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(Created page with "''<p style="font-size:19px;color:green;text-align:center;font-family:serif">""So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of ...")
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''<p style="font-size:19px;color:green;text-align:center;font-family:serif">""So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold in the hearts of men." - Maurice Thompson, The Witchery of Archery</p>''
''<p style="font-size:19px;color:blue;text-align:center;font-family:serif">""So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold in the hearts of men." - Maurice Thompson, The Witchery of Archery</p>''
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==Full Background In Its Full Glory==
==About My Character==
{| width="280px" class="infobox" align="right"
{| width="280px" class="infobox" align="right"
| colspan="3" | [[image:Crow.jpg|280px|center]]
| colspan="3" | [[image:Crow.jpg|280px|center]]
| class="left" | '''Date&nbsp;of&nbsp;Birth:'''
| class="left" | '''Race:'''
| Human
| Winter, 989
| class="left" | '''Apparent&nbsp;Age:'''
| class="left" | '''Age:'''
| Late Teens
| Mid-Twenties (by human standards)
| class="left" | '''Occupation:'''
| Vigilant Balance-Keeper
| class="left" | '''Class:'''
| class="left" | '''Class:'''
| Magic Archer
| Druid
| class="left" | '''Level:'''
| class="left" | '''Level:'''
| 3
| Two!
A human born and raised, for the most part, in an incredibly typical farmhouse, Wilros Arroway was a pretty ordinary child. The conveniently unnamed small hamlet he was born in was far away from the politics or law enforcement of the bustling cities. The humble family of five this middle child was born into happy home who dealt with simpler problems instead of the chaotic disarray that cities or nobility can bring. His father was a farmer who tended the small farm that gave his three growing children the vegetables and fruits needed for their youth. His mother, on the other hand, was a hunter surprisingly skilled with a bow. Her skill was uncommon for someone of her rank, but she always told Wilros, dubbed Wil by her, of stories when she was younger and an adventurer. Apparently, she gave that all up to be with a lowly farm boy. Even at his current age, Wilros could never understand why anyone would give up the dangerous and unpredictable life of an adventurer to settle down and live an insured life of such order.
The details of Crow's early life are largely unknown even to him. Especially to him.
Nevertheless, she taught her young and curious son the ways of archery to the best of her abilities. He seemed to have a natural knack for the bow and arrow. Often times, he joined his mother while hunting, taking naturally acrobatic dashes through trees and such, but only for short periods. Mother was fiercely protective of her children and would not let him journey to far from home. By his fourteenth summer, Mother had given him a composite bow for his birthday. It was the first bow he owned and he uses the same one to this day. If his life had gone the way Mother wanted it too, he would have remained a hunter, albeit a highly skilled one, but still just a simple hunter.
Crow was raised by a foster-father, a human Druid named Rain. Rain claims to have found Crow alone in the woods, having been left naked and screaming for the elements to make short work of him. It wouldn't be the first time that a half-blooded child would be abandoned by its parents, especially a Mulblood. Given the unsavory reputation of the Mul'niessa, Crow can't really imagine that the details of his conception were filled with warm thoughts and happy memories.
But as the story continued, his chaotic spirit wasn’t satisfied with a simple bowman. One day, he traveled a bit too far from the boundaries Mother occasionally grants him. He found his way to a home near the surprisingly close to the hamlet. He had heard rumors of the man within it. An old arcane legend who the villagers distrusted. They had let the elderly man so close to their homes because of the herbs he offered them, but he was still heavily disliked by them. Knowing that Mother would skin him alive if he so much as spoke to the man, Wilros left. But by that time, he was confused and lost and didn’t know how to get home.
Why he was left, who left him, or even exactly where he was found were details that Rain always seemed less than willing to share, much to Crow's annoyance. But Crow had too much respect for the man, mixed with a healthy amount of fear, to press overly hard into this subject area.
He traveled the woods nearby the hamlet for half a day before he was greeted by a familiar person. It was the same old wizardly man. He asked Wil in a gruff and unkind voice what he was doing so far away from home which the fourteen year old boy promptly responded by bursting into tears. The man, clearly taking pity on the young soul, casted a simple spell of ‘light’ and started to guide the boy home. The incantation bewildered and fascinated the boy. It was his first experience with any sort of magic. He realized that magic could be gentle and kind, and that there was no need to fear it completely.
Rain was always decent to him, however, and taught him the skills he would need to know for someone of his lineage to survive and make his place in the world. Rain treated Crow as an equal, never being cruel or malicious, but also never allowing him to become soft or complacent. The world is a dangerous place, after all, ready to swallow up the unwary or the incautious, and while some might argue that ignorance is bliss, Rain knew that knowledge is power.
On the way home, a wild arrow pierced into the old man’s shoulder. Turning, Wilros only saw Mother standing there with a relieved face. Wilros, the crybaby he was (and potentially still is), started sobbing, desperately trying to explain to his mother that the man didn’t do anything to him. That it was his own fault for leaving the farm. By then, it was too late. The old man was bleeding and out cold. A now horrified mother quickly rushed him back to their farmhouse where they would treat him.
Rain trained Crow the Druidic arts from the time he could walk, though Rain would often make a game of it early on. Crow showed an amazing natural aptitude for the craft, his keen senses helping him to discern details that sometimes even Rain missed, and Rain's tough but thorough lessons instilled in Crow an almost unparalleled sensibility, possessing an aptitude that even elder druids were both excited and cautious to see.
Despite the fact that Wilros had grown close to the man in the short two or three hours they spent with together, Mother took old man’s injuries the hardest. With a pang of guilt, she told the man that if there was anything he wanted, anything at all, he would receive it. The elder, known as
Though most of Crow's life was spent in the Wilderness learning his craft, the world of Men isn't unknown to him. Despite the fact that Rain could survive the harshest winters without ever setting foot in a proper city, and taught Crow how to do the same, both of them realized that the cities were important ports of call, and can't simply be ignored. On the uncommon journey into one of the smaller villages, Rain would mostly do the talking, and simply ask that Crow observe, listening and watching patiently to gain an understanding of how the world works when the will of man overtakes the natural order, and man shapes the stones that nature once shaped into workings of his own mind's eye.
Odlius, requested for her son as an apprentice. She agreed.
Wilros, of course, was overjoyed when he heard of the news (even though he had no choice in the matter). From that day on, Wilros trained with the ex-Academy wizard. The man proved to be a rather impatient tutor, but quick to make use of twisted humor and laugh off mistakes. Occasionally while Wilros learned the mysteries of the arcane, Odlius would become exasperated, but never angry. He also explored the world outside of his hamlet for short periods of time with Odlius when his parents allowed him. All good things come to an end, however, and one day, the old wizard peacefully passed. Wilros decided after that that he wouldn’t stay with his parents. He would go off and become an adventurer like his mother. Mother was devastated to see him go, but Father, for once taking Wilros’ side, convinced her that it’d be okay. That he’d get to make his mark on the world. And so his path has led him to Alexandria, perhaps too grand of a city for a simple young man. Only time will tell…
But every season has to come to its end. Rain, though he didn't appear to be any older than middle-aged, always acted with the wisdom of a man who's seen well beyond those years, and told Crow that his days were numbered. Rain stopped travelling, settling into one of the local groves and spending his days in quiet contemplation of nature. Inside of a year, Rain was gone, leaving Crow to truly fend for himself and forge his own path in the world.
==Prepared Spells==
Crow travelled to Alexandros, on the boundaries between the natural world and the civilized world, hoping to find the place where his own road begins...
Wilros does, in fact, have some proficiency in the arcane arts, even if he does not present himself as if he had the knowledge. These are the spells he ''generally'' has prepared before engaging combat. He's spellbook is pitiful but it's his own, and he's satisfied with it. For now...
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==RP Hooks==
! scope="col"|Level 0 Spells
! scope="col"|Level 1 Spells
*Mage Armor
*Detect Magic
* '''Socially Colorblind''' - Crow is, very obviously, a half-breed, and is used to being an outsider looking in. While he can seem to be a lone wolf at times, he also understands that there is more to a person than their race, history, or background. He's willing to talk to anyone, regardless of what kind of stigma is attached to them. He understands people dismissing others based on nothing more than a prejudice.
*Mage Armor
* '''Urban Virgin''' - Crow knows how to navigate a city and do what needs to be done in them, but for the most part he's new to the experience of interacting in the massive metropolis of Alexandros. The wonders and horrors of the city never cease to both amaze and confound him. Starting up a conversation about something that he's never seen before is a very good way to get his attention.
* '''Wilderness Warden''' - As a druid, Crow takes a keen interest in preserving the balance between the wilderness and the cities at any cost. Need someone with an understanding of the natural world? Crow might be a good one to come to.
* '''Beastmaster''' - Crow has a few animals. Okay, more than a few. Let's face it, the man has a small [[:Crow/Animals|menagerie]] that goes with him most places, even if you can't see them readily. If you have an interest in animals, or need one trained for a task, you'll probably have plenty to talk with Crow about.
* '''Natural Mystic''' - Crow is very interested in not just preserving the balance of nature, but understanding the power that comes from that delicate balance. He knows just as much of Druidic Spellcraft as anyone of his experience could hope to, and would be more than willing to talk at length about the finer details and theories behind spellcraft.
''Coming Soon!''
* '''The Felwood''' - The thing that brought Crow to Alexandria in the first place. The chaos and disorder that reigns over this accursed place is of primary concern to Crow, and he's been actively seeking more information on the place, in whatever form it comes. Geography, hazards, theories behind the cause of the disruption, theories on how it can be fixed, how further calamities could be prevented, guides willing to risk the hazards to get an up-close look... anything and everything he can find on the matter.
''Coming Soon!''
* '''[[Bordering_Felwood|Bernfleur 22, 1016 - Bordering the Felwood]]''' -
[[Category:Player]][[Category:Druid]][[Category:Green Word]][[Category:Half-Sil]]

Revision as of 05:47, 20 February 2016

""So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold in the hearts of men." - Maurice Thompson, The Witchery of Archery


Full Background In Its Full Glory

Race: Human
Age: Late Teens
Class: Magic Archer
Level: Two!

A human born and raised, for the most part, in an incredibly typical farmhouse, Wilros Arroway was a pretty ordinary child. The conveniently unnamed small hamlet he was born in was far away from the politics or law enforcement of the bustling cities. The humble family of five this middle child was born into happy home who dealt with simpler problems instead of the chaotic disarray that cities or nobility can bring. His father was a farmer who tended the small farm that gave his three growing children the vegetables and fruits needed for their youth. His mother, on the other hand, was a hunter surprisingly skilled with a bow. Her skill was uncommon for someone of her rank, but she always told Wilros, dubbed Wil by her, of stories when she was younger and an adventurer. Apparently, she gave that all up to be with a lowly farm boy. Even at his current age, Wilros could never understand why anyone would give up the dangerous and unpredictable life of an adventurer to settle down and live an insured life of such order.

Nevertheless, she taught her young and curious son the ways of archery to the best of her abilities. He seemed to have a natural knack for the bow and arrow. Often times, he joined his mother while hunting, taking naturally acrobatic dashes through trees and such, but only for short periods. Mother was fiercely protective of her children and would not let him journey to far from home. By his fourteenth summer, Mother had given him a composite bow for his birthday. It was the first bow he owned and he uses the same one to this day. If his life had gone the way Mother wanted it too, he would have remained a hunter, albeit a highly skilled one, but still just a simple hunter.

But as the story continued, his chaotic spirit wasn’t satisfied with a simple bowman. One day, he traveled a bit too far from the boundaries Mother occasionally grants him. He found his way to a home near the surprisingly close to the hamlet. He had heard rumors of the man within it. An old arcane legend who the villagers distrusted. They had let the elderly man so close to their homes because of the herbs he offered them, but he was still heavily disliked by them. Knowing that Mother would skin him alive if he so much as spoke to the man, Wilros left. But by that time, he was confused and lost and didn’t know how to get home.

He traveled the woods nearby the hamlet for half a day before he was greeted by a familiar person. It was the same old wizardly man. He asked Wil in a gruff and unkind voice what he was doing so far away from home which the fourteen year old boy promptly responded by bursting into tears. The man, clearly taking pity on the young soul, casted a simple spell of ‘light’ and started to guide the boy home. The incantation bewildered and fascinated the boy. It was his first experience with any sort of magic. He realized that magic could be gentle and kind, and that there was no need to fear it completely.

On the way home, a wild arrow pierced into the old man’s shoulder. Turning, Wilros only saw Mother standing there with a relieved face. Wilros, the crybaby he was (and potentially still is), started sobbing, desperately trying to explain to his mother that the man didn’t do anything to him. That it was his own fault for leaving the farm. By then, it was too late. The old man was bleeding and out cold. A now horrified mother quickly rushed him back to their farmhouse where they would treat him.

Despite the fact that Wilros had grown close to the man in the short two or three hours they spent with together, Mother took old man’s injuries the hardest. With a pang of guilt, she told the man that if there was anything he wanted, anything at all, he would receive it. The elder, known as Odlius, requested for her son as an apprentice. She agreed.

Wilros, of course, was overjoyed when he heard of the news (even though he had no choice in the matter). From that day on, Wilros trained with the ex-Academy wizard. The man proved to be a rather impatient tutor, but quick to make use of twisted humor and laugh off mistakes. Occasionally while Wilros learned the mysteries of the arcane, Odlius would become exasperated, but never angry. He also explored the world outside of his hamlet for short periods of time with Odlius when his parents allowed him. All good things come to an end, however, and one day, the old wizard peacefully passed. Wilros decided after that that he wouldn’t stay with his parents. He would go off and become an adventurer like his mother. Mother was devastated to see him go, but Father, for once taking Wilros’ side, convinced her that it’d be okay. That he’d get to make his mark on the world. And so his path has led him to Alexandria, perhaps too grand of a city for a simple young man. Only time will tell…

Prepared Spells

Wilros does, in fact, have some proficiency in the arcane arts, even if he does not present himself as if he had the knowledge. These are the spells he generally has prepared before engaging combat. He's spellbook is pitiful but it's his own, and he's satisfied with it. For now...

Level 0 Spells Level 1 Spells
  • Prestidigitation
  • Mage Armor
  • Detect Magic
  • Shield
  • Mage Armor


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!