile southeast of here. I will recognize the place as soon as I see it."

Un'eth's wounds are not something to be ignored, but they are neither deep nor massive enough to be mortal. She rises, with Yelrona's aid. A dip of snout to Ga'elian before her eyes move to Yelrona as well. "Find the boy. I must go to Mictlan. To my nest. Quickly."

Yelrona nods to Un'eth. "I would accompany you if I could, but I'm needed here. Coyote's blessing on your journey, and on your nest." She smiles. "And its eggs," she adds. "And that's wonderful, Elian," she continues. "There can't be _that_ many children's toys being brought into this awful place, there must be a connection."

Ga'Elian watches Un'eth head away, then he goes and says to Erithamiel, "Sorry about this, buddy, but I need to you to carry what's left of this beast back to the City. This isn't going to be a pleasant trip. As soon as we find the kid and his mom, I'll be back. You just guard him, okay now? ("Guard" is a word that Erithamiel has been trained to know.)

Yelrona watches amused at Elian's long explanation to the griffon, then impressed as Erithamiel responds accordingly. "Lead the way, then," she invites, and follows Elian... staying as hidden as she can in the process.

Ga'Elian does lead the way through the menacing woods to where the toy was recovered. As they get there, he shows Yelrona how he found it. "It was sticking out under this bush. I'll lokk around for other signs." He then starts to do exactly that.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Perception+Forest: (6)+21+4: 31

It is sufficient. There are tracks leading past here, tracks that could easily be those of a human boy.

Yelrona looks around herself, but really, neither forests nor tracking are her forte. She nods and smiles at Elian when he reports the results. "How wonderful! You're a godsend, Elian. Please, lead on!"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Track/natur/wLens+Forest: (8)+14+4+4+4+5+4: 43

As he does, he comments to Yelrona, "Do you know where the lad's mother entered the wood? Or if she actually got so far?" Before long they find the boy sleeping up against the trunk of a tall black tree.

Yelrona shakes her head. "I don't know. Her husband just said she was gone, and had taken his father's army sword with her, so he assumed she'd gone after the boy. Oh!" She runs a step or two, stops short, looks cautiously around the area and, finding nothing alarming, approaches the boy. "Are you Daniel?" she asks, prodding him. "Your parents are really worried about you." The boy remains asleep.

Ga'Elian looks concerned at Yelrona's response, about the mother, and is about to respond when they find the boy. When the boy does not awaken, he checks the boy for pulse and breathing, and finding them, shakes the lad a little more vigorously, until he does awaken. The boy yawns, then registers the presence of a pair of Sildanyar.

Yelrona breathes a sigh of relief as the boy awakens, seemingly none the worse for wear. "Are you Danny?" she asks again, and he nods. "All right. I'm going to take you home now, Danny. It's going to be all right."

Ga'Elian smiles at the lad, but is content to let Yelrona do all the talking. Once the boy is on his feet, Ga'Elian produces some rations from his shoulder bag and says to Yelrona, "If his mother did enter these woods, I may yet have a long while to spend searching for her. Perhaps she will not have come into the forest quite yet. Without knowing where to start, it will take a much longger time to find her trail, and as dangerous as the Felwood is by day, it's even worse after nightfall. Also, I don't think it would be wise to bring Daniel to where Erithamiel is guarding the corpse of that demon. It would likely traumatize him for years, especially if he believed his mother lost in the same woods that produced that monster." <sildanyari>

Yelrona nods, especially at the last point. "Agreed," she replies, shifting to Trade so they aren't just talking about the boy in a language he can't follow. "I'll take him back home. We can worry about the rest once Danny's safe."

Ga'Elian leads back to the Kultari road as directly as possible. Once the group is out of the woods, he says, "I still have further business in these woods before I can leave them, but you should be able to make it back to Alexandria from here without too much concern. I'll check in with you when my other... business is concluded."

Yelrona nods. "Fair enough. And, Elian? I owe you one. You may want to think about how best to collect," she adds with a smile.

Ga'Elian grins, and disappears again into the blackened forest, from which he will emerge in less than a half hour walking the road to the City beside Erithamiel, the griffon laden with the bloody corpse of a Chaaor demon. (Won't he have fun talking to the City guard in the middle of this night when he tries to enter the City?)

- Finis -