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October 15, 2017
* [[Serraphine]]
* [[Serraphine]]
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* [[Duthei]]
* [[Duthei]]
* [[Felicia]]
* [[Felicia]]

Latest revision as of 14:13, 24 October 2017

October 15, 2017



The party has been hired by a leader in the town of Eastbrook (a day’s journey east of the city) to help escort a small caravan of cargo that are currently being gathered and will be ready shortly. Lord Hagar Baelyn, ruler of the town has asked the party to assemble the day prior to when the caravan will head out.

Walery assembles. He looks eager and well-rested, standing by casually ready. "Mick Walery," he introduces himself. "Present and ready." He smiles, though in a slightly manic way, and attempts to look keen.

It's early evening at the Tail and you have all been asked to gather the night before the caravan sets out so that the steward of the House of Baelyn, the local Lord, can verify that the shipment of harvest goods will be protected for the trip. There appear to be about a dozen or so folks enjoying a quiet time in the tavern, eating, drinking and the like as the steward checks off the names of the party in his ledger.

Duthei, for their part, looks pleased to be there, and equally pleased to be this very...strange...pretty person of indeterminate gender. In armor. With a polearm. But /such/ a nice smile. So in the background they loom, waiting for something interesting to happen. Stepping in, Felicia moves in with a walking stick and looks about for a moment, but she lingers by the door....at least for the moment. She seems to be waiting for someone.....

Not long after Felicia strides in Serraphine. Fi walks with the sound of chain and plate. Her bright yellow eyes scanning and finding her target almost immediately. Another Arvek! She strides forward and slaps her on the back, "Felicia." She says, "A fine adventure you've started us on already. Thank you for telling me of it. You know, I dare say, this place looks far less corrupt and there's no elves that like to hang you upside down with magic here. A fine place to be indeed."

Patrons have spread out around the tavern, favoring this seat and that as meals are set down beside them, ale and mead is served by a passing barmaid and a low fire crackles in the back. Seated near the hearth, a man in commoner clothing nurses the mug of ale set down before him as though he hadn't drank anything in days. His pants are muddy near the cuffs and his shirt sleeves appear stained and torn in places. One might take him as either a farm hand or perhaps working on a local logging crew. %R%rAt the slightest sound in the tavern - anything that might fall in one of those rare quiet moments between conversations, his attention snaps to the doors and windows like a cat that had it's tail caught under a rocking chair.

(OOC) Here's a map. Table E has been set aside for your party. Strange man is seated at F. The steward is at D with the table covered in papers and ledgers. http://goo.gl/DeDVni

Felicia smiles to Fi before she makes her way for the table and has a seat. She's not overly loud, and she orders a bit of food and drink. "Strange that the guild would send us here. I wonder what's wrong?"

Walery has entered and announced himself and no one's responded to him. So he shrugs, comes in, and sits down. If they want to hire him, they can come and find him.

Where Felicia is being quiet, Serraphine is louder, she spots the man that was at the guild when they set out. "Mick!" She calls out to him, and beckons at him to join the table of Felicia and Fi, "Get over here. We'll build our fellowship over meat and mead! On the road is no such place to do that!"

Fi tromps her way over, looking a deal sight better as she grins widely to Felicia, "Oh who cares. I mean, if you really wanna throw strange in a pot and stir, one could ask why he's hiring outside help for guard work. But who cares, meat and mead, Felicia. Meat. And. Mead."

The Steward sends over the barmaid, Marista, to check if Walery was sent by the guild. If so, she was told to have him come over and sign in on the register at the Steward’s table. Everything, it seems, must be signed, sealed, checked and rechecked with this one. The food served here is oddly good. Roasted beef chunks in a meaty gravy with plenty of veggies and spices. The bread...oh...the bread crackles in your hand as you tear into the crust releasing a savory aroma of soft, carbolicious delights within. The mead is seasonal as it is with most taverns. As it is autumn, they serve a spiced apple variety that matches the food nicely.

Walery ohs as Serraphine calls out. "Hello there," he calls back, and will join the ladies and build some fellowship. "I won't say no to that," he adds with a grin. "Or to meat and mead. Did you see the fellow that's hiring us?" he asks. The the barmaid comes over. "Yes, I was sent by the guild," he says, "as were my friends." He'll tell Serraphine and Felicia about the sign in thing with a shrug and do so himself.

"Now this is the kind of food that you dream about in camp." Felicia says to Fi....and digs into the food. Felicia actually sits there and savors the food. "this is the kind of food that will make you fat. You earn this sort of food, but then she sips the ale. "Drink too."

Serraphine was half way seated when it comes to an abrupt halt and she looks over at Walery. A pause, a turn of her head to the meat and mead... "To hells with it, I guess I wasn't hungry yet anyway." She claps Felicia on the shoulder, "Keep eating, I'll write you down too by proxy." And Serraphine stands back up to make her way over to the table.

         "Thank you, Mick." She says with a nod and strides over toward the table. When she notices the Steward look away, she'll throw her head back and cry to the heaven's in silent anguish. She was so close. So close.

The stranger is drinking himself into oblivion at a small table by the hearth. Other patrons give him the occasional odd glance suggesting that he’s not one of the usual customers. As the sky grows darker outside, his voice grows louder from its original muttering.

“The sky just went dark. Like it was midnight on a moonless night.” The drunk man says. ”I heard screams and howls...and then the darkness was gone.”

Those who hear his stories ignore the part where the sun went dark (or the sky went dark), but comment that there have been sightings of wild beasts and plenty of wolves in the area more so than normal.

An older, sagely man seems to break the half-quiet mutterings of the patrons by saying that it was the logging that was done to open up more fields for farming. The lumberjacks are always stirring up trouble out there.

”And everyone was dead…” the drunkard bites out bitterly between swigs of his drink.

Felicia had been paying attention, even while she eats, and listens to the mutterings of the drunken man. She peers outside and rubs her chin. It's then she starts to eat slower. "Strange...."

Walery eyes the talky guy. To Serraphine, he asks, "Do you know who we're here to see?" He'll sample the food, but he's no foodie. It's good, but it's just food.

Serraphine will give a shrug of her shoulders, "I know that it's the Lord Baelyn, but that's about it." She says, after having signed in for both her and Felicia. She would go back to grab her plate and her mead, and then start on over toward the ranting drunk man.

         "But let's see if I can't find out why instead of who." She says with a flash of a smile that's all teeth from the hobgoblin - she is an Arvek after all - before sitting down across from the drunk man. 
         "All dead you say?" She arches her brows, "By why? Here. Have some mead, it's quite good." She slides the cup across to him.

The man has fear in his eyes - that primal fear that doesn’t go away with a hot bath and a full belly. Any offer to help pull that stain from his mind is met with the desperate need of a starving man.

Perception check (Audible)

GAME: Walery rolls perception: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Serraphine rolls Perception: (16)+3: 19

The faint sound of a commotion can be heard outside. At first it sounds just like someone’s whooping in surprise or perhaps they were startled by something but then you pick up the sound of smashing glass and the garbled screams of pain and bone-chilling panic. %R%RMany in the tavern fall quiet as they too hear the sounds in the distance and silence themselves to get a better read on what it might be. As you rise to investigate an unmistakably inhuman sound breaches the self-imposed silence.%R%R http://youtu.be/2KGv86GLvXo?t=22s

Walery hears little more than the general noise and such of the tavern folk.

Serraphine takes another bite of her food as she stares at the man across from her, just about to ask further questions in regard to the comments he's made. This seems like something that may heed listening to, for even a madman can be right on the wrong days. When... What is that? Her head cants to the side and she whips her head back to the table they used to all sit at.

         "Mick! Felicia! Come with me." And she plants her hands firmly on the table, pushing up from her chair to her full height and takes a step toward the door.

Walery huhs as Serraphine calls out to him, but he puts his food down and will follow where she leads, unslinging his death ray just in case.

\\It’s full dark outside - a moonless night that blinds the eye. Bandits? Reavers? Groups of four to six figures pounce with animalistic fury upon anyone caught outside, their shapes only silhouetted by the occasional lamp or glow from a window. The ‘figures’ move fast but it’s the sheer number of them that catch folk off guard. This is not one gathering but rather -dozens- of such groups. The town is polluted with them; a swarm of what can only be described in one word: zombies.

...and they're getting closer and closer to the Tail.

"And here I thought this would /not/ be a shield day." Serraphine says as she sees the sheer mass of them. The Arvek reaches behind her and smoothly slides her hand into the straps, sliding her arm up to free the kite shield emblazoned with the mark of Serriel. She brings the arm up, grabbing each strap between her teeth and cinching it down before her hand reaches for the hilt of her sword. She slides it free from the scabbard with the slither of leather on steel. 
         "TO ME!" She yells out to friend and foe alike, "TO THE TAVERN!" A call to beckon people to safety as she bring her shield in to clatter against a pauldron of her breastplate. 
         "Mick. If it goes bad, get inside, bar the door, shoot through the windows. We leave no one behind."

Walery nods to Serraphine as he activates his titan armor's enhancements, a reticle sliding from his helmet and in front of his eye as he shoulders his death ray. He sets the selector to FIRE because fire for zombies. "Will do," he affirms as he picks out the closest targets.

GAME: Felicia rolls knowledge/religion: (6)+8: 14 GAME: Serraphine rolls Knowledge/Religion: (20)+7: 27 Detect Evil: GAME: Serraphine rolls Knowledge/Religion: (20)+7: 27

The paladin’s words ring out in the chaos of the streets. Some people try and board themselves up in their homes - kicking and punching the undead as they try and break in. Others make a run for it down the streets only to be pounced upon like rabbits being run down by a pack of wolves. The call to aid seems to have attracted the attention of at least three groups - all of which turn their attentions towards the tavern with near hive-like synchronicity. Fifteen or so heads snap towards the paladin and their eyes flash a dull violet glow in unison. There’s a pause...and then they charge straight for the doors.

You paged Serraphine with 'A. Undead don't normally act with such precise action. B. They don't normally "run" let alone charge with animalistic ferrosity. C. When they looked at you, your detect evil sense spiked over to the right - as though there were a greater evil presence in that direction.'

GAME: Felicia rolls initiative: 12 + 2 = 14 GAME: Serraphine rolls initiative: 14 + 1 = 15 GAME: You roll initiative for Zombie Group1: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 3 GAME: You roll initiative for Zombie Group2: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10 GAME: You roll initiative for Zombie Group3: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 21 GAME: Walery rolls initiative: 16 + 4 = 20

<OOC> Gedryn says, "Okey dokey. ZGroup 3 is first. They are closing distance to the door (same with the others). Wal has first init at the door. Whatcha gonna do?" <OOC> Felicia says, "+ninit" <OOC> Felicia says, "so you can keep track." GAME: Gedryn advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Zombie Group3's turn! Walery is next!

<OOC> Walery says, "Death ray one of the zombies. Fiery death ray" GAME: Gedryn advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 20.
     It is now Walery's turn! Serraphine is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Walery ended. Walery activates his titan armor. GAME: Walery activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex GAME: Walery rolls 1d20+7: (4)+7: 11 <OOC> Walery says, "Vs touch" <OOC> Gedryn says, "Hit. They are Ac 10 vs touch. 14 norm." <OOC> Gedryn says, "Roll dam" GAME: Walery rolls 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

Walery shoulders his weapon from where he stands, holding his ground for the moment, though he's not entirely sure of the wisdom of the plan. Pulling the trigger, a red beam, solid fire, if kinda thin, not the wussy stuff you get out of stoves and fireplaces but real, hot death, slams into the lead zombie and it stumbles.

GAME: Felicia casts Bless. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

"Stay back with me, Fi. No one makes it to the door." Felicia growls as she taps her staff on the ground, and Walery and Fi can feel guiding light upon their aim…

Summary: 15 zombies (3 groups of 5) are charging towards the front doors of the tavern. Serra and Fi are standing as a barrier between them and the door. Wal is at the door trying to pick the zombies as they approach to melee range. Group 3 is closest and Serra/Fi could get into a melee slog with them but then that would give groups 1-2 time to close the distance and add to the attack.".

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon1 +3: (9)+6+3: 18 GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+2: (6)+2: 8

"Felicia." Serraphine keeps her eyes outward toward the undead creatures and she gestures out with her bastard sword to the oncoming mass. "Evil. And they're acting funny. Think there's something bigger going on here." Another clang as she bounces the shield off the pauldron again. "We're guarding the people, not wading into it." And that's when the undead finally close in enough. She grins as she holds up the shield to show them the symbol before her blade arcs out over top and flashes down into the group of zombies as they finally get in close enough for her to bring steel to flesh.

         "By Serriel's might, you will be killed." And her blade cuts down several of their number with severed torso and heads leaving them a mess of tangled parts. Only three in that group remains.

ROUND 2 GAME: Gedryn rolls d20+2: (19)+d20+2: 21 GAME: Gedryn rolls d20+2: (19)+d20+2: 21 GAME: Gedryn rolls d20+2: (12)+d20+2: 14

Group 3 going for the paladin. 2 hits on the paladin. GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

GAME: You damaged Serraphine for 18 points of nonlethal. 18 total.

GAME: Walery rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18

<OOC> Gedryn says, "you were going for an undamaged one or damaged?" GAME: Walery rolls 1d6+5: (5)+5: 10 <OOC> Walery says, "Damaged"\ <OOC> Gedryn says, "Damaged dead...er." Walery's next shot sends a zombie up in flames and it's incinerated!

<OOC> Felicia says, "channel energy to hit them ALL!" <OOC> Felicia says, "and combat advice for Fi." GAME: Felicia rolls 2d6: (6): 6 <OOC> Gedryn says, "g2 has turned to Felicia. will be melee next rnd." <OOC> Gedryn says, "g1 has turned to Felicia. will be melee next rnd."

"Hold fast, Fi. They won't get past us." Felicia mouth turns into a sneer. "YOU HAVE TWO OF THE MAIDEN OF BATTLE HERE TO STOP YOU FROM GETTING TO THESE PEOPLE! BY THE GRACE OF THE MAIDEN OF BATTLE....I COMMAND YOU.......BEGONE!" At that last word, blue dome expands from Felicia....and all of the zombies look really really haggard afterwards."

<OOC> Gedryn shakes his head. Group 3 is the closest. They're in melee range. You have hit them, Wal has damaged one and killed one. (2 dead). Three remain who are all injured (as well as the ones in the other group) <OOC> Gedryn says, "injured because of Fe."

GAME: Serraphine rolls weapon1: (12)+6: 18 <OOC> Serraphine says, "+3." <OOC> Felicia nods. <OOC> Gedryn says, "hit, roll dam." GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+2: (8)+2: 10 <OOC> Gedryn says, "3rd member of group 3 dead. 2 remain." <OOC> Gedryn says, "BUT...perception checks please. (as we go into the next round)"

GAME: Walery rolls perception: (9)+6: 15 GAME: Serraphine rolls Perception: (19)+3: 22 GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

You paged (Serraphine, Walery) with 'You see three additional groups that have stopped what they were doing, turned simultaneously, eyes flashed, and started to charge towards you.'

The remaining two zombies in the first group flail and scratch at the paladin's armor in a hopeless attempt to bring her down. Their pummeling fists and jabs do little but make noise.

GAME: Walery rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16 GAME: Walery rolls 1d6+5: (1)+5: 6 <OOC> Gedryn says, "dead. 1 left in group 3. GRoups 1 and 2 are in melee range."

Walery says, "Uh, more badguys incoming," he warns as he shoulders his death ray and shoots another beam of fire at a zombie. Picking them off one at a time isnn't awesome, but it's the best he can do."

<OOC> Serraphine will fight defensively for it. <OOC> Gedryn says, "k." GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon1 -4 +3: (17)+6+-4+3: 22 <OOC> Felicia says, "You still have +3 to hit." <OOC> Gedryn says, "hit." GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+2: (4)+2: 6

SUmmary: GRoup 3=1 left, GRoup 1=4 left. Group 2=5 left

GAME: Felicia rolls 2d6: (5): 5 <OOC> Felicia says, "on all of them." Summary: Group 3=Dead. Group 1=3 at 1 hp. Group 2=5 at 1hp.

Serraphine swings her sword into the mass of zombies still attacking them, striking down another of the group before other start to pile in toward Felicia. She gives a quick glance back, her shield pulling up to fend off the two laying into her shield still. "Felicia, We have more on the way." Then the woman's head whips back in time to see one of them drop to Walery's shot and the rest finally come in close.

         "FIGHT ME!" She yells, clanging the sword off of her shield before she turns to one of the new ones and slices out with her bastard sword. Her steel lashing out and severing another head from its torso. "I am the wrath of Serriel!" She yells out further, throwing her arms wide for a moment as if she was the one channeling the energy before tucking behind her shield.

Felicia smiles towards Fi. "Watch your left." She then turns in the opposite direction. "BEGONE!!!!" and the pulse of energy erupts from her again. the zombies drop to their bellies as they keep crawling.

Group 2 is prone (1hp) GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (10)+-2: 8 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (5)+-2: 3 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (19)+-2: 17 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (1)+-2: -1 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (3)+-2: 1

Group 1 is prone (1hp) GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (10)+-2: 8 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (11)+-2: 9 GAME: Gedryn rolls 1d20-2: (9)+-2: 7

Next Round Perception Check

GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (11)+3: 14 GAME: Walery rolls perception: (9)+6: 15 GAME: Serraphine rolls perception: (9)+3: 12

In that moment where the first three groups have been handled and the next three are charging at you with a quadrupedal lope, you spy three additional figures on the roofs of houses across the street (#5, 7 and 2 on the map). These figures are wearing ragged clothes but their skin is bone white. They are apparently operating independently of the groups and are watching the party at the tavern. One lets out a howl and is joined by the other two.This appears to be a rallying cry as other groups can be heard closing on your position. http://youtu.be/2KGv86GLvXo?t=22s

You paged Walery with 'Also, as the call goes out by the 3 figures, you hear the thundrous charge of groups -behind- the tavern as well.'

felicia takes a deep breath. "That can't be good. are you hurt, Fi?"

Walery says, "Hey, it sounds like there's more coming from behind the tavern as well. It's been nice knowing you," he adds fatalistically as he mutters, "By Reos, you end now." He fires the death ray again aiming at one of the guys on the roof, but his shot is wide right.

After the shot taken by Walery misses one of the figures on the buildings, they each move away as though they had decided to be elsewhere. The charging groups of undead turn in mid-sprint in much the same way a flock of birds seamlessly change direction mid-flight.

Felicia looks about as the wolves change direction. "Well...we know who's controll those things." She then turns to the tavern and knocks. "They're gone....let us in." She then grins to Fi. "Great going Fi. Nothing can get past us." And she forearm bumps her, up high.

Serraphine looks up toward the house tops as she grins widely at the sounds that she hears. "That. That is the sound I heard inside the tavern." She raises the sword, the tapering blade's tip pointing toward one of them on the rooftop as Walery shoots at it. She grins wider still and looks back toward Felicia.

"You found a good job. Seriously, and we get away from the hidden slave den that is Alexandria." A nod, she looks back forward and smoothly flips the sword around in her grasp to a reversed grip. She would never use this in an actual fight... she drives the point down through one of the Zombie's necks that are clammering at her feet.

"By Serriel, this is a good day." A wet sucking sound as she pulls it up out of the neck and changes her grip again with a smooth flip of the blade. Not a showy flip, simple, precise.