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[Category: Black Pools]
[[Category: Black Pools]]
Standing before you is an old warehouse. Clearly older than any of the warehouses which stands around it. Though it does not seem to be in ill-repair, it has the air of a place that has been standing long enough to have a sort of miasma about it. It is exactly the sort of place that gathers rumors that it is haunted. It stands far apart from the other warehouses, and it's wooden doors bear the number thirteen in black paint so worn that it is hard to make out against the color of the warehouse itself. The doors have been left unlocked for you by the manager of the docks at the request of the guard. So all that's left is to go in...
Standing before you is an old warehouse. Clearly older than any of the warehouses which stands around it. Though it does not seem to be in ill-repair, it has the air of a place that has been standing long enough to have a sort of miasma about it. It is exactly the sort of place that gathers rumors that it is haunted. It stands far apart from the other warehouses, and it's wooden doors bear the number thirteen in black paint so worn that it is hard to make out against the color of the warehouse itself. The doors have been left unlocked for you by the manager of the docks at the request of the guard. So all that's left is to go in...

Latest revision as of 02:31, 11 December 2018

Standing before you is an old warehouse. Clearly older than any of the warehouses which stands around it. Though it does not seem to be in ill-repair, it has the air of a place that has been standing long enough to have a sort of miasma about it. It is exactly the sort of place that gathers rumors that it is haunted. It stands far apart from the other warehouses, and it's wooden doors bear the number thirteen in black paint so worn that it is hard to make out against the color of the warehouse itself. The doors have been left unlocked for you by the manager of the docks at the request of the guard. So all that's left is to go in...

Morgan walks up to the door of the place as she mutters "When bards tell stories of going in to places like this, it never ends well." a sigh is given as she walks in.

Aithil snorts at Morgan's comment as she floats behind her by a pace or two. "Oh come now, like you believe /half/ of the stories bards tell you? The way they say it, they are the most popular, fastest, best, and far more successful with the sex of their choice than any other creature that walks on any number of legs. /Especially/ if the song is about themselves, otherwise they concede to one aspect for whoever their singing about." She rolls her eyes in a way that only an elf can, with her nose in the air and so obvious it would be considered cringe worth in any sort of polite company. "Absurd. Haunted." She pulls out a small book and floats after Morgan.

Aithil mutters, "Probably the cow kicking the barn wall or some other back water nonsense."

Amythyst looks at the warehouse and chuckles. "Pff. Hauntings don't bother me. Wanna hear some stories, listen to some of the tales sailors tell. Of the sirens and such. though, being cooped up on the same area for months at a time....works with your head." She then looks to Aithil. "Or a mouse...."

Shaoqing's gown flutters in the sea breeze, its length kept decent by the crossed blades sheathed across her hip guarding against the wind. Auburn eyes scans the outside of the building, as if by staring it down would provide all the answers that would be required. A long fingernail is dragged across her bottom lip in thought. "I know of many stories, but a warehouse on a dock is not in them." The Hin folds her arms, covering her chest. "Sirens though," she says lifting a finger to point to Aithil. "Those are real."

<OOC> Razen says, "Okay give me some perception checks please."
GAME: Morgan rolls perception: (14)+8: 22
GAME: Aithil rolls Perception: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Amythyst rolls perception: (13)+1: 14
GAME: Shaoqing rolls perception: (6)+6: 12

The warehouse is full of boxes, but the back corner is filled with tall barrels of the sort used for holding large quantities of alcohol. As you draw closer you can see that some of these barrels have been splintered open. There is no liquid laying on the floor, and the wood left behind seems quite dry. Those barrels left behind bear a mark that is hard to make out in the dark, but looks something like a Z with circles floating in the voids left between the Z's arcs. Above you there is something in the rafters dark and slightly sparkling.

It is about the size of a dog.

Morgan blows a kiss to Aithil and says "I know some of it is faked and retold with different names." she holds her hands up as to stop and beware the others of the things she spotted and hopes others do also.

"Weird symbol that is." Amythyst says as she looks over the barrels. "And the ones that are smashed, were smashed from the inside....and they're not wet. So....something was inside of them. Who can see in the dark?"

Aithil is lost in her book, rolling her eyes (again) as she looks over the page. A glance to Amythyst "Haha... sure. Mice. /So funny/." She glances back to Morgan, leaning a little closer as she whispers "You didn't see a mouse did you? I can't stand mice." She glances about more hazardous and closer in to make sure there aren't any near her.

Shaoqing stops stepping forward at her companion's behest. The darkness does make it difficult to see. "I am not exactly able to, no. But I can fix it." A single ring of paper is pulled out of her pocket, and unfolded into a small lantern. She sings a single note, and a dim light begins to glow within it.

GAME: Shaoqing casts Dancing Lantern. Caster Level: 1 DC: 15

In the light it's easier to see. The barrels are all sealed tightly, red wax lining the barrel tops to keep anyone from tampering with them. The symbol itself is also clearer, but more importantly... The thing in the rafters is clearer. It looks like a black blob, darker than the darkness around it sitting on the rafter. The light makes the shimmer of sparkles inside reflect back and make it's outline clearer. The thing wiggles once, and then drops the distance between the ceiling to the floor with a little wet splat.

<OOC> Razen says, "Knowledge nature/dungeoneering/arcane if you have them!"
GAME: Amythyst rolls knowledge/arcana: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Aithil rolls Knowledge/arcana: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Morgan rolls knowledge/arcana: (14)+13: 27

Aithil reaches back and tries to covertly paint a smiley face on the back of Amy's short shirt using a casting of light with a murmur in the Syl tongue to cast it.

Morgan shakes her head "No my love and put the book down so you don’t walk in to something." She then sees the blob and says "ummm what is that slimes don’t sparkle do they...... maybe it’s eaten something."

Amythyst blinks a bit. "Most of them don't sparkle, I don't think." She then looks at her hands. "this should be interesting....very interesting..."

Shaoqing turns her attention to the shimmering blob. She lifts a sharp manicured finger to point at the thing. "Any thoughts?" Her other hand clasps the hilt of her sword, but does not draw it from its sheath. "I've never seen one sparkle. No."

GAME: Shaoqing rolls knowledge/local +1: (5)+7+1: 13

Morgan says a arcane word as her eyes glow bright blue "ok something about the barrells have magic. So this slime eat whats in side it or the barrels have more slimes in them."

Amythyst says, "it's likely there are more slimes in the other barrels." She then looks towards the 'slime'. "And...I'm pretty sure it's not going to like me if it gets too much closer....""

<OOC> Razen says, "Morgan you can make a knowledge/arcana check to determine what kind of magic these things are."
GAME: Morgan rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+13: 22

Shaoqing notices she has the blobs attention. She dips low, her gown pooling on the floor at her feet as she lifts a long piece of broken barrel. Her lips purse thoughtfully as her arm extends slowly, the end of the stick creeping forward to gently probe the sparkles. "How do we even know if it is dangerous?" She asks, looking back at the others over her shoulder.

Aithil crosses of her arms after she closes her book shut with a definitive snap and tucks it back away in her pouch. A glance to Morgan, a raise of an eyebrow, then a look to Amythyst. "Dear... wearing a shirt and shorts like that, you're bound to get many things that like you, and seldom will it be good." She gives a raise of her eyebrows and her gaze shifts back to the ooze instead. "Well, what do we do about it now?" A sigh, pained.

GAME: Morgan rolls spellcraft: (16)+16: 32

The black, sparkly ooze allows the barrel piece to pierce its body and then wraps around the wood. Eagerly it slides part of its body along the wood. It's impossible to tell what's happening to the wood, but it's quickly approaching the person holding it.

Shaoqing furrows her brow, and gently sets her end of the stick down. She rises, take a few steps back, and picks up another stick. This one is offered like before. "Maybe it is just hungry? We can lead it outside and into the water or something?" Morgan thinks and keeps looking at the barrels as she is walking around them. Aithil seen Morgan does when studying or making a magic item and she could whisper something sexual in her ear and she would not even notice. But after a few minutes she stops and says "ok these barrels have a strange mixed magic enchanted in to it, I think it helps to feed them and also keep them suppressed in some way... maybee to keep it from growing."

"Among other things...." Amy says as she moves between Shaoqing and the ooze. "And if there's more of these things...someone planned this...." She says as she stares long and hard at the ooze.

The dark haired Hin lets go of the snack she had been feeding to the ooze. "So you are saying it is not a friendly sparkling thing that we can keep as a pet? But a possible form of sabotage, and is potentially quite dangerous?" She again rests her hand on the overlong hilt of her sword, her thumb pressing up on the guard to pop it free an inch, the edge single-bladed sword glinting in the light from her lantern.

Eagerly the ooze creature swims over the piece of wood left behind and wiggles furiously. Then crawls, still slowly toward the next one offered. It's hard to tell with something without discernible features but it seems happy. There is nothing left behind it. The barrel piece was clearly devoured or is still inside it.

Aithil and pulls out her book again, opening it back up to the page she was on, she backs up, staying to the back of the group as they discuss and feed the oozing thing. "Well, when you're done playing with it, if you need some help, just ask." She flips the page as she floats at the rear of the group. Another flip of a page as she mumbles, "What a stupid conclusion. Spells of nature do not share the same source of power as that of the Arcane."

<OOC> Razen says, "Perceptions checks"

Amythyst says, "It looks like it's eating the wood though. Most of these things are mindless though...."

GAME: Amythyst rolls perception: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Aithil rolls perception: (9)+7: 16
GAME: Shaoqing rolls perception: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Morgan rolls perception: (20)+8: 28
<OOC> Razen says, "Okay, everyone but Amythyst will notice that the creature got a tiny bit bigger after eating that bit of barrel."

"Mindless? So it really has no particularly bad intent. " Shaoqing ponders, though her hand does not leave her blade. "It isn't attacking, so much as just eating what is in front of it. But if we feed it to get it to follow us, it will get bigger." She looks around the warehouse. "Though if we can get it to follow us outside, it might cause less damage. Or we can get it in the water maybe?" Morgan shrugs "Well it eats magic so I think we find a way to contain it or destroy it so that it does not eat what magic is in the city."

Flip... A short look up, back down to the pages and a float backward. "Yep. It's getting bigger." Aithil reads along the next page, muttering further, "It does not stand to /reason/. That's the whole point, you're ignoring reason. Ugh. This book is terrible."

Amythyst looks at Aithil, then to the 'blob' again. "Getting bigger, huh?" She didn't notice, but.... "Does it eat magic?"

The thing is still following after Shaoquin, eating the bits of barrel that she provides it. Dangling the pieces out of reach doesn't seem to help as it seems to be after both the pieces of barrel and Shaoquin equally; whichever seems to be closer at the time. Every time it eats a little it gets a little bigger, and soon you draw it away from the pile of barrel pieces.

Amythyst says, "Well....if it'll go into, and stay in the water...that'll be good. How far are we away from the sea?"

Shaoqing smiles, her painted lips parting to reveal pearly teeth. "Eats magic?" Shaoqing stops feeding it, and slowly starts walking towards the door of the warehouse. Reaching up she gives her lantern a tap of her nail. "Then we don't need to feed it. It should follow the food." She waves a hand at Amythyst's behind. "You might want to come with me. The Dock is just outside."

Morgan has no other idea what to do so she follows and hopes this is the right thing to do "Well we all seem to be magic users of some sort so we better not touch it."

Amythyst says, "Well...that's the difference between you and me, Morgan. If it attacks...I WILL touch it. and it won't like it." She then chuckles. 'Come on....let’s lead it over the docks...." She says stays near Shaqing..."

<OOC> Razen says, "Shaquing make a reflex roll."
GAME: Shaoqing rolls reflex +4: (2)+8+4: 14

Now that it's no longer trailing after bits of barrel the ooze jiggles and stretches upward, wobbling into a different shape. A long tendril of ooze reaches out for the lantern. It looks like a shimmering tentacle. Shaquing notices this, but isn't able to move back fast enough to avoid allowing the thing to grasp her lantern. The light goes dark immediately as it's pulled into the darkness.

Morgan is making sure to keep her distance as she has two magic items she really loves.

With it's food source gone, the ooze turns on Amy, quickly wobbling toward her and reaching out it's tendrils toward her!

GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

Morgan screams “Amythyst watch out." As she says that she sends her staff to fly on its own to smack the thing on its own but misses badly.

GAME: Shaoqing rolls 1d20+2+3+1: (8)+2+3+1: 14
GAME: Amythyst rolls melee: (7)+2: 9
<OOC> Amythyst says, "melee touch."
<OOC> Razen says, "Hit!"
GAME: Amythyst rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

At the scream from Morgan, Shaoqing reacts on instinct. Her blade is drawn and she moves towards the sparkler in one motion. The blade is long and slightly curved. It doesn't only cut deep, it slices the thing in half. Two. Completely. Self. Contained. Halves.

GAME: Razen rolls 1d4: (4): 4

Amythyst jumps when Morgan calls out, and actually sees the ooze get cut in two. "This is going to hurt...." She says as she steps AROUND Shaoqing.....and puts her hand on one of the oozes. As soon as her hand makes contact, there is a LOUD sizzling sound. "that's what I thought. BURN IT!"

GAME: Razen rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Razen rolls 1d4: (3): 3

Being split seems to not affect the creature at all. Instead it lobs itself at Aythyst, trying to devour her shirt. Acid burns her with a loud wet noise.

GAME: Aithil casts Silent Image. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+6+3: (11)+6+3: 20
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d6: (1): 1

Morgan makes a few hand jesters as the staff dances around as it slams one of the blobs hardly doing anything.

Aithil gives a bit of a snicker as she sees the ooze lunge at Amythyst's shirt. Closing her book with a snap again, a stuff of it into her bag and she gives a wave of her hands. A few words, twisted out, "beagle blrgl beagle bleh bleh sandy blah sandy sandy bleh blah beagle bleep blah beagle blrgl blah blrgl bleh sandy bleep beagle bleep bleep sandy sandy blrgl bleep" And then a second image of Amythyst pops into existence and steps away from her. Mimicking the motions of the other, except not making any sounds. <unknown>

GAME: Amythyst rolls ranged+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

Instead of pushing ahead of Amythyst again, Shaoqing steps aside. Her voice lifts in soft lilting tones, the very essence of her song inspiring courage in her companions.

GAME: Amythyst casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16

Amythyst also steps back from the ooze and attempts to zap it with a scorching ray, but she slips and her ray just....lances up towards the ceiling.

GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Razen rolls 1d4+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Razen rolls 1d4: (2): 2

One of the oozes continues to fawn at Amythyst's feet, trying to eat her with more interest now than before. The other wanders off after the silent image, wobbling as it moves and throwing itself at the magical diversion. The image collapses almost immediately, and this ooze seems to get a little larger. These things are odd indeed.

GAME: Aithil casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13
<OOC> Morgan says, "scorching ray at the one near amy."
<OOC> Razen says, "Go for it!"
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12
<OOC> Razen says, "Hit!"
GAME: Morgan casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 4 DC: 18

"blrgl sandy sandy blrgl" Aithil gives a frown, and then tilts her head to the side. A move of her hands with a slow spin of one near the top, "beagle sandy sandy blah blrgl beagle blah" And several orbs errupt from her finger tips and shoot over to where the ooze ate her silent image. They begin moving in the direction of the door out, faster than the ooze seems to be moving. <unknown>

Morgan does not like spells like this as she has bad aim as she moves one hand in a tiny circle she whips a long flame bolt making it to do a wierd growth spurt "Some one hit the one I just hit I know it might desstroy it."

GAME: Shaoqing rolls 1d20+3+1+1: (4)+3+1+1: 9
<OOC> Razen says, "You can roll knowledge Dungeenering yes?"
GAME: Shaoqing rolls 1d20+1+2: (3)+1+2: 6

Shaoqing keeps singing while she swings her sword, and watches it split again. This was not the weapon for this fight.

Amythyst tries to get away from the ooze, and smacks it with a trio of magical bolts from her hand. And when they hit...the ooze detonates....spraying Amy and Shaoqing with it's acidic remains. "Owowowowow..." She groans.....and she covers what's left of her shirt. "Well.......I'm gonna be naked before long at this rate....."

The bloated ooze that had been cut off from it's other half lobs itself half-heartedly at Shaoquin, but has no luck hitting her. Meanwhile the other smaller ooze is busy chasing pretty lights.

GAME: Aithil rolls ranged: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Aithil rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Morgan rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17

Morgan fouces her attack on the one Shaoqing is fighting as she says a arcane word sending two bolts at it making it to explode.

GAME: Shaoqing casts Chord of Shards. Caster Level: 1 DC: 15

Aithil frowns a bit and then points with her gauntleted hand off toward the exit, trying to lure the slime off toward the door with those dancing lights. "Ugh." She frowns and then reaches into her pouch, rummaging around for a moment and pulls out a little bottle labeled 'AF'. She hefts it, frowns, cants her head, then lobs the at one of the ooze-lings. A hit, an explosion, and fire engulfs the ooze with the crackles of an ongoing burn. "Hm. I should buy more of those."

GAME: Razen rolls 1d20-3: (17)+-3: 14
GAME: Shaoqing rolls 2d6: (9): 9

Shaoqing shakes her head, giving up on swinging her sword. Instead she sets it point first into the floor. Her voice rises, causing the blade to vibrate. Its whine rises until she spins the blade towards herself. The sharp blade cuts the sound, sending shards darting through the last one.

GAME: Amythyst rolls ranged+1: (18)+5+1: 24
GAME: Amythyst rolls 4d6+1: (16)+1: 17

Looking at Aithil as she hurts the ooze with the Alchemical fire, Amythyst stays where she is and zaps the ooze with a beam of fire. Predictably, it explodes as well....but it hurts no one. "That was interesting...." She says keeping her arms crossed over her chest....now that her shirt is......gone.

With the death of the ooze, Aithil looks to Morgan with a side-long don't you dare sort of look. And then she starts to murmur more words in the Sil tongue. A gesture over herself as if she's sweeping away any dirt and... Aithil's dress looks perfectly cleaned and good as new. "Ugh. And, seriously... can't you wear something at least /appropriate/." Aithil directs that to Amythyst as she begins hovering away from her and deeper into the building.

GAME: Aithil casts Prestidigitation. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13

Morgan looks to the group and asks as she walks close to Amythyst "What is the laws on something like the slimes we fought." she takes her traveling robe from her pack and lets the half naked woman to put that on. "please put this on before my girl friend gouges my eyes out."

Amythyst looks to Morgan and takes the robe. "Thank you. I think we have to dispose of the oozes too." She then chuckles. "I'll give ou your robe back as soon as I find another shirt. I don't mind getting my clothes wet since the water is where I spend most of my time."

<OOC> Razen says, "If you want to think over the laws (if you don't know already the answer) that'd be knowledge/local I think? Unless there's a knowledge/law"
GAME: Amythyst rolls 1d20+2+2: (19)+2+2: 23

Amythyst says, "Yeah. these are highly illegal. So we really should find out who made them and bring them in. Or worse...tell someone in the temple of Serriel."

Morgan nods "its ok if you ruin that robe, that is the spare one I keep for bad weather." She hears what was said "We should let the law handle it."

Shaoqing looks back at the others, her blade is drawn across a soft rag before sliding it back into her sheath. "Come, come here. I can fix that." She steps towards Amythyst, her voice letting lose a tiny note. "I don't mind staying here until they arrive. Keep the scene secure if you will."

GAME: Shaoqing casts Mending. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14

Amythyst seems to be thinking of something as her shirt mends. "Mmm....You know...a master Morgan rents this place out." She then points to Morgan. 'not you."

<OOC> Aithil says, "Skip me a round as I poke about in the place."
<OOC> Razen says, "What are you checking out specifically?"
<OOC> Aithil is looking to see if there's other oozes.
<OOC> Razen says, "Roll a perception please"

Morgan nods "its a common enough name." she passes that off like its no big deal "Well before we go get any one I want to make sure the containers are in good shape and won't be breaking any time soon."

Aithil stares up at the ceiling, hovering a bit out of the way from directly below something as she looks back to the others. "Hey /listen/." She points up at the rafters above, "I think it came from upstairs."

Morgan walks closer to Aithil and looks up "sigh any way you can hover up luv?"

"~Nooooo~." Aithil says in a sing-song voice.

The rafters are after all a good ten or so feet off the ground and some change, and the hole itself is beside one of the rafter beams keeping the ceiling of the warehouse up.

Morgan hmms and gets rocks from the ground "cast light on this please."

GAME: Aithil casts Light. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13

Aithil tentative reaches out and then finally touches the rock, "Boop." And it alights with a glow.

Looking up to where the woman were referencing, Shaoqing sighs. "Mmmh. More perhaps?" From beneath a wrap of silk on her gown, she pulls out a thin throwing knife. "Want something that will stick up there?"

Aithil reaches out and says "Boop." again as she tries to touch Shaoquing's throwing knife as well.

GAME: Aithil casts Light. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13
<OOC> Razen says, "Alrighty, it's only ten feet or so, so give it a go."
<OOC> Morgan says, "what would the skill be?"
<OOC> Shaoqing says, "Ranged attack. Probably DC 5, maybe 10."
<OOC> Razen says, "Ranged attack"
GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (18)+4: 22
<OOC> Razen says, "Yep that's success lol"
GAME: Shaoqing rolls ranged: (20)+5: 25 (THREAT)
<OOC> Shaoqing critted a warehouse!

Morgan nods "this is something we should double up on, I will get the left and you get the right." she tosses the rock up there is is surprised she did it."

<OOC> Razen says, "It doesn't survive"

A nod of her dark haired head is given along with a flick of her wrist as Shaoqing tosses her knife. The tiny blade, with its deadly edges, could mostly likely slay a whole house. Of course, it flies where it is supposed to.

With the light up in the rafters it's clear that there is nothing up there but wood. However it is also clear that there is some damage to the wood along the walls, and the beams where it must have touched them. It's impossible to tell if it was one or more however. Though... looking at the barrels it seems likely that there was more than one. It's just that the size of the thing you fought was smaller than what would fit in just one barrel.

Morgan sighs "not more damnit, I am almost out of strong damage spells."

Aithil shrugs, "And Amy is out of shirts, but at least we know now." She hovers off to look some more around, maybe she can find where they came from…

Amythyst leans up against a beam.....letting Morgan and Aithil investigate.

Morgan looks to Aithil "I was hoping to see you to lose your shirt." gives a wink and follows "How do we trace things like this."

Intense investigation shows that the only trail is from the barrels to the ceiling, and the trail that the oozes made tracking the group through the warehouse of course. There's the hole in the ceiling. But that's it. Either it came from inside the barrels, or from outside the warehouse.

"We don't need spells, if we can herd it where we want it." Shaoqing lifts a finger and inspects the nail, making sure it isn't chipped. "Course we'd have to find them first. Could crack open some more barrels?" She smirks softly, and peers back at the others.

<OOC> Morgan says, "lets not get more xp"
<OOC> Razen says, "LOL"
<OOC> Shaoqing says, "We could burn the place to the ground?"

Aithil pauses in her hover a look to Morgan with a thin grimace before leaning toward her... pauses, then sweeps past to try and find the barrels they looked to have come from. "Maybe we could find where the barrels came from then~." She says it with a sigh tacked on the end, bored almost.

<OOC> Razen says, "To find out exactly where the barrels came from you'd have to go talk to the harbormaster"

Shaoqing goes to stand by the remaining barrels, and she runs a hand delicately over the red wax. "So, who or what is Z? Are they the villain? Or are they the victim?" She picks at the wax with a nail. "Does wax crumble so easily? Doesn't it need to keep things sealed?"

Morgan looks at the Z "mostly humans use one letter for seals like this, let’s talk to the harbor master." With the desicion made you all gather together and head to the harbormaster's office. It's getting late but it's still open, and the harbormaster looks up as you come in. "Ah good! I hope you've all managed to figure out the problem?"

Morgan shakes her head "You have one slime that likes to eat magic wondering around your buildings. Some one was storing them in enchanted barrels, they might of been a trap for some one."

The harbormaster gapes a little. "Eat's magic! That's terrible. It wasn't a ghost?" He seems hopeful that it might be suddenly. "Er... I'll locate the guard immediately... is there anything else I can do for you?" He's already on his feet, and clearly worried.

At this point Morgan does not care "Tell the one who was going to get the stuff there about it, and also let the guards know as he or she might know what is in the barrels.”

Shaoqing stands in the way of the harbormaster, a kholled eye narrow at the man. "So why would eating magic be such an issue for you? You are the harbormaster. Doesn't seem like you'd be involved in the actual items in there. Have some stake in that warehouse?" She leans her face closer.

"You might want to separate the barrels that may contain slimes from the others." Aithil says in a slight sing-song voice and with a bit of nonchalance as she flips to the next page in her book. She's, of course, floating behind the group reading. Though based on the mutterings, it's hard to say if she enjoys the insanity of the book or despises everything it stands for with absolute abhorrence.

Amythyst takes the manifest without argument. "COnsidering I'm keeping an eye on these docks....." She says reading the manifest herself. "And no...I'm not part of the watch. I'm one of those 'sirens' that the sailors talk about." She then chuckles. "Not the singing type, but the type that can swim faster than many of your ships."

The manifest says the same as the harbormaster. The containers marked with the strange Z symbol were listed as being 'alcohol from an undesignated location'. There hadn't been anything unusual about them marked down. The receiver of the 'alcohol' was listed as being delivered to the warehouse which was listed as being rented by 'Morgan'.

Shaoqing looks over Amythst's shoulder at the manifest. She shrugs, and stands back to let her continue her investigation. "I suppose I'd be the one that sings then." She motions to the reader with a finger. "Well, you seem to be the smart one. Where to from here?"

Amythyst tries to find the ship that delivered the alcohol...

Morgan shrugs "Well we can track down what we hope is the last one and end it. or we can track down the one renting the place and get him to tell us what he or she knows."

Amythyst flips the manifest around to show the harbormaster.....and points to where the ship name should be. "Where's the ship name?"

"It's missing!" He grabs the book back and growls unhappily. "One of the people that lists the ships and their cargo must have forgotten to write it down. If I haven't told them a thousand times... But that's how it is sometimes." He sets the book down and gives Amythyst a regretful look. "Sorry about that."

Aithil turns and starts floating off by way of the back of the office, "You know... we should probably check Morgan. They've bought the alcohol after all and probably paid for the shipping." She sighs, grumbling, "Probably can find the records somewhere around here where we can find Mo-o-organ." She finally closes the book again, staring at the cover with disdain.

Morgan sighs as she looks to the Harbormaster "you know you will get in trouble for this. you might get fired or do jail time if others get hurt."

"Sorry about that?" Shaoqing asks incredulously. "Is not ensuring this manifest is accurate your job?" The Hin glares at the man. "In fact is it not a legal issue in most countries to have undocumented ships in port?" She points to Morgan as she backs up the thought. "There are few things I cannot abide, but being remiss in one's duties is one of them. You are responsible in this mess." She points the sharp nailed finger at the man's chest. "And you need to be part of the solution. Now."

Amythyst says, "Keep this in mind. There could be MORE coming.....so...think about this. if more come, and people get hurt....and we couldn't take them out at the source....the blame goes on you." She then grabs the manifest and points to the ship name. "FIND IT." She emphasizes the sentence to burn it into his head. "Ask the workers who unloaded them. And don't give me excuses. Go. We'll take care of a few more loose ends over this."

Amythyst is....obviously trying to help the harbormaster, but her patience only goes so far. The general threat seems to get to the man and he nods furiously. "I'll find out who was on duty right away. As for Morgan..." The man grimaces. "He lives up in the rich district with the rest of his lot." He takes the manifest, and tucks it under his arm before nodding to everyone. "Thank you. I mean... I'm on it right away." He doesn't bother to wait, making out of the room and outside as quick as he can manage.

Morgan screams out to the harbor master "DO NOT USE SLASHING WEAPONS ON ANY SLIMES YOU FIND.' she looks to the others "lets see mister Morgan."

"Why does that name sound fam......." And Amythyst suddenly remembers. "Well.....I remember this asshole. It seems he's been up to more no good. Boy is the evidence mounting up against this little shithead." She then looks to her party members. "Come on. I know where this guy's house is. I'll talk to him. he'll be real 'happy' to see the peasant woman again."

Morgan shakes her head "Well two of them any way." she says talking about her self "But this guy must be a ass if he is talking to a caster like they are nothing."

It's a long walk up from the docks to the merchant district, but with an easy trail in sight it's not a hard one. You travel through the city quickly and eventually end up standing before a huge manor. The place is crawling with people all garbed in black. Some are weeping, others console themselves with alcohol, some are doing both.

Morgan pinches the bridge of her nose "this is making more sense."

Amythyst takes a deep breath as she sees all the people in black. "I wonder if his wife died." She is....clearly not impressed. "Shall we march our way in?"

Aithil is back to reading her book as she floats along after the two of them, "Mourning over something... probably how bad this book is. Everyone /should/ weep over it. And the spells of a cleric hold a myriad of relations to a druids, in so far that they too draw from - oh this is insane."

You are stopped at the door by the familiar - to Amythyst - figure of Morgan's butler Jeeves. He's a very tall bald man with a tired expression. "You do not look like mourners... I'll have to ask you to leave."

Amythyst says, "Ah yes...Jeeves, right? Did his wife pass away? Was it by his doing?" She then gets very serious. "Take us to Morgan or lose a fucking leg.""

Morgan mutters about stealing that book from her "Yes we need to speak with him."

A murmur of words and she gestures toward the inside of the house where Jeeves is blocking them, then back in the common tongue, "Hey! What's that?! Oh my gods, why is that guy dragging a bloody sword through the house?!"

GAME: Aithil casts Ghost Sound. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13

"It is indeed Lady Morgan who passed." He frowns at Amythyst, dark eyes glittering with something unpleasant. "And I will not move. You have no right to barge into a wake." He seems entirely unphased by the sounds further into the house. As if, if someone /were/ doing such a thing it was none of his concern.

GAME: Amythyst rolls sense motive: (15)+1: 16
GAME: Aithil rolls Sense Motive: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Morgan rolls sense motive: (13)+2: 15

Morgan sighs "listen you prat, he might be in danger we just want to inform him. Best we talk to him or the guards."

Amythyst says, "Yeah. if we leave, we're returning with the Watch....and they'll be much less inclined to talk than I am."

Aithil sighs again, closes the book with a snap, clearly she was not convincing enough the last time. "Oh for...." She stuffs the book back away.... and with a murmur of words casts grease under the butler.

GAME: Aithil casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
<OOC> Amythyst says, "and I use mage hand right after!"
<OOC> Razen laughs okay
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

Amythyst smirks slightly as Aithil puts grease on the ground at Jeeves' feet. "You should've let us through..." And a sudden, light thrust of force hits the butler on the chest. it's not much, but it's enough to make him step backwards.....and slip...and fall on his butt. "Next time....be less of an ass, like your boss." She says deftly stepping over Jeeves.

The butler on his butt has no choice but allow you to slip by him - mindful of the grease - and into the house. Now though, you have no idea where this (other) Morgan might be. He could be anywhere amid these mourners... And Jeeves will get up eventually.

GAME: Aithil casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13

Morgan lets Amythyst lead them as she does not know what this idiot looks like.

More muttering, sounding more and more annoyed with this whole situation as she floats along through the house and... well now she gets a faint glow to her eyes as her ability to see into the magical realm becomes more prevalent. "I bet he's got at least one item on him of magical convenience."

Amythyst says, "Good. Keep an eye out for him. Also....look out for those casks as well. he probably has them all over the house."

Aithil points toward the cupboard under the stairs, "There's something in there... Anyone else wanna open it or should I cast more magic on things? Oh and I bet the butler has some bracers to make him look snappy in dress. What are those sleeves called again? Sleeves of Many Garments or some such?" Behind you the butler is slowly and gingerly getting to his feet. He doesn't look happy.

Amythyst says, "Come on. If you can melt the lock, go for it. Otherwise, let’s find Morgan and get out of here. If only to pay respect to his deceased wife."

<OOC> Amythyst is also putting on Mage armor this time.
GAME: Amythyst casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
<OOC> Morgan says, "will follow suit since it will last 4 hours"
GAME: Morgan casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17

Morgan says a few words in the arcane tongue that gives her mystical armor.

"No-o-o-o-o." Aithil says as she floats along and - since the door is locked - she starts up the stairs instead as the other two are casting their spells. "I don't really cast spells like that."

Morgan shakes her head "no I don't want to start a fire lets go the Fernwood is having mutton tonight."

Hearing that Aithil doesn't have any sort of spells like that, Amy puts her finger to the cupboard and says a word. Then loud hissing can be heard as the lock melts....

Even as the door starts to swing open Jeeves finally makes it to his feet. "Hey! What are you doing?" The room beyond is clearly his. There's some uniforms hanging in the corner. A little tiny bed. It's much bigger than it looked like it should be. There's an odd little alter in one corner with candles on it and little offerings of water and a single copper piece. It's a rather uninteresting room.

<OOC> Razen says, "You can make a perception check, but since Aithil is slightly upstairs it's not like what's magic in here is really obvious?"
GAME: Amythyst rolls perception: (12)+1: 13
GAME: Morgan casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

Morgan eyes glow bright blue as she looks in the spots Amy is looking but says "check under his bed and please do it fast as we have something to do."

One of the floorboards is loose as Amythyst slides a hand over it. Propping it up reveals a little hidey-hole with a box the size of two hands or so is inside. Jeeves reaches the door at this point and seems furious. "What are you /doing/ that is /my/ property."

Morgan gets the strange look in her eye "She is holding a divine magic item of some sort."

GAME: Aithil rolls spellcraft: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Morgan rolls spellcraft: (4)+16: 20

Aithil floats back /down/ the stairs and she si-i-i-ighs, "What's taking so long? Let's head on up and see if we can find Morgan." A pause, a gesture, "Not that Morgan."

Amythyst says, "well...if you had let us in in the first place and showed us to Morgan...you wouldn't have us rummaging around in your personal belongings." She says before looking to Aithil. "Let’s find the asshole and be done with this."

Jeeves holds his hand out for the box while frowning. "Me doing my job does not invite you to break into my room /madame/."

Amythyst says, "You're doing your job...and I'm doing mine. I'm trying to inform your boss that we found out what the problem is with his warehouse, AND...you are keeping me from doing my job.....and now, I am keeping you from doing your job." She then leans a little closer to Jeeves. "how does it feel?"

Fury is clearly written on the butler's face. "Fine. Give me back my property and I will take you to where he is." Jeeves is short and to the point.

Amythyst holds it back away from Jeeves. "Take us to where he is.....and I will place this, under your supervision, back where I found it. To make sure you comply with your side of the bargain, And there is no take backs. And no, I'll not tamper with this box...nor will I hide it. Under the bond of Rada."

Aithil purses her lips off to one side as she seems to consider the both of them, Jeeves and Amy. A cant of her head, "Well, maybe we should open the box and see what's so important to him anyway?" Curiosity is really getting the better of her.

The man looks between them and frowns more deeply. His dark eyes glittering coldly. "Have you no shame? I'll take you to him, but then you give my property back!" He takes two steps toward the stairs and waits for them. Jeeves doesn't talk to them, but keeps a sharp eye out distrustfully on you. More people are gathered upstairs, particularly around the main bedroom. Inside people have gathered to offer Master Morgan their respects. Jeeves leads them around this group of people to Morgan's side. "Master. There are... people here to see you."

Amythyst says, "You really don't want me to answer that, Jeeves." She says just before they get to Morgan. "Hello again, Morgan." she says with a bright smile. "I suppose you didn't expect to see me again...."

Aithil gives a short laugh, a shake of her head and a shrug to top it off as she slides along over the floor. Soon she is headed up the stairs as well, headed into the same room as the others and - for now - staying silent as she waits to see how this greeting will be taken. "Oooo, Aren't you magical?" She mumbles. Slowly Morgan looks up, his face covered in tears, the edges of his sleeves rumpled as if they had been used to dry tears. He looks miserable, even his skin is a bit hollowed out. "You." He makes a sound in his throat to clear it. "No. I hadn't. Why are you here?" If he hears Aithil at all he doesn't say so.

<OOC> Amythyst is going to try sense motive.....
<OOC> Amythyst expects this guy is faking it.
GAME: Amythyst rolls sense motive: (17)+1: 18
<OOC> Razen says, "Go for it."
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12
<OOC> Razen says, "And Aithil you can roll another spellcraft check now"
GAME: Aithil rolls Spellcraft: (12)+9: 21

Amythyst says, "The main reason why /WE/ are here, is that there was an incident at a warehouse that you have bought the rights to. Apparently, there were some 'jellies' in some of the liquor crates. and I'm not talking about the jams that you put on toast, I mean living oozes. The kind that dissolve your flesh with acid if you touch them." She then looks to Morgan....squarely in the eyes. "Why were they there?""

Aithil gives a frown, and a cant of her head, "Hmm." Another blink, she looks to Jeeves, back to Morgan, then back to Jeeves, and finally to Morgan. A purse of her lips as she stays hovering a little off the ground. "So what exactly are you hiding? You clearly aren't cleaned by it, I doubt it would be taste, chilled, warmed, color, or smell so~"

A gesture with her finger in the direction of Morgan, "Why did you make your appearance disheveled by using magic if you were sincere?"

Morgan opens his mouth, then closes it. His whole face purpling. Guests back away a little uncertainty, and Jeeves starts to clear them out of the room. "How /dare/ you. The barrels were clearly marked as alcohol. Why would I put... jellies into something valuable to me?" He turns his gaze on Aithil. "As for you.... I do not dignify /you/ with a response. Get out of my house."

GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19
<OOC> Razen says, "You guys can roll sense motive again."
GAME: Amythyst rolls sense motive: (13)+1: 14
GAME: Aithil rolls Sense Motive: (16)+5: 21

Aithil says in a sing-song voice, "~You're ly-ying~." She gives a smile, a smug one, as only a Sil from rather high upbringing can do. The type that would test even the most stalwart of pacifists. A tilt of her head to the side as she backs up a little - hovering off the ground still. "You, dear Morgan not-Morgan, have been trying to plan this for some time it seems. It's only too bad word got out, Thank you Jeeves for letting us in on the warehouse."

<OOC> Aithil goes for the bluff!
<OOC> Razen says, "You can roll bluff Aithil if you like"
GAME: Aithil rolls bluff: (14)+3: 17

Amythyst hears the 'sing-song' voice of Aithil and the 'line' of her lips flatten. "really!?" there is a definite twinge of anger in her voice. Which is made apparent by the fact that she's pointing two fingers at Morgan's face.....and speaking a word of magic.....

<OOC> Amythyst says, "Scorching ray. that's her plan."
<OOC> Amythyst says, "Did I mention she's furious/"
<OOC> Razen says, "Oh my"
<OOC> Razen says, "Go for it"
GAME: Amythyst rolls ranged: (7)+5: 12
<OOC> Amythyst says, "ranged touch."
GAME: Amythyst casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
<OOC> Razen says, "Okay you hit him!"
GAME: Amythyst rolls 4d6: (17): 17
<OOC> Razen says, "HE LIVES"
<OOC> Amythyst says, "For now."

Seeing Morgan attacked Jeeves lunges for Amythyst, his hands trying to wrap around her, but is unable to breach the magical armor.

Getting away from jeeve's grab, Amythyst continues her fury against Morgan and grazes him with another blast from her fingers. "It's fake little fucks like you that give the REAL nobility a bad name you little shit-stain!'

<OOC> Amythyst is gonna step back and zap Morgan again. Cuz he deserves it.
<OOC> Razen says, "Someone hates this guy a lot :"D Go for it!"
GAME: Amythyst casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Amythyst rolls ranged: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Amythyst rolls 4d6: (7): 7
<OOC> Razen says, "Morgan is going to try and grab Aithil."
<OOC> Razen says, "He will proke an attack of opprotunity from her if she is currently armed?"
<OOC> Aithil says, "I aaaam."
GAME: Aithil rolls weapon2: (2)+1: 3
<OOC> Aithil misses. :3
<OOC> Amythyst says, "Hit 'em. :D"
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5
<OOC> Razen says, "He misses you back"
GAME: Aithil casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Morgan swiftly runs a few steps from Amythyst, trying to grab Aithil and use her as a shield but misses her by the length of a football field.

GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17
<OOC> Aithil D:
<OOC> Razen says, "Jeeves is on his feet ;3"

Aithil swings with her hand encased in a rock-like gauntlet as Morgan tries to grab her, "Hey there, don't get frisky with me." She frowns and floats back away from Morgan before looking to Jeeves. She gives a wave of her hand, a sweep horizontally, and her words in Sildanyari. Grease spreads out under the butler.

GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12
<OOC> Razen says, "Miss!"

Jeeves pulls a dagger from somewhere and flicks it toward Amythyst, but misses her again. The dagger sticks to the wall like a weird exclamation point. "How dare you attack my master!"

GAME: Amythyst rolls ranged: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Amythyst casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Amythyst rolls 4d6: (11): 11
<OOC> Razen says, "Morgan is going to provoke another attack of opportunity trying to get  Aithil between him and those scorching ray's"
GAME: Aithil rolls weapon2: (8)+1: 9
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

"If your 'master' wasn't a 6 star asshole out of a 5 star rating, killed his own wife, and had oozes in his own alcohol, then I wouldn't be trying to rid this city of this little fuck so it would be better off!"

Amythyst says that.

Morgan desperately grabs for Aithil again, and this time manages to grab her. Frantically he shoves her in front of him, using her as a human shield versus the attacks that have fried half his body. He's breathing heavily as he does so. "Stop! Stop! Are you trying to kill me?!?"

<OOC> Aithil tries to get freeeeeee.
GAME: Aithil rolls Escape Artist: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

Aithil tries to struggle free as Morgan grabs her, "Un-hand me you BRUTE!" The Sil struggles this way and that as Morgan manages to keep hold of her, she gives a huff that blows some of the hair out of her face. Hair that's fallen free in the struggle, "You're the one who probably killed your own wife!"

GAME: Amythyst casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Amythyst rolls 3d4+3: (9)+3: 12
<OOC> Razen says, "Okay he's dead now."
<OOC> Aithil casts grease under Jeeves.
GAME: Aithil casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
<OOC> Aithil >_>
GAME: Razen rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10
<OOC> Aithil :3
<OOC> Razen says, "Now he's on his butt"
<OOC> Aithil is good now!

"When you face Vardama, Morgan....All of your sins will be laid bare before you. As will mine. remember that when you see your wife again!" Amythyst says as she flings her hands as if she were throwing a ball, which curves three blue bolts around Aithil to smack Morgan soundly on the face.....and snap his neck, making him fall to the ground...dead." She then turns her hand to Jeeves. "I suggest you surrender. You have one chance of mercy at this moment, and you've seen how furious I am. I do not wish to condemn a worker for their employer's sins, but I've run out of patience. Surrender....."

Jeeves doesn't hesitate, falling to his knees. Grease makes him slip further, so that he's on all fours, barely holding himself up at all. "You killed him." The words are soft and surprised.

Aithil feels the man grabbing her fall away, she turns to look back at him, then turns back the other way and smiles at Jeeves. She casts a bit of grease under him and then curtsies, "And that's for being a jerk too." She starts to float away from both Amythyst and Jeeves on her way toward the door. "I swear this city gets stranger and stranger."

"yes I did......" Amythyst takes a deep breath at that realization....and she looks at the box in her hand. "I'll be turning myself over to the watch after I'm done here." She says starting her way downstairs and....as promised...putting the box back in the place where she found it....and she never opens it.

The butler watches them go, motionless and unable to do more than that. It's clear he knows not what to do.

Amythyst doesn't leave immediately. "Jeeves..." She says squatting in front of him. "Instead of staying here and having an employer that quite possibly treating you like crap." She says writing something on a card. "Head to this address." She then hands him the card. It gives the address of the Society for Progressive Arcanists. "Go there and ask to speak to Madame Gelfure. You seem to have a bit of experience with magic, and you have great loyalty, even if misplaced. I'm sure Madame Gelfure would be much more appreciative of your loyalty....than Morgan." She then leans up and gives him a soft peck on the temple....surprising for someone that just blasted his employer. "I do hope to see you again, but with a better employer. And your box is back where I found it, Jeeves. You can even check."

And with that, she does leave.....and goes straight to the watch HQ...and puts herself in the jail cell.
