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'''Title:''' ''Guardhouse Rock <br>''
'''Title:''' ''Guardhouse Rock <br>''
'''Starring:''' [[Ithiliel]], [[Lorik]], [[Rori]], [[Shivani]], [[Kaelthilas]] <br>
'''Starring:''' [[Ithiliel]], [[Lorik]], [[Rori]], [[Shivani]], [[Kaelthilas]] <br>
'''Summary:''' ''Takes place directly after [http://www.tenebraemush.net/index.php/You_Shall_Not_Pass You Shall Not Pass]. Lorik finds out that his cousin, Shivani, is being held in a guardhouse in Alexandria and something more nefarious than anticipated is afoot. His group, and his red-headed Good Samaritan (?) spring her from the not-so-big house.''
'''Summary:''' ''Takes place directly after [[You Shall Not Pass]]. Lorik finds out that his cousin, Shivani, is being held in a guardhouse in Alexandria and something more nefarious than anticipated is afoot. His group, and his red-headed Good Samaritan (?) spring her from the not-so-big house.''
<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;">
== Log Info ==
*Title: The Worst Jailbreak Ever
*Emitter: Shivani
*Characters: Rori Level 2, Lorik Level 2, Ithiliel Level 3, Kaelthilas level 2
*Place: Alexandria - Warhouse Ward
*Time: April 10th, 2018
*Summary: Shivani has been captured by the city guard, how will her friends extract her from this terrible situation?!
*APL: 2
*Encounter 1: Freeform RP and skill checks to extract Shivani, CR 2
*Encounter 2: Skilltest to convince Ward Captain they are in the right, CR 3
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The priestess of Eluna speaks true, nevermind that she bends her knees to a different deity altogether. But when Lorik's and Shiv's hoods drop, exposing their natures for all to see, it takes everything in the red-haired actress not to roll her head back and sigh. Still, some part of her can't help but be amused; her life has been ridiculous from nearly the moment she was born, it's to the point when she would be disappointed if anything like this ''doesn't'' happen at leaast once in her daily routine.
The priestess of Eluna speaks true, nevermind that she bends her knees to a different deity altogether. But when Lorik's and Shiv's hoods drop, exposing their natures for all to see, it takes everything in the red-haired actress not to roll her head back and sigh. Still, some part of her can't help but be amused; her life has been ridiculous from nearly the moment she was born, it's to the point when she would be disappointed if anything like this ''doesn't'' happen at least once in her daily routine.
That and it seems the other elf seems diplomatic enough, imploring to the guard captain's sense of honor. As the man turns to regard the priestess, she takes this opportunity to examine the next piece of the board: virid eyes flecked with gold take in the man's bearing, listens to the words he says - he makes it plain that he ''knows'' about the Brothers' activities there and he seems to be having none of it.
That and it seems the other elf seems diplomatic enough, imploring to the guard captain's sense of honor. As the man turns to regard the priestess, she takes this opportunity to examine the next piece of the board: virid eyes flecked with gold take in the man's bearing, listens to the words he says - he makes it plain that he ''knows'' about the Brothers' activities there and he seems to be having none of it.
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With that, her hands fall, sliding in her pocket and meeting the man's eyes, smiling faintly.
With that, her hands fall, sliding in her pocket and meeting the man's eyes, smiling faintly.
"So I think the greater crime here is that one of your guardsmen's cousins paid twenty-five gold pieces for the right to murder a person whom a priestess of Eluna was indebted to. And if the lady is correct in that it is not an actual fire, but the mere appearance of one, then I don't think there is even a charge of arson here to weigh against. It is simply an accident in which the resulting chaos managed to uncover a greater wrongdoing than initially thought."
"So I think the greater crime here is that one of your guardsmen's cousins paid twenty-five gold pieces for the right to murder a person to whom a priestess of Eluna was indebted. And if the lady is correct in that it is not an actual fire, but the mere appearance of one, then I don't think there is even a charge of arson here to weigh against. It is simply an accident in which the resulting chaos managed to uncover a greater wrongdoing than initially thought."

Latest revision as of 05:10, 12 April 2018

Title: Guardhouse Rock
Starring: Ithiliel, Lorik, Rori, Shivani, Kaelthilas
Summary: Takes place directly after You Shall Not Pass. Lorik finds out that his cousin, Shivani, is being held in a guardhouse in Alexandria and something more nefarious than anticipated is afoot. His group, and his red-headed Good Samaritan (?) spring her from the not-so-big house.

Log Info

  • Title: The Worst Jailbreak Ever
  • Emitter: Shivani
  • Characters: Rori Level 2, Lorik Level 2, Ithiliel Level 3, Kaelthilas level 2
  • Place: Alexandria - Warhouse Ward
  • Time: April 10th, 2018
  • Summary: Shivani has been captured by the city guard, how will her friends extract her from this terrible situation?!
  • APL: 2
  • Encounter 1: Freeform RP and skill checks to extract Shivani, CR 2
  • Encounter 2: Skilltest to convince Ward Captain they are in the right, CR 3

It isn't all that long after brave LORIK enters the city with the assistance (ire?) of RORI that the two will get some faint hints of where Lorik's traveling companion, Shivani went. It begins with a few children running, one bumping into Rori's leg and nearly tumbling to the ground. He can't be more than seven or eight years old. "Sorry miss! Off to see the Monster Elf from the Dark Bel-"

The kid stops when he shifts his gaze to Lorik, and then bolts, running for his very life it seems. There, not a few blocks in from the warehouse district, is a small city guard station, the kind where you get sent when retirement is looming and everything should be fairly quiet. A few curious folks peek into the place here and there, intent on getting a look at the creature that rumor has quickly turned into a local event.

There are only a few people outside, and the guard station door is closed, but a peek through the window will reveal a familiar figure in the back, in the single cell, bound by her hands at her back and gagged - something they can hardly be blamed for given how Shiv goes on and on - but at least she looks to be in fair condition.

For now.


The dark elf rechristened unceremoniously as 'Herbert', footman and servant to the ravishingly beautiful, red-haired Lady Veronica Applebottom, would find himself being dragged about in the most circuitous route he can possibly imagine...only to be returned at the scene of the crime where his shameless savior slips into an alley and doffs off her expensive silk dress, and promptly disappears in the back door of Trina's Tailoring. When she re-emerges from her quick errand, the dress is nowhere in sight, and while she has spent many an evening as a successful thief in this city, this particular establishment is one that she would like to continue doing business with, and sometimes, though not often, greed must take a backseat to pragmatism.

Though surprise is plain on Rori's features when she steps out of the door and finds that Lorik is still there.

"How adorable," she observes, pulling fingers through her hair in an effort to return it to its usual tousled state, a far cry from the elegant coiffure that she had fashioned it into some hour or so prior. "An hour's worth of shenanigans and you already can't picture a life without me. I'm touched, really, I am, but there's better ways to show your appreciation. Something cool and potently alcoholic, perhaps."

She flashes a grin in Lorik's direction; an open expression bright enough to put the sun to shame, and as sharp as a knife.

"Don't think Herbert's your actual name though. Unless you're looking for an alias, in which case, you'll never find a more unassuming moniker outside of 'Bob'. Should have tried to fix yourself up a little before you decided to mosey on through the gates, mate, the place looks as colorful as ever, but it's not exactly peaceful. And rubbing elbows with a golem carrying a bloody zombie probably didn't help your case, either."


"Herbert?" There is a glower from the shadow elf as he looks towards his 'savior'. "Do I even look like a Herbert? That isn't even a elven name, miss..." A long pause. "...I...am afraid I don't even know your name." A longer pause. "But..." There is a slight sigh. "...I suppose I have to say thank you for getting us into the city without trouble. I didn't know it was going to be so difficult up here."

There is a pause. The man might even have said more if that kid hadn't run up right then. ""Monster Elf?" Lorik mutters as the child runs right off down the street. "What in the world could cause..." A sigh again. "...I didn't think how I looked would be such a probl--"

But then his eyes slide further up towards the guardhouse and...the...elf bound there.

"...oh dear." A longer pause. "Oh. Dear. I...um...think you could see it in your heart to help again? I...that happens to be my companion I was supposed to be meetinng."

A longer pause. "And /then/ maybe something cool and alcoholic. I think we might need it." A pause. "And I had nothing to do with the zombie and the golem! I've never seen anything like that."


Trouble. Since time immorium the night has heralded only hardship for those who would stand before the dawn. He could have predicted a situation as surely as he declared that the sun would rise but nevertheless Kaelthilas had given his word that he would shepherd these poor souls to safety out of respect for the glimmer of hope they provided against the night. For a single period of meditation he removed his eyes from the lot of him and just look at the situation.

"I possess little sway with the authority of the city," the high-elf admitted from afar, "Prattle with your kind seems a predicable response for the doughy minds and age-spotted forms of /these/ guards."

"If you can prove sufficient distraction I can see that she slips her bindings."

Oh, the wretch - Rori -- has returned from its errand, "Perhaps I should maintain a vigil as cover at the rear," he amends his earlier thoughts.


GAME: Lorik rolls perception: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Kaelthilas rolls perception: (20)+9: 29
GAME: Rori rolls perception: (15)+9: 24



More people show up to peer inside, but they've still left a path to the guardhouse door. Smoke roils around behind one window, where an older Khazad with a beard tucked into his belt and a City Guard's Lieutenant's uniform showing his rank. At either side, two men with pikes, humans it seems, both looking on nervously as a crowd gathers and gathers. Seems there's just the one entrance in to this shack-like building, one entrance, one window, and little hope for a certain elf who got caught trying trade slugs for a bit of gin.

Or was it something else?

The disparate trio will hear mumbles among the dozen or so gathered outside, then a crackling, deep Dwarven laughter, words slipping free from the guard shack that are hard to hear, especially for Lorik, because right at that moment a bug flies into his ear with a skull-rattling buzz.

For Kaelthinlas and Rori however, a few words sound out clear as day: 'Cousin..'

'gettin' 25 gold'

'...likely to hang'er, what with them...'


Do I even look like a Herbert?

Rori lifts a hand, wiggles it from side to side, and follows it up with a slight lifting of her shoulders; an emphatic, non-verbal substitute for 'sort of.'

"Anyway, you can keep your thank you and buy me something pretty, instead. Unless you want to pocket an IOU from me." Lashes lower, those emerald-gold depths glittering in a way reminiscent of a large, predatory feline's in the dark. "Though not going to lie, mate-- " Famous last words. "-- I've had others take the latter option and they aren't so happy with what happens afterwards.

I didn't know it was going to be so difficult up here.

The young woman slides her hands in her pockets, rocking back on her bootheels. "Well, it could just be a spot of bad luck. The city's notorious for being colorblind, if you know what I mean, but some days, it doesn't take. You're going to have to watch yourself from now on, I think." There is a blink, her head tilting faintly at the sight of the child running off after mentioning a Monster Elf.


She follows the train of Lorik's line of sight, towards the guardhouse. "Tarien's hairy balls, you work fast for someone who just got here," she says. "You just got away from guards and now you want to waltz into a building full of them?" There is a pause, but only a brief one. "Challenge accepted."

They are joined by another that she has never seen before, and there's a slight tilt of her head towards the taller elf, virid stare sliding up and down over Kaelthilas' impeccable appearance. "Found a girlfriend taller than you, did you?" she wonders of Lorik, her tone light and casual. "Good for you. She looks so fancy."

There's a slight wave of her hand. "Anyway, I wouldn't be saying that out loud, before anyone gets convinced that I actually have a heart." With that, and in spite of her earlier words about the guardhouse, she takes several steps forward in that direction.

Whoever their friend is, her situation already sounds dire the moment she comes within hearing distance. There's a slight cant of her head at the size of the crowd, before a pale hand lifts to tap a finger lightly on one of the rubbernecker's shoulders.

"Cheers, mate," she greets. "What's all this, then? Did I miss another Free Beer day or something?"


Kaelthilas's sylvan senses can clearly make out the coarse voices within. So too can he hear the conversation that occurs around him and the jives about his appearance cause delicate nostrils to flare as his gaze sweeps downward upon their conversation.

"Heh," he permits them that a sound that is simultaneously recognition of their words but complete derision for the barbs upon them, "And yet, I am not the one the Khazad seek to stick with their plot." He exhales slowly, "Alas, I am too washed for them."

As one of the dark elves begins forward he hangs back a moment and would then proceed with the other.


"Somehow I think that oweing you might be more dangerous than the guards." The shadow elf replies with a slight smile towards her. A slightly amused look crosses his face as he smirks slightly. "But we'll see how this goes." The shadow elf adds with a sigh. "...and...wait no! She's not my girlfriend, she's my cousin..." Its /then/ he realises that she is not talking about the elf in the cage.

He looks over towards Kael, blinking almost owlishly. "I...oh hello." A longer pause. "Ah miss I don't know if he is actually a she..."

A shake of his head. "You know what not important, what is important is saving my cousin which..." And Rori strolls right off. "...seems to be an an accepted challenge."

He shakes his head as he starts forwards as well, looking over towards the tall elf that seems to have appeared out of the crowd. "I don't suppose I can get you to help as well? She hasn't done anything /wrong/ per sae." A pause. "Well I don't think she has." A longer pause. "I hope she hasn't."

Its hard to say with Shivi sometimes!



The man that Rori tapes on the shoulder is a skinny fellow with dirty blond hair and the scent of machine oil about him, caked under his fingernails, one of the boys who works on the internal workings of some of those skyships. Even if magic's involved, someone's gotta grease the steering system. Startled, he jumps a bit, staring at the green-eyed Ms. Applebottom with a bit of a flustered start.

"Honestly wish it were. Some of these folk act like they ain't ever seen a Mul before. I saw one just the other week, I did! Robbin' graves or somesuch, way he was sneaking around the embalmer's shop. This one? I guess maybe the fuss is that that this is a bonafide assassin or somesuch, one o' them Mul that've been hittin the Goldstone Bros. caravans. I heard she can cast ghastly curses on all who hears her, sapping their brains of all strength. What wasn't a few minutes earlier they drug her in, and she was goin' on and on about the slugs she was usin' to eat people's brains. Though.."

It seems for the first time in his life, Wurt Wheirsweir, airship mechanic, is introspective. "Don't seem much of a way to rob a caravan, yeah? Throwin' slugs at people? Then maybe it was just them cursed words. Or them shiny swords she has. All I know is that with Grunn there bein' Elbin Goldstone's cousin, this one ain't likely to make no trial. Once the Goldstone brothers get here? She's gonna have a bad time."

For the two that hang back, there are little more than a few cursory glances, but most of them at Kael, who's fine cheekbone structure and haughty demeanor draw eyes up, instead of down to a man they would likely gawk at all the same as poor, locked away Shiv.



The woman isn't all that unaccustomed to tall tales; she is guilty of telling more than her share, herself. But mention of menaced caravans and using slugs with which to eat people's brains eases that lighthearted expression into something a touch more skeptical. While she is clearly not counting out the fact that the 'Mul' inside is dangerous - she isn't in the habit of dismissing any possibility without credible information - she is in agreement with the airship mechanic's reflections on the matter.

After a few moments of careful deliberation, she flashes Wurt a smile. "Well, I was still hoping for that Free Beer," she tells him lightly, a brief glance cast to his fingernails. "But thanks for the story, regardless. Sounds very interesting. The poor miss, hope they make it quick at least."

With a tip of her fingers from her temple in a jaunty salute, she pivots around and makes her way back to where Lorik and Kael are, clapping her hand on the dark elf's shoulder. "Well," she says. "Sorry to tell you this, mate, but I think your cousin's screwed unless you find a way to get her out of there. A tricky business, isn't it? It's a small building, no alternative exits. And it isn't like you can shout out the name of your country before charging inside with swords, guns or spells blazing, that's not exactly the good first impression you should be shooting for, is it? New city, and all."

Deft fingers dip into her pocket, to produce a small smoke bomb. A look of absolute shock wreathes her features. "Oh, goodness, gracious me, how did this get in here? I better get rid of it."

Rori tosses it over her shoulder...right into the window. Smoke starts pouring out of it almost immediately.

"OH MY!" she gasps, her hand pressing dramatically against her chest, said loudly enough for the surrounding crowd to hear. "IS THAT SMOKE? HELP! HELP! THE GUARDHOUSE IS ON FIRE!"


GAME: Rori rolls bluff: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Lorik rolls bluff: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Kaelthilas rolls bluff: (17)+0: 17


Kaelthilas merits attention. The dawn elf's chin tilts upward faintly but otherwise seems to ignore the unwashed masses.

At the sight of smoke though he moves like a serpent. A luminous being who seems intent to move through the crowd with present strength enough to provoke a crowd's instinct enough but a graceful flow that seems loathe to actually risk touching them as he moves past.

"Fire," the High-Elf declares loudly gold-blue eyes laying upon the crowd in commandment, "Fetch water," as if another in the crowd to support their endeavors. As things get confusing though he moves towards the back with a confident stride. Surely the lordly elf is going to provide aid at the rear?

Except as he finds the corner of the guardhouse though he would seem to want to dissolve despite his finery. As if his lordly presence commanded smoke and shadow to obscure him despite his shiny hair. Certainly his ally is a prisoner but what cur could fault a High-Elf from saving a wretch from a burning building; if discovered that is.


GAME: Kaelthilas rolls stealth: (10)+7: 17
(OOC) Shivani says, "Giving you +2 because of the smoke."
GAME: Shivani rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21
GAME: Shivani rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11
GAME: Shivani rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9


"Wait what?" Lorik pauses a moment as he stares at the strange figure spinning tales. "We do not use slugs to eat peoples brains, I mean that is just silly. How would that even happen." The shadow elf asks as he frowns slowly as he advances. The man with the shield and armor would say more, but once more things move fast. Faster than he really can react too.

Because suddenly there is calls for fire, and smoke bombs being thrown.

His eyes go wide then as he, keeping his cloak up, moves slightly forward. "OH DEAR! A FIRE! WHO COULD HAVE DONE THIS! PLEASE SOMEONE MUST HELP!"

He sounds just...so...very...earnest.

He could make someone sick.


"Yes fetch some water!" He adds as he moves in to help...get...a cousin of his /out/ of there. Because. Oh god why is this happening he thought we could just talk about this sort of thing up here!



There are a few stark stares at Rori when her hand goes to her chest, and if not for the literal smoke rising from the corner of the building where he smokebomb came to land, the shared looks between the men and women gathered might have turned to sheer befuddlement. Surely, it was only the delay in the smoke bomb's activation. Wurt, feeling somewhat personally invested with what Ms. Applebottom being so nice and conversational and all, pushes someone out of the way to run down the street.

"I'll fetch more guardsman!"

Meanwhile, Kaelthilas gives convincing enough shouts, his haughty tone commanding some authority among those present, sending another half dozen scrambling for water buckets. But really, it's Lorik's voice that shines out, clear and earnest, with a tone that is almost musical in nature. Some even stare in his direction, eyeing the cloaked man with wide eyes before they too peel off. Others begin to dash away, fearing the fire itself.

As Kael thinks to perhaps make his way through the door, it opens, and though Grunn Bronzebeard and one of the guardsman are two engrossed in a game of cards to notice him, the man at the door does, his eyes wide, and that pike suddenly set in that direction.

Chaos ensues as people rush through the streets and a horse and carriage speed by, and then Grunn waddle-walks his way forward, the heavyset dwarf clearly having enjoyed his retirement years, and calls into the back.

"What's this then? Fire?! Amory, out here with the piss bucket, quick! Gotta put this out!"

And so Amory valiantly takes up a day's worth of rented beer and rushes outside, stepping almost shoulder to shoulder with Kael he throws it at what he THINKS is the burning side of the guard station.

The backsplatter lands all over poor Kael's boots. Surely, there is no justice in this world.

Finally, Grunn looks to Kael, spitting on one of his other boots. "And who ye be there, ye floofy fool? I ain't ordered me no harlots tonight. You start this here fire, Miss?"

Inside, through the window and the now open door that's at the backs of all three of the city guardsman, Shivani slinks her bindings under her behind and up past her legs with incredibly flexibility. Then, seeing a familiar cloak on a familiar figure, she waves enthusiastically with both hands, violet eyes lighting up as smoke wafts by the open door.


Pandemonium erupts at the call of fire, and while she maintains that perfect expression of absolute shock and horror, Rori can't help but be inwardly pleased with herself. There was no hope of diplomacy here anyway, or so her estimation dictates - the Goldstone Brothers were infamous in the city and if they wanted someone held until they could come along and dispense their own brand of justice, they will. If nothing else, the only way they were getting Lorik's cousin out of the building was a bribe, and while she's already assisting out of the goodness of her mostly-absent Selese heart, she was definitely not about to fork over that kind of money just to save someone else's cousin from the rope.

But now that the distraction has been executed - and not just a distraction, but one that enables to put her companions' skills to good use - the red-haired charlatan is perfectly content to lean back and watch, to witness how the game plays out...

...only for the poncy one to fail in his bid to sneak inside the smoke-flooded confines of the guardhouse.

She rolls her head back, thumping it lightly against the wall behind her.

And who ye be there, ye floofy fool?

The young woman pushes herself off the wall, and taking a deep breath, just marches towards Grunn Bronzebeard, and slaps his forearm, outrage stitched on her pale mien.

"Harlot?" she repeats. "Harlot?? I'll have you know that you're standing in the presence of Sylvinia the Sinuous, the most exotic dancer ever to grace the lord's city! If there was a queen among harlots, this would be she! The ethereal figure eights she produces with her hips are only matched by the nonexistence of her bosom! And not only is she a graceful, genteel presence on the world's stage, she is also blessed with a courageous heart - at least courageous enough to assist in this fiery crisis! Harlot. Harlot! You ought to be ashamed, good sir-- !"

And Kael talks.

"And she speaks, of which the very first thing she inquires about is the health of your fellow guardsman and the state of your ale! Don't worry yourself, Madame Sinuous, the man is clearly undeserving of your philanthropy. Harlot. Really??"

And as she continues on, hopefully Lorik recognizes an opportunity when he sees it.


(OOC) Shivani says, "holy shit, lol"
(OOC) Shivani says, "Okay roll bluff again, +2 circumstance bonus because Kael is exactly as you described him and also poncy. So +roll bluff+2" (OOC) Rori crying
GAME: Rori rolls bluff + 2: (10)+9+2: 21


Lorik just stares as Shivani and the enthuastic waving. "...I can't decide which is worse. Her or Vass." Murmurs the Shadow Elf as he raises one hand to rub at his temple. Of course though that is when the poor elf hears the call of 'I'll fetch more guardsmen'.

"Oh no need to..." And he's gone. "...well. That isn't ideal..."

Franticly though, he waves a hand, trying to do it a subtly as he can to indicate that Shiv should make her way out the window....before...he tries to figure a way out of this mess.

"What no a fine upstanding figure like her." He says about miss Applebottom. "She would never do a thing like that! In all the time I've known her she wouldn't."

...which...is...technicly true. Since he's only known her for what? Not even a day now.

...but then...Rori is talking again.


"Sylvinia the...Sinuous?" He just stares for a moment, then...noting how all the guards are distracted he just siiighs and slips right by them. As they stare at the 'lady' with the beer on 'her' boots.

Around the distracted guards, looking for a key to get Shvi out of there. "How did you...you know what." He murmurs. "Tell me later. Lets get you out of here now!"

Before they realise that Kael isn't a dancer, or Kael flings Rori out a window.


Immortal rage. Soft-hued complexion grows flush giving his cheeks a soft rosy hue as if the faeries of the Llyranesi had fluttered down from the heavens and gently kissed his cheeks with blush.

"Enough," Kaelthilas snarls through clenched teeth and curses Rori a gaze so completely withering that the rays of the morning sun may bring a sense of foreboding to her great grandchildren - if anyone would deign to mate with her.

"I do not have to stand here as these brutes levy insults," he lilts in his overly affectionate voice and then he commands, "Discipline them."



Grunn and his lackeys stare up in awe as Rori browbeats them into a scenario they didn't sign up for. Grunn, at first, looks unimpressed, but Amory whispers in his ear 'yes, that is.. her.. they.. I don't know, but Silvinia certainly is Sinuous I saw'em on stage at.. look don't judge me I'd had so much ale and...'

Grunn waves him off, trying to look apologetic, as the last of the smoke, and what seemed to be a very small fire, seems to be going out. It should draw his gaze, but the story Rori and Kael weave together a plot so thick that comes with haughty words of discipline, send their eyes into a different kind of alarm.

"Now now, Mrss.. Mr.. Sinuous, no need for any o' that. I couldn't recognize you with all the smoke and whatnot."

Amory asides. "Actually sir they perform in smoke."

This earns Amory a leaping smack to the back of the head by the dwarf, which knocks off Amory's helmet.

The other guard just stares in awe, first at The Sinuous One, and then.. at Rori. "AND SHE'S HER PARTNER, THE RUMPTIOUS RED ROBIN!!"

Clearly, they bought this story a little too hard. He clamors for something, anything to try and get an autograph, and Grunn rubs a hand down his face as if he wishes he could tear it off.

Meanwhile, Ithiliel will hear horses pounding the pavement as closes in, and just a few yards behind her, a trio of city guard, including a Captain. Meanwhile, inside, Lorik will find the keyring on the table, find opening it all easily enough, and find the bound hands of Shivani, releasing those easily enough. He moves like the wind, like a shadow, like a cavecat.

"Oz myze guhd! This thing they stuck in my mouth it tastes of old sock!"

Shivani looks at it.

"IT IS OLD SOCK! Whut coul-"

Tugged along, back out the front, all three guards turn.

But not towards the sound, towards the hail of Captain Gerren Fullbright, a tall and fit human who commands every ounce of his considerable years. While these three seemed all too easy to befuddle and trick, this is no one to be trifled with. Fortunately, those who know that to most are Grunn, Avory, and Emery, the guardsman who stop fauning over Sinful Sinuous the Sinlacious and stare in a different direction.


This had started so very simply. All Ithiliel was doing was looking for lodgings for herself and her friends. It wasn't going to be the easiest task, she knew, and the muls were going to take some explaining, but Shivani slipped away at some point and now there's all this... this-ness.

There was a crowd gathering around whatever was happening. Smoke usually DOES gather a good sized crowd, it's true, and so does...

...is that Kaelthilas?

Eluna help them. And she would. Through Ithiliel.

"What in the world -- " Peering out from around the crowd, the elf-priestess whistles sharply and waves to the others, urging them to come and join her. Whatever's going on where they are, it looks like it's going to be a Bad Time soon.


As Kael attempts to dry her up where she stands with his stare, Rori moves on as if she doesn' notice. There is, however, a lifting of her brows to her hairline at the directive given by the imposing elf:

Discipline them.

Right when Amory (mistakenly) identifies her as Sylvinia's partner, the Red Robin. For a moment, there is a pause - the passing of seconds is brief. But the smile returns to her face and she gives the other guardsman a bow so graceful, it was downright professional. "I'm so flattered," the young woman says, so clearly pleased that she even blushes at Amory's attention, pink blossoming over her features. "I am often so overshadowed by the illustrious Sylvinia here that I'm delighted to meet any fan who recognizes me at all." Plucking up the paper presented to her. "And who may I direct this dedication?"

There's an angled glance to the elf by her side. "Unfortunately, Madame Sinuous, I seem to have forgotten my whip, or I'd be giving these gentlemen a show they wouldn't believe." She flashes him and Grunn a surreptitious wink. "Hopefully these autographs will suffice."

And then a commanding voice hails the guards, who so happen to turn and stare at the arrival of a superior officer. Meanwhile, the red-haired trickster lifts her fingers to wiggle them casually at Kael before taking a few steps back into the smoke-filled doorway, squinting through the cover. With Shiv freed, she takes a few steps in and closes her fingers behind Lorik's collar.

"We have to move," she hisses at the dark elf's ear. "And I swear if I get caught here, I will ruin your life to such an extent that this is going to look like a laughable fiasco by comparison."

To Shivani, she flashes a sweet, affable smile. "Darling, sweetheart, precious. Be a dear and start coughing as if you intend to dislodge your very lungs out of your mouth, if you will." And she, too, proceeds to do just that, throwing her arm over Lorik and attempting to escort them out - the very picture of a pair of good samaritans rescuing someone trapped inside the building.

The smoke is all but spent by now, there'll be no hiding from the guards once they emerge.

Thankfully, she has a plan.

...or so people would hope, anyway.


GAME: Rori rolls knowledge: (16)+knowledge: 16


Kaelthilas's attention shifts to the approaching hooves as evidenced by the faintest cant of his head. The dawn elf's dreadful mix of genuine annoyance and necessary masque seems to subside as his lithe comportment flows to one of rigid bearing. When the guards seem distracted he ventures a glance down his nose upon Rori and gives a slight inclination of his head, a subtle nod, towards the direction Ithiliel emerges from.

Without verbal direction to the other he simply walks away. The hem of his armored vestments flowing at the smooth strides of his ale-soaked boots as if neither subtle nor hurried.

His path would lead him towards Ithiliel and her awareness of his social psychology would make plain the relief which might otherwise be hidden behind an aloof countenance.


"Shhhh!" Lorik calls as he reaches up to pull Shivani's cloak up over her head. "You can tell me how it was a sock later! We need to get out of here now before they feel like hanging us both!" He calls out as he starts to pull her out, behind the guards, away from the horseman.

He glances back though, towards where the rest are with some concern crossing his face.

Which is when he sees Ithiliel.

"Oh Eluna bless." The elf mutters as he turns to go even as his collar gets snatched.

"We're going!" He hisses back as he starts to follow along. Soon enough though the coughing starts, as he starts to pull the pair to /safty/.

...dubious safty.

"I'd do what she says, Shivani." He mutters. "She's been fairly spot on so far." A longer pause. "I still have no idea what her actually name is."

But regardless he's helping to 'save' the poor smoke covered 'victims'. Raising a hand to wave to Ithiliel for help.

...help at this point being very...subjective.


- GM Pose -

The guard who wanted Rori's autograph snaps to attention before the Captain, who stares down at all three as if waiting for some explanation. Ire fumes in his gaze and as the hobbling, hacking trio make their way towards the crowd's edge, clearly from somewhere in the dispersing haze of Rori's smokebomb-turned-faux-fire, that gaze turns to follow them.

"You there." Fullbright calls from atop his horse, and one of the guards at his side lowers a pike to block their way.

"And you there, Messenger of Eluna."

In this, Fullbright indicates Ithiliel "Tell me, what has happened here. What fire leaves no mark." Lieutenant Grunn raises a hand to speak, but the snapping voice of Fullbright cuts through his attempt. "You will hold your tongue, for to many weeks have I heard of your cousins' influence running roughshod over this ward. If this is yet another game of the Goldstone Brothers, I will have your hide first, and their hide next."

He seems to pay no mind to the Goldstone's lucrative merchant operation, or how much influence they may have, and Grunn's face goes pale, along with Amory and Emery, who both look certain they are about to be fired. At last, that steely blue gaze of the Ward Captain turns back to the heroes at hand, seemingly oblivious to their state of unease: He wants answers, and satisfactory ones at that.


(OOC) Shivani says, "Okay! Welcome to the skill challenge portion. I'd like you to roll Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate."
(OOC) Shivani says, "If you think you should get any beneficial modifiers, page me!"
GAME: Ithiliel rolls diplomacy+2: (16)+7+2: 25
(OOC) Ithiliel micdrops.
(OOC) Lorik snickers!
GAME: Lorik rolls bluff: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
(OOC) Shivani says, "HAHAHAHA"
(OOC) Lorik DIES
(OOC) Rori says, "I'll roll diplomacy and i have the charmer talent"
(OOC) Shivani says, "Roll twice"
GAME: Rori rolls diplomacy: (19)+11: 30
GAME: Rori rolls diplomacy: (7)+11: 18
(OOC) Rori says, "holy shit"
(OOC) Shivani says, "Fullbright marries Rori immediately."
(OOC) Rori says, "NO"
(OOC) Shivani says, "LOL"
(OOC) Rori says, "I don't care how hot he is!!"
(OOC) Shivani says, "Duly noted for when you face a phantasmal killer. It will just be a bridal gown chasing you through a church aisle."
(OOC) Ithiliel l m a o


Have her friends, her boon companions, those who had her back throughout the crawl from darkness into light, been causing trouble in this place?


"Good Captain," Ithiliel begins. "These are my friends. I would say that they are, yes, my saviors. I have arrived on this scene only now, but I can tell you that I have shepherded my friends in the ways of Eluna: in goodness and compassion. I have seen into their hearts and know their worth."

This is more or less when Lorik and Shivani's hoods drop. Ithiliel... rolls with it.

She steps toward them, settling a hand on their shoulders. "These two," she says, her voice gaining strength, "rescued me from the darkest pits. When no other hand would guard me, they did. They were lights in the darkness, and upon my honor, they are as virtuous as any other in this city -- and more so than most. For what has happened here, I can say little; for what is in their hearts, I will vouch with my life."

She puts her head to one side, clearly considering. Even frowning a little. "In our escape," she muses, "there was a time when we used flameless smoke against our foes. I cannot imagine that they would use it intentionally, but perhaps a vial of it broke in all this confusion? That makes the most logical sense." She says it with an entirely straight face. Evidently she believes it.

That, or the clerics of Eluna occasionally channel the tendency of their goddess to be a trickster.


The priestess of Eluna speaks true, nevermind that she bends her knees to a different deity altogether. But when Lorik's and Shiv's hoods drop, exposing their natures for all to see, it takes everything in the red-haired actress not to roll her head back and sigh. Still, some part of her can't help but be amused; her life has been ridiculous from nearly the moment she was born, it's to the point when she would be disappointed if anything like this doesn't happen at least once in her daily routine.

That and it seems the other elf seems diplomatic enough, imploring to the guard captain's sense of honor. As the man turns to regard the priestess, she takes this opportunity to examine the next piece of the board: virid eyes flecked with gold take in the man's bearing, listens to the words he says - he makes it plain that he knows about the Brothers' activities there and he seems to be having none of it.

There's another slight glance over her shoulder at the guardhouse.

"I just happened to be passing by, my lord captain," Rori remarks when those steely eyes fall upon her for her explanation. "When I heard someone clamor fire. As a responsible citizen of Alexandria, I wasn't about to turn the blind eye." Lashes lower partially over that emerald stare. "It just so happens, however, that while I was about to lend my assistance, I overheard a very interesting conversation between your guardsmen. Something about twenty-five gold pieces exchanging hands from his cousin..." She gestures vaguely to Grunn. "And a woman to be hanged."

She lifts her hands, palms up, shoulders doing the same in the barest of shrugs. "I'm no advocate, certainly you'll find my credentials to represent anyone in front of any representatives of the law to be rather lacking. However, I do know that people aren't typically held in a station such as this for very long - either they're transported to the dungeons to answer for greater crimes once established, or released. If you don't mind me saying so, my lord captain, I don't think your presence was expected. In fact, I believe it to be more of hindrance with what was about to occur."

With that, her hands fall, sliding in her pocket and meeting the man's eyes, smiling faintly.

"So I think the greater crime here is that one of your guardsmen's cousins paid twenty-five gold pieces for the right to murder a person to whom a priestess of Eluna was indebted. And if the lady is correct in that it is not an actual fire, but the mere appearance of one, then I don't think there is even a charge of arson here to weigh against. It is simply an accident in which the resulting chaos managed to uncover a greater wrongdoing than initially thought."


Lorik keeps dragging, he keeps moving. Then he glances right up as Shivani's hood rolls back to reveal the dark elf that was in the cage. And the Inquisitor looks up towards Ithiliel as she starts to speak in her defense. In the defense of them both.

He helps! He joins in. He starts to explain the horrors they saved her from. The trails they went though. His own heartfelt desire to serve Eluna and his new goddess.

Unfortunely he says it all in Undercommon so no one at all understands him. But trust me. It is totally and amazingly eloquent. Such a good speech. But no one can understand them.

Look he's had a long day ok. This is what happens when he has a long day. He's gets languages confused.

He has no idea why everyone is looking at him like that! He's pouring his heart out here!

So really its likely better that he leaves most of the talking to the other two.


(OOC) Shivani says, "Okay, one more step to this, I'll GM pose, and you'll all get a round before I close us. I need you all to each make perception checks, and all of you each to make either an athletics or acrobatics check."
GAME: Rori rolls perception: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Rori rolls acrobatics: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Ithiliel rolls perception: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Ithiliel rolls acrobatics: (7)+-2: 5
(OOC) Ithiliel says, "I'M A ROCK"
GAME: Lorik rolls perception: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Lorik rolls athletics: (4)+3: 7
(OOC) Lorik says, "Eyes of the Hawk. Feet of the Turtle."


- GM Pose -

There is a moment of surprise etched in lifted brows when the undercommon of one man and the revealed hood of another draws Gerren Fullbright's attention, a moment that hangs on the edge of a knife that is directed, it seems, right at Lorik in his mistep, but the words of a Priestess of Eluna strike out at him. Though he does not look to her in that impassioned plea, painting a tale that a man of his years could accept as possibility, he does listen as she brings an elegance to these creatures of the Dark Below. The easing of his jaw, so fraught with tension. The way his eyes soften, just a little. He does not have the hate in his heart many do, for he knows of other Mul in this city, and their half-breeds. And if they cannot look for a better life in this grand place, where else might they go?

That alone might have secured their leave, but Rori's tale draws his full attention. She can see it in his face as certain unknown quantities click into place. See rage firing behind his eyes and hear his horse snort, as if channeling some pent up fury of its master. The men at his side turn their full attention to the three Guardmen before them, Grunn, Amory, Emory, and do not regard them in that moment as allies.

"So shared blood and twenty five gold is the price of Grunn the Granite Tide. A man they said once held the southern gate of Elsbrad against foul creatures no one could even comprehend. Likely, it seems, because it was all... a lie. Take th-"

Shivani raises a hand, as if to put in her two cents, and a rock slams into the side of her head, blood as red as anyone's spraying over Rori and Lorik as she goes limp in their combined grasp. Before the chaos begins in full, Lorik and Rori will see the culprits - four Khazad with golden beards. The crowd that had been watching look around in confusion as cries go out to take down the Mul spy, and stones and fruit and other projectiles rain down, several hitting Ithiliel and Lorik, but Rori is able to escape most of their wrath. In the sudden chaos, Grunn turns to run, ducking through the crowd to leave poor Amory and Avory to the mercy of Fullbright's men, and it would be easy enough for that man to give chase, if not for the sudden rush of two full carts drawn by two horses each that nearly plow the entire crowd over, send careening down the street by some unknown force, though Lorik and Rori can at least imagine who the culprits are, given who threw the rocks

Thirty or more townsfolk struggle with the press of the now stopped carts, and other minor squabbles break out as those rabble rousers hired to cause this distraction continue pelting everyone with refuse.

At the very least, it provides the very same amount of cover for escape for our heroes.


She had not, generally speaking, expected rocks.

Ithiliel gasps when the small group is pelted with rocks and refuse, but she doesn't flinch from it. If anything, she reaches back to pull out a shield to protect Shivani and Lorik. Angry she may be, but her face is simply stern, tight-jawed, and determined.

She will need to wait until they've moved away to clean those wounds and heal her friends, and as the crowd begins to roil, she guides them as best as she can away from the melee and the suddenly tumbling carts. Gritting her teeth, she never stops shielding the pair, but she does break her silence when they reach a quieter place.

"I am sorry," she sighs. "I thought I was bringing you to civilization. The library was more peaceful."


That spark of rage is one that is familiar to her, and it is all Rori can do to hide a smile when her attempts take root in the indomitable Captain Fullbright.

But before she can say anything else, chaos explodes again and there is blood, crimson drops splattering on her sleeve where Shivani remains well within reach. She cranes her head; like an eagle, she homes in on the source of the disturbance immediately and her brows lift upwards in mild consternation and as it ripples outward like a pebble thrown in a still pond, that is when they come out.

Ah, yes. Thrown vegetables, the bane of any true performer. She remembers all too well her fledgling attempts to entertain - not within the definition assigned by her childhood in Selentia, but the one ascribed by bards and other thespians who eke out a living on the road, to delight and cull emotion from the masses with drama, song and dance. There have been plenty of tomatoes in her childhood, which did nothing but stir her frightful Selese temper, but that was then and this is now. She knows how this goes. This has happened to her before, it is like a right of passage for any actress.

She takes a nimble step, and positions herself right by Fullbright's horse - if nothing else, perhaps most of the crowd will know the kind of wrath that would descend upon it if they decide to pelt the no-nonsense man with rocks and fruit. This is how she manages to avoid the rain - by using the guard and his position of authority as a shield.

But it doesn't end and the burgeoning riot only gets worse. Still, it's an opportunity when she sees one. Reaching out, she attempts to snag Ithiliel by the elbow, leaving Shivani to her cousin's protection, and steer her towards the other side of the disturbance. She has other ideas though, when she pulls out a shield, and she is too harried to press it.

"Time to go!"

And leave, she does. Quickly. With all due haste.


It takes Lorik a few moments to realize just what language he's speaking...and /then/ he stops. Snaps his mouth shut and has the good grace to look embarassed. Though as the Captain's eyes soften there is a hope in him that things will end more peacefully than he thought. There is a slight smile even. One that starts to fade as Rori starts speaking.

Wait. What?

They...could have done that? It was all some kind of elaborate /bribe/. His eyes widen then harden as he turns that gaze towards the dwarf and the other guards...

Which is when the rocks start to happen. As soon as the first one slams into Shivani the shield is pulled from his back as he huddles under it, feeling impacts of projectiles into its steel surface. He doesn't pull a weapon, but the shield is wielded in their defense as he starts to retreat away from the roiling crowd.

And if he can see that dwarves as they dash? There is a flicker of his fingers before they is outlined in bright purple fire. Because that should help the /actual/ guards catch up to them.

Don't piss off a shadow elf.

But there is a flicker of a smirk from Lorik as Ithil starts to apologize. "Bribery, deception, and possible murder. Reminds me of home really. No need to apologize. It's almost a relief to find some kind of constants between such different cities. I guess people are about the same everywhere you go."

Still he watches their back, making sure none of them fall behind as he pulls out of the mess of the melee. With mounting quickness as well as the mess just seems to get work.

"I agree!" He calls towards Rori as he follows her escape, pulling Shivani along as he goes.



  • The heroes have succeeded in extracting their captured friend from false imprisonment! Your combined skillchecks defeated the challenge DCs. Other options for the rescue might have involved intimidating Grunn into letting her go directly, simply bribing him with double the amount he was going to accept from another party, or turning his own guards against him with diplomacy of bluff checks. A combination of distraction tactics and improvised acting not only won the day, but left a lasting mark on the folks of this ward. The final hurdle saw a combination of earnest advocacy aimed at the honor of a man who has it in abundance, turning Gerren to their side, and with suspicion already raised, the truth of what was overheard put a final nail in Grunn's coffin.
  • The Goldstone Brothers seem to blame the Mul for their recent troubles on the road, as do other Khazad traders.
  • A Mul was recently spotted sneaking around the Embalmer's office, a tidbit Rori will have from her conversation with Wurt.
  • Grunn the Granite Tide is wanted for charges of Corruption and Assault.
  • The Goldstone Brothers deny any knowledge of this incident and insist their cousin has been trading on their good name for years. There's a reason he's not part of the family business, right? Still, Rori and Lorik did see the dwarves who started this ruckus.
  • Gerren Fullbright suffered minor injuries in the squabble but credits a woman reported as the The Rumptious Red Robin as revealing the corruption of three city Guard, including Amory and Emory Farthing, brothers who have been charged and are cooperating. Another man, a dwarf outlined in magical flame is apprehended and questioned, and on his person are several bags of three gold pieces each, leftover payments to those he had hired to start the fray. He admits no connection to anyone, just a hatred for the Mul, and pleas guilty to charges of assault and starting a riot.
  • Rumors of THE SINUOUS SIN having visiting the city again circulate and lift the spirits of the wards she is most famous in. Fliers go up there, all sketched with a picture of Kaelthilas.
  • Lorik has a set of city guard keys, certainly not likely to ever come in handy or equally implicate him horribly.