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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Merchant Market *Emitter: Merek *Characters: Merek, Aryia, Ravenstongue, Seyardu *Place: A07: Lower...")
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*Place: A07: Lower Alexandria Market District
*Place: A07: Lower Alexandria Market District
*Time: September 22, 2021
*Time: September 22, 2021
*Summary: It's a busy day in the lower Market District, where numerous vendors and farmers are set up, selling wares, contracts, and orders, something which many are looking to take advantage of, either for their needs, or to line their coinpurses further. Merek is set up at a fish stall, cooking meals for those coming by, which attracts Aryia, Seyardu, and Ravenstongue over. He reveals the nature of the markets that day, and the multitude of nobles going about their business, and pushing many of those in need out. Aryia and Seyardu are happy to see Ravenstongue, who has been scarce of late. They all agree to help push back some of the more questionable merchants, and put their plans into action. Aryia intimidates several with her presence, interrupts an attempted bribery, and attracts the attention of two thugs who are drawn to her quiet, no nonsense demeanor. Ravenstongue has little luck at first, but putting on a display with her familiar Pothy, manages to attract the attention of a few nobles, some of whom offer platinum pieces for the entertainment. And Seyardu finds a merchant trying to interrupt an order being made by several orphaned children, which she confronts, sending the merchant off, and helping with the order on the behalf of the children. A bit more, and most of the unsavory merchants are scared off, leaving the three adventurers to relax and celebrate at Merek's stall, where they catch up on events and receive thanks for their actions. They depart after a while, with Ravenstongue being told where to find Aryia and Seyardu, and being offered handspeech training.
*Summary: After a time recovering from their indulgence of The Hunger, Skielstregar had parked himself near where the shamans rest for his own good. Waking up that morning, he finds that his half burned cloak is taken, and he follows the trail over to the thief. Finding Vaera, he cautiously greets her, leaving and returning with a simple breakfast. She ends up knowing what he did, and the bronzescale, with intense shame, apologises again and again. Vaera pulls him into a hug and makes him promise that he will come to her should such Hunger arise again. He speaks of not wanting to fail at his duty once more, hence his fear and distance from The People. Vaera accepts it, and shows him what she was working on: repairing his cloak from the time it was halfway torched in Happy Valley. They make light of some of his features, and they end up being okay with the half-dead sith-makar sleeping in Vaera's camp so she could keep an eye on him.
<pre>-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-
Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce
Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce
Line 30: Line 29:
whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the
whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the
square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.
square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.
It looks to be a foggy and damp evening, though the sun still lights the place in dusk. Farmers are gathered in the market, with nobles along with merchants making deals for supplies and taking their time to check on all of the stalls. Merek is at a stall that's selling fish and taking care of the cooking, presenting meals to the people. A bell rings to note that the beginning of the market will bring people about. Everyone is welcome, there are even a few performers playing light music. Although, it is a pretty little gathering.
GAME: Merek rolls profession/cook: (20)+8: 28
Amongst one of the people looking through the stalls is a scarred mul'neissa woman. She didn't bother with anything fancy, really, it looked like she just strolled into this. She looks over her shades, raising a brow at it all before shrugging her shoulders and adjusting course to go into stalls.
She passes by Merek's stall. Stops. Then sloooowly backs up. She blinks behind her dark sunglasses, before raising a hand. "Hello." <Handspeech>
Ravenstongue has arrived.
Uh-oh. That voice is familiar for anyone who remembers a white-feathered raven and the poor half-elf girl trying to keep said bird from chaos. In fact, said raven flies down in front of Merek's stall, Pothy's beady blue eyes staring at the fish with longing deep in his avian face... somehow.
"Pothy, Pothy, please don't be rude--I know it's been a while, but don't be greedy. Let me buy the fish first," the dark-haired half-elf says, panting as she finally catches up to Pothy. It appears some things don't change even over time.
It was a pleasant day, and there was talk about a farmer's market in the city. Seyardu had never been to one, but the temple of Althea needed people to make some purchases for the upcoming weeks meals. She had already negotiated several sacks of flour, and a few barrels of late summer vegetables. She had even acquired apples for one of the head cooks who was planning to make pies for a special occasion the next day. with errands out of the way, she was free to explore it more herself.
Seyardu's sense of smell took her to where the scent of cooking fish was heavy in the air. And with this, a trio of familiar faces. The silver sith-makar smiles and waves as she steps up to the stall.
"Peace on your nests! It has been some time, Ravenstongue. How are you doing?" She asks.
Merek will place a bird friendly fish in front of that raven, then he nods to Ravenstongue, "Well, good to see people about," then he nods along to Aryia. "It is nice to see you," he will offer, while he offers a fish. This one looks like it's lemon-cooked with seasoning, the merchants of the market taking the time to make deals. "Welcome to the market. We're all assisting in finding trade deals. I'm trying to find a merchant that will assist in bringing the food to the lower markets, for charity." The man nods a little bit along to Seyardu!
Aryia, the shortest among them, stares from behind her silver shades, them sliding down comically slow to the tip of her nose as shimmering eyes settle on. That. Damn. Bird.
The shadow elf looks a bit different from last time they spoke with Ravenstongue. Clothes put together a bit better, a more sure posture to her back. She raises a hand in greeting, careful glances stolen towards the raven as she slides her fancy fish dish away from him. Glad that she had some backup, Aryia quickly flashes a, "Peace on your nest," to the silverscale with her hands.
She regards Merek, and raises a finger before cracking her knuckles. "Are there any rude ones you know of that need some negotiating?" she grins behind her gestures. <Handspeech>
Ravenstongue waves hi to all assembled, looking grateful to Merek for offering the fish so freely to Pothy. "Peace on your nest, Seyardu!" she says happily. "I've been okay, but..."
"Snacks!" Pothy says, in a rather happy tone, before diving in to dine on the fish. Ravenstongue smiles, before looking at Merek. "Merchants, you said? Umm, I might be able to help, maybe."
"Charity is difficult. And well, the farmers growing the food, they all need to be paid for what they have grown and raised." Seyardu notes with a nod. "Still, that is a good idea. This one heard that winter can be dangerous, so early preparations can help a lot of people."
"This one has done some negotiating on behalf of the temple already, so perhaps I could help you finding some who would be willing to offer discounts?"
"Has your training been going well with Sandy, I hope?" She asks the half-sil.
"Well, there's a few people that want to buy to sell at a premium, nobles there and a few of the farmers," Merek will note, nodding a little. "People come to the Lower Market for this because there is less city guard oversight. Nobles are able to get by trade agreement, I wouldn't mind if you, put it in the favor of the people, instead of the nobles." There's no real breaking the law on his part, he seems to know his way about.
A few of the nobles will make a deal, and merchants seem to be looking for anyone wanting to make profit. This is definitely the place to begin making a change in the city.
Merek will nod a little bit along to Polthy and to Ravenstongue. "If you like! I have already managed to get a merchant. And any nobles that I need to personally deal with already are." Then he nods a little bit along to Seyardu, "A lot of people you can talk to if you like, and probably merchants that are willing to assist in supplying the temple!"
Aryia, already having eaten half of her delicious fish, gestures with one hand as a piece wobbles from her mouth. "So you want me to stand by the nobles and look really pissed off to make people not want to do deals with them? I can do that," her signs say, finishing with pushing her shades back up her nose. She had a lot of questions for the first person she ever met in these lands, but this situation was not conducive for writing and showing.<Handspeech>
Pothy absconds with his piece of fish, snatching it into his mouth and flying onto Ravenstongue's shoulder to finish eating it there. Happy raven noises leave the bird.
"Umm... Well... They're... stalled. But-that's-not-important," Ravenstongue says to Seyardu, rather quickly on the last few phrases. The girl looks nervous enough. "I think this is more important, right? Helping people is... Well, it's important." Her hands link together in front of her, fidgeting with her fingers in a way that suggests she hopes the conversation goes to the 'mission' of the day rather than her life.
"The temple is mostly taken care of, but I am always keeping an eye out for things that might be needed." Seyardu responds, pulling a few coins out of a pouch to pay for a plate of food once the smell got the better of them.
"Which is to say, I have time to help out here. And I would much rather see these supplies going to those in need of them, rather than to simply line someone's pocket."
She looks to Aryia, and smiles. "That could work, but you must be careful to scare them away, and not scare them into agreeing."
Seyardu looks to Ravenstongue and nods. "Give it time, Ravenstongue. Perhaps another time you can tell more. Your assistance would be appreciated as well, as you are good with people, yes?"
Merek will nod a little bit to everyone, "Alright, well you all take the fish you want, and you can work as you please," the man mentions, while he takes the time to place another fish in front of the party. "And aye, you can do it," he will offer. The Merchants keep on along the business while nobles make deals with the farmers while they mercantile.
Aryia grins. Petty revenge against the nobles? Sign her up. She downs the last of her fish and tosses a scrap at the raven. "I'll go exist near some people. With the recent crap about Charn, no one's going to want to deal with nobles that are even seen with me. Seyardu, fill her in, if you don't mind?" With that, she pats the silverscale on the arm and slinks off to look tough.<Handspeech>
Pothy eats the scrap tossed to him, croaking as he catches the slightest of fish bits in his pale beak. Ravenstongue doesn't seem to notice her raven being his usual self when it comes to food, instead nodding to Seyardu. "I think I'm okay with people," she says. "If I can't get people to talk to me, I can make them give me a second chance, at least."
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (8)+21: 29
GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (19)+2: 21
"The temple makes a lot of purchases. They would approve of charity to the lower markets for certain, and many would like to stay in good graces with them, with how reliable they have been in the past." Seyardu notes, already looking around to see. At the request from Aryia, she turns to Ravenstongue. "There are a lot of rumors floating around at the moment. And for once, they may go in our favor, especially since they are well known amonst the nobles." She explains.
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (6)+12: 18
The fog seems to lend an air of mystery to the mul'neissa, people keep away from Aryia in the sense that they know she's on the prowl. And then she will come across what she notices to be a noble giving coins to a farmer, and it looks like it's a bribe. Ravenstongue, she would notice that people don't really note her a lot, and so don't seem to give any attention to any reputation of the woman. Seyardu will notice a few orphans trying to buy a trade agreement from a farmer only for a merchant to try to keep the deal away!
Aryia saddles up next to some of the more fancier looking purveyors of fine, home grown/caught food. She doesn't particularly say anything (because she can't), but she's a bully in general. Sharp eyes notice the bribe, and she slinks on over. Taking her shades off for extra effect, she stands behind the farmer, silently, shimmering eyes glaring daggers at the noble trying to grease palms. She holds out hers too. And whistles really loudly to get everyone's attention as to what was going on here. Her spare hand knocks against her forehead, first and second finger curled around each other.
"Stupid." <Handsppech>
GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (10)+2: 12
Seyardu was pleasant enough to talk to, and easy enough for most of the farmers to get along with. Though she was not going to stand around when the merchants were throwing their weight around.
"Now then, what business do you have trying to get in the way of this agreement?" She asks, squinting at the merchant. "Especially for those in need. I do hope you have a good explanation for this behavior."
Ravenstongue is more used to Pothy being the center of attention than herself, so she seems to, at least, be comfortable in that no one is trying to approach -her- first. Eventually, she musters her courage, and subtly engineers a scene where Pothy attracts the attention of someone who looks like they have more money than sense.
(You know. Morons.)
Pothy knows how to put on a show. Strut strut strut, shake those tail feathers!
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (15)+12: 27
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Diplomacy: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Handle Animal: Trained Use Only: 0
The noble doesn't really back away from Aryia although he doesn't do his deal, "And what's that to you?" he asks, "Do you think that you own the market?" The farmer clearly does not like the situation and probably looks like he doesn't want the noble to be deciding upon deals for him, though he doesn't really say anything to Aryia.
Meanwhile, Ravenstongue works with her bird to perform. A random noblelady will come by, "Ah, a bird! I wonder, they do any kinda tricks? I would like to pay for the performance! And your bird!"
The merchant looks to Seyardu although he thinks about it, "Well, if you think that investing with orphans is a good decision. Like they know anything about money." Though, he will walk away from the sith'makar.
Aryia scowls, her sliding in front of the farmer. She shakes her head at his question, but she does crack both her knuckles and makes a "Tssht, tssht!" sound, her waving him away. Like shooing away a pesky cat.
Ravenstongue looks rather proud as Pothy flies onto her shoulder and he greets the noblewoman with a polite and chipper hello. "He's my familiar actually, so I'm afraid I can't sell him to you--but he can do all sorts of things. He likes to mimic people, and... He doesn't. Stop. Eating. If you put plates of food in front of him, he won't stop. Doesn't gain a pound. I saw him fit an entire apple down his throat once," Ravenstongue says, her voice dropping to a stage whisper, as though not to offend Pothy's delicate ears by talking about him behind his back--even though he's right there.
"Snacks," Pothy adds, as though encouraging the woman to come on over and put some money in Ravenstongue's pocket and food in his gullet. The latter is more important than the former, however.
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aryia rolls charisma: (2)+-2: 0
"And that is for the seller to decide, not you. I do not see why not, if both parties can come to an acceptable agreement. Or are you hoping to drive away all other offers to drive the price down?" Seyardu responds, crossing her arms. She turns to the kids in question, giving them a smile. 'If there is anything you are in need of here, I can help you find what you need."
GAME: Merek rolls 1d5: (2): 2
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20: (4): 4
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Charisma: (11)+4: 15
The noblelady with the bird looks to them saying that 'snacks' then will clap, "Ah, how delightfully. You know," she smiles to the two, Ravenstongue and Pothy. She places a coin into the pack next to them. A platinum piece.
While Seyardu talks, the Merchant walks to the next farmer, and the one with the orphans will look to the sith'makar. "If you want me to accept this deal, you will need to sign a writ for them that you will take the money into your economy with them as the payee."
Two thugs come from the market and look along and to Aryia, "Ah. Boss lady! Ya, we will follow you," they smack the noble on a shoulder and will look at him, "We should listen to the lady, you're not welcome in the Lower Market!" They all seem to think that with that little charisma, she must be a criminal. Like that, is the story of Aryia's criminal empire becoming a thing.
The glint of the platinum piece is more money than Ravenstongue has ever seen in her entire life. "Oh, wow! Thank you, ma'am!" Ravenstongue says, curtsying.
Pothy even joins in, doing a little bow from the safety of Ravenstongue's shoulder. "How d'ya do, ma'am?" he asks, imitating some ridiculous accent presumably heard from some rough-and-tumble, yet rustic in charm, rogue.
Aryia, with her two new lackies, was quick to pick up on what was going on. She could do a crime. Hell, she's committed multiple crimes many times. This only makes the small mul'neissa puff out her chest and put her hands on her hips. She jabs a finger at the nobleman to leave, before pointing at him, pointing at the stone wall next to her. She cracks her neck, and-
She pulls her fist back, completely unharmed, but a visible crack is visible in the stone. They then turn to the nobleman. And she smirks.
"If you are willing to enter an agreement, then this is appreciated greatly." Seyardu responds with a small bow to the farmer. "But that will not be necessary as I will pay for what is needed. The temple sets aside funds for such things. And if this is not enough to cover, I will cover the rest out of pocket. That way the money can be saved for other necessities. Give me am moment, and I will fill out the necessary paperwork."
The noble looks to Aryia and to the two thugs, between all that, he will make a way back to the city. The two thugs will nod along to Aryia, "Boss lady! We will bring you to our friends, let's party for the moment." The merchant looks to Aryia, "Do you have anyone you support for any deal, we still need to find agreement and make sure we have someone that will take deliveries!"
The noblelady will take the time to give a little more money to Ravenstongue and Pothy, then will make a way from the market.
The merchant along with Seyardu will nod a little bit, "We will make the deal. You will take a bit of the funding yourself with that." All three of the parties will be able to do what they are doing, Aryia can support any candidate merchant and noble. Seyardu can make the deal with the orphans. And Ravenstongue makes a lot of money with the familiar!
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls diplomacy: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (11)+2: 13
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Merek rolls diplomacy: (9)+30: 39
Aryia slides on her shades as the noble leaves, a satisfied smile on her face. She regards the two thugs, her holding up a hand and shaking her head, but giving a small bow of appreciation for their aid. She looks to the merchant, and points them in the direction of Seyardu's business.
The mute woman rejoins the group, hands in her pockets, looking like she just got away with a robbery.
She glances to Merek.
Ravenstongue knows better than to try and get blood from a stone. After all, she's not a blood mage, although people have accused her of such before. She takes the money and gets back to Merek, smiling from ear to ear. "Turns out Pothy is really good at getting rich people to pay me money," she says to the group.
With the arrangements made, Seyardu departs with a smile after seeing to any other merhchants. She joins the mul'niessa and half-sil at the market, finding another plate of the fish.
"It seems things went well for all involved. And that is fair Ravenstongue, I have seen performers given payment for what they have done before. Nothing wrong with that."
Merek will take the time to look to everyone and nods a little while he will place more fish onto the table. Then he's making a way to speak to the merchants.
Ravenstongue nods happily to Seyardu's sentiment. "It was all Pothy's handiwork," she says. "He's a little actor when he wants to be. If he was any more of a ham, he'd be a pig instead."
"Snacks," Pothy says, a little sad-sounding, at the mention of foods. Every moment his gullet isn't fed, he suffers a little. Won't you donate just a little bit of your time and money and feed Pothy today?
Aryia nods, her picking up another plate of fish and nibbling on it. Protectively. Away from the bottomless pit. She'd need to start practicing throwing bird shaped rocks again. She fumbles out a journal and a pen, her scribbling down something and showing it to Ravenstongue. It reads in far better and legible Tradespeak:
"Good to see you again."
"Well, it is a team effort. And Pothy cannot carry all the coins he earns." Seyardu chuckles, keeping her own fish close at hand. "Regardless of learning, you do seem to be doing well, Ravenstongue."
Ravenstongue smiles widely as she reads Aryia's penmanship. "It's really good to see you too!" she says. "I've been trying to read books on handspeech--I think I recognized one or two signs from you earlier? But not there yet. So I'm going to have to keep inconveniencing you for a while longer... Sorry."
"Snaaaaacks," Pothy whines again. Ravenstongue shushes the bird.
"Really, I didn't expect to run into anyone I knew again... I've been, umm, keeping to myself for a while."
Merek will take the time to make a few drinks for the party, and will place them onto the top. There's different things, from a nice beer to whiskey, and even to a juice, hot cocoa, and milk. The orphans smile at Seyardu, "We will get the money we need to assist our families! Thank you!" The Merchant looks to Aryia, and smiles, "I will meet with you all sometime to thank you properly." It looks like although he is a farmer he is business minded and will assist the orphans. This might be what he needs to become a real merchant in the city. A few people are bringing the bird snacks, enjoying the way they gave it to that noble to take the money. Merek looks along to everyone with a smile, and will grin to what looks like a writer taking note of things. "Don't ever let anyone tell you all that you can't be the change."
Aryia gives a dismissive wave and shakes her head. A common gesture of her thumb tapping her sternum with her fingers splayed out. "It's fine." Some more scribblings, and presentation. <Handspeech>
"I can understand that. If you're not keeping to yourself, I can show you. I've taught a couple people already."
The silent woman scoops up a beer that's given to her and nods a thanks to Merek before sculling it in its entirety and raising it to the merchant. Today's a good day.
Ravenstongue nods, her eyes flashing in recognition of the sign. That was basic enough. "I'd really appreciate that," she says to Aryia, smiling.
Pothy, meanwhile, is just basking in the snacks given to him. Finally! People recognizing talent when they see it! He's scarfing it all down.
"Aryia is an excellent teacher of the language." Seyardu agrees after taking a drink for herself. "I am sure it would not take long to learn at all under her tutelage."
Aryia gives the half-sil a thumbs up. Her smile turning a bit weak at the compliment. She makes a gesture of her leaving. Something about... water?
"Let her know if she needs me, she can find me at the TarRaCe, or the Fernwood. I'm going to go wring water. Good job today." She steps away, pushes her shades back up, and strolls off with her hands in her pockets.<Handspeech>
"She is saying she is going to the TaRaCe, to wring water, or use the baths. I can not blame her for doing so with how nice they are. She is often there, and stays at the Fernwood, if you are ever looking for her. And good job to you as well, Aryia. Peace on your nest." Seyardu explains, offering a wave to the mul before she leaves. "As for myself, I am usually near the temple of Daeus, or the temple of Althea. But I often stop by the tarrace, myself."
Ravenstongue nods heartily to all of this information. "I'll keep all of that in mind," she says. "But... Well, I think that's enough excitement for one day. How about you, Pothy?"
The pale raven looks up at Ravenstongue and stares at her for one long moment, before saying, in his usual petulant tone, "Snacks."
Ravenstongue sighs. "Okay, okay. Snacks are at home, so we'll go home. Peace on your nest, Seyardu--it was really nice to see you again!" Once the sith'makar has given farewells, the half-elf waves and walks off, raven still looking all around and begging the girl for culinary treats.

Latest revision as of 07:24, 23 September 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Merchant Market
  • Emitter: Merek
  • Characters: Merek, Aryia, Ravenstongue, Seyardu
  • Place: A07: Lower Alexandria Market District
  • Time: September 22, 2021
  • Summary: It's a busy day in the lower Market District, where numerous vendors and farmers are set up, selling wares, contracts, and orders, something which many are looking to take advantage of, either for their needs, or to line their coinpurses further. Merek is set up at a fish stall, cooking meals for those coming by, which attracts Aryia, Seyardu, and Ravenstongue over. He reveals the nature of the markets that day, and the multitude of nobles going about their business, and pushing many of those in need out. Aryia and Seyardu are happy to see Ravenstongue, who has been scarce of late. They all agree to help push back some of the more questionable merchants, and put their plans into action. Aryia intimidates several with her presence, interrupts an attempted bribery, and attracts the attention of two thugs who are drawn to her quiet, no nonsense demeanor. Ravenstongue has little luck at first, but putting on a display with her familiar Pothy, manages to attract the attention of a few nobles, some of whom offer platinum pieces for the entertainment. And Seyardu finds a merchant trying to interrupt an order being made by several orphaned children, which she confronts, sending the merchant off, and helping with the order on the behalf of the children. A bit more, and most of the unsavory merchants are scared off, leaving the three adventurers to relax and celebrate at Merek's stall, where they catch up on events and receive thanks for their actions. They depart after a while, with Ravenstongue being told where to find Aryia and Seyardu, and being offered handspeech training.
-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

          Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce
blooms. Noisy and bustling, most anything may be purchased here for a price. 
Vendors from all cultures sell their wares from exotically colored carts, and 
the smells of different nations and far-off city-states mix with local ones 
from Alexandria and its riverbanks. 
          For all its commerce, visitors are advised to keep hold of their 
purses. Even the merchants possess a certain, cunning look. Most are positioned 
at carts or stalls as opposed to a formal storefront, with trade here being 
mobile, and visiting from all parts of the world. 
          Though the quality of goods suffers here compared to Upper 
Alexandria, the options are more diverse. Too, the oversight of the Watch is 
slightly less, and during times events are held at the Arena, chaos abounds. 
After dark, the square becomes a hangout for bards and other entrepreneurs 
whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the 
square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.

It looks to be a foggy and damp evening, though the sun still lights the place in dusk. Farmers are gathered in the market, with nobles along with merchants making deals for supplies and taking their time to check on all of the stalls. Merek is at a stall that's selling fish and taking care of the cooking, presenting meals to the people. A bell rings to note that the beginning of the market will bring people about. Everyone is welcome, there are even a few performers playing light music. Although, it is a pretty little gathering.

GAME: Merek rolls profession/cook: (20)+8: 28

Amongst one of the people looking through the stalls is a scarred mul'neissa woman. She didn't bother with anything fancy, really, it looked like she just strolled into this. She looks over her shades, raising a brow at it all before shrugging her shoulders and adjusting course to go into stalls.

She passes by Merek's stall. Stops. Then sloooowly backs up. She blinks behind her dark sunglasses, before raising a hand. "Hello." <Handspeech>

Ravenstongue has arrived.


Uh-oh. That voice is familiar for anyone who remembers a white-feathered raven and the poor half-elf girl trying to keep said bird from chaos. In fact, said raven flies down in front of Merek's stall, Pothy's beady blue eyes staring at the fish with longing deep in his avian face... somehow.

"Pothy, Pothy, please don't be rude--I know it's been a while, but don't be greedy. Let me buy the fish first," the dark-haired half-elf says, panting as she finally catches up to Pothy. It appears some things don't change even over time.

It was a pleasant day, and there was talk about a farmer's market in the city. Seyardu had never been to one, but the temple of Althea needed people to make some purchases for the upcoming weeks meals. She had already negotiated several sacks of flour, and a few barrels of late summer vegetables. She had even acquired apples for one of the head cooks who was planning to make pies for a special occasion the next day. with errands out of the way, she was free to explore it more herself.

Seyardu's sense of smell took her to where the scent of cooking fish was heavy in the air. And with this, a trio of familiar faces. The silver sith-makar smiles and waves as she steps up to the stall.

"Peace on your nests! It has been some time, Ravenstongue. How are you doing?" She asks.

Merek will place a bird friendly fish in front of that raven, then he nods to Ravenstongue, "Well, good to see people about," then he nods along to Aryia. "It is nice to see you," he will offer, while he offers a fish. This one looks like it's lemon-cooked with seasoning, the merchants of the market taking the time to make deals. "Welcome to the market. We're all assisting in finding trade deals. I'm trying to find a merchant that will assist in bringing the food to the lower markets, for charity." The man nods a little bit along to Seyardu!

Aryia, the shortest among them, stares from behind her silver shades, them sliding down comically slow to the tip of her nose as shimmering eyes settle on. That. Damn. Bird.

The shadow elf looks a bit different from last time they spoke with Ravenstongue. Clothes put together a bit better, a more sure posture to her back. She raises a hand in greeting, careful glances stolen towards the raven as she slides her fancy fish dish away from him. Glad that she had some backup, Aryia quickly flashes a, "Peace on your nest," to the silverscale with her hands.

She regards Merek, and raises a finger before cracking her knuckles. "Are there any rude ones you know of that need some negotiating?" she grins behind her gestures. <Handspeech>

Ravenstongue waves hi to all assembled, looking grateful to Merek for offering the fish so freely to Pothy. "Peace on your nest, Seyardu!" she says happily. "I've been okay, but..."

"Snacks!" Pothy says, in a rather happy tone, before diving in to dine on the fish. Ravenstongue smiles, before looking at Merek. "Merchants, you said? Umm, I might be able to help, maybe."

"Charity is difficult. And well, the farmers growing the food, they all need to be paid for what they have grown and raised." Seyardu notes with a nod. "Still, that is a good idea. This one heard that winter can be dangerous, so early preparations can help a lot of people."

"This one has done some negotiating on behalf of the temple already, so perhaps I could help you finding some who would be willing to offer discounts?"

"Has your training been going well with Sandy, I hope?" She asks the half-sil.

"Well, there's a few people that want to buy to sell at a premium, nobles there and a few of the farmers," Merek will note, nodding a little. "People come to the Lower Market for this because there is less city guard oversight. Nobles are able to get by trade agreement, I wouldn't mind if you, put it in the favor of the people, instead of the nobles." There's no real breaking the law on his part, he seems to know his way about.

A few of the nobles will make a deal, and merchants seem to be looking for anyone wanting to make profit. This is definitely the place to begin making a change in the city.

Merek will nod a little bit along to Polthy and to Ravenstongue. "If you like! I have already managed to get a merchant. And any nobles that I need to personally deal with already are." Then he nods a little bit along to Seyardu, "A lot of people you can talk to if you like, and probably merchants that are willing to assist in supplying the temple!"

Aryia, already having eaten half of her delicious fish, gestures with one hand as a piece wobbles from her mouth. "So you want me to stand by the nobles and look really pissed off to make people not want to do deals with them? I can do that," her signs say, finishing with pushing her shades back up her nose. She had a lot of questions for the first person she ever met in these lands, but this situation was not conducive for writing and showing.<Handspeech>

Pothy absconds with his piece of fish, snatching it into his mouth and flying onto Ravenstongue's shoulder to finish eating it there. Happy raven noises leave the bird.

"Umm... Well... They're... stalled. But-that's-not-important," Ravenstongue says to Seyardu, rather quickly on the last few phrases. The girl looks nervous enough. "I think this is more important, right? Helping people is... Well, it's important." Her hands link together in front of her, fidgeting with her fingers in a way that suggests she hopes the conversation goes to the 'mission' of the day rather than her life.

"The temple is mostly taken care of, but I am always keeping an eye out for things that might be needed." Seyardu responds, pulling a few coins out of a pouch to pay for a plate of food once the smell got the better of them.

"Which is to say, I have time to help out here. And I would much rather see these supplies going to those in need of them, rather than to simply line someone's pocket."

She looks to Aryia, and smiles. "That could work, but you must be careful to scare them away, and not scare them into agreeing."

Seyardu looks to Ravenstongue and nods. "Give it time, Ravenstongue. Perhaps another time you can tell more. Your assistance would be appreciated as well, as you are good with people, yes?"

Merek will nod a little bit to everyone, "Alright, well you all take the fish you want, and you can work as you please," the man mentions, while he takes the time to place another fish in front of the party. "And aye, you can do it," he will offer. The Merchants keep on along the business while nobles make deals with the farmers while they mercantile.

Aryia grins. Petty revenge against the nobles? Sign her up. She downs the last of her fish and tosses a scrap at the raven. "I'll go exist near some people. With the recent crap about Charn, no one's going to want to deal with nobles that are even seen with me. Seyardu, fill her in, if you don't mind?" With that, she pats the silverscale on the arm and slinks off to look tough.<Handspeech>

Pothy eats the scrap tossed to him, croaking as he catches the slightest of fish bits in his pale beak. Ravenstongue doesn't seem to notice her raven being his usual self when it comes to food, instead nodding to Seyardu. "I think I'm okay with people," she says. "If I can't get people to talk to me, I can make them give me a second chance, at least."

GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (8)+21: 29
GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (19)+2: 21

"The temple makes a lot of purchases. They would approve of charity to the lower markets for certain, and many would like to stay in good graces with them, with how reliable they have been in the past." Seyardu notes, already looking around to see. At the request from Aryia, she turns to Ravenstongue. "There are a lot of rumors floating around at the moment. And for once, they may go in our favor, especially since they are well known amonst the nobles." She explains.

GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (6)+12: 18

The fog seems to lend an air of mystery to the mul'neissa, people keep away from Aryia in the sense that they know she's on the prowl. And then she will come across what she notices to be a noble giving coins to a farmer, and it looks like it's a bribe. Ravenstongue, she would notice that people don't really note her a lot, and so don't seem to give any attention to any reputation of the woman. Seyardu will notice a few orphans trying to buy a trade agreement from a farmer only for a merchant to try to keep the deal away!

Aryia saddles up next to some of the more fancier looking purveyors of fine, home grown/caught food. She doesn't particularly say anything (because she can't), but she's a bully in general. Sharp eyes notice the bribe, and she slinks on over. Taking her shades off for extra effect, she stands behind the farmer, silently, shimmering eyes glaring daggers at the noble trying to grease palms. She holds out hers too. And whistles really loudly to get everyone's attention as to what was going on here. Her spare hand knocks against her forehead, first and second finger curled around each other.

"Stupid." <Handsppech>

GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (10)+2: 12

Seyardu was pleasant enough to talk to, and easy enough for most of the farmers to get along with. Though she was not going to stand around when the merchants were throwing their weight around.

"Now then, what business do you have trying to get in the way of this agreement?" She asks, squinting at the merchant. "Especially for those in need. I do hope you have a good explanation for this behavior."

Ravenstongue is more used to Pothy being the center of attention than herself, so she seems to, at least, be comfortable in that no one is trying to approach -her- first. Eventually, she musters her courage, and subtly engineers a scene where Pothy attracts the attention of someone who looks like they have more money than sense.

(You know. Morons.)

Pothy knows how to put on a show. Strut strut strut, shake those tail feathers!

GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (15)+12: 27
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Diplomacy: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Handle Animal: Trained Use Only: 0

The noble doesn't really back away from Aryia although he doesn't do his deal, "And what's that to you?" he asks, "Do you think that you own the market?" The farmer clearly does not like the situation and probably looks like he doesn't want the noble to be deciding upon deals for him, though he doesn't really say anything to Aryia.

Meanwhile, Ravenstongue works with her bird to perform. A random noblelady will come by, "Ah, a bird! I wonder, they do any kinda tricks? I would like to pay for the performance! And your bird!"

The merchant looks to Seyardu although he thinks about it, "Well, if you think that investing with orphans is a good decision. Like they know anything about money." Though, he will walk away from the sith'makar.

Aryia scowls, her sliding in front of the farmer. She shakes her head at his question, but she does crack both her knuckles and makes a "Tssht, tssht!" sound, her waving him away. Like shooing away a pesky cat.

Ravenstongue looks rather proud as Pothy flies onto her shoulder and he greets the noblewoman with a polite and chipper hello. "He's my familiar actually, so I'm afraid I can't sell him to you--but he can do all sorts of things. He likes to mimic people, and... He doesn't. Stop. Eating. If you put plates of food in front of him, he won't stop. Doesn't gain a pound. I saw him fit an entire apple down his throat once," Ravenstongue says, her voice dropping to a stage whisper, as though not to offend Pothy's delicate ears by talking about him behind his back--even though he's right there.

"Snacks," Pothy adds, as though encouraging the woman to come on over and put some money in Ravenstongue's pocket and food in his gullet. The latter is more important than the former, however.

GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aryia rolls charisma: (2)+-2: 0

"And that is for the seller to decide, not you. I do not see why not, if both parties can come to an acceptable agreement. Or are you hoping to drive away all other offers to drive the price down?" Seyardu responds, crossing her arms. She turns to the kids in question, giving them a smile. 'If there is anything you are in need of here, I can help you find what you need."

GAME: Merek rolls 1d5: (2): 2
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20: (4): 4
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Charisma: (11)+4: 15

The noblelady with the bird looks to them saying that 'snacks' then will clap, "Ah, how delightfully. You know," she smiles to the two, Ravenstongue and Pothy. She places a coin into the pack next to them. A platinum piece.

While Seyardu talks, the Merchant walks to the next farmer, and the one with the orphans will look to the sith'makar. "If you want me to accept this deal, you will need to sign a writ for them that you will take the money into your economy with them as the payee."

Two thugs come from the market and look along and to Aryia, "Ah. Boss lady! Ya, we will follow you," they smack the noble on a shoulder and will look at him, "We should listen to the lady, you're not welcome in the Lower Market!" They all seem to think that with that little charisma, she must be a criminal. Like that, is the story of Aryia's criminal empire becoming a thing.

The glint of the platinum piece is more money than Ravenstongue has ever seen in her entire life. "Oh, wow! Thank you, ma'am!" Ravenstongue says, curtsying.

Pothy even joins in, doing a little bow from the safety of Ravenstongue's shoulder. "How d'ya do, ma'am?" he asks, imitating some ridiculous accent presumably heard from some rough-and-tumble, yet rustic in charm, rogue.

Aryia, with her two new lackies, was quick to pick up on what was going on. She could do a crime. Hell, she's committed multiple crimes many times. This only makes the small mul'neissa puff out her chest and put her hands on her hips. She jabs a finger at the nobleman to leave, before pointing at him, pointing at the stone wall next to her. She cracks her neck, and-


She pulls her fist back, completely unharmed, but a visible crack is visible in the stone. They then turn to the nobleman. And she smirks.

"If you are willing to enter an agreement, then this is appreciated greatly." Seyardu responds with a small bow to the farmer. "But that will not be necessary as I will pay for what is needed. The temple sets aside funds for such things. And if this is not enough to cover, I will cover the rest out of pocket. That way the money can be saved for other necessities. Give me am moment, and I will fill out the necessary paperwork."

The noble looks to Aryia and to the two thugs, between all that, he will make a way back to the city. The two thugs will nod along to Aryia, "Boss lady! We will bring you to our friends, let's party for the moment." The merchant looks to Aryia, "Do you have anyone you support for any deal, we still need to find agreement and make sure we have someone that will take deliveries!"

The noblelady will take the time to give a little more money to Ravenstongue and Pothy, then will make a way from the market.

The merchant along with Seyardu will nod a little bit, "We will make the deal. You will take a bit of the funding yourself with that." All three of the parties will be able to do what they are doing, Aryia can support any candidate merchant and noble. Seyardu can make the deal with the orphans. And Ravenstongue makes a lot of money with the familiar!

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls diplomacy: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls intimidate: (11)+2: 13
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Merek rolls diplomacy: (9)+30: 39

Aryia slides on her shades as the noble leaves, a satisfied smile on her face. She regards the two thugs, her holding up a hand and shaking her head, but giving a small bow of appreciation for their aid. She looks to the merchant, and points them in the direction of Seyardu's business.

The mute woman rejoins the group, hands in her pockets, looking like she just got away with a robbery.

She glances to Merek.


Ravenstongue knows better than to try and get blood from a stone. After all, she's not a blood mage, although people have accused her of such before. She takes the money and gets back to Merek, smiling from ear to ear. "Turns out Pothy is really good at getting rich people to pay me money," she says to the group.

With the arrangements made, Seyardu departs with a smile after seeing to any other merhchants. She joins the mul'niessa and half-sil at the market, finding another plate of the fish.

"It seems things went well for all involved. And that is fair Ravenstongue, I have seen performers given payment for what they have done before. Nothing wrong with that."

Merek will take the time to look to everyone and nods a little while he will place more fish onto the table. Then he's making a way to speak to the merchants.

Ravenstongue nods happily to Seyardu's sentiment. "It was all Pothy's handiwork," she says. "He's a little actor when he wants to be. If he was any more of a ham, he'd be a pig instead."

"Snacks," Pothy says, a little sad-sounding, at the mention of foods. Every moment his gullet isn't fed, he suffers a little. Won't you donate just a little bit of your time and money and feed Pothy today?

Aryia nods, her picking up another plate of fish and nibbling on it. Protectively. Away from the bottomless pit. She'd need to start practicing throwing bird shaped rocks again. She fumbles out a journal and a pen, her scribbling down something and showing it to Ravenstongue. It reads in far better and legible Tradespeak:

"Good to see you again."

"Well, it is a team effort. And Pothy cannot carry all the coins he earns." Seyardu chuckles, keeping her own fish close at hand. "Regardless of learning, you do seem to be doing well, Ravenstongue."

Ravenstongue smiles widely as she reads Aryia's penmanship. "It's really good to see you too!" she says. "I've been trying to read books on handspeech--I think I recognized one or two signs from you earlier? But not there yet. So I'm going to have to keep inconveniencing you for a while longer... Sorry."

"Snaaaaacks," Pothy whines again. Ravenstongue shushes the bird.

"Really, I didn't expect to run into anyone I knew again... I've been, umm, keeping to myself for a while."

Merek will take the time to make a few drinks for the party, and will place them onto the top. There's different things, from a nice beer to whiskey, and even to a juice, hot cocoa, and milk. The orphans smile at Seyardu, "We will get the money we need to assist our families! Thank you!" The Merchant looks to Aryia, and smiles, "I will meet with you all sometime to thank you properly." It looks like although he is a farmer he is business minded and will assist the orphans. This might be what he needs to become a real merchant in the city. A few people are bringing the bird snacks, enjoying the way they gave it to that noble to take the money. Merek looks along to everyone with a smile, and will grin to what looks like a writer taking note of things. "Don't ever let anyone tell you all that you can't be the change."

Aryia gives a dismissive wave and shakes her head. A common gesture of her thumb tapping her sternum with her fingers splayed out. "It's fine." Some more scribblings, and presentation. <Handspeech>

"I can understand that. If you're not keeping to yourself, I can show you. I've taught a couple people already."

The silent woman scoops up a beer that's given to her and nods a thanks to Merek before sculling it in its entirety and raising it to the merchant. Today's a good day.

Ravenstongue nods, her eyes flashing in recognition of the sign. That was basic enough. "I'd really appreciate that," she says to Aryia, smiling.

Pothy, meanwhile, is just basking in the snacks given to him. Finally! People recognizing talent when they see it! He's scarfing it all down.

"Aryia is an excellent teacher of the language." Seyardu agrees after taking a drink for herself. "I am sure it would not take long to learn at all under her tutelage."

Aryia gives the half-sil a thumbs up. Her smile turning a bit weak at the compliment. She makes a gesture of her leaving. Something about... water?

"Let her know if she needs me, she can find me at the TarRaCe, or the Fernwood. I'm going to go wring water. Good job today." She steps away, pushes her shades back up, and strolls off with her hands in her pockets.<Handspeech>

"She is saying she is going to the TaRaCe, to wring water, or use the baths. I can not blame her for doing so with how nice they are. She is often there, and stays at the Fernwood, if you are ever looking for her. And good job to you as well, Aryia. Peace on your nest." Seyardu explains, offering a wave to the mul before she leaves. "As for myself, I am usually near the temple of Daeus, or the temple of Althea. But I often stop by the tarrace, myself."

Ravenstongue nods heartily to all of this information. "I'll keep all of that in mind," she says. "But... Well, I think that's enough excitement for one day. How about you, Pothy?"

The pale raven looks up at Ravenstongue and stares at her for one long moment, before saying, in his usual petulant tone, "Snacks."

Ravenstongue sighs. "Okay, okay. Snacks are at home, so we'll go home. Peace on your nest, Seyardu--it was really nice to see you again!" Once the sith'makar has given farewells, the half-elf waves and walks off, raven still looking all around and begging the girl for culinary treats.