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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Untended Graves (Part 1) *Emitter: Subduction *Characters: Karasu, [Ravenstongue, Skiel...")
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*Emitter: Subduction
*Emitter: Subduction
*Characters: [[Karasu]], [[[Ravenstongue]], [[Skielstregar]], [[Telamon]], [[Vaera]]
*Characters: [[Karasu]], [[Ravenstongue]], [[Skielstregar]], [[Telamon]], [[Vaera]]
*Place: Subduction's Trench - Green Gate
*Place: Subduction's Trench - Green Gate
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Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=misowebur7r
Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=misowebur7r

Latest revision as of 04:41, 24 April 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Untended Graves (Part 1)
  • Emitter: Subduction
  • Place: Subduction's Trench - Green Gate
  • Summary: The town of Green Gate has a problem: corpses are being dug up and the gravedigger's missing. Karasu, Ravenstongue, Skielstregar, Telamon, and Vaera are sent to investigate, and they speak to Mother Haley, the half-elf priestess who runs the local chapel by the disturbed graves. The suspicion towards the gravedigger is somewhat cleared when the group learns he's been the gravedigger for over 20 years and the gravedigging is a more recent problem. The group leaves the chapel and they discover tracks and a broken fence leading to another grave...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  At a glance around Subduction's Trench  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Karasu               5'9"     125 Lb     Human             Male      Clearly a man of Xian decent with dark hair and eyes.                      
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Skielstregar         7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A silver/bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.                           
Telamon              5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes                       
Vaera                7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a metallic leg.                              
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction                                                           Eating Continental Shelfs                                                  

The town of Green Gate- a couple of hours by coach or carriage, and a little more on foot, from Alexandria Proper. On the edge of the Eldwyn forest. The town has been around for many years- and has always been focused on forestry. In the past decade or two, their focus has gradually shifted away from lumber and towards charcoal, as the demand for it is ever increasing among smiths, alchemists and artificers all. As such, the town is visible from some distance- plumes of smoke rising from the western side of town, emerging from great earthen mounds which serve as enormous ovens to cook the raw wood into charcoal.

The area around it is largely logged already- however, that does not mean it is barren of plant life. Far from it. They maintain large tracts of coppice where once forest stood. The young saplings serving to make the best product, and without cutting deeper into the wilds that lay further to the north and west.

The town has little in the manner of ameneties- its southern side is given over to a smithy, a decently sized inn, the mayor's house, a general store and a small market square. To the northern side, charcoal makers, loggers and their families live in homes built largely from split logs and thatch. Finally, the residential area gives way to a modest chapel and the accompanying graveyard.

The adventurers today find themselves on the road into town from the east, following rumors of a mysterious disappearance and ghastly nocturnal disturbances of the peaceful dead. Despite the ill omens, the town is fairly busy- people have a living to make, after all.

Telamon looks about with an interested gaze. "Not too bad of a place. Quiet. Wonder what might be pawing through their graveyard?" His eyes flicker with memory, a past adventure, before he shifts back to the here-and-now. Glancing at the others, he inquires, "Should we speak to someone first? Or just move straight on to the scene of the crime?" He absently runs a hand through his hair, the cold wind blowing it back a bit as he furrows his brow in thought.

Skielstregar has joined along in this endeavor. The towering makari man mostly brilliant silver by this point, perhaps only a third of him remained of the dwindling tarnished bronze scales.

He adjusts the way his breastplate sits on his shoulders with a hand as he observes the town. "... it looksss assss if thiere isss nothing wrong here at all..."

He shrugs to Telamon. "Perhapsss we ssshould ssspeak to whoever oversssees the graveyard."

"More undead wandering is rarely a good thing." Vaera chuffs as she waits by the roadside, checking over various equipment. "Best not to blunder into whatever is going on, we do not know what they are capable of. So if we can speak to anyone prior, that is a good idea."

Most of the people in this small group of adventurers know Karasu, at least enough to know him on sight and to expect Wuya nearby. The raven in question is flying above Karasu at the moment. Keeping an eye on what is going on with the town, but mostly keeping an eye out for any sort of ambush. He keeps close enough that he can't be picked off by some random arrow shot, but far enough to provide an extra pair of eyes and another perspective. "The overseer of their graveyard is missing." Reminds Karasu. "I would prefer to look at the graves myself beforehand."

Pothy cares not for empty graves and missing people. The white raven is instead more focused on croaking his greetings hello to Wuya from the safety of Ravenstongue's shoulder. More accurately, her snack-giving hand, as the sorceress has a handful of nuts extended out to Pothy.

"I think that makes it probably likely we're going to be looking mostly at graves, then, if there's no one we can particularly interview as the overseer's gone," Ravenstongue says, looking back to the group from her white raven's demands for treats. "My intuition's they've taken up necromancy as a hobby and it finally caught up to them."

Though the town seems busy enough- as the group wander further through it, it's clear they are slightly on edge. The town has an informal watch, made up of volounteers who spend most of their days chopping wood or manning the charcoal furnaces. As such, they aren't especially well equipped- many of them carrying lumber axes or simple bows, wearing padded armor and the occasional pot helm. But nevertheless, they do seem to be paying attention. And one of these part time watchmen waves down the group and approaches. He's a rugged looking human man, looks to have seen at least fourty summers- he sports a curly red beard and equally curly and red, if receeding, hair. He's missing two of the fingers on his left hand.

"Mornin' folks." he calls out to them as he draws a bit nearer. He casts his gaze between them. "Mind if I ask what yer business is in Green Gate?" he wonders of the group as a whole.

Telamon turns on the charm as the group is challenged. "Good morn to you as well, sir," he replies with a smile. "We're here to inspect your graveyard, and inquire after the health and wellbeing of the gravedigger. Nobody's in a hurry to get there, but it's good to know if everything's as it should be."

Skiel smiles weakly and rubs his neck. "Gravedigger, ah, that'ssss what that word wasss on the posssting," he chuckles, looking off to the side. "Trade isss alwaysss so fickle."

He gestures towards Karasu. "Then that would be bessst, Ssshaman."

Though, he regards Ravenstongue's insights, "Thisss one learned from Ssshaman Randolf that not all Necromansssy is vile. But for thisss case, it may be that."

He walks through the town with the others, making their way through before they're flagged down. "Peassse and good tidingsss," he greets back warmly. "Yesss, the graveyard."

"Of course not all necromancy is vile, Skielstregar," Ravenstongue says with a very knowing smile. Pothy croaks in agreement.

She follows Telamon closely and nods to the redheaded man. "As he said. We're the adventurers responding to the posting out here, so any information helps before we go traipsing around and doing what adventurers do best."

"Snacks?" Pothy asks hopefully.

"That comes after the adventuring," Ravenstongue replies, patting him on the head.

Karasu nods politely to the man who stops the group with his words, but doesn't try to add to the conversation. He is at his best not terribly diplomatic. Most of his skills lay in other directions and he knows that they won't serve him or his companions terribly well here. Best then to keep his mouth shut and let people who are more personable do the talking. Like Telamon. Wuya meanwhile heads down to land on his shoulder, giving Pothy a little pleased croak that is 'hello again'.

Vaera takes a step back with her weaponry put away, and she listens to the conversations going on and being shared.

"Yes, we are here about the listing, to see what can be provided in assistance for fixing things. If there are people at risk here, that risk needs to be determined and resolved, if at all possible."

"Oh, aye. Nasty business." The redheaded watchman pulls a face, and then shakes his head. "We reckon it's graverobbers. Hate to think it's someone from the town, but we haven't had many visitors of late. Least none what stuck around long enough to account for all them what was dug up." he says then, and then hacks a rough-sounding cough and spits out a wad of well chewed tobacco and phlegm.

"You'll be wanting to talk to Mother Haley then." he says. "She's the priestess what tends to the chapel. Since Godbert- that was the gravedigger- has gone missing, she's the next best one to ask about the graveyard." he offers. "Chapels on the north side of town. This time, morning services should be just about finished, so you'll like as not catch her in the chapel. If she's not there, she 's a cottage across the way from it."

Telamon nods politely to the watchman. "Then we're off to see Mother Haley. Much obliged, sir." He slows to walk next to Raven, as the little procession heads for the chapel. "So, any thoughts on what we're facing? Ghouls, golem-crafters, failed medical student?" He raises his eyebrows. "The whole 'gravedigger vanishing' is pretty worrisome though. Is he involved, or did he see something he shouldn't have?"

"It has hard to say for certain whether or not the gravedigger was involved, or their disappearance is what is allowing the bodies to be exhumed." Vaera chuffs. "I could give a cursory look for some tracks that may provide information in the graveyard before we go to visit mother Haley, but if we need to hurry to catch her at the church, it can wait."

Skielstregar dips his head. "Thank you for the information. Mother Haley," he repeats, looking off towards where the chapel should be. "Have a pleasssnt day."

He walks off with the others. "Perhapsss the Mother firssst. She may be busssy soon."

Ravenstongue walks with Telamon, slipping her arm into his at the elbow. She also looks thoughtful at the suggestions Telamon's offering. "Either the bodies were dug up for what they had, like normal gravedigging, or they were dug up for the sort of things you're suggesting. I guess we should hope for the former, prepare for the latter. Let's visit Mother Haley as soon as possible."

Karasu waits until they are well past the watchman before speaking up. "The problem with talking to the people who live here is firstly that they have their own perspectives and agendas. Secondly that one of them is likely the culprit. This Mother may well be the one exhuming the bodies." Wuya nudges his cheek and Karasu sighs. "However if you insist; I will ask that all of you keep the possiblity that we are being lied to in the backs of your minds. I would not trust anyone here."

It's a short jaunt to the chapel- the town is barely large enough to qualify for the title- and the group find it on the northern side of town as promised. Beyond it is a stretch of land that looks to have been logged bare some decades past- but which is sporting a number of new saplings springing up- likely they have left the land here to fallow after focusing their efforts on the coppicing and charcoal-making on the western side of town. The residences in this area are fewer and further apart, and large old oaks spared the loggers axe dot green spaces here and there between the rough gravelly roads.

As they arrive at the church, they find a small group of people milling around in the green out front- discussing things with a silver-haired half elf woman in a plain grey, high-collared robe. Her skin is sun-kissed and bears crows feet, flanking her eyes and frown lines on her brow. A symbol of Althea hangs about her neck.

Telamon inclines his head to Karasu. "True, but there's no reason to be impolite. Yet." He pats Raven's hand, as the group approaches the chapel. Catching sight of the small throng, he hmmms. "I hope we're not interrupting something serious. She looks to be a bit busy." Still, he walks along, heading for Mother Haley with calm confidence, making sure to sweep back and forth with his gaze and taking note of the surroundings.

Skiel chuff's at Karasu's suggestion. "A priest wouldn't do sssuch a thi-"

He blinks. Remembers an elf shoved in a coffin. Frowns. "... you have wisssdom..." he grumbles.

His attention sways over the church and the yard beside it. Though, the sights of the danling Althea symbol makes him feel a touch at ease. He glances to Telamon and Ravenstongue, the two, who in all of their adventures thus far, have always been better about making a good first impression.

He clears his throat as they approach her. "Celessstial Mother'sss warm hearth to you," he rumbles, breaking the ice.

"The guard mentioned prayer being done for today. Perhaps she is just speaking with some of the devout after the service." Vaera chuffs as they near the church. "Though, if she is busy, perhaps now is a good time to look around the area until she is free."

Karasu nods to Telamon. The man is right after all. There's no need to be rude, so he lapses once again into silence to better let those who are more comfortable in conversation do their work. He notes a pair of homes along the path to the church, close enough to the graveyard to be of particular interest and gives them a distinct once-over. Specificially looking for signs of animal habitation. Birds in the trees. Dogs or cats watching them from the windows. Other signs that an animal might be nearby. As they round the corner toward the church he gives the graveyard and the church itself the same examination.

"Good tidings, Mother Haley," Ravenstongue calls out, a rather charming smile on her face, accompanying Telamon as they walk. He wasn't the only one capable of diplomacy, after all, and she could be just as good at it. "May we have a moment to speak with you when you are finished?"

"Snacks?" Pothy asks right after. It seems he's hoping for some holy wafers, perhaps. Anything will do to sate Pothy's eternal quest for food. This earns him a little shush from Ravenstongue, and he responds in kind with a little low whistle and a haughty throw back of his little white head.

The two residences to the south of the church look to be occupied- or at least, until very recently. The paint is fairly fresh, the windows are intact, no signs of disrepair. The smaller of the two is much more modest in appointment, no whitewash on its plain lumber construction, and the windows are shuttered rather than paned. The oaks in the area seem to be home to a number of birds- mostly magpies and the occasional finch- and squirrels.

As the adventurers draw nearer, it becomes clear what the topic of conversation is- "The watchmen swear blind it aint nothing supernatural, but I swear 'fore the gods I get a fell feeling on the night." one fellow says. "What graverobber would have dug up old tom? He had hardly a crown to his name, it must be the work of some evil!" insists a distressed woman, carrying a babe and flanked by three more children.

The group parts for Skielstregar- while it's not that unusual to see a Sith-Makar here, it's clear they aren't especially accustomed to them, either. Especially not ones so imposing.

The group gradually disperses with a few more farewells and voiced concerns, leaving the party to speak with Mother Haley.

"Greetings, travellers. It's no trouble at all." she assures them. "I'm sure you've already heard by now, it's an awful thing that's been happening and people's hearts ache for defiled loved ones." she says emphetically. "But! What may I offer you? If you're weary from the road, you're welcome to come inside and rest, and I can offer some minor spells if you're in need." she adds, glancing between them, "Though, you look hale and hearty to me."

"Information, Mother Haley," Telamon says with a genial smile. "I am Telamon Atlon. My cohorts and I were asked to look into your troubles with the dead not resting easily, or at all." He turns to regard the graveyard, and the noticeable spots where something has gone awry. "When unraveling a mystery, even the smallest scrap of knowledge can hold the key to solving it. Whatever you can tell us will be appreciated."

Skielstregar, despite his towering and imposing self, shyly waves to them as they go before he nods. "Yesss... we are hale, thank you for your offer. Telamon ssspeaksss true. We are here to help ssssolve thissss," he rumbles, thumbing his Dragonfather amulet as his dead gaze looks over to the graveyard.

GAME: Karasu rolls diplomacy: (9)+6: 15

"What Telamon said," Ravenstongue says, still smiling. "You may call me Cor'lana. We're here out of genuine concern for the people, so any information will be helpful for our search. We are quite fine from the journey, so we won't be troubling you for rest or magic for now."

"Yes. We have come to learn more about what is going on with the cemetary, and hopefully resolve it." Vaera nods from the back of the group. "We are rested and ready to work, so do not worry about that, though your offer is appreciated. If you could share with us any information about the disappearance of the gravedigger, or what happened to the graves, anything strange at all, it would be of assistance."

Karasu stops by one of the trees, allowing the rest of the group to go ahead of him. He pulls a box out of his pocket, and from that box a rice ball appears. Pulling free a plum from within the rice ball, he puts the rice ball back into the box, and the box goes back into his robes. Then, the man kneels on the ground, a squeaking and chirping set of noises leaving his mouth. The sounds are utterly nonsensicle to the others around him, but to the squirrels... "Hello. My name is Karasu, I have some questions that I was hoping to ask you. I have some food to exchange if you can take the time to help me." Here he shows the plum to the tree.

The cemetary itself has a number of headstones- as well as what seems to be a very small mausoleum where urns of ashes or older remains may be kept once their flesh has returned to the earth and only bones remain. The soil is disturbed at several of the headstones- freshly turned, as though someone has recently been buried there. Catching the adventurer's glances towards them, Mother Haley looks that way herself. "Ah, yes... we've filled the graves again. It seemed disrespectful to leave them open, even if they are empty..." she says, eyes downturned.

"I'd be happy to answer any questions I can, though. As for Godbert- I never really got to know him very well. I've only been here a few years, and he has always kept to himself. He's been the gravedigger for more than twenty years, but he doesn't drink at the tavern and has always been quiet and a bit surly." she explains. "Some of the townsfolk might know him better, but I suspect he lived quite a lonesome life. Even so, I do hope he is OK, wherever he is." she adds then.

"As for the graves themselves... I've not seen or heard anything. I live just across the way, there, but I've always been one to rise and retire early. It's such a shame, really. The last one to be dug up was old Tom- he took ill over the winter, and only passed a few weeks past. I can't imagine he had anything worth taking."

As for the squirrels, they eye Karasu and his plum suspiciously at first. "Only one?" one of them chirps back to him. "Stingy." says another. A third says, "Stinky people. Stinky people came, stinky people left. Over there." it chirps, twitching its tail in the direction of the back fence of the graveyard. It then scurries down the tree, and comes to stop in front of Karasu- holding out tiny hands for the offered plum.

Telamon hasn't noticed Karasu's discussion with the squirrels yet, and so he asks Mother Haley, "When did this start? How often has it occurred?" He nods at the mention of Old Tom. "They may have been after his remains, and not any material goods. Still, it's too early to tell just yet." He cocks his head. "I don't think ...Godbert, you said. I don't think he was involved in this. Twenty years as the digger but this started relatively recently. More likely he saw something he wasn't supposed to."

GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive+2: (11)+7+2: 20

Skielstregar gives a light sigh as at the explanations, him glancing to Vaera for a moment overlong before looking back to the Mother. "That isss... unfortunate," he rumbles to sum up all everything, glancing to Telamon. He shifts on his feet, looking uneasy about this.

Though his gaze does wander... was... Karasu talking to squirrels? Was he a Shaman of the land too?

Question marks would be practically popping up all around his head right now in confusion.

"I agree," Ravenstongue says, looking at Telamon. "It sounds like a relatively simple case. Someone's digging up people for their bodies and not any material possessions. These are ordinary people, after all."

She sighs a little. "Has there been anything else unusual going on here? Do you know if there are people who are particularly down on their luck and might resort to some unscrupulous means to achieve something?"

Karasu duly hands over his plum to the helpful squirrel, and does not complain at all that the others were unimpressed by his offering. He only needed one of them to take his offer, and that obviously sufficed. He waits for the squirrel to scurry off before rising once more to his feet, and making his way toward the rest of the group. "If you would accompany me companions, I believe I have discovered something of interest." He nods his head to the woman they were interrogating, and then calmly begins to make his way toward the back fence.

"If they had nothing, then the reason for taking them is likely for the bodies, yes. As unpleasant as the idea is." Vaera agrees. Another reason why cremation was a good idea for the deceased. "We will try to track down what happened, but as for the village, you saw how the villagers were feeling. They need a leader to allay their fears, and may look to you. Just be there for them, if you can."

Vaera looks over to Karasu, and nods. "That sounds promising. Please show us, Karasu."

"Oh there's always this or that." Mother Haley says then, "It's a hard life out here." she adds then, "But I can't think of anyone in particular who seems the sort to go digging up bodies... then again, I doubt that sort of person would spend much time in my church to begin with." she comments. Vaera's words draw a look from her, and she purses her lips a bit, before nodding. "Of course." she says. "Well, if you have any more questions, I'll be here..." she says as the group begins to head off.

Following the path through the graveyard, they come to the back fence Karasu leads them to. Once there, they see that one of the panels has been partially broken- leaving a sizeable gap in the back of it.

<OOC> Subduction says, "Give me perception rolls."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Karasu rolls perception: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (6)+11: 17

Telamon regards the broken fence with a sardonic eye. "Well, that's not a good sign. There's a terrible joke about people dying to get into a cemetary, but you don't normally see it played out." He murmurs, "Akar irhandi," drawing a shimmer of force around him as he moves closer to inspect the damaged panel of the fenceline.

GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17

Skielstregar gives the priestess a light bow. "May the Mother keep you sssafe," he says in departure as they head off.

He tilts his head at the gap, him looking around and sniffing the air. "... thisss one may have to go around..." he murmurs, eyeing the size of the gap. "Redssscale, there are tracksss," he points out.

"Careful, love," Ravenstongue says to Telamon, drawing up her own magic as she points at the footprints and drag marks in the gap in the fence. "Something's been through here. We'll want Vaera and Skiel to go first... I don't trust whatever went through here to be friendly at all."

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
<OOC> Subduction says, "You can give me a survival roll to glean more details about the tracks."
GAME: Karasu rolls survival: (17)+2: 19
GAME: Skielstregar rolls survival: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls survival: (13)+2: 15
GAME: Vaera rolls survival+3: (16)+11+3: 30

Karasu stares at the hole in the fence and frowns. "I wonder how she could have missed this. The tracks I could see misssing, but the hole in the fence?" He looks back toward where they left the woman behind and shakes his head. "Tracking is not a skill which I have a lot of experiance in. Though I can tell that these marks are headed in that direction, and made by something human... or nearly." He motions toward the northeast.

"Yes, something was moving through the fence." Vaera nods. "And I do have a name, Skiel." She adds with a quiet snort, before she kneels down near the gap in the fencing. "Four creatures came and went, bipedal, and two beasts. They entered here, and left here, likely dragging the bodies away from here. A couple days, lines up with what we know."

Then she pauses to look at some spots, clearing away some leaf litter from one spot. "This is not the first time this entrance has been used, either. I can not make out much due to the age, but I know it was used prior to the last couple days."

"They head northeast, from what I can see. So we have a way to check, when we are ready."

Telamon stops short -- he'd completely missed the tracks. But he doesn't waste time in self-recriminations, instead stepping aside to let Karasu and Vaera get a look instead. At Vaera's report, his brows come together in thought. "Do ghouls use beasts for anything? I admit I'm not well learned on the subject."

Skielstregar watches Vaera expectantly, him nodding towards Ravenstongue. "Yesss, we can go firssst. Well, thiss one never mindsss going firssst."

He pouts at Vaera. "... thiss one knowsss, Firebrand," he teases, elbowing her in the side. But a sigh leaves him. "Perhapsss they missed it, Ssshaman Karasu, behind a tree or sssomething, blockss their view from their house."

Then, he grows concerned. "... beasstsss with undead. Thisss... hmm... doesss not bode well.." The halberd is pulled from its frog, and the butt of it plants itself into the ground.

Vaera is able to follow the tracks swiftly- though there has been some rain of late, they are evident enough for her keen senses, and her allies have no trouble following along behind her. The tracks move away from the rough dirt path that leads north out of the town, winding their way around the fallow area outside of it. They pass into the edge of the forest, where the light is dappled by leaves overhead.

The trees thin out again near a natural rise in the land, and a stout cliff face, no more than twelve feet high, juts abruptly out- likely the result of some ancient earthquake. Further down the cliff face, the group are able to see what looks like a natural opening in the stone. But before they reach that, there is also a patch of disturbed earth- about six feet long and two feet wide.

Telamon is wise enough to not try to get ahead of Vaera or Skiel, letting them take point. As the group approaches the cliff face, he pauses to take in the surroundings, and his eyes land on the patch of disturbed earth. "...Hm." He glances at the others. "So, uh... okay, does that look like a fresh grave to anyone else? Or is it just me?"

Ravenstongue looks right in the direction that Telamon points out. Her lips press together into a thin line and she raises a hand, apparently already preparing to fire off a magic missile if something pops out of the ground. "I don't like the look of that at all," she hisses.

Skielstregar walks astride Vaera. Used to following her but also ready to step in the way just in case something comes out of the woodworks.

The forest was something he was used to, his gaze dropping from the cliff face, to the opening, down to the ground. The pauses. "... it... does."

Karasu stops as well, looking at the ground with suspicion. "Indeed." He offers quietly and shakes his head before looking around to make sure that this isn't an ambush site. "A guard perhaps for the cave beyond?"

Vaera follows the tracks, moving through the forests quickly, and as quiet as she can manage. But they don't seem to be caught by anything obvious.

They reach the cliff face, and Vaera pauses, looking at the earth. "Yes, it seems possible something was dug out here. And it would make sense to hide away from obvious passerbies."

"This one is concerned about what awaits in there, if anything. The tracks lead here, so they may be in there, still."


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=misowebur7r