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*Place: A07- Fernwood Pub
*Place: A07- Fernwood Pub
*Summary: Ravenstongue comes to the Fernwood to relax with Pothy. She meets Karasu with his raven familiar, Wuya, and Skielstregar comes in soon after, the two men recognizing each other from a past adventure. Seyardu comes in, and Ravenstongue finally learns that Skielstregar and Seyardu are siblings! (She had no clue.) Finally, Ravendar comes in for a bite to eat, and is harassed by Pothy for snacks. A good time is had by all.
*Summary: Ravenstongue comes to the Fernwood to relax with Pothy. She meets Karasu with his raven familiar, Wuya, and Skielstregar comes in soon after, the two men recognizing each other from a past adventure. Seyardu comes in, and Ravenstongue finally learns that Skielstregar and Seyardu are siblings! (She had no clue.) Finally, Ravendar comes in for a bite to eat, and is harassed by Pothy for snacks. A good time is had by all.</div>
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A07: Fernwood Pub *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A07: Fernwood Pub *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Line 22: Line 20:
<pre>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
<pre>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Karasu Clearly a man of Xian decent with dark hair and eyes.
Karasu Clearly a man of Xian decent with dark hair and eyes.
Ravendar A red-haired Lucht Siuil man
Ravendar A red-haired Lucht Siuil man
Ravenstongue Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Ravenstongue Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Seyardu A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Seyardu A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Skielstregar A bronze/silver scale with fangs and empty eyes.
Skielstregar A bronze/silver scale with fangs and empty eyes.
Line 131: Line 129:
Ravenstongue leans into her thinking pose a tad more as she takes in Skielstregar's explanation and the display of his new scales. She seems like she's about to ask a question herself when...
Ravenstongue leans into her thinking pose a tad more as she takes in Skielstregar's explanation and the display of his new scales. She seems like she's about to ask a question herself when...
/Tap tap tap./ Pothy, the white raven, has chosen to be a menace to society today. He approaches the newcomer gnome, walking on the bar to do so, and looks up at him with shiny blue eyes, glistening in the tavern light. "Snacks?" he asks. He has never been fed, ever , not once.
''Tap tap tap.'' Pothy, the white raven, has chosen to be a menace to society today. He approaches the newcomer gnome, walking on the bar to do so, and looks up at him with shiny blue eyes, glistening in the tavern light. "Snacks?" he asks. He has never been fed, ever , not once.
"Pothy! Don't bother him, you have plenty of snacks over here," Ravenstongue says with a sigh.
"Pothy! Don't bother him, you have plenty of snacks over here," Ravenstongue says with a sigh.
Line 194: Line 192:
The half-elf stands up from her chair and pushes it in. "It's getting late, and when Pothy starts burping, that's usually a good sign it's time to go home," she says. "Good evening to you all!"
The half-elf stands up from her chair and pushes it in. "It's getting late, and when Pothy starts burping, that's usually a good sign it's time to go home," she says. "Good evening to you all!"

Latest revision as of 03:18, 24 April 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Two Ravens in a Bar
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Place: A07- Fernwood Pub
  • Summary: Ravenstongue comes to the Fernwood to relax with Pothy. She meets Karasu with his raven familiar, Wuya, and Skielstregar comes in soon after, the two men recognizing each other from a past adventure. Seyardu comes in, and Ravenstongue finally learns that Skielstregar and Seyardu are siblings! (She had no clue.) Finally, Ravendar comes in for a bite to eat, and is harassed by Pothy for snacks. A good time is had by all.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A07: Fernwood Pub *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The common room of the Fernwood Pub dominates the inn, spacious and airy because of the high, vaulted ceiling. Ornately carved beams of dark, polished wood form a lattice overhead, supporting the arched roof two storeys above the floor. To the right of the double-door entry is a spiral staircase, winding upwards to a balcony that rings and overlooks the main area. Large windows at this level grant an excellent view of the river to the west and colorful market stalls to the north and east. An air of coziness is salvaged by keeping the pub dimly lit; parchment-shrouded mana lanterns hang at intervals from the base of the balcony, nestled amongst lush, magically propagated ivy and ferns that grow over this false demi-ceiling and the struts that support it.

The bar is sleek and simple, comprised of meticulously polished black lacquer. Tables are set under the darker niches formed by the balcony floor as well as on the balcony itself. A few are deliberately sized to accommodate halflings and gnomes, but the majority are meant for human-sized individuals. A large common table is on the main floor, set before a semi-circular stage situated against the western wall. Beside it, with pipes mounted upon the wall and running up past the balcony and almost to the ceiling, is a refurbished pipe organ made to look like the one lost when the Fernwood was destroyed during the Merkabah Siege.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Karasu          Clearly a man of Xian decent with dark hair and eyes.
Ravendar        A red-haired Lucht Siuil man                          
Ravenstongue    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Seyardu         A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Skielstregar    A bronze/silver scale with fangs and empty eyes.

It's a winter night, and that means it's cold and it's dark, especially with the dark clouds blotting out most of the sky. But there's a simple fix to both of those problems for any city-dweller with an ounce of sense: go hang out in a tavern, have a bite to eat and a pint to drink, and enjoy the shelter from the cold wind and the dark of the night.

Ravenstongue is doing that now, although it appears her plate of food is entirely for the white-winged familiar known as Pothy. The bird opens up his big beak as Ravenstongue takes a full-size sausage and holds it out for him... Then he swallows the whole thing in one long gulp as the half-elf drops it down his gullet.

"Pothy, you are disgusting," Ravenstongue says, even though she was the one who gave it to him. She sighs a little. "You are disgusting with a capital D. Do you even taste things?"

"Snacks," Pothy replies helpfully as he nudges the plate with his beak. He's ready for round two.

There's a blast of cold air as a Xian man enters the pub, his raven perched neatly on his shoulder. He looks around the room before really entering it, and his raven notices the other raven immeidately. Calling out to him in a way that makes him sigh and yet nod. After this hesitation, he moves toward the woman and her familiar, offering her a low nod once he's reached her table. "Greetings."

It's not much of a greeting, but the raven on his shoulder offers a more bright one, cawing noisily and then hopping once on his shoulder in encouragement. "Might we join you?"

Ravenstongue looks up at Karasu and his raven friend with a smile, the flash of recognition in her eyes. "Oh hey! Sure, go ahead! I'm just feeding this little food gremlin," she says, patting Pothy on the head.

Pothy makes an appreciative "merp" before he turns his head to look at Karasu's familiar. He looks uncertain about the other raven. Competition? Friend? Enemy? ...Frenemy? The corvid standoff has begun...

Until Ravenstongue holds out a cracker in front of Pothy, and then the white raven immediately forgets all of this. Down goes the cracker.

"Coming in to get out of the cold?" Ravenstongue chats in the meantime, blissfully unaware of Pothy's internal struggle.

A lumbering figure carefully opens the door to the Fernwood and shuts it, keeping the chill outside to a minimum. It's a massive tarnished bronze scale, silver scales mottling his face and arms like vitiligo. The latter sparkles brightly in the ambient light. Too long talons scratch at his neck, him grunting in annoyance, but winces. There's a nasty bruise that loops around his neck.

He looks about the tavern with a fresh mug in hand, and his eyes widen. Briskly (and with heavy steps), he approaches the table. "Ah... thisss... one never got your name. Thiss one wonders how you are...?" he asks hoarsely to the man. Though, he realizes he got ahead of himself and raises a hand to the others. "Oh, peassse on your nesst."

Karasu takes an offered seat and makes himself at least somewhat comfortable beside the woman. The raven no his shoulder makes it clear that he wants to be friendly by resisting any urge to even show interest in the food being offered to the other bird. Instead he hops off of Karasu's shoulder and sets on the table to merely watch the other familiar.

At this point, the sith-makar enters and Karasu's eyes widen at the sight of the other. "Peace on your nest." He offers first and politely to the other, then wryly pats a leg. "Healed, and better than I was."

It's a simple reply, but it cuts off what he might have said otherwise to Ravesnstongue about having come in from the cold. His eyes meet the sith's and he looks at the other seriously. "I am well, and I... apologize that I did not think of a way to prevent your injuries sooner."

"Oh, hi mister Skielstregar," Ravenstongue says as she looks up to the newcomer with a smile. The hesitation before from the half-elf in their first meeting disappeared. It's a wonder what surviving through hell and back can do for a relationship. "I see you know my fellow raven-appreciator!"

Speaking of which, Pothy is back to eyeing the other raven now that they are on the same level. He cocks his head in one direction, and then another. And then another. It's a careful corvid check. Not all who are feathered are birds of the same feather.

"Snacks?" Pothy asks, gesturing to his massive plate of food. It appears to be a peace offering.

Skielstregar bows his head slightly. "Thisss one apologizesss, they did not mean to interrupt. Shaman Ravenssstongue, pleasssure to sssee you once more. And, ah, yesss. Thiss one knowsss of them. We had a... time that wasss... less than stellar together."

The bronze/silverscale inhales deeply, and lets out a relieved sigh off to the side. It seen in a visible gout of frozen air spilling forth. "Thisss one is glad that you are well. And... dessspite the risky move you conducted, it would have more than likely ended with thisss one'sss demissse. Ssso, thisss one thanksss you."

Dead silver eyes glance to the birds idly. Curious.

Karasu seems somewhat uncertain as to waht to say to Skielstregar about their previous encounter, perhaps even more stimied by the thanks. In fact. One might think he has never been thanked before. "I am glad it was neither of our time." He nods his head low once again to the sith before glancing toward the birds to see what has Skielstregar's attention.

Wuya it seems has accepted the peace offering, and strides slowly forward to look at the prooffered snacks before picking one out and whirring at the other bird. This seems to be some kind of complement and Karasu seems unable to stop a slight uptick at the edge of his lip at the raven's noise. Then Wuya quickly devours the treat and looks at Karasu reproachfully.

"It seems that I should order something." He comments, clearly not in response to Wuya's glare since the look doesn't fade. He waves over a waitress for more snacks.

Pothy has begun the corruption of Wuya. Which is to say that Pothy looks very pleased with himself to receive Wuya's compliments and to continue to offer him more snacks, gesturing to the plate again. "Snacks!" he says.

"Mister Skielstregar and I met before unpleasant events happened, too," Ravenstongue says, looking somewhat thoughtful about the whole thing. "But we made it out alive. I think that's typical of adventuring--you get into predicaments, you do the best you can, and the people you make it out with become a special sort of friend. Don't you think?"

Seyardu was often times at the Fernwood pub, it was a common place to be outside of the Tarrace. She had learned from last time not to teleport directly into guest rooms, not that it was an option anymore, though. So instead, she elected to use the front door, a much less disruptive form of entry. The cleric wasn't particularly tall, but stood out regardless. Seyardu looked around the room, long enough to see Ravenstongue, Karasu and Skielstregar. She steps into the building proper, waving energetically. "Ravenstongue, peace on your nest! And, Skielstregar, you too! You look quite different, though. Did something happen?"

Skiel bobs his head once more. "Yesss, thisss one did not wisssh to go out in sssuch a way. And for that, they thank you."

The lumbering makari towers over the two. A fact he seems to realize, as he ducks down a bit to grab two chairs and drag them to the table side by side so he could sit easily. "Yesss..." he rumbles, rubbing at his face some before scratching his nose. Some scales flake off. "It forgesss bondsss. There'sss a certain kind of trussst when one hasss your back."

The mixed scale perks up, him grinning some as he waves the silverscale over. "Ah! Ssseyardu! Peace on your nessst! Ah, well, uh, thisss one is... come clossser, come clossser."

Karasu notes another entry into the room and Skielstregar seems to know them. He realizes then, a bit abruptly that he has not actually given his name to the sith-makar and waits for the other to get closer before offering his introduction. So that he will not have to make it twice. "I am Karaus." Wuya pipes up with a reminder and he nods. "And this is Wuya." He introduces the bird.

Then, he is distracted for a moment by the waitress as she asks him what he wants. He orders something for Wuya to eat - a meat platter which will be the best thing for the raven to eat off the menu, and a cup of warm water for himself. "Would anyone else like something?"

"Seyardu! Peace on your nest!" Ravenstongue calls out, smiling to the clerical sith-makar with a smile. "It's nice to see you after the party."

She looks back to Wuya and shakes her head. "I'll decline, but thank you for offering. That's really nice of you."

Pothy picks up a smaller sausage from the plate, as Ravenstongue is no longer holding up the larger ones to drop down his ever-open maw, and scarfs it down. He seems to be content with the situation, especially as he picks up on Karasu's order for Wuya, croaking in approval. The corvids will be fed tonight--that's a certainty.

GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (2)+7: 9

Seyardu continues to plod into the fernwood pub, stopping to pick up a makari friendly stool that she carries over to the table so she can sit down. "It was a nice party, wasn't it? It is good to see you afterwards, as well." Seyardu agrees

The cleric spends a moment pondering Skielstregar before she bursts into laughter. "Ah, the family resemblance now makes this much easier! Ravenstongue, this is my brother Skielstregar. And, it seems he has much to say. What happened? Your scales are growing back in, and they are silver like, before? Yes, they most likely were before. Or shiny at the very least."

Skielstregar makes an 'ah' sound in his throat. "Karasu. Wuya. A pleasure to properly meet you. Thisss one would ssshake your hand, but, ah... claws." He weakly smiles and holds up a hand with talons that were a bit too long. "Thisss one will partake of some of the sssnacksss, if the birdsss are willing to share. Thank you."

He sips on his own drink, watching as the silverscale gets closer. A hand reaches out to clasp on the cleric's shoulder, a grin cracking his fanged mouth. "Yesss! They are! Thisss... thisss one doesssn't know how or why, they haven't been able to grow ssscales for yearsss. But they won't complain! But, ugh, by the Dragonfather, it's ssssooooo itchy !" He accents this by scratching at his upper arm, more tarnished scales flaking free to the ground beside him.

With Skielstregar's comment, Karasu orders a second plate of 'snacks' for the sith-makar. It's likely more food than they need, but ravens can be a little funny about the 'sharing' thing he's noticed. Wuya waits patiently for the food to arrive, listening to the conversation that is going around somewhat, but not as intently as is Karasu. "That seems unusual." He comments to Skielstregar, on the note of scales growing in where they have not before. "Both that you were unable to grow new ones, and that you are growing them in now."

Ravenstongue covers her mouth for a moment in pure shock from the revelation. "Seyardu, Skielstregar--oh gods, you're siblings! I had no clue!" She giggles as she looks at the sith-makar siblings again. "You do not feel like you're related at all! That's so funny! Wow!"

She peers at Skielstregar's new scales and raises a brow. "Huh, so you are! You weren't as shiny back in Rune," she observes, her hand now tapping on her chin. "Is it... magical, you think? You're not suddenly manifesting sorcerous magic, are you?"

Ravendar makes his way into the Fernwood Pub after a bit of a struggle to close the door after a gust of wind almost takes it. He stamps the snow off his boots and hangs up his heavy coat, taking care with a leather case that he carries with him as he heads to the bar. He gives a smile and nod to the other patrons as he passes them before he gets up into a chair. When the server comes over to him, "I'll have a mug of ale please and ooh the special please, the smell of that steak and potatoes was pulling me along against the wicked wind."

"Of course we are siblings! I would hope it was obvious even without being what I assume is the same color." The cleric continues to chuckle, clapping Skielstregar on the shoulder back. Which likely knocks a few more scales loose. "Ah, but yes, what caused this, that is curious. I hope it is a good thing! At the very least, it means your body is healing up properly. I should see if I can offer some magic to help the process along sometime. But ah, there is not much for the itching."

Skielstregar gives a light sigh to Karasu. He nods in thanks about the snacks. "Ah... it isss unusual. Thisss one..." He looks about, and his voice lowers to a rumble. More felt than heard. "Thisss one'sss magic isss not fueled by nice thingsss. Thingsss that like to rot and decay. So when they heal it isss... odd. Scarring is odd. So the odd became normal. And now the normal isss happening, which iss odd."

He turns to Ravenstongue. He holds out an arm, small silver scales glittering brightly as he turns it over, only just now starting to break the skin and set in. "No, not at all. They are very shiny. And will get more so when they all come in. But... they do not know why. It isss not like the corrupted magicsss thisss one can use. It is new. Life. Healing and prosper. Not decay. Not... thisss..." he gestures to his tarnished scales. Which, side by side with the silver ones, it's clear they aren't bronze. It's tarnished silver.

A large sith-makar glances over to the bar at the newcomer and nods towards them.

Skiel smiles warmly, a few tarnished scales cracking and crumbling down. "Yesss... thiss one is Seyardu's brother. Can you not tell? We're practically the sssame size!" He snorts at that.

Karasu nods to Skielstregar with understanding that most might not possess. His magic, what little of it he has... He glances almost without thinking to Wuya and the bird is watching him. Always. He shakes his head minutely at the raven's concern, then looks at Skielstregar. "I understand, and if it is unusual magic, perhaps the source of it is unusual as well. Has anything strange happened to you recently? Something that might have triggered the change?"

Ravenstongue leans into her thinking pose a tad more as she takes in Skielstregar's explanation and the display of his new scales. She seems like she's about to ask a question herself when...

Tap tap tap. Pothy, the white raven, has chosen to be a menace to society today. He approaches the newcomer gnome, walking on the bar to do so, and looks up at him with shiny blue eyes, glistening in the tavern light. "Snacks?" he asks. He has never been fed, ever , not once.

"Pothy! Don't bother him, you have plenty of snacks over here," Ravenstongue says with a sigh.

Ravendar smiles as he gets his mug of ale and takes a drink of it before he notices the white raven that has joined him a the bar, "Hello there...snacks huh." He starts to pat himself down, "Do I have any snacks for you?" He ahs as he presents with a flourish a crust of bread with some butter on it to the raven. "Oh they are no bother. My cousin had a way with animals especially birds. She was always sneaking snacks to any wild animals that we came across."

"Yes, you can tell that we are siblings, due to the fact that the only way for kin to be as large as Skielstregar is, is to have stolen said height from someone else." Seyardu grumbles good naturedly. "But ah, yes. There is some magic at play? More than usual?"

The cleric turns as Pothy takes off for parts unknown, to solicit snacks from strangers. "Ah, if you encourage him, that bird will never leave you alone. I would be careful." Seyardu warns.

Skielstregar rubs his neck. Which he winces from the looping bruise that goes around it. "Ah... thiss one.. hmmm." Odd things... odd things... "... thisss one cannot say. There wass thosse ghosssts, and then a cloaker, then sssome deranged wizards that threw acid and misslesss..."

He blinks, then smiles warmly to himself. "... there wasss a little tiny dragon they ran into. They were kind. But they just ate all the fish and left."

He shrugs. "Thisss one doesss not know."

A grin cracks across his face from Seyardu's grumbling. "Yess! And she makes the perfect arm rest!" He displays this by propping an arm atop the cleric's head. It's held for a few moments before he gives her a pat and smiles warmly to her.

Karasu tilts his head at these different things and makes a soft exhalation of breath. "Hard to determine what of those things might have done it then." He seems slightly distracted by Wuya for a moment when the raven watches the other bird go over to bother someone else. Approval is in every line of Wuya's body. He rolls his eyes at the raven. "Do not dare Wuya. You will only encourage him."

To which Wuya caws in approval to Pothy.

Pothy snatches the buttered bread from Ravendar. This one isn't as easily "gulpable" as the sausages, so Pothy eagerly tears it apart with a vigor that could only be matched by an actual bird of prey. The bread is gone incredibly quickly, and Pothy resumes looking at Ravendar. "Snacks!" he says more eagerly. Wuya has encouraged him, and it seems that he has flat out ignored Ravenstongue's pleas to cease and desist his behavior.

Ravenstongue sighs. "He is absolutely incorrigible," she says, before looking at Skielstregar using his sister as an arm rest. "I'm suddenly incredibly glad I have no siblings to speak of."

Ravendar takes a drink of his ale as he watches the raven devour the buttered bread. He chuckles, "Oh you want more huh." He reaches into his pocket and then flings his hand out towards Pothy, "Pocket bacon!" He calls out in a good natured tone as bits of bacon scatter on the bar in front of the bird. He gets a disapproving look from one of the servers, "Don't worry I'll clean it up I promise." He says as he watches Pothy, "You better be careful, don't let three and twenty of your brothers and sisters get baked into a pie."

Seyardu falls quiet when she listens. Her head being used as an armrest does not help. "Skielstregar, you should let me know if you are, if you are dealing with rogue wizards and ghosts!" She states, growing concerned. "I may be no mourner, but I can handle a lot of undead. And I do not want you getting hurt. Do not think I can not see the contusions on your neck."

"It sounds like it could be a lot of things. But ah, too late. I hope you have more snacks, even if they will never be enough." Seyardu chuckles.

Skiel snickers at the raven egging on raven action, him shaking his head. "It isss, hard to determine. But, to be honessst? Thisss one thinksss they aren't going to look into it too much. It iss a welcome change, if an itchy one..."

The massive makari grins. "Oh, it isss not all bad, Shaman Ravenssstongue. Ssseyardu and thiss one are besst of friends!"

The man looks down to his sister. He blinks, then he puts up his hands. "Thisss one is fine. The ghossst we fought usssed a noose. It was... rough. But they came out okay. But, thisss one cannot bother you all the time. You are busy. You are powerful. And thisss one did not have the luxury of time to call a Death Singer."

Karasu falls oddly silent in the wake of the friendly banter between the two sith-makar, averting his eyes and looking at the floor. Thus he doesn't really note the arrival of the food which Wuya quickly pounces upon and calls Pothy's attention to.

Pothy croaks at Ravendar in response to the pie baking comment. It's hard to suss out if he's offended or is merely saying, "I won't, don't worry." Either way, when Wuya calls him over to inform him that the meat has arrived, Pothy waddles back over to his new corvid friend to dine from the plate of meats. He looks up at Karasu with a beakful of meat and swallows it. "You're a pretty swell fella," he says, mimicking the voice of an older man, before he returns to the tray.

"I shouldn't mention anything that we encountered together to Seyardu, then," Ravenstongue says to Skielstregar. She shivers a little. "Contract we signed and all, but I think she'd also have a fit if she knew."

Ravendar waves to Pothy, "See you later then." He gives a smile to Seyardu, "Lucky for me the food came when it did. I'm afraid that's all I had left except for some old trail rations." He brushes up any of the bacon bits that remain and puts them back into his pocket as his own food comes to him. "Thanks." He says as he pays for the meal and starts to tuck into it.

"I did not know ghosts use nooses." Seyardu chuffs, though her attention turns quickly to Ravenstongue. "You would not have mentioned that in front of me, though if that was the case though." She notes, squinting a bit more. "What happened? Is everything alright?"

"I am not too busy so as not to help my brother. If you ever need anything, you do not need to even consider hesitating to ask."

Skiel gives a thankful nod towards Karasu as the snacks arrive, him skewered some of the meats on a too-long talon and nibbling on them. "You ssshould sssee that bird out and about, he'll eat anything ," he comments to Ravendar.

Though, he sighs at Ravenstongue. "Sssshaman Ravensss..." he grumbles. "We cannot speak of it. Leave it be. Sissster will be over worried."

He chuffs. "Thisss one knowsss. But when a ghossst isss chasing ssstudents of learning around with a noose and trying to throw them off a building, thisss one doess not have the time to run all the way to Mictlan to get you."

Karasu blinks at Pothy, seemingly surprised for a moment. Not that the raven spoke something other than a request for snacks, but rather by his chosen words. Wuya makes a little noise as if to say 'see'? And Karasu shakes his head. The only addition he makes to the conversation between the other three is an equally polite nod to Skielstregar when the other nods to him, and he pulls a pouch from his sleeve in order to pour something into his cup of hot water.

Pothy eats his fair share of the meat from the tray Karasu has ordered for Wuya and himself--okay, for Wuya, but Pothy has never been one to turn down a meal offered to him and to think of it as his own. The bird eventually flaps back onto Ravenstongue's shoulder... and belches right in her face.

Ravenstongue has an expression of disgust. "For a familiar, you sure have stinky breath," she says with a sigh. She plugs her nose up with a hand and wafts away the smell with the other. "Don't worry about what I said, Seyardu--like Skiel said, we can't talk about it. Silly of me to even bring it up!"

The half-elf stands up from her chair and pushes it in. "It's getting late, and when Pothy starts burping, that's usually a good sign it's time to go home," she says. "Good evening to you all!"