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*Place: PrP Room 1, Rune.
*Place: PrP Room 1, Rune.
*Time: October 26th, 2021
*Time: October 26th, 2021
*Summary: The party, consisting of Ravenstongue, Mercy, Skielstregar, and Vaera are hired through the adventurer's guild to investigate a branch of the Rune university, Lyceum Antikythera. A branch that specializes in astrology. They have gone dark. Taking passage via airship from Alexander to Sendor, the party meet with their point of contact, Damien, and board a steam carriage to further discuss the job at hand while they make their way to the college. He relays that Lyceum Antikythera sends monthly updates, yet hasn't sent any in three months. He advises speaking with the headmaster there, and then firmly informs the party that they are to report to him only about their findings. The party raises on concerns for his deflection, with Mercy going almost full JUSTICE on him, yet he assures them that he is from the a parent university, and must vet any information that comes out of their findings before letting out it. Mercy goes off to ponder if she should continue working with this man while the others sleep on the ride over through the mountains. They stop at a gothic town closest to the college, and the party makes preparations to head out...
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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At a glance around PrP Room: Three -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the DM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction Eating Continental Shelfs
Subduction Eating Continental Shelfs

Latest revision as of 22:53, 26 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Antikythera Lyceum
  • Emitter: Subduction
  • Characters: Ravenstongue, Mercy, Skielstregar, Vaera
  • Place: PrP Room 1, Rune.
  • Time: October 26th, 2021
  • Summary: The party, consisting of Ravenstongue, Mercy, Skielstregar, and Vaera are hired through the adventurer's guild to investigate a branch of the Rune university, Lyceum Antikythera. A branch that specializes in astrology. They have gone dark. Taking passage via airship from Alexander to Sendor, the party meet with their point of contact, Damien, and board a steam carriage to further discuss the job at hand while they make their way to the college. He relays that Lyceum Antikythera sends monthly updates, yet hasn't sent any in three months. He advises speaking with the headmaster there, and then firmly informs the party that they are to report to him only about their findings. The party raises on concerns for his deflection, with Mercy going almost full JUSTICE on him, yet he assures them that he is from the a parent university, and must vet any information that comes out of their findings before letting out it. Mercy goes off to ponder if she should continue working with this man while the others sleep on the ride over through the mountains. They stop at a gothic town closest to the college, and the party makes preparations to head out...

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ravenstongue       5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Mercy              5'5"     150 Lb     Human             Female    A platinum haired Aesir woman, in flamboyant black.       
Skielstregar       7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.                        
Vaera              7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a wooden leg.                         

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=        As the DM        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction                    Eating Continental Shelfs                                                  

A remote college, fallen off the map. Supposedly, a branch of an ancient and famous Rune university, the Lyceum Antikythera is the name of the place, according to the missive given to the guild. The college has modest grounds, encompassing a glacial lake at the foot of the Khazad Duin mountains.

The job itself was recruited via the adventurer's guild in Alexandria. It's good to know their reputation still remains in foreign nations, even if it hastaken some beating locally of late.

Transport is to be provided, first by way of an airship from Alexandria to Sendor, and later by dwarven steam carriage through Khazad Duin. And so for now, the group find themselves preparing to board the first leg of their journey, in Alexandria.

Ravenstongue looks around nervously, the white raven Pothy on her shoulders. "Can't believe we're headed back to Rune, Pothy," she says quietly, her hand running along the corvid's glossy white headfeathers.

The bird seems to not care nearly so much about the prospect of returning to Rune. He merely peers at her other hand as she raises it up and opens it up to reveal some dried berries. The familiar eagerly snaps up the berries, croaking happily.

Slight and short for an Aesir, a Blonde woman in caped and floppy plumed hatted finery of black and platinum joins the party with a flip of her cape that shows off her symbols of Daeus. She bows to the rest of the party now that there is room to do so. With a flourishing wave of her hat she introduces herself

"I am Redeemer Mercy Hjarlhundr of the Order of the Radiant Sun, Warrior and Investigator in the service of JUSTICE!"

Towering over the rest of the party is that of a tarnished bronze scaled sith-makar, preparing to board the airship. This wasn't the first one he was on, but he certainly wasn't looking forward to stepping on once more.

An aura of dread comes from them, hood pulled over his head as a well used halberd being used as a walking stick. He glances to the softskin with the bird, dead silver eyes watching the exchange. The giant scaled one clears his throat, sounding like a growl, fanged maw opens and-

"... you know of Rune? What isss it like..?" a deep, yet nervous voice inquires.

The large head turns around, the symbol of the Dragonfather dangling from his neck. A smile cracks across his fanged visage. "Thisss one is Ssskielstregar, Warrior caste. Peassse on your nessst, Redeemer."

Mercy nods to Ravenstongue, "Well Met" and smiles back at Skielstregar replying in Draconic "Beace unto your nest as well Warrior"

"Oh, you're the lady from the TaRaCe," Ravenstongue says, smiling. At least for that one iota of a second until the absolute unit of a sith-makar approaches them... That's when the smile falls into a mild expression of horror for one split second before rearranging itself into what could only be called a customer service smile.

The white raven Pothy looks up at Skielstragar for a long moment. A cock of the feathered head to one side... Then another. Before Ravenstongue can say anything, he says, "Snack?"

"Oh gods, Pothy, *that person* is not a snack," Ravenstongue says, looking downright humiliated. "Umm, yes. I lived in Rune since I was a little girl... Although, umm, I kept to my house a lot. I guess it's okay so long as you fit in--umm, sorry. You may call me Ravenstongue. The raven is Pothy."

Skielstregar rubs his neck, long talons making a scraping sounds on the metal scales, him awkwardly pretending he didn't catch that bit of fear. "Ah... thisss one wasss a sssnack, at one point," he weakly chuckles before shaking his head. He bobs his head, satisfied with the answer. "Peassse on your nessst, Ravensss." Ah, both of them were called as such.

He swivels over to Mercy, grinning now. "Thank you," he rumbles back to the Redeemer. <Draconic>

Vaera was late to the guild, and the briefing's it is much later than the rest when she is running into the skydocks and out through the area to find the ship that was chartered. The tall, but not as broad red sith-makar quickly boarded the ship, stopping and looking around.

"Sorry for any delays, I was not sure which ship was the correct one, until I saw Skielstregar, who likely would not be here without reason. I believe I recognize you most, as well."

Indeed, they board the airship- it's not a large ship, a little passenger skiff. Light, fairly quick, and operated by a motley crew- a cheerful Half-Elf pilot, a Goblin rigger and a surly Khazad navigator who doubles as engineer. Passenger quarters are fairly cramped, but sufficient. The sky is cloudy and there's a bit of a wind- a headwind, unfortunately, so the half day's journey is likely to be a full day with mild turbulance- as the party are informed as they board and are shown to their quarters.

They have a few minutes to get settled off, before the airship casts off, slowly rising into the hazy sky. They're asked to remain in their quarters until the flight is at altitude- an event commemorated when the bell hanging over the door rings on its own.

The first thing that Pothy asks for as Ravenstongue settles into the passenger quarters is the first thing he always asks for: "Snacks?"

"I don't think they are serving snacks on this airship today, Pothy," Ravenstongue replies with a sigh. She brings out more dried berries for the bird to consume, and the familiar busies himself with this unending task. "Just hoping nothing goes wrong while we're up in the air."

Skiel does his best to take up as little space as possible in the the cramped quarters. He does greet Vaera warmly at seeing her, the oppressive aura abating some and being more tolerable as they get in cramped indoors. "Hopefully thisss one doesssn't nod off again like lassst time," he mentions to Vaera, referencing the past time they were on an airship.

He chuffs, a cloud of cold, visible breath rolling out in front of him. "What isss the sssoftskin phrassse? Knock on wood?" he chuckles at Ravenstongue, long talons knocking against the floorboard he sits on.

Mercy settles in by unhooking her weapons collection from her body. Three Crossbows including her Precious, two longswords, a dagger for each boot top her hip and behind her neck. She keeps meaning to add blunt instruments and a grapnel gun but never seems to get around to it. Oh and yes the bottle of holy water is weapon too. Her armoury laid out on the deck before her, she begins the process of daily maintenance cleaning, oiling, sharpening, tightening etc.

She also pulls out a bag of dried fruit and offers it around.

"indeed but I hope you two haven't jinxed us."

Vaera says, "The phrase is knock on wood, yes. This one believes it comes from when softskins did not have an understanding of metalworking. They would knock on their wooden clubs to determine the quality of the lumber, and that they would not fail in actual combat." Vaera replies with a chuff.

"It will be fine. These airships, while not my preferred way to travel, can weather harsh storms if needed. At least I do not believe this is one of the ones filled with flammable gas, too.""

Ravenstongue may have displayed fear of Skielstregar before, but Pothy has no fear. None whatsoever. He flies close to the large sith'makar and croaks at him before then taking some druid fruit from Mercy's offering. Truly, mercy is the best of virtues--or so Pothy seems to think, based on his happy fruit consumption noises.

"I'm just worried, that's all," Ravenstongue says. She offers a timid smile. "About more than just being on an airship, that is. Rune is... I left for a reason."

The airship rises fairly smoothly, only jostled by a crosswind for a few moments before it reaches a decent height. The flight smooths out after a half an hour or so, and then the bell rings to signal that they have reached their cruising altitutude, and are free to roam the deck if they please.

The flight, as it turns out, is uneventful. The airship rumbles and shakes a few times throughout the day and a smattering of rain begins to fall across the deck towards the evening- those less accustomed to airship travel are advised to return to their cabin as the deck becomes slippery.

The sun has long set by the time they put down in Sendor, a decently sized trading town on the wrong side of the Khazad Duin mountain range.

They are met as they Disembark by a rather dapper gentleman- tall, Aesir by the look of him, with sharp features, bright eyes, and a swarthy complexion. Approaching middle aged, with a meticulously groomed salt-and-pepper beard. He wears grey robes, stylish but understated.

"Good evening! I'm sure you're tired, but I'm afraid there's no time for pleasantries. The night carriage departs in a little under a half an hour, and you'll need to rush to catch it. I'm Damien, by the by. Damien Gathar. I'll be filling you in on the details of your task- on the train, though. Come on now."

Mercy follows with the clinking of Iron Mongery as she walks. She had been fascinated with the workings of the Airship. Comparing it to the sea sailing with which she was more familiar, having worked as a sailor to make her way to this continent. She doff's her 'musketeer' hat and flourishes.

"Greetings Damien, I, Mercy Hjarlhundr am all ears."

Skiel is thankful the ride isn't waylaid, him leaving to stretch his legs as they were safe to mingle about the ship. His time spent napping, or chatting with the others.

Once they disembark, he hefts a pack over his shoulder while his halbred clanks against the ground like a walking stick. He dips his head in greeting. "Peassse on your nessst," he says. "Thisss one underssstands."

"Train," Pothy repeats, mimicking Damien's voice. Ravenstongue shushes the bird and sighs.

"Sorry. Familiars, you know how they are sometimes. Let's grab that train," the sorceress says, in a tone that seems rather familiar with the process of running for the train in Rune.

An uneventful airship ride was usually a good thing, and this was no exception. Vaera was not holed up in the rooms, and she spent much of the time on the deck, though she does take time to look over her own weapons as well. But she was quick to leave when they landed, and the red sith-makar joins the others in meeting with the aesir.

"Greetings Damien, I am Vaera. If there is no time to waste then we should move quickly and not linger here."

GAME: Vaera rolls Sense Motive: (5)+5: 10

Damien leads the way once he's sure they are all following him. "Right, yes, the train." he says as he about faces and begins power walking on long legs through the town. Even this late in the evening, it's still fairly busy- a lot of the trade for the day ahs wound down, but the traders are still full of energy and many have freshly acquired coin they are more than happy to spend ad inns and taverns. The streets are cobbled and slick with rain.

The sharply dressed Damien leads them promptly through a number of twists and turns to the steam carriage station, where the monstrosity of brass and iron waits for them, rumbling idly. "Right- all aboard. We've a carriage to ourselves, just here." he says as he leads the way to it, reahcing out with a cane to tap the door which pops open and a staircase folds out for him to bound up in two strides- holding the door while he waits for the others.

Skielstregar is sort of out of his element. Alexandria prepped him for civilization, but nothing like this. The steam carriages making him blink, him tiling his head up to look at it. "... have you ever ssseeen these before, Vaera...?" he quietly asks of his kin before shaking his, clearing the staircase with one step. He has to duck and squeeze in.

Mercy follows, her weapons clinking as she moves.

Ravenstongue seems nervous, judging by how much she looks around as though she's looking for a hole to crawl into, but the nerves don't apply for her as she gets into the carriage, not needing to duck at all even with Pothy on her shoulder. "Been a while since our last carriage ride too, Pothy," she murmurs to the corvid.

Pothy still doesn't care about the novelty of rides. "Snack," he says, and he receives more dried fruit for his outburst from Ravenstongue's hands.

Vaera was just as much out of her element as the other Sith-makar for a change, and she staares at the mass of metal and steam for a moment before she ducks into the door as well. "I have seen similar before, with these rails, but it was operated by hand." Vaera replies. Skeletal hands, but she left that part out. When Charn wanted something done, they were more likely to use slaves or undead than technology.

"How long will the trip take, then? I would like to know how long we have to speak."

"It's an overnight train. But I expect you'll be wanting to rest up- that said, we have a couple of hours to chat if need be." Damien answers as the group file in. The interior of the carriage is well appointed, divided into a sitting room at one end, and several bunks at the other, with privacy curtains.

Once everyone is aboard, he heads over to the sitting room area, where there is a tea set already laid out on the table. He taps his cane on the floor and then pours boiling water from the tip of it into the teapot which already has leaves waiting within. "Please, sit down. Rest your legs after that little jog." he suggests.

Whether they do or not, he will turn to face them and begin. "How much do any of you know about the College? The Antikythera Lyceum?"

GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/history: Trained Use Only: 0
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Intelligence: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

Skiel settles into the train, him setting with Damien in a large bench to support him. He takes some of his equipment off of him. It would be rude not to partake, so he takes some tea.

The cup is laughably small in his hands. And the fangs make it hard to sip any.

He dribbles quite a lot. And his embarrassment shows. "T... thisss one isn't sure of what these plassses are... apologiesss..."

Mercy sit quietly and listens, an anagram for Silent. She doesn't know anything and figures listening is the best way to learn.

Ravenstongue shakes her head. "I'm not familiar with the Antikythera Lyceum. Never heard it even mentioned, actually," she says, taking a cup of tea when it's ready as she sits down. Pothy, meanwhile, takes one look at the tea and is completely disinterested because it's not food he can put down his gullet, so he settles for fussing with Ravenstongue's long braid.

Vaera stands, as the chairs were not made for tails. At the question, she pauses to think, but simply shakes her head. "Only what nearly anyone could tell you. The Arcanist's society was in rune, and dissolved. Most branches I heard are independant now." She states. "What is going on with them, I have no knowledge of."

Damien waits for their answers, and then nods his head a bit, "Nothing then? Well, that's fine. Probably for the best." he says then. "Simply put, they are a research college. Dedicated to study of the stars and the space between them." he explains to the assembled party. "We typically receive a letter from them at least once a month, more often if they have something going on. But we've not heard anything from them in three months, now." he explains.

He pauses to take a sip of his own cup of tea, making no comment on Skiel's struggles with their own cup. "The college itself is home to some half dozen researchers, and the headmaster."

Ravenstongue looks intrigued, tapping her chin in thought. "The stars--do they have an observatory? Do they not have any students? Do you know what projects they were working on before? Err, sorry for all the questions," Ravenstongue says, in rather rapid succession, and stopped to just drink some tea lest more questions rattle out of her mouth.

Skiel wipes himself off with his tabard, him coughing some as his small cup was emptied. Half down the gullet, have into his lap. "That isss... troubling, to sssay the least. Ssshamansss can usually hold their own. Thisss one is worried that stargazersss fell to ssssomething.." he rumbles, a bit perturbed at the prospect.

Mercy sips her tea with on pinky in the air and listens intently. She nods thoughtfully but really cannot find anything to say.

"Three months is a long time to go with no updates, this is true." Vaera agrees, reaching to take one of the napkins from the tablle and offer it to Skiellstregar. "You are right to have some concern, and Ravenstongue has the right idea too. Perhaps something they were experimenting with got out of hand, or there was something else that happened. I do not mean to worry, but we should be prepared for the worst."

"Ah, there used to be students. Now they mostly just do research there- not as many people flock to the wisdom of Rune as once did." he says wistfully, but then shakes his head to dismiss that thought. "Right! It's certainly concerning. Which is why you are going to investigate." Damien tells the three of them cheerily. "I'm afraid we don't have much more information than what we've already given you- they do have an observatory, up in the mountains. But much of their work is theoretical." he explains. "Once you get to the observatory, you would be well served by seeking out the headmaster. If anyone knows what is going on, it will be him- he has quarters on the second floor of the lecture building."

He settles back to sip his drink once more and breahtes a sigh. "Now, there is one more thing. Whatever is going on there- you will report directly to me. Discuss what you see with no one else." he says, his tone turning a bit more serious for a moment.

The blonde inquisitress arches an eyebrow at the last. JUSTICE! is rarely served by secrecy

The large sith-makar man shifts some. Skiel scratches his head. "Find the headmassster, asssk what isss going on, then ssspeak to you. How do we get in touch with you later?"

Then, his dead eyes squint. "... and perhapsss a reassson why for that caveat. Are you sssuspecting foul play?"

This comment makes one Vaera's brows raise "This is important to know. We have to make reports for the adventurer's guild after the fact, and they need to be honest, especially in current times." She says, focusing more on the man now. "You ask us to speak to the headmaster, yet report back to you. If we are to work with you, then an explanation of why this is the case is necessary."

Ravenstongue nods to Vaera's comment. "I agree," she says. "Transparency means a lot for adventurers. Omitted info can get people killed, which wouldn't be much good for you."

Damien rolls his eyes and settles back, "Oh it's nothing so nefarious as all that." he says to the group. "This college performs a great deal of cutting edge research. Research that rightly belongs to the scholars that produced it, as well as the college. Cuting edges are dulled when they're disseminated far and wide, at least, until papers can be drawn up." he insists.

GAME: Subduction rolls 12: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (13)+2: 15
GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Mercy rolls sense motive: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (7)+5: 12 

Skielstregar sniffs the air, then glances to Vaera. A tinge of suspicion filtering into his normally deathly scent for the redscale. "... thisss one will take your wordsss at face value. But findsss their value russsted," he murmurs. "Jussst asss long asss whatever it isss they are, or aren't doing won't get usss killed."

Her 'Stern Gaze' (TM Inquisitor) sharpens at Damien. The black and platinum clad woman is NOT having it.

"You are not telling us everything. I'll tell you up front that any confidentiality I may offer you is VOIDED if I believe it represents a threat to others especially innocents. JUSTICE! will be served. It would be better if you came clean. NOW.

GAME: Mercy rolls intimidate: (5)+12: 17

Pothy distracts Raven for a moment as he tugs on Ravenstongue's braid a little too hard, preventing the sorceress from discerning much insight into Damien's words. Ravenstongue looks up with surprise at Mercy's outburst with wide eyes--and Pothy croaks in support, a little noise like, "Yeah!"

Damien seems entirely unperturbed by Skiel and the Inquisitress. "Rest assured, we wouldn't be on our way there if I didn't think you were up to the task." he says to Skiel to allay his fears. Back to Mercy, "Please remember we are not in Alexandria. Justice will be served by abiding the laws of Rune. I am a representative of this college's parent university. I am the authority in this matter. As for your reports- make them, if you must. But you will report to me first and foremost. And I will tell you if there are any sensitive subjects you ought to omit." he says then. "If you can't abideby these conditions, you are welcome to get off the carriage at the next stop."

Vaera's gaze narrows, and she crosses her arms some. "We will do what we can, with what discretion we can provide. But as I said, reports will need to be filed, and truthfully. If what happened at this place is due to the research there, then I can not falsify these reports. Perhaps be vague, yes, but tensions with Alexandria are high enough at the moment, and more strain would cause further trouble for everyone."

Skiel gives the man a longer stare. Credentials made sense, higher place wants to check on a lower place. He gives a small nod. "Very well. Thisss one does echo Vaera'sss concernsss, but underssstands the need for discrepansssy."

"Well, I'm okay with continuing," Ravenstongue says, now diverting Pothy's attention /away/ from her braid by feeding him more dried berries from her pocket. "I just don't want to get killed, that's all."

Mercy appears unmoved. "I will NOT allow threat or harm to innocents. If want you are hiding represents such then dismiss me now." She pull on the brim of her hat. "If as you say, it is merely embarssing, or defamatory to your authority that is none of my concern and entirely your domain."

Damien shrugs at Mercy then, "As I said, take your leave if you wish. You'll be welcome to board the return train when your colleagues are finished. In the mean time, you can avail yourself of the little mining town on this side of the range." he offers. "As for the rest of you, I suggest you get some rest. Rest assured, if you find something conccerning there- we will deal with it as is necessary." he explains. "Now. I will leave you to your rest. I'll be in the carriage ahead." he says and stands to head onwards.

Skielstregar knits his brows a bit. "... this one thought the Redeemers were a bit more... discreet," he mumbles to the softskin. <Draconic>

Shaking his head, he rises to his feet, and ambles over to a sleeping arrangement that could actually fit him. "Very well. Peassse."

"It seems we have an impasse. I will go to my cabin and allow you all your privacy." The Inquisitress stands up and directs her stern gaze again at Damien. She makes a vee with her fingers, points at her eyes and then points the finger at him. With that, She exits.

Ravenstongue sighs a little at the altercation and puts down her long-since-emptied cup of tea. "Sleep sounds nice, actually," she says. "Have a good evening, everyone." She shuffles off with Pothy on her shoulder to find a cot to sleep in.

"When the foes you meet are blatant at times, sometimes being equally loud and confrontational is best." Vaera chuffs, but she leaves it be for now. "Yes, we will continue to help for now. have a good rest, we will be prepared for when the travel is finished."

She turns to the bronzescale, and pours a glass of tea for herself. "Should this one show you how to drink more than half of a teacup of tea, Skielstregar?"

Skiel waves it off with a light smile, "Thank you, thisss one just needsss a bigger cup. Ressst is good for now."

Once the party retire to their beds, the rest of the night passes without event. The steam carriage rumbling along its tracks through the dark, artificial cavern carved out of the stone by the industrious Khazad of the Duin. It's eerie, the sensation of motion- but looking out the shuttered windows reveals nothing but pitch darkness in the tunnel, the only spots of light those illuminated by the beams piercing from the carriages windows

Eventually, they emerge back into the light of day- it's greay and drizzling, not the most glorious of mornings, but at least they are out of the opressive darkness of the cavern. They arrive at their stop- a small town, the nearest to the college. The homes here seem as grey as the sky, built of carved stone as is common so near to the mountains. Even so, there is a certain understated grandeur to the buildings- with elaborate gothic carvings on the overhangs, dark iron posts with oil lanterns swinging in the breeze, hazy balls of light in the early morning fog.

Skiel sleeps uneasily, not used to being in a cramped place, without the sky above and the sounds of the night forest. Though, at least a little bit of home was with him not too far away. That purpose helped him ease through the eerie caverns.

He awakes, taking up most of the space in the cabin to stretch and gather his things. "Thisss one has not ssseen, citiesss of ssstone like thisss before..." he idly comments, peering through one of the windows in the train. He wraps his polearm in cloth, as to not smash anything with it. The hooded makari awaits for the others before considering disembarking.

Ravenstongue doesn't sleep well, murmuring phrases in her sleep as she tosses and turns. But she eventually awakens when Pothy leans into her ear and croaks, "Wakey wakey snacky snacky!"

"Mnnngh, good morning to you too, Pothy," Ravenstongue says, before setting out on her rather short 'morning routine'.

Eventually she makes her way to the fully waking world and nods to Skiel as she sits down in the cabin. "Guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says. "How about you?"

Vaera slept soundly enough, if for not too long, but being on the train was a disruption to her normal morning routine. She was up and lingering in the car for some time, with little to do save check over her weapons until they disembarked.

"It is common among Khazad, and in Charn, and many other areas." Vaera replies. "This is more pleasant, but stonework is always, cold. Still, there is a certain impressiveness to the structures here, and how ong stone lasts."

The bronzescale gives a sharp thumbs up with a taloned finger that was too long, and he grins. A... very unsettling sight, with those fangs and razor teeth. "Thiss one is ready."

-End Scene-