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May 15, 2011
== Tooth and Sky ==
== Tooth and Sky ==

Revision as of 19:05, 8 May 2015

May 15, 2011

Tooth and Sky

Player DM: Xenarchy

The Party

Kanyk - Egalrin Monk 2

Kayla - Half-elf Bard 2

Karl - Human Ranger/Rogue 5

Sakari - Human Sorcerer 3

Garthos - Human Fighter 3


Encounter 1:

Forest Drake - CR 4

Encounter 2:

2x Young Forest Drakes - CR 3 ea.

The Scene Begins

Dragonier! The land of dragons and doom. In the last couple of years, the nation has been devastated by the rise of Heth, the undead dragon. Few people still live there, the remaining populations hiding in fear. On the outskirts, where it is the least dangerous (which is by no means safe), airships brave the skies to bring in supplies.

This intrepid party has been gathered by the merchant guild and equipped for a time in the sky. Each of them has been offered temporary loan of rings of featherfall and warned that if they don't bring them back, there are plenty of other adventurers more than willing to come collect.

In the dock before them rests the Verdant Breeze, a 90 foot cargo ship loaded with foodstuffs for the Dragonier refugees. Its captain, a one-eyed sith-makar known as 'Sharky', waits on board for the party to file in along the gangplank.

Garth thuds right up the plank with a huge grin on his face. Any mission that has him helping people and undermining tyrants - especially big, ugly, undead dragon tyrants - has him more than excited to be part of it. He salutes the lizardman smartly. "By the way, name's Garth." he asides to the two ladies of the gathered adventuring party, who he's only had the pleasure of meeting now. "Or Numbers. Whichever ya like more.

Karl's thumb runs over the band of the ring against his finger, an unfamiliar sensation--or perhaps a familiar one, because there's a somewhat wistful look on his face as he looks down at his hand. Then his hand drops down to his side as he steps along on board, the other raising up to touch the brim of his hat. "Captain," he greets affably, "How's the weather looking for the voyage ahead?"

The advantage of being an mercenary sort is that one is use to travelling light. Kayla, the half-elven Aesir Skald, has only a single pack slung over her shoulders as she makes her way towards the gangplank and is clad in her armor with an rapier, out of place among her fur-and-studded leather barbaric splendor, belted at her side. Her vivid blue-green eyes are bright with excitement as she fingers her loaned ring of featherfall. Clearly this is not the sort of thing that Kayla is use to doing back home on the farm. "Kayla. Or Kay." She offers in introduction, her voice the sort of rich, resonating contralto that one would expect from a bard. She tucks a bit of blonde hair behind one slightly pointed ear. Karl is given a smile, recognizing him from the incident with the Cur.

Kanyk, quiet and aloof like most Egalrin (and Monks for that matter), walks quietly up the plank behind Karl. The talons on his feet clack against the wood of the plank as he walks up it, and then the wood floor of the vessel as he walks along it. He casts glances at everyone, including the Sith Makar captain, and he moves over to the starboard wing, standing near it and looking over the edge with his arms folded quietly across his chest.

Sakari has never, you know - been here. Never! Though by her eyes and fangs, one might think that she's /from/ there! She doesn't look particularly outfitted for an adventure though - except for the heavily laden pack full of supplies that rests against the side of the airship. "This should be... Interesting," she murmurs. She probably took the job just becasue she wanted to see the place, maybe!

"Arr," says Sharky, noting the adventurers with a nod and a toothy grin. That might be a show of aggression, but here it means that the captain is the one in charge. For the humans, this may seem no more than a lizardy smile. "There'll be clouds in the sky and divinations say the wind may get rough, but this old bird longs for the challenge." He pats the railing. "You're all here in case something nasty wants to take a bite out of the rigging. I trust you'll do good. If luck holds, we'll get there without a fight." Meanwhile, the mostly human crew finish preparations for liftoff.

"Works just fine for me, cap'n." says Garth with a nod, leaning idly on said railing. The small band of sculpted precious metal on his finger, borrowed for the adventure, looks woefully out of place on his hands. He nods at Kayla at her introduction. "Good to meetcha." he offers, glancing to Sakari and her lack of introduction, but brushing it off with a shrug. Later during the travel, maybe. Probably plenty of time!

Karl's chin tips up slightly in response to the sith's challenging smile; a momentary if slight baring of his throat before he lets his chin drop down before. "Well, 'tis almost Angoron's tourney," he allows cheerfully, "What better way to celebrate the Champion than by plunging into nigh-suicidal weather, eh? I look forward to it." He hauls his pack over one shoulder, striding on, looking around the ship with open interest.

The bardling grins ruefully. "I expect it'll be like most airship voyages I've heard of. Hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror." The Aesir laughs, before glancing around at the rest of her party, blue-green eyes assessing in a friendly enough manner. If the snaky smile bothers her, she doesn't let it show. Poker face and all.

"Hells yeah." Garth says, turning to face Karl at those words. His hands are closed around the rails behind him for stability and safety, in case the airship lurches or whatnot. Not taking chances there! The expression on the warrior's rugged face is that of a child dreaming of chocolate. "Ya intend to take part, right?" he inquires of Karl. He seems to expect the answer to be yes.

Sakari nods at Garthos, smiling, "If anything comes up onto this ship, it'll have a hell of a time," she nods - though glancing at the wooden structures of the ship - that does make her SLIGHTLY uncomfortable. Slightly. Being as wood burns and all. "I'm Sakari, by the way," she finally introduces herself.

The captain gets back to ordering the crew around and soon, the Verdant Breeze lifts off. The large vessel moves slowly and carefully and glides upward into the sky. Alexandria diminishes below, the details falling away as the ship gains altitude. The cold air rushes past those on the deck but the sky is clear and weather stable. Onward to Dragonier!

"Of course," Karl laughs, his face rising up to the skies with a broad grin as the airship begins to move, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, my friend, I wouldn't miss it for the world..."

"Tourney?" Kayla asks, cocking her head to the side with a peculiar excited gleam in her eyes. "I don't think I've heard about it." She grins, and nods at Sakari. "It will! Although I've never faced a dragon or anything like one before."

Kanyk never forgets what it feels like to be in the air. It's a feeling a complete freedom for him, almost, second only to the freedom he feels while meditating. He continues to peer over the side of the vessel, his arms remaining folded. Instinctively, his wings start to flare out a little, but he decides against it. He is suddenly reminded of a childhood spent gliding around his Aerie in the Roof of the World....

"You've not heard of it?!" Garth is aghast at Kayla. "Well, see. The third week o' Hattanan is holy days to the Iron Mountain. S'called Tournament Paramount, and all sorts o' competitions are held durin' it. Alexandria's organizin' a nice big event for it." he explains to her with the BIGGEST GRIN EVER. Because the whole thing is amazing stuff far as he's concerned. "Gonna be gladiator fights, gauntlets, mage duels, all sorts of stuff!" Excitement! He holds the railing tight as the airship ascends, then relaxes a bit once the vessel is level and moving smoothly.

Hours pass and the airship is making a decent clip through the sky. As it begins to pass over the border of Dragonier, the cloud layer becomes denser and it's harder to see the ground below. "Keep your eyes open," warns the captain. His scaly hands grip the ship's wheel and he concentrates on the flight while the others do their jobs.

The forest drake stealths through the cloud layer below the ship.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+6+6: (7)+6+6: 19
The members of the party with line of sight make perception checks.
GAME: Sakari rolls perception: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Karl rolls Perception: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Kanyk rolls perception: (14)+10: 24

A dark shape moves through the clouds below. At the railings, Karl and Kanyk are able to make it out as it rushes upward. It's big, and the beating of great wings becomes audible as it approaches...


Karl, Kanyk and the drake act in the surprise round.

Surprise Round

The drake uses a swift action to use Speed Surge and attacks with its breath weapon.
GAME: Kayla rolls reflex: (17)+7: 24
GAME: Garthos rolls Reflex: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 4d6: (14): 14
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Kayla for 7 points. 5 remaining.
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Garthos for 14 points. 18 remaining.
The drake's breath weapon is ready in the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d6: (1): 1

With a screeching roar, a reptillian, winged beast surges up from below the ship. The draconic creature has many features akin with dragons, but lacks the forearms separate from its wings. With a rumbling in its throat, the green-scaled monster spits a cloud of stinging acid onto the deck, searing the flesh of Garthos. Kayla manages to escape the brunt of the assault but it hurts badly. The cloud lingers in the air, stinging the eyes and nose and obscuring vision.

Knowledge checks to identify the creature.
GAME: Karl rolls Knowledge/Arcana: (7)+5: 12
GAME: Kayla rolls knowledge/arcana+2: (13)+6+2: 21

To Kayla only: 'You recognise it as a forest drake, a lesser relation of true dragons. While the dim-witted beast has very little power compared with its draconic superiors, it is still a dangerous and savage thing, capable of swift movement and an acidic spit.'

Karl attacks the drake.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27
GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+8: (5)+8: 13
The drake makes a fly check to maintain altitude.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

"Monster to port!" It's a shout from Karl's lips, but too late as that gout of seething acid sprays in a mist across the deck; the rifle in his hands is brought up, the soft glow of its magicite crystals dimmed during the day but their potency remaining full as he takes aim for the draconic horror. All he has time to note is that, thank the Gods, it isn't a true dragon before he fires. The arcane-accelerated bullet cuts into the flying horror beneath one wing, blood spraying down to rain over the land below. A broad grin curves to his lips, "That'll make a fine head for the trophy hall..."

When Kanyk hears Karl's report, he is already moving as the creature's attack nails Garthos and only barely hits Kayla. He moves through the cloud that results from the attack, and now stands at the edge, looking over at said 'dragon'. He steels himself, mind racing as he considers what to do. He turns to look at the mast, considering climbing it to leap onto the monster given the chance. For now, he decides against it.

Round 1

GAME: Kayla casts cure light wounds.
GAME: Kayla rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Kayla for -10 points. 12 remaining.

First of all.. Cue the sound of a screaming Skald. It's not terribly musical, alas, but acid is never fun. "Forest drake!" She shouts, identifying the creature. As if the acid splattering her wasn't clue enough. She concentrates, and begins an tonal sort of chanting that makes the rather horrible burns all over her seem to fade away, leaving her physically healed. Her rapier is out, of course, but she hesitates before remaining in the cloud, letting it obscure her.

The drake moves, attacks with its breath weapon and uses a swift action to use Speed Surge and land on the deck.
GAME: Karl rolls Reflex: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Garthos rolls Reflex: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 4d6: (10): 10
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Karl for 5 points. 38 remaining.
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Garthos for 5 points. 13 remaining.
The drake's breath weapon is ready in the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d6: (2): 2

The drake roars in anger as it is pierced by Karl's bullet and turns its toothy grimace toward him. It thrusts upward above the airship and plunges down toward the deck, releasing another burst of acid on the way down. The clouds it leaves blow away quickly, lasting no more than a few seconds but in those seconds, the beast is concealed within its own stinging shroud.

Karl flanks the drake and attacks.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22
GAME: Karl rolls 1d100: (40): 40
GAME: Karl rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

As that cloud of acid spills over them, Karl tumbles to one side; closing his mouth tightly to prevent himself from inhaling any of the searing fumes, it still blisters his skin. The rifle in his hands is brought up in a sweep as he feels the beast descend to the deck - not to fire, but to stab, the cold iron bayonet plunging solidly into the beast's side.

Kanyk attacks the drake with a stunning fist.
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d100: (68): 68
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

The Egalrin Monk moves swiftly as the drake lands. He decides against shuriken since his comrades are nearby and the dragon is concealed within the mist that resulted from its attack. He lunges forth, and channeling his energy, he attempts to stun the beast with a stunning technique... but it has no effect, other than causing physical damage to the dragon-kin.

GAME: Sakari casts burning hands.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Sakari rolls 3d4+3: (7)+3: 10

"Um... Um..." Sakari sort of gapes at the dragon-ish creature. Or rather, the cloud that it's in. That poses no problem to her though! "FINE! BE THAT WAY!" she shouts at the drake in Draconic, before expelling a gout of flame in its direction - hopefully not burning up anybody else! The flames curl and wrap around the creature as the smell of burning flesh stinks up the ship. It's probably a good idea that it's not particularly visible! "Pfft! You're probably not even a real dragon!"

Garthos attacks the drake.
GAME: Garthos rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+2: (11)+3+4+1+1+2: 22
GAME: Garthos rolls 1d100: (40): 40
GAME: Garthos rolls 2d6+9: (4)+9: 13

"The hell is a drake? Like a small dragon?" shouts Garth, following up with coughing, now sporting numerous acid burns all over his body and clothing. In retribution, he draws his large sword and brings it around, making a wild swing into the hazy green mist. There's a satisfying CLANK of metal meeting scale violently and a roar. The cloud clears from the wind flowing over the deck just in time for the creature to wobble, and then collapse, bleeding and unconscious. "Thought dragons were tougher." he says, looking at his seared arm with a bit of a disgusted expression. He seems to be in bad shape.

Combat Ends

Kanyk's hands come up in front of his face in a sort of praying gesture, and then seperate down to his sides, and his fists clench. "We are fortunate that we were able to bring it down before it could cause extensive damage." The Egalrin steps away from the drake, and moves to the far side of the ship, back where he was the first time.

At the same moment the beast falls, there is a crackle and spark from above. The mist no longer covers that mast and it becomes dreadfully clear that the acid has eaten away at the mechanisms. The ship creaks. "Hold on!" the captain shouts. "That bloody mockery of dragonkind wrecked the forward mana coils!" Once it's safe, the crew start rushing out on deck to help stabilise the ship. It is starting to tip downward and descend. Captain Sharky yells, "I'm going to make a crash landing in the forest! The light woods should cushion our fall!"

"It's not a true dragon - good work, everyone - it's..." Then there's that shout from the captain, and Karl's gaze lifts up towards the mast, his eyes widening a bit as he sees the sophisticated equipment sparking and melting away. "Oh, Ceinara's swaying hips... brace for impact!" He grabs one of the rails, dropping down low.

"Aw fer..." Garthos says, forgetting his injuries for a moment. He sheathes his weapon, rushing to help the workers secure any loose cargo. And, well, secure people, once that is done. It doesn't do to have everyone flying around hitting each other and hitting walls on impact.

Sakari grabs onto the railing of the ship, kuckles white with terror as she ducks down below the figurehead of the ship - the front of the ship is probably a bad place to be in a crash, but it doesn't seem as if she has a whole lot of time to reposition!

GAME: Kayla casts cure light wounds.
GAME: Kayla rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Garthos for -7 points. 20 remaining.

"Don't be grumpy." Kayla says, as they down the beast. She regards it warily, "I've never encountered one, but from the Aesir traditional songs.. They're to dragons what a shortsword is to that meat cleaver you carry." The Bardling makes her way over to the two burnt men, "They tend to be bullies." And then they're going to crash! Ohnos! The half-elf opens her mouth and reaches forward to lay a gentle hand on Garthos, singing that tonal sound to attempt to heal him before he dies in the crash. And then she's attempting to find a place to make herself small and brace for impact.

Kanyk perks up as the Captain yells that the ship is going down. He looks around, checking his comrades for a moment, but then realizing there is little he can do to keep the ship from crashing. At that, he yells out to the rest of them. "I will meet you down on the ground! May fortune smile on you all!" At that, the Egalrin turns and dives off the side of the ship, his large wings spreading outwards and carrying him safely in the wind.

Through the efforts of the captain, crew and aid from Garthos, the airship descends at something less than terminal velocity. "Brace yourselves!" the captain shouts.


The underside of the ship crashes into the treetops, crushing them down. The branches snap underneath and the Verdant Breeze comes to a halt on the forest floor, leaving a gouge through the woodland for a few hundred feet behind.

The captain does a headcount and finds that aside from some bruises and minor cuts and scrapes, the crew are unharmed. He strides out onto the deck, grimaces at the drake lying there and looks up at the mast. The one-eyed sith rubs his chin. "Hrr. That'll take some fixing. There'll be beasts in these woods smelling the carcass. Be watchful while we finish repairs."

Once the ship comes to a crashing halt, Karl's hand slowly reaches up to grasp the rail--and he pulls himself to his feet with a groan, snatching up the hat that fell off his head in the process. He brushes hair back away, and then sets the hat in place on his crown, looking around to check on the others. "...everyone alright? No casualties? Damnedably good flying there, cap'n."

Sakari stands up, knees shaking slightly, and plods her way over to the dead drake and closer to all the damage that's been done to the ship. "And how long'll that take?" she wonders aloud, giving the beast a harsh kick with the toes of one of her boots. You know. Just to make sure it's dead. The girl rests her hands on her hips.

Garth pulls himself to his feet - he'd fallen, of course, in a cacophony of clanking metal - and puts a hand on his head. "Gods." he mutters. "Reckon ya can repair this?" he inquires of the lizardman, turning his head this way and that, bones popping softly with the motions. "Or are we expectin' to walk home?" If this causes him to miss the Tournament Paramount, he will dedicate his life to drakekilling. He will!

Kayla appears mostly unharmed.. except for her dignity. She'd wedged herself tightly enough that she wasn't hurt, but the result is that she has to squirm and hoist herself up bottom first. Comical sight, and none too dignified. Her braids have also come undone in places, with tufts of silvery blonde hair here there and everywhere. "I have a bruise on my.." She shakes her head, and flushes slightly in a change of subject. "Is everyone okay? I think I can heal one more person."

"A few hours," says the captain. "We'll handle the repairs. My boys will go below to patch up the hull. This old bird wasn't built for perching in trees." He leans over the side and sighs, a strange hissing sound. "Don't trouble yourselves with helping. We have this under control. You just keep your eyes out for danger."

The rifle in Karl's arms is reloaded, the breach closed with a sharp clack of motion. "Will do," he provides, sweeping his gaze over the forest and exhaling a low chuckle at Kayla's words. He glances over, lips twitching a bit, "Not sure if we should waste healing magic on a bruise. You want me to kiss it better?"

Kanyk finally comes swooping down to rejoin the party. Seems his descent did not go as swiftly as the ship's, but that was planned. Wouldnt do no good landing elsewhere randomly and then trying to catch up to them, or worse - have the ship landing on him. He comes down next to Garthos, his wings buffeting slightly, casting a soft breeze over those around him. He then tucks his wings back behind him once more. "I trust noone is harmed too badly?"

"Right." Garth says, easing his bow off his shoulder and drawing a simple arrow to go with it. Flying creatures, they do that to you. He takes position to be able to observe the skies as well as the ground, as per Sharky's request. "Could use another pop of that healin' touch of yours, but I can make do without." he asides to Kayla in spite of the remaining injuries upon him. And settles to wait.

"Not without dinner first." Kayla laughs at Karl, even as she rummages to find her rapier. She keeps it in hand, glancing over at Garthos when he asks for more healing. And then offering Kanyk a salute when he lands. "Glad to see you made it." She tells him, making her way over. She reaches up to touch Garthos, and once more begins the tonal singing.

At that response, Karl laughs easily. "That could be arranged, you know," he teases, then returns to scanning the trees with a slight narrowing of his eyes, "At least, once we get out've this forest. Hopefully the damage isn't too bad..."

GAME: Kayla casts cure light wounds.
GAME: Kayla rolls 1d8+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Garthos for -8 points. 28 remaining.
The party makes perception checks to spot the approaching drakes.
GAME: Karl rolls Perception: (1)+10: 11
GAME: Kayla rolls perception: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Sakari rolls perception: (3)+6: 9
GAME: Kanyk rolls perception: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Garthos rolls Perception: (5)+4: 9


Kayla and Kanyk act in the surprise round.

Surprise Round

The monk and bard are the first to become aware that there is a rustling through the wooded area on one side of the ship. The shapes of wings can be made out just barely. There are two creatures in there, similar to the one lying on the deck but much smaller. The creatures don't seem to have realised they have been spotted.

The Egalrin hears the crack in the woods, caused by the creatures. He turns to their direction. "Two beasts; starboard side! They look like more Drakes!" At that, he moves off to that side of the ship, standing at the ready, his hands brought up in a defensive posture as he hunkers low in a crouched, defensive stance, waiting for the beasts to make their move.

GAME: Kayla casts ghost sound.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

The moment Kayla spots the creatures, one hand darts into a pouch to pull out a bit of wax. She crumbles it as she softly sings that tonal song, and abruptly there is a grumble from the dead body. As if it were still alive and just sleeping.

Round 1

At the call from the monk, Karl brings up his rifle and moves towards the other rail-- bringing it up, the darkwood stock braced against his shoulder as he starts taking aim for the signs of movement in the forest. "Hopefully we can scare them away," he murmurs.

At hearing the warning and seeing the pointing of fingers, Garth turns and dashes to the other side of the ship. He lifts his bow, arrow nocked, aiming at the beasts - but not letting loose yet. As if waiting for Karl to do so first... or waiting for the creatures to make a move that would signify their ill intent towards the adventurers, ship, or its crew.

GAME: Sakari casts magic missile.
GAME: Sakari rolls 2d4+2: (6)+2: 8

"Screw that, let's just roast 'em!" Sakari murmurs, glancing over at Karl, and then back at the smaller drakes as she hurries over to the side of the ship that they're on. Two glowing balls of magic appear in her hand, which she hurls one after the other at the drake on the left hand side. The balls appear as flame but aren't particularly hot, rather they seem to contain kinetic energy. So much for 'roasting them.' "Get the hell outta here, you worthless wannabes!" she shouts at them in Draconic - she's unsure of whether or not they can understand it, but it never hurts to try, right?

Karl uses a readied action to attack a drake.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12

As there's shouting, Karl grimaces--trying a shot, but the one he was lining up didn't expect a reaction to magic missile fire, and it goes wild. "Damn it," he swears, starting to reload.

Garthos uses a readied action to attack a drake.
GAME: Garthos rolls 1d20+3+2: (6)+3+2: 11

The screaming from the dragon-girl in an unknown tongue distracts Garth! Either that, or his aim sucks. The arrow he lets loose goes way wide and embeds in a tree, vibrating there pitifully.

A young drake moves and attacks with its breath weapon.
GAME: Karl rolls Reflex: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Kayla rolls reflex: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 3d6: (14): 14
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Karl for 7 points. 31 remaining.
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Kayla for 14 points. -2 remaining.
The drake's breath weapon is ready in the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d6: (3): 3
The cloud lasts for the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d4: (1): 1
A young drake moves and attacks with its breath weapon.
GAME: Karl rolls Reflex: (5)+11: 16
GAME: Sakari rolls reflex: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 3d6: (10): 10
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Karl for 5 points. 26 remaining.
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Sakari for 10 points. 17 remaining.
The drake's breath weapon is ready in the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d6: (3): 3
The cloud lasts for the following number of rounds:
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d4: (2): 2

The two young drakes burst out of the trees and scream in a mix of bestial roar and crude dialect of draconic. It's not hard to make out the meaning even for those that do not speak the language. They are calling for their mother. Upon seeing the larger drake lying on the deck, they erupt with rage and spew acidic mist down onto Karl, Kayla and Sakari. The acidic clouds are brutal, and Kayla is unlucky in catching the full force of one, knocking her out.

Kanyk uses a potion on Kayla.
GAME: Kanyk used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Kayla for -9 points. 7 remaining.

Kanyk sees the Aesir drop from the attack of the Drakes. Moving quickly, the Monk rushes over to her, waving one hand through the mist so he can see, and using the other to cover his beak and nostrils. Once to her, he quickly aids her in drinking a potion, and then he takes a small step back to observe the effects.

Kayla begins inspire courage.

First, Kayla is reduced to a bubbling near-corpse, acid eating her flesh away. And then.. She lives! Whole but still slightly bubbly. Rather than get up, however, the Bardling remains down and begins to sing a warchant, her rich contralto rousing and inspiring as it summons forth the war-chants of her people

Round 2

GAME: Sakari casts burning hands.
GAME: Sakari rolls 3d4+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

Sakari growls, looking over at both of the dragons - her clothes are going to be ruined after this, and, well, not to mention it hurts really bad! Now she's really angry! Still, she doesn't want to get whacked by either of them; the acid is bad enough. So she runs up on top of the cabin, shouting in draconic as she goes to distract them, "You're nothing but a couple of worthless whelps! Go back to the nest!" When she finally gets to her vantage point, she takes a deep breath and lets forth another gout of flame, licking at both of the dragons and scorching the ground.

As the acidic mist spills over them, Karl drops back a step, swearing as his skin reddens and burns at its corrosive touch. "Caracoroth's bleeding ballsack-- I need to start wearing goggles, or something. Anyone see the blasted things?" His rifle held at the ready, bayonet swept from side to side warily.

"Goddamn miniature dragon things with their acid bullshit." Garth mutters, discarding his bow and drawing his sword as he dashes over to Kayla, on the floor as she is. "Just lie still." he tells her, looking out into the dissipating acid cloud. "If one of those bastards spits again, I'll make sure none of it gets on ya." he tells her, ready to indeed leap to the bard's rescue if need be.

Kanyk makes an attack of opportunity on a drake.
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6

Just after Kanyk heals Kayla, the drakes are on the ship. Swiftly, he spins around, sending a hard kick at the nearest one, but the kick is way off. Seems he misjudged the creature's size.

Karl uses a readied action to attack a drake.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Karl rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

"There you are--" As the scaled beast lurches out of the cloud, Karl lunges forward a step, the bayonet slicing a shallow cut across the neck of the drake.

The drakes attack Karl.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Karl for 3 points. 23 remaining.

The drakes roar again, their cries not as impressive of those issued by their mother during the attack in the air. They push off with their wings and leap up onto the deck, taking a hit from Karl's bayonet and one managing to bite into him with its sharp fangs.

Kanyk attacks a drake with flurry of blows.
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d20+5: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Kanyk rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Kanyk rolls 2d6+10: (5)+10: 15

Using the momentum of his failed kick, Kanyk spins around, aiming to catch the Drake with a backfist. And he does. Hard. The drake drops, causing Kanyk's second attack in the flurry - a hook that follows the backfist, to go way over the fallen drake's head. The damage seems to be done, however, as the drake isnt moving.

Round 3

The drake makes an attack of opportunity against Sakari.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8

As Sakari opens herself up by casting a spell, the last conscious drake spins around and tries to bite at her, failing horribly and bumping its head on the steps up to the cabin's roof.

GAME: Sakari casts magic missile.
GAME: Sakari rolls 2d4+2: (7)+2: 9

Sakari jumps up, moving out of the way of the dragon as she backpedals, claws forming as more of an involuntary action than anything else, as she throws a couple more balls of red energy at the drake, swearing under her breath. "Seriously, is there going to be anything LEFT of this ship once we're done?" she asks rhetorically.

Karl attacks the drake.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Karl rolls 1d6+1d6+4: (5)+(3)+4: 12

"We can patch the holes," Karl replies tightly--bleeding now from a bite to his arm, he ducks in under a flailing wing and drives the bayonet deep as the drake turns to snap at Sakari, "Finish this thing!"

Garthos attacks the drake.
GAME: Garthos rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1: (17)+3+4+1+1: 26
GAME: Garthos rolls 2d6+10: (5)+10: 15

Seeing the opening in the drakeling's defenses as it turns to strike at Sakari, as well as the fact Kayla seems to be peachy, Garthos hefts his weapon and hustles towards the distracted creature. "Sorry, mate." he asides to Karl as he squeezes past the marksman, swinging his weapon at the dragon-like being. The unfortunate thing turns INTO the blow and the blade leaves a gash in its throat, causing it to collapse in a heap of gore. "Well. That was fun. Never fought a drake before." the man says, leaning on his weapon.

Combat Ends

Sakari lets out a long sigh, cracking her neck and letting her claws fade back into more normal looking fingers. "Neither have I. Let alone 3. They weren't all that strong though!" Yeah, she barely got hurt by it. You know. What with all the standing back and all! Being a magic user is great like that. "Not at all like a real dragon. They'd kill you before you could even THINK about it."

"I. Hate. Acid." Kayla says scathingly, stopping her singing and walking over and giving the gorey skull a kick, even as she bites back a yelp of pain as she pulls on her acid burn. "So there." She glances around. "Is everyone okay?"

Karl slumps back against the mast, his head tilting back as he draws in a painful breath. "I'll live," he reports, glancing over to Kayla with a more concerned expression, frowning, "You all right? I thought I saw you go down in all that mist..."

Eventually, the crew and captain reemerge. They had been avoiding the fight on the deck as it raged. The captain is quick to start organising the crew to tidy up and finish repairs. In the few more hours it takes, there is nothing more troubling the ship. One dead drake is a call for scavengers. Three is a warning.

Once the ship is ready again, it lifts off with a creak. Bits of wood and trees fall away from it as it rises into the air. "We are airborne again!" announces Captain Sharky. The Verdant Breeze flies the rest of the way to its destination unmolested and delivers its cargo to the dwarven settlement. Without a need for haste, the trip back to Alexandria takes a longer, safer route. Everyone arrives safely, if a little worse for wear.