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''Special:'' If you are subject to the invisibility or greater invisibility spells or a similar effect, you gain a +40 bonus on Stealth checks while you are immobile, or a +20 bonus on Stealth checks while you're moving. If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a bonus on Stealth checks (see Chapter 5).
''Special:'' If you are subject to the invisibility or greater invisibility spells or a similar effect, you gain a +40 bonus on Stealth checks while you are immobile, or a +20 bonus on Stealth checks while you're moving. If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a bonus on Stealth checks (see Chapter 5).
==Social Skills and PCs==
==Social Skills==
Skills such as diplomacy, intimidate, and so on do not function between PCs. That is, PCs are heroes, and heroes follow different rules. On Tene, we take this to mean that players may roll for fun within agreed-upon social situations, but as a rule of thumb, these skills apply to NPCs only.
Skills such as diplomacy, intimidate, and so on do not function between PCs. That is, PCs are heroes, and heroes follow different rules. On Tene, we take this to mean that players may roll for fun within agreed-upon social situations, but as a rule of thumb, these skills apply to NPCs only.
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Finally, review your RPP spends. If you've an active membership in an area (this is a defined RPP spend), you're likely to receive a lower diplomacy DC, or uncover information more easily than someone who does not. This is doubly true if you have influence in that area. ...that is, investing within an area pays off. You "know your way around." Don't expect that as an outsider you'll automagically succeed just because you have the ranks. Naturally, it will be more difficult for you, as an outsider. This is not to say impossible, it's just more realistic.
Finally, review your RPP spends. If you've an active membership in an area (this is a defined RPP spend), you're likely to receive a lower diplomacy DC, or uncover information more easily than someone who does not. This is doubly true if you have influence in that area. ...that is, investing within an area pays off. You "know your way around." Don't expect that as an outsider you'll automagically succeed just because you have the ranks. Naturally, it will be more difficult for you, as an outsider. This is not to say impossible, it's just more realistic.
===Social Skill Combat===
See our [[Skill Combat]] page for an example of how you can adapt Paizo's Performance Combat rules for different types of "diplomatic combat"! These are optional rules, and are meant as additional options for your stories.
==Craft and Profession==
==Craft and Profession==
Where and when applicable, these may be used as knowledge skills regarding applicable areas. For example, someone with Profession/Brewer might roll their skill to identify a number of different beers or wines, or to know the history of beer or wine within a specific area. Craft and Profession skills may also be earned via RPPs.
Where and when applicable, these may be used as knowledge skills regarding applicable areas. For example, someone with Profession/Brewer might roll their skill to identify a number of different beers or wines, or to know the history of beer or wine within a specific area. Craft and Profession skills may also be earned via RPPs.
==Skill Combat==
See our [[Skill Combat]] page for an example of how you can adapt Paizo's Performance Combat rules for different types of contests! These are optional rules, and are meant as additional options for your stories.

Revision as of 03:09, 14 July 2014


Available Skills
Skill Bbn Brd Clr Drd Ftr Mnk Pal Rgr Rog Sor Wiz Untrained Ability
Acrobatics C C C C Yes Dex*
Appraise C C C C C Yes Int
Bluff C C C Yes Cha
Climb C C C C C C C Yes Str*
Craft C C C C C C C C C C C Yes Int
Diplomacy C C C C Yes Cha
Disable Device C No Dex*
Disguise C C Yes Cha
Escape Artist C C C Yes Dex*
Fly C C C Yes Dex*
Handle Animal C C C C C No Cha
Heal C C C C Yes Wis
Intimidate C C C C C C C Yes Cha
Knowledge (arcana) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (dungeoneering) C C C C C No Int
Knowledge (engineering) C C C No Int
Knowledge (geography) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (history) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (local) C C C No Int
Knowledge (military theory) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (nature) C C C C C No Int
Knowledge (nobility) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (planes) C C C No Int
Knowledge (religion) C C C C C No Int
Linguistics C C C C No Int
Perception C C C C C C Yes Wis
Perform C C C Yes Cha
Profession C C C C C C C C C C No Wis
Ride C C C C C C Yes Dex*
Sense Motive C C C C C Yes Wis
Sleight of Hand C C No Dex*
Spellcraft C C C C C C C No Int
Stealth C C C C Yes Dex*
Survival C C C C Yes Wis
Swim C C C C C C Yes Str*
Use Magic Device C C C No Cha

* Armor Check Penalty (ACP) applies.

Available Profession Skills
Airman Apothecary Astrologer Boater
Bookkeeper Brewer Cook Driver
Gambler Farmer Fisher Guide
Herbalist Innkeeper Lumberjack Machinist
Merchant Miller Miner Porter
Rancher Sailor Scribe Siege Engineer
Stablehand Tanner Teacher Teamster
Available Craft Skills
Alchemy Armorsmithing Artifice Basketweaving
Bookbinding Bowmaking Blacksmithing Calligraphy
Carpentry Cartography Cobbling Gemcutting
Gunsmithing Leatherworking Locksmithing Painting
Pottery Sculpture Shipmaking Stonemasonry
Tailoring Trapmaking Weaponsmithing Weaving

Skill Descriptions

Descriptions of individual skills may be found on the Paizo Website. Below are descriptions of our house skills, as well as special notes.


Your skill in using and understanding the mysteries of artifice. This implies knowledge as well as use. For a while, this was almost +perform/artifice. Artificers may use this in place of Spellcraft when creating enchanted items.


Knowledge of and the ability to craft one of the newer, more unpredictable weapons in the world.

Check: A character may repair a single firearm he or she is currently wielding with a Craft/Gunsmithing check, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. A DC 10 check allows them to repair a gun with the broken condition as a standard action. A DC 20 may be done as a move.

Knowledge/Military Theory

Knowledge of military tactics and the ways of war.


Knowledge of and a history of working with airships.


We make use of Dire Destiny's Mounted Combat rules.


We use Paizo's stealth update.

Attribute: Dex; Armor Check Penalty

You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past foes or strike from an unseen position. This skill covers hiding and moving silently.

Check: Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you. Usually a Stealth check is made at the start of a free, move, or swift action when you start that action with either some kind of cover (except for soft cover) or concealment. You can always spend a swift action to stay immobile and make a Stealth check. You cannot spend a free action to initiate a Stealth check, but if you spend a free action while under the effects of Stealth, you must make a new Stealth check in order to continue the effects of Stealth. You can move up to half your normal speed and use Stealth at no penalty. When moving at a speed greater than half and up to your normal speed, you take a –5 penalty. It's usually impossible to use Stealth while taking an immediate action, standard action, or a full-round action, unless you are subject to greater invisibility or a similar effect, you are sniping (see below), or you are using a standard action to ready an action. When you make your Stealth check, those creatures that didn't succeed at the opposed roll treat you as invisible until the start of your next action or until the end of your turn if you do not end your turn with cover or concealment. When you use Stealth, creatures that are observing you (creatures that you didn't have cover or concealment from) or that succeed at the opposed check do not treat you as invisible.

A creature larger or smaller than Medium takes a size bonus or penalty on Stealth checks depending on its size category: Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Large –4, Huge –8, Gargantuan –12, Colossal –16.

Attacking from Invisibility: Usually making an attack against a creature ends the invisible condition. If during your last action were invisible to a creature, you are still considered invisible when you make the first attack of that new action.

Other Perception Checks: If a creature makes a Perception check as a move action to notice an invisible creature, the DC of the Perception check is the invisible creature's last Stealth check. This is also the case if a creature makes a Perception check to notice an invisible creature because the perceiving creature is entering an area where it could possibly notice an invisible creature.

Sniping: If you already are invisible to a target and you are 10 feet from that target, as a standard action, you can make one ranged attack against that target and immediately make an opposed Stealth check to stay invisible. You take a –20 penalty on your Stealth check when attempting to snipe.

Creating a Diversion to Hide: If you do not have cover or concealment, as a standard action, you can attempt a Bluff check opposed by the Perception of opponents that can see you. On a success, you become invisible to those creatures and can move up to half your speed. When you do this, you take a –10 penalty on the Bluff check.

Action: Usually making a Stealth check is not an action. Using Stealth is part of the action are taking.

Special: If you are subject to the invisibility or greater invisibility spells or a similar effect, you gain a +40 bonus on Stealth checks while you are immobile, or a +20 bonus on Stealth checks while you're moving. If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a bonus on Stealth checks (see Chapter 5).

Social Skills

Skills such as diplomacy, intimidate, and so on do not function between PCs. That is, PCs are heroes, and heroes follow different rules. On Tene, we take this to mean that players may roll for fun within agreed-upon social situations, but as a rule of thumb, these skills apply to NPCs only.

When using these skills with NPCs, remember to use common sense. That is, using intimidate on someone will likely result in them calling the Watch. While this is stated in the PRD, it bears repeating: what would you do if someone came up and threatened to hit you with a stick?

With skills such as diplomacy, also, it's important to remember that these skills are not instant-wins. While use of diplomacy may encourage NPCs' attitudes to shift, this is typically by one step either direction only. In addition, saying that "I have a +34 diplomacy, everyone loves me" ...is not something we wish to see. Diplomacy, like charisma, may represent many talents and skills after all. A PC does not need to be liked well to be persuasive.

Be aware also that DMs will often give an advantage, for example, to the Althean who roleplays speaking with his temple rather than the wizard who happened to put max diplomacy or perception ranks on a headband.

Finally, review your RPP spends. If you've an active membership in an area (this is a defined RPP spend), you're likely to receive a lower diplomacy DC, or uncover information more easily than someone who does not. This is doubly true if you have influence in that area. ...that is, investing within an area pays off. You "know your way around." Don't expect that as an outsider you'll automagically succeed just because you have the ranks. Naturally, it will be more difficult for you, as an outsider. This is not to say impossible, it's just more realistic.

Social Skill Combat

See our Skill Combat page for an example of how you can adapt Paizo's Performance Combat rules for different types of "diplomatic combat"! These are optional rules, and are meant as additional options for your stories.

Craft and Profession

Where and when applicable, these may be used as knowledge skills regarding applicable areas. For example, someone with Profession/Brewer might roll their skill to identify a number of different beers or wines, or to know the history of beer or wine within a specific area. Craft and Profession skills may also be earned via RPPs.