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(Created page with "Several local laborers are taking down the platform from yesterday's rally. The Artificer's Guild has already taken away the voice-amplification system. Rona is sitting on a n...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Aya emerges from the Guild hall, tucking a small object into the folds of her clothing. She makes note of the returned (or still remaining) gathering of laborers. Perhaps they'll be more confident now that the sun is up and the shadows are less pervasive. She also notes one of those rallying said workers the prior night and walks in that direction.
Aya emerges from the Guild hall, tucking a small object into the folds of her clothing. She makes note of the returned (or still remaining) gathering of laborers. Perhaps they'll be more confident now that the sun is up and the shadows are less pervasive. She also notes one of those rallying said workers the prior night and walks in that direction.
Selia climbs up the fence, plopping herself down next to Yelrona and squinting at the ruffian. Exactly from where the lutch approached is anyone's guess. Sneaky little halfer.
Selia climbs up the fence, plopping herself down next to Yelrona and squinting at the ruffian. Exactly from where the lucht approached is anyone's guess. Sneaky little halfer.
Yelrona looks up at Selia's appearance, seemingly unfazed by it. She hangs out with the Sly, after all, so has had plenty of opportunities to get used to sneakiness. Or, maybe she saw the halfling coming. It's hard to say. Anyway, she greets both Selia and Aya with a cheerful wave. "So, what did you think of last night's little show?" she asks the approaching Mul.
Yelrona looks up at Selia's appearance, seemingly unfazed by it. She hangs out with the Sly, after all, so has had plenty of opportunities to get used to sneakiness. Or, maybe she saw the halfling coming. It's hard to say. Anyway, she greets both Selia and Aya with a cheerful wave. "So, what did you think of last night's little show?" she asks the approaching Mul.
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Iskandar walks down the street from the direction of the Ox, eyes bloodshot with eyelids half-closed. He wanders by and then pauses, glancing at Yelrona. Coming closer he nods. "Morning..." Then he looks at Selia and raises a hand in greeting. "Greetings, I'm Iskandar."
Iskandar walks down the street from the direction of the Ox, eyes bloodshot with eyelids half-closed. He wanders by and then pauses, glancing at Yelrona. Coming closer he nods. "Morning..." Then he looks at Selia and raises a hand in greeting. "Greetings, I'm Iskandar."
Selia mehs, and waves vaugely. "Rather try and skin alive anyone who tries and take a slave where I can do somethigna about it. And gotta say I'm ouuta practice myself." Turning focus to Iskandar, she shrugs again, and nods. 'Selia.' <halfling>
Selia mehs, and waves vaugely. "Rather try and skin alive anyone who tries and take a slave where I can do something about it. And gotta say I'm outta practice myself." Turning focus to Iskandar, she shrugs again, and nods. 'Selia.' <halfling>
Yelrona laughs at the sight of Iskandar. "My father taught me an herbal remedy he said was a sovereign cure for hangovers," she observes dryly. "Admittedly, it never seemed to ease _his_ suffering any. I think it just distracted him from it."
Yelrona laughs at the sight of Iskandar. "My father taught me an herbal remedy he said was a sovereign cure for hangovers," she observes dryly. "Admittedly, it never seemed to ease _his_ suffering any. I think it just distracted him from it."
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GAME: Yelrona rolls bluff+2: (3)+11+2: 16
GAME: Yelrona rolls bluff+2: (3)+11+2: 16
Selia snorts and rolls her eyes, but smiles at the antices.
Selia snorts and rolls her eyes, but smiles at the antics.
Iskandar slips his headgear back on and then rolls his neck to one side and then the other, loosening muscles that tightened from the sudden cold. "How did the rally end," he gestures in the direction the podium was the previous day. "I left before the end. Did the guard come and put a stop to things?"
Iskandar slips his headgear back on and then rolls his neck to one side and then the other, loosening muscles that tightened from the sudden cold. "How did the rally end," he gestures in the direction the podium was the previous day. "I left before the end. Did the guard come and put a stop to things?"

Latest revision as of 04:54, 6 July 2018

Several local laborers are taking down the platform from yesterday's rally. The Artificer's Guild has already taken away the voice-amplification system. Rona is sitting on a nearby fence, chatting with the laborers.

Vaalyun has left.

Aya emerges from the Guild hall, tucking a small object into the folds of her clothing. She makes note of the returned (or still remaining) gathering of laborers. Perhaps they'll be more confident now that the sun is up and the shadows are less pervasive. She also notes one of those rallying said workers the prior night and walks in that direction.

Selia climbs up the fence, plopping herself down next to Yelrona and squinting at the ruffian. Exactly from where the lucht approached is anyone's guess. Sneaky little halfer.

Yelrona looks up at Selia's appearance, seemingly unfazed by it. She hangs out with the Sly, after all, so has had plenty of opportunities to get used to sneakiness. Or, maybe she saw the halfling coming. It's hard to say. Anyway, she greets both Selia and Aya with a cheerful wave. "So, what did you think of last night's little show?" she asks the approaching Mul.

Aya rolls one shoulder. "It was ...interesting. I expected that the merchants and holding houses would already work to defend their businesses, without needing motivation. Workers lost to back alleys or too afraid to work are bad for business."

Selia huffs and shrugs. "Missed most of it. Got da gist o' da whole deal, but ain't sure da details. You da one set most o' it all up, aye?"

Yelrona nods in emphatic agreement with Aya. "EXACTLY! If everyone here were as smart as you we'd have much less trouble. But you know how it is," she continues, with a resigned tone, "everyone wants to negotiate their own private deals to get a leg up on the competition, or is afraid that one of their competitors will do the same to _them_, so the Syndicate ends up playing everyone against everyone else. And who, me?" she asks Selia, surprised. "No, not at all! I know most of the organizers, though, they are good people. Well, most of them. And Tarien knows we need more people watching out for each other."

"Of course they compete, and seek advantage," Aya gestures slightly, vaguely with one hand, "That is the nature of life. Allying against a shared threat, though, should be common sense. There would be no guilds, otherwise. You can expect others to watch out for themselves. For others? Not so much."

Selia mmms, pondering. "Small of it, 'business need ta work together ta 'ave better security'?"

Yelrona nods. "Not just work with each other, but work with their employees, and the Guard... and the Guild and the Sunset, too, though you won't hear many saying that out loud! There are just too many dark forces threatening Alexandria, that are all too willing to play us against one another... it does no good to score points against each other while our house is burning down. And watching out for just ourselves means nobody watches out for us while we sleep. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work."

Aya rolls a shoulder. "No, it doesn't, though too many don't realize that until it's too late. Hopefully, you educated some. Have they concocted anything resembling a course of action?"

Selia nods in firm agreement. "Lookin out only fer numba one jus means yer ain't more dan an obstical fer sumone else lookin out fer numba one. Ya need blokes ta watch yer back. But gotta make sure dey ain't watchin jus ta find da best place ta stab ya later. Difference in keepin ya from danger, an keepin ya safe." Sounds like a voice of experience.

Yelrona laughs, genuinely amused by Aya's question. "'Remotely resembling' is about right. The most charitable way I can put it is, a lot of people are starting to decide that they might be willing to not actively get in the way if someone else does the work, as long as they can benefit. Which, I mean, is progress! We'll see where it ends up, though. In the meantime, hopefully it will make life more difficult for the Syndicate and the Veyshanti slavers, which is at least some of my prayers answered."

Selia sighs. "Problem ain't da slavers. Dey ain't nice blokes, no doubt, but dey just tryin ta make coin. Trouble is da buyers."

"That... is not wrong," Rona agrees, dejectedly. "At least here, the law opposes slavery, so the buyers have to be discreet. In places like Veyshan, it's out in the open."

Selia nods in agreement. "Charn, required by law. Or made by law. Wotever. Ya don't do wot dey want, ya git made a slave. Ya do, meybe slave anyways."

"So. If we cannot stop the buyers," Rona replies, with the air of someone determinedly looking at the positive, "we must do what we can to stop the slavers. Or at least to keep each other out of their chains."

Yelrona says "And I said I would take the opportunity to practice Lucht, didn't I?" <halfling>

Iskandar walks down the street from the direction of the Ox, eyes bloodshot with eyelids half-closed. He wanders by and then pauses, glancing at Yelrona. Coming closer he nods. "Morning..." Then he looks at Selia and raises a hand in greeting. "Greetings, I'm Iskandar."

Selia mehs, and waves vaugely. "Rather try and skin alive anyone who tries and take a slave where I can do something about it. And gotta say I'm outta practice myself." Turning focus to Iskandar, she shrugs again, and nods. 'Selia.' <halfling>

Yelrona laughs at the sight of Iskandar. "My father taught me an herbal remedy he said was a sovereign cure for hangovers," she observes dryly. "Admittedly, it never seemed to ease _his_ suffering any. I think it just distracted him from it."

Iskandar shakes his head. "I have a remedy of my own," he says. "It involves dunking my head in seawater." he gestures in the direction of the river. "But I suppose any water will do. The river isn't far from here, and the open air is a bit fresher."

Selia squints. "Know a sure cure, but don't recomend it. Git blitz wit a couple blokes ya reckon are friends, den 'ave 'em sell ya ta da 'ighest bidder while yer passed out. I ain't 'ad a 'angover since."

Yelrona nods sympathetically. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to summon up bad memories, with all my talk of slavers."

Iskandar rubs his eyes and then gives Selia a long look. "Yes, I can imagine how that might work."

Yelrona looks at Iskandar, then shakes her head and looks up at the sky, holding both hands up as though entreating the heavens. "Boss, do I even have to say it?" Water manifests out of nowhere and splashes the huge warrior, and she laughs.

Selia waves vaugely again. "Ya made a mention, I was da one shifted focus."

Iskandar freezes as he's splashed. His shoulders stiffen and he holds his arms with elbows bent, rigid. It takes him a while to relax. To take off his headgear and wipe his brow and push his hair back. "Thanks. I think." He gives Yelrona a suspicious look, not sure if she was actually trying to help.

"You're welcome!" Rona replies brightly. It really is hard to tell.

GAME: Yelrona rolls bluff+2: (3)+11+2: 16

Selia snorts and rolls her eyes, but smiles at the antics.

Iskandar slips his headgear back on and then rolls his neck to one side and then the other, loosening muscles that tightened from the sudden cold. "How did the rally end," he gestures in the direction the podium was the previous day. "I left before the end. Did the guard come and put a stop to things?"

Yelrona seems surprised by the question, then seems to get it. "Oh, right, you left early. No, a Hearthguard and a Bard talked the crowd around into a more productive stance. There's a movement now to set up a volunteer neighborhood watch, increase illumination in the District, maybe set up civilian patrols. At least _some_ of the warehouse owners are offering to help with resources. So... we'll see."

Selia fehs quietly. "Illumination...."