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(Created page with "Overdue - PrC --------------------------------------- Plotmaster - Clanga -------------------------------------- PCs Spike - Barbarian 3 Alteri - Fighter 6 Sharna - Rogu...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Cesran - Wizard 4
Cesran - Wizard 4
Assassin Vine - CR 3
Assassin Vine - CR 3
The job for the adventurer's guild has brought you to the City Library. Not the Academy of Sages, not the University, not one of the Temples. The plain old City Library, which is still an impressive structure, if not as regal as the better funded Locals. You all have arrived at the appointed time and are met by one of the Under Librarians. The young boy of maybe 15 years gulps notably at your armor and weaponry, but leads you quickly inside and to a side antechamber. "Master K'nan will be with you in a moment." The room is bare save for a long table stained with ink, drink and food and a half score of sturdy wooden chairs.
The job for the adventurer's guild has brought you to the City Library. Not the Academy of Sages, not the University, not one of the Temples. The plain old City Library, which is still an impressive structure, if not as regal as the better funded Locals. You all have arrived at the appointed time and are met by one of the Under Librarians. The young boy of maybe 15 years gulps notably at your armor and weaponry, but leads you quickly inside and to a side antechamber. "Master K'nan will be with you in a moment." The room is bare save for a long table stained with ink, drink and food and a half score of sturdy wooden chairs.
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Cesran loves the library and the smell of old books, knowledge written down ready and waiting to be unlocked if one can find the tome one is looking for. He gives a kind smile to the young boy, "Thank you for your assistance." He glances over at the other scholar and he shakes his head with a heavy sigh.
Cesran loves the library and the smell of old books, knowledge written down ready and waiting to be unlocked if one can find the tome one is looking for. He gives a kind smile to the young boy, "Thank you for your assistance." He glances over at the other scholar and he shakes his head with a heavy sigh.
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Cesran nods a little bit as he leans over the table and he studies the scroll memorizing what was on it. He has not learned the languages of elements yet as he is still mastering the ancient language of the elves. He nods as he finishes looking at the scroll, "May we take this with us or do you wish to keep this scroll?" He looks towards Master Knan, "And if the Count is still alive and doesn't wish to give up the book?"
Cesran nods a little bit as he leans over the table and he studies the scroll memorizing what was on it. He has not learned the languages of elements yet as he is still mastering the ancient language of the elves. He nods as he finishes looking at the scroll, "May we take this with us or do you wish to keep this scroll?" He looks towards Master Knan, "And if the Count is still alive and doesn't wish to give up the book?"
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This gnarled vine, as thick as a man's arm and bearing hand-shaped leaves, convulses across the ground in an unnatural slither.
This gnarled vine, as thick as a man's arm and bearing hand-shaped leaves, convulses across the ground in an unnatural slither.
<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri you're up first"
<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri you're up first"
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follow." Trying to placate Spike, the Eldanar lifts a hand, "And Mistress Jennia will be duly informed of that evil... once we
follow." Trying to placate Spike, the Eldanar lifts a hand, "And Mistress Jennia will be duly informed of that evil... once we
confirm that this," she indicates the dead vine, "extends to the manse itself. It may well be that the Count is being held prisoner in his own home, like a princess in a tower. Unable to leave, only... sing..." She gives a shake of her head, "Apologies, where was I?"
confirm that this," she indicates the dead vine, "extends to the manse itself. It may well be that the Count is being held prisoner in his own home, like a princess in a tower. Unable to leave, only... sing..." She gives a shake of her head, "Apologies, where was I?"
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Taking stock of the situation, Alteri draws herself up ad lifts a hand to try and stay Teppus' desperation, the highborn matching imperious look for imperious look, simply by virtue of her blood. "She lies, Count Folgrin." Using her parade master's voice, her words carry clearly to the very ends of the room. "Your daughter languishes, unknowing of your fate, while this harlot 'plants' deceit in your ears. We were sent only to seek word of you. Whyfor would attack her? We know not her relation to you to begin with." Full and round, Alteri cannot hide her noble's accent to save her life.
Taking stock of the situation, Alteri draws herself up ad lifts a hand to try and stay Teppus' desperation, the highborn matching imperious look for imperious look, simply by virtue of her blood. "She lies, Count Folgrin." Using her parade master's voice, her words carry clearly to the very ends of the room. "Your daughter languishes, unknowing of your fate, while this harlot 'plants' deceit in your ears. We were sent only to seek word of you. Whyfor would attack her? We know not her relation to you to begin with." Full and round, Alteri cannot hide her noble's accent to save her life.

Latest revision as of 22:57, 26 January 2012

Overdue - PrC

Plotmaster - Clanga


Spike - Barbarian 3

Alteri - Fighter 6

Sharna - Rogue 6

Teppus - Fighter/Paladin 3

Cesran - Wizard 4


Assassin Vine - CR 3

The job for the adventurer's guild has brought you to the City Library. Not the Academy of Sages, not the University, not one of the Temples. The plain old City Library, which is still an impressive structure, if not as regal as the better funded Locals. You all have arrived at the appointed time and are met by one of the Under Librarians. The young boy of maybe 15 years gulps notably at your armor and weaponry, but leads you quickly inside and to a side antechamber. "Master K'nan will be with you in a moment." The room is bare save for a long table stained with ink, drink and food and a half score of sturdy wooden chairs.

<OOC> Spike says, "There's always a chair at the beginning."

GAME: Spike rolls disguise: (14)+2: 16

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (11)+2: 13

<OOC> Teppus says, "I am going to make you buy ranks in disguise at this rate, Spike."

Spike is relatively behaving herself. For now. Then again, those who know her well probably catch the weighted, sidelong glances at the chairs. Still, it would be bad form to break cover. She came in her best 'scholars' robes' today. Big, poofy hood. A large overly heavy book (full of doodles) in a free hand, and a long fake mustache that curls out of the shadows of her hood. "Mmm. Yes. A library. We scholars enjoy libraries. Quite." She twirls the ends of the mustache.

<OOC> Spike says, "It's funnier that I'm bad at it. :("

Known more for slicing things than reading them, Alteri still manages to look not -too- out of place in the scholarly confines of the City Library. Yet, with the sword and guisarme strapped across her back, she certainly isn't here to pore over tomes with tea and crumpets. Unable to help the boy's nervousness, she simply nods silently to his words. Bad enough that he has to deal with the mustached golem. Clearing her throat, she unobstrusively toes the chair closest to Spike a little further away from the somewhat-disguised contruct.

<OOC> Teppus says, "But you keep rolling good! :(" <OOC> Spike says, "Not my fault! If your dice would quit working when they're supposed to..."

Cesran loves the library and the smell of old books, knowledge written down ready and waiting to be unlocked if one can find the tome one is looking for. He gives a kind smile to the young boy, "Thank you for your assistance." He glances over at the other scholar and he shakes his head with a heavy sigh.

"Don't." Sharna asides to the enormous, spiky golem - whatever clever disguise she happens to be in - upon noting the sort of look Spike's giving the chairs. In fact, she grabs one, louging in it and giving it a little pat. "See? These are the -nice- ones." Glassy, glassy smile. She just called a chair nice, and she did not merely mean to indicate its comfort or design. Perhaps strangely, she seems rather at home here. How the one with the most (well, second-most) chance to stick out like a sore thumb isn't doing so is anyone's guess.

It is a bit longer than a moment, but you are not left to wait long before 'Master K'nan' comes in. The barely white robes constrast quite starkly with orange skin, for K'nan is a Arvek Nar. His hair matches his robes, and is kept in a long tail down his back. Though he has large thick glasses and uses a Cane he moves with a strong stride that isn't quite a march, though he stops at the head of the table at almost attention. "Thank you all for coming. I must admit I do not have a chance to work with such.. freelancers as yourselves often. Frankly I cannot afford it. But it seems I have a patron who is willing to foot the bill." He doesn't sit down but instead glances at each of you in turn.

Spike points at her eyes, and then at the chair Alteri toes away. The message is clear: I'm watching you. Still, when Sharna /defends/ the chair, she hisses,"How do I know you're not just in league... with THEM." She opens her big heavy book and pretends to write in it as the man talks. In reality, she is drawing pictures of playful kittens. "MMM. YES. QUITE."

And Teppus is here, of course, at the Library. He's probably not used to being i na place like this and he nods towards the boy in question. "Right," he says. And then he sees Spike and his epression just fills with dread. DREAD. The chair hating golem. Noooo! Well, okay.

Cesran bows his head respectfully to Master K'nan, whatever his race Cesran has a respect for those who are the keepers of books and knowledge, "I am happy to be of service to you Master K'nan. How can we be of assistance to you?" He tries to ignore the war golem's antics.

"Because you know I'm nice." Sharna replies to Spike with a beaming smile and words nobody in the world - except possibly Spike - will buy. Without missing a beat, she turns the smile at the Arvek Nar, nodding a greeting. "What can we do for you today, Master K'nan?" she asks, pleasantly. "Don't mind the golem. It's... special." she whispers, knowing full well Spike will have not a blessed clue who she's talking about. And even then might simply take it as a compliment.

The Hob glowers slight at the 'Scholar' over the rim of his glasses, but then clears his throat. "Count Folgrin is one of Alexandria's landowners. His estate is located about a week's journey by horse south east of here. The Count is a noted historian, especially about matters related to the Sorceress Wars, but his real interests lie in the more... peripheral stories of the time. The Count was on hand during the Ill fated Peace Confrence Six years ago, and evacuated into the city with most of the rest of the people. As a result, his estate was without his guidance for the five years that Alexandria was missing. Needless to say he returned to his estates soon afterwards, and he has not been heard from since. The farmers and the nearby town are still active, but my reports from the Merchants is that the Count's mansion is haunted."

"Haunted," repeats Teppus with some doubt in his tone. "Right. Haunted. And I suppose we're off to deal with the mess, eh? All right." He glances towards the others one by one. He meets their eyes when a chance arises and gives a nod of greeting. Seems like he's more or less ready to go.

"Haunted mansion. You hear that, Spikington? We're going to go to a spooky, possibly haunted mansion." Sharna asides to Spike. Pause. "The robes look nice on you." Did we mention she's a -liar-? She's a liar. "The moustache really adds..." A hand waves expressively. "... a special something, too."

Smile bright as sunlight. Beam. BEAM. She turns it on Teri and Teppus, too, as she nods them pleasant acknowledgement and greeting at long last.

Prudently deciding not to get between offending chairs and Spike, Alteri instead steps away, pale eyes glancing over the rest who have gathered. Her head dips slightly in silent greeting to the rogue, before her gaze settles on Teppus. Expression hardening, she glares a bit at the bald fellow, but turns her attention back to the Arvek Nar when Sharna addresses him. A grave nod accompanies the half-Mul's words; Spike -is- very special. The Hob's outlining of why they have been gathered sets a line to crease between the Eldanar's brows. She gives a thoughtful 'hngh' and shifts her shoulders under the weight of her weapons, "Any relatives?" Sharna's blatant fibbing gains the rogue a bit of an eyeroll, though the fighter remains intent on the Hob. Details. Details are good.

Spike snaps her book closed now, and declares,"Clearly, there is no time for kittens. We've got a haunted mansion to explore!" Also,"Oh yeah. I forgot you were nice. Nice people don't lie." Clearly. Just as clearly,"I'll need a new disguise.... I'll need my junior detective's kit! Also, where is this golem I'm always hearing so much about... Oh boy, oh boy... A haunted mansion, we are SO lucky."

Cesran is paying rapt attention to Master K'nan as they are getting the mission brief. He nods as he is thinking back to the history and knowledge that he knows about the Count and the history surrounding the Sorceress Wars and any peripheral stories of the time that he might know. He hmms, "And you wish us to find out what happened to the Count?"

K'nan nods to Teppus' reaction, "While you might indeed have to 'deal with the mess', the task I am hiring you for, the one that my Patron is paying you for, is a Book." He draws out a roll of paper, sliding it down the table toward Cesran, "The book is known as the 'Depths of Madness' a fanciful title for a rather boring, if unique book. The book itself is written in Aquan, and is a collection of stories about the Merfolk Coves around Alexandria during the Sorceress War. Despite what many believe, the Merfolk actually had much difficulties from Charn and Altima." He nods to the paper, "The Depths of Madness is titled with the Sygil you see there."

Alteri gnaws contemplatively on her bottom lip. Lifting a callused hand, she asks, "Pardon. Has it been confirmed that the Count is... no longer with us?" Delicacy from fighter. Who'd have thunk? Or perhaps, she is simply trying to make up for Spike's enthusiasm over the whole idea of a haunted mansion. She does lift an earnest brow of inquiry at the Hob, however.

"Don't think much of anything sounds confirmed at the moment," replies Teppus to Alteri with a grimace. He glances from side to side, once, but an eye is kept on Spike. An eye is always going to be kept on Spike, though. She's Spike. Spike taps her chin thoughtfully,"Who's hiring us anyway? You're very ominously avoiding naming him. In Gobber-Girl Detective, #21, that was foreshadowing of a mysterious benefactor turned malefactor."

Cesran nods a little bit as he leans over the table and he studies the scroll memorizing what was on it. He has not learned the languages of elements yet as he is still mastering the ancient language of the elves. He nods as he finishes looking at the scroll, "May we take this with us or do you wish to keep this scroll?" He looks towards Master Knan, "And if the Count is still alive and doesn't wish to give up the book?"

The Arvek nods to the questions, "As for Relatives, I know that the Count is a widower, and that his Youngest Son died in Sendor. His eldest son stayed behind at the estate when he...." The hob pauses, glowers more at Spike, then resumes, "His eldest son stayed behind at the Estate during the Conference. I understand his daughter is still in the city, and that she's awaiting some sort of news, but she doesn't have much in the way of funds to finance such a mission." He smiles to Cesran, "You may keep the scroll, I just penned it this morning. As for the Book, it actually belongs to the Library. The count had borrowed it for some research and was supposed to return it when he had a chance."

Still smiling in that pleasant, business-like fashion she's so good at, Sharna leans forwards to look at and commit to memory the book's title. Or, well, marking upon the cover. Those who know her well may notice a hidden relief there. Retrieval mission, not undead cleaning. Killing undead is always rather unsavory. The others have covered the question bases, so she remains silent for the immediate moment.

Spike leans over and murmurs to Sharna,"One gold bet that the employer is totally evil." She starts stripping off her robe, and begins searching for her detective's cap and bubble pipe.

"Aquan. Depths of Madness. Got it. Why does this not sound promising no matter what you're telling us?" Teppus is sounding not exactly thrilled by some of the details, honestl, but he does give a nod. "ALl right. We'll see about getting this book back and dealing with any horrible things that've sprouted up. Haunted. Never a promisign sign." He lets out a sigh.

Forgetting her animosity towards Teppus for a moment, Alteri directs a troubled look towards the Serrielite. "Then it behooves us to confirm it, and if required, give his remains a proper path to the Dread Lady." She falls silent then, curious as to what revelations Spike and Cesran's questions bring. A sharp nod greets the Arvek's helpful answers. "That settles it." she murmurs to herself. Then, Teppus gets another hard look, "Getting the book AND seeking answers to the Count's fate." she states, firmly.

K'nan nods to the agreements, "I have arranged with a local trader who's heading out that way to carry you. By Airship it should only take you half a day, putting you in the village around high sun. From there you are on your own. I know the Count's mansion is in the woods to the south of the Town, but little more than that."

"We'll ask for directions once there." Sharna agrees, hopping to her feet in most adroit fashion. "You're not forgetting any relevant information we might need?" she asks, sweetly, of their employer-by-extension. "No? Alright." Turning to her fellow adventurers, the dark-skinned elfkin nods pleasantly. She's good to go, it seems.

The mention of an Airship has Alteri squaring her jaw; she is obviously not a fan of that mode of transport but will do what she must. Her eyes settle on Spike and Sharna. The both of them, on a ship, together. She takes a moment to pinch the bridge of her nose. "I hope that Airship is a large one." she mutters to herself.

Spike for her part merely lets out an overjoyed and confidence-inspiring,"Oh boy! I haven't been on one of those since I got kicked off one of those!"

"..." That's the response to Spike that Teppus gives. One hand's palm is pressed slowly into his face.

Alteri merely pinches the bridge of her nose even harder.

The hob gives a smile at Alteri's comment, "It's an empty Merchantman on an outbound trip to collect the last of the Grain the city has picked up. It should be sufficiently large. He will be on the return trip two days after he drops you off. If you aren't ready by then, you'll have to get back on foot." He straightens and nods, "Serriel be with you."

Cesran looks over the scroll and he could use a spell to find out what the sigel means, but when he hears that they will be using an airship he knows that he doesn't have the time to refresh his spells. He nods, "Thank you for all the information." He nods politely as he rolls up the scroll and he puts it in his scroll case.

"I'm sure it'll do just fine. When are we setting off?" Sharna asks of the hobgoblin. Hey, they need to pack at least basic provisions, if nothing else. "By the way, Grumpy, it's nice to see you around these parts again." she asides to Alteri - thankfully quietly enough not to cause the unfortunate nickname to spread. Sometimes, she IS nice. But only sometimes.

"'Course," is what Teppus says to the Hob with a grin, "We have the same interests, you and I." And with that, he's pretty much ready to go. He's got his stick with a blade on it and, from there, seems eager to get a move on.

K'nan manages not to salute. "The ship leaves on the hour. I have taken the liberty of arranging for a weeks worth of provisions for you. It is allready onboard." And with that he turns and heads to the door, "Dock 16 folks. On the hour."

Spike meanwhile chatters on,"Good. I'm hungry. I hope they have saur-steak! Ooooh. A boat. I haven't been swimming in forever!" Endless chatter. "Especially not air-swimming! I'm really bad at this!"

Alteri gives K'nan a small incline of her torso, angular features stretching into a thin smile, "She'd better be." comes her dry response. "And, no offense, Master K'nan, but I'd like to check on the provisions for mounts 'ere we set sail." Sharna's nickname has her scowling then. Menacingly, she approaches the rogue. At the last moment, the Highborn simply brushes past, murmuring to the elfkin, "Do us a favour and see if there're sedatives that work on golems. Else, I'm making her your ward." Scrubbing wearily at her face, she sets out to prepare for the trip out, trying not to register what Spike is saying about air-swimming.

Spike pipes up happily,"Last time I went air-swimming, the nice captain tied a rope from me and dangled me beneath the ship and told me I could swim ALL I wanted! He told the truth, too! I swam the whole way!"

The provisions are adequate, and you have just enough time to buy a bit extra if you want before the ship leaves. The flight is uneventful, without any excessive crosswinds or unnatural explosions coming from the boiler. As the sun reaches it's Zenith, the airship sets down just outside a town that the Captain informs you is called 'Tan's Rest'. The town is on the north side of a small river, with farms radiating outwards from there. The southside of the river is heavily wooded, and on the way down you can barely make out the top of two small towers that are probably the mansion, though your vantage point doesn't give much indication of how to get from here to there. There are a number of people standing beside the barn the airship lands beside, and they begin to roll out wagons of hay bales as the side of the ship folds open. An older male approaches you on a crutch, "Welcome to Tansrest.. what might a group such of yourself be needing around here." The other townfolks are guiding you warily.

Looking slightly worse for wear, because who wouldn't, cooped up in a limited space with Spike -and- Sharna, Alteri leads her blue roan down the gangplanks with care. "I know Stupid, I know." she mumbles tiredly to her mare who tosses its mane in relief to be on solid ground once more. Bowing slightly to the older male, the Highborn rakes her sable bangs out of bloodshot eyes, "Fair weather, good master. We seek the mansion of a Count who lives south of here. Know you the directions thence?"

Hey, Sharna's been behaving!

"There's a manor around here we've been told is possibly trouble. We're here to give it a look and see what's what." Sharna says brightly to the old-timer that approaches. Nope, not mentioning any books or promising they'll make it right, there! She's nodding, soulfully, at Alteri's words. "Don't suppose you could help us? We could use a map, at the very least." she adds, smiling prettily.

Spike hasn't been behaving. If the fact that she's got fingerpaint markings on her is any indication. Or maybe she has, and someone suggested fingerpaints to keep her occupied. At any rate, she has her junior detective cap, bubble pipe, and BIG WEAPON with her. "We're ghost-hunting! I... am a detective. We are catagorically unfrightened by any and all discorporeal beings of an otherworldly disposition."

"What they said," says Teppus, gesturing at Sharna and Alteri. Notably, he does not gesture at Spike. He doesn't even want to bei n thje same room as Spike, really! He's not liking his chances of that last part much, however.

The old man nods unsurprized at the request, though he seems a bit sad and resigned, "The woods to the sound have grown wild and feral since Count Folgrin vanshed. None who have entered the woods have returned, not even the COunt himself. We all know roughly where it is, but no one in town or the farms is willing to risk the woods." He nods in the direction of the river, where you see a small Cart Bridge over it, "Your journey starts there, and the Mansion /should/ be due south."

"Feral, huh? Well, that's lovely," replies Teppus, dryly, "Maybe we'll have to stab some wildlife." He lets out a sigh, then adds, "Right, though. We'll get a move on." And iwht that, he's eager to get a move on.

Spike frowns,"Should. Do you expect it to get up and go somewhere. Oh, Gods. It's a walking mansion, isn't it? It'll take forever to catch. Tell me... does it have dog legs, or bird legs?" She whispers as an aside to Sharna,"Bird-legged homes are the most temperamental."

"I hope you're still sharp far as woods go. I don't think I wanna get lost in there." Sharna asides to Alteri. She absently - but carefully, there's SPIKES - reaches out to give Spike a soothing pat on the head (it requires standing on tiptoes), not really fully registering what the golem's blathering.

Cesran follows after the others onto the ship and he enjoys the rid on the air ship. He follows after the others as they get off the air ship. He hmms softly as he looks around and he looks to Spike, "I doubt the mansion has legs. Let's find this book."

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/geography: (10)+9: 19

<OOC> Clanga says, "Regarding Geography. While the woods is natural for this area, between the farmland and the coast, the fact that the road has vanished in only 5 years is both odd and unnatural. You should be able to find your way south without much difficulty though"

Glancing to the bridge the old man indicates, Alteri nods, "Should be, hmm?" She offers him a faint smile, pressing a coin into his gnarled hand, "Our thanks for your help, and honesty." She makes a final check of her mount's tack and saddlepacks, transferring her baldrics to her saddle's pommel for the duration of their ride. Finally done fussing (though she'll cut you if you dare suggest that she was) with her beloved mare, she straightens and glances to her companions to see if all are prepared to set out. Noting the fingerpainted golem, she pauses to wet a square of linen, handing it to Spike, "There's some paint getting in the way of your detectiveness." With the offer of linen still held out, she gives Sharna a small, 'we'll see' shrug. A faint twinkle in her eye shows that she knows this is hardly a reassuring thing.

Cesran looks around to get his bearings and he hmmms softly, "Well that is interesting, there should be some kind of road, but it appears as if nature has been accelerated to overgrow it." He turns himself southward, "Well this is the way south shall we go?"

Spike oooh's out loud, then takes the hanky to wash herself,"Thanks! Detecting is important business, you know?" She washes the paint away, then gets out her big scythe and begins making air-chopping motions with it. "Step aside! I shall clear the brush! I have farming experience!"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Survival Rolls from those who wish to make them. Perception rolls for the rest."

GAME: Sharna rolls Perception: (7)+13: 20

GAME: Alteri rolls Survival: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Cesran rolls survival: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Spike rolls perception: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran, one or the other. But neither was enough."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Ah. yah neither is good"

The trip into the forest is as simple as crossing the bridge and passing under the leaves. While the light fades due to the canopy, there is still plenty enough to see by. For the keey eyed of you, it's possible to see the original path in places where the underbrush hasn't overgrown it. What is scary is the trees that look like they have been around for decades that dominate the roadway in places.

GAME: Teppus rolls Perception: (8)+1: 9

<OOC> Teppus flex.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Sorry about that. I hda to help my folks with dinner stuff. :)"

Ever alert around Spike, for woe she who is not, Alteri hops adroitly over the scythe's blade, "Most welcome," she mutters around a tight smile. Trying not to notice the looks the townspeople are giving their group, the Eldanar swings up into her saddle, kneeing Stupid onwards. Sable brows drawn, she squints at the growth and trees saying one thing, versus what common wisdom might dictate. "For a road that should've been kept clear, at least up until five winters back, these trees make no sense." she notes. Whinneying and sidestepping, Stupid reflects its mistress' discomfort, pristine snow crunching under the mare's steel-shod hooves It is always good to keep an eye on Spike, that's for sure. Teppus is busily moving alogn with the others, seeming to be on his guard. Crunch crunch goes the forest floor beneath his boots.

Cesran after pointing the general direction is more than happy to let others lead the way. He continues to look around the forest as he follows after the others.

"I really kind of dislike forests." Sharna mutters into her chin. She's on foot for once, not stealing Alteri's horse (even if she did sneak her a sugarcube and patting), and is looking around in a manner that suggests she is rather discomforted by the surroundings. Wary. "Especially -this- forest." is muttered.

About five minutes into the woods, there is a figure standing on the 'path' near a tree. She is not trying to hide, though it's a bit hard to see her at first. The young woman, maybe 20 at most, steps out as she sees you, "My name is Lara. I was a friend of Jennia's before the City Vanished." She looks around the forest, "There are Fey to the East of here that cause this overgrowth, to destroy the road dominate the forest and keep people out. But there's another path to the Mansion, a quarter mile to the west of here, that is an old deer trail that the Fey didn't touch."

Spike confides in Sharna as she expresses dislike of trees,"This is only natural. After all... they are BREEDING GROUNDS for chairs, you see." Still, when the girl mentions the old deer trail, she wonders,"How do we know you aren't fey. And why didn't they touch it? Also, why are you all the way out here. And what city?" She looks at Sharna and whines,"Someone skipped ahead in the novel. I'm missing clues."

Cesran pauses as the figure makes herself known. "And what are you doing out here now Lara? Who is Jennia?" He tries to look closely at her to determine if she is a ghost or not. "Why would the Fey want to keep others out of the Mansion?"

The woman seems quite real and solid, "They don't care about the Mansion... or they think it's haunted... it might be I don't know." She shakes ehr head, "I helped the Count get to the Mansion the same way, but I don't dare go inside... it scares me." "These Fey," says Teppus with a frown, "Can they be reasoned with? We people have a right to go through here. It makes sense that they've said this place has become feral and dangerous." This clearly concerns a Serrielite, honestly!

Cesran nods a little bit, "Than what are you doing here in the forest in the middle of no where just waiting for someone to come along? Why aren't you back at the village?"

Sharna doesn't quite startle, but her body does coil a tiny bit more, defensively. Give a girl a break, she's already tense. Azure eyes narrow a bit at the woman. She's clearly not a very trusting type, and this seems like an awful lot of lined-up coincidences. And hey, anyone could claim to be anyone, long as they do it convincingly enough! ... She'll have to try that sometime. 'Queen of Charn' might be a nice one to try sell. Still, she stills her tongue for the moment.

Longsufferingly, the Highborn bore Sharna's repeated attempts to steal her mare's affections, only giving the half-elf a stinkeye for even trying. Again. Reining her horse in, Alteri regards Lara with a carefully neutral expression, saying nothing in-lieu of letting the young woman answer to Cesran's questions. That expression sharpens, however, when it comes to light that the woman was perhaps, the last to see the Count alive. Aside to Spike, she says with deceptive lightness, "Looks like this novel is thicker than we thought."

Spike raises an eyebrow and blows a breath at Alteri,"She's clearly an evil plant. Here to lead us to the deathtrap mansion. It's alright, though! I have my pipe and magnifying glass!" Well... if, by magnifying glass, she means perfectly normal glass placed inside a hand magnifier. She blows on her pipe a bit. She peers at the girl suspiciously. Puffpuff.

"I wasn't waiting for 'someone'. I saw you get off the airship, and knew that this is where you would be going. I went this far in so that the Villagers didn't see me. If they knew I go into the woods, they would shun me, or worse." A shiver goes through the girls frame. "I don't know alot about the Fey. I know that they hold their 'court' east of here, and that they don't want humans cutting down 'their' woods. But they forget that we humans don't always destroy, which is why the trail is still there. They didn't think of us using natural paths."

Cesran hmms softly, "Why would they shun you for going into the woods? What do you know about the mansion that lies beyond the woods?"

"Uh huh," says Teppus. "Well, much as I'd like a word with these fey," he adds, "I can't really say we should head there right off. So you're a friend, eh?" Trusting Teppus nods his head, giving her a once over.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Detect evil, Clanga, targetted on her. Just in case. xD"

"It's dark and creepy and I heard screams from inside the first time I witnessed it." She answers the first question second, "They believe the Forest is cursed, and that anyone who comes out of it must be an evil witch." She laughs at her comment.

Alteri has a minor doubletake, needing a moment to consider if Spike means 'evil plant' as in foliage or something less literal. Given the golem's views on trees and all. As the questions to Lara pile up, the Eldanar clears her throat and unfairly uses her higher vantage point to try and gain the young woman's attention. "Thankful as we are for your directions, I hope if offends you not if I ask you to give us a detailed description of Jennia. The tales we have heard, yours included, are troubling, you understand."

Sharna gives Alteri an 'I'll explain later' look at her puzzlement with Spike and her seeming lack of making sense. Evil plant. Indeed.

Still, the elfkin remains silent, not really having much to add to that which Teppus and Cesran are already asking about. Stupid gets an absent-minded pat, because she's there.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yes, she is evil."

<OOC> Teppus says, "Okay. :)"

So Teppus says, "Yes, we'll go with you," to the girl before leaning over to Alteri and murmuring something to her, casually. He'll also casually stop by the others. He's a paladin, though, so marching straight at evil's trap to smash it in the face is his plan.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Also, he's murmuring, "She's going to lead us into a trap -- let's go with her and break her with it'."

The woman nods with a smile and heads west. It doesn't take very long before you come out on the promised deer path. So far everything she's said is true. "Whatever is in the Mansion, I think the Fey fear it, for their forest stops about a hundred paces, though it's clear they could send it right up to the edge."

Spike frowns at the woman, then leans over and murmurs to Teppus, gesticulating at the girl wildly.

Cesran hmms, "And why haven't they shunned you before for following the Count into the woods and come back from it?" He looks towards the others to see if they are believing her.

<OOC> Sharna says, "Teppus! I'd like to read your lips/use perception to hear that whispering. Or try to. Is that okay with you? Spike... not so much. Spike never says anything meaningful, right? :("

<OOC> Spike says, "I'm just saying... I was right about the girl."

<OOC> Sharna had to check if it was even possible, it is indeed possible and the DC isn't high either. :(

The lack of Jennia's description from Lara sets Alteri's hackles up. As nonchalantly as she can, the fighter dismounts, only to get Teppus' murmured warning that confirms her suspicions. Signalling Stupid to keep pace with her, she gestures behind her back to Sharna in handspeech, passing the paladin's message along.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Perception checks. You are following her right?"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Yep. Well, Alteri is. Not sure if Sharna will once she gets the message. XD"

GAME: Alteri rolls Perception: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> Spike is. Already believes she are ebil. EBIL.

GAME: Spike rolls perception: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Teppus rolls Perception: (17)+1: 18

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (2)+2: 4

<OOC> Sharna says, "I don't think Sharna can afford -leaving the only tracker in the group- because of a grump, honestly. XD"

GAME: Sharna rolls Perception: (2)+13: 15

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Clanga has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Initiative please. :)"

GAME: Cesran rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 19

GAME: Spike rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 5

GAME: Alteri rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 20

GAME: Sharna rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 11

GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 12

GAME: You roll initiative for Plants: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 6

<OOC> Clanga says, "If you wish to give up the game that you guys are onto her you can."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Will keep quiet than"

GAME: You roll initiative for Animals: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 15

Current Initiative Order

20 Alteri

19 Cesran

15 Animals

12 Teppus

11 Sharna

6 Plants

5 Spike

As the group of you proceed down the path, watching the pretty evil girl for signs of trechery, the plantlife to the side of the path attacks. Alteri, Spike and Teppus are not caught completely off guard, but Cesran and Sharna are focusing too much on the guide.

This gnarled vine, as thick as a man's arm and bearing hand-shaped leaves, convulses across the ground in an unnatural slither.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri you're up first"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Right. Being horrid at remembering this stuff, I have to ask if Alteri can draw her sword and PA that slithering thing in one turn."

<OOC> Clanga says, "You can"

<OOC> Alteri says, "I'll do that then. :)"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Right then, Alteri charges for the slithering vine with her BFS."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, swing"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+15: (8)+15: 23

<OOC> Clanga says, "Damage"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+17: (6)+17: 23

<OOC> Clanga says, "Your sword bites deep into the tentacle, which recoils, but it is not cut completely in two. Cesran, you can cast the Mage Armor, or attack the girl, but not the plant."

<OOC> Cesran is the plant restricting my movements?

<OOC> Clanga says, "No, but you only get one action, move or standard"

<OOC> Cesran says, "And I can't attack the plant even though Alteri went before me?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Right, you werent' expecting that."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'm good than since I can't see the plants you can skip me."

<OOC> Clanga says, "No Mage ARmor?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Nah too early I don't want to waste it if we are going to be marching for more than 3 hours after this"

<OOC> Clanga ahs and nods

When the plant attacks, the your evil guide turns and screams like a girl, stepping away from the plant and backing into a large thick treetrunk.

Walking with that fighter's gait that has her ready to move in any direction required at a moment's notice, Alteri spots the vine's undulation. Unseeing, she draws her blade on instinct and with a slap at her roan's rump to send her off to safety, immediately bounds towards the threat. Steel flashing mutely in the forest light, she kicks up a flurry of snow and slices deep into the plant's (?) appendage. "Get the girl!" she yells over her shoulder. Who knows, Lara might be useful as a bargaining chip, that is, if they consent to being taken in the first place.

Cesran didn't see the plants coming and before he can do anything the guide screams and backs into a large thick tree trunk. He swears, "Damn it she's a druid of some kind." He guesses as he finally sees the plants attacking, but it's too late to do anything for now.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Teppus"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Detect evil on the plant monster (just in case) and then grabbing the girl to act paladinly by threatening her."

<OOC> Teppus :P

<OOC> Clanga says, "DOes DE take an action?"

<OOC> Teppus says, "It's a move action."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Girl is more than 5 feet away."

<OOC> Teppus says, "Okay. I'll advance on the girl and tell her we're on to her and to call off her awful plant monster, since Teppus would be expecting the same thing."

<OOC> Clanga hmms and nods, "intimidate if you want it."

<OOC> Teppus says, "Want a roll for like intimidate or something? Okay. :)"

GAME: Teppus rolls Intimidate: (20)+9: 29

<OOC> Teppus says, "..."

<OOC> Teppus makes little girls cry.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, you definately succeed at scaring her"

When Teppus sees the horrible plant monster doing its thing, he heaves a sigh. Just that. He then strides closer to the girl, quickly, grabbing her by one shoulder and leaning down to say into her face. "Cut your act. Call off your creature, girl. *Now*. We were well aware of the trap you planned to spring on us. I may've forgotten to mention that I'm a paladin with little tolerance for shenanigans. Call. It. Off."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sharna, you can't attack the plant yet."

<OOC> Clanga says, "But you have one action"

<OOC> Sharna says, "Well, I was thinking of moving into flank on the plant with Teri, but... I guess I'm just oblivious to the plant altogether? And Teppus seems to have the girl well in hand. I'll Total Defense."

<OOC> Clanga says, "So far yes"

<OOC> Sharna says, "5' step towards the girl, then, and Total Defense."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, the plant goes. +reflex save 13 eveyrone"

GAME: Spike rolls reflex: (11)+3: 14

GAME: Alteri rolls reflex: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Sharna rolls reflex: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Teppus rolls Ref: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Cesran rolls reflex: (9)+4: 13

The plant tentacle pulls back, then all the plants in the area come to life. You're all experienced enough to recognize an entangle spell, but it's not coming from the Guide.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Spike"

<OOC> Spike says, "... The girl is clearly an evil witch despite evidence to the contrary. I grab her."

<OOC> Spike says, "If the Paladin is doing it, it must be right."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I thought she disappeared into a tree"

<OOC> Spike says, "Grapple check, oooorrr...?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Grapple attempt"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Against a Tree, not into it"

GAME: Spike rolls cmb: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Clanga says, "Failed. She ducks down easily under your grasp"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri"

<OOC> Alteri says, "The spell isn't coming from the guide... Alteri goes for the tentacle plant again."

Spike yells out,"Stop your attack and we promise to hurt the child!" Wait... shouldn't that be 'and we promise not to hurt the child'?

<OOC> Clanga says, "Swing :)"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+13: (20)+13: 33

<OOC> Spike says, "You beautiful bastard."

<OOC> Clanga sighs. :)

<OOC> Alteri says, "Melyndra is pretty beautiful, and is a bastard. ^_^;"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+13: (17)+13: 30

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yep."

GAME: Alteri rolls +1d10+17: +(6)+17: 23

<OOC> Alteri says, "-6 if PA doesn't apply to the second. I don't recall!"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+17: (9)+17: 26

<OOC> Sharna says, "Woman, it's a crit. Of course it applies. :P"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Well, you cut it off, and the writhing plants fall still..."

The young woman is clearly frightnened by the Paladin's threats, but that doesn't stop her from ducking the Golem's grasping arms, "Fools, you have just sealed your fate. I will feast on your bones!" And with that she steps down the path a couple feet and vanishes.

Trying not to be distracted by what Spike is yelling -- Wait, what? -- Alteri shrugs off the entanglement attempt, and, herself yelling, "There are better ways to find mates!" she sets her corded arms and with a loud grunt, chops inelegantly through the thick vine. Once, twice, and the pieces fall to lay motionless on the ground.

"Blah blah, fates sealed, bones," says Teppus. He lets out a sigh and then turns towards Alteri, "What, that's it?" he asks after a moment, his hand on his sword-staff. He's not thrilled about all of this.

Spike plants the butt of her weapon and shouts,"DID I NOT JUST SAY SHE WAS EVIL? The fey want to stop HER, not us. They don't want us

to go to the mansion. Come on! It's Gobber-Girl Detective #43 all over again! Please at least tell me we're burning the mansion instead of delivering the OBVIOUSLY cursed object or book. I mean, Depths of Madness. And our contact was so nervous. Just burn the mansion, loot the remains, and solve the mystery."

"We WERE going to take her down, you know! That was just uncalled for!" Sharna says to the engulfing woodland, hopping and spinning away as the vegetation seeks to entrap her. "Can we stop with the spellwork now?" Pause. "Sorry about your... wriggly... vine... thing." she adds, as an afterthought. Poor, poor vine.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Anyone who wants can make a +knowledge/nature roll"

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/nature: (16)+10: 26

Cesran is able to identify the attacking plant as an Assassin Vine, not Fey relate at all, and not something intelligent enough to be actively trying to stop anything. It exists to kill and feed. With that in mind, you are able to track down the roots of the Vine, proving that you are right when the plants in the area come to life again. But without the thick vine bisected by Alteri, it has very little defense to you digging it up and destroying it fully.

GAME: Teppus rolls Knowledge/nature: Trained Use Only: 0

<OOC> Teppus says, "OH YEAH"


<OOC> Sharna says, "Pala-dim. :("

<OOC> Sharna says, "You haz skill points! All... 3 of them or so. :("

GAME: Spike rolls knowledge/Paladins-Suck: (19)+knowledge/Paladins+-Suck: 19

<OOC> Spike :D

<OOC> Sharna says, "Spike is well-educated in the subject. :("

Looking up from her inspection of her blade's edges, Alteri quirks a brow at the paladin. "Hardly. Someone who knows Mistress Jennia wanted us stopped, or captured. Don't know about you, but I'd like to find out who. Did you see which way she went?" Well, her attention was elsewhere when Lara vanished. "I'm afraid we can't burn it, Spike. If the Count is no more, ownership falls to his children. It won't be our call." Trust Alteri to be a wet blanket. Cesran's identification of the attacking plant is a boon. Exhaling while eyeing the destroyed Assassin Vine, the fighter plants the tip of her sword into the ground, "I know what we're burning for fire if we must make camp."

<OOC> Clanga says, "So... I am going to head out here. If you guys want to RP for a bit on this, I will be leaving the window open and logging... should be good for an hour."

<OOC> Clanga says, "We'll see what we can arrange for the next part."

<OOC> Teppus says, "Okay. Sounds great to me. :D"

"Rather, knows OF her." Sharna quips at Alteri's words. "She vanished into thin air far as I could see." she supplies as reply to the more direct inquiry, shoulders lifting, then falling in a shrug. She seems a little put out by being, well, clueless.

<OOC> Alteri says, "Sounds good. Thanks for running the plot!"

<OOC> Spike says, "Indeed! It's been a hoot!"

Spike just stares at Alteri, gape-mouthed,"But... but... Evil. Didn't we just cover that it's evil? I mean... Come on... EVIL!" Then she goes to collect destroyed vine, and pout. Because that's what she does.

Alteri dips her head, acceding to Sharna's correction, "Point." A small sigh, "Vanishing was rude. All this snow and no tracks to follow." Trying to placate Spike, the Eldanar lifts a hand, "And Mistress Jennia will be duly informed of that evil... once we confirm that this," she indicates the dead vine, "extends to the manse itself. It may well be that the Count is being held prisoner in his own home, like a princess in a tower. Unable to leave, only... sing..." She gives a shake of her head, "Apologies, where was I?"



Alteri - Fighter 6

Sharna - Rogue 6

Teppus - Fighter/Paladin 3

Cesran - Wizard 4


Green Hag - CR 5

Guards x2 - CR 1 each

Baron's Son - CR 6 (Watch Captain)

When last we left our intrepid heroes they had just defeated an evil vine plant trap that their 'Guide' had lead them to. In the process Spike had lost the Guide and chased after her into the woods, followed soon after by Cesran. The remaining three adventurers are standing on a animal trail that supposedly leads to the mansion of the Baron.

<OOC> Clanga says, "If people show up, they'll find their way back out of the woods to the party."

"'Tis the first bit of foliage I've met with murderous intent," Alteri muses, still curious about the vine they met. Ajusting the lay of her weapons across her back, she squints down the crashed path one spiked individual had disappeared down. "Hope she doesn't fall too hard on our 'guide'. I've yet more questions for her."

"Least it didn't twist my god damn blade into something useless," mutters Teppus. He's still smarting over the fate of his guisarme previous to this when fighting some wolves. Not happy about this, really. Not happy at ALL. But Teppus is still moving with Alteri and Sharna. Grumbly all the while.

"Well, that was... weird." is Sharna's comment on the matter. The girl sheathes her blades, eyeballing the crumpled mess of cut vines, no longer animate and oozing over by the edge of the trail. "Nice job." she asides to Alteri, to whom the vines being so sheared is owed.

The shadowblood glances around the now eerily-silent forest. "So um. Reckon they'll meet us at the manor?" she asks her remaining two companions. Following Spike into the wild woodland? Not her idea of a fun time.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Survival Roll from someone?"

<OOC> Sharna sort of silently points Alteriwards.

<OOC> Alteri says, "Oh, yes."

GAME: Alteri rolls Survival: (3)+8: 11

<OOC> Alteri loses way from city to home. x_x

GAME: Teppus rolls Survival: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Teppus says, "HEY LOOK MOSS"

The path through the woods that you were following is definately not man-made, but also not hard enough to follow. They meander in a general southward direction, but twist and turn as it circles trees and crosses brooks. Alteri doesn't loose the path itself, but she definately would not be able to find her way forward... or back for that matter... trying to go any other way. It takes about an hour hiking before you start to see a large dark structure through the woods to your right.

At Sharna's aside, Alteri manages to shrug without moving her shoulders, "Got lucky. T'was my preference if we could talk and discern why it wished us harm, but..." she opens one callused paw to face skywards, indicating it is too late now. Her distraction with the mystery of the missing guide has her missing various marks along the path. Apologetic glances are given to the other two when it seems they have gone the touristic route on the way to the manse.

"Stupid forest." Sharna mutters as she trudges, every passing minute making her more miserable.

Aren't elves supposed to like wild, untamed nature? Apparently, this elfkin isn't all that keen on it right now - but at least she's not blaming Alteri for their numerous little detours and spins. Stupid forest indeed, not stupid Eldanar.

"Oh, dear gods, is that it?" Sharna asks when they seem to arrive to their destination, a tiny bit of sunshine and hope in her voice as she lifts a hand to point out the dark structure still hidden by the trees.

"Well. That's got to be it. Right? Please tell me that's it," says Teppus. He's tired of walking. He's been bitten by what seems like an endless number of bugs. He slaps his neck again. Scowls. There is a look of pure hatred for all life on his face right now.

"It is a nice forest," Alteri says in the area's defense. "When it isn't trying to kill us..." she adds after some thought. Not having escaped some bites too, she scritches unobstrusively at one buttcheek. "Sure hope so. We can knock and ask." With a firm nod, she sets out in the direction of the looming structure, already having made the decision to do just that.

It takes a few minutes to find a break in the folliage between the forest and the clearing, but eventually you step fully into the light. The mansion looms before you, mostly stonework unlike those in the city, but clearly not designed for fortification. It also hasn't been tended in years it seems, with paint on the door and sills peeling, the hedges around the property growing wild, and the iron gate out front rusted and hanging open.

"When's any forest that wild NOT trying to kill people in it, though?" Sharna asks, lips still downturned. They've been like that for a while.

Squeezing through into the clearing, muttering to herself, the Mul-blooded girl irritably picks bits and pieces of, well, forest from her clothing and hair. Leaves. Twigs. A flick of fingers at what looks like a very lost and confused beetle. A stray, dry bur is removed from her cloak and then pointedly attached to Alteri's shoulder.

"After you." Sharna says to the Eldanar, motioning manorwards.

A chill wind whips at Alteri's cloak once they reach the clearing, making the added burr shiver and shake where it sits on her shoulder. The crisp cold of the season hits with surprising intensity the moment they leave the hovering protections of the forest, and the Eldanar finds her nose afflicted with a sudden wish to be drippy. Dabbing and blowing at it with her kerchief, she dubiously eyes the rusted gate. "'Tisn't breaking and entering if it's already broken, yes?" she asks Teppus and well, not really Sharna.

Cesran has arrived.

SHortly after you exit into the clearing, you are joined by Cesran, who decided chasing after Spike running blindly through the woods would be a bad idea and returned to the trail you've been following.

"We were sent here by a respectable, concerned Alexandrian society to check this property. We're not doing anything wrong." Sharna says, chipper, totally out of turn and uninvited when it comes to providing said comment, considering Alteri isn't really addressing her. She beams a smile, too, of course, at both her and Teppus.

As you are examining the Gate, you catch a glimpse of your 'Guide' Lara, who's entered the grounds through a side gate and is just entering the mansion on that side of the building. Her simple brown dress looks worse for wear than it did last time you saw her. Clearly her flight into the woods was not smooth."

At least its just Spike. Spike is probably going to be busy harvesting something, somewhere, and no doubt can handle itself. Herself. Itself. Whatever. Teppus, at any rate, has stopped and looked at the front gates and then runs a hand iover the top of his head. "I tend to agree with you," he adds to Alteri. "We need to have ourselves a look here."

Silently shaking her head at Sharna's expected glossing over of anything vaguely unlawful, Alteri takes the burr and sticks it, on the beaming rogue's pale white eyebrow. "So sayeth you." she mutters. Noting the arrival of one of their missing party members, the highborn just bites back a sigh and makes to push open the rusty gate. This is when she catches sight of their 'guide'. Tensing, she goes, "I'm not seeing things, am I? Did our dear guide just enter through the side there?" Voice tight, her pale eyes narrow in a study of this other entrance.

Cesran stays in the back and he just watches now. He looks around and he keeps his own council for the moment as he waits to see what the others will do know that he's joined back up with the group. He's not one to trample through the forest if he doesn't have to.

"Ow!" goes Sharna, immediatelly - and carefully - extracting the bur and tossing it carelessly over a shoulder. Thankfully, her brows are thin enough for the little plant to not really stick all that much.

"Nope. Saw it too." the elfkin confirms Alteri is not hallucinating, in spite of the bur-battle. Had she not seen it, the bur might have ended up tangled in Alteri's hair rather than being discarded. "Reckon we should follow her? See what she's up to? She DID try feed us to a plant thing." Pause. "I think."

The gate is open enough that you don't need to open it further to get inside. The side entrance looks to be for servants to come in and out, and leads to a fallen down wooden stable and small postern door. The entrance into the mansion that the Guide used is not locked, and leads downwards into what should be a root cellar or possibly a kitchen.

"Hm? What?" Teppus, on the other hand, totally missed it. "Wait, what did I miss?" See? He totally missed it.

Nodding grimly, Alteri's feet turn to take her towards the side entrance, one hand snagging Teppus' cloak to help him keep up. "I have burning questions I wish to ask of her." This is all the legal justification the highborn needs, apparently. Wending past overgrown hedges, the warrior looks for that side door. "Gods send it isn't trapped." she mutters, throwing Sharna a look over her shoulder. And it seems it isn't! Taking absolutely no chances, the Eldanar draws her weapon, peering about their surroundings with brows drawn sharply together. From her tenseness, she appears to be expecting the kitchen to come alive and eat them or something.

Creeping more than walking behind the sturdy meat-shield that is the Eldanar, Sharna peers into the gloom. She has her crossbow in hands, a ricketty thing possibly in need of replacement, but still serving. Kind of. When the firing mechanism doesn't jam. Be as it may, she doesn't seem to have words to offer - just a slanted eye and a pointed ear on the lookout for danger.

The root cellar is connected to the kitchen. The kitchen is connected to the... ahem... In the kitchen you notice that there is food that is being prepared, mostly wild animals and vegetables. But there are also signs that animals are not the only thing being eaten... several skulls lay strewn around the kitchen, the most obvious sign of foul activity.

"...well. I think that about settles it, ladies," says Teppus, glancing down at the skulls. He leans down and inspects them for a moment, then readies his guisarme. "I am going to hit something with this. Very hard. And then whatever did this will die."

"OR," Alteri interjects, "Be brought back to face justice." Just because she is good at hitting things, doesn't mean she always seeks the bloodiest way to accomplish goals, honest. "But," and she eyes the skulls, "This isn't looking promising. Those aren't monkey skulls." Setting shoulders broadened by countless hours of weaponswork, the warrior proceeds further on, eyes sweeping for signs of the mansion's inhabitant(s).

Cesran looks towards Sharna, "Nah probably just tendering us up so that we'll be an easy meal." He comments on his way towards the side door and he follows the others in. He makes sure to look over his shoulder to make sure nothing is following them. He looks all around the kitchen and he sees the skull. "Well that looks like the last ones to chase a pretty girl through the forest."

"Reckon she's got a flying broomstick, too?" Sharna whispers to Alteri - though the tone of her voice indicates the joke's more a deflection tactic to try keep away the antsy feeling and chill going up her spine at the thought of someone who, well, might just be munching on people. Reaffirming her grip on the crossbow, she nods at Alteri to lead on.

"...I'm just going to wager a guess that they won't let us bring them back to face justice. Intead, they'll take a nice blade to the face. Hopefully. Mind you, if they surrender, yeah. Face the justice of the law, they will." He lets out a sigh. He's sort of hoping they don't make it easy.

During you brief examination of the room, you hear something from beyond the door to right of the hearth. Not immediately behind the door, but that direction, as opposed to the open doorway leading up opposite the hearth. Its hard to tell, but it sounds vaguely like a room being prepared for a gathering.

Ears pricking, the fighter moves cautiously towards the sounds. Sounds coming from behind... Tt's a door. Mutely standing aside for Sharna, Alteri gives the Mul-blooded a humourless little 'after you' smile and dip of her head. The meat-shield will be of little use here, unless her moderate dexterity is required.

<OOC> Sharna says, "Oh the dreaded doorways. FINE. I check it for traps and/or being locked. And then, assuming I find no traps, peek through the keyhole, if there's one!"

GAME: Sharna rolls Perception+2: (17)+14+2: 33

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/religion: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Clanga says, "No traps, no keyhole, no lock. But you hear a chair scrape on the floor, and the shuffling of booted feet. Not alot."

So, having heard something, Teppus pauses and looks that way. He grimaces. Readies his sword-staff, and begins to head for the doorway in question. Hey. What are paladins good for if not bursting through doorways? He's stopped by Sharna examining things, though.

Moving to the door on tiptoes at Alteri's silent summons, Sharna gives the door a rudimentary inspection. There's a shake of her head, and a motion to signal an all-clear - if there's anything on that door, she isn't finding it. No words - wouldn't want to tip off whoever's shuffling chairs that they're here, after all.

Well then. Still cautious, as cautious as Teppus' paladin-instincts will let her be, Alteri cracks open the door and sidles her armoured form in. Crouched low with weapon held at the ready, she peeks around the door jamb to see what she might see.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, going to ask a few questions, ask for a few rolls, then pose. First off, I assume you will proceed cautiously and quietly down the stairs on the other side of the doorway? From the door it just a dim light and a bit smokey."

<OOC> Sharna says, "That's the idea, on my part. I'll even properly attempt to Stealth, if the conditions are right for it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "will try to be as quiet as possible and do I know anything about the skulls besides they are humanoid?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Nothing"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Yes. Alteri will readily give Sharna space to do her roguely thing."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Stealth won't help. You going to be coming out where expected where people will be looking... unless you have other plans."

       Cesran continues to look at the skulls. He doesn't like playing with dead things much. He can tell they are human skulls, but other than that not much. Cesran shrugs a little bit as he picks up a skull one of the cleanest ones and he puts it in his bag.

<OOC> Clanga says, "THe following rolls will be available to people. +knowledge/nobility +craft (Any Stone or metal work), +profession (Anything to do with Nobility)."

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/nobility: (1)+9: 10

<OOC> Sharna has none of these things.

<OOC> Alteri has none either. :3

<OOC> Teppus has... knowledge/religion? <.<

A quick word from Cesran indicates that the stairs should lead to the wine Cellar. But what you find down there is a room that is much larger than it should be. Nearly 40' from the stairs to the far wall, the room is roughly 20' wide. The shuffling heard was clearly the work of the three men standing between you and a throne. In the Throne sits Count Folgrin, dressed in what might once have been his best courtly robes at one time. His eyes are a bit glazed as he gives you all an imperious look. Beside him is Lara, who leans over his shoulder, "There they are my Lord, the bandits who attacked me. They've come to kill you." The three standing men growl at that, tightening their grip on their allready drawn swords. Two look to be fairly normal, if burly guards, while the third is the COunts son. All three have the same glazed look on their faces.

"oh, come *on*," says Teppus after a moment. He just lets out a sigh. "Do we LOOK like bandits, you bloody idiots?" That's what he says next. Then he looks at Alteri, the plate armor wielding muscled woman. And then Sharna. The mul-blood. Then at Cesran. And his dredlocks.

"...we're NOT BADNITS!" A little desperate here.

Taking stock of the situation, Alteri draws herself up ad lifts a hand to try and stay Teppus' desperation, the highborn matching imperious look for imperious look, simply by virtue of her blood. "She lies, Count Folgrin." Using her parade master's voice, her words carry clearly to the very ends of the room. "Your daughter languishes, unknowing of your fate, while this harlot 'plants' deceit in your ears. We were sent only to seek word of you. Whyfor would attack her? We know not her relation to you to begin with." Full and round, Alteri cannot hide her noble's accent to save her life.

"..." That's Sharna. She eyeballs the scene, incredulous.

"... This has to be the worst, most complicated overdue book notice ever." the shadowblood mutters into her chin. Eyes narrow at the vacant looks the Count and his men are sporting, lithe body tensing. "Somehow, I don't think they'll listen." Sharna whispers - but she's going to let the more... benign-looking members of the party try, at least.

Cesran follows the others down into the wine cellar and he looks around. He nods his head, "That's some pretty good vintages down here." He sees the throne, "Well that's a little ostentatious." He says sarcastically and he looks to Sharna as she brings up the book, "Good point we are just here for the book so give it back to us so we can return it to the library in Alexandria and we'll be out of your hair so you can get back to your feast."

The words from the Paladin have little effect on anyone in the room, save perhaps a faint snort from the Son. Alteri's empassioned speech brings a wicked smile to Lara's lips, but only a deepening frown to the Counts. He sits up a bit straighter in his chair, not looking fully at any of you, as if seeing something other than what is in front of him, "Well as you can see, I am fine. You may give word to my daughter that I am well and that she may return here." The mention of the book brings a deeper smile to Lara. "See my Lord, they are theives here to steal from your library. Kill them now." She then licks her lips as she looks you over, though only the adventurers see that.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran, make me a quick Wisdom check"

GAME: Cesran rolls widsom: (9)+widsom: 9

GAME: Cesran rolls wisdom: (9)+2: 11

<OOC> Clanga says, "I think that should be good enough. You know this situation is a powder keg. ANy sort of obvious casting will likely start the battle."

Sharna casts a sidelong glance at Cesran. This is followed by a slow, deliberate application of a gloved palm to her face. She remains tense - eyes flicking between Lara and the armed guards.

Alteri throws Cesran an incredulous look, "After what we saw in the kitchen, you'll let him 'get back to' his feast?" And this is likely the point where Sharna groans about stupid fighters with morals. To the Count, she continues, "Nay, Lord Count. I venture the audacity to state that you are -not- fine. For the sake of your health, and your daughter's peace of mind, we must take you to the temple healers. Pray, step forth that we may escort you safely thus."

"She speaks truly," says Teppus of Alteri. "I am a paladin. A *Paladin*. I can not leave this situation to continue. Not when there are skulls and innocents in trouble that must be saved." He is not happy about this. But, well... PALADIN. THIS IS WHAT PALADINS DO. Sharna may not be a beacon of morality, but she certainly isn't pro- witches who eat people, either. Or pro- letting people who try feed her to a plant go unpunished. Frankly, those who know her may catch the tension in the way she's handling the crossbow - though she does seem to be behaving and allowing for, possibly, a peaceful solution that suits everyone. However unlikely.

Cesran looks at Alteri and he shrugs, "It was worth a shot we are here to get the book back and I'd rather not have any book damaged." He looks towards the others, "Besides we've just seen human skulls what proof have we've seen that they are actually eating anything."

The words from Alteri and Teppus seem to give the Count some pause, which infuriates Lara. Her hand points to Alteri and she screams, "Ignore their words! Kill them now!" The guards leap into action, raising their swords up as they advance forward. Even the Count raises to his feet, though his reactions are slower and weaker. In the midst of this activity, Lara waves her hand and vanishes from view.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay folks, +initiative. And people can make a Spellcraft or +knowledge/Arcana roll.

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Clanga has cleared initiatives.

"...they were in the KITCHEN," says Teppus to Cesran.

GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 3

GAME: Alteri rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 7

GAME: You roll initiative for Count: Roll: 17 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 18

GAME: Cesran rolls spellcraft: (6)+15: 21

GAME: You roll initiative for Son: Roll: 5 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 6

GAME: Sharna rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 7

GAME: Cesran rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 6

GAME: Clanga rolls Guards/+0: (1)+Guards/+0: 1 to +0

GAME: You roll initiative for Guards: Roll: 19 + Bonus: +0 = Total: 19

GAME: You roll initiative for Lara: Roll: 6 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 7

Current Initiative Order

19 Guards

18 Count

7 Sharna

7 Alteri

7 Lara

6 Cesran

6 Son

3 Teppus

"... She was just eyeballing us and licking her lips a moment ago! I doubt she's thinking about... well... gods, I hope she's not, anyway." replies Sharna to Cesran. If shadowbloods could go visibly pale, she so would.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran, that wasn't a spell, but a supernatural ability."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Guards do not charge, but advance on Alteri and attack"

Cesran |HUMAN |Wiz | 4 | 26 | 26 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 6 |

Teppus |HUMAN |Ftr/Pal | 3 | 25 | 25 | 18 | 10 | 4 | 7 |

Alteri |HUMAN |Ftr | 6 | 56 | 56 | 21 | 9 | 5 | 6 |

Sharna |HALF-ELF|Rog | 6 | 46 | 46 | 20 | 5 | 11 | 5 |

<OOC> Clanga says, "They are armed with Heavy Flails"

<OOC> Clanga says, "No Power attack though"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9

<OOC> Clanga says, "The count stands, straightens his outfit, then draws a rapier. Sharna."

<OOC> Sharna says, "Drop crossbow (free), pull saps + move behind one of the guards in relation to Alteri (move), ready action: attack when Alteri reacts (standard, and will be triggered immediatelly, I'm thinking!)"

The guards rush forward, each brandishing a heavy flail. They do not seem to be using flanking... or any other sort of tactics yet... and their blows merely glance off the Fighters Armor. The count stands and straightens his outfit before drawing a rapier and stepping away from the throne.

<OOC> Clanga says, "WIth the room only being 4 squares wide, you risk an AoO without a tumble check."

GAME: Sharna rolls Acrobatics: (15)+14: 29

<OOC> Clanga says, "No problem. And you don't need to wait for ALteri... you're allready flanking once you get to the far side, since they engaged her."

<OOC> Sharna says, "Technically, I do, since flatfooted people don't threaten, but init's aligned so that my ready triggers immediatelly. XD"

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2: (15)+4+5+2: 26

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d6+2+3d6: (5)+2+(6): 13

<OOC> Clanga says, "Not flat footed."

<OOC> Sharna says, "That much nonlethal."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Not enough to drop him, though he staggers slightly"

Leaping adroitly above the head of the flail before the unfortunate guard can even react to take advantage of the opening, Sharna lands in almost catlike manner behind the human. Her crossbow's been discarded, replaced by the pair of blackjacks - one of which is firmly applied to the back of his cranium. The leather gives a resounding crack, and the man stumbles, but does not yet fall.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri"

<OOC> Alteri says, "I non-lethal PA on the one Sharna hit. If he goes down, I non-lethal PA the second guard."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay."

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+14+2-4: (18)+14+2+-4: 30

<OOC> Clanga says, "+14 with the power attack negative? Daaaamn. :)"

<OOC> Sharna says, "Furious Focus. She doesn't take the negative on her first attack."

<OOC> Teppus nods. Furious Focus is <3.

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+17: (6)+17: 23

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Well he's out."

<OOC> Alteri says, "Iterative on his friend."

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+14-4-5-2: (2)+14+-4+-5+-2: 5

<OOC> Alteri grins. "And that's what happens when FF stops working.

<OOC> Sharna says, "Hem. d20 maybe? XD"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20: (13): 13

<OOC> Alteri says, "So 13 + 3. doubt it hits. :3"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Nope, miss on the second"

<OOC> Alteri poses.

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+33-15: (14)+33+-15: 32

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sharna, perception check"

GAME: Sharna rolls Perception: (16)+14: 30

<OOC> Clanga says, "Close. 'Lara' appears behind Alteri, flanking with the still standing guard."

"Gods damn it, she did it again," Alteri hisses when Lara vanishes into thin air. Then there is nothing left to say as the glazed men advance on their group. Shifting as the heavy flails come flying, she manages to angle herself that they only perform glancing blows. Giving Sharna a toothy grin over the shoulder of the first guard she faces, the highborn shifts the grip on her hilt and with the flat of her blade, finishes the work the rogue started. The dull thunk sends the fellow into lala land. Sighting the second guard, Alteri attempts to do the same to him, but her swing goes wide as he finds the split-second needed to ready a dodge.

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+15: (17)+15: 32

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d4+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Clanga says, "ALteri, DC 16 Fort"

GAME: Alteri rolls Fortitude: (5)+9: 14

<OOC> Clanga says, "2pts Strength Damage"

GAME: Clanga damaged Alteri for 5 points. 51 remaining.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran, you're up."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Knowledge/religion as to what Lara is."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sure"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Cast true strike"

GAME: Cesran casts True Strike.

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/religion: (13)+12: 25

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay."

<OOC> Clanga says, "She's not undead, God or Demon."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay"

<OOC> Clanga says, "THe sone steps forward and swings his halberd at Sharna"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d10+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Clanga damaged Sharna for 13 points. 33 remaining.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Correction, Bastard Sword being wielded 2 handed (Which doesn't change the numbers)"

There is a faint brush in the air as Lara passes Sharna, but not enough for the Rogue to react to in time. The creature appears beside Alteri, taking advantage of her swing against the second guard as distraction. Her hand lashes out, leaving a gash in one bicept that seems to suck the strength right out of the Fighter. "You will make a tasty one." Meanwhile the Count's son swings his sword out at Sharna, who is suddenly his closest target. He demonstrates considerable skill and lethal efficiency as the blade digs into the rogue's side.

Cesran watches as the battle takes place and he takes out a small wooden replica of a archery target. He casts the spell as the battle starts to rage and he sees Lara as he tries to identify what she is. Since his mind is still on the skulls he checks his knowledge of any undead, god or demon and he can't as of yet identify Lara.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Teppus, you're up finally. ;)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Oops!"

<OOC> Teppus says, "I missed you saying it was my turn."

<OOC> Alteri says, "Stop being all sick and snotty faced."

<OOC> Teppus says, "I'ma move up and attempt to attack the halberdier. Nonlethally!"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+6: (4)+6: 10

<OOC> Teppus says, "Assuming that's a hit."

<OOC> Clanga says, "No it did not"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Bastard sworder"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Platemail with +1 Dex... 20 AC"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

The Guard doesn't seem to take any notice of his companion falling, and only minimal notice of the attack being swung at him. HIs make continues to whirl through the air again bouncing off Alteri's armor. The Count moves towards Alteri as well, but more of a stroll as he watches his 'court' deal with the problem.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Shanra is up"

<OOC> Sharna says, "Is there such a position that I can 5' into flank with Alteri on the remaining guard?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "No Sorry."

<OOC> Sharna says, "I attempt to Acrobatics away from him and happy swordy fellow into flank with Lara with Teri, then. And bean her, unless I eat AoOs and get downed!"

Bursting towards the Swordsman that'd attacked Sharma, Teppus yells out a cry, "For Serriel!" And then brings his guisarme down to slice at his legs. Sadly, the plate makes this impractical and nearly useless. The paladin looks... annoyed. "Dammit."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Roll it."

GAME: Sharna rolls Acrobatics: (13)+14: 27

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2: (2)+4+5+2: 13

<OOC> Sharna says, "Whiff. :("

<OOC> Clanga says, "Indeed"

<OOC> Sharna says, "But hey, Teri can haz flankz."

<OOC> Sharna poses!

<OOC> Alteri says, "<3"

<OOC> Clanga says, "ALteri.. She's definatley not human. :)"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Your go"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Alteri continues to burn. With questions. She non-lethals Lara."

<OOC> Alteri says, "With PA. Again, second on guard if first downs initial target."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Swing"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+14+2-4: (12)+14+2+-4: 24

<OOC> Alteri says, "Er, sorry."

"... shit." goes Sharna, ever so verbose as she looks down at the enormous bleeding gash the sword's blow has left in her side. Unable to get an advantage on the combatants around her, the lithe rogue backflips across the battlefield, landing behind Lara - if that is indeed the creature's actual name - and swinging a blackjack in the direction. The weapon goes wide by a mile.

<OOC> Alteri says, "Forgot -1."

<OOC> Alteri says, "So 23."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Still a hit."

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+16: (5)+16: 21

<OOC> Clanga says, "Does not down"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Second on Lara once more then."

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+14-5-2+2-1: (17)+14+-5+-2+2+-1: 25

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+16: (10)+16: 26

<OOC> Clanga says, "Not enough, though you stagger her."

<OOC> Alteri poses. :3

<OOC> Alteri says, "Uh sorry, I've been reminded I forgot to take non-lethal on my second swing."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Still fine"

<OOC> Alteri says, "So at 21, I'm not sure if that still connects."

<OOC> Alteri says, "Okay. :)"

<OOC> Clanga says, "BTW, I think you're using Power Attack wrong... you're using the -5 from 3.5, not the -2 from PF..."

<OOC> Sharna says, "That's for the iterative, not from PA. ;)"

<OOC> Sharna says, "The -2 is PA."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Ah! Okay NM"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+15: (19)+15: 34

<OOC> Clanga says, "And that for a Touch Attack. :("

<OOC> Alteri is still confused over the whole she-bang. D&D are confusing. >_>;

<OOC> Clanga says, "Fort 16 again Alteri"

GAME: Clanga rolls 2d4: (6): 6

GAME: Alteri rolls Fortitude: (12)+9: 21

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, so you don't take the 6pts of Strength Damage. ;)"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran, you're up"

<OOC> Cesran says, "knowledge/? to identify what lara is before I shoot her with scorching ray."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sure, Nature"

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/nature: (15)+10: 25

Tasty one??!?!? What?? Warnings blaring in her head, Alteri shivers at the touch on her bicep, the seemingly small scratch slipping past her plate armour and weakening her far more than it should. Immediately, her attention switches to the suddenly appearing Lara. Growling, "Oh no you don't," the highborn centres all her efforts on the deceptively fragile looking creature. Both her swings connect in rapid, slashing succession, cutting deeply both times into Lara. Feet scuffing the flagstones, Alteri in turn, desperately fights off Lara's evil-feeling touch.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Green Hag"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+20+5-4: (3)+20+5+-4: 24

<OOC> Cesran says, "touch attack"

<OOC> Cesran says, "ranged touch attack"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Hit"

GAME: Cesran rolls 4d6+1: (9)+1: 10

<OOC> Clanga says, "Not quite enough"

<OOC> Clanga says, "The son swings on Teppus"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d10+10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Clanga damaged Teppus for 17 points. 8 remaining.

<OOC> Clanga says, "ANd Teppus is up"

Cesran lets his mind roam this stores of knowledge and he finally comes up with a monster that fits the bill for Lara, "She's a Green Hag!" He announces out loud as he points his two fingers on his right hand at Lara. The tips of his finger glow red for a moment as Cesran takes advantage of the insight from true strike and although he still has to aim around the others he fires off a ray of fire at Lara hurting her badly, but not badly enough.

The blows definately stagger Lara, who is starting to realize that this might not be the best situation. She reaches out to place her hand on Alteri's arm. The Fighter feels another wave of weakness, this one far worse than before, but managed to fight off the ill effects. The Count's son on the other hand seems quite comfortable with his sword, lashing out at the new target that presents itself, Teppus. His first blow wounds the Paladin badly, but his second scrapes along armor.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Teppus"

<OOC> Cesran gets out his Teppus puppet.

<OOC> Clanga says, "THat is not a good idea."

<OOC> Cesran is just teasing.

Long distance to Whirlpool: Clanga does poke though. :)

<OOC> Teppus returns!

<OOC> Teppus says, "My apologies."

<OOC> Teppus says, "I am going to smite Lara. SMITE."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Smite away"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24

GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+6+2: (3)+6+2: 11

<OOC> Clanga says, "She drops, reverting to her ugly form"

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16

"This is your doing. Your doing!" Teppus turns and channels divine energy into the tip of his glaive. He swings it it, then, and drives it hard into 'Lara's side. The blade pierces her and he drives her back with it before yanking it savagely from her with a flash of light. She teeters and falls to the ground, taking upon her true form. It is not pretty. At all. Uglier than even Alteri! The revelation of the Hag's true form does not seem to surpise or disuade the Guard, who takes another ineffectual swing at Alteri. It does have an effect on the count though, who staggers back in shock as he witnesses her transformation. It's clear though that the son is the same way as the Guard, ready to continue the fight.

<OOC> Teppus is ducking.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sharna"

<OOC> Sharna says, "I would like to move into flank with... anyone, really, at this point, on the son or guard, whichever is more feasible, and whack that target inna head."

<OOC> Clanga says, "You can 5' to flank the son with Teppus"

<OOC> Sharna says, "Really? Perfect. Full attack on him, then."

<OOC> Sharna says, "The son, not Teppus."

<OOC> Sharna says, "Even though I'm tempted."

<OOC> Clanga grins.

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2-2: (10)+4+5+2+-2: 19

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2-2: (1)+4+5+2+-2: 10

<OOC> Alteri *****punts Teppus. >_<o

<OOC> Sharna says, "That's two misses, I figure?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "If you have the flank in there, then yes they miss"

<OOC> Sharna says, "Everything's in there, yeah."

<OOC> Clanga says, "ALteri"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Hmm. Can Alteri charge the son?"

"... ew. Is it just me, or is this thing just like the... one... on the boat..." Sharna's words trail off. Her horror at the hag's appearance clearly has deeper root than just the immediate, and her blackjacks' blows resound ineffectually on the swordsman's heavy armor.

<OOC> Clanga says, "You are 10' away... if that's enough then yes"

<OOC> Clanga says, "No flank though."

<OOC> Alteri says, "Okay. Alteri charges and non-lethal PAs the fellow."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Go ahead"

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+13+2-4: (10)+13+2+-4: 21

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d10+16: (4)+16: 20

<OOC> Clanga says, "Still up. You'd estimate not even close to half"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Cesran?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Can I do a knowledge/arcana to know what spell they are under and than magic missile the son."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Not a spell, you can have that for free.. Pure psychology"

<OOC> Clanga says, "And shoot"

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/arcana: (7)+14: 21

<OOC> Clanga says, "You didn't need the roll."

<OOC> Cesran says, "oh"

<OOC> Clanga says, "I meant the Magic Missile."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I meant to cast it"

GAME: Cesran refreshes spells.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Sorry I forgot to refresh"

"Green what?" Alteri says in response to Cesran's little tidbit. Then Teppus rams his polearm into Lara and the eldanar rears back at the sight. "Oh, green that." Shaking off the hideous horror that Lara's true form inspires, the fighter deflects the guard's flail swing and sights the son instead. That hit Teppus took was bad, setting her priorities to dealing with the plate-armoured man next. Rushing as swiftly as her own armour allows, she crashes into the son, her mutely glowing blade cutting into the gap under his arm.

GAME: Cesran casts Magic Missile.

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d4+3: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+14: (18)+14: 32

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d10+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Clanga damaged Alteri for 16 points. 35 remaining.

Cesran looks at Alteri, "I'll tell you later." He extends his hand and a pair of blue magic missiles fly out of his hands and head towards the son to hit him square on. He wonders what is still driving the men to attack them, "Hey! Look! She was a horrible monster. We don't have to fight now."

The Fighter has clearly indentified herself as the most serious threat, and the Son responds accodringly. The bastard sword lashes out, the first blow returning the violent favor on Alteri white the second comes very close to causing even more damage, but is stopped by her currais.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Teppus"

<OOC> Teppus kicks RL some more. Okay. Now that the hag is down, I am going to go back and hit the Son, nonlethal.

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23

<OOC> Clanga says, "Hit!"

GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+6: (2)+6: 8

<OOC> Clanga says, "Still not down, but getting there."

<OOC> Clanga says, "And... perceptions everyone"

GAME: Alteri rolls Perception: (18)+7: 25

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Sharna rolls Perception: (13)+14: 27

"Hey! Dammit! You.. what is WITH these people?" Teppus is flustered. And upset. He nearly breaks the haft of the guisarme he carries across the back of the 'son'. He's not happy about how *Any* of this is going down.

GAME: Teppus rolls Perception: (19)+1: 20

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yeah Teppus sees it too"

<OOC> Teppus says, "My dice have been Unjinksed."

<OOC> Teppus says, "But they'll soon be jinked by Jinks once again."

<OOC> Clanga looks at numbers... let me adjust that pose folks.

You are distracted by fighting mister mulinex... but everyone but Cesran sees the Hag's body suddenly hoist into the air and hang there limply, as if carried over one shoulder by an invisible form. The guard steps between you and the body. You also see 2 Skeletons Flanking the Body.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Didn't realize Green Hags have a 19str"

<OOC> Clanga says, "And yes Cesran, your rolls let you know... Skeletons and Green Hags mean a Coven or at least 3 of them..."

<OOC> Alteri says, "We came in through one door. There's another door? Or are they like, circling around us?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "You guys passed Lara to get to the son. This is behind you"

<OOC> Clanga says, "*Coven of at least 3..."

<OOC> Cesran says, "SO near me?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yes, right on the other side of the Guard standing beside you."

<OOC> Clanga says, "WHen you notice it."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sharna, you're up"

<OOC> Sharna says, "I wail on this guy some more cause he's KILLING US and go all WTF at the image before me. But I think the musclemenz are better to... save the corpse."

<OOC> Sharna says, "Or rather, unconscious body."

<OOC> Sharna says, "Actually. I've a better idea. I'll try talk reason into this guy with Diplomacy, if I may."

<OOC> Sharna says, "We could use a big guy with a sword on our side. XD"

<OOC> Clanga says, "You can try diplomacy, but when his 'Girlfriend' turned into a Hag he didn't flinch like Daddy Dearest."

<OOC> Teppus says, "O.o"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Roll Diplomcay"

<OOC> Sharna says, "I think I'll try. Maybe he's just dumb. :("

GAME: Sharna rolls Diplomacy: (7)+10: 17

<OOC> Clanga says, "No."

<OOC> Clanga says, "It's clear he's not listening seriously."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Alteri"

<OOC> Alteri WTFs at the sight, but a guy is waving a sword in her face, she full attacks him, nonlethal, PA.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yeah go for it."

"HEY! HEY! You with the armor and the muscles! We're not here to fight you! See that?!" Sharna tries to plead to whatever shreds of reason remain with the Count's son. "See that?! You've been tricked!" she goes, a blackjack pointing at the hag being hauled away. There's a pause. The man doesn't seem to be stopping. "TALK TO HIM!" she screeches, in the general direction of the Count himself.

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+13-4: (6)+13+-4: 15

GAME: Alteri rolls 1d20+13-4-5-2: (6)+13+-4+-5+-2: 8

<OOC> Alteri says, "Two whiffs."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Indeed. Cesran you're up, and have no idea about the Bodynapping behind you."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Even with Sharna's see that?"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sure, that will do it. Feel free to notice the Cover Mate"

The son's sword finds its mark on Alteri and she feels a warmth seeping out of her to stain her gambeson. Intent on beating the stubborn son into submission, her attention gets sidetracked by the unlikely sight of the hag floating in thin air, flanked by... are those skeletons? Gods. Distracted beyond her ability to withstand, her blade swings wide on both her attempts.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Cast see invisibility as my bond spell"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sure. Two Hags invisible... one carying the 3rd Hag, the other looking ready to evicerate anyone who gets past the human and skeleton guards.. but backing up."

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

Cesran wonders what Sharna is showing able and he looks behind him. He sees the Hag's body rising up in the air and he swears softly. He backs up away from the floating hag and he casts a spell. His eyes start to glow as he gains sight beyond sight. "There are two more green hags and they don't look happy."

The son is actually a bit surprised at the sight himself, and his own strikes seem to be affected much as Alteri's, but he doesn't seem to show any sign of stopping.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Teppus"

<OOC> Clanga says, "BTW Folks, if it's getting late for you guys, I can sum the rest of this up in one pose."

<OOC> Sharna says, "I'm fine for a little while yet, personally."

<OOC> Alteri is good for another hour or so before she heads off to work.

<OOC> Teppus says, "I'm good to go. Just brain dead tonight, truthfully. Sorry. Back now."

<OOC> Clanga nods, "Your turn Teppus. Just the son unless you want to brave the guard wall to take on the Hags.

<OOC> Teppus says, "...I think I'll bash the son again, yeah. :P"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13

<OOC> Teppus says, "And fail!"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sharna you're up. The guards aren't doing anything, the body is drifting up stairs, and the son is killing"

<OOC> Sharna says, "As much as I'd love to go finish the hag off, I give the son a bashing around the ears, annoyed at him being a doofus. :("

<OOC> Sharna says, "With blackjacks. Full attack!"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Bash Away"

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2-2: (10)+4+5+2+-2: 19

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d20+4+5+2-2: (18)+4+5+2+-2: 27

GAME: Sharna rolls 1d6+1+3d6: (2)+1+(13): 16

<OOC> Clanga says, "And he drops."

<OOC> Clanga says, "It's late for me, I am going to do a pose for what happens next, then head to bed."

<OOC> Clanga says, "After Sharna's pose"

<OOC> Cesran says, "okay"

<OOC> Alteri says, "Aight. :3"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Thank you for the rp"

"Dammit, they're getting -away-!" Sharna wails as the body is dragged further and further up the staircase. "DO SOMETHING!" is directed at the stricken Count, who's presumably standing there slack-jawed. Fueled by pure anger and annoyance at the situation, only fueled as one of her blackjacks finds nothing but armor, her follow-up attack is vicious enough to crumple a loose plate and give the son's kidney a jolting powerful enough to go right up his spine and into his brain. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he collapses in a clatter of steel.

"What the hell do you want me to do? I don't think I can get to them," says Teppus, trying to bring the son down as well so that they can make a move as a group. "We'll stop them. Just take care of this idiot first." But the son's armor is still too much for Teppus, for the moment. Frustration burns in his expression.

The 3 Guard, lviing and unliving, don't stop you for long, but long enough. When you reach the top of the stairs to the kitchen, it is filled with thick, billowing smoke that is hard to see and breath in (Cesran can ID it as Pyrotechnics). WHen you open the door a wicked sound voice says, "We know you will bring more, so we will leave this area." Then the door at the top of the stairs is closed with a very solid thump. By the time you find your way throught the smoke to the door, all three Hags are gone, even to Cesran's invisibility sight.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Sorry to cut it short. Z_Z"

<OOC> Clanga says, "Though Honestly, the other 2 Hags were mostly tossed in so we didn't have to deal with you capturing the first one. ;) You win, but it's less hastle"

<OOC> Alteri says, "It's too bad Spike couldn't make it. She would've been like, 'I barrel into the floating body!'."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Thank you for the scene again Clanga"

<OOC> Sharna says, "She would. That would have been EPIC."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Do we get the book back?"

And yes, the book is recovered, and the Count will get the therapy he needs. His son has to be locked up, with far more therapy than the father.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Yeah, I hope she's okay."