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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dramatis Personae =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dramatis Personae =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Reithak A light brown egalrin with red and blue accents.
Reithak A light brown egalrin with red and blue accents.
Tlanexhuani Azure sith-makar with bronze armor and hammer.
Tlanexhuani Azure sith-makar with bronze armor and hammer.
Ulthan Dusky, auburn-haired barn door masquerading as Dranei
Ulthan Dusky, auburn-haired barn door masquerading as Dranei
Fall has graced this land with beautiful colors, and it's clear why the village has taken its name. The leaves of the great trees that surrond on all sides is the color of many states of the sun; of fading noon, of dawn's kiss, of latest dusks. The village itself is a humble affair, but morbidly quiet. Even the most unassuming of locales one would assume the sound of life might flourish. The bleating of sheep, bark of a hound dog, the chattering of neighbors or the crack of a hammer. This is the first of the warning signs as they approach but there are others, such as the intense stare of carrion birds that scatter before their boots.
Fall has graced this land with beautiful colors, and it's clear why the village has taken its name. The leaves of the great trees that surrond on all sides is the color of many states of the sun; of fading noon, of dawn's kiss, of latest dusks. The village itself is a humble affair, but morbidly quiet. Even the most unassuming of locales one would assume the sound of life might flourish. The bleating of sheep, bark of a hound dog, the chattering of neighbors or the crack of a hammer. This is the first of the warning signs as they approach but there are others, such as the intense stare of carrion birds that scatter before their boots.

Latest revision as of 17:51, 26 November 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Village in Yellow
  • GM: Carver
  • Place: Border of Myr
  • Summary: Missing Myrrish prince, his escort and a too-quiet village...

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dramatis Personae =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Reithak A light brown egalrin with red and blue accents.

Tlanexhuani Azure sith-makar with bronze armor and hammer.

Ulthan Dusky, auburn-haired barn door masquerading as Dranei


Fall has graced this land with beautiful colors, and it's clear why the village has taken its name. The leaves of the great trees that surrond on all sides is the color of many states of the sun; of fading noon, of dawn's kiss, of latest dusks. The village itself is a humble affair, but morbidly quiet. Even the most unassuming of locales one would assume the sound of life might flourish. The bleating of sheep, bark of a hound dog, the chattering of neighbors or the crack of a hammer. This is the first of the warning signs as they approach but there are others, such as the intense stare of carrion birds that scatter before their boots.

The village square has a church dedicated to Althea, the iconic blue rose on a field of gold, and sits at the "head of the table" with the air that much of the community attends, takes care of, and interacts with its services. Houses, with ample wood nearby, favor stout cabins sealed up with old tar and straw. Some doors creak open, others remain shut, but no one passes through these portals. An old wagon, and an older pair of ponies, graze near the muddy road just outside the village. It's in good repair, a bright colorful canvas patched with love, and still laden with goods for trade or transport. The twinned steeds chew, good-natured, and seem utterly unconcerned with the state of the village.

Ulthan walks in with the ground-loping tread of seasoned traveler, his rucksack with his essentials on his back, and his weapon secured with leather straps to the rucksack.

Changing of the seasons, at least in the context of the softskin lands, is a thing not known to Tlanexhuani. The seasons in the jungle are limited to 'wet' and ... 'not as wet.' The hunched Makari travels with the aid of his spear, the butt tapping on the firm ground as they enter the village. He is quick to notice the general lack of sounds and activity: younglings at play, meals prepared, fires enjoyed, words shared... though maybe it is due to the chill and the problems? Still, he asks in general, "Iss alwayss quiet?"

GAME: Ulthan rolls knowledge/geography: (3)+4: 7

Another day, another job, and another trip out of Alexandria in to farther off locales. Reithak took a look around, one hand on their hip, and there's a long exhale. "I know small towns are usually poretty trusting, but it seems weird to just leave ponies and goods out with no one around." Reithak notes. "Seems a bit odd to me, to be honest, just what's got this place feeling so empty? Could be bandits holed up somewhere, maybe? We should look for some signs of struggle and the like."

No, a community should not be this quiet. Even without a grand knowledge of Myr culture, the idea that the village would be in this state normally is a safe assumption. There are no ample signs of carnage but plenty of places to investigate, leaving the question to be answered where to start?

A sound of something metal clattering comes from a nearby home, and a strangled yelp.

"Caravan attacked near thiss place, ssa?" Thlanexhuani recounts what he understood of the call for assistance. "People not warriors would hide, protect own. May still be danger h-" he stops short and turns towards the sounds of clattering and surprise. There is a furtive flicker of his tail as he starts towards that home. It could be nothing, or it could be villagers in danger.

Ulthan nods as ther makari recounts the request, and then at the sound of the noise, stops and pulls his sturdy flail out and ready before turning towards the house where the sounds appeared to come from. "That way, you think?"

"I don't know exactly what's going on here, but that's what we're here to find out, right?" The large egalrin hums for a few moments, before suddenly whipping their head to one side. "I don't know what that was, but we better go for it. Someone might need our help now!" She agrees with the others, bracing one hand on the sheath of their sword and following after the sith-makar.

GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (8)+13: 21

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (10)+7: 17

The house is quiet again, as they all squeeze in. It's a warm, comfortable abode. No signs of obvious wealth but a place well-lived and well-loved but no one in sight. Near the kitchen, many of the cupboards have been shoved open. A well-seasoned pan slowly rocks on the ground where it fell, or... was dropped? The fireplace is long cold now, another sign of abandonment if one needed anymore.

There are two beds, cramped along the war opposing the fireplace. A small family. A mat might have once served as the hound's place at their feet, judging by the toys gathered into a neat pile beside it.

Tlanexhuani carefully peeks inside, then passes through so he doesn't block the others. No fire, no signs of hiding people, and just the wobbling pan. "Fall, make noise?" He looks around a bit more, saddened to see the home empty; a family in hiding could be reassured and protected, rather than their fate unknown. "Thiss one thought heard ... voice, before."

Another flick or three of tailtip as he thinks for some time. Then, he crouches down to make himself appear less threatening and calls out in a firm but not loud voice, "This one here give help, not harm. Can only help if know are others here need help..."

Ulthan shifts his weapon into less-threatening posture. It's not a good one to wield in cramped spaces, anyway.

"Nah, something is definitely in here." Reithak notes, peering at the pan and the door of one of the cabinets. "That door just closed, there's something, or someone, in there." The large egalrin takes a step back, and waits at one wall.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls diplomacy: (16)+3: 19

It's an awkward minute, but something about Tlan's gentle request demands a response. "Uhhhhh..." A squeaky, malformed whine of a response might at first be mistaken as a rusty hinge until is is followed. "I just want eat. Voice-From-Outside go away. Peace, no hurt." A bubbly plea dictated by someone whose grasp on common is beyond rusty. "I no hurt. Just eat."

Ulthan nods towards the eloquent makari to keep cajoling the voice, whiel standing very, very still himself to avoid crowding the cupboard and its occupant.

Tlanexhuani's tail now sway, energized by the response yet the movement is less tense. "Ssa, this one has food to share. Peace." He glances to the others with him and is further pleased that all seem content with conversation and seem to be trying to be nonthreatening. "Come out." Tradespeak is not his first language, either, and his grasp is certainly less than eloquence. "Know you why village empty? Where all go?"

"Easy, it's alright, we're not hear to hurt people." Reithak offers placatingly, deciding that a big lizard may be less immediately threatening than a big bird. "Is this not your home then, how did you get here? Were you looking for food?" The egalrin wonders. "I usually travel light, but I'm sure we have some food to spare."

The cupboard is slowly pushed open, and what steps out is a dirty half--

Hmmmm, no. What steps out is what at first glance in the dark looks like a dirty halfling dragging something behind them, similiar in stature and gait. A closer inspection while not cowering beside cuppery shows that the skin is mottled brown not from dirt but pigment, grand warts and pustules apparent where dirty rags do not cover. That is no imitation Ulthan-Rucksack dragging behind it, but a girty tendon that starts from the mouth and leaves a viscous drool behind it that bubbles on the wood of the carpentry.

It slurps back the abudance of drool, dark eyes shifty and wary. It would not take much to send this nervous creature into a state of fight or flight. It's already there. "Place of Song. It was. Place of Singing. Then Place of Screaming. I come in night. To Eat. Lick. Taste." Slurp. "Then one night came all in Place. Then all noise. All quiet."

GAME: Ulthan rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (17)+3: 20

The one emerging is ... not what Tlanexhuani expected. Surprise does not mean he is immediately wary, though. Instead, he retrieves a piece of dried meat. It is set down before the cupboard-leaver before the Makari takes two steps back to give comfort of distance. Then his lizard brain attempts to process the words. "Place of song... Temple?" He looks to his compatriots. They did see markings for a place of worship of The Great Mother."

Ulthan headtilts as he looks over the creature, then smiles and speaks very gently. "I think I know of your kind.. You have been around here, helping clean the place, I believe." He nods to his company. "He's very shy, so let's keep this brief, okay?"

The creature's sweat stinks of booze and manure, dark eyes darting between everyone as they speak.

"It's okay, I imagine all of that would be distressing to anyone." The large egalrin sighs. "What's that about screaming though? Can you tell us where that happened? We'll let you get back to things after that, but we need to make sure people are okay, here."

"You think he means the temple? We should check in there if that's the case, and you're all ready."

The creature slowly edges along the room, keeping as much as possible between them. It's almost as if it's going to skip out and flee outright, but its long tongue collects the gift from Tlan, and it lifts one three-fingered hand and points at the church. Then skitters out into the evening, dragging tongue and meat behind it as it disappears.

Ulthan whews. "Wouldn't have liked to trigger that one' into fighting, it could have gotten seeriously messy, and they aren't predators." He then grips his flail again, and steps out, turning towards the church. "That place sounds like obvious next step..."

Tlanexhuani watches the creature dart out, making no move to interfere. He also notices the pointing; that resolved that uncertainty. "Ssa." He agrees with at least some of Ulthan's and/or Reithak's comments. "We go." He then moves to exit the house and move towards the church.

"No arguements from me, I don't want to hurt them if they don't want to fight." Reithak nods, heading for the door and keeping it open. "Hope whatever happened there people are still alright, let's get in there and figure out what's going on."

The egalrin exists with the others and turns her attention to the church. "We'll take care of this, and make sure the temple is safe after, but the people come first."

The church's doors are closed and locked. They do not open to a pull or a push, no matter how firm. Windows are ample but the inside is dark and cold, the fading evening light not shedding much onto the mystery within. Perhaps a bit of break and entering will be required. The tapestry of Althea's blue rose waves in the cold fall air.

Tlanexhuani's tail has begun to flick anew, and it isn't calmed by the closed and barred church. Maybe this is another cupboard situation? "We come to help!" the Makari calls at the doors, now loudly. Because the church and doors are much bigger this time.

There is no Dung Eater this time, with broken common and drooling to give answers. It's cold silence that greets Tlanexhuani.

Reithak takes a look at the door, and the egalrin's gaze darkens. "It's not often an althean temple is left locked up with no entry." The inquisitor notes. "I don't like this, think we can get through the lock? I'm sure Althea will forgive us if we need to break one of the windows, but I'd rather that's a last resort, you know?"

Ulthan hmms as he eyes the door himself. "Doors are meant toi open, while windows are a lot of expensive craftmanship to refit. We could try to force it, although isn't the door supposed to open outwards for safety?"

Tlanexhuani does not like the idea of breaking anything, though the safety of people takes precedence. He looks at the doors and hisses low. "This one not know how to remove lock..." he then looks to Ulthan, "but can help make open." He doesn't have much finesse, but he does have some bulk.

Ulthan shakes his head, not a lock-handling expert either. "Should we try to ram it running into it together, does anyone se anything we could use for battering?"

"Ah, gods damn it, we don't have time to be figuring out what's the best way to get in a door, you're right." Reithak grumbles, shaking her head. "Let's try the door, a bit less politely."

The large egalrin takes a step back, and nods to the others. "Tlan, is it? Give us a count of 5 and we'll throw our weight in with you, sound good?"

Ulthan nods and stoves his weapon on his ruck again, so he can use his arms to transfer as much as possible of his weight to the ramming.

GAME: Ulthan rolls athletics: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Reithak rolls strength: (14)+3: 17

Tlanexhuani looks between the two and then thumps tail. "Sssa!" He also steps back from the door, setting aside his spear/walking aid for the moment; it isn't he best for short sprints. Another set of looks between the others before he takes a breath. A small spark of electricity is then called from blood to clwtip, that is touched to his chest. This causes the metal splitnts of his armor to wiggle and move, tightening about thigh and bicept and bracing his body further. He then counts out and charges for the door.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls strength+1+2+2: (10)+3+1+2+2: 18

The church is still as the grave. Emblazoned against the far wall is a great yellow eye, burned in like soot against the stone. Seated facing toward this heretical image are several rows of pews, and perhaps many of the village across a breadth of ages; all twisted as if in pain and perfectly composed as if statues.

Their body twists to tendon stretching angles, all sharp angles, elbows bent and fingers scratching at the eyes. Signs of rot and decay have began to settle in, giving a time of death of these macabre marionnettes more than a few days. Light from the setting sun spills over this scene and then shimmers silver as four strange creatures turn and face the entranceway.

They are Myrish knights, or at least silhouettes of them, but as if their flesh and armaments have taken on a hue of mucus dipped in platinum. They give a ghastly salute with their 'swords' and then in synchronized steps, march forward. Though the pews and the terrible remains of the villagers should stop them, they seem to... shift or merge through them, leaving a glistening slime in their wake.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Carver has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Carver to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Reithak's turn! Ulthan is next!

GAME: Reithak rolls knowledge/religion+2: (7)+6+2: 15

GAME: Reithak casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Ulthan's turn! Myr Echo2 is next!

GAME: Ulthan RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 6 temporary HP

GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon2: (12)+9: 21

GAME: Ulthan rolls damage2: aliased to 1d10+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 19.

It is now Myr Echo2's turn! Myr Echo1 is next!

Reithak shoulders one side of the door, and with Tlanexhuani taking the brunt of it, the egalrin is able to shove their way in as the wood gives way. There is little to any time to collect theirself however, as Reithak immediately stands at attention. "These things, I suspect are at fault for this." The egalrin hisses. "Take care, the fluid they are made of will mess with your mind if it gets on you, keep it at an arm's length as much as possible!"

GAME: Carver rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Carver rolls 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Ulthan rolls will: (11)+4: 15

Ulthan growls as he watches the two weird creatures come towards him. As Reithak describes them, he shrugs and goes for his best help against someone messing with his mind, he enters his Rage with an annoyed grunt and takes few steps forward, swinging his heavy flail in a mighty overhead swing, smashing the closer one a solid whack right over what seems to be its head.

This strange, silvery plasma form of the fight shifts and simmers as it slips right through the solid wooden pew. Ulthan is quick to the attack, though, quicker than this ghastly 'knight'. The heavy flail connects to its 'face' and it shifts and slithers around the weapon before reforming when the big man withdraws. Its sword blow is quicksilver, bludgeoning into his opponent's side, and with it comes...

A disorienting shift in perspective, the church from a different view. Ulthan is now the Knight at the night of this event, gazing out in horror as singing villagers begin to scratch and claw at their eyes that burn between their fingertips. The vision ends as Ulthan forces it back and away and to the fight once more.

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Myr Echo1's turn! Myr Echo3 is next!

GAME: Carver rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Myr Echo3's turn! Tlanexhuani is next!

The other two knights shimmer forward, phasing through corpses and pews, leaving silver and platinum slime in their wake. One joins his brother in assaulting Ulthan, the other continues toward Reithak, sword raised but does not reach him.

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 2.

It is now Tlanexhuani's turn! Reithak is next!

GAME: Tlanexhuani activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3-1: (14)+9+-1: 22

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3+2+3: aliased to 1d8+6+2+3: (5)+6+2+3: 16


Carver advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Reithak's turn! Ulthan is next!

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+7+1: (11)+7+1: 19

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d6+3+1: (6)+3+1: 10

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Ulthan's turn! Myr Echo2 is next!

They burst through the door to find... death. The air is thick with its scent and the sights that are revealed... Tlanexhuani stares for a long moment: not at the strange silvery ones, but at the villagers. The people. The corpses. Male, female, elderly... younglings. This makes him slow to react and turn his eyes towards the silvery ones.

Eyes ablaze with sparks. Maybe the ability has already affected him... or maybe he needs no aid to imagine a very similar scene of slauhgeted villagers that will not be forgotten.

"NO! The roar in his native tongue accompanies his barreling charge into the nearest with his hammer. It can create, but it can also destroy.

GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon2: (13)+9: 22

GAME: Ulthan rolls damage2: aliased to 1d10+6: (9)+6: 15

"Ceinara, give me strength!" The egalrin chants abruptly, one hand on the flame shaped talisman around their neck, filling the inquisitor with holy strength as they dash towards the nearest foe and slicing deep through it with one movement, causing it to crumple to the floor. "One down, keep it up! We need to get to the ones who might still be saved!"

Ulthan shudders as he glimpses... something... But it doesn't slow him, instead, the flail that had gone through the creature in front of him follows a classic windmilling pattern and smashes on same target again, accompanied by a bellow of "STAY OUT OF MY MIND!" The smash is a powerful one, the hit crumpling the shape of before the enraged Dranei.

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Myr Echo1's turn! Tlanexhuani is next!

The creatures almost dissolve into silver puddles, form losing cohesion under the armed adventurer's attacks. The last of them raises his blade and continues his assault on Ulthan.

GAME: Carver rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Carver rolls 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Ulthan rolls will: (18)+4: 22

Once more the silvery 'blade' smashes into Ulthan, and again, another disorienting shift in perspective. Another knight, this time a woman, with flowing golden hair. She/Ulthan yells out in horror, drawing their blade and turning not to the villagers but behind them where a young man with bright blue eyes and dark hair and a collection of shadowy figures are reaching out to a great burning eye. "Kallin, stop this madness!" She rushes the stage, steel gleaming and...

Ulthan is standing over the steaming puddle of ectoplasm, back in his own body again.

GAME: Carver advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 2.

It is now Tlanexhuani's turn! Reithak is next!

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3-1: (11)+9+-1: 19

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3+2+3: aliased to 1d8+6+2+3: (7)+6+2+3: 18

Tlanexhuani may not truly harness anger as some do, but that does not make him less angry at this moment. One armored silger knight collapses and the Makari turns for another. Once more his hammer is lifted high overhead and brought down on the one remaining near Ulthan. "No hurt any more!"


Carver advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 22.

It is now Reithak's turn! Ulthan is next!

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+7+1+1: (19)+7+1+1: 28

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+7+1+1: (14)+7+1+1: 23

GAME: Reithak rolls 2d6+6+2: (4)+6+2: 12

GAME: Ulthan ends his rage.

GAME: Tlanexhuani deactivates his Titan Armor.

GAME: Carver removes the timestop.

Timestop by Carver has left.

Just one more foe, and it was already weakened by their allies, So Reithak charges in, managing to land a solid thrust into the body of the beast, sending it to the ground as the blade was pulled out. "That was the last one I can see for now, let's see if anyone is still alive here, let me know if anyone needs healing!" The egalrin shouts to the others.

Ulthan slumps down as the rush of his Rage withdraws him, sitting down where he was battling these creatures.

All is quiet once more, with only the unsettling posed remains of the villagers to keep them company in the befouled remains of the church; all under the great burnt yellow eye.

Ulthan pants as he slowly recovers from the exhaustion that Rage leaves behind. "I think... I saw what the knights... saw before. They called for someone named 'Kallin'... to stop their madness... Wasn't that the... soin we were looking for?"

GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (6)+13: 19

Tlanexhuani has his hammer lifted as his eyes dart about for more dangers. When there are none, he finally deflates with a long exhalation, form hunching and lowering along with the weapon. Only then do his eyes clear and he looks to his companions. "Are hurt?" Then he moves to the villagers to check for any that might be alive. "This one does not remember name. Could be..." Though it is clear his focus is not yet on why or who may have happened and instead on what is.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls heal: (20)+7: 27

Reithak takes a moment to make sure that her sword is completely clean before putting it back in it's sheathe, in case any residue triggered any more reactions. "Those were the escorts for the young lord, in a armed guard sense. Something turned them into, these things." The egalrin states as she checks over the church, looking more tired with each person checked. "I don't see them here, but I really hope they weren't behind this. If they are, I don't care if they're a myrrish prince, they will face punishment for their actions. We should see if there's anything left from whatever they did this."

Ulthan climbs back on his feet soon, then looks around, trying to figure out how to help with taking stock of who might be still alive. He leaves his weapon resting against the closest pew until he has proper time to wipe the residue off, soon.

Tlanexhuani listens more than speaks as he steps amongst the dead. Whatever glimmer of hope he may have for survivors is methodically extinguished as he checks each in turn. After he completes, his posture remains slouched and hunched. "Wass not weapon did thiss... Magic? Curse? Ssicknesss?" He's not sure on what the alternative may be. "Some bite own tonguess. Others blood from earss..."

He finally straighten up some and looks to the others. "Must find prince. Find answers."

Ulthan nods as he looks around, becoming distressed at the sight of so much carnage. "Something in this smells, and not just because of the time since this happened."

Schloop. A long, gruel-covered piece of tendon slurps through the puddle of ectoplasm. A squat, gecko-toed creature with beady eyes stares at them for the second time today and in its croaking broken common, announces. "I know place where went." Sluuuuuurp. Drool. "Dung Eater shows you."