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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *'''Title''': Shambling Jungle III *'''Characters''': Rune, Asphodel, Huian, Geir *'''GM''': Harkashan *'''Place''': Redfallow Estate *Summary: Upon investigation of Vabon Redfallow's estate, local guards ran into trouble with the estate's protections. Normally, they would not have a problem, but it seems they've run into a highly unique creature that has already cost them a f...")
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[[Category: Shambling Jungle]]
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==Log Info==
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*'''Place''': Redfallow Estate
*'''Place''': Redfallow Estate
*Summary: Upon investigation of Vabon Redfallow's estate, local guards ran into trouble with the estate's protections. Normally, they would not have a problem, but it seems they've run into a highly unique creature that has already cost them a few of their people. They've requested that the Adventurers Guild send capable warriors to deal with this strange and 'unrecognized' being and the estate's guard.</div>
*'''Summary''': Upon investigation of Vabon Redfallow's estate, local guards ran into trouble with the estate's protections. Normally, they would not have a problem, but it seems they've run into a highly unique creature that has already cost them a few of their people. They've requested that the Adventurers Guild send capable warriors to deal with this strange and 'unrecognized' being and the estate's guard.</div>
As the team arrives at Vabon Redfallow's estate, they do so in the middle of the day. There's a single agent seated on a horse at the heavily closed doors, clearly ready to ride off if needed. There's a few men with swords a bit further off, ready to deal with any runaways, but it's clear they are not there to help invade.
As the team arrives at Vabon Redfallow's estate, they do so in the middle of the day. There's a single agent seated on a horse at the heavily closed doors, clearly ready to ride off if needed. There's a few men with swords a bit further off, ready to deal with any runaways, but it's clear they are not there to help invade.

Latest revision as of 20:26, 14 June 2023

Log Info

  • Summary: Upon investigation of Vabon Redfallow's estate, local guards ran into trouble with the estate's protections. Normally, they would not have a problem, but it seems they've run into a highly unique creature that has already cost them a few of their people. They've requested that the Adventurers Guild send capable warriors to deal with this strange and 'unrecognized' being and the estate's guard.

As the team arrives at Vabon Redfallow's estate, they do so in the middle of the day. There's a single agent seated on a horse at the heavily closed doors, clearly ready to ride off if needed. There's a few men with swords a bit further off, ready to deal with any runaways, but it's clear they are not there to help invade.

Welcoming the Adventurers, the agent waves them down and explains; "There's a monster right beyond those doors. It's already torn apart two of our people." He explains. "So if you are opening those doors, be prepared to walk into a killzone of sorts." The agent points out.

"What's more, there are archers at the flanks of the mansion, firing in this direction. It's likely they will open fire on the first person that pokes their head through." He proceeds to explain, grimacing a bit. It's clear that he knows that this is /not/ a great situation to walk in on right now.


When the call had gone out for Adventurers to aid in the capture of Vabon Redfallow, Rune had volunteered to join the hunting party. However, the prospect of walking into a well defended estate where they would be /very/ much expected has her brows furrowed, arms crossed, and an uncertain look on her features.

"Are there any other ways into or out of the estate? Possible methods to sneak up on the archers and take them out so it's not us walking into a kill box?" Rune asks, hoping that the agent has some sort of idea about what they might be walking into.

Geir peers at the man, and then looks to the doors. Then back at the agent. "Doess thiss breach need to happen thiss instant? What is our time like? You ask usss to enter into a most untenable situation. Is thiss needing to be done now?"

The copper-scale Sith begins to remove the shield from his back. "Alsso, let thiss one guesss... the creature is invisible?"

With the shield on his left arm, he holds the spear in his right hand, tapping at the ground.

"Just the livery and heraldry of the estate on an armband," Asphodel is requesting. "I'll wrap it around my arm so they know that we were sent as allies and backup. It's... how I would signal things to another noble," she reasons.

Riding up to the estate, Huian lifts her right leg and slides down the left side of her white horse. She lands easily and turns the horse aside to be out of the way before turning to regard the agent. She'd spent a bit of time on this trip playing her flute contemplatively. But for the last hour or so she's been her usual silent self.

She approaches the front door and just looks to Rune as she slides her magical blade from its scabbard. It's weird, but when she does so, it feels like the temperature around it goes down just a hair... and there is the barest hint of some animal noises in the background, just beyond conscious awareness.

Rune's question meets with her approval. Other ways out could mean other ways in. She afixes her tiny little buckler shield to her left wrist then and rolls her neck.... indicating she is ready.

"The walls are pretty hard to climb. But if you think you can get over them, I'm all for you using alternative entrances." The Agent answers Rune. "They're about..." He turns around, looking at the semi-smooth white plastered-like walls; "I want to say twenty feet tall?"

Followed by the sound of a Roar coming from within the estate.

He then turns back to Geir, as the Lizard inquires of the time. "It doesn't need to be done 'this hour', but the sooner we can get this done, the better." He motions at the swordsmen behind them. "We don't have the budget for an extended siege, nor the supplies. This was intended to be a simple investigation, with a possibility of an arrest." He explains.

"What's more, who knows what access Redfallow has to magics that might give him ways of escape." He adds, before noting; "But luckily, no, the creature is not invisible. I've just... never seen anything like it. It's scaley, like your kind." He motions to the Sith-makar before him.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Geir, roll Knowledge/Nature - even if you do not have it trained."
GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/nature: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Geir rolls intelligence: (4)+0: 4

The copper-scale regards his erstwhile companions. "Doesss any of you have a means to scale thisss wall?", he wonders. "Thisss one is willing to accept the responssibility of opening the door, and accepting the assault of the unknown creature."

Geir rubs at his chin.

"Any other thoughts or ideass before this one shovess open the doors?"

"If you do not lend me your insignia, good sir, to display about myself and my horse, my party members and I risk being gored on a two-front war." Asphodel's tones are gentle, musical, reaching a conclusion that is as logically sequential as it is rational. "Or else you will have to run as the messenger to your own men while we focus on the beast. It's not optimal, but it is optimal if you lend me your insignia." She smiles.

The Agent looks in confusion at Asphodel. Remarking that she's fearing of risk that she might get shot at. "We didn't shoot you or attack you on approach. And the people in there aren't exactly on friendly terms. They didn't respect my insignia then, I don't think they're going to respect it coming from someone else walking in." He looks like he hesitated for a moment, but... it seems like he can't figure out any way in which her request is something he should act on right now.

"My men are... right there." He motions at the Swordsmen standing around a little ways off to the side of the road.

The sound of the nearby roar has Rune tense, her slightly pointed ears twitching. "That... doesn't sound familiar." She gives a shake of her head, then looks towards the Makari member of their party. "This guy has an obsession with creatures from Am'shere. My guess? Whatever it is, it's the sort of thing that we'd normally have avoided in the jungles."

Looking up towards the walls, Rune gives them a moment of appraisal before shaking her head. "Not enough hand-holds or places to grab onto to make a decent attempt at climbing. If I had a grappling hook I could probably throw one over, but... they'd definitely hear us coming, so that's probably not a good plan." Sigh.

Reaching for her two blades, Rune withdraws them, then looks to Geir, "If you're ready to lead the charge, I'll be right behind you."

"You know what, hold that thought," Asphodel says after a moment of pure, absolute silence. Then she turns to the group. "Okay, who among us can shout loudly enough or shoot a message via arrow to those within that we are sent to help?" She asks.

Glancing towards Asphodel, Huian speaks for the first time in an hour, "I believe that what the good sir is saying is that those inside are not under his command and would just as soon kill him as us. Insignia will not help there." And that said, she turns back towards the door.

She steps up to be abreast of Rune and Gier, leaving the sorcereess to bring up the rear.

"That's fine. Then we send our own message: their ass in the grass or they hold fire," Asphodel responds. "To quote my father. Or we just... take arrows to the teeth?" She suggests. "Facing some sort of beast? I mean..."

Geir inhales, exhales, stepping forwards. "This is the moment where if anyone hasss better ideas, speak up."

The Sith doesn't even do a one count, simply lifting a foot and kicking solidly at the door. A moment later, his spear drops down, and he steps forward into the breach.

The moment Geir's kick pushes the doors open, there's the sudden sound of something sailing through the air. ZIP. ZIP.

Before Geir can react, a crossbow bolt is sticking out of his shoulder. Huian manages to avoid getting hit thanks to her armor deflecting it. Across from them, they see the house of the estate, with Crossbowmen quickly ducking down behind cover to prepare for the next assault.

Much closer, two corpses, largely mauled to pieces, of former agents of Alexandros. And to their left, a very large creature with a big head and little arms...

But boy those rows of teeth are nasty. The cage that is meant to hold it has clearly been opened a while ago. And there's still red on its muzzle. However, the moment it spots the new 'food supply', it immediately roars in their direction, ready to approach and make their lives a lot more miserable!

<OOC> Geir says, "Move to 6,14 then."
<OOC> Geir says, "Going to channel heal."
GAME: Geir rolls 3d6: (7): 7

The Sith grunts as he takes a crossbow bolt to the shoulder, and with a hiss, pulls the offending thing from his shoulder. His holy symbol glows as he utters a prayer to the Deathsinging Dragon.

"By the godsss. A thunderlizard. Try to find some cover! We'll need to stick close together to fight thiss beasst"

Geir runs for the closest tree, in an attempt to avoid further bolts.

<OOC> Rune says, "Move me to 10,6 then, double move."

The sight of the massive creature has Rune swearing under her breath in Draconian. It mostly comes out as a hiss-click sound for those not familiar with the language.

Looking across towards Huian, the two seem to come to similar ideas at the same time, it seems. With a nod, she races forward to the right-hand side, flattening her back against the wall to keep it between herself and the archer who she can hear reloading on the other side.

<OOC> Huian says, "double move to 5,6 please!"

Archers firing. Huian gestures to Rune, indicating her intent to go after the left hand archer. "Hold the creature's attention while we deal with the archers!" she calls out to Gier. But she speaks as she has already started to sprint, rushing forward and ending up peeking into the window, causing the archer nearest her to backpedal a pace or two.

She grins and lifts her brows. "Two choices. Throw me the crossbow, or die." she states to the guy. Not really trying to be -intimidating- so much as attempting to suggest common sense.

<OOC> Asphodel says, "Oh. Then I'll move to 10, 14"
<OOC> Asphodel says, "Charm Person, 11, 5."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Just out of range I fear."
<OOC> Huian nods, "25ft +5ft per 2 levels
<OOC> Asphodel says, "Then I defer my action."

Geir suddenly sees the 'Thunderlizard' rushing towards him, stomping over and lowering its body, biting at the Cleric's arm, trying to tear through the armor and rip off the arm, before 'throwing' Geir a few feet to the side! Behind them in the meantime, the agent tries to close the doors, so that the beasty doesn't break through!

<OOC> Geir says, "Welp. Geir will attempt a spearing."
GAME: Geir rolls weapon1+1+1: (10)+6+1+1: 18
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit!"
GAME: Geir rolls 1d8+4+1: (5)+4+1: 10

Another grunt from the copper-scale as he's grabbed by the arm, and given a good shake. He manages to land on his feet, tail thrashing back and forth to keep him upright. "Tsaa big one, it will require more than jussst that to besst me." Geir's spear is thrust upwards, stabbing the giant lizard in the chest, leaving a wound that bleeds. "This one will do his bessst, but... do not tarry!"

<OOC> Rune says, "5ft step to the right. Feint and stab."
GAME: Rune rolls bluff: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1: (4)+9+1: 14
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Thanks to your Feint, that does hit."
GAME: Rune rolls damage4+3d6: aliased to 1d6+1+3d6: (2)+1+(14): 17

There is a breath as Rune prepares herself, then she gives a distracting thunk of the back of one of her blades against the stone. It is enough to cause the archer to look up, just in time to have her other sword pierce through the window and into his chest.

"One down!" She draws the blade back again, then looks to the others. Specifically, towards Geir. "I think Huian has the other one, I'll be there in a second!" Worry is written on her features.

<OOC> Huian says, "okay, I'll roll bluff to make him think I am -running- off towards the other window... but will stop JUST out of sight and ready to pokey pokey when he steps up to the window"
GAME: Huian rolls bluff: (4)+11: 15
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You convince him. He's not very wise."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "He comes to the window. AoO - Huian."
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10+1: (7)+9+1: 17
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10+1: (7)+9+1: 17
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

It's as her sifu (father) taught her... combat is mostly in the mind. Huian makes a quick assessment, and then turns as if giving up on this particular archer. She dashes just out of sight and skids to a stop.

As she does that, she turns and it looks like she timed it JUST right... stabbing into the window once, twice... and dropping the guy, "Mine is down too." she states before turning south, "And now we should go assist our friendly Sith."

<OOC> Asphodel says, "Magic Missile 4.5, 13."
GAME: Asphodel casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

Asphodel raises her hands, and unleashes-- if not exactly arcane might-- two well-aimed missiles towards the eyes of the 'saurus.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "The Ceratosaurus thinks he'll have another bite."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (3)+12: 15

The big overgrown dinosaur lets out a screetch of pain as a spear stabs into its body, followed by the magic missiles slamming against the side of its head. It's momentarily disoriented and tries to swing its tail Geir's way, before biting down at him once more, but failing to connect!

In the meantime, there's shouts coming from within the mansion!

<OOC> Geir says, "Okay, another spear. :)"
GAME: Geir rolls weapon1+1+1: (9)+6+1+1: 17
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Miss."

Geir circles the beast even as it does the same to him. "Thisss one has played your game.", the copper-scale says with a hiss. He casts a quick glance at the others, to see how close help is. "Hmmm, only a warrior caste would swear like that.", Geir says with a chuckle. He ducks the tail from the beastie, and manages to dodge the giant head and its teeth. With a grunt, the Sith's spear is thrust outwards, glancing off the lizard's head as it is pulled back.

<OOC> Rune says, "Think I can get 5, 16 with a double move?"

Rune's ear twitches at the voices from inside, but ultimately, her priority is getting her allies out of this mess alive. As soon as that decision is made, she's racing across the stonework leading up to the main building, heading back towards where Geir is being assaulted by the large scaled beast.

"Hey! Tall dark and ugly! Do you kiss your mom with that face?" Rune knows that it can't understand her, but maybe the sounds will distract it from Geir and towards her.

<OOC> Huian says, "can I reach 3,13?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "No"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "4,12 is the best you can do at single move speed"
<OOC> Huian says, "okay. Expertise up and stick"
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10-2: (7)+9+-2: 14

With the same priority as Rune, Huian hears the voices coming from the east. Her thought is that if they can put down the beast quickly enough, they'll be able to focus on the troops. So she goes running south, a sliding stutter step carrying her between links of the fence before she skids to a stop and bounces the tip of her blade off of its hide.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Archer 3 gets into position and takes the Heavy Crossbow."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "They aim at Asphodel."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 3: (18)+3: 21
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Even with partial cover, and Mage armor, I do believe?"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10: (6): 6

One of the men in the house rushes to the position his former ally took on and takes the loaded Heavy Crossbow and positions himself, firing at Asphodel's position. Sending a bolt straight past the edge of the tree she's standing behind and catching her with it.

<OOC> Asphodel will go prone.
<OOC> Asphodel says, "Okay. Magic missile, dinosaur."
GAME: Asphodel casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

Asphodel goes sprawling with the force of an arrow taken through her ribcage.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Huian just tried to stab it. So it'll try to take a bite out of her."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (2)+12: 14

The Ceratosaurus snaps at Huian the moment she gets close, its hide deflecting her blade off of it, but failing to break through her armor with the quick movement of its body.

In the meantime, Asphodel can spot another archer taking up position in the window where Huian had delivered the killing blow.

<OOC> Geir says, "Okay, one more stabbity."
GAME: Geir rolls weapon1+1+1: (17)+6+1+1: 25
GAME: Geir rolls 1d8+4+1: (5)+4+1: 10

"Keep moving, keep circling.", the Sith advises. He breathes out heavily as Huian is nibbled daintily on, and seems relieved that she stands yet.

"Stay down misss.", he calls to Asphodel. "Hide if you must, behind one of the bodiesss... even use the shield..." With the dinosaur looking the other way, Geir thrusts once more, opening yet another wound. "This one thinkss... perhapss you should turn back once more. The other lady seemsss hurt."

<OOC> Rune says, "5ft step into blood puddle, full round attack, stabby stabby."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1+2: (20)+9+1+2: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1+2: (3)+9+1+2: 15
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1+2: (3)+9+1+2: 15
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do not confirm, and miss on second."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+3d6: 9+(12): 21

Rune could only just barely see Huian's approach through the massive creature that is this strange Am'shere beast. However, it is enough to know that the monster is distracted when it turns to snap in her direction. "Good distraction! I got this!" She calls out.

And the next moment, she is launching herself up, lashing out with both blades. One of them slides off of the scaled hide while the other sinks in, causing the creature to roar, stomp about, and then fall over.

<OOC> Huian says, "well, wash, rinse, repeat. Back to the window!"
GAME: Huian rolls acrobatics: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10+1: (18)+9+1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10+1: (14)+9+1: 24
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You confirm."
GAME: Huian rolls damage10+damage10+4: aliased to 1d6+1+1d6+1+4: (1)+1+(4)+1+4: 11

Having placed herself in position, and drawn the ire of the creature... Huian kept the creature open so that Rune could plunge her blade deep into its heart.That done, she nods and turns to sprint north once more. Right through the fence once again...

She comes to a stop with a -lunge- that takes the archer in the collarbone as he is setting up in position. Not dead, but the guy -is- badly hurt.

<OOC> Asphodel says, "And in fact, I /would/ like to hide behind the corpse."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do so."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Standard action?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Your Magic Missile has the range to attack the guy Huian is fighting?"
GAME: Asphodel casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll it"
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (3): 4
GAME: Asphodel rolls 1d4+1: (1): 2

Asphodel sinks down behind the ambiguously dead body of the dinosaur. Her eyeroll begs the question, who even cares if her magic missiles killed an archer? And true to boarding school customs that transcend race or reality, her fingers momentarily search the floor for the hidden pack of cigarettes left behind for skipping PE.

<OOC> Geir says, "Okay, channel energy, then moving towards the house."
GAME: Geir rolls 3d6: (3): 3
<OOC> Geir says, "Move to 6,10"

With the beast down, and the fight against more archers intensifying, the Sith utters a prayer to the Deathsinging Dragon, a glow intensifying around it before flashing outwards, causing some wounds to close and fade. "To the house!", Geir then yells, jogging towards the window where Huian fights against the man inside."

<OOC> Rune says, "I'd like to double move back to my favorite spot on the wall at 10,6"

With the dinosaur no longer moving, Rune leaves it behind, abandoning the creature to race back towards the building. It's a hard run, and at the end she presses herself back against the wall, chest heaving as she prepares for the next attack.

<OOC> Huian will 5ft step to the right, and prepare to stabbity anyone -else- trying to use the window as a clown car

With her target struck by glowing projectiles and dropping, Huian glances over her shoulder with a bit of a grin before she steps to the right, out of sight of the window, preparing to strike anyone else who steps up to the window.

With Geir's healing, the bleeding of the Dinosaur halts, leaving it unconscious. In the meantime, the archer near Rune seems to rush behind a wall within the confines of the house.

<OOC> Geir says, "Geir is going to run up to help Huian. Is that one still up? If not, he will attempt to open the window."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll Acrobatics 2x @Geir"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You're moving through chain fences"
GAME: Geir rolls acrobatics: (16)+-5: 11
GAME: Geir rolls acrobatics: (16)+-5: 11
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You get caught on the chain fences"
<OOC> Geir says, "Will go to the window then."

"Blasted thingsss", the Sith grumbles, getting caught up in ... "Noblesss and their silly artistic things."

Grunting painfully, he leans against the wall, peering into the window curiously.

Looking inside, Geir spots some nice paintings of the owner of the estate, as well as a nice kitchen seating area. That, and two corpses.

<OOC> Rune says, "I see no one, so I'm going to go ahead and try to open the door."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Door is locked. Roll lockpicking."
GAME: Rune rolls disable device + 2: (10)+14+2: 26

Rune doens't announce what she is going to do, but the moment she pulls on the door and determines that it is locked, she's quickly tucking her swords benath one arm and pulling out her picks, crouching down to start working at the lock.

This is actually the first time she's made use of them in a long time, but it seems to come back to her as if it were second nature. The tumblers are poked, prodded, and eventually there is a click before she opens the door.

<OOC> Huian will move to left door, try knob
<OOC> Harkashan says, "It opens if you want to open it"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll Reflex Save @Huian"
<OOC> Huian will charmed life to get +3
GAME: Huian rolls reflex+3: (10)+7+3: 20
GAME: Harkashan rolls (1d4+6)/2: ((4)+6)/2: 4

Rune does her thing, and the big doors open. Huian nods her head and turns to trot up to the door on the left, opening it and stepping into the eruption of flame, turning and twisting... shielding her face with her buckler even as she waves her vision clear.... just in time to see the archer shoot the doorframe. She lifts her brows silently at that and prepares to advance.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Archer 3 moves to a position behind the table, and fires on Huian."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Asphodel says, "I would like to move to 3,9."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You do so."
<OOC> Asphodel says, "Sleep on the archer."
GAME: Asphodel casts Sleep. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1: (17)+1: 18
<OOC> Harkashan says, "It does not fall asleep."
<OOC> Geir says, "Gier is going to rush the guy."
<OOC> Geir says, "Move Geir to 5,2, please."

The Sith takes a moment to breath, calming his mind for a brief moment. With another grunt, he moves, charging through the door and barreling towards the archer inside.

<OOC> Rune says, "Go to 5,3 stab."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1: (13)+9+1: 23
GAME: Rune rolls damage4: aliased to 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3

Rather than trying for the other door, which is likely just as trapped as the first, Rune follows behind the somewhat crispy looking Huian. Squeezing past her, Rune darts beside Geir, lashing out with one of her blades and midly slicing the archer in the leg.

<OOC> Huian says, "slide around to 3,2"
<OOC> Huian says, "flank pokey pokey"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll Acrobatics to move over the table."
GAME: Huian rolls acrobatics: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10: (16)+9: 25
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit!"
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5
<OOC> Huian says, "oh, may I make my swift action intimidate check as a swashbuckler after striking him?"
GAME: Huian rolls intimidate: (4)+8: 12

With everyone else rushing into the room, Huian takes two steps and leaps up onto the table, pivoting on one foot as she turns, spins... counter clockwise of course, not the way she is moving. Just to be weird. As she lands, she has JUST gotten that far in her twist to lunch at the guy. She sticks him in the thigh and pulls back. "Surrender."

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Archer 3 drops their weapon, quick-draws a Kukri, and tries to stab Rune"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5: (16)+5: 21
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

The Archer, who'd just missed a shot at Huian after coming through the entrance-way, drops the heavy crossbow and quickly draws a Kukri, as Rune slices across his body. Huian's follow-up stabs him in the chest, and in the twirl of him spinning around from the blow - he cuts at Rune's chest!

<OOC> Asphodel says, "Move me to 3, 7 and let's try Sleep again."
<OOC> Asphodel says, "Oh. Nope. I'm full out. I'll pass."
<OOC> Geir says, "Okay, stabbity time."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll for stabbity."
<OOC> Geir says, "Divine favor still up?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "It is this round"
GAME: Geir rolls weapon1+1+1: (14)+6+1+1: 22
GAME: Geir rolls 1d8+4+1: (8)+4+1: 13

Geir stands resolute, as the two seemingly unstoppable women have at the archer. He seems surprised that they remain standing, and he shrugs. "You should have surrendered." The Sith runs the man through with his spear. "Peace on your nessst, and please give my regardss to the Deathsinging Dragon. Say Spear sent you."

<OOC> Rune says, "Going to the door to the right, will be a double move, will perception to check the door when I get there."
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (12)+15: 27

The blow slices across part of Rune's chest, cutting through the surface layer of leather and into part of the mithral shirt beneath, catching just at the edge where it gives way to her bare arm. Rune winces, but she doesn't seem all that phased by the attack.

With the archer downed in the aftermath from Geir's mighty blow, Rune turns and heads towards the door in the back of the chamber. She takes a moment to appraise it, then looks to Huian and puts a fingeer to her own lips. Then with a motion of her head to the door, she takes a breath and lets it out. It's a silent way of explaining that she can hear someone breathing on the other side.

<OOC> Huian says, "follow Rune"

Moving after Rune, Huian nods her head. She points her sword tip right of the door, then left, lifting her brows as if asking which direction.

<OOC> Asphodel says, "In which case, I shall drag myself inside, lean against the table, and be properly pissed off."

Asphodel is still bloody, or at least, her clothing is. The arrow is gone, for which the archer has much to be thankful. This, the Llyranesi explains, can be a state of perpetual going concerns for one's vital functions if information is passed along.

<OOC> Geir says, "Please move Geir to 11, 4, he'll channel from there to heal peoples."
GAME: Geir rolls 3d6: (11): 11

Patting Asphodel on the shoulder, a moment later people's wounds begin to close, the pain receding as he silently calls upon his deity's help. He moves towards the door where Huian and Rune wait and listen at. His intention seems to be to boot the door in.

<OOC> Rune says, "Open the door."
<OOC> Rune says, "Take 5ft step forward?"
<OOC> Rune says, "Fuck these guys and their sight-lines."
<OOC> Rune says, "Going to roll intimidate."
GAME: Rune rolls intimidate+1: (17)+6+1: 24
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2: (2)+2: 4
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You cause them to be Shaken. You hear a startled breath on your left and on your right!"

Opening the door and stepping in, Rune steps into the hallway and then mutters something under her breath when it becomes obvious that whomever is inside the room is hiding behind the nearby walls.

"Alright. This is your last chance. Step out into the open, lay down your weapons! If you do, we'll let you live. Otherwise, you'll be facing our blades."

GAME: Huian rolls acrobatics: (20)+10: 30
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You see two guys with a spear readied to strike."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5-2: (7)+5+-2: 10
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5-2: (4)+5+-2: 7
<OOC> Huian says, "okay, gonna pokey pokey the one to the north"
GAME: Huian rolls weapon10-2: (15)+9+-2: 22
GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

With Rune opening the door and advising her (as well as the folks inside), Huian does not hesitate. She leaps -over- Rune's head. What? Rune is short. She lands on one hand, performing a one handed cartwheel to land in the space just inside the door.

When the spears come her way, she actually sweeps one into the other with her sword, and then slides the blade down the haft of one spear into the gut of the guard. As she does so, those nearby can -almost- hear... but more feel, the growl of a great hunting cat. A tiger to be specific.

<OOC> Asphodel says, "Move me to 11,3"
<OOC> Asphodel says, "and I'll pass?"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2: (12)+2: 14
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2: (6)+2: 8

The moment Huian flies in like a acrobat, and the blade sings like a cat stabbing the first, both of them drop their spears and lift their hands. One of them wincing. "I Surrender." The first chimes. The second immediately adds; "M-me too. Can you please remove... ow... your sword from me?" Grimace.

"We will accept your surrender on one condition. You tell us where we can find Vabon Redfallow." Huian gives a tight smile. "The choice is yours."

GAME: Huian rolls diplomacy: (15)+10: 25

The Sith seemed to be preparing to go through the walls, but upon hearing the calls of surrender, he once more asks for his deity's mercy, wounds once more closing, and pain fading. Stomping then into the room, he accepts their weapons, and nods to Huian's demand. "A good idea. Thiss one also commendsss your swift actions." He nods to Rune and Huian. "Thiss one felt half his age, trying to keep up." The copper-scale snorts mirthfully. Turning to Asphodel, "This one hopes your woundsss have closed? There is more thisss one can do, if need be."

The men keep their hands up, as Geir takes the weapons off of the floor. Watching the lizard with particular care, before turning their attentions to Huian who is demanding to know where Vabon is.

One of them stretches out his arm towards a note on the table. As if that would be all that they needed to know.

On it, Vabon has written a demand to the guards, declaring, that he was going to leave the estate while the 'heat was high' and to prevent anyone from 'snooping around' in his estate while he was gone. That they would be paid upon his return.

"That was days ago. When that second shipment didn't show up." The wounded one notes.

"I don't think he's coming back." The second one remarks gruffly. "He even left Ranco behind! He's crazy for that critter."

Nodding her head, Huian shrugs, "He -was- crazy for the creature. It is dead now." she says. She has no idea that the thing stabilized out there.

She steps over to investigate the note. It gets rolled up, and then other evidence is being searched for. She glances to Rune and suggests, "There may be evidence in that chest there." with the hint of a smirk on her face.

GAME: Asphodel casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13
GAME: Rune rolls perception+1: (9)+15+1: 25
GAME: Huian rolls perception: (7)+7: 14

As the two individuals seem to surrender, Rune steps fully into the room to look around. "Let's scope the place out. Look for any paperwork or anything related to our target." It's obvious, at least to her, that these guys are /not/ the person they are looking for. They seem to just be more hired guards.

Looking over to Geir, Rune offers a warm sort of smile that is very in contrast to her intimidating demeanor a moment before, "Your healing skills are more than appreciated." The cut across her chest and shoulder are already closed, the only sign being the sliced fabric.

Crouching down, Rune starts running her hands along the sides of the desk until there is an audible 'click'. A drawer pops out. She quickly gathers up the papers, "Well, what do we have here..." She offers them out for the others to look at.

"A map of Am'shere locations. Ledgers for the fighting rings..."

"Or you could find everything here." replies Huian with impressed disbelief on her face. She steps away from the table and pulls out some rope. She goes about lashing the wrists of the prisoners together before letting Rune do her thing. She realized that the best way to help Rune is to stay the *beep!* out of the way.

The now 'prisoner' guards grumble; "See, he left that stuff here to find. There's no way he's coming back." Grumble grumble.

The Sith bends at the waist, offering a bow despite the protest of his armor. He mutters a quick word, his fingers snapping, and even the tear in Rune's armor and clothing begin to seal themselves together. A few more snaps, and the other's clothing and armor similarly mend themselves. "This one is happy to be of usefulness. This one hopes the rest of our job here goes smoothly."

Geir squints at the map and circled locations. "This is of interest, yessss." The coppery tail curls back and forth like a great cat's. "There will be a reckoning."

The copper-scale snorts at the unfortunate spearman's grousing. "You are ssstill alive. Thiss one believesss that is something, yes?"

"However..." The Sith thrusts a pointed talon at some of the indicated spots. "The onesss running thiss enterprise are insane. These... places are hunting groundss. The mosst dangerous beasts in Am'shere." He gestures a thumb over his shoulder, "Like the thunderlizard out there."

"I have a feeling that if he -did- leave all of these documents here, he did intend to return. He would not just leave evidence given a choice. Or... he planted it hoping we would find it." suggests Huian. "Or something else that I haven't considered."

<OOC> Rune says, "Rune will go over, check the chest for traps, see if it needs to be unlocked, and then open it."
GAME: Rune rolls perception + 2: (19)+15+2: 36
<OOC> Harkashan says, "You sense a trap"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "High level one."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Intricate lock work."
GAME: Rune rolls disable device +2 +1: (13)+14+2+1: 30
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Success"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Btw, you manage to undo a Fireball Trap."
<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, then I'll take the 10 on unlocking."
GAME: Rune takes ten on disable device+2+1: (10)+14+2+1: 27

"I'm with Huian on that. He probably intended to return." Looking over her shoulder at the martial artist, Rune adds, "But I imagine that he probably will change his tune on that, given the amount of damage we've done to the place, and with the guards after him."

Seeing one last thing to search in the room, Rune walks over towards the chest and crackes her knuckles. Crouching down, she takes the time to examine the chest, running her fingers along it carefully, sometimes tapping at points. "This is definitely trapped, likely something magical." She looks towards the others, "I'd suggest backing up a bit. I can't guarantee that this won't go horribly, horribly wrong."

Once the group has time to fall back to the other room (if they so choose), Rune will go about utilizing her tools to delicately disable the magical runes on the chest. Only after that is done does she call out, "Not dead. Think it should be safe now." And then she gets to dealing with the lock, taking more time on that since they aren't under any kind of threat, now.

Once the lock clicks, she'll open the chest.

It is tense. The kind of trap that Rune is working with is intricate and difficult. But the moment she gets done with it, and then spends some time unlocking the chest, finally... it opens.

Within, there's beautiful renditions of Am'shere animals. Most of them are accurate ones of the various beasts of Am'shere. Various Thunderlizards, plants, and caterpillars are just some of them. There's expensive inks that got used to get some of the colors as accurate as the artist did.

Notably, there's also a well used 'journal' next to it. When opened, Rune finds that it wasn't used to journal anything though. While the baron may be a fantastic painter and artist... his poetry about 'Ranco' the Ceratosaurus leaves much to be desired, and expresses some... 'interesting thoughts' that seem to go with strange pin-up style mini-paintings on the pages opposite to each poem.

It's a real page-turner!

"Well, if we have found everything there is to find here, then we should provide evidence to the agent out front." suggests Huian. She sheathes her sword, the animal subsonic animal sound ending.

That done, she turns and takes hold of the lashes, leading the prisoners towards the exit.

There is a moment of apprecaition for the beautiful artwork, and then... as Rune picks up the journal, her face scrunches slightly. She can't drop the thing fast enough. "Okay, eww." Rather than deal with any of it, she just backs away from the chest and grabs for her water skin, desperately needing to wash her hands.

"You know what, the investigators can have Redfallow's questionable lizard-monster smut collection. I'll pass on that particular 'treasure'. Ugh. Gross." Nope, nope. Rune may need to bathe at the TarRaCe for days to get that out of her brain.

Geir leans in to eye the journal, and regrets it only a few moments longer. "Thisss noble... ewww indeed. Thisss one will wish to alert Mictlan to be on the looking for pervertsss."