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World peace was on the table, before Taara whisked it away. After a lengthy, international war, the kings of Myrddion and Bludgun had agreed to meet. The world celebrated, despite the recent loss of the god Animus (by Taara's hand) and it seemed all would be well again. However, as the kings met in Alexandria, Taara struck again and threw the nation-state into timeless Mists. In the meantime, Myrddion fell to cold civil war from the loss of its king, and thanks to Taara's influence and Thul's agreements, Charn followed suit. Rune fell, and Dragonier--the powerful nation of dragon and mortalkind, was gone, crushed beneath the claws of the ambitious Heth. Heth would slaughter man, woman, hatchling, and child and transform the once-great nation into a nation of wights and undeath. Scholars would term these troubled years as the Rise of Shadows, after the dark goddess who had acted as such a powerful catalyst for mortal greed.
During recent times, the time scholars have begun referring to as the Rise of Shadows, Heth took over Dragonier. The undead dragon felled a nation of dragons and men and with Thul's might wrested the souls from their bodies, creating a nation of wights. The events leading up to this however, are of some concern.
Alexandria returned five years later to Shadow's ruins...when to them, it had been a mere five weeks. Worse, the kings were gone and for a time, the world would blame Alexandria. Other forces would take advantage of this confusion...merchants, nations, and even cannibal spirits.
Before its fall, Dragonier had worked desperately to maintain peace in the world. During the Rise of Shadows, nations trembled at the murder of deities and the rise of dark forces. Kings and rulers were lost. Other nations, such as Dran, rose to take advantage of these troubled times. It was only Dragonier which stood in their way. Ultimately, a Dragonier Knight killed a mighty Khan (a Khanate is a land ruled by a Khan), and halted Dran's advance towards Rune, under flag of truce and parley. Whether or not this act was justified in the name of preserving life, none can say.
Our current arc begins with these echos of Taara's original acts, echoes that thunder throughout the world stage, looming larger with every laugh wrenched from the dark goddess' lungs. From his throne of bones, Heth flexes his wings and lies ready to lay waste to nations around him. The undead hordes at Dragonier's once-wonderous borders stir restlessly, hinting that Dragonier may be only his beginning. The Dran raise their axes and swirds in grievance against other nations. Against, they claim, the fall of a Khan at Dragonier's hands...With that nation gone, there is no one else for them to turn their rage (others say greed) against. Now, Rune faces the bulk of its anger in the form of barbarians, witches, its giants, and mammoths. Both sides draw in alliances, draw on blood and steel, and other nations may look to join the conflict.
Now the world faces the aftermath of Shadow's Rise. Rune, weakened from its once world-wide authority, now faces Dranei's anger, barbarians, witches, its giants, and mammoths. With the fall of Dragonier, there is no one else for them to turn their rage (others say greed) against.
Until these acts, Dran AND Rune had been forces in containing Heth's expansion...
Ever-eager for conquest and glory for themselves and their gods, the mighty barbarians of the north have begun war on the once-mighty Magocracy, and threaten to drown the region in blood and steel. When and how Heth will take advantage of the world's distraction remains to be seen; Dran AND Rune had been forces in containing Heth's expansion...

Revision as of 08:25, 17 January 2015

World peace was on the table, before Taara whisked it away. After a lengthy, international war, the kings of Myrddion and Bludgun had agreed to meet. The world celebrated, despite the recent loss of the god Animus (by Taara's hand) and it seemed all would be well again. However, as the kings met in Alexandria, Taara struck again and threw the nation-state into timeless Mists. In the meantime, Myrddion fell to cold civil war from the loss of its king, and thanks to Taara's influence and Thul's agreements, Charn followed suit. Rune fell, and Dragonier--the powerful nation of dragon and mortalkind, was gone, crushed beneath the claws of the ambitious Heth. Heth would slaughter man, woman, hatchling, and child and transform the once-great nation into a nation of wights and undeath. Scholars would term these troubled years as the Rise of Shadows, after the dark goddess who had acted as such a powerful catalyst for mortal greed.

Alexandria returned five years later to Shadow's ruins...when to them, it had been a mere five weeks. Worse, the kings were gone and for a time, the world would blame Alexandria. Other forces would take advantage of this confusion...merchants, nations, and even cannibal spirits.

Our current arc begins with these echos of Taara's original acts, echoes that thunder throughout the world stage, looming larger with every laugh wrenched from the dark goddess' lungs. From his throne of bones, Heth flexes his wings and lies ready to lay waste to nations around him. The undead hordes at Dragonier's once-wonderous borders stir restlessly, hinting that Dragonier may be only his beginning. The Dran raise their axes and swirds in grievance against other nations. Against, they claim, the fall of a Khan at Dragonier's hands...With that nation gone, there is no one else for them to turn their rage (others say greed) against. Now, Rune faces the bulk of its anger in the form of barbarians, witches, its giants, and mammoths. Both sides draw in alliances, draw on blood and steel, and other nations may look to join the conflict.

Until these acts, Dran AND Rune had been forces in containing Heth's expansion...