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GAME: Thoth rolls Knowledge/GEography: (20)+9: 29
GAME: Thoth rolls Knowledge/GEography: (20)+9: 29
Around, then.
Slowly, you back away from the intersection, seeking paths around. The map, alongside Thoth's excellent memory of it, are allowing you to chart a course that runs along the other end of the intersection and bypoasses the shouting faces.
That's good, because as you slipped away, you could see the signs that the noise was starting to draw lurking creatures. r
Carefully, you make your way down another set of ruins, navigating over shattered walls and through buildings abandoned to the ages.
All good so far.
And then you emerge onto another street, hanging a left to return to the path you need to at least be closer to.
Ah, buildings up ahead, clustered together in a mini-village of sorts within the confines of the city itself, a narrow kind of neighborhood. Within that cluster supposedly sits the vault you seek.
These flat, one story buildings were once colorfully decorated, but only chips and flakes remain to give proof of this fact, and of course, the adorning decorations are much the same. Winged statues, most of them broken in some manner, sit atop them, looking down on the neighboor with ever-watchful eyes of stone.

Latest revision as of 04:37, 6 February 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Chronolark - Part 4
  • GM: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Thoth, Reithak, Tlanexhuani
  • Location: The Badlands
  • Summary: Adventurers are asked to go to Genrivia, in order to uncover magical artifacts that might help find temporal anomalies.

And you're *running*.

But running through rubblestrewn streets of ruins without a) tripping or b) losing each other is ... not teribly easy. Especially not, when you reach more of the eastern side of the plaza, you see a patrol of Kobolds on spider-back coming this way, apparently having been intent on flanking the statue. You see them. They see you.

Time to run even harder.

GAME: Reithak rolls athletics: (9)+2: 11
GAME: Thoth rolls Athletics: (17)+0: 17
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls athletics: (19)+1: 20

Magically enhanced, Thoth may be having a bit easier of a time than the others. Moving through the ruins, there's the rapid tiny click-clack of its metalic talons. Spotting the patrol of kobolds-on-spiderback, it motions quickly at its allies and then the enemies, trying to keep them moving. "Quick, quick." It chirps at Tlanexhuani and the rest. It doesn't sound winded, being a War Golem, but there is subtle stress in its voice.

Tlanexhuani is far less hunched as he moves, now, and the spear-butt rarely hits the stone floor in light of his large strides. Whatever lack he demonstrated in moving carfefully before, he can move with urgency. There is little thought spared for course or destination as he just follows the clicking and 'Quick!'ing construct.

Reithak is, perhaps suprisingly, not used to sprinting around. The sudden frantic sprint through the crumbling ruins of a city certainly did not make the task easier, and by the time the group stumbles on a patrol of kobolds, the inquisitor is more than a bit out of breath. "Moving as quick as I can, Thoth stuff!" The egalrin coughs, continuing at their uncomfortably hurried pace.

The Kobolds hesitate. You're moving awfully fast, for the most part, especially Thoth, but they soon are wheeling their way after you, loping along and clutching the back of their spider. One of the kobolds is bounced off its back, crashing to the pavement and being left behind in the pursuit.

Still, the spider is large and you are not, and you're able to put a little idstance between them and you initially.

Whether that will last is anyone's guess.

You see ahead of you the ramshackle ruins of a building with a deeply darkened and cluttered interior. It could provide a useful place to hide.

On the other hand, there's a smoother stretch of cobblestone down an alley, which takes you a litttle out of your way, but would provide a straight shot to run on that might be a litle harder for the spider to follow on account of narrowness.

Thoth, not so confident in its ability to keep running and preferring to rely on its ability to 'creep around'... regardless of its earlier failure... dives into the ramshackle ruins of a building and quickly tries to find a spot to hide. A cabinet, a cubby hole, anything. Using a spell to Reduce its size to make it harder to spot! It does not wish to be broken apart by Kobolds!

GAME: Thoth refreshes spells.
GAME: Thoth casts Reduce Person. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Thoth rolls Stealth+4: (16)+9+4: 29

Reithak continues running down the streets, and seeing Thoth run to hide within one of the buildings,quickly ducks inside, leaping over some of the clutter and dealing with any repercussions of what might be on the other side later. Sometimes it was more important to be out of sight quickly rather than thoroughly after all.

GAME: Reithak rolls stealth: (12)+10: 22

Tlanexhuani slows as Thoth does and veers after towards the building. He slows even more as he gets closer. The Makari is not small, nor very creepy. And his last experience with a cluttered interior in this place did not go well at all.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls stealth: (5)+-1: 4

Both Thoth and Reithak disappear into the ruined interior, with Tlanex more or less being uncertain on how to get hidden in there.

Down the way behind you, the giant spider and it's kobolda round the way down, now looking for for the escapees. It is only a matter of time before they see a very less than hidden Sith-Makar.

GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3+2: (14)+6+3+2: 25
GAME: Reithak casts Guidance. Caster Level: 4 DC: 12
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls stealth+5: (18)+-1+5: 22

Thoth spots a corner with a uniquely shaped section of stone. "Psst. This one suggests going over there. Put your tail in that hole, it'll hide it." A break in the ruins that could let Tlanex hide all of their tail into a gap. Of course, they'll need some courage sticking his tail through dark holes.

Reithak was thankfully looking like a massive, antique feather duster that had fallen into the crumbled remains of a theater costume rack. Being mostly hidden by the debris they dove behind helped a lot, as well.

Said feather duster offers the sith-makar a thumbs up. "Never met a stealthier makari than you Tlan! I know you can do it, just gotta believe in yourself!" The inquisitor quietly cheers on. Whether such abilities were bolstered by divine magic was besides the point, but it was obvious the egalrin was weaving some manner of spell.

Tlanexhuani looks over at the quiet words from Thoth, then follows eyes to the corner and the hole. He eyes it a moment, glances back at the doorway, then moves to it. Carefully. Slowly, yet without using his spear to support in sparing the extra noise.

He then backs himself cautiously in. Yes, there might be something in the unknown hole, but he has scales. A few little bugs or other creatures he can deal with; it's the large ones outside that are more of a worry. Then he crouches and hunches low. He is a lump of no consequence. If he believes it, those searching will too!

They're getting closer. For a moemnt, it looks like they might discover your hiding location -- but then a sharp whistle. A kobold waving at the spider-bound others as they wiggle their fingers at each other in their own, unique version of sign-language.

The spider wheels about and turns, BARELY missing Tlanex.

That kobold that did the waving, though?

Sure looks familiar.

They're getting closer. For a moemnt, it looks like they might discover your hiding location -- but then a sharp whistle. A kobold appears around the corner, waving at the spider-bound others as they wiggle their fingers at each other in their own, unique version of sign-language.

The spider wheels about and turns, BARELY missing Tlanex.

That kobold that did the waving, though?

Sure looks familiar.

GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3+2: (3)+6+3+2: 14

Thoth remains quiet and still for a good minute or two after the Kobold they saved manages to whistle and call down the others. It doesn't really have a 'breath to hold', but it does let out a frustrating chirp when that time has finally passed. It peeks over the spot it hid, as its Reduce Person spell manages to just come to an end.

"This one believes the coast is clear." It 'whispers'.

The lump moves. A little. Tlanexhuani lifts his head and leanas to peek at and around the doorway. When (or if) it looks clear, he asks, "Which way go?" No reason to risk running back into things, or taking the long way.

"Eh? All clear?" Reithak pipes up quietly, managing to muster up the courage to peek up and outside. "That's good! Don't know how long they're going to be fighting that thing though. If we're good to go, let's be on our way, right? And good job Tlanexhuani! Knew you had it in you!"


The ground shakes -- it comes from the direction of the plaza, of course. Seems that the fighting is ongoing over there.

Thoth ducks its head, a tremble of its body. Its wings shifting as it hears that explosion. That sense of stone crumbling. The detonation that sends its body shivering and shaking. Halting without movement. Chirping in frustrated sounds. Clicking its beak.

"This one thanks you both," Tlanexhuani offers quiet gratitude as he rises. "Ssa, we go." He looks to Thoth at the hestitation, pauses briefly, then puts a hand to metal shoulder. "This one go first. You both guide from middle." Then he steps out the door to head... hopefully in the right direction.

"I think that means we need to get going. We'll take it as a good thing there's still sound." The large egalrin sighs, getting to her feet and dusting off everything. "Preciate it big guy, I'll keep an eye out for any more movements or patrols. Not sure if more are coming, but better safe than sorry."

There's a little snap of its head. Freeing it from that moment it got stuck in. Looking around, trying to get its bearings anew. It doesn't answer immediately. It just nods its head, seemingly in agreement and willing to move.

GAME: Reithak rolls survival: (17)+2: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls Survival: (14)+1: 15
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls survival: (18)+2: 20

The good news:

The good news is that you're reading the map quite well at this point and are starting to get a feel for the ruins of life here in Genrivia. You're making good progress on getting back on track and on the reccomended route back to the vault.

The bad news: There's still flickery active magic throughout the area. As you approach one vaunted street intersection, along the walls, ancient magic mouths are trying to sputter to life.

Whatever they're saying, you don't have any idea -- but they're awfully stuttery-noisy just from you having brushed into the edge of the intersection. Freezing has stopped them dead, for now.

...but there, on the walls, phantasmal faces belonging to people long dead trying to get your attention about *something*.

GAME: Thoth rolls Craft/Artifice+2+2: (20)+15+2+2: 39

Thoth, expecting at first that some kind of artifice is in play when they step towards the stuttery-noises, slows down as they get closer. Illusionary visages. Crackling voices.

"Some kind of permanent magic... face magic." Thoth suggests, though its voice seems almost uncertain. If one could suggest the bird is capable of expressing such an emotion. "This one is surprised this is not Artifice." It then adds.

Tlanexhuani startles at the sudden appearance of faces, then blinks slowly as their presence shifts from worrisome to ... just strange. "Ssa, are... this one not know their words." He looks to the others. "Anyone know what say? Why are here?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, maybe better, as to why they're here. Thoth's I'm almost positive of." Reithak shrugs, stopping to peer at some of the faces. "Don't know if this is part of the vault or something, doubt most people know what with these ruins being in the state they are. Could be a warning, could be a trap or an alarm system, could be something I didn't even consider, think it's worth investigating further?"

Still a ways to go to the vault. You'll either need to make noise, or find an alternate path.

Either way, you're getting close.

Thoth approaches the faces that seem to be 'speaking' to them. "This one does not understand thine language." It bids to the magical faces. It then switches over. "Doth thee understand this language?" In Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Eldritch, Kulthian, and Sylvan.

Tlanexhuani knows some of the words Thoth offers to the faces, but only some, and words are not his strength. He watches the faces while listening for any response, but also looks ahead. "If faces are not help, will be ... not help. Keep move? Statue, kobolds, spiders could come." They are quiet now, but the noise could have already drawn attention.

As Thoth approaches the face, they start speaking again, like they're trying to talk over each other.

They don't appear to understand the language being spoken to them: It's quite possible, as a result, that they are not 'interactive'.

But they ARE noisy.

GAME: Thoth rolls Linguistics: Trained Use Only: 0
GAME: Reithak casts Guidance. Caster Level: 4 DC: 12
GAME: Reithak rolls linguistics+1: (1)+3+1: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Reithak rolls linguistics +1: (4)+3+1: 8

Reithak gives a low whistle as Thoth rattles off a few different languages. "Damn, that's a lot of languages you got in that noggin of yours, even the best one, bird language!" The large egalrin laughs. "Well, recognized one at least, but it is the best."

Reithak takes a moment to consider, tapping one claw on their beak. "Doubt it's infernal, don't ask, it's a long and kind of dumb story, maybe khazdul? Orc speak maybe, could give it a try? Doesn't seem like they were reacting to you saying anything, might be the wrong thing, or they just don't at all. But what are they here for? Maybe right, we should just keep on. Wouldn't be good adventurers if we didn't rush headlong into danger, you know?"

"That or, well, could be nothing at all. Maybe it's not a trap, and prices are being slashed, not us? Hard to pick out much. Maybe we're okay?" Reithak shrugs. "Discount doesn't sound too harmful, doubt the shops are still running unless they're automated like these faces, though."

Thoth remarks; "This one suggests, we move around. This one has the map memorized, so it believes it can guide us around these many-voices." The avian suggests, moving its hand in a lazy motion.

GAME: Thoth rolls Knowledge/GEography: (20)+9: 29

Around, then.

Slowly, you back away from the intersection, seeking paths around. The map, alongside Thoth's excellent memory of it, are allowing you to chart a course that runs along the other end of the intersection and bypoasses the shouting faces.

That's good, because as you slipped away, you could see the signs that the noise was starting to draw lurking creatures. r Carefully, you make your way down another set of ruins, navigating over shattered walls and through buildings abandoned to the ages.

All good so far.

And then you emerge onto another street, hanging a left to return to the path you need to at least be closer to.

Ah, buildings up ahead, clustered together in a mini-village of sorts within the confines of the city itself, a narrow kind of neighborhood. Within that cluster supposedly sits the vault you seek.

These flat, one story buildings were once colorfully decorated, but only chips and flakes remain to give proof of this fact, and of course, the adorning decorations are much the same. Winged statues, most of them broken in some manner, sit atop them, looking down on the neighboor with ever-watchful eyes of stone.