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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Recovering From a Cold Front *Emitter: Seyardu *Characters: Seyardu, Rocky *Place: A06: Lower Alexa...")
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-=--=--=--=--=--<* A06: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District *>=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--<* A06: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District *>=--=--=--=--=--=-
The city is divided, unofficially, into Upper Alexandria and Lower Alexandria. The Upper resides further up on the slope of the mountain, and rests to the east of the great river. The Lower resides to the west of it, and if the Lower could be said to have a heart, this verdant park might be its center.
The city is divided, unofficially, into Upper Alexandria and Lower
Alexandria. The Upper resides further up on the slope of the mountain, and
rests to the east of the great river. The Lower resides to the west of it, and
if the Lower could be said to have a heart, this verdant park might be its
Amid all the bustle of the Lower City, its Gardens District provides
Amid all the bustle of the Lower City, its Gardens District provides a peaceful respite. The warmth of Althea holds sway here, and though Daeus receives the occasional nod, this is clearly Her domain. She shares it with Dana, in the verdant green of this area. Vines and trees, remain green no matter the season and numerous flowers bloom along the park's walkways. Faerie-light lanterns hang from branches and along hedgerows.
a peaceful respite. The warmth of Althea holds sway here, and though Daeus
receives the occasional nod, this is clearly Her domain. She shares it with
Dana, in the verdant green of this area. Vines and trees, remain green no
matter the season and numerous flowers bloom along the park's walkways.
Faerie-light lanterns hang from branches and along hedgerows.
A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital, for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's care. However, in the Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers.
A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital,
for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the
gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's care. However, in the
Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Characters: --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-Characters: -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Rocky A grey Sith in armor, bit like a statue.
Rocky A grey Sith in armor, bit like a statue.
Seyardu A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Seyardu A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
It had been an incredibly strange day in Alexandria, even by the standards of the city which seemed to have no end to bizarre occurrences. Though at the very least, it seemed to have been contained to one area off the port waters, save for a curious hailstorm that vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving little permanent damage. By the time the late evening came around, any signs of anything being out of sorts had all but vanished, leaving the usual warm night, though perhaps more humid than usual.
Seyardu had been one of those who went to investigate. It had been her first experience with winter, courtesy of the Winter Queen herself, who brought with her not only a winter blizzard that froze the sea around them, but warnings. Not to mention the effect it had on Cryosanthia. She still wasn't sure if it had been a good thing or not, she couldn't tell. Just like always, she had no clue what to do, how to help or console, blind like she was to the colors of the world. And seeing them finding peace and comfort with Cihuaa and family had only made the pain she had at the loss she was feeling, did not know what she had, grow. Compounded with the stress of everything that happened, she had to excuse herself from the group.
And so it was that she found herself in the lower market gardens, the closest of the two. Off the main paths, where the lanterns were less numerous, she found a tree. And as she had done so many times before, she put her back to it, sliding down until she could put bury her head into her knees. And there she could cry openly, as much as a Makari was capable of.
Rocky is a common visitor to the garden, finding the lush growth as close to home as he's likely to find. Enjoying the last bit of sun, the greyscale strolls quietly along the back paths, prefering the quiet. Though an usual, if somewhat familiar sound is hear. Hunting a few moments, Rocky finds the source of crying, considering a few moments before heading over to the tree himself, and taking a seat as well, a few inches away.
It was a strange noise, but not one which may be completely unheard of. The silver sith-makar still had her armor on, weapons on her, but still vulnerable in her demeanor and movements, crying openly. The scents from her were strong as well, of sadness and shame, negative situations which could be picked up in the air before she could even be seen. They continued their crying, not even registering as the grayscale sat down just inches away for several minutes. Too lost in their thoughts to do so.
Rocky rumbles, deep in his chest. Lizard purring. A nest sound, sometimes the first a hatchling hears, still in the egg. Some would try to translate the sound as happiness, others as comfort. But the meaning is closer to simply, 'I am here.'
The noise was finally what made the silverscale pause, almost frozen, the feeling it was trying to elicit at odds with everything that was going on in her mind. There was a noise from Seyardu, sniffing, while she did not bring her head up. A few more noises of disquiet come from her.
"River Stone, yes?" she asks, measuring out every word in the draconic tongue more slowly.
Rocky chuffs, affermation, and resumes purring. Sometimes words are hard. Sometimes not needed. And sometimes better heard than spoken.
The rumbling purr did seem to help the silver makari relax. But it was a feeling, a noise of presence which they felt underserving of. Yet was still longed for, and they leaned jus barely against the mountainous Makari. Trying her best to quell the sadness.
Rocky leans back, a solid pressure on the side. Pressence is one thing, to touch another, and best not done first when another is upset.
Finally, after another minute, she looked up from her lap, blinking several times, their eyes unfocused as they looked to Rocky.
"Why, are you here?" <Draconic> She asks, tilting her head to accompany the question.
Rocky considers for a moment. "To the garden, came for comfort. To this tree, to give comfort." <draconic>
Seyardu looks, sighs, and shakes her head, the sadness and shame only growing. She rests her head against the trunk of the tree, her eyes closed.
"This one is sorry. You came here to relax, and I have only caused more trouble."
Rocky chuffs. Amusement. Silly words. "What trouble?" Rocky holds out a arm, the limb loose and free. "This one is not tense. Relaxed. To give comfort does not leave one with less to give." <draconic>
This seems enough to confuse Seyardu. She looks over, wiping at her eyes, watching the arm held out.
"But, one who comes seeking comfort, the sadness of others can take a toll, if they are in need themself. This one knows this well, is that not the case?" They ask, genuinely curious. <Draconic>
Rocky considers. "Comfort itself is not heavy. To carry much does not weigh one down. But to give it out, to get others to accept. That can be hard. To take pain of others can be a burden." He rumbles thoughfully. "Maybe this One is different. But to give comfort, brings comfort." <draconic>
"This one feel stretched to breaking, River Stone." She replies, looking out across the gardens, in the direction of the port. "This is what this one worries, that being here is putting my sadness upon you."
"This one does like to aid others, to listen to worries, but feels inadequate, to deal with problems to be addressed. To offer comfort to those in need." She admits with a puff of air.
Rocky considers. Words. "Some is enough. Not how much you carry, but to carry what you can. How much would you ask of others? Only what they can bear. To ask for more is... wrong. Even if you ask only of yourself. Some days you can help much. Other days, you must carry your own burden, less of others. So be it." <draconic>
"This one would ask what they can bear, and help to be beneath that." She offers in explanation, a moment of thought passing.
"Yet, it feels wrong to try to bear less, selfish. Like this one is failing them." She continues, a shake of her head, more sadness as she leaned against Rocky.
"And despite this, this one still feels a need to talk. Despite not wanting to worry or burden, this one still speaks. It cannot be ignored completely. Does this, make sense?" <Draconic>
Rocky chuffs and nods. "Yes, and no. To think, no sense. To feel, much sense. Speak. This One listens. Or stay slient, This One listens anyway." <draconic>
"So, you say you will stay and listen." Seyardu notes. While there was still the prevailing sadness, for just a moment, there was a gleam of a silver tail swishing beside her, of contentment. She takes the arm closest to her, that she had been leaning against, and hugs it gently.
"Just promise if I speak too much, if the burden is too great, that you will tell me so, please?" They ask slowly, worried. <Draconic>
Rocky hesitates. Words weigh nothing, yet just a few can crush a person. "...saa. If it is too much, This One will speak." The held arm squeezes, returning the hug as best the position allows. <draconic>
Seyardu nods slowly, steadying her breating, listening to Rocky beside her. They were present. "Thank you, River Stone. Despite coming out here, to cry, to be alone, there is, irony there, due to part of the reason being a sense of loneliness." She admits finally. "There has been so much going on, fiends searching for me, for others. This one has not returned to Mictlan for a long time, out of fear of bringing harm, against the wishes of Durrankar. It has been troubling sleep, troubling waking hours. It is why this one has jumped a few times, finding you near suddenly." <Draconic>
Rocky listens, and nods. "To bring trouble to such a place would be bad. This One understands this fear. You speak of fiends. This is of the storm of snow upon the sea?" <draconic>
The silver sith-makar pauses, and shakes her head, brushing against the arm she was hugging before she lets go of it. "The winter storm, no. That was, a warning related to another, unrelated group of fiends. This one, does not know if the group related to the warning searches for this one specifically, but at least one other group does, for certain. This is ill fortune, is it not?" They ask with a low, weak chuckle. "It was, the Winter Queen Salina. Cryosanthia was there. Though not the horrible aspect she has memory of, they were still, cold. Did not apologize, Little Fang attempted to get them to, as did this one."
Seyardu shudders, still coming to grips with their actions. There was fear now, as well. "This one was, terrified, stuck in place to the ice. But this one hoped if there would be wrath, it would be directed at this one, instead."
Rocky rumbles again, less purr, more growl. "This one suspected. A heavy burden for Little Sister, the pain of that time. A burden This One would bear instead, if I could. But Cryosanthia's scars continue to heal, though the pain runs deep. There are other fiends? This One would not know to tell one from another." <draconic>
"This one cannot tell exactly how it affected her. But when this one saw her last, she seemed, happy, or calm. But this one knows she can hide her emotions well, and this one is not the best at understanding. There was solidarity with those who have been through with her. It made this one long for such, amongst kin." Seyardu adds with another low sigh. "This one hopes there will be healing, and does not blame you if you would seek her out now, though she is in the baths with Zeke at the moment, most likely."
"The, fiends, it is possible they work together, but likely not, their goals are different it feels. Some serve the lord the Winter Queen opposes, while others are fallen angels, who seem to be planning and seeking things out in the city. Both groups dangerous. This one nearly died once already, and was at death's door the second time."
Rocky considers it a few moments, but declines. "If Little Sister wishes to find This One, knows where to search. It is good her Chosen has returned. They fit each other." He nods, understanding a little better. "Seeking pieces of the Dead God. This One wonders, if in the time beside the Great River of Life, if I may have met others, had I chosen to wander from my place." He considers, and shrugs. "Perhaps I did, and do not remember here in Life. no matter. Some day I will return, and have all of eternity to explore." <draconic>
"Yes, this one is happy for her. It is good, to see the genuine happiness that he brings her." Seyardu nods, though she falls silent, looks to Rocky, and shudders. "It is possible. This one is glad you did not stray, and hopes the return will not be for a long time. For Cryosanthia, for yourself, though it would be selfish to say for myself." <Draconic>
Rocky shrugs. "When the time comes, one goes. May the time be long off for all of us." He considers. "Death... is not bad. Just all the things that come with it." <draconic>
"It has seemed close, several times. Despite thinking it was alright, this one was, terrified. So much pain, so much blood, so much this one would leave unfinished." Seyardu admits, shuddering again, hugging her knees close, with a scent of distress. "This one has seen death many times, those who would for myself. It is, never easy."
Rocky nods, and sighs. "The end of a life, even one well lived, ends so much. So many possibilities. But without death, without the old passing away to give room to the new... life would be ever so much worse." <draconic>
The silverscale listens, nods, and listens more from where she sits. Though she closes her eyes, shuddering. Perhaps the talk of death when she was nearly overwhelmed already was simply too much.
Rocky gives another one armed hug. It's not an easy topic, and his view of it all is... atypical."
Seyardu accepts the hug, letting herself be pulled in by the arm. The silver sith shudders, and seems to cry a bit more. But it was different, less pained, and her tail swishes several times.
"This one, thank you." She say quietly. "For the hug, without asking."
Rocky says "You are welcome." He considers a moment, pondering things said before, and says the words again, with perhaps different meaning. "You, are welcome." <draconic>
The words do ring true. Seyardu nods slowly, reaching to hold the arm wrapped around her. her eyes closed, tail swishing a few times, she seems, a bit less sad, more content.
"This one, in Alexandria, saw so many hugs given, received, even back home. Only Braelnoir has ever given this one a hug without asking." They admit quietly. "They are, as nice as I expected." <draconic>
Rocky nods, and rumbles. "Hugs are... susprisingly complex. A simple gesture, but with so much meaning, changing from person to person. Usually, This One does not hug. Too easy to give offense." He falls still for a moment, considering, then shrugs. "You seemed to need one. Am happy to have helped." <draconic>
"This one, is not offended." Seyardu replies. The silverscale was much shorter, much smaller than Rocky, and the one armed hug was almost enough to wrap around them completely. "They seem to be usually, something of acceptance, and assurance. There is so much going on, that a gesture such as this, a presence, it is calming."
She looks up, tilting her head a bit. "You do not give them often, but do you like giving them?" <Draconic>
Rocky chuffs, and nods. "Usually, very much. Only when other did not wished to be hugged is bad. Try to first be sure, but sometimes am wrong." <draconic>
"This one, understands. Understanding others can be difficult, at times." They nod back back to Rocky. She turns back and rests against their side, holding the arm, and trying to return the hug. Though, the gray sith-makar was almost too broad, and her arm mostly ended up loosely pinned to the tree. Seyardu chuckles weakly.
"You can offer a hug to me if you wish any time, River Stone. This one would be happy to receive them."
Rocky's tail rub against the tree. Not quite a proper thump, but the attempt was made. "This One will do so." He sits quietly for a few moments, then asks softly. "Are you feeling better?" <draconic>
The agreement made , and catching the movement, Seyardu thumped her own tail against the tree. At the question, she pauses. Her posture was better, and the scents from before were dissipating, leaving only the relaxed contentment.
"This one, is still not feeling great, there is too much still. But, feeling better at least, yes." She offers, with another swish of the tail.
Rocky nods, and gives another quick hug. "Good." <draconic>
Another hug, another happy tail swish from the silver tail. Two hugs in one day, it was a new record!
"Those certainly help, for certain." Seyardu chuckles more strongly. "Thank you, for coming to check on me. I feel much better." They say. They don't seem to want to let go, but they look around, at the darkness that had fallen. It wasn't too different from usual, but she could tell.
"This one, should probably return to the Temple of Daeus soon."
Rocky chuffs, and nods. "Has gotten late. Shall This One walk with you? The path is near to my lodging." <draconic>
Seyardu blinks, but she nods back, giving the arm around her a squeeze.
"This one, was going to ask if you would wish to walk back with me. So that will work best, yes?" they reply. Though, they weren't in any rush to pull away from the hug.
Rocky nods, the pair heading off from the Garden, feeling a fair mood better than they entered.

Latest revision as of 07:57, 20 August 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Recovering From a Cold Front
  • Emitter: Seyardu
  • Characters: Seyardu, Rocky
  • Place: A06: Lower Alexandria Gardens District
  • Time: Thursday, August 19, 2021
  • Summary:
-=--=--=--=--=--<* A06: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District *>=--=--=--=--=--=-

          The city is divided, unofficially, into Upper Alexandria and Lower 
Alexandria. The Upper resides further up on the slope of the mountain, and 
rests to the east of the great river. The Lower resides to the west of it, and
if the Lower could be said to have a heart, this verdant park might be its 

         Amid all the bustle of the Lower City, its Gardens District provides 
a peaceful respite. The warmth of Althea holds sway here, and though Daeus 
receives the occasional nod, this is clearly Her domain. She shares it with 
Dana, in the verdant green of this area. Vines and trees, remain green no 
matter the season and numerous flowers bloom along the park's walkways. 
Faerie-light lanterns hang from branches and along hedgerows.

          A number of shops may be found here, most notably the city hospital, 
for which the park was originally built. Though now open to the public, the 
gardens by and large, remain underneath the hospital's care. However, in the 
Althean tradition, much of the work is provided by volunteers. 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-Characters: -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
 Rocky           A grey Sith in armor, bit like a statue.              
 Seyardu         A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.

It had been an incredibly strange day in Alexandria, even by the standards of the city which seemed to have no end to bizarre occurrences. Though at the very least, it seemed to have been contained to one area off the port waters, save for a curious hailstorm that vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving little permanent damage. By the time the late evening came around, any signs of anything being out of sorts had all but vanished, leaving the usual warm night, though perhaps more humid than usual.

Seyardu had been one of those who went to investigate. It had been her first experience with winter, courtesy of the Winter Queen herself, who brought with her not only a winter blizzard that froze the sea around them, but warnings. Not to mention the effect it had on Cryosanthia. She still wasn't sure if it had been a good thing or not, she couldn't tell. Just like always, she had no clue what to do, how to help or console, blind like she was to the colors of the world. And seeing them finding peace and comfort with Cihuaa and family had only made the pain she had at the loss she was feeling, did not know what she had, grow. Compounded with the stress of everything that happened, she had to excuse herself from the group.

And so it was that she found herself in the lower market gardens, the closest of the two. Off the main paths, where the lanterns were less numerous, she found a tree. And as she had done so many times before, she put her back to it, sliding down until she could put bury her head into her knees. And there she could cry openly, as much as a Makari was capable of.

Rocky is a common visitor to the garden, finding the lush growth as close to home as he's likely to find. Enjoying the last bit of sun, the greyscale strolls quietly along the back paths, prefering the quiet. Though an usual, if somewhat familiar sound is hear. Hunting a few moments, Rocky finds the source of crying, considering a few moments before heading over to the tree himself, and taking a seat as well, a few inches away.

It was a strange noise, but not one which may be completely unheard of. The silver sith-makar still had her armor on, weapons on her, but still vulnerable in her demeanor and movements, crying openly. The scents from her were strong as well, of sadness and shame, negative situations which could be picked up in the air before she could even be seen. They continued their crying, not even registering as the grayscale sat down just inches away for several minutes. Too lost in their thoughts to do so.

Rocky rumbles, deep in his chest. Lizard purring. A nest sound, sometimes the first a hatchling hears, still in the egg. Some would try to translate the sound as happiness, others as comfort. But the meaning is closer to simply, 'I am here.'

The noise was finally what made the silverscale pause, almost frozen, the feeling it was trying to elicit at odds with everything that was going on in her mind. There was a noise from Seyardu, sniffing, while she did not bring her head up. A few more noises of disquiet come from her.

"River Stone, yes?" she asks, measuring out every word in the draconic tongue more slowly.

Rocky chuffs, affermation, and resumes purring. Sometimes words are hard. Sometimes not needed. And sometimes better heard than spoken.

The rumbling purr did seem to help the silver makari relax. But it was a feeling, a noise of presence which they felt underserving of. Yet was still longed for, and they leaned jus barely against the mountainous Makari. Trying her best to quell the sadness.

Rocky leans back, a solid pressure on the side. Pressence is one thing, to touch another, and best not done first when another is upset.

Finally, after another minute, she looked up from her lap, blinking several times, their eyes unfocused as they looked to Rocky.

"Why, are you here?" <Draconic> She asks, tilting her head to accompany the question.

Rocky considers for a moment. "To the garden, came for comfort. To this tree, to give comfort." <draconic>

Seyardu looks, sighs, and shakes her head, the sadness and shame only growing. She rests her head against the trunk of the tree, her eyes closed.

"This one is sorry. You came here to relax, and I have only caused more trouble."

Rocky chuffs. Amusement. Silly words. "What trouble?" Rocky holds out a arm, the limb loose and free. "This one is not tense. Relaxed. To give comfort does not leave one with less to give." <draconic>

This seems enough to confuse Seyardu. She looks over, wiping at her eyes, watching the arm held out.

"But, one who comes seeking comfort, the sadness of others can take a toll, if they are in need themself. This one knows this well, is that not the case?" They ask, genuinely curious. <Draconic>

Rocky considers. "Comfort itself is not heavy. To carry much does not weigh one down. But to give it out, to get others to accept. That can be hard. To take pain of others can be a burden." He rumbles thoughfully. "Maybe this One is different. But to give comfort, brings comfort." <draconic>

"This one feel stretched to breaking, River Stone." She replies, looking out across the gardens, in the direction of the port. "This is what this one worries, that being here is putting my sadness upon you."

"This one does like to aid others, to listen to worries, but feels inadequate, to deal with problems to be addressed. To offer comfort to those in need." She admits with a puff of air.

Rocky considers. Words. "Some is enough. Not how much you carry, but to carry what you can. How much would you ask of others? Only what they can bear. To ask for more is... wrong. Even if you ask only of yourself. Some days you can help much. Other days, you must carry your own burden, less of others. So be it." <draconic>

"This one would ask what they can bear, and help to be beneath that." She offers in explanation, a moment of thought passing.

"Yet, it feels wrong to try to bear less, selfish. Like this one is failing them." She continues, a shake of her head, more sadness as she leaned against Rocky.

"And despite this, this one still feels a need to talk. Despite not wanting to worry or burden, this one still speaks. It cannot be ignored completely. Does this, make sense?" <Draconic>

Rocky chuffs and nods. "Yes, and no. To think, no sense. To feel, much sense. Speak. This One listens. Or stay slient, This One listens anyway." <draconic>

"So, you say you will stay and listen." Seyardu notes. While there was still the prevailing sadness, for just a moment, there was a gleam of a silver tail swishing beside her, of contentment. She takes the arm closest to her, that she had been leaning against, and hugs it gently.

"Just promise if I speak too much, if the burden is too great, that you will tell me so, please?" They ask slowly, worried. <Draconic>

Rocky hesitates. Words weigh nothing, yet just a few can crush a person. "...saa. If it is too much, This One will speak." The held arm squeezes, returning the hug as best the position allows. <draconic>

Seyardu nods slowly, steadying her breating, listening to Rocky beside her. They were present. "Thank you, River Stone. Despite coming out here, to cry, to be alone, there is, irony there, due to part of the reason being a sense of loneliness." She admits finally. "There has been so much going on, fiends searching for me, for others. This one has not returned to Mictlan for a long time, out of fear of bringing harm, against the wishes of Durrankar. It has been troubling sleep, troubling waking hours. It is why this one has jumped a few times, finding you near suddenly." <Draconic>

Rocky listens, and nods. "To bring trouble to such a place would be bad. This One understands this fear. You speak of fiends. This is of the storm of snow upon the sea?" <draconic>

The silver sith-makar pauses, and shakes her head, brushing against the arm she was hugging before she lets go of it. "The winter storm, no. That was, a warning related to another, unrelated group of fiends. This one, does not know if the group related to the warning searches for this one specifically, but at least one other group does, for certain. This is ill fortune, is it not?" They ask with a low, weak chuckle. "It was, the Winter Queen Salina. Cryosanthia was there. Though not the horrible aspect she has memory of, they were still, cold. Did not apologize, Little Fang attempted to get them to, as did this one."

Seyardu shudders, still coming to grips with their actions. There was fear now, as well. "This one was, terrified, stuck in place to the ice. But this one hoped if there would be wrath, it would be directed at this one, instead."

Rocky rumbles again, less purr, more growl. "This one suspected. A heavy burden for Little Sister, the pain of that time. A burden This One would bear instead, if I could. But Cryosanthia's scars continue to heal, though the pain runs deep. There are other fiends? This One would not know to tell one from another." <draconic>

"This one cannot tell exactly how it affected her. But when this one saw her last, she seemed, happy, or calm. But this one knows she can hide her emotions well, and this one is not the best at understanding. There was solidarity with those who have been through with her. It made this one long for such, amongst kin." Seyardu adds with another low sigh. "This one hopes there will be healing, and does not blame you if you would seek her out now, though she is in the baths with Zeke at the moment, most likely."

"The, fiends, it is possible they work together, but likely not, their goals are different it feels. Some serve the lord the Winter Queen opposes, while others are fallen angels, who seem to be planning and seeking things out in the city. Both groups dangerous. This one nearly died once already, and was at death's door the second time."

Rocky considers it a few moments, but declines. "If Little Sister wishes to find This One, knows where to search. It is good her Chosen has returned. They fit each other." He nods, understanding a little better. "Seeking pieces of the Dead God. This One wonders, if in the time beside the Great River of Life, if I may have met others, had I chosen to wander from my place." He considers, and shrugs. "Perhaps I did, and do not remember here in Life. no matter. Some day I will return, and have all of eternity to explore." <draconic>

"Yes, this one is happy for her. It is good, to see the genuine happiness that he brings her." Seyardu nods, though she falls silent, looks to Rocky, and shudders. "It is possible. This one is glad you did not stray, and hopes the return will not be for a long time. For Cryosanthia, for yourself, though it would be selfish to say for myself." <Draconic>

Rocky shrugs. "When the time comes, one goes. May the time be long off for all of us." He considers. "Death... is not bad. Just all the things that come with it." <draconic>

"It has seemed close, several times. Despite thinking it was alright, this one was, terrified. So much pain, so much blood, so much this one would leave unfinished." Seyardu admits, shuddering again, hugging her knees close, with a scent of distress. "This one has seen death many times, those who would for myself. It is, never easy."

Rocky nods, and sighs. "The end of a life, even one well lived, ends so much. So many possibilities. But without death, without the old passing away to give room to the new... life would be ever so much worse." <draconic>

The silverscale listens, nods, and listens more from where she sits. Though she closes her eyes, shuddering. Perhaps the talk of death when she was nearly overwhelmed already was simply too much.

Rocky gives another one armed hug. It's not an easy topic, and his view of it all is... atypical."

Seyardu accepts the hug, letting herself be pulled in by the arm. The silver sith shudders, and seems to cry a bit more. But it was different, less pained, and her tail swishes several times.

"This one, thank you." She say quietly. "For the hug, without asking."

Rocky says "You are welcome." He considers a moment, pondering things said before, and says the words again, with perhaps different meaning. "You, are welcome." <draconic>

The words do ring true. Seyardu nods slowly, reaching to hold the arm wrapped around her. her eyes closed, tail swishing a few times, she seems, a bit less sad, more content.

"This one, in Alexandria, saw so many hugs given, received, even back home. Only Braelnoir has ever given this one a hug without asking." They admit quietly. "They are, as nice as I expected." <draconic>

Rocky nods, and rumbles. "Hugs are... susprisingly complex. A simple gesture, but with so much meaning, changing from person to person. Usually, This One does not hug. Too easy to give offense." He falls still for a moment, considering, then shrugs. "You seemed to need one. Am happy to have helped." <draconic>

"This one, is not offended." Seyardu replies. The silverscale was much shorter, much smaller than Rocky, and the one armed hug was almost enough to wrap around them completely. "They seem to be usually, something of acceptance, and assurance. There is so much going on, that a gesture such as this, a presence, it is calming."

She looks up, tilting her head a bit. "You do not give them often, but do you like giving them?" <Draconic>

Rocky chuffs, and nods. "Usually, very much. Only when other did not wished to be hugged is bad. Try to first be sure, but sometimes am wrong." <draconic>

"This one, understands. Understanding others can be difficult, at times." They nod back back to Rocky. She turns back and rests against their side, holding the arm, and trying to return the hug. Though, the gray sith-makar was almost too broad, and her arm mostly ended up loosely pinned to the tree. Seyardu chuckles weakly.

"You can offer a hug to me if you wish any time, River Stone. This one would be happy to receive them."

Rocky's tail rub against the tree. Not quite a proper thump, but the attempt was made. "This One will do so." He sits quietly for a few moments, then asks softly. "Are you feeling better?" <draconic>

The agreement made , and catching the movement, Seyardu thumped her own tail against the tree. At the question, she pauses. Her posture was better, and the scents from before were dissipating, leaving only the relaxed contentment.

"This one, is still not feeling great, there is too much still. But, feeling better at least, yes." She offers, with another swish of the tail.

Rocky nods, and gives another quick hug. "Good." <draconic>

Another hug, another happy tail swish from the silver tail. Two hugs in one day, it was a new record!

"Those certainly help, for certain." Seyardu chuckles more strongly. "Thank you, for coming to check on me. I feel much better." They say. They don't seem to want to let go, but they look around, at the darkness that had fallen. It wasn't too different from usual, but she could tell.

"This one, should probably return to the Temple of Daeus soon."

Rocky chuffs, and nods. "Has gotten late. Shall This One walk with you? The path is near to my lodging." <draconic>

Seyardu blinks, but she nods back, giving the arm around her a squeeze.

"This one, was going to ask if you would wish to walk back with me. So that will work best, yes?" they reply. Though, they weren't in any rush to pull away from the hug.

Rocky nods, the pair heading off from the Garden, feeling a fair mood better than they entered.