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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: The Sweetest Song *GM: Riptide *Characters: Eztli, Harkashan, Rune, Iskandar, Dolan, Skielstregar *Place: Rosalia, Town of Conosca *Summary: Something's odd coming from the cliffs of Rosalia. A lethal song that leads people to their deaths and ships to their wrecks. Something has to be done about it. </div> This is placeholder text. Delete this line and re...")
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*Summary: Something's odd coming from the cliffs of Rosalia. A lethal song that leads people to their deaths and ships to their wrecks. Something has to be done about it. </div>
*Summary: Something's odd coming from the cliffs of Rosalia. A lethal song that leads people to their deaths and ships to their wrecks. Something has to be done about it. </div>
:: ''Rosalia.''
This is placeholder text. Delete this line and replace the placeholder text above when you fill out your log! For more help editing your log, see [[Help:Editing]].
It's a beautiful land. There's no doubt about that. It's a place of lush greenery and sea-facing towns, buildings overlooking the shores of the Inmost Sea with salt-worn windows and vibrant charm.
One might be tempted to go sight-seeing if there wasn't a mission at hand. Reports from Alexandria indicated that a village in Rosalia by the name of Conosca, located by some cliffs, has been dealing with a peculiar problem: singing. Not the type of singing that's more akin to caterwauling, but more like the kind that's far out at sea and predicates the loss of several small fishing vessels and their fishermen.
"There's already been two lost this week," an older woman who walks with your group explains--introduced briefly to the group as Mariah. It's pouring hard, but the work needs doing--both hers and yours. She's a human, wearing a thick sweater and cloak, walking with a large walking shepherd's crook and her flock of docile sheep, who pay the adventurers with them no mind and will even accept pets here and there as offered to them. "I'll lead you lot up to the cliffs, but I don't want to lose any of my flock."
Her eyes are hard on the rains that fall from the sky. "I wonder if it has to do with the old tales, myself."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive: (9)+23: 32
Dolan, for one, is warmly dressed against the wind and rain, a woolen and leather vest atop his thicker shirt, and over all, just beneath the harness that holds the greatsword to his back, and stoops to pet more than one of the sheep as they go by, grinning cheekily. "Your flock's a good lot," he offers to Mariah from beneath his oiled hood.
"Old tales?" he asks, straightening from the latest giving of affection and turning fully to face the woman, studying her with golden eye set into the scarred half of a harlequin expression.
Iskandar frowns at the rain, and shifts the pelt he wears as a half-cape, to cover the shortbow and quiver. He listes to the elder and then quirks an eyebrow. He runs his gaze across the rest of the party. Then he turns back to the woman. "Yes - what tales would those be, mistress?"
Despite her travels to sometimes distant lands, Rosalia is one area that Rune has not frequented. Thus, there is an obvious wonder in her eyes as she takes in the coastline, letting out a low, appreciative whistle. As much as she might want to linger to take in the sights longer, the rain and the group continuing to move has her quick to jog and catch up after her momentary distraction.
She arrives just in time to hear the words 'old tales'. This is enough to perk her ears, despite them being all but hidden beneath her cloak. Someone has said the secret words.
"Old tales?" The rogue asks with obvious interest, seemingly echoing Dolan. "Would you tell us a little of them? I love hearing stories from different lands and... if they could help, it's worth a listen."
Skielstregar is quite tempted to go looking about the place. It's first time he's set eyes on this kind of land: sea side town, the waters beyond, fishing vessel bobbing in the rain. He walks along, droplets of ice crinkling off of him as he goes, uncaring of the deluge. His question had been asked, him looking about as an idle hand pets a nearby sheep's head.
Malefic, on his back, is frowning. Why? The sun isn't out. Simple is.
Even Sith-makar have heard the tales of sailors on their shores of singing voices in the waters. Of women of beauty, either on the cliffs or within the water. Harpies and Sirens both, and who knows what other creatures love to lure people to their dooms and deaths.
"Two already." Harkashan repeats after the older woman. The lava-scaled Sith-makar looking down on the older woman with kind ears, while he's taking out a little baggy and handing off small little devices to the rest of the group. Then, offering one to the lady. "If you are coming with us, please put these in. They're not perfect, but they will dull out some of the risk if it's a Harpy or Siren's song."
He then watches as Dolan starts touching the sheep - while wondering why one would pet the food.
"Old tales?" He then inquires. "Please, tell us more, if you would."
GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
Eztli does seem more than a bit out of place, but she's in relatively good spirits, rain or shine. The small makari kept to the group for the most part, trusting in others that seemed more capable of exploring the area.
"Tales often have a basis in history, true." Eztli nods along with the others. "I'm a little worried what they are, but I think we'll get to the bottom of this, so don't you worry about it, miss. Just tell us what you know, and point us in the direction where you need us."
The sheep bleet kindly in response to Dolan's petting. They actually seem to really rather like him. You can take the farmboy out of the farm...
Mariah takes the earplugs from Harkashan and nods a little in gratitude. The people in the village never seem to thank each other, and Mariah's more proof of that. "There's old tales about beautiful people with beautiful voices who used to live on the cliffs," she says. "When the first people came to live here--among them some of my ancestors--they arranged a deal. Tribute in exchange for spells of enchantment and beauty."
She gestures to the rolling hill that the group is up ahead. It's a steep climb. "It's said that one day, a powerful sorceress came here, as a visitor. She went to visit the people on the cliffs. But because she was not one of the people of Conosca, one of the cliff-dwellers cursed her instead of giving her what she wanted: a spell to find her true love. The sorceress responded with her own curse, and she turned the people into monstrosities that dwell beneath the waves. It's said, sometimes, you can still hear them singing late at night."
Mariah pauses a moment before adding, "I'll take you close to the cliffs should you all be ready."
Iskandar takes the earplugs and then lets them rest in the palm of his large hand, peering at them. He pokes at them a bit, hesitantly. When Mariah describes the curses and counter-curses, he sighs. "All too common a tale," he remarks. "And now it is up to we heroes!...to end the story - whether in tragedy or in triumph." He begins rattling the earplugs in his hand like he's about to cast dice, then seems to realize what he's doing and puts them away. He scans the skies one more time, resting a hand where he wears his bow. But then instead he draws out a heavy dagger. "I'm ready."
-but one cannot take the farm out of the farmboy. "Good wool, there, too," Dolan offers. He straightens and takes the earplugs in his turn, but stares at them in his hand, hard, and hesitates for a breath or two before putting them in. Once they are in, he seems notably more tense and on edge, the inquisitor almost instantly taking over, his head turning this way and that almost constantly, as if to watch for trouble.
Once he has satisfied himself, he loosens the harness holding the greatsword, and tucks the harness into his pack, resting the blade over his shoulder.
As Harkashan hands her a pair of earplugs and speaks about harpies and sirens, Rune makes a face. "Mind control, my favorite." The half-sil certainly has had her negative experiences with it. At the very least, they have some ways of preparing themselves if that is actually the case.
As the story is told, Rune is listening with rapt attention. "Eztli is right, old stories have a thread of truth in them." Her brows furrow slightly, seeming to consider her allies. "If the source of the song is somehow an old resident of these lands, it makes me wonder what might have drawn them out again more recently."
Wonder all she might, Rune is one who tends towards action over questions. When asked if she is ready, Rune sticks one of the two earplugs in, and then holds the other for the time being. She draws out one of her blades, resting it low near her side. "I'm ready enough."
At the sound of people living under the waves, Harkashan rumbles a heavy sound. "This certainly sounds like Sirens." He remarks, but it could still be anything. He has learned that as an Adventurer, one must be flexible. But preparations can sometimes by everything.
"When we get closer to the cliffs, I'd like to take my time to cast a few spells. One for communication amongst the people who do not speak Handspeech, and one for everyone to be able to breathe within the water." He rumbles to the group.
He then notes; "That does sound like a rather interesting tale though. It is not often one hears of a Curse for a Curse. But one supposes that it is not far from An Eye for An Eye." Internally cursing himself for not having the ability to remove curses at the moment.
"But, we should be polite. We are coming as outsiders. It would be wonderful if these beings will at least explain themselves. I doubt they will have a good reason, but... perhaps."
Skiel blinks at the earplugs he's been given from the Deathsinger. He squints at it, looking them over before testing one and putting it into one of the holes in the side of his head.
Several moments later, he's attempting to listen to the tale, too long talons trying to pinch at the side of his head and failing to grab hold. "Erm... they're ssstinging fate and knife?" he poorly echoes.
"Close enough," Malefic grumbles. "Put the other one in."
"Oh /give/ me that!" The other earplug is clamped onto and haphazardly shoved into Skiel's other ear.
Eztli takes the earplugs in one hand with an appreciative nod, but she leaves them out for the time being, at least while the others are talking. Instead she busies herself with applying a protective ward around herself, and listening. "Sounds bad, if there's truth there. Could be how they came to be, or could be a legend explaining already existing things. I'd, well I'd like to hear them out, but that seems a bit dangerous. If there's no other way around it, then so be it."
The small makari chuckles at Skielstregar, and puts their own earplugs in. Just where did those things go, anyways?
GAME: Eztli casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Water Breathing. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Also, because it is very steep and rainy... Reflex saves for my cliff-going emit. :)"
<OOC> Iskandar will put in his earplugs as well since everyone else has!
GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Iskandar rolls reflex: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Harkashan casts Telepathic Bond. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
<OOC> Harkashan says, "(Rune)"
GAME: Harkashan casts Sacred Bond. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
GAME: Dolan rolls reflex: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Dolan casts Freedom of Movement. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I am wearing Clawsof the Ice Bear and would like to use the Spiderclimb please."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Would that aid me?"
<OOC> Riptide says, "It'd certainly help! No reflex for you then."
GAME: Rune rolls reflex save: (4)+15: 19
GAME: Eztli rolls reflex: (6)+9: 15
Mariah does as promised. She leads the group up and up and up the hills. The land is steep, and there comes a point where she says, "I can no longer lead you on--my sheep would find it impassable. It is too steep and too rocky."
She waves on. "Be safe," she says. It's genuine.
The walking from then on is perilous. It's hard to get an even footing sometimes. There's more than an occasion where everyone has to be careful, lest someone roll an ankle or fall and break something.
But it's an ascent that's managed. There's cliffs. There's the open sea. And then there's another cliff-face on the other side of the drop below.
Iskandar nods in gratitude to Mariah before walking on. After only a few steps one sandaled foot slips, but he manages to catch himself. Grinning ruefully at himself he continues on. He stops frequently to make sure he stays with the group, and nods in gratitude again, any time they in turn stop for him. Every once in a while he steals a glance at the cliffs and the sea.
Dolan, on seeing that the others had taken out one of their earplugs until the time came, immediately does likewise, transferring the object to his belt pouch and letting out a breath almost immediately. The warnings proved fortuitous, for he slips once or twice on slippery rock, his booted ankle rolling at one point before he steadies himself.
Once they come to a stop, he looks out over the cliffs and the majestic, rolling sea below. It's a beautiful sight, and one not easily forgotten; he takes a moment to admire it, then reaches for the stylized dragon around his neck with his free hand, a longer and more powerful prayer escaping his lips. It lasts a moment, and then sheathes him in a flash of sunlight that becomes a pale green glow before fading to a bare shimmer.
After casting a series of spells, giving a large group hug, and giving Eztli and apologetic look while casting Telepathing Bond on her as well - it is time to head down the cliffs. His claws digging into the group, and starts kind of... climbing upside down and along the walls with his claws digging into the earth.
Until finally, they get to a stretch of cliff where he can get upright again, and takes a long and deep breath. "Best to be careful. Even if you can breathe under water, it still won't help you if the ocean ends up slamming you into the cliffs." He warns the group.
He then reaches out to Rune and touches her shoulder for a moment, and the other hand to himself. "I wish to make sure your mind is as steeled as can be." He rumbles to her.
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Rune: +spells/cast Cleric=Owl's Wisdom"
GAME: Harkashan casts Owl's Wisdom. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Harkashan casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18
Skiel makes no refusal for spells. Breathing water- okay, used to that. What was this about telepathy? (-ast time this one ate? SO. HUNGRY.) The silverscale is just picking his teeth as he travels on up, but eventually ends up using a spear as a walking stick. Taking his time so he doesn't roll a ankle. "Sssa. Take care, Herder Mariah."
He scratches his head at the cliff face that they stop at. (Flying is scary.) "Thisss one can... ferry you all acrosss? Grow wingsss and what not?"
There is a moment as they scale the incline that one of Rune's feet slip, but she manages to catch herself. However, her boots are quite caked in mud as they make their way. As the guide is left behind, she offers an incline of her head before continuing onward, wiping a bit of rain from her eyes.
When the hand is rested on her shoulder, she looks over and gives a strange expression as the magic washes over her. "I... uh. Right, thanks."
The cliff that faces them is met with a bit more concern. "I'm up for suggestions. This is going to be a rough climb."
Eztli gives Harkashan a quizzical look for a moment, but upon realizing the spell that was cast, the small makari gives a small nod in response. She's not careful enough on the way up, and nearly trips over herself once, clearly a bit on edge. The rest of the journey is slow, as their claws dig into the ground with every step after just in case.
There is a moment at the top where it seems as if someone had snuck up with their group, an unknown, and distinctly feminine voice. "I really don't think jumping down is a good idea, as much as I want to try it." The voice replies. "If you've got wings Skielstregar, I could offer a spell to make that easier, and it would be pretty cool."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Iskandar rolls perception: (17)+12: 29
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (16)+23: 39
GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Dolan rolls perception+3: (17)+18+3: 38
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (2)+12: 14
"I can get some wings going and fly you over." Harkashan rumbles to Rune, motioning with his hands to hand-speech sign this. It's not like he cannot hear /anything/, but it's easier to converse with her like this.
"Just let me know where you'd like to go. You can hold onto my horns to ride me more easily." He rumbles.
Iskandar rests on one knee at a flat outcropping. He peers down at the water, and then glances at the others to see if they are looking as well. He notices Harkashan signing. Iskandar squints. And eventually turns away, to look back down at the water. Then he tries to point out what he's seeing, gesturing and looking at the various party members in turn to see if they seem to understand.
Once his spell is done, Dolan immediately puts back in the second earplug, and instantly resumes his on-edge demeanor, scanning his companions and the waters below alike. He stops at one particular point on the water, staring intently at the particular point. The greatsword comes down off his shoulder, and is reversed in front of him, point down and resting on his boot to protect the edge from the stone. _Look, tendrils,_ he thinks at those wirth whom he shares the spell.
Rune's eyes begin to sweep the area. With one sense dampened, it gives reason enough to be on alert with others. She squints into the rain, as if she were looking at something in the distance, her head tilted. It's obvious she isn't the only one seeing it, though. Her hand motions her confirmation that she had seen the same as the others.
Then, the movements of Harkashan's hands have her looking momentarily confused. Maybe because she only caught half of what he is saying and that some of it draws a funny look from him.
So, she simply nods in the affirmative, seeming accepting enough of his offer of flight-assistance.
Skielstregar's head whips around as he starts to hear people in his skull. What was that soft voice? Eztli? (Who is that? Eztli? Do we all sound different like that? What does this one sound like? Wait. You all can hear this one. Wow. Okay! This one can do that!)
Before he can get that started, he looks to where others are pointing. Tilts its head to the side. (What is that? Do tendrils sing?)
The silverscale shakes his head. Inhales. Growls something muddled as everyone's ears are plugged. Black ichor joins with the rain, flows to his back, and cracks across, building as black, bony wings. (This one can help with crossing!)
GAME: Skielstregar casts Fly. Caster Level: 11 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
GAME: Eztli casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
GAME: Eztli casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
"Yes, this is Eztli. No, you sound just like your usual growly self. Long story I'll tell you another time, just be understanding for now please." The strange voice replies, and Eztli steps forward to the other two makari. "Fly strong and true." Eztli growls, having to hop just a bit to pat Skielstregar and Harkashan on the shoulder in succession, having to hop a bit to do so. Both feel their wings straining a bit for a moment, leaving them much stronger afterwards. "Alright, We should probably hammer down some ropes here, just in case for getting back up." <draconic>
Do tendrils sing? It's a good question.
A voice comes through the air. Singing. It's a lonely, lonely dirge, a thing that entices those who hear it to come closer...
<OOC> Riptide says, "Will saves (+2 because everyone's wearing earplugs)."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (15)+7+2: 24
GAME: Dolan rolls will+2: (11)+14+2: 27
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will: (19)+17: 36
GAME: Iskandar rolls will+2: (13)+8+2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (10)+7+2+2: 21
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (12)+11+2: 25
<OOC> Riptide says, "It's such a captivating and lovely song... But nobody's drawn in by it."
The earplugs help - the sound is blunted in Dolan's mind, and its captivating call tugs at Dolan's mind for just a brief moments. It's just enough for him to identify the direction from which it comes, and he turns his full head and body towards the source of the sound, but he doesn't move. _There it is,_ he thinks at the others hard, then looks around him. _How do we get down?_
Skielstregar blinks as he's informed that it was indeed Eztli, and he was, indeed, growly. (Good!) his thoughts rumble gleefully. But then his black boned wings shake. Then jut out an extra yard. (Oh, wow, thank you, Shaman Eztli!)
He nods towards Eztli, reaching back behind him to procure some rope, but then a song wafts through the air. (Pretty sound. Wait- no, is that the thing? Where is the thing?) His head whips around.
(This one can carry you, Warrior Dolan!) Skiel offers as he pulls out some rope from his bag. (But this one is not sure if we have the time to secure rope. It sings bad song.)
With Rune motioning and signing, and the group pointing at things across the waters, Harkashan at first doesn't see what is going on. Instead, he tilts down his body and lifts his shoulderblades. There's this pregnant pause for a moment, before there's a sudden flurry of movement! Blistering red angelic-like wings spawn from his back, spreading through the air and sending a wave of steam up as the heat of the wings touch against the rain!
The 'feathers', if one could call them that - what with looking more like scales - ripple and adjust as they come down, while Harkashan gets on all fours and waits for Rune to grab on as desired if she wants a lift anywhere. Only for Eztli's spell to touch his wings, and the embers to burst out wider! Harkashan tilting his head down a bit as the red markings on his body glow brighter and wilder. The lava-flow seeming to move as those wings tense and grow firmer. More powerful. Larger! Roaring... loud enough that the song fails to sink into his mind.
<"I will move people down the cliff after Rune, as needed."> Harkashan offers telepathically, and then Hand-signs this to the rest. He also motions at Iskandar, and makes general hand-motions that are easy to understand as 'fly down' and pointing at Iskandar. But Skiel may have different priorities on that one.
Eztli looks down, and suddenly claps both hands either side of their head. "I don't like this at all. Something's trying to mess with us." She agrees, taking a few things out of her robes. "You get them down, I'll try to secure a rope up here quick. I don't think we have time for anything too complicated, so the sooner we get down, the better."
There's a bit of a look of surprise, and the small makari gives Harkashan a thumbs up. "No time to appreciate it, but looking good Hark!"
It's obvious, at a glance, that Rune isn't entirely comfortable with flying. However, this isn't the first time that she has she's had to trust the abilities of others to ignore gravity. It likely isn't the most comfortable thing for Harkashan, since she is likely holding on with a bit more intensity than she likely should be.
And then, her body seems to freeze briefly. The sound of the music threatening to take hold. Then, with a shake of her head, she seems to throw off the effect and just clings tighter around Harkashan's neck.
Iskandar looks blankly at a few of the signals: But he seems to catch on soon enough. He marvels at how coordinated the others seem. When the rope is produced he looks for a place to secure it.
The singing stops. It's a pause, a moment where the music is no longer.
And then it starts again. Urging all to come closer.
<OOC> Riptide says, "Another Will save (+2 with earplugs)"
GAME: Dolan rolls will+2: (10)+14+2: 26
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+2: (20)+17+2: 39 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (6)+7+2: 15
GAME: Iskandar rolls will+2: (18)+8+2: 28
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (3)+11+2: 16
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "yeeeah i might as well use the reroll now"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (16)+7+2: 25
<OOC> Eztli says, "I think I'll use mine, too"
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (13)+11+2: 26
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (2)+7+2+2: 13
<OOC> Rune says, "I'll use that re-roll."
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (1)+7+2+2: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Riptide says, "Everyone except Rune saves. Rune... You now feel compelled to go to the direction of the singing, which is down in the water. If you go to dive down the cliff, though, you get another Will save."
<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, based on what Hark is saying, she is going to drive him into the water."
<OOC> Riptide says, "OKAY :D"
GAME: Rune rolls ride: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Dolan says, "Perception to determine whether the source of the sound is the tendriled thing or not."
GAME: Dolan rolls perception-5: (19)+18+-5: 32
Perhaps it is the pause in the music, causing Rune to let down her guard. Otherwise, it might be her fear of flying. Whatever the case, when the music starts up again, Rune's eyes go unfocused.
The problem is, there is really no one there to see it. The only thing that Harkshan feels is her hands guiding him down towards the water. In fact, it's probably a more intense dive than is probably comfortable.
The issue is, she isn't particularly holding on very tightly anymore, either. She seems to be barely hanging on, her eyes staring straight towards the waves.
Iskandar looks up at the latest singing. "Be careful what you wish for!" he bellows down at the water, then takes up an end of the rope, ready to tug it to test how securely it's fastened. It's something he's seen done before. He glances over the cliff one more time and then blinks at Hark and Rune. "Wait for us!" he adds, not even sure if anyone can hear him.
When Skielstregar offers Dolan the rope, he _eyes_ it, and the expression that floods the mobile half of his features, tugging at the scars that mask the other side and harden his skin, is one of unbridled horror and flashes of memory. He shakes his head _hard_, sending water droplets flying from soaked hair, and thinks back at Skielstregar, (Uhhhh - no thanks.) Accompanying that, for those in telepathic bond with him, is a flash of memory - the feeling of being face down on something soft, ropes around his wrists, a searing, burning sensation down his back. It's gone with the shake of the head. (I think my armor can fly. I'll give it a try.)
So saying, he touches his chest and states, "Ircandis," then stares down into the water. <The singing's coming from that tendriled thing!> he tells the others after a moment.
Skielstregar stares at Dolan. Tilts his head to the side. Looks at the rope. Dolan. The rope. (It's... okay? They will carry you instead?) he rumbles back in his head, thoroughly confused. (Anyways, let us go together-)
And then Rune and her dragon zoom on down. (... you two slow down! Um. Uh. Um. The tendril thing? Ok, let's hurry down-)
"... you're ready to... fly a kite?"
Malefic makes frustrated, metallic yells.
GAME: Harkashan rolls Fly: (7)+2: 9
Eztli is in the process of securing her own rope, and while it should support her, she takes some time to make sure it'll work for everyone else if the need arises. She stops, and physically winces as unpleasant memories burn through their mind for a moment. "Shit, that's not real pleasant, but no time to dwell on that or offer you a hug." The makari notes through their telepathic bond. "Grab me and let's go then, Skiel!"
Harkashan trusts in Rune as she begins to guide him. He jumps up into the air and flies with her on his back, clinging to him and gripping his horns. He realizes something is wrong when she presses his head down for a more steep dive down, and he tries to push back.
However, he can also sense how her body is freezing. The way that she clings to his neck. Then, a sharp feeling. A Memory. Memory. Thirku practically reaches out to take it, holding onto it -- then... pull. It's not trying to 'take' it from Dolan. But it might feel like something is trying to grab onto that memory. Bringing it more to the forefront in that moment. A set of draconic eyes staring at 'that moment'. Intense, further and further to the forefront...
And then...
Something else. A memory given to Dolan instead. Almost like a payment. A flash, intense as well, of flight. Ropes holding the memory's source tied down to someone above them. A sudden intense feeling of safety. Being flown around, tied to this person.
And then it's gone. In truth, but a moment. But in sensation...
Harkashan rumbles, "Rune, hold on!" As they collapse towards the water and Harkashan makes for a waterlanding. At first it might seem like it will go bad. But Eztli's spell reinforces his wings, and they break the fall. Harkashan manages to get Rune onto his shoulders just before getting half of his body into the water, and turning around, ready for battle!
<OOC> Rune says, "So, what is the song telling Rune to do at the moment?"
<OOC> Riptide says, "Embrace the rock. 8D"
<OOC> Rune says, "Is Harkashan trying to hold on to her?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Yes."
GAME: Rune rolls escape artist: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Versus a CMD of 24, you do not wriggle out."
As Harkashan lands, Rune is very obviously not in her right mind. She pushes a hand right against his face, nearly prodding him in the eyeball in the process. The half-sil is surprisingly wiggly, shifting her weight, moving her legs, kicking out at his armor and trying to generally flailing at him.
However, her heart doesn't seem to be fully into it. Likely because her heart and mind are not her own at the moment. Eventually, panting and giving a cry of frustration, she flumps forward across his shoulder, one hand still reaching out towards the rock.
There's no words, only an intense need that seems to be driving her to try to reach it.
GAME: Skielstregar casts Feather Fall. Caster Level: 11 DC: 14
GAME: Iskandar rolls cmb+2+2+2+2+2: (10)+18+2+2+2+2+2: 38
Iskandar takes a few quick steadying breaths and then runs for the edge of the cliff. His intention would seem to be...to hurl himself off? And -fall- to the water below? A quick featherfall spell courtesy of Skielstregar makes it a far less reckless tactic. He directs himself to land in the water near Rune and Harkashan. And also within reach of the tentacle, which Iskandar immediately graps in an attempt to hold it immobile. "This is your only chance!" he bellows. "We heard the tales - don't make us slay you!"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "okay! I'm going to rage, use greater bloodrage to freely cast enlarge person, use my standard to grab Eztli, then fly some!"
GAME: Skielstregar casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 11 DC: 14
<OOC> Skielstregar moves 35 feet downward, 65 in the air
As things get moving, Skiel sees Iskandar leap heroically into the fray! "ABATE!" he snaps at them, black ichor suddenly forming under his feet and sloughing away, as if its pushing back against him to slow his otherwise painful leap. There's a lot of noise on the mental line, him just barely picking up Eztli's request. (Okay, this one will just... do the thing. I'm... sorry everyone.)
The silverscale tenses, black ichor flowing out of him like normal-- but then it suddenly deluges like the rain! (WHAT IS GOING--) His size swells tremendously, towering and massive. And the ichor <pops!> Leaving a hulking, crimson eyed monstrosity.
(COME ON TINY SNACK LETS GET A MEAL!) Forgotten-Skiel grabs Eztli in a massive hand, and gallops to a dive off the cliff.
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10
<OOC> Riptide says, "It does not escape, lol."
<OOC> Riptide says, "It will attack Iskandar and Rune, though."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (4)+18+-2: 20
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (19)+18+-2: 35
<OOC> Riptide says, "Those were for Iskandar."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (13)+18+-2: 29
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (11)+18+-2: 27
<OOC> Riptide says, "And Rune."
<OOC> Riptide says, "One hit on Is, two hits on Rune."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Riptide says, "Is, make a Fort save please. Rune, two Fort saves, please."
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (3)+14: 17
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
<OOC> Riptide says, "Second Rock. It moves up to Iskandar."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (19)+18: 37
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (9)+18: 27
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Two hits."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Iskandar is going to try Charmed Life this time for one of them
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort+3: (7)+14+3: 24
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Iskandar spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.
Even grappled, the singing rock with tendrils atop its head is keen to keep going. It lashes out at Rune and Iskandar with those horrible tendrils, poison coursing through both of them, sapping strength.
Another one emerges from the water and lashes out at Iskandar, tearing at the man. A third emerges as well, joining its infernal siblings.
GAME: Eztli casts Fireball. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Eztli rolls 9d6+6: (38)+6: 44
<OOC> Eztli says, "and I'll drop where I am, that's my turn"
Eztli is more than a bit panicked by the situation, mostly at being grabbed in case Skielstregar needed an in flight snack. "Gonna hop off here, probably for the best." Eztli responds through their telepathic bond, sounding just as panicked. One flicker of a flame manages to conjure itself in spite of the rain, growing into a small sphere of fire that she hurls down into the midst of the battle, where it explodes on contact, barely missing Rune and Iskandar.
The sorceress shoves herself free, and begins plummeting to the ground, coupled with various cursing as their vision is obscured by the robes billowing in their face.
<OOC> Dolan says, "With the celestial armor, my charge range is 120' flying with good maneuverability, but the angle is more than a 45º descent, so I may need to make a fly check to jump off the cliff flying and charge #2."
<OOC> Riptide says, "Make that fly check as it's raining."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Before I do, though. Monster Lore! What am I dealing with?"
GAME: Dolan rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (11)+10: 21
<OOC> Dolan says, "That should have had a +3 on it for Monster Lore."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Swift for bane/aberration, and will attempt the fly check to charge into the fray, aimed at Singy Rock 2."
GAME: Dolan rolls fly: (8)+0: 8
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Add 4 to that for maneuverability."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (3)+15+2: 20
<OOC> Dolan says, "Agh, I did not include the charge, only the bane."
<OOC> Dolan says, "RPP that."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2+2: (7)+15+2+2: 26
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (8)+6+2+(11): 27
For a breath or more, the tug on hellish memories, and the flooding of the memory in return, leaves Dolan paralyzed, unable to react until the tidal wave has subsided. The memory of agony and cold rain combine to pour illusory fire down his back, but the replacement memory - the majesty and safety of secure flight - are enough for him to stagger back to his feet, pressing a hand to his face.
He stares down at the battle unfolding below, his memory of long-forgotten reading triggering. <Loreleis! They're aberrations that come from corrupted fae! They don't move very well, but they're poisonous, take them from range if you can!>
But he, himself, does not follow that advice. Instead, it's time to find out what his newly-repaired armor can do. The memory of glorious flight fresh in his mind, he takes a deep breath and jumps off of the cliff, sword first, headed straight downwards towards one of the rock-like creatures. "The Knight's justice be the bane of they who lure to their destruction!" is lost in wind and earplugs, and the buffeting of the wind doesn't help him, leaving him with a less than graceful landing that sees him flying sword-first into the rock, opening up a deep hole.
Not exactly graceful, but effective. That's Dolan.
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Either way: Sac 3 HP to Quicken Spell Protection From Evil onto Rune."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Costing a 5th level slot."
GAME: Harkashan casts Curse. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
<OOC> Riptide says, "Rune, you get a Will save."
<OOC> Rune says, "So, quick question. Is this an enchantment effect? Because I forgot to ask before."
<OOC> Riptide says, "It is!"
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2+2+2: (20)+7+2+2+2+2: 35 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (13)+18: 31
<OOC> Riptide says, "AoO misses on Hark."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Melee: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Harkashan casts Harm. Caster Level: 11 DC: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+13: (19)+13: 32
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "110/2 = 55 damage."
Harkashan almost gets prodded, wriggling around. He can tell she's flailing, so he starts holding her down. Grabbing tight onto her legs and refusing to let go. "Don't worry Rune. I've got you!" He calls out to her. Stumbling in the water. It is difficult to move, with four feet of /sea water/ making this a struggle. At least he's not trembling from the cold -- had this been ocean water.
But then the stone thing grabs at Rune, and the Sith-makar grimaces. He tries to pull her away, but she's struggling. And that stone thing is grabbing one. He hisses between his teeth. An Adventurer can try to prepare, but there's always unforseen situations.
Still, he feels Rune weakening in his arms in that moment, and he tries to pull her back. Sending a divine spell through her, trying to break her from the evil. His red markings on his body glowing, as he pleads for Thirku's aid in that moment. "Rune! Wake up. I need you!" Harkashan howls at her, as he slams away one of the tendrils with his buckler - a divine shield spreading over it and pushing it away as he casts!
One of the tendrils gets close, and he grabs it, gritting his teeth. Snarling at it for hurting Rune. The tendril. "Understood!" He calls out to Dolan... and squeezes the tendril. It begins to splinter. Tear. Ripple apart as it literally tears the life out of it. The tendril evaporating away and off of Rune, before he manages to get away and pull Rune at least partially out of danger. "Rune... are you okay?"
<OOC> Rune says, "Please move Rune to flank with Isk"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2: (7)+15+2: 24
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6: (4)+-3+(2)+(8): 11
With her mind lost, her body held, Rune is an all too easy target for the creatures. Two of the tendrils lash across her legs where they dangle over Harkashan's shoulders, sending lancing pain through her nervous system.
The scream that is ripped from her is gut-wrenching. The poison's effect has her attempts to escape seeming weaker, at least at first. Her skin takes on a distinct pallor, and a somewhat sunken look. Dark circles beneath her wild, unfocused eyes, and an almost emaciated shift to her body.
The call of her name, the flare of magic, and suddenly there is a gasp as if she were breathing for the first time. Rune coughs, curses colorfully in Makari, "I'm here... I'm here. Put me down."
In this situation, a person who was more wary, might have withdrawn to protect themselves, but Rune is one of those people who has always put the needs of others before the needs of herself. "Not okay." She admits, while looking as if she is barely staying on her feet. "Still have to fight."
So, she moves in, lashing out at the creature that had been controlling her. However, it's obvious that her blows don't have nearly the cutting edge that they normally do. Her movements are sluggish, every motion seeming to drag heaving breaths from her lungs as the rain splatters against her sunken features.
<OOC> Iskandar okays! Got them right where I want them. :D ... so, would this work: a swift action to enter crane style
<OOC> Iskandar says, "And then move action to maintain my grapple on 3 (and trigger constrict from belt)"
<OOC> Iskandar says, "And if all that works, standard action to Harm + constrict again, all while also fighting defensively and using Improved Stalwart for some DR"
GAME: Iskandar rolls cmb+10+5-2: (7)+16+10+5+-2: 36
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Then harm + more constrict"
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+7+1d6+3: (2)+7+(1)+3: 13
Iskandar has a tight grip on several of the monster's tendrils - and yet still more appendages emerge from the churning water to lash into him and Rune. He feels poison tingling through his limbs, numbing sensation and sapping strength. Or is that the coldness of the water? Iskandar shifts his grip to try and gather up the newest tentacles. That's when a second creature appears and lashes painfully into the Jotunbrud's neck and shoulder. He cranes his neck to eye the new monster, ready to dodge or shift to avoid more.
And it's that look that allows him to spot a third monster approaching. For the first time tonight Iskandar's normally confident and careless expression slips, twists into a scowl. More! There's no end to them! Then...WHOOSH! his expression brightens as a ball of flame engulfs the newest threats. "Hah! HAHAHA! YES!" Just like that he's back to his normal manner. Shifting his attention back to the first monster, Iskandar now applies crushing force. He digs in fingers, squeezes and twists and wrenches at the tendrils he's holding, the kind of abuse that could snap bones and dislocate joints were it to have any.
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "okay im going to move down to the ground and cast greater thunderstomp, just barely able to weave and hit all three"
GAME: Skielstregar casts Greater Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 11 DC: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "im spending rpp"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (12)+18: 30
<OOC> Riptide says, "They are ALL PRONE."
Massive, Forgotten Skiel barely takes in the mental messages. From his end, all the others mainly hear is- (Let her go! LET THE SNACK GO?!?! YES GET DOWN THERE!) Eztli slips out of his grasp, and he dives right into the aftershock of the fireball.
Malefic careens down, grinning finally. But it does not seek the Loreleis. No. A baleful plume of miasma wafts from Malefic's maw. Forgotten Skiel howls, "FALL, CRAVENS!"
The halberd slams into the earth. And a vertible shockwave splits the waters, rocks flying upwards as it zips by and knocks all the rock-like creatures to the ground!
<OOC> Riptide says, "Rock 2 will get up from being prone."
<OOC> Riptide says, "This triggers AoOs from Dolan and Isk."
GAME: Dolan uses an AoO! 1 remaining.
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (1)+19+1+2+1: 24 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (12)+15+2: 29
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (8)+6+2+(9): 25
<OOC> Riptide says, "It will attempt to lash out at Isk and Dolan both (2 each), Isk first then Dolan."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (4)+18: 22
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (7)+18: 25
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28
<OOC> Riptide says, "Miss miss on Isk. Dolan, two fort saves please while I roll damage."
GAME: Dolan rolls fortitude: (18)+15: 33
GAME: Dolan rolls fortitude: (20)+15: 35 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (8)+9: 17
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes saves, nice chunk of damage."
<OOC> Riptide says, "Also gets up. And moves in to crowd Isk."
<OOC> Riptide says, "4 attacks on Isk..."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Riptide says, "Rolling to confirm."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (11)+18: 29
<OOC> Riptide says, "Isk, Fort save please."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9+1d8+9: (8)+9+(7)+9: 33
<OOC> Iskandar eeps...will use charmed life again. And also has DR 8 currently, every little bit helps
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort+3: (11)+14+3: 28
GAME: Iskandar spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.
Iskandar's grip on the first lorelei, as identified by Dolan, locks it in place thanks in part to Skielstregar's work. But its companions come forward and strike out at both him and Dolan, two lashes finding purchase in Dolan and one hard lash going into Iskandar.
But both men are made of stern stuff, and they shrug off the horrible poisons that they bear.
<OOC> Eztli says, "I'll get haste going on everyone"
<OOC> Eztli says, "but I don't think I can hit hark"
GAME: Eztli casts Haste. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18
<OOC> Eztli says, "I'll take a step to the west after that just in case"
Eztli takes a step back, letting the others deal with the front line, even if it made her wince with all the blows her allies were taken. The small makari took on hand to their chest, and a few movements before stretching it outward. "Light a fire under your feet and get moving!" the sorceress growls, when suddenly, most of her allies burst into flames, for only a fraction of a second. The heat doesn't dissipate completely however, but it's as if one felt pleasantly hot after a warm up, and ready to go.
<OOC> Dolan says, "Haste / bane / power attack, let it have it."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Because of freedom of movement and water breathing, being in the water is not hindering Dolan."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2: (13)+15+1+2: 31
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3-5: (17)+15+1+2+-3+-5: 27 (THREAT)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3-5: (17)+15+1+2+-3+-5: 27 (THREAT)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3: (4)+15+1+2+-3: 19
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6+6: (8)+6+2+(9)+6: 31
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6+6+2d6+2+6+6: (7)+6+2+(6)+6+(12)+2+6+6: 53
The chill of the water in which Dolan finds himself, plus the rain that now slicks every inch of him and leaves him soaked to the skin, begins to creep into his bones, but then a spell hits him. The familiar and warming fire of haste hits him, and he turnss his head for just a moment towards Eztli, thinking hard at her enough for it to be nearly a shout - <Thanks!>
The tingling of the poison is lost in her fire, and in his own, and in the internal monologue of Skielstregar - <You want to _eat_ that? Knight's balls, Skiel,>. He takes the opportunity and _leaps_ forward, blood and ichor flying in every direction, coating him and mingling with the water, staining the sea, and he _sinks_ it hilt-deep in the thing, stabbing it through and pinning it to the sand of the ocean floor like a bug on a pin. It screams a cacophonous scream and slips beneath the waves, not to return.
<OOC> Harkashan says, "5 foot up, Inquisitor nonsense AC +2, Prayer"
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
"I can heal you, but it would take too long right now while we're facing them." Harkashan rumbles to Rune. "Just be as careful as you can be. I will support you with all I've got!" He rumbles and steps forward through the water back towards her while drawing further upon his divine gift!
Flames spread across Eztli's allies, and Harkashan doesn't even flinch. Flames are something he, as a Sith-makar, is true to. <"A wonderful Flame, Kin."> Harkashan rumbles telepathically to Eztli. A wave of beautiful silver-red light then waves out as he throws a hand out. The pulse ripples over the creatures, creating lines that lift up to the sky, only for those lines to connect with his allies. Stealing energy from his foes and guiding his allies to greatness!
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (3)+15+2+1+1: 22
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (14)+15+2+1+1: 33
<OOC> Rune says, "that one should be -2, so 31"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1+1-2: (6)+15+2+1+1+-2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1-7: (12)+15+2+1+1+-7: 24
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1+1-7: (17)+15+2+1+1+-7: 29
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (5)+-3+(5)+(18)+1: 26
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (5)+-3+(3)+(17)+1: 23
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (4)+-3+(6)+(22)+1: 30
"Careful. Hah." The words are both said on separate breaths. However, there is still a look of amusement that can still be seen on those sunken features. This isn't the first time Rune has stared possible death in the face, and it likely won't be the last.
The rogue is still in a good position, with the monster being held at bay by Iskandar. "You're... going to pay for what you did to me." So, avoiding the places where Iskandar is still holding the creature's tendrils, Rune stabs inward. There is a clank of metal on stone in places where it seems to miss vital organs, but a flailing of limbs when other blows strike home.
In the end, there is a flailing from it before it goes still, and Rune stands there, panting, half-hunched over.
<OOC> Iskandar will full attack it then, using unarmed strike and still fighting defensively
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (20)+19+1+2+1: 43 (THREAT)
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (14)+19+1+2+1: 37
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (19)+19+1+2+1: 42
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1-5: (8)+19+1+2+1+-5: 26
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1-10: (13)+19+1+2+1+-10: 26
GAME: Iskandar rolls 2d8+8+5+4+4+2+2: (14)+8+5+4+4+2+2: 39
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (7)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 22
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (8)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 23
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (5)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 20
Iskandar somehow senses the aberation behind him drop. Then he feels the monster he's holding jerk and thrash. And suddenly go limp. Iskandar shakes it once more for good measure, and still not feeling any resistance concludes that it must indeed be finished. He releases his grasp and it sinks halfway into he water, but the warrior is already turning to face the last one. Feeling the speed of Eztli's spell, Iskandar jabs his open hands into the monster, blow after blow that dig into the fleshy bits like any blade might - or any tooth or fang might. Again they're tactics he'd never use against a normal being - but somehow against unnatural monstrosities such as this, it doesn't feel so overly violent.
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "step towards enemy, full attack, power attack furious focus arcane strike"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3: (13)+16+1+1+3: 34
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3: (19)+16+1+1+3+-3: 37
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3-5: (1)+16+1+1+3+-3+-5: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3-10: (16)+16+1+1+3+-3+-10: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage27+3+9+3+1: aliased to 2d8+10+3+9+3+1: (15)+10+3+9+3+1: 41
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage27+3+9+3+1: aliased to 2d8+10+3+9+3+1: (11)+10+3+9+3+1: 37
A plethora of spells and blessings wash over the massive forgotten as he rises. Skiel hisses, Malefic held low and backwards. (No, Warrior Dolan, this one does not want to eat anything!) Skiel's mental voice snarls and snaps, but dropping to a wrathful (BUT IT'D BE SO GOOOOOD- FOCUS ON THE LORELELILEL THING!)
Skiel's internal struggles are apparent as he snarls and snaps to his feet, skipping forward and cocking Malefic back. "SOFTSKIN! GOOSE!" One mass swing carves through the water, knocking the Lorelei into the air before he jabs forward, skewering it, and then throwing it into the rockface behind him with a massive SLAM!
Goose? What could that mean? Iskandar glances back behind him, then his eyes fly wide. He dives aside, giving the Skielstregar space to swing. Emerging from the water and spitting out a mouthful, Iskandar eyes the huge Sith and then the aftermath of the blow. "Well struck!" he crows. He turns to look this way and that, and casts a murderous look in the direction the monsters kept emerging from. As if daring another to show itself. But after a few moments he turns back to the others. "All of you! Well done! A battle for the ages!"
The other two are quick to follow in the tentacle-steps of the first at the hands of his companions, and Dolan lowers his blade, looking around him at the others. He walks from corpse to corpse in the shallows, poking each in turn to assure himself of their status as corpses, moving through the water with magical ease and minimal resistance. Once he is so assured, he is quick - and vehement - about pulling both earplugs from their stations and tucking them immediately in his belt pouch. "Damn, I hate that."
He looks up when Iskandar speaks, a cheeky grin splitting the scarred features even as a shudder of cold ripples down his spine. "Well done yourself, my friend. Pinning one of those things down is no mean feat. I don't know about you, though, but I want to get out of the water before I freeze to death."
As the last of the monsters falls, Rune gives in to the bone-deep weariness that theratens to consume her. She drops to her knees, and slowly, very slowly, slides her weapons away. "Have I mentioned... how much I love monsters with mind control?" She murmurs dryly.
As Iskandar offers up his cheers for a battle well done, she manages some 'life' into her emaciated form, "Well done to you. I wouldn't be standing if it weren't for your quick handling of that thing." She realizes then, that she is kneeling, "Well... not standing at the moment but... you get the point."
Then, looking over her shoulder, she reaches a hand towards Harkashan, "I could use a hand up, and a lift out of this place. And probably some healing. Definitely some healing. And some ale. And a fire. And bed. The nice kind, with the fluffy down pillows."
Eztli was just about ready to incinerate the remaining creatures, but everyone makes short work of felling them before she can conjure up a single spark. The small makari still takes a step back, and keeps an eye on the water. "Everyone alright?" The strange voice asks telepathically again. "Looks like you got the worst of it Rune and Iskandar, not entirely well."
"I can dry your clothes at the very least, but the rain's probably gonna soak them through again. I don't mind the cold, but it wouldn't do for you all to catch a cold after dealing with those things."
The massive, fuming silverscale snarls as the being goes still against the rockface, sliding down to a pathetic pile. The mental link belies an internal argument. (MORE! No, no more, we're done. LOOK, MORE FRESH SNAC-)
Skielstregar thuds the side of his head. (Shut up! We're done, that's final!) A moment passes, and he suddenly exhales, the undead effects abating and wafting away. He slumps against the walls. "... a... cattle for the... stagessss?" he tiredly tries to echo to Iskandar. Too long talons try and get the earplugs out. No dice.
(Yes... lets get out of this mess. All of that sounds well. But, erm, what is a clown billow?) Skiel tiredly asks as his wings open up some, a hand being offered for free rides back up to the cliff.
Harkashan lets out a breath of relief when Giant Skielstregar chops the last one apart, while Rune is ripping in the one that caused her harm to pieces with her blades. He then looks slowly at his hand, remembering the feeling of ripping away the life of the strange being...
It felt strange - to do such immense harm to a living being like that.
He's shaken from that moment as Rune speaks to him, and approaches her. He then suddenly grabs underneath her legs, and lifts her into his arms. Princess carrying her at first, then using his wings to take up and rising up into the air instead! Carrying her out of the waters so he can heal her.
Iskandar holds up a hand to forestall Eztli. "The cold doesn't bother a son of the Jotun either," he assures her with a smile. "Or at least, this cold doesn't." He winces then, and retracts his hand slowly. And turns it into a shoulder-rolling motion. "I still feel where the first creature stung me," he admits. He glances at Rune and then muses. "Hopefully the...the weakness will go away...sometimes it does, especially if helped along by a stiff drink." The thought seems to brighten him again, and he moves towards the rope. Time to really test how well it was anchored on the cliff above.
Destroyed, smashed, rendered inert, the lorelei sing no more, freed from whatever curse was placed onto them that turned them from lovely and beautiful fey into terrible creatures of stone and poison.
When you make it back down from the cliffs, Mariah's waiting. She invites everyone to her farmhouse for a warm dinner, seemingly just the ticket for being out at sea. She explains her late husband was a fisherman, and that she knows a thing or two about warming up the bones.
"Let's hope none of them come back up to the water's surface," she says, sitting down in front of her fireplace. "Otherwise I suppose we might call on you again to silence them."
Conosca is quiet once again.
-End Scene-

Latest revision as of 05:06, 1 October 2023

Log Info

  • Title: The Sweetest Song
  • Place: Rosalia, Town of Conosca
  • Summary: Something's odd coming from the cliffs of Rosalia. A lethal song that leads people to their deaths and ships to their wrecks. Something has to be done about it.

It's a beautiful land. There's no doubt about that. It's a place of lush greenery and sea-facing towns, buildings overlooking the shores of the Inmost Sea with salt-worn windows and vibrant charm.

One might be tempted to go sight-seeing if there wasn't a mission at hand. Reports from Alexandria indicated that a village in Rosalia by the name of Conosca, located by some cliffs, has been dealing with a peculiar problem: singing. Not the type of singing that's more akin to caterwauling, but more like the kind that's far out at sea and predicates the loss of several small fishing vessels and their fishermen.

"There's already been two lost this week," an older woman who walks with your group explains--introduced briefly to the group as Mariah. It's pouring hard, but the work needs doing--both hers and yours. She's a human, wearing a thick sweater and cloak, walking with a large walking shepherd's crook and her flock of docile sheep, who pay the adventurers with them no mind and will even accept pets here and there as offered to them. "I'll lead you lot up to the cliffs, but I don't want to lose any of my flock."

Her eyes are hard on the rains that fall from the sky. "I wonder if it has to do with the old tales, myself."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive: (9)+23: 32

Dolan, for one, is warmly dressed against the wind and rain, a woolen and leather vest atop his thicker shirt, and over all, just beneath the harness that holds the greatsword to his back, and stoops to pet more than one of the sheep as they go by, grinning cheekily. "Your flock's a good lot," he offers to Mariah from beneath his oiled hood.

"Old tales?" he asks, straightening from the latest giving of affection and turning fully to face the woman, studying her with golden eye set into the scarred half of a harlequin expression.

Iskandar frowns at the rain, and shifts the pelt he wears as a half-cape, to cover the shortbow and quiver. He listes to the elder and then quirks an eyebrow. He runs his gaze across the rest of the party. Then he turns back to the woman. "Yes - what tales would those be, mistress?"

Despite her travels to sometimes distant lands, Rosalia is one area that Rune has not frequented. Thus, there is an obvious wonder in her eyes as she takes in the coastline, letting out a low, appreciative whistle. As much as she might want to linger to take in the sights longer, the rain and the group continuing to move has her quick to jog and catch up after her momentary distraction.

She arrives just in time to hear the words 'old tales'. This is enough to perk her ears, despite them being all but hidden beneath her cloak. Someone has said the secret words.

"Old tales?" The rogue asks with obvious interest, seemingly echoing Dolan. "Would you tell us a little of them? I love hearing stories from different lands and... if they could help, it's worth a listen."

Skielstregar is quite tempted to go looking about the place. It's first time he's set eyes on this kind of land: sea side town, the waters beyond, fishing vessel bobbing in the rain. He walks along, droplets of ice crinkling off of him as he goes, uncaring of the deluge. His question had been asked, him looking about as an idle hand pets a nearby sheep's head.

Malefic, on his back, is frowning. Why? The sun isn't out. Simple is.

Even Sith-makar have heard the tales of sailors on their shores of singing voices in the waters. Of women of beauty, either on the cliffs or within the water. Harpies and Sirens both, and who knows what other creatures love to lure people to their dooms and deaths.

"Two already." Harkashan repeats after the older woman. The lava-scaled Sith-makar looking down on the older woman with kind ears, while he's taking out a little baggy and handing off small little devices to the rest of the group. Then, offering one to the lady. "If you are coming with us, please put these in. They're not perfect, but they will dull out some of the risk if it's a Harpy or Siren's song."

He then watches as Dolan starts touching the sheep - while wondering why one would pet the food.

"Old tales?" He then inquires. "Please, tell us more, if you would."

GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

Eztli does seem more than a bit out of place, but she's in relatively good spirits, rain or shine. The small makari kept to the group for the most part, trusting in others that seemed more capable of exploring the area.

"Tales often have a basis in history, true." Eztli nods along with the others. "I'm a little worried what they are, but I think we'll get to the bottom of this, so don't you worry about it, miss. Just tell us what you know, and point us in the direction where you need us."

The sheep bleet kindly in response to Dolan's petting. They actually seem to really rather like him. You can take the farmboy out of the farm...

Mariah takes the earplugs from Harkashan and nods a little in gratitude. The people in the village never seem to thank each other, and Mariah's more proof of that. "There's old tales about beautiful people with beautiful voices who used to live on the cliffs," she says. "When the first people came to live here--among them some of my ancestors--they arranged a deal. Tribute in exchange for spells of enchantment and beauty."

She gestures to the rolling hill that the group is up ahead. It's a steep climb. "It's said that one day, a powerful sorceress came here, as a visitor. She went to visit the people on the cliffs. But because she was not one of the people of Conosca, one of the cliff-dwellers cursed her instead of giving her what she wanted: a spell to find her true love. The sorceress responded with her own curse, and she turned the people into monstrosities that dwell beneath the waves. It's said, sometimes, you can still hear them singing late at night."

Mariah pauses a moment before adding, "I'll take you close to the cliffs should you all be ready."

Iskandar takes the earplugs and then lets them rest in the palm of his large hand, peering at them. He pokes at them a bit, hesitantly. When Mariah describes the curses and counter-curses, he sighs. "All too common a tale," he remarks. "And now it is up to we heroes!...to end the story - whether in tragedy or in triumph." He begins rattling the earplugs in his hand like he's about to cast dice, then seems to realize what he's doing and puts them away. He scans the skies one more time, resting a hand where he wears his bow. But then instead he draws out a heavy dagger. "I'm ready."

-but one cannot take the farm out of the farmboy. "Good wool, there, too," Dolan offers. He straightens and takes the earplugs in his turn, but stares at them in his hand, hard, and hesitates for a breath or two before putting them in. Once they are in, he seems notably more tense and on edge, the inquisitor almost instantly taking over, his head turning this way and that almost constantly, as if to watch for trouble.

Once he has satisfied himself, he loosens the harness holding the greatsword, and tucks the harness into his pack, resting the blade over his shoulder.

As Harkashan hands her a pair of earplugs and speaks about harpies and sirens, Rune makes a face. "Mind control, my favorite." The half-sil certainly has had her negative experiences with it. At the very least, they have some ways of preparing themselves if that is actually the case.

As the story is told, Rune is listening with rapt attention. "Eztli is right, old stories have a thread of truth in them." Her brows furrow slightly, seeming to consider her allies. "If the source of the song is somehow an old resident of these lands, it makes me wonder what might have drawn them out again more recently."

Wonder all she might, Rune is one who tends towards action over questions. When asked if she is ready, Rune sticks one of the two earplugs in, and then holds the other for the time being. She draws out one of her blades, resting it low near her side. "I'm ready enough."

At the sound of people living under the waves, Harkashan rumbles a heavy sound. "This certainly sounds like Sirens." He remarks, but it could still be anything. He has learned that as an Adventurer, one must be flexible. But preparations can sometimes by everything.

"When we get closer to the cliffs, I'd like to take my time to cast a few spells. One for communication amongst the people who do not speak Handspeech, and one for everyone to be able to breathe within the water." He rumbles to the group.

He then notes; "That does sound like a rather interesting tale though. It is not often one hears of a Curse for a Curse. But one supposes that it is not far from An Eye for An Eye." Internally cursing himself for not having the ability to remove curses at the moment.

"But, we should be polite. We are coming as outsiders. It would be wonderful if these beings will at least explain themselves. I doubt they will have a good reason, but... perhaps."

Skiel blinks at the earplugs he's been given from the Deathsinger. He squints at it, looking them over before testing one and putting it into one of the holes in the side of his head.

Several moments later, he's attempting to listen to the tale, too long talons trying to pinch at the side of his head and failing to grab hold. "Erm... they're ssstinging fate and knife?" he poorly echoes.

"Close enough," Malefic grumbles. "Put the other one in."


"Oh /give/ me that!" The other earplug is clamped onto and haphazardly shoved into Skiel's other ear.

Eztli takes the earplugs in one hand with an appreciative nod, but she leaves them out for the time being, at least while the others are talking. Instead she busies herself with applying a protective ward around herself, and listening. "Sounds bad, if there's truth there. Could be how they came to be, or could be a legend explaining already existing things. I'd, well I'd like to hear them out, but that seems a bit dangerous. If there's no other way around it, then so be it."

The small makari chuckles at Skielstregar, and puts their own earplugs in. Just where did those things go, anyways?

GAME: Eztli casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Water Breathing. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Also, because it is very steep and rainy... Reflex saves for my cliff-going emit. :)"
<OOC> Iskandar will put in his earplugs as well since everyone else has!
GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Iskandar rolls reflex: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Harkashan casts Telepathic Bond. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
<OOC> Harkashan says, "(Rune)"
GAME: Harkashan casts Sacred Bond. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
GAME: Dolan rolls reflex: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Dolan casts Freedom of Movement. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I am wearing Clawsof the Ice Bear and would like to use the Spiderclimb please."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Would that aid me?"
<OOC> Riptide says, "It'd certainly help! No reflex for you then."
GAME: Rune rolls reflex save: (4)+15: 19
GAME: Eztli rolls reflex: (6)+9: 15

Mariah does as promised. She leads the group up and up and up the hills. The land is steep, and there comes a point where she says, "I can no longer lead you on--my sheep would find it impassable. It is too steep and too rocky."

She waves on. "Be safe," she says. It's genuine.

The walking from then on is perilous. It's hard to get an even footing sometimes. There's more than an occasion where everyone has to be careful, lest someone roll an ankle or fall and break something.

But it's an ascent that's managed. There's cliffs. There's the open sea. And then there's another cliff-face on the other side of the drop below.

Iskandar nods in gratitude to Mariah before walking on. After only a few steps one sandaled foot slips, but he manages to catch himself. Grinning ruefully at himself he continues on. He stops frequently to make sure he stays with the group, and nods in gratitude again, any time they in turn stop for him. Every once in a while he steals a glance at the cliffs and the sea.

Dolan, on seeing that the others had taken out one of their earplugs until the time came, immediately does likewise, transferring the object to his belt pouch and letting out a breath almost immediately. The warnings proved fortuitous, for he slips once or twice on slippery rock, his booted ankle rolling at one point before he steadies himself.

Once they come to a stop, he looks out over the cliffs and the majestic, rolling sea below. It's a beautiful sight, and one not easily forgotten; he takes a moment to admire it, then reaches for the stylized dragon around his neck with his free hand, a longer and more powerful prayer escaping his lips. It lasts a moment, and then sheathes him in a flash of sunlight that becomes a pale green glow before fading to a bare shimmer.

After casting a series of spells, giving a large group hug, and giving Eztli and apologetic look while casting Telepathing Bond on her as well - it is time to head down the cliffs. His claws digging into the group, and starts kind of... climbing upside down and along the walls with his claws digging into the earth.

Until finally, they get to a stretch of cliff where he can get upright again, and takes a long and deep breath. "Best to be careful. Even if you can breathe under water, it still won't help you if the ocean ends up slamming you into the cliffs." He warns the group.

He then reaches out to Rune and touches her shoulder for a moment, and the other hand to himself. "I wish to make sure your mind is as steeled as can be." He rumbles to her.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Rune: +spells/cast Cleric=Owl's Wisdom"
GAME: Harkashan casts Owl's Wisdom. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Harkashan casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

Skiel makes no refusal for spells. Breathing water- okay, used to that. What was this about telepathy? (-ast time this one ate? SO. HUNGRY.) The silverscale is just picking his teeth as he travels on up, but eventually ends up using a spear as a walking stick. Taking his time so he doesn't roll a ankle. "Sssa. Take care, Herder Mariah."

He scratches his head at the cliff face that they stop at. (Flying is scary.) "Thisss one can... ferry you all acrosss? Grow wingsss and what not?"

There is a moment as they scale the incline that one of Rune's feet slip, but she manages to catch herself. However, her boots are quite caked in mud as they make their way. As the guide is left behind, she offers an incline of her head before continuing onward, wiping a bit of rain from her eyes.

When the hand is rested on her shoulder, she looks over and gives a strange expression as the magic washes over her. "I... uh. Right, thanks."

The cliff that faces them is met with a bit more concern. "I'm up for suggestions. This is going to be a rough climb."

Eztli gives Harkashan a quizzical look for a moment, but upon realizing the spell that was cast, the small makari gives a small nod in response. She's not careful enough on the way up, and nearly trips over herself once, clearly a bit on edge. The rest of the journey is slow, as their claws dig into the ground with every step after just in case.

There is a moment at the top where it seems as if someone had snuck up with their group, an unknown, and distinctly feminine voice. "I really don't think jumping down is a good idea, as much as I want to try it." The voice replies. "If you've got wings Skielstregar, I could offer a spell to make that easier, and it would be pretty cool."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Iskandar rolls perception: (17)+12: 29
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (16)+23: 39
GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Dolan rolls perception+3: (17)+18+3: 38
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (2)+12: 14

"I can get some wings going and fly you over." Harkashan rumbles to Rune, motioning with his hands to hand-speech sign this. It's not like he cannot hear /anything/, but it's easier to converse with her like this.

"Just let me know where you'd like to go. You can hold onto my horns to ride me more easily." He rumbles.

Iskandar rests on one knee at a flat outcropping. He peers down at the water, and then glances at the others to see if they are looking as well. He notices Harkashan signing. Iskandar squints. And eventually turns away, to look back down at the water. Then he tries to point out what he's seeing, gesturing and looking at the various party members in turn to see if they seem to understand.

Once his spell is done, Dolan immediately puts back in the second earplug, and instantly resumes his on-edge demeanor, scanning his companions and the waters below alike. He stops at one particular point on the water, staring intently at the particular point. The greatsword comes down off his shoulder, and is reversed in front of him, point down and resting on his boot to protect the edge from the stone. _Look, tendrils,_ he thinks at those wirth whom he shares the spell.

Rune's eyes begin to sweep the area. With one sense dampened, it gives reason enough to be on alert with others. She squints into the rain, as if she were looking at something in the distance, her head tilted. It's obvious she isn't the only one seeing it, though. Her hand motions her confirmation that she had seen the same as the others.

Then, the movements of Harkashan's hands have her looking momentarily confused. Maybe because she only caught half of what he is saying and that some of it draws a funny look from him.

So, she simply nods in the affirmative, seeming accepting enough of his offer of flight-assistance.

Skielstregar's head whips around as he starts to hear people in his skull. What was that soft voice? Eztli? (Who is that? Eztli? Do we all sound different like that? What does this one sound like? Wait. You all can hear this one. Wow. Okay! This one can do that!)

Before he can get that started, he looks to where others are pointing. Tilts its head to the side. (What is that? Do tendrils sing?)

The silverscale shakes his head. Inhales. Growls something muddled as everyone's ears are plugged. Black ichor joins with the rain, flows to his back, and cracks across, building as black, bony wings. (This one can help with crossing!)

GAME: Skielstregar casts Fly. Caster Level: 11 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
GAME: Eztli casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16
GAME: Eztli casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16

"Yes, this is Eztli. No, you sound just like your usual growly self. Long story I'll tell you another time, just be understanding for now please." The strange voice replies, and Eztli steps forward to the other two makari. "Fly strong and true." Eztli growls, having to hop just a bit to pat Skielstregar and Harkashan on the shoulder in succession, having to hop a bit to do so. Both feel their wings straining a bit for a moment, leaving them much stronger afterwards. "Alright, We should probably hammer down some ropes here, just in case for getting back up." <draconic>

Do tendrils sing? It's a good question.

A voice comes through the air. Singing. It's a lonely, lonely dirge, a thing that entices those who hear it to come closer...

<OOC> Riptide says, "Will saves (+2 because everyone's wearing earplugs)."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (15)+7+2: 24
GAME: Dolan rolls will+2: (11)+14+2: 27
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will: (19)+17: 36
GAME: Iskandar rolls will+2: (13)+8+2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (10)+7+2+2: 21
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (12)+11+2: 25
<OOC> Riptide says, "It's such a captivating and lovely song... But nobody's drawn in by it."

The earplugs help - the sound is blunted in Dolan's mind, and its captivating call tugs at Dolan's mind for just a brief moments. It's just enough for him to identify the direction from which it comes, and he turns his full head and body towards the source of the sound, but he doesn't move. _There it is,_ he thinks at the others hard, then looks around him. _How do we get down?_

Skielstregar blinks as he's informed that it was indeed Eztli, and he was, indeed, growly. (Good!) his thoughts rumble gleefully. But then his black boned wings shake. Then jut out an extra yard. (Oh, wow, thank you, Shaman Eztli!)

He nods towards Eztli, reaching back behind him to procure some rope, but then a song wafts through the air. (Pretty sound. Wait- no, is that the thing? Where is the thing?) His head whips around.

(This one can carry you, Warrior Dolan!) Skiel offers as he pulls out some rope from his bag. (But this one is not sure if we have the time to secure rope. It sings bad song.)

With Rune motioning and signing, and the group pointing at things across the waters, Harkashan at first doesn't see what is going on. Instead, he tilts down his body and lifts his shoulderblades. There's this pregnant pause for a moment, before there's a sudden flurry of movement! Blistering red angelic-like wings spawn from his back, spreading through the air and sending a wave of steam up as the heat of the wings touch against the rain!

The 'feathers', if one could call them that - what with looking more like scales - ripple and adjust as they come down, while Harkashan gets on all fours and waits for Rune to grab on as desired if she wants a lift anywhere. Only for Eztli's spell to touch his wings, and the embers to burst out wider! Harkashan tilting his head down a bit as the red markings on his body glow brighter and wilder. The lava-flow seeming to move as those wings tense and grow firmer. More powerful. Larger! Roaring... loud enough that the song fails to sink into his mind.

<"I will move people down the cliff after Rune, as needed."> Harkashan offers telepathically, and then Hand-signs this to the rest. He also motions at Iskandar, and makes general hand-motions that are easy to understand as 'fly down' and pointing at Iskandar. But Skiel may have different priorities on that one.

Eztli looks down, and suddenly claps both hands either side of their head. "I don't like this at all. Something's trying to mess with us." She agrees, taking a few things out of her robes. "You get them down, I'll try to secure a rope up here quick. I don't think we have time for anything too complicated, so the sooner we get down, the better."

There's a bit of a look of surprise, and the small makari gives Harkashan a thumbs up. "No time to appreciate it, but looking good Hark!"

It's obvious, at a glance, that Rune isn't entirely comfortable with flying. However, this isn't the first time that she has she's had to trust the abilities of others to ignore gravity. It likely isn't the most comfortable thing for Harkashan, since she is likely holding on with a bit more intensity than she likely should be.

And then, her body seems to freeze briefly. The sound of the music threatening to take hold. Then, with a shake of her head, she seems to throw off the effect and just clings tighter around Harkashan's neck.

Iskandar looks blankly at a few of the signals: But he seems to catch on soon enough. He marvels at how coordinated the others seem. When the rope is produced he looks for a place to secure it.

The singing stops. It's a pause, a moment where the music is no longer.

And then it starts again. Urging all to come closer.

<OOC> Riptide says, "Another Will save (+2 with earplugs)"
GAME: Dolan rolls will+2: (10)+14+2: 26
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+2: (20)+17+2: 39 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (6)+7+2: 15
GAME: Iskandar rolls will+2: (18)+8+2: 28
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (3)+11+2: 16
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "yeeeah i might as well use the reroll now"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls will+2: (16)+7+2: 25
<OOC> Eztli says, "I think I'll use mine, too"
GAME: Eztli rolls will+2: (13)+11+2: 26
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (2)+7+2+2: 13
<OOC> Rune says, "I'll use that re-roll."
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2: (1)+7+2+2: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Riptide says, "Everyone except Rune saves. Rune... You now feel compelled to go to the direction of the singing, which is down in the water. If you go to dive down the cliff, though, you get another Will save."
<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, based on what Hark is saying, she is going to drive him into the water."
<OOC> Riptide says, "OKAY :D"
GAME: Rune rolls ride: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Dolan says, "Perception to determine whether the source of the sound is the tendriled thing or not."
GAME: Dolan rolls perception-5: (19)+18+-5: 32

Perhaps it is the pause in the music, causing Rune to let down her guard. Otherwise, it might be her fear of flying. Whatever the case, when the music starts up again, Rune's eyes go unfocused.

The problem is, there is really no one there to see it. The only thing that Harkshan feels is her hands guiding him down towards the water. In fact, it's probably a more intense dive than is probably comfortable.

The issue is, she isn't particularly holding on very tightly anymore, either. She seems to be barely hanging on, her eyes staring straight towards the waves.

Iskandar looks up at the latest singing. "Be careful what you wish for!" he bellows down at the water, then takes up an end of the rope, ready to tug it to test how securely it's fastened. It's something he's seen done before. He glances over the cliff one more time and then blinks at Hark and Rune. "Wait for us!" he adds, not even sure if anyone can hear him.

When Skielstregar offers Dolan the rope, he _eyes_ it, and the expression that floods the mobile half of his features, tugging at the scars that mask the other side and harden his skin, is one of unbridled horror and flashes of memory. He shakes his head _hard_, sending water droplets flying from soaked hair, and thinks back at Skielstregar, (Uhhhh - no thanks.) Accompanying that, for those in telepathic bond with him, is a flash of memory - the feeling of being face down on something soft, ropes around his wrists, a searing, burning sensation down his back. It's gone with the shake of the head. (I think my armor can fly. I'll give it a try.)

So saying, he touches his chest and states, "Ircandis," then stares down into the water. <The singing's coming from that tendriled thing!> he tells the others after a moment.

Skielstregar stares at Dolan. Tilts his head to the side. Looks at the rope. Dolan. The rope. (It's... okay? They will carry you instead?) he rumbles back in his head, thoroughly confused. (Anyways, let us go together-)

And then Rune and her dragon zoom on down. (... you two slow down! Um. Uh. Um. The tendril thing? Ok, let's hurry down-)


"... you're ready to... fly a kite?"

Malefic makes frustrated, metallic yells.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Fly: (7)+2: 9

Eztli is in the process of securing her own rope, and while it should support her, she takes some time to make sure it'll work for everyone else if the need arises. She stops, and physically winces as unpleasant memories burn through their mind for a moment. "Shit, that's not real pleasant, but no time to dwell on that or offer you a hug." The makari notes through their telepathic bond. "Grab me and let's go then, Skiel!"

Harkashan trusts in Rune as she begins to guide him. He jumps up into the air and flies with her on his back, clinging to him and gripping his horns. He realizes something is wrong when she presses his head down for a more steep dive down, and he tries to push back.

However, he can also sense how her body is freezing. The way that she clings to his neck. Then, a sharp feeling. A Memory. Memory. Thirku practically reaches out to take it, holding onto it -- then... pull. It's not trying to 'take' it from Dolan. But it might feel like something is trying to grab onto that memory. Bringing it more to the forefront in that moment. A set of draconic eyes staring at 'that moment'. Intense, further and further to the forefront...

And then...

Something else. A memory given to Dolan instead. Almost like a payment. A flash, intense as well, of flight. Ropes holding the memory's source tied down to someone above them. A sudden intense feeling of safety. Being flown around, tied to this person.

And then it's gone. In truth, but a moment. But in sensation...

Harkashan rumbles, "Rune, hold on!" As they collapse towards the water and Harkashan makes for a waterlanding. At first it might seem like it will go bad. But Eztli's spell reinforces his wings, and they break the fall. Harkashan manages to get Rune onto his shoulders just before getting half of his body into the water, and turning around, ready for battle!

<OOC> Rune says, "So, what is the song telling Rune to do at the moment?"
<OOC> Riptide says, "Embrace the rock. 8D"
<OOC> Rune says, "Is Harkashan trying to hold on to her?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Yes."
GAME: Rune rolls escape artist: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Versus a CMD of 24, you do not wriggle out."

As Harkashan lands, Rune is very obviously not in her right mind. She pushes a hand right against his face, nearly prodding him in the eyeball in the process. The half-sil is surprisingly wiggly, shifting her weight, moving her legs, kicking out at his armor and trying to generally flailing at him.

However, her heart doesn't seem to be fully into it. Likely because her heart and mind are not her own at the moment. Eventually, panting and giving a cry of frustration, she flumps forward across his shoulder, one hand still reaching out towards the rock.

There's no words, only an intense need that seems to be driving her to try to reach it.

GAME: Skielstregar casts Feather Fall. Caster Level: 11 DC: 14
GAME: Iskandar rolls cmb+2+2+2+2+2: (10)+18+2+2+2+2+2: 38

Iskandar takes a few quick steadying breaths and then runs for the edge of the cliff. His intention would seem to be...to hurl himself off? And -fall- to the water below? A quick featherfall spell courtesy of Skielstregar makes it a far less reckless tactic. He directs himself to land in the water near Rune and Harkashan. And also within reach of the tentacle, which Iskandar immediately graps in an attempt to hold it immobile. "This is your only chance!" he bellows. "We heard the tales - don't make us slay you!"

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "okay! I'm going to rage, use greater bloodrage to freely cast enlarge person, use my standard to grab Eztli, then fly some!"
GAME: Skielstregar casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 11 DC: 14
<OOC> Skielstregar moves 35 feet downward, 65 in the air

As things get moving, Skiel sees Iskandar leap heroically into the fray! "ABATE!" he snaps at them, black ichor suddenly forming under his feet and sloughing away, as if its pushing back against him to slow his otherwise painful leap. There's a lot of noise on the mental line, him just barely picking up Eztli's request. (Okay, this one will just... do the thing. I'm... sorry everyone.)

The silverscale tenses, black ichor flowing out of him like normal-- but then it suddenly deluges like the rain! (WHAT IS GOING--) His size swells tremendously, towering and massive. And the ichor <pops!> Leaving a hulking, crimson eyed monstrosity.

(COME ON TINY SNACK LETS GET A MEAL!) Forgotten-Skiel grabs Eztli in a massive hand, and gallops to a dive off the cliff.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10
<OOC> Riptide says, "It does not escape, lol."
<OOC> Riptide says, "It will attack Iskandar and Rune, though."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (4)+18+-2: 20
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (19)+18+-2: 35
<OOC> Riptide says, "Those were for Iskandar."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (13)+18+-2: 29
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18-2: (11)+18+-2: 27
<OOC> Riptide says, "And Rune."
<OOC> Riptide says, "One hit on Is, two hits on Rune."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Riptide says, "Is, make a Fort save please. Rune, two Fort saves, please."
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (3)+14: 17
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (4): 4
<OOC> Riptide says, "Second Rock. It moves up to Iskandar."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (19)+18: 37
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (9)+18: 27
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Riptide says, "Two hits."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Iskandar is going to try Charmed Life this time for one of them
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort+3: (7)+14+3: 24
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Iskandar spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.

Even grappled, the singing rock with tendrils atop its head is keen to keep going. It lashes out at Rune and Iskandar with those horrible tendrils, poison coursing through both of them, sapping strength.

Another one emerges from the water and lashes out at Iskandar, tearing at the man. A third emerges as well, joining its infernal siblings.

GAME: Eztli casts Fireball. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Eztli rolls 9d6+6: (38)+6: 44
<OOC> Eztli says, "and I'll drop where I am, that's my turn"

Eztli is more than a bit panicked by the situation, mostly at being grabbed in case Skielstregar needed an in flight snack. "Gonna hop off here, probably for the best." Eztli responds through their telepathic bond, sounding just as panicked. One flicker of a flame manages to conjure itself in spite of the rain, growing into a small sphere of fire that she hurls down into the midst of the battle, where it explodes on contact, barely missing Rune and Iskandar.

The sorceress shoves herself free, and begins plummeting to the ground, coupled with various cursing as their vision is obscured by the robes billowing in their face.

<OOC> Dolan says, "With the celestial armor, my charge range is 120' flying with good maneuverability, but the angle is more than a 45º descent, so I may need to make a fly check to jump off the cliff flying and charge #2."
<OOC> Riptide says, "Make that fly check as it's raining."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Before I do, though. Monster Lore! What am I dealing with?"
GAME: Dolan rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (11)+10: 21
<OOC> Dolan says, "That should have had a +3 on it for Monster Lore."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Swift for bane/aberration, and will attempt the fly check to charge into the fray, aimed at Singy Rock 2."
GAME: Dolan rolls fly: (8)+0: 8
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Add 4 to that for maneuverability."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (3)+15+2: 20
<OOC> Dolan says, "Agh, I did not include the charge, only the bane."
<OOC> Dolan says, "RPP that."
 GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2+2: (7)+15+2+2: 26
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (8)+6+2+(11): 27

For a breath or more, the tug on hellish memories, and the flooding of the memory in return, leaves Dolan paralyzed, unable to react until the tidal wave has subsided. The memory of agony and cold rain combine to pour illusory fire down his back, but the replacement memory - the majesty and safety of secure flight - are enough for him to stagger back to his feet, pressing a hand to his face.

He stares down at the battle unfolding below, his memory of long-forgotten reading triggering. <Loreleis! They're aberrations that come from corrupted fae! They don't move very well, but they're poisonous, take them from range if you can!>

But he, himself, does not follow that advice. Instead, it's time to find out what his newly-repaired armor can do. The memory of glorious flight fresh in his mind, he takes a deep breath and jumps off of the cliff, sword first, headed straight downwards towards one of the rock-like creatures. "The Knight's justice be the bane of they who lure to their destruction!" is lost in wind and earplugs, and the buffeting of the wind doesn't help him, leaving him with a less than graceful landing that sees him flying sword-first into the rock, opening up a deep hole.

Not exactly graceful, but effective. That's Dolan.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Either way: Sac 3 HP to Quicken Spell Protection From Evil onto Rune."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Costing a 5th level slot."
GAME: Harkashan casts Curse. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22
<OOC> Riptide says, "Rune, you get a Will save."
<OOC> Rune says, "So, quick question. Is this an enchantment effect? Because I forgot to ask before."
<OOC> Riptide says, "It is!"
GAME: Rune rolls will+2+2+2+2: (20)+7+2+2+2+2: 35 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (13)+18: 31
<OOC> Riptide says, "AoO misses on Hark."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Melee: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Harkashan casts Harm. Caster Level: 11 DC: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+13: (19)+13: 32
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "110/2 = 55 damage."

Harkashan almost gets prodded, wriggling around. He can tell she's flailing, so he starts holding her down. Grabbing tight onto her legs and refusing to let go. "Don't worry Rune. I've got you!" He calls out to her. Stumbling in the water. It is difficult to move, with four feet of /sea water/ making this a struggle. At least he's not trembling from the cold -- had this been ocean water.

But then the stone thing grabs at Rune, and the Sith-makar grimaces. He tries to pull her away, but she's struggling. And that stone thing is grabbing one. He hisses between his teeth. An Adventurer can try to prepare, but there's always unforseen situations.

Still, he feels Rune weakening in his arms in that moment, and he tries to pull her back. Sending a divine spell through her, trying to break her from the evil. His red markings on his body glowing, as he pleads for Thirku's aid in that moment. "Rune! Wake up. I need you!" Harkashan howls at her, as he slams away one of the tendrils with his buckler - a divine shield spreading over it and pushing it away as he casts!

One of the tendrils gets close, and he grabs it, gritting his teeth. Snarling at it for hurting Rune. The tendril. "Understood!" He calls out to Dolan... and squeezes the tendril. It begins to splinter. Tear. Ripple apart as it literally tears the life out of it. The tendril evaporating away and off of Rune, before he manages to get away and pull Rune at least partially out of danger. "Rune... are you okay?"

<OOC> Rune says, "Please move Rune to flank with Isk"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2: (7)+15+2: 24
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6: (4)+-3+(2)+(8): 11

With her mind lost, her body held, Rune is an all too easy target for the creatures. Two of the tendrils lash across her legs where they dangle over Harkashan's shoulders, sending lancing pain through her nervous system.

The scream that is ripped from her is gut-wrenching. The poison's effect has her attempts to escape seeming weaker, at least at first. Her skin takes on a distinct pallor, and a somewhat sunken look. Dark circles beneath her wild, unfocused eyes, and an almost emaciated shift to her body.

The call of her name, the flare of magic, and suddenly there is a gasp as if she were breathing for the first time. Rune coughs, curses colorfully in Makari, "I'm here... I'm here. Put me down."

In this situation, a person who was more wary, might have withdrawn to protect themselves, but Rune is one of those people who has always put the needs of others before the needs of herself. "Not okay." She admits, while looking as if she is barely staying on her feet. "Still have to fight."

So, she moves in, lashing out at the creature that had been controlling her. However, it's obvious that her blows don't have nearly the cutting edge that they normally do. Her movements are sluggish, every motion seeming to drag heaving breaths from her lungs as the rain splatters against her sunken features.

<OOC> Iskandar okays! Got them right where I want them. :D ... so, would this work: a swift action to enter crane style
<OOC> Iskandar says, "And then move action to maintain my grapple on 3 (and trigger constrict from belt)"
<OOC> Iskandar says, "And if all that works, standard action to Harm + constrict again, all while also fighting defensively and using Improved Stalwart for some DR"
GAME: Iskandar rolls cmb+10+5-2: (7)+16+10+5+-2: 36
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Then harm + more constrict"
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+7+1d6+3: (2)+7+(1)+3: 13

Iskandar has a tight grip on several of the monster's tendrils - and yet still more appendages emerge from the churning water to lash into him and Rune. He feels poison tingling through his limbs, numbing sensation and sapping strength. Or is that the coldness of the water? Iskandar shifts his grip to try and gather up the newest tentacles. That's when a second creature appears and lashes painfully into the Jotunbrud's neck and shoulder. He cranes his neck to eye the new monster, ready to dodge or shift to avoid more.

And it's that look that allows him to spot a third monster approaching. For the first time tonight Iskandar's normally confident and careless expression slips, twists into a scowl. More! There's no end to them! Then...WHOOSH! his expression brightens as a ball of flame engulfs the newest threats. "Hah! HAHAHA! YES!" Just like that he's back to his normal manner. Shifting his attention back to the first monster, Iskandar now applies crushing force. He digs in fingers, squeezes and twists and wrenches at the tendrils he's holding, the kind of abuse that could snap bones and dislocate joints were it to have any.

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "okay im going to move down to the ground and cast greater thunderstomp, just barely able to weave and hit all three"
GAME: Skielstregar casts Greater Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 11 DC: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (2)+18: 20
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "im spending rpp"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (12)+18: 30
<OOC> Riptide says, "They are ALL PRONE."

Massive, Forgotten Skiel barely takes in the mental messages. From his end, all the others mainly hear is- (Let her go! LET THE SNACK GO?!?! YES GET DOWN THERE!) Eztli slips out of his grasp, and he dives right into the aftershock of the fireball.

Malefic careens down, grinning finally. But it does not seek the Loreleis. No. A baleful plume of miasma wafts from Malefic's maw. Forgotten Skiel howls, "FALL, CRAVENS!"

The halberd slams into the earth. And a vertible shockwave splits the waters, rocks flying upwards as it zips by and knocks all the rock-like creatures to the ground!

<OOC> Riptide says, "Rock 2 will get up from being prone."
<OOC> Riptide says, "This triggers AoOs from Dolan and Isk."
GAME: Dolan uses an AoO! 1 remaining.
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (1)+19+1+2+1: 24 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+2: (12)+15+2: 29
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6: (8)+6+2+(9): 25
<OOC> Riptide says, "It will attempt to lash out at Isk and Dolan both (2 each), Isk first then Dolan."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (4)+18: 22
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (7)+18: 25
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28
<OOC> Riptide says, "Miss miss on Isk. Dolan, two fort saves please while I roll damage."
GAME: Dolan rolls fortitude: (18)+15: 33
GAME: Dolan rolls fortitude: (20)+15: 35 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9: (8)+9: 17
<OOC> Riptide says, "Passes saves, nice chunk of damage."
<OOC> Riptide says, "Also gets up. And moves in to crowd Isk."
<OOC> Riptide says, "4 attacks on Isk..."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Riptide says, "Rolling to confirm."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (11)+18: 29
<OOC> Riptide says, "Isk, Fort save please."
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d8+9+1d8+9: (8)+9+(7)+9: 33
<OOC> Iskandar eeps...will use charmed life again. And also has DR 8 currently, every little bit helps
GAME: Iskandar rolls fort+3: (11)+14+3: 28
GAME: Iskandar spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.

Iskandar's grip on the first lorelei, as identified by Dolan, locks it in place thanks in part to Skielstregar's work. But its companions come forward and strike out at both him and Dolan, two lashes finding purchase in Dolan and one hard lash going into Iskandar.

But both men are made of stern stuff, and they shrug off the horrible poisons that they bear.

<OOC> Eztli says, "I'll get haste going on everyone"
<OOC> Eztli says, "but I don't think I can hit hark"
GAME: Eztli casts Haste. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18
<OOC> Eztli says, "I'll take a step to the west after that just in case"

Eztli takes a step back, letting the others deal with the front line, even if it made her wince with all the blows her allies were taken. The small makari took on hand to their chest, and a few movements before stretching it outward. "Light a fire under your feet and get moving!" the sorceress growls, when suddenly, most of her allies burst into flames, for only a fraction of a second. The heat doesn't dissipate completely however, but it's as if one felt pleasantly hot after a warm up, and ready to go.

<OOC> Dolan says, "Haste / bane / power attack, let it have it."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Because of freedom of movement and water breathing, being in the water is not hindering Dolan."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2: (13)+15+1+2: 31
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3-5: (17)+15+1+2+-3+-5: 27 (THREAT)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3-5: (17)+15+1+2+-3+-5: 27 (THREAT)
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2-3: (4)+15+1+2+-3: 19
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6+6: (8)+6+2+(9)+6: 31
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+6+2+2d6+6+2d6+2+6+6: (7)+6+2+(6)+6+(12)+2+6+6: 53

The chill of the water in which Dolan finds himself, plus the rain that now slicks every inch of him and leaves him soaked to the skin, begins to creep into his bones, but then a spell hits him. The familiar and warming fire of haste hits him, and he turnss his head for just a moment towards Eztli, thinking hard at her enough for it to be nearly a shout - <Thanks!>

The tingling of the poison is lost in her fire, and in his own, and in the internal monologue of Skielstregar - <You want to _eat_ that? Knight's balls, Skiel,>. He takes the opportunity and _leaps_ forward, blood and ichor flying in every direction, coating him and mingling with the water, staining the sea, and he _sinks_ it hilt-deep in the thing, stabbing it through and pinning it to the sand of the ocean floor like a bug on a pin. It screams a cacophonous scream and slips beneath the waves, not to return.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "5 foot up, Inquisitor nonsense AC +2, Prayer"
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

"I can heal you, but it would take too long right now while we're facing them." Harkashan rumbles to Rune. "Just be as careful as you can be. I will support you with all I've got!" He rumbles and steps forward through the water back towards her while drawing further upon his divine gift!

Flames spread across Eztli's allies, and Harkashan doesn't even flinch. Flames are something he, as a Sith-makar, is true to. <"A wonderful Flame, Kin."> Harkashan rumbles telepathically to Eztli. A wave of beautiful silver-red light then waves out as he throws a hand out. The pulse ripples over the creatures, creating lines that lift up to the sky, only for those lines to connect with his allies. Stealing energy from his foes and guiding his allies to greatness!

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (3)+15+2+1+1: 22
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (14)+15+2+1+1: 33
<OOC> Rune says, "that one should be -2, so 31"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1+1-2: (6)+15+2+1+1+-2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+1+1-7: (12)+15+2+1+1+-7: 24
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2+1+1-7: (17)+15+2+1+1+-7: 29
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (5)+-3+(5)+(18)+1: 26
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (5)+-3+(3)+(17)+1: 23
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+5d6+1: aliased to 1d6-3+1d6+5d6+1: (4)+-3+(6)+(22)+1: 30

"Careful. Hah." The words are both said on separate breaths. However, there is still a look of amusement that can still be seen on those sunken features. This isn't the first time Rune has stared possible death in the face, and it likely won't be the last.

The rogue is still in a good position, with the monster being held at bay by Iskandar. "You're... going to pay for what you did to me." So, avoiding the places where Iskandar is still holding the creature's tendrils, Rune stabs inward. There is a clank of metal on stone in places where it seems to miss vital organs, but a flailing of limbs when other blows strike home.

In the end, there is a flailing from it before it goes still, and Rune stands there, panting, half-hunched over.

<OOC> Iskandar will full attack it then, using unarmed strike and still fighting defensively
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (20)+19+1+2+1: 43 (THREAT)
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (14)+19+1+2+1: 37
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1: (19)+19+1+2+1: 42
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1-5: (8)+19+1+2+1+-5: 26
GAME: Iskandar rolls weapon0+1+2+1-10: (13)+19+1+2+1+-10: 26
GAME: Iskandar rolls 2d8+8+5+4+4+2+2: (14)+8+5+4+4+2+2: 39
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (7)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 22
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (8)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 23
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+4+5+2+2+1+1: (5)+4+5+2+2+1+1: 20

Iskandar somehow senses the aberation behind him drop. Then he feels the monster he's holding jerk and thrash. And suddenly go limp. Iskandar shakes it once more for good measure, and still not feeling any resistance concludes that it must indeed be finished. He releases his grasp and it sinks halfway into he water, but the warrior is already turning to face the last one. Feeling the speed of Eztli's spell, Iskandar jabs his open hands into the monster, blow after blow that dig into the fleshy bits like any blade might - or any tooth or fang might. Again they're tactics he'd never use against a normal being - but somehow against unnatural monstrosities such as this, it doesn't feel so overly violent.

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "step towards enemy, full attack, power attack furious focus arcane strike"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3: (13)+16+1+1+3: 34
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3: (19)+16+1+1+3+-3: 37
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3-5: (1)+16+1+1+3+-3+-5: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon27+1+1+3-3-10: (16)+16+1+1+3+-3+-10: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage27+3+9+3+1: aliased to 2d8+10+3+9+3+1: (15)+10+3+9+3+1: 41
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage27+3+9+3+1: aliased to 2d8+10+3+9+3+1: (11)+10+3+9+3+1: 37

A plethora of spells and blessings wash over the massive forgotten as he rises. Skiel hisses, Malefic held low and backwards. (No, Warrior Dolan, this one does not want to eat anything!) Skiel's mental voice snarls and snaps, but dropping to a wrathful (BUT IT'D BE SO GOOOOOD- FOCUS ON THE LORELELILEL THING!)

Skiel's internal struggles are apparent as he snarls and snaps to his feet, skipping forward and cocking Malefic back. "SOFTSKIN! GOOSE!" One mass swing carves through the water, knocking the Lorelei into the air before he jabs forward, skewering it, and then throwing it into the rockface behind him with a massive SLAM!

Goose? What could that mean? Iskandar glances back behind him, then his eyes fly wide. He dives aside, giving the Skielstregar space to swing. Emerging from the water and spitting out a mouthful, Iskandar eyes the huge Sith and then the aftermath of the blow. "Well struck!" he crows. He turns to look this way and that, and casts a murderous look in the direction the monsters kept emerging from. As if daring another to show itself. But after a few moments he turns back to the others. "All of you! Well done! A battle for the ages!"

The other two are quick to follow in the tentacle-steps of the first at the hands of his companions, and Dolan lowers his blade, looking around him at the others. He walks from corpse to corpse in the shallows, poking each in turn to assure himself of their status as corpses, moving through the water with magical ease and minimal resistance. Once he is so assured, he is quick - and vehement - about pulling both earplugs from their stations and tucking them immediately in his belt pouch. "Damn, I hate that."

He looks up when Iskandar speaks, a cheeky grin splitting the scarred features even as a shudder of cold ripples down his spine. "Well done yourself, my friend. Pinning one of those things down is no mean feat. I don't know about you, though, but I want to get out of the water before I freeze to death."

As the last of the monsters falls, Rune gives in to the bone-deep weariness that theratens to consume her. She drops to her knees, and slowly, very slowly, slides her weapons away. "Have I mentioned... how much I love monsters with mind control?" She murmurs dryly.

As Iskandar offers up his cheers for a battle well done, she manages some 'life' into her emaciated form, "Well done to you. I wouldn't be standing if it weren't for your quick handling of that thing." She realizes then, that she is kneeling, "Well... not standing at the moment but... you get the point."

Then, looking over her shoulder, she reaches a hand towards Harkashan, "I could use a hand up, and a lift out of this place. And probably some healing. Definitely some healing. And some ale. And a fire. And bed. The nice kind, with the fluffy down pillows."

Eztli was just about ready to incinerate the remaining creatures, but everyone makes short work of felling them before she can conjure up a single spark. The small makari still takes a step back, and keeps an eye on the water. "Everyone alright?" The strange voice asks telepathically again. "Looks like you got the worst of it Rune and Iskandar, not entirely well."

"I can dry your clothes at the very least, but the rain's probably gonna soak them through again. I don't mind the cold, but it wouldn't do for you all to catch a cold after dealing with those things."

The massive, fuming silverscale snarls as the being goes still against the rockface, sliding down to a pathetic pile. The mental link belies an internal argument. (MORE! No, no more, we're done. LOOK, MORE FRESH SNAC-)

Skielstregar thuds the side of his head. (Shut up! We're done, that's final!) A moment passes, and he suddenly exhales, the undead effects abating and wafting away. He slumps against the walls. "... a... cattle for the... stagessss?" he tiredly tries to echo to Iskandar. Too long talons try and get the earplugs out. No dice.

(Yes... lets get out of this mess. All of that sounds well. But, erm, what is a clown billow?) Skiel tiredly asks as his wings open up some, a hand being offered for free rides back up to the cliff.

Harkashan lets out a breath of relief when Giant Skielstregar chops the last one apart, while Rune is ripping in the one that caused her harm to pieces with her blades. He then looks slowly at his hand, remembering the feeling of ripping away the life of the strange being...

It felt strange - to do such immense harm to a living being like that.

He's shaken from that moment as Rune speaks to him, and approaches her. He then suddenly grabs underneath her legs, and lifts her into his arms. Princess carrying her at first, then using his wings to take up and rising up into the air instead! Carrying her out of the waters so he can heal her.

Iskandar holds up a hand to forestall Eztli. "The cold doesn't bother a son of the Jotun either," he assures her with a smile. "Or at least, this cold doesn't." He winces then, and retracts his hand slowly. And turns it into a shoulder-rolling motion. "I still feel where the first creature stung me," he admits. He glances at Rune and then muses. "Hopefully the...the weakness will go away...sometimes it does, especially if helped along by a stiff drink." The thought seems to brighten him again, and he moves towards the rope. Time to really test how well it was anchored on the cliff above.

Destroyed, smashed, rendered inert, the lorelei sing no more, freed from whatever curse was placed onto them that turned them from lovely and beautiful fey into terrible creatures of stone and poison.

When you make it back down from the cliffs, Mariah's waiting. She invites everyone to her farmhouse for a warm dinner, seemingly just the ticket for being out at sea. She explains her late husband was a fisherman, and that she knows a thing or two about warming up the bones.

"Let's hope none of them come back up to the water's surface," she says, sitting down in front of her fireplace. "Otherwise I suppose we might call on you again to silence them."

Conosca is quiet once again.

-End Scene-