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"...we'd heard rumor but. ''No one'' believed it--" the one who'd held the camels, waiting, says. Your guide, Fatwa guides hers behind you, but it may not help. The beasts are circling. "No one!"
"...we'd heard rumor but. ''No one'' believed it--" the one who'd held the camels, waiting, says. Your guide, Fatwa guides hers behind you, but it may not help. The beasts are circling. "No one!"
[[Category:Oasis|Amid an Oasis 1]]

Revision as of 03:43, 8 October 2017

"GOOD DAY." A dragon is looking at you. A great beast with bronze eyes, he arcs his neck in a graceful curve to...bring himself to your level. Merchant Tangisir's bulk fills the room. Torches blaze merrily within wall sconces, giving the room the heated, warm feel of the desert.

There is sand at your feet. Generous and soft. There are cushions for your softskin forms.

You'd been led here, deferentially, by the merchant's attendant, a perfunctional monk with polite, soft-spoken words. HERE of course, is the Veyshanti Embassy, within Alexandria. Some months ago it had suffered a setback--a bomb exploded outside by a vengeful ghost, but...Veyshan had rebuilt, perhaps absorbing some of that Alexandrian spirit, which refuses to be overcome.

Arubesh came when he heard that Tangisir required assistance. Old habits died hard, and the when the Merchant princes called, one answered. When led in he sweeps a low bow, his hands coming together in a sign of respect. "Ali Mullah, Merchant Prince of the halls of earth and sky. It is a great pleasure to see you again." He waits a moment in silence before straightening. He does not sit on one of the cushions, but scoops a small divot with his foot, revealing that he wears no shoes. Crossing his legs he lowers himself into the space, and finds comfort, being extra sure to not show the bottoms of his feet to the dragon.

Sasha made her way here and curtsied to the dragon. "Greetings." She says rather evenly. She'd never met a dragon before, so she was a little nervous.....like if the Alexandrian river was just a creek.

Kisa was here because merchants needing help. I mean, how could she /not/ come to the aid of merchants. Kisa had no idea that what she would find would be a bronze dragon. She had followed in with the others enjoying the soft sand and the warm, desert-like, climate. And then, "Huawaha!" Kisa says, pointing at the dragon, she blinks and her jaw drops. A look of her eyes to the others, about to elbow Sasha when the woman curtsies. She blinks and stares at Sasha then! Was that what...?

Kisa's head snaps back forward to look toward the dragon and she finally gives a curtsy as well. It seems that this was the right way to greet a dragon and Kisa was not going to mess that up. Even if she did lack the words for it.

"I AM GLAD YOU HAVE COME," the merchant says. The dragon coils himself comfortably--dry scales whisper-scrape across the sand. "HAVE YOU HEARD...HAVE YOU HEARD OF LADY LASHANI'S ANNOUNCEMENT?" (+bbread 16/17) the dragon says. He pauses for effect, regarding you with great sun-discs. A gesture of his claws in the air, and the monk servant from before returns.

His man bows near you, and begins to set out trays. Scent hits the air--at first, the scent of flowers, but it soon blossoms into the dry air. It becomes many worlds, many scents. Springtime upon springtime. ...all at once, the dragon has paused in his telling. "PLEASSE ENJOY," he says.

=========================> IC: Alexandrian Tribune <==========================
Message: 16/17                     Posted        Author
Reflections                        Thu Sep 07    Tribune Staff

Kiya Lashani, a half-sil of some repute in the noble district, is glad to announce the construction of a new manor within Alexandria's Upper City. That is, east of the River. "I wish to call it the Hall of Reflections, but that may change. The name came to the tip of my tongue, but that may be a little overused, do you think?" she told the Tribune. Why the Hall of Reflections?

"I've had the greatest fascination with glass since I was a child. The way it can be turned and inspired to great heights. The semi-translucency of it as art. I hope to honor all Alexandrian artists with the manor. I look forward to hosting many events, there. Well, whatever it may end up being called. I'm sure Reos' daughter will offer Her whispers, when it's done."

Lady Lashani's family is known for their quiet generosity. The Tribune expects the new manor to be a tribute to Alexandria and its people.


"I have, Tangisir." Sasha even says it a couple of times to make sure she gets the name right. "I'm just curious as to what it means for us." She then looks to Kisaiya. "As long as the lady changes clothes in the basement."

You paged Arubesh with 'The dragon is a merchant, and at heart, a trader. Offering to buy or compliment some of his wares can only help what you are paid for this job, or offered information in turn. He was interviewed in the Tribune a few times. ...a tea and spice merchant. His signature was tlagi, well-known in tea circles for its unique combination of flavors. It is said it carries all flavors, from the crisp sunrise of the desert morning to its heated sunset. A thousand poems have been made of its petals. A single cup runs at least 10 gold.

Long distance to Sasha: Beaglefinder'll give the combined: The dragon is a merchant, and at heart, a trader. Offering to buy or compliment some of his wares can only help what you are paid for this job, or offered information in turn. He was interviewed in the Tribune a few times. ...a tea and spice merchant. His signature was tlagi, a...you don't remember much more than that. It was a tea?

Arubesh ponders the implications that Tangisir presented. "A hall of reflections..." He smiles and claps his hands. "Veyshani glass perhaps?" He looks to the others and peers over his gold-rimmed glasses. "All the sands. Finest in the world. Even a field of glass exists, which reflects the light of the sun with the greatest beauty." His nostrils flair at the myriad of scents that embrace the senses. "Oh, great prince, you are most gracious!" He says with appreciation. He breathes deeply over a cup of the fine tea. "Tlagi. Hint of desert rose dew. Something else?" No cream, no sugar. Tasted as it was intended. Unadulterated. "Great one, you must have a magical nose to always choose the choicest lots."

It's not often that distant Veyshan intrudes upon Alba's day to day existence, anymore. But when a dragon asks for help, and that help involves an oasis in the homeland, even the dullest Veyshanti expatriate knows to curry favor. It's simply the way things are.

Up to this point, Alba has been silent. But then the tea is brought out, and it is the legendary tea-of-all-flavors-and-none that has made a dragon a household name in Alexandria.

And Alba is *utterly unprepared for this.* Certainly not a word-spinner like Arubesh, all she can offer is the tradition of the nomad clans. ".....Gladly do I share your water, Most Cunning," Alba says, settling on the floor and taking her cup of tea with a bow of the head. "May your family ever prosper."

Good enough. Right? Right?

"YESS. YESS." *preeeeeen* The draconic presses his claws against his jaw, as though *modestly* considering their words. "BUT THERE ISS SSOME TIME. SSHE HASS MANY ARTISSTS TO CONTRACT WITH. YET...I KNOW HER FAMILY," he says. One would say smug, but are dragons not already superior, in every way? He might be said to be humble, the way he looks downwards, and lets gold-bronze claws trail through the sand. "...IT WILL BE ONE OF ALEXANDRIA'SS RISSING SSTARS. SSO I PROPOSSE A GIFT, OF SSERTAIN SSPICES OF COURSSE, FOR HER EFFORTSS. THAT ISS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, DO YOU THINK? BUT AH..."

The monk pads forward in the sand. Then kneels, as he spreads a cloth map out in front of your knees. The map shows Veyshan, of course. Under Merchant Tangisir's direction, the monk indicates a route with an ebon wand.


Paged to some: Of course, some tales of danger would add to the prestige of whatever it is he is asking you to retrieve. Even were it to be a trip through a genteel garden, you'd do well to exaggerate the tale upon return. (I'll be awarding bonuses for rumors post-adventure. ^^;)

Arubesh examines the map, pressing his glasses up further onto the bridge of his nose. Small grunts sound from his throat as he purses his lips. "Ah, I see. Yes. It was long ago, but I have seen a path like this. Always was told of its many hazards and dangers." He waves a hand over the map in a sweep. "Your family, even with your might, must have been very brave to conquer this trade route. I can only hope we can live up to that tradition on your behalf." His dark eyes twinkle as he looks to the others about the circle, sorting of nodding his head in a light jerking manner as if to get them to add.

Alba leans forward to peer at the map.... then settles back into place, blowing out the long, long sigh of someone forced to contact an old, creepy grandmother for the first time in more than a year. "The Dune Sea," she mutters, pushing up her mask and pinching at the bridge of her nose. "And beyond. Hrn." Adamant razors tap delicately against her teacup, and she takes a small, considering sip from her cup. "At least this party shall not lack for water until we leave the lands of my knowing."

"I've never been to Veyshan at all." Sasha says rather genuinely. "We won't lack for water at all, Alba. Not only will we share......but I can create quite a bit of water from my lady's blessings."

Kisa takes tea as well, giving it a sip as she looks about between the others. I mean, she doesn't mind tea but she's not nearly as accomplished at understanding what makes a good one or bad one. Either way she gives a polite nod and a smile until Alba- AH! Where did... Kisa looks over at Alba, after having curved away from her when she made her presence known.

As the people start to move their attention to the map, she does too and she relaxes some. Her eyes flit along the map and she asks out of the corner of her mouth toward the witch, "Hey. Hey. Did you get those phase spiders I sent you?"

"IT TOOK SSOME TIME," the dragon says. Merchant Tangisir dips his head to Arubesh. "AND...A BAUBLE. YESSS, A GLASS BAUBLE SSHALL ACCOMPANY THE SSPICESS. I WASS RIGHT TO CALL UPON YOU ALL," the dragon says, his great voice dipping to a purr of pleasure. A merchant planning his horde. Either socially...or through gold coins. "NOW...NOW THAT WE ARE DONE WITH BUSINESS, PERHAPSS YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR SSTORIESS OF THE MONKSS OF THE BURNING SSANDS?" Oh dear. You'll be here for hours. But it could be good. ...could it?

...could. ...it??

The witch blinks as Kisaiya leans over to whisper at her, and the look she bestows upon the woman is.... less... than amused. "...I have," she mutters, "and I would ask that if the effort not cause you to fall over dead, perhaps to send *word* first."

"I attached a note!" Kisa says back to Alba with a raise of her eyebrows and a plan of her hands on her hips. Of course there is the story, the story which steals her attention. Ooo, stories of Monks!

GAME: Alba rolls fortitude: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Sasha rolls fort+2: (5)+9+2: 16

GAME: Kisaiya rolls fortitude: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Arubesh rolls fort + 1: (4)+4+1: 9

And so, you escape with your life. Eventually. Not too many of you fall asleep, and those that do--well. Alba *stares* at them. That takes care of that.

...and so, you stand from the cushions on too-sore legs (who sits like that, really?) before being escorted out through the embassy, by the monk. Ambassador Abba is one of the current emmisaries from Veyshan. You had not met him this trip, but some of his employees wave to you.

...and so, into the streets of Alexandria once more. The caravan leaves in three days. Three sunsets, two sunrises. An auspicious five, according to the tea leaves, or the number of claws upon a dragon's forearm. You'll need to make your preparations.

On the day of the second sunrise, the party is met with the monk from earlier. He bows to each of you, remaining so for the space of one, perfect heartbeat before rising again. Then, turning and walking swiftly towards the Western Gates.

He leads you to a ship, for a trip across the Inmost Sea. ( http://tenebraemush.net/images/5/5c/Worldmap.jpg )

"Forgive this one. The captain is known to you as Nudara. Her family has known the Ambassador's for two generations," relatively new, then. As a babe. He bows again. "I wish you good travels and safe passage."

The distance between Alexandria and the Golden Coast, you expect, will not be very long. A short trip, overall, past warmer waters and islands; an almost protected harbor if it were not for occasional pirates and thieves. If all goes well aboard ship, it could be like a holiday.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Just so you know: there's plenty of sun with cooling wind, both from the sea and the changing seasons. There's a shrine to Rada as you board ofc, for good fortune. ^^; It is *horribly* nice. Perhaps just to piss off Alba. <.<"

<OOC> Alba shakesfist.

Sasha made sure to pack quite a bit of water, but she does let Alba adjust her belongings as well. Sasha has also asked for endure element blessings....and has brought potions....just in case.

Kisa packed what used to be her usual attire, long skirts and long sleeves with boots, and then she packed a little more, and then that little more turned into a steamer trunk. One that she lugged onto the ship only to realize that she would have to leave it behind to be sent back as everyone else was not packed for caravans but instead packed for a much lighter journey. At least her clothes would be reasonable for the climate. There is also a very good chance that on the way over, the shrine to Rada might end up with fishlips drawn on it.

Arubesh's own packs are relatively light, and he wears the loose robes of his cassock. Dark, but immediately recognizable as Vardaman from a distance. He insists on reading from a tome he carries chained to his waste before they depart, intoning the dangers of the world, and that the Dread Lady lend her hand to theirs in their defense. In fact he offers this every sunset, for those that want to listen on a daily basis. Despite her oddness, Arubesh finds Alba's actions and behaviors commendable and common place. A good thing to be near another Veyshani. Of course respects are paid to Rada before boarding, for travel goes poorly for the unwary of the world serpent. Even a Vardaman knows that.

The ship creaks in the wind, and soon whisks over the waves. The trip indeed, is short--a merry beginning before reaching the blasting sands. It's over all too quickly. Too... *cheerfully*. How awful. Well, and then Arubesh leads prayers. A peaceful nights' sleep for everyone. Alba must be having a terrible time. It is, you know. *nice*. Except she, and everyone else? Wakes up feeling *fantastic*.

"...Arubesh, Sasha, Kisaiya, Alba..." ...one of the sailors calls your names near the deboarding plank. A lanky man, he has paperwork for you to sign--papers saying you'd arrived on the ship and then departed safely.

Past him, the plank arcs over the port waters, until it reaches the dock.

Beyond that, sand. Great dunes, golden in color. A vast city, shimmering in the distance--though that isn't where you are going. A shrine to Rada sits nearby, half-buried in the sand. It has no fishlips. *YET*.

...and beyond that. A camel train. The shaggy beasts chew their cud sideways, eyeing you through long lashes. On their backs are exotic rugs and saddles, though nothing too elaborate that would not survive the desert wind. A guide stands with them, holding the reins. Expectantly.

Sasha tilts her head, but signs the paper. "When they sand gets everywhere." She says with a sigh. Then she gets on a camel.......that will be *FUN*

Despite popular theorizing, Alba does not in fact adore terrible journeys. Good weather and good time just means the foolishness is over more quickly, after all. The paperwork is signed, and legibly, and then the camels are given a long looking-over


Her old nemesis.

But, that was long and long ago, and now she has power and skill. And to *prove* her mastery of the wretched beast, her chosen camel has its reins taken up by her hair, and she loats up to touch a *single toe* onto the camel's hump. And appears to have decided to ride like that, across the desert, swathed in layers of light-colored cotton robes.

And she *dares* the camel to take exception.

The sun beats down more harshly. One can feel the temperature increasing with each step from the vessel. Climbing the camels? Just means getting closer to the sun.

With aid, or natural speed, you mount up and set out from the Golden Coast. It will take some time and the initial paths will be easy. Your guide suggests travel in the late evening, due to the heat. It helps, though the sun? Well, there are no trees and even less shade, where you're headed. Those from Veyshan know this well. Thankfully, you'd prepared.

Around you as you ride, dunes stretch as far as you can see. Rolling, dusty, and deep sungold. Beneath you, the huff-groan of camelback.


Kisaiya sighs heavily as she moves in with the group down the plank. She signs the paperwork and checks the box for her trunk to go back to Alexandria. She looked toward it on the deck. Where they're going, they wouldn't have a wagon or a caravan. Such a think would just not work. She hangs her head and starts to slump off before spotting... Oh look! A shrine. She inches over toward it, looks one way then the other, and then tries to covertly draw another set of fishlips on it. She's a Tarienite, what do you expect?

Kisaiya stares at the camel. She's not entirely sure how to ride one though and so watches Alba before calling out to her. "ALBA! How the... with the... I mean, I know you use the hair but..." Kisaiya makes motions like a wave and then points at the camel's back before shrugging her shoulders. "How?"

You paged Arubesh with 'You hear the footfalls of four-legged beasts. Not...you recall the sounds of jackals coursing over the desert sands in the evening, their lean bodies gliding over the rough. This is not that. It's bigger...there are also faint tracks.

You paged Alba with 'The dunes are everywhere, but they're...a group of them block sight to the right of you. There are tracks along the sand. They belong to some four-legged beast. Many.

"I *fly,*" Alba answers, before they set out upon the road.

While not perhaps much more *comfortable* traveling in the Dune Sea, Alba nods her confirmation with their guide, setting up an open-faced tent to the lee of the wind when the sun comes up, and keeping herself bundled quite literally to her eyes. The mask even goes on *over* the robes, just to make sure.

In the evening as they ride, Alba peers to one side, then the other, and makes a sharp, hissing sound at the back of her throat. "Tracks," she says, pointing her razored hand to the party's right, then to the dunes behind the tracks. "See, how high the sand. Raiders, it is likely."

Arubesh nods in agreement with Alba, having noticed the same tracks. "Four feet," he comments in a hushed tone. "Much bigger than a hyena. Mounts perhaps." He turns in his seat to look at the others in the group, pointing to his knife to let them know that they should draw steel if they needed to. Next to his knife he pulls forth a black obsidian wand. He chants quietly to himself, calling to his Lady. "Harpist. Grant me sight beyond sight. That my eyes may see the passing of man."

GAME: Arubesh casts Deathwatch. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Keeping mouth shut, Sasha has no idea what to do except follow Alba and Arubesh. She's completely out of her element here.

At first, nothing. Then the soft pad-pad of claws over sand. Dark green eyes appear near a dune. Whooping laughter from bestial throat.

Whooping, ghostly, as first one beast emerges, and then the next. Hulking beasts with dripping jaws, these hyenas snarl with the desperation of scavengers. No normal creatures they're...large in size, at least 12' at the shoulder.

"...we'd heard rumor but. No one believed it--" the one who'd held the camels, waiting, says. Your guide, Fatwa guides hers behind you, but it may not help. The beasts are circling. "No one!"