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Tiasa roars and seems to grow a bit she inches forward and is a flurry of teeth and claws ripping into one if the aegis pretty good.
Tiasa roars and seems to grow a bit she inches forward and is a flurry of teeth and claws ripping into one if the aegis pretty good.
The skeletal sorcerers cast aside the disintegrating vellum scrolls and lock their skeletal claws into a readied gesture conducive to quick, reactive spellcasting...
GAME: Schneider casts Fireball. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25
28 SS 1
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29
12 Archer2
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
12 Archer1
12 Schneider 1
GAME: Schneider rolls concentration: (5)+concentration: 5
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7
12 Yngvild 1
GAME: Brandimus rolls 3d8+12: (21)+12: 33
10 Lancers 1
GAME: You damaged Schneider for 34 points. 36 remaining.
10 Aegis 1
Schneider thinks he has these things figured out now, and begins to cast a spell, and is suddenly sprouting a pair of arrows. That looks painful. Magic fizzles, Schneider fumes.
10 Kira 1
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22
>> 8 Tiasa 1 Raging (2 rnd active) <<
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (16): 16
Yngvild steps foward towards the group blocking the bridge. In one hand she holds her massive earthbreaker aloft, and the other boldly presents a holy symbol "IRON MOUNTAIN WITNESSS" she belows to the heavens above then slams the hammer down. A blaze of bright light burns forth amindst the undead, but they all still seem to be alive. Well upright anyway.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-2-4: (13)+11+2+2+2+1+-2+-4: 25
The Lancers turn to face Kira, swiping out with their free claws, achieving nothing. The shield-bearing skeletons duck behind their large tower shields, leaving Tiasa's reptilian form to rage against.
Kira bats aside one swinging claw to grab the wrist and twist the arm a way it can't bend. That forces the lancer in an awkward position. Even if they don't have flesh, they have joints! This leaves one hand free to do the same thing to the other one! If there was one more, it could be a square dance?
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (2)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 21
GAME: Kira rolls melee: (4)+8: 12
Kira wrenches the arm farther and down, doubling the pikeman over his pike. She snaps an upward kick at the other, but is off-balance juggling the first one. "You deserve..." a grunt "..rest!"
GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+2: (4)+2: 6
GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: You damaged Kira for 10 points. 20 remaining.
The skeletal sorcerers finally lurch into motion once they overcome the debilitating pain of Yngvild's holy energy and take a more proactive stance in this fight. Namely by unleashing a quartet of force darts that slam into the wrestling monk. Meanwhile, the archers nock another set of dusty arrows and take aim at Schneider once more.
GAME: Schneider RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC
GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Schneider rolls 2d6+10+1d6+2: (6)+10+(1)+2: 19
Schneider grumbles and breaks off the arrows sticking out of him. He grunts with wild fury and with a loud cry, waves his flaming blade and rushes at the nearest enemy. Just because you've stopped a sorcerer doesn't mean you've stopped a sorcerer! With a brutal swing of his flaming sword, he smashes one of the skeletons.
GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (20): 20
GAME: You damaged Yngvild for -20 points. 53 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Kira for -20 points. 40 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Schneider for -20 points. 72 remaining.
Considering her usual boisterous bluster Yngvild's ice-blue eyes are thoughtful as they take in the battlefield in one sweep. She purses her lips and raises her hammer again "ANGORON, HEAL THE BRAVE" she bellows in her usual demanding style of prayer. SLAM! The heavy hammer comes down and a blaze of holy blue light radiates from it. This time instead of harming the undead it heals her allies, the blue light focusing on their wounds.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11
GAME: You damaged Schneider for 11 points. 61 remaining.
The pinned skeleton struggles feebly against Kira's technique, while the other snakes its hooked polearm down and around Schneider's arm as he follows through with the swing of the blade, pulling him onto the mouldering (now-inert bones) of his defeated enemy. The remaining shield-bearer skeleton wastes no time in hacking a nasty gash across the fiery sorcerers back.
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (16)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 35
GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (8)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 27
GAME: Kira rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9
GAME: Kira rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5
"Please, find your peace..." Kira focuses on the one in hand, twisting and wrenching to run its own arm through the empty ribcage. Eventually, something gives, and the bones separate from tendons and evil magic. Now the bones can rest.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (1)+14: 15 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+15: (3)+15: 18
TiasaSOCKPUPPET rages against the remaining shield bearer, with said shield taking the brunt of her fury. But one claw clears out half it's ribcage and cracks several vertebrae, leaving it barely animate.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Brandimus rolls 4d4+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: You damaged Kira for 8 points. 32 remaining.
Following the lead of the sorcerers, the archers become more aggressive and fire off two arrows at the priestess of Angoron, but their arrows shatter against her armor. The undead arcanists have a little more luck as another volley of magic missiles blast into Kira.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+6: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Schneider rolls 2d6+10+1d6+2: (4)+10+(6)+2: 22
Schneider gives Yngvild a thumbs-up as he feels her healing taking effect. And now here, in the thick of melee, he's got a bit of cover from the damned archers. Sadly, he's got no cover from the polearm guys, and he gets knocked down hard. He rises up, even though that opens him up for further counterattack, swinging hard at the nearest enemy. He's not feeling any pain at this point, wild with rage. "Take that!" he bellows, swinging his sword with powerful blows as he moves in, and he hacks at the enemy, having much more effect with the sword than he was with magic. Smash!
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (16): 16
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29
Again a swift assesing glance of the battlefield. Nodding to herself as she makes up her mind the towering Aesir cleric hefts her hammer to the heavens "ANGORON WITNESS. SMITE THE UNHOLY" she demands, her powerful voice echoing through the cavern. Light flares from her hammer, bathing the undead in a bright and holy glow that sends almost all the remnants down into charred piles of bone "IRON MOUNTAIN!" she yells in praise and triumph.
GAME: Kira rolls melee: (5)+8: 13
After the skeletons fall into piles of bones, Kira move to the remaining one with a punch for peace. Unfortunately, between all the bones,shields, swords, and guisarmes on the ground, she slips and almost falls.
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28
GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+15: (5)+15: 20
TiasaSOCKPUPPET takes advantage of the relatively cleared stairs and bounds up them, jumping from the last few steps to the platform the remaining skeleton stands on. If the jaws shattering it's skull didn't kill it, the rest of her bulk slamming it into the wall does the trick.

Revision as of 01:25, 12 August 2015

The Airship The Xian Express is having some personnel problems. Most notably, personnel keeps going missing en route to Xiang-Sei. One of the deckhands and then the galley cook on the return voyage to Alexandria. They went missing over the Desolation, and so Captain Cyrus contracted the Guild and now you find yourselves standing watch, ready to discover what is happening to crewmembers and protect the eastbound passengers.

The past few days have been uneventful, if bland since a new cook hasn't been found and the crewman filling in doesn't understand the concept of seasoning, but the Desolation stretches out below as far as the eye can see, the dim light that makes it through the gauntlet of overcast storm clouds retreating quickly with the setting of the sun. You all find yourselves on the deck atop the forecastle, bathed in the blue glow of the mana lamps, ready to discuss a plan to defend against further attack and catch the murderer.

As long as the food is plentiful Yngvild doesn't seem too worried about the quality. She is clad in her full armor, masive earthbreaker slung over her back. Her eyes remain fixed on the vast spread out before them, hands resting on the railing as she leans to get a better look outwards for a moment.

Tiasa doesn't mind guard duty, it is somethng she does well, the fact they are on an airship, now that does cause some problems but she has made the best of it. She looks ready for a fight but then the Sith always looks ready.

Schneider has been seasoning his food himself in any event, and so has been enjoying meals as far as possble. He's here because it's got a pretty good view of the whole ship, at least as far as being able to see people being pitched over the side. Well, since the victims weren't found .... "We've ruled out them being kidnapped by teleportation, yes?" he checks. "Other than that, I guess make sure no one's alone at any time."

Kira isn't a cook by trade, but she doesn't mind helping the interim cook if need be. When she's not on guard duty, of course. When out on the deck, she enjoys the grand views as much as she can... even if some of the scenery below isn't very cheerful. Schneider's question makes her lips purse. "Where would they go if they left the ship? How? How would someone come aboard to take them? It's very strange. Teleportation seems a good thing to check for."

Tiasa shrugs, "Pirates, another airship, griffon, there are ways to fly and get up here and get someone off." she says and shakes her head a bit, she doesn't like all that magic stuff sometimes.

"Not sure that we have?" Yngvild rumbles in response to Schneider, metal clattering as the large Aesir shrugs her shoulders. She glances back to the group then down along the airship as her lips purse in thought "Better at hitting things than mysteries" she admits with a short bark of laughter.

Schneider nods at Tiasa's suggestions. "Other airships close enough to move passengers across would probably get noticed. Griffons, though, might be able to slip aboard unnoticed," he agrees. The spell of Flying isn't too complicated, either." He can only shrug to Yngvild, though he smirks about mysteries.

Captain Cyrus agrees with Schneider if the issue is brought up, and arranges for the five passengers to share a room. Three are a Xian merchant family returning home after conducting some business dealings, while the remaining two are a married couple of minor Rosalian nobility that on are vacation, so it's not hard to talk them into sharing rooms if they weren't already.

A search for any sort of teleportation or illusions to hide the presence of stowaways turns up nothing, unless it's spices (irony), fine wine, or textiles that are the culprits. It's down to just waiting for the killer to return, and thus patrolling. The storm isn't making it any better, dropping thick sheets of rain down on the deck along with the occasional flash of lighting in the distance. Luckily, the ship has warding against lighting strikes, though the front row seat is something of a spectacle, perhaps even an omen for the more religious among you. Aside from the rain, thunder, and hum of the engines, it's quiet....too quiet.

GAME: Yngvild rolls perception: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls perception: (15)+6: 21

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (16)+13: 29

GAME: Tiasa rolls perception: (19)+10: 29

You paged (Tiasa, Kira) with 'You two are out taking shelter from the rain under an awning that covers the staircase down to the lower deck when you hear what sounds like glass breaking down below. It sounds like it's came from one of the passenger quarters.'

Schneider is ... less affected by the rain than most, the water ... avoiding him, it would seem. He's never more than slightly damp even in the worst of the donwpour, and the water seems to fear him, leaping away before it can land on him. He likes the lighting, and laughs a little disturbingly at some of the closer strikes. He'll walk up and back through the crew spaces with the others, mainly concerned about crewmen being alone, since it's been crew rather than passengers as the victims so far.

Cold, rain and wind don't seem to bother Yngvild much. By Stormgarde standards it is almost summery. Never one much for stealth she stomps along, humming battle songs tunelessly.

Tiasa cocks her head to the side, "There is something downstairs, sounds off, should there be glass breaking?" she asks as she looks towards the others.

Schneider says, "Glass breaking? Let us investigate! It could be a broken mirror, but it could also be something nefarious!" He sounds excited by the idea of something nefarious, and urges Tiasa, "Lead on, if you heard where it came from.""

Yngvild cracks her neck from side to side and reaches back to unsling her hammer. Nodding to Tiasa and motions her and Kira onwards "Didn't hear much myself..." she begins in her low rumble "...so lead on?"

Tiasa does move down bellow heading for where she heard the noise. She flexes her hands, "Not a lot of room down here." she murmers to herself.

Heading below deck to investigate, you have three options. The crew quarters, which has curtains and a couple of sleeping and off-duty crew trading rum and stories, then the Xian family. A knock on their door prompts a bit of shuffling on the other side and the patriarch opening the door and answering sleepily in broken Tradespeak. A quick inspection turns up nothing. But the Rosalian couple has no answer when they knock and the door does not open, even with the key provided by the captain. The rustle of blankets and sheets can be faintly heard...

Kira apologizes to those they woke or disturbed in their investigation, but it's good to know that all are well. Ok, most are well. When the Selentians' door doesn't open, Kira does the next logical thing. She knocks. "Hello?! Is everything and everyone alright in there? "

No answer from the couple...

Tiasa cocks her head to the side, "Do I break it down?" she asks as she looks at the others and then back trying the door again.

Schneider has to duck for the doorways, leaning forward as he goes through. Drawing his sword, flames flick up and down the blade, seeming to coat it in a liquidy fashion, though the fire goes out when bits of flame drip from the blade. He follows in silence until they are met by a door that does not open. A small ball of fire appears in his hand and he asks the others, "Shall I open the door?" The door may or may not survive this.

Yngvild holds up both hands as fire comes out "Woah, think a little lad" the cleric rumbles to Schneider "Varnished wood, well up in the air and fire. Not a good combination" she says carefully "Lets put it away before we end up dead. Odds are they are just fucking anyway. But still" she moves towards the door and pulls out a rather non-flaming hammer.

Kira frowns. "I heard something," she says softly, "but I'm not sure what..." When Yngvild gives her suggestion, Kira's cheeks go aflame almost as bright as Schneider's hand. "Um... I don't think it was... They could still answer when I called... We should check on them!"

Tiasa nods and starts trying the door a little more seeing if it could easily be forced open.

Schneider /likes/ fire, though. He gives Yngvild a hurt look, but does not set anything ablaze for the moment. To the door, he calls out, "Say if you're both OK and we'll move on. We thought we heard something amiss," he further explains.

Yngvild's deep laughter is decidedly dirty as the large Aesir glances over and down to Kira "If it's any good they might not hear, or not want to answer" she says with a smile to match her wicked chuckle. This fades soon to a serious look as she lifts her loud voice "OPEN OR WE ARE COMMING IN." Her bellow is enough to shake the timbers around the small party as she lifts her hammer ready to smash the door down if needed.

The door opens just a little, but some unseen barricade is holding it closed. But a flash of lightning gives true indication of danger as it throws shadows across the wall, in particular the silhouette of the wife, suspended in the air, limbs dangling limply. With all doubt of danger tossed aside, the door is knocked down easily enough, shattering the chair propped under the door in the process. The husband, a stocky older gentleman with a bear like frame lunges wildly at the first person through the door with a blank face while the wife lies motionless on her glass and rain covered bed, the porthole nearby shattered inward and now playing escape route to a viridian vapor that is draining away out of the ship.

GAME: Yngvild rolls knowledge/religion: (18)+10: 28

GAME: Kira rolls knowledge/religion: (8)+9: 17

You paged (Yngvild, Kira) with 'Yep, that's a vampire!'

Tiasa moves in after forcing the door open and there is the husband, she slams into him with her shoulder, knocking him into the wall where he slumps down. She looks towards the vapor, growling a bit.

When the door is opened, Schneider is at the ready with his number-one spell. Pointing to the misty form fleeing out the window, he calls out, "Guns and Roses!" and launches a tiny rose of fire out the window towards the vapor, where it explodes with a thunderous report. That will leave a mark.

GAME: Schneider casts Fireball. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls 7d6: (30): 30

GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (17): 17

"Fuckin vampires" Yngvild mutters as she steps in and notices fang marks and vapor. Lifting her earthbreaker as high as she can in the cabin she bellows "IRON MOUNTAIN WITNESS" she bellows then slams the butt of the haft down into the wooden deck. A bright blue light flares out to illuminate the room and hopefully scorch the undead.

The fireball almost blasts back into the cabin through the porthole it goes off so closely, but Schneider's savant sorcery keeps that from happening. The mist is engulfed in flame and then in holy light, both burning. Once your eyes adjust to the light and fire, you see nothing at first, but a crack of lightning lights the sky up again, revealing a gigantic bat, smoldering and with holes in it's membranous wings, flapping wildly in the distance, towards a small singular mountain miles away, far beyond the immediate reach of most spells and it's doubtful that what is available could fell it before it escaped. So you turn your attentions to the aftermath of the attack.

The victimized couple are dead and enthralled respectively. Perhaps mercifully for the moment that he doesn't release that his wife of thirty years is gone. But daylight is but a few hours away and the vampire could not have gone far. Especially considering that a survey of the area under the brief flashes of light that the storm provide shows a series of canyons and valleys, the bottom of which have turned into raging floodwater rivers, which leaves the mountain. Faced with little other prospects, Cyrus stops the ship and brings it as close as possible to the base of the mountain, where an old shattered road from decades or centuries past lies in ruin, leading up the desolate peak. A basket ride down is uneventful at least, the sunrise streaming through the last of the storm clouds. The road leads up to a path that winds up the mountain. An old Charnese mile marker lays discards, it's words washed away by the years.

A few hours of walking finnaly leads to the end of the path, a pair of worked stone bridges that span a large chasm that the sun nor darkvision can reach the bottom of, with a stone platform at the other end, then a large stone staircase that is flanked on either side by two columns that are topped with stone statues of (presumably) Charnese warriors, their features lost to weathering. At the top of the staircase is another stone platform that is worked into the side of the mountain face which is carved with faded bas relief sculptures, a set of aged bronze double doors at the very back.

It is silent as a tomb, which is appropriate given that you are probably about to walk into one.

<OOC> Brandimus says, "http://i.imgur.com/qL5QbuJ.jpg

When things in the cabin have cleared up a bit, Schneider rushes to the window, to see if he can see the fleeing villain at all. And for another fireball, if possible, though he doesn't seem too positive that there will be a chance for that. Well, this is a canny villain. The flames on Schneider's greatsword lick brightly as he smiles a malevolent smile, half-illuminating his features in a fearsome way. Spotting that the enemy too far away, he says slowly, "Oh, the hunt is on now. The hunt is very on."

Yngvild heads to the porthole, a prayer forming on her lips before the vampire gets out of range. Shaking her head she looks back to the room "Laddy you ever set off fire in a wooden ship again I will ram this hammer so far up inside you that Angoron himself will have trouble removing it" the scion of a sailing nation rumbles to Schneider. Once the landing takes place her usual good humor seems restored and she trudges along the path cheerfully enough despite the weather and what they are going to be fighting.

Tiasa looks around and nods, "At least off the ship and can go hunting now." she growls a bit and then stretches some as they move up the path.

Kira can only imagine what the husband will feel when the control is gone. She spends the trip to the mountain doing what she can to soothe him, enthralled or not. When they find the likely lair and are lowered, she at least has the consolation of knowing that no others will be harmed. "The ship can go on if it needs to, without worry of any more attacks or disappearances. Has anyone confronted a vampire before?" She thinks it's a good question to ask, and isn't afraid to ask it.

Schneider shakes his head about vampires. "Not me," he says. "But have no fear. I will burn it's unlife away!" He raises his sword and the flames along the blade surge higher. "They, er, do burn, yeah?" he checks cluelessly.

"Angoron bear witness. Bless us as we battle the unholy" Yngvild calls out in prayer, although not quite as loudly as usual. A blue glow emanates from her eyes and ungulds the party around her. With that she nods to the stairway "Well it ain't going to kill itself" she ventures towards the more warrior looking folks to proceed.

GAME: Yngvild casts Bless. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

GAME: Schneider casts False Life. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d10+7: (9)+7: 16

Schneider mumbles another spell. It seems like his blood surges beneath his skin for a moment, then all is calm again. He nods to Yngvild, then will march forward, lighting the way with his blazing greatsword.

GAME: Yngvild casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

Tiasa as she gets a blessing frm another that makes her stronger, she looks at the others, "Do not...get upset." her form starts to blur and elongates as she shifts into a large lizard, well not large large but large for a lizard, still medium sized but with wicked looking claws and sharp teeth. She surges forward with the others.

Schneider casts another spell, and a shimmering force appears in front of him. He peers at Tiasa's change, but has no clever retort for that, so says nothing.

GAME: Schneider casts Shield. Caster Level: 7 DC: 14

As the front of the marching order approaches the ancient staircase, there is a series of clicks, a not-so-subtle vibrations in the platform you walk upon, and dust geysers out of the seams as old mechanisms begin to move after gods know how long. The two bridges fall away, the iron-reinforced stone slabs retracting on both ends to strand you here. Simultaneously, panels in the columns and the bas relief-covered walls slide away, and six skeletons step out, dressed in ceremonial robes. Their exposed bones are covered in intricate copper wire and leather bindings, acting as both decoration and armor. The curved blades they wield are quite functional, however, the front two carrying tower shields and scimitars, the next row guisarmes, and two that stand above all at the top of the stairs with bows and quivers full of arrows. With eerily synchronicity, the skeletal guardians assume formation and ready their arms...

Kira watches at others prepare for the expected confrontation. She has no magic to incant, armor to adjust, nor weapon to ready, so is as prepared as she will be. She didn't expect the bridge to retract behind them, though, and the emerging skeletons probably aren't here to welcome politely.

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    28   SS                  
    23   Archers             
    17   Lancers             
    17   Aegis               
    12   Schneider        1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    12   Yngvild          1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    10   Kira             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    8    Tiasa            1  

The skeletons are fast to act, but hesitate. They move into position with the shield-bearers at the bottom of the stairs and the polearm wielding warriors just behind them. The archers nock arrows and draw their bows back, waiting for something apparently. While two more skeletons emerge, wearing black robes and holding scrolls. They stand to either side of the archers and open the scrolls, reciting the incantations of a shielding spell to match Schneiders, their unholy voices full of malice and reverb.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Schneider casts Fireball. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+7+3: (6)+7+3: 16

Schneider has one solution for every problem, and he applies it here with every indication of being pleased with himself. "Guns and Roses!" he chants, and points his blade, and is immedately shot with arrows. He sputters, and a flame leaps from his blade about two feat and poofs without effect.

GAME: Yngvild casts Prayer. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

Yngvild steps a little foward, leaving room for the melee folks to get past her. She holds her huge earthbreaker up to the heavens as her other hand grasps the smaller symbolic holy symbol around her neck "AGORON WITNESS" she bellows to the heavens. An arrow flies out from the undead and shatter harmlessly against her armored chest "BLESS THE BRAVE AND CURSE THE UNHOLY" she demands. She slams her booted foot down as another wave of blue light sweeps out over the party.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d6+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: You damaged Kira for 31 points. 30 remaining.

"We need to get past their strong point!" Kira isn't a master tactician, but she knows that much is obvious. She beings a quick sprint for the wall of shields, picking up a great deal of speed very quickly. She steps up the shieldwall like a a springboard to leap over the scimitars and through the long guisarmes behind them. She gets through, but not unscathed. Several, mostly the guisarmes, cut deeply through her robes and into her. But they are surrounded, now! Sort of.

GAME: Tiasa RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Tiasa rolls pbite+2+1+1: aliased to Melee+1-2+2+1+1: (4)+11+1+-2+2+1+1: 18

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2+1+1: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2+1+1: (20)+11+1+1+-2+2+1+1: 35 (THREAT)

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2+1+1: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2+1+1: (7)+11+1+1+-2+2+1+1: 22

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw+2+1+1: aliased to melee+1+1-2+2+1+1: (4)+11+1+1+-2+2+1+1: 19

GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2+1: aliased to 1d8+strength+1+4+2+1: (2)+6+1+4+2+1: 16

Tiasa roars and seems to grow a bit she inches forward and is a flurry of teeth and claws ripping into one if the aegis pretty good.

The skeletal sorcerers cast aside the disintegrating vellum scrolls and lock their skeletal claws into a readied gesture conducive to quick, reactive spellcasting...

GAME: Schneider casts Fireball. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Schneider rolls concentration: (5)+concentration: 5

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Brandimus rolls 3d8+12: (21)+12: 33

GAME: You damaged Schneider for 34 points. 36 remaining.

Schneider thinks he has these things figured out now, and begins to cast a spell, and is suddenly sprouting a pair of arrows. That looks painful. Magic fizzles, Schneider fumes.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (16): 16

Yngvild steps foward towards the group blocking the bridge. In one hand she holds her massive earthbreaker aloft, and the other boldly presents a holy symbol "IRON MOUNTAIN WITNESSS" she belows to the heavens above then slams the hammer down. A blaze of bright light burns forth amindst the undead, but they all still seem to be alive. Well upright anyway.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-2-4: (13)+11+2+2+2+1+-2+-4: 25

The Lancers turn to face Kira, swiping out with their free claws, achieving nothing. The shield-bearing skeletons duck behind their large tower shields, leaving Tiasa's reptilian form to rage against.

Kira bats aside one swinging claw to grab the wrist and twist the arm a way it can't bend. That forces the lancer in an awkward position. Even if they don't have flesh, they have joints! This leaves one hand free to do the same thing to the other one! If there was one more, it could be a square dance?

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (2)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 21

GAME: Kira rolls melee: (4)+8: 12

Kira wrenches the arm farther and down, doubling the pikeman over his pike. She snaps an upward kick at the other, but is off-balance juggling the first one. "You deserve..." a grunt "..rest!"

GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: You damaged Kira for 10 points. 20 remaining.

The skeletal sorcerers finally lurch into motion once they overcome the debilitating pain of Yngvild's holy energy and take a more proactive stance in this fight. Namely by unleashing a quartet of force darts that slam into the wrestling monk. Meanwhile, the archers nock another set of dusty arrows and take aim at Schneider once more.

GAME: Schneider RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Schneider rolls 2d6+10+1d6+2: (6)+10+(1)+2: 19

Schneider grumbles and breaks off the arrows sticking out of him. He grunts with wild fury and with a loud cry, waves his flaming blade and rushes at the nearest enemy. Just because you've stopped a sorcerer doesn't mean you've stopped a sorcerer! With a brutal swing of his flaming sword, he smashes one of the skeletons.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (20): 20

GAME: You damaged Yngvild for -20 points. 53 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kira for -20 points. 40 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Schneider for -20 points. 72 remaining.

Considering her usual boisterous bluster Yngvild's ice-blue eyes are thoughtful as they take in the battlefield in one sweep. She purses her lips and raises her hammer again "ANGORON, HEAL THE BRAVE" she bellows in her usual demanding style of prayer. SLAM! The heavy hammer comes down and a blaze of holy blue light radiates from it. This time instead of harming the undead it heals her allies, the blue light focusing on their wounds.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: You damaged Schneider for 11 points. 61 remaining.

The pinned skeleton struggles feebly against Kira's technique, while the other snakes its hooked polearm down and around Schneider's arm as he follows through with the swing of the blade, pulling him onto the mouldering (now-inert bones) of his defeated enemy. The remaining shield-bearer skeleton wastes no time in hacking a nasty gash across the fiery sorcerers back.

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (16)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 35

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1-4+5: (8)+11+2+2+2+1+-4+5: 27

GAME: Kira rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

GAME: Kira rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5

"Please, find your peace..." Kira focuses on the one in hand, twisting and wrenching to run its own arm through the empty ribcage. Eventually, something gives, and the bones separate from tendons and evil magic. Now the bones can rest.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (1)+14: 15 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+15: (3)+15: 18

TiasaSOCKPUPPET rages against the remaining shield bearer, with said shield taking the brunt of her fury. But one claw clears out half it's ribcage and cracks several vertebrae, leaving it barely animate.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Brandimus rolls 4d4+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: You damaged Kira for 8 points. 32 remaining.

Following the lead of the sorcerers, the archers become more aggressive and fire off two arrows at the priestess of Angoron, but their arrows shatter against her armor. The undead arcanists have a little more luck as another volley of magic missiles blast into Kira.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Brandimus rolls 2d4+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20

GAME: Schneider rolls 2d6+10+1d6+2: (4)+10+(6)+2: 22

Schneider gives Yngvild a thumbs-up as he feels her healing taking effect. And now here, in the thick of melee, he's got a bit of cover from the damned archers. Sadly, he's got no cover from the polearm guys, and he gets knocked down hard. He rises up, even though that opens him up for further counterattack, swinging hard at the nearest enemy. He's not feeling any pain at this point, wild with rage. "Take that!" he bellows, swinging his sword with powerful blows as he moves in, and he hacks at the enemy, having much more effect with the sword than he was with magic. Smash!

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (12)+8: 20

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Yngvild rolls 6d6: (16): 16

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29

Again a swift assesing glance of the battlefield. Nodding to herself as she makes up her mind the towering Aesir cleric hefts her hammer to the heavens "ANGORON WITNESS. SMITE THE UNHOLY" she demands, her powerful voice echoing through the cavern. Light flares from her hammer, bathing the undead in a bright and holy glow that sends almost all the remnants down into charred piles of bone "IRON MOUNTAIN!" she yells in praise and triumph.

GAME: Kira rolls melee: (5)+8: 13

After the skeletons fall into piles of bones, Kira move to the remaining one with a punch for peace. Unfortunately, between all the bones,shields, swords, and guisarmes on the ground, she slips and almost falls.

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Brandimus rolls 1d8+15: (5)+15: 20

TiasaSOCKPUPPET takes advantage of the relatively cleared stairs and bounds up them, jumping from the last few steps to the platform the remaining skeleton stands on. If the jaws shattering it's skull didn't kill it, the rest of her bulk slamming it into the wall does the trick.