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==Log Info==
==Log Info==

Latest revision as of 20:25, 14 June 2023

Log Info

  • Title: The Fighting Pit
  • Place: Hidden Fighting Pit
  • Summary: A group travels to a hidden fighting pit in order to discover more about those smuggling beasts out of Am'shere and their purposes.

Not long ago, a group of Adventurers had been hired to investigate a strange occurrence near the Am'shere portal. Once there, they were beset by monsters clearly from the Sith-Makar lands. The only survivor, barely, had been brought back to Alexandria and questioned to discover that he was a smuggler, recruited to bring the monsters to an underground fighting ring.

Armed with that information, and a secret 'passphrase', a group has decided to investigate the location that the smuggler was meant to drop off his cart full of ill-gotten creatures. Upon arriving, it's easy to see how this place has gone unnoticed. It is within a long abandoned building, outside the protections of the city, obscured from sight by overgrowth. The only signs of habitation are horses tied up outside, and multiple deep furrows from cart tracks.

Once they reach the entrance, they are greeted by a pair of bouncers who are quick to demand the 'passphrase'. Thankfully they have it and are then allowed inside.

The area looks to be cobbled together from what remains of the damaged building, with crumbling walls in places and a general open-air feeling. There is a bar along the left side of the chamber, made out of crude bits of wood that are warped from the weather, stools along it made from barrels. A half-sil woman serves alcoholic beverages while a goblin seems to be offering more illicit substances. To the right, there appears to be an area laid out with a variety of questionable products sold by a man with an eye-patch.

There is a small game of cards being played at one of the tables, a bookie seems to be going over paperwork at another. Near the back of the chamber, there is a simple pit, but it seems to be empty, showing only bloodstains. An angry looking Khazadi individual seems to be finishing an argument with a person standing near the entrance to the pits, then stomps off towards the bar.

The place has a feeling of just being... empty. There's room for plenty of people here, but it seems that without fights actively running, there aren't very many patrons in attendance. All that seems to remain are these weary few. Oh, and a guy vomiting loudly in the corner.

"Remember, we are here to find information, and where these shipments are coming from exactly." The Sith-makar had instructed the others. "Try not to arouse suspicion, or we might end up having trouble rooting all of this out."

With the information flowing from Rune, Harkashan is here as an agent of the Sith-makar lands. The idea that monsters from his native lands are being smuggled into this side of the portal is something that endangers more than just the biosphere of Alexandros.

With the passphrase in hand, he's letting the others lead. After all, he doesn't want to seem too suspicious and forward as a former resident of Am'shere.

Once within, the Sith-makar takes a moment to take a look around. It's... a bit of a mess. The damaged building, crumbling walls. Yet, it's rather populated.

Noticing all the hubbub, his innate personality has him approaching the guy who just puked his guts out - slowly stepping up to him and putting a hand on his back. "You okay bud? I've got some stuff to help you with that if you had too much alcohol."

Dressed in her finery, which is to say, white and crimson linens over her light armor, Huian inclines her head, "I can be subtle." she offers. "I also have experience with competitive fighting if that helps." But that said, she falls mostly silent, dropping back to.. follow the lead of others.

Not a trace of her friend. One more look around assures her that indeed, Huian who had asked her to come has not shown up. Aelmeh had hesitated to go into the place, not for lack of courage but there are times when one must listen to commonsense. Commonsense tells the Wizard that she is out of her depth, yet when the door opens the pass phrase falls out of her mouth, almost against her volition.

Wrapped in a dark cloak, she had not worn her best gown, instead choosing one that soon would be in the charity bin, ink spots stain the sleeve and the embroidery on the white under gown has seen better days. The smell of sour ale and blood assaults her nose when she follows the others in. Pinching her nose discreetly, she heads for one of the empty tables. Her gaze sweeps the room, first falling on the half-Sil woman, someone like herself, at least in parentage.

She rises from her table at the arrival of a woman dressed in white and crimson and heads toward her, a smile halfway between a scolding and relief edging her lips.

Well, Schara was not sure if she was the best person for the job of subtly infiltrating an illegal gambling ring, but maybe already being a questionable sort by nature of occupation would make them less out of place? It could be hoped, at least.

"Well, yes, I'll do my best not to arouse suspicion, but I have a habit of wondering things out loud, so, maybe I should be careful about who I'm talking to?" The artificer rambles before they get too close to the building, and they only offer a password before entering inside.

"That Khazad man looks unhappy, maybe he needs help with something?" She notes before wandering over to the far end of the bar.

Dress, and style, was also of great consideration for Asphodel. What properly combines the stealth needed to blend in, the bespoke finery to show yourself as satin to people who may respect it, and to intimate steel beneath?

A broad-rimmed hat at a casual angle draws a lace veil across Asphodel's eyes, a screen to easy interrogation. And if one were to subtly adapt the black robes for an all-of-a-piece black chiffon style robe, it is merely a different take on another, more famous outfit. So under this guise, she follows Huian and Harkashan inside, her inner finery obscured by the drab gray of overshot silk that seems to draw the gray from the sky.

The drunken individual that Harkashan approaches barely seems to notice the Sith-Makar. He is far too busy communing with the wall, which is now an unpleasant shade of yellow. When he feels the hand on his shoulder, the human male looks up, eyeing Harkashan as if he may be seeing more than one of him. He wobbles, lurches, and then vomits again. Harkashan barely manages to avoid becoming the target. "Ugh. Sorry mate." He wipes at his sleeve, which doesn't really help matters. "Had a little 'hic' too much." Then, he starts to laugh.

Schara, on the other hand, would realize that the Khazadi individual making quite so much of a fuss, is actually female. She has one heck of a beard though. It's frankly impressive. The fighter grabs for a tankard of alcohol, downs it in one swig, then slams it on the makeshift bar, causing the entire thing to shudder. "Damn fool says the delivery /still/ hasn't arrived." She shouts for all the world to hear. "How'm I supposed to earn any points if there isn't anything to /fight/?" Beside her, a Half-oruch male sitting at the bar only lifts his head slightly, stifling a yawn. "You been shoutin' for hours. Ain't changed nuthin'. Sit down 'n shut up."

Noticing Schara, the Khazadi woman gives a resounding belch, "If you're here for the fights, you're going to be disappointed. What good is a beastmaster if they don't have any beasts to pummel!?" The angry individual spits towards the pit.

"Quiet down or I'm cutting you off." The Half-sil woman behind the bar says sternly.

"Can't you see I'm trying to work?" A gravely voiced Goblin bookie mutters as he riffles through papers.

"What work?" The bored Half-oruch answers in reply.

Setting her shoulders straight, her outermost lining is inversed about her shoulders, a cape of ebony that settles like lace thorns about her neck. Asphodel moves with ease into the crowd, mingling and mixing without any seeming pattern. There are always women like her around at places like this, waiting around tables for men to finish gambling in between killing time and laughing at their jokes. At this, Asphodel is adept-- and she is particularly interest in keeping her eyes on the crowd she moves through to see whose attention changes when the announcement about the fights goes off.

Dressed in no way shape or form for subtlety, Jacob came dressed in the garb of his faith. He /appears/ to be lacking weapons, but no doubt he has a few daggers or such under his long robes. A hood is placed over his head and mismatched eyes look around the place. "Be on your guard. I don't expect trouble, but it always manages to find us anyway." Jacob remarks to the group, humming as they move. He notices the ill-substances being sold, from spirits to spices to hallucinogens.

He nods softly to Harkashan with a nod.. He turns his eyes toward Schara, nodding a moment. "May be wise." Though He follows Schara to speak with the Khazad woman. "You'd be surprised. What beast were you intended to face?"

Ah, a bookie. Huian nods her head. She smiles to Aelmeh and then also to Asphodel. Then she gestures towards the goblin before she turns and begins to navigate the ground as she angles towards said bookie.

As she approaches, she does nothing to hide her weapons and her body language as someone who knows how to take care of herself. "It seems slow." she says towards the Goblin. "Please tell me there will be something to bet on before long." she says as she reaches for her coin pouch and gives it a little shake to indicate that she has money to burn.

GAME: Huian rolls diplomacy: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Huian rolls bluff: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Asphodel rolls perception: (20)+4: 24
GAME: Harkashan rolls Profession/Herbalist: (5)+8: 13

Harkashan makes a few of those quick back-steps to get out of the way of a lurching stream of vomit, and grimaces a bit. Sith-makar are not exactly as opposed to filfth as some others, but this is still not something he wants on himself.

"There there." He rumbles, "Let me see what I've got." He reaches into a pouch and starts taking out a few herbs, and uses his own hand and thumb to crush the herbs into his palm and create a small edible crushed 'bundle' of green. "Here, take this. It won't get rid of all of that feeling, but at least it'll do a bit." Assuming he remembers Softskin biology right.

Of course, that depends on just HOW much this guy drank.

That little commonsense voice kicks Aelmeh into trying to blend in. First order of business to that end, a drink. Hip against the bar, she turns sideways to the room to watch the other customers and keep an eye on Huian. When she is noticed, she gives the half-Sil woman a small nod, and roughening her accent, orders, "Tankard of ale, please."

When it's placed before her, she fishes out the coppers from a concealed pocket in her belt. "Do they often come late like this? I was hoping for a show."

Schara is wondering if they made a bad choice in addressing someone so angry, but at least they were going to make an attempt to help, hopefully. "Oh, no, I don't know if I could handle fighting beasts, it would be better to watch others doing that." The artificer answers. "Surely there's still work that you can do around here though? If you're strong enough to be fighting animals and earning points, then there must be something you can still do. Don't beast masters know how to work with animals? You could get storage ready and prepared for the fights to come, or something like that."

As Asphodel wanders between the tables, it's very clear that this place is meant to have far more people than it currently does. In fact, there only seem to be a bare-bones group of individuals present at all. She picks up on a shady looking human at the gambling tables, "Come on man, just float me enough for one more game. My luck is turning, I swear." The War Golem who seems to be acting as dealer speaks in a monotone voice, "You have exceeded your spending. You do already owe the house ... 123 gold and 15 silver." She also hears a shout from the corner, where a Gnome is calling out, "Hey, pretty lady! I got some jewelry for sale. Best prices. Come on, take a look!"

The Khazadi woman turns to Jacob, pounding a fist to her chest and giving a swing of that impressive beard. "I was going to fight a blood caterpillar. Huge things, those. Worth a /ton/ of points." She slaps a hand to the wall, where a piece of parchment has scores written on it. In first place, seems to be someone named Arnur. "That's me. Would'a got me in striking distance of the champ." She points at the third place name, which is just listed as Keghorn. It must be her surname.

The bar maid is quick to fill Aelmeh's tankard, offering it out and swiping the coins with deft fingers. "It's been worse as of late. Mismanagement at the highest levels if you ask me." She shoots a look back towards the far edge of the pit where the Beastmaster stands. "Don't know why we even employee a beastmaster if they can't keep beasts in stock for the fighters." She sighs to herself. "Whole place has gone to the dogs since Kegan took over."

The drunk mouths the herbs that are offered, then gives an uncomfortable sound that suggests he may just hurl a third time. However, it's just a bit of air followed by a shake of the head. "You're all right, for a scale." He grins, showing a couple of missing teeth. "I get free drinks from the boss man. Guess... I over 'hic' did it this time." He laughs, leaning back against the wall a bit.

The suggestion of helping around the pits gets a belly laugh from the Khazadi woman, "They don't pay me enough to care about haulin' shit." The bored Half-oruch mutters, "Maybe if ya did work, ya'd belly ache less." This is met with a hard clap on the shoulder from his fighter companion, "Oh, you're itching for a challenge just as much as I am, Hoknuk." That name appears to be 8th on the standings.

"Maybe." Hoknuk replies with a grunt. "Ain't so loud 'boot it."

The Goblin Bookie doesn't immediately respond to Huian. No, it takes a moment for that jingle of coins to catch their attention. Looking up, he smirks, showing crooked teeth. "Can always play cards or dice. Games are off just now, though. Not until we manage to get another shipment. Somethin' waylaid the last one so we're a bit dry, there." He licks his lips in an expression that only partially greed. "Though, we're always looking for investors..."

"Hey." Asphodel's painted lips part in a familiar smile, and her hand is soft upon the arm of the man who is on the outs with the house. "That's a sour mood. And from the look of things--" she glances to the dead empty space, and then fixes her gaze solely upon the War Golem dealer.

"-- it seems like you should be begging for anyone to be here at all. How about we settle a little house debt, get to playing, and you tell me your troubles while we wait for the main affair, mmm?"

Harkashan's focus is on the drunk. And when he looks like he might hurl again, he motions to the floor. But luckily, it seems that the herbs are doing their work!

"I get that a lot." Harkashan remarks, not entirely lying.

He then relaxes a bit as the drunk leans to the wall. "The boss must think you're pretty important here to give you free drinks like that." Harkashan then points out. "Or did you get married to his daughter or something?"

Nodding to the Goblin, Huian shrugs her shoulders, "Shipment waylaid huh? That's terrible. So that is why there is no action?" She tsks as she shakes her head and then says, "Well, if I were to consider investing in a business, it would need to be one that doesn't lose shipments like that. Perhaps.. " She pauses and inclines her head, "No, I doubt you'd want to let me look into the theft as part of me trying to figure out how -much- to invest. I was thinking somewhere upwards of a hundred platinum. That is, if it's a -safe- investment."...

That said, she does her car-buying- trick and turns to walk away from the Bookie, in hopes that he will pursue her... and she heads towards the bar. "Well, someone stole their beasts. That's why it's so boring here. If nobody helps find them, it is going to -keep- being boring." she says to Aelmeh.

GAME: Asphodel rolls diplomacy: (14)+3: 17
<OOC> Rune says, "Alright, you have triggered a minigame. Roll as many d6s as you want. You are trying to get as close to 12 without going over as possible to 'win'. Good Luck."
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d6: (6): 6
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (3)+11: 14

GAME: Huian rolls diplomacy: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Huian rolls bluff: (11)+11: 22

"But if you're not doing anything to begin with, it's better than nothing, isn't it?" The artificer wonders aloud. "Or if it really isn't, shouldn't you figure out something else to be doing? Have you talked with whoever is in charge of bringing the animals to figure out what the delay is? If you could figure out what the problem is, not only would you be able to fight again, but you'd have a pre emptive knowledge of what you would be facing, right?"

"I understand your frustration, but there's not really any use of dwelling on it. And people at bars are usually relaxing right? Maybe you should get a drink or something?"

The woman working the room has a familiar look to her, but Aelmeh can't place where she has seen her. The market, perhaps? Or passing on the street? She is notably good-looking and flaunts it which fascinates Aelmeh. She takes a pull of ale and nearly spits it back into the tankard but bravely swallows.

Back to small talk, she comments, "Mismanagement makes a business lose trade. What's the problem with the new guy?"

The War Golem seems to tilt its head, perhaps guaging the odds. "One game. You play for the 'gentleman'." The monotone voice speaks as a hand motions Asphodel to join the table. The gambler looks more than happy to accept this change in his fate. "You're a lifesaver." He leans in towards Asphodel and whispers, "This place is a scam, I tell you. I can't figure out how they do it, though." The dealer lays out cards, but soon goes 'bust' by a stroke of what seems to be bad luck. "Bad luck, it seems." The War Golem answers. He motions some chips towards the pair.

"Boss was my pal, yeah? Back in the day, before he struck it big." The drunk answers, obviously more than happy to let his mouth flap to Harkashan's questions. "We used to be in it together. Selling the right powder, fencing the right goods, but this? Oh man..." He motions around. "This is the big bucks. Vadon felt bad for me not making it like he did. So he floats me what I need."

The half-sil starts cleaning one of the mugs, looking to Aelmeh with a long-suffering sign, "Used to have this real clever bloke running the show here. Clever enough that he got out of it once he had his coin. Then Vadon put Kegan in charge and he's been running the place into the ground ever since." Her hand motions to Harkashan and the Drunk, "Not to mention them letting their idiot friends drink themselves to death and make a mess of everything. Who do you think is going to have to clean that up? Me." Leaning a bit forward, she adds in a hushed tone, "If you ask me, it's all this nonsense bringing monsters in from the portal. It's a giant publicity stunt and it's costing us a fortune."

The bookie doesn't quite seem completely convinced about Huian's offer, but he does seem to like the prospect of money. So, when she turns to start walking off, he calls out, "We got another shipment already scheduled. Should be here in a couple of days. Fresh stock, too. Am'shere beasts, nasty ones. The sort that make even the toughest warrior cast sit up and take notice."

"Only better than nothing if they /pay/ me." Keghorn replies, then calls out to the Bookie, "You going to pay me for schleping your shit?" To which the goblin replies, "Of course not." To which Keghorn motions towards him, "See?"

Hoknuk is the one who elaborates, his head resting on his hand, "Big fuss near the portal. Sent sellswords out to sniff 'boot." He explains in rough speech. "Probs ran foul somethin'. Nothin' to do for it. Just wait."

Keghorn gives a grunt, "I think it's the Beastmaster who is at fault. Damn lizards don't have nothing other than scales for brains. Probably set the things lose, herself. Don't trust any of 'em."


Harkashan moves to lean next to the guy, taking up a friendly position. Lowering his head and curling his tail a bit around his own legs. "No - I get you. Honestly, he sounds like he's a stand-up guy." He remarks, considering things for a moment.

"But are you sure he's not keeping you down, letting you just drink? Imagine the kind of scores you could make outside of here." He notes, thinking about this carefully. He's trying to put himself into the shoes of this guy. "But if you end up getting drunk enough to puke and end up miserable... you won't live up to it. You know? Maybe he's funding you hoping you'll step up your game and reach his level."

Glancing over her shoulder towards the bookie, Huian snorts, "So, you are out more money. Good after bad, huh?" She asks as she turns to look at Aelmeh. She notices the look of distaste on her friend's face, and smirks. "May I try that?" she asks as she reaches for the tankard of ale. Hoping that Aelmeh will not -want- that ale any longer. She grins as she tries to take the tankard and goes to take a large gulp of it.

She masters her face before looking back, "I wish I could believe you that this one won't be waylaid too." She shakes her head sadly, "Someone should make -sure- it's secure, y'know?" she suggests.

Asphodel's satin-lined palm moves her chips towards her in a meandering arc, even as she leans in to both golem and man. "Well," She says, staring up at both, "If I wanted to toss dice for pennies, I wouldn't have abandoned those bores to some death on the road. Now." She straightens up, chips cupped thoughtlessly in her palm, interlaced with her own gold coins.

The churning red and gold plays over her skin and sets her dark eyes aflame. "Where is the real entertainment for those of us not wasting the House's time?" She asks.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Bluff: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Huian rolls bluff: (12)+11: 23

With an effort, Aelmeh manages a straight face when the barkeep mentions the monsters' provenance. She covers her reaction with another drink of the awful ale which goes a long way toward covering up the smell of old blood in the room.

Huian taking over the tankard is a blessing. As she drinks, she repeats what the bartender mentioned. "Did you hear? The things they bring in are big and bad. Bad enough to be interesting. From the portal," she adds quietly with an innocent arch of one eyebrow. "You'd think they would be carefully guarded."

"This lizards like, sith-makari?" The artificer wonders again, glancing at the lizard who was at the other end of the bar. "I thought they were all about unity and working together. And one of them is a beastmaster here? Well, if they're willing to work with you, that's a good thing, isn't it? Hopefully the sellswords can make sure things are still working smoothly there, if that's the case."

GAME: Asphodel rolls sense motive: (14)+4: 18

The Drunk man laughs. "Maybe." He reaches out and claps Harkashan on the shoulder once, twice, three times /far/ too hard. "You're a good friend mister fire lizard. I like you." He wipes his already filthy sleeve across his mouth and nose again, "Maybe you could talk to Vadon for me, put in a good word? Tell 'm I'm more than just a drunk down on his luck, yeah?" Leaning towards Harkashan, he whispers, "Can find 'm up in the merchant district, yeah? Vadon Redfallow. Real upstanding sort." Clearly not.

The goblin seems to /really/ think over the prospect of what Huian is offering. He looks between her and Aelmeh before rubbing his hands together. "Tell you what? You want the job guarding a caravan? I can make that happen." He snaps his fingers then, trying to get the attention of Hoknuk. "Hey, over here." Then, to Huian he offers with a toothy grin, "Two shots, fists only. Let's see what you can do." Hoknuk glares daggers at the Bookie. "You payin' me?" The gobbo quickly replies, "Yes yes, now let the pretty lady hit you."

"Why does Hoknuk get all the fun?" Keghorn grumbles, continuing to complain about /everything/ as if it were her sole purpose in life. She turns her attention back to Schara, folding her arms across her chest. "That one's an exile. Brokered some kinda deal with someone over in lizard-land. I don't much care /where/ the beasts come from, only that they die." Pleasant individual, this one.

The War Golem responds in that same, monotone voice to Asphodel. "This establishment provides fine goods. Games of chance. The excitement of blood sport. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact Kegan Frehide." The Gambler seems to be staring at the chips, though. "That one won't do jack shit for you. They're thieves, the whole lot of them. But... if you have coin to spare, I know where some /real/ high stakes games happen." He's desperate, and the fact that he is focusing more on those chips than on Asphodel herself, suggests that this Gambler is up to no good at all.

<OOC> Rune says, "Huian, you get two unarmed attacks. Hit DC is 14, do as much damage as you can to impress the Gobbo."
GAME: Huian rolls weapon0: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Huian rolls weapon0: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Caught off guard, Huian has a tankard in one hand. "Fists?" She asks, confused as she halfway lashes out, only to forget the tankard was held in that hand. The remaining ale within it splashes into the Goblin's face, before she hurls the tankard to the ground and strikes her own toe.

"Yeah. I do not fight without a blade in hand. Would you like to see what I can do with a blade?"

GAME: Huian rolls diplomacy: (13)+10: 23

"Yeah, I'll put in a good word for you." Harkashan answers with a bold chuckle when the man clasps his shoulder three times. It's far too hard, but the Sith-makar has tough scales, and even tougher armor.

"Vadon Redfallow." He then repeats. "Am I saying that right?" He asks, before slapping his forehead. Well, touching his horns really. "I didn't get your name though. Can't put in a word for someone whose name I don't know yet." He then reaches out a hand.

"My name is Inferno." He notes.

"Well, if you care about them dying, then that's important, isn't it? Not dying is part of that, and knowing what you're dealing with is half the battle, especially with some of the more strange ones from Am'shere. I've read enough books to know there are some pretty dangerous things there." The artificer suggests. "You don't have to trust them, but getting to know them and what they could be bringing couldn't hurt, right? If you've got nothing to fight here, seems like a worthwhile use of your time until more shows up."

"And don't take that badly, I'm sure they have reasons for picking them. Maybe they thing think you're too strong for a decent demonstration? They don't want to scare off potential prospects after all."

Rather than answer with words, Asphodel is the very model of polite attendance to the needs of others. Fingers like the beckoning of night slowly churn the mass of gold and chips in her hand.

That satin and velvet tend to clean even the dirtiest of silverware is surely coincidence on behalf of the Llyranesi aristocrat, leaving even the gold in her hands looking shinier and better than whatever the gambler may possess.

"Is that so?" She asks, a soft mew of interest perking her gaze up again. Heavy gold, shiny metal, white teeth, black eyes. The Llyranesi smiles.

In a matter of moments, they are about to be signed up to escort a caravan of dangerous animals. Leave it to Huian, there is seldom a dull moment with the Jade Island woman. Unconsciously, Aelmeh's shoulder moves in sympathy with the punch. If only she could have added a little twist of magic to help, because she has no skills with hand-to-hand combat.

Sighing quietly to herself. Her gaze roves over the others, then she moves to stand next to Huian.

"Better luck, next time? If they saw your blade work..."

"Jon." The drunk replies, offering Harkashan one of those smiles that says he will likely not even remember this conversation in the morning. "Vadon will know me. We go way back." He seems about to repeat his same history again, like an NPC caught on loop, but then hiccups again. "Nice to meet you Furno. You Sith all got weird names."

Keghorn seems to have a hard time disputing Schara's words, and that ... that makes them angry. "You're too smart. I don't like smart people." She huffs. "Fine, I'll go make nice with the stupid lizard." The Khazadi stomps past Schara and makes their way across the ruins. The poor Beastmaster actually flinches back, as if they were afraid of being attacked. At least there isn't any shouting from that corner, for the time being.

The less than stellar performance by Huian has ale spilled all over the goblin's face as well as some of his paperwork. Whatever good will had been formed is all but shattered in that moment. He narrows his eyes, then sticks a thumb in one oversized nostril and blows ale and snot out of the other. He is unimpressed. "One chance with your blade. You kill my fighter, my bouncers kill you." The two masked men at the door crack their knuckles at the same time, ominously.

Hoknuk just stands there, still looking quite bored with this whole turn of events.

<OOC> Rune says, "One shot with a single bladed weapon of your choice. Go."
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Rune says, "DC was 14, so it's a hit."
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

Nodding her head, Huian says to Hoknuk, "You are most gracious." she states as she steps back a pace, her slender sword sliding from the scabbard as she does so. It never ceases moving, her arm sliding gracefully about before she lunges lightning fast, and aims for a cut along the bicep or shoulder area of the indicated target. Hopefully on the weapon arm.

"Thanks Jon. And yes, but what are you going to do. I don't get to choose what names my kin chose for me." Harkashan answers, motioning his hand lazily, before glancing over at the others making their own progress.

"I'll head on my way." He then notes, and wanders on out of the tent. Indicating to his team by means of his departure that he's got useful information, without having to directly interact with them!

"Oh well, it's just like the sith-makari, isn't it? Even if you don't like me, you can get something valuable from talking to them." The artificer laughs as the dwarf wanders away. There was some good information there, at least. They were left to turn their attention to the demonstration, where they are left to clap for the much better second showing. "That was good, wasn't it?" The artificer notes.

It is hard to tell if anything would get a reaction from Hoknuk, but the slice to the arm just has him looking down at it, then over at the Goblin with an expression that reads: 'Am I done?'

"Fine. /FINE/." The Goblin rifles through his paperwork, some of it still sodden with ale, obviously irritated. "HERE." A piece of ale-soaked parchment is thrust towards Huian. On it, there is a crudely drawn map and a name: 'Xioyah'. The name is obviously Makari of some fashion. "You'll have to find the place yourself. You tell him Twitch sent you. You deliver the goods, you get paid. You die, you don't." That toothy grin re-appears, "You don't deliver the goods and you're alive, my friends over there kill you." The two bouncers punch their fists into their opposite hands in unison.

The Gambler leans a bit more towards Asphodel, "Yeah. /Yeah!/" He seems overly enthusiastic when she /seems/ to take the bait. He grabs a bit of paper that looks like a used betting slip and jots down a location. It's actually in Alexandria proper. "There's some real high stakes games here. Just... tell them that Rorick sent you." There is soemthing about it that feels like a set up. That it may not be wise to go to that location...

Asphodel can only smile as she accepts the note, leaving a few gold on the table-- and her chips-- for the man. If it appears transaction in nature, well... these places are filled with these kind of people. She flips her hood back up and is in good marching condition standing behind Huian.

"When I tire of men," She says offhandedly, trying to summarize this experience to the other woman, "I guess I'll take up gambling. I bet over the years they forget even debts, and I can run a centuries-long con."

Turning to regard the bouncers, and then returning her gaze to Hoknuk... Huian's natural reaction would be to give them a snarky mock salute that reeks of insult and injury. But she restrains that reaction. She lowers her sword and presses right fist to left palm, bowing her head to the 'Boss Gobbo'. That said, she turns to gather her comrades and heads for the exit without another word. By the gods, restraint is so hard, why is it so hard?!

Aelmeh smiles smugly. She had no doubt that Huian's sword arm would be true. Blood is drawn but not so much to get her in trouble. "Knew you could do it," she says in a low voice, then turns her attention to the Goblin and his shifty deal. Any hint of a smile leaves her face on hearing the terms.

She turns to look over her shoulder at the woman making the comment to Huian to smile at her humor. To Huian, "Ready? Let's talk on the way back."

"Let's talk outfits," Asphodel says once they are in the clear. She'll pass the information on to Aelmah and Huian. "We can always bust some teeth."

"Unless I try to -punch- them in the teeth." mutters Huian on the way out, mostly under her breath.

"Oh, we're leaving? Well, I guess it will be another time when the animals are here. Hopefully it's able to be sorted out." The artificer sighs, turning for the door as well. "I've got some healing abilities if you want that wound mended, so it doesn't get infected or anything, but it's alright if you don't need anything." They offer in passing.