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Linwen is the only child of the human ranger Jorgen Alowhaust and the elf war-maiden Amdiruial DeMarillis. She was born in Ylvaliel shortly after her parents moved there to start a new life together after an unsanctioned marriage. She was educated at home by her parents, learning what it means to be an elf from her mother and a human from her father. She learned how to read and write both Sildanyari and Tradespeak by her parents and was taught Sylvan from Jastira Sylsalor, a druid who tended the grove near the city whom Linwen befriended at a young age after a chance meeting near the forest edge. From Jastira and Amdi she learned of the power of magic as both women were gifted in the arcane arts. She learned to respect it and understand its necessity in the world at a young age and as a result turned to worshipping Eluna as she grew older.
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Linwen was an active child and loved running and pushing her body to the limit. It is no surprise then that as she grew into a young teen she was exceptionally fit. This combined with her half-blood heritage often found her the target of bullies which got her into quite a few fights growing up. She took her beatings and when her mother began to teach her Sildanyari martial arts she began to dish them out until she beat respect into her would be attackers. Despite these years of harassment Linwen remained a balanced and steady youth who tried to talk her way out of fights when possible. And when she couldne let her opponent know the error of their ways.
A diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Varius duis at consectetur lorem donec. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed. Nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis at. Vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit lectus. Ac auctor augue mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum. Risus viverra adipiscing at in tellus. Varius duis at consectetur lorem donec. Semper viverra nam libero justo. Duis at consectetur lorem donec massa. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis.

Revision as of 16:55, 22 June 2020


Linwen DeMarillis

About My Character

Race: Half-Elf
Ancestry: Eldanar
Date of Birth: Eatonis 4 997
Apparent Age: Mid twenties.
Occupation: Investigator and City Guard
Class: Inquisitor
Level: 2
Organizations: The Temple of Eluna
Aspect: Fun (?)
       Linwen is the only child of the human ranger Jorgen Alowhaust and the elf war-maiden Amdiruial DeMarillis. She was born in Ylvaliel shortly after her parents moved there to start a new life together after an unsanctioned marriage. She was educated at home by her parents, learning what it means to be an elf from her mother and a human from her father. She learned how to read and write both Sildanyari and Tradespeak by her parents and was taught Sylvan from Jastira Sylsalor, a druid who tended the grove near the city whom Linwen befriended at a young age after a chance meeting near the forest edge. From Jastira and Amdi she learned of the power of magic as both women were gifted in the arcane arts. She learned to respect it and understand its necessity in the world at a young age and as a result turned to worshipping Eluna as she grew older.
       Linwen was an active child and loved running and pushing her body to the limit. It is no surprise then that as she grew into a young teen she was exceptionally fit. This combined with her half-blood heritage often found her the target of bullies which got her into quite a few fights growing up. She took her beatings and when her mother began to teach her Sildanyari martial arts she began to dish them out until she beat respect into her would be attackers. Despite these years of harassment Linwen remained a balanced and steady youth who tried to talk her way out of fights when possible. And when she couldne let her opponent know the error of their ways.
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Roleplay Hooks

  • Cult Hunter Linwen's mother was murdered in Alexandria, a crime never solved nor the guilty punished. One of her driving forces is to find the cult and its members who did this horrid act and bring them to justice. Perhaps you have information or can help?
  • City Guard Quite often she can be found guarding the Soldier's Defense or the temple district of the city.
  • Detective Linwen is good at seeing what others don't want seen and seeing right through lies. She is an excellent detective and as an failed Paladin trainee turned inquisitor she knows how to get out of violent scrapes that her prying eyes can get her into.
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People I Know

Morgan - My new girlfriend.
Ygraine - A fighter I met by the river.
Sabina - Mysterious Lady with a Peacock.

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RP Logs

Log Goes Here

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Half-Sildanyari PC Badge
Heritage: Linwen relates more to the elvish kin of her mother than her human father.
Role: Rejected by the elves and made fun of by the humans growing up has left her forever between worlds.
Faith: Eluna
Homeland: Ylvaliel

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Faith PC Badge
Faith: Eluna
Temple: The Temple of Eluna
Role: Ex-Paladin turned Inquisitor
Landmarks: None
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