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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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20 Seadhna
<nowiki> 20 Seadhna</nowiki>
15 Rats
<nowiki> 15 Rats</nowiki>
14 Colrick
<nowiki> 14 Colrick</nowiki>
11 Sonja
<nowiki> 11 Sonja</nowiki>
7 Jibbom
<nowiki> 7 Jibbom</nowiki>
7 Grunak
<nowiki> 7 Grunak</nowiki>
4 Kathryn
<nowiki> 4 Kathryn</nowiki>
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<nowiki>===== Current Initiative Order =========</nowiki>
<nowiki>===== Current Initiative Order =========</nowiki>
23 Kathryn
<nowiki> 23 Kathryn</nowiki>
19 Colrick
12 Grunak
<nowiki> 19 Colrick</nowiki>
10 Jibbom
10 Sonja
<nowiki> 12 Grunak</nowiki>
4 Seadhna
-1 Gelatinous_Cube
<nowiki> 10 Jibbom</nowiki>
<nowiki> 10 Sonja</nowiki>
<nowiki> 4 Seadhna</nowiki>
<nowiki> -1 Gelatinous_Cube</nowiki>
Kathryn frowns at the undisturbed dust going to the right, then looks to the left. "That doesn't look good at all," she admits with a bit of a frown. A quick glance around has her lightly tipping her staff off to one side where it will hopefully be out of the way, and slides her bow into hand, testing the tension.
Kathryn frowns at the undisturbed dust going to the right, then looks to the left. "That doesn't look good at all," she admits with a bit of a frown. A quick glance around has her lightly tipping her staff off to one side where it will hopefully be out of the way, and slides her bow into hand, testing the tension.

Latest revision as of 02:16, 4 September 2012

• Title: Catacombs Kidnapping

• Emitter: Zalara

• Characters: Sonja level 4, Grunak level 2, Colrick level 4, Seadhna level 2, Jibbom level 5, Kathryn level 2

• NPCs: - Mourner

• Place: Alexandria - Catacombs

• Time: Sep 3, 20012

• Summary: When two children are kidnapped and taken to the Catacombs, the adventurers find more than just kidnappers down in the depths. They must go deep into the Catacombs to rescue the children and possibly encounter a Legend of Alexandria.

• APL: 3

• Encounter 1: 2 rat swarms, CR 4

• Encounter 2: 1 Gelatinous Cube, CR 3

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Alexandrian Catacombs *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Three somber halls for a somber deity. Each entrance is guarded by silent Chord in pale gray robes and hoods, each of whom bear the symbolic khopesh at their belts. The first of the halls, with its great ironbound doors, is the hall of the Harpist, Her sad and sorrowful face looking down upon all entrants, arms open wide as a mother who greets a grieving child. There the beloved dead reside.

The second hall is overseen by the judge in all Her stern glory. Neither fierce nor gentle, she holds a scale in one hand and a ledger in the other, so that she might judge those whose names are unknown, the faithless, and the repentant.

The last aspect, the warrior, wields a khopesh in each of Her hands, eyes ablaze with fury as one hand rises as if to strike down a foe. It is there that the criminals, the vile, the evil, are interred. The door to this hall is bound in adamant and heavily locked with all manner of prayer, sigil, and invocation engraved in its scrollwork.

The antechamber leading to each hall is, itself, little more than a cave gilded with gold statuary of Vardama and carvings, telling of Vardama's kindness, wisdom, and fury all. Braziers at every corner provide light and fill the air with a heavy somber incense. From somewhere unseen, an unending funeral dirge is "piped in," accompanied by hooded Chords (monks) who constantly polish and clean whilst chanting their dutiful hymns to Vardama and Her tender mercies. The center of the room is dominated by a statue of Basalt with Vardama in each of Her three spects back to back to back gazing over the room.

All of you were either in or around the Explorer's guild when the call went out for adventurers. A wealthy merchant's children have been kidnapped and a ransom has been demanded. Instead of paying the ransom the merchant has decided to hire adventurers to get his children back for him. The gang that has the merchant's children is holed up in the catacombs underneath the Vardamite Temple. The gang hurt a couple of temple guards on the way down there. The gang was last seen escaping down the warrior's hall so that is where the search will begin.

The group has been lead down from the temple by one of the Mourners. The air down here is heavy with silence and the only light is that from the everburning torch that the Mourner is carrying. He is leads the group to the Hall of the Warriors, "This is where the gang and children were last seen by the guards."

Sonja is one of the first to answer the call. She slings her earthbreaker onto her shoulder and clanks along behind the Vardamite. "No problem. We'll get the out...."

Seadhna follows the Mourner in silence, a silence that it uncharacteristic of the small man but exists none the less. Arriving at the starting point of this current adventure he pulls out his own everburning torch to illuminate the way further into the catacombs.

When children are kidnapped and there's a delegate hostage situation going on with possibly crazed bandit gangs, the first person you want involved is the halfling that most of the city believes is a deranged lunatic. Right? No? Oh well. You got him anyways. Jibbom follows the Mourner, an expression of resolve on his face as he nods to his fellow adventurers. "Sir Sureshot. Big Red Lady. Associates I don't know yet." He says, gesturing towards Seadhna, Grunak, and Kathryn. "Have no fear. Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, shall lead all to victory and save the children from peril!"

Colrick frowns and sighs at Jibbom's speech. "This is not a job for glory, Steel." Colrick comments as he pulls a Sunrod out of his pack and places it in a pocket for easy access. "Are we sure they are common kidnappers? Grabbing children and dragging them into catacombs sounds decidedly... uncommon... and grim." he adds, frowning again, though this time not at Jibbom.

"Frankly, I could care less about the glory, Ironblood - but as long as the children end up well, you can have all the glory you want," comes Kathryn's response, the sour tone a bit lighter towards the end as she processes Colrick's response. There is a rather uncertain look around the catacombs, before she shivers slightly. "I do not like this." With, or without kidnapped children, it would seem.

"You do that," Grunak rumbles to Jibbom, his dull tone less than encouraging. The hulking oruch bears an earthbreaker in his hand as he's led into the depths, each plodding step echoing off of the cold walls. Aside, to Colrick, "Sounds stupid. You kidnap sometime, you drag them into a dead end and demand ransom? Stupid, or a trap." He lifts his broad shoulders into a muscle-knotted shrug. "Best hope they're not the revenge kind, or their throats might be slit."

"Eh, we can always raise 'em from the dead if that happens. I died all the time when I was a kid. Builds character." Jibbom claims with a dismissive wave of his hand. "But let it never be said that Steel Von Ironblood is callous to the plights of suffering children. We shall be stealthy and strike at these evil-doers from darkness, so as to minimize any character-building suffering."

Sonja stares down at Steel von Ironblood. "Glory my butt.' She says leveling her earthbreaker at Jibbom. "This is rescuing children, little one. if you're here for glory." She then points towards a nearby tavern. "Head back towards the taverns."

The Mourner continues to lead the group down the hall of Warriors, "We have had a problem with some gangs hiding out in the catacombs. They are truly vast and we try to find all the exits we can and guard them, but not all can be found." There are a multitude of statues down here. Most of them are busts, although there are a few full sized statues. The mourner takes you to a set of crudely carved stairs. "This is where my guidance sends."

Colrick unslings his firearm and prepares it for use; a canister of hand-made ammunition is hooked to the side, putting it within reach, and a single brass cylinder plucked from the box and slid into the breach. "Revenge is not what I'm thinking. Dark rituals or other madness? Why else would you go down here?" he replies to Grunak.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll perception please."

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (11)+4: 15

GAME: Grunak rolls Perception: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Kathryn rolls Perception: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Colrick rolls perception: (14)+7: 21

GAME: Seadhna rolls perception: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (15)+4: 19

Seadhna stands watching the faces of those who are talking of glory and battle possibly even at the expense of chilrdens lives and just shakes his head. He then does the only other thing a halfling can do at a moment like this, he sticks out his hand at Jibbom and says "Nice to meet you Mr Von Ironblood," He states "My name is Seadhna."

You paged (Jibbom, Grunak, Kathryn, Colrick, Sonja) with 'You all notice as you are walking through the hall of warriors there appears to be one pedestal that's seems to be missing the statue that should be on it. It strikes you all as odd that there is this big open space among all the other statues.'

<OOC> Zalara says, "For those of you that got the page, if you have it you may roll knowledge/local"

GAME: Sonja rolls knowledge/local: Trained Use Only: 0

<OOC> Sonja says, "oh well."

<OOC> Kathryn weeps, that she isn't local!

<OOC> Grunak doesn't have it.

<OOC> Colrick is probably the only Alexandrian here, but don't have the knowledge yet :)

Sonja tilts her head as she walks into the hall of warriors. However, she finds nothing unusual about a missing statue in all of the statues. Silly Giantborn.

Jibbom gives Seadhna a smile that seems oddly cheerful under the circumstances, happily shaking the offered hand. "Pleased to meet you, Seadhna. Always good to see another Lucht with the guild. I'll buy you an ale later." Something distracts him, and he squints at one of the pedestals. "... Huh. Looks emptier than the others, doesn't it? S'pose our gang swiped the statue?"

"Not revenge against the merchant," Grunak says to Colrick, his copious mane swaying with a shake of his head. "Revenge for us coming here. He doesn't pay, he sends us. They slit the throats of the young in revenge. If they are cornered, why wouldn't they?" He thinks to add, in response to the valorous comments of others, "I am here for coin, and to test myself. If I do well, the young live."

Kathryn remains silent as introductions are handled, though a frown appears at the sight of the empty pedestal. Finally, "Improving oneself is an admirable goal."

The Mourner looks towards the others and he ohs, "Ah yes the infamous Cousins statue. If you like after the children are brought back I can tell you the tale of the Cousins statue, but I'm sure it's just been moved upstairs for restoration. We do try to keep the monuments down here in relatively good condition. I'll be waiting here for when you return."

Seadhna looks at the pedestal that he has been told is empty and shrugs, "I wouldn't know if there was anything missing, never been here before." He then looks in the direction that the Mourner had suggested and says "Perhaps our best choice would to be going looking for hte children rather than waiting for them to come out?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "1 last pose from everyone than FF ahead."

"I have no complaint why you're here, if your focus is on the safety of the children." Colrick adds, but his attention is mainly on the pedestal and its missing statue, until the Mourner tosses out an explanation. "I agree, anyone good at following footsteps in the dark?" he asks.

Sonja nods towards the Mourner. "All right. I'll admit I've never been here before. Different faith." However, she does look to Seadhna. "That was the idea." She then starts on the course the Mourner suggested.

Jibbom seems to buy the Mourner's explanation of the statue's absence, nodding and losing further interest in the subject. Seadhna's suggestion earns a quick nod. "Sounds like a plan to me..." He pauses at Grunak's words, and strokes his chin. "Hrm. Tusky fellow there has a point. Probably best we pretend to be delivering the ransom, then strike when their guard is lowered. Leave the talking to me."

Kathryn is so taken with that idea, that she says nothing. Absolutely nothing! At least until, "If we were in a forest, perhaps."

Grunak seems amused, if mildly so. His cracked tusks are furthered bared with a single chuckle. "Yes, I'm delivering," he says, whilst standing naked but for some hide and a breastplate. The oruch nevertheless heads on, earthbreaker balanced upon his right shoulder.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Okay the tunnels you are in are 10 feet wide, can I have marching order?"

<OOC> Seadhna will go in the middle with the torch.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Also, Jibbom will be casting Mage Armor once they start heading out."

<OOC> Zalara says, "NP"

GAME: Jibbom casts Mage Armor.

GAME: Zalara damaged Seadhna for -5 points. 11 remaining.

<OOC> Grunak supposes he'll go second to front.

<OOC> Seadhna says, "Can you heal my point of con as well Zalara?"

GAME: Zalara damaged Seadhna's constitution for -1 points. 0 total damage.

<OOC> Seadhna says, "Thank you."

<OOC> Zalara says, "So who's in front?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Okay, here's our marching order, from front to back: Sonja, Grunak, Colrick, Seadhna, Jibbom, Kathryn."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Thank you. :D"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "No problemo. :)"

The groups walks down the tunnel that is lined with skeletons and linen wrapped corpses that lay in repose. The scent of death and decay hangs heavy in the air, but it's not overwhelming and after a while one could get used to it. The tunnel breaks off every so often to a couple of dead end off shoots, but for the most part you are heading downwards deeper into the catacombs.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Perception checks please. :D"

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Seadhna rolls perception: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Colrick rolls perception: (3)+7: 10

GAME: Grunak rolls Perception: (19)+7: 26

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Kathryn rolls perception: (9)+9: 18

<OOC> Seadhna says, "can I cast Mage Armor as we enter <this pose>?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sure"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You've been walking for about half an hour"

<OOC> Jibbom notes the duration on his mage armor is five hours, for tracking purposes.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Thank you. :D"

GAME: Seadhna casts Mage Armor.

<OOC> Seadhna says, "Mine is 2 hours"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha"

Seadhna walks along behind Colrick looking from side to side at the sights the catacombs present. After twenty minutes or so his free hand reaches up to grasp a leather thong around his neck and a steady stream of Draconic spews forth from his mouth. His body shimmers momentarily in a deep blue suit of armor which then fades from sight.

You paged (Kathryn, Grunak) with 'Grunak you see ahead of you lots of beady little eyes and hear the sounds of rats lost of rats. Kathryn, you hear the rats behind you and when you turn to look you see lots of beady little eyes as well.'

"Humans. Always strange," Grunak observes as he plods along down the tunnel, taking in the sight of countless corpses assembled for all eternity. "You even hoard corpses." Slowly, the behemoth male's fingers tighten about the shaft of his earthbreaker. The savage weapon is brought down from his shoulder. "Ahead, many little eyes. Rats, I think. Many."

<OOC> Zalara says, "So everyone give me +inits...I think."

GAME: Grunak rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 7

GAME: Seadhna rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 20

GAME: Kathryn rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4

GAME: Colrick rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for Rats: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 15

GAME: Sonja rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 7

<OOC> Zalara says, "Grunak + Kathryn, you both get one surprise round action. Grunak you are up first."

<OOC> Grunak says, "How far is the swarm on my end?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "rats are about 15 feet away, they are just outside of the torch light"

<OOC> Grunak says, "Well, I'll try to step aside so as to give those behind me room to attack, and then go Total Defense."

<OOC> Zalara says, "my fault for not asking earlier, are you going single file or two by two?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You are in a ten foot tunnel as a reminder."

<OOC> Zalara says, "ten foot wide"

<OOC> Sonja would assume two by two.

<OOC> Jibbom images a more compact formation would make more sense.

<OOC> Sonja goes with Jibbom.

<OOC> Seadhna sings "The adventurers go marching two by two.."

<OOC> Grunak doesn't so much need to step aside, then, but does go Total Defense for now. Rather wait til they're within sight.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Noted. Kathryn you are up!"

===== Current Initiative Order =========


20 Seadhna


15 Rats


14 Colrick


11 Sonja


7 Jibbom


7 Grunak


4 Kathryn


<OOC> Zalara says, "Noted, pose it up both of you. :D"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Seadhna, you are up, hundreds of rats coming up from both sides of you."

<OOC> Seadhna says, "I can see them now then?"

Grunak has the presence of mind to not go rushing off into the darkness, where the swarm would happily make a feast of him. Instead, he makes something of a wall out of his broad frame, earthshaker held at the ready to fend off any leaping vermin.

<OOC> Zalara says, "I'm assuming you heard the two warnings."

<OOC> Zalara says, "They are just beyond the torch light for now."

<OOC> Seadhna says, "activate claws then and prepare to attack next round"

Kathryn slides her staff out of its holster, and turns to look over one shoulder, "’Ware the shadows - looks like there is an infestation." There is a pause, then in a tone of disguist, "Of /rats/."

<OOC> Seadhna says, "Sorry toss everburning torch forward then activate claws and get readdy to fight."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Towards the rats in front of Sonja and Grunak or towards the rats behind Jibbom and Kathryn? Anyone else have a source of light?"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "Oh from boths sides... then drop towards my feet :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha. Next Rats."

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (3): 3

Seadhna hears the warnings then drops his everburning torch on the ground by his feet, then flexes his hands causing claws to form from each of his fingers. He then crouches slightly and waits for the first rat to come near.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Jibbom and Sonja give me 2 fort saves"

GAME: Jibbom rolls fortitude: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Jibbom rolls fortitude: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Sonja rolls fort: (9)+9: 18

GAME: Sonja rolls fort: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Jibbom is going to use 'halfling luck' to reroll one of those.

GAME: Jibbom rolls fortitude: (14)+4: 18

<OOC> Zalara says, "First or second?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Let's say first."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sonja rats run all over you and bit you, but you are able to resist their filthy bites. Jibbom, you are not distracted by the bites, but you feel feverish all of a sudden."

The two packs of rats seem to converge together going after the first warm bodied things they see. The swarm in the front attacks Sonja and starts to crawl all over her. While the swarm in the back decides to see how tasty Ironblood can be.

<OOC> Zalara says, "colrick you are up"

GAME: Zalara damaged Sonja for 3 points. 38 remaining.

GAME: Zalara damaged Jibbom for 3 points. 33 remaining.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Toss an alchemist's fire at one of the swarms"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Closest one, I guess"

<OOC> Zalara says, "There are two, one's on Sonja and one is on Jibbom."

<OOC> Colrick says, "One on Sonja, I think she can take a little singing :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

<OOC> Sonja says, "Hit me with it."

You paged Sonja with 'Are you immune from disease yet?'

<OOC> Colrick says, "So... can I hit the swarm directly? Or does it end up hitting Sonja directly too?"

From afar, Sonja checks.

<OOC> Zalara says, "You'll end up hitting Sonja too."

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "Even as a touch attack, I bet that misses"

Sonja pages: yup. Immune to all dieases.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Yes that's a miss."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Time to see where it actually ends up..."

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d8: (3): 3

You paged Sonja with 'Okay, you only need to roll 1 fort than if you are distracted or not.'

Sonja pages: okie.

<OOC> Colrick says, "lands to the left of it, from my facing. 10 ft off, I think... range increment of a thrown vial is 10 ft, I think"

<OOC> Zalara says, "So you completely miss and splash has no effect...I think?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup. So anything within 5 ft of that point takes 1 point of fire damage"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Which is nothing because you threw it 10 feet over."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Obviously someone jostled me *grumble* :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "So it hits the tunnel all and bursts in to flames"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Next up Sonja, you are covered in rats and Colrick tried to light you on fire"

<OOC> Sonja says, "need me to roll up fort real quick? or am I fine?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You are fine, you'll roll fort when rats attack"

<OOC> Sonja says, "I guess I can......hmmm.....smash them up against a wall?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sure roll me an improvised attack roll"

<OOC> Sonja doesn't know improved attacks all that well.

Colrick quickly fishes through his pack and pulls out a glass vial with orange markings all over it. He's about ready to toss it at the rats gnawing at Sonja, but in the tight confines it hits an outcropping of stone and shatters prematurely on the wall, coating it with fire. The sound of it shattering covers up the curse he just said, but on the bright side there's another source of light to use now.

<OOC> Zalara says, "1d20+attack bonus+str-4"

GAME: Colrick used a Alchemist's Fire.

GAME: Sonja rolls 1d20+4: (3)+4: 7

<OOC> Sonja says, "bleh."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You hit the side of the tunnel, but the rats scurry away at the last moment."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Jibbom you are up!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Okay! I want to take a five foot step back away from the rats biting me, then hit them with Burning Hands."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You are aiming towards your companions?"

Sonja doesn't exactly like rats, but she's starting to hate these rats. Getting bitten by rats, makes her rush the tunnel wall, but the rats that are on her shoulder run away just in time......

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I thought the rats came from behind?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "And I was already at the back."

<OOC> Zalara says, "They did, but they attacked you so they share your square"

<OOC> Zalara says, "you 5 foot move out you put the rats between you and colrick"

<OOC> Zalara says, "I think"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I want to 5' step back towards my companions and fire from there."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You can't"

<OOC> Zalara says, "No room"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Hrm. No room to move to the side either?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You can 5ft step diagnol towards Kat"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "And I can fire from there without hitting allies? That sounds good."

<OOC> Zalara says, "I'm gonna say yes"

GAME: Jibbom casts Burning Hands.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 5d4: (12): 12

<OOC> Zalara says, "Reflex Dc?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "It's a DC 16 reflex save for half damage, but they take 50 percent extra damage for being a swarm."

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19

<OOC> Zalara says, "You've killed little over half of them pose it"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Grunak you are up, Sonja's front it covered in rats as well as rats at her feet"

<OOC> Grunak says, "I can't very well hit Sonja with an earthbreaker, so I'll go for the ones on the floor."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll, but with a -4 not to hit Sonja"

GAME: Grunak rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9

Jibbom makes horrible yelping sounds as the rats start biting him. You'd think he’d have learned to wear shoes when venturing into rodent infested catacombs, but apparently not. He jumps back towards Kathryn, pointing his palms towards the rats. "Vile rodent fiends! Feel the power of the Bane of the Night!" Jets of flame explode from his hands, searing about half of the rats into crispy little black chunks of smoldering fur.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss, Kat you are up"

Grunak isn't panicked by the rats, but neither is he particularly fond of their presence. Tiny, hungry little bloodsuckers pooling at the feet of a huge barbarian. The oruch brings his earthbreaker to the ready, smacking the floor once in a failed attempt to smash some of the vermin. The task of not catching Sonja within his fury complicates matters.

<OOC> Kathryn says, "Er... hrm. Do we have any open flames?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope"

<OOC> Kathryn says, "Do the ooh, eeeh, ah-ah-ah dance, and flail at the ground with my quarterstaff."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d20+2: (20)+2: 22

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hit roll damage, no crits on swarms"

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d6: (2): 2

<OOC> Zalara says, "You squashed a few rats, swarm is not looking good"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Seadhna!"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "claw, claw on rats."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss, Hit, roll 1 damage"

Kathryn's first comment about the rats wasn't too bad. However, once Jibbom lit them up, and she could see they were everywhere... Well, blood will tell; by which we mean, first she screams and looks like she'll climb Steel Von Ironblood, and then she goes on attack, viciously slaying the ground (and any rats between her quarterstaff and it).

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d3: (3): 3

<OOC> Zalara says, "Claws are slashing?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Your claws killed a couple of rats, but not as many as you would have liked."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Rats turn."

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Zalara damaged Sonja for 4 points. 34 remaining.

GAME: Zalara damaged Jibbom for 4 points. 29 remaining.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sonja roll 1 fort save, jibbom roll another 2"

GAME: Jibbom rolls fortitude: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls fortitude: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Sonja rolls fort: (9)+9: 18

You paged Jibbom with 'You feel a wave of nausea wash over you. You are nauseated for 1 round.'

The rats come closer, they are burned and flattened by staffs but still they come closer. Soon Seadhna has no choice but to slash out at them swinging his clawed hands in such a way to not be hit by flame or staff. His first swing missed its target but the second claw comes up bloody leaving a few rat corpses in the wake of its path.

You paged Sonja with 'You are save, rats biting you more, you feel a wave of nausea hit you, but you can ignore it.'

<OOC> Zalara says, "Colrick!"

The rats on Sonja continue to bite at her flesh, tearing out little chunks of it. The ones that are still going from behind swarm on Jibbom again, they crave his Ironblood.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Well... gonna shoot some rats off of Sonja :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Rapid shot, and good thing bullets count as blunt too"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Colrick rolls weapon8+1-2-4: (1)+9+1+-2+-4: 5

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oh crap... misfire"

<OOC> Zalara says, "roll misfire damage"

<OOC> Colrick says, "That only happens if it explodes, which tenebrae firearms don't do anymore from the house rules"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Ah"

<OOC> Zalara says, "So just no more shots from you?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "I can clear the jam as a move, but it's DC 20, or DC 10 as a standard. I'll try to clear it next round"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha. Sonja!"

<OOC> Sonja says, "hmm...."

<OOC> Sonja says, "I can attack them directly with my earthbreaker, right?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Yes, but like jibbom you'd have to move away from them first."

<OOC> Sonja says, "which I do."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

<OOC> Sonja says, "can I power attack them?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sure"

GAME: Sonja rolls weapon7-2: (6)+9+-2: 13

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss"

<OOC> Sonja says, "oh well."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Jibbom, you are throwing up, you can only move"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I move away from the rats. That's all I can do."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Pose it up. Grunak you are up"

Sonja's not having much luck against the rats. Even stepping away from them and using her earthbreaker to squish them comes off as a miss as they separate to avoid the club.

Colrick is in a desperate and chaotic situation, so he falls back on one of things he knows how to do really well. That means lifting his thunderbelcher up and taking aim at the rats scurrying around Sonja. However the poor air quality messes up the internal mechanism of his weapon, and the alchemical shell shatters instead of exploding. "Dammit again!" he curses, this time easily heard without the loud crack of gunfire.

"Steel Von Ironbl... blaaaaugh!" Jibbom sprays vomit onto the rats, which doesn't demoralize them as much as it seems like it should. He staggers away from them, too sickened to conjure more magical fire.

<OOC> Grunak says, "Now that Sonja's stepped away from the rats, I will attack the ones on the floor unhindered. So, Rage (+4 Str/Con, +4 HP, -2 AC) and then Power Attack."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Yep go for it"

GAME: Grunak rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Kathryn you are up!"

Grunak is getting a little bit annoyed. They were down here for bandits, and now they're being held up by vermin. The oruch's irritation builds into anger, and it's from that anger that he draws additional might. When his hammer crashes down again, it does so with such force as to leave a small crack in the floor ... and no smashed rats. They scattered! Grunak roars at that, his rage heightened.

<OOC> Kathryn says, "... Damnit. Move between Jibbom (If I can, if not oh well), and have more tantrum against the floo, I mean rats."

<OOC> Zalara says, "roll it up"

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d20+2: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Zalara says, "The rats are between you and Jibbom."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss. Seadhna"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "claw claw again"

<OOC> Zalara says, "I know. I'm assuming 5ft step towards the rats?"

Kathryn's mental state does not seem to be doing well. Probably because when she brought her staff up, a rat's tail went flying, and disappear into her shirt. Ergo, the smashing is much more like panicked flailing, and it is only Jibbom's good luck that has her missing him in her hysteria.

<OOC> Seadhna says, "yes the ones by Jibbom"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hit, miss"

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d3: (3): 3

<OOC> Zalara says, "You kill some rats, but again not as many as you'd think"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Rats."

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Zalara damaged Grunak for 6 points. 20 remaining.

GAME: Zalara damaged Seadhna for 4 points. 7 remaining.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll me 2 fort saves each please."

GAME: Grunak rolls Fortitude: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Grunak rolls Fortitude: (15)+6: 21

You paged Grunak with 'You are fine.'

<OOC> Grunak says, "Remind me next time to account for the extra Constitution. :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "And just so everyone knows, 1st roll is for distracted, ie get sick like Jibbom did, and 2nd roll is disease."

Seadhna jumps forward to the rats that are still near Jibbom and continues to do his best cat impersonation. He is only able to catch rats with one hand again but it still leads to less rats in the swarm.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Seadhna 2 fort saves please."

GAME: Seadhna rolls Fort: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Seadhna rolls Fort: (17)+2: 19

You paged Seadhna with 'You are nauseated next turn, ie only can move, but no disease'

<OOC> Zalara says, "Colrick you are up"

Seadhna pages: thanks

<OOC> Colrick says, "standard action to clear the jam, DC 20 craft/gunsmithing check"

GAME: Colrick rolls craft/gunsmithing: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha"

<OOC> Colrick says, "er, sorry,d c10"

<OOC> Colrick says, "dc 20 is the move action check"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha. It's cleared"

<OOC> Colrick says, "And that's it from me"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sonja!"

<OOC> Sonja says, "do I have rats on me again?"

<OOC> Sonja was eating dinner.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope, the other earthbreaker wielder does"

<OOC> Sonja says, "crap....."

<OOC> Sonja says, "well, I go after the rats with the earthbreaker then."

<OOC> Sonja says, "trying to miss Grunak."

Everything is falling apart around Colrick, but at least there's no rats on him. Gnawing rats that would distract from the task of getting the misfired cartridge out, cleaning up the mess inside, and then recalibrating the mechanism to work properly in this dank air.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Okay -4 not to hit Grunak"

GAME: Sonja rolls weapon7-4: (7)+9+-4: 12

<OOC> Sonja says, "bleh."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Miss. Grunak you are up"

Sonja misses again, even though the rats go after Grunak....

<OOC> Grunak is thinking, sorry!

<OOC> Zalara says, "Not a problem"

<OOC> Grunak says, "Is there still fire on the floor from that earlier splash?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You can move away from swarm like jibbom and sonja did and attack"

<OOC> Grunak says, "So much for using corpses to create a bonfire. Move away and power attack, then."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Grunak rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hit!"

GAME: Grunak rolls 2d6+12: (10)+12: 22

<OOC> Zalara says, "Dead"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Kat you are up, rats are all over Seadhan"

Grunak's had enough of these motherfuggin' rats in this motherfuggin' crypt! The raging orc backs up and hauls his earthbreaker high, roaring throughout the strike to follow. This time around, the rats aren't quite agile enough, and the paste they become creates a rather unpleasant splash effect.

<OOC> Kathryn says, "... Try to hit the rats on Seadhan."

<OOC> Sonja says, "if my turn comes up and I haven't said back yet...skip me."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Sorry, did my turn get skipped? I think my nausea should've worn off."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Oops I'm sorry"

<OOC> Kathryn says, "who"

<OOC> Zalara says, "you are right jibbom."

<OOC> Kathryn oys.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Please hold up Kat and jibbom go ahead"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "No worries. :) Can I move into any possible position to Burning Hands the rats without getting a party member?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope they are for the most part on Seadhna"

<OOC> Jibbom doesn't want to burn his new halfling friend.

<OOC> Zalara says, "You can hold ready action...I think until after Seadhna moves."

<OOC> Jibbom will do that! Burning hands as soon as the opportunity comes up to do so without getting allies.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Gotcha, Sorry now Kat's turn"

<OOC> Zalara says, "roll with a -4 for not hitting Seadha."

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d20+2-4: (8)+2+-4: 6

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sorry miss. Seadhna you are up"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "I'll start with some vomiting then a 5 foot step out of the swarm and end with a side of hurling please :)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Okay. Jibbom you are up, you can burn rats without hitting anyone"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Although Colrick's backside might be a little warm"

<OOC> Jibbom does it!

GAME: Jibbom casts Burning Hands.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 5d4: (12): 12

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d20+5: (9)+5: 14

<OOC> Zalara says, "they burn"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Still 16 DC. So, that's 18 damage."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Crispy rats"

Seadhna is swarmed by rats that are biting him in places that no halfling should be bit, by rats at least. He starts to stagger out of the swarm and says "I'm starting to feel like I'm on a boat." Whatever else he may have said is cut off by an expulsion of massive proportions spraying from his mouth onto the rat swarm.

Almost as soon as he's done vomiting (which takes a little while), Jibbom whirls around and starts firing jets of flame again. Either through good, precise timing or pure dumb luck, he scorches the remaining rats without incinerating any of his new friends. "Ugh... horrible little critters!"

<OOC> Seadhna can drink a potion while moving on.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Use it and roll"

GAME: Seadhna used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Zalara damaged Seadhna for -4 points. 11 remaining.

Grunak whips about, the anger to which he's given himself demanding another target. Alas, the rats have all been burned are crushed. The brute exercises a bit of willpower to bring himself down, his chest rising heavily with the ensuing fatigue. "Vermin," says Grunak, spitting aside. A few bites yet draw red blood across his dark green flesh, but not in great quantity.

Kathryn spends the next couple of minutes smooshing the already crispy corpses, then starts to take several deep breathes, trying to slow her heart and the panic-and-flee impulses. "I /hate/ rats," she admits to no-one in particular.

<OOC> Sonja uses an LoH.

GAME: Sonja rolls 2d6: (9): 9

<OOC> Zalara says, "Welcome back, posing a round of rest and recovery, ie use any healing you would like"

GAME: Zalara damaged Sonja for -9 points. 41 remaining.

<OOC> Grunak uses the time to let his fatigue wear off. ;)

<OOC> Sonja says, "and I'm full up. XD"

<OOC> Sonja uses an LoH on Grunak. It cures fatigue.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

<OOC> Jibbom blasts himself with a Heavenly Fire.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Zalara damaged Jibbom for -6 points. 35 remaining.

<OOC> Sonja says, "need any healing Grunak?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "He's -6"

GAME: Sonja rolls 2d6: (10): 10

GAME: Zalara damaged Grunak for -10 points. 26 remaining.

<OOC> Grunak is down 6.

<OOC> Sonja says, "not anymore. XD"

Seadhna wipes the back of his mouth to clear the last dregs of vomit then reaches into a pouch then pulls out a bottle. It takes him a moment to get the vial open and once he does he drains the bottle, as the last drop flows down his throat and the multiple bite and scratch marks heal up leaving him whole and unmarked.

Jibbom frowns and points at his rat bites. A ray of soft white light fires out, healing up most of the worst of them. "Ugh. Much better." He says with a sigh, wiggling his newly healed toes.

Sonja looks over to Grunak, after touching her down chest and healing up her wounds. She walks on over and touches his shoulder with one glowing hand. "You should be fine now, Grunak."

It's another long stretch of walking through dark tunnels. There is the occasional twist and turn, but for the most part this tunnel seems to be the only way in or out when the party suddenly comes to a 4 way intersection. The left and straight ahead are clear, but the right one seems to be collapsed.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Perception checks!"

GAME: Grunak rolls perception: (14)+7: 21

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (13)+4: 17

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Seadhna rolls perception: (11)+4: 15

GAME: Colrick rolls perception: (3)+7: 10

GAME: Kathryn rolls perception: (18)+9: 27

You paged (Grunak, Jibbom, Seadhna, Kathryn) with 'To the left you see a glint of metal in the air and on closer look you see bones floating in the air or what looks like air. You've discovered the way is blocked by a Gelatinous ooze that takes up the entire left passageway. Strangely you can see scuff marks that look like someone was dragged to the left as well. Straight ahead looks like its thick with dust and no one has disturbed it for years.'

Grunak is fine, indeed. He offers Sonja something of a wary look throughout the brief act. If he thanks her, it comes in the form of a grunt just before he turns to plod along his way. Eventually, within the darker depths, the oruch encounters the intersection and slows to an eventual halt. "Not that way unless they were flying," he grunts, nodding ahead. "No footprints in the dust, nothing disturbed. Grunak then turns to the left, only to bring down his earthbreaker again. "Tch. If they went this way, probably dead."

<OOC> Zalara says, "inits again!"

GAME: Sonja rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 10

GAME: Seadhna rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 4

GAME: Grunak rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 12

GAME: You roll initiative for Gelatinous_Cube: Roll: 4 + Bonus: -5 = Total: -1

GAME: Colrick rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 19

GAME: Kathryn rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23

<OOC> Zalara says, "you are a bit more spread out the cube is about 15 feet away you have about 20 square feet of room to work with in the intersection"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Kathryn you are up first on surprise round."

<OOC> Kathryn says, "Switch out quarterstaff for bow; shoot if allowed."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Would you have switched out before during the walking?"

<OOC> Kathryn says, "The chance to attack says yes. However, probably not. ;)"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Than you can either drop quarterstaff and take out bow or put away quarterstaff"

<OOC> Zalara says, "And thank you for honesty"

===== Current Initiative Order =========


23 Kathryn


19 Colrick


12 Grunak


10 Jibbom


10 Sonja


4 Seadhna


-1 Gelatinous_Cube



Kathryn frowns at the undisturbed dust going to the right, then looks to the left. "That doesn't look good at all," she admits with a bit of a frown. A quick glance around has her lightly tipping her staff off to one side where it will hopefully be out of the way, and slides her bow into hand, testing the tension.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Grunak you are up"

<OOC> Colrick says, "This was a surprise round?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Yes this is surprised round for those that noticed the Cube"

<OOC> Grunak says, "I advance and power attack."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You can't"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Surprise round you can only move or standard action"

<OOC> Grunak says, "Then I ... Total Defense!"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Good thought. Jibbom you are up"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Scorching ray on the cube."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Shot away"

GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged: (4)+6: 10

<OOC> Jibbom says, "That's a touch attack."

<OOC> Zalara says, "It's a hit"

GAME: Jibbom casts Scorching Ray.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 4d6: (19): 19

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll damage"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "All fire damage, if it matters."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You scorched it bad, it does not sound happy"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Seadhna you are up"

Grunak is suddenly glad to have received that healing from Sonja, in spite of his reasons for being wary. The oruch faces the cube and stands his ground, his earthbreaker held in such a way as to better deflect any incoming blows with its haft.

<OOC> Seadhna says, "magic missile on the cube."

<OOC> Zalara says, "roll it up"

Jibbom frowns as he catches sight of the horrible block of ooze blocking the hallway. "Oh dear. Hold your noses, people! Unless you like the smell of burning goo." He points his finger and fires our a ray of brilliant red fiery light which slams right into the cube's side, producing that horrible smell he just warned about.

GAME: Seadhna rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Seadhna casts Magic Missile.

<OOC> Zalara says, "You zapped it"

<OOC> Zalara says, "top of the round! Kathryn you are up"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "shoot I did not refresh spells... do you mind if I do it now and re cast my 2 spells from this event?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "go for it"

<OOC> Kathryn says, "Pew-pew! (Translation: I shoot it.)"

GAME: Seadhna refreshes spells.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll away"

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Seadhna casts Mage Armor.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hit"

GAME: Seadhna casts Magic Missile.

GAME: Kathryn rolls 1d8: (6): 6

<OOC> Zalara says, "Colrick you are up! Everyone's shoot at the cube"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Consult my vast knowledge about dungeon critters with a knowledge check, and then rapid shot the cube"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Colrick rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Colrick rolls weapon8+1-2: (19)+9+1+-2: 27

GAME: Colrick rolls weapon8+1-2: (8)+9+1+-2: 16

You paged Colrick with 'You know it's a Gelatinous Cube'

Kathryn makes gagging sounds as she takes in the smell of Jibbom's handywork. "Oh gods... that's /foul/..." she complains, before lining up her shot and letting a single arrow arch through the air to land into the jellycube. ".. we're all going to end up sick as dogs before this is done."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Double hit"

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d12+1+1: (8)+1+1: 10

GAME: Colrick rolls 1d12+1+1: (1)+1+1: 3

<OOC> Zalara says, "The cube is not looking good, Grunak you are up"

<OOC> Grunak says, "Power attack!"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

GAME: Grunak rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hit"

GAME: Grunak rolls 2d6+10: (8)+10: 18

"It's called a Gelatinous Cube." Colrick states before leveling his firearm and letting off two shots, with a quick reload between each. "Don't let it touch you!"

Seadhna takes a few moments looking at the floor around the intersection then notices the Gelatinous Cube, he takes a step back and begins to chant in Draconic again. After a few moments he points at the thing in the left hand path and sends a Deep blue bolt of force slamming into it.

<OOC> Zalara says, "It's dead"

<OOC> Sonja says, "There's always room for jello."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Good job defeating the Cube!"

Grunak does what Grunaks do best. Without the same amount of anger he'd expressed toward the rats, the oruch brings his earthbringer down upon the cube. It plunges into the gelatinous geometric menace, and combined with harm otherwise inflicted, causes it to burst into harmless chunks.

Sonja chuckles as she watches Grunak splatter the cube. "Now I'm really glad I healed you earlier." She says with a chuckle. It all happened before she had time to react......

"Not that that was really a problem." Colrick adds, after Grunak's attack turns it into a drippy mess on the floor. "When we find the kidnappers, take them alive; I want them to show us how they can move around this place and not get eaten alive." he remarks with a frown.

<OOC> Jibbom leaves that decision up to folks who know something about tracking.

<OOC> Kathryn oh, rights. I have tracking don't I...er... well, tis not the forest area, but she can give it a shot.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it!"

GAME: Kathryn rolls Survival: (9)+7: 16

<OOC> Zalara says, "You find the tracks and scrap marks lead to the left. Straight ahead appears to be undisturbed."

Kathryn frowns, as she looks at the chunks lying on the ground, then rubs at her nose. "... I am going to be smelling that for weeks now... and that is a very good question, Colrick - it looks like something was dragged past the cube, while.." here she pauses, and looks at the straightaway, "straight ahead is undisturbed."

"Better smelling it than getting eaten by it." Jibbom suggests, holding his own nose. "Very well then. Let's head left. The children can't be far, can they?"

Grunak chuckles dryly as he lower the business end of his hammer, tapping at the bones and armor previously suspended within. "And we hope that's not them," remarks the oruch, who steps over the gooey mess to continue along.

As the group moves towards the left the passage way become interconnected with other passageways. It's easy to see the trail of slime left by the Cube as at one intersection it turned right to go down your passageway while the drag marks through the dust continue to straight ahead. The cube obviously had been prowling around after the drag marks. The group continues to follow Kathryn's tracking until they reach an intersection where the drag marks lead to a door.

Seadhna nods in agreement to the left hand tunnel, then follows after in his appointed spot trying to keep an eye open for danger.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll perception please"

GAME: Grunak rolls Perception: (12)+7: 19

GAME: Seadhna rolls perception: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (14)+4: 18

GAME: Colrick rolls perception: (4)+7: 11

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (12)+4: 16

<OOC> Kathryn says, "Sorry, emergency in the kitchen."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Np"

GAME: Kathryn rolls perception: (19)+9: 28

<OOC> Zalara says, "Everyone, but Seadhna hears crying from coming beyond the doors."

You paged Kathryn with 'In addition you hear the faint sound of children laughing behind you'

<OOC> Zalara says, "The door is 10 feet high, double wooden door opens in the middle. It's richly decorated with happy children playing on it."

<OOC> Colrick will check the door for traps or anything strange

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

GAME: Colrick rolls perception+1: (13)+7+1: 21

<OOC> Colrick says, "+1 is for trap sense"

<OOC> Zalara says, "You find no traps."

<OOC> Sonja says, "is the door barricaded?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "It doesn't look like it from your side."

Kathryn frowns slightly, as she considers the door. Then, she pauses, her head tilted. "... Does anyone else hear that? An echo?" she adds, more to herself as she turns to look behind the group and away from the door.

Sonja nods quietly. "I can hear it, yes. Coming from those doors. Colrick? Can you check it out for traps? and open it?"

"On it." Colrick says without delay, sliding up to the door and moving his fingers along its frame, handles, and other details. A few tools are brought out to test it as well, before he turns around. "Nothing rigged, that I can tell. Stand back, I'm going to open it as quietly as I can, then slip inside." he adds.

Seadhna stops walking when Kathryn mentions an echo and shakes his head, "I don't hear anything," He says then takes another moment to look around. "Hey look a door!" He exclaims pointing at the door.

Jibbom gives Colrick a thumbs up. For once, the halfling is quiet, evidently not wanting to alert anyone who might be close enough to overhear the adventurers.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Stealth check to sneak in?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Go for it"

"They're bawling," grunts Grunak, almost as if in disgust. Hey, he's an orc. The barbarian would've kicked the door open, but being so flexible a fellow, he happily allows Colrick to take point.

GAME: Colrick rolls stealth: (7)+11: 18

Kathryn takes a small step away from the group, and shakes her head. "Not that; well, yes, that, but also not that. I'm hearing /other/ laughter," the ranger says quietly, an arrow kept between fingers to fidget with as she tries to locate what's making the supposed second set of sounds.

As Colrick slowly opens the door to sneak in he'll hear the two children tied up next to a pair of sarcophaguses. He'll see by the two torches that are still left alight in the sconces 5 bodies all lying face down on the floor in pools of blood. The inside of the chamber is beautiful, it's got frescos of children playing and the stone columns have happy children carved into them.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Room is 15 by 30"

<OOC> Colrick will sneak over to the two children, lift a finger to his lips to make the 'shush' gesture, and try to see what the knot is like, and whether I can get them free.

The oldest child shushes up and tries to get the younger to do the same. The younger looks at Colrick, "Are you an angel too?"

Colrick pulls out a goblin army knife from his belt, and patiently saws away at the bindings. All the while he stays silent, risking only a glance back at the door. When the younger speaks he winces and shakes his head, lifting his finger again to shush the child.

The older child shushes the younger one as well as he waits patiently for the bindings to get free. One the binding are free the children will follow Colrick.

<OOC> Zalara says, "older = boy, younger = girl, matches description of children given"

Colrick points to the door, and makes a little running gesture with his fingers. As soon as they begin to move, he follows behind them, backing up with his thunderbelcher out so he can keep the room in view.

The door opens and two children come out to the rest of the group followed by Colrick. The children are obviously frightened and huddle together. The room is quiet as Colrick leaves it.

Seadhna waits outside the room watching as Colrick sneaks into the room and back out again with the children that needed the rescuing.

Grunak peers down at the children as Colrick ushers them into view. "That's it?" It's as though he can't believe he went through so much for something so tiny. "Eh. Let's get 'em back. I need a drink." He keeps to the side, so as to allow the youngsters into the safety of the group's heart.

Sonja keeps quiet, but walks along with the children to keep them safe.

Jibbom beams when he sees the children alive and well. "Ah, good. They didn't need to build character after all. Another heroic rescue successfully executed by Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night." Colrick may have done the actual rescuing, but why quibble over details. "Let's get back above ground, associates."

<OOC> Sonja says, "Hey Zalara? Can I use detect evil on the kids real quick?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Sure"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Kids are not evil"

<OOC> Sonja says, "K."

Kathryn glances over her shoulder a moment, then asks, "No sign of the kidnappers?" before turning her attention back to the corridor, trying to figure out that itch in the back of her mind.

"There were five bodies in there, fresh... someone or something did that, but left the children." Colrick says quietly as he walks along, obviously finding that unsettling, as he still clutches on to his thunderbelcher as they navigate back the way they came.

The little girl speaks up, "Two angels saved us! The mean nasty men took us in there, than the torches went out and there as a lot of screaming and when the torches lit up again I saw two white angels leaving and the bad men were dead." The older one nods his head, "I couldn't since I was facing the wall, but the lights did go out and there was some screaming."

"The cube probably got 'em." Jibbom declares, ignoring all logic. "Serves 'em right for kidnapping children and dragging them off to cubeland." Once a good distance away from the room Seadhna moves closer to the children and asks "Are you two okay?" He then looks back toward the door "Do you know what happened in there?" He then stops as another asks his question and it is answered.

<OOC> Sonja says, "Can I roll knowledge/religion for that?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Oh sure"

GAME: Sonja rolls knowledge/religion: (1)+5: 6

<OOC> Sonja says, "oh for the...."

<OOC> Zalara says, "You've heard of angels"

<OOC> Sonja says, "Of course...I'm a paladin."

<OOC> Zalara says, "But to your knowledge there is no stories of two children saving angels"

<OOC> Seadhna says, "would knowledge/arcana or The planes help at all?"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope"

The trip back through the passage a ways is uneventful, the little girl does look like she'd need to carried although the boy tries to hold up manfully to walk out under his own power. The hall of warriors is empty.

<OOC> Zalara says, "Roll perception"

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Seadhna rolls perception: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Grunak rolls Perception: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Colrick rolls perception: (4)+7: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (1)+4: 5

GAME: Kathryn rolls perception: (9)+9: 18

You paged (Sonja, Grunak, Seadhna) with 'You'll notice the empty spot that was there before you went down now has two statues in it. Their hands look bloody and they appear to be holding eyes.'

You paged Kathryn with 'You'll notice the empty spot that was there before you went down now has two statues in it. Their hands look bloody.'

Sonja pages: can I use detect evil on the two statues?

You paged Sonja with 'Sure. They are not evil'

You paged Sonja with 'As far as you can tell they are just statues.'

Seadhna bounces back out of the passage to the room where the Mourner left the group to explore on their own and takes a look around. "Hey!" he exclaims "There are a couple of statues there now." said while pointing at the pedestal that had been empty earlier.

The little girl looks up and smiles brightly, "It's the angels!"

"Guess the cube put it back after he decided it wasn't tasty." Jibbom suggests, once again in total defiance of all reason.

Sonja walks out of the passage, quietly wondering about the angels when she sees the statues. Of course, seeing the blood on the hands, she immediately tries to see if they're evil......to no avail. "hmmmmmm...."

Oh look, the statues are back from upstairs, apparently having plucked out some eyeballs whilst being cleaned. Wait, what? Grunak doesn't like this situation, not one bit. "Yeah. Look at their hands," grunts the orc in response to Seadhna. He's not inclined to walk between them, and so, he warily questions the dark chambers. "If you got a taste for grown men, now's the time to eat. Else, we're takin' the young home."

The statues don't respond because of course they are just statues.

"The Cousins..." Colrick remarks in confusion when everyone else points out the statues. "... I... would rather we just get this over with, and leave the statues be." he adds, eager to get out of there.

Say what? The fact that many realize what she has - and that the children recognize the statues - causes Kathryn to pale slightly, and the arrow to continue to rotate between her fingers. "... right. Never again. And I vote for story time once we get out of here. Our luck, undead would appear, way things have been going."

Seadhna will not question things he cannot explain "I don't know what happened but we are back and the children are safe, so let’s get them back to their daddy and thereby get out of here."

Sonja nods to Colrick. "I agree with you." She then has Grunak stick close to her while Colrick leads the children by them.

Grunak is a little wary of magic, one might notice. He steps quickly between the statues before whipping around, watching their rear as he backs away, headed for the exit. The orc, for one, is disinclined to trust those statues till they're well beyond sight.

"Eh, undead don't smell as bad as the cubes when they burn. No big deal." Jibbom declares with totally undeserved chipperness. "But yes, it is probably time to head on back." He's as eager as anyone to get above ground.

The Mourner is there to meet you outside of the hall of warriors, "You've gotten the children back and you look no worse for wear, come up to the temple than and we'll get these little ones home. If you like I can tell you the Legend of the Cousins..."