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(Created page with "We last left off our heroes with them engaged in life and deasth struggle with multiple demons! A second bearded one had just been gated in by the first, and the Lemures, thou...")
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Line 1,237: Line 1,237:
"...but this is only the first of a new wave of attacks on the binder's forces. You haven't seen the last of Asumit's demons anytime soon."
"...but this is only the first of a new wave of attacks on the binder's forces. You haven't seen the last of Asumit's demons anytime soon."
<OOC> TiltaWhirly wraps it there, if no one minds. This was an epic and I am tired. xD
<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "Yay, thanks for the scenes!"
<OOC> Malorn says, "It was an Awesome Epic Quest"
<OOC> Baz da Ork goes to sweepy too.
Baz da Ork has disconnected.
<OOC> Lucy says, "Yes! Thanks so much for running"
[[Category:Logs|Demons What Part 17]]
[[Category:Logs|Demons What Part 17]]
[[Category:Asumit|Demons What Part 17]]

Latest revision as of 06:08, 10 July 2019

We last left off our heroes with them engaged in life and deasth struggle with multiple demons! A second bearded one had just been gated in by the first, and the Lemures, though thinned, are still present and on the attack!

They seem to be gloating over your imminent doom.

TiltaWhirly has reconnected.

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d10+6: (3)+6: 9

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 20.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Lucy is next!

"There is no escape. You will die in agony and then die in perpetuity when we claim your souls. Every day, a new way to die." The glaive wielded by the second bearded devil slashed into Malorn's shoulder, leaving a wicked cut that won't quit bleeding.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Serraphine, you're up"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Okay, that bearded devil 2, am I within charge range?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I'd say yes but he has a reach weapon"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Smite evil on #2, and charge?"

TiltaWhirly has partially disconnected.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "He'll get an aoo but yes :)"

GAME: Serraphine spends ONE use of SMITE EVIL.

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Okay! 21 AC this round, and 23 next vs him."

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon4 +2 +2: (12)+8+2+2: 24

<OOC> Serraphine says, "-2 from the charge +2 from Cha (smite evil), then next round will be just +2 from cha. Vs just bearded 2 though (Assuming he is evil?) And is he an evil outsider?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Is it an Evil Outsider, Whirl?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It is. Sorry, I had to go help my mom!"

GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+4+8: (9)+4+8: 21

<OOC> Serraphine says, "AND! Don't forget I have to have an attack against me."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yeah, I am rolling it :)"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "AC is -2 from charge, but st ill a miss :)"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 19.

It is now Lucy's turn! Celeste is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Lucy! Are you with us yet?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly presumes not, but will give a minute to speak up if you are.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "She stabs the other one!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+12: (14)+12: 26

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d6+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Celeste's turn! Lemure 1-4 is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "celeste!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Whatcah wanna do? :)"

<OOC> Celeste says, "Attack!"

<OOC> Celeste says, "Can I get at the big demons yet?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yes, now you can."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "But one has a reach weapon."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I assume you'll go for the one that does not?"

Serraphine sees the new one arrive and she scowls. It's Serraphine. When /doesn't/ she scowl? She points her sword toward him and calls out, "YOU! DEMON!" Look, she's not the master of one-liners like others, okay? She charges toward him though thundering as she grabs her sword in both hands and cuts down hard with her sword - holding to her fervor and praying to smite this creature.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Cleste? :)"

<OOC> Celeste says, "I'll go for whichever one is less hurt."

<OOC> Celeste says, "Alternatively, whichever one Serraphine is not currently keeping busy."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay. That'd be #1."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll to hit."

GAME: Celeste RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP

<OOC> Celeste says, "Power attacks! Sword, shield, bite, in that order."

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

<OOC> Celeste says, "That's a threat there, confirming:"

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

<OOC> Celeste rips hair out.

<OOC> Celeste says, "And the bite."

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Miss, hit, miss, miss."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll damage once. XD"

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d4+9: (2)+9: 11

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Do we have bless up?"

Finally, Celeste can get to one of the big demons. The real fight. The real challenge! The one she's been wanting to fight this whole time. "RRRWAAAAAAAUGH!!" she yells, heedless of wounds already earned as she shoulders past the Lemures and right up to one of the big ones. "YOU'RE MINE!" she roars, "DIE NOW!!" Her sword flashes through the air, managing to bite deeply into... more air. At least her shield catches the thing, and hopefully that's enough to get its attention.

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Lemure 1-4's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "The two remaining lemures attack Celeste and Lucy and miss. xD"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Malorn's turn! Bearded is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Malorn!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Also, sorry for my slowness. My mom is sick so I've been having to tend to her."

<OOC> Malorn says, "I'll step up to the demon that hit me and full attack him, using 1 ki point for a third attack"

GAME: Malorn refreshes special ability pools.

GAME: Malorn spends ONE point of KI POOL.

<OOC> Malorn says, "Can I get a flank or not yet?"

<OOC> Felicia hugs whirl

<OOC> Malorn says, "Rolls without flank, just add +2 if I can"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Malorn says, "Yah all miss"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yeah :("

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Bearded's turn! Felicia is next!

Malorn goes to swing at the demon, but his fists just glance off the body of the demon.

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Threat, miss, no crit."

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 3.

It is now Felicia's turn! Bearded Devil 2 is next!

GAME: Felicia refreshes spells.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Felicia."

<OOC> Felicia didn't change anything.

<OOC> Felicia says, "have I put up bless already?"

The first bearded devil then slashes at Celeste on her approach, laughing madly.


<OOC> Felicia usually does that the opening round.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "...for the blood good.. <.<"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I don't think so, Felicia. I don't remember, however."

<OOC> Felicia says, "I think I did. I'll burn it. But.....hmm...."

<OOC> Felicia will put up spritual weapon.

<OOC> Celeste must run for dinner now.

<OOC> Felicia burns both spells.

GAME: Felicia casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

<OOC> Celeste says, "If it gets back to my turn I'll jsut keep laying into the demon with power attacks, okie?"

GAME: Felicia casts Spiritual Weapon. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

<OOC> Felicia says, "and it attacks one of the beardeds...."

<OOC> Felicia says, "Ideally, the one Fi's attacking"

GAME: Felicia rolls 1d20+3+3: (19)+3+3: 25

GAME: Felicia rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

<OOC> Felicia poses.

Felicia brings into existence a glowing and floating lance into being. Once it's appeared, she has it poke at the bearded devil's back...to help Fi out.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay!"


TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now Bearded Devil 2's turn! Serraphine is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (12)+11: 23

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Serrahine, your AC is 23 right now?"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "I think next turn. D:"

<OOC> Malorn says, "WP what's the 2 damage from?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Bleeding :)"

<OOC> Malorn says, "Gotcha"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly was gonna be emitting about that. :)

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Aha. Okay, so the 23 hits."

<OOC> Serraphine says, "My AC is 21 till the start of my next turn, then it goes to 23."

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d10+6: (5)+6: 11


The glaive now is turned on Serraphine, slashing across her and leaving her rather significantly sliced -- the arc of the blow interrupted by her armor and leaving her only gashed rather than lethally speared.

Malorn too will find his own wound from the glaive bleeding copiously.

The wretched and wounded airship crew are holding back, protecting themselves from any approach by the lemures fo the time being.

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 20.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Lucy is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Serraphine."

<OOC> Serraphine ATTACKS! :D

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll it :)"

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon4 +2 +1: (11)+8+2+1: 22

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Ack! Wait."

<OOC> Serraphine meant to say with power attack, "So 20? If that's okay."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It is fine"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "20 a hit?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "You hit."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll damage."

GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+4+8+6: (9)+4+8+6: 27

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "You hurt it good! pose it."

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 19.

It is now Lucy's turn! Celeste is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Lucy!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Are you back yet? :)"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Oh, and swift LoH!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay. Roll a caster check."

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Caster check? O_o"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yep."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll a caster check. :D"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "For Lay on Hands?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yes. It's a heal spell."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There is a reason. :)"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "What's... a caster check?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "YOur caster level."

<OOC> Serraphine says, "So 1d20+4?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "THat's right!"

GAME: Serraphine rolls 4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Your LOH does not work! D:"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "The wound does not close and you're still bleeding."

GAME: Serraphine spends ONE use of LAY ON HANDS.

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Okay"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Celeste's turn! Lemure 1-4 is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste."

Baz da Ork has arrived.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hey, Baz!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I did not see you log in :)"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Why don't you +init and join in? We can assume you were protecting the wounded. :)"

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "Okie!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "You all makde it out the other side of the mountain and are now fighting demons!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d6+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "No crit for Lucy, but she stabs a devil good!"

Serraphine grunts as she feels the cut across her, the seeping of the blood under her armor and she calls back, "Something feels off!" She throws herself into her next attack, letting out a growl as she cuts down with the blade. It slices into the bearded devil and a smile starts across her lips. She presses a hand to herself, calling for Serriel's blessing and... Nothing. Well that's odd.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste? :)"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Celeste is at dinner."

<OOC> Serraphine >18 Mar 19:31:21 <OOC> Celeste says, "If it gets back to my turn I'll jsut keep laying into the demon with power attacks, okie?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Oh, I did not see that!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Thanks"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay, rolling for celeste now that I am back at the kb. xD"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "..."

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (14)+11: 25

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "She crit!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 2d10+14: (5)+14: 19

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Does anyone know her bite damage?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I think it's 1d3+5 but I could be wrong!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d3+5: (2)+5: 7

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste badly hurts the devil!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Lemure 1-4's turn! Malorn is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "The two remaining lemures go after celeste after that!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+4: (10)+4: 14

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "ALl miss."

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Malorn's turn! Bearded is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Malorn."

<OOC> Malorn says, "Full attack on the demon"

GAME: Malorn spends ONE point of KI POOL.

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28

<OOC> Malorn says, "rolling to confirm"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

Lucy has reconnected.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Not confirmed, but you did hit twice!"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 7.

It is now Bearded's turn! Baz da Ork is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "ow."

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "At least he did not crit Celeste. xD"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d8+2: (1)+2: 3

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Since both claw attacks, Celeste gets hit with its beard!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste, roll fort. :D"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "When you're back. :)"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 3.

It is now Baz da Ork's turn! Felicia is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Baz, your go."

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "I would like stomp in and smash something that is wounded with my big sword, all power attacks like."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Oh, I forgot!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Bleed damage for Serraphine"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There are two lemures left! You could definitely make an impresisve show smashing one of them."

Malorn ignores the bleeding for now as he refocuses himself and he goes to hit the demon hard again. He swings his fists and while the first one connects the second one misses. He does follow it up with a savage kick.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Baz, roll to hit :D"

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls weapon4+1-1: (2)+9+1+-1: 11

<OOC> Felicia bluh

<OOC> Lucy awakens!

<OOC> Malorn is woke. ;)

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Well, that didn't work, but it sure intimates the shit out of the lemures. xD"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 3.

It is now Felicia's turn! Bearded Devil 2 is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Felicia!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Baz, pose exploding the side of the mountain or wsomething equally awesome in spite of youyr miss."

<OOC> Felicia ponders....

<OOC> Felicia says, "Channel, if I can. Leaving the bearded ones out of the channel."

<OOC> Felicia says, "and if any of the lemures are injured, that one too."

GAME: Felicia rolls 2d6: (6): 6

The twin demoins, nearly idnetical in their apperance, target their victims. Serraphine is one, having been wickedly carved by the glaive, but CEleste's impressive strike on the other leads her to being slashed in two places by claws and then grabbed and ground into its spiked beard, leaving her with some wicked scratches on her face and neck.

THe lemures have dog piled her too, but they don't accomplish much.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll a caster level check twice, FElicia."

<OOC> Felicia tries to get Baz, celeste, lucy, Malorn and Serraphine in the radius.

<OOC> Felicia says, "uh....what?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly needs you to roll a caster level check. xD

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There is a reason."

<OOC> Felicia says, "uh.....will trust you."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly points out that y ou saw Serraphine's heal fail to work. xD

<OOC> Felicia says, "I did?"

<OOC> Felicia says, "all right."

-Boom Boom Boom- Rising up from the distance the armored Orkish cleric towers as his magic Enlarges him to titanic proportions. His deep throated yell echoing forth. "WAAAAGH!" Standing over fourteen feet tall and weighing over a ton and a quarter he weilds a curved black blade in both hands that has more in common with a bridge then anything commonly held by mortal hands. "YES!" He booms form as he sees the combat, swinging his sword up with a woosh that pulls leaves from trees and swirls dust up from the ground. "FOR KOR! DIE!" He yowls loudly, sweeping the weapon down towards one of the remaining Lemures. "RAAAAR!" Then Misses. "NOOO!" The massively out of proportion size of the armored Ork spinning him off to the side like a small cottage bounced off a hill by an Earthquake. "WAAAH!" The massive Ork plows through trees and rocks as he can't correct his swing.

GAME: Felicia rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yes. We t alked about it in OOC and she cast LOH on herself and it did not wokr. :)"

<OOC> Felicia says, "ah okie."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay. Noiw roll another :)"

GAME: Felicia rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "All right. YOu're able to heal Malorn and stop his bleeding, but Serraphine is still hurt!"

<OOC> Felicia says, "what about everyone else?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Everyone else is fine."

<OOC> Felicia says, "K."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It was only those two you needed to roll on."


TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now Bearded Devil 2's turn! Serraphine is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Pose it, Felicia."

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (8)+11: 19

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> TiltaWhirly eyes dice.

Felicia sees people hurt and tries to channel energy to heal her allies. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work for Serraphine....and Felicia knows it. "Take out the Bearded Demons! They're blocked my attempts to heal!"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "SWIIIING! :D"

<OOC> Felicia says, "blocking...."

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Is Malorn flanking with me?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "He is not."

<OOC> Celeste returns!

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon4 +2 +1-2: (3)+8+2+1+-2: 12

<OOC> Serraphine says, "BLAH! Miss. XD"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It is :("

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 20.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Lucy is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 19.

It is now Lucy's turn! Celeste is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Lucy!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It's your go."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There are two lemures and two bearded devils up."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "One bearded devil is being worked on by you and Celeste, the other by Malorn and Serraphine."

<OOC> Lucy stabs!

<OOC> Lucy says, "Are Celeste and I flanking it?"

<OOC> Lucy says, "Or can I move so that we are flanking :D"

Serraphine cuts down again, letting out a yell, but... it skates by without making contact. She glares at the bearded demon, "Not just yours, Fe."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "You're not flanking, buit you can try to move to it!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll to hit :D"

GAME: Lucy rolls weapon3: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Miss. :("

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Celeste's turn! Lemure 1-4 is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "She may still be at dinner herself. :)"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "A miss!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Lemure 1-4's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (11)+2: 13

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Poor Lemures.]"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Malorn's turn! Bearded is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Malorn!"

<OOC> Malorn says, "I'll continue to full attack the demon trying to move into a flanking position"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28

<OOC> Celeste Args.

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (18)+8: 26

<OOC> Celeste sorries, family interupted me again.

GAME: Malorn spends ONE point of KI POOL.

<OOC> Malorn says, "Rolling to confirm"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21

<OOC> Celeste says, "Can I just take my turn after Malorn?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Sure, CEl. :)"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hit, miss, hit. :)"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "and the 21 is a hit"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "So confirmed!"

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Malorn rolls 2d8+6: (9)+6: 15

The two lemures turn and leap at Baz, apparently undeterred by his presence. Ther massive oruch is not scary to them!

(Okay, he's a bit scary. A lot scar y.)

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Pose hurting it!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste, you can take your turn now"

<OOC> Celeste says, "Okay!"

Malorn dodges out of the way of the demon striking at him and he strikes back after he moves to try to get in a flanking position. He punches the demon hard, but misses with his second punch. He kicks the demon hard again, hitting where he hit before.

<OOC> Celeste says, "Just attack the same guy. Is he being flanked or anything?"

<OOC> Baz da Ork is so huge, could proc flanks on anything near me.

<OOC> Lucy raises a hand (for possible flanking)

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll to hit :)"

<OOC> Celeste says, "Power attacks! Sword, shield, choppers."

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+13: (12)+13: 25

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hit, hit, miss."

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d10+9: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d4+9: (1)+9: 10

<OOC> Celeste says, "26 total."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Ouch!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Still up, but barely."

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 7.

It is now Bearded's turn! Baz da Ork is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12

<OOC> TiltaWhirly eyes dice. Kicks them!

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 3.

It is now Baz da Ork's turn! Felicia is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "BAz!"

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "I want to use my reach to hit the one Celeste injured, get it out of the rotation."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll to hit."

Celeste has suffered some wounds, but it's nothing. Nothing! Nothing but scratches and paltry pains. "NOW YOU DIE!!!" she howls, screaming in such a fashion that one must wonder how she doesn't strain her throat. Perhaps she's used to it? She hammers the bearded demon before her with her shield, driving the spikes deep into its belly and sending it staggering back a step; then she follows up with the sword, plunging it in deep and giving it a twist.

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls weapon4+1-1: (12)+9+1+-1: 21

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hit!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Roll damage."

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls 2d6+11: (6)+11: 17

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "That does it!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 3.

It is now Felicia's turn! Serraphine is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Felicia!"

<OOC> Felicia says, "Hmm....."

<OOC> Felicia is going to try and use spear of purity on the demon Fi is attacking.

GAME: Felicia rolls ranged+1: (10)+4+1: 15

<OOC> Felicia says, "touch"

"WAAAGH!" The giant Ork bellows, sweeping an armored leg forward to help ward off the Lemures as he regains his balance. Surveying the fight he once more raises his massive blade up over his head in a two handed attack. The woosh of the sword's movement heralding something's immanent doom. As his black eyes center on Celeste's fighting form, and more importantly the demon she's injured. He chuckles low in his chest and brings the weapon crashing down. The sudden growing shadow casting large and dark over the injured demon's head before the blade completely bisects him. Smashing through flesh, bone and into the earth. Spraying a foutain of demon gore across the battlefield as the back swing takes both halves up several feet into the air before they flop loosely back down to the earth.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Hit"

GAME: Felicia rolls 4d6: (15): 15

GAME: Felicia casts Spear of Purity. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It failed the will save and is blinded!"

<OOC> Felicia says, "whee!"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "I thought the one that I was attacking was #2?"

<OOC> Felicia threw the spear specifically at the one you were attacking. :D

<OOC> Serraphine says, "But #2 appears dead. :3"

<OOC> Felicia says, "if it is...it's even more dead."

<OOC> Felicia says, "re-dead?"

<OOC> Felicia says, "deader than dead?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste and Lucy were on one"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Fi and Malorn were on the other."

<OOC> Felicia says, "red dead redemption (cuz I hit it with a spear of purity....hyuk)"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "I believe."

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Yep! But I only see one bearded left on the init. XD"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Ffs."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "The init code removed the wrong one. xD"

<OOC> Felicia poses.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly moves it. :P

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There. THAT looks mnore appropriate. Ha."


TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 21.

It is now Bearded's turn! Serraphine is next!

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d100: (55): 55

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It still manages to hit Fi possibly!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21

GAME: TiltaWhirly rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "But not this time."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Darn detect evil"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 20.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Lucy is next!

Felicia's a little worried about Serraphine. The others too, but Fi's been her friend for a LONG time. Closes her hands together, she extends a spear from her hands....and HURLS it at the bearded demon in front of Fi....causing it's eyes to glow a bright light. "GO for it Fi!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Serraphine"

<OOC> Serraphine lays into it again!

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon4 +2 +1-2: (13)+8+2+1+-2: 22

<OOC> Serraphine :D

GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+4+8+6: (8)+4+8+6: 26

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Dead!"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 19.

It is now Lucy's turn! Celeste is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Lucy!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "There are only two lemures left!"

<OOC> Lucy will stab one

GAME: Lucy rolls weapon3: (18)+12: 30 (THREAT)

GAME: Lucy rolls weapon3: (18)+12: 30 (THREAT)

<OOC> Celeste says, "o.0"

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "GNOMERAGEOUS"

<OOC> Celeste says, "...I need to start using that term."

The bearded demon attacks her again, and she moves, pulling the grip up and parrying his blow off of her blade. Serraphine had left it open though, hoping that he would take a swing at her head. And as she stepped she pivoted - drawing the sword back over he head and down. Cutting, drawing, and slicing through the bearded demon in front of her. "You will be sent to the hells you came from demon, do not return or I will kill you again."

GAME: Lucy rolls 2d4+19: (6)+19: 25

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "o..."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Yeah, that one is dead. xD"

GAME: TiltaWhirly advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 18.

It is now Celeste's turn! Lemure 1-4 is next!

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste!"

AS it falls, the great bearded demon lets out a piercing scream... one that is more 'alert' than anything else. It smiles at Serraphine before its form bursts into flames, where upon it returns to the hells from which it came.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Celeste?"

Lucy flinches back as the demon she and Celeste are fighting is suddenly chopped in half. She sidesteps a splash of gore that slings her way without quite realizing it, then blinks and looks around. A few of the smaller demons are up. Lucy moves towards one steadily and then lunches, stabbing it directly through the eye. The blade sinks a third of its length into the Lemure's head. She jerks it free before the demon can pull it out of her hands as it collapses.

<OOC> Celeste Args!

<OOC> Celeste says, "Slaughter the last one."

<OOC> Celeste says, "POwer attacks, same drill as before. :P"

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8

<OOC> Celeste says, "Or just miss."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "One hit."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Two hits."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "The 16 hits. Lemures haver suck ass AC. xD"

<OOC> Celeste says, "Oh good!"

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d10+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Celeste rolls 1d4+9: (1)+9: 10

<OOC> Celeste says, "...That's as close to minimum as possible without actually being minimum, but hey. 21."

GAME: Celeste ends her rage.

GAME: TiltaWhirly removes the timestop.

Timestop by TiltaWhirly has left.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Dead Lemure, though!"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Free RP af ter Celeste poses."

...Someone stole Celeste's kill. Or at least, that's how the ragey gladiatrix sees it. However, that kill-thief was in fact an ally, so that means he's off limits for getting ripped in half. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWGHH!!!" Spittle flies from the orcs mouth as she rounds on the last surviving foe, and soundly clonks the Lemure on the head with her spikey shield; she allows it just enough time to get back up before skewering it through the belly with her sword. She lifts it up in the air, then slams it back down on the ground, digs her foot down into its groin, and rips her sword up through its ribcage. Arguably, it might already have been quite dead long before that point. Celeste snarls, looking around herself for something else to kill; seeing only friends, she lets her rage disapate, and leans one hand on her knee as she pants.

...well, good news everyone! You've defeated these demoins. Only you can hear answering roars from elsewhere, now.

You've got to get moving.

Felicia takes a deep breath and sighs. "Come on. We don't have time to rest. I think that roar just gave away our position. Let's go...now."

"Think they gave us away a le. "Oy, dem sailors is a'ight." He lifts up one of the halves of demon he left and flops it around with his fingers. "Look! Iz got me a new decoration now." He slaps the half corpse of the demon onto his chest plate so it's smeared just beneath the holy symbol of Kor. The bloody mess sliding slightly before it begins to congeal against the dark armor. Then he grins down at Celeste. "Hah! Thats the spiirt. Even little orks is tougher then demons." He grins and then straitens to peer around and look trying to see if he can spot any enemies in the distance from his improved vantage.

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls athletics: (9)+-1: 8

<OOC> Felicia stares at Whirl.

Malorn wipes his face and he hears the answering roar. "Agreed let's get going before something else attacks." He stays as he starts off, but will hang back to help the others.

GAME: Malorn rolls athletics: (10)+11: 21

Lucy goes back to the door and holds it open as the crew walks through. "Someone please tell me how to get back here someday," she says mournfully. Then she gathers herself. Someday is not today. She lets the door close and then peers about in the snowstorm before beginning her descent.

GAME: Lucy rolls athletics: (18)+5: 23

Serraphine looks up from the fallen demon, turning to look back at the others. She drives the sword's blade into the fallen demon once more, ensuring its death, before pulled it free and wiping off the blade. It slides back into the sheath and she looks back toward the airship crew. She'll pull up the rear with anyone else who decides to. It's best to not let others fall behind.

GAME: Serraphine rolls athletics: (15)+1: 16

Celeste takes the time to clean off her blade on one of the less... bloody corpses, before putting it back in the scabbard; her shield she leaves bloody as she slings it across her back, and straightens, stretching her arms and flexing all her muscles. "Finally a good fight," she observes. She flashes a grin at... everyone, before it's time to get moving. "Time to go home. Let's be off."

GAME: Celeste rolls athletics: (17)+8: 25

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Nice rolls, everyone!"

<OOC> Felicia says, "except me. XD"

<OOC> Felicia can be used as a sled. Xd

<OOC> Celeste Picks Felicia up and carries her since she's obviously tired. :3

<OOC> Felicia XD

Down you go.

Down, down, down.

For the most part, all of you are doing quite well trying to escape down the side of the mountain, with only Felicia and Baz really slowing you down at all... but even they aren't slowing you down more than the wounded. That's the real problem, there.

An hour passes before you catch the first glimpse in the distant horizon of the great, winged demons that've been chasing you, the vulture-like one that circled the mountain trying to find you while you hid in the snow, in the caves.

They're coming, now. You still have time. Perhaps you can find somewhere to hide, or at least make it to whre you might be less in the open for them? Either way, it's looking grim.

<OOC> Baz da Ork would like to roll survival to try and find someplace defensible to either hide in or fight from.

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Do we see anything out front?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Just mountain, snow, and the countryside of the Alexandros region in the distance."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "IF you want to roll survival, Baz, you may!"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Whirl, can I get a feeling of what would make the most tactical sense?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Sure, roll military/theory if you want."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Er, knowledge/military theory. xD"

<OOC> Felicia will help

<OOC> Felicia says, "help fi that is."

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls Survival: (8)+9: 17

GAME: Felicia rolls knowledge/military Theory: (17)+6: 23

GAME: Serraphine rolls knowledge/Military Theory: (13)+7: 20

<OOC> Serraphine XD

Serraphine helps Felicia move forward, looking back toward the demons and she growls, a look back forward. "KEEP MOVING!" She calls out. Grabbing one of the healthier looking people she yanks her over, "Go run up front, pass along the word. We need to find a defensible position but push as far as we dare for it. We need to get closer to Alexandria. They WILL come. We need only have faith." A look back, then she shoves the person to pass the word along - a look toward Felicia - and then she continues moving herself.

Felicia is moving as hard as she can as well....helping the wounded, but the look on her face towards Serraphine speaks volumes. She knows they're screwed too......

<OOC> Serraphine is obviously voting to keep pushing for Alexandria.

<OOC> Felicia is voting that too.

<OOC> Celeste Suggests we push to Alexandria.

Lucy's light steps leave her as sure-footed as ever even on the snowy mountainside. But she lets herself drift back towards the rear of the group and stays there, looking back over a shoulder every few steps to judge how far the flying demons are.

<OOC> Lucy nods

The big Ork lopes along with the unit, there was a few moments when his spell wore off, and the half demon carcass he had slapped to his chest became almost the same size as himself. He's still smeared with the gore from that party event, including a single eyeball partially crushed into the pauldron of his armor. Standing up in the snow the big Ork points towards a few animal-game tracks, paths cut by rain and hoof. "Oy, dese might be easier ta move down, aye?" He sets his jaw then looking up at the sky. Absently fingering the holy symbol in his armor. Before he lopes on ahead cutting breaking trail as he tries to speed up the group.

Celeste pulls the bloody shield off her back as the winged demons are on their way. "Keep going!" she shouts, voicing her agreement with those who have already stated such. She adopts a position at the rear of the group, where she can keep an eye on the approaching force. The half-orc, nonetheless, is grinning ear to ear; this might just be another good fight in the offing.

With Baz's help on pathfinding, you begin climbing down faster than before. It's not much, but it's enough. The demons in the sky are still hunting for you, but finding you wil ltake thme some time. Perhaps you can get far enough before they do that that's all you have to worry about?

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Perception rolls, errybody!"

GAME: Serraphine rolls perception: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls Perception: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Lucy rolls perception: (15)+12: 27

GAME: Malorn rolls pErception: (9)+13: 22

Lucy is already looking over her shoulder at the flying demons. Then she has a sudden though, scanning the horizon in all directions in case they are being flanked. But she stops when her gaze is forward, suddenly squinting. "There's something..." Suddenly she points. "It's a ship. An airship!"

GAME: Serraphine rolls knowledge/Military Theory: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Celeste rolls perception: (19)+7: 26

GAME: Felicia rolls knowledge/military theory: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Felicia was going to assist Fi.

<OOC> Celeste sees all.

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Lucy, Malorn and you also see it."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "As does Celeste."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "It's distant, but there."

Malorn hmms as he scans the horizon and he nods, "Yes it's an airship. I would suggest we head towards it as fast as we can."

"We need a way to get it's attention." Serraphine calls out, a look toward Felicia and she looks... pained. Very pained... "Felicia. We may need to destroy your campfire bead. I have an idea." She looks toward the airship again. "If we throw it in the air and hit it with enough force, it may explode. A crappy flare - but a flare all the same."

Felicia says, "you realize that...by doing that...we'll also give away our position...."

"It's running a search pattern." Serraphine says, looking to Felicia, "I'd rather they know where to search."

Lucy looks up at the sky. "If we need to signal them, I could try my trick with the lights. I've never tested how far I can send them - but I know they can reach as long as a bow shoots an arrow."

Felicia takes a deep breath....and looks back towards the wounded airship crew.....and she hands Serraphine the bead. "They deserve to return to their homes, not suffer because I was selfish."

Serraphine snaps her head around to Lucy, "Trick with the lights?! Yes! Do it. As high as you can, send them in a line toward that ship."

<OOC> Serraphine shuts up for others to pose now though. :3

Malorn speaks up, 'I can also summon 4 dancing lights to help guide the airship to us."

<OOC> Felicia also has light.

<OOC> Felicia says, "and Dancing Lantern."

<OOC> Felicia says, "but Dancing Lantern wouldn't help."

There's a snort from the Ork as he taps the odd quiver at his hip. A massive compound bow appears in his hands. Drawing forth an arrow he rubs the tip and murmurs a quick cantrip covering it in light. Then he bends the bow and aims up in the direction of the Airship. With a -thawng shooosh- the now glowing arrow arcs up and away propelled by his mighty thews. Then another arrow is prepared, lit and fired as well.

<OOC> Serraphine says, "MAKE IT DANCE LIKE LUMIERE!"

Celeste glances back and forth between those who are speaking, talking about destroying beads to make flares and all kinds of things. The gladiatrix perks an eyebrow upwards, and humns. "Well," she muses, "Before you go destroying someone's equipment or whatever else, sine the airship is looking for us, why not just light a fire?"

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "All of a sudden the party becomes discotechno! WOOPWOOP WOOPP WOOP BOOGIE."

<OOC> Malorn starts to dance.

Lucy creates her dancing lights a bit beyond Baz's arrow, in a line pointing farther towards the ship. "Who knows what it's looking for." She turns towards the captain. "Is there anything you do to signal other airships? I can make them move as long as they stay together."

"Because we need to keep moving. And we need it bright. Felicia is right, they are far off, and we will be seen by both." Serraphine glances back, then toward the airship again. "BUT! It seems we have far more users of the arcane then I ever knew!" She doesn't stop moving though she does try and keep people going instead of moving in front of them. "Look this way, Gods bless it. Look. This. Way!"

<OOC> Serraphine says, "Okay, Whirl, we're moving toward the airship, sending up lights at it, and I'm going to keep my eyes open for defensible positions."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Okay!"

...at first it seems nothing happened. Truthfully, you're not sure they've noticed. There IS an immediate response from the demons, however. Your lights are closer ot them and threfore /seen/.

Immediately, the flying ones begin converging on you, shrieking and dancing in the sky. Thunder rumbles.

...but a moment later, great lanterns are lit upon the airship in the distance, cutting a line through the darkened sky as they try to see what, if any5thing, is out there. It rumbles closer, that airship, turning and speeding in that direction.

Immediately, the devils have turned their attention from you and to the airship in question.

"OH no," says the captain, eye wide. "They'll be cut to pieces just like we were!"

...only it's not to be, not this time.

For one, this airship is opening fire with military grade mana cannons. The entire sky lights up with a different kind of explosive, arcane flare as a loud horn echoes, answered by other horns in the distance. More airships.

<OOC> Malorn says, "Can we see what flag they are flying?"

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Not at this distance."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "But it's incredibly likely that they are Alexandrian or Myrrish or Bludgunni."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "If they're BLudgunni, you'd probably be worried about another war."

<OOC> TiltaWhirly says, "Sooo..."

"Oy, dat looks like a good distraction. Why don't we hoof it a bit fastah and let dem all play wit each other up dere?" The Big Ork says as he lowers his bow. Then starts forward once more searching for quicker trails.

Felicia says, "I don't think it's a distraction, Baz." She says as she hears other horns in the distance. "It's a fleet. the airships came here looking for those demons....""

"We need to keep moving." Serraphine says, looking up and then aorund still, "We're almost home. We are not home yet. Though I think you're right Felicia."

Lucy is still in the back of the group, concentrating on making the lights in the sky dance, and so she can't turn to look at Serraphine. "Or maybe they're looking for the rod."

<OOC> Felicia heads to bed shortly.

Anything is possible. Either way, the numerous flying demons are now on the attack, hurtling themselves towards the airships. In this particular case, they are apparently /not/ having as much success. There's a difference between a single vessel and multiple airship crews opening fire with massive cannons on military-grade airships. The demons are certainly dangerous, powerful, but so are these things.

Either way, it's buying you enough time to get further down the mountain.

The battle in the sky c ontinues above you and it rains blood and lightning, but after an hour, a spotlight catches you. Rescue at last.


Lit in the spotlight Baz turns towards the group with a slim cast to his eyes. "Remember, orders are ta return the rod to our payer. No one else." He grimly sets his jaw, his tusks glistening. "Not gonna fail that one bit right after all dat we just went through."

"Aftar all that we just went through, I'll Just be glad to sleep in a normal bed....for a week." Felicia groans.

Serraphine looks at Baz and slowly raises an eyebrow, "Because I'm just gonna toss it at the first person I see." She says, actually chuckling as she looks up at the airship and the light. A deep breath drawn, and a long sigh. "I swear... I'll probably never been this tired again. Ever." Because she hasn't had the pain of a hyena in her life yet.

<OOC> Felicia says, "and...I'm off to bed."

<OOC> Felicia says, "nini guys."

<OOC> Baz da Ork says, "NiNI!"

Felicia has disconnected.

Celeste looks almost disappointed that she isn't going to be in another fight today -- almost. Not quite, but almost; the display of firepower from the fleet of airships was quite impressive. "Well," she observes, returning her shield to its place on her back, "Next time there's adventure and long odds, I'll be happy to share it with you lot. Been a pleasure."

Lucy herds the last few stragglers of the crew along so that all of them are illuminated by the spotlight. She leans over and rests with her hands on her knees. "No, he's right - we've got to be careful. It's clear this artifact is more valuable than any of us probably thought. But the demons who caught us when we came out of the tunnels - they didn't even mention anything about us having it. Secrecy is our best ally now."

Eventually, you're all loaded onto the airship, where you and the recovered crew are going to be take back to Alexandria.

....where you'll be taken to the Soldier's Defense alongside the crew for evaluations and mending. None of you are exactly in the best of shape. Clerical on the spot healing is helpful, but it still leaves one sore and it can only do so much!

The artifact, of course, will be turned over to the Guild of Explorers, who is apparently operating on behalf ot the City Council here. You're asked to keep silent on the details of the operation.

"...but this is only the first of a new wave of attacks on the binder's forces. You haven't seen the last of Asumit's demons anytime soon."