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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *'''Title''': Shambling Jungle II *'''Characters''': Rune, Choler, Schara, Asphodel, Huian *'''GM''': Harkashan *'''Place''': Alexandros - Wilderness (Forest) *Summary: A group of Adventurers seek to intercept a shipment of monsters heading for the fighting pits in Alexandros.</div> Thanks to some work by a group of Adventurers, some of which are present today, the team h...")
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[[Category:Shambling Jungle]]
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==Log Info==
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<pre>GAME: Choler rolls stealth: (7)+15: 22
<pre>GAME: Choler rolls stealth: (7)+15: 22

Latest revision as of 20:26, 14 June 2023

Log Info

  • Summary: A group of Adventurers seek to intercept a shipment of monsters heading for the fighting pits in Alexandros.

Thanks to some work by a group of Adventurers, some of which are present today, the team has managed to track down and take down a recent group of smuggled monsters from Am'shere. Following up on this occurrence, thanks to a captured smuggler, they found out about a local fighting ring that had been waiting for those monsters.

With some convincing words, failed attempts to sway a goblin with punches, and copious amounts of technicolor vomit on the ground -- the team found out that the one funding all of this is Vabon Redfallow. A noble within Alexandros lands.

The problem is that getting to approach this man isn't so simple. So a plan has been put together after some information gathering -- to put the pressure on this noble. That is, by intercepting one of his new monster shipments.

That very same mission has the group walking and otherwise horse-riding the side of a river, trying to meet with the incoming shipment. They have just stopped at the edge of a large copse of trees, having spotted tracks passing /through/ the river to the trees in question. Only barely visible because of the the moon overhead illuminating just enough to get a 'recent' look at things. And there, hidden amongst the trees, a /sizable/ wagon. No doubt what they're looking for.


GAME: Choler rolls stealth: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Rune rolls stealth+2: (17)+12+2: 31
GAME: Huian rolls stealth: (6)+4: 10
GAME: Schara rolls stealth: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Asphodel rolls stealth: (6)+2: 8

Riding up to the situation, Huian stops her horse that is so light grey it may as well be white. She clicks her tongue to it in a friendly way before lifting one leg over and sliding down the right side of the horse's flank. She finds herself studying the tracks going into the water, and then moves to the water's edge as quietly as she can.

Once there, she peers across the water, trying to figure out where the caravan came -out- of the water. I mean, if they crossed the river here, it can't be too deep or too wide. Right? RIGHT?

As usual, the whole way out, she's been pretty much uncommunicative. Mostly because she doesn't tend to speak just for the sake of speaking.

<OOC> Schara will move up to 12,16, and take their turn to search the general area
<OOC> Harkashan says, "@Schara, roll Perception"
GAME: Schara rolls perception: (4)+10: 14

Asphodel is following along on a horse of her own, and loosely ties the rein around a tree before she takes cover to see what she can see.

GAME: Asphodel rolls perception: (15)+4: 19

The bronze clad figure who was joining the group lagged behind those mounted in the group, but eventually, they reach the area with the others, and take a long moment to catch their breath, well away from any animals. "The water looks crossable, and there is tree cover. I will take a look." They state to the others, before somewhat quietly clanking behind the treeline. They turn back to the others, and wave slightly, tapping one finger against the mouth piece of their helmet before holding up their right hand with two fingers outstretched.

<OOC> Huian had posed moving to 14,17 but is still on the road. But that was my intro pose, not an action pose
<OOC> Asphodel says, "I'd like to cross at 12,17
<OOC> Huian says, "mount horse again, ride across straight north"
<OOC> Huian says, "to 15,14 please"

Climbing back into her saddle, Huian urges the horse across the water. She smiles and reaches down to pat its flank before moving forward. As she does so however, she holds her torch in her left hand, keeping her right hand free.

Then she spots the ruffian down the way and with a few gestures she indicates, "I see one man. Might be more. That way." <handspeech>

<OOC> Rune says, "Please move me to 12,15. This should be 25ft which should keep my stealth and only give me a -5. Then observation/scouting/perception."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "The map software won't let me put someone in the same spot as a Tree."
<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, 13,15 is fine."
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (18)+15: 33
GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (8)+8: 16

For much of the journey, Rune had ridden on horseback. However, as they approached the 'meeting' point where the smugglers were expected to be found, she had tied the horse safely up amongst some neraby trees before continuing on foot.

Darkness is her ally, with the rogue neatly blending in to the environment with her hood up, mask drawn over her face, and clothing not standing out except when the light hits her directly. "I'm going to check things out." Spoken in hushed common.

Following behind Schara, Rune seems to move carefully enough not to make too much noise or disturb the environment, even when stepping through the shallow river. She takes a position just on the other side. As she peeks through the cover of the trees, Rune responds to the gestures from Huian with a couple of her own, "At least three. Possibly more." <Handspeech>

<OOC> Choler says, "Move Choler to 11,17 please. I'd really like to say she's in 11,16, but I know it won't let you put chars into trees. Then a perception check."
GAME: Choler rolls perception: (17)+3: 20

The Goblin is used to walking, and running, and had little trouble, or complaint, doing so.

Where the wagon tracks veer into the water, she slows, ducking lower and being more circumspect in her movement. "Okay, we should try to be quiet from this point forward.", she whispers. She slows just enough to avoid splashing the water as she crosses, before the Goblin snuggles up close to a tree. Choler holds up her hand, with three fingers extended, and gestures to a spot relatively close by. She pantomimes looking at things, and with her fingers, walks them back and forth along her palm.

<OOC> Schara says, "Okay, Schara is going to stay where she is for her turn, and use comprehend languages to keep in the know with everything going on."
GAME: Schara casts Comprehend Languages. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

As the team gathers around the copse of the trees, slowly slinking around, it seems that the people at the camp's center were talking about taking watch. The bandit already starting westwards to seat closer to one of the openings. Suggesting others may be taking up new positions very soon.

<OOC> Rune says, "Move me forward 15 ft, no stealth penalty, hiding near the front of the wagon. Additional scouting if there is anything to see."
<OOC> Rune says, "13, 12"

Waiting for a moment, Rune darts forward. There is a brief flicker of shadows and a sound of fluttering cloth but that is all that really signals that the rogue has passed as she takes up a scouting position near the front of the cart. Peering around it, weapons held in her hands, she manages to get a view on one of the cages.

Using two fingers, she taps a pattern on the ground. "Bear in cage." This is communicated to the others who understand what it means, but Rune remains silent, for now.

<OOC> Huian will dismount, leave the horse here, and try to move to 13,14 into cover
<OOC> Huian says, "drawing sword along the way"
GAME: Huian rolls perception: (16)+7: 23

Sliding down off of her horse once more, Huian clucks her tongue softly to the animal before creeping up to the tree line. She goes into a half crouch and peers about, trying to get a view of the campsite.

Once she gets into position, Huian gestures back to the others not having seen Rune creep past her. "Large Sith. Very very large humanoid with fur and a giant axe." In a quick addendum, Huian gestures, "Movement in the tent." <handspeech>

<OOC> Choler says, "Okay, can Choler move to 12, 12, and be hiding under the wagon? I know you can't be in the square due to the map program."
GAME: Choler rolls stealth: (18)+15: 33

The Goblin ducks and crouches, temporarily slipping behind her companions, trees, tall grass, Rune, and then ends up under the wagon. Just some grass under the wagon, nothing to see here.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 10: (12)+10: 22

The Firbolg yells something in command at the Sith-makar, followed by the Sith-makar letting out a hiss of disappointment, as it maneuvers towards the south-east where the others are. Slowly making her way past the hidden Gobbo. Until she's right between Rune and Huian. Her nictating eyes blink, and she quickly grabs at her blade for a moment...

Only to recognize Huian. Noticing the weapon in their hand. She's not managed to notice Rune or Choler.

"Anything out there!?" The Firbolg demands to know.

The Sith-makar looks at the woman, giving her a firm look, before she calls back; "Nothing here!"

Asphodel will remain right where she is-- very, very close to Huian, and not about to say a damn thing.

<OOC> Rune says, "Can I walk one more forward, take out a dagger, and chuck it into the woods behind the bear somewhere to make a noise and distract the big guy"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon9: (13)+7: 20
GAME: Rune rolls bluff: (3)+10: 13

Seeing that bit of movement behind her, Rune only glance behind her for a moment. The fact that the Sith-Makar doesn't immediately report the incursion has the rogue continuing forward, just to the edge of the cart where she pulls a dagger from her boot and chucks it.

The throw, itself, isn't bad, making a bit of noise as it clatters into the trees behind the cages. However, the group leader doesn't quite seem as 'fooled' by it as Rune might have hoped. She lets out a soft breath and grabs for her sword again.

<OOC> Huian says, "on it, gonna talk to the Sith and try to get him fully on our side as I move up using the wagon as cover"
GAME: Huian rolls diplomacy: (17)+10: 27

Smiling to the nearby Sith, Huian says very softly, "You do not seem happy with your current employers. I guarantee that working with us will be more rewarding. We need to prevent this shipment from arriving." And that stated, she creeps along behind the Sith, "The longer you can keep your boss fat dumb and happy, the better this will go." She adds as she gets into position.

<OOC> Schara will activate titan armor and move to 13,14, and cast shield
GAME: Schara rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Schara casts Shield. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

Schara steps forward upon realizing that they weren't immediately under threat from the sith-makar, and they peer into the camp, and back towards the sith-makar. "If you mean us no harm, then we mean you no harm, miss." the artificer states in a quiet hiss to the makari. "Will the other with you listen to reason? I don't want anyone getting hurt here if I can help it." <Draconic>

<OOC> Choler says, "Okay, for now, another perception check, just to see if anything has changed, if there's anyone else or anything attempting to sneak up on us, or stumble into us?"
GAME: Choler rolls perception: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

From her spot under the wagon, Choler eyes Schara as she speaks the language of the Sith, her expression growing anxious over the extended wait. The Gobbo takes another look around, and holds up a tentative thumbs up for her other companions to see.

"Look, I just want to make sure these creatures are taken good care of." The Sith-makar answers Huian. "But that big guy beat that Grizzly into submission." She winces at this, keeping her voice super-quiet. "Look, whatever you do, be careful. That guy can decapitate you with a single swing."

In the meantime, the Firbolg - alarmed by the sound of something metalic, is moving up north to the side of the forest, trying to figure out the source of the sound...

Soon reaching down, and finding the metalic dagger, and picks it up. He lets out a deep growling humm, before he calls out; "ON ALERT! THERE'S PEOPLE NEAR!"

Asphodel slips off like a fae into the night, leaving her horse tied and passing swiftly west through the trees... off to steal a child, no doubt.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

The bandit who was keeping watch on the west side runs inwards towards the camp, alarmed at the Firbolg's sound. Calling out to the Sith-makar who is walking out of the camp; "Tetli! Do you see something!?"

<OOC> Rune says, "Moving to 8,13, going to stab a bandit."
GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Rune rolls damage4: aliased to 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

The fact that the leader seems to know they are here is not lost on Rune, but it seems more important to reduce their number of potential enemies. For a moment, she considers trying to release the bear, but with the information that it had already been subdued once before, that makes Rune have a second thought on the matter. Releasing it could go well, or very, very badly.

So, instead, she focuses on the threats she can see. Specifically, the bandit. Charging out of cover, she closes distance with him and slides a blade neatly along one of his legs, trying to weaken him for the others to deal with.

<OOC> Huian says, "please move me to 9,12"
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-3: (8)+9+-3: 14

Turning and running alongside the wagon, Huian whiper-yells to the Sith, "I am planning to release the animals. Your help would be welcomed. But not required."

And then she twists and covers a few paces with one bound before spinning and stabbing where the thug -had- been before he bent over in pain from Rune's cut. Well, double team is double team.

Out from the shadows comes Rune. The Bandit, holding a short sword, tries to swing at Rune as she gets close, only for her to avoid the swing and stab her blades into his body, sending him stumbling back! "Bo~s*ERK*!" He tries to call for the boss as blood streams down from his leg.

Still, he manages to raise his short sword to block Huian's blow - grimacing at her. He stumbles, heavily favoring his uninjured leg, as he declares; "Not so quick!"

<OOC> Schara says, "one second, but going to move to 13,13 first"
<OOC> Schara nods. Say something and hold action to take a shot with the death ray if they see the other person

Well, the time for hiding seemed to have passed. The Artificer twisted a small pyramid shaped object, causing the object to unfurl on all sides and emit a faint light, forming a large pane of light that vanishes suddenly. "Stay close, unless it is not safe to do so." They hiss again, before looking to the others. "Don't open those cages, we don't know what state the animals are in. We can determine what to do after." They state, flipping out the barrel of the weapon in their left arm, and causing the plates to shift back and expose the various metal coils and wires underneath in the frame of the limb. <Draconic>

<OOC> Choler says, "Okay, she is going to move to 12, 7, and attempt to convince the Firbolg that he should just leave."
GAME: Choler rolls Diplomacy: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Choler rolls acrobatics: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Harkashan rolls 6: (11)+6: 17
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do not think you've convinced it, but it seems focused on You."

Choler slithers out of her hiding spot under the wagon, running out to turn and face the Firbolg.

"Hey!", she yells. "We've foiled your attempt to move these creatures. You have three choices! You can surrender. You can leave. Or you can have your arse beat. You should leave!"

Choler comes out from beneath the wagon, rushing at the Firbolg. Seeing the little thing approach, moving through the area so fleet of foot, it fails to swing in time to intercept the Gobbo. Staring down at the small creature, the massive Firbolg's brow furrows.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Its voice is heavy and spittle sprays down onto the little gobbo. From here, Choler can see just how many scars adorn this furred being. Except... it's actually just a /hairy man/. Tattoos covering his body. Wearing the massive pelt of a bear on his body. Staring down with a glowering gaze.

"My option is to just put down this little ambush of yours." As he steps away from the Gobbo and grabs for the Dire Wolf's gate, and unlocks it by inserting a key and releasing it!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 8: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5: (16)+5: 21

The Dire Wolf growls at the massive Firbolg, before cowering for a moment. Snapping at his fingers. But the Firbolg is quick to demand; "KILL!" Pointing at the Adventurers...

Only for another voice to lift through the copse of trees. It's the Sith-makar that Huian had convinced to help. Whom Schara assured to stay close as long as it was safe.

The Sith-makar whistles and makes clicking noises...

Then points at the Firbolg.

Followed by the Dire Wolf turning its head towards the Firbolg.

GAME: Asphodel rolls lullaby: (18)+lullaby: 18
GAME: Harkashan rolls -1: (13)++-1: 12
GAME: Harkashan rolls 6: (12)+6-5: 13
<OOC> Harkashan says, "The Bandit becomes drowsy and inattentive."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "He still notices you though."

The sound of something lush like summer grass, sweet like spring morning, and as chaotic and colorful as leaves that dance in autumn, Asphodel's voice carries through the trees-- even if she is unseen. It is a lullaby, and one you could swear you know.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "He 5-foot steps back from Huian and Rune diagonally. Then gets to the Bear Door to open it up."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll AoO @ Huian and Rune"
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-3: (16)+9+-3: 22
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit."
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4: (4)+9: 13

<OOC> Rune says, "Going to delay initiative and go after Huian."
<OOC> Huian will move to 11,10, circling around to hopefully remain out of reach of the big guy. My plan is to try to prevent him from opening the bear cage

Nodding to Rune as she partners up on the bandit with her, Huian spots the Bandit making a move, and she does a quick thrust that quite literally skewers him from the inside of his thigh, and out the hip. When she withdraws the blade, his femloral artery gushes. And then with a shrug, she turns and spots the big Firbolg. She narrows her eyes at the terrain, and then in a dancelike move, maneuvers around the campfire, using its light to -briefly- conceal her approach. Just enough that she is able to slash and stab her blade deep into the flesh of the scarred guy. Obviously, he's had worse before.

<OOC> Rune says, "Going to move north 2, stab once."
GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics: (5)+12: 17
GAME: Harkashan rolls 8: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Harkashan rolls 3d8+7: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Rune rolls damage4: aliased to 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

As the bandit falls, Rune doesn't see much option other than to get up close and personal with the absolutely massive, hairy leader of the smugglers. Unfortunately, that axe swings far wider than she would have expected. The blade makes a sickening sound as it impacts the rogue, slicing across her abdomen and ripping through layers of armor.

The sound that comes from Rune's lips is a whimper as she wraps one arm over her belly, barely holding on to the sword. With a growl that sounds almost Draconic, she stabs out with the other blade, managing to leave behind a far smaller slice in retaliation.

<OOC> Schara says, "move to 9,13, and shoot a fiery death ray at the firbolg"
GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Schara rolls 2d6+1+4: (5)+1+4: 10

Seeing the bandit fall but nothing to be done for them, at least at the moment without risk of bringing a combatant back into the fray, they instead turns their attention to the remaining, rather large threat. "I do not wish to harm you, but you have caused to much harm to my allies already." The artificer sighs, readying the weapon on their arm, coils glowing red hot and erupting into a gout of flame that passes through the campfire, and badly sears the firbolg.

<OOC> Choler says, "Okay. Move to 9, 8, acrobatics roll to try and avoid aoo (if they are going to aoo). Flurry attack, and using stunning fist."
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0+2: (11)+6+2: 19
<OOC> Harkashan says, "What's your Stunning Strike DC?"
<OOC> Choler says, "13."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4: (15)+4: 19
<OOC> Harkashan says, "He is not stunned."
GAME: Choler rolls 1d6+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0+2: (11)+6+2: 19
GAME: Choler rolls 1d6+1: (6)+1: 7

"OI! I didn't say you could leave after taking a swing at me!" The Goblin runs up behind the Firbolg, and her fist blurs, leaving two momentary indents on the back of his knee where her fists connect. Something inside crunches and cracks, and a moment later, he topples backwards, landing with a loud thud. The Dire Wolf nips in after, and begins taking big bites out of the Firbolg. "Aww, who's a good puppers.", Choler says, "Go ahead and eat up, he's not needing it anymore."

GAME: Harkashan rolls 4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-3: (5)+9+-3: 11
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit @ Rune"
GAME: Rune rolls damage4: aliased to 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

The firbolg swings that massive axe down on Rune's position, doing some serious damage, rune manages to get through his defenses and slices at its leg. "Hah, tiny little Sil. Those ears will make for a good price..." He remarks, right before Schara's ray TEARS across his left arm, causing him to drop the Axe.

The massive thing SLAMS down into the ground, shaking it a bit. He waves his hands, his eyes a bit blinded from the light, "What?!" He demands to know, right before the gobbo suddenly gets to his legs.

Fierce fists crushing bones with far more power than one would every expect such a little guy to put to it, sending the enormous Firbolg to the ground. Just enough that Huian can help the team finish it with a slicing cut across its throat, ending this one just as she had done with the bandit!

The Dire Wolf quickly jumps at the Firbolg, downed, and begins to bite at its leg right as a bandit steps out of the tent in confusion, trying to 'sneak' out at first, before starting to make a break for the bear cage! Snapping past Rune and Huian, hoping not to be caught along the way! Thinking this is the only way they will survive.

The Sith-makar with them snaps a quick arrow from his bow, but fails to snag him. Rune's cut catches him, but he ducks under Huian's attempt to stop him. He manages to get to the cage door...

Followed by the bear immediately throwing open the door, the cage being wrenched from its spot, leaving just enough room for the bear to maneuver.

Asphodel will move to, and then into, the tent. Any aristocrat worth their salt has a nose for bureaucracy of any kind.

GAME: Asphodel rolls perception: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Huian rolls acrobatics: (6)+10: 16
GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Huian says, "12,10 for me please"
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-3: (18)+9+-3: 24 (THREAT)
GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-3: (7)+9+-3: 13
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do not confirm."
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

Okay. Huian had forgotten about the movement in the tent. Stupid her. She turns and twists, dives and tries to roll past the bear. It takes a swipe, but fortunately, it aims for where she had been a second ago. Her last roll ends with her surging to her feet as she stabs into the upper right shoulder of the bandit, "You sicken me." she says. Her first words in combat in recorded history.

<OOC> Rune says, "Move me to 10, 12, I'll drop weapons and draw bow and shoot at masked dude."
GAME: Rune rolls ranged: (3)+7-4: 6

With the extensive injury still slowing Rune down, she takes one step, then another, and then realizes that trying to catch up with Huian is a futile effort. Even moving is enough to send jolts of pain through her body. So, she ends up dropping her short swords, grabbing for the bow from her back.

Though Rune is not nearly as skilled with the weapon, it does give her the benefit of range. The problem is, that there is a lot of bear in the way, as well as an ally. In trying to avoid both, the arrow sinks into one of the trees nearby, leavine Rune to curse under her breath.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll... Intimidate or Diplomacy. It's going to be a hard sell. They're wounded."
GAME: Schara rolls diplomacy: (17)+0: 17
GAME: Harkashan rolls 0: (19)+0: 19

Schara looks around the bear, and the artificer peers at the archer. "There are many of us, and your allies have fallen. If you stand down now, I may be able to save the other bandit who was with you, but I will not open myself to attack to do so. I promise we will not harm you further if you do so." They shout out, but they make no move to restrain them, with a rather large and dangerous looking bear in the way."

<OOC> Choler says, "Okay, Choler is going to around the back of the cage and run up to the archer."
<OOC> Choler says, "Another flurry for him."
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0: (20)+6: 26 (THREAT)
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0: (4)+6: 10
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do not confirm."
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0: (16)+6: 22

Choler huffs, and runs around behind the the Grizzly's former cage, and runs right up to the Archer. Her fist blurs again, two more solid crunches are heard, and two small disturbances about the size of Goblin fists can be seen making an impact upon the former archer's side.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Sith Makar tries her best to quiet the Grizzly Bear."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2: (15)+2: 17
<OOC> Harkashan says, "She unfortunately does not succeed. The Grizzly Bear looks too wounded and angry, and is lashing out at anything nearby."

<OOC> Huian says, "can I shake my ass to tempt the bear?:P"
GAME: Huian rolls performance/dance: (18)+performance/dance: 18
<OOC> Harkashan says, "He approves of your rendition of Shake That Booty."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "And by Approves, it means he will bite your ass."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (3)+7: 10
<OOC> Harkashan says, "It does not confirm the crit."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

Choler and Huian manage to get around the bear. Schara attempts to convince the Bandit Archer to take out a new lease on life, but he scoffs and spits at her. In turn, he is rewarded by Huian stabbing her blade across his arm, followed by Choler slamming his fists so hard into the archer's side, he breaks some internal organs - dropping the bandit.

The bear roars and keeps raking its claws every which way. The Sith-makar approaches, making soothing motions with her hands. But there is no soothing this wild beast. Battered and bruised, scarred to all, its untrusting of those moving around it. One of its eyes red from what looks like internal damage.

Huian, shifting closest to it, soon has the full brunt of its aggression unleashed on her, as it stands up to its full massive height, and tries to come down with its claws, swiping at her, failing to connect, until it manages to BITE down, lifting her with its massive jaws by the shoulder, starting to shake her around like a dogtoy!

GAME: Asphodel casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

Asphodel is, at this moment, collating documents. Having fired through the tent and at the bear, she returns her focus to... paperwork. Because fighting is all well and good, but-- she flips the page, leans in with the ageless gaze of a race who can read the fine print, even in the dark-- if an army moves on its stomach, then a business moves on its payroll. Something else catches her attention. In the dark, in a filthy tent, only the Llyranesi's luminous skin and smile are visible. When she leaves, parchment has been carefully sorted into what amounts to a business report, and that is being wrapped carefully in silk. Finally, she uses her own earrings to ensure it stays pinned closed.

GAME: Huian rolls cmb: (10)+3: 13

Okay, she stabbed the bandit, and then did her best to present herself as a target. A choice that she is currently regretting. The bear swiped at her far more accurately than she planned for, and then pulled her into its grip. She squawks in pain as she does her best to try to break free... but force is not her forte.

<OOC> Rune says, "Not a huge lot I can do. Gonna grab weapons (move), and use standard to try to intimidate the bear by making a lot of racket."
GAME: Rune rolls intimidate: (3)+6: 9

There is a cold feeling that settles in Rune's stomach at the sight of Huian being tossed around by the bear. She abandons the possibility of trying to shoot the beast and grabs for one of her swords, starting to clang the side of it against things as she tries to shout and make a racket. "Get away from her! Go! You stupid bear, you don't need to fight us!"

Unfortunately, Rune is not particularly convincing, especially standing there with blood still dripping from the gash in her stomach. She looks like she's barely on her feet, much less scary enough to frighten a bear.

GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+4 -4: (8)+4+-4: 8

Schara was in a difficult situation attempting to uphold a promise and not let anyone get further harmed. The artificer, against their better judgement ducks behind the bear as a pair of heavy looking clamps spring out from under their right arm, but and attempt to smack the bear is absorbed harmlessly by the fur.

GAME: Choler rolls weapon0: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0: (4)+6: 10

The Goblin sighs and closes in on the bear. "Okay, I'll distract him, everyone else should run!", she calls out. Punching at his muscly flank does not have the desired effect, however.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "But it's at an even higher DC now."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2+5: (6)+2+5: 13

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Grizzle Bear gonna maul Huian." <OOC> Harkashan says, "And swipe at Choler for good measure" <OOC> Harkashan says, "@Choler" GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (9)+7: 16 <OOC> Harkashan says, "I believe that's a miss." GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: Harkashan rolls 7: (13)+7: 20

<OOC> Choler says, "Is a miss."

The Sith-makar continues to try and sooth the bear. But it seems completely incensed! It continues to tear and rip at Huian, biting down on her shoulder. Swinging one of its claws at Choler while it stomps around. One of its assaults fails to get through Huian's defenses, but it keeps moving and shifting in ways that makes it hard to attack it - especially with Huian potentially in the way!

Asphodel wastes no time arguing with the goblin taking down-- or not-- the bear.

For anyone who knows the woman, even casually, a goblin having an altercation with a bear is exactly the sort of thing she would have been compelled to watch.

As it stands, Lady Carrough is /running like mad/ for the trees.

<OOC> Rune says, "Hobble my sorry butt around to the back end of the bear at 9,10 and stab it in the butt."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+2: (16)+9+2: 27
GAME: Rune rolls damage4+3d6: aliased to 1d6+1+3d6: (3)+1+(12): 16

"I'm not going anywhere until that thing drops Huian." Rune calls back to the Goblin. Grabbing her one blade, she moves around the fire to get behind the bear. As much as she would like to not harm the creature, if it comes down to her friend or this beast, Huian wins out in the greater good.

Slashing with her blade towards the flank of the bear, she manages to catch it in a vulnerable spot. "I said DROP HER!" Rune shouts, hoping that the pain will act as a distraction.

<OOC> Schara says, "okay, move action to stow the titan grips, and going to try the death ray"
GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+9 +1: (20)+9+1: 30
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll to confirm, Schara!"
GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+9 +1: (20)+9+1: 30
GAME: Schara rolls 3d6+10: (7)+10: 17

"I am sorry, I have no choice but to harm this animal, miss. My companion's safety comes first." The artificer sighs. "I will flee when I am able to do so, but not until Huian is free."

The artificer shoves the gauntlet back into place, and instead shoves the deathray straight into the bear's body, causing it to scorch straight through a massive patch of the beast's hide as the flames have nowhere else to go.

<OOC> Choler says, "OKay, flurry, stunning fist for each hit."
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0+2: (6)+6+2: 14
GAME: Choler rolls weapon0+2: (10)+6+2: 18
GAME: Choler rolls 1d6+1: (6)+1: 7

Choler has begun to look a bit anxious at this point. The bear is not looking to healthy now, but it is still gnawing away at Huian. Moving closer, she aims a punch at its head, which doesn't do much except maybe make it more angry. The gnawing continues. "JUST DIE ALREADY YOU STUBBORN BEAST!!!" A second punch causes something to snap, and the bear finally releases Huian. Just in time to collapse on top of her."


"It's okay. That poor animal could probably never be reintroduced to nature after what that Firbolg did to it." There is a pause, before the Sith-makar hisses, "You have to wonder what must have happened to a /Firbolg/ to make it forgo its ties to nature like that."

As the Adventurers focus on the fierce Grizzly-bear, they slowly take it down. It tries to swipe at Schara, but she gets below its swiping claws. Rune and Schara both get in there - stabbing it, bleeding it, tearing at it with a death-ray.

Huian slowly being crushed and torn apart by her shoulder, only for Choler to finally take that last blow needed to take it down, crushing its skull and impacting it enough that its jaw unhinges and Huian is released to the ground...

Right before the Grizzly slams on top of their wounded ally.

The camp quiets.

The Sith-makar, looking at the fallen bear, lets out a hissy sound of sorrow, before approaching the Dire Wolf and motioning for it to move back into its cage, helping seal the creature while the Adventurers hopefully help Huian from being crushed by bear.

And when things stop, Huian ends up flat on her back. She lies there for a long moment, almost not breathing. After all, the impact knocked the wind out of her. Arms spread-eagled, she finally takes a deep breath. Then another before she mutters, "Ow... damnit. I did not want the bear to die."

As the bear goes down, Rune calls out, "Huian!" Despite her own injuries, she's quick to scramble over and try to pull the poor martial artist out from underneath the bear. They certainly made a mess of another smuggling run, that much is certain. "Me either, but I couldn't let it kill you."

Once Huian is freed, Rune will take her time to find her lost weapons, and she'll eventually bandage up the gash in her stomach as much as possible before they make their way back. One of any number of her cleric friends is going to have to look at that, later.

The Goblin sighs, looking at the bear. "I'm sorry. But, it was going to kill her." A little gesture to Huian. "But uh, it can't be hurt any more. And perhaps that giant will have to do penance, where ever he ends up."

Schara stumbles backwards as the beast collapses, for a split second until everything is collected. "The druid circle will know what to do with the remaining animals." The artificer sighs. "I have some healing, but only for one person, and not much, at that. Who needs it? I'd like to get it sorted, because I'm going to need to carry the bodies back. They may be criminals, but they still deserve burial at the Vardaman temple, I guess."

Whatever temporary mechanism was powering the armor ceased any movement and noise, leaving the artificer doubled over for a brief moment.