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(Created page with "The Guild offices may or may not be a place some of you have seen lately. Many contracts go out for "City troubles" more common in an Age of Magic, such as inventions gone wro...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 20: Line 20:
"Even me?" she asks, hands on her hips.
"Even me?" she asks, hands on her hips.
You paged Durrankar with 'By the way, Durrankar will need to think outside the box a little with his casting for this. 'How can I affect the area around me, instead.' ^^;'
You paged Durrankar with 'Just so you can mentally think ahead some. :3'
Munch has troubles interperating facial features. His own expressions are pretty limited. Metal face. So bareing teeth in a grin, and bareing teeth in rage and pretty similar to him. Context suggests which case this is, but he's been wrong about context before. So he just grins back, rows of adamite fangs gleaming, and keeps his axe in easy reach, just in case of sudden violence. Sandy is here, after all.
Munch has troubles interperating facial features. His own expressions are pretty limited. Metal face. So bareing teeth in a grin, and bareing teeth in rage and pretty similar to him. Context suggests which case this is, but he's been wrong about context before. So he just grins back, rows of adamite fangs gleaming, and keeps his axe in easy reach, just in case of sudden violence. Sandy is here, after all.
Line 324: Line 320:
It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!
It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!
You paged Sandy with 'However you like. ^^;'
You paged Sandy with 'They stayed clumped, waiting for things to come to them. ^^;'
Round Two - Init 14.
Round Two - Init 14.
Line 372: Line 364:
It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!
It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!
You paged Un'eth with 'Good luck! :/'
Un'eth has disconnected.
Un'eth has disconnected.
Line 408: Line 398:
Durrankar looks around as he suddenly appears where he was. "This.....is really weird." he says before he stamps his staff into the ground to shake the ground underneath both of their adversaries....but they remain standing.
Durrankar looks around as he suddenly appears where he was. "This.....is really weird." he says before he stamps his staff into the ground to shake the ground underneath both of their adversaries....but they remain standing.
You paged Durrankar with 'Originally, they had been going to be constructs. Y'all's ability to affect the forest around them (calling down trees, turning the earth to soup) would've played in. >.>'
Elessa has reconnected.
Elessa has reconnected.
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[[Category:Grisht|Grisht - Tribune Troubles]]
[[Category:Logs|Grisht - Tribune Troubles]]

Latest revision as of 19:22, 11 May 2017

The Guild offices may or may not be a place some of you have seen lately. Many contracts go out for "City troubles" more common in an Age of Magic, such as inventions gone wrong, magical intrigue, murders, assasinations, and awkwardly summoned creatures. Less common though, is to enter such a room in the middle of a stand-off between City power-brokers. In one corner, a gnomish reporter stands, her mouth in a firm line. A "newsie" cap sits askew on her head, and her coveralls have seen better days. In others--and carefully separated by a polite-as-nails City Councilman--are representatives from the Arcanists and the Artificers, basically.

"Oh gods-damnable hells, they're here," the gnome says, underheath her breath. Only it sounds half-like a prayer.

Then she, too, puts on a smile.

The Councilman turns around. Also smiling. "We're so glad you're here."

Everyone Smiles.

Beaglefinder summons Durrankar.

Munch smiles back. It's not pretty.

Durrankar has connected.

Oh hey, Sandy is here.

She looks annoyed.

"Even me?" she asks, hands on her hips.

Munch has troubles interperating facial features. His own expressions are pretty limited. Metal face. So bareing teeth in a grin, and bareing teeth in rage and pretty similar to him. Context suggests which case this is, but he's been wrong about context before. So he just grins back, rows of adamite fangs gleaming, and keeps his axe in easy reach, just in case of sudden violence. Sandy is here, after all.

Un'eth is not smiling. She is not pleased to be here, perhaps more unpleased than usual, given the poor timing. That the others are smiling only makes her even less likely to.

Durrankar walks his way out of the forest right next to his Cihuaa. He looks extremely displeased......Even his Earfins are extended to make him look much larger...standing up straighter.....he's TRYING to look imposing. Smiling at him only makes him growl.

As you enter, the gnome turns to face the arcanist in the room, "This is going to print tomorrow, you know that. I don't care what Guild you're in charge of. I do my job, you do yours. People need to know and avoid the area, the lock on that prison is open and--."

"If it's open, it's been open for a while," the Arcanist representative comes in, sounding bored. "Do you really want to cause a--"

"Verthi, 1017. Two possessed, three killed. Samhorrows, 1009, one killed," retorts the reporter. A gnome, it must be said. Whatever this is, she has her gnose in the middle of it.

"Now, everyone. The logical thing to do would be--" begins the artificer.

"Garsrock, 997! THIRTY-THREE killed! And you don't want the public to--"

"WE DON'T WANT A PANIC, GODS FORSAKE IT, LITTLE LADY, WE--" The arcanist is shouting.

"Oh, you did NOT say that, HONEYCAKES," snarls the reporter. The gnome eyes the mage from beheath her cap, gaze glittering like a thousand, sharp jewels.

The Councilman begins to sweat. He says, brightly, "Oh, the adventurers are here! We're glad you came on such short notice." HARBRINGERS OF LIGHT AND SANITY. "--that is. There is a difficulty. Someone found a Wizard's Prison in the woods, and it's been opened. We'd like to--"

The gnome isn't smiling at any of you. She's smiling at the wizard. "Honeycakes," she says sweetly, at him. "Why don't you tell them about the nice monsters WHO MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN LOOSE IN THE WOODS. AND THE ILLEGAL PRISON."

"MY NAME IS NOT HONEYCAKES, LITTLE LADY!" The mage is just going to lose it. He really is.

Welcome, harbringers of sanity. Adventurers.

"Let's not call anyone 'honecakes'," says Sandy, "or I might get irritated." She fold her arms across her chest. "And I might call my wife. Now, tell us what's going on so we can go fix whatever it is that got broken and still make it home in time for dinner."

She rub an eye.

Munch says, "What does it look like, where was it last seen, and do you want any of the leftover pieces once I'm done with it?" The metal man doesn't sweat the details. to eb fair, he doesn't sweat at all. "Apparently it's dangerous, so don't waste more time."

Durrankar sighs softly and looks to Un'eth. "Cihuaa....you got here before me....what is going on?" he says in draconic.

Un'eth snorts. "What did some fool wizard hold prisoner that is now loose?" She also chooses to be direct, but details can be very helpful. Her tail thumps the ground firmly in annoyance and accent to her question. Her snout then turns to Durrankar. "Something was imprisoned, and now it is loose."

Durrankar says, "And who was the idiot who let it loose? I know it wasn't Sandiel. Even SHE'S not that grumpy.""

"Gods damn wizards. No sense of right and wrong," grumbles Sandy.

"Yes. That's exactly what happened," the gnome says. She points towards Un'eth. "We were investigating--"

"The Tribune was snooping," the mage interjects, low-voiced.

The Councilman looks about as happy as a man who's swallowed a bag of nuts and screws. "There's a wizard's prison in the woods, is the problem. The greater problem is that the locks are gone, which as you understand, makes it rather more pressing," he says. "We'd like to get it taken care of before the story breaks, you see. People will try to investigate, they could panic, and so forth."

"That's what I've been saying. I question that the City ought to rush in, however. Such things are better in the juristiction of my own Guild," the wizard starts to say, and has to stop mid-wheeze, at a frown from both the Artificer representative, and the reporter. He coughs a few times. "If I could get a word in edgewise, little--"

"Honeycakes," the reporter says underneath her breath. She smiles. They all remember to do that. Smile, that is. "And you mean don't rush in so you can remove the evidence."

The Councilman is rubbing at his forehead. He says, sounding strained, "So you see--there's some disagreement about handling it. What *I* agree on, and I speak FOR THE CITY, HERE is. ...We ought to take care of it as soon as possible. Adventurers, you are not adverse to risk, but I hope you understand--how leaving this unattended could result in greater risk of safety--" and my sanity, that look says, "--and the City is prepared to offer you quite a lot of money."

"The longer it goes uncorrected, the worse the chance for growing corruption," the artificer representative says. Smugly, it might be said. With the ongoing 'feud' between wizardy and artificery, he's enjoying every moment of this.

Munch nods to the artificer. "You should listen to him. Expert on growing corruption. But you still havn't told us what's loose."

"Of course there is. Fricking wizards," says Sandy, clearing her throat. "Right, then. Point us in the righ direction. WE'll check it out." SHe shrugs at Munch, "Sounds like they don't know."

Un'eth blinks, and a low hiss immediately follows. "I was not aware that it was not in the city, or beneath it." The sewers and catacombs are popular locations for such things, afterall. "Where is the prison and what was imprisoned."

Durrankar nods along with Un'eth. "this is about taking care of a problem...."

"I'll get you my notes!" says the gnome. She jogs off to get those. Which means she'll be back. OH NO!

"We aren't sure, though there were traces of necromancy. The Prison itself is located in the woods north of Alexandria proper, out of sight of--I suspect it was once well-hidden," the Councilman says.

"Precisely. And that is why my Guild would be delighted to--"

"Cover it up, you mean," the reporter says firmly, from the other room.

Munch looks to the arcanist. "Stop. We're here, we're investigating, we're not going to stop. Having your own investigation is no longer an option. You can help, or you can be quiet."

Beaglefinder summons Elessa.

Elessa has arrived.

Mage's Prisons, the reporter's notes read:

Mage's Prisons are so-called because of their usage to bind extraplanar beings and unwholsome experiments. The existence of such prisons outside of official sanction (for enforcement purposes) has been under close scrutiny of local governments for years. Rune had officially looked down on the practice, though less scrupulous mages were known to practice in secret. With Rune's dissolution, it has fallen to local governments to decide on enforcement.

It goes further, citing historic examples, including the ones mentioned during the 'discussion.' Gasrock was one of the worst in recent history, though the true atrocities go back to the Daemon Wars. Anyhow, it's with these cheerful notes that you're sent onwards into the Woods.

The entrance to the Prison of course, is a barely-discernible grill in the forest floor. Weather has eaten at its once-pristine metal-work, lending it a rusty and rough appearance. Its locking mechanism--if there was one, and given what it was, there likely had been--is rent away.

"...when are they going to learn that so-called prisons never actually work that long.." grumbles Sandy. She is, of course, ready to head THat-A-Way.

Munch nods in agreement, eyeing the metal-work and surroundings carefully. "Even death has those who escape. We want to check inside, see if are any clues? Little concerned the door locking behind us, but only a little. Have yet to find a door can do more than slow me down."

For those of you attuned to the forest, or faith--the area around feels slightly off. Those tied to the arcane--it just feels oily, though in a faded way.

Elessa is just along for the ride... mostly, but she's been trying to keep her eyes open though isn't acting as the full scout. She's used to the city, not this wilderness tracking.

Munch eyes the grate a few moments, peering into the darkness below. With a small shrug, the metal man grabs one of his leathery dreadlocks, considers a moment, then rips it free from his head. Crushing the thin sack, the chemicals inside sizzle and smoke before igniting in a phosphorus light. Munch drops the light down though the grate, watching it fall. More more specifically, what it illuminates as it falls.

A grill should always be discernable in the forest. Shapes of forged metal do not normally sprout and grow from Ea's flesh. That a wizard built here is annoying enough, but it imprison some corruptive fiend or other outsider here?! Unforgivable. "Whatever is there, we will remove it.It does not belong here."

"Welp. LEt's do this," says Sandy. She gives Elessa little bump with her hip, though, when she passes by. "Long time no see," she gruns and then gives her shoulders a roll, stretches out, and adds, "Good to go. Let's get this done."

Have you ever stood, and looked into a damn, dank dungeon? This is like that--except without the damp part, or the constant, infernal dripping designed to drive prisoners mad. The whisper of faded runes lie on stones below, their outlines dark in color and illuminated in light/shadow, light/shadow by Munch's phosphorescence--purple or black, and the flooring appears to be carved, placed rock.

In short--about what one might expect, for a Mage's Prison. The markings are likely old wards. At at glance, it looks too scarred to be active.

Elessa smiles at Sandy and nods. "Yeah, been pretty busy," is all she says about what she has been up to lately. Seeing the grate though, she frowns and decides now it's her time to move closer to the front and take a closer look, at an appropriate distance though.

You paged Un'eth with 'Oh, this is easy for Un'eth. :D Magic these days is sided--towards acts of good or evil. One could argue that it was always that way though, with a case like this one. This area is clearly older than that divide. Hello, Taarans.'

You paged Un'eth with 'Bindings, power. Necromancy. Hello. :D'

You paged Elessa with 'The crate was rent off its hinges and is barely resting there. The earth around it is disturbed, though there's no sign of living critters moving about.'

You paged Un'eth with 'The runes below. They were binding runes. :3 Were.'

"Oh, good. The wards. They're old," says Sandy with a rub of her face. She kneels down to squint at them herself, though Un'eth gets there first.

You paged Un'eth with 'They've been disrupted, since. How far ago, you don't know.'

You paged Elessa with 'Er, grate. :3'

Durrankar seems to calm down a lot away from the reporter and the rest. "Anything you and Cihuaa can tell us will be welcome, Sandy."

You paged Un'eth with 'It's barely there. You could nudge it and it'd fall away.'

You paged Un'eth with 'About as big as a fattened arvek could fit through.'

You paged Sandy with 'Old binding marks, since scraped through. Suggestions of Necromancy and power. Taarans used those marks. Hello, Taara.'

Un'eth's eyes narrow at the runes below , and then, in an instant, flare wide. Her tail strikes the ground harshly, and then begins to merge with it. Scales rapidly harden to obsidian sheen, even as her form seems to shrink as it sinks into Ea's flesh. In seconds, she is gone.There is a pause, then a grating rumble not unlike a small tremor.

Of couse the grate remains. That is, until it is forcibly removed with a agonized scream of metal tearing before it is launched skyward by a limb the size of Azog punching through it.

Another rumble of grating stone from below. "Whatever was bound here is vile. The bindings are corruption themselves. The work of Taaran magics."

Nodding towards Un'eth, Sandy says, "That's about right." She manages not to call her an awful name this time. It never goes well for her when she does that. She looks pleased with the grate being removed, though, and aims to head right beyond it, clearly expecting Elessa to beat her there at the very least.

Elessa doesn't see anything that looks like it might try and kill them, at least nothing non-magical. Letting the magicky folk investigate, she looks at some things on the ground and then the grate. "Something tore that off... I can't tell what, I'm not really a tracker, but it disturbed the earth around here, but I can't see any evidence of any living creatures about..." She looks to the others, "I'll need a light source," she offers before starting to head in to potentially lead the way.

Munch buzzes quietly, and eyes Un'eth. "....if you needed something wantonly destoryed, you could have just asked." He's a little hurt she took all the fun.

It's a room. OF COURSE IT IS. Entering the area results in a chipping, dusty sound beneath your feet. The dark coloring of the runes now appears an even darker red. It breaks, becoming dust upon contact--wherever you step.

The area itself is as dark as the underground--that is, without light or darkvision, it's impossible to see more than a few feet to either side.

Once you do though--through light, or sneaky druid tricks--the initial prison itself extends at least fifteen feet in either direction, with a narrow door at one end. BARS had covered this entry at one point, though like the entry grate overhead, they're now mostly useless.

Familiar as some of you are with Wizard's Prisons, one might expect the other room to house even more wards, or even supplies.

Durrankar says, "You'll have your chance, Munch. Lead the way Elessa. If you see anything different, or even strange....stop and keep away from it.""

Un'eth's scales and form are as they were before as others join her. There would likely be no room fo them otherwise. "Trust nothing," she hisses. She then awaits Durrankar's arrival and moves with him

Content to let Elessa lead the way for now, Sandy draws her underutilized blade, Dawnbreak, who seems glad to be free of the scabbard.

"About time. What are we aganst now?"

"How am I supposed to know? I just got here too, you know." Talking blades are the worst.

"Hello, baby," comes a cooing whisper. From somewhere, past that doorway. The air for a moment, becomes more stale. There's a faint, ghostly roar in response. A snarling-curr.

Elessa leads the way down into the place, going at a decent pace, mostly to make sure that things here aren't going to jump out and kill them, also for anything /in/ here too that may not be a trap. Once to the first chamber that gives them something besides hallway. She stops though at the whisper and stares at the door, completely frozen, though now her hand is on her rapier.

Munch buzzes softly, and moves forward with the other, claws scraping softly on the stone. Reaching back, the metal man draws Reaver, the eye of the dragonhead etching into the metal peering around itself, but keeping quiet for the moment. Some talking blades keep quiet. But that will change soon enough.

You paged Elessa with 'Given Elessa's perception: the walls here are the most surprising. Wedged between the stones are occasional femurs and fingerbones. An examination of these shows further binding symbols, and Taaran symbology. The bones cannot be removed without significant work, but they were clearly placed there.'

You paged Elessa with 'Sure. :3'

Durrankar's staff is also eerily quiet as they make their way down the tunnel. 'Keep your eyes open Tyrannix. if you see anything, let us know...."

From above you, a scraping sound. Shadows move, and shift overhead. The shifting light, that sound, is what cues you into it--and perceptive sorts whirl around in time to see a face appear overhead. Others are a bit slower to respond, of course but--

A face appears in the grate above you--a wizened man. He stares at you in a sort of drunken way. "There you are," he whispers. "Did you come to pay for her?"

Long fingers grip the opening overhead. Begin to drum, in a curious way.

Munch blinks with a soft click. "....-I- came to break things and hurt people." He considers a moment. "Or hurt things and break people, I'm not picky."

You paged Un'eth with 'He's not alive.'

You paged Durrankar with 'He's not alive. :3'

"PAy for her? Who? Taara? No. I'd prefer to make her pay, the damnable wretched excuse for a deity,"grumbles Sandy.

Durrankar nudges sandy. "Don't bother. It's not alive...."

"We agreed on a price," the figure says. He bends, head tilting oddly and to the side. Click-crick goes the neck. The eyes focus on Sandy. He doesn't appear to register what she'd said. "Did you bring it? If you don't pay up--she'll stay sick, you know."

He wags a long, bony finger. ...his form blurs, then doubles.

"Doesn't mean I can't grumble about her anyway," says SAndy to Durrankar, annoyed.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

	Beaglefinder has dropped a TIMESTOP!

	Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Beaglefinder to instruct you further.

	For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


Un'eth looks up and snorts, eyes narrowing at the ... man. "I would pay to see Taara forever in torment. What do you want, creature?"

Round One - Init 27.

It is now Sandy's turn! Slithering Dude is next!

Round One - Init 25.

It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!

Sany reaches into her pouch and pulls out a small vial. Shecrushes it in her gloved hand and then blows the blackened glitter on Un'eth. It melds into hr scale, these crushed black diamonds, hardening them and protecting her further.

"...you forgot, didn't you?" says the figure through numb lips. The two of him blink down at you, and the first one begins to fade until it's nothing. He hawks, spitting onto the stone below.

The yellowish liquid bubbles, and begins to smoke. The smoke fills the room, burning at your lungs and obscuring vision.

"Ssshame. ...sshame, sshame..." comes the bracken, hissing voice from above. A voice now fading.

Round One - Init 21.

It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!

Round One - Init 14.

It is now Elessa's turn! Un'eth is next!

Munch eyes, his magicite orbs glowing softly in the gloom. Buzzing quietly, his metallic scales start to molt, falling off, but not falling, floating in the air, shifting and swirling to form a mostly solid protective layer.

Reaver, the massive greataxe, rolls it's metallic eye, and sighs. "So we're doing this, huh? Fine." The adamantine blade sizzles, a blueish smoke riseing... and swirling towards Munch, joining with him, as the warrior starts to grow, swelling like a balloon.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Un'eth's turn! Durrankar is next!

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Durrankar's turn! Ms.Jaws is next!

Elessa has reconnected.

You paged Elessa with 'Beaglefinder says, "Y'all heard a ghosty voice in the area you're in, but nothing came from it. Shortly after, you saw a man-thing above you. He spoke, then blurred in two. He then spat into the room, and it turned into the cloying smoke that's filling the area."'

You paged Elessa with 'Beaglefinder says, "The room you're in is 15' towards either side, and is filled with cloying smoke. There's a small room next to it that had been covered in bars. ...all bars, wards, doorways are pretty much rusted useless at this point."'

You paged Elessa with 'Un'eth just cast Fickle Winds, giving everyone their own personal Wind Wall.'

Un'eth may not be affected directly by the fumes, as her body alters internally, aggressively, to negate any poisonous qualities. The obscuring is another matter, as well as those around her. "Ea's Breath is my ally. You cannot soil it for your own ends." She calls to the very air about them to aid. It begins to move and swirl about the adventurers present, like miniature personal whirlwinds to deflect the fumes and small items while funneling in fresh air for those that breath.

Elessa mutters to herself and draws her rapier as she looks around for something in which to attack. She coughs though as the room fills with gas, "Shit," she says again, knowing there isn't much she can do about it. Looking around she attempts to find some sort of target, but stands her ground.

"Remind me, why do we get into problems like this?" her rapier asks her.

"Because we're being paid," Elessa answers.

"You mean you're being paid," the blade snarks, in which the thief rolls her eyes.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Ms.Jaws' turn! Sandy is next!

Around you, earth-rending sounds begin to hammer at your ears. As though for a moment, you're inside of an earthquake--but the earth itself does not move.

Instead, there's that sing-song humming from above. Dry, rasping.

Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 27.

It is now Sandy's turn! Slithering Dude is next!

As Munch begings to grow in size, Durrankar tosses some metal flakes onto his metallic skin, which changes the composition to something akin to Adamantite. "Kill them before they kill you, Munch."

And now a black cloud of dust is blown on Elessa!

SAndy adds, "I had to crush some diamonds to get that, Elessa. Just so you know."

Her next spell will be 'rage' on Elessa. Possibly.

Round Two - Init 25.

It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!

Elessa has partially disconnected.

Ga'Elian has arrived.

"You forgot, you forgot. She pays, she pays," chants the voice. It rasps, ending in a cough--and blinding colors. Elessa slows, her skin graying, turning to stone. Durrankar and Un'eth vanish from sight. For a moment, nothing else seems to happen--and then a sickly ooze crawls, appears to stick to Sandy's skin.

"Pay, pay, and it all goes away..."

Round Two - Init 21.

It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!

Round Two - Init 14.

It is now Elessa's turn! Un'eth is next!

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Un'eth's turn! Durrankar is next!

Munch smash! Which really is nothing new, it's sorta his thing. Shouldering his way past the doorway, the massive metal man swings his giant blade, the enchanting weapon weeping drops of green acid as it connects with the.... whatever the heck this guy is. Hurt, but not out yet, whatever he is.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Durrankar's turn! Ms.Jaws is next!

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Ms.Jaws' turn! Sandy is next!

The earthquake noise continues. Rocks break, tumble. ...the earth around you shakes. Small crumbs of it scatter near your feet. Most of you are within the main room of the Mage's Jail.

It's the room next to you--the one you hadn't gone into--that snarls emerge from. A clawed hand hits the doorway, tearing at it. The clawed hand is made mostly of bone. It won't be long until it makes its way into the room with you.

Above ground, near Munch--the earth bends and flexes. Bones of long-dead creatures begin to shoot upwards, forming into an unholy whole. It isn't long before a creature stands there, formed from the forest's unlife. Jaws of a bear, the talons of a long-dead vulture. It stands as tall as Munch, if not taller.

Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 27.

It is now Sandy's turn! Slithering Dude is next!

"...well shit!" says Sandy after she recovers from the blast. Elessa is a statue. Two others are mising.

"Oh, that TEARS It," she yells.

She reaches into her bag and produces still more gems, rolling them in her hand. "You know what? SCREW this. I've had it up to here with this NONSENSE."

And then, well...reality warps as she invokes her mighitest, sorerous power. It bends and tears around her as Un'eth and Durrankar are ripped back from the planes, as the stone encasing Elessa shatters outright.

"ASSHOLE," she yells.

Round Three - Init 25.

It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!

Un'eth has disconnected.

"No, no..." he whispers. He turns dead, glittering orbs towards Munch. A weight passes over the golem's mind, and hammers at his defenses. When nothing happens, the man frowns as though something is wrong. He takes a step back.

Round Three - Init 21.

It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!

Round Three - Init 14.

It is now Elessa's turn! Un'eth is next!

Munch stands a moment, and blinks with a soft click as a shadow passes over his mind. "Man... I got -acid- inside my brain. Don't bother trying to mess with it." Hefting the metal telephone pole with a blade on one end that is his enlarge axe, he attacks, the massive blade and snapping fangs comming close, but not finding purchase in their target.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now Un'eth's turn! Durrankar is next!

Round Three - Init 9.

It is now Durrankar's turn! Ms.Jaws is next!

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Ms.Jaws' turn! Sandy is next!

Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 27.

It is now Sandy's turn! Slithering Dude is next!

Durrankar looks around as he suddenly appears where he was. "This.....is really weird." he says before he stamps his staff into the ground to shake the ground underneath both of their adversaries....but they remain standing.

Elessa has reconnected.

Round Four - Init 25.

It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!

You paged Elessa with 'There'd been an undead thing trying to get into the room with you.'

Elessa blinks and seems to be unsure of what is going on since she was just stone after all. But as the combat rages on around her, she finally gets her bearings and sees the undead creature that is attacking. A quick step and Freedom's Edge sings through the air before slicing deep into the creature's dead flesh.

"...you know what? It's time to take a page from Myrana's book."


Sandy yells it at the top of her lungs and then holds her hands out and then... nothing. Nothing much happens. "Oh, come on. Of all the time for magic to NOT cooperate with me." her hands are outstretched and nothing again.

Perhaps that previous spell that freed ELessa and brought the druids back from wherever took more out of her than she thought. She lowers her hands to the ground and swears, loudly, before making a furious series of arcane gestures that are probably equally profane before, finally, lightning crackles between her fingertips.

"AH HA!"

Lightning then /zorches/ across the room, wrapp around Munch and Elessa before impacting and arching back and forth between their foes.


Round Four - Init 21.

It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!

The vampiric creature in front of Munch blinks a few times. Slowly, like a reptile. Almost clumsily at first, he raises his arm to swat at the golem. /Something/ happens, but as before, the golem's toughness brushes it away!

Nearby, a creature made from the Bones of Ea rattles and roars. Its jaws smoke from Sandy's smiting. It stands over ten feet, composed of the bones of vultures, dragons, and bears. Its multiple limbs end in long, hooked claws. A similar one had also emerged, and engages Elessa, below.

Elessa has partially disconnected.

Round Four - Init 14.

It is now Elessa's turn! Un'eth is next!

Munch blinks with a soft click, looking to the small scratch where the dead guy touched him. "...well, you tried. That's the important thing. Here, allow me." The metal man swings again, the massive axe connecting, acid sizzeling, but the guy just doesn't fall. Looks to be a close thing, however.

Round Four - Init 12.

It is now Un'eth's turn! Durrankar is next!

Round Four - Init 9.

It is now Durrankar's turn! Ms.Jaws is next!

Elessa is quick on her feet though and a step in the right place, she finds the opening and her rapier slices open the creature, enough for it to finally go down, and she takes a look for other threats

Durrankar hisses at being hit by the skeleton thing......but rather than even bothering with trickery, Durrankar raises his staff. A column of fire drops on the skeleton mass.....and.....crushes it....

Round Four - Init 7.

It is now Ms.Jaws' turn! Sandy is next!

Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 27.

It is now Sandy's turn! Slithering Dude is next!

Durrankar has disconnected.

Round Five - Init 25.

It is now Slithering Dude's turn! Munch is next!

"Elessa, I just destroyed more diamonds and gems in two minutes than you'll see /all year/," says Sandy, solemnly, to her.

She can feel magically-induced anger RISING.

Round Five - Init 21.

It is now Munch's turn! Elessa is next!

Munch stops, and blinks. "...well, I feel foolish." Flexing his toes, a magical shower of rainbow sparkles swirl upward, surrounding the metal man and lending him magical speed. Thus enchanced, his massive blade and snapping fangs flash, and the slitherly little undead guy is rapidly reduced to twitching pieces.

The two creatures remain only as piles of smoking bones. The smoke mixes with the miasmic interior of the Mage's Jail, but Un'eth's magic works overtime, keeping all of you safe. Aboveground, the vampiric creature in front of Munch and Sandy stares.

...stares, frozen in place.

Frozen, in undeath, as Munch's axe strikes home and he falls back to earth.

For just a moment, he had been alive again--when he'd stared Munch in the eyes those two times. Sentience, even in the form of anger, had stared back. Otherwise, he'd acted as a puppet on strings, striking, hissing. Speaking words that only asked about a debt, and something owed.

Of course, right now? He's smoking, too. A smoking pile of remains and ash-bones, laying at the golem's feet.

Then again, something glitters.

Timestop by Beaglefinder has left.

You paged (Munch, Sandy) with 'It's a very gaudy necklace.'

Munch blinks, peering at the glitter within the ashes. "....I ain't touching it. YOU touch it."

"Oogh," says Sandy, eyeing the necklace that's admist the ash and bone. She move towards it and starts poking at it with her boot.

"Well... thats probably not good."

You have mailed Sandy, Munch, Un'eth, Elessa, Durrankar, and Beaglefinder about Job 83, with the comments: The reporter is ecstatic at your find--she means, your continued health. Yes, THAT'S what she means. The story will hit the papers tomorrow. The ongoing feud between the Arcanists and Artificers is at rest for now, but always below the surface.

The neckace you'd found bosts some residual necromatic and transmutation magics. The corpse of the man who'd attacked you though, dissapears through the course of the investigation.

Mysterious. Or he could have been sent to the Vardamen. That would be logical enough. ...right?

TRIBUNE Officials in Alexandrian uncovered a Mage's Prison. Uncovered in the northern wilderness, it is suspected the prison was used on Fel residents. Although some speculate its usage may have been recovery-based, a brief investigation into the area confirms this was not the case. "Runes along the walls, scratch marks from multiple escape attempts. In a legal prison, the wards merely block a dangerous and convicted creature from leaving, there's documentation, that sort of thing. Here, the prison was kept in secret, and the wards were set to rend on attempt of exit," a spokesperson from the Arcanists said.

Mage's Prisons are so-called because of their usage to bind extraplanar beings and unwholesome experiments, the existence of such prisons outside of official sanction (for enforcement purposes) has been under close scrutiny of local governments for years. Rune had officially looked down on the practice, though less scrupulous mages were known to practice in secret. With Rune's dissolution, it has fallen to local governments to decide on enforcement.

Local Watch constabulary suggest the Prison has been "eradicated and nullified," thanks to the heroic actions of local adventurers.