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Sandy looks smug.
Sandy looks smug.

Latest revision as of 21:21, 11 May 2017

 Logging Started: 12-Dec-16 6:48:17 PM
 -=--=--=--=--=--<* A02: Ma Rosie's Goblintown Gambling Hall *>--=--=--=--=--=-
         The gambling hall might have had color once. Today, black soot coats
 the top from a mixture of smoke from incense, cigars, and previous fires.
 Yet, the hall keeps being rebuilt. Somehow. For some reason. Tables fill the
 hall, leaving little room for maneuvering, and each evening it's packed with
 as many as it may hold.
         The haze is often thick, and the food as expensive as it is exotic.
 Though founded by gobbers, other species may often be found here, though the
 cuisine favors the gobber race, with its unpredictable edge, and fiery
 spices. Occasionally, there are dancers, always gobbers, with handsome warts
 and round stomaches that wobble sexily over their skirts.
         Most any sort of game may be found here, so long as it may be played
 for cash. Chips are dispensed at the door at a booth underneath a picture of
 the hall's owner: Rosie. In the picture, Ma Rosie sits in all her gobber
 glory, aged but still beautiful, with big, generous lipstick'd gobber-lips
 and a dashing number of warts considered quite fetching by the race. Her ears
 are lengthier than any sildanyari's, a desirable trait, but which has often
 had some unsavory souls whispering, accusatorily, of 'enhancements.' The
 picture, by local legend, is dedicated to her one-time lover, 'Jinks'.

There's a brand-new card table set up in the 'spotlight game' area of the gambling hall. Standing at the table is a goblin wearing a brand-spanking-new uniform consisting of a black and white striped shirt, black pants, shiny black leather boots, a red bowtie, and a black visor.

The dealer stands at the table... waiting for players.

Selerik isn't carrying much, almost like he left his more valuable items someplace outside of goblintown. Still, he came, and he seems interested in socializing a bit over a game of cards. Why not try the shiny new table? The dealer gets a friendly smile as he settles into a seat, though he doesn't buy in just yet.

The goblin wearing the dealer's uniform smiles brightly. "Welcome! First player of the night!", he says when Selerik sits at the table. "This table's not like the others... there's NO buy in! You'll play with your own cash, at -this- table! ... when we have at least four players, sir... sorry! However, while you wait for the game to start, we'll get you a drink on the house!" As the goblin dealer speaks, a goblin serving-girl all but appears out of nowhere at Selerik's elbow, also smiling brightly as she waits for his drink order.

There's a brand-new card table set up in the 'spotlight game' area of the gambling hall. Standing at the table is a goblin wearing a brand-spanking-new uniform consisting of a black and white striped shirt, black pants, shiny black leather boots, a red bowtie, and a black visor. The dealer's shuffling a deck of cards while Selerik sits at the table and a goblin serving girl runs to fetch the first player's complimentary drink.

"Open table!", calls out the goblin in the dealer's uniform. "Three more players needed to start the deal! Let's get some action on this table! The game'll be Goblin Stash Poker! One and two copper stashes, maximum raise and bet of twice the pot, minimum raise or bet of two copper, and a maximum of three raises!"

Selerik is sitting at the table, quietly minding his own business. Here to relax, and socialize. The gambling seems entirely secondary.

The goblin dealer says, "Let's pass the time with a little Acey-Deucy!", and lays a card on the table.

The dealer asks Selerik, "Next card... higher or lower?"

Selerik blinks, not having expected this. "Higher?" Seems a fifty fifty.

 The Dealer deals 1 card (QH) to Card Table.

The dealer laughs! "Good guess! Next one, higher or lower?", he asks.

Selerik is either bad at this game, or thinks he is very lucky. "Higher?"

Selia ehs. "Lower. Don't seem yas gots a lotta folks 'ere." The tiny halfer perches upon a stool, hands on the table top, chin on her hands. Which isn't unusual for the table size vesus halfer size ratio. What's unusual is nobody seemed to have notice her walk up and take a seat.

The dealer oooh's. "We've got us a -gambler- here, don't we? Gonna be fun seeing you player poker! And the little lady says lower! Who's right?" With that said, he flips the next card out.

The goblin dealer, who's wearing a visor, a black and white striped shirt, a red bow tie, black pants, and shiny black boots... laughs at the result. "Good for you we're just passing the time til we have another player or two, pal!", he says to Selerik.

The goblin dealer scoops up the cards from the table and shuffles the deck. "If you'll excuse me, I must hark!", he says, to the two, Selerik and Selia, who are at his table.

There's a brand-new card table set up in the 'spotlight game' area of the gambling hall. Standing at the table is a goblin wearing a brand-spanking-new uniform consisting of a black and white striped shirt, black pants, shiny black leather boots, a red bowtie, and a black visor. The dealer's shuffles a deck of cards and calls out, "Open table! One or two more players needed to start the deal! Let's get some action on this table! The game'll be Goblin Stash Poker! One and two copper stashes, maximum raise and bet of twice the pot, minimum raise or bet of two copper, and a maximum of three raises!"

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

Selerik looks over at Selia with a blink, offering a small smile. "Oh, hi there. Yeah, I think we got here early." Him awkwardly early, less so now that someone else is at the table. He glances to the other empty seats, as though expecting they populated since he lasted looked over as well.

"Early? Bah!", gripes the goblin in the dealer's uniform. "I've been standing here for an hour, waiting for someone to take an interest in the game. You two get complimentary drinks til we actually start playing, 'cause you're kind enough to wait with me, now. Just flag down a serving-gal and give her your order."

Selia nods, and sits up straight (which doesn't really raise her up any), dropping a small bag of coin on the table top. "Don't think is da time hour-like, reckon be more day-like. Ain't da night most bloke 'it da tavern. 'adn't ment ta come down meself, but worked out. Reckon can afford a bit o' fun." The little lutch's accent is thick enough to cut with a knife, a mix of Tradespeak, Low Charn, Undercommon, and a bit of something else. At the mention of drinks, she glance to the server but shakes her head.

And cue the door to the den slamming open, suddenly, to permit the entry of one tall Aesir, clad all in black plates of mithral and framed by an equally-dark cloak flowing along his figure. And hauling a giant sword with him, propped over his shoulder.

Because Jokul.

He doesn't stop to be distracted by anyone else within, but rather he pushes on through until he's at the particular card table. Without so much as a word, he hoists his sword up, turns it pointing down to allow it to be set into leaning against the table, and then lowers himself down to sitting onto a stool there.

"Oy! You!", the dealer calls out, getting the attention of a passing serving gob. "Get the little lady here a booster and a drink, willya?" At that, the serving goblin scurries away to get a booster seat to help Selia see over the edge of the table more easily... and then pauses to take a drink order from the halfling.

Selerik opens his mouth like he might order a drink, and then Jokul. After a reflexive flinch, he sees who it is and immediately relaxes. Yes they're loud, but at least he recognizes them. Jokul gets a grin as they approach the table, Selerik nodding to them. "This should be an entertaining game, always good to play against someone you know."

"I've got three!", cackles the dealer-goblin. "Okay... let's kick the action off. Listen up, you three! We'll have stashes, required bets by thems who're leading off, to force action on my table, okay? The stashes are 1 and 2 copper, starting at seat one (he points at Selerik) for 1 copper, and seat two (he points at Selia) for for two copper. The betting, raising, calling, or folding will start with seat three (he points at Jokul). Minimum bet or raise is two coppers (he holds up two fingers) and maximum raise is twice whatever's in the pot... which starts at three, 'cause of the stashes, right? No more than three raises at a time. Y'all understand the betting?"

Selia keeps to a tall stool. A booster is a secondary point of slippage, ie, more likely for something to move that sin't supposed to. At a goblin hall that sewrves humans, a range of chair heights are around. "Got da gist o' it. Reckon can start."

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selerik.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selia.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Jokul.

"Let's get those stashes out there, players one and two!", reminds the dealer, patting at the table after he's dealt the cards.

Selerik slides a copper onto the tabe, sneaking a peak at his cards. He thinks for a moment, then peaks at them again, as though trying to figure out whether this is a good or a bad hand. "I remember a similar game from an airship, the crew played it to pass the time."

The dealer looks over at Jokul after the stashes are in. "Action's on you!"

Selia barely glances at her cards, tossing in the two coins to start.

A wrinkle of the nose on Jokul's part while he eyes over the cards given to him. A few seconds of thought over, and then his hand slips down to the pouch he's dropped in front of him on the table to bring out two copper coins, pushing them over to the gathered stack without a word.

"Player three calls. Player one... it's one more copper to you to play...", the dealer says.

Selerik puts another copper on the table, before stealing yet another glance at his cards.

Looking at Selia, the dealer says, "Action's on you. Raise, check, or fold, missy?"

Selia considers a second and tosses in an additional coin. "Raise one."

"Minimum raise is 2 bits", the dealer reminds.

Selia ahs, and tosses a second coin.

"Action's back to you, sir! Two pennies to stay in!", the dealer says to Jokul.

Jokul's eyes sweep over to the halfling with a curious arch of a single dark brow. He considers this turn for a few seconds, and then lets a snort of amusement muffle against his closed mouth before he slides over two more coins to match the number.

"That's a call!", says the dealer before looking to Selerik. "Two more to play!", he says.

Selerik chips in another two copper, not minding.

"Pot's been called! Here comes the flop!", calls out the dealer.

 The Dealer deals 3 cards (QD 5H 10S) to Card Table.

Looking to Selerik, the dealer says, "Player one, the pot's currently 12 copper... action's on you, sir!"

Selerik looks at the table, looks at his cards, and shakes his head. He sets his cards aside. "I'll step out of this round."

The dealer looks over to Selia. "On you, missy!", he says.

Selia nods, and lays a hand flat on the table, palm down. "Stay."

"The little lady checks! ... and you, sir?", the dealer says, looking to Jokul.

Nearly immediately on time with Selia, Jokul taps his open palm against the top of the table, and slowly tips his head. He does toss another curious look to the halfling, however.

"Check! Check!", the dealer says, then looks at Selerik. "You could've checked, too, y'know...", he says, before dealing another card. "Here's the turn! Pot's still 12 bits!"

 The Dealer deals 1 card (8C) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: QD 5H 10S 8C

Selia nods. "Max is two times da pot, aye? 24 as it stands?"

"That's correct, lass!", the goblin says.

Selia nods, and stretches out to drop two more coins into the pile. "Raise two."

The goblin laughs. "You little teaser!", he says to Selia, then looks to Jokul.

Selia just barely smirks. Poker face.

Selerik seems amused, taking his break from play to flag a waitress and order a drink. Disappointingly, just some water.

"Really," Jokul lets out in a blunt tone. He eyes over his cards again, and then at the cards on the table-- and finally at Selia, before he decides with a grunt, "Two more on that," and draws out four coins instead.

"A raise to four! Two more to you, little lady!", the dealer says to Selia. "Pot's at 18, now!"

Selia nods, and tosses in another pair. "Call it."

"Pot's at 20... and here's the river!", the goblin says.

 The Dealer deals 1 card (KS) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: QD 5H 10S 8C KS

The dealer looks to Selia for the action.

Selia considers a second and gives the smallest shake of her head. "Stay."

The dealer looks over at Jokul.

Without a word, Jokul draws out five coins and tosses them onto the pile. And then he just gives Selia a look. Brows rise up.

"A bet of five coppers!", the dealer says, looking to Selia. "Five to you, with a pot of 25."

Selia peers back for a long moment, and blinks slowly. "Well. Now ya got me curious. Double dat." She tosses a silver (10 copper) onto the pile.

The goblin dealer looks to Jokul. "five to you. Pot is 35 coppers!"

Jokul's lips part to reveal a row of teeth in a sudden flash of a grin, with that. "Alright then," he murmurs, and draws out five coins from the pouch...

Only to pause, consider for a few seconds and declare, "Fuck it," before he digs out a silver coin to accompany the copper. Raise ten, apparently.

"Ten back at ya!", the goblin dealer says to Selia. "Pot's at 45!"

Selia barks a short laugh and answers with a second coin of her own. "Let's see 'em."

"And it's a call, show 'em, big guy!", the goblin says to Jokul.

 Cards on the table: QD 5H 10S 8C KS
 Jokul is holding: 5C 2S.
 Selia is holding: 10D 2D.

"And... the little lady has a pair of tens... the big fella has ...a pair of fives! She wins the pot of 60 coppers!", the dealer announces.

Jokul's already pressing his face down against his hand before he even gets to see Selia's hand. His shoulders shake slightly there, with the undercurrent of laughter. "...I was really hoping you were shitting your way through me."

Selia blinks, wide innocent eyes on a cute little innocent face. "Me? Bluff? No, I could -never- do such a thing." Kittens and rainbows frolick somewhere in the distance. Angels hum. Devils roll their eyes. Selia smirks.

The dealer collects the cards, shuffling. To Selia, then Jokul, in turn, he says, "Small stash... big stash!"

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

Selerik sips his water, smirking to himself. He doesn't say anything to contradict Selia, but he is clearly paying attention to his fellow players.

"Uh-huh..." Jokul sounds out against his hand, and without even looking up from the concealment of it, he slides to copper coins along over to the pot.

 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selia.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Jokul.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selerik.

The dealer, once the stashes are out, deals out a pair of cards to each player. Looking to Selerik, he says, "Action's on you, sir! Pot's 3. 2 to stay in!"

Selerik tosses two coppers on the table. Yeah, he is invested.

The dealer looks over to Selia. "Pot's 5c... 1c for you to stay in!", he says to her.

Selia glances at her cards, considers a moment, and shrugs, tossing in her coin.

When Selia calls the big stash, the dealer looks to Jokul. "Check or raise, sir?", he asks. "Pot's at 6c."

Sandy has arrived.

Jokul - finally having brought his face up from his hand - clears his throat after a few seconds of lost thought, and growls out, "Check."

There's a brand-new card table sitting in the spotlight area of Ma Rosie's, tonight. There's a goblin dealer in a brand new uniform: a visor, a black and white striped shirt, a red bowtie, black pants, and shiny black leather boots. He's currently dealing a game of Goblin Stash Poker to Selerik, Selia, and Jokul.

The dealer says, "Pot's at 6c. Here's the flop! Action's on you, miss!", he says, looking at Selia.

Selia shakes her head and tosses in her cards. "Out."

The dealer looks to Jokul. "To you, sir. No bet so far. Pot is 6c."

"Didn't even have tiem to raise," murmurs Jokul with a flash of teeth sent to Selia before he draws out three copper to slide to the pile of coins. "Let's make it a bit more interesting."

"Bet is 3c to you", dealer says to Selerik. "Pot's at 9."

Selerik glances at his hand and, predictably, folds. Again. "A very nice table, by the way. And deck of cards, quality."

The dealer slides the pot over to Jokul and collects the cards.

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

"Boring," Jokul grunts out in complaint, and shakes his head after giving looks to both Selerik and Selia.

Looking to Jokul and Selerik in turn, the dealer says, "Small stash and big stash, gentlemen."

Selerik lifts an eyebrow at Jokul. "Boring, you say. We arn't slaying giants here, just time."

"Well, well, well," says Sandy. "Looks busy."

...and then she's kicking Jokul in the back of the knee, hard, as she moves past him to take a seat at the table. Card games aren't really her thing but she does love gambling.

 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Jokul.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selerik.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selia.

Selerik holds a hand up to the dealer, gesturing to Sandy. "A familiar face, surely not too late to join the round?"

Looking to Sandy, the dealer says, "You'll be in on the next hand. Game's in progress, so you'll be opening with a big stash, regardless of your position... unless you want to wait until the small stash has passed you?", to her, as he gestures to the fourth seat at the table.

"Pot is 3c. Action's on the little lady who left the room... so she's out", the dealer says, of Selia's cards, pulling them back to the discard pile. Looking to Jokul, he says, "Action's on you!"

"Same difference," claims Jokul in response to Selerik. "It's all about taking your chances and seeing if you come th--"

The Aesir's words do get cut off, though, what with his leg suddenly buckling over from Sandy's foot introducing itself against his knee. With a rapid series of blinks and an irritated scrunch of brows, he turns a glare to the elf, then.

"Clearly," he says, "not busy enough for your big behind to not fit in here."

...He also tosses a copper coin to the pile.

The dealer then looks to Selerik, saying, "Pot's 4c. You can check or raise...?"

Selerik shrugs and tosses four copper onto the pile. "Raise, why not. I havn't tried that yet."

The dealer looks to Jokul. "Pot's 8c. Bet is 4c to you."

Selia returns from the little-halfer-room, gives Sandy a grin and a wave.

"See *that's* the spirit," Jokul barks out with a faint sound of laughter, and while he's pushing four coins to match the pot, he sends a look to Selia. "C'mon, lil'lady. Let's see how it turns out, neh?"

The Dealer deals 3 cards (5C 10H AD) to Card Table.

The dealer announces, "Pot is 12c. Here's the flop!" Looking to Selerik, he says, "You start the action."

Selerik hmms a bit at the cards folded, glancing over to Jokul. He tosses a silver in, waiting to see how they react.

"Pot's 22 to you!", the dealer says to Jokul. "With a bet of 1 silver coming atcha!", he adds.

"Straight folding to straight raising, huh?" Murmurs Jokul, with a curious look to Selerik. "Alright." He doesn't bring out a silver coin. He brings *two*.

To Selerik, the dealer says, "Pot is 42c... bet is 10c to you."

Sandy rolls her eyes at Jokul's retort. "Get some orignal material," she informs him, dryly. Then she'll wait out the rest of the round so far.

Selerik smiles and tosses another silver in, calling the raise. "So long as you're having fun."

 The Dealer deals 1 card (3S) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: 5C 10H AD 3S

Selia settles back in her seat and keeps quiet, watching.

The dealer announces, "Pot is 5s 2c. Your action." The last was to Selerik.

Selerik reaches for his coins, pauses, and decides to just tap the table instead. "I'll check." He gives Jokul a bigger grin."

The dealer looks to Jokul. "No bet. Action's yours. Pot's 52 bits!"

"That material never gets old though, Sandiel," Jokul murmurs back to the elf, while he draws four copper coins, with a look sent to Selerik. "Wanna go for a straight sixty-neh?" And down the coins go to the pile.

"Pot's at 5s 6c, now. 4c to you", the dealer says to Selerik.

Selerik shrugs agreeably, and drops four more copper into the pot. "Sure. So, what is with you and your hatred of doorways? It has been a topic of discussion."

The dealer announces: "Pot is an even 6 silver. Here's the river card!" Then he turns to Selerik for the action.

 The Dealer deals 1 card (5D) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: 5C 10H AD 3S 5D

Selerik nods appreciatively, but only taps the table to check.

"Sixty's a nice number," declares Jokul, simply -- and then turns over his cards.

 Jokul is holding: KS AH.
 Selerik is holding: JC 2D.

Selerik says, "Did I win?"

"The big man shows two pair... Aces and Fives!", the dealer announces. "The other gentleman has two fives." Jokul wins the pot.

"Eveything gets old. Especially humans," remarks Sandy, acidly, to Jokul. Her pointed ear tips twitch.

"Better to burn out like a human than flicker away like an elf," Jokul counters to Sandy, with his eyes narrowing briefly while he drags the pot to himself. "You gonna get yourself dealt in so I can win your money, too?"

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

The dealer collects and shuffles. To Selerik and Selia in turn, he says, "Small stash, big stash, please."

Selia tosses in her coins, and eyes the cards she's given.

 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selerik.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Selia.
 The Dealer deals 2 cards to Jokul.

The stashes in play, the cards are dealt. "Pot is 3c. Bet is 2c to you", the dealer says to Jokul.

Jokul eyes over his cards, and his lips twist briefly downwards before he slides the two requisite copper in, without a word.

The dealer looks to Selerik. "One copper to you."

Selerik eyes the pot, and pulls out a silver. "Twice the pot, yes? That is the maximum bid?"

"Correct sir!", says the dealer. To Selia, he says, "It's 9 more copper to you."

"The pot is at 1s 5c as it stands", the dealer informs.

Selia blinks. Blinks again. And shrugs. "Nine it be."

"Pot is 2s 4c. Action is 9c to you", the dealer says to Jokul.

"...Alright," Jokul breathes out, with a wrinkle of his nose, and thus brings out nine copper to match the raise.

 The Dealer deals 3 cards (5H 10S 8S) to Card Table.

The dealer announces: "The pot's at 33 coppers! Here's the flop! Action's on the gentleman in seat number one!" He then looks to Selerik for the action.

Selerik digs a bit in his bag, pulling out a handful of silver. He apparently expects to bid a lot this hand. Six are slip to the dealer. "So this is still exciting, yeah?"

To Selia, the dealer says, "Pot is 9s 3c. Bet is 6s to you."

"That's 'flitter'," says Sandy, "And there's no way in hell you're going to one a damn copper of /mine/, Jokul." She folds her arms across her chest, annoye that he's even present, it seems.

Selia eyes Selerik for a long moment. "...ya know we ain't makin' Sandy loose any money just yet, aye?" she inquires, adding her required coins to the pot.

The dealer looks to Jokul. "Pot's 15s 3c. Bet is 6s to you."

"You wanna find out?" Jokul asks of Sandy, with raised brows, while he turns six silver coins over to the pot. "Next hand, Sandiel. Next hand."

Selerik rummages in his bag a bit more, looking at Selia when she speaks to him. "Oh, are we supposed to be doing that?" He glances to Sandy, then over to Selia again. "Do you think they have that flying pig bacon here?"

 The Dealer deals 1 card (JS) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: 5H 10S 8S JS

The dealer announces. "Here's the turn! Pot's at 2g 1s 3c." He turns to Selerik for the action.

Selerik tries to count out the number of silver it will take, and has to count it twice, but eventually gets it on the table. "Ah, four gold. There we are."

To Selia, the dealer says, "Pot is 613 copper coins' worth. Bet is 40 silvers to you."

Selia frowns mildly to Selerik, peering at him a long moment with a squint. "Reckon ya can find sumone willin' ta sell ya sumthin and call it bacon." She tosses in the required coins.

The goblin dealer pulls a hanky out to wipe his brow. To Jokul, he says, "Pot's at 10 gold and 13 copper, sir. Bet's 4 gold to you."

"Pigs are in plenty enough places, aren't they?" Asks Jokul-- and then he eyes the further-piling stack of coins. He wrinkles his nose. "Oh, fuck it. Burn out." And out come the four gold coins.

 The Dealer deals 1 card (6D) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: 5H 10S 8S JS 6D

Selerik grins a bit at Selia. "So you're saying I should eat later, probably for the better, than." He takes another sip of his water. "They don't all fly, though."

The dealer turns the river card up on the table. "Pot's 14 gold and 13 copper. Action is yours", he says to Selerik.

Selerik starts counting his silver, sliding the rest of it forward. Maybe four gold's worth. "Uh, one moment." He pulls his left boot off, peering inside as he shakes it a few times, out falls two platinum coins. He uses the shoe to push the silver and the platinum coins forward. "I think that is, um, twenty six gold worth? And a silver?"

The dealer wipes more sweat off his brow. To Selia, he says, "Pot is 4 platinums and 23 coppers. Bet is 26 gold and 1 silver to you."

Selia eyes Selerick a long moment. "Yer gonna make me git serious, ain't ya?" Sighing, the little lutch starts fishing around in her pockets and pouches, pulling out coins and small bags, a couple ingots, and even a small collection of gems. "Raise 3 gold an' 9 silver, make it 3 plat flat."

The dealer say to Jokul, "Pot's 7p 2s 3c. Bet is 3p to you."

Jokul eyes Selia. Jokul eyes Selerik. He blinks his eyes slowly. "Well fuckin' 'ell," he murmurs, and eyes over his own cards briefly before eyeing Selerik again. "Now I *have* to see what hand you have to bet this bloody much." And so-- he digs into his pocket, instead of the pouch brought to the table, to bring out the three platinum.

The dealer looks to Selerik, saying "Pot's 10p 2s 3c. Bet is 3g 9s to you."

Selerik starts patting down his pockets, frowning a bit. He glances into his boot with a frown, and after a few moments finds something. He pulls out a wand, showing it to the dealer. "Is collateral acceptable? It has a full fifty charges, good for changing one's appearance."

"If you lose to the Lucht," says Sandy, leaving off the rest of her sentence as she just points and laughs at Jokul.

Selia blinks at the apperance of the wand, glancing to Jokul and Sandy a moment before shrugging. "I've no objection."

The dealer starts to speak, but Selia voices a 'no objection'... and he turns to Jokul.

Jokul eyes the wand. He blinks his eyes slowly again. "...Eh, fuck it. We'll figure it out with it," he declares, eventually, and flicks his hand in a wave through the air.

He also kicks Sandy's leg under the table.

Selerik looks relieved. "Good, I didn't bring any other coin with me." He sets the wand down atop the pile. "You know, this is kind of exciting."

The dealer says, "The other players are fine with the wand, sir. Place it on the table with the pot... ... and the hand has been called. Please show your hand", to Selerik.

 Cards on the table: 5H 10S 8S JS 6D
 Selerik is holding: 5S AS.
 Selia is holding: 10H AD.
 Jokul is holding: 3D 8H.

"Oh, good," Jokul says after Selerik has revealed his cards. "I almost got freaked out the--"

And then he sees Selia's cards.

"... You little shit."

"The gentleman has ... an Ace-high flush!", the dealer says. "The little lady has... a pair of tens! ... and the large gentleman has a pair of eights! The flush wins!", the dealer concludes, pushing the pot to Selerik.

Selia blinks innocently. Kittens. Rainbows.

The dealer takes a moment to wipe his brow, again. There was more value in that pot than he personally sees in a year's time... or two or three years...

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

The dealer says to Selerik and Selia: "Small stash, big stash, please."

Selerik just smiles and smiles as he looks over the pot. He takes a moment to pull out the wand gingerly, slipping it back up his sleeve. The coin he slides into his shoe, picking it up and rising from the table. He flips a platinum to the dealer. "Thank you for the entertainment, it was quite fun after all!"

Selia eyes Selerik a long moment... and laughs.

"Oh... well, then", the dealer says as Selerik rises to leave. "We'll be back down to three", he adds, with a nod to Sandy.

The dealer then seems to realize that there's actually a tip of a platinum coin for him on the table... and he's quiet for a few moments, before smiling broadly and scooping up the coin to stash into a pocket. "Thank you, sir!", he says. "Come play at Ma Rosie's again!"

 The Dealer collects all the cards and starts to shuffle them.
 The Dealer finishes shuffling the cards.

"ahahahaha," says Sandy as Selerik wins. She is quite pleased wit herself. She'll be jumping in this time, though.

Jokul stares after Selerik, and then he side-eyes Selia. "...Is it just me or did that fucker play us that whole time?"

Selerik makes his way out the door walking a little lopsidedly, due to the shoe he is carrying under one arm instead of wearing on his foot. His next stop probably involves some unfortunate airborn swine.

"So... the stashes are to you... and you...", the dealer says, in turn, to Selia (small) and Jokul (big).

Selia peers after Selerik, and shrugs to Jokul. "I honestly ain't sure. But reckon I'ma keep an eye on 'im when meet again."

The dealer says, "Pot is 3c. Action is yours", to Sandy.

Sandy throws three copper on the table, of course. She's in. She's eyeing her cards thoughtfuly.

To Selia, the dealer says, "Pot is 6c. 2c to you to stay in."

Selia nods, and adds the coins.

To Jokul, the dealer says, "Pot is 8c. 1c to you."

"So be it," Jokul says, giving Sandy the side-eye while he's slipping a copper coin over to the pot.

 The Dealer deals 3 cards (10H 6C 5D) to Card Table.

The dealer deals out the flop onto the table. "Pot's 9c. ACtion's on you", he says, to Selia.

Selia ehs, and tosses in a pair of copper.

To Jokul, the dealer says, "Pot is 11c. Bet is 2c to you."

"Make that five," Jokul counters, and out comes five copper coins, set down to the table and pushed to the pile.

To Sandy, the dealer says, "Pot's 16 coppers. Bet is 5 coppers to you."

"Yeah, I'm still in," says Sandy, givin her card a look over again. She's thoughtful as she examines the cards on the table. "Hnngh," she says, eloquently.

The dealer looks to Selia, saying "21 copper in the pot. 3 more to you to stay in."

Selia tsks, and considers a moment before shrugging. "In."

 The Dealer deals 1 card (2C) to Card Table.

The dealer announces: "10H 6C 5D and now 2C on the board." He then turns to Selia to say, "Pot is 24 coppers", to start the action.

Selia considers, and shakes her head. "Check."

The dealer looks to Jokul, now.

"Check," says Jokul in turn, with a slow tap of his finger against the table.

The dealer turns his head to look over at Sandy, now.

"Still in," says Sandy, peeling up her cards to glance at them. More coppers.

Cards on the table: 10H 6C 5D 2C

The dealer looks to Selia. "Pot's 27 coppers. 3 is the bet to you."

Selia nods, and adds her three.

"30 copper in the pot. 3 to stay in", the dealer says to Jokul.

"Make it six," says Jokul, sliding six coins over to the dealer. He EYES Sandy.

The dealer now turns to Sandy. "36 in the pot. Three more to stay in."

"I'll stay in," says Sandy, thoughfully. More coins are tossed in the pot. She's ignoring Jokul completely.

The dealer turns his head to Selia. "39 in the pot. 3 more to you."

Selia considers a few seconds and shrugs, tossing in the three.

 The Dealer deals 1 card (5H) to Card Table.
 Cards on the table: 10H 6C 5D 2C 5H

"Here's the river!", the dealer says, turning up the last of the table cards. "Pot's 42 coppers", he says to Selia, to start the action.

Selia considers several moments, picks up a pair of coins, then shakes her head and sets them back down. "42 is a good number. Check."

The dealer looks to Jokul for action.

"Raise three silver," Jokul declares, bringing over the coin to match the bet.

"Pot's 72 coppers, bet's 30 to you", the dealer says to Sandy.

"Oh for god's sake," says Sandy with annoyance. She calls again, tossing in more silvers this time.

The dealer now looks over to Selia. "102 in the pot. 30 to you", he says to her.

"Can we get Sandy to throw a fit? Because that counts as a win." Selia holds up a gold coin, and tosses it in. "See and raise."

The dealer hanky-wipes his brow, again. "Pot's 202. 70 to you", he says to Jokul.

"Do not make me transform you into something small enough to step on -- oh wait. too late," Sandy says to Selia, pointedly.

"You wanna find out?" Asks Jokul with a wide grin, and then draws over three more gold coins. And the grin is extended to Sandy, too.

The dealer says, trying to sound like he means it and NOT like he's scared. "Use of magicks on premesis is strictly forbidden, ma'am."

"Pot is ... 502 copper coins' worth. Bet is 300 to you", the dealer says to Sandy, after delivering the gambling hall's policy on the casting of magic in the place.

Sandy promptly kicks Jokul under the table again. "I'll just transform YOU into a cat," she tells him, "and then give you to Roselle." She calls the bet.

The dealer says to Selia, "Pot's at 802, with 230 to you." There's a pause, then, "No more raises", the dealer adds, as an aside. "Call or fold, please."

Selia frowns at Sandy, then looks to the Dealer. "Did she say 'step on' or 'sit on'? Because I'm sorta worries 'bout da later." She tosses in a handful of silvers.

 Cards on the table: 10H 6C 5D 2C 5H
 Jokul is holding: 9S AD.
 Selia is holding: 4D JH.
 Sandy is holding: 2D 6D.

"Pot's been called. Please show your hand", the dealer says to Jokul.

"Treading in dangerous water there, Lucht, I'd suggest you shush it. You know, I had a terrible hand. I just wanted to see how muh idiot over there," she getures at Jokul, "would be willing to bet on an attempt to irritate me."

"The gentleman has... a pair of fives, Ace kicker", the dealer says. Of Selia's hand, he says, "A Pair of fives, Jack kicker." Of Sandy's hand: "Two pair, sixes and fives!"... and then he pushes the pot to Sandy.

Sandy looks smug.