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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Dryad Dilemma *DM: Telamon *Characters: Rune, Harkashan, Simony, Warrick, Arion, Ous *Place: Alexandros Countryside *Summary: The dryad Coriander is deeply worried about one of her farmboy friends, who's gone missing. She'd like some adventurous lads and lasses to find him and bring him back to his family.</div> '''Alexandros countryside, afternoon''' Th...")
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"I think they were hungry," Helmar replies with a shudder. "But as soon as their back was turned, I cut myself free with Cori's knife, and scrambled up into that crevice. I heard them arguing, and then you got here... yes, yes -please-, let's get out of here."
Rune has to help navigate the trap-laden area in the brush, but you're soon through and back on your way. Helmar is hungry and tired, but he's quite grateful to have avoided a grisly fate. Polyn soars down as you leave the area, alighting on Ous's shoulder and trilling a greeting before heading off again.
As you return toward Coriander's grove, you realize you've picked up a bit of attention. Sprites and pixies flutter overhead, and you're pretty sure there's some brownies watching you and offering a salute as you pass. The dryad herself is waiting, and happily embraces Helmar, before patting his cheek. "I'll make sure you get home, dear one. Your family must be worried sick!"
She turns to the party, and curtseys deeply, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you all, for saving him. He's a good boy, and he'll make a good man in time."

Latest revision as of 02:55, 18 April 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Dryad Dilemma
  • Place: Alexandros Countryside
  • Summary: The dryad Coriander is deeply worried about one of her farmboy friends, who's gone missing. She'd like some adventurous lads and lasses to find him and bring him back to his family.

Alexandros countryside, afternoon

The job came through the Guild, as usual. It seems some of the farming families are requesting assistance with finding a lost lad by the name of Helmar. Interestingly, the job was co-signed by an unusual patron: one of the dryads of the Alexandros forests bordering those bucolic farms.

Which is how you find yourselves in a copse of trees, talking to a startlingly attractive young woman who is clearly more than mortal. Clad in a short dress that looks like it was woven from leaves, her pale skin has the faintest tinge of green, like new shoots springing from the earth. Her ears are as pointed as any elf's, and her hair is a startling honey-blonde that spills down her back.

Indeed, she'd be prettier if she didn't have such a worried look on her face. "Helmar is pretty careful," Coriander frets. "He's not one for taking chances or foolish risks. No, someone -- or something -- grabbed him up. One of my little friends found tracks off the road, and the flowers I'd given him, but they said it went too far away from my tree for me to chase them down personally." Her deep brown eyes flash with anger. "So I want him safe, and his kidnappers dealt with." She gives the group a dazzling smile, especially Arion. "His family would be most grateful, and I would be too."

This is not the first time, and probably won't be the last time, that something beyond-mortal has decided they have a fancy for someone normal. It isn't that long ago that Harkashan aided a Ghost in kindling something with the local sewer-maintenance man. And now, here he is before a rather beautiful dryad.

"Of course. We will see what we can do. You said you have given him a gift you can track him through. Is there aid you can offer to us, or perhaps do you have something of his, that might help us 'sniff him out' so to say?" The Sith-makar asks with a polite rumbling tone. Hand to his chest, he is rather respectful to the being of nature.

"I would of course appreciate knowing a description, so we might recognize Helmar as well." He adds to this.

Arion Livredor listens closely to the recap of the situation, the breeze playing lightly enough with his hair that he's inspired to drag a hand through it to restore some sort of order. He stands near Harkashan whom he seems to know. Nodding at the Sith Markar's words, all seems to be going well until...the dazzling smile. The Sunblade colors crimson at the smile from the dryad, then awkwardly elects to fiddle with a strap on his armor. It doesn't appear to have any particular defect, but it is /definitely/ occupying his full attention.

A human man in his middle ages is present in blackened medal, an armet helmet held under an arm as a journal is held open in his gauntleted hand. And a pen, scribbling away. "Uhuh..." he says, eyeing the group before continuing to write.

He's the perfect example of 'just another day at work' as he's talking with a /dryad/. "So... he went beyond your... tree. Deal with the kidnappers..."

A glance to Harkashan, and he bobs his head, ready to write such information down from the good questions.

Having been listening to the Dryad, Ous scratches his chin thoughtfully as he considers things. Finally the ranger nods and looks around. "If 'e left a trail. Aye can follow 'im. If'n ye can show us where th' tracks start." Standing to the side o the group with a flask in hand, Ous opens the stopper on it, niffs it absently as the area around him fills with the mixed scents of strong alcohol, hot peppers and mint. nodding to himself, the large Aesir reaches down and slips the flask into his left boot.

The Goblin was sketching, a new location means new things to note in detail. Their host is also focused on by, both in written word, and a two-page sketch of her head and shoulders.

"Do you know what sort of creature the tracks were made by?", she wonders of the Dryad, "And if you or your little friends could point use to where the tracks start, we could get to work right away."

"Oh, also, what was he wearing the last you saw him?"

As of late, Rune is relatively quick to take jobs for the Guild whenever they are available and within her skill set. In this case, she stands with her hands resting slightly at her sides, listening to the beautiful woman with the pale green skin. Her head is slightly tilted, one ear still honed in on their surroundings.

Rune is wearing her usual light armorments, mostly leather and padding, with her hood drawn back enough to leave her ears exposed. "I probably can't help much with the tracking. That's something I'm still learning, but..." With a motion of her head, the half-sil motions at her weapons. "I can certainly help in dealing with whomever has taken him."

At Harkashan's rather relevant question, Coriander smiles a bit dreamily. "Oh, he's a wonderful boy. Dark hair, broad shoulders, these -amazing- blue eyes. I'd be tempted to hold onto him if that wouldn't get me in trouble. I gave him something, you know -- he'd lost his belt knife, and I had one I wasn't using. You'll notice it immediately: bronze blade, with an acorn on the pommel. An old khazadi friend forged it for me."

She nods at the question for where Halmar was taken, and beckons to one side. A tiny form darts down from the trees, and alights on Coriander's hand -- a diminutive little humanoid with wings and pointed ears, no taller than eight inches if that. "Polyn here can guide you to the spot," she explains, and the tiny fey leaps off the dryad's hand, circling the group before alighting on Ous's shoulder.

Harkashan commits the description to mind, applying some filters knowing the ways in which spirits and the like can... exagerate description sometimes. They find beauty in some really common things after all. "Thank you." He remarks, noting the blade, and then watches the little creature joining Ous.

Noting it sitting on Ous' shoulder, he looks at Simony. But he remembers that Goblins are actually quite fast on their feet, she'll have no trouble keeping up, no doubt.

"I will let Polyn lead the way then. Thank you, miss Coriander. We will report back when we know more." And with that, he motions for Ous.

Awaiting movement, he takes a moment to greet Warrick and Arion once more. He's familiar with them, but not -familiar- familiar. "How've you two been since we last saw eachother?" Some small-talk while they walk.

Simony moves to follow the Dryad, ending up walking alongside Warrick. Offering a wave, she grins at the small humanoid that flits over to the group. "Aww, she is so cute!", she says of the fey creature, before another sketch is begun, as well as Halmar's description, and the knife's. "Polyn.", the Gobbo says quietly. She glances at Warrick, "I've never seen one before."

Turning his head to look at the small creature on his shoulder, Ous nods ever so slightly. "Ye show me where Po-lyn, Aye'll get us tae the rough part." Looking at the others, Ous waggles his eyebrows in a half greeting, and half indication that he's ready to go.

This last part emphasized by the fact that the big Aesir turns and begins jogging off to follow the Sprite with a surprising lack of noise considering he was carrying at the very least 4 axes on a thick belt around his waist.

"Has to be just right, you know," Arion answers a question no one has asked with a continuing frown at the buckle he's been preoccupied with. When the news comes that they have a guide, his attention snaps to Ous. Laser focus. "Well, then, I suppose we should be off, right? Right!"

The young Paladin seems grateful for the conversation from Harkashan. "Quite well, thanks for asking. And you? Have you heard any response to our discovery in the Felwood," Arion asks.

Warrick continues scribbling in his journal, exhaling a sigh as he scribbles in verbatim the description. "... pretty sure I read this kind of story before..." he murmurs under his breath. Few more scribbles, especially the name of the little fey, Polyn, are jotted down before he snaps his journal shut and unbuckles a clasp on his helmet. Looking to the others, he introduces, "Name's Warrick Retzner." Thunk. Helmet on, visor flipped up.

"We'll try and get your man back, Coriander."

He looks to Harkashan, head tilting to the side as he pulls free his large crossbow and nestles it into the crook of his arm. "Peace on your nest. I... don't think we've met. But I've been well. Discombobulated, but well."

He looks down to Simony, and nods slowly. "Never have either, but I've interviewed some strange folks in the past." Seeing as Ous and Arion have the gumption to press on, Warrick hefts his crossbow and falls in line.

The description of the missing young man sounds more like what Rune might have expected out of the questionable novels Simony and Slixvah had introduced her to not long ago. She clears her throat slightly, nodding, "Handsome young man, belt knife. Got it."

What draws her attention more is the small form that appears from the trees. It may very well be the first time Rune has seen that sort of creature, so her eyes follow it as it circles the group. "What are they?" Rune asks with some hint of wonder. Then, as the group starts moving, she does a little jog to catch up, making sure not to get completely absorbed in the mysteries of strange forest creatures.

<OOC> Telamon says, "You may make a Knowledge (Nature) check to identify the tiny fey :)"
GAME: Ous rolls Knowledge/nature: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/nature: (3)+8: 11

"I fear I have heard nothing new from the Felwood. The... feeling of that kind of darkness and evil around me is still something I'm having trouble shaking." He admits to Arion. A motion of his hand lifting for a moment, showing ever the slightest tremble in his fingers. "But it's gotten a lot better." He admits.

Something he's undoubtedly shared with Rune.

"Peace upon your nest as well." Harkashan answers Warrick. "Hrmm, I must be confusing you for another then." He's not above admitting that he has trouble telling some softskins apart at times. "I am Harkashan, a Deathsinger." He explains to the man. "What has you so 'discombobulemated'?" He has trouble with that word it seems, perhaps not recognizing it.

"Oh! If he's not sure who sent you, tell him that both his family and I did. He may be scared, so just to prove you're not up to wickedness..." Coriander pauses, then her eyes sparkle happily. "Tell him Cori wants to know if she's still as lovely as a field of wildflowers. He'll understand."

Polyn is more than happy to lead you along, to the point where the lad was intercepted. There's definitely some tracks here, and if it wasn't clear enough Polyn circles around the spot, wings flapping madly.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "@Telamon - what covers Tracking? Survival?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Survival."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Going to roll Survival with Ancestor-Touched"
GAME: Harkashan rolls Survival+1: (13)+5+1: 19
GAME: Ous rolls survival+1: (9)+8+1: 18
GAME: Warrick rolls survival: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Simony rolls survival: (14)+4: 18

As the group reaches the place where the gentleman was last seen - Coriander's words at the back of his mind - Harkashan takes a moment, watching the surroundings, taking them in...

Before he leans down, hands towards the ground, and begins to sniff at the ground. Long snoot low, looking and gazing around for tracks that might give away what has occurred here. There's this strange, almost ephemeral 'tremble' around his body. The crimson of his body seeming to catch the light in an unusual manner that makes that lava-flow that much more notable across his body. Tail long.

For a moment - just a short moment - there's this sense of something innately and truly <draconic> about him. It's faint, but there.

"I smell something inhuman here." He sniffs at the ground, tail long. "Prints here." He then motions to Rune specifically. "Do you recognize these kinds of tracks?"

Arion offers what he hopes is a reassuring smile to the Sith-Makar. "I'm sure it is something you will conquer," he says with bright encouragement. "Just as I am sure it is an evil we will someday excise from Arcania." Ah, the optimism of youth! Nods of greeting are offered to Warrick in response to his name. "Well met, Warrick Retzner. I am Sunblade Arion Livredor." Then, he grows silent, watching as Harkashan and other's examine what appears (to his eyes) to be nothing more than some bent blades of grass.

Warrick listens to the idle chatter, him rolling a shoulder and nodding to Coriander as they give their last bits of information. Something going on in the Felwood, right. He probably should take a look into that. Hark was talking to him, and the helmeted human turns his head that way. "I understand my scent is a bit mingled with others, living in the city," he offers. "Pleasure to meet you. Discombobulated, means confused and unsettled. Just shaking off some weird other-world travel still. Seeing fey things, as much as my training tells me not to mess with, is a hell of a lot more normal than... tentacle mushroom looking people."

And to Arion, "Pleasure to meet you as well," the grizzled man grunts. "Arbalest Retzner, if we're doing titles." Seeing as others have taken on tracking, Warrick just gives an over view, but its crowded, so he hangs back, leaning against a tree. "Inhuman?" Warrick echoes, a hand reaching back to pop open some flaps on his quiver, exposing different metaled bolts.

"Cori wants to know..." Rune trails off, working to commit the phrase to memory even as the strange fey creature is already zipping off. While she isn't the shortest in the party, it's still a bit of a jog to keep up with those who are far more long-legged. The question of their strange fey guide is left abandoned in the aftermath.

Instead, as the group arrives at the designated point, Rune allows others with more skilled eyes, and noses, do the first assessment. At least until Harkashan tries to ask her about tracks. "I'm going to leave the sniffing around to you and the others, big guy. Last time I tried tracking, it was less than successful, and I'm not about to mess up a paying job."

Rune reaches back for her weapons, which seem to be little more than mundane shotswords - nicely built, but mundane. "Inhuman in what way?" Her eyes dart about, more on the watch for trouble than actually trying to track their prey.

Coriander's instructions on proving they're not up to wickedness is written down and underlined by Simony, and she nods in agreement with the Dryad. "Alright, we'll do our best to ease the young man's mind.", she says to Cori, before muttering, "Hopefully Ous won't go all incorporeal on us."

Simony waves to Harkashan, "Hello Harkashan, how are you faring?" She also gives a wave to Ous and Rune, "Glad to see you both again."

At the spot where the tracks start, she stays out of the way, but gives them a good squinting, removing her pince-nes to clean it on her sleeves, and replace it on her nose. "Willing to trust you on that one, Harkashan. Did they try to cover their tracks? Looks like it to me..."

GAME: Ous rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (12)+8: 20

Getting to the spot in question, Ous slips the unstrung long bow from his back along with lengths of different colored leather strings from inside his hide shirt. Kneeling next to the tracks, Ous measures foot elngth, width, and gait, marking each off on the bow with a different string before he looks around at the others all casting for sign as well.

Crouching on the balls of his feet with an amused look on his face, the ranger looks back down at the tracks once more and measures a track again. "Wha'e'er the bogle what took our lad is. It dinnae look friendly."

As Harkashan begins sniffing across the trail, the ranger backs off, slinging the bow on his back once more, he steps around the Sith with a nod and begins to follow the trail. "Easiest way tae tell what it is, is tae ask it. No a creature ye see in these woods often. Aye knows tha' much."

And then Harkashan points directly at the tracks in question, and Rune swears, first in Draconic, and then in Sildanyari. "Not good." She looks up towards the Death-Singer and then out towards the others. "Looks like it is probably an ettercap." Tracking Rune may not know, monsters she does. "You can tell by the claw drag here..." Rather than continuing to explain, she adds, "They're pretty horrific looking spider-monster things.

"Hrrm, yes. They indeed tried to cover their tracks. They went this way." He motions across the distance while remaining close to the ground like a four-legged lizard.

"And it's nice to see you again as well, miss Simony." He adds. This is probably the closest Simony ever gets to being near the same height of a Sith-makar.

"And do not worry too much about failing to track. After over a hundred years, I still fail in the things I venture to attempt. You are amongst friends who can give direction." He remarks, ever supportive in nature.

And as she points out that this comes from an Ettercap, he tilts his head; "I am not familiar with that beast. But I will keep an eye out for webs then." The Sith-makar notes, as he begins to lead on all-fours, moving along the tracks like some kind of hound!

<OOC> Telamon says, "Will you charge in, or approach stealthily?"
GAME: Warrick rolls stealth: (15)+1: 16
GAME: Arion rolls stealth: (11)+-6: 5
GAME: Ous rolls stealth: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Simony rolls stealth: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Harkashan rolls Stealth+1: (4)+-5+1: 0
GAME: Rune rolls stealth: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Harkashan casts Bless. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Harkashan casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Harkashan casts Archon's Aura. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Harkashan casts Badger's Ferocity. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17

The Goblin probably cannot pale more than she already is, but she gives it a go. Her expression changes to something approaching fear. "S.s.piders. Small things, right? They're just heavy, right?" She shudders and wraps her arms around herself.

Cautiously moving through the trees, you hear harsh voices up ahead, rasping and cruel. It seems an argument is in progress...

"What do you MEAN he got loose! You had him webbed up!" "Look, all I know is the webs were wrecked and he was gone. I think I got his trail though." "And how, pray tell, did he wreck the webbing? Is he a magician?" "No, it looked like they were cut. Like someone cut him down." "Oh for... did you make sure you searched him before you hung him up in the tree?" "...Well..." "You DIDN'T, did you! He probably cut HIMSELF loose, you IDIOT!"

As you step free from the brush you see a pair of horrid-looking creatures standing a little ways off, their postures angry and frustrated. Their chitinous hides are violet in color, their heads resemble that of a spider's, and their hands end in wicked claws.

Suddenly, both ettercaps turn to stare at you, two heads and sixteen eyes total. The one on the left hisses, "Oh look, we've got more meat for the pantry. Come into our parlor, little manlings..."

<OOC> Rune says, "Can I use my move to get behind the tree at 5,15 and then try to restealth. Then I'll hold an attack for if one of the spiders comes forward into my range?"
GAME: Rune rolls stealth: (17)+10: 27

Rune's voice drops a little when Simony asks about the creatures. "Big ones. Like if the an ourch and a spider had the ugliest baby you could imagine." That's a mental image. "Regular weapons should work, which... is good because that's all I have."

After that, the rogue falls quiet. The problem is, certain members of their party are not very quiet. "Shit." Her curse is a whisper, but likely still quite audible given the situation.

At the very least, it seems like their prisoner has escaped! However, the party most certainly has not. As soon as the spider eyes turn in her direction, the half-elf pulls up her hood and darts for the cover of the nearest tree, cutitng line of sight. They might know she went that way, but they won't know exactly where, at least that is the hope.

Once there, Rune holds her blades at the ready, prepared to slice out if either of the creatures comes close.

The ettercaps scuttle along, and begin climbing up two of the trees... though their mocking hissing voices echo through the forest. "Look at them, all nice and well fed! We can eat like kings!" One clicks its mandibles together. "So much better than just one little human. Elf-flesh is especially sweet..."

<OOC> Ous says, "ok. move to 7,13 and take a shot at 1?"
GAME: Ous rolls weapon9+1: (11)+6+1: 18
GAME: Ous rolls damage9: aliased to 1d8+0: (3)+0: 3
<OOC> Harkashan says, "+1 from Prayer"

Looking at Simony, Ous leans towards the goblin and winks at her. "Dinnae worry Simony. Bad comes tae worse, Aye'll give th' fuckers such a bad case o' stomach troubles they'll no even want tae nibble on ye!"

Without another word, the ranger bounds off towards the brush. Slipping the bow from his back once more and stringing it with a quick, fluid movement from years of practice, Ous knocks an arrow and lets it fly at one of the Ettercaps, grazing it across the spinanarettes as he calls out. "Ye cannae hae' yer Dessert until ye eat th' main course ye silly Bastard! come an' get it!"

<OOC> Simony says, "She is going to run to where Rune went. Double move if she has to. 4, 15 please."

Simony winces at Rune's description, and says, "Oh, great.", in a shaky, scratching voice. When Rune moves for cover, the Goblin is hot on her heels, her own little legs moving as fast as they can to get her across the open ground. As she gets to the trees, she leans against it, panting. "Why did it have to be spiders. Why not something soft and fluffy, like bunnies?"

<OOC> Telamon says, "Spiders come out of holes in those trees. One scuttles down to snack on Simony, while the other will make its way across..."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Spider tries to bite Simony..."
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Move to x6 y13 at double-move to Aura the spiders, and shout to the boy in case they're nearby."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Alright, lemme roll the spider saves."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "DC 17"
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+1: (11)+1: 12
<OOC> Telamon says, "Well, #2 is suitably cowed. #1... not so much."

Harkashan has been keeping his words of prayer and spell as quiet as he can. But the pulse of magic is perhaps unavoidable.

"They speak." Harkashan remarks as they step closer to the brush, information he'd perhaps missed. At least the harsh voices have given away that the boy had gotten away. He's about to comment something to Rune, but he fails to spot her already. That girl is fast. It brings a smile to his face.

As such, he calls out instead, hoping that the boy is still nearby; "Helmar! Cori wants to know if she's still as lovely as a field of wildflowers!" Pausing for a moment, "Stay hidden, we're here to help! We'll let you know when the coast is clear!" The draconic man's voice bellowing loudly.

He then remarks to the others; "This armor of mine will slow me down a bit as we approach. Don't wander off too far if you wish to remain under my spells' protections." The Sith-makar reminds them. Touching Ous's shoulder for just a moment after he takes his shot. "You've got this." Then looking back, noticing the spider that has approached some of his allies.

<OOC> Arion says, "I can attack the one right next to me, yes?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Yup."
GAME: Arion rolls melee + 1: (2)+5+1: 8
<OOC> Telamon adds, 'You do have one free reroll.'
<OOC> Arion says, "I'll use it!"
GAME: Arion rolls melee + 1: (8)+5+1: 14
<OOC> Harkashan says, "And don't forget you have a +1 from bless and +1 from Prayer"
<OOC> Telamon says, "That hits it."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Roll damage."
GAME: Arion rolls 2d6 + strength: (7)+3: 10
[RPOne] Harkashan says, "+1 from Prayer makes that 11."

'Spider-Monster' has not prepared Arion for the sight of the ettercaps as well as he had hoped. He fairly /gapes/ at the hideous creatures when they come into view...his awkward city-boy in armor movements a big part of why they happen to be staring the party's way. The only word that springs to mind is 'gross', so the paladin utters it with Gusto. He then murmurs a fervent prayer as spiders emerge and one swarms dangerously close. Greatsword catching the dappled light of the forest, he swings it in a mighty arc, biting deeply into the arachnid.

<OOC> Warrick says, "will five foot step to 8,19. And rapid shot spider 2. if it dies on the first shot, the second one will go out to ettercap 1"
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1+1-2: (10)+7+1+1+1+-2: 18
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1+1+1: aliased to 1d10+0+1+1: (2)+0+1+1: 4
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1+1-2: (13)+7+1+1+1+-2: 21
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1+1+1: aliased to 1d10+0+1+1: (5)+0+1+1: 7

Warrick is surprisingly quiet in all that armor, seemingly knowing how to move in it. Through the brush they go, and he takes out a fistful of bolts. "... hope this works..." he mutters to himself as he holds the crossbow under an arm and grips the carry handle. At least the Death-Singer's blessings going over him give some sort of reassurance. And then they break out of the brush.

Heartbeat. "... aw, shit. Contact!" he barks briefly in a tongue that's a mash of other languages. <Merctalk> He holds a stance, then hip fires the crossbow, bolt flying out to spider closing in nearby. Before the first lands, the hand holding the bolts slams another one into the channel and shoves the crank briskly before another shot flings out. "Up high! Take care near trees! There's more!" he barks out.

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, couple of questions. 1 can you flank on diagonals? 2 can I actually get to 2, 13 to so if yes?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Yes on diagonal flanking, but I'm not sure you can get to 2,13. What's your movement?"
<OOC> Rune says, "30"
<OOC> Rune says, "Can I get there if I do a tumble through AoO or no?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Yes."
GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics: (18)+10: 28
<OOC> Rune says, "And then attack it with my action."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2 +1 +1 +2: (13)+8+1+1+2: 25
GAME: Rune rolls 1d6+2d6+1: (4)+(4)+1: 9

In the cover of the tree, Rune can hear the scrabbling of spiders and looks over just in time to see Simony join her. "It's never that easy." She whispers.

Then, just at that moment, Rune spots a spider descending behind the goblin. Another array of colorful curses in a variety of languages follows. "I've got your back."

At that, Rune darts out, rolling underneath a swipe of a spider leg with acrobatic grace, and then comes up on the other side of the creature, slicing one of her swords out towards the spider's rear legs. At the very least, it offers a distraction so /maybe/ the creature will have to split focus between herself and Simony.

<OOC> Telamon says, "Ettercap 2 scuttles around and launches a web at Ous."
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+6-4: (7)+6+-4: 9
<OOC> Telamon says, "Ettercap 1 tries to hit Harkashan with a web at long range (very long range really)"
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+6-8: (17)+6+-8: 15
<OOC> Telamon says, "Hark, you are hit by the web and are entangled."
<OOC> Telamon says, "And it scuttles behind cover."

The ettercaps screech angrily. "No! Shut up! You don't get to talk, you're dinner!" An arrow strikes one, but this only seems to make them angrier, and they begin launching balls of sticky webbing -- one whistling past Ous, and another striking Harkashan and tangling him up.

GAME: Ous rolls ranged+2: (20)+6+2: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Ous rolls ranged+2: (19)+6+2: 27
<OOC> Telamon says, "Even with the dual wield penalty he crits."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Roll crit damage with the handaxe on Ettercap 2..."
GAME: Ous rolls damage2: aliased to 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Ous rolls damage2: aliased to 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
[RPOne] Harkashan says, "+1 +1 so 18?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "It's not dead but that -hurt- it. A LOT. Roll your second attack per normal on the web."
GAME: Ous rolls weapon1: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Ous rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

Turning his head slightly to nod at Hark, Ous ducks as he sees a giant spitball coming out of the corner of his vision. Hearing Hark get hit with the webbing as the ther sails past him, Ous Swears not exactly under his breath. "Feck! Hold on Hark!"

The bow is dropped as Ous beging pulling iron. A throwing ax slipped from behind his back is hurled at the second Ettercap, biting into the creature where a leg meets the body. Ous wasn't watching though as he continues moving, his hand axe in his other hand, sliding along Hark's armor ever so lightly, slicing the webbing free of the Sith. "Aye'm gonna kill them bastards!"

<OOC> Simony says, "Only proper response is hit spider!"
GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+2: (20)+5+1+2: 28 (THREAT)
<OOC> Telamon says, "...Roll to confirm."
GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+2: (18)+5+1+2: 26
GAME: Simony rolls 3d6+3+3: (10)+3+3: 16

The Goblin shrieks as a spider pounces at her, Simony barely able to backpedal out of the way. Her warhammer comes up and she attempts to smash it in return. "Aaaahhh, get offa me you stupid critter!!" Her other hand grabs the bottom of the hammer's handle, and she jumps up, bringing the hammer down right between the spider's two main eyes. The legs go out of it, and it topples, the head caved in and oozing.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Move to 5,7 (double move) - that's it."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Probably keeping an eye out for traps."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Make a Perception check, Hark. Also, because of the rough terrain you can't make it to 5,7"
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+15: (13)+15: 28
<OOC> Telamon says, "Unfortunately, you tripped a spear trap in the brush."
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d6+6: (2)+6: 8

Those near Harkashan will notice that there's a subtle glow coming from those Lavarocks upon his armor. There's just something... calming about his presence right now. This certainty in the Sith-makar's eyes. As if the situation at hand, the hideousness of these aberant creatures, isn't touching his heart.

This deep intoned song begins to be sung by him. This heavy growling dirge for the dead. For his foes. As if he is lamenting their deaths, even before they have fallen. Even as the web covers him, spinning him up, slowing the Sith-makar further than it already has. There is forward movement.

Ous cuts him free, which gets the man a very thorough nod from the man. 'Thank you' he signs to him. And thanks to Ous freeing him, he decares to the Ettercaps; "There is no Slowing the Inevitable!"

Hearing the fighting on the opposite side of the tree, he knows he can trust Rune and Simony to deal with what is happening there.

So he steps into the heavy brush and lets the plants snap past his legs, approaching, until suddenly, a series of web-covered spears jab up into his armor. Scraping painfully past the metal and into his scales, causing the creature to grimace.

Hot blood splashes, but he grits his teeth and keeps moving. Gaze forwards. That song unending.

<OOC> Arion says, "I'd like to charge as far north as I can with a double move"

Arion yanks is sword free of the spider he's been fighting as arrows from one of his other companions fells it. Heart hammering, he doesn't have the wherewithal to look. Instead, he sets his jaw grimly and runs directly north, hoping to cut some of the distance between him and the ettercaps.

GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (11)+7+1+1+-2: 18
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (1)+7+1+1+-2: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Warrick says, "I'll reroll the second one!"
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (19)+7+1+1+-2: 26 (THREAT)
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (6)+7+1+1+-2: 13
<OOC> Telamon says, "OK, so, here's the deal: -normally- you would not have critted him. But Hark is just close enough to get him in his Archon's Aura, and he just failed his save... which reduces his AC -just- enough."
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1+1: aliased to 1d10+0+1: (1)+0+1: 2
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1+damage1+2: aliased to 1d10+0+1d10+0+2: (10)+0+(6)+0+2: 18
<OOC> Warrick says, "yay! five foot step north one and done!"

Warrick, from his position, is watching the exchange, helmeted head swinging back and forth. Still surprised that technique actually /worked/, he keeps on his stance. He's keeping an eye on the ettercaps across the way, taking mental note to not advance. Flow of battle is going to and fro, and they were, currently, on the up. Especially with such decisive strikes! "Good! Stay together!" he yells out. And sees two people delving into the brush. Hoping they hear his call, he advances slowly, him gritting his teeth behind the helmet and shooting one bolt. It sails through the air and skirts a leg.

"Damn this style," he huffs, pulling the crossbow up and dropping to a knee. Exhale. Twang! It whistles through air, Harkashan's menacing aura seemingly making the ettercap consider its actions. Which is a beat too slow. And the metal rod lances through skull And down it drops to the floor, lifeless. "Target down!" he barks, rote. <Merctalk>

<OOC> Rune says, "Can I double move North through the brush to get beneath the tree ?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Which one, the one at 3,4?"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Yeah, you can -just- make it."

There is a splatter of spider goo that splashes up across one of Rune's cheeks, her eyes widened at the sight of the mess that Simony is able to leave behind. "Guess you didn't need the help afterall. Right then!" And that's when she turns and bolts into the brush, knowing that the remaining Ettercap is on the other side.

It's a rough slog, but she's able to get across and beneath the tree, looking around for sight of the creature, her weapons still drawn. "Come out and fight!" She calls, hoping to lure it to where others might have a shot at it.

<OOC> Telamon says, "Ettercap one will lunge around the tree at Rune in a rage!"
ooc :makes for adorable bait.
<OOC> Telamon says, "He will try for a bite, as he had to climb down."
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6
<OOC> Telamon looks at the camera.
<OOC> Telamon realizes it should've been +5, not that it matters. 9 won't hit Rune :)

The ettercap stiffens as its companion topples from the tree and hits the turf, stone dead. "Why... you... little..." it grates, scuttling back down the tree in a rage. It comes around it mandibles-first at Rune, but the half-elven rogue is quick enough to lean back and away from those venom-flecked fangs. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

<OOC> Ous says, "Going to move as close as he can to the ettercap before throwing his other Axe."
<OOC> Telamon says, "You could get there and pitch an axe at it."
GAME: Ous rolls ranged+2: (6)+6+2: 14

Seeing his target go down, Ous turns and gives a big thumbs up to Warrick just as he notices first Harkashan, then Arion, and finally Rune dash into the underbrush. "Watch out fer..." he's cut off as Hark finds a trap, and the ranger winces. "...traps!"

Seeing Rune right under the tree with the etttercap in it, and the Ettercap coming at her, Ous' eyes go wide. "She's a feckin' quick minx tha' one!" Even as he calls out, the ranger is running along the brush. slipping his last throwing axe free from it's spot on his belt, he lets it fly. missing the Ettercap and burying itself deep in the tree between the creature and Rune.

<OOC> Simony says, "Actually could she double move to 3,9?"
<OOC> Simony says, "She'll wait there and try getting through the brush next round.. if there's a need."

The Goblin stares down at the mess, panting slightly. She eyes Rune and a grin slowly crawls across her face. "I.. I guess not." She glances around then, to check on her other companions, eyeing Warrick last. She turns around to find that Rune has dashed off to engage the last ettercap standing. Simony hurries after her.

<OOC> Telamon says, "Perception check, please."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I'll take my Reroll"
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (13)+5: 18
<OOC> Telamon says, "You -barely- avoid stepping in another web trap."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Now, it is holding onto the tree, right?"
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11
<OOC> Telamon says, "No. It came down to attack Rune. Oh, and it failed its save."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Forbid Action - Attack"
GAME: Harkashan casts Forbid Action. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

"Keep it right there, Rune." Harkashan notes as the young woman dashes through the rough terrain quite so quickly. The creature getting close and failing to snag the half-sil with its mandibles.

The man maneuvers just in time around sticky weblike substance in the underbrush, and finally gets out, before motioning his hand at the creature and trying to trap it within a snaring spell; "Halt your assault, you foolish creature. Your Death is Inevitable." He declares firmly.

<OOC> Arion says, "I wiil continue to move north, as close to the edge of the brush as I can get."
<OOC> Telamon says, "You can get to 10,9 or 12,9 this turn."
<OOC> Telamon says, "With a double move."
<OOC> Arion says, "Let's do it!"

Arion curses softly as he slogs his way through the thick undergrowth, sweat trickling down the side of his face. "It's enough to make one want to be a Serrielite," he comments to himself as the plants cling tenaciously to his legs with every stride.

<OOC> Warrick says, "good thing heavy crossbows have 120' range. gotcha. well, warrick doesn't know, so he'll step to 9,17 and rapid shot it"
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (10)+7+1+1+-2: 17
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon1+1+1-2: (3)+7+1+1+-2: 10
<OOC> Telamon says, "First shot hits (cover negated by Archon Aura effect)."
GAME: Warrick rolls damage1+1: aliased to 1d10+0+1: (3)+0+1: 4

Warrick falters at hearing Rune's scream. Simony spies it just as she casts her gaze about. But just as quick as it came, it abates, him shaking his head. He hops over towards the tree beside him and moves to a kneel, weapon held in one arm with the fistful of bolts. Two shots sail one, one after another with one just nicking. "Rally! Stay focused! Numbers are on our side!" he yells across the way to help assuage the screaming.

<OOC> Rune says, "Full round attack. Stabby stabby."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2 +1 +1 -2: (20)+8+1+1+-2: 28
<OOC> Rune says, "Roll to confirm."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2 +1 +1 -2: (9)+8+1+1+-2: 17
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2 +1 +1 -2: (19)+8+1+1+-2: 27
<OOC> Rune says, "Roll to confirm..."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2 +1 +1 -2: (11)+8+1+1+-2: 19
GAME: Rune rolls 1d6+1d6+1+1d6+1d6+1: (2)+(6)+1+(2)+(2)+1: 14
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Missing a +1 +1"
<OOC> Rune says, "So yes, 16."

Just when Rune is least expecting it, an axe slams home into the tree just a few inches shy of her head. A bead of sweat drips down her cheek at that as she ducks underneath the weapon. This is followed by a bolt sinking into the creature a moment later. "We've got this!" She calls in response, not seeming shaken at all by the encounter, despite the fact that there is something very big and ugly right in her face.

"Keep it here? You got it." She spins her twin blades and lashes out, sweeping the weapons in a series of deadly strikes. The metal grinds against spider keratin.

<OOC> Telamon says, "The ettercap -runs for its life- because holy CRAP."

The ettercap staggers back as greenish slime spatters down from the deep wounds left by Rune's blades. With another screech, it whirls, and suddenly sprints away, vanishing into the underbrush again, crashing away from these soft-skinned nightmares made real. Clearly it'll be a long time before it returns -- if ever. And then it's quiet again. Standing on the far side of the brush, you can see a couple openings into the sheer cliff face in front of you.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "I'll spend a Level 2 spell to heal myself a bit."
GAME: Harkashan casts Hold Person. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d8+5: (15)+5: 20

As the creature runs, he tries to cast a spell to hold it, but he realizes quickly that he's feeling a bit more exhausted than he thought due to the bloodloss. Staring down at his leg, he instead lays his hand over the wound and kneels down for a moment.

Hot flame-red glow spreads over his leg, closing up the wound and restoring some of his essence, biting down for a moment against the pain, before he calls out once more;

"Helmar! It should be safe to come out!" Hoping that the boy is still nearby. He'd shouted at him earlier, speaking Cori's words. "You must have used the blade she gave you to cut out of the web! Good job!"

Watching the creature run away, Ous returns his hand axe to it's home on his belt. Following his own tracks back along his path, the ranger retrieves his Bow before picking his way through the brush to find his throwing axes. Looking at the Ettercap, Ous considers it for a moment. he knew that someone, somewhere would pay for something on an ettercap. there's always someone willing to buy something weird.

Finally thinking the better of it, Ous moves back towards the others. slipping the flask from his left boot, he alls in step with Arion and offers the metal container to the man. the scents of Strong alcohol, spice and mint wafting from the bottle. "Hae a drink, ye look like ye could use one. But mebbe wipe yer face first. ye've got a bit o spider yuck on it."

"...n't know...plants could...wear a guy...out..." Arion is panting by the time he jogs up to the rest of the group, his dark hair matted to his skull with sweat. A glance around assures him that everyone seems to be doing fairly well, but he steps closer to Harkashan and, after he's done calling to the farmboy, he asks, "Do you need any further healing?"

"Does anyone require aid?", the Goblin wonders aloud. She makes her way to Warrick, and nods to him, a concerned look in her eye. She snorts, "I think we all got a bit of spider yuck on us, Ous." Simony looks down at the front of her robes. "Pfff, they will certainly start charging me more if I keep bringing them robes covered in gore, or torn up."

As the Ettercap reels back and makes an escape, Rune is left with her weapons raised. The expression on the half-sil's features is fierce. She gives a huff of breath in the creature's retreating direction, knowing that she doesn't have time to reach for a thrown weapon before it is too far out of reach. Instead, she pulls the hand-axe out from the tree in front of her, with the intention to offer it back to Ous once he approaches.

"You alright over there, big guy?" She asks to Harkashan, knowing that he had actually been injured by one of the traps. "Be careful in the underbrush, there are probably more traps hidden about. I'll try to clear as many as I can before we leave." Since trap-finding is kind of her thing. You know, when Makari aren't finding them /with their face/.

Seeing as the fight was coming to its conclusion, Warrick slumps against the tree, him pulling his visor up. "... and we're clear," he murmurs to himself, ambling forward towards the group, and forcing himself through the brush. "You all did well. That was textbook."

He looks about, shouldering his crossbow and rolling an arm. "Ah. Traps... right," he intones, looking back in the path that was blazed. His attention wafting goes towards the openings beside them in the stone walls, and he peers in. "... hello? The beings have been dealt with. Something about wildflowers."

There's a long, nervous moment, and then a face looks out from one of the crevices. Dark haired, not bad looking in a rawboned, farmer's-son kind of way. His clothes are simple, and a little torn, and in one hand he's holding a bronze dagger. He looks around, from the party, to the dead spiders and ettercap, before finally stepping outside. "I'm Helmar," he says, sounding a little shaky. "And... yeah. Um." He actually blushes. "You -definitely- met Coriander, then. I, uh... told her that once."

"I think my wounds have healed." Harkashan answers Arion as he approaches, but he does so with a welcoming voice. "But I appreciate the offer. Had I stumbled into any more traps..." Ous HAD warned him. "I might have very well needed further aid." There's a slight stumble though.

"But I could use a shoulder to hold onto for a moment though, since I did lose a bit of blood." He then adds to that, offering this to Arion and Rune both, starting to kneel half-way a bit. That wounded leg is healed, but it's still trembling a bit.

"I'm afraid I'm not as good at spotting traps yet as you are, Rune. I should probably take some lessons from you on that." He then adds. He nods at the boy as he reveals himself.

"You must be starving, having been taken." He looks to the others. "I fear I did not think to bring extra rations for the boy. Anyone?"

He then looks around for Polyn. "Polyn! Go tell Coriander the boy is safe. We'll return soon." Assuming that little thing is still around.

Retrieving his Axe from rune, Ous waggles his eyebrows at her as he says. "Tha' were some damned good blade work there Rune. Aye might be in love!" Stepping back out of stabbing range, he turns to look at Simony. "Yeah. Ye got a little bit on ye as well. Jes' right there, on yer cheek."

Hearing Hark mention food, Ous nods. "Aye've go' Jerky...or Aye've go'...Spayder. Lots o' Spayder. Spayder steak, Spayder stew, Spayder porridge." Motioning towards Simony, he adds. "Even Got Spayder dipped goblin. But Aye'd no' eat her. she'll bite back."

"Of course!" Arion offers one mail-clad shoulder for support, should Hark need it. Not that it will be a super-stable bastion...for Ous' offer of spider dishes has the paladin laughing so hard, his shoulders shake.

Warrick lets out a sigh of relief as Helmar reveals himself, safe and sound. For the most part. "Good kid, glad you're safe," he gruffs, leaning against a tree. A brow raises from the sheer amount of spider foods available, but he shakes his head, seeing that Hark is being helped. "Yes. Good work, all of you. Honestly quite impressive. We can escort you back, Helmar."

As Harkashan asks for a bit of aid, Rune steps forward and shifts to take some of his weight. The half-sil isn't particularly strong, but this is more about helping momentarily with balance as opposed to keeping him upright with draw strength. "Tell you what? I still need some more survival training, so we'll trade. You show me how to track like you did, and I'll teach you how to have a better nose for traps." And yes, he's getting a boop on the snoot as she says that.

As for Ous' compliment, it gets a grin from the rogue. "Not bad yourself, just next time don't try to give me a hair cut near the end, yeah?" With her free hand, Rune pushes a bit of dyed hair out of her eyes, then offers him a playful wink.

Then, she scrunches her nose a little at the suggestion of spider-based food products.

Simony is happy to see that the young man is unharmed. "Nice to meet you, Helmar! Sorry that it is not under more comfortable surroundings. We indeed have met Coriander. Your family, and Cori, are worried for you, they asked us to find you. Do you know why they grabbed you, in the first place? Did they say anything to you?" The Goblin elbows Warrick gently in the leg, "That was a great shot, by the way. You did well too!"

She starts to look a little green at the mention of making food out of spider parts, and turns away, bending at the knee to make heaving sounds.

"Deal." Harkashan answers Rune as he puts an arm around her shoulders, and his other arm around Arion's. There's a shift of his weight. Harkashan is quite heavy, so there's quite a bit of him that ends up weighing on both of their shoulders for a bit as he huffs.

A huff that is repeated, when Rune boops his snoot again, causing him to shake his head and lift his nose, trying to avoid further boopings!

"I think they were hungry," Helmar replies with a shudder. "But as soon as their back was turned, I cut myself free with Cori's knife, and scrambled up into that crevice. I heard them arguing, and then you got here... yes, yes -please-, let's get out of here."

Rune has to help navigate the trap-laden area in the brush, but you're soon through and back on your way. Helmar is hungry and tired, but he's quite grateful to have avoided a grisly fate. Polyn soars down as you leave the area, alighting on Ous's shoulder and trilling a greeting before heading off again.

As you return toward Coriander's grove, you realize you've picked up a bit of attention. Sprites and pixies flutter overhead, and you're pretty sure there's some brownies watching you and offering a salute as you pass. The dryad herself is waiting, and happily embraces Helmar, before patting his cheek. "I'll make sure you get home, dear one. Your family must be worried sick!"

She turns to the party, and curtseys deeply, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you all, for saving him. He's a good boy, and he'll make a good man in time."