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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Roadside Chatter *Emitter: Aryia *Characters: Aryia, Seyardu, Ravenstongue, Verna, Venom, Jinks, Ra...")
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:: ''Lower Markets, Afternoon.''
:: ''Between Lower Markets and Lower Gardens, Afternoon.''

Latest revision as of 17:07, 29 November 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Roadside Chatter
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Aryia, Seyardu, Ravenstongue, Verna, Venom, Jinks, Randolf, Cesran
  • Place: Between Lower Markets and Lower Gardens
  • Time: November 28th, 2021
  • Summary: On a chilly yet fair day, on a road that blends together the Lower Markets and the Gardens, a group of folks slowly gather and disperse. Starting with Aryia and Seyardu, with Ravenstongue joining (and a Pothy firmly nested on her head). Verna appears from the Soldier's Defense, and there's a new face that joins the group. Violet, Aryia's girlfriend. Introductions are passed around, as well as news of a demon dabbling noble being arrested, hopefully for good this time around. Randolf arrives, making a detour to say hello, and Jinks is busy debating with fellow gnomish kin before he's shoved off and joins in. Cesran arrives a moment later. conversation is mostly light, and it's a rather casual day. People slowly bid their farewells, going about their business.

Between Lower Markets and Lower Gardens, Afternoon.

With the recent events of success stories, folk are more willing to step unto the markets once more. Especially after the raging statue and the Ashwing was dealt with. Though, there still was a bead of nervous energy. The din of commerce subdued, and folks go about their day at a more cautious pace during this chilly, clear day.

A pair of blue booted feet dangle from the second story of a building, kicking idly as a mul'neissa woman sits atop a roof. Clad in her green jacket, she's got her chin in a hand, eyes closed. Pensive.

Business had to remain going, and it couldn't be avoided going to markets for many. But there are a few shoppers that look a bit more at ease. And among them was a familiar silver sith-makar in althean robes, going about her business, mainly stopping at various clothing stalls. She pauses near one though, sniffing the air and looking around, but not seeming to find anything.

The kicking feet still for a moment, and a pair of shaded eyes peer over the edge. It was the gait that she caught. Clawed, yet somewhat light. Her brows raise, and she makes a silent noise with her lips.

There's a soft 'ka-tunk' of something landing behind Seyardu, the scent she picked up growing in intensity as it was right behind her.

The mute waits, then raises a hand in greeting.

The silver makari jumped just a touch at the noise, and she spun around quickly, sending a stand of cloth bolts tumbling to the ground with her tail. There is a moment of fumbling when she sees Aryia, and she raises a hand up in return. "Ah, peace on your nest, Aryia, I thought you might be around. And, sorry, this one was not expecting that."

The silver makari crouches down to right the stand and dust off the cloth. "This one is trying to put on an air of ease, but being in these markets still puts me on edge." She admits.

Aryia blinks as the bolts were knocked off kilter. She helps pick up and replace, a spare hand flitting about, "Peace on your nest," she signs. "You and everyone else. Been watching it for a bit."

Once the merchandise was situated, the elf buckles her jacket together and rests on her back foot. "How have you been? Oh- by the way. I went to Am'shere. I don't know how you lived in that fucking place." She shudders. <Handspeech>

The peace of the gardens is soon spoiled by a familiar croak from off in the distance...

"Snack!" Pothy demands from atop an unusual perch: Ravenstongue's /head/. Ravenstongue looks thoroughly put out by Pothy's behavior, but she reaches into a bag that smells like it is full of warm baked goods full of sugar and cinnamon and pulls out a roll. Pothy's eyes dilate and he snatches the roll from her hand.

Ravenstongue sighs. "Will you get off my head now? Please? I know you watched a pigeon land on someone's head earlier and I laughed, but that doesn't mean I think it's funny when /you/ do it," she says, paying more attention to the bird sitting on her head than to the two familiar figures not far from her.

"Well, I should be less nervous, right? I mean, I am supposed to be one of the people who actually dealt with the problem, but, perhaps I am just concerned." Seyardu sighs. Though she stops, and tilts her head. "You went to Am'shere? I am not sure what you mean, but, it is not that bad there. Dangerous, but, perhaps if you do not have a tough hide, it can be unpleasant."

Then her head is turned to the sound of a Raven speaking, on top of another Raven. The cleric squints. "Ah, peace on your nest, Ravenstongue. Is there some sort of issue? Perhaps Apotheosis tires of whatever baked good you have, and would like something I have?" She asks, hoping to drag off the bird for the sake of the sorcerer.

Aryia gives a small sigh at Seyardu's anxiety. She pats the silverscale's shoulder. "Yes, I feel the same way. But your concern is warranted."

The mute groans. "Yes, I went. It's so hot.. and everything tries to eat you. I had to cover myself in sap so things wouldn't smell me. And I swear, if someone gets in my space and sniffs me one more fucking time, I'm going to break a nose," she complains, scowling.

Her attention shifts to the half-sil, and her brows raise. She waves at her, a brow raised at the oddly placed white raven. <Handspeech>

Verna emerges from the Soldier's Defense, one of her homes away from home as of late. Or, perhaps more correctly, her place of business, with the library(ies) being her homes.

In time, a moontanned human woman drifts along the garden district, dark eyes sweeping curiously of her surroundings. Her raven hair is plaited into a calf length braid, streaked here and there with wisps of a rich violet, similar to that of the blossom tucked in over her left ear. Her softsoled boots strike lightly upon the cobblestones, and her figure is warded from the elements by a blue rube and gloves beneath a homespun wool cloak, while a well fashioned, if humble parasol rests folded over her right shoulder.

"He just thinks he's a funny bird today, that's all," Ravenstongue says as she rolls her eyes. She reaches up and subtly taps on his feet. "At least I know he doesn't poop, otherwise I'd be more concerned. C'mon, you big overgrown sparrow, back onto my shoulder."

"Merp!" Pothy says in protest, wrenching his talons a little bit tighter into Ravenstongue's hood. For whatever reason, this is his roost now--all five feet of height off the ground, for what it's worth.

"How's everyone doing?" Ravenstongue asks, waving around at all of the familiar faces since she's given up on wrenching the raven from his spot.

"It is hot, yes, which is why most wear so little." Seyardu nods. "And you don't walk anywhere unarmed, or without a few other people with you. But it's fairly safe in the villages, at least. But what is wrong with being sniffed? I suppose it is different for non makari, since there are no emotions carried on scents. But they were likely just trying to understand you."

Seyardu turns and waves to Verna who she noticed nearby quickly, though she pauses and sniffs at the air once, looking to the parasol toting person walking nearby, but quickly back to Verna. "Peace on your nest! You are done with your duties for today, Verna?" She asks curiously. "Looking for anything particular in the markets?"

Aryia gives a wave Verna across the way to greet her, glad to see her once more. Though, she snerks at Pothy's antics. She gives a thumbs up to the question, but the gesture moves to a 'so-so' wobble. The elf answers Seyardu, "Because it feels like I'm a dog, and I've already had about twelve mothers swarm me on a near daily basis over a week."

The mul'neissa is about to sign something else, but a flash of blue off in the distance catches her attention. A faint, happy, "V-l-t..!" Her eyes widen behind her sunglasses, and a warm smile blooms across her visage. The mute emits a soft two-toned whistle and beckoning her over.


Verna notes the calling silver makari first, followed by the corvidated magi, the fullblood mul'niessa and, then, eventually, the purple one that the former whistles to. It is to Seyardu and her inquiry that she responds initially. "Indeed, I am, and peace on your nest. I have no immediate need to search the markets, as one considered sought was promptly found. I would speak to you at your leisure. Pleasant news, in fact; something not so prevalent as it could be as of late."

Pothy finally releases Ravenstongue from his taloned prison. He flies over from her head to a small bird bath, wetting his feathers with the slightest dip of a wing... And then he *rolls* in the bath, soaking down his fluff. He follows it up with a vigorous shake of his body from beak to tail. His pale feathers are now ultra-glossy.

The pale raven returns to Ravenstongue right as she tries to sign "Hello!" to Aryia and Violet, but his landing on her shoulder makes the sign much more dramatic than intended. "Pothy!" Ravenstongue protests. "I'm trying to talk to people, be polite."

Pothy stares at her. Then he leans into her ear and croaks: *"I'M A CLEAN BOY."*

"But I do not feel like a dog. Sometimes I wonder how others manage when their emotions are so much more difficult to discern." Seyardu chuckles. "Ah, yes, the nest mothers, they are a handful. Their emotions are, they are a bit stronger than usual, especially their protectiveness. It takes a lot to keep up with them."

Seyardu turns to Verna, and a brow raises, accompanied by a large smile. "Good news? That is always welcome, Verna, I would be happy to hear that." She replies happily, before looking to the other newcomer, catching one of Aryia's words. "Violet? If I am not mistaken, it is good to meet you! Aryia has had nothing but good and wonderful things to say about you, so it is good to meet you finally. I am sorry you could not make it to the celebrations the other day."

Jinks wears a longcoat that is snug about his trunk but flares out to flap loosely about his legs. It's a green so deep it's almost black and trimmed in abundant, glittering gold. Coyote sits at his throat, a pin of the animal avatar cavorting in a tight circle, chasing His own tail. Gossamar veils dangle from his circlet and his lips glitter gold behind them. Fingers heavy with rings dance as he speaks to another gnome covered in leathers and grease.

The two share a mother tongue but not much else. The second fellow's hair is a bright green and his skin dark and rough. His footfalls are heavy and purposeful while the minstrel practical floats about the streets next to him.

They walk in debate.

Jinks dashes ahead and turns, slowing the other gnome with a hand laid lightly at his sternum. One last plea, hopefuly and familiar-- half-joking. A steam-powered, piston-laden gauntlet bats aside the delicate digits of the bard and the inventor shoulders through, grumbling as he continues on his way.

"Lord Altay was arrested and detained," Verna informs, "his home searched and evidence seized. He will not be aiding the fiends any longer, and the items empowering and enabling them were disabled. There will be a call for witnesses of his atrocities, which I hope that all knowledgeable will answer." She then turns to Aryia and the tentatively announced Violet. "Good day to you both."

The braided brunette continues her wandering when the familiar trill of Aryia's whistle brings her gaze around with a little smile. Violet starts to make her way around the foliage toward the bearing of the hail, and she lifts a blue gloved hand to wave as she catches sight of Aryia and- oh my, so many people around her.

These must be more of her friends!

The human's pace is more hasty than before, and she almost skips around the periphery of the grouping to join the Mul'niessa's side, a little touch of rose blooming in line with the splash of freckles across her cheeks and bridge of her nose as she leans in to hug Aryia with a, "Hello, Aryia, I've missed you!" and a demure kiss on the cheek, then as she straightens, there is a warm smile turned to "Miss Ravenstongue, Mr Pothy, it's good to see you again!"

Then, to the silverscale, she gives another little curtsey, "Peace on your nest... Seyardu?" her smile brightens and she reaches out for the Sith's hand, "Thank you so very much for taking care of Aryia when you're doing your works."

The talk of such nasty business as a lord trafficing with fiends dampens her enthusiasm a touch and she shrinks back a little into herself with a almost breathless, "Oh my..."

In a completely heel turn of the usual Aryia, the mute silently giggles and smiles brightly, her reaching out to take a blue gloved hand and leans into the frame of the human. "Hello Violet, missed you as well."

She bobs her head, and gestures out to everyone. "Yes, that's Seyardu. And J-I-N-K-S, and V-E-R-N-A," she points to each of the folk respectively that have yet to be introduced. Though, she blinks as she points out the gnome, her having realized he was busy and just nearby. She tilts her head at the scene before her before-

The news makes the elf stumble, her whipping over to Verna. "Really?! FUCKING FINALLY!" she gestures widely, looking insanely relieved. She looks up to Violet, explaining some more. "Remember that asshole nobleman that kept getting out of being arrested? Finally some good news from that. Thank you Verna."<Handspeech>

Seyardu glances to the gnome with a raised brow, offering him a wave as well. "Peace on your nest Jinks, I hope things are not too bad with whoever you were just speaking with." She greets, but Verna's news makes her smile back to them, and thump her tail once against the ground. "He is finally arrested? I would say there is justice there, but justice is many months too late. Still, I am happy that they are no longer free to conspire to burn down this city. Things are almost reaching some amount of normalcy here, again."

Seyardu takes the hand and shakes it, as seems to be the custom. "Think nothing of it Violet, Aryia is a good friend, and I would not let anything happen to them or any others I am working with. Speaking of which, it is good to see you up again Jinks, I hope you have recovered well from that poison. I would say, you look even nicer in person than how Aryia described you Violet, which is an impressive feat."

Pothy puffs up his feathers merrily from being referred to as Mr Pothy. It isn't his proper title, of course, one might get the impression, but he is certainly happy to be dignified with a modicum of the respect that he deserves. "Clean boy!" he repeats again, proud of his good avian hygiene.

However, off in the distance, he notices Jinks. Pothy remembers him, presumably in that corvid nature that memorizes all faces, and he flies right onto the gnome's shoulder in a rather over-familiar gesture. "Friend-friend."

"Pothy, don't surprise him like that! Sorry, Mister Jinks," Ravenstongue says with a sigh. She signs an apologetic sign to both Aryia and Violet as she goes over to try and extract the raven from Jinks' person.

Randolf comes lumbering up the way, glancing hither and yon as he goes. Spying a knot of people that he knows, he turns his steps in their direction. "Oy, friends. All right?" he rumbles by way of greeting. "Good tae see everyone. What's the news?"

Perhaps he'd appreciate being noticed and pointed out but Jinks is too busy making none-too-subtle gestures towards his privates at the back of the other gnome. The talks did not go well, apparently. A fist comes up, the other hand bracing the top of his upper arm, and then the bard is ready to move on with his evening.

"Gnomish solidarity used to mean something..." he grumbles to no one, running both hands back through hair left loose to dangle around his neck and jawline tonight.

"Good evening, birdfellow, I see your tallman nearby." He takes Pothy's arrival in stride-- perhaps more used to these things after an encounter or two with a certain clingy, fish-loving wyrmling. Crossing the distance to join the rest, he raises a hand in greeting. "Coyote laugh," he offers.

Verna nods. "Indeed, I am most pleased, even if it was long overdue. I am not personally responsible; that was the city guards' prerogative. It is well that life is returning more to a semblance of normal, that people may enjoy living that life." Her attention subsequently turns to Aryia and Violet. Perhaps more to the latter, as she adds to some of Aryia's introduction, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

There is a pronounced blush accross Violet's face and she fidgets a little at the compliment, "Th-thank you."


Then, there's a glance to the gnome as he's pointed out and she clears her throat, "Oh, hello!" by way of redirection.

Her hands come together in a slow sequence of gestures, "It's alright, he's just excited." <handspeech>

Aryia gives an up-nod towards Randolf as he approaches, the pugilist woman holding hands with a blue-clad human woman with a parasol and a knee length long raven-colored braid. The mute would fill in Randolf, but he wouldn't catch her gestures. She snickers lightly at the colorful gestures from the gnome "Hey," she offers to Jinks.

To Verna, Aryia sighs. "Yes, too long. But at least now he's out of the picture."

Aryia's flushes faintly at the silverscale's words, and she scratches at her neck, embarrassed. Yes, she has gushed quite a bit about the pale human before. <Handspeech>

"The city guard is responsible?" Seyardu asks, one brow raised. "It seems that even he had a limit to how far his bribery and status could go. I hope they are not going to let him go on some technicalities again, however. If I need speak out to ensure that, then I will do so gladly."

Seeing no response from the gnome, she smiles back to the mul'niessa and human and Randolf. "The news is that I finally get to meet Aryia's girlfriend she has spoken so fondly of, and that a horrible lord has been imprisoned for his crimes. Both are good things, so it is a good day. Almost too good to be wandering the markets, at this rate."

The brunette blushes and dips into a curtsey as the Khazad joins them, and is brought up to speed. A blue gloved hand is extended Randolf's way with a demure, "I'm Violet, it's nice to meet you, sir."

Her dark eyes turn toward Aryia as the Mul'niessa scratches at her neck, and the human smiles warmly and reaches out to hug her about the shoulders briefly.

Randolf reaches up to take Violet's hand, giving it a firm shake. "Well, any friend of Ariya's is surely a friend o' mine," he says. "I've seen plenty of action wi' yer lassie there. A fine shield-sister she is tae boot!"

"... it's a work in progress," Jinks finally tells Seyardu, turning to crane his neck and try to find the stomping gnome head south towards the warehouse districts. "But as much as he might not enjoy listening to reason... he's forgotten his watch and we'll have to find each other again so I might return it."

Bejewled fingers wave back and he dips his arm, a pocketwatch falling from that sleeve and into the other, waiting hand. A brief rattle of the delicate chain spooling across his rings and Jinks lets the timepiece dangle as he inspects it. "Impressive tooling and chiselwork on the casing but it seems overly-gaudy for such a practical item. 'My dearest Minpletanderbumbe. With love neverending, -D'" He reads grinning wolfishly and winking, then pocketing the 'dropped' accessory. "Still, it seems the sort of thing you keep better track of."

The gnome takes a moment to glance askance and up at the bird on his shoulder. Then again to the rest. He's heard good things about a bird on the shoulder but can't quite understand all the ravin'. "So now are we all barred from the Fernwood or is a midnight stroll the new tallman craze?"

"I just came out for a walk to gather my thoughts," Ravenstongue says. She smiles a little as she sees Pothy actually behaving himself on Jinks' shoulder, even if he's probably the size of Jinks' head. "And, well, buy some rolls for Pothy. He's been a good bird recently."

"Good boy!" Pothy croaks, imitating Ravenstongue's voice. He flaps back to the familiar perch of Ravenstongue's shoulder and nips at her bag full of rolls to indicate it is, in fact, time for another roll.

Ravenstongue obliges him. "I think he deserves it considering he clawed at my step-mother's face."

Aryia smiles sheepishly as she's given an encouraging hug, her spelling out, "That's R-A-N-D-O-L-F." Her face grows a touch more crimson at the further compliments.

She tilts her head at Jinks, listening intently. "I hope that work in progress is going well," she motions knowningly. "But no, Ravenstongue has the right of it."

The mute does tilt her head at the half-sil, her straightening her posture with a better poise. "Step mother? Did I miss something?" <Handspeech>

"Yes, Aryia is as reliable as they come. Randolf is quite experienced as a wizard as well, though he may admit it not." Seyardu chuckles to Violet. "I am glad you are feeling better. Though how can you complain about gnomish solidarity, when you just stole that watch from them, temporary or not? Or is that this honor among thieves I have heard about?"

Seyardu sighs, and nods to Aryia. "Yes, Ravenstongue can tell you more if she wishes. But, Ravenstongue met with her mother, and it was not the most pleasant of experiences. The fact that neither I or Ravenstongue are overly bothered by their face being clawed by Pothy should say enough."

Violet arches an eyebrow at some of Raventongue's words, but she merely purses her lips momentarily in lieu of commenting upon it.

Instead, she turns her dark eyes toward Aryia's signing hands, absorbing their meaning before she nods and nods, "Mister Randolf, thank you very much for being such a solid companion for her while you've been about." She looks to the Mul'niessa a moment, blushing a little, then turns to the gnome, "Mister Jinks, a pleasure." and offers her hand to him in turn.

Her head cocks slightly at his words, "Why would anyone be banned from...?"

"*Step*-mother. Not my mother. My mother was a loving and kind person and not like that... person," Ravenstongue says, biting her tongue for a few seconds to either find a neutral word or to just keep herself from calling the woman what she really wanted to call her. "But yes, I met her not knowing who she was trying to solve a problem I'd been having. Still have it, just... deciding what to do next."

"Blood an' thunder!" Pothy croaks, mimicking the rather thick and bold voice of a dwarf man deep in his cups and ready to fight. Even his feathers puff up like he's ready to go into battle again with haughty elf stepmother menaces.

Ravenstongue pushes another roll into his mouth. Pothy immediately pacifies himself with the carbs presented to him and his feathers smooth back down. Make pastries, not war.

Randolf peers at Pothy a bit. "Heh. That's not too bad. 'course, it should be 'hammer an' anvil!'. Blood an' thunder's fer summat else." Seyardu's praise gets the burly dwarf blushing, ducking his head as he scuffs the toe of his boot against the cobbles. "D'aww... I'm nae -that- experienced. I've still got so much tae learn."

"I actually had quite the time," Jinks counters, glancing between Ravenstongue and Seyardu. "The shade of red that woman turned when we had words... I'm using that as a refernece point for the drapes in my home." He clears a throat. "Actually," a finger waggles in thought, "the Society has ended up being a rather entertaining venue recently. Even outside of independant mundane enchantment studies...

"Ah," Jinks detours, narratively, to consider Violet. "Cultural differences, I think. Or maybe it's just lashing out for no good reason at all," he posits, making a face as if the whole situation is beyond his understand. He takes the offered hand delicately, holding it high (for him) and sweeping a bow. Straightening again, he continues. "A benefit of a city this big, however, if that you might make a circuit through them and undestandings are forgotten before you return... or the tavernkeeps and owners have realized your patronage is singlehandedly paying for their children's apprenticeships."

Aryia raises a brow at Ravenstongue. She makes a faint 'huh' sound before offering her services with a non-hesitant gesture: "Well, if you want me to punch a bitch, hit me up."

She's totally do it, too.

The elf snickers at Randolf's reaction, but her face too wasn't any greyer.

She thinks about that for a moment, Jinks' insight. That was a good point. Maybe that's why the adventurers don't get thrown out so often, they bring in a loooot of money.

She leans against Violet, enjoying the gathering. <Handspeech>

"Ah, yes, I am sorry, I forgot, things are different, relationships between others work differently. That being said, it is likely better to not think of them as a mother, yes, so that works out." Seyardu nods to Ravenstongue. "Jinks is speaking likely of how he charmed a guard at the Fernwood so he might stay their with his, date, I believe? For the night. You shouldn't be barred from there however Jinks, I did not bring it up to them afterwards."

"Do not speak as such though, Randolf, there is too much to learn in any lifetime, and if you do not stop to realize what you have already learned, then you will never realize how far you have come."

Ravenstongue smiles brightly at Aryia's offer to 'punch a bitch' and even offers a giggle. "I'll let you know, but she's not at the top of my worries right now. I wouldn't ask you to punch a fae--"

"ANVIL AN' HAMMER," Pothy brays at the top of his lungs, mimicking Randolf's voice but somehow managing to put even more vinegary boldness behind it. It's odd to hear a voice copied and worn like a mask by a bird, especially one so odd looking, but new things happen every day.

Violet smiles demurely and dips her head once more on the gnome's gesture and explanation, "I see. Well, there are also a lot of competitors about, and many more apprenticeships to cover, after all." she offers in solidarity to his point.

She sighs softly, and as her hand is released, it encircles the Mul'niessa anew, though her eyes find Seyardu as the Sith lays things out.

Ah, "I see." she replies thoughtfully.

Aryia gives a thumbs up to Ravenstongue, but any further questions are cut off by Pothy's warcry as her hand cringes and her ears press flat against her head. She glares at the bird. The threat of being pitched like a ball into the sky is still on the table.

She looks up to Violet as she's been encircled in an arm. She perks up a bit, smirking. "Oh, that party we tried to invite you to. Uh, remember that Ashwing? She's dead. Managed to get rid of her. Same asshole that messed up the Fernwood a while back. T-R-A-N, big guy, is turned to stone to keep him from hurting anyone else." <Handspeech>

"Let them have their revenge. It's a simple, harmless thing, and it won't last forever." Jinks waves off Seyardu with a shake of his head. He's a careless thing, wrapped in finery and braced with a smile half-obscrubed by his veil.

A glance at Ravenstongue has the bard cocking his head. "Don't be afraid to punch the fae; they're well-reminded that their games have consequences occasionally. Coyote laughs but Coyote also -laughs-." There's an emphasis there to imply a greater meaning but it might not be immediately apparent. "Your problem puts on the show of a prince but seems more in line with a viscount or baron. I've never heard of him--" which, clearly, means he's nobody important-- "so you'll be out the other side of this thing in no time at all."

"Djusco will be relieved," is all he offers in support of Aryia's comment.

Randolf boggles a bit at Pothy. "Beards o' me fathers. He's clever, in't 'e?" He reaches up to rub the back of his head, chuckling a bit. "But aye, that's kind of ye to say, Seyardu. I'm doin' me best tae get trained up all proper."

The brunette smiles into Aryia's eyes and nods, though her expression sobers some as the elf elaborates on certain parties that have darkened her dear's nights, though this 'Ashwing's fate seems to mollify her some.

She hugs the Mul'niessa closer and gently curls in to gently touch brows, "I'm glad we're past troubles of that sort."

She looks to Jinks anew and her brows furrow a touch.

Cesran is traveling through the gardens on his carpet of flying, coming from the direction of soldier's rest. He's only a foot or so off the ground and is cruising along until he spots those that he knows that are also in the garden. He slows the carpet down and gives a nod in greeting, "Good day everyone." His staff also gives a nod in greeting.

"I can not say we are out of the trouble yet, but at the very least, the ones seeming to be in charge are gone, which will leave things in much more disarray." Seyardu sighs. "I will need to continue to be vigilant for future problems that may arise."

One brow raises, and she shakes her head. "And let that be revenge be fed? That is a poor solution for actual problem solving. Maddie will be glad that Tran is dealt with, as well. And I am sure Lord Swadling will feel well and secure in passing on all his fortunes to one son out of all of them."

Aryia nods in agreement with Jinks, her hand flitting about to say to Jinks, "Yes, he will be. I hope he's doing alright. And yes, M-A-D-D-I-E will love to hear that." She had no opinion on the matter of revenge, as she was a bit to eager for things like that to weigh in without others giving her disapproving looks. Well, most at least.

The scarred mul'neissa is folded into a hug, and she warmly smiles into it. It's pretty sappy, but the mute didn't care, she was happy.

She pulls away from the enveloping embrace to spot Cesran approaching and greeting the others. She clears her throat some, and gives small gestures to the blue-clad human woman she was wrapped up in. "That's C-E-S-R-A-N. And the staff's name is R-A-L-S-A-R-A," she quietly introduces to the the woman, then waves to the wizard, and then to the staff. "Hello, and hello. I don't think you two met V-I-O-L-E-T, my girlfriend." She gestures to the pale human beside her with a broad smile. <Handspeech>

Pothy crows--which is an odd word to use for a raven, but that's what we're rolling with--as Randolf exclaims his boggling with the bird, laughing.

Ravenstongue shakes her head and gives Pothy another roll, which silences the bird again. You could buy his silence forever if you kept putting buns in front of him. "We live in strange and interesting times," she says, remarking on all of the goings-on regarding the arrest of the lord. "I just hope that we all make it out okay in the end."

The raven haired human relaxes her embrace as she feels Aryia's muscles tense, and her arm is loosening by the time the elf is begining to withdraw to greet the man on his magic carpet ride.

Even in Alexandria, certain rides get some wide eyes. So it is, here, as Violet's dark eyes peer in open wonder at the conveyant tapestry.

The young woman almost misses her girlfriend's introductions, but with a quick glance to the peripheral, she turns her attention to Aryia's flying fingers and she blinks, taking a moment to process that before straightening up into a curtsey of her blue robes with a smile and a, "It's very nice to meet you, both."

"Hope is good," Jinks tells Ravenstongue, smoothing down his coat and pushing the illusion aside. He sheds an imagined reality for something closer to the truth; an armored doublet, harnesses, pouches and sheaths, and a fashionable buckler. "Hedge your bets with action.

"Embrace these worldly pleasures while you can. Make sure the people important to you knw how you feel." The gnome cants his head towards Aryia and Violet indicatively and starts north, nodding and lifting his hand to Cesran in both greeting and farewell.

Cesran lets go of the staff with a crystal dragon's head and it stands on its own. He inclines his head politely to Violet and starts to use handspeech at the same time that he speaks, "We have not, but it's nice to meet you too Violet." Ral'sara, the staff speaks as well as Cesran continues to use handspeech to translate her words as well, "Oh Aryia I'm so happy for you too. You both look adorable together. I'm glad you could found someone. Now if only I could find someone for Cesran, all he ever seems to do is research now a days." Cesran chuckles, "Lots of things to try to figure out and if I don't who will. Enough about me Aryia and Violet, I wish you all the best." "As do I." Ral'sara chimes in. Cesran waves to Jinks as it looks like he's taking off.

Ravenstongue blinks as she looks at the staff. "...Is that a talking staff?" she asks, her eyes widening as she look at it. Even the white raven on her shoulder leans in a little to get a slightly better handle of Cesran's very nice dragon head staff. It appears things besides carbs can get Pothy's interest after all.

"Oh, umm! Have a nice night, Mister Jinks!" Ravenstongue says to him, snapping out of her intrigue for a moment to send off the gnome into the night.

Randolf checks his pocketwatch. "Och, it's gettin' late. I should be gettin' back. Got a Transmutations exam on the morrow. By Reos, I hate Transmutations. Such fiddly spells, those are." He pockets his watch and offers a two-fingered salute. "Hammers high, friends. I go." He turns and lumbers along his way.

Aryia is a bit picturesque with Violet as Jinks nods towards them. Her looking up with a warm expression, as if all the tension was melted from her frame just by their mere presence.

She looks to Ral-sara and Cesran, her face tinging red at the dragon staff's crooning as she waves goodbye to Jinks and Randolf. "Thanks," she motions to Ral-sara, though she silently giggles at the ribbing towards Cesran. <Handspeech>

"I am sure that things will be fine, we will get through whatever may come." Seyardu nods to Ravenstongue. "I will do what I can to make sure that comes to pass."

Seyardu turns to the staff and chuckles. "Perhaps if you find someone to save from robbers in the city, Cesran can meet someone like Aryia did." She suggests to Ral-sara. "But if he does not wish, that is fine too. And now that I have met Violet, I feel now the ball is on the other foot as they say. Sjach may be around to see him sometime. You may recognize him, from back when we were tending to that fallen Nar-Sektoth. It feels a long time ago, now."

Aryia's girlfriend takes Jinks' preparedness with a certain stride, a quick look to his suddenly exposed loadout, and, on his advice, she affords him a brief nod and smiles into the Mul'niesa's eyes.

With both Gnome and Khazad heading off to recuperate for other ventures, Violet waves after, "Good night, gentlemen, it was nice meeting you!"

Her attention returns to the others, joining Pothy in studying the...


It's named, of course it speaks, too.

There's a brief flicker of surprise in her eyes as Ral-Sara muses on their relationship. She blushes with an awkwar fidget and, "Ahh... well, it's.... been wonderful, but..." ahem, "Thank you. It will happen in time, I'm sure." she assures them.

Cesran lowers the carpet down so it's hovering just a few inches off the ground so he's more at ground level. "You are welcome, both of you." He says as he continues to use handspeech. At Ravenstongue's question Ral'sara speaks up again, "Yes I am a talking staff. I created Cesran to help me get around and to point me at those that need to be magic-ed." Cesran gives a laugh at that, which momentarily distracts him from handspeech, but he quickly recovers as Ral'sara continues, "Trust me I've tried, but he seems only interested in doing research or helping out around the city." Cesran merely shrugs, "With great magic comes great responsibility, besides I really don't have time for a proper relationship. Just this past week I've been in 6 different places around the continent tracking down the meaning of a very obscure prophesy. Being with me would only lead to loneliness and heartbreak, besides I have you Ral'sara and you are a great companion." Cesran nods to Seyrdu, "Yes I believe I did meet Sjach once before. It has certainly been a while. Very true, with everything that happens in the city, it does make it seems like things that really happened a year or two ago, happened five or ten years ago." He pauses and thinks, "I think that made sense."

There's a sound off in the distance. A deep *hoot.* Hoot hoot hoo-ooooot.

This sound immediately seizes Pothy's attention, and then Ravenstongue's attention. They look around and an owl with violet eyes appears to be in the trees a short distance away--

"ANVIL AN' HAMMER," Pothy yells in his freshly-coached dwarf aggression tactic, and he soars off Ravenstongue's shoulder, pumping his wings into the air to clothesline with the strange owl. The poor creature gives a panicked hoot as it takes flight, Pothy chasing closely behind.

Ravenstongue groans. "Oh Navos--I have to go get him or he's going to fight that messenger all night," she says. "It was really nice seeing all of you, and--"

  • "Come back here an' fall on me beak!"* Pothy screams in the distance, still imitating a gruff dwarf man.

"Where did he learn /that/ one?" Ravenstongue mutters, and she runs off without even another word. The sole woman capable of stopping the bird-on-bird war in the skies has gone into the night.

Aryia snorts at Seyardu as the silverscale mentions that. She was glad that the preistess remembered that. Though, she does make a soft 'ah' sound at the mention of them. "Oh, yes, I remember him. And I'm pretty sure it's 'the ball is in the other yard.'," she motions, woefully incorrect.

She turns to Cesran, her expression a bit sad, though, hopeful. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone who wants to zip around with you."

She blinks at the avian warfare playing out before her, and the poor sorceress that has to put up with it all. She raises a hand, waving goodbye.

Then, bluntly, she gestures to the fleeing birds, "I'm going to throw that raven into next week one of these days." <Handspeech>

Violet straightens at the notion of Cesran's origins.

Could such a thing...?

Would that make....?

The human's expression is level and her posture shifting slightly, though the hijinx with the birds seems to be happening around someone else.

There is the clench and release of a heart.

Then, she seems to rejoin the moment, looking off after the sound of departing ruckus, dopplering away.

Seyardu looks up and over when Ravenstongue is ttaking off, and she sighs. "Peace on your nest." She attempts to offer in parting. "Yes, they tend to avoid the city, but they're nice. I think you would like them, Aryia." She continues with a smile and swishing tail. "Things have been nice of late, much good news. It is almost worrying, but I cannot have it stop me from enjoying this time."

Cesran merely shrugs, "Perhaps I will, but I'm not actively looking. As I said I have too much to do and little time to do it. Besides it's hard for me to trust anyone to get that close right now. I wish it wasn't like that, but until things get better sorted out I have to remain guarded. I'm glad to hear that others have been making the most out of this temporary lull and finding happiness." Ral'sara sighs at that, "I told you that you can trust me. I'm a great judge of character, you don't have to worry about any demons or devils sniffing around I'll find them before they get close." Cesran smiles at his staff, "Thank you Ral'sara, but I'd prefer to be safe then sorry."

Aryia feels Violet's tension through the arm around her. She glances up, her assuaging by mouthing, 'it was a joke'.

The hand in hers is given a squeeze.

She returns to the conversation, glancing between staff and wielder with a raised brow. She shrugs. Ah well. The mute does smile at that though. "Yes, the lull has been... quite welcome."

She shifts a bit on her feet, and looks back up to the taller human next to her. "Since I have you... do you want to go looking around for a spot?" she inquires, nodding her head towards the markets. Bringing up the suggestion to search for residency. <Handspeech>

Violet's expression warms as she catches Aryia's silent facial communique', and she gives a tiny squeeze-squeeze of the hand in hers in return.

Ahem, "It has been nice." she chimes in, then, "I hope you've been able to take some time to relax and enjoy life, at least?" Though whether the question is to Seyardu or Cesran and Ral-sara is up in the air, as the flick of her eyes as she speaks could be meant to direct it to both of them.

She looks to Aryia, blushing slightly as some notion or other passes through her mind, then she looks to the othes again.

"I thought you had a place already?" Seyardu asks, looking to Aryia with one brow raised. "Unless you meant a place to eat or spend the afternoon, those are much more difficult to determine, and I understand taking some extra time to figure things out. I have been trying to think of where to go in the city myself, but it is difficult, as they prefer being out in the forests."

"I have been able to get in quite a bit of research which I hope will provide some answers to help defend this city better. Speaking of that, I was just passing through. It was nice to meet you Violet and it was good to see you both, Aryia and Seyardu. Be safe." He says as he gets his carpet to lift up and heads out.

"I have been able to get in quite a bit of research which I hope will provide some answers to help defend this city better. Speaking of that, I was just passing through. It was nice to meet you Violet and it was good to see you both, Aryia and Seyardu. Be safe." Cersan says as he gets his carpet to lift up and heads out.

Aryia gestures to Seyardu, "It's a process that takes way too long." She steals a glance to Violet, then gives a soft sigh and a smile. She turns to the others, signing to all before they depart, "Glad to see you all, be well." The elf turns northward, and strolls off with her no-longer-a-mystery-girlfriend in hand. <Handspeech>

-End Scene-