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(Created page with "There's a thin mist in the air that makes everything feel damp, and no sign of wind to carry it off. Perhaps why it's so quiet. As if the world has been muffled by the fog. It...")
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But the antics of the man with the woman do draw attention. At first... just a shove into the water doesn't really register to Lysa as anything malicious. But then as the man goes to start holding her under... Lysa's eyes narrow and she turns to start heading right towards the couple. Walking with a purpose as her hand moves up to the pommel of her sword, "I would be being letting the woman go. You are obviously being aware of our presence. To me, this means that you are being desiring a confrontation. If so, then I will be being happy to oblige."
But the antics of the man with the woman do draw attention. At first... just a shove into the water doesn't really register to Lysa as anything malicious. But then as the man goes to start holding her under... Lysa's eyes narrow and she turns to start heading right towards the couple. Walking with a purpose as her hand moves up to the pommel of her sword, "I would be being letting the woman go. You are obviously being aware of our presence. To me, this means that you are being desiring a confrontation. If so, then I will be being happy to oblige."
Merek moves to the woman, and he lifts up his palm to permit light from the holy plane in it, "Eluna, sanctify this woman with your protection!" He doesn't want to hurt the man as he places a hand upon the woman so sanctuary will form about her, leaving him open to the man, as he calls to the others, "Find a way to subdue him without hurting him!" he says also.
Merek moves to the woman, and he lifts up his palm to permit light from the holy plane in it, "Eluna, sanctify this woman with your protection!" He doesn't want to hurt the man as he places a hand upon the woman so sanctuary will form about her, leaving him open to the man, as he calls to the others, "Find a way to subdue him without hurting him!" he says also.
The onrushing group seems to amuse the man as he looks up and grins broadly, letting go of the woman long enough to get to his feet. The motion is so quick it's like lightning. One moment down, the next up. Merek rushes in and touches the woman beneath the water and the man grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him as easily as a baby. The man holds Merek out slightly toward the group so that anyone trying to tackle him will have to go through Merek to get to him. Meanwhile he very casually places his foot on the woman's chest; keeping her beneath the water.
The onrushing group seems to amuse the man as he looks up and grins broadly, letting go of the woman long enough to get to his feet. The motion is so quick it's like lightning. One moment down, the next up. Merek rushes in and touches the woman beneath the water and the man grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him as easily as a baby. The man holds Merek out slightly toward the group so that anyone trying to tackle him will have to go through Merek to get to him. Meanwhile he very casually places his foot on the woman's chest; keeping her beneath the water.
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"Others mayhap." says Lysa, "But we cannot be being knowing what will be done with a priest of Eluna. We also are not being knowing that this is being the -same- vampire that others tell tales of." She shrugs and adds, "I will be being retrieving my armor and then I will be being attempting to find a way to be being searching for the priest... because to give up would be to be being failing all over again."
"Others mayhap." says Lysa, "But we cannot be being knowing what will be done with a priest of Eluna. We also are not being knowing that this is being the -same- vampire that others tell tales of." She shrugs and adds, "I will be being retrieving my armor and then I will be being attempting to find a way to be being searching for the priest... because to give up would be to be being failing all over again."
Drawing herself up to her full height of shorter than everyone else in the room, Elpida slowly sheathes her sword. "You are right, we do not know for certain. But we also cannot rule out that it IS the same vampire." She settles her shield back upon her back, and nods. "We can search together. I have a feeling, however, that we should seek out the others. Alba, a witch of some repute, might be able to inform us on the matter."
Drawing herself up to her full height of shorter than everyone else in the room, Elpida slowly sheathes her sword. "You are right, we do not know for certain. But we also cannot rule out that it IS the same vampire." She settles her shield back upon her back, and nods. "We can search together. I have a feeling, however, that we should seek out the others. Alba, a witch of some repute, might be able to inform us on the matter."
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[[Category:Green-Eyed Vampire|Entertainment]]

Latest revision as of 22:58, 26 July 2019

There's a thin mist in the air that makes everything feel damp, and no sign of wind to carry it off. Perhaps why it's so quiet. As if the world has been muffled by the fog. It clings to the edges of the buildings, making smooth the rough edges there and here in the temple district particularly it seems haunting. It's so quiet and peaceful that those who are outside linger as they walk, looking at their surroundings which in this mist look so oddly unlike themselves.

Having stayed away from the Daeus temple for quite some time, mainly because where she is from, one does not step into the vicinity of a god or that gods direct representatives (Angels... not priests), Lysa is only just now returning since she has heard that the angel is no longer inhabiting the belfry... Err. the Temple.

But when she is around town, she does not tend to wear her armor. After all fifty pounds of full plate armor is cumbersome and clumsy to walk around in. So she is clad in a very clean white tunic, belted about the waist with her sword scabbard strapped to her back. Okay, so crossed sword and heavy flail. Don't ask.

Either way, the sigil of Daeus is prominently displayed on her tunic as she heads for the temple. Though the people of Stormgarde have all manner of legends regarding the mists, she has made her decision and will not be deterred.

Merek has taken his time to put on his black attire, wool for weather while he has on his amulet and cloak as he walks from the Temple of Eluna into the fog. He has a sword upon his hip, a dragonspitter on the other, longarm on his back. He notices someone with Daeus sigils then waves to them a bit, "A bit dreary isn't it?" he asks, while he waves a palm to create light.

GAME: Merek casts Light. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13

Elpida is walking the opposite way from Lysa, coming out from the Temple of Daeus and into the temple district itself. She walks slowly, with purpose, obviously headed towards the bridge, to cross into the 'lower' part of the city. She slows upon seeing Lysa, the white tunic catching the eye even in the mists. The woman's eyes blink as a light pops into being, and Merek comes into view. "Hello sister.", the Sunblade calls out to Lysa, raising a hand in greeting as she closes in.

The soft tapping of a walking staff is the main herald to Echo's approach in the fog. The damp feeling isn't really bothering him at all, but he is a bit curious it seems. Despite being armed, the war golem's approach is coming the opposite of where Merek is, even if it appears to have no trouble with the fog. "Greetings." He says in passing, looking around. "If you do no mind my asking, is this mist a regular occurrence here?"

A dark haired man walks through the fog, leading a woman in a red dress by the hand. The man is quite tall for a human, easily six feet and some inches; thin and lanky in a way that makes him look taller. He's not terribly remarkable actually save his cat-green eyes, and a certain air about him and the way he moves. He moves discordantly, like a puppet drawn on strings toward the center of the temple district with the woman following him eagerly. They reach the fountain quickly, and the man flashes a grin toward the group as they do so, as if he's noticed them specifically. Then he shoves her into the fountain. She lets out a little noise at the shock of the water and he lets out a grinding noise like metal rubbing against itself. Quite cheerfully he jumps in after her; standing poised on the edge of the fountain for a second before quickly kneeling and shoving the woman under the water.

Elpida lowers her hand a moment after raising it, her eyes drawn to the couple moving through the square. The odd gait of the man has her canting her head slightly, and she blinks when the woman is shoved into the fountain. Smiling bemusedly as the man jumps in after, the paladin starts to look back to the others seemingly gathering nearby, and her gaze quickly snaps back as the man shoves the woman under the water. "Oi.", she calls out. "You there in the fountain. What's your business now...?" She begins to stride towards the fountain, her hand not-so-subtly dropping to the pommel of her sword.

Echo turns, looking at the couple. Then he tilts his head as he notices the eyes. A small frown comes to the war golem's face. And once he seems the push into the fountain, Echo takes off quickly, staff in hand as his cloak flutters behind him. Echo isn't asking questions either, but rather going for the man himself to save the apparent attempt to drown someone. "Get away from her!" The war golem's booming echoing voice is easily heard as he tries to get to the murdering man quickly.

GAME: Merek casts Sanctuary. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14

The greetings make Lysa smile, and she slows her purposeful stride to a more sedate pace. "I am being greeting you also sister." she says to Elpida. Then her cornflower blue eyes flicker over towards Merek and his light spell. She smirks and shrugs, "The irony of mist is being... the brighter the light is being, the more it is being reflecting back and the less distance the user is being able to see." she says, "In Stormgarde, the mist -is- being a regular thing and we are being quite familiar with it."

But the antics of the man with the woman do draw attention. At first... just a shove into the water doesn't really register to Lysa as anything malicious. But then as the man goes to start holding her under... Lysa's eyes narrow and she turns to start heading right towards the couple. Walking with a purpose as her hand moves up to the pommel of her sword, "I would be being letting the woman go. You are obviously being aware of our presence. To me, this means that you are being desiring a confrontation. If so, then I will be being happy to oblige."

Merek moves to the woman, and he lifts up his palm to permit light from the holy plane in it, "Eluna, sanctify this woman with your protection!" He doesn't want to hurt the man as he places a hand upon the woman so sanctuary will form about her, leaving him open to the man, as he calls to the others, "Find a way to subdue him without hurting him!" he says also.

The onrushing group seems to amuse the man as he looks up and grins broadly, letting go of the woman long enough to get to his feet. The motion is so quick it's like lightning. One moment down, the next up. Merek rushes in and touches the woman beneath the water and the man grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him as easily as a baby. The man holds Merek out slightly toward the group so that anyone trying to tackle him will have to go through Merek to get to him. Meanwhile he very casually places his foot on the woman's chest; keeping her beneath the water.

"You are quite right. I /do/ want some... entertainment. You all will do nicely. Particularly this one." The strange man gives Merek a little shake for emphasis.

GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/religion+23: (14)+6+23: 43

Merek winces a bit as the man takes a hold of him, then he presses his palms to try and push him away, but more than that, he thinks within the moment, and he finds what he is looking for. His dragon-like gaze meets his, while he calls to the others that are there also, "He's a vampire! They are undead, use something that will hurt only him!" he exclaims.

"If you are being seeking amusement, then be being seeking it from me and release that man." suggests Lysa with a firm voice. She slides her sword from its scabbard, nearly four feet of steel blade that is held easily in her hands. Without taking her eyes from the man, she turns her head a bit and says, "Sister. Can you attend to the woman?" she asks. And at Merek's revelation, she adds, "The woman may be under his thrall, or another. Be aware." And she rolls her neck as she turns back to face the vampire. "Face me." she challenges. She is -not- making suggestions to Echo as she is hoping he'll do his own thing and be of assistance.

Echo, noticing what the man is doing, leaps towards the two. Merek is in the way, yes, but Echo is aiming to come in at the vampire quickly as he can in attempt to tackle both him and Merek out of the fountain completely. Echo doesn't even slow his pace with Merek being in the way, and his movement only quickens slightly at the declaration of it being a vampire no less.

Elpida slowly draws her sword out as she steps near. "Get off of her!" Her shield comes up before her, and she makes to charge forward, but then Merek speaks up. She opens her mouth a moment, but closes it, nodding to Lysa, and sheathing her sword, her shield still before her. "When you are ready.", is her reply to Lysa.

The man's eyes fall on Merek and his grin widens. Beneath his foot the woman struggles to be released, but the vampire keeps her down easily. At least until Echo comes rushing in. Then there's... a collision. A force that smashes Merek between Echo and the vampire who it seems is strong enough that the tackle doesn't take him down. It does push him off the woman for a second however and she is able to gasp a breath of air. "Your offer is tempting, but it seems that these men want to play more than you do." He lets loose that grinding noise again and you realize that it's him laughing. It sounds so wrong that it doesn't even sound like that to you but it's clearly the sound of his amusement. He presses himself hard against Merek and then levels a swing at Echo's head with his free fist.

"As you wish." intones Lysa. "Daeus grant me strength, and grant me the power to dispatch this evil creature.." she intones even as her sword blade bursts into flame. That done, she begins to close, not really acting like she is in a rush here... but she -is- looking for a good approach, and uses her eyes to coordinate with Elpida.

Merek looks to the others, while he takes the hit from Echo and into the vampire, then he is being pulled into him. He lifts up his palm to place it on the vampire's face, "Eluna, I call upon your holy powers to serve all that is holy in this world!" he says. This is more to distract him, while he speaks to the others, "Don't mind me, get him!" he exclaims, not minding.

This man is made of something else as he calls upon the holy plane's power which he channels to the creature, doing his best to keep him distracted with the woman free, so the others can manage him if they wish.

Elpida steps into the fountain when the strange man is pushed back by Echo's rush. Her shield is up to protect her, and the downed woman. Reaching under her armpit, Elpida hauls the woman bodily to her feet. "Miss, please, run. We shall deal with ... him." The armored woman keeps herself between the strange man and his target.

Echo steps back, the glancing blow warding off of his thick skin and a small chip comes off of the crystal on the war golem's forearm. Glancing over at the woman briefly, Echo turns his gaze back to the man. And proceeds to punch right back, at full force as his feet slide in the water to a more martial stance. "If that was your best punch, then you have much to learn! Leave here now, or face the grace of Eluna in me!" The various crystals seem to glow on Echo as they all turn a brilliant green even as he approaches to engage the vampire himself in hand to hand.

"Ahhhh." The sighs the sound against Merek's head; still holding the other man very closely. "You give me such gifts my friend!" He seems entirely unshaken by the course of healing energy that pulses through him. If anything... he seems to like it. Indeed, he takes a punch straight to the face, so distracted is he by the healing. Languidly he blinks his eyes at Echo.

"My best? I have to be so /careful/ with you. So gentle. So as to not kill you precious friends of mine. And I do not want you /dead/ after all." The man laughs and squeezes Merek, hugging him too tightly to himself. "Was that your best? Because if so this will be hardly entertaining for /me/."

The woman stands beside Elpida now, stumbling to her feet. "But... I have to... follow him." Her eyes are glazed over.

Now that she is in position and powered up, Lysa glances to the woman and nods, "Was afraid of that." she remarks before she steps in and calls upon her divine power to smite this vampire. Her flaming sword blade coming down in a strike that is deceptively powerful. A furiously focused attack with extra power one might say.

Her plan is to strike downward at the creature, and follow up with a recovering swing that will take her sword out to the right side, but that one is more perfunctory, not really an attempt to -strike- the creature so much as just keeping it honest and at melee distance if she can.

Switching tactics, Echo moves to grapple with the vampire himself, attempting to free Merek from it's clutches as he tries to take over where the other man is obviously having trouble at the moment. Echo being a fellow Seer is already starting to recite prayers to Eluna as he attempts to at least get his fellow Seer free.

Elpida lets out a low breath and nods to Lysa. She turns to the woman and bends a little, grabbing her behind the knees and hoisting her up onto her shoulder. "He will be fine, you can follow him after.", Elpida says quietly. The woman begins to step out of the fountain, backing away from the encounter.

This one is a bit too powerful for them, and he can't really try to worry people of this. Merek lifts up his dragon-like gaze to the heavens, "Eluna, if you're listening, I'm doing this for your glory," he then sees the weapons striking at the vampire while he's pretty much a shield, "Take me with you and leave these people be," he says.

"If you two are not willing to strike through me, you won't hit him enough!" he exclaims, while he waves his arms about in the hold which is on him also.

Like a dancer the vampire neatly evades the oncoming charge of Echo this time, taking Merek with him. This moves him right into the range of Lysa's sword which scores a line in his back that makes the vampire's back arch and a sound leave his lips. A sound of surprise more than anything else and then another shudder. Her second attack misses though, his body already swaying the other way from the weight of her first swing. Blood sprays all over her white clothing. "As you wish my friend. I will take you."

They are the vampire's last words as he suddenly, and completely vanishes. Taking Merek with him.

Elpida returns a short time later, sword drawn. "What? Where did he go? Where is the priest who was being held?" She stares at the other two, looking for answers.

When the vampire vanishes, Lysa worries that he has become invisible. As such, she steps back a few paces and concentrates, her sword blade still flickering with flame. At least her sword isn't very bloody, having burned the blood off of it.

She focuses and searches for evil auras in the area... but when she confirms that there are none, she relents and sags from the knowledge that this is yet another task, yet another chance to do something good and helpful... that she has failed at. She looks at her sword, then looks towards the temple as the flames fade from her sword. She scabbards the sword and turns to trudge towards the temple where she will pray for forgiveness, and hope that she is still worthy of her blessings. "He fled. He escaped, taking the brave priest with him. I.. we failed." she says almost without emotion.

Echo stops as he looks around, stepping out of the fountain as he seems to be trying to find a sign of where they fled to. A vampire is not something he knows what it is. Just that if another Seer said something about it, perhaps it is not something quite normal? His green gaze sweeps over the square. "I... do not know. They were just here. Some sort of magic, perhaps?"

She shakes her head. "No. If we give up, that is when we fail. The priest will be returned. Others were taken and returned without deaths or injury, if the stories are true." Elpida raise up a hand to rest it upon Lysa's shoulder. "Probably teleportation.", the woman says to Echo.

Echo looks to the two women. "I think you are right." He mutters a prayer, eyes changing to a brilliant white for a second. "... there is a trace of magic where he was, but I do not know how to follow it."

"Others mayhap." says Lysa, "But we cannot be being knowing what will be done with a priest of Eluna. We also are not being knowing that this is being the -same- vampire that others tell tales of." She shrugs and adds, "I will be being retrieving my armor and then I will be being attempting to find a way to be being searching for the priest... because to give up would be to be being failing all over again."

Drawing herself up to her full height of shorter than everyone else in the room, Elpida slowly sheathes her sword. "You are right, we do not know for certain. But we also cannot rule out that it IS the same vampire." She settles her shield back upon her back, and nods. "We can search together. I have a feeling, however, that we should seek out the others. Alba, a witch of some repute, might be able to inform us on the matter."

Echo looks considerate, then looks to the two. "May I join you? I... do not know what to say. Losing a fellow Seer is something new to me." He looks considerate, "I know I am simply a newcomer to the area, but I feel as if I should have been able to do something to release him from that thing's grip."

"Aye." says Lysa towards Echo, "Please allow me to be being changing into my armor and then we can be being seeking out this witch."
