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*Place: A14: Society for Progressive Arcanists
*Place: A14: Society for Progressive Arcanists
*Time: October 5th, 2021
*Time: October 5th, 2021
*Summary: The party is summoned to Arcanist Bozli Adveni's office in the Society of Progressive Arcanists' campus, them having a discussion to recover the pieces of the other comet. However, such discussion loops in a small Celestial residing within the recovered comet, the omitted part of public reports. Nariel, the tiny celestial, relays the dangers of Vicrah, the Nightmare from the stars. With their capability to feast on the nightmares of those around them, and embedded within them, eventually turning them into maddened monsters. They go over a long list of effects, as well as weakness of Vicrah's shards has on those it effects. They identify three crash sites: one to the east of Happy Valley, one in some ruins on the northern edge of the Redridge Mountains, and another in a sinkhole at Fate's Spire. After a parting gift of a copy of the night sky everyone saw, sights are set on the crash site east of Happy Valley. And Nariel gives a warning that Vicrah was moving.
== ==
There was a minor notice at the Explorer's Guild, signed off by a familiar astrologist and stamped with approval from the Society for Progressive Arcanists. A simple meeting that discuss future cooperation about the events that transpired none too long ago about the shooting star that crashed into the lands.
There was a minor notice at the Explorer's Guild, signed off by a familiar astrologist and stamped with approval from the Society for Progressive Arcanists. A simple meeting that discuss future cooperation about the events that transpired none too long ago about the shooting star that crashed into the lands.
The receptionist leads each of you, as you arrive with the missive, to a small office in the eastern wing, one that has one of the Dawnguard and a Wizard flanking a seemingly ondescript door. A placard having 'Adveni' written upon it, with a few wireframe, iron stars dangling from the nail underneath it.
The receptionist leads each of you, as you arrive with the missive, to a small office in the eastern wing, one that has one of the Dawnguard and a Wizard flanking a seemingly nondescript door. A placard having 'Adveni' written upon it, with a few wireframe, iron stars dangling from the nail underneath it.
You are let in with no fanfare.
You are let in with no fanfare.
Though, the man within does greet you with such. Chairs are conjured and tea is offered to all, Bozli's salt and pepper hair a bit dishevled and some fatigue in his visage, but in good spirits. The inner office isn't terribly large, just enough room for a small gathering of folk. A filled bookshelf here, an over flowing desk there, a few constellations framed on the walls, and the complicated telescope from before shoved in the corner, pointed away from the window whose curtains were drawn. Thankfully in working condition now, after Randolf's after care from the explosion. Who knows how much it would cost to repair it via mundane means?
Though, the man within does greet you with such. Chairs are conjured and tea is offered to all, Bozli's salt and pepper hair a bit disheveled and some fatigue in his visage, but in good spirits. The inner office isn't terribly large, just enough room for a small gathering of folk. A filled bookshelf here, an over flowing desk there, a few constellations framed on the walls, and the complicated telescope from before shoved in the corner, pointed away from the window whose curtains were drawn. Thankfully in working condition now, after Randolf's after care from the explosion. Who knows how much it would cost to repair it via mundane means?
However, such features are minimal compared to the one glaring element within the office.
However, such features are minimal compared to the one glaring element within the office.
Line 23: Line 23:
Set upon a small, hovering disc was the alabaster rock recovered from the starfall not too long ago. A faint shimmering hue of gold surrounds it. Various wards circle the rock on the floor, their magics facing outwards. To the magically inclined, it keeps things out, rather than keeping them in.
Set upon a small, hovering disc was the alabaster rock recovered from the starfall not too long ago. A faint shimmering hue of gold surrounds it. Various wards circle the rock on the floor, their magics facing outwards. To the magically inclined, it keeps things out, rather than keeping them in.
"I am terribly sorry for taking so long to get back to you all," Adveni sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sits in his well worn chair behind the desk. "So much paperwork and all of that. I do hope you recieved your compensation for your trip with me? So many things falling through the cracks these days..." The man was juggling a lot of plates, it seemed.
"I am terribly sorry for taking so long to get back to you all," Adveni sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sits in his well worn chair behind the desk. "So much paperwork and all of that. I do hope you received your compensation for your trip with me? So many things falling through the cracks these days..." The man was juggling a lot of plates, it seemed.
The door creaks shut behind all, and locks. Before a ward flares across it.
The door creaks shut behind all, and locks. Before a ward flares across it.
"... so let's make sure this one doesn't, okay?" he smiles warmly.
"... so let's make sure this one doesn't, okay?" he smiles warmly.
Paenitia has arrived.
Randolf can't keep the wide-eyed stare off his red-bearded mug as he stares around Adveni's personal study. "Beards o' me sweet tapdancin' fathers," he mutters low, tugging thoughtfully at his beard as he looks over some of the tomes on the shelf. His attention gets drawn to some arcanomechanical gewgaw, and he responds with a soft intake of breath. "Ohh, look at -this-," he says, clasping his hands -firmly- behind his back as he leans in to examine the widget in more detail. He's learned his lesson about poking and prodding at unknown magical objects. As Bozli addresses them, he shakes his head, giving the lapels of his robe a tug. "I'm nae bothered about the coin," he says, lumbering over to one of the chairs. He hefts himself up with a grunt, reaching out to avail himself of a mug of tea. It's not beer, but it'll do. "I just want tae help that poor lassie we found get back tae her home."
Randolf can't keep the wide-eyed stare off his red-bearded mug as he stares around Adveni's personal study. "Beards o' me sweet tapdancin' fathers," he mutters low, tugging thoughtfully at his beard as he looks over some of the tomes on the shelf. His attention gets drawn to some arcanomechanical gewgaw, and he responds with a soft intake of breath. "Ohh, look at -this-," he says, clasping his hands -firmly- behind his back as he leans in to examine the widget in more detail. He's learned his lesson about poking and prodding at unknown magical objects. As Bozli addresses them, he shakes his head, giving the lapels of his robe a tug. "I'm nae bothered about the coin," he says, lumbering over to one of the chairs. He hefts himself up with a grunt, reaching out to avail himself of a mug of tea. It's not beer, but it'll do. "I just want tae help that poor lassie we found get back tae her home."
Line 51: Line 49:
Hands rise up beneath the veils and start o fiddle with what could be straps and buckles as tends to occur when the silent figure has been fed in the field. Once complete, and the unfastened... whatever is allowed to dangle freely beneath the veils, she offers the stargazer a little thumbs-up.
Hands rise up beneath the veils and start o fiddle with what could be straps and buckles as tends to occur when the silent figure has been fed in the field. Once complete, and the unfastened... whatever is allowed to dangle freely beneath the veils, she offers the stargazer a little thumbs-up.
If the enigma is staring, good luck telling from anywhere but nose to nose, except for maybe the creepy watched feeling, but so far none of that's been occuring.
If the enigma is staring, good luck telling from anywhere but nose to nose, except for maybe the creepy watched feeling, but so far none of that's been occurring.
Her attention turns to the excited preusal of the shelves for a moment, before the figure follows everyone's lead and settles into a chair.
Her attention turns to the excited perusal of the shelves for a moment, before the figure follows everyone's lead and settles into a chair.
She waves to the little Knight as she comes in, giving her a thumbs-up as well.
She waves to the little Knight as she comes in, giving her a thumbs-up as well.
Line 63: Line 61:
One of the gewgaws was a tiny astrolabe behind a glass display case. Slowly, it spins, matching the time of day.
One of the gewgaws was a tiny astrolabe behind a glass display case. Slowly, it spins, matching the time of day.
Upon seeing the veiled enigma walk in, Bozli makes an 'ah' sound, him slipping on a hairband that barely keeps his umkept hair tamed. He murmurs something about, 'need to borrow this' and 'the divination folks won't mind it missing for a bit'.
Upon seeing the veiled enigma walk in, Bozli makes an 'ah' sound, him slipping on a hairband that barely keeps his unkempt hair tamed. He murmurs something about, 'need to borrow this' and 'the divination folks won't mind it missing for a bit'.
"Peace on your nest as well," The half-sil softly laughs, shaking his head. "Need for coin or not, I am just pleased it made its way to you all." A sip of his tea, a clack onto the saucer. His widen slightly at Paenitia's state."O-Oh my stars, Lady Paenitia, are you well?"
"Peace on your nest as well," The half-sil softly laughs, shaking his head. "Need for coin or not, I am just pleased it made its way to you all." A sip of his tea, a clack onto the saucer. His widen slightly at Paenitia's state. "O-Oh my stars, Lady Paenitia, are you well?"
Seeing as the Lucht wasn't currently bleeding through the edges of her armor, he abates his fretting a bit, a sigh leaving him. "It is good to see you all once more. And well. For the most part. Now, I suppose we can get started. Yes. This is about the other comet. It is... a bit complicated. Thankfully, our mutual friend is nearly hale, credit due to Randolf's brisk thinking," he nods towards his fellow practitioner, answering Venom's question.
Seeing as the Lucht wasn't currently bleeding through the edges of her armor, he abates his fretting a bit, a sigh leaving him. "It is good to see you all once more. And well. For the most part. Now, I suppose we can get started. Yes. This is about the other comet. It is... a bit complicated. Thankfully, our mutual friend is nearly hale, credit due to Randolf's brisk thinking," he nods towards his fellow practitioner, answering Venom's question.
Line 77: Line 75:
Randolf digs into his breast pocket for his pipe and tobacco pouch, glancing around and nodding to his comrades as they all file in. He turns his attention back to Bozli, idly tamping the bowl before tucking the bit in his mouth. He mutters a soft phrase of power, sparking up a dancing flame on his fingertips. But all that gets forgotten as the celestial makes its emergence. His eyes get wide as he once again beholds that radiant splendor, fingers poised over the bowl of his pipe. His reverie gets interrupted as the flame sears his fingers, making him shake his hand with a yelp. "Gyah!" He takes ahold of his pipe so he can suck the burned finger, leaning in to regard Nariel. "It's good tae see ye in better health, lassie," he says.
Randolf digs into his breast pocket for his pipe and tobacco pouch, glancing around and nodding to his comrades as they all file in. He turns his attention back to Bozli, idly tamping the bowl before tucking the bit in his mouth. He mutters a soft phrase of power, sparking up a dancing flame on his fingertips. But all that gets forgotten as the celestial makes its emergence. His eyes get wide as he once again beholds that radiant splendor, fingers poised over the bowl of his pipe. His reverie gets interrupted as the flame sears his fingers, making him shake his hand with a yelp. "Gyah!" He takes ahold of his pipe so he can suck the burned finger, leaning in to regard Nariel. "It's good tae see ye in better health, lassie," he says.
"I am well, friend Dragon. No, he is confuse and think he must perch in the pear tree. This dellusion will pass, until then, he is the stubborn man." The Red Knight says cheerfully. She also goes for some tea, a large cup, a human sized one, is filled to the brim. She lets it cool. The half-sil gets a salute from her also, "I have the great exhaustion, but this will pass. My armour, it may be done for, but I will get more."
"I am well, friend Dragon. No, he is confuse and think he must perch in the pear tree. This delusion will pass, until then, he is the stubborn man." The Red Knight says cheerfully. She also goes for some tea, a large cup, a human sized one, is filled to the brim. She lets it cool. The half-sil gets a salute from her also, "I have the great exhaustion, but this will pass also. My armour, it may be done for, but I will get more."
She quickly finds herself a chair to stand on, and makes a formal bow to the small winged figure. There is always someone smaller, it would seem, as well, "Hola, we meet again!" Her mask smiles for her, although the little Lucht sounds cheerful enough to match.
She quickly finds herself a chair to stand on, and makes a formal bow to the small winged figure. There is always someone smaller, it would seem, as well, "Hola, we meet again!" Her mask smiles for her, although the little Lucht sounds cheerful enough to match.
Line 91: Line 89:
Her hand lifts in a little wave to the fashionable little Outsider, then she looks toward her fellows to guage their reactions to their co-hostess(?).
Her hand lifts in a little wave to the fashionable little Outsider, then she looks toward her fellows to guage their reactions to their co-hostess(?).
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/religion: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/religion: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/arcana: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/arcana: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Randolf rolls k/religion: (18)+k/religion: 18
GAME: Randolf rolls k/arcana: (19)+k/arcana: 19
GAME: Randolf rolls k/religion: (18)+k/religion: 18
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Randolf rolls k/arcana: (19)+k/arcana: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (3)+10: 13
Randolf's antics makes a soft clatter of wind chimes echo through the room. The tiny figure's solid golden eyes behind the veil squint in amusement. "No, servant of the Star Mother," gentle notes reassure to Seyardu. "Rest and time. Rest and time."
Randolf's antics makes a soft clatter of wind chimes echo through the room. The tiny figure's solid golden eyes behind the veil squint in amusement. "No, servant of the Star Mother," gentle notes reassure to Seyardu. "Rest and time. Rest and time."
Line 121: Line 115:
For both Randolf and Seyardu: Celestials, like most outsiders, have a greater purpose. Sometimes they are grand and all encompassing, like fighting evil and the warring of the lower planes. Sometimes it is small, with little tasks to keep more minute things at bay that lead to larger problems. This certainly seems to be the latter.
For both Randolf and Seyardu: Celestials, like most outsiders, have a greater purpose. Sometimes they are grand and all encompassing, like fighting evil and the warring of the lower planes. Sometimes it is small, with little tasks to keep more minute things at bay that lead to larger problems. This certainly seems to be the latter.
Randolf can tell, as Bozli pulls the shards out, there is a number of red flags that go off in the wizard's head. Red flags that would have cause for action, were it not for how subdued the effects seemed to be. The hue of colors dimming seemed to be a trick of the eye. But not one that a strong eyes see through, it was a trick of the mind. Whatever it is that he holds deals with enchantment effects. Compulsions, mind effecting. A strong, strong condiuit for such magics. It would make for one hell of a wand in the wrong hands.
Randolf can tell, as Bozli pulls the shards out, there is a number of red flags that go off in the wizard's head. Red flags that would have cause for action, were it not for how subdued the effects seemed to be. The hue of colors dimming seemed to be a trick of the eye. But not one that a strong eyes see through, it was a trick of the mind. Whatever it is that he holds deals with enchantment effects. Compulsions, mind effecting. A strong, strong conduit for such magics. It would make for one hell of a wand in the wrong hands.
Paenitia has little arcane exposure beyond what alights on her in the heat of battle. She nods approvingly of the colour, a hue close to her preferred shade of red. She leans forward to look closer, her damaged armour squeaking as crumpled plates slide, "So, we seek the pieces that look like these?"
Paenitia has little arcane exposure beyond what alights on her in the heat of battle. She nods approvingly of the colour, a hue close to her preferred shade of red. She leans forward to look closer, her damaged armour squeaking as crumpled plates slide, "So, we seek the pieces that look like these?"
Line 131: Line 125:
"Ah, then, if rest in time is necessary, then I will do what I can to provide time to rest." Seyardu replies. It was, strange, to hear a celestial referring to the gods as such. Perhaps a bit reassuring, that she may be doing correct in some manner. Her tail thumps once against the ground. "Not everyone can manage everything on their own. We are here, as strong as we normally are."
"Ah, then, if rest in time is necessary, then I will do what I can to provide time to rest." Seyardu replies. It was, strange, to hear a celestial referring to the gods as such. Perhaps a bit reassuring, that she may be doing correct in some manner. Her tail thumps once against the ground. "Not everyone can manage everything on their own. We are here, as strong as we normally are."
Though, her gaze turns downwards. "There have been, many nightmares here, of late, this one feels. If they gain strength from feeding upon such, then it is dangerous for them to be here."
Though, her gaze turns downwards. "There have been, many nightmares here, of late, this one feels. If they gain strength from feeding upon such, then it is dangerous for them to be here." <Draconic>
She squints at the shards, and the explanations. And at the wizards reaction to the boxes. "Mind affecting magics from fiendish artifacts, this one knows this well."
She squints at the shards, and the explanations. And at the wizards reaction to the boxes. "Mind affecting magics from fiendish artifacts, this one knows this well."
From beneath her breatsplate, the silverscale pulls out her holy symbol, and closes her eyes, one hand tracing runes on an exposed patch of scales on her arms. "Celestial mother, shield this one, and those here, from the evils of the artifacts recovered, so we may see what needs to be done." she prays, before stowing the symbol away.
From beneath her breatsplate, the silverscale pulls out her holy symbol, and closes her eyes, one hand tracing runes on an exposed patch of scales on her arms. "Celestial mother, shield this one, and those here, from the evils of the artifacts recovered, so we may see what needs to be done." she prays, before stowing the symbol away.
GAME: Seyardu refreshes spells.
Venom starts slightly as the shards are revealed, with the effect on color is noted. Her veils have a certain weight in that regard, so for her, it is a distinct change in scenery.
Venom starts slightly as the shards are revealed, with the effect on color is noted. Her veils have a certain weight in that regard, so for her, it is a distinct change in scenery.
She considers the fragments for a time before she finaly deigns to respond.
She considers the fragments for a time before she finally deigns to respond.
Alas, with Randolf's disquieting epiphany, "Do they react to-?" is as far as the enigma gets along her signed query.
Alas, with Randolf's disquieting epiphany, "Do they react to-?" is as far as the enigma gets along her signed query.
Line 151: Line 141:
Should her hand alight without her explosive demine, it does so in a light pat before resuming her signing, "Will it react to lodestones?" <handspeech>
Should her hand alight without her explosive demine, it does so in a light pat before resuming her signing, "Will it react to lodestones?" <handspeech>
GAME: Seyardu casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17
GAME: Seyardu casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17
Bozli gives a sheepish smile, yet stows the shard away and closes the box. "Your concern is well warranted, Master Randolf. But worry not, these shards will not influence us."
Bozli gives a sheepish smile, yet stows the shard away and closes the box. "Your concern is well warranted, Master Randolf. But worry not, these shards will not influence us."
Line 191: Line 181:
The appraisals from Seyardu put a little pride in her stance before she crosses her arm across her belly for a short little bow, though the rest gets a reply of, "NWe compare notes." <handspeech>
The appraisals from Seyardu put a little pride in her stance before she crosses her arm across her belly for a short little bow, though the rest gets a reply of, "NWe compare notes." <handspeech>
The celestial pauses at the contact from Seyardu, them looking up at the with indescernible stare in their gold eyes. There is a single flap of wings, them rising, and booping Seyardu on the top of the head with a covered hand before resuming passing out medallions.
The celestial pauses at the contact from Seyardu, them looking up at the with indiscernible stare in their gold eyes. There is a single flap of wings, them rising, and booping Seyardu on the top of the head with a covered hand before resuming passing out medallions.
The celestial nods at Venom, them reaching up to their gold chained veil and fluttering it briefly between their fingers. It jingles softly. Just a hint of alabaster skin flashes from the motion, the same color as the medallions in everyones' hands.
The celestial nods at Venom, them reaching up to their gold chained veil and fluttering it briefly between their fingers. It jingles softly. Just a hint of alabaster skin flashes from the motion, the same color as the medallions in everyones' hands.
Line 211: Line 201:
She laughs vigorously at Randolf, "It is true! I feel the great honour to do this task!"
She laughs vigorously at Randolf, "It is true! I feel the great honour to do this task!"
Venom turns from the crowd and ventures toward a corner after the unique acknowledgement from the Celestial. She brings the medallion up and over her head before she spends a moment fluffing veils and hair out of the way, affording a glimpse of rough, irregular leather and dangling straps in profile before things settle back into place. She spends another moment or two, hands free, to refasten those free swinging bits, then turns back to rejoin the crew, "Tie lodestones from string to drag through grass. Like hooking food from a river, yes?"
Venom turns from the crowd and ventures toward a corner after the unique acknowledgement from the Celestial. She brings the medallion up and over her head before she spends a moment fluffing veils and hair out of the way, affording a glimpse of rough, irregular leather and dangling straps in profile before things settle back into place. She spends another moment or two, hands free, to refasten those free swinging bits, then turns back to rejoin the crew, "Tie lodestones from string to drag through grass. Like hooking food from a river, yes?" <handspeech>
"Yes, it sounds too dangerous to leave be, and it would not do to leave Nariel after this point." The silver sith-makar nods, rubbing their head after it was bopped.
"Yes, it sounds too dangerous to leave be, and it would not do to leave Nariel after this point." The silver sith-makar nods, rubbing their head after it was bopped.
Line 298: Line 286:
"... Vicrah moves."
"... Vicrah moves."

Latest revision as of 02:30, 7 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: What a Star Wishes Upon You
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Paenitia, Randolf, Seyardu, Venom
  • Place: A14: Society for Progressive Arcanists
  • Time: October 5th, 2021
  • Summary: The party is summoned to Arcanist Bozli Adveni's office in the Society of Progressive Arcanists' campus, them having a discussion to recover the pieces of the other comet. However, such discussion loops in a small Celestial residing within the recovered comet, the omitted part of public reports. Nariel, the tiny celestial, relays the dangers of Vicrah, the Nightmare from the stars. With their capability to feast on the nightmares of those around them, and embedded within them, eventually turning them into maddened monsters. They go over a long list of effects, as well as weakness of Vicrah's shards has on those it effects. They identify three crash sites: one to the east of Happy Valley, one in some ruins on the northern edge of the Redridge Mountains, and another in a sinkhole at Fate's Spire. After a parting gift of a copy of the night sky everyone saw, sights are set on the crash site east of Happy Valley. And Nariel gives a warning that Vicrah was moving.

There was a minor notice at the Explorer's Guild, signed off by a familiar astrologist and stamped with approval from the Society for Progressive Arcanists. A simple meeting that discuss future cooperation about the events that transpired none too long ago about the shooting star that crashed into the lands.

The receptionist leads each of you, as you arrive with the missive, to a small office in the eastern wing, one that has one of the Dawnguard and a Wizard flanking a seemingly nondescript door. A placard having 'Adveni' written upon it, with a few wireframe, iron stars dangling from the nail underneath it.

You are let in with no fanfare.

Though, the man within does greet you with such. Chairs are conjured and tea is offered to all, Bozli's salt and pepper hair a bit disheveled and some fatigue in his visage, but in good spirits. The inner office isn't terribly large, just enough room for a small gathering of folk. A filled bookshelf here, an over flowing desk there, a few constellations framed on the walls, and the complicated telescope from before shoved in the corner, pointed away from the window whose curtains were drawn. Thankfully in working condition now, after Randolf's after care from the explosion. Who knows how much it would cost to repair it via mundane means?

However, such features are minimal compared to the one glaring element within the office.

Set upon a small, hovering disc was the alabaster rock recovered from the starfall not too long ago. A faint shimmering hue of gold surrounds it. Various wards circle the rock on the floor, their magics facing outwards. To the magically inclined, it keeps things out, rather than keeping them in.

"I am terribly sorry for taking so long to get back to you all," Adveni sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sits in his well worn chair behind the desk. "So much paperwork and all of that. I do hope you received your compensation for your trip with me? So many things falling through the cracks these days..." The man was juggling a lot of plates, it seemed.

The door creaks shut behind all, and locks. Before a ward flares across it.

"... so let's make sure this one doesn't, okay?" he smiles warmly.

Randolf can't keep the wide-eyed stare off his red-bearded mug as he stares around Adveni's personal study. "Beards o' me sweet tapdancin' fathers," he mutters low, tugging thoughtfully at his beard as he looks over some of the tomes on the shelf. His attention gets drawn to some arcanomechanical gewgaw, and he responds with a soft intake of breath. "Ohh, look at -this-," he says, clasping his hands -firmly- behind his back as he leans in to examine the widget in more detail. He's learned his lesson about poking and prodding at unknown magical objects. As Bozli addresses them, he shakes his head, giving the lapels of his robe a tug. "I'm nae bothered about the coin," he says, lumbering over to one of the chairs. He hefts himself up with a grunt, reaching out to avail himself of a mug of tea. It's not beer, but it'll do. "I just want tae help that poor lassie we found get back tae her home."

There's a distant squawk from the Arcanists' garden, then another from a different place, a third, a forth.

Not soon after, soft feet in heavy armour are heard in the hall as a small Lucht Knight enters the room. "Hola! I am late."

It's Paenitia, wearing her traditional Smiling Man's mask and her red regalia, "We have much sleeping, then the search for a pear tree. This is not necessary I tell Ramirez, but he is headstrong today."

"The coin received, and is put to good use." Her armour looks terrible, ill-fitting, almost as if it was crushed then beaaten back into shape.

Seyardu had a lot to do in the intervening time, but she always made time to check the guilds, for news and what was happening in the city. This time, a missive from a familiar researcher caught her attention, and so she set aside more to prepare for the meeting. Entering the room with the others, she bows to Bozli. "Peace on your nest, it is understandable, such investigations take time, and more so to be properly documented." The silverscale greets and replies.

Her attention turns to the floating artifact now. "This has been an unexpected development, but it seems you have put great effort into sorting out what you can."

She waves to Paenitia as she enters. "Peace on your nest, Dame Paenitia. If he is searching for pears, the markets are usually a better option. Have you been doing alright? It has been, some time since we have spoken, despite leaving in such excellent spirits."

Venom handles the lack of fanfare with aplomb. The sudden offer of tea, however, gives the veiled woman pause.

Hands rise up beneath the veils and start o fiddle with what could be straps and buckles as tends to occur when the silent figure has been fed in the field. Once complete, and the unfastened... whatever is allowed to dangle freely beneath the veils, she offers the stargazer a little thumbs-up.

If the enigma is staring, good luck telling from anywhere but nose to nose, except for maybe the creepy watched feeling, but so far none of that's been occurring.

Her attention turns to the excited perusal of the shelves for a moment, before the figure follows everyone's lead and settles into a chair.

She waves to the little Knight as she comes in, giving her a thumbs-up as well.

With some relief probable, as Seyardu understands her sign, the silent one's hands flex and twist into their communicative gestures, "Has there some new trouble with this.... sky-rock?"

A pause, then, "What about the one we rescued?" <handspeech>

One of the gewgaws was a tiny astrolabe behind a glass display case. Slowly, it spins, matching the time of day.

Upon seeing the veiled enigma walk in, Bozli makes an 'ah' sound, him slipping on a hairband that barely keeps his unkempt hair tamed. He murmurs something about, 'need to borrow this' and 'the divination folks won't mind it missing for a bit'.

"Peace on your nest as well," The half-sil softly laughs, shaking his head. "Need for coin or not, I am just pleased it made its way to you all." A sip of his tea, a clack onto the saucer. His widen slightly at Paenitia's state. "O-Oh my stars, Lady Paenitia, are you well?"

Seeing as the Lucht wasn't currently bleeding through the edges of her armor, he abates his fretting a bit, a sigh leaving him. "It is good to see you all once more. And well. For the most part. Now, I suppose we can get started. Yes. This is about the other comet. It is... a bit complicated. Thankfully, our mutual friend is nearly hale, credit due to Randolf's brisk thinking," he nods towards his fellow practitioner, answering Venom's question.

He turns on his chair, reaches out to the glowing rock, and gently raps his knuckles against it. The disc shifts slightly. "Nariel, it is safe to emerge."

There is a soft shimmer atop the rock, and slowly rising from the light like that of a lazy weekend morning as a familiar looking, foot and a half tall winged figure, in white cloth robes with gold trimmings, and a similarly colored veil obscuring their face, stretches, using the rock as something to sit on. They looked far better, no longer caked in metallic blood, yet still seemed a bit weak and lethargic in their movements. They pause upon seeing the room, before they lower their head in a subtle bow as soft chimes intone the room.

"Hello once more." The notes sounded... sleepy.

Randolf digs into his breast pocket for his pipe and tobacco pouch, glancing around and nodding to his comrades as they all file in. He turns his attention back to Bozli, idly tamping the bowl before tucking the bit in his mouth. He mutters a soft phrase of power, sparking up a dancing flame on his fingertips. But all that gets forgotten as the celestial makes its emergence. His eyes get wide as he once again beholds that radiant splendor, fingers poised over the bowl of his pipe. His reverie gets interrupted as the flame sears his fingers, making him shake his hand with a yelp. "Gyah!" He takes ahold of his pipe so he can suck the burned finger, leaning in to regard Nariel. "It's good tae see ye in better health, lassie," he says.

"I am well, friend Dragon. No, he is confuse and think he must perch in the pear tree. This delusion will pass, until then, he is the stubborn man." The Red Knight says cheerfully. She also goes for some tea, a large cup, a human sized one, is filled to the brim. She lets it cool. The half-sil gets a salute from her also, "I have the great exhaustion, but this will pass also. My armour, it may be done for, but I will get more."

She quickly finds herself a chair to stand on, and makes a formal bow to the small winged figure. There is always someone smaller, it would seem, as well, "Hola, we meet again!" Her mask smiles for her, although the little Lucht sounds cheerful enough to match.

"The tree would likely snap under them. So hopefully it will pass quickly." Seyardu chuckles, offering the veiled woman as well a wave. She was watching when the small celestial emerge, and they offer them too a wave and bow.

"Peace on your nest, Nariel. Are you well? That was a dangerous beast that was attacking you. This one, does not know what is necessary for celestials, what they eat or drink. Do you need anything at all?" She asks.

Venom cocks her head a touch, certain bits of leather and metal rustling and bumping under the veils with the movement, then she straightens as the tiny veiled figure emerges.

Then it lists the other way.

Her hand lifts in a little wave to the fashionable little Outsider, then she looks toward her fellows to guage their reactions to their co-hostess(?).

GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/religion: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/arcana: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Randolf rolls k/religion: (18)+k/religion: 18
GAME: Randolf rolls k/arcana: (19)+k/arcana: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (3)+10: 13

Randolf's antics makes a soft clatter of wind chimes echo through the room. The tiny figure's solid golden eyes behind the veil squint in amusement. "No, servant of the Star Mother," gentle notes reassure to Seyardu. "Rest and time. Rest and time."

They look over to Bozli, and he gives a slight nod. Donning some leather gloves, he reaches under his desk to pull out a small, wooden box with some effort. A few flicks of latches, and he creaks it open. Inside the lead-lined box was vaguely familiar looking shards. Crimson metal. Warped in such way that the folds seemed to soak in and take the light. Even the brown of the half-sil's glove looked to be desaturated.

"These... are pieces of the other comet," the astrologist begins.

"Vicrah," a few low, untuned chimes drum out, the celestial crossing their arms.

"Yes. After we managed to recover what we could from the crash site we experienced, these shards do not match Nariel's own."

There is a small movement from Nariel, them reaching down into their own rock and gently pulling pieces of it off like it was small pieces of dough. Their covered hands morph it slowly.

"Vicrah is... an otherwordly being," the chimes mention, focused on their task at hand. "They are a creature that feeds upon nightmares. My task is to ensure they are to remain away from mortals. Yet..." The chimes stop briefly, before resuming. "... now I am here. I am not as strong here..." Their wings droop.

Bozli gives a bit of a sad smile before sighing and rubbing his eyes. "And that is where we are to come in. We have reports that Vicrah broke into clusters in the east. While it may be impossible to recover every fragment, Nariel has told me that recovering enough should be able to help stop them."

Seyardu knows that most outsiders tend to not need food and drink, as they sustain themselves by others means. Perhaps the rock they emerged from was their source of such energy? Regardless, such methods from Randolf certainly helped their recovery, as prolong exposure to corruption weakens their purpose.

For both Randolf and Seyardu: Celestials, like most outsiders, have a greater purpose. Sometimes they are grand and all encompassing, like fighting evil and the warring of the lower planes. Sometimes it is small, with little tasks to keep more minute things at bay that lead to larger problems. This certainly seems to be the latter.

Randolf can tell, as Bozli pulls the shards out, there is a number of red flags that go off in the wizard's head. Red flags that would have cause for action, were it not for how subdued the effects seemed to be. The hue of colors dimming seemed to be a trick of the eye. But not one that a strong eyes see through, it was a trick of the mind. Whatever it is that he holds deals with enchantment effects. Compulsions, mind effecting. A strong, strong conduit for such magics. It would make for one hell of a wand in the wrong hands.

Paenitia has little arcane exposure beyond what alights on her in the heat of battle. She nods approvingly of the colour, a hue close to her preferred shade of red. She leans forward to look closer, her damaged armour squeaking as crumpled plates slide, "So, we seek the pieces that look like these?"

"They are hard to find in the grass." A glance at her companions, mostly Randolf, "The wizard have eyes for them? A spell to locate?"

Randolf leans forward, his pipe all but forgotten in his hand as Bozli brings out that box of dark metals. His shaggy red brows furrow together, and his whiskers twist as though he's resisting the urge to spit. "Blessed Reos preserve us an' deliver us from evil," he growls, fidgeting in his seat. But then something catches his notice. "Wait, wha...?" He leans forward further, eyes squinting as he peers. "Look at -that-. Master Adveni, look. Do ye observe the shift in color?" He points with his pipe stem. "There. That's nae just photonic refraction. It's..." He draws back suddenly, eyes widening as he turns white as milk. "Close it, master, please! Those things aren't safe! They're workin' some sort of arcaniform phase change on our -minds-! Reos' flamin' beard, if anyone were tae put that nasty shit tae -use-..." He reaches up to doff his bonnet, running a trembling hand through his hair. "There's got tae be some way we can safely dispose o' these things. Nae good will come of 'em bein' in our world, I'd stake me beard on -that-!" Swallowing hard, he sets his bonnet back atop his head, squirming in his seat once again. "Of course we'll help ye however we can, Nariel," he says. His eyes haven't left those malevolent shards. "We'll help ye carry out yer divine mission, an' return ye tae be wi' yer own."

"Ah, then, if rest in time is necessary, then I will do what I can to provide time to rest." Seyardu replies. It was, strange, to hear a celestial referring to the gods as such. Perhaps a bit reassuring, that she may be doing correct in some manner. Her tail thumps once against the ground. "Not everyone can manage everything on their own. We are here, as strong as we normally are."

Though, her gaze turns downwards. "There have been, many nightmares here, of late, this one feels. If they gain strength from feeding upon such, then it is dangerous for them to be here." <Draconic>

She squints at the shards, and the explanations. And at the wizards reaction to the boxes. "Mind affecting magics from fiendish artifacts, this one knows this well."

From beneath her breatsplate, the silverscale pulls out her holy symbol, and closes her eyes, one hand tracing runes on an exposed patch of scales on her arms. "Celestial mother, shield this one, and those here, from the evils of the artifacts recovered, so we may see what needs to be done." she prays, before stowing the symbol away.

Venom starts slightly as the shards are revealed, with the effect on color is noted. Her veils have a certain weight in that regard, so for her, it is a distinct change in scenery.

She considers the fragments for a time before she finally deigns to respond.

Alas, with Randolf's disquieting epiphany, "Do they react to-?" is as far as the enigma gets along her signed query.

Not knowing anything else to do at first, as the Dwarf catches himself, she reaches out a light, gloved hand for his shoulder, her chin dipped to preserve her modesty behind the curtain of veil and belt.

Should her hand alight without her explosive demine, it does so in a light pat before resuming her signing, "Will it react to lodestones?" <handspeech>

GAME: Seyardu casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

Bozli gives a sheepish smile, yet stows the shard away and closes the box. "Your concern is well warranted, Master Randolf. But worry not, these shards will not influence us."

As if to accentuate his point, Nariel hops off their rock as wings flare out, letting them glide through the air to land on the astrologist's desk. In their small hands is a stack of little medallions. The first one is held up to Randolf, to ease their strife. "Peace, weaver of magic. My presence is enough to find them, and nullify them," soft chimes echo.

Slowly, they glide over to everyone, offering a bow to Seyardu and patting their knee reassuringly as the magic circle flares to life before holding out one to them.

They then hold out a medallion to Paenitia. Which the Celestial pulls away before Paenitia can take it, them making a motion of a smile with it across their veiled face before handing it over proper.

And one is given to Venom. Solid gold eyes peer up at the enimga, them tilting their head to the side. Their veils shift in the process, before holding up the last of the medals. "Yes," they belatedly answer the veiled woman.

The small circle of metal is nothing in particular. Just an alabaster metal with a ridge to it, and a faint, faint imprint of the night sky. Shadows cast on it look like nebulae. It glows ever so faintly yellow.

"Keep me with you. I can find the pieces when you go. And keep you safe," Nariel requests before plopping down in a seat on the edge of the desk.

"There are three places we have strong enough evidence to believe where Vicrah crashed." Bozli speaks up, taking the gloves off. "One is a near the northern end of Redridge Mountains, having collided in some ruins. Another is on the far eastern edge of Happy Valley. And the other seemed to have caused a sinkhole near Fate's Spire."

Paenitia knows that such ruins in that area is dilapidated forts from wars long past. Who knows what it's buried under now.

Randolf visibly relaxes as the box is sealed once again. He lifts his hand to wipe his brow on the back of his fist, letting loose a sigh of relief. Venom's pat to his shoulder does not, in fact, end in her firey demise. Just a simple nod and a wan smile from the dwarf. "I'm still nae very powerful," he says. "An' I hate not bein' able tae -do- anything about all o' this. Och, we don't even -start- Extraplanar Studies until -way- later in me curriculum." As Nariel gifts him with the medallion, he holds it up to the light. Once again, his eyes widen with awe, and he turns the disc over in his fingers. "A piece o' the heavens," he breathes. "Oh... it's... it's beautiful." Reverently, he strings the medallion around his neck, tucking it under his beard and giving it a pat. "Thank ye, blessed Nariel, for yer protection." He looks back over to Bozli, nodding his head with each site that's mentioned. "Mountains, eh? Well, lucky ye got -me- with ye, then, innit?" He can't help but puff his chest up with a bit of dwarven pride. "When it's mountains yer goin' to, ye'll be wantin' a dwarf in yer party!"

Paenitia is too slow, and faked out in the medallion offer, "Ha! The gift most gracious! The very beautiful thing." She says, as she finally takes it. The little Lucht fastens it around her neck, a production because of her wild hair and mask. It drops down inside her lumpy breastplate.

"Ah, the sinkhole swallow the great forts of the demon wars. What remain are dilapidated, the homes of beasts and bandits. There is glorious battle to be had."

"Happy Valley, fewer forts, more gnomes, and the right sized constructions." The Red Knight might even take in a play. She pats at her armour, making sure the gift is well protected.

"Still, it can not hurt to be careful, can it not?" Seyardu replies, with a shake of her head before she accepts the medallion, slipping it onto their neck to join the holy symbol. "Ah, apologies, Nariel, this one should trust in your powers. Thank you for this boon, it is appreciated greatly." She adds, hesitating a moment, before reaching out and patting the tiny celestial on the head. She turns her attention to the others, with a nod, and a smile. "It is a boon indeed to have a learned wizard with us for this task. Two, in fact. And a guide for the mountains will be most welcome as well." She says with a glance back to Bozli. "Not to mention the lance arm of Dame Paenitia and brave Ramirez. And the, normal arm of Venom?"

A brow raises to the veiled woman. "This one saw you using your thunderbelcher before, but your blows against the demon before were surprising. Has Aryia been training you?"

Venom doesn't shrink from the little veiled figure, though her posture shifts slightly. Still, the shrouded one bows briefly, if rather deeply, and she cups her hands as she is presented with a new adornment.

She lifts a hand to brush a finger at one of her veils, then points to the little one, then gives a quick thumbs-up. Her attention isn't lock from the medallion, though, yet being the only one who does not speak, she can still keep track of the conversations at large.

Speaking of, some of those words were turned her way, and she turns to Randolf within the bounds of her obfuscation and she bows her head, then folds her hand into the single sign of, "Team."

The appraisals from Seyardu put a little pride in her stance before she crosses her arm across her belly for a short little bow, though the rest gets a reply of, "NWe compare notes." <handspeech>

The celestial pauses at the contact from Seyardu, them looking up at the with indiscernible stare in their gold eyes. There is a single flap of wings, them rising, and booping Seyardu on the top of the head with a covered hand before resuming passing out medallions.

The celestial nods at Venom, them reaching up to their gold chained veil and fluttering it briefly between their fingers. It jingles softly. Just a hint of alabaster skin flashes from the motion, the same color as the medallions in everyones' hands.

Nariel seems to relax as all seem on board with helping, wings resting over their shoulders like a curtain as they sit on the desk. Chimes silent for now, though they nod in welcome for all the thanks they get.

Bozli chuckles as all get down to brass tacks. "This is good. I'm glad we're all in agreement."

"Once enough of them is gathered, and I have rested enough, I should be able to cleanse them," Nariel adds offhandedly, kicking their legs. "Vicrah is weaker here too, doubly so if I cut them off for a while."

The arcanist sits upright, having finished his tea. "So, in summary: The other comet has the power to feed off nightmares, and it can affect minds. Nariel can help you find them, and secure the pieces. There's three places to investigate. Do any of you have any questions? The floor is yours."

Randolf settles back in his seat. "Wow. I get tae help a blessed celestial from the Heavenly Realm on a -quest-," he says. "I mean, it's not -quite- the same as helpin' Reos at His blessed forges, but -still-..." He looks back over to Bozli, shaking his head. "Nae questions here. Seems a simple enough task. Seek out the shards o' Vicrah, help Nariel nullify them, an' return home safely. All while fendin' off bandits, beasties, an' any manner o' Horrible World-devourin' Evil What Came From Beyond All That Space." He slaps his hand down on the desk. "Simple!" he declare. "When do we leave?"

"Brave Ramirez is very brave, but he is the simple bird man. Do I need the medallion for his mind too, or he will sleep like a chicken?" Paenitia asks. She slaps her guantletted hands to her belt, "The weapons best, are they silver or the cold iron? I have wood, too."

"Nariel does not sound the honourable foe. Will it make other innocents fight, and we need to be wary to spare them? If the mind is too clouded to snap them out, bring them to you or dispatch?"

She laughs vigorously at Randolf, "It is true! I feel the great honour to do this task!"

Venom turns from the crowd and ventures toward a corner after the unique acknowledgement from the Celestial. She brings the medallion up and over her head before she spends a moment fluffing veils and hair out of the way, affording a glimpse of rough, irregular leather and dangling straps in profile before things settle back into place. She spends another moment or two, hands free, to refasten those free swinging bits, then turns back to rejoin the crew, "Tie lodestones from string to drag through grass. Like hooking food from a river, yes?" <handspeech>

"Yes, it sounds too dangerous to leave be, and it would not do to leave Nariel after this point." The silver sith-makar nods, rubbing their head after it was bopped.

Though, she chuckles a bit at the apparent enthusiasm of the dwarf. "I understand your desire to go, Randolf, but our task ahead of us should be tempered with understanding and wariness." She advises.

Seyardu closes her eyes for a moment. "Do you know where the largest amount of these shards ended up by any chance? If it would be best to gather the most beforehand, or go to Happy Valley first, to stop them from clouding the minds of the residents there."

The sith-makar nods to Paenitia. "And this is important to consider. While we are safe here, what can these shards do outside of your presence? And, are there any precautions we should take, should we risk running into this Vicrah?"

"It is an honor indeed, Master Randolf," Bozli bows his head slightly with a light smile. "You may leave when you wish, though, the sooner the better."

Questions are addressed in order.

The celestial visits their rock again, pulling off a chunk like dough once more and making a few more medallions. The float over to Paenitia, and give them more copies. "The more sentient, the more influential. Though, if injured, it may take hold. Ward your steed. And any others that may end up joining you. But be wary who you give me to. Vicrah is an evil being, who's weakest from the metal of the moon, like the Star Mother's servant, and the sanctity of the heavens." They gesture to Seyardu. Ergo, silver. And weapons aligned of the light.

There is a ruffled chime, like all the notes hit at once in a sigh. "Gentle and kind souls may be influenced to fight. Be wary should such things come to fruition. More troubled souls may find madness sooner than others. You will need render them still and remove Vicrah from them. They should be hale after."

The gold eyes close for a moment. Then raise a hand to the south east. "I cannot tell, servant of the Star Mother. I can tell they are vaguely in that direction. I know not if it is near any souls or not that would be affected." They tilt their head to the side. "How would that be any different than affecting brigands? Perhaps that is more pressing? Or perhaps the innocent town is more pressing? I am not of these lands as Vicrah's existence anywhere is equally ill."

Chime still, then resume to Seyardu. "Vicrah can influence the mind of others. Though consuming their nightmares, and eventually feeding on their dreams. Turning souls into corrupted monsters. You saw the monster that you fought. Imagine others like it."

Then, they tilt their veiled head. "... whatever do you mean, running into Vicrah? Vicrah is here now." The gesture at the sealed box.

As questions are answered, Bozli rummages around in his desk for something.

Randolf nods his head to Bozli. "Well. I've got a few scrolls o' Locate Object written down. If we can get within the impact radius, I -should- have the distance tae make those useful," he says. "As fer when we find 'em..." He considers, tugging at his beard. "Chuck 'em in a box like that one, I'll warrant. I cannae really think of anything tae do, at least until Nariel can cleanse their filth from this world."

Venom shrugs and considers where she can get her little digits on some stones for her idea, just in case they do have to go sifting through the foliage for them at some point. Or... worse, a well.

There is a look to the tiny figure and a nods.

Paenitia bows her head, not much because then the mask and the wide brim of her hat completely cut off her view of Nariel. She accepts the medallions, sliding them into a secure pouch on her belt. "Thank you. He will be most proud of the new shiny thing he has. I will exercise great caution in whom else I select as our wayward allies."

She pats at her sword, "the blade then. This is good."

A happy laugh, "the treatment sound the same as the too much celebration. Remove the ale, hold them until it wear off. I will not forget."

Seyardu looks to Randolf. "When you were tending to Nariel, I saw you use some form of magic, which forced the shards outwards. Can you tell me what you used?" She asks. "If what Nariel says is true, then doing so again for those afflicted is important for recovery."

"If they can turn into monsters, then happy valley should be our first priority. If any were to be transformed, the danger they would pose would be great. And with that dealt with, we could rest there, before travelling to the other locations."

The sith-makar looks confused now, however. "They are, the shards? And you are the metal here, if I have this correct?"

The celestial stands and does a single, fluid hop back over to their alabaster rock. "Similar magics may cease affliction for those rendered inert, as it did for me," Nariel chimes. They look to Seyardu, then they step into their rock. In a shimmer of constellations, Nariel remerges near Seyardu, sitting on their shoulder. The medallion on the silverscale's neck glows brighter.

"I am the starshard I gave. Vicrah is the starshard."

They vanish in a similar shimmer of nebulae and constellations, the same medallion thrumming before it goes still, and Nariel remerges from the alabaster comet. "I am with you," the chimes add.

"Ah!" Bozli pipes up, pulling out a stack of palm sized stained glass. "Master Randolf saved my telescope, which saved the glass inserts! Here, here! Take one!" The astrologist hands out a piece of reinforced stained glass to everyone. There was a lot of different colors on the glass, and the details minute and hard to make out without a special lens. He rambles something about using transmutation magics along with illusions to stain glass to capture light for later inspection. He holds up a simple cantrip of white light at the end of his finger, and puts it behind the stained glass in his hand. Projecting onto the wall is a similar image to the one the party saw in the telescope naught but a couple of weeks ago. Not nearly as sharp as seeing it for yourself, but still a reminder of the emotions felt during that time regardless.

Randolf sighs softly, a warm smile on his face as Nariel says that. 'I am with you'. He's no cleric by any stretch, but faith runs deep in the hearts of the khazad. As Bozli brings out those glass inserts, he perks up brightly. "Oh, did it? I wasn't sure if the Mending would restore 'em in their proper form!" He reaches out to take one of the slides, holding it up to inspect the minute details. He listens to Bozli's explanation, nodding his head along. "Aye, aye, photomagnetic galvanization, that sounds right," he mutters. He watches as his fellow wizard projects the image from his slide. "Ooh!" He holds his own slide up and twiddles his fingers before it, muttering a brief word of power. His own cantrip conjures light to project the image. "Och, would ye look at that? The process was nearly flawless!" He looks back over to Bozli. "Do... do we get tae keep these?" he asks hopefully.

Paenitia also smiles, but none can see. Fortunately her ever grinning mask smiles for her. Her voice is cheery and full of awe as Bozil demonstrates the glass, "There is much beauty, and to capture the moment. I feel the warmth grow in my breast. Truly magical, my friend."

Her piece of glass is carefully pocketed. She's nodding to Randolf's question. She would definitely like to keep hers. Also, Ramirez would be fascinated.

All she'll need is a good light source.

Venom takes in the things said, commiting them to memory. She'll likely make notes once they've finished, but, soon, her attention is drawn to the Astrologist passing out glass.

A cock of the head.

She goes... rigid at the arcane display, and should one be watching at that moment, they would see the steady inward/outward ruffling of veils stop mid cycle as the starfield is brought forth.

A statue, now still as well as silent, though her Galateaic poise soon melts after a couple of heartbeats, when she turns her palm over and looks down into the piece of glass.


There comes a hesitant, almost faltering, "Thank..... you..." <handspeech>

"So whatever that magic was, should work again. If they are knocked out, and it is used, they can be saved. This is excellent news, Nariel." The silverscale smiles. Though she squints when she sees them disappear, only for a not insubstantial weight to appear on her shoulder. "This is reassuring news, Nariel." She says after they return to the stone.

At the offer, she nods, and gently takes the offered glass. "And this is a fascinating process, I would like to hear more about it another time. But it was a sight I will not forget, and with this, that is even more ensured. My thanks, Bozli."

Bozli laughs, holding out his hands as if pushing the inserts back into the hesitant palms. "Of course you can keep it! They're copies! Just be careful not to drop them, it's quite a bother to piece them back together. And you're all very welcome. It's the least I could do! I can explain it later during my office hours how it all works!"

The room is light and airy, smiles all around.

But of course, not all is right. Nariel closes their eyes and gives a soft chime of concern. A hand goes over their face.

Three empty notes.

"... Vicrah moves."

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