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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Forgotten Blood Finale - Beneath *GM: Harkashan *Characters: Aelwyn, Culix, Schara *Place: Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, Am'shere *Summary: As powerful warriors rush to cut off the path of the Behemoth thought to be approaching Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, others remain. A group of them has gathered in the lava-laden deep paths beneath the mountain. They...")
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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*Summary: As powerful warriors rush to cut off the path of the Behemoth thought to be approaching Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, others remain. A group of them has gathered in the lava-laden deep paths beneath the mountain.
*Summary: As powerful warriors rush to cut off the path of the Behemoth thought to be approaching Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, others remain. A group of them has gathered in the lava-laden deep paths beneath the mountain.
They expect to meet devils and fiends seeking to apply remnants of the magical disease upon the mountain. But the tunnels are numerous, and they've not been able to set up an ambush. Instead, they will have to be quick on their feet, and hope their knowledge of the tunnels is better than that of their foes!
They expect to meet devils and fiends seeking to apply remnants of the magical disease upon the mountain. But the tunnels are numerous, and they've not been able to set up an ambush. Instead, they will have to be quick on their feet, and hope their knowledge of the tunnels is better than that of their foes! </div>
Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, is home to intense amounts of magma. Flows that run throughout the mountain in deep chasms, halls, and 'rivers'. It is an intense kind of heat that makes it difficult for those without red scales to walk within.
Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, is home to intense amounts of magma. Flows that run throughout the mountain in deep chasms, halls, and 'rivers'. It is an intense kind of heat that makes it difficult for those without red scales to walk within.
Line 626: Line 626:
"Let us head out; this one wishes to return for the fight as soon as possible."
"Let us head out; this one wishes to return for the fight as soon as possible."
[[Category:Forgotten Blood]]

Latest revision as of 19:59, 24 June 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Forgotten Blood Finale - Beneath
  • GM: Harkashan
  • Place: Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, Am'shere
  • Summary: As powerful warriors rush to cut off the path of the Behemoth thought to be approaching Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, others remain. A group of them has gathered in the lava-laden deep paths beneath the mountain.
They expect to meet devils and fiends seeking to apply remnants of the magical disease upon the mountain. But the tunnels are numerous, and they've not been able to set up an ambush. Instead, they will have to be quick on their feet, and hope their knowledge of the tunnels is better than that of their foes!

Ketsalkuetspaltahtepetl, the Great Dragonfather Mountain, is home to intense amounts of magma. Flows that run throughout the mountain in deep chasms, halls, and 'rivers'. It is an intense kind of heat that makes it difficult for those without red scales to walk within.

Dwarves use some of these flows to power their special forges. But today, the clang of their hammers are nowhere to be heard.

Instead, the Sith-makar patrol them, in the hopes of cutting off any attempts by demons or their ilk to enter this place. They are worried that, if any break through, they may be able to apply the magical disease at the heart of this mountain...

The Adventurers are currently stepping through one of those tunnels, in search of anything that may have been able to get through. The heat constantly beating against their bodies. Ahead of them a fork - yet another fork they've had to choose which direction to go on. There are no hints of which may be right, or wrong. This is an almost aimless wandering patrol. Letting fate decide.

Culix had only been to this distant continent once before, briefly, in a teleportation accident on one of her very first jobs for the guild. She swore then she would never come back, what with the giant lizards looking to eat you, giant plants looking to eat you, giant bugs looking to eat you (or worse, lay their eggs in you). The humidity and heat do not help, either.

And yet, here she is. She's been grumbling all the way here, and the entire time she has been here. But money is money, and work needs doing. And she's in the mood to stab some evil outsiders, besides.

Her usual daggers are on her person, of course, but her weapon of choice for today seems to be her crossbow. It's held in both hands, loaded with a special bolt already. Despite the heat, hood and scarf are drawn up, to keep crawling or creeping things away from ears, mouth and nose. A mental note is made to ask Aryia where she has her glasses made next time she sees the Mul, and see about getting a pair of goggles of her own.

Even with every recent modification which had been made to her armor after several prior experiences being burned alive, there was only so much which could be done without serious magical augmentation to make walking in the guts of an active volcano pleasant.

The metal clad artificer was more than a bit uncomfortable to say the least, but there was work that needed to be done above all else. The artificer pauses for a moment to open one of their waterskins awkwardly with one hook, before dumping it all over the top of their helmet. "They are probably much more comfortable with this place like Aelwyn likely is so we will need to be extra careful to not be caught off guard if they are spotted down here." They note.

Blessed, blessed heat. Humid air. Lava. Washing off his scales, heating up the metal buckles and feeling such bliss against his flesh. It was nearly enough to forget the grim task set to them - to prevent the demons from striking to the heart of the mountain, and wreck havoc amongst Aelwyn's kin. Distant perhaps, but kin regardless.

"Perhaps flip a coin this time?" The ruddy sith-makar suggests with a casual, relaxed flash of his teeth, his own glaive spread across his shoulders. "This one is in the mood of getting lost in dark, forgotten places with such cheerful company today." Another turn of his head, as he gave his shoulders a roll, a flick of his tail.

Another long breath leaves him, as he levels a stare ahead. It was an important, heavy task to make sure nothing slipped past them. "This one shall bet a flask of wine if our path meets a dead end again." Very serious.

GAME: Culix rolls knowledge/nature: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Culix rolls fortitude: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Aelwyn rolls fortitude: (8)+12: 20

GAME: Schara rolls fortitude: (11)+7: 18

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Harkashan has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Harkashan to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Culix rolls stealth+4+2: (9)+17+4+2: 32

Culix sniffs the air a couple of times, and then shakes her head at Aelwyn. "Smell sulfur. Well, more sulfur, to the right." she tells him. "Core's likely that way." she advises, and takes one hand from her crossbow to wipe the sweat from her exposed brow. "Taara's tits I should have bought some potions for this heat." she complains and then trundles forwards, "I'll keep to the shadows and scout ahead. I'll whistle if I run into trouble." she advises the group as she makes for the front of it, aiming to put thirty feet or so between her and the noisy armour of her companions.

As she steps through the dappled darkness of a shadow, the goblin simply seems to vanish from sight. As though the shadow was no mere trick of the light but a pool of opaque liquid that swallowed her up leaving no trace of her behind.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d4: (2): 2

The heat continues to be intensely oppressive. As Schara dumps water on her helmet, there's at least a subtle hiss on a small patch that has gotten more hot than others. The water managing to cool it just enough to be bearable again. For now.

No doubt, for those other than Aelwyn, sweat drips down their backs in that disgusting kind of pearling manner. Where each inch it drips can be /felt/, practically creating an itch.

Luckily, Culix knows how to guide them to the core of the Volcano - the most likely region that the enemy is to strike. Though it's certainly also a lot hotter there.

As Culix sneaks ahead, they come across a split. Ahead of them is the deepest core. But to the right, a bridge. It looks partially shattered. Nobody in their right mind would even use such an old and crumbled path anymore. Yet something feels... off.

Just before the heat was getting unbearably hot, the artificer stopped, and tilted her head off to one side. "Please forgive me miss gobber lady, I almost forgot due to the stress of the situation and many other things on my mind, it is not a potion, but please allow me to provide you with something to help with the heat." The artificer states in a strangely filtered, monotone voice as they fish out a copper necklace from one pocket, followed by another. "The enchantment on this is enough to allow one to wear a swimsuit in the middle of winter due to prior testing, and I believe it will also function the opposite for a maximum of twenty four hours after the time of use." They explain while making sure theirs was put on. "You do not need to continue wearing it afterwards if it is a concern to your visibility."

Schara stops, and tilts her head again. "You are betting wine if this is a dead end? Am I supposed to give you wine if this is the correct path? Alright."


Aelwyn tilts his head and lets out a click of his tongue. "As Knives suggests," He bows his head. "This one is not _too_ eager to stay lost in these paths." He drops the glaive from his shoulders, glancing towards Schara dunking all that water over her. "Pace herself, the heat will only get worse." With another sway of his tail, he carries on, keeping a pace with Schara. He flashes his teeth at her words. "Yes. As long as wine is shared."

The bridge gets an appraising look from him. "This one has tools for climbing, if we wish to cross." He pats the satchel by his behind.

GAME: Culix rolls perception: (19)+12: 31


GAME: Schara rolls knowledge/engineering: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Schara refreshes spells.

GAME: Schara casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Schara casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

Culix steps out of the shadows once more, pulling her hood back slightly and tugging her mask down. She still stoops low, and holds up a hand to suggest the others halt. "Something on the other side of the bridge, flying, coming this way." she informs them in a low whisper. "I suggest we hunker down and keep our eyes and ears peeled to see what it is." she says to the other two, glancing about for likely hiding spots for her less compact companions.

"Should we let them continue through?" The artificer wonders as Culix hunkers down. Schara does at least have the sense to make herself scarcer for the time being. "If this is the heart, we shouldn't let them get to the center. Aelwyn, I have a device that might let you climb to the other side more safely to intercept?"

GAME: Schara rolls stealth: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Culix rolls stealth+2+4: (7)+17+2+4: 30

"I say we follow them if we spot a bad guy. Saves all this blind wandering." Culix whispers to Schara, and then settles behind one of the low rocks, leaving bigger ones for bigger folks. She pulls her hood forwards again, and settles her crossbow on the rock, peering down its sight towards the other side of the bridge.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls stealth: (20)+3: 23

Aelwyn hunkers down as well behind the pair, rumbling lowly. "This one also agrees with Knives; it is better to follow them to them rather than be surrounded by enemy." He turns his head towards Schara. "Though in the case we are spotted, it would be prudent if this one could easily cross the bridge." He pulls his glaive near him, ready to leap out if needed.

What appears on the other side, are three large... ape like things. Yet with massive claws, and massive horns. They are rather large. Each easily twice the size of Aelwyn. Though it looks almost 'awkward', the way in which they are flying. They bear no wings, so clearly there is magic at work!

At the distance they are out, it seems the group is well hidden. Behind stones, they see as these large 'ape'-like things get closer... floating above the bridge, or above the lava. Trying their best to make sure they do not touch their feet to the stoneworks.

GAME: Culix rolls knowledge/the planes: (12)+7: 19

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

Culix sucks some air between her teeth as the three hulking figures float awkwardly in, "Fiends alright. Daemons, not demons or devils. Silver over iron. Acid or something more esoteric, rather than your typical elemental magics." she whispers to her allies, drawing her crossbow back. She quietly unloads the bolt that had been in there, slipping it back into the hip quiver she wears, and slips out a different one, with a gleaming silver tip instead of a dull black one. And different notching at the butt so she can feel them out without looking.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

GAME: Schara casts Spider Climb. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

The Caestodemons, seemingly unaware of those near them, continue to move foward. Castings of magic going unheard against the heavy rumble of the volcano. Their motion almost like that of a fat bumble-bee in the air. Arms and legs hanging low. Dumb looks on their faces, though they are clearly raising their noses, trying to sniff something out.

Notably, the one at the forefront is holding something in its arms. A vial of green glowing substance.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!


Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

Schara continues to remain hunkered down, surprisingly well hidden in spite of their armor, but the looming threat does cause her to stop and pull out a small needle from one pouch on their armor. "Apologies, no time to explain the effects." The artificer whispers, jabbing it into the sith-makar's shoulder with a word of activation, causing a strange sensation in the dragoons hands and feet, as they seem to stick effortlessly to the stone.

"That vial the first one has. That's what they're here to use." She warns suddenly. "We can not allow it to fall into any of the molten rock here."

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!

Aelwyn glances around and sees the apelike creatures - and at Culix' words has him audibly letting out a long sigh. "Remind this one to invest in silver fire," He rumbles quietly by himself, whilst giving his blade a consoling swipe of his hand. As the creatures draw near, he grits his teeth. "Tch, must make sure that vial does not fall." He glances towards Culix. "Knives, is one able?"

The draconian then breathes, eyeing the area. Slowly straightening, his posture changes, his glaive held just a bit more aloft. "Stay near this one." A differetn kind of intense fire was evident in his eyes. Then Schara stabs him with a needle and he just stares at the artificer wildly. "Discuss. Teamwork. Later." He mouths.

Culix nods her head grimly at Schara's warning, "I'll aim to take it out over the bridge." she whispers as she takes aim with her recently reloaded crossbow once more, controlling her breathing as she follows the path of the approaching Daemon.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

GAME: Schara casts Blur. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16

GAME: Culix rolls 17: (12)+17: 29

GAME: Culix rolls damage17+3d6: aliased to 1d8+0+3d6: (2)+0+(15): 17

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Culix used a Bolt.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

"I thought It was fine. It's not that big. No t ime to explain." The artificer offers in brief explanation. Seeing the creatures getting closer, Schara flips something on their armor that causes it to shimmer, creating a mirage like effect over the entirety of it.

Culix squeezes the trigger when the creature comes into range, her point of aim just ahead of it so that with a click and a whoosh the bolt flies free through the air, catching the creature in the clavicle. The alchemically treated bolt pierces its daemonic hide with little effort and a gout of foul blood spills from the wound. "I'll get behind it, focus this one down. Tag team?" she suggests to Aelwyn, as she prepares to break from cover.

The Ceustodaemons continue to move forward. Notably, they do not make any sounds. They seem to look at eachother from time to time, but no actual sounds come out of their ape-like maws.

That is, until Culix's arrow stabs into the chest of the one at the front. It grasps for its chest in pair and lands onto the ground, before letting out a roar of anger! A roar that, while its maw opens, they can all hear as if it were coming from inside their own heads!

One of the Ceustodaemons further in the back tries to speed up to aid its 'comrade'. But the Adventurers are clearly in for one hell of a fight!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!


Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

GAME: Culix rolls acrobatics+5: (9)+13+5: 27

GAME: Culix rolls weapon22+4: (4)+9+4: 17

GAME: Culix rolls weapon22+4: (5)+9+4: 18

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!

GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+8+1: (15)+8+1: 24

GAME: Schara rolls 3d6+4+1: (12)+4+1: 17

Aelwyn exposes his teeth at Schara, "At least give this one a warning before." He rumbles, before he turns his head towards Culix and Schara. "Yes, let us take care of their flanks. Give a signal whence one is about to strike, and let us strike in step." He doesn't wait for the two to say anything, before he clambers over the rock and stands in threatening fashion in front of the flying demon. "Go!"

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d4: (4): 4

GAME: Aelwyn rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23

Culix waits for Aelwyn to acknowledge the scheme, and then breaks from cover. She drops her crossbow, a trusty tool- but just a tool- to the ground and then dashes out from behind the rock rushing down the floating fiend. She ducks in between Aelwyn's legs and then dives into a roll beneath the demon. Hand goes to her belt as she does, and she springs back to her feet with dagger in hand- the steel of the slender dirk is fire blackened and etched with subtle runes, the handle stained and wrapped in dark cord.

The blade is rolled over her knuckles into a reverse grip which is thrust around as she turns, but the frenetic manoeuvre leaves her off balance and her attack goes wide. The blade is spun again as she finishes her turn to face the Daemon.

GAME: Schara rolls reflex: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Harkashan rolls 6d6: (25): 25

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (2)+11: 13

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

Schara finally ducks out of cover, and the artificer unfolds and braces the death ray on their left arm, taking care to avoid aiming at the parcel being carried. Coils in the arm glow red hot and the death ray releases a blast of flames, searing the demon, at least to some degree.

The Ceustodaemons quickly swarm the group, as Culix manages to slip between the frontleader's legs - though her daggers fail to find purchase as it keeps moving in strange ape-like fashion. Schara's shot however, does land - scarring its chest, but not doing as much damage as she might have hoped!

It then suddenly bellows flames upon Aelwyn and Schara's position. Foul sulfurous yellow-red flame erupting over them - while behind it, the other tries to outflank Culix in turn in order to lay its teeth into her. But the small little Gobbo is too fast for it to suprise her like that!

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (2)+14+-3+2+4: 19

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (1)+14+-3+2+4: 18 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (9)+14+-3+2+4: 26

GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+6+1d8: aliased to 1d10+5+6+1d8: (7)+5+6+(2): 20

GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (15)+14+-3+2+4: 32

GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+6+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+6+1d6: (7)+5+6+(1): 19


Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

Smouldering with a bit of fire after the fiery breath, Aelwyn leaps up in front of the demon and gestures at it with his glaive. "Down. FALL." He sneers before he swings his glaive down - thrusts and then swings it upwards. He was obviously straddling, unused to the way his feet were sticking to the rock. Orange eyes were darting towards Culix, his attention split.

Yet still, he lands a hit. "Tch. Why won't you burn, beast?"

GAME: Culix rolls weapon22+4: (9)+9+4: 22

GAME: Culix rolls damage22+3d6: aliased to 1d3+1+3d6: (2)+1+(15): 18

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!


GAME: Schara rolls 1d20+9+1: (14)+9+1: 24

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d6+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Schara rolls 3d6+4+1: (8)+4+1: 13

Culix always has her head on a swivel- the approaching demon is spotted, acknowledged, and filed away while the bulk of her attention remains on her quarry. So when it tries to come up and bite at her from behind, with a twist of her body she deftly avoids the teeth with barely a thought.

With the target in front of her occupied by Aelwyn's weapon, she watches not the daemon but her ally's blade. As he moves to strike, she leaps up and plunges her dagger deep into the creature's unprotected inner thigh, fiend or not it still has blood, and she knows the best places to strike to spill it. The blade cuts deep, nicking a vessel and causing another gush to spill, slicking the stone bridge underfoot.

Her free hand reaches into a pouch on her belt, drawing out some kind of alchemical powder sintered into an egg-sized ball, and she licks her lips, gaze darting about for a moment.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d5: (2): 2

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

Schara reaches to aim again, and this time, the artificer misjudges how far away they are from the demon, getting hit soundly in return for another scorching shot to the first of the demons.

The massive thing's maw opens as Aelwyn speaks. It's a viscious thing. "Ah, but I do little thing. But your flames are far too meager." It tells him as he looms over Aelwyn.

Behind Aelwyn, he can no doubt hear the pained sound of Schara, as she does a bit of damage to Culix' foe, only to get bitten in the shoulder...

When there's steps of someone else near them. Dressed in grey rags for the most part, clearly looking like they do not belong in this place any more than the daemons. They're missing one arm on their left side, and are carrying what looks like a Quiver filled with... spears?

The man pulls out what looks like a silver spear, and throws it towards Aelwyn. No words spoken in that moment. But one thing is clear... the pointy end is not pointing at Aelwyn. He's trying to offer him a weapon from his... immense collection of spears he's carrying.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls dexterity: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (20)+11: 31

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (19)+11: 30

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (8)+11: 19

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (4)+11: 15

GAME: Harkashan rolls (1d6+4)*2: ((2)+4)*2: 2

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (4)+11: 15

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (7)+11: 18

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d6+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (10)+14+-3+2+4: 27

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2+4: (13)+14+-3+2+4: 30

The assault by the Ceustodaemons continues! With one of them slowly starting to corner Aelwyn against Schara, as the Sith-makar chooses not to catch the silver spear. While ahead of him, Culix is bitten into. The Ceustodaemons managing to rip its sharp teeth into her, flames spouting from its maw, burning her shoulder severely!

<'Butt out, Elf. This is our food!'> The third Ceustodaemons's voice eminates through their minds, seemingly angry at this figure that has appeared.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+6+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+6+1d6: (7)+5+6+(6): 24

GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+6+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+6+1d6: (6)+5+6+(5): 22

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (15)+11+-3: 23

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (1)+11+-3: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (17)+11+-3: 25

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d6+4+6+6: (4)+4+6+6: 20

GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d6+4+6+6: (10)+4+6+6: 26


Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

Aelwyn's orange eyes widen at the others' words. Getting clawed, bit, thrown spears at - hold on, spears? Aelwyn twists his head just barely in time to see the sight of the spear flying towards him, butt first. His fingers barely have time to touch it before it slides past him. No time to question.

"You have not seen my flame!" The Dragoon seethes, "Not even a flicker!" His burning glaive spins around him and he thrusts into the creature, slices chunks off it, nearly felling the foul beast. "Knives, the vial!" He shouts - before spattering blood, as he is battered.

GAME: Culix rolls weapon22+4: (16)+9+4: 29

GAME: Culix rolls damage22+3d6: aliased to 1d3+1+3d6: (2)+1+(6): 9

GAME: Culix rolls reflex: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-4: (1)+11+-4: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Culix rolls stealth+2+4-20: (5)+17+2+4+-20: 8

GAME: Harkashan rolls 15: (9)+15: 24

Culix cries out in pain as the fangs dig into her shoulder, and drops almost to a knee- not because she's been driven to it, but to shrug out of the grasp of those fangs and away from the blows that follow them. With Aelwyn's glave flashing out and striking the daemon once more, she makes the most of the distraction to scramble up his back, discarding the smoke pellet- whatever plan she had for it abandoned as the Vial takes precedence. Clinging to the beast, she plunges her dagger into his neck, then wrenches it forwards, slicing cleanly through throat and jugular.

The demon vanishes, leaving her and the vial both in midair. Culix tucks forwards into a roll, her now free hand snapping out to deftly pocket the vial, completing her flip to land on her feet she is immediately moving, head ducked low. She lurches to the side away from an incoming swipe from the demon behind her. "Got the vial. Schara, back off make some space. Aelwyn, circle around and protect them." she calls out to her allies. She dashes through the flickering shadows, her form breaking up and hard to follow, but not hard enough.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-3+2: (19)+14+-3+2: 32

GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+6+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+6+1d6: (5)+5+6+(3): 19

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3+2: (3)+11+-3+2: 13

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

Culix manages to get her blade right where it needs to go. And in that moment, the silver has its reaction. The demon shatters in a gout of black sulfur, and erupts - leaving naught behind but a black circle of ash-like substance where it once stood.

The vial threatens to clink onto the ground, but Culix grabs it just in time. Still, the moment she tries to move, the other Ceustodaemon swipes at her back! Failing to land the blow.

Schara begins to retreat, but the other Ceustodaemon on the bridge tries to chase. Aelwyn however interferes with his spear, and the Ceustodaemon instead ends up charging Aelwyn, lashing at him with its massive claws -- but finding no purchase.

The mysterious robed individual moves to cover Schara's retreat, using their singular arm to pull out a strange black spear with unusual script on it, and moves to help Culix get into a proper flanking position.

Schara is badly burnt and battered from the assault of the demons. Armor bent out of shape at several odd angles. "I am sorry, I will become a further liability if I remain nearby. I do not know who you are but you should leave as well, all of you the moment you can." The artificer states, taking a wide angle around the back of the room as she ducks into the tunnel they entered from.

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d6+4: (10)+4: 14


Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 18.

It is now Culix's turn! Schara is next!

Aelwyn was getting surrounded by the other two demons, and he was swaying his burning glaive around him - not that it really did much to deter their advances. Woe to be the one who is popular. "Tch-" He turns and glances, getting a sight of the stranger. "Retreat, stranger! We'll recover!"

There was obvious hesitance in him though. He really didn't wish to leave - challenge still bristling in him. But blood was flowing from his various cuts and there were still two demons standing. He spits a glob of blood onto the ground, and then turns to run.

He hated every step.

GAME: Culix rolls acrobatics+5: (2)+13+5: 20

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Culix rolls range-4: (18)+range+-4: 14

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 15.

It is now Schara's turn! Ceustodaemon 1 is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 12.

It is now Ceustodaemon 1's turn! Ceustodaemon 2 is next!

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 11.

It is now Ceustodaemon 2's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (8)+11+-3: 16

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (9)+11+-3: 17

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-3: (1)+11+-3: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 5.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Ceustodaemon 3 is next!

Culix is quick, but she's not quick enough- as the pair of demons surround her claws and fangs rake and tear at her flesh and this time she is driven to a knee- it's no ploy. She gasps and cries out in pain, blinking the wetness from her eyes and swallowing hard against the wave of nausea that accompanies the wounds. "We got the vial, that's the important bit. They're right, let's beat it." she pants to the mysterious stranger. She tries to duck under the demon but takes a glancing blow to the shoulder for her troubles.

She rolls with the force of the blow, half falling, half tumbling out and away. Nimble fingers draw another smoke bomb which she tosses back over her shoulder as she runs, to cover their mysterious helper's escape if he decides to opt for the better part of valor himself. "Book it!" she shouts ahead to her allies.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 18: (4)+18: 22

GAME: Harkashan rolls 18: (10)+18: 28

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d8+22: (7)+22: 29

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d8+22: (8)+22: 30

The Stranger motions his hand, lifting his spear for a moment. Pointing in the direction they are moving. "Go." They call back to the group, before they suddenly use that single arm and plunge it into the belly of the Ceustodaemon, then cuts upwards, ripping away a huge spurt of yellowed blood which hits the ground. The creature stumbling backwards and gasping for air.

"You have the vial. Destroy it." <sildanyari>

GAME: Harkashan advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 3.

It is now Ceustodaemon 3's turn! Culix is next!

GAME: Harkashan removes the timestop.

Timestop by Harkashan has left.

The remaining Ceustodaemons focus in on the Elfin looking one-armed male the moment the rest of the group has enough distance away from them. One of them slamming its fist so hard to the ground, that stone begins to shift. And before they know it, a series of rocks and stones tumbles to the ground, cutting the group off from this route towards the Core of the Volcano.

The sounds of battle continue for a little while longer. Until finally... silence.

GAME: Culix used a Smoke Pellet.

GAME: Culix used a Smoke Pellet.

Culix looks back over her shoulder once more as the elf doesn't retreat along with them. "Idiot..." she complains, although her heart isn't in it. "Either of you know what he said?" she calls out to the other two as she catches up with them- just in time to stagger and almost trip as she's startled by the cave in behind them. "Well shit." she says, as she slows and eventually stops. She puts her dagger away in the frog at her belt and then reaches up to gingerly touch her shoulder where the flesh is blackened and still oozing blood.

Aelwyn had paused by the tunnel to see the elven man stop and fight the demons instead of following them - and then speak some nonsense to his ears. When the tunnel suddenly collapses he suddenly yells and runs forward, growling loudly as he slams his fist and spear at the rocks. "Cowards! Fools!" He hisses and snarls, spending good moment or two before spinning around, hand sliding down his mane of quills. The sounds quiet down.

"Who was that?" The ruddy and bloodied sith-makar asks the other two. He shakes his head at Culix' question, growling once again. "We should recover, rest, circle back." He was sliding his bloodied fingers into his belt, starting to fetch for his vials. "Now that we are aware of what we are up against, the next fight should be easy."

Schara waits for Aelwyn to arrive, for Culix to arrive, and the artificer is left waiting a moment longer for the elf from before to arrive, but no one appears. Before they can consider going back, the rocks cave in on the entrance. "They were saying to go back and destroy the vial, which is correct. I do not wish to leave them there, but we have no choice." The artificer states, interrupted by a particularly violent sounding cough.

"We need to get it out of here before the ambient temperature risks taking it off. I understand we are all injured, but Aelwyn looks to be in the worst shape at the moment. I have a twenty two gauge needle attached to a device which will distribute healing energy when it is absorbed by the circulatory system around the deltoid muscle tissue or makari equivalent." Schara explains, already pulling out a rather threateningly large needle attached to a housing of green crystals and copper housing. "I do not know who that was, but I hope they are alright. I doubt they sent only one group for a job such as this."

As the Adventurers make their way out, they'll find the rushing of Sith-makar through the halls. When they hit up one of the ones stepping out, they come to learn that indeed - this was not the only incursion. Though none of them were carrying the Vial. It seems they had gotten lucky, and stopped the one group which had been attempting to get through more 'stealthily' than the others. Some fighting is still happening in the tunnels. But to get the Vial safely to the surface, and to a Cleric who could Remove the magical Disease within it.

They'd no doubt learn more of what happened that night, a little later.

Culix nods her head and then pats the pouch where the vial is, "Wish I had a bag of holding." she complains when the possibility of the substance spontaniously going off is mentioned. "No idea who he was, but he saved our bacon." she looks over to the distraught Aelwyn, "And it'd be a waste if we kicked it in these tunnels. So let's hustle and get rid of this stuff." she says.

Aelwyn's face looked dark and fierce, temper obviously flared high. "And leave them fighting on their own? Tch, this one-" He was about to protest further, but grit his teeth together. "... hnh. One cannot risk the vial breaking." He begrudgingly agrees, before glancing behind him.

And then he is faced with the needle contraption. His eyes go wide and he stares blankly at Schara. "... she is planning to stab that where?" He asks, carefully, holding up his hand. "... this one thinks one can walk the distance." He states, blood flowing from the side of his mouth.

"Into the deltoid muscle group in the side of one of your shoulders. You are lucky you still have them, as it is quite useful for dispersal. I have explained what I am doing, and am now doing so, as I'm relying on you and miss Gobber here in case we run into anything else on the way out." The artificer explains, holding one shoulder and much more carefully inserting the device, where the green crystal glows for several seconds before turning a dull tone as it's pulled out, mending Aelwyn's wounds in short order. "The moment we are out we need to find a cleric or someone similarly capable of eradicating disease. I know a few in town who may help."

GAME: Schara casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Schara rolls 1d8+5: (7)+5: 12

"Lucky this one still has them?" Aelwyn asks - not sure if Schara was even hearing the words she was saying. He hisses when the needle pricks him, lowly growling as it starts to soothe his pain and mend his cuts. His deltoids flex and his arm twitches though, restless. "Perhaps we should improve on a less morbid, and more condense, version of describing what one is about to slice into this one." The draconian rumbles, before he shakes his head.

"Let us head out; this one wishes to return for the fight as soon as possible."