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==Meanwhile, in Hell==
==Meanwhile, in Hell==
You arrive rather suddenly in the middle of an empty black-stone room. From the smell of sulfur in the air you know that you're likely in one of the layers of hell. But for the moment, theres no sign of any other demons or really /anything/ else. Eclavdran waits a moment and then waves his hand toward one of the walls where a gate appears. Through it all you can see is a stone room. Plain and simple like this one, but the stone of a lighter color. He holds Merek in one hand, but releases Kira with the other. "Go through the gate woman. Trust me when I say you don't want to stay here any longer than necessary." He grins toothily at her.
'''Afershock's part goes here'''
Merek of course, when teleported, would look about, while he manages to sense a change in the place. The man eases up on the bite, while he waits a bit, likely for his general sight to come back, as well as to make sure that Kira looks to be a bit safe.
Kira looks about the room, then to the gate opened, then back to Eclavdran and Merek. She doesn't share his grin, and isn't really smiling at all. "You said you would release him." She didn't expect that they'd both be brought. Though, as may have been noted, bargaining with the likes of a Duke of Hell isn't necessarily a wise ideas.
Eclavdran tilts his head, his smile never slipping. "I said that you would take his place. And so you shall. You will go through the gate to the fate that sweet Darius chose for him, and he..." Eclavdran gives Merek a little gentle shake. "Well I never said I'd let him /go unharmed/ did I?"
GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/religion+3: (8)+21+3: 32
Merek feels while the Duke begins to maneuver him about, then he waits with a look to him, even if he can not see him. "... What deal did he make, and what can I do for taking Kira's place?" he asks. "What will this... Gate, do?"
Kira blinks. So Darius chose a fate AND a victim...? That is ... reassuring? She has to believe that Darius would not wish great ill upon anyone. He attempted to choose himself, first, afterall, and may have only selected Merek out of desperation.
Though its not her fate that worries her so. She looks to Merek with concern and back to Eclavdran. "You didn't say that you would, but you could choose to do so."
Eclavdran laughs and gives Merek another little shake just for the seeming pleasure of it. He brings the other man closer to himself, petting Merek's hair idly. "Hush pet, she's going in your place and what happens to her there is none of your concern now. Just as /he/ is none of /your/ concern." He looks at Kira as he says this last. "Generous though I may be, I'm not /that/ generous. Go to your fate girl, and leave him to his. He chose this."
Merek doesn't have a lot to offer, "Why did you want to take... The place of mine. You know, I keep trying... I can't protect anyone." He sighs a bit, then inhales, "Do what you wish. There's little which you can do which I haven't already to myself." He then offers a little quiet prayer, "Eluna... I apologize, I keep on trying, I keep on failing. Kira, it'll be alright, you can... Do it." He looks up, not that he will notice anything.
Eclavdran stated he was not in the mood to bargain, before... and yet he did so. Compared to the possible alternatives, Kira believes that it worked out in ... her preference, if not necessarily her favor. Thus, she resists the urge to attempt to barter further, lest she change that. She comments nothing further. Not to Eclavdran.
Merek's words pain her, on several levels, but she at least has solace in the knowledge that he will be returned. "It will be. Be strong, Merek. You still have much healing to receive. I regret that I couldn't do more." She moves to the gate, backstepping so that she can continue to look to him, even if he cannot see her.
"Get well. May The Healer's Grace be upon you." It is a farewell of double-meaning as she steps through.
For a long moment the gate doesn't close. Long enough for Kira to watch the demon take his true form in all its unholy glory. To watch the light return to Malik's eyes and hear Eclavdran's deep throaty laugh. "Oh, don't be so sure of that pet. You mortals aren't a terribly inventive lot. Eluna, Eluna. You'll learn that your goddess doesn't look this far below. And your friend didn't bargain for how /long/ I could keep you either." The gate closes without a sound leaving Merek all alone with the Duke of Hell.

Latest revision as of 17:56, 1 May 2020

Log Info

  • Title: In the Market for Souls
  • Emitter: Aftershock
  • Characters: Merek, Cryosanthia, Sabina, Darius, Kira, Kravar, Lanier
  • Place: A07: Lower Alexandria Market District
  • Time: Thursday, April 30, 2020, 4:49 PM
  • Summary: It's a beautiful day in the Alexandria Market and everyone is out. Even the Duke of Hell, Eclavdran, is taking a constitutional when he comes across his latest interest, Darius. Cryosanthia is in the midst of another crisis, having finally remembered everything that happened in the Shard Tower and losing her cihuaa in the process. These two are the focal points for two groups which eventually join. Eclavdran wants Darius to pick someone from the crowd, Kira, wants to volunteer and Merek is around. Still angry about what happened in the underground, Darius chooses Merek. For his part, Merek confronts the Demon, is blinded, and agrees to go with him. Cryo attempts a distraction, shooting Merek with a Ray of Frost so he throws an ooze up on the Demon, but the end result is ineffective. Eclavdran drags Merek and Kira off to hell, while everyone left behind tries to figure out what happened. Sabina convinces Cryo she should scry for her lost cihuaa, and the sith decides the best person to do this is Mikilos, and the pair head off. Meanwhile, things are going on in hell...

-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce blooms. Noisy and bustling, most anything may be purchased here for a price. Vendors from all cultures sell their wares from exotically colored carts, and the smells of different nations and far-off city-states mix with local ones from Alexandria and its riverbanks.

For all its commerce, visitors are advised to keep hold of their purses. Even the merchants possess a certain, cunning look. Most are positioned at carts or stalls as opposed to a formal storefront, with trade here being mobile, and visiting from all parts of the world.

Though the quality of goods suffers here compared to Upper Alexandria, the options are more diverse. Too, the oversight of the Watch is slightly less, and during times events are held at the Arena, chaos abounds. After dark, the square becomes a hangout for bards and other entrepreneurs whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Cryosanthia  6'9"     267 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Sabina       5'4"     130 Lb     Human             Female    Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes
Darius       6'4"     240 Lb     Human             Male      A tall, stocky and muscular human warrior.
Kira         5'0"     120 Lb     Human             Female    A young blonde woman wearing simple robes and an eye patch.
Kravar       6'2"     220 Lb     Human             Male      Big Aesir Hero...with wings
Lanier       6'0"     245 Lb     Human             Male      Young, lean and strong Acanian wearing hide clothing.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aftershock                                                   It's what comes after... 

It's a warm day with just a touch of coolness to it. The sort of day for being outside and enjoying oneself. The market is abuzz with playful bartering that holds no real edge to it. It's as if the people know that these are dark times and are being a little kinder to one another for it. A little more careful. Enjoying the sunshine a little more than they usually would. It's the sort of day that brings a smile to the lips. A good day.

Merek looks to be about, buying things for a bit of the gardening while he has on his dark attire and jewelry. He checks a few things while he places them to a bag which he keeps with him.

Cryosanthia is walking, lost in thought. She missed her rendezvous the day before and a lot has changed for her. Still, it doesn't really matter where she is as she processes these things, so she might as well be out. There are some things she needs to buy too, if she can manage to focus on them. For the meantime, the sith moves fast, determined, eyes fixed straight ahead, going no-where. Anyone sitting in a spot will see her lapping the marketplace.

Sabina is a Luckbringer, or most people that know her would say that about her. Today though she looks more street performer then priestess. Dresses in a colorful outfit of purple and green to match the peacock that stays near her feet. And with a mithral mask across her eyes that bears the styliszed shape of a coyote. She is busy entertaining a small group of children with simple tricks and the power of cantrips, all to try and bring out more smiles.

Darius walks in, Aika has been bugging him for different sorts of foods, especially since Kira last made dinner. Not to mention Fluffy wants more meat to eat (no surprise there), he walks along, and checks the food stalls, nodding to those he knows on this warm sunny day.

Kira passes through the market in the course of her rounds; a return trip, if her emptied basket is any indication. Now she need not worry about thwarting bargaining merchants and shoppers with free food. Her smile is broad and her steps light; despite the recent events, or in context of them, it has been a good day. When she spots Cryosanthia, her smile brightens more and she offers a wave. She doesn't yet call out, when it appears the sith is in thought. There's also other familiar faces, such as Merek, and then Darius, even! Both also receive a smile and wave.

Kravar strides through the market with a medium-sized crate under one arm already filled with what appears to be bread and other semi-perishables. He stops occasionally to pick up a jar or pot of something and puts it into his haversack. All of this is done somewhat absently, almost as if he's shopping by habit rather than focusing of what he's doing. What he is focused on is watching other shoppers and occasionally the sky.

The white sith doesn't notice Kira's wave, it's as if she has blinders on seeing only what's in front of her, then not necessarily even that. Sabina's light entertainment catches her attention, the cantrips, the noises and the children. She halts beside her, stares, remembers that she used to dance. Still could, if she wanted, except the desire isn't there.

Known to visit the marketplace for a variety of reasons, the reason that Lanier visits today seems to be to drop off a bag of dry meat to one of the market stall vendors in exchange for some dry goods. Lanier is already in the process of sorting them into his pack when he looks up . His narrowed eyes follow Cryosanthia, looking briefly towards Kira whose wave goes missed. Standing, he lifts his back and settles it down hard across his shoulders. He sets off after Cryosanthia, keeping his head down as he picks his way through the crowd.

The masked Sabina grins to the too serrious Cryo as she continues to talk to the children. Reaching out to pull things from behind ears and out of long hair. Tossing glitter that never hits the ground but fades away into nothing in the atempt to get childish laughter and then playfully bumps hips with the white sith "Oh! My pardon, good lady!" She cries out before presenting her with a blue rose made of cloth pulled from her sleeve. "Please accept this!"

There's a man roaming the stalls, simply dressed in fine robes. He's handsome, but not in a remarkable way that would make him stand out. He has moderately long black hair, and dark eyes. He like so many others seems to merely be people-watching. Then, he spots Darius and smiles. The smile which crosses his face is not an entirely pleasant one, and he moves suddenly toward the other man with purpose. "Darius. So good to see you again." The words are tinged with familiarity and undoubtably Darius recognizes him instantly. It would be hard to forget this man after all. Casually the man moves into Darius' space, eyes tracing the warrior. "How are you doing?"

Merek looks to be content with the shopping, while he looks to people he knows, nodding a bit, then it's back to what he was doing while he watches.

Darius was in the process of moving Aika and Fluffy along when... GODDAMNIT! He freezes and then says quickly and gently with a thin-lipped smile to his daughter, "Aika... take Fluffy and go get yourself some candy at the stall you like... I have to speak to this gentleman here. Don't worry, I'll be along soon." His tension is at a peak as Aika just blinks and nods and scampers off before he turns to Eclavdran and says quietly, "Lord Eclavdran..." He smiles thinly to the man, "How lovely to see you here today... what can I do for you?" This is bad... this is very very very bad... The Debt must be coming due.

Cryosanthia is hip bumped. She does not sway. The sith seems rather impassive and solid, although she accepts the blue rose. The coyote-masked woman has her attention, but the sith seems quite out of it. "Thank you." She manages at last.

The man's eyes flicker to Akira and he watches her for longer than is comfortable. Then slides his eyes back to Darius. "Why. I didn't know you had a /child/ dearest." He leans in and to all the world it looks as if he's whispering something naughty in Darius' ear. Which after a fashion he is. He chuckles low and warmly and pulls back to watch the look spill over Darius' face caused by his words.

Kira's smile at wave expands to Aika and Fluffy. It's so good to see them all out together! Then she sees them join by a man... whom she recognizes.

Her eyes widen even before her smile can change. Ok, now not so good that they're together. She immediately heads for them as Darius at least manages to send Aika away. That the ...gentleman looks after her makes Kira's blood run cold. Whatever he's saying to Darius, it can't be good. Even if she somehow hopes that maybe, just maybe ... he just wants Darius to buy him some nice chocolates from the market.

Kravar halts as he catches a snippet of conversation: 'Eclavdran'. He turns slowly and looks at Darius - it's only that he was so near that he was able to pick out the name spoken in the middle of the market. Kravar follows Darius' gaze to the handsome man and then back. He takes a step closer to the two. He's unable to overhear the whispering but what he does hear causes a tiny furrow in his brow.

Darius's hands curl into a fist, and it's only years worth of self control on the battlefield that keeps him from immediately drawing his sword and attempting to kill the Demon Lord right here (no matter how futile it is). The whisper makes him tremble with rage, but he bites his lip hard enough to drop blood and replies in kind to the man, not caring that it sounds like he's intimate with the Demon."

Sabina looks at Cryo with some concern out of the cornor of her eyes. Then with more flamboyant waves sher produces flowers for each of the children there and presents them one by one. "There you are! Off with you now. Shoo shoo! Home with you all." She laughs and speaks with one or two of them before turning back to Cryo. "Cryosanthia. Are you alright?"

The man laughs at whatever Darius says and tilts his head, speaking more loudly. "No?" He moves in, wrapping an arm around Darius' shoulders and looks around at the other people. "As /enjoyable/ as that sounds dearest... I have another task to attend to today. Pick someone for me would you? Anyone. Oh! How about her?" His voice lowers into a warm purr as his eyes land on Kira. "It's that lovely woman from the other day."

Cryo looks at Sabina, she's expressionless and seems reserved. All her motions are tight. "I'm still working that out. Not yet. Soon. Maybe not." The sith seems very distracted, barely aware of everything else going on.

Lanier slows down in his chase after Cryosanthia, walking until he's beside the sith-makar, at which point he stops. He nods breifly towards Sabina and then pretty much mirrors the question, only a little more bluntly, "You seem very out of it. What's wrong?"

Merek looks over to the man, the manner in which he is speaking bringing his attention that way. The bejeweled man walks that way, while he listens a bit. "Everything alright?" he asks, looking to Darius.

Kira reaches Darius and ... HIM, looking between them with concern. More than one glance in the direct Aika and Fluffy went is made, too. Make that a great deal of concern, but she tries to keep her composure.

"Darius... What is he asking of you?" Here they were worried about this looming over him for unknown time. Right now... Kira wouldn't have objected to it looming just a -little- longer.

This is going from bad to worse... he shrugs off the Demon's arm on his shoulder and says, "I would prefer to handle... whatever it is you intend on making me do alone..." He looks at Kira and trying to motion her with his eye to get out of sight so that she's not dragged into this and then says quickly, "Nothing that I can't handle on my own..." He then says to Merek, "Everything's fine... he's just a noble to which I owe a debt to and has come to collect it... it seems I need to bargain the terms more specifically..." He glares at the Demon, "Perhaps we can go to someplace quieter and do so?"

GAME: Merek rolls sense motive: (8)+4: 12

Cryosanthia startles, jerking her head to look at Lanier, as if she missed his approach. Her head turns, back and forth, between Sabina and Lanier. Nothing is going on with her as far as expression goes, her arms hang at her sides. She seems confused even as she speaks. "I remember everything; my cihuaa is kidnapped and being tortured. I have no idea where to start." Simple words, holding the crushing weight of years.

Bina's masked eyes shift to where there is a gathering of people acting, not so happy as the others around them. Tense shoulders and the look of confrentation behind civil speach. She absently gives Merek a nod and then motions to the other gathering. "That.. doesn't look right. I see Kira and Darius. Who's the noble?"

GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/nobility: (13)+8: 21

The man snorts, allowing himself to be dislodged as if he was only toying wit Darius. "Darius /dear/. Don't be rude." His black eyes smile at Merek and Kira in equal measure. He laughs. "I'm not calling in my favor just yet. I'm giving you a choice dearest. Pick someone. Her? Or maybe this gentleman here?" He's talking about Merek of course.

"Pick someone for what?" Kravar speaks up, moving around until he's standing next to Darius, on his left. "Who are you, exactly..." he shifts his gaze from the nobleman to Kira, who appears to know him as well. Then finally to Darius. "...and what has Eclavdran got to do with this?" Something in his expression implies he's got a sinking suspicion already.

Cryosanthia looks where Sabina indicates. She straightens in shock, her head pulling back, neck tall. Her words however, are very calm. "Oh. That's Lord Eclavdran, the Duke of Hell. I guess he needs groceries too. This will not go well."

Merek looks to the noble for a bit, "Debts... You're not a local noble, who are you?" he asks, then he lifts up his brow in thought. The glove which he wears scratches along a cheek while he thinks about it. "If this is a matter of coin, I've plenty," he then adds to Darius, with a look to Kira, "You seem to know him, why don't I... Know this man?" he asks. Then he looks to Cryosanthia, and back to the noble, "Ah." He sighs, while he takes a stance.

Kira meets Darius' eye with her own. Firmly. "Choose someone for -what-?" Her gaze lingers on Darius a while longer before she looks to the 'Gentleman.' He might well answer her, if just to try and unsettle her. "He's here for ... some reason." He claimed he's not calling in the debt just yet. Which just seems to make it worse?

Darius looks like he wants to spit acid and/or vomit as his mouth firms and he says, "Why must I choose for you then Lord Eclavdran? What am I choosing FOR?" He asks with forced calm. He isn't going to put someone in harms way, not without attempting to bargain or limiting the terms to something... not so horrible.

Bina blinks slowly as several things crash home at once. "Wait what? You're cihuaa is kidnapped? Duke of hell?!" She is wide eyed behind the mask and she steps in closer to Cryo's side even as she listens more closely to the conversation. "I'll help you Cryosanthia.. " She mutters. "After we're all safe here."

The noble's smile which was a small thing broadens into a low evil grin. Cryosanthia's words which are just loud enough to unmask him make that smile grow. "Eclavdran yes. That would be me." He gives a little mocking bow and smiles at Darius. "You will choose someone because if /you/ don't /I/ will. And I think you will not like my choices darling." The demon in human form takes a step toward Merek, clearly just to unsettle the other man.

GAME: Merek rolls will: (15)+18: 33

Daris clenches his teeth and fists and then says to Eclavdran, "I choose myself then... you did not specify solely that I had to choose anyone by me, you said to choose SOMEONE... and I AM SOMEONE..."

Merek steps forward with his foot while he watches the Duke. "... You, choose me, for whatever it is. I'm prepared to give everything," he offers, while he looks to Darius, then back to the man. "I've wanted a word with you, the Queen, and every one of you that thinks the Prime Material is some kind of plaything." His canines show while he watches the man with a little growl offered a bit as well.

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

Cryosanthia makes an elaborate series of gestures with her left hand. It somewhat resembles an archaic divine spell, but the symbols are wrong, using her Dragon Eye Arcane mark and finishing with a sword that turns into a moon. As she completes it, a flow of white flashes along her arm, then surrounds Sabina. "Ok. He can be bartered with, but the trades aren't worth it."

Kira doesn't know the details, but doesn't have to. Then she blinks at Darius' words. "Darius! Don't, please..." She puts a hand on his shoulder. And leans to his ear. "You promised me.... and I promised Aika. I won't let him harm you, for her sake. You know that I will suffer it for you, for her, for anyone...." She pauses as Eclavdran denies his choice. "Please, if you truly care for me... it is a simple choice. Let me fulfill my Calling."

"/You're/ Eclavdran?" Kravar looks at the man with eyebrows raised. "...you've lost weight," he adds. "And some, what's the word, majesty." He glances about at the nearest adventurers and the nearby shoppers, without ever taking his eyes off from long from the man.

"But I don't /want/ you dearest." Eclavdran says mincingly, his words biting and cutting. "I want you to /choose/. Choose someone. Pick someone. Know that you seal their fate." He laughs low and unpleasant and runs his eyes over Merek. "As for you... A word? You want a word..." He points at the other man. "Very well. Have a word."

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

Cryosanthia repeats the series of gestures, again a swirl of light flashes from her chest out along her arm, and Lanier is briefly enveloped as well. "We should get Merek out of there."

Darius nearly breaks his jaw with how hard his teeth and fist (and butt) clenches and he says, "Fine... I choose him..." He points to Merek, especially since he's already trying to intimidate the Demon and getting his attention.

Lanier blinks, his eyebrows knitting together, "Where was he taken from?" He seems to have switched gears. Gone is the weary traveler, replaced by the Hunter. Maybe this is an enemy he can actually assist with. He then follows it up, "Or do you know where he is?" When the warrior chooses the mage, it draws Lanier's attention away, at which point he shakes his head, "Too late."

Merek looks like he's about to speak, then the gesture simply causes him to step back a bit. He looks around a bit, "Redemption! That's the word, better than your silly Power Words." The man doesn't look like he can see, while he does actually manage to take note that someone was chosen, he doesn't know, he can't see the pointing!

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (6)+9: 15

"He was taken from the Temple of Daeus. I know where he is. He's in the Tower." Cryosanthia says, calmly, working the same series of gestures and finally having the light descend on herself. The spell flahes and there's an answering flash along her highlight scales, "I don't know where the Tower is. It travels time. C'mon."

The sith walks towards the other group, moving to give Eclavdran a wide berth, almost ignoring him, heading straight for Merek. She announces as she goes, "He's not well. He's turning into a Black Dragon. Human skulls are too tight for that, it's making him crazy. He thinks he's a potato. We'll just take him back to the Temple of Eluna."

Sabina follows along in Cryo's wake and puts her best smile on her face as she steps between Merek and the visiting lord. "Crazy folk I imagine are fun from time to time but you likely don't want that? Tend to give you opposite of what you think should happen. Perhaps little old me could do? Or am I just a crazy girl too?"

GAME: Sabina rolls diplomacy: (4)+12: 16

The demon in a man's skin flashes a grin at Darius. "As you wish dearest." Eclavdran turns from Darius and steps toward Merek even as Cryosanthia steps in to protect him. "No, no. Not today. I've got other plans for this one." He grabs Merek's hand and pulls the man in with surprising strength. He might look human, but it's only the outside clearly. He playfully draws Merek in close to him. "Say you'll come with me, oh Chosen One." He seems to be ignoring Sabina entirely.

"If you're really Eclavdran, what do you want here?" Kravar says evenly to the man He eyes Darius and then looks at a few of the others as they speak...but Kravar's gaze lingers on Merek. Then his face darkens. "What did you do to him," he asks Eclavdran. As he says this he drops his crate with a small clatter, unslings his shield and straps it into place over his arm.

Darius stands there, clenching his fist, glaring at Eclavdran. Guilt eats away at him, but all the choices he had were bad, he was forced to seal someone's fate and Merek attacking the Demon made his choice that much easier. He didn't want Kira to be within 100 feet of Eclavdran, and since he couldn't choose himself, this was the least worst option even though he truly didn't want Eclavdran to choose himself someone who might not be able to handle his 'attentions'.

Merek is pulled into the Duke, while he does his best to look about the place, not like he can see anything. "If that is what you wish." He then sighs, while he listens to the people, he does notice a few speakers by voice, those he doesn't, he follows where they speak from. "You probably... Shouldn't try to fight him. If me going with him will spare any of you needing to, I accept. If you fight him, you'll bring civilians to it. I might be a bit crazy, but I'll always protect people." He does consider, "... You know, I probably wouldn't want to ask why anyone would owe you a debt."

"I'm sorry..." Kira knows Darius is torn, in pain. It pains her, in several ways, and her expression shows it. She wises that she could console him, but she can't. Not at the moment. So she turns from him, stepping towards Merek... or, rather, Eclavdran. "Stop, Fiend."It's not an insult, per se, unless Lord Duke Eclavdran would find address without his title such. Which he might. "I won't let you take him, or anyone else." New diplomacy tactic?

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Ray of Frost. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d3+1: (2)+1: 3

"He's not well, really, he's not well." Cryosanthia says, both to Darius and to Eclavdran. She's not sure what has gone wrong with the man, but a lot of it started back at the Fernwood. When she acted impulsively and everything went wrong. Oh. He is unwell. "You don't want to take him, he gets sick, throws up oozes everywhere."

The sith flips her hands through a quick gesture, points at Merek's back and shoots him with a Ray of Frost.

Kravar scoffs at Merek's question. Then he stammers. "Well, well...that is...it's perfectly fine to owe someone a favor. Happens all the time. And even when dealing with some sort of being of great cunning and might, if it's worded carefully and it's for the greater good, well, what choice does one have, really?" He pauses and then looks at Merek again. "Wait, who are you referring to?" He shifts his gaze towards Eclavdran, perhaps for the first time believing this seemingly normal mortal could be the notorious extraplanar villain. "You /are/ going to explain the terms if you're asking someone to make a deal, /aren't you?/"

GAME: Kravar rolls intimidate+2: (16)+26+2: 44

Merek takes a clean ray of frost into his back, then makes a little noise while he manages to throw up ooze onto the Duke, "Not that I don't appreciate the idea, whoever is throwing that, I'm pretty sure it's not going to bother him!" The man listens to people looking to prepare for a fight. The man wipes the ooze from his face, "Ah, not that I see you, I'm pretty sure though that this is not making a wonderful impression. You know what they say about first impressions." Then he tries to clean off the Duke's attire. He is blind, as such he manages to try and wipe the man's face off, "Ah, weird, you wear some kind of face like a doublet!"

Eclavdran makes an /utterly/ disgusted noise as Merek... well throws up black ooze on him. The Duke of Hell grabs the ooze in one hand and crushes it mercilessly, then with a spell cleans up the mess that it left in it's wake. "I'm not bargining with /anyone/ right now." He looks at Kravar and flashes all his teeth even as he looks at Kira. "And how sweetheart are you going to stop me? He's already said yes. He /wants/ to come with me. Fool that he is."

Sabina takes being ignored with relatively good grace. It is the duke of hell. Getting his attention seems foolish. But the priestess of Tarien can't seem to help herself and her smile becomes wider. "You aren't bargining with anyone? Then why are you here? And if you aren't bargining then you can finish the one you already started?" She puts finger to lips and taps. "Sure you don't want too?"

Darius quickly puts a hand on Kira's shoulder and pulls her back and says, "Don't provoke him... it's too late..."

Kravar takes a step closer to Eclavdran and his new toy, and reaches out with his free hand. But it goes to Merek, not Eclavdran, grasping the apparently blind man by the shoulder. "You want to go with him?" Kravar says. "Even if there is some other choice?" He tries to keep his voice and posture casual...tries. There's something of a wound spring in him from being this close to demon.

"It's not like I want to come with you, I have to, so that others don't, you know it's a thing and all," Merek offers. The man waggles a finger in the direction that literally no one is at. "You all can't take him," he then looks to the Duke, "Duke Fancy! What are we doing? We can be about our way!" The man looks to Kravar, "Well, if you can find a way that doesn't involve anyone else coming with him. He seemed a bit like... Adamant, about it. I would pay to see you all have a dance off though. Can't though, because I'm blind!"

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Well, Cryosanthia was hoping for more of a reaction. She sighs an heavy exhale that creates a small cloud of her breath. Twisting her left hand through another set of gestures, theres another swirl of light and the scales around her eyes glow brightly. She examines her hand, "Huh." Eclavdran however, is as expected.

Kira shrugs off Darius' hand and darts for Eclavdran. "However I can..." In this case, removing Merek from his grasp is her intent. Whether that falls under the realm of 'can'... well, she'll just have to see. By The Healer's Grace.

Lanier keeps pace with Cryosanthia, watching the Demon with narrowed as eyes he conducts his business. He glances towards Cryosanthia for a moment, shaking his head, "I don't want to know how you knew that would happen." He looks back towards the demon, between him and Merek for a moment.

Eclavdran holds onto Merek as effortlessly as one might have held a kitten by the scruff of it's neck and Eclavdran peers at Kira for a moment before he leans into her space, snakes out his other hand and traces his fingers over her face. "Such a generous heart I have. Come with me woman, and I will let you take his place." He licks his lips as if he tastes something tasty in the air.

GAME: Merek rolls willpower-10: (13)+willpower+-10: 3
GAME: Merek rolls will-10: (19)+18+-10: 27

"No! Someone get her away from this place!" Merek then begins to work against his arm, while he takes his artifice one, which he places upon to his wrist, "Don't you talk to her in that way! Not like Kol did!" With that he begins to become enraged within, he then offers a growl, with the feral noise, then he bites the Duke. The canines a bit feral while he can't see anything. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Sabina sighs. At least this time she got a look.. and her heart is about to beat out of her chest. "He's not here to bargain. He's not here to finish a bargain. That means he's just here to entertain himself." She mock-pouts and crosses her arms. "He wants to play without playing." She blinks as Merek bites at the demon and takes a small step back.

Kira was about to ...hug Eclavdran... attempt to pry Merek free ... when the demon turns to her. It is unexpected, to say the least. While she has doubts on his heart bearing generosity... she can't argue with the opportunity. Nor waste it.

She would even suffer the gnawing, herself, so that he wouldn't change his mind... yet, it seems it's not needed due to his infernal hide. So, instead of grabbing at his hands, she just rests her hand upon his arm. Tries not to recoil at his touch... or the sulfurous stench of his breath... and ignore the expression that looks like he wants to devour her.

"I accept. Let him be."

Kravar gives a start and draws back as well when Merek goes feral. He falls into a fighting stance, turned slightly to one side with his shield held in front of him, but at an angle. He other hand clenches in a relaxed fist. Then he hesitates, looking at Kira in surprise. "Wait, what?"

Cryosanthia stands beside Sabina, despondent and muted. She's shaking her head. Her eyes are still glowing and she's looking around, but sees nothing that will help. "Yes," she answers Sabina, "because he can and we can't stop him. A dance off would be nice, I used to dance, I might even win it. We could have Blind Merek judge. Instead I can't think of anything to say, or do. He will what he will."

The demon laughs low and evil, snaking his arm around Kira's body and jerking her close. For a moment his eyes flash red. "Don't say your friends didn't warn you." With that the demon disappears without a trace. With him are taken both Kira and Merek. Both of them gone without a trace. No answers. No explanations. Just the trio suddenly - missing.

Kravar stares at the empty space where Eclavdran, Merek and Kira were. He lets out a pent up breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Then his face clouds again. He wheels around on Darius, murder in his eyes. "What was that?! What the HELL is wrong with you?" He reaches out a hand as if to grab him by the shirt, only to realize the warrior is armored. His fist clenches again. But he slowly lowers it to his side. Then he lowers his shield. His expression changes to a glower. "Look what you did." He finally grates out, tone still smoldering.

The bemasked priestess flinches as the trio vanishes from sight, her mouth dropping open. "Oh shit.." She says softly. "I thought he was just playing. Wait.. is he still playing? No deals were made. Just offers. He never accepted anything, Isn't that how it works?" She asks still stunned.

Lanier moves forward now, approaching Kravar, "Hey, back away!" The Gilead ranger shakes his head, "There was nothing he could do." Lanier releases a deep growl that he seems to have had pent up, "Your self-righteous judgement contributes nothing." He looks towards Darius for a moment, tilting his head, "Are you alright?" He then stops on Cryosanthia, "We have other business to attend to. Are we able to go find your mate now?"

"Well... he asked Darius to pick someone he would take, and Merek was chosen, and Merek agreed, and Kira. He might have taken you too if you'd agreed a little louder. I don't know the rules of Demons, only, not to deal with them." Cryosanthia stares, two more friends taken, and she was just as useless. Not that fighting would have helped, but she was bereft of ideas. There is the feeling that she should have resisted more, but no idea how she could have. The sith looks between Sabina and Lanier, "Zeke is with the Queen of Endless Winter. The only map we have to her Tower came from that Demon, and he said it was for the wrong Tower, a useless trap the other day. Adventurers have been trying to find the right Tower for years. If you have ideas this one is interested, but I've none."

Bina's mouth closes and she looks from one person to another, stopping with Cryo as she speaks of this new issue. "There is a link between you and she. She works on some agenda we're still guessing about. She's likely scryed apon you. Why can't it work in reverse? Scry on her. If not her then the tower itself."

Kravar shoots a look of irritation at Lanier. Then he returns his attention Darius, raising a finger to point at the warrior's chest. "It's one thing to not want to fight someone, some/thing/ like that. I didn't /want/ to fight either, but I was ready. Maybe giving yourself up is an even braver choice," he admits. "The most noble of all." Then suddenly he's close to shouting again. "But you -- you gave up someone ELSE." He's suddenly close to shouting again. "I may not be as brave as Merek, or as noble as Kira...but I'd rather DIE than give one of them up in my place!"

"I am an idiot." Cryosanthia says, looking at Sabina, "You're right. I've been here, exactly here, and someone said 'why don't you scry to find your mate?' and I forgot, because I can't cast scrying so I don't know how it works, but I could buy a scroll. He's my cihuaa, that should be enough connection and if not I'm sure I'd find some of his scales if I looked around, and I'm the Mistresssess' ssscaless-rotted pet with her personal mark written on my bones. So there should be obvious and easy focii."

Sabina steps slightly towards Kravar with hands up and palms out as if in surender. "Easy now.. Easy, please. Darius tried to offer himself first. The demon would not take that deal. And merek took it. Kira tried to stop it. It all went badly. Yes.. very badly but the question is what can we do now. Right?" She stops and moves back to Cryo. "You are not stupid. You are hurting. And you are not a pet! Not anymore anyway."

Kravar turns slowly towards Sabina. His anger wavers a little, it's not in his nature and it's hard for him to stay angry with so many and by the time she turns away he seems to be returning to his normal self. Then he blinks as something seems to wash the last of it away. He turns and glances at Cryosanthia. "The map from Eclavdran, is a trap?" he repeats. "He said that? When?" He relaxes his grip on his shield and then pulls it off of his arm to sling it over a shoulder. "What were his words?" Then a bit later he adds in a more thoughtful voice, "You've met him before?" After a few heartbeats. "...you are the pet of /which/ Mistress...?"

Cryosanthia removes her left glove, which is a white-scaled leather affair. Underneath, her own white-scaled sith-makar hand. On the back of it, tattoo'd as a scar, discoloring her scales, is a pale blue snowflack. "The Queen of Endless Winter. She's not watching today."

She huffs, "As for the Demon Duke, four times now. Twice at the fountain in the Temple District, once in Underground Alexandria, and here. Underground he made us beg for his lives and Darius accepted a Demon's debt to get us free. As he left, he said if we go seeking her in the tower with the map he gave us, we won't find her, just what she wants us to find. So. A trap. Or more of our loved ones frozen to death."

Bina sighs and shakes her head again. "It may be a trap but it might need to be checked anyway. There might be things to learn there. If it's just a taunting gesture then anyone could go in your place to see and report back. So send others. That way you can focus on finding Zeke. And you're no longer hers! If you were we'd all be dead. I would certianly."

Kravar snorts in frustration. "I've met him once before," he says. Then he takes a breath and explains on. "I met him in his demon form, I mean. With Mikilos, and Aya and Karelin. And Sandy." For some reason he hesitates at the memory before going on. "I am fairly certain the map you mean, we were the ones that retrieved it from him. We /bargained/ for it. A great favor, a task that he could never have accomplished himself." He scowls. "And we had to agree to another favor at a later date. He promised it wouldn't be something we found 'objectionable'. We would not accept otherwise..."

The white sith puts her glove back on, sighing. She slumps, then she straightens up again, waves an arm around in general. "Maybe that was true then and something changed. Maybe he lied to me, maybe he lied originally. We've made a lot of bargains that don't seem to have helped. Has he called in that other favour yet? He taunted Halani over hers at the fountain, wouldn't accept service. This one is tired of everything being empty."

Bina crosses her arms and looks from Kravar and Cryo. "So nothing objectionable? I pray it's not something evil. You can only object if you know what the outcome of your actions will be." Then to Cryo, "If you're tired of everything being empty then lets find something or one and fill them up with good things. Lets find someone to scry for you. Someone skilled. Lets find your Zeke and bring you both together again."

Kravar shakes his head solemnly. "To be honest, it didn't seem like he remembered me." Kravar flashes a brief look of irritation at the spot where Eclavadran last stood. But it's gone a moment later. "The map was created magically," he says. "And the demon seemed to be feeling great pain. The magic...it reminded me of a Wish." He looks thoughtfully at the spot. "But that couldn't have been. I'm no magician, but even I know that's the greatest spell known to mortals." He purses his lips as he tries to think of another word. "His command was to commit everything he knew of Zaheir's Tower, to parchment, and the result was the map." He lets out another breath and looks at Sabina, then back at Cryosanthia. "Good luck to you both," he offers. "I hope to hear the tale of your success one day." He goes to collect his crate, returns a few groceries that had fallen out, and then makes his way out of the market. A few minutes later a winged form flies up into the clouds and out of view.

"That would be Master Mithrallas, Mikilos. He is hosting adventurers in three days to discuss Her. I should move in with him. He has the best library and without Zeke I doubt the Temple of Daeus will let me stay long." Cryosanthia looks thoughtful, watching Kravar as he wings off. She mutters bitterly, "We're bugs to them anyhow, they don't care to know our names."

A smile is given to Sabina, the sith dips her head, "Thanks for the kind words, reminding me, important things. If you have time we can go to Mikilos and see if he will help. I'm sure he's smart enough to have tried scrying on Her before, but maybe things have changed."

Cryo turns, heading towards the Temple District, watching for Sabina to follow. "Eclavdran was imprisonned in the Tower when it was in Hell. He was bound as it's guardian, by Zahier. He was there before she gained control of it, I'm not sure what happened between them."

Bina, of course, walks along with, putting on her cloak with it's feathered colar just in time to have the Lord Emp land apon her shoulder. "You are most welcome, Cryosanthia." She smiles. "He sounds like a good person to meet and know. I'd be interested in meeting such a person. And lets focus on finding Zeke rather the nthe tower. Perahps that will be an easier path."

Meanwhile, in Hell

You arrive rather suddenly in the middle of an empty black-stone room. From the smell of sulfur in the air you know that you're likely in one of the layers of hell. But for the moment, theres no sign of any other demons or really /anything/ else. Eclavdran waits a moment and then waves his hand toward one of the walls where a gate appears. Through it all you can see is a stone room. Plain and simple like this one, but the stone of a lighter color. He holds Merek in one hand, but releases Kira with the other. "Go through the gate woman. Trust me when I say you don't want to stay here any longer than necessary." He grins toothily at her.

Merek of course, when teleported, would look about, while he manages to sense a change in the place. The man eases up on the bite, while he waits a bit, likely for his general sight to come back, as well as to make sure that Kira looks to be a bit safe.

Kira looks about the room, then to the gate opened, then back to Eclavdran and Merek. She doesn't share his grin, and isn't really smiling at all. "You said you would release him." She didn't expect that they'd both be brought. Though, as may have been noted, bargaining with the likes of a Duke of Hell isn't necessarily a wise ideas.

Eclavdran tilts his head, his smile never slipping. "I said that you would take his place. And so you shall. You will go through the gate to the fate that sweet Darius chose for him, and he..." Eclavdran gives Merek a little gentle shake. "Well I never said I'd let him /go unharmed/ did I?"

GAME: Merek rolls knowledge/religion+3: (8)+21+3: 32

Merek feels while the Duke begins to maneuver him about, then he waits with a look to him, even if he can not see him. "... What deal did he make, and what can I do for taking Kira's place?" he asks. "What will this... Gate, do?"

Kira blinks. So Darius chose a fate AND a victim...? That is ... reassuring? She has to believe that Darius would not wish great ill upon anyone. He attempted to choose himself, first, afterall, and may have only selected Merek out of desperation.

Though its not her fate that worries her so. She looks to Merek with concern and back to Eclavdran. "You didn't say that you would, but you could choose to do so."

Eclavdran laughs and gives Merek another little shake just for the seeming pleasure of it. He brings the other man closer to himself, petting Merek's hair idly. "Hush pet, she's going in your place and what happens to her there is none of your concern now. Just as /he/ is none of /your/ concern." He looks at Kira as he says this last. "Generous though I may be, I'm not /that/ generous. Go to your fate girl, and leave him to his. He chose this."

Merek doesn't have a lot to offer, "Why did you want to take... The place of mine. You know, I keep trying... I can't protect anyone." He sighs a bit, then inhales, "Do what you wish. There's little which you can do which I haven't already to myself." He then offers a little quiet prayer, "Eluna... I apologize, I keep on trying, I keep on failing. Kira, it'll be alright, you can... Do it." He looks up, not that he will notice anything.

Eclavdran stated he was not in the mood to bargain, before... and yet he did so. Compared to the possible alternatives, Kira believes that it worked out in ... her preference, if not necessarily her favor. Thus, she resists the urge to attempt to barter further, lest she change that. She comments nothing further. Not to Eclavdran.

Merek's words pain her, on several levels, but she at least has solace in the knowledge that he will be returned. "It will be. Be strong, Merek. You still have much healing to receive. I regret that I couldn't do more." She moves to the gate, backstepping so that she can continue to look to him, even if he cannot see her.

"Get well. May The Healer's Grace be upon you." It is a farewell of double-meaning as she steps through.

For a long moment the gate doesn't close. Long enough for Kira to watch the demon take his true form in all its unholy glory. To watch the light return to Malik's eyes and hear Eclavdran's deep throaty laugh. "Oh, don't be so sure of that pet. You mortals aren't a terribly inventive lot. Eluna, Eluna. You'll learn that your goddess doesn't look this far below. And your friend didn't bargain for how /long/ I could keep you either." The gate closes without a sound leaving Merek all alone with the Duke of Hell.

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