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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Oates climbs onto the middle wagon. Decent view off of either side, and a reasonable distance to either end of the caravan.
Oates climbs onto the middle wagon. Decent view off of either side, and a reasonable distance to either end of the caravan.
The Egalrin nods to the introduction, "May all find warmth under the sun and shade under the trees when needed... I am Arafel Gemlord." He nods down to his Digger companion, "This is Lodestone... No Boon on anyone's half, but a blessing of Dana in that we are that what we are, her servants of air and land."
The Egalrin nods to the introduction, "May all find warmth under the sun and shade under the trees when needed... I am Arafel Gemlord." He nods down to his Digger companion, "This is Lodestone... No Boon on anyone's half, but a blessing of Dana in that we are that what we are, her servants of air and land."
Terlin seems a bit wary of the ursine, as he nimbly - as well as a portly fellow can - sidesteps the bear and climbs into the first wagon. "Climb aboard if you lack a bear, there is room for everyone. Should also be a lot warmer than walking in the snow." he declares with a hearty laugh. "As for the details, Lady Cinnamon, I would be happy to tell you everything on our trip."
Terlin seems a bit wary of the ursine, as he nimbly - as well as a portly fellow can - sidesteps the bear and climbs into the first wagon. "Climb aboard if you lack a bear, there is room for everyone. Should also be a lot warmer than walking in the snow." he declares with a hearty laugh. "As for the details, Lady Cinnamon, I would be happy to tell you everything on our trip."
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Mel would suggest a lookout rota for while the party rests at night, even in such nominally safe areas, though it seems his caution is in excess of the danger. He holds his cloak tight around him against the weather, bearing the chill as best he can. He'll offer to help cook when we stop to rest. He's no master chef, but he can generally time things so nothing's raw or burnt. When we arrive at the cave, he hops off the wagon to stretch his legs, and looks around the cave warily, pulling an everburning torch from his pack to see more clearly.
Mel would suggest a lookout rota for while the party rests at night, even in such nominally safe areas, though it seems his caution is in excess of the danger. He holds his cloak tight around him against the weather, bearing the chill as best he can. He'll offer to help cook when we stop to rest. He's no master chef, but he can generally time things so nothing's raw or burnt. When we arrive at the cave, he hops off the wagon to stretch his legs, and looks around the cave warily, pulling an everburning torch from his pack to see more clearly.
Nothing better then a mostly, non-eventful trip into the Desolation. It was a good thing neither Arafel or Lodestone where herbivores, and Lodestone being a might bit happier as the very sand itself could be eaten if need be or random stones here and there, as long as Arafel had his favorite treat, an emerald now and again. When they arrive he gets off the wagon and retrieves his spear as he does, "Another cave..." he looks to Lodestone, the digger as happy as can be at that himself and then the Egalrin looks around once more.
Nothing better then a mostly, non-eventful trip into the Desolation. It was a good thing neither Arafel or Lodestone where herbivores, and Lodestone being a might bit happier as the very sand itself could be eaten if need be or random stones here and there, as long as Arafel had his favorite treat, an emerald now and again. When they arrive he gets off the wagon and retrieves his spear as he does, "Another cave..." he looks to Lodestone, the digger as happy as can be at that himself and then the Egalrin looks around once more.
Oates takes a careful look inside the cave, making sure that nothing is blatantly amiss. Best to make sure that they're not walking unknowingly into trouble.
Oates takes a careful look inside the cave, making sure that nothing is blatantly amiss. Best to make sure that they're not walking unknowingly into trouble.
Line 84: Line 84:
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls perception: (6)+9: 15
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls perception: (6)+9: 15
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls perception: (7)+2: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls perception: (7)+2: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls Perception: (5)+9: 14
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls Perception: (5)+9: 14
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "This is for Primrose."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "This is for Primrose."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Perception: (14)+9: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Perception: (14)+9: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Perception: (11)+11: 22
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Perception: (11)+11: 22
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls perception: (4)+1: 5
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls perception: (4)+1: 5
Line 95: Line 102:
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls 1d20: (18): 18
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls 1d20: (18): 18
<OOC> Arafel says, "Forgot about Lodestone there almost. :P"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Forgot about Lodestone there almost. :P"
Line 103: Line 111:
"I think we have company," remarks Oates as he turns back towards the cave entrance. "Sounds like someone about the ravine is saying 'snow' repeatedly, and it's getting louder..."
"I think we have company," remarks Oates as he turns back towards the cave entrance. "Sounds like someone about the ravine is saying 'snow' repeatedly, and it's getting louder..."
As the others speak, Lodestone is already looking to the entrance of the cave, the Digger growling, and Arafel looks to where it is looking. They speak and he is already preparing his crossbow and well other abilities if it is needed.
As the others speak, Lodestone is already looking to the entrance of the cave, the Digger growling, and Arafel looks to where it is looking. They speak and he is already preparing his crossbow and well other abilities if it is needed.
Setting down the box she holds, Lash draws her bow and takes a few steps back from the direction people are saying the voice comes from, nocking an arrow.
Setting down the box she holds, Lash draws her bow and takes a few steps back from the direction people are saying the voice comes from, nocking an arrow.
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Bow remains in hand, arrow still nocked, but not flying. Lash is waiting to see what happens next, whether this snow-addled giant is friend or foe.
Bow remains in hand, arrow still nocked, but not flying. Lash is waiting to see what happens next, whether this snow-addled giant is friend or foe.
Certainly not something you see every day, or is it very natural for something to be carrying a big thing of snow through the desert heat and Arafel has his crossbow aimed at the thing to be sure, "What in the deepest forests... I've seen strange, but this..." He is also prepared to send Lodestone at the whatever it is.
Certainly not something you see every day, or is it very natural for something to be carrying a big thing of snow through the desert heat and Arafel has his crossbow aimed at the thing to be sure, "What in the deepest forests... I've seen strange, but this..." He is also prepared to send Lodestone at the whatever it is.
Despite the shambling walk the fellow has, he manages to keep a straight line that would make a soldier on parade jealous. Without aid of sight the pail-clutching man - who appears to be close to seven feet tall - walks right by the wagons and into the mouth of the cave. The horses stamp their hooves and look a little unnerved, but calm down quick enough as the fellow passes them by. Now that he's close enough, the pail doesn't hide the reality. He's dead. Sunken face, rotted jaw with holes in it, patches of white hair that are falling out, and a sizeable glass jar mounted in its belly where the guts used to be. Something's swimming in that murky yellow jar. "Snooooow." he declares yet again, as he heads for the lift. As of yet it still hasn't noticed yet, or cared.
Despite the shambling walk the fellow has, he manages to keep a straight line that would make a soldier on parade jealous. Without aid of sight the pail-clutching man - who appears to be close to seven feet tall - walks right by the wagons and into the mouth of the cave. The horses stamp their hooves and look a little unnerved, but calm down quick enough as the fellow passes them by. Now that he's close enough, the pail doesn't hide the reality. He's dead. Sunken face, rotted jaw with holes in it, patches of white hair that are falling out, and a sizeable glass jar mounted in its belly where the guts used to be. Something's swimming in that murky yellow jar. "Snooooow." he declares yet again, as he heads for the lift. As of yet it still hasn't noticed yet, or cared.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Noticed /you/, rather."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Noticed /you/, rather."
With a glance back at Terlin, Remethaer gives a shake of his head. "I think there's been a change in management in Master Terlin's absence." He mutters to Oates and whomever else might be standing with him at the mouth of the cave.
With a glance back at Terlin, Remethaer gives a shake of his head. "I think there's been a change in management in Master Terlin's absence." He mutters to Oates and whomever else might be standing with him at the mouth of the cave.
Cinnamon calls out to Terlin now,"Terlin! Friend! Do you recognize that poor fool? Possibly a deceased member of your team?" She takes her lance up in her free hand, using the bear's euipment to help balance it,"Shall we follow it, friends?"
Cinnamon calls out to Terlin now,"Terlin! Friend! Do you recognize that poor fool? Possibly a deceased member of your team?" She takes her lance up in her free hand, using the bear's euipment to help balance it,"Shall we follow it, friends?"
<OOC> Oates says, "May I roll Knowledge/Religion to try to identify the type of undead?"
<OOC> Oates says, "May I roll Knowledge/Religion to try to identify the type of undead?"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Detect Magic.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Detect Magic.
<OOC> Colrick says, "You may indeed"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You may indeed"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Knowledge/Religion: (3)+5: 8
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Knowledge/Religion: (3)+5: 8
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's the dead kind."
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's the dead kind."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Just to get another look at things in another way."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Just to get another look at things in another way."
You paged Arafel with 'There's some magic emanating from Mr. Pail, necromancy to be exact.'
You paged Arafel with 'There's some magic emanating from Mr. Pail, necromancy to be exact.'
Line 159: Line 178:
"I do hope someone has torches..." Remethaer asks, peeking over the edge and squinting. "Just shades and shadows far as I can see."
"I do hope someone has torches..." Remethaer asks, peeking over the edge and squinting. "Just shades and shadows far as I can see."
Arafel does in fact have a torch and a quick cast of Spark and he has one lit... handing out that and getting another lit.
Arafel does in fact have a torch and a quick cast of Spark and he has one lit... handing out that and getting another lit.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.
Cinnamon meanwhile seems to be oddly calm,"I'm used to not really NEEDING a light in these situations. I'm sure there will be adeuate torches down the way for those of you in need of light." She fishes a fishehead from her pouch and feeds it to Primrose,"There you go girl. This is just like the cave I found you near!"
Cinnamon meanwhile seems to be oddly calm,"I'm used to not really NEEDING a light in these situations. I'm sure there will be adeuate torches down the way for those of you in need of light." She fishes a fishehead from her pouch and feeds it to Primrose,"There you go girl. This is just like the cave I found you near!"
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Remethaer accepts a torch, taking his rifle in one hand mid-stock. He smiles faintly at the birdman and returns to his post, trying to get a peek at the ground coming up below them. "This reminds me of Whitefoot," he mutters. Nervous talker that he is. "That was fun. Addlepated bastard was crazy as a bag of cats on a hot stovetop."
Remethaer accepts a torch, taking his rifle in one hand mid-stock. He smiles faintly at the birdman and returns to his post, trying to get a peek at the ground coming up below them. "This reminds me of Whitefoot," he mutters. Nervous talker that he is. "That was fun. Addlepated bastard was crazy as a bag of cats on a hot stovetop."
The lift gradually picks up speed, until it moving at the pace of a quick walk. After about 20 ft a cave mouth opens out before you, revealing a boarded up dig site with lots of ceramic pots, some bed cots, supplies, and other signs of life. However the lift doesn't stop at all, it just keeps on descending, and the cave mouth disappears from view. "Deeesceeeeend." When the lift starts to slow down, you've gone down another 50 ft or so, finally stopping at a larger cave illuminated by numerous lamps. Artifice machinery is strewn about, with a network of steam pipes from floor to walls to ceiling. Waiting for you at the bottom are three other zombies; one bearing a mechanical arm, another has what looks like its an ogres legs stitched to its human body, and the last is missing a head and just has a spyglass mounted there. "Snoooooow." says the pail zombie as it moves towards the pail. "Killlll." says the mechanical arm zombie, lifting that rusted limb and pointing at you all.
The lift gradually picks up speed, until it moving at the pace of a quick walk. After about 20 ft a cave mouth opens out before you, revealing a boarded up dig site with lots of ceramic pots, some bed cots, supplies, and other signs of life. However the lift doesn't stop at all, it just keeps on descending, and the cave mouth disappears from view. "Deeesceeeeend." When the lift starts to slow down, you've gone down another 50 ft or so, finally stopping at a larger cave illuminated by numerous lamps. Artifice machinery is strewn about, with a network of steam pipes from floor to walls to ceiling. Waiting for you at the bottom are three other zombies; one bearing a mechanical arm, another has what looks like its an ogres legs stitched to its human body, and the last is missing a head and just has a spyglass mounted there. "Snoooooow." says the pail zombie as it moves towards the pail. "Killlll." says the mechanical arm zombie, lifting that rusted limb and pointing at you all.
<OOC> Colrick says, "init time :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "init time :)"
GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8
GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8
GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 11
GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 11
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 13
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 13
GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22
GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: + Bonus: = Total: 0
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: + Bonus: = Total: 0
GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15
GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15
GAME: You roll initiative for Black Tech Undead: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 12
GAME: You roll initiative for Black Tech Undead: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 12
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 191: Line 222:
GAME: You roll initiative for Black_Tech_Undead: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 17
GAME: You roll initiative for Black_Tech_Undead: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 17
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 209: Line 242:
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, you now have four semi-artifice undead that are now violent. Three in front of you, by about 10', one to the side 5' feet away (mr. pail with a jar in his belly). Remy, you're up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, you now have four semi-artifice undead that are now violent. Three in front of you, by about 10', one to the side 5' feet away (mr. pail with a jar in his belly). Remy, you're up."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Drop the torch as a free action and give ol' metal-arm a shot."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Drop the torch as a free action and give ol' metal-arm a shot."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it :)"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Then I'll spend a move action to back up behind some melee-lookin' folk."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Then I'll spend a move action to back up behind some melee-lookin' folk."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1+1: (19)+4+3+1+1: 28
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1+1: (19)+4+3+1+1: 28
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d12+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d12+1: (1)+1: 2
<OOC> Colrick says, "Your bullet makes the most cleanest and unimportant hole you've ever seen. You don't think you even nicked anything marginally important for a zombie."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Your bullet makes the most cleanest and unimportant hole you've ever seen. You don't think you even nicked anything marginally important for a zombie."
GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4
GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4
<OOC> Lash does her usual fantastic job of rolling initiative.
<OOC> Lash does her usual fantastic job of rolling initiative.
"... hiding in the safe-basement of the family warehouse..." Remethaer is still muttering about Whitefoot's invasion as he drops the torch and takes the rifle in two hands. The report is thunderous in this closed space and the cloud of brackish smoke and fire considerable. The metal-armed zombie half-turned from the waist up at impact... only to casually correct its stance. "Monkey trumpets..." Remy curses, scrambling back a few paces towards the rear of the lift.
"... hiding in the safe-basement of the family warehouse..." Remethaer is still muttering about Whitefoot's invasion as he drops the torch and takes the rifle in two hands. The report is thunderous in this closed space and the cloud of brackish smoke and fire considerable. The metal-armed zombie half-turned from the waist up at impact... only to casually correct its stance. "Monkey trumpets..." Remy curses, scrambling back a few paces towards the rear of the lift.
Spyglass shambles up to Remethaer, Ogre Legs wanders over to Mel, Mechanical Arm heads for Cinnamon and Lady Primrose. The one with the pail decides to ditch the pail and walks up to Oates. However they're slow enough that they only just manage to reach you all.
Spyglass shambles up to Remethaer, Ogre Legs wanders over to Mel, Mechanical Arm heads for Cinnamon and Lady Primrose. The one with the pail decides to ditch the pail and walks up to Oates. However they're slow enough that they only just manage to reach you all.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, sorry Lash, miscounted and didn't realize you hadn't rolled yet"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, sorry Lash, miscounted and didn't realize you hadn't rolled yet"
<OOC> Lash says, "S'alright, I rolled my usual 1. ;)"
<OOC> Lash says, "S'alright, I rolled my usual 1. ;)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ignore the 'Black' entry in the +tinit. I fumbled on naming them."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ignore the 'Black' entry in the +tinit. I fumbled on naming them."
<OOC> Mel says, "Um. Is Ogrelegs threatened by others? Or are any of them threatened by 2 others?"
<OOC> Mel says, "Um. Is Ogrelegs threatened by others? Or are any of them threatened by 2 others?"
GAME: 'Black' removed from initiative list.
GAME: 'Black' removed from initiative list.
<OOC> Colrick says, "At the moment the zombies have no one flanking them. You'd need to sidestep them a bit."
<OOC> Colrick says, "At the moment the zombies have no one flanking them. You'd need to sidestep them a bit."
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| Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil |
| Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil |
05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)05:48, 28 January 2013 (EET)[[User:Koszhey|Koszhey]]
|Cinnamon |GOBLIN |Cav | 4 | 29 | 29 | 21 | 6 | 4 | 1 |
|Cinnamon |GOBLIN |Cav | 4 | 29 | 29 | 21 | 6 | 4 | 1 |
|Arafel |EAGLEFOL|Dru | 2 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 5 | 3 | 6 |
|Arafel |EAGLEFOL|Dru | 2 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 5 | 3 | 6 |
Line 236: Line 289:
|Remethaer |HUMAN |Rgr | 3 | 26 | 26 | 17 | 5 | 7 | 4 |
|Remethaer |HUMAN |Rgr | 3 | 26 | 26 | 17 | 5 | 7 | 4 |
|Oates |HUMAN |Rog | 5 | 34 | 34 | 19 | 4 | 7 | 3 |
|Oates |HUMAN |Rog | 5 | 34 | 34 | 19 | 4 | 7 | 3 |
<OOC> Mel says, "I don't need flanking, I have Gang Up, they only need to be threatened."
<OOC> Mel says, "I don't need flanking, I have Gang Up, they only need to be threatened."
<OOC> Colrick says, "They're threatened."
<OOC> Colrick says, "They're threatened."
<OOC> Oates says, "Threatened by two allies, that is."
<OOC> Oates says, "Threatened by two allies, that is."
<OOC> Mel says, "Yes."
<OOC> Mel says, "Yes."
<OOC> Mel says, "What Oates said, I mean."
<OOC> Mel says, "What Oates said, I mean."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Arm is, as he's sandwiched between the other two."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Arm is, as he's sandwiched between the other two."
<OOC> Colrick says, "And therefore within reach of two others."
<OOC> Colrick says, "And therefore within reach of two others."
<OOC> Mel says, "All right, I'll have a go at him."
<OOC> Mel says, "All right, I'll have a go at him."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6
<OOC> Mel says, "Hahah, so much for that"
<OOC> Mel says, "Hahah, so much for that"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Whiff! Lady Primrose and her adorable sidekick Cinnamon are now up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Whiff! Lady Primrose and her adorable sidekick Cinnamon are now up."
<OOC> Cinnamon :D :D Okay, the mighty hero Primrose moves as far from the gathering as possible to pick up room to charge. While her sidekick quaffs a potion that makes her grow to a towering 5'2".
<OOC> Cinnamon :D :D Okay, the mighty hero Primrose moves as far from the gathering as possible to pick up room to charge. While her
sidekick quaffs a potion that makes her grow to a towering 5'2".
Mel acks as things get ugly quickly. He draws his shortsword and tries to guage the situation quickly. "Ohman, I should know better, the Guild jobs go badly when they're out of town," he mutters. He backs up a little to form a clump with the others, essaying tentative little jabs against the creature in the middle, whatever these are, though nothing comes close enough to even touch the creature.
Mel acks as things get ugly quickly. He draws his shortsword and tries to guage the situation quickly. "Ohman, I should know better, the Guild jobs go badly when they're out of town," he mutters. He backs up a little to form a clump with the others, essaying tentative little jabs against the creature in the middle, whatever these are, though nothing comes close enough to even touch the creature.
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up about 10' at most, until you bump into the back wall of the shaft."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up about 10' at most, until you bump into the back wall of the shaft."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Oh. Well, in that case, Primrose just mauls a jerk."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Oh. Well, in that case, Primrose just mauls a jerk."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Maul away!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Maul away!"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Primrose, full attacking. First attack."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Primrose, full attacking. First attack."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She also has grab."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She also has grab."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Next attacks..."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Next attacks..."
<OOC> Colrick says, "No need :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "No need :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "The first swipe separates the corpse from the clockwork machinery and sends it scattered on the cave floor."
<OOC> Colrick says, "The first swipe separates the corpse from the clockwork machinery and sends it scattered on the cave floor."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"
Primrose rears up in the universal bear-sign for 'U WANT 2 PLAY WITH ME?'. When the zombie creatures agrees to play, Primrose bats a big claw out in the bear-sign for 'I GO FIRST'. When the zombie comes apart, one can actually see the bear dance a little bit. She likes winning. Meanwhile, plucky sidekick Cinnamon quaffs her potion and adjust her grip on her lance. Doubling in size, it's still doubtful the bear even notices. "Time to put some corpses back to rest."
Primrose rears up in the universal bear-sign for 'U WANT 2 PLAY WITH ME?'. When the zombie creatures agrees to play, Primrose bats a big claw out in the bear-sign for 'I GO FIRST'. When the zombie comes apart, one can actually see the bear dance a little bit. She likes winning. Meanwhile, plucky sidekick Cinnamon quaffs her potion and adjust her grip on her lance. Doubling in size, it's still doubtful the bear even notices. "Time to put some corpses back to rest."
Player Name On For Idle Holidays, Part 3 Closes: Feb 1st!
Arafel 3:52 1m
37 Players logged in, 70 record, no maximum.
<OOC> Arafel says, "casting magic stone, can I toss one after or is that a full round?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "casting magic stone, can I toss one after or is that a full round?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone attacks the snow carrying one."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone attacks the snow carrying one."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can cast as a standard action, but can't throw them on the same round. Fortunately there's lots of nice hard stones to enchant."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can cast as a standard action, but can't throw them on the same round. Fortunately there's lots of nice hard stones to enchant."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll for your land shark :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll for your land shark :)"
<OOC> Cinnamon almost forgot.
<OOC> Cinnamon almost forgot.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon used a Potion of Enlarge Person.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon used a Potion of Enlarge Person.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (16)+4: 20
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (16)+4: 20
<OOC> Colrick says, "You are now hobgoblin sized, but without the misfortune of being orange or smelly."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You are now hobgoblin sized, but without the misfortune of being orange or smelly."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "I am ultimate goblin."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "I am ultimate goblin."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD: aliased to 1D8+2: (7)+2: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD: aliased to 1D8+2: (7)+2: 9
<OOC> Colrick says, "Claws, I imagine?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Claws, I imagine?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Bite"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Bite"
<OOC> Arafel says, "all it can do at the moment."
<OOC> Arafel says, "all it can do at the moment."
<OOC> Colrick says, "A sizeable wound, pose it. Next, Oates"
<OOC> Colrick says, "A sizeable wound, pose it. Next, Oates"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Magic Stone.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Magic Stone.
<OOC> Oates says, "Can I move to flank one of the zombies?"
<OOC> Oates says, "Can I move to flank one of the zombies?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
<OOC> Oates says, "I draw my sickle as I flank and I slash the flanked zombie."
<OOC> Oates says, "I draw my sickle as I flank and I slash the flanked zombie."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it!"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Melee+2: (15)+6+2: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Melee+2: (15)+6+2: 23
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 1d6+3+SA: aliased to 1d6+3+3d6: (5)+3+(8): 16
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 1d6+3+SA: aliased to 1d6+3+3d6: (5)+3+(8): 16
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Spyglass is no more."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Spyglass is no more."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you're up. Only the pail zombie and Ogre Legs are still moving."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you're up. Only the pail zombie and Ogre Legs are still moving."
<OOC> Lash says, "An arrow for Ogre Legs."
<OOC> Lash says, "An arrow for Ogre Legs."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Lash says, "...or not."
<OOC> Lash says, "...or not."
Line 306: Line 414:
"What's all this noise?! Where is my snow!" calls out a female voice from a side passage. At the sound of her voice the zombies take a step back and cease their threatening movements. As a new figure runs into view, the pail zombie points down at its large pail and loudly announces, "Snooooooow". Once this half-elven Mulniessa woman was beautiful, but the withering of undeath has replaced attraction with menace. Through some supernatural means her hair still retains it’s fiery red colour, though her dark skin has gone leathery over her bones. The unnatural glow in her green eyes flickers like a candle. Tall for her kind at nearly six feet, she has an athletic build that would make her imposing to any elven suitor, and the sheer amount of artifice gear strapped to her white jacket and pants adds quite a bit of bulk. Cables and steam pipes criss cross her chest, all converging upon a boiler mounted to her back. Metallic splints are strapped to her arms and legs, each fed by a cable from the boiler. An oily black smoke plume rises from the boiler, catching the light in odd ways, and making brief patterns that look eerily like faces.
"What's all this noise?! Where is my snow!" calls out a female voice from a side passage. At the sound of her voice the zombies take a step back and cease their threatening movements. As a new figure runs into view, the pail zombie points down at its large pail and loudly announces, "Snooooooow". Once this half-elven Mulniessa woman was beautiful, but the withering of undeath has replaced attraction with menace. Through some supernatural means her hair still retains it’s fiery red colour, though her dark skin has gone leathery over her bones. The unnatural glow in her green eyes flickers like a candle. Tall for her kind at nearly six feet, she has an athletic build that would make her imposing to any elven suitor, and the sheer amount of artifice gear strapped to her white jacket and pants adds quite a bit of bulk. Cables and steam pipes criss cross her chest, all converging upon a boiler mounted to her back. Metallic splints are strapped to her arms and legs, each fed by a cable from the boiler. An oily black smoke plume rises from the boiler, catching the light in odd ways, and making brief patterns that look eerily like faces.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Timestop sorta on hold, RP as normal, though you may continue to fight if you wish."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Timestop sorta on hold, RP as normal, though you may continue to fight if you wish."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Druid here, all this is an abomination to him... Talking wouldn't be much of his choice and probably continue to attack. Especially that woman now... and with stinky metal coming out all over her. :P"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Druid here, all this is an abomination to him... Talking wouldn't be much of his choice and probably continue to attack. Especially that woman now... and with stinky metal coming out all over her. :P"
Undead shadow-elf artificer. Well. Remethaer has no doubt about what will be haunting his dreams for the next decade now, at least. He clears his throat and just gives a quick shake of his head, slowly lowering the rifle in a sort of 'we... aren't fighting anymore?' unsure motion. "We, um... heh. We represent a master Terrified. Terlin. A Master Terlin. His people were here before(?) you. Where are they?"
Undead shadow-elf artificer. Well. Remethaer has no doubt about what will be haunting his dreams for the next decade now, at least. He clears his throat and just gives a quick shake of his head, slowly lowering the rifle in a sort of 'we... aren't fighting anymore?' unsure motion. "We, um... heh. We represent a master Terrified. Terlin. A Master Terlin. His people were here before(?) you. Where are they?"
Cinnamon eyes the... creature. "IIIII... am pretty sure this is going to end badly. Listen. All we want is the people who were here first. Where are they? Also, we're a little upset about your creations... I'm assuming they're yours... trying to kill us. They didn't do a very good job. But still... upset."
Cinnamon eyes the... creature. "IIIII... am pretty sure this is going to end badly. Listen. All we want is the people who were here first. Where are they? Also, we're a little upset about your creations... I'm assuming they're yours... trying to kill us. They didn't do a very good job. But still... upset."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, you can pose attacking one if you wish. They're not fighting back, so you can easily kill one during a pose :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, you can pose attacking one if you wish. They're not fighting back, so you can easily kill one during a pose :)"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Okay this could be fun. :)"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Okay this could be fun. :)"
Mel, for his own part, looks ready to leap into the fray against this apparition. But she's called off the creatures, and the soldier in him will give enemies that are backing down a chance to disengage. The life he saves may be his own. He'll have a go at fading into the ... well, it's stonework, here, isn't it, but there's rubble and piles of crates and damaged golems and such.
Mel, for his own part, looks ready to leap into the fray against this apparition. But she's called off the creatures, and the soldier in him will give enemies that are backing down a chance to disengage. The life he saves may be his own. He'll have a go at fading into the ... well, it's stonework, here, isn't it, but there's rubble and piles of crates and damaged golems and such.
<OOC> Mel says, "Is there place to hide, or not really?"
<OOC> Mel says, "Is there place to hide, or not really?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "no need to roll damage?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "no need to roll damage?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "No need"
<OOC> Colrick says, "No need"
<OOC> Colrick says, "No place to hide, it's pretty well lit and open, and you're backed into a lift shaft at the moment"
<OOC> Colrick says, "No place to hide, it's pretty well lit and open, and you're backed into a lift shaft at the moment"
Line 321: Line 440:
<OOC> Mel will loiter in the corner and try to look inconspicuous, then.
<OOC> Mel will loiter in the corner and try to look inconspicuous, then.
Turning towards the mulblood, Lash draws her bow again, arrow nocked and aimed - but not loosed. Reme and Cinnamon may be the honey, she will be the stick for now.
Turning towards the mulblood, Lash draws her bow again, arrow nocked and aimed - but not loosed. Reme and Cinnamon may be the honey, she will be the stick for now.
Line 327: Line 447:
The newcomer lets out a metallic rasp of a sigh as she looks at the trashed minions before her. "Really?" she declares in frustration. "I just made those. Do you think black tech is easy? I need parts, I mean, look -" she says, pointing at Ogre Legs. It does look rather silly, one leg alone is almost the size of the entire rest of its body. "- I had half an ogre to work with! It's the dumbest looking zombie in the history of corpse crafting. I'm almost happy you wrecked it before any of my peers saw it. Almost. But I still needed it." she vents, staring up at the rocky ceiling as she fumes. "And so what if I have some stupid sages here. They're busy, doing sage things. I'd happily kill them for spare parts but I need their brains and infuriating free will to think." she adds, glaring at you all. "Wait... are you sages too?"
The newcomer lets out a metallic rasp of a sigh as she looks at the trashed minions before her. "Really?" she declares in frustration. "I just made those. Do you think black tech is easy? I need parts, I mean, look -" she says, pointing at Ogre Legs. It does look rather silly, one leg alone is almost the size of the entire rest of its body. "- I had half an ogre to work with! It's the dumbest looking zombie in the history of corpse crafting. I'm almost happy you wrecked it before any of my peers saw it. Almost. But I still needed it." she vents, staring up at the rocky ceiling as she fumes. "And so what if I have some stupid sages here. They're busy, doing sage things. I'd happily kill them for spare parts but I need their brains and infuriating free will to think." she adds, glaring at you all. "Wait... are you sages too?"
"I don't suppose you want to surrender, reform, and be laid to a peaceful rest by Vardama's handmiadens?" Remethaer wonders haltingly. It never hurts to ask, right?
"I don't suppose you want to surrender, reform, and be laid to a peaceful rest by Vardama's handmiadens?" Remethaer wonders haltingly. It never hurts to ask, right?
<OOC> Lash says, "Is the half-elf herself undead?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Is the half-elf herself undead?"
Cinnamon shrugs to the woman, and offers,"Well... I'm a knight of the Order of the Purple Rose, and SOMETHING of a scholar, myself. I'm quite good at deciphering old texts. I don't suppose you'd set them free if I agreed to stay? Otherwise, we're probably just going to kill you... again... and free them. For all that, I /am/ sorry to put you through the bother, but... well... you're sort of an abomination you know. Won't you at least introduce yourself? I am sir Cinnamon of the Testgobber clan, Dragonslayer and Champion of Lord Iledvourn." Look at her being all civil.
Cinnamon shrugs to the woman, and offers,"Well... I'm a knight of the Order of the Purple Rose, and SOMETHING of a scholar, myself. I'm quite good at deciphering old texts. I don't suppose you'd set them free if I agreed to stay? Otherwise, we're probably just going to kill you... again... and free them. For all that, I /am/ sorry to put you through the bother, but... well... you're sort of an abomination you know. Won't you at least introduce yourself? I am sir Cinnamon of the Testgobber clan, Dragonslayer and Champion of Lord Iledvourn." Look at her being all civil.
<OOC> Colrick says, "She definitely looks it."
<OOC> Colrick says, "She definitely looks it."
Line 338: Line 461:
It seems Lash, too, is unwilling to speak with what appears to be an undead necromancer, or artificer, or whatever name the civilised races give to such a person. The shadow blood is no boon either, the Oruch scowling mightily and keeping her arrow trained on the half-elf.
It seems Lash, too, is unwilling to speak with what appears to be an undead necromancer, or artificer, or whatever name the civilised races give to such a person. The shadow blood is no boon either, the Oruch scowling mightily and keeping her arrow trained on the half-elf.
<OOC> Lash would like to try an intimidate roll.
<OOC> Lash would like to try an intimidate roll.
<OOC> Lash says, "Perhaps make her more compliant with what the rest of the party is suggesting."
<OOC> Lash says, "Perhaps make her more compliant with what the rest of the party is suggesting."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Sure, roll it."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Sure, roll it."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls intimidate: (15)+11: 26
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls intimidate: (15)+11: 26
<OOC> Colrick just checking
<OOC> Colrick just checking
Remethaer pages: Undead are immune to morale effects (even intelligent) if that's what you're checking.
You paged Remethaer with 'That is what I was checking :)'
Standing 6'7 and possessed of the powerful build so common to her kind, Lash is an Oruch woman in her late teens. Her skin is a mottled grey colour, marked here and there with paler lines from scars, particularly across her forearms when visible. This is offset by a thick mane of coarse black hair, bound back into a surprisingly intricate array of thick plaits, with coloured stone and ceramic beads hung from the ropelike braids here and there. Her face is perhaps more animated than many Oruch would care for, black eyes often sharp to their surroundings, flattened nose flaring to catch scents, while her broad mouth with its protruding tusks is occasionally given to smiling - though that expression could be more fearsome than friendly.
She is wearing layers of leather and chain; thick leggings and a shirt sewn from a greyish skins while the coarse chain shirt over the top is a little battleworn, clearly having seen better days, though is kept clean and tarnish-free. The belt bringing this ensemble together supports not only her clothing and a few pouches, but a sheathed longsword on her left hip and a hide drum on her right hip. Over her shoulder, a powerful shortbow and bag of arrows rest.
Lash pages: Small amendment to the desc.
Lash pages: The chain shirt is now fine links and well polished. I got a new one a few days ago.
Lash pages: If she would recognise it as an artificer, it's mithril.
"Nephalia Tzek." she says with a casual tone, glancing amongst you all, though her eyes are roaming over your bodies as if she's inventoring you for parts. She snorts at the glare offered by Lash. "How cute, you have a savage. Though she seems over-dressed, I'm used to them covered only in dirt, blood, and their own filth. I think she tripped and fell into a bath tub." she teases with a smirk, before looking to the bear. "Never worked with bear parts before." she states before shrugging. "Anyways, you're not sages and I need parts for minions so why the hell am I still talking to you time to die and so on." she declares, pulling out a hovering device made of clockwork parts and what looks like screaming souls.
"Nephalia Tzek." she says with a casual tone, glancing amongst you all, though her eyes are roaming over your bodies as if she's inventoring you for parts. She snorts at the glare offered by Lash. "How cute, you have a savage. Though she seems over-dressed, I'm used to them covered only in dirt, blood, and their own filth. I think she tripped and fell into a bath tub." she teases with a smirk, before looking to the bear. "Never worked with bear parts before." she states before shrugging. "Anyways, you're not sages and I need parts for minions so why the hell am I still talking to you time to die and so on." she declares, pulling out a hovering device made of clockwork parts and what looks like screaming souls.
<OOC> Colrick says, "one sec"
<OOC> Colrick says, "one sec"
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.
GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Time to redo your inits :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Time to redo your inits :)"
GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
<OOC> Lash says, "Jeez."
<OOC> Lash says, "Jeez."
<OOC> Lash wasted a natural 20 on it this time. Turnabout!
<OOC> Lash wasted a natural 20 on it this time. Turnabout!
GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8
GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8
<OOC> Mel did, too
<OOC> Mel did, too
GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 23
GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 23
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20
GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20
<OOC> Oates says, "I'm consistent."
<OOC> Oates says, "I'm consistent."
<OOC> Lash says, "You are."
<OOC> Lash says, "You are."
GAME: You roll initiative for Nephalia: Roll: 4 + Bonus: +2 = Total: 6
GAME: You roll initiative for Nephalia: Roll: 4 + Bonus: +2 = Total: 6
From afar, Lash is considering a called shot. Would the tank on her back be classed as -2, -5 or -10?
GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13
GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13
Lash pages: It is quite big, but also probably not inconsequential if hit.
You paged Lash with 'Not sure, where are those rules?'
Lash pages: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/variants/calledShots.html#_
Lash pages: Rather than aiming for an effect, I just want to pierce it to make it stop working ;)
You paged Lash with 'Oh, those variant rules aren't in effect here.'
Lash pages: No? Okay!
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 393: Line 523:
From afar, Lash will still be /aiming/ for the tank, but probably won't hit it instead of her except maybe on a crit?
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, Arafel the Zombie Slayer is up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, Arafel the Zombie Slayer is up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "By the way, Ogre Legs is just standing there, and not moving."
<OOC> Colrick says, "By the way, Ogre Legs is just standing there, and not moving."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone is going after the last zombie and see 20 foot range, can I move and toss a stone at the Undead woman."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone is going after the last zombie and see 20 foot range, can I move and toss a stone at the Undead woman."
(New BB message (3/80) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Gwendolyn: A Very Terrible Theft (OPEN))
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
You paged Lash with 'Well it's part of her titan armour, not her, so hitting it won't achieve anything unless you can completely smash it.'
Lash pages: Ah, I see.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (5)+4: 9
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for Lodestone"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for Lodestone"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (8)+4+1: 13
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (8)+4+1: 13
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for the stone"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for the stone"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash."
<OOC> Arafel nods.
<OOC> Arafel nods.
<OOC> Lash says, "Contrary to page, I will set up Inspire Courage."
<OOC> Lash says, "Contrary to page, I will set up Inspire Courage."
<OOC> Lash says, "+1 vs fear and charm, +1 attack and damage."
<OOC> Lash says, "+1 vs fear and charm, +1 attack and damage."
Line 413: Line 552:
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, pose it. Next, Mel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, pose it. Next, Mel."
<OOC> Mel says, "Am I close enough to charge?"
<OOC> Mel says, "Am I close enough to charge?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."
<OOC> Mel will do so.
<OOC> Mel will do so.
Scowling fiercely at the rude half-elf dead thing, Lash takes a moment to loose the drum from her belt, placing it on the ground and securing the strap under one foot. The other shifts slightly so she can begin drumming with the heel of her foot, a low, steady, deep and threatening sound.
Scowling fiercely at the rude half-elf dead thing, Lash takes a moment to loose the drum from her belt, placing it on the ground and securing the strap under one foot. The other shifts slightly so she can begin drumming with the heel of her foot, a low, steady, deep and threatening sound.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss, your weapon strikes something invisible in the air"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss, your weapon strikes something invisible in the air"
Mel was sort of waiting for things to fall apart, and there they go. He's got a clean start, charging in against the horrible monster that's going to try and kill them and use them for parts. "Not on my watch," he mutters under his breath, and he thinks he's got a clean strike going as he charges at her, thinking he's taking her at unawares. As he strikes, though, his shortsword strikes something invisible in the air and nearly rebounds out of his hand. "Gah!"
Mel was sort of waiting for things to fall apart, and there they go. He's got a clean start, charging in against the horrible monster that's going to try and kill them and use them for parts. "Not on my watch," he mutters under his breath, and he thinks he's got a clean strike going as he charges at her, thinking he's taking her at unawares. As he strikes, though, his shortsword strikes something invisible in the air and nearly rebounds out of his hand. "Gah!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ack, sorry"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ack, sorry"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa. :D"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa. :D"
<OOC> Colrick says, "ROll it :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "ROll it :)"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5: (19)+7+5: 31
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5: (19)+7+5: 31
<OOC> Lash says, "Don't forget the +1s :)"
<OOC> Lash says, "Don't forget the +1s :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
<OOC> Lash says, "..wow, nice!"
<OOC> Lash says, "..wow, nice!"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 2d8+8+2+12+2: (12)+8+2+12+2: 36
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 2d8+8+2+12+2: (12)+8+2+12+2: 36
<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Also, I designate her as the source of my challenge."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Also, I designate her as the source of my challenge."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Done. Remethaer."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Done. Remethaer."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oh wait, you can do a mounted attack reight?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oh wait, you can do a mounted attack reight?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Right! I forgot."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Right! I forgot."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+13: (3)+13: 16
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+13: (3)+13: 16
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Wiffle."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Wiffle."
"Well, I was hoping you wouldn't make a stupid choice, Madam. But you have before you a premier knight of Selentia, and several of Alexandria's most staunch warriors. A pity." She lowers her visor, and kicks her bear into motion. It goes tearing off towards the undead girl, her lance driving hard into the woman's shoulder, even as her bear lunges forward, snapping with its teeth. When she pulls her lance free, she points it at the woman,"You and I have an appointment with destiny. Have at thee!"
"Well, I was hoping you wouldn't make a stupid choice, Madam. But you have before you a premier knight of Selentia, and several of Alexandria's most staunch warriors. A pity." She lowers her visor, and kicks her bear into motion. It goes tearing off towards the undead girl, her lance driving hard into the woman's shoulder, even as her bear lunges forward, snapping with its teeth. When she pulls her lance free, she points it at the woman,"You and I have an appointment with destiny. Have at thee!"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "SHoot the elf!"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "SHoot the elf!"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1: (1)+4+3+1: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1: (1)+4+3+1: 9
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Jam. :("
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Jam. :("
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ouch. Attempt a clear now (DC 20 move) or next round? (DC 10 standard)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ouch. Attempt a clear now (DC 20 move) or next round? (DC 10 standard)"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Next turn!"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Next turn!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates"
<OOC> Oates says, "Flank the foe (drawing rapier along the way) and stab her."
<OOC> Oates says, "Flank the foe (drawing rapier along the way) and stab her."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Go for it"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Go for it"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierAtk+2+1: aliased to weapon6+2+1: (3)+6+2+1: 12
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierAtk+2+1: aliased to weapon6+2+1: (3)+6+2+1: 12
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31
Line 454: Line 630:
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
Remethaer shakes his head and mutters a curse, lifting the rifle back up to his shoulder and taking aim. He thumbs the magicite loader and pulls the trigger... but no ka-blam! Mana energies cavort down the length of the barrel and a sad little cough of smoke puffs from the end. "... shite."
Remethaer shakes his head and mutters a curse, lifting the rifle back up to his shoulder and taking aim. He thumbs the magicite loader and pulls the trigger... but no ka-blam! Mana energies cavort down the length of the barrel and a sad little cough of smoke puffs from the end. "... shite."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 2d4+6: (6)+6: 12
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 2d4+6: (6)+6: 12
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Cinnamon for 12 points. 17 remaining.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Cinnamon for 12 points. 17 remaining.
Nephalia's armour roars into action, the boiler spewing out oily smoke as her fist slams into Cinnamon's chest at full speed. Warmth drains from her body and visibly flows into the black tech-enhanced creature, mending the torn flesh left by Primrose's attack, and greatly weakening the goblin cavalier. "Appointment skipped! Ahahaha! That doesn't even make sense and I don't care!" she laughs out.
Nephalia's armour roars into action, the boiler spewing out oily smoke as her fist slams into Cinnamon's chest at full speed. Warmth drains
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon, you have 2 negative levels (she critted). -2 to all rolls, and your max HP is 10 points lower, so you can only be healed for 2 hp at the moment."
from her body and visibly flows into the black tech-enhanced creature, mending the torn flesh left by Primrose's attack, and greatly weakening
the goblin cavalier. "Appointment skipped! Ahahaha! That doesn't even make sense and I don't care!" she laughs out.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon, you have 2 negative levels (she critted). -2 to all rolls, and your max HP is 10 points lower, so you can only
be healed for 2 hp at the moment."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She has reach?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She has reach?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Eh, it's a five foot adjustment at best. Nvmnd."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Eh, it's a five foot adjustment at best. Nvmnd."
<OOC> Colrick says, "She can 5' step i - yes"
<OOC> Colrick says, "She can 5' step i - yes"
GAME: You roll initiative for Ogre_Legs: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7
GAME: You roll initiative for Ogre_Legs: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 482: Line 671:
<OOC> Colrick says, "Top of the 2nd round. Arafel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Top of the 2nd round. Arafel."
<OOC> Arafel says, "So basically Ogre dude is doing nothing at all?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "So basically Ogre dude is doing nothing at all?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ogre Legs is now moving, in the wake of seeing its master being attacked."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ogre Legs is now moving, in the wake of seeing its master being attacked."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Forgot to mention that, sorry."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Forgot to mention that, sorry."
<OOC> Arafel says, "okay tossing last stone at the ogre."
<OOC> Arafel says, "okay tossing last stone at the ogre."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (4)+4+1: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (4)+4+1: 9
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss"
<OOC> Arafel says, "lodestone is attacking it too."
<OOC> Arafel says, "lodestone is attacking it too."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (18)+4: 22
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (3)+2+1: 6
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (3)+2+1: 6
<OOC> Colrick says, "A nice bit, but still very much intact"
<OOC> Colrick says, "A nice bit, but still very much intact"
<OOC> Colrick says, "lash"
<OOC> Colrick says, "lash"
<OOC> Lash says, "Shooting Nephalia."
<OOC> Lash says, "Shooting Nephalia."
<OOC> Lash says, "Is she within 30'?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Is she within 30'?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1+1+1: (6)+5+1+1+1: 14
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1+1+1: (6)+5+1+1+1: 14
<OOC> Lash says, "Ne'er mind. Inspire is still up."
<OOC> Lash says, "Ne'er mind. Inspire is still up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Mel says, "Am I flanking with someone against her at this point? Or 2 others in melee?"
<OOC> Mel says, "Am I flanking with someone against her at this point? Or 2 others in melee?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You're flanking now"
<OOC> Colrick says, "You're flanking now"
<OOC> Mel takes a swing.
<OOC> Mel takes a swing.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11
<OOC> Mel says, "Alas."
<OOC> Mel says, "Alas."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Withdraw for the moment."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Withdraw for the moment."
Line 513: Line 729:
<OOC> Colrick says, "How far back?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "How far back?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "As far back as I can."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "As far back as I can."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Space permitting, that's 90 feet."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Space permitting, that's 90 feet."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up into the elevator shaft, which would be about 30 ft back or so. Or try to go in the other direction and head further into the cave."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up into the elevator shaft, which would be about 30 ft back or so. Or try to go in the other direction and head further into the cave."
Mel dodges and weaves as things go on around him, giant goblins charging by, and the enemy has certainly picked her out as a target. Still hoping to do a share of the load, even if he's no warrior, Mel attempts to figure away to avoid the magic shield that blocked his attack before, swinging halfheartedly, more to feel out the shield than anything that might harm an enemy. He's not much of a warrior, and he's very confused now.
Mel dodges and weaves as things go on around him, giant goblins charging by, and the enemy has certainly picked her out as a target. Still hoping to do a share of the load, even if he's no warrior, Mel attempts to figure away to avoid the magic shield that blocked his attack before, swinging halfheartedly, more to feel out the shield than anything that might harm an enemy. He's not much of a warrior, and he's very confused now.
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Probably further into the cave."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Probably further into the cave."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (5)+1: 6
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (5)+1: 6
<OOC> Remethaer Vader, "Noooooooooooooo!"
<OOC> Remethaer Vader, "Noooooooooooooo!"
<OOC> Colrick :(
<OOC> Colrick :(
<OOC> Colrick says, "Well, good news..."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Well, good news..."
<OOC> Colrick says, "That was a standard action... leaving you a move action... so you can try again at DC 20 this round."
<OOC> Colrick says, "That was a standard action... leaving you a move action... so you can try again at DC 20 this round."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Haha, alright. We'll temp fate!"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Haha, alright. We'll temp fate!"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (9)+1: 10
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (9)+1: 10
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's still gummed up :("
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's still gummed up :("
You paged Remethaer with 'More gunsmithing ranks are called for. Plus put in a request for MW gunsmithing tools, for an extra +2, if you have the spare gold. Misfiring sucks :/'
<OOC> Colrick says, "oates"
<OOC> Colrick says, "oates"
Remethaer has folded the barrel down from the stock to fidget with the magitech underpinning of the magicite loader. He mutters something under his breath about 'this always happens!' A second grunt finds him still out of the fight.
Remethaer has folded the barrel down from the stock to fidget with the magitech underpinning of the magicite loader. He mutters something under his breath about 'this always happens!' A second grunt finds him still out of the fight.
Remethaer pages: I was ready to put ranks into it at CGen and level 3. I just... haven't for character reasons. Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often.
You paged Remethaer with 'That's what all men say, but there comes a point in their lives...'
Remethaer pages: I also appreciate there being some kind of drawback to firearms.
<OOC> Oates says, "Still flanking, still stabbing."
<OOC> Oates says, "Still flanking, still stabbing."
<OOC> Colrick says, "roll it"
<OOC> Colrick says, "roll it"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (18)+7+2+1: 28
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (18)+7+2+1: 28
<OOC> Oates says, "And that would be a threat."
<OOC> Oates says, "And that would be a threat."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (13)+7+2+1: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (13)+7+2+1: 23
<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"
<OOC> Oates says, "AC of 24+? Yikes."
<OOC> Oates says, "AC of 24+? Yikes."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierDmg+SA+1: aliased to 1d6+4+3d6+1: (1)+4+(9)+1: 15
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierDmg+SA+1: aliased to 1d6+4+3d6+1: (1)+4+(9)+1: 15
<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"
Line 548: Line 787:
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lodestone gets an AoO on Ogre Legs as it moves"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lodestone gets an AoO on Ogre Legs as it moves"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (4)+4: 8
<OOC> Colrick (
<OOC> Colrick (
<OOC> Colrick :(
<OOC> Colrick :(
Ogre Legs - the mishappen zombie that not even its creator loves - shambles forth with its abnormal gait. Fortunately it's slow, but moves up to threaten Mel and Oates, leaving the snapping land shark behind.
Ogre Legs - the mishappen zombie that not even its creator loves - shambles forth with its abnormal gait. Fortunately it's slow, but moves up to threaten Mel and Oates, leaving the snapping land shark behind.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 3d6: (17): 17
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 3d6: (17): 17
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, fort save DC 13"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, fort save DC 13"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Fort: (15)+4: 19
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Fort: (15)+4: 19
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Oates for 17 points. 17 remaining.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Oates for 17 points. 17 remaining.
From afar, Remethaer has to get some dinner going. Incase I miss my turn;
From afar, Remethaer has to get some dinner going. Incase I miss my turn;
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (7)+1: 8 to Colrick
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (7)+1: 8 to Colrick
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (1)+1: 2 to Colrick
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (1)+1: 2 to Colrick
Nephalia grins triumphantly as the cavalier retreats away, focusing her attention on the two warriors before her. The whirling contraption of cogs and souls glimmers as it hovers above her shoulder, flashing each time one of their blades is turned aside by the invisible barrier. Another device is taken from behind her back, a vicious looking gun made of bone, steel, and stretched skin. After taking a step back she aims it at Oates, and a screaming blast of cold air rushes over him. "No more words? No more taunts? Quiet deaths are boring!" she laughs out.
Nephalia grins triumphantly as the cavalier retreats away, focusing her attention on the two warriors before her. The whirling contraption of cogs and souls glimmers as it hovers above her shoulder, flashing each time one of their blades is turned aside by the invisible barrier. Another device is taken from behind her back, a vicious looking gun made of bone, steel, and stretched skin. After taking a step back she aims it at Oates, and a screaming blast of cold air rushes over him. "No more words? No more taunts? Quiet deaths are boring!" she laughs out.
You paged Lash with 'I was wrong, the called shots rule can be used. Though the titan armour itself isn't a great target, as that's hardness 10 and HP 40, unless you really want to risk it.'
You paged Lash with 'But anything else is fine.'
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, new round"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, new round"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Since it bypasses Lodestone, would my AC be flanking the golem now stepping up to attack it? and that is a +2 bonus to hit right?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Since it bypasses Lodestone, would my AC be flanking the golem now stepping up to attack it? and that is a +2 bonus to hit right?"
From afar, Lash pfft. I wouldn't even get through the hardness unless I critted :D
<OOC> Colrick says, "It is."
<OOC> Colrick says, "It is."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (6)+4+3: 13
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (6)+4+3: 13
<OOC> Colrick says, "Also, if anyone wants to make spellcraft rolls for contraptions that Nephalia has running, you can do so."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Also, if anyone wants to make spellcraft rolls for contraptions that Nephalia has running, you can do so."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit!"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Spellcraft: (17)+7: 24
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Spellcraft: (17)+7: 24
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls spellcraft: (18)+7: 25
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls spellcraft: (18)+7: 25
You paged Oates with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'
You paged Oates with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (5)+2+1: 8
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (5)+2+1: 8
You paged Arafel with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'
You paged Arafel with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'
<OOC> Arafel says, "that take out the zombie?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "that take out the zombie?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Is there room enough up there for me to charge Nephalia?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Is there room enough up there for me to charge Nephalia?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Woop, sorry."
<OOC> Lash says, "Woop, sorry."
<OOC> Colrick says, "What weapon was that?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "What weapon was that?"
<OOC> Lash meant to hold that.
<OOC> Lash meant to hold that.
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone's Bite."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone's Bite."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ah, lodestone has torn something vital out of Ogre Legs. It is now just the dumbest corpse, rather than the dumbest zombie."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ah, lodestone has torn something vital out of Ogre Legs. It is now just the dumbest corpse, rather than the dumbest zombie."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you can charge."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you can charge."
<OOC> Arafel says, "rolling crossbow against the woman then."
<OOC> Arafel says, "rolling crossbow against the woman then."
<OOC> Lash says, "Would I get flanking bonus also, from everyone else down there? Or do I need to be in melee already to use that?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Would I get flanking bonus also, from everyone else down there? Or do I need to be in melee already to use that?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, yes, sorry, Arafel's turn still"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, yes, sorry, Arafel's turn still"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls crossbow + 1: aliased to weapon4 + 1: (4)+5+1: 10
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls crossbow + 1: aliased to weapon4 + 1: (4)+5+1: 10
<OOC> Arafel says, "moving on."
<OOC> Arafel says, "moving on."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Quite sure you can get the bonus from a charge, as long as you end up in a flanking position, which won't be hard with Oates and Mel there."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Quite sure you can get the bonus from a charge, as long as you end up in a flanking position, which won't be hard with
Oates and Mel there."
<OOC> Lash nods.
<OOC> Lash nods.
<OOC> Lash says, "Charging, then :)"
<OOC> Lash says, "Charging, then :)"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (19)+4+1+2: 26
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (19)+4+1+2: 26
<OOC> Lash says, "+2 on top of that for flanking, which I forgot."
<OOC> Lash says, "+2 on top of that for flanking, which I forgot."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Threat?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Threat?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Ja."
<OOC> Lash says, "Ja."
Distracted as the Egalrin takes aim and note the devices over the Undead artificer woman thingy.... his shot goes wide, but he calls out, "The device over her head, its her shield!" The Orge Leg zombie getting ripped up by Lodestone can be heard behind Oates, it is not a pleasant sound.
Distracted as the Egalrin takes aim and note the devices over the Undead artificer woman thingy.... his shot goes wide, but he calls out, "The device over her head, its her shield!" The Orge Leg zombie getting ripped up by Lodestone can be heard behind Oates, it is not a pleasant sound.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (1)+4+1+2: 8
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (1)+4+1+2: 8
<OOC> Lash says, "Just a regular hit."
<OOC> Lash says, "Just a regular hit."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1+1+2: (4)+2+1+1+2: 10
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1+1+2: (4)+2+1+1+2: 10
<OOC> Colrick says, "Another wound, she's not looking so great now."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Another wound, she's not looking so great now."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."
<OOC> Mel says, "The device, can that be targeted separately without special feats? And is it inside the shield, or outside?"
<OOC> Mel says, "The device, can that be targeted separately without special feats? And is it inside the shield, or outside?"
"You will die -again- and nevermore see the light of the sun, candle, torch or flickering flame. DIE!" Lash roars, charging towards the dead elf and drawing her sword, bringing it down across her and scoring through her armor.
"You will die -again- and nevermore see the light of the sun, candle, torch or flickering flame. DIE!" Lash roars, charging towards the dead elf and drawing her sword, bringing it down across her and scoring through her armor.
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's outside the shield. It would fall under the 'targeting worn items' rules... lemme just double check those"
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's outside the shield. It would fall under the 'targeting worn items' rules... lemme just double check those"
<OOC> Lash says, "If it's weaponlike, it would be sundering, which would provoke AoO."
<OOC> Lash says, "If it's weaponlike, it would be sundering, which would provoke AoO."
<OOC> Lash says, "http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#_sunder"
<OOC> Lash says, "http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#_sunder"
<OOC> Mel says, "I think I would take an ... yeah. I think I'll just take a normal stab. I'll roll higher at some point."
<OOC> Mel says, "I think I would take an ... yeah. I think I'll just take a normal stab. I'll roll higher at some point."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hrm... one sec"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hrm... one sec"
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's not worn, it's technically it's own thing."
<OOC> Colrick says, "It's not worn, it's technically it's own thing."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can hit it independently of her, without AoO."
<OOC> Colrick says, "You can hit it independently of her, without AoO."
<OOC> Lash says, "Sunder counts for held or worn, I believe?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Sunder counts for held or worn, I believe?"
<OOC> Lash says, "But, GM's call :)"
<OOC> Lash says, "But, GM's call :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "I described it as hovering over her shoulder, so it's neither. So I'll suck up the gameplay result of my description :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "I described it as hovering over her shoulder, so it's neither. So I'll suck up the gameplay result of my description :)"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Dm's discretion."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Dm's discretion."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, it's neither held nor worn. You can smack it."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, it's neither held nor worn. You can smack it."
<OOC> Mel says, "I'll take a swing at it."
<OOC> Mel says, "I'll take a swing at it."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"
<OOC> Mel says, "I assume it doesn't take sneak?"
<OOC> Mel says, "I assume it doesn't take sneak?"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nope."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nope."
<OOC> Colrick says, "The contraption is knocked over her shoulder and falls to the ground, rendering it temporarily inert."
<OOC> Colrick says, "The contraption is knocked over her shoulder and falls to the ground, rendering it temporarily inert."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Off, not over"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Off, not over"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll the furious furry flurry."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll the furious furry flurry."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5+2: (4)+7+5+2: 18
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5+2: (4)+7+5+2: 18
<OOC> Arafel says, "Watches the witch go done... deady go down..."
<OOC> Arafel says, "Watches the witch go done... deady go down..."
Mel takes note of Arafel's warning, and since he'd been having trouble hitting the woman with her shield, he'll take the better part of valor and attack the thing, whatever it might be. Winding up, he swats at it with his shortsword, knocking it to the floor. That's a team player. "I got her ... uh, thing," he announces.
Mel takes note of Arafel's warning, and since he'd been having trouble hitting the woman with her shield, he'll take the better part of valor and attack the thing, whatever it might be. Winding up, he swats at it with his shortsword, knocking it to the floor. That's a team player. "I got her ... uh, thing," he announces.
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss :("
<OOC> Colrick says, "miss :("
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Bear rolls."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Bear rolls."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26
<OOC> Colrick says, "That's a hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "That's a hit"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Now for its grab, and then damage."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Now for its grab, and then damage."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+8: (4)+8: 12
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "That's damage. If the 27 hit its CMD, it's now grappled."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "That's damage. If the 27 hit its CMD, it's now grappled."
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's bearhugged!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's bearhugged!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer, are you back?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer, are you back?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "And the 12 is the bite."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "And the 12 is the bite."
<OOC> Remethaer is! I can pose my continued failure. :)
<OOC> Remethaer is! I can pose my continued failure. :)
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is in bad shape."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is in bad shape."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yeah, sorry about that Remy."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yeah, sorry about that Remy."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "No worries!"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "No worries!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remy paged me his gunsmith rolls for this turn, in case he was AFK."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Remy paged me his gunsmith rolls for this turn, in case he was AFK."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, Nephalia has a whole lot of angry bear on her."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, Nephalia has a whole lot of angry bear on her."
Remethaer glances up at the fight and back down at his gun, struggling with the weapon to no great progress. What a time to choke!
Remethaer glances up at the fight and back down at his gun, struggling with the weapon to no great progress. What a time to choke!
After whirling her bear away to gain some distance, she calls back,"You taunt me now, witch, but I was only trying to pick up momentum. Know fear as Lady Primrose vents her spleen on you!" Cinnamon and the bear charge, and while her lance goes over the woman's head, the bear rears up at the last moment and bites deep into the woman's shoulder, wrapping its big bear arms around her torso. Bear likes to hug.
After whirling her bear away to gain some distance, she calls back,"You taunt me now, witch, but I was only trying to pick up momentum. Know fear as Lady Primrose vents her spleen on you!" Cinnamon and the bear charge, and while her lance goes over the woman's head, the bear rears up at the last moment and bites deep into the woman's shoulder, wrapping its big bear arms around her torso. Bear likes to hug.
<OOC> Oates says, "Bear on one side, flanking rogue going stabbity on the other!"
<OOC> Oates says, "Bear on one side, flanking rogue going stabbity on the other!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Do it"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Do it"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (4)+7+2+1: 14
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (4)+7+2+1: 14
<OOC> Colrick says, "Sorry, miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Sorry, miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "What's Primrose's AC?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "What's Primrose's AC?"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Uuum..."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Uuum..."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "23."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "23."
Cinnamon dropped Lady Primrose.
With Nephalia being hugged, Oates tries for another well-placed stab, but can't quite land a decent hit.
With Nephalia being hugged, Oates tries for another well-placed stab, but can't quite land a decent hit.
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Take a look at that, Colrick."
It's a big bear. Like seriously. It's kinda huge, because... well... bear. Also, it's black, furry, and covered in barding, with a banner streaming behind its saddle (yes, saddle). On one side of its banner, the emblem of a red bear paw drawing jagged wounds, and on the other, a purple rose. A spot on the saddle for couching a lance rests there as well.
Stats: Size - Large; Speed 45 ft.; AC: 23; Flat-footed AC: 21, Touch AC: 12, Attack bite (1d8+6), 2 claws (1d6+6); Ability Scores Str 23, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities - low-light vision, scent, HD 4 (26 hp), BAB 3(9), CMB: 9, CMD: 21 Fort 4 (6), Reflex 4 (6), Will 1(2), Medium Armor Prof, Fleet, Climb 2 (8), Swim 2 (8), Evasion, Grab, Language: Common
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11-2: (10)+11+-2: 19
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11-2: (10)+11+-2: 19
Lady Primrose has left.
Nephalia's mood instantly sours when her device is knocked from its hovering perch. "Leave that alone!" she snaps, and is about to answer Mel's annoyance with a steam-powered necromantic fist when Cinnamon and Primrose charge back into the fray. She's tall for a shadow elf, but still dwarfed by the bear. Her attempts to struggle against the beast are in vain, and her muffled insults and retorts are drowned out by angry bear.
Nephalia's mood instantly sours when her device is knocked from its hovering perch. "Leave that alone!" she snaps, and is about to answer Mel's annoyance with a steam-powered necromantic fist when Cinnamon and Primrose charge back into the fray. She's tall for a shadow elf, but still dwarfed by the bear. Her attempts to struggle against the beast are in vain, and her muffled insults and retorts are drowned out by angry bear.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"
<OOC> Arafel says, "It be shooting into something with a negative wouldn't it?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "It be shooting into something with a negative wouldn't it?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Do you have precise shot?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Do you have precise shot?"
<OOC> Arafel says, "I'll cast Flare and no."
<OOC> Arafel says, "I'll cast Flare and no."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ok"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Ok"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Flare.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Flare.
<OOC> Arafel says, "DC 13"
<OOC> Arafel says, "DC 13"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Fort"
<OOC> Arafel says, "Fort"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (2)+4+3: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (2)+4+3: 9
<OOC> Arafel says, "and that be Lodestone for a miss I'm guessing."
<OOC> Arafel says, "and that be Lodestone for a miss I'm guessing."
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
<OOC> Colrick says, "Negated"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Negated"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, a miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, a miss"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"
Line 688: Line 1,035:
<OOC> Lash says, "Smacky smacky."
<OOC> Lash says, "Smacky smacky."
<OOC> Colrick says, "rolly rolly :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "rolly rolly :)"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+2+1: (12)+4+2+1: 19
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+2+1: (12)+4+2+1: 19
<OOC> Lash :(
<OOC> Lash :(
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."
<OOC> Lash says, "Ooo? Yay."
<OOC> Lash says, "Ooo? Yay."
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's penalized due to being grappled"
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's penalized due to being grappled"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1: (6)+2+1: 9
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1: (6)+2+1: 9
Still angered - not quite the frothing rage of a barbarian but not far off either - Lash brings her sword down for another strike, another dent and crack in that formidable armour.
Still angered - not quite the frothing rage of a barbarian but not far off either - Lash brings her sword down for another strike, another dent and crack in that formidable armour.
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's at death's door... undeath's door?... death of undeath's door... she's messed up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "She's at death's door... undeath's door?... death of undeath's door... she's messed up."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel. Nephalia struggles against a bear."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel. Nephalia struggles against a bear."
<OOC> Mel says, "Stab her!"
<OOC> Mel says, "Stab her!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Commence stab"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Commence stab"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27
<OOC> Colrick says, "threat?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "threat?"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17
<OOC> Colrick says, "Regular hit"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Regular hit"
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 3d6+2: (12)+2: 14
GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 3d6+2: (12)+2: 14
You paged Mel with 'You discover that her internal organs were all replaced by artifice contraptions. Feel free to pose this anatomy lesson with your death blow.'
You paged Mel with 'You discover that her internal organs were all replaced by artifice contraptions. Feel free to pose this anatomy lesson with
your death blow.'
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is no more."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is no more."
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.
GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.
<OOC> Lash says, "Will Cinnamon be able to recover the negative levels during the trip back?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Will Cinnamon be able to recover the negative levels during the trip back?"
<OOC> Lash would heal her until she is full, if that is so.
<OOC> Lash would heal her until she is full, if that is so.
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Well, if it's energy drain, they should recover (normally) one per day since there was no DC. Otherwise, I'd roll the dc every day."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Well, if it's energy drain, they should recover (normally) one per day since there was no DC. Otherwise, I'd roll the dc every day."
Mel is saved from certain doom by the arrival of Lady Primrose. And Cinnamon as well, of course. He'd like to be grateful, but there's a honking huge bear nearly on top of him. Of course, it's on top of the person he's fighting, and that's a good thing. But still. It's a bear! "Gaaaaah," he says wisely, terrified. In panic mode as Lash and the bear overwhelm the villain, Mel slips in behind her guard and jams his blade in. Expecting to be showered in blood, which would at least be a step up from sewer water, he instead finds that as his blade slices through flesh, that her innards have been replaced by more contraptions! "Ugh," he grimaces, planting a foot on her hip and yanking his blade out.
Mel is saved from certain doom by the arrival of Lady Primrose. And Cinnamon as well, of course. He'd like to be grateful, but there's a honking huge bear nearly on top of him. Of course, it's on top of the person he's fighting, and that's a good thing. But still. It's a bear! "Gaaaaah," he says wisely, terrified. In panic mode as Lash and the bear overwhelm the villain, Mel slips in behind her guard and jams his blade in. Expecting to be showered in blood, which would at least be a step up from sewer water, he instead finds that as his blade slices through flesh, that her innards have been replaced by more contraptions! "Ugh," he grimaces, planting a foot on her hip and yanking his blade out.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Consider them restored by the time you return home, since this is not a DC plot."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Consider them restored by the time you return home, since this is not a DC plot."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Your call, chief."
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Your call, chief."
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Free poses?"
<OOC> Remethaer says, "Free poses?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Free poses for everyone!"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Free poses for everyone!"
The bear, seeing that its new friend no longer wants to play, drops the 'witch' and snuffles the corpse. Then she turns around and farts on it. Cinnamon, meanwhile, sags in her saddle, suddenly look pale and woozy,"I... don't feel so good."
The bear, seeing that its new friend no longer wants to play, drops the 'witch' and snuffles the corpse. Then she turns around and farts on it. Cinnamon, meanwhile, sags in her saddle, suddenly look pale and woozy,"I... don't feel so good."
Line 722: Line 1,100:
Her anger disappating, Lash shifts across to where Cinnamon is, ready to catch and/or pick up the gobber as needed. Even at her lofty 5' height!
Her anger disappating, Lash shifts across to where Cinnamon is, ready to catch and/or pick up the gobber as needed. Even at her lofty 5' height!
Remethaer is finally able to devote his attentions to the rifle and repair the problem. He levers the barrel back into place and gives it a twist, thumbing the magicite loader and sighing when the action moves without issue. Shaking his head, he stalks over to where the grand melee has concluded to make sure no one has insides falling out.
Remethaer is finally able to devote his attentions to the rifle and repair the problem. He levers the barrel back into place and gives it a twist, thumbing the magicite loader and sighing when the action moves without issue. Shaking his head, he stalks over to where the grand melee has concluded to make sure no one has insides falling out.
Mel backpedals away from point-blank bear farts. He looks worried as he sees the goblin who fought so hard looking woozy, but the bear is bad news, and he's not getting close. Also, yuck, it reeks! "Uh, who all is hurt?" he calls out, finding something to be useful at a way's away.
Mel backpedals away from point-blank bear farts. He looks worried as he sees the goblin who fought so hard looking woozy, but the bear is bad news, and he's not getting close. Also, yuck, it reeks! "Uh, who all is hurt?" he calls out, finding something to be useful at a way's away.
Thump. Goblin pass out even as she begins to shrink.... Though bizarrely she doesn't fall out of the saddle. She just sort of leans to the side of it at a really uncomfortable angle.
Thump. Goblin pass out even as she begins to shrink.... Though bizarrely she doesn't fall out of the saddle. She just sort of leans to the side of it at a really uncomfortable angle.
Arafel has disconnected.
"We... uh... we still need that water for the... hello?" comes a man's voice from the side passage where Nephalia originally emerged from. A swaying light can be seen coming around the corner, followed by a young man in his late teens. "Oh my."
"We... uh... we still need that water for the... hello?" comes a man's voice from the side passage where Nephalia originally emerged from. A swaying light can be seen coming around the corner, followed by a young man in his late teens. "Oh my."
<OOC> Lash says, "Does he appear to be alive?"
<OOC> Lash says, "Does he appear to be alive?"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Most definitely."
<OOC> Colrick says, "Most definitely."
Line 733: Line 1,115:
<OOC> Colrick says, "If anyone needs to go soon, I can also wrap up quickly if needed. We've been going for 5 hours, and some of you may be in different time zones."
<OOC> Colrick says, "If anyone needs to go soon, I can also wrap up quickly if needed. We've been going for 5 hours, and some of you may be in different time zones."
<OOC> Mel should crash, but is good for RP for a bit.
<OOC> Mel should crash, but is good for RP for a bit.
The young man - his scholarly clothes caked with mud - drops his lantern and runs back down the cave passage.
The young man - his scholarly clothes caked with mud - drops his lantern and runs back down the cave passage. "We're saved! We were rescued!" he shouts loudly, over and over, as his voice echoes through the cave. More voices can be heard down the passage, and soon footsteps as more rush back to the main cave.
<OOC> Colrick says, "oops"
<OOC> Lash says, "Ah, yeah. It's almost half five in the morning here."
The cave is now littered with the lifeless corpses of zombies and one former half-Mulniesse artificer. The lanterns illuminate a path further into the cave passage. "We're saved! We were rescued!" he shouts loudly, over and over, as his voice echoes through the cave. More voices can be heard down the passage, and soon footsteps as more rush back to the main cave.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Man, even I'm messing up my poses"
<OOC> Colrick says, "I just spliced together two separate poses"
<OOC> Lash is facing the difficult decision of - get a bit of sleep, or just power through it and nap later.
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, I'll wrap up with one pose :)"
<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, I'll wrap up with one pose :)"
Mel sees Lash taking care of Cinnamon, so that's taken care of. He peers critically at the fellow from the side passage. "Who're you?" he asks slowly, looking around to see who else might be sneaking in here. To his companions, he wonders, "Should we go get Mr. Terlin? He's probably worried by now with all the commotion. Or tried to ride home with the supplies," he says with a snort. Well, he did seem pretty timid. To the newcomer, he says, "If you're the explorers, we've brought your supplies and such. But what's going on?" Theor shouting seems to confirm that guess, at least. "Are you all OK?" he asks if he can get anyone's attention.
Mel sees Lash taking care of Cinnamon, so that's taken care of. He peers critically at the fellow from the side passage. "Who're you?" he asks slowly, looking around to see who else might be sneaking in here. To his companions, he wonders, "Should we go get Mr. Terlin? He's probably worried by now with all the commotion. Or tried to ride home with the supplies," he says with a snort. Well, he did seem pretty timid. To the newcomer, he says, "If you're the explorers, we've brought your supplies and such. But what's going on?" Theor shouting seems to confirm that guess, at least. "Are you all OK?" he asks if he can get anyone's attention.
<OOC> Mel seems also to be asleep.
Reaching forward, Lash moves to lift the gobber from her saddle, so she doesn't fall and crack her head open on the cavern floor. See, a thoughtful Oruch.
Reaching forward, Lash moves to lift the gobber from her saddle, so she doesn't fall and crack her head open on the cavern floor. See, a thoughtful Oruch.
It turns out that all the sages - all eight of them - are perfectly fine, if a little shaken up from their ordeal. Nephalia Tzek and her entourage showed up not long after Terlin left to get more supplies. She promptly installed better equipment and refocused the digging further down, apparently looking for something that was buried in the town's crypts. She didn't say what, and though the sages have theories they can't agree on any likely possibilities. Either way, their expertise at archaeology was needed, as Nephalia didn't have the skillset for it, so she kept them alive and had the zombies do most of the grunt work. Apparently they needed some water to help loosen some rock, hence the pail zombie that you all ran into. They're very grateful for your assistance, thanking you all profusely. They say that Nephalia promised to kill them all and raise them as intelligent undead in her service once their jobs were done, so they're relieved to have avoided that grisly fate. The supplies are a bonus to their situation, ensuring that they can continue their work. Also the extra artifice equipment will prove handy, or at least the lift will.
It turns out that all the sages - all eight of them - are perfectly fine, if a little shaken up from their ordeal. Nephalia Tzek and her entourage showed up not long after Terlin left to get more supplies. She promptly installed better equipment and refocused the digging further down, apparently looking for something that was buried in the town's crypts. She didn't say what, and though the sages have theories they can't agree on any likely possibilities. Either way, their expertise at archaeology was needed, as Nephalia didn't have the skillset for it, so she kept them alive and had the zombies do most of the grunt work. Apparently they needed some water to help loosen some rock, hence the pail zombie that you all ran into. They're very grateful for your assistance, thanking you all profusely. They say that Nephalia promised to kill them all and raise them as intelligent undead in her service once their jobs were done, so they're relieved to have avoided that grisly fate. The supplies are a bonus to their situation, ensuring that they can continue their work. Also the extra artifice equipment will prove handy, or at least the lift will.
<OOC> Colrick says, "And that ends the Desolate Dig."
<OOC> Colrick says, "I hope you enjoyed it and didn't notice all my missteps. :)"
<OOC> Oates says, "Not bad. :D"
+nomming Arafel...
+nomming Oates...
+nomming Mel...
+nomming Cinnamon...
+nomming Remethaer...
+nomming Lash...
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Arafel for good roleplay.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Oates for good roleplay.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Mel for good roleplay.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Cinnamon for good roleplay.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Remethaer for good roleplay.
GAME: {TENEBRAE} You nominated Lash for good roleplay.
<OOC> Lash says, "Very fun, thank you."
<OOC> Mel says, "It was awesome, thanks!"
<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Thanks so much!"
<OOC> Oates noms around and heads for the Lounge.

Latest revision as of 04:04, 28 January 2013

|   Name   |  Race  |    Class    | E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC  | For | Ref | Wil |
|Cinnamon  |GOBLIN  |Cav          |  4   | 15  | 29  | 21  |  6  |  4  |  1  |
|Arafel    |EAGLEFOL|Dru          |  2   | 16  | 16  | 17  |  5  |  3  |  6  |
|Lash      |ORC     |Bard         |  3   | 22  | 22  | 19  |  3  |  6  |  6  |
|Mel       |HUMAN   |Rog          |  3   | 14  | 25  | 17  |  3  |  6  |  4  |
|Remethaer |HUMAN   |Rgr          |  3   | 26  | 26  | 17  |  5  |  7  |  4  |
|Oates     |HUMAN   |Rog          |  5   | 22  | 34  | 19  |  4  |  7  |  3  |

The Desolation; a lawless wasteland to the immediate east of Alexandros. Though a source of banditry, slavery, and piracy, this dangerous expanse is an impediment to the Stygian Empire’s aspirations to conquer the West. In the southern corner of this barren region lies a dig site that some sages have laid claim to, and they require additional provisions if they’re to last into spring. A caravan of five horse-drawn wagons has been assembled to carry the supplies, but it needs an armed escort to ward off bandits, and that’s where you come in.

Accompanying you is a gentleman from the Academy of Sages who introduces himself as Mr. Terlin; a fellow who appears to be pushing forty, with the grey hairs amongst the brown, and a little extra weight in his belly. The trip is scheduled to take several days along a lesser-used trail to avoid unwanted company. Terlin is forthcoming about the details of the dig site. He describes it with excitement in his voice, but the reality is that it’s nothing more than the buried ruins of a town that was destroyed when the Desolation earned its current name. No mystical artifacts, no ancient prophecies, just a well-preserved community populated by bones and old pots; a gold mine to a sage, and a hole in the ground to everyone else. He’s well into explaining the myriad forms of cooking ware they uncovered before he realizes that not all of you are interested.

He doesn’t seem particularly worried about the caravan coming under attack. He reassures you all that the bandits in the area prefer to pick on unarmed folk, so the only real danger is wildlife or a freak winter storm. The caravan is already assembled at the city gates and ready to go after you’ve been gathered.

Mel listens to the man speaking politely even as it dulls. He's getting paid good coin, he doesn't want to annoy his employer, and it doesn't cost him anything. Of course, Mel's got a soldier's skill for looking alert in front of officers while his attention is elsewhere, and he's looking over the supplies, provisions, and so on, checking to see that we seem to be ready to travel. "Right you are, sir," he responds to a break in Terlin's rambling. "We'll get these supplies there, not to worry."

Having arrived at the appointed time the guild had said when Arafel had put pen to paper, the caravan looks to be in good order, he hops up into the shotgun side of one of the carts and slips his spear back, leaning so he can get to it if need, but also it is less likely to be lost or accidentally in someone if things get rough on the road. he whistles to Lodestone the Digger taking up a spot next to the same cart, say one in the front of the caravan. He looks around and greets any that arrive. "The sooner we are off the quicker one can return to the city." Guard duty wasn't one of his most liked jobs, but it was a job...

"(stop it! stop! ... you're embarassing -me-! Fiiiiiiine.)" Remethaer pulls the cowl of his hood a little further forward as he mutters and hugs his mother back with one arm, narrowing his eyes at the giggling pair of twin sisters not far behind. The three women wear matching coats in the local style with furlined hoods up against the cold. "It's just the Desolation-- I've been to the Ox! Yes, no. No, not drinking. For work. Yes. I will. Behind my ears, yes." He sniffs and rolls his eyes, pulling away and offering a wave. "Yes, I love you, too." And then he hurries up to jog across the street and closer towards the assembly of wagons and pack animals with a hand steadying his socked rifle.

There is perhaps an unseen benefit to being Oruch. Scholars don't tend to assume one of that savage race will be interested in matters of learning, and so Lash keeps to the stereotype of her people, silent and stoic and utterly uninterested in babble. She does keep an eye out on the road and surroundings though, blocking out the chatter in favour of doing her job.

It's her sort of mission. Travel? Not a big issue really. She's a knight after all, and her bear is nothing if not possessed of endurance. The animal is mostly bored, of course, and even visibly yawns when the conversation turns to pottery of sorts. Cinnamon is interested enough, of course,"Tell me... what civilization are they from, then? Are we talking old kulthian village, or something a little less archaic than that?" A pause, and then she moves on to more practical matters,"Which wagons hold your most valuable and fragile supplies? We need to know where your priorities lay on the off-chance that we get swarmed. I'm assuming food-stuffs rank high on the list?" She's already rifling through her own saddlebags as she rests atop Lady Primrose, and finds her own precious copy of the book: Knight of the Purple Rose. Then she takes note of Remethaer and tips her hat politely to the man,"A dutiful sone. Good to see in this day and age."

Oates goes over his gear, making sure he has everything prepped and ready, and giving the occasional sound of interest in the topic Mr. Terlin is talking about. While it's a topic mostly of interest to sages and historians, you never know when there might be a useful piece of trivia in the mix.

"Hunter's step, lady knight!" Remy nods back, lifting his gloved hand up. "And to you, too, Lady Primrose. The best bloody bear who's ever saved me from animated corpses in ALL of Alexandros." He pads over and leans close to whisper, "(I've packed salted fish.)" He stands back up and nods at the rest-- offering a goofy-but-friendly-enough smile.

Terlin smile this big broad grin - the kind that your favourite uncle might display - at the questions rattled off by Cinnamon. "Nothing so ancient; it's a town harking back to when the kingdom of Skald still existed. We surmise it was buried whole when Daemon War began, we're just not sure how or why yet." he answers, before turning to the caravan. "I think all of it is important; it's mostly food, they already have the tools they need. If we lose any of it, we would need another supply run before the thaw." he explains.

Mel winces a little at Remethaer's embarassing farewell, though his expression is mostly relief - well, that's one thing Mel won't have to deal with. He offers a nod to his fellow guards as we get situated, giving Cinnamon, Lash, and then Arafel longer glances, a bit nervous, as he tries to work things out in his head. "I'm Mel," he introduces himself. His Alexandrian accent marks him as a local. "I don't get to do a lot of work with the Guild, but hopefully this will all go as smoothly as can be." He nods as Terlin explains about the cargo, and picks a wagon to hop into, himself. "We're OK to ride, we don't have to walk?" he checks, a bit after the fact.

Arafel nods to Oates and all, the appearance of Cinnamon and her animal companion has him nodding to her, "Always good to see one that walks a similar path... Though you are not most likely of the same... Ranger I would guess?" The breastplate kind of gives it away as if Arafel or any other druid wore so meting similar it would mean they would mostly be with out their abilities and for a good amount of time.

Climbing up onto the back of the rear wagon, Lash keeps her bow out on her lap, one hand holding it steady in case it is needed. Her gaze drifts from side to side, keeping the whole of the rear covered as best she can along with whoever else is playing rearguard.

The bear seems pleased by this, and even butts its head agains Remy's shoulder when the man address her. It rears slightly to rest one giant paw on that shoulder gently before it begins to snuffle for where the fish is hidden. Cinnamon, meanwhile, pats the bear's backside behind her,"There's room for you on her back, hunter, if you'd prefer not to walk. Your rifle is always appreciated." Then Terlin is speaking,"When we finish, I'd love to hear more about your finds, you know?" As for introduction...? "Sir Cinnamon of the Testgobber clan, and, in the abbreviation, Champion of Lord Ildevourn, Dragon Slayer. This is Lady Primrose, my boon companion."

Oates climbs onto the middle wagon. Decent view off of either side, and a reasonable distance to either end of the caravan.

The Egalrin nods to the introduction, "May all find warmth under the sun and shade under the trees when needed... I am Arafel Gemlord." He nods down to his Digger companion, "This is Lodestone... No Boon on anyone's half, but a blessing of Dana in that we are that what we are, her servants of air and land."

Terlin seems a bit wary of the ursine, as he nimbly - as well as a portly fellow can - sidesteps the bear and climbs into the first wagon. "Climb aboard if you lack a bear, there is room for everyone. Should also be a lot warmer than walking in the snow." he declares with a hearty laugh. "As for the details, Lady Cinnamon, I would be happy to tell you everything on our trip."

"It's quite the offer but I'm far better in a wagon; less liable to fall and crack my skull." Remethaer grins awkwardly and gives a shallow shrug as he walks backwards towards a cart with some room. "I'll save some fish for you at camp," he tells the bear, pointing, before lithely scrambling up the side of the cart, using the spokes of the wheel for footholds. He sits in the wagon for awhile, pretending to be oblivious-- but ultimately relents and waves to his mother and sisters quickly.

Since people seem to be doing the introductory thing - or at least, the birdman and goblin are - the Oruch pokes her head around the side of the wagon and offers her name too. "Lash, Clan Drum Reaver."

-- Fast Forward --

Day one goes by without a hitch; after all, you’re still in relatively civilized lands at this point. It snows, but it’s a lazy drift of snowflakes without any biting wind, so it looks quite beautiful. Camp is made by a frozen pond next to an escarpment, providing some shelter. Tents are pitched next to the wagons and a campfire made to cook some stew. The night is quiet and without incident.

Day two had a few tense moments when travellers were seen at a distance, but in every case it turned out to be nothing more than merchants and their armed escorts returning from business in Vandalheim. Though their business may have been unsavoury - from stolen goods to slavery - they showed no interest in starting a scuffle and just passed by with suspicious eyes. Camp was made by a rocky hill to block a chill breeze that was blowing.

Day three saw an end to passing travellers as the path veered off the main trail and went south into the wilderness. Finally within the Desolation itself, there’s little but rocks and snow-covered bushes across an endless hilly expanse. It’s not entirely ugly, just barren and quiet. Animal life seems limited to scavengers and birds, as there’s not much to sustain larger herbivores.The path steadily becomes harder to see as the caravan works its way into the hills. At a dry ravine Terlin guides the caravan off the path, hugging the ravine’s side as it drops down into a cave. At the cave’s entrance is a solitary lantern, down to its last shred of oil, but at least it’s a sign. “We’re here!” he declares, hopping off the lead wagon to stomp up to the cave’s entrance. “Just inside is a lift we made to ferry equipment down into the ruin. We’ll just load everything onto it; might require a few trips. Then -” he says, turning around with excitement in his pudgy face. “- we shall have a look at what my colleagues have found!”

Mel would suggest a lookout rota for while the party rests at night, even in such nominally safe areas, though it seems his caution is in excess of the danger. He holds his cloak tight around him against the weather, bearing the chill as best he can. He'll offer to help cook when we stop to rest. He's no master chef, but he can generally time things so nothing's raw or burnt. When we arrive at the cave, he hops off the wagon to stretch his legs, and looks around the cave warily, pulling an everburning torch from his pack to see more clearly.

Nothing better then a mostly, non-eventful trip into the Desolation. It was a good thing neither Arafel or Lodestone where herbivores, and Lodestone being a might bit happier as the very sand itself could be eaten if need be or random stones here and there, as long as Arafel had his favorite treat, an emerald now and again. When they arrive he gets off the wagon and retrieves his spear as he does, "Another cave..." he looks to Lodestone, the digger as happy as can be at that himself and then the Egalrin looks around once more.

Oates takes a careful look inside the cave, making sure that nothing is blatantly amiss. Best to make sure that they're not walking unknowingly into trouble.

Dismounting from the wagon and taking a moment to stretch her legs and waggle blood back into her limbs, Lash then turns to begin helping with the unloading. She oruch, she strong, and so forth. She's been fairly quiet throughout the trip, mostly listening to people talk rather than offering anything of her own, and continues this now.

Cinnamon is meanwhile rubbing her bear's head politely. The bear had enjoyed the Desolation, for a wonder, and romped rather playfully most of the way when she wasn't plodding as her mistress listened to Terlin expound. Uppon arriving at the cave? More joy. Bears like caves. "Lady Primrose, hup. Hind legs. Help them carry." She clambers onto the bear's shoulder as it rises on two lumbering back legs, and stumbles to a wagon. Looks like it's holding its arms out to help... carry crates. "She's a sweetie."

The cave is pretty short-lived, as there's the metal structure of a lift just about 50 feet in. It occupies most of the pit's circumference, making it hard to see what's down there. Every corner of the square lift platform has a very sturdy looking pulley, with the ropes all linked to some serious magitech motors and winches mounted to the ceiling. "So... we will need to do this in small batches, as I doubt the rickity wooden lift we built could hold more than several people at a time." Terlin announces as he starts counting the crates, with his back turned to the cave. Several people? That thing could lift a ship out of harbour.

"And I told you that you were worried for nothing," Remethaer tells his mother- perhaps expecting the sound to echo and bounce all the way back to Alexandria as he faces that general direction. His hands are in his pockets, his hood up, and he shuffles about at the mouth of the cave having a look before proceeding inside. Sure, it seems stable enough, but when it comes to rocks you can't take anything for granite. It's best to start with a clean slate and expect the unexpected.

Mel backs hastily away as the bear approaches the wagon, and he hurries to help unload a different wagon. Well, a bear doesn't need him helping, right? He looks between the lift and Terlin, and says, "Won't fit or won't hold?" He shrugs. "We're getting paid a lot more than the crate-luggers down at the docks, though, and it's easy enough work...." He'll start carrying crates onto the lift, letting Terlin direct if he will.

Oates shrugs and helps with the unloading. So far, so good.

Work Work, as some of her kinsmen might say; Lash is good for hauling boxes, the smaller ones alone and the larger ones with a partner. So, that is what she does! "Both. After all, it's just a -" Terlin replies to Mel as he turns around, then just stops and blinks. "- what. When did they build that?!" he declares, stomping into the cave right up to the lift. With a foot he stamps down on the metal platform, illiciting not even a creak of protest from the lift at his weight. "We threw together something with a wooden pallet and some rope; nothing like this!" he says, eyes roaming over the artifice installed in the ceiling.

<OOC> Colrick says, "perception checks"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls perception: (6)+9: 15

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls perception: (7)+2: 9

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls Perception: (5)+9: 14

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "This is for Primrose."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+2: (8)+2: 10

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Perception: (14)+9: 23

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Perception: (11)+11: 22

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls perception: (4)+1: 5

You paged (Remethaer, Oates) with 'You hear the word 'Snow' coming from behind you, outside the cave and presumably above the ravine. It's repeated a couple more times, enunciated very slowly, but louder each time you hear it.'

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls 1d20: (18): 18

<OOC> Arafel says, "Forgot about Lodestone there almost. :P"

You paged Arafel with 'Your little friend hears something coming from outside the cave.'

"Anyone else hear that...?" Remethaer wonders, his brow furrowed. He turns back towards the mouth of the cave and jogs. He doesn't seem too concerned-- the rifle remains stowed-- but something has put a bit of a hop in his step. "Snow-what?"

"I think we have company," remarks Oates as he turns back towards the cave entrance. "Sounds like someone about the ravine is saying 'snow' repeatedly, and it's getting louder..."

As the others speak, Lodestone is already looking to the entrance of the cave, the Digger growling, and Arafel looks to where it is looking. They speak and he is already preparing his crossbow and well other abilities if it is needed.

Setting down the box she holds, Lash draws her bow and takes a few steps back from the direction people are saying the voice comes from, nocking an arrow. The knight slips down into the saddle, kicking the bear to find a place to brace itself,"Put the crate down!" The bear complies, and then,"Brace yourself Primrose." The bear braces itself even as Cinnamon hunkers down in the saddle,"Snowlide?"

Mel peers sidelong at Remethaer, "Hear what?" He unloads his crate and heads back for another one, though a little more alert now. Oates's comment gives him pause, and he looks back towards the cave as well, then hurries back to retrieve his weapon and shield.

"Snoooooow." says the low-pitched grumbly voice. First thing that comes into view is a massive metal pail the size of a cauldron, and the pale withered arms wrapped around it. Behind that pail is a shambling figure dressed in rags; hardly appropriate for the freezing weather. "Snoooooow." he mumbles again, marching down the ravine's edge and then turning towards the cave, all without the aid of his eyes as the pail completely obstructs his vision. As he gets closer, you can see that the massive pail is indeed filled with snow. "Snoooooow."

Oates blinks. "Yep, that bucket's certainly filled with snow," he agrees, looking at the odd figure. "May I ask why you're carrying it, and where to?"

"Oh. Snow." Remethaer gawps, dumbstruck for a moment. "That's a bloody big bloke." The shambling giant of a man seems a few marbles short of a kit. "No, shhhhhhhhh." Remy warns Oates, holding a hand. It's dumb, sure, but who says it's gneiss?

Cinnamon meanwhile has reached into her pocket to pull free a potion in one hand, and pop the cork free,"Hello sir. Very nice snow you've got there. I was just wondering... Whatcha planning on doing with that? Need any help there?"

Mel pauses in the act of grabbing up his shield as the thing comes into view. Someone's come to get snow? Well, he's not going to begrudge them any of that, there seems to be plenty to go around. He looks to the others, no idea what this might be, or how to react. "Uh....?" He falls quiet at Remethaer's shh, waiting to see what happens. Bow remains in hand, arrow still nocked, but not flying. Lash is waiting to see what happens next, whether this snow-addled giant is friend or foe.

Certainly not something you see every day, or is it very natural for something to be carrying a big thing of snow through the desert heat and Arafel has his crossbow aimed at the thing to be sure, "What in the deepest forests... I've seen strange, but this..." He is also prepared to send Lodestone at the whatever it is.

Despite the shambling walk the fellow has, he manages to keep a straight line that would make a soldier on parade jealous. Without aid of sight the pail-clutching man - who appears to be close to seven feet tall - walks right by the wagons and into the mouth of the cave. The horses stamp their hooves and look a little unnerved, but calm down quick enough as the fellow passes them by. Now that he's close enough, the pail doesn't hide the reality. He's dead. Sunken face, rotted jaw with holes in it, patches of white hair that are falling out, and a sizeable glass jar mounted in its belly where the guts used to be. Something's swimming in that murky yellow jar. "Snooooow." he declares yet again, as he heads for the lift. As of yet it still hasn't noticed yet, or cared.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Noticed /you/, rather."

With a glance back at Terlin, Remethaer gives a shake of his head. "I think there's been a change in management in Master Terlin's absence." He mutters to Oates and whomever else might be standing with him at the mouth of the cave.

Cinnamon calls out to Terlin now,"Terlin! Friend! Do you recognize that poor fool? Possibly a deceased member of your team?" She takes her lance up in her free hand, using the bear's euipment to help balance it,"Shall we follow it, friends?"

<OOC> Oates says, "May I roll Knowledge/Religion to try to identify the type of undead?"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Detect Magic.

<OOC> Colrick says, "You may indeed"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Knowledge/Religion: (3)+5: 8

<OOC> Colrick says, "It's the dead kind."

<OOC> Arafel says, "Just to get another look at things in another way."

You paged Arafel with 'There's some magic emanating from Mr. Pail, necromancy to be exact.'

Oates carefully follows the undead thing, trying to keep a certain amount of distance from it while not staying back too far. "Very interesting," he murmurs. "I wonder what the jar is for?"

Mel does a doubletake as the huge fellow goes by, and he finally sees the deadness, and the glass jar. "Well, that's strange," he remarks, master of the obvious. He nods slowly to Cinnamon, "Yes, I have the feeling they won't be needing these supplies, though." "Whoever he is bringing snow to has probably installed this lift," Lash reasons, her bow still drawn, squinting at the bowl in the big guy's belly, trying to work out what it is. Hmmmn. Arafel pages: Never know if there was trailing link or something. LOL Remethaer hates zombies! Zombies like to apply their fist directly to his forehead, smack him about the head and neck, and blugeon his torso. He finally takes the rifle out from the long softcase on his back and fingers the magicite loader. Casually, being sure to keep one eye on the zombified purveyor of frozen water, he walks back to rejoin the main body of the group. "Do we follow it down and see what's become of Master Terlin's company?" That familiar glow of his eyes and Arafel is nodding, "Necromancy... Very vile stuff." One wonders how an Egalrin can growl but this one does, the sound being taken up by Lodestone as well... "Nothing more vile in all the world..." Terlin's hands are shaking as the pail corpse wanders by, and it takes him a moment to snap out of his fear. "Wh-what?!" he blurts out very loudly at Cinnamon's question, immediately clamping his hands over his mouth to silence himself. Fortunately the corpse doesn't care. Instead of a vocal response, he just shakes his head at her question. With a loud clang the pail is lowered directly onto the center of the lift. "Leeeeveeeeer." the thing groans out as it slowly turns towards the control lever on the side of the lift, and begins a shambling walk towards it. Arafel says, "I think we all should get on...." And Arafel and Lodestone are already making their way to the Lift in a hurry. "It doesn't seem to be paying us no mind for the moment." Cinnamon sighs and, with a light 'huphup', directs her bear over to the lift. She points her lance at the creature, but doesn't move to attack or obstruct it,"This entire mission has just gone a little bit beyong the pail." She shakes her head and calls to Terlin,"Come, there may be some left alive... That should lift your spirits."

Oates looks at the others, then shrugs and walks onto the lift, heading for one of the corners away from the undead creature and its pail of snow. He doesn't draw a weapon yet, but he does make ready to do so if the creature becomes hostile.

To the lift, Lash follows. Bow still ready, but decidedly confused. "Tell us the layout down there, Terlin," she requests quietly. "Quickly." Remethaer walks onto the platform and crouches, trying to find a place to peek over the edge (or through some grating) to see below. Mel nods quickly as Cinnamon mentions possible survivors. "That's right, if anyone's left, we have to rescue them." He gathers up his things, setting his buckler on his arm as he hustles over to the lift, avoiding the creature as much as he can in doing so. Terlin is moving in the opposite direction of the lift. "NO!... no... I'll just... wait... by the horses." he says meekly. Cinnamon calls back to Terlin,"Are you sure friend? We can guard you better if we can see you!" Arafel laughs softly even in this weird situation, "There may be more things like this out there." He calls out also. The corpse's withered hands grip the lever tightly. "Leeveeer." it intones, slowly pulling it back, fighting against the cold metal's resistance. The artifice in the ceiling roars to life, startling Terlin and making scramble out of the cave. Slowly the lift begins to accelerate with the six of you on it. "Deeeesceeeeeend." You paged Remethaer with 'It's awfully pitch black down there.' <OOC> Lash thinks we wait until the description of the lower chambers is given? Not much to do on a lift. Mel is looking decidedly nervous as the lift descends. His everburning torch is stuck in his pack now, so he's pretty much blind unless there's some other source of light. He waits. "I do hope someone has torches..." Remethaer asks, peeking over the edge and squinting. "Just shades and shadows far as I can see." Arafel does in fact have a torch and a quick cast of Spark and he has one lit... handing out that and getting another lit.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Spark.

Cinnamon meanwhile seems to be oddly calm,"I'm used to not really NEEDING a light in these situations. I'm sure there will be adeuate torches down the way for those of you in need of light." She fishes a fishehead from her pouch and feeds it to Primrose,"There you go girl. This is just like the cave I found you near!"

"If need be, I'll pull out an everburning torch," notes Oates, who is still keeping an eye on the undead on the lift with them.

Lash frowns just a little as torches are lit, but says nothing. Remains ready to draw the string of her bow, and looks out in the direction the lift will be exited. Remethaer accepts a torch, taking his rifle in one hand mid-stock. He smiles faintly at the birdman and returns to his post, trying to get a peek at the ground coming up below them. "This reminds me of Whitefoot," he mutters. Nervous talker that he is. "That was fun. Addlepated bastard was crazy as a bag of cats on a hot stovetop." The lift gradually picks up speed, until it moving at the pace of a quick walk. After about 20 ft a cave mouth opens out before you, revealing a boarded up dig site with lots of ceramic pots, some bed cots, supplies, and other signs of life. However the lift doesn't stop at all, it just keeps on descending, and the cave mouth disappears from view. "Deeesceeeeend." When the lift starts to slow down, you've gone down another 50 ft or so, finally stopping at a larger cave illuminated by numerous lamps. Artifice machinery is strewn about, with a network of steam pipes from floor to walls to ceiling. Waiting for you at the bottom are three other zombies; one bearing a mechanical arm, another has what looks like its an ogres legs stitched to its human body, and the last is missing a head and just has a spyglass mounted there. "Snoooooow." says the pail zombie as it moves towards the pail. "Killlll." says the mechanical arm zombie, lifting that rusted limb and pointing at you all.

<OOC> Colrick says, "init time :)"

GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8

GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 11

GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 13

GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22

GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: + Bonus: = Total: 0

GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15

GAME: You roll initiative for Black Tech Undead: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 12

Current Initiative Order ====

22                  Remethaer

15                  Mel

13                  Cinnamon

12                  Black

11                  Arafel

8                   Oates


GAME: You roll initiative for Black_Tech_Undead: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 17

Current Initiative Order ====

22                  Remethaer

17                  Black_Tech_Undead

15                  Mel

13                  Cinnamon

12                  Black

11                  Arafel

8                   Oates


<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, you now have four semi-artifice undead that are now violent. Three in front of you, by about 10', one to the side 5' feet away (mr. pail with a jar in his belly). Remy, you're up."

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Drop the torch as a free action and give ol' metal-arm a shot."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it :)"

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Then I'll spend a move action to back up behind some melee-lookin' folk."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1+1: (19)+4+3+1+1: 28

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d12+1: (1)+1: 2

<OOC> Colrick says, "Your bullet makes the most cleanest and unimportant hole you've ever seen. You don't think you even nicked anything marginally important for a zombie."

GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4

<OOC> Lash does her usual fantastic job of rolling initiative.

"... hiding in the safe-basement of the family warehouse..." Remethaer is still muttering about Whitefoot's invasion as he drops the torch and takes the rifle in two hands. The report is thunderous in this closed space and the cloud of brackish smoke and fire considerable. The metal-armed zombie half-turned from the waist up at impact... only to casually correct its stance. "Monkey trumpets..." Remy curses, scrambling back a few paces towards the rear of the lift.

Spyglass shambles up to Remethaer, Ogre Legs wanders over to Mel, Mechanical Arm heads for Cinnamon and Lady Primrose. The one with the pail decides to ditch the pail and walks up to Oates. However they're slow enough that they only just manage to reach you all.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, sorry Lash, miscounted and didn't realize you hadn't rolled yet"

<OOC> Lash says, "S'alright, I rolled my usual 1. ;)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ignore the 'Black' entry in the +tinit. I fumbled on naming them."

<OOC> Mel says, "Um. Is Ogrelegs threatened by others? Or are any of them threatened by 2 others?"

GAME: 'Black' removed from initiative list.

<OOC> Colrick says, "At the moment the zombies have no one flanking them. You'd need to sidestep them a bit."

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|   Name   |  Race  |    Class    | E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC  | For | Ref | Wil |
|Cinnamon  |GOBLIN  |Cav          |  4   | 29  | 29  | 21  |  6  |  4  |  1  |
|Arafel    |EAGLEFOL|Dru          |  2   | 16  | 16  | 17  |  5  |  3  |  6  |
|Lash      |ORC     |Bard         |  3   | 22  | 22  | 19  |  3  |  6  |  6  |
|Mel       |HUMAN   |Rog          |  3   | 25  | 25  | 17  |  3  |  6  |  4  |
|Remethaer |HUMAN   |Rgr          |  3   | 26  | 26  | 17  |  5  |  7  |  4  |
|Oates     |HUMAN   |Rog          |  5   | 34  | 34  | 19  |  4  |  7  |  3  |

<OOC> Mel says, "I don't need flanking, I have Gang Up, they only need to be threatened."

<OOC> Colrick says, "They're threatened."

<OOC> Oates says, "Threatened by two allies, that is."

<OOC> Mel says, "Yes."

<OOC> Mel says, "What Oates said, I mean."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Arm is, as he's sandwiched between the other two."

<OOC> Colrick says, "And therefore within reach of two others."

<OOC> Mel says, "All right, I'll have a go at him."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6

<OOC> Mel says, "Hahah, so much for that"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Whiff! Lady Primrose and her adorable sidekick Cinnamon are now up."

<OOC> Cinnamon :D :D Okay, the mighty hero Primrose moves as far from the gathering as possible to pick up room to charge. While her sidekick quaffs a potion that makes her grow to a towering 5'2".

Mel acks as things get ugly quickly. He draws his shortsword and tries to guage the situation quickly. "Ohman, I should know better, the Guild jobs go badly when they're out of town," he mutters. He backs up a little to form a clump with the others, essaying tentative little jabs against the creature in the middle, whatever these are, though nothing comes close enough to even touch the creature.

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up about 10' at most, until you bump into the back wall of the shaft."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Oh. Well, in that case, Primrose just mauls a jerk."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Maul away!"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Primrose, full attacking. First attack."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She also has grab."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Next attacks..."

<OOC> Colrick says, "No need :)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "The first swipe separates the corpse from the clockwork machinery and sends it scattered on the cave floor."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"

Primrose rears up in the universal bear-sign for 'U WANT 2 PLAY WITH ME?'. When the zombie creatures agrees to play, Primrose bats a big claw out in the bear-sign for 'I GO FIRST'. When the zombie comes apart, one can actually see the bear dance a little bit. She likes winning. Meanwhile, plucky sidekick Cinnamon quaffs her potion and adjust her grip on her lance. Doubling in size, it's still doubtful the bear even notices. "Time to put some corpses back to rest."

<OOC> Arafel says, "casting magic stone, can I toss one after or is that a full round?"

<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone attacks the snow carrying one."

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can cast as a standard action, but can't throw them on the same round. Fortunately there's lots of nice hard stones to enchant."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll for your land shark :)"

<OOC> Cinnamon almost forgot.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon used a Potion of Enlarge Person.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Colrick says, "You are now hobgoblin sized, but without the misfortune of being orange or smelly."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "I am ultimate goblin."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD: aliased to 1D8+2: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Colrick says, "Claws, I imagine?"

<OOC> Arafel says, "Bite"

<OOC> Arafel says, "all it can do at the moment."

<OOC> Colrick says, "A sizeable wound, pose it. Next, Oates"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Magic Stone.

<OOC> Oates says, "Can I move to flank one of the zombies?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."

<OOC> Oates says, "I draw my sickle as I flank and I slash the flanked zombie."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it!"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Melee+2: (15)+6+2: 23

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 1d6+3+SA: aliased to 1d6+3+3d6: (5)+3+(8): 16

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mr. Spyglass is no more."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you're up. Only the pail zombie and Ogre Legs are still moving."

<OOC> Lash says, "An arrow for Ogre Legs."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll it"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11

<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"

<OOC> Lash says, "...or not."

One of the interesting things about zombies: while they're no longer alive, they still have some of the same weaknesses they had when they were alive. Namely, ripping out their spine gives them a severe case of structural failure. While Oates usually prefers his rapier over his sickle, sometimes what you need is a carving tool and not a skewer.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, pose results if you haven't yet before we begin the next round." Taking a step back from the edge of the lift, Lash lifts her bow and aims for Ogre Legs, loosing the arrow - it flies wide, alas, clattering against the cavern walls.

Casting a spell that might do hi some good no matter if these zombies get taken out, the words flow over three round stones Arafel picks up and they glow faintly. The whistle form his lips sending Lodestone into the zombie nearby carrying the jar of snow in its belly. The Digger takes a large chunk out of the side of the thing as it leaps and bites, not that it likes the taste much of what it is munching on. 

"What's all this noise?! Where is my snow!" calls out a female voice from a side passage. At the sound of her voice the zombies take a step back and cease their threatening movements. As a new figure runs into view, the pail zombie points down at its large pail and loudly announces, "Snooooooow". Once this half-elven Mulniessa woman was beautiful, but the withering of undeath has replaced attraction with menace. Through some supernatural means her hair still retains it’s fiery red colour, though her dark skin has gone leathery over her bones. The unnatural glow in her green eyes flickers like a candle. Tall for her kind at nearly six feet, she has an athletic build that would make her imposing to any elven suitor, and the sheer amount of artifice gear strapped to her white jacket and pants adds quite a bit of bulk. Cables and steam pipes criss cross her chest, all converging upon a boiler mounted to her back. Metallic splints are strapped to her arms and legs, each fed by a cable from the boiler. An oily black smoke plume rises from the boiler, catching the light in odd ways, and making brief patterns that look eerily like faces.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Timestop sorta on hold, RP as normal, though you may continue to fight if you wish."

<OOC> Arafel says, "Druid here, all this is an abomination to him... Talking wouldn't be much of his choice and probably continue to attack. Especially that woman now... and with stinky metal coming out all over her. :P"

Undead shadow-elf artificer. Well. Remethaer has no doubt about what will be haunting his dreams for the next decade now, at least. He clears his throat and just gives a quick shake of his head, slowly lowering the rifle in a sort of 'we... aren't fighting anymore?' unsure motion. "We, um... heh. We represent a master Terrified. Terlin. A Master Terlin. His people were here before(?) you. Where are they?"

Cinnamon eyes the... creature. "IIIII... am pretty sure this is going to end badly. Listen. All we want is the people who were here first. Where are they? Also, we're a little upset about your creations... I'm assuming they're yours... trying to kill us. They didn't do a very good job. But still... upset."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, you can pose attacking one if you wish. They're not fighting back, so you can easily kill one during a pose :)"

<OOC> Arafel says, "Okay this could be fun. :)"

Mel, for his own part, looks ready to leap into the fray against this apparition. But she's called off the creatures, and the soldier in him will give enemies that are backing down a chance to disengage. The life he saves may be his own. He'll have a go at fading into the ... well, it's stonework, here, isn't it, but there's rubble and piles of crates and damaged golems and such.

<OOC> Mel says, "Is there place to hide, or not really?"

<OOC> Arafel says, "no need to roll damage?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "No need"

<OOC> Colrick says, "No place to hide, it's pretty well lit and open, and you're backed into a lift shaft at the moment"

Sure the wicked metal, undead dark elf woman was something to look at, but then the zombies stopping their attacks makes for an easy target as he lofts one stone at the head of the snow carrying zombie, the rock hits like a bullet from a gun against undead things. The thing that just pointed and declared it had snow doesn't have much of a head as it explodes on impact. The Egalrin seems calm enough, it was more like a throw of contempt at what it was and his eyes gaze back to the woman. Lodestone takes his last bite ripping a leg off the thing and down its belly it goes, like a bird hacking down a worm in a few gulps then turning to growl at what is left, the other zombie and the undead woman.

<OOC> Mel will loiter in the corner and try to look inconspicuous, then.

Turning towards the mulblood, Lash draws her bow again, arrow nocked and aimed - but not loosed. Reme and Cinnamon may be the honey, she will be the stick for now.

Oates simply waits for the shadow-elf to respond the the questions already asked. There will be enough time for more fighting if need be, but now is a good time to talk. Best to know what is going on here.

The newcomer lets out a metallic rasp of a sigh as she looks at the trashed minions before her. "Really?" she declares in frustration. "I just made those. Do you think black tech is easy? I need parts, I mean, look -" she says, pointing at Ogre Legs. It does look rather silly, one leg alone is almost the size of the entire rest of its body. "- I had half an ogre to work with! It's the dumbest looking zombie in the history of corpse crafting. I'm almost happy you wrecked it before any of my peers saw it. Almost. But I still needed it." she vents, staring up at the rocky ceiling as she fumes. "And so what if I have some stupid sages here. They're busy, doing sage things. I'd happily kill them for spare parts but I need their brains and infuriating free will to think." she adds, glaring at you all. "Wait... are you sages too?" "I don't suppose you want to surrender, reform, and be laid to a peaceful rest by Vardama's handmiadens?" Remethaer wonders haltingly. It never hurts to ask, right?

<OOC> Lash says, "Is the half-elf herself undead?"

Cinnamon shrugs to the woman, and offers,"Well... I'm a knight of the Order of the Purple Rose, and SOMETHING of a scholar, myself. I'm quite good at deciphering old texts. I don't suppose you'd set them free if I agreed to stay? Otherwise, we're probably just going to kill you... again... and free them. For all that, I /am/ sorry to put you through the bother, but... well... you're sort of an abomination you know. Won't you at least introduce yourself? I am sir Cinnamon of the Testgobber clan, Dragonslayer and Champion of Lord Iledvourn." Look at her being all civil.

<OOC> Colrick says, "She definitely looks it."

"We're not primarily sages, but we did help bring them their latest batch of supplies," chuckles Oates. 'As long as the sages are free to continue with the work they came here to do, there's a decent chance that you and them can coexist. But something you said doesn't quite line up." He gives her a squinty stare. "Just what do you need their brains and free will for?"

Mel works out that he's really not concealing himself, and he changes tactics, taking a few steps closer, as if to participate in the conversation. "Ah, I'm Mel, from Alexandria," he adds helpfully. Sidle, sidle. "Yeah, the thing is, it's not right to do those kinds of things with dead people. If you die, you're entitled to rest. Not eternal slavery." He ahems about the sages, "Right, they're here for their own work, not for yours. They have a charter for the site and everything," he improvises. "So you can't really stay here. Though, is there something specific here you're trying to get?" he suggests, as if we might pack her up and send her away with her stuff.

The glare doesn't end form the Egalrin Druid, the other two stones he has being worked around like meditation balls that some might use to cure stress, but for all purposes much more dangerous to the thing they talked to. Lodestone stands beside him, growling low, waiting on the simple command from the enraged visage of Arafel, "One does not barter with such things.. Vile abominations... Sickens me to even speak with you." There clearly is no name offered up like others are doing and he is quite clearly listening to the answer the woman might give Oates, even if it was halfway to saying the woman was going to make it out of this, even if there was a small chance the answer was that of hi, how you doing. 

It seems Lash, too, is unwilling to speak with what appears to be an undead necromancer, or artificer, or whatever name the civilised races give to such a person. The shadow blood is no boon either, the Oruch scowling mightily and keeping her arrow trained on the half-elf.

<OOC> Lash would like to try an intimidate roll.

<OOC> Lash says, "Perhaps make her more compliant with what the rest of the party is suggesting."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Sure, roll it."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls intimidate: (15)+11: 26

<OOC> Colrick just checking

"Nephalia Tzek." she says with a casual tone, glancing amongst you all, though her eyes are roaming over your bodies as if she's inventoring you for parts. She snorts at the glare offered by Lash. "How cute, you have a savage. Though she seems over-dressed, I'm used to them covered only in dirt, blood, and their own filth. I think she tripped and fell into a bath tub." she teases with a smirk, before looking to the bear. "Never worked with bear parts before." she states before shrugging. "Anyways, you're not sages and I need parts for minions so why the hell am I still talking to you time to die and so on." she declares, pulling out a hovering device made of clockwork parts and what looks like screaming souls.

<OOC> Colrick says, "one sec"

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Time to redo your inits :)"

GAME: Lash rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23

GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23

<OOC> Lash says, "Jeez."

<OOC> Lash wasted a natural 20 on it this time. Turnabout!

GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 8

<OOC> Mel did, too

GAME: Arafel rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 23

GAME: Cinnamon rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20

<OOC> Oates says, "I'm consistent."

<OOC> Lash says, "You are."

GAME: You roll initiative for Nephalia: Roll: 4 + Bonus: +2 = Total: 6

GAME: Remethaer rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13

Current Initiative Order ====

23                  Arafel

23                  Lash

23                  Mel

20                  Cinnamon

13                  Remethaer

8                   Oates

6                   Nephalia


<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, Arafel the Zombie Slayer is up."

<OOC> Colrick says, "By the way, Ogre Legs is just standing there, and not moving."

<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone is going after the last zombie and see 20 foot range, can I move and toss a stone at the Undead woman."

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (5)+4: 9

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for Lodestone"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (8)+4+1: 13

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss for the stone"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash."

<OOC> Arafel nods.

<OOC> Lash says, "Contrary to page, I will set up Inspire Courage."

<OOC> Lash says, "+1 vs fear and charm, +1 attack and damage."

Rage fills the Egalrin even more and he whistles sharp, the ill timed attack has Lodestone drawing near but missing with his bite on the Ogre Leg zombie. Arafel moves and throws one of the two stones at the woman, but the distance or the rage has the stone flying by the woman, missing. 

<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, pose it. Next, Mel."

<OOC> Mel says, "Am I close enough to charge?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can."

<OOC> Mel will do so.

Scowling fiercely at the rude half-elf dead thing, Lash takes a moment to loose the drum from her belt, placing it on the ground and securing the strap under one foot. The other shifts slightly so she can begin drumming with the heel of her foot, a low, steady, deep and threatening sound.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss, your weapon strikes something invisible in the air"

Mel was sort of waiting for things to fall apart, and there they go. He's got a clean start, charging in against the horrible monster that's going to try and kill them and use them for parts. "Not on my watch," he mutters under his breath, and he thinks he's got a clean strike going as he charges at her, thinking he's taking her at unawares. As he strikes, though, his shortsword strikes something invisible in the air and nearly rebounds out of his hand. "Gah!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ack, sorry"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa. :D"

<OOC> Colrick says, "ROll it :)"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5: (19)+7+5: 31

<OOC> Lash says, "Don't forget the +1s :)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

<OOC> Lash says, "..wow, nice!"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 2d8+8+2+12+2: (12)+8+2+12+2: 36

<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Also, I designate her as the source of my challenge."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Done. Remethaer."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oh wait, you can do a mounted attack reight?"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Right! I forgot."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+13: (3)+13: 16

<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Wiffle."

"Well, I was hoping you wouldn't make a stupid choice, Madam. But you have before you a premier knight of Selentia, and several of Alexandria's most staunch warriors. A pity." She lowers her visor, and kicks her bear into motion. It goes tearing off towards the undead girl, her lance driving hard into the woman's shoulder, even as her bear lunges forward, snapping with its teeth. When she pulls her lance free, she points it at the woman,"You and I have an appointment with destiny. Have at thee!"

<OOC> Remethaer says, "SHoot the elf!"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls 1d20+4+3+1: (1)+4+3+1: 9

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Jam. :("

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ouch. Attempt a clear now (DC 20 move) or next round? (DC 10 standard)"

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Next turn!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates"

<OOC> Oates says, "Flank the foe (drawing rapier along the way) and stab her."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Go for it"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierAtk+2+1: aliased to weapon6+2+1: (3)+6+2+1: 12

<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

Oates closes in on the shadow-elf, stabbing with his rapier but only finding air. He grumbles a bit, keeping his blade at the ready.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

Remethaer shakes his head and mutters a curse, lifting the rifle back up to his shoulder and taking aim. He thumbs the magicite loader and pulls the trigger... but no ka-blam! Mana energies cavort down the length of the barrel and a sad little cough of smoke puffs from the end. "... shite."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 2d4+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Cinnamon for 12 points. 17 remaining.

Nephalia's armour roars into action, the boiler spewing out oily smoke as her fist slams into Cinnamon's chest at full speed. Warmth drains from her body and visibly flows into the black tech-enhanced creature, mending the torn flesh left by Primrose's attack, and greatly weakening the goblin cavalier. "Appointment skipped! Ahahaha! That doesn't even make sense and I don't care!" she laughs out.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon, you have 2 negative levels (she critted). -2 to all rolls, and your max HP is 10 points lower, so you can only be healed for 2 hp at the moment."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "She has reach?"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Eh, it's a five foot adjustment at best. Nvmnd."

<OOC> Colrick says, "She can 5' step i - yes"

GAME: You roll initiative for Ogre_Legs: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7

Current Initiative Order ====

23                  Arafel

23                  Lash

23                  Mel

20                  Cinnamon

13                  Remethaer

8                   Oates

7                   Ogre_Legs

6                   Nephalia


<OOC> Colrick says, "Top of the 2nd round. Arafel."

<OOC> Arafel says, "So basically Ogre dude is doing nothing at all?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ogre Legs is now moving, in the wake of seeing its master being attacked."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Forgot to mention that, sorry."

<OOC> Arafel says, "okay tossing last stone at the ogre."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls ranged + 1: (4)+4+1: 9

<OOC> Colrick says, "Miss"

<OOC> Arafel says, "lodestone is attacking it too."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (18)+4: 22

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (3)+2+1: 6

<OOC> Colrick says, "A nice bit, but still very much intact"

<OOC> Colrick says, "lash"

<OOC> Lash says, "Shooting Nephalia."

<OOC> Lash says, "Is she within 30'?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+5+1+1+1: (6)+5+1+1+1: 14

<OOC> Lash says, "Ne'er mind. Inspire is still up."

<OOC> Colrick says, "miss"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."

<OOC> Mel says, "Am I flanking with someone against her at this point? Or 2 others in melee?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "You're flanking now"

<OOC> Mel takes a swing.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

<OOC> Mel says, "Alas."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Withdraw for the moment."

He doesn't think his aim is all that good to toss between all those people rushing forward and seeing the Ogre Leg Zombie move, Arafel makes a quick toss of his last magic stone, the thing doesn't even come close and sails over its broad shoulders. Well at least one exploded a zombie's head open and they weren't dealing with two zombies still working. A whistle as he does this has Lodestone jumping in to take a chunk our of the large ogre leg the Zombie has. Attacking the other leg might have been more effective though as it still seems to be moving. 

<OOC> Colrick says, "How far back?"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "As far back as I can."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Space permitting, that's 90 feet."

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can back up into the elevator shaft, which would be about 30 ft back or so. Or try to go in the other direction and head further into the cave."

Mel dodges and weaves as things go on around him, giant goblins charging by, and the enemy has certainly picked her out as a target. Still hoping to do a share of the load, even if he's no warrior, Mel attempts to figure away to avoid the magic shield that blocked his attack before, swinging halfheartedly, more to feel out the shield than anything that might harm an enemy. He's not much of a warrior, and he's very confused now.

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Probably further into the cave."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (5)+1: 6

<OOC> Remethaer Vader, "Noooooooooooooo!"

<OOC> Colrick :(

<OOC> Colrick says, "Well, good news..."

<OOC> Colrick says, "That was a standard action... leaving you a move action... so you can try again at DC 20 this round."

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Haha, alright. We'll temp fate!"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (9)+1: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "It's still gummed up :("

<OOC> Colrick says, "oates"

Remethaer has folded the barrel down from the stock to fidget with the magitech underpinning of the magicite loader. He mutters something under his breath about 'this always happens!' A second grunt finds him still out of the fight.

<OOC> Oates says, "Still flanking, still stabbing."

<OOC> Colrick says, "roll it"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (18)+7+2+1: 28

<OOC> Oates says, "And that would be a threat."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (13)+7+2+1: 23

<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"

<OOC> Oates says, "AC of 24+? Yikes."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls RapierDmg+SA+1: aliased to 1d6+4+3d6+1: (1)+4+(9)+1: 15

<OOC> Colrick says, "Solid hit"

Oates lines up a better strike, and this one bites in deeply, but a hardened muscle keeps it from driving further in.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lodestone gets an AoO on Ogre Legs as it moves"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS: aliased to 4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Colrick (

<OOC> Colrick :(

Ogre Legs - the mishappen zombie that not even its creator loves - shambles forth with its abnormal gait. Fortunately it's slow, but moves up to threaten Mel and Oates, leaving the snapping land shark behind.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 3d6: (17): 17

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, fort save DC 13"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Fort: (15)+4: 19

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick damaged Oates for 17 points. 17 remaining.

From afar, Remethaer has to get some dinner going. Incase I miss my turn;

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (7)+1: 8 to Colrick

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Remethaer rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (1)+1: 2 to Colrick

Nephalia grins triumphantly as the cavalier retreats away, focusing her attention on the two warriors before her. The whirling contraption of cogs and souls glimmers as it hovers above her shoulder, flashing each time one of their blades is turned aside by the invisible barrier. Another device is taken from behind her back, a vicious looking gun made of bone, steel, and stretched skin. After taking a step back she aims it at Oates, and a screaming blast of cold air rushes over him. "No more words? No more taunts? Quiet deaths are boring!" she laughs out.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel, new round"

<OOC> Arafel says, "Since it bypasses Lodestone, would my AC be flanking the golem now stepping up to attack it? and that is a +2 bonus to hit right?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "It is."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (6)+4+3: 13

<OOC> Colrick says, "Also, if anyone wants to make spellcraft rolls for contraptions that Nephalia has running, you can do so."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit!"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls Spellcraft: (17)+7: 24

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls spellcraft: (18)+7: 25

You paged Oates with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls SD + 1: aliased to 1D8+2 + 1: (5)+2+1: 8

You paged Arafel with 'That contraption floating above her shoulder is generating a Shield effect, until it runs out of juice or is destroyed.'

<OOC> Arafel says, "that take out the zombie?"

<OOC> Lash says, "Is there room enough up there for me to charge Nephalia?"

<OOC> Lash says, "Woop, sorry."

<OOC> Colrick says, "What weapon was that?"

<OOC> Lash meant to hold that.

<OOC> Arafel says, "Lodestone's Bite."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ah, lodestone has torn something vital out of Ogre Legs. It is now just the dumbest corpse, rather than the dumbest zombie."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash, you can charge."

<OOC> Arafel says, "rolling crossbow against the woman then."

<OOC> Lash says, "Would I get flanking bonus also, from everyone else down there? Or do I need to be in melee already to use that?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oops, yes, sorry, Arafel's turn still"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls crossbow + 1: aliased to weapon4 + 1: (4)+5+1: 10

<OOC> Arafel says, "moving on."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Quite sure you can get the bonus from a charge, as long as you end up in a flanking position, which won't be hard with Oates and Mel there."

<OOC> Lash nods.

<OOC> Lash says, "Charging, then :)"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (19)+4+1+2: 26

<OOC> Lash says, "+2 on top of that for flanking, which I forgot."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Threat?"

<OOC> Lash says, "Ja."

Distracted as the Egalrin takes aim and note the devices over the Undead artificer woman thingy.... his shot goes wide, but he calls out, "The device over her head, its her shield!" The Orge Leg zombie getting ripped up by Lodestone can be heard behind Oates, it is not a pleasant sound.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+1+2: (1)+4+1+2: 8

<OOC> Lash says, "Just a regular hit."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Just a normal hit"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1+1+2: (4)+2+1+1+2: 10

<OOC> Colrick says, "Another wound, she's not looking so great now."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel."

<OOC> Mel says, "The device, can that be targeted separately without special feats? And is it inside the shield, or outside?"

"You will die -again- and nevermore see the light of the sun, candle, torch or flickering flame. DIE!" Lash roars, charging towards the dead elf and drawing her sword, bringing it down across her and scoring through her armor.

<OOC> Colrick says, "It's outside the shield. It would fall under the 'targeting worn items' rules... lemme just double check those"

<OOC> Lash says, "If it's weaponlike, it would be sundering, which would provoke AoO."

<OOC> Lash says, "http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#_sunder"

<OOC> Mel says, "I think I would take an ... yeah. I think I'll just take a normal stab. I'll roll higher at some point."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hrm... one sec"

<OOC> Colrick says, "It's not worn, it's technically it's own thing."

<OOC> Colrick says, "You can hit it independently of her, without AoO."

<OOC> Lash says, "Sunder counts for held or worn, I believe?"

<OOC> Lash says, "But, GM's call :)"

<OOC> Colrick says, "I described it as hovering over her shoulder, so it's neither. So I'll suck up the gameplay result of my description :)"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Dm's discretion."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, it's neither held nor worn. You can smack it."

<OOC> Mel says, "I'll take a swing at it."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

<OOC> Colrick says, "hit"

<OOC> Mel says, "I assume it doesn't take sneak?"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

<OOC> Colrick says, "Nope."

<OOC> Colrick says, "The contraption is knocked over her shoulder and falls to the ground, rendering it temporarily inert."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Off, not over"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Cinnamon"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Charge/pa."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Roll the furious furry flurry."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls melee+5+2: (4)+7+5+2: 18

<OOC> Arafel says, "Watches the witch go done... deady go down..."

Mel takes note of Arafel's warning, and since he'd been having trouble hitting the woman with her shield, he'll take the better part of valor and attack the thing, whatever it might be. Winding up, he swats at it with his shortsword, knocking it to the floor. That's a team player. "I got her ... uh, thing," he announces.

<OOC> Colrick says, "miss :("

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Bear rolls."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26

<OOC> Colrick says, "That's a hit"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Now for its grab, and then damage."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Cinnamon rolls 1d8+8: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "That's damage. If the 27 hit its CMD, it's now grappled."

<OOC> Colrick says, "She's bearhugged!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Remethaer, are you back?"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "And the 12 is the bite."

<OOC> Remethaer is! I can pose my continued failure. :)

<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is in bad shape."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yeah, sorry about that Remy."

<OOC> Remethaer says, "No worries!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Remy paged me his gunsmith rolls for this turn, in case he was AFK."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Oates, Nephalia has a whole lot of angry bear on her."

Remethaer glances up at the fight and back down at his gun, struggling with the weapon to no great progress. What a time to choke! After whirling her bear away to gain some distance, she calls back,"You taunt me now, witch, but I was only trying to pick up momentum. Know fear as Lady Primrose vents her spleen on you!" Cinnamon and the bear charge, and while her lance goes over the woman's head, the bear rears up at the last moment and bites deep into the woman's shoulder, wrapping its big bear arms around her torso. Bear likes to hug.

<OOC> Oates says, "Bear on one side, flanking rogue going stabbity on the other!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Do it"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Oates rolls 7+2+1: (4)+7+2+1: 14

<OOC> Colrick says, "Sorry, miss"

<OOC> Colrick says, "What's Primrose's AC?"

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Uuum..."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "23."

With Nephalia being hugged, Oates tries for another well-placed stab, but can't quite land a decent hit.

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+11-2: (10)+11+-2: 19

Nephalia's mood instantly sours when her device is knocked from its hovering perch. "Leave that alone!" she snaps, and is about to answer Mel's annoyance with a steam-powered necromantic fist when Cinnamon and Primrose charge back into the fray. She's tall for a shadow elf, but still dwarfed by the bear. Her attempts to struggle against the beast are in vain, and her muffled insults and retorts are drowned out by angry bear.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Arafel"

<OOC> Arafel says, "It be shooting into something with a negative wouldn't it?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Do you have precise shot?"

<OOC> Arafel says, "I'll cast Flare and no."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Ok"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel casts Flare.

<OOC> Arafel says, "DC 13"

<OOC> Arafel says, "Fort"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Arafel rolls LS +3: aliased to 4 +3: (2)+4+3: 9

<OOC> Arafel says, "and that be Lodestone for a miss I'm guessing."

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Colrick rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23

<OOC> Colrick says, "Negated"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Yup, a miss"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Lash"

With all the confusion going on around the woman, and not wanting to hit the bear with his crossbow, Arafel opts for casting a simple spell to maybe help distract her. Lodestone darting in but not being able to get a bite out of the woman with everything going on. 

<OOC> Lash says, "Smacky smacky."

<OOC> Colrick says, "rolly rolly :)"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d20+4+2+1: (12)+4+2+1: 19

<OOC> Lash :(

<OOC> Colrick says, "Hit."

<OOC> Lash says, "Ooo? Yay."

<OOC> Colrick says, "She's penalized due to being grappled"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Lash rolls 1d8+2+1: (6)+2+1: 9

Still angered - not quite the frothing rage of a barbarian but not far off either - Lash brings her sword down for another strike, another dent and crack in that formidable armour.

<OOC> Colrick says, "She's at death's door... undeath's door?... death of undeath's door... she's messed up."

<OOC> Colrick says, "Mel. Nephalia struggles against a bear."

<OOC> Mel says, "Stab her!"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Commence stab"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27

<OOC> Colrick says, "threat?"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Colrick says, "Regular hit"

GAME: {TENEBRAE} Mel rolls 3d6+2: (12)+2: 14

You paged Mel with 'You discover that her internal organs were all replaced by artifice contraptions. Feel free to pose this anatomy lesson with your death blow.'

<OOC> Colrick says, "Nephalia is no more."

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Colrick has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Lash says, "Will Cinnamon be able to recover the negative levels during the trip back?"

<OOC> Lash would heal her until she is full, if that is so.

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Well, if it's energy drain, they should recover (normally) one per day since there was no DC. Otherwise, I'd roll the dc every day."

Mel is saved from certain doom by the arrival of Lady Primrose. And Cinnamon as well, of course. He'd like to be grateful, but there's a honking huge bear nearly on top of him. Of course, it's on top of the person he's fighting, and that's a good thing. But still. It's a bear! "Gaaaaah," he says wisely, terrified. In panic mode as Lash and the bear overwhelm the villain, Mel slips in behind her guard and jams his blade in. Expecting to be showered in blood, which would at least be a step up from sewer water, he instead finds that as his blade slices through flesh, that her innards have been replaced by more contraptions! "Ugh," he grimaces, planting a foot on her hip and yanking his blade out.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Consider them restored by the time you return home, since this is not a DC plot."

<OOC> Cinnamon says, "Your call, chief."

<OOC> Remethaer says, "Free poses?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Free poses for everyone!"

The bear, seeing that its new friend no longer wants to play, drops the 'witch' and snuffles the corpse. Then she turns around and farts on it. Cinnamon, meanwhile, sags in her saddle, suddenly look pale and woozy,"I... don't feel so good."

With the foes defeated, Oates cleans off his blades and sheathes them. "That smarted," he grunts as he stretches to help warm himself back up.

Her anger disappating, Lash shifts across to where Cinnamon is, ready to catch and/or pick up the gobber as needed. Even at her lofty 5' height!

Remethaer is finally able to devote his attentions to the rifle and repair the problem. He levers the barrel back into place and gives it a twist, thumbing the magicite loader and sighing when the action moves without issue. Shaking his head, he stalks over to where the grand melee has concluded to make sure no one has insides falling out.

Mel backpedals away from point-blank bear farts. He looks worried as he sees the goblin who fought so hard looking woozy, but the bear is bad news, and he's not getting close. Also, yuck, it reeks! "Uh, who all is hurt?" he calls out, finding something to be useful at a way's away. Thump. Goblin pass out even as she begins to shrink.... Though bizarrely she doesn't fall out of the saddle. She just sort of leans to the side of it at a really uncomfortable angle.

"We... uh... we still need that water for the... hello?" comes a man's voice from the side passage where Nephalia originally emerged from. A swaying light can be seen coming around the corner, followed by a young man in his late teens. "Oh my."

<OOC> Lash says, "Does he appear to be alive?"

<OOC> Colrick says, "Most definitely."

"Ah, good, one of the sages," notes Oates. "Got the supplies topside, and your... neighbor... dealt with."

<OOC> Colrick says, "If anyone needs to go soon, I can also wrap up quickly if needed. We've been going for 5 hours, and some of you may be in different time zones."

<OOC> Mel should crash, but is good for RP for a bit.

The young man - his scholarly clothes caked with mud - drops his lantern and runs back down the cave passage. "We're saved! We were rescued!" he shouts loudly, over and over, as his voice echoes through the cave. More voices can be heard down the passage, and soon footsteps as more rush back to the main cave.

<OOC> Colrick says, "Okay, I'll wrap up with one pose :)"

Mel sees Lash taking care of Cinnamon, so that's taken care of. He peers critically at the fellow from the side passage. "Who're you?" he asks slowly, looking around to see who else might be sneaking in here. To his companions, he wonders, "Should we go get Mr. Terlin? He's probably worried by now with all the commotion. Or tried to ride home with the supplies," he says with a snort. Well, he did seem pretty timid. To the newcomer, he says, "If you're the explorers, we've brought your supplies and such. But what's going on?" Theor shouting seems to confirm that guess, at least. "Are you all OK?" he asks if he can get anyone's attention.

Reaching forward, Lash moves to lift the gobber from her saddle, so she doesn't fall and crack her head open on the cavern floor. See, a thoughtful Oruch.

It turns out that all the sages - all eight of them - are perfectly fine, if a little shaken up from their ordeal. Nephalia Tzek and her entourage showed up not long after Terlin left to get more supplies. She promptly installed better equipment and refocused the digging further down, apparently looking for something that was buried in the town's crypts. She didn't say what, and though the sages have theories they can't agree on any likely possibilities. Either way, their expertise at archaeology was needed, as Nephalia didn't have the skillset for it, so she kept them alive and had the zombies do most of the grunt work. Apparently they needed some water to help loosen some rock, hence the pail zombie that you all ran into. They're very grateful for your assistance, thanking you all profusely. They say that Nephalia promised to kill them all and raise them as intelligent undead in her service once their jobs were done, so they're relieved to have avoided that grisly fate. The supplies are a bonus to their situation, ensuring that they can continue their work. Also the extra artifice equipment will prove handy, or at least the lift will.