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==Be Right Back==
{{OrgBlock_Collectors}} NPC
Militant Groups
{{OrgBlock_BrethrenoftheBeast}} NPC
{{OrgBlock_ChildrenofGarm}} NPC
InterTemple Groups
Hidden Groups
[[Category:Admin|New Organizations]]
[[Category:Admin|New Organizations]]

Revision as of 23:06, 15 February 2018

Welcome to the homepage of our brand new organizations! If you want to make an organization, take a look at our questionairre. Organizations may remain here for up to a year, at the discretion of staff.

Org global.png Temples
Each Temple is an organization unto its own. Inquisitors, paladins, clerics, all have roles within these temples; they are not separate groups.
Most major Temples are a faction unto themselves, and contain many diverse elements. Paladin, monastic and so on traditions, such as Sunguards or Silver Chords are not their own organization, but are rather positions held within that temple. See individual deity entries for their temple structures, roles within that structure, and so on. Class pages also provide examples of their traditional roles within certain temples. While not intended as an absolute, they may help illustrate how the world at large views them.

See individual class pages for how they might fit into temple structures.

RPP-Related Skills: See deity entry.

Adventuring Organizations
These organizations focus on the hunt, conversion, or eradication of different types of creatures.
Acquisitioners Hunters of dangerous artifacts and corrupted wizards!
Silver Crescent Associated with the Gileans and Elunans, this group reforms and hunts Caracoroth's shapeshifters.
The Iron Book Associated with the Daeusites, this group hunts and eradicates demonic cults.
The Radiant Sun Associated with the Daeusites, this group seeks to reform creatures twisted by Taara's Tears (abominations).
RPP-Related Skills: Knowledges appropriate to creature type, Sense Motive, Bluff, Survival, Perception

Hunter Organizations
These organizations focus on the hunt, conversion, or eradication of different types of creatures.
Hunters of the Dead Associated with the Vardamen, this group fights undeath.
Silver Crescent Associated with the Gileans and Elunans, this group reforms and hunts Caracoroth's shapeshifters.
The Iron Book Associated with the Daeusites, this group hunts and eradicates demonic cults.
The Radiant Sun Associated with the Daeusites, this group seeks to reform creatures twisted by Taara's Tears (abominations).
RPP-Related Skills: Knowledges appropriate to creature type, Sense Motive, Bluff, Survival, Perception