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The cold is not as bad it could be, since it's summer, But for adventurers that just came from Mediterranean style climates (if the world map to be believed), it's pretty brutal. Snow still lies on the ground and the Icewall mountains loom above you, a few miles away. It is an unforgiving trek, but a relatively short one. The talisman leads you to a cave in one of the few exposed rock face cliffs, wide enough for a rather large creature to pass through, though flanked by joined icicles that support a large...large cluster of sweating ice. It might be a squeeze to get through...
The cold is not as bad it could be, since it's summer, But for adventurers that just came from Mediterranean style climates (if the world map to be believed), it's pretty brutal. Snow still lies on the ground and the Icewall mountains loom above you, a few miles away. It is an unforgiving trek, but a relatively short one. The talisman leads you to a cave in one of the few exposed rock face cliffs, wide enough for a rather large creature to pass through, though flanked by joined icicles that support a large...large cluster of sweating ice. It might be a squeeze to get through...
Tim narrows his eyes a moment, and sighs, "I best go between to folks, one to pull, one to push."
"Or we could try luring it out" Rakim ventures as he keeps his crossbow down under his coat, making sure the mekanism is kept warm by his own body heat.
Tiasa frowns, "Tight, but will do as must do we try widen or just squeeze?"
"Should the round one have little use for dignity," Alba says, looking over the icicles and the space between for a moment, "then he shall not need to expend such effort." With that, the mound of fur edges around the party, and pushes through the narrow space with far less trouble than anything her size with a skeleton really ought to.
The heat and the cold are almost the same thing to Kalkorth. He feels neither and is wearing the same fur lined armor he was wearing in the heat of Alexandria. He is breaking up the wear and he looks over the large cluster of sweating ice. He hmms, "I'll go last." He declares as he looks over the ice and wonders if he can simply push it apart to make it easier to pass.
Tim shakes his head, "Well, I'm taking precautions." He begins to speak a few words and casts a spell, closing his eyes.....and covering himself in magical grease, at least his upper body. "There." he mutters.
GAME: Tim casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 18
"Yes, lets all squeeze into a tunnel rather than think things through and take the advice of someone with hunting experience" murmers Rakim, the sarcasm sharp enough to cut through the ice. Metaphoricaly speaking at least. That done he does his best to slip his slender form through.
GAME: Rakim rolls escape artist: (18)+-2: 16
GAME: Tiasa rolls escape artist: (2)+1: 3
GAME: Tim rolls escape artist+10: (8)+1+10: 19
GAME: Tiasa rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Kalkorth rolls reflex: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Rourn rolls 6d6: (28): 28
GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for 14 points. 22 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Tiasa for 14 points. 35 remaining.
The greased elf, Veyshanti Witch, and Tsuran make it through easily enough, while Kalkorth and Tiasa remain. The Sith-Makar's armor catches on the largest of the icicles and a sudden shift to free herself sends a large crack shuddering up the entire structure. With next to no warning, the large chunks of ice above the cave before to snap off and fall. Kalkorth and Tiasa manage to avoid the largest and sharpest bits of ice, but plenty pelts and slices them enough to leave them bloody and bruised. However, the cave is still eerily silent...
GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
Tiasa growls. "It diesss." she says of blaming the winter wolf. She checks herself, luckily all scratches and bruises so far.
Tim wipes off the grease, using prestidigitaion, it fades away back into the magic stuff that created it. He slicks back his hair, "Alright, so far....sorta good."
"It is an annoyance one becomes accustomed to," Alba mutters back as Rakim slips through to join her in the cave. Slipping back to stand against the wall, she draws in a sharp hiss as Tiasa's armor catches on the ice, ducking away from the falling shards of cold and sharp. "Saaah!
''Carefully!'' Tch, foolish..." Muttering dire imprecations under her breath, her pelt shifts as she digs something out of her pack, hand emerging with a vial held between her first and last pairs of fingers. "Hurry, before the creature decides we are foolish ''and'' delicious."
Rakim elegantly avoids the icefall as he squeezes his slender form through "If only someone had have thought to lure the wolf out rather that tramp in" Rakim drawls rather drily. Despite the sarcasm he does check up on the two caught in the icefall.
Tiasa nods her head, "My thankss." she grumbles, "should have just thrown boulders."
GAME: Alba rolls 2d8+4: (7)+4: 11
GAME: Alba rolls 2d8+4: (6)+4: 10
GAME: You damaged Tiasa for -11 points. 46 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for -10 points. 32 remaining.
Kalkorth jumps back to avoid the worst of the ice that came down and he uses his larger body to try to shield Tiasa from the others. He pulls a long silver of icicle out of arm and he looks at the potion that is offered, "Thank you." He looks at Tiasa, "Then this winter wolf would definitely know we are coming." He shakes off any remaining ice and looks to Rakim, "We could use you for bait." He says before he waits for the others to go and brings up the rear again.
GAME: Alba rolls perception: (10)+6: 16
GAME: Tiasa rolls perception: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Rakim rolls perception: (7)+13: 20
GAME: Kalkorth rolls perception: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Tim rolls perception: (4)+8: 12
Once the smoke (snow, in this case) clears, you find yourselves looking at a partially blocked entrance. You can probably crawl out, but the larger folks (Kalkorth, Tim) will probably have to dig a bit to get an opening large enough. In any case, nowhere else to really go now but forward. Water drips from icicles as the summer heat does it's best to reach into the confines of the dark cave. Tufts of white fur and cracked, marrow-less bones indicate you are definitely on the right track, even if the talisman weren't tugging forward.
The tunnel continues onward and slightly downward for forty feet or so, until it opens up in an oval chamber that is lined seven feet up by a shelf of stone and ice, with some other tunnels leading off from there. There is a sudden drop in temperature as you enter and the talisman wobbles for am moment and then shoots straight backward and up. Turning, you all see the business end of the gigantic wolf, it's teeth bared and frost streaming from it's muzzle as it stands on the shelf directly above the mouth of the tunnel you came from. Perhaps not the best attempt at stealth, but at least it's a straight up fight.
GAME: Alba rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16 (+2 for Scorpion Familiar)
GAME: Rakim rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 8
GAME: Kalkorth rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 12
GAME: Tim rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10
GAME: You roll initiative for Whitey: Roll: 7 + Bonus: +5 = Total: 12
GAME: Tiasa rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4
===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
18 Alba
12 Whitey
12 Kalkorth
10 Tim
8 Rakim
4 Tiasa
GAME: Alba rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Alba casts Touch of Fatigue. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13
GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
Following the direction of the talisman, Alba looses a snort as the wolf is spotted. Large though it may be, and with fog dripping from its fangs, the Veyshanti seems less than startled by the creature's appearance. A black tendril of hair slithers out from behind her mask, arcing through the air... and stroking directly between the creature's eyes, the tip of the fibrous tentacle glowing faintly. "Hush now, quiet now," the sullen Witch croons. "All we wish is your heart, little beast..."
GAME: Alba rolls reflex: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Tiasa rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Kalkorth rolls reflex: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Tim rolls ref: (11)+2: 13
GAME: Rakim rolls reflex: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Rourn rolls 6d6: (15): 15
GAME: You damaged Tiasa for 7 points. 39 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Tim for 15 points. 3 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Alba for 14 points. 5 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Rakim for 15 points. 9 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for 15 points. 17 remaining.
The large lupine legs wobble for a moment as Alba's strength sapping touch lands upon the creature's brow, but that doesn't stop it from exhaling a blast of icy frost across the gathered party from it's perch accomponied with a (slightly weakened) howl that rings in your (possibly frostbitten) ears as it bounces around the cave walls.
GAME: Kalkorth RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +6 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC
Kalkorth growls as he gets a full blast of cold energy that can get through his inborn ability to ignore the cold. He tries to shake it off as he lets loose his rage and steps up to swing at the winter wolf. The cold is still affecting him as it makes his muscles tighten at the wrong moment causing a near miss.
GAME: Tim casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 3 DC: 19
GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
Tim staggers back as the ice breath hits him, "Gahh! I should have gone to the beach!" He gestures quickly, speaking a few words and a burst of glittery dust streaks out to explode just behind and above the wolf. Now its unable to see, and all shiney!
GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7-4+1+1: (16)+7+-4+1+1: 21
GAME: Rakim rolls 1d10+2: (3)+2: 5
Rakim hisses in pain as the blast of cold washes over him, frosting both his fancy leathers as his flesh beneath "Silver lady grant unto me thy blessing" he intones as a silvery light suffuses his dark eyes for a moment. His very fancy filigree crossbow comes up and with a twang a heavy folk streaks out and clips it across the shoulder. He frowns faintly but with a graceful motion he cranks the handle back and another bolt drops down and ratchets backwards.
GAME: Tiasa RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC
GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2: (17)+10+1+1+-2+2: 29
GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2: (5)+10+1+1+-2+2: 17
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 1d6+strength+1+4+2: (2)+5+1+4+2: 14
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 1d6+strength+1+4+2: (2)+5+1+4+2: 14
Tiasa growls as she gets hit by the cold, "You make mistake. I know how fights you kind." she growls her rage filling her, her muscles swelling and hands distorting as they form claws. She moves forward a bit and powerfully slashes one and then the second claw. She rips into the wolf deeply.
GAME: Alba casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14
With the wolf well engaged, the mound of fur covering the Veyshanti witch scoots backward, the sly eyes of her mask turning toward Rakim. For a moment, Alba is silent... then, there's a wet, crunching noise, and Alba's hand emerges from beneath the pelt, dripping with freshly-crushed bits and goo of a giant beetle. Before Rakim can react in surprise and alarm, the ick-covered hand stabs out onto his lower back, turning to trace a complete circle in fresh ichor. "Hunter-for-Goddess," she breathes, voice amused and intent as the smeared circle begins to glow a fetid green, "betimes your Goddess is not the only source from whence might springs, mh?"
GAME: Rourn rolls 1d100: (42): 42
Faced with Tiasa's claws, the wolf lashes out blindly, doing little but splashing it's icy cold blood around.
GAME: Kalkorth rolls 1d20+10+1-1: (20)+10+1+-1: 30
GAME: Kalkorth rolls 1d20+10+1-1: (20)+10+1+-1: 30
GAME: Kalkorth rolls 3d12+30+9: (13)+30+9: 52
Kalkorth has had enough of this foolishness with the wolf that now glitters. He raises his greataxe high above his head and slams it down on the back of it's exposed neck. Driven by the fury let to him by the great god, Garganos Behemoth, the barbarian separates the winter wolf's head from its body. The body slumps as the head rolls to Kiroth's feet. Steam rises up from him as he goes to pick up the winter wolf's head. He holds it aloft and he bellows loudly his rage.
Tim blinks, then looks at the corpse, "Someone do something! Its spilling out all the blood, we should get good coin for that!" He moves over, trying to use a bit of prestidigation magic to start collecting blood.
"Well wasn't that a thing" Rakim drawls as he grows rather large, just in time for the towering barbarian to decapitate their target. He glances around idly, gaze moving between Tim and Alba "If whomever cast the spell would be a dear, I feel rather conspicous."
Muttering sourly, Alba shakes the drying yuck from her hand, snapping her fingers and returning the Inquisitor to her proper size. A silver-bladed knife emerges from her cloak in one hand, vial made from a carved legbone in the other. "Sent to collect blood," she grumbles, her hair pulling her up over the ledge as she begins to gather what blood remains from the corpse, preparing to harvest yet more on the way to cutting out the beast's heart. "The skull I claim, warrior. The pelt, if you desire it, I have less need for."
Tiasa nods her head, "Need help getting heart?" she asks. She kneels next to the wolf whispering a prayer in her native tongue.
Rakim tips his hat to Alba in a gracefull motion, then turns to scan around the cavern and letting the others partake of the butchery. Blood, fur and lace not mixing all that well afterall.
Kalkorth grips his greataxe with one hand as he holds the wolf's head with another, "Why do you want it?" He says with a low growl in his words as he has yet to let go of his rage. "It is my kill, I should have first choice, it is my greataxe that separated the head from the body." His body is shaking from the raging.
The collection of blood and pulmonary organs is gory, bone-chilling work, but fast as an access point to the heart was cut pretty cleanly by Kalkorth. The blood collection is pretty easy what with the higher ground and the blood pouring out of the stump, at least. Still, it's messy, miserable work, a rather nasty punctuation to the ultimate victory over nature and beast. Searching the cave turns up a few frozen victims and some of their jewelry and gold, spare as it may be, but at least Hogun is paying well.
Speaking of the fat wizard. The fat human wizard, that is, he's asleep in a rocking chair, a smouldering pipe resting on his gut. But he took his liquor cabinet and fine cheeses and salted meat platter with him and left it out as he sleeps off the meat sweats. After picking over the digs and waking the wizard up, Hogun takes you all back to warmer climes while he goes to make a magical snow man.

Revision as of 01:24, 17 July 2015

Like so many adventures before this one, this one started with a wizard in a tavern. Though this time he wasn't pushing a treasure map at you. No, this wizard is one of the non-field variety. A bloated, wheezing wizard with a healthy appetite by the name of Hogun, arcane craftsman to the rich and powerful. In between bites of roast beef and stewed onions, he explained that a client's daughter is having a wedding and she wants an animate ice sculpture. In the summer. That takes some powerful magic and powerful magic needs arcane ingredients. In this case, the heart of a Winter Wolf and as much blood as you can get into some jars.

While he's not the adventuring sort of wizard, he is skilled in divinations and translocation. Near the Ice Wall mountain, a lone specimen has been located, ready to be exsanguinated and relieved of it's heart. Luckily, it's an evil creature and has probably killed some northmen and left their bones and valuables to freeze in it's cave! After some haggling, a price is agreed upon and you are left to make proper arrangements before you are teleported a few thousand miles away into a still-frozen wasteland. The next morning, Hogun in the finest furs and stupidest knit hat possible weaves a spell of transportation and the summer heat is replaced with biting cold. With a bit more magic, a sturdy cabin is conjured around you, the fireplace tended by unseen servants. Here Hogun will await your return, and off he bids you with a simple talisman on a chain that will point you in the right direction.

Rakim has added some fur at neck and cuffs to his usual ensemble, and a cloak atop his leather coat. He pulls a scarf over his face as he looks around "Well at least some of us will be well insulated" he drawls with a sidelong glance at Tim and a faint twist of his lips before they are covered by the scarf.

Tim is also a fat overindulged mage, but, he has to actually venture forth and do real work. So he is here, dressed in warm clothing, standing in the snow and looking miserable. "Bah. This bodes to be a crappy trip."

Stupid though his knit hat may be, Hogun is by far better prepared to brave the Icewalls than the Veyshanti witch that answered his posting. With scant experience in Northern weather, and rare need to own a set of warm clothes, Alba has compromised by adding heavy, shaggy pelts to her normal clothing, topping it off with a cloak that looks to have began life as most of a bearskin, and altered very little afterwards. The end result is her faceless mask the only thing breaking up a shapeless mound of long, brown-gray fur and seeming to move little as she braves the snows. "Take heart," the voice behind the mask says in answer to Tim's grumbling. "The round one suffers not alone, and it is likely he shall not be so round upon our return."

Tiasa isnt looking that forward to cold. But does not mind too much. She has her regular gear, mostly that breastplate that looks made out of a storm cloud. She did add a heavy cloak. The sith looks at the others "It will build character." She rumbles a little in amusement.

Tim grunts, "It will remind me to learn a spell to deal with bad climates."

Rakim tsks as he makes sure his furred cuffs are aranged just so "I flatter myself that I have enough character already" he says, voice somewhat muffled by the cold weather gear. That said he braces himself and then opens the door and steps out into the cold, sharp dark eyes glancing around carefully.

The cold is not as bad it could be, since it's summer, But for adventurers that just came from Mediterranean style climates (if the world map to be believed), it's pretty brutal. Snow still lies on the ground and the Icewall mountains loom above you, a few miles away. It is an unforgiving trek, but a relatively short one. The talisman leads you to a cave in one of the few exposed rock face cliffs, wide enough for a rather large creature to pass through, though flanked by joined icicles that support a large...large cluster of sweating ice. It might be a squeeze to get through...

Tim narrows his eyes a moment, and sighs, "I best go between to folks, one to pull, one to push."

"Or we could try luring it out" Rakim ventures as he keeps his crossbow down under his coat, making sure the mekanism is kept warm by his own body heat.

Tiasa frowns, "Tight, but will do as must do we try widen or just squeeze?"

"Should the round one have little use for dignity," Alba says, looking over the icicles and the space between for a moment, "then he shall not need to expend such effort." With that, the mound of fur edges around the party, and pushes through the narrow space with far less trouble than anything her size with a skeleton really ought to.

The heat and the cold are almost the same thing to Kalkorth. He feels neither and is wearing the same fur lined armor he was wearing in the heat of Alexandria. He is breaking up the wear and he looks over the large cluster of sweating ice. He hmms, "I'll go last." He declares as he looks over the ice and wonders if he can simply push it apart to make it easier to pass.

Tim shakes his head, "Well, I'm taking precautions." He begins to speak a few words and casts a spell, closing his eyes.....and covering himself in magical grease, at least his upper body. "There." he mutters.

GAME: Tim casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 18

"Yes, lets all squeeze into a tunnel rather than think things through and take the advice of someone with hunting experience" murmers Rakim, the sarcasm sharp enough to cut through the ice. Metaphoricaly speaking at least. That done he does his best to slip his slender form through.

GAME: Rakim rolls escape artist: (18)+-2: 16

GAME: Tiasa rolls escape artist: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Tim rolls escape artist+10: (8)+1+10: 19

GAME: Tiasa rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Kalkorth rolls reflex: (19)+3: 22

GAME: Rourn rolls 6d6: (28): 28

GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for 14 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tiasa for 14 points. 35 remaining.

The greased elf, Veyshanti Witch, and Tsuran make it through easily enough, while Kalkorth and Tiasa remain. The Sith-Makar's armor catches on the largest of the icicles and a sudden shift to free herself sends a large crack shuddering up the entire structure. With next to no warning, the large chunks of ice above the cave before to snap off and fall. Kalkorth and Tiasa manage to avoid the largest and sharpest bits of ice, but plenty pelts and slices them enough to leave them bloody and bruised. However, the cave is still eerily silent...

GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

Tiasa growls. "It diesss." she says of blaming the winter wolf. She checks herself, luckily all scratches and bruises so far.

 Tim wipes off the grease, using prestidigitaion, it fades away back into the magic stuff that created it. He slicks back his hair, "Alright, so far....sorta good."

"It is an annoyance one becomes accustomed to," Alba mutters back as Rakim slips through to join her in the cave. Slipping back to stand against the wall, she draws in a sharp hiss as Tiasa's armor catches on the ice, ducking away from the falling shards of cold and sharp. "Saaah!

Carefully! Tch, foolish..." Muttering dire imprecations under her breath, her pelt shifts as she digs something out of her pack, hand emerging with a vial held between her first and last pairs of fingers. "Hurry, before the creature decides we are foolish and delicious."

Rakim elegantly avoids the icefall as he squeezes his slender form through "If only someone had have thought to lure the wolf out rather that tramp in" Rakim drawls rather drily. Despite the sarcasm he does check up on the two caught in the icefall.

Tiasa nods her head, "My thankss." she grumbles, "should have just thrown boulders."

GAME: Alba rolls 2d8+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Alba rolls 2d8+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: You damaged Tiasa for -11 points. 46 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for -10 points. 32 remaining.

Kalkorth jumps back to avoid the worst of the ice that came down and he uses his larger body to try to shield Tiasa from the others. He pulls a long silver of icicle out of arm and he looks at the potion that is offered, "Thank you." He looks at Tiasa, "Then this winter wolf would definitely know we are coming." He shakes off any remaining ice and looks to Rakim, "We could use you for bait." He says before he waits for the others to go and brings up the rear again.

GAME: Alba rolls perception: (10)+6: 16

GAME: Tiasa rolls perception: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Rakim rolls perception: (7)+13: 20

GAME: Kalkorth rolls perception: (15)+8: 23

GAME: Tim rolls perception: (4)+8: 12

Once the smoke (snow, in this case) clears, you find yourselves looking at a partially blocked entrance. You can probably crawl out, but the larger folks (Kalkorth, Tim) will probably have to dig a bit to get an opening large enough. In any case, nowhere else to really go now but forward. Water drips from icicles as the summer heat does it's best to reach into the confines of the dark cave. Tufts of white fur and cracked, marrow-less bones indicate you are definitely on the right track, even if the talisman weren't tugging forward.

The tunnel continues onward and slightly downward for forty feet or so, until it opens up in an oval chamber that is lined seven feet up by a shelf of stone and ice, with some other tunnels leading off from there. There is a sudden drop in temperature as you enter and the talisman wobbles for am moment and then shoots straight backward and up. Turning, you all see the business end of the gigantic wolf, it's teeth bared and frost streaming from it's muzzle as it stands on the shelf directly above the mouth of the tunnel you came from. Perhaps not the best attempt at stealth, but at least it's a straight up fight.

GAME: Alba rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16 (+2 for Scorpion Familiar)

GAME: Rakim rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 8

GAME: Kalkorth rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 12

GAME: Tim rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10

GAME: You roll initiative for Whitey: Roll: 7 + Bonus: +5 = Total: 12

GAME: Tiasa rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    18   Alba                
    12   Whitey              
    12   Kalkorth            
    10   Tim                 
    8    Rakim               
    4    Tiasa               

GAME: Alba rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

GAME: Alba casts Touch of Fatigue. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12

Following the direction of the talisman, Alba looses a snort as the wolf is spotted. Large though it may be, and with fog dripping from its fangs, the Veyshanti seems less than startled by the creature's appearance. A black tendril of hair slithers out from behind her mask, arcing through the air... and stroking directly between the creature's eyes, the tip of the fibrous tentacle glowing faintly. "Hush now, quiet now," the sullen Witch croons. "All we wish is your heart, little beast..."

GAME: Alba rolls reflex: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Tiasa rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Kalkorth rolls reflex: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Tim rolls ref: (11)+2: 13

GAME: Rakim rolls reflex: (11)+4: 15

GAME: Rourn rolls 6d6: (15): 15

GAME: You damaged Tiasa for 7 points. 39 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tim for 15 points. 3 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Alba for 14 points. 5 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Rakim for 15 points. 9 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kalkorth for 15 points. 17 remaining.

The large lupine legs wobble for a moment as Alba's strength sapping touch lands upon the creature's brow, but that doesn't stop it from exhaling a blast of icy frost across the gathered party from it's perch accomponied with a (slightly weakened) howl that rings in your (possibly frostbitten) ears as it bounces around the cave walls.

GAME: Kalkorth RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +6 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

Kalkorth growls as he gets a full blast of cold energy that can get through his inborn ability to ignore the cold. He tries to shake it off as he lets loose his rage and steps up to swing at the winter wolf. The cold is still affecting him as it makes his muscles tighten at the wrong moment causing a near miss.

GAME: Tim casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 3 DC: 19

GAME: Rourn rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

Tim staggers back as the ice breath hits him, "Gahh! I should have gone to the beach!" He gestures quickly, speaking a few words and a burst of glittery dust streaks out to explode just behind and above the wolf. Now its unable to see, and all shiney!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7-4+1+1: (16)+7+-4+1+1: 21

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d10+2: (3)+2: 5

Rakim hisses in pain as the blast of cold washes over him, frosting both his fancy leathers as his flesh beneath "Silver lady grant unto me thy blessing" he intones as a silvery light suffuses his dark eyes for a moment. His very fancy filigree crossbow comes up and with a twang a heavy folk streaks out and clips it across the shoulder. He frowns faintly but with a graceful motion he cranks the handle back and another bolt drops down and ratchets backwards.

GAME: Tiasa RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2: (17)+10+1+1+-2+2: 29

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2: (5)+10+1+1+-2+2: 17

GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 1d6+strength+1+4+2: (2)+5+1+4+2: 14

GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 1d6+strength+1+4+2: (2)+5+1+4+2: 14

Tiasa growls as she gets hit by the cold, "You make mistake. I know how fights you kind." she growls her rage filling her, her muscles swelling and hands distorting as they form claws. She moves forward a bit and powerfully slashes one and then the second claw. She rips into the wolf deeply.

GAME: Alba casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

With the wolf well engaged, the mound of fur covering the Veyshanti witch scoots backward, the sly eyes of her mask turning toward Rakim. For a moment, Alba is silent... then, there's a wet, crunching noise, and Alba's hand emerges from beneath the pelt, dripping with freshly-crushed bits and goo of a giant beetle. Before Rakim can react in surprise and alarm, the ick-covered hand stabs out onto his lower back, turning to trace a complete circle in fresh ichor. "Hunter-for-Goddess," she breathes, voice amused and intent as the smeared circle begins to glow a fetid green, "betimes your Goddess is not the only source from whence might springs, mh?"

GAME: Rourn rolls 1d100: (42): 42

Faced with Tiasa's claws, the wolf lashes out blindly, doing little but splashing it's icy cold blood around.

GAME: Kalkorth rolls 1d20+10+1-1: (20)+10+1+-1: 30

GAME: Kalkorth rolls 1d20+10+1-1: (20)+10+1+-1: 30

GAME: Kalkorth rolls 3d12+30+9: (13)+30+9: 52

Kalkorth has had enough of this foolishness with the wolf that now glitters. He raises his greataxe high above his head and slams it down on the back of it's exposed neck. Driven by the fury let to him by the great god, Garganos Behemoth, the barbarian separates the winter wolf's head from its body. The body slumps as the head rolls to Kiroth's feet. Steam rises up from him as he goes to pick up the winter wolf's head. He holds it aloft and he bellows loudly his rage.

Tim blinks, then looks at the corpse, "Someone do something! Its spilling out all the blood, we should get good coin for that!" He moves over, trying to use a bit of prestidigation magic to start collecting blood.

"Well wasn't that a thing" Rakim drawls as he grows rather large, just in time for the towering barbarian to decapitate their target. He glances around idly, gaze moving between Tim and Alba "If whomever cast the spell would be a dear, I feel rather conspicous."

Muttering sourly, Alba shakes the drying yuck from her hand, snapping her fingers and returning the Inquisitor to her proper size. A silver-bladed knife emerges from her cloak in one hand, vial made from a carved legbone in the other. "Sent to collect blood," she grumbles, her hair pulling her up over the ledge as she begins to gather what blood remains from the corpse, preparing to harvest yet more on the way to cutting out the beast's heart. "The skull I claim, warrior. The pelt, if you desire it, I have less need for."

Tiasa nods her head, "Need help getting heart?" she asks. She kneels next to the wolf whispering a prayer in her native tongue.

Rakim tips his hat to Alba in a gracefull motion, then turns to scan around the cavern and letting the others partake of the butchery. Blood, fur and lace not mixing all that well afterall.

Kalkorth grips his greataxe with one hand as he holds the wolf's head with another, "Why do you want it?" He says with a low growl in his words as he has yet to let go of his rage. "It is my kill, I should have first choice, it is my greataxe that separated the head from the body." His body is shaking from the raging.

The collection of blood and pulmonary organs is gory, bone-chilling work, but fast as an access point to the heart was cut pretty cleanly by Kalkorth. The blood collection is pretty easy what with the higher ground and the blood pouring out of the stump, at least. Still, it's messy, miserable work, a rather nasty punctuation to the ultimate victory over nature and beast. Searching the cave turns up a few frozen victims and some of their jewelry and gold, spare as it may be, but at least Hogun is paying well.

Speaking of the fat wizard. The fat human wizard, that is, he's asleep in a rocking chair, a smouldering pipe resting on his gut. But he took his liquor cabinet and fine cheeses and salted meat platter with him and left it out as he sleeps off the meat sweats. After picking over the digs and waking the wizard up, Hogun takes you all back to warmer climes while he goes to make a magical snow man.