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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Taking Flight *Emitter: Aryia *Characters: Aryia, Seyardu, Venom, Verna *Place: The Colosseum *Time...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Her glowing gaze slides closed. A breath. In. Out.
Her glowing gaze slides closed. A breath. In. Out.
"... I... think I can do." <Handspeech>
"... I... think I can do it." <Handspeech>
Line 318: Line 318:
In that moment, the path cleared.
In that moment, the path cleared.
::<span style="color:#FFD700">HOT?</span>
Sand kicks up from where Aryia was, a mere blink making one lose sight of her. Unmatched celerity causes blurry after images to trail behind the pugilist as she shoots forward like lightning, a line of distrubed sand marking her wake. A step launches her to the sky, flipping through the air in a controlled spin. She lands at the apex of the nosebleed section some quarter thousand feet away.
Sand kicks up from where Aryia was, a mere blink making one lose sight of her. Unmatched celerity causes blurry after images to trail behind the pugilist as she shoots forward like lightning, a line of distrubed sand marking her wake. A step launches her to the sky, flipping through the air in a controlled spin. She lands at the apex of the nosebleed section some quarter thousand feet away.

Latest revision as of 16:32, 25 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Taking Flight
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Aryia, Seyardu, Venom, Verna
  • Place: The Colosseum
  • Time: October 24th, 2021
  • Summary: Aryia is blowing steam off at the Colosseum, Venom is searching for her, and Seyardu is wanting to get some training, all after the Fernwood took a bit of a beating a few hours prior. Verna slides in to observe. The trio check in on each other, ensuring that the other was hale, and they speak about the Ashwings deciding to how their faces again. Seyardu pulls the two into a hug, glad that both of them were okay. They soon speak of new abilities, Seyardu wishing to try a spell for flight, and Aryia honing in on her flash of celerity. Venom stands by to observe. With a blessing from Althea, Seyardu takes flight on wings, up, up, up, then face first into the sand. Such magics, alas, gave no insight on how to actually fly. After ensuring the silverscale was okay, it was Aryia's turn to attempt. Armed with a new insight, she blasts across the arena in the blink of an eye, sticking the landing but falling over in fatigue. The trio takes a break.

The Colosseum, Afternoon.

Not too long after the fiasco at the Fernwood, the Colosseum is back on its rounds again for open training. The sands were filled with folk, some in the stands with nothing better to do than watch those train as the TarRaCe was closed. Even some clergy were here in more volume as the statues here served as altars for worship.

Aryia was here in her usual wear to blow off some steam, her having a slight limp as she punches at stuffed bag over and over again. She was angry, clearly, and the pain was just a small reminder to not grow so laxed like many times before.

She should sign up for the tournaments. The big ones.

It's a chilly day. The fog was light, and the sun is obscured.

It was long enough after that Seyardu was feeling relaxed enough to go out again, but things had made one thing abundantly clear, while volunteering and helping others was good, the silver makari needed training again. Much more, and there was no place better to do so then at the colosseum. so she was there again, looking more awkward than most of those there, with her billhook held in one hand as she looked for something to do.

Arriving on a less immediately combattive bent is a figure shrouded in fresh, blackened veils, and the heavy oilcloth poncho a certain someone managed to stitch back together for her.

Her pace is comparatively rapid as she makes the round, seeking the Mul'niessa, seeing the Fernwood has been... briefly(hopefully) closed for... reasons.

Venom's search ultimately pays off as she nears the staccato pounding of the heavy bag, the veils and fog confounding her eyes, some it took more proximity to acquire her quarry.

That Seyardu is also in residence will prompt a certain curiosity, but, to whit, there is a muffled snap-snap of gloved fingers near the dark brawler, awaiting eyes-on before deigning to sign, "What happened? Are you alright?" <handspeech>

Perhaps shrouds are the newest fashion trend, or there is an Individuals Anonymous meeting in the vicinity. Gray cloak over gray robes move into the Colosseum, perhaps hovering given that the gray obscures most signs of feet. A tome hovers before the hooded figure, perused in the course of travel.

Verna's duties have her at the nearby hospital, but the activities here draw her so. It is entirely likely that some may require aid of some sort, and formal admittance to the hospital requires a fair amount of paperwork. Thus a change of scenery might also make matters more efficient.

Aryia takes a small break, her giving a small sigh as she rests against the wall and slides down to a sit. She massages her legs, looking a touch pained but alright for the most part. A light cut on her arm able to be seen.

She catches Seyardu in the distance, not catching the veiled enigma just yet as she waves and motions her over towards the punching bag she was next to.

And then she spots Venom. She pauses, and her frame relaxes, the frustration melting away some. Even a ghost of a warm smile flicks across her lips. "Hello Venom. I'm glad to see you. I'm fine. The others healed me."

A sigh. More motions. "Remember the Ashwings? They came back and wanted to cause some havoc. Unleashed an undead acid ooze into the Fernwood. It killed some people as we tried to stop it and her. She got away. I... tried to chase her. But I overshot again. So I fell."

She doesn't spot Verna just yet, her attention a bit /too/ focused on Venom for the time being.<Handspeech>

Seyardu moved to join Aryia over at the punching bag she was beside, and she nods. "Peace on your nest, Aryia, it is good to see you as well." She greets, turning to see Venom, who she gives a wave as well, and a sigh at Aryia's words. "Peace on your nest as well, Venom. It is, as she says. But I can assure you that Aryia has been healed fully, and there is no lasting damage."

Venom looks the Mul'niessa over, survey lingering on the wound on her arm, but she nods. There's twist of the figure as Aryia waves to someone over -oh! Seyardu.

With a brief look to her friend, the silent, shrouded figure in the two-toed boots lifts her hand to wave the silverscale's way as well.

There's a little bow as the Sith draws up near, and from the movement of the veiled head, she'd gotten a lookover for damage as well.

Her hands come together and start to frame a response, "I trust that she was. You treated me very well. How have you been?" <handspeech>

Aryia was massaging her legs, some of the pant leg sliding up to show a healing bruise that spiders up her leg, like she fell from a height and caught herself. The wound on her arm was light, as if it barely bit into the skin. A day or two, and it'd go away.

She gives sighs, and groans as she gets back to her feet. "... need to get that down so it's useful..." she gestures to herself. She does, however, take a tiny step towards Venom, just to be closer.<Handspeech>

"It is my duty as a cleric to help those in need to the best of my abilities, but thank you for saying such. This one has been well enough, all things considered, and hopes that you have been well." Seyardu notes, then she glances to Aryia, and chuckles a bit weakly. "I suppose that I can not be too harsh on her, as technically she attempted to use that magic while I was present."

Venom turns back to Aryia's massaging, a long silent breath ruffling the veils before she begins to sign, "You'll get it, eventually."

She turns back toward Seyardu and gives the Sith a nod, "So far, thank you." <handspeech>

Aryia purses her lips and clenches her fists for a beat, before relaxing. "But how often can I keep trying? I don't want to break my neck trying to get it down.

She looks to Seyardu, her giving a weak smile before rubbing at her face and rolling her shoulders. She asks of Seyardu, "What was that thing you did outside? It looked like another sith-makar. Never seen you do that before." To which she then starts to painfully stretch her legs out.

Seyardu was here... as was V... hmm... <Handspeech>

"What I did? That was ah, it was some form of magic, like that weapon that was floating and attacking things before." Seyardu explains. "It is, more powerful than that, but similar. If you see it, should be able to keep a foes attention long enough to strike them."

"You will get better at it though, I think. Your directory was quite good, that time."

Venom shrugs, then reaches out to gently clap the Mul'niessa's shoulder, her other hand taking up the task of relaying, "Analyze the event. Has anything changed between attempts? How it felt. How you plant your feet, things like that. Do you journal them?"

She looks to Seyardu as Aryia mentions her doing 'new magic' and she considers that as a possibility, "Do you have to practice spells, Seyardu?" <handspeech>

Aryia raises a brow. "You're, uh, really getting a lot better at that stuff," she weakly compliments, getting the knots out of her calves. She pauses as a gloved hand rests on her shoulder. And just like that, the fretting and unsureness evaporated. She leans into the hand some, her looking up to the veiled woman. "I... I do journal it. Along with a lot of other stuff. That time felt... a little different, like I really wanted to do it for a lot of reasons. I just thought of...-"

Aryia blinks. And reaches into her jacket to pull out her journal. She flips it open and uncaps a pen with her teeth. A few pages flip as she goes through some rather dense pages.

Whatever it is, she's onto something. <Handspeech>

"Perhaps yes, there was something different about the situation you are speaking of." Seyardu nods to the suggestion, and Aryia's response. "I am, I am capable of a lot more than I used to be. I could even try flying, which I have been curious about."

Then she grins and shakes her head. "And yet, it does not feel as impressive as the things I have seen you do. But we both rely upon each other to get through things."

Venom nods as Aryia starts to retread the path, . There is a slight shift in her posture as the Mul'niessa relaxes under her touch and her hand inexplicably lingers as the elf dives into her journal to let fly.

Her head pivots toward Seyardu as she speaks and says good things.

Her free hand flicks through her reply of, "We do." An endorsement.<handspeech>

Aryia scribbles something down as the others talk, her flipping back and forth on the pages to read something or another before resuming. From Venom's vantage point, her handwriting was becoming more precise, with pointed scripture and a squarish blocking of literature. Still was Tradespeak, but influenced from something else.

She chews on the end of her pen, letting go of it to fire off a, "Bullshit, you can do some really impressive things with your magic, Seyardu. Why don't you try flying here? Sand is soft enough to land in."

A flick to Venom's simple gesture. She smiles a bit more warmly. "We do. All of us."

Back to writing, spurred on by the lingering hand. Just a little more...

Her glowing gaze slides closed. A breath. In. Out.

"... I... think I can do it." <Handspeech>

"I could try it, yes, it may be worth exploring, before I need to do so in a serious situation." The sithmakar nods, looking at the sand and kicking some of it with a foot.

"I came here to train, I suppose that would be considered a form of training. And what brings you two to the colosseum, in that case? Aryia I know comes often, but Venom, I am curious about."


So, this is what 'on the spot' feels like.

There is a subtle cambor of the veiled head that holds for some seconds before she slowly nods.

Her hands turn from their previous tasks before begining to go through their communicative motions, "I got wind about trouble at the Fernwood. I thought to check on Aryia, and it would be faster to check here, first. Trying to poke around the dock might have taken hours." <handspeech>

Aryia answers Seyardu with a few gestures, her opening her eyes once more. "Fernwood kind of pissed me off. So I was punching the bag. And I've been slacking on training, so... but yes. It would be interesting to see you give it a try."

The question does turn her attention to Venom, her curious as well, seeing as she never sees the veiled enigma here. The answer makes her blink, and her face gains a hint of a rubor, though a smile crests her lips as she shuts her journal and slips it into an inner pocket in her jacket. "... that's nice of you. Thank you," her hands motion, yet her body language screamed 'I want to tackle hug you.' <Handspeech>

"Ah, you were looking for Aryia, that makes sense." Seyardu nods, looking between the two of them. Was Aryia going to hug her? Maybe?

Seyardu was fairly strong, and she was able to pull Aryia and Venom into a group hug. "I am glad you are both alright after everything that happened. More training after was what brought me here, as well." She agrees. "I could, try it, but I know not how well it would go."

Venom has likely a number of things going on in that head of hers.

Aryia's wellbeing.

The current potential tactical situation if Aryia and Seyardu's enemies are attacking the place the Mul'niessa sleeps.


The differences in how Seyardu does magic, than Aryia.

Group hugging out of nowhere was...., well, not amongst the possibilities.

THe veiled figure is tense for an instant, the oilcloth obscuring the finer details of what lay under the poncho, but the outlines of human female in proportion, a reinforced pack of some kind, and an array of weapons, including her Thunderbelcher are well discernable beneath.

She is... surprised, and probably overtrained, but relaxes to tenatively join the group embrace after a second or two to process.

It's very hard to move Aryia, her body being honed to be its open weapon makes her like that of a small pillar. Except, when, you know, she /wants/ to be moved, like right now. And before long, she's pulled into a hug with two of the people she trusts the most. She slips an arm around both of them (though the one on Venom is held tighter.)

She closes her eyes, and relaxes. In. Out. The pools started to slow...

After a few long moments, a memory of a promise filtered in, and she pulls away reluctantly. "Thank you," she motions to Seyardu, her glancing to Venom timidly before resting on her back foot. "Can't know if you don't try. Better here than fighting, light you said."

She folds her hands together in front of her. In. Out. Her breathing pointedly controlled. <Handspeech>

The hug was brief, and the silver makari stepped back with a final squeeze, and a bit of a chuckle. "I do hope that I was correct in my assumption you wished for a hug, Aryia." Seyardu chuckles, and she turns to Venom with a smile. "And you too, Venom, you remind me of myself perhaps, in that you do not get enough of them."

She looks back to the sand, and pulls out her stone holy symbol, which she stares at for a moment. "I will give it a try, I think."

Venom's hug is a little awkward, admittedly, and her arsenal doesn't offer much in the way of help in that regard. Still, she doesn't resist, and lets a slow sigh wash out of her nose before they are released and she straightens.

She looks first to Aryia as she notes her hands at work, reading them for the Mul'niessa's meaning, then cocking her head toward Seyardu's words.

A pause, then...

"Maybe." comes a hesitant, actually uncertain gesture. <handspeech>

Aryia glances up to Venom at the hesitant gesture, then to Seyardu. "... you weren't wrong, Seyardu," she motions with small gestures, ending with a little cough. Out. In.

The elf gives a little nod towards Seyardu. "Give it a try then." She leans back against the wall next to the punching bag. Taking the moment to slide down to a sit. Base of the skull to the... <Handspeech>

GAME: Seyardu rolls 1d20 -1: (6)+-1: 5
GAME: Seyardu rolls 1d6: (5): 5

"Maybe you do not get enough hugs?" Seyardu asks, then chuckles with a shake of her head. "Well, Aryia is your friend, and there is nothing wrong with hugging them. And if you ever need one, you can just ask me as well."

The silver makari lets out a puff of air, realizing she was stalling for time immensely. "Ah, yes, right, giving it a try."

They close their eyes, holding the amulet close. "Celestial mother, grant this one a portion of your power, and that of your servants and allies." they pray. And just as suddenly, she opens her eyes, raising a clawed hand, opening it and flexing it a few times. And then she cranes her neck, seeing a pair of leathery wings suddenly up and out of her back, stretching uncertainly.

"I feel like I could tear that fiend apart if they showed up again." She states before taking off at a run, trying to move the wings, and gaining a decent amount of height. She stops, flapping in place and giving the two a thumps up-

Before realizing that the wings were not catching the wind anymore, and she plummets like a stone, faceplanting into the sands below.

The veiled enigma seems content to leave the final number up for consideration, merely offering a little nod in reply. She cocks her head as Seyardu begins shifting to a new configuration.


The silverscale's careening down the literal runway is tracked by the silent woman, but doesn't sign any query that would pull Aryia's gaze from their companion giving it their....


She glances overtly to Aryia, then, in that surprisingly quick pace for a human, she makes her way over to check on the Sith woman.

Aryia glances between Seyardu and Venom. Carefully selected signs were motioned out, "Only if Venom okay with that, I don't want to impose." She made a promise. And that was one she would keep.

She watches on, a brow raised as there was that praying in the dragon tongue, yet understanding none of it. Yet then her eyes widened considerably as wings shot forth. She'd seen this sight before, a winged sith-makar. Yet she never would... have guessed Seyardu would be able to attain such a thing as well.

A grin crosses her face as the small makari takes flight. Yes, just like th-


Oh. With a little sigh. Out. She gets to her feet and ambles over unhurriedly, keeping pace with Venom. (Did Venom always move that fast? Was she catching up to her?) There's a 'tink-tink' of her finger tapping against the breastplate. <Handspeech>

That was a very shiny breatsplate, and it rang true when Aryia tapped it. You could not even see the dents where she got bitten by a zombie horse on it anymore.

Seyardu rolled onto her back after a moment, letting out a puff of air and a mild grunt.

"I am alright, the sand is quite soft, as you said." She states, looking up to the two who came over before she pulls herself to her feat. "I was expecting some, perhaps for the magic to make me understand flight better. I was not expecting it to be so, difficult."

Venom dips into a crouch next to Seyardu, reaching out to offer the woman a hand up, the other busying itself with telling her, "Kulthian knowledge about flight is very involved. I don't understand the finer points, but at least some of flight comes from how the wing is moved."

She glances at the wing, then, "How much control do you have over the wings?" <handspeech>

Aryia offers a hand in tandem with Venom to Seyardu as she gets herself to her feet, a bit of relief crossing her features at seeing she was alright. Out. In. "Practice," both her hands flash, a glance to Venom to read her signs before nodding back to Seyardu. "Better here than there to crash." <Handspeech>

With help from the two, she is able to get back to her feet and dust herself off, dusting the sand off her front and readjust the wings behind her, clearly fidgeting a bit. "Practice, yes, that is probably necessary. I was not expecting it to be easier to walk on air than it is to fly with dedicated appendages." Seyardu chuckles. "But, it feels nice, and right, unlike that magic. I will need to practice more, and should do more while the magic lasts."

Venom nods twice, helping the gleaming one to her feet before she offers concurrence with her fellow mute, "That is good thinking."

There is another look between the women, then, "How many times have you done this?"<handspeech>

Aryia curiously reaches up to run a hand along one of the leathery wings, her head tilted to the side. Huh. So this was just some magic doing this...

She gives a nod to Seyardu. "If it lasts a while, might as well come here or fly over the sea just to be safe. Until you get used to it. Still, though, that is really impressive you can do that now. You should show Cryosanthia."

She takes a step away, and idly slides her gaze across the stands, some spectators taking more note of the trio as one of them had just sprout wings.

Another motion. Brisk. Perhaps spurred to determination after Seyardu's attempt. "The moving really fast thing? Only a three times. It's dangerous. But... might be four soon, I think I'm going to try it again," she mentions, perhaps as a warning. <Handspeech>

"What, falling to the ground like that? Only once, as I have only tried this one time so far. Aryia has done so twice, but this one expects to exceed that amount in a short amount of practice." Seyardu chuckles, looking to Aryia and Venom.

"This one should stay here while you try, as suggested. But also, I would like to see you get it right." She states, with a small note of sureness. The wing patted stretches out, and rather clumsily pats the mul'niessa on the back.

Venom nods again, stepping back and to either side to make sure Seyardu isn't injured anywhere without realizing it.

Seeing that not to be the case, she gives a thumbs-up, then nods again to Aryia's suggestion, "Here, we can react if something goes wrong. I have a couple of healing potions in case you need them." <handspeech>

Aryia stumbles a bit from the pat on the back, the large wing having a bit of heft to it. She smiles some, but nods at the two. "Yes, please stay. Thank you both."

She finds a clear spot nearby and clasps her hands in front of her. Eyes half lid as she just... breathes.

In... out...

Her gaze slowly becomes unfocused as a foot slides backwards, making a small line in the sand of an elongated bootprint.<Handspeech>

Sith-makar could be difficult to ascertain the extent of their injuries. The scales made any possible contusions difficult to see, though she was putting a bit less weight on her right leg.

"Yes, it is best to be prepared just in case. We are here, but if you can treat yourself if needed, it is faster than us reaching you. But I hope it will be unecessary." Seyardu adds, stepping to the side where Aryia makes her starting position. "Whenever you are ready, I am. And you, Venom?"

Venom reaches a hand halfway toward Aryia as she falters in the wake of the wingpat, but relents as the elf seems to get herself together on her own.

There is a look between her companions, considered, then she watches Aryia start to focus on something, recognizing the change in her breathing.

She glances toward Seyardu on her query, but can only answer, "I'm ready to help. I don't have any new magic to try." in response to what she percieves are it's potential avenues. <handspeech>

Aryia glances idly to Seyardu. She was here, and everything would be just fine. Worries of physical conditions allayed.

To Venom. Who's presence brought a calmness that was hard to replicate with any other. And who's presence stilled uncertainty.

The pugilist's feet grind into the sand as her stance lowers, glowing milk gaze darting from spot to spot in the distance. Feeling where each stride should go, where each footfall should land. Hands slowly rise, held loose in preperation.

Her eyes close for a heartbeat.

Stir the emotions. The passion. The feelings. The sensations. Allow the pool of flowing water to align, feel from the base of the skull to the tips of the fingers.

Call the memories. The violet eyes that vanish in a plume of shade. The warmth, the sadness, the- no. Not this.

What does it mean?

Delve deeper. Through and beyond the moments. What connected it all. Sink deep into the ocean. Grasp at what lies beyond in the depths. Grip tight onto what fuels it all. Pull. Pull it up. Bring it to the light.

And why.

All the way to the surface. The briskly running surface. The surface whose tension breaks. And lets loose a torrent of energy.

Did it burn.

The heartbeat passes. Blazing eyes open.


In that moment, the path cleared.


Sand kicks up from where Aryia was, a mere blink making one lose sight of her. Unmatched celerity causes blurry after images to trail behind the pugilist as she shoots forward like lightning, a line of distrubed sand marking her wake. A step launches her to the sky, flipping through the air in a controlled spin. She lands at the apex of the nosebleed section some quarter thousand feet away.

She flails her arms, almost losing her footing before pivoting on a heel to change her center of gravity, and she steadies.

Even from the distance, one can see her beaming visage.

How exhilarating!

Aaaand then the fatigue hits. Aryia almost slumping over from her spot in the stands before shaking her head to catch herself.

Seyardu blinked some of the dust out of her eyes when the mul'niessa took off, and she could not follow where she went and landed. It was a long moment of squinting around until she sees her high up in the stands. She grins, then sighs when she almost slumps over. She turns to Venom.

"It went quite well, I would say. But we should go check on her. I can get us up there I think, if you are willing to trust me."

Venom's veils certainly help with a lot of things, sand seeking eyes amongst them to a point.

Shielding the likely look on her face based in her posture in the wake of Aryia's launch being a definate, primary.

Where'd she-?


The shrouded one looks to Seyardu, a feeling of scrutiny, but, as she seems reasonably sure, she nods her assent.

In the distance, the mul'neissa does slowly start to slump into the stands, looking like she was making to lay down. She pulls free her journal once more, and starts to write with one hand as her other was rubbing her temples.

That was an affirmation by the look of it, and Seyardu nods beck, and the small sith-makar steps in front of Venom, before picking her up and slightly over one shoulder. She turns back to where Aryia was standing, and after making sure Venom was secure, several powerful wingbeats blow even more sand around the arena before she takes off, at a much more steady, and subdued pace. It takes a few moments, but Seyardu reaches the stands where Aryia was, and lands nearby, setting down the veiled woman and walking to where she was.

"That looks like it took a lot out of you Aryia. Do you need anything? Food or water, or do you just need some rest for now?" She asks.

Venom suddenly finds herself in an.... uncommon position. If she finds she doesn't like it, or even if the veiled one does, she doesn't make any indications at this juncture, instead opting to hold on and trust.

As they land, she, too makes her way to where Aryia is melting under fatigue and takes a knee beside her. There is a glance at the journal, then the elf's face, as the veiled one smooths back the ivory bangs from her face.

Once they reach the mute mul'neissa, she groggily sits upright, the handwriting in her journal hasty and crude with two words.


Despite her lethargy, /nothing/ could wipe that gleeful grin on her face. "Water, please. And... probably just need to lay here."

A long moment, then she starts giggling heavily in a care-free way in that breathy, "Ha... ha... hah... ha..." way. The pugilist pushes her face against the gloved hand, and her blazing eyes settle on dark ones as her laughing settles. A hand reaches up and breaks protocol for just a moment, as scarred fingers push veils against a masked face to cup a cheek like many times before. The hand falls away as she lays down. Spent. <Handspeech>

-End Scene-