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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *'''Title''': Major Manor Mishap II *'''Characters''': Rune, Harkashan, Slixvah, Alaryn, Aelwyn *'''GM''': Reithak *'''Place''': A Very Unusual Manor *'''Summary''': A local noble is currently having issues with their estate, and is hiring several seasoned adventurers to get to the bottom of it.</div> The good news is, inside the cask is what appears to be a matching st...")
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GAME: Reithak rolls 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Reithak rolls 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8
<OOC> Alaryn will withdraw over to the east... path 11,11 and then 12,11 and then move all the way over to 16,9
<OOC> Alaryn will withdraw over to the east... path 11,11 and then 12,11 and then move all the way over to 16,9
GAME: Alaryn activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex
GAME: Alaryn activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex
Taking a zap, Alaryn twitches as the energy coruscates over her body. She presses a crystal stud on her belt, the armor juicing itself up. As she does that, she takes a step back on an angle and then runs over next to Rune. "Hark's gonna need some backup soon."
Taking a zap, Alaryn twitches as the energy coruscates over her body. She presses a crystal stud on her belt, the armor juicing itself up. As she does that, she takes a step back on an angle and then runs over next to Rune. "Hark's gonna need some backup soon."

Latest revision as of 04:50, 2 June 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Major Manor Mishap II
  • Place: A Very Unusual Manor
  • Summary: A local noble is currently having issues with their estate, and is hiring several seasoned adventurers to get to the bottom of it.

The good news is, inside the cask is what appears to be a matching stone carving of a queenly looking woman's face.

Unfortunately said discovery came at the cost of splattering Harkashan with more blood again, and Slixvah as well. What remains from the barrel leaks onto the floor in front of the guillotine, coating the floor with no wear to pool or drain away.

Slixvah, after cleaning herself, Harkashan, and a small white bird in her robes with a cantrip, she does her best to not gag. Her eyes rest upon the stone carving, unraveled feathers still wafting behind her. "... ri- *hurk* right. I think we's gots one way forward, yeah? Ya'll all go- *hurk* good?"

Harkashan, drenched in blood once more, turns around to give a most disapproving look. There's something to be said about this much blood. About the bodies it must have come from. He lifts his arms, looking most miffed.

"Skysister..." He rumbles, more red than usual; "May I rely on your aid once more in removing this bodily fluid off of mine body?" Ever polite.

Stepping back towards the stairs, Rune remains well out of the range of the continued mess. Apparently, their captor has a slight obsession with using blood in oh so many of his traps. "You know... I don't want to know where the asshole got all this blood from. It seems like it's a common theme at this point." That, and various party members ending up drenched.

Then, looking to Slixvah, she nods her head in agreement, "One path. And... please don't vomit." Though Rune has retained her composure, she does look a little paler than normal after all of this.

"Here. Let me help too. Double the help, half the time to clean." suggests Alaryn as she steps closer and lifts her hands, wiggling her fingers to activate her cheater cheater gloves. This activates the Prestidigitation effect built into her gloves. She works to doubleteam the cleanup routine alongside Slix.

A smile is given to the Makar, and she nods to acknowledge the team-up.

Aelwyn reaches into his satchel and quickly offers a piece of cloth to Slixvah; then he starts to back away from the mess. "Tch, this one has lost the taste for the vintage." The Dragoon looks towards Rune and then Harkashan. "Blood is cheap. One, this one beileves, can shop it from the market." He tries, with a roll of his shoulders. "Let us see if the next room has any way out of this place."

Slixvah tugs on her gloves, once more getting some magic going as the life ichor sloughs off Harkashan in an arcane shimmer. "Ye ye, I gotchu boo," she tries to hum towards Harkashan, but it comes off as more of a warbly thing. Clearly she has her limits as well. "I will uh... try ta keep any throwin' ups for the later bit.""

She bobs her head in appreciation towards Alaryn in the team work, and she looks thankful at Aelwyn. "Thankies sugar," she says, taking the cloth and tying it around her beak, blocking the nose holes. "I'd prefer ta not think 'bout the how right now..."

Feathers pick up the first stone, her pointing to the new one. "I'm with Aelwyn on dis, grab dat and lez get ta that gate."

With the blood sloughing off of his body, Harkashan shakes his body a few times, making sure it's not secretly still stuck under his armor or on his tail. And when properly satisfied, he bows his head to the people in the group. "I believe that to be the correct path." He agrees, and begins to move towards the exit of this cellar and to the main chambers.

Nodding her head, Alaryn glances to Rune, "Can you peek ahead and make sure something is not going to blow us up the moment we walk in?" she asks with a sardonic tone.

"So.." she adds, "Let's get moving then." And that said, she lowers her hands, drawing her bigass Thunderbelcher out of its tiny little pouch and lifting it to aim up ahead as she moves to follows the others.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (2)+16+2: 20
<OOC> Rune says, "That's a 23 if there are any traps."

"Cheap or no, I just can't imagine someone buying barrels of the stuff and shipping it all out here for a lark." Rune replies with a small, visible shiver before she scrunches her nose and starts heading back up the stairs.

"I'll check things out." She may very well still be a bit distracted, making her way up the stairs and towards the gate, giving everything a glance over as the group gathers.

Back out of the basement the party exits, leaving the unpleasant smell of blood behind them for the musty air of the main floor. The trip back to the main hall is uneventful, leaving them back where they started, and were locked inside. The solid steel gate at the far end of the room remained, with two large indentations on either side of the door.

As the group approaches the gate, Rune takes a moment to look it over. "So... the only thing I spot is that there are these embossings here on the metal. They don't really seem fully attached." The rogue takes a moment to point out a few on either side. "I'm not sure if it's bad construction, or if this just isn't as solidly built as I'd expect."

Rune looks over her shoulder and then offers a small shrug. "Nothing that jumps out as 'trap' to me, but I'll volunteer to put one of the stones in place. I've got the reflexes to handle it if something does go ka-blewie."

Aelwyn walks up to the gate, with his hand sliding down to his hip. "Well, this one supposes there is only one thing left to try." The draconian says, and then turns to look at the rest of the party. He adjusts the grip on his blade in preparation.

"We may need to put them in simultaneously." suggests Alaryn. "Allow me to do the other one." she offers with a hand held out to accept the other one. "The rest of you can cover us, but I just have this funny feeling we need to be well coordinated."

Harkashan isn't sure what it means for the embossing to be present on the metal. Construction isn't exactly his forte. He'd ask Simony, but she's obviously not present. "I will leave this to you." Harkashan answers Rune, bowing his head. Knowing he can entrust this to her and see success. "Just be careful you two." He then adds, as Alaryn volunteers to touch the second one.

Slixvah visibly relaxes as she's out of that environment, shaking herself off, wings rustling. She meets up with the half-sil along with the others, the head of the king wrapped up in a knot like a monkey's paw of feathers.

Listening to Rune's report, she nods slowly. About to give one over, but Alaryn brings up a good point. "Aight," she agrees, handing off her king's head to Rune. "If it goes explodey, don't worry, we've got like, two-three healers here, Ru-Ru."

She steps back. Another one. Just one more to be sure.

<OOC> Reithak says, "Alright, could I get a reflex save from Alaryn and Rune?"
GAME: Rune rolls reflex+2: (17)+10+2: 29
GAME: Alaryn rolls reflex: (10)+7: 17
<OOC> Rune says, "If this is vs a trap, the total is 31 (+2 from Trap Sense)."
GAME: Reithak rolls 3d6: (14): 14
<OOC> Reithak says, "And I need a fortitude save from Alaryn"
GAME: Alaryn rolls fortitude: (14)+7: 21

Each circular carving fits into the stone, groves on the back matching the indentations in the gate. A metal band snaps over the edge of each, and there's a grinding noise as the two twist into place.

In the same motion however, the embossed metal decorations swing down, and suddenly several dozen metal spikes jut outwards, far enough to spear anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path.

Accepting the head from Slixvah, Rune offers a soft, but still slightly uncomfortable laugh. "I've faced worse things than this house of horrors, and don't worry. I trust the healers here are more than capable if we get blasted."

Looking over to Alaryn, Rune takes her place on one side of the gate, allowing the Human woman to give the countdown. Once the stones are fitted into place, that is when the rogue's reflexes seem to trigger and she gives a quick yelp of warning that is too little, too late, it seems.

Ducking back, Rune lands on her butt, a spike just a few inches from her nose.

Catching sight of things, watching the statues get pulled in... Alaryn smiles. She is distracted by that and then all of a sudden she twists as she attempts to evade the blades. One of them skates along the mithral-infused armor of her breastplate. However, another jabs into the meat of her abdomen just behind that plate.

She grunts and pulls herself off out of reflex and grimaces as blood wells and begins flowing from the wound. "You know. I think I prefer to be covered in someone -else's- blood than my own." she mutters. But then she reaches into a pouch and pulls out a vial of gooey green liquid with a cap that she depresses, cracking and disintegrating the vial before she starts rubbing it on the wound. It smells terrible, looks terrible, but it's part of her healing contraptions.

GAME: Alaryn casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Alaryn rolls 2d8+6: (3)+6: 9

There's this internal 'twitch' to Harkashan's musclature when the 'trap' goes off. Metal flying, the Sith-makar winces as he sees Rune manage to get out of the way just in time -- but Alaryn is not so lucky.

"Let me know if you need further healing." Harkashan bids to Alaryn, before looking towards the gate itself.

"Was that the wrong answer? Or...?"

Slixvah makes an uncharacteristic squawk as she reflexively staggers back. "Oh shi-" Blink. Blink. A grimace at seeing Alaryn, but she shakes her head, stepping forward as she fingers the edge of the curved dagger in her hand. "... wew. That coulda gone worse."

Her head shifts to the gate, a soft breath escaping her. ".. jus' a reminder that whatever the hell is down here can tear things ta shreds, if the before room gave us any evidence. Me thinks this sick game we played inta, so we should be good ta try and open the gate," she rambles lightly, trying to not show her nerves.

She holds a hand out to help Rune up.

The stone faces twist again, with more grinding noises as they each rotate another full circle, the metal spears ratcheting back into place, with the embossings twisting back up to cover them. Before another attempt can be made however, there is a sudden lurch from the gate as they creak inwards, revealing the rough stone stairs leading further down behind them.

GAME: Rune rolls perception+2: (20)+16+2: 38

"Right answer, I think..." Rune replies, reaching out to take Slixvah's hand and pull herself up. "I must have missed spotting the triggering mechanism." Which, for her, is something relatively rare. With a sheepish expression, the rogue looks appologetically towards Alaryn, "Sorry about that. I'll try to be more careful."

Her nose scrunches at the sight of the familiar green goo, which doesn't smell all that pleasant, either.

"I'll take care of it." Moving towards the gate, Rune seems about to fiddle with it further when it continues that movement. Cautious, she waits until it completes and swings open. "Nowhere to go but down. I'll scout ahead, just incase there are more traps on the stairs."

Rune clearly takes Alaryn being injured as her fault, so she is even more on alert as they take the stairs down.

Once she is mostly healed, just a scar showing there under her armor, Alaryn shakes her head, "I'm fine Rune. Don't worry about it. Just a little cut, easily healed." she states... embellishing just a bit.

But she pulls her bigass thunderbelcher out once more and lifts it to her shoulder before she nods and moves to follow the pack.

Harkashan follows Rune down, but he does touch that gem between his horns to send a small light spell come to life between them. Though it may be considered somewhat unwise if they wished to sneak - there is no way that any kind of arrival forward would go unexpected or undetected after this kind of intricate kind of trap and mechanisms.

Blade at the ready once more, shield ready, Harkashan follows after Rune; "What kind of twisted puzzle will come next? We still have not yet found the spirit that left those sharpened strikes along the walls..."

Slixvah gets Rune up to her feet, one animated feather patting the half-sil on the back. "Don't beat yaself up too much, hon," she intones to Rune before nodding and settling herself back in the marching order. After the gate swings inward. She shakes her head, rolls her shoulders, and centers herself. "Seen weirder shit..." she murmurs to herself, twirling her curved dagger between her fingers.

As she follows in with the others, she replies to Harkashan. "I dunno what's next, lava-boy, but I'm gonna divine a guess is they gonna get they ass beat."

"Not too much." Rune agrees. She'll only beat herself up for missing those subtle details a little. It's only fair.

Leading the way down the rough set of stairs, she seems to take care so that loose dirt and uneven surfaces don't cause problems with her balance. "Looks like someone's gotten caught on a few areas along here." She points out a few bits of blood and threads of fabric along some sharper patches.

However, as they approach the massive set of doors, Rune raises a hand, her ear perking. In a hushed tone, she leans towards the others, "I've got two voices on the other side of the door."

GAME: Harkashan casts Comprehend Languages. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

"If we've got voice, then let's prepare and get in there." Harkashan answers Rune, preparing a pulse of magic already into his fingers as he takes in a deep breath. He's feeling like he's being played with. And while he's not really the one to get 'angry' in the stereotypical sense of the word, he's definitely at least frustrated by the run-around.

A small spell triggers, as he begins to try and listen through those doors that Rune was listening to.

"Is it safe to pass through?" He asks Rune. "No traps, no locks?"

GAME: Harkashan casts Comprehend Languages. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (19)+5: 24

ON the way down, Alaryn seems fascinated by the crystals. She is taking mental notes about them as the party moves along. But at this point, she moves past it and hears Rune talking about voices. So she stops and lifts to aim just in case.

Slixvah plods along, talons clutching at the rough stone. The light on her head softly glowing with Harkashan's. Sticking next to the two Makari. Safest she can be! She raises a brow at Rune, looking at the bits of blood and fabric. "Odd..." she muses. But then, a warning of others.

The egalrin flips her dagger inverted and twists her fingers into a precautionary handsign. Beak grinding.

Listening, Harkashan begins to repeat. "It's Common." He begins. "Clean, cook, mend, grow..." He rumbles. "It's like the kinds of things you'd expect to hear from the serving staff of a place like this." He considers. Maids? "Two voices, as Rune said. But... slow and loud. I don't think they'll be human." He then steps back. "They keep repeating those words. Alright. Everyone ready?" He asks, looking to Rune to check what she's found out.

GAME: Rune rolls perception+2: (14)+16+2: 32

"No traps, no locks." Rune whispers after checking the door, still making sure to keep her voice low. "Just this bar set to keep it closed." She motions at it, "Which... suggests it's meant to keep something inside."

This goes along with what Harkashan is saying. "Anyone tough and manly want to see about moving this?" She looks to the two Makari, then to the metal bar.

"I can -get- strong." offers Alaryn with a shrug of one shoulder. The one the rifle is -not- braced against. "My armor can boost my muscles and such."

But she doesn't step forward. "I think it'd be best however for me to hang back and be ready to shoot whomever might be in there."

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Self:"
GAME: Harkashan casts Archon's Aura. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17
GAME: Harkashan casts Owl's Wisdom. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Lesser Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Weapon. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Rune:"
GAME: Harkashan casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Aelwyn~"
GAME: Harkashan casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Harkashan casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
GAME: Slixvah casts Countless Eyes. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18
GAME: Alaryn casts Shield. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16

Slixvah listens to Harkashan's report. Eyes squinting at the information. A beat of ponderance before holding a finger. "Sec." Taking stock of the group, she cracks the knuckle she's been holding onto. Several white tendrils appear out of her hand, her transferring the knot to her dagger. Twists the blade into the knot, and pushes it through. It bursts into a cerulean light, flowing outlines of tags with a depiction of an oval and a dot move within them. Eyes.

She steps up to Rune, and her hand fires out briskly, taking each spectral eye tag and smacking it onto the half-sil.

The mind's eye within the rogue fills with information: everything and anything around, above, and below.

"Lal ronuad em rea amilirf acfse," Slix chants, completeing her esoteric spell as she looks ready to kick down the door.

Harkashan's magic begins to brew and fill the chambers. A set of hazy red-feathers burst from his back, translucent in nature. His blade begins to glow as he summons strength into Aelwyn's body. And when he's all done, he presses his shoulder to the door and... begins to push.

"Let's do this." He growls, and digs his claws in as deep as he can!

The sudden feeling of magic being pushed aganist her leaves Rune blinking. Then blinking again, shaking her head as if trying to correct her vision before she seems to simply accept it. Where Slixvah's magic flickers along Rune's form, there is a flicker of shadows and a look as if something were peering out from behind them. Rather than true eyes, it is like faint dark orbs that blink within a swirl of shadowy mist.

"I... don't know what this is, but it feels very, very weird." Blink. Blink-blink. "Thanks?"

With that, she gives a nod and allows Harkashan to take care of the door, drawing out her weapons and preparing for whatever might lie beyond, expecting that it may very well be a fight.

With the bar moved out of the way, the heavy doors are able to be pushed inwards, revealing the inside of the room. Much more care was taken with creating it clearly, with smooth stone tiling and carved stone walls framing the entire area.

The room was filled with various shelves filled to the brim with scrolls and tomes, and various vials and flasks of unknown liquids. Two large metal rods stood near the middle of the room, coiled with metal rings around them. At the far end of the room was a large table, covered in many unpleasant looking metal tools, the purpose of which were made abundantly clear. Two massive creatures stood in the main area of the room, vaguely humanoid with stretched skin that was held together with numerous metal bindings, oozing blood at the seams, and clad in oversized rags. The one on the right had what appeared to be the splintered side of a book case fashioned into a rough pole with more rags tied to one end. The creature moved the makeshift mop back and forth in place, only further smearing the blood more and more across the spot.

At least until it noticed the party. The mop snaps effortlessly in it's massive hand, as it turns to stare at the group alongside the other creature, snarling with rage.

<OOC> Rune says, "Please move me to 14,12. I'll roll stealth if able to behind that cover, and hold an attack with a trigger of one of the monsters coming into range."
GAME: Rune rolls stealth+2+4+2: (1)+13+2+4+2: 22 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Reithak says, "alright! Roll a stealth check, and a perception check"
GAME: Rune rolls perception+2: (3)+16+2: 21

Not knowing what the creatures are, nor the apparatus that seems to be taking up a large portion of the room, Rune is obviously a bit hesitant about diving right into a fight. The shadowy whisps around her seem to move with the wind, the dark eyes blinking once, twice in the dim light before she rushes towards the cover of one of the nearby shelves.

Diving in behind it, Rune crouches with her swords still drawn, ready to attack any enemy that comes into range of her position. It also gives her a good view on her surroundings as well. Just out of the corner of her eye, the rogue spots something. "Hidden. Switch. Table. Spire. Device." She taps out onto the floor. <Handspeech>

<OOC> Harkashan says, "I will cast Blessing of Fervor, then move to 9,9 to test the range of the electric arcs."
GAME: Harkashan casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18

Honestly, what they open the doors to is equally horrifying and beautiful. The lab of tomes, scrolls and books are no doubt a kind of wonderful for the likes of Rune, who adores books. But to Harkasha, his focus is upon the monstricities before him. Vaguely humanoid, metal bindings, blood oozing.

There's a disgust that spreads over his face. Who could... who would do something like this!?

"Some kind of sick and twisted kind of Necromancer or the like must have been at work. There's multiple creatures that were... stitched together to create such monstrocities." Harkashan points out, as he begins to move foward along with Rune.

A wave of magic once more, drawing more attention to his team. A sense like they just had ten high caffeine coffees... fire running through their veins.

"Careful of those poles. Don't get too close - they seem to be charged with electricity. I'll bet you they'll strike on you." Only to spot Rune signalling from her spot and nodding at her. Approaching the towers slowly, but keeping his speed slow to figure out where their range lies. After all, if she can't get to all of the switches, this may require some brute force.

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Reithak says, "Could I get a reflex save from Harkashan?"
GAME: Harkashan rolls Reflex: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Reithak rolls 4d6: (15): 15
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

The spire on the left side of the room hums much louder, before suddenly cracking with a bolt of electricity that arcs through Harkashan as he gets too close. The nearby golem stares down the cleric and lumbers forward, bringing down a huge hand that hits down near where he was standing, as if knocked off course at the last second.

<OOC> Alaryn is gonna move in, CMW on him. I have 40ft move if that helps
<OOC> Reithak says, "where are you moving to?"
<OOC> Alaryn says, "10,10?"
GAME: Alaryn rolls craft/artifice+3: (13)+14+3: 30
GAME: Alaryn casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Alaryn rolls 2d8+6: (5)+6: 11

As things go down... as usual, they happen fast. Alaryn peeks around the doorframe and hears Rune talk about a switch. Or at least sees the hand signals. She nods as her eyes survey the room smartly. She trails the wires with those eyes, before seeing Hark getting barbecued.

She nods to herself and kicks into high gear. Rushing him with another foul smelling vial of curative ointment. "Sorry about the smell." she says as she applies it, healing power flowing into her friend.

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Reithak rolls 4d6: (9): 9
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10 -3: (5)+10+-3: 12

Another bolt of electricity leaps from the second pylon, this time towards the golem on the right. The creature shudders for a moment, but looks seemingly unharmed. In fact, the staples holding the patches of skin together close the seams even further, and they lumber a bit more quickly towards Harkashan, attempting to smack the makari away, but failing as the limb seems to bend around the cleric unnaturally.

GAME: Slixvah rolls knowledge/arcana: (11)+15: 26
GAME: Slixvah rolls knowledge/arcana: (14)+15: 29
<OOC> Slixvah says, "third, will pick move speed and fly into chamber at 10,11 to look around"
GAME: Slixvah rolls alertness: aliased to perception+2: (19)+13+2: 34
<OOC> Slixvah says, "resume fly to 5,11 and use reach prehensile hair to pull it"

Slixvah quirks her head to the side at seeing her usual charm-like tags of this iteration magic being morphed into something different. It's new. It's interesting. And she /really/ wants to pick it apart. "We'll talk 'bout /that/ later," she coos, pointing at the shade and shadow.

Idle notes are taken of what Harkashan dishes out, her brows raising at the sight of the red-feathers. She gags at the sight before her, a coughing fit getting her as she's caught completely off guard. "Ugh, what a frickin' sicko," she comments, getting herself into the room along with the others. Rune's tapping on the ground gets no comprehension, the egalrin huffing. Should probably study up on that. Regardless... "So like a... golem? Wait, no, they ain't as well made, mojo still on the table."

She takes a breath, a fierce wing beat propelling her forward into the space, aided by Harkashan's blessing. The egalrin spins up into the air briefly, wings flaring out as she cocks her head around to take in the whole space. "Levers!" she shouts out, pointing to one as she dive bombs toward the nefarious shelf and lands. Several feathers extend from her wings, whipping around and all but wrenching the lever to the position. She sighs in relief as one of the pylons die down.

A glance to the back corner of the room. "... false door in the back!" she calls out, pointing, nervous from her risky positioning.

<OOC> Aelwyn can read. "Can I then charge dramatically at black golem?"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls perform/dance+2: (12)+8+2: 22
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+2+1+2: (11)+11+2+1+2: 27
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12+1: aliased to 1d10+5+1: (10)+5+3: 18

Aelwyn slowly feels something unnatural coil within him - no wait, that is only Harkashan and his magic. Still, he slowly sucks in a deep breath, body flexing as he feels the newfound strength flow within his scales. "This one's gratitude, Lava." The smaller makari says and taps the other with his tail.

The glaive is hopped off from his shoulder as he prepares for what is to come. "Ugh." The ruddy sith-makar quietly hisses. "Madness seeps down below." Yet he did not let that bother him so much - as much as the rest of his party getting smacked.

The Dragoon slowly starts to walk towards one of the golem, his step swaying; his blade sings a tune as it is dragged along the floor - then the ruddy sith-makar flings into full rush, and leaps into the air, sinking the glaive deep within the gut of those flesh golems.

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, so going to take the +2/+2 vault the table to 15,10 and then flip the switch. I think that pretty much uses my turn."

As Slixvah takes to the air and seems to spot yet another lever, Rune calls out, "I've got this one!" Only to be reinforced when the feathered witch's actions cause one of the devices to seemingly shut down.

The moment that she has the first opportunity, Rune vaults herself over the table, likely knocking tools and 'leather' that may very well not be 'leather' off of the table as she lands on the other side and wraps one arm around the lever, pulling it with a grunt before turning to face the two 'golems'.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "5 foot step back. Spiritual Ally to 10,6. +2/+2 from Blessing of Furvor.
GAME: Harkashan casts Spiritual Ally. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18
GAME: Harkashan rolls BAB+Wisdom: (18)+5+4: 27
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10+7: (4)+7: 11

Harkashan knew there was a risk moving forward. Best he figure out where the edge of its range is. Readying his body...


The terrible lightning tears through his body, but he's still quick enough to press his shield up when the Golem comes forward, halting the blow and pushing it to the side, gritting his teeth. Little sparks of lightning still spilling between his teeth!

"The smell is no problem." He answers Alaryn. "Though it appears I've found the edge." Right before pushing another assault from one of the golems away. The healing that she offers him shows visible relief upon his shoulders. And when one of the towers shuts off, he grins; "Nice job! Rune!""

The Sith-Makar then motions his hand about, while stepping back a bit from the arcing tower of electricity, and snaps his finger. A creature suddenly appearing from the floor behind the Golem to the right. Slowly rising, a breath inwards as it raises a blade up and then cuts at the stiched together monster!

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Reithak rolls 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8
<OOC> Alaryn will withdraw over to the east... path 11,11 and then 12,11 and then move all the way over to 16,9
GAME: Alaryn activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex

Taking a zap, Alaryn twitches as the energy coruscates over her body. She presses a crystal stud on her belt, the armor juicing itself up. As she does that, she takes a step back on an angle and then runs over next to Rune. "Hark's gonna need some backup soon."

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Ahh, sorry, missed the AoO. ._.," <OOC> Reithak says, "all good, you can still take it!" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+2+1+2: (18)+11+2+1+2: 34 GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12+3: aliased to 1d10+5+3: (2)+5+3: 10

With the second switch flipped, the hum from the second pylon dies out, and no further sparks are emitted. The golem's attention is instead turned to Alaryn. Bloodshot eyes stare at the artificer. "Heal.HEAL." The golem roars, smashing near where Alaryn stood, before smacking into them with the back of one it's hands.

<OOC> Reithak says, "golem 2 will move up and smack Hark twice"
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10 -2: (3)+10+-2: 11
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10 -2: (11)+10+-2: 19

The second golem lumbers up towards Harkashan as he moves just out of range, and attempts to smash the makari into the ground again, only to slide harmlessly off the cleric's shield and the protective wards around them.

<OOC> Slixvah says, "so i have still have see invis going! is there any sneaky beaky people about? that secret door has me sus"
<OOC> Reithak says, "You would see another eye of Sauron chilling in the middle of the room near where the golems are, following them around."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "i get to 8,4, fly around in a loop right"
<OOC> Slixvah says, "that barrel, is it open"
<OOC> Slixvah says, "on 8,2"
<OOC> Reithak says, "It is open"
<OOC> Slixvah says, "i am going to use my standard action to grab it, flip it upside down to dump it."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "and put it over the sensor"
<OOC> Reithak says, "Roll me a bluff Slixvah"
GAME: Slixvah rolls bluff+3: (10)+7+3: 20

Slixvah whips over, watching the fight ongoing and nodding in approval as Rune gets the other switch. Watching in appreciation as the Dragoon wades his way in to the fray, glad he was finding his tempo. More magics, more pieces on the chess board...

The egalrin's eyes snap to something beyond the golems. Her gaze cuts to a narrow glare, and she grinds her beak. Utilizing the Death Singing Dragon's blessing, she utilizes her wings to soar up and around the golems. Long, ribbon-like feathers grasp the barrel nearby, dumping out offal and viscera as she careens it over and-

Places it between herself and the golems? Odd maneuver. "... jus' gonna pull a lil' sneaky..." she mutters to herself, stoking her own ego.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll five foot a step back and slap the black golem. .-."
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+2+1+2: (5)+11+2+1+2: 21
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12+3: aliased to 1d10+5+3: (1)+5+3: 9
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+2+1+2: (14)+11+2+1+2: 30
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12: aliased to 1d10+5: (10)+5+2+3: 20

Aelwyn's glaive continued to cut into the flesh golems. There was something fresh in his step, a quiet confidence that was not quite there before. Sliding a step back his blade cuts in once, cuts in again, as he slices the golem in front of him. It was turning into a rather macabre performance.

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, taking movement speed buff. Should be able to get around to 9,7 to flank."
<OOC> Rune says, "Then single attack. Will roll acrobatics if there is any AoO movement I need to avoid."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2: (16)+10+2+2: 30
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+3d6: aliased to 1d6+1+3d6: (3)+1+(9): 13

It's hard not to be distracted by Slixvah flitting about the place. "I'm going to go give Harkashan and Aelwyn some back-up." She adds to Alaryn before racing at speeds that seem unusual for one of her race. It must be some measure of the magical buffs that have been placed onto her.

With both of the golems occupied with those doing damage from the front, Rune is able to slip in from behind, lashing out with one of her blades and slicing into the enemy that has already taken a significant amount of damage.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Khopesh+2: aliased to weapon3-strength+wisdom+2: (16)+0+-1+4+2: 21
GAME: Harkashan rolls Khopesh+2: aliased to weapon3-strength+wisdom+2: (2)+0+-1+4+2: 7
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1+1: 5

"I'll be okay." Harkashan answers Alaryn, "I've got wonderful backup." He strikes another smashing blow away with his shield, as the strange faceless wraith-like thing tries to tear away at the stitchings of the fleshy looking Golem.

He's not sure what Slixvah is up to of course, but his defensive posture doesn't wane. And the moment Rune gets behind the target, he lets out a quick roar of a sound. Shifting his hand behind the pommel, and DRIVES it into its body, before ripping down to tear apart some of its stitching.

"Well done." He rumbles to the others. "Just one more to go!"

GAME: Alaryn rolls craft/artifice+3: (8)+14+3: 25
<OOC> Alaryn says, "ah screw it. Turn. Kneel, aim via gunport... pew!"
GAME: Alaryn rolls weapon14: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Alaryn rolls 1d12+1: (2)+1: 3

Looking down, Alaryn notices the switch having been pulled. She huhs and shrugs her shoulders. "Okay. There we go." she mutters. Then she peers across the room through the lenses of her goggles... then lifts them and notices the other switch thrown.

"Well alright then." She reaches a hand for her death ray rod... and then stops, shaking her head. "Right. Golems. No." she adds before dropping to one knee and placing her Thunderbelcher on the edge of the shield force effect... aiming down the barrel and firing. Just as the golem moves a bit, and the musketball spangs off of its shoulder for minimal damage.

<OOC> Reithak says, "Okay, Golem isn't getting anywhere, but another potential target walked into range. Golem 2 is going to attempt to smack Rune"
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10-2: (11)+10+-2: 19
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+10-2: (14)+10+-2: 22
GAME: Reithak rolls 2d6+3: (6)+3: 9

The second golem raises a hand to attempt to smash the cleric again, but seeing a flash of steel behind the now fallen ally, it turns around to see the source. The spinning smash breaks the tiles near where Rune was, but it brings it's second fist directly into the rogue's side with a surprisingly quick punch.

<OOC> Slixvah says, "sweet, im gonna mosey on over to this here secret door and attempt to give it a little open"
<OOC> Reithak roll a perception check
GAME: Slixvah rolls alertness: aliased to perception+2: (9)+13+2: 24

Slixvah stares at the barrel, glaring at it as the others fell one of the golems. She gives a sharp thumbs up. "Good job! Keep up da work!"

Which then shifts to a growly language as she points to the barrel, "Do NOT move that." <Draconic>

The fortunamancer hops over towards the hidden door she called out earlier, inspecting it. Perks. All the floating feathers on her wings press against the door, her hand on the handle. "Knock knock, open up the door, it's real-"

Sudden and violent force slam the door open, feathers bending and flexing with otherwordly strength as it slams against the wall, echoing in a clap. "-Wit' th' non-stop, pop-pop of brainless zeal!"

<OOC> Aelwyn thanks! I'll step to the right and continue with the fullround attacks on the red thing.
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+1+2: (1)+11+1+2: 15 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+1+2: (17)+11+1+2: 31
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon12+1+2: (9)+11+1+2: 23
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12+3: aliased to 1d10+5+3: (2)+5+3: 10
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage12+3: aliased to 1d10+5+3: (5)+5+3: 13

On the other side of the door is a much nicer looking room. The stone tile is covered by a woven rug, with a hardwood desk on one side, lit by one of the crystals from the stairs over a book, while a large leather lounge chair occupies the opposite side.

As well as a rather mad looking elf dressed in fine robes at the far wall from Slixvah. "You just had to stop my research whenever you see the chance, didn't you? No matter, I already know what failures they are." The elf grumbles, already falling backwards into the stone behind them. "Hopefully they will smash a few of you into paste on the way out, but I will not hold my hopes up."

The elf continues falling back into the stone, leaving solid wall where they were a moment ago.

Even after the first golem is dismantled by Harkashan, Aelwyn continues swaying with the weight of his glaive. "Fine cut, Lava." He compliments as he sways past the taller makari.

The glaive then returns; sliding, cutting and hitting the floor pretty hard in front of the other sith. "Tch, apologies. Glad one was not standing there." Flash of teeth.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Five foot to the right."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Swift to move Spiritual Ally to 12,7."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "And then me and Spiritual Ally attack once each. Taking +2/+2"
GAME: Harkashan rolls BAB+WIS: (15)+5+WIS: 20
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d8+Strength: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d8+Wisdom: (5)+2: 7

"Thank you, Dragoon." The lava-colored one answers Aelwyn.

Harkashan does not understand what is happening with the barrel, but Slixvah seems to know what she's doing, and the Sith-makar will trust his Skysister. "Understood." Do not move the barrel.

A glance. She's talking to a wall? Or is that a hidden door? "What do you see over there?" He calls out to Slixvah as he begins to move to the side, as does the faceless wraith which ends up hovering rather close to Rune for a moment. It doesn't speak, it has no mouth, but there's this gasping stare at her for a moment. As if it were seeking to smell her out...

Before both it and Harkashan strike at the same time with their Khopeshes, almost like a mirror-act, and rip into stitched flesh! "How are you doing, Rune?" Checking if she needs any help.

<OOC> Rune says, "5ft step to the right to 10,7 that should give me flanking with Hark (who had moved to 10,10). Taking extra attack from Furvor and full attacking."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (4)+10+2+2+-2: 16
<OOC> Rune says, "I'll take my free re-roll on the first one."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (4)+10+2+2+-2: 16
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (11)+10+2+2+-2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (5)+10+2+2+-2: 17
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+3d6: aliased to 1d6+1+3d6: (6)+1+(7): 14

The blow from one of the golems nearly takes Rune off of her feet, but thankfully the rogue has remarkable balance. There is a wince on her features, likely a bruised or cracked rib in the process. Nothing like some of the pain she's had before. "I'm fine, but whatever it is you summoned is fucking creepy as all hell."

Rune's back is to Slixvah, but those strange eyes in the shadows seem to be watching the feathered witch. They blink. However, the rogue's focus is on her enemy, stepping to the side to make sure that the enemy is kept between herself and Harkashan.

Another series of slashes, with most doing little more than surface damage other than one that seems to hit a weak point and sinks in to the flesh.

GAME: Alaryn rolls weapon14+2: (20)+9+2: 31 (THREAT)
GAME: Alaryn rolls weapon14+2: (15)+9+2: 26
<OOC> Reithak says, "Okay! That's a confirm"
GAME: Alaryn rolls 4d12+4: (25)+4: 29

Okay. That first shot spanged off of the shoulder. Inhale.... teleport a round into the weapon... exhale. Aim down the sight and gently squeeze the trigger. Stroke it like a lover. The action is slow and considered. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. And then the explosion of alchemical gunpowder erupts from the end of the barrel.

The musketball seems to go in slow motion for a moment, before it strikes just beneath the left ear of the golem. It emerges just above the right ear. The exit wound being the size of a saucer.... and alive or dead, most of the brain splatters across the ground... some hitting the formerly electrified pylon before the creature just goes still and slumps to the ground.

Slixvah blinks as she spies the room beyond. Half of her was glad that she was right, the mastermind was here. But alas. It was not enough as they were already melding themselves through stone. Damn. If this city didn't have such a ward up, she'd be right after them. Instead, she just stares at them. Memorizing their details. "Failure?" she snorts. "Th' only failure ri' now is melding through th' wall like a little bee eye tee see aych."

She glares at the space before pulling her head back to watch the ensemble tear into the remaining golems. From blades, magic, and finally, devastating and overwhelming force. The echoing crack making Slix wince briefly before letting out a low whistle of approval.

She shakes her head at Harkashan. "Our mastermind, slippin' away through stone. Mad lookin' elf. Fancy robes. I'll get a picture down later, got it locked in my little noggin'." She nods towards the carnage, sighing in relief as its all over. "Good shtuff, ladies and gents."

She raises a brow at the strange eyes, giggling lightly and waggling her fingers at them. Does she think this is funny? If its weird magics, yes. Yes she does.

Aelwyn was preparing for another strike, but then the golem just goes splat. Quite literally, in front of his eyes. Looking over towards Alaryn, he raises his head and flashes his teeth at her. "Fine shot." He compliments, before he looks at between Harkashan Rune. Everyone seemed to be mostly in one piece.

"Nice skulking about, Ribbon." The draconian rumbles with his teeth showing, "Yet did her wings find a ay out of this bloody mansion? Even the TarRaCe will not have us if we continue to be covered in gore."

The second Golem is felled by Alaryn's powerful shot, and Harkashan has to gasp for a moment, stepping back as it falls over and that brain falls out. Grimacing a bit. "Stitched together from the dead..." He rumbles. "Held together by Arcane magic." He sneers at the thing.

The eyeless, faceless slender thing stares at Rune for a little while as she comments on its creepiness, and it answers by lifting its hands and two eyes stare back at her for a moment... before the being disappears all-together.

"Hmm?" Harkashan simply asks Rune. As if he has no idea what she's talking about.

But Slixvah draws his attention instead. "Do you think there was anything there that held the doors locked on the main floor?" He asks her. "Or that the spell-caster himself was holding it shut?" After all, their real priority is to... well... leave.

"Oh, what was in the barrel?"

Standing up, Alaryn beams a smile over to Hark. "Pure love. Nothing but pure love." she states before she shoulders her weapon and begins moving closer. She looks to the pylons and one can almost -hear- the gears in her brain going to work, smell the smoke coming from her ears.

"I wonder if I can fit one of these onto my cart?" She thinks aloud.

The series of watching 'eyes' in the shadows seem to blink in sequence in response to Slixvah's attention. However, Rune's true eyes are staring at the creature that Harkashan had summoned. "What the /fuck/ Hark?" There she is, with strange shadow eyes around her, but somehow Rune is still freaked out by palm-eyes staring at her and then vanishing.

At Slixvah's comments about their situation, there is a sigh as she lowers her weapons. "Great, another mysterious individual pulling strings and then running away. Do they have a special school that they go to? Mysterious Villians Academy or something?" She huffs.

"Well, at least some artificers might be able to break this place down for parts when we're done. I imagine there's lots of useful things." And there goes Alaryn proving her point. Rune just raises her eyebrows.

Harkashan gives Rune a bit of a look, what with the shadows gazing back at him like some eyed abyss. "It aided us in our battle. It is good to show it appreciation." Harkashan answers her as he sheathes his blade and takes in a long and deep breath.

"By the way." He motions. "I'm surprised that you haven't dived into the books yet. I'm sure there's got to be some interesting volumes here." He notes.

Slixvah shrugs up to her beak. "I dunno!" she replies to Harkashan, snorting as the entity is comedically dismissed. "Prolly. I can suss it out. Or, at least wait until the lock expires on the door. Either way, we should be safe."

The question gets her to puff up in pride, hands on her hips. "They was spying again! Scryin' divinations! I blinded them with a barrel!" she grins. "And thankies Aelwyn! Good slicin'! Ya gettin' reall good at it!"

A glance is spared to Alaryn, but this time, she finally can't help but blurt, "Please keep weapons of mass destruction away from th' moving cart," she says flatly, adding on to Rune's comment. But, she giggles at the reaction of the eyes. "I dunno, Ru-Ru, me-thinks they goin' ta Lil' Bitch School of Running Away, instead. Anywho. Let's make like a tree and get the fuck outta here after we turn this office over. This place disgusts me." Nodding towards Hark, she steps into the office to get started.

Aelwyn glances back at Rune again, then towards Harkashan. He walks closer towards the taller makari and quietly asks, "Is the one feeling okay?"

But hearing a great plan, the Dragoon then flashes his teeth. "This one agrees with the 'get the fuck outta here', Ribbon. Let us." He follows on after her.

GAME: Alaryn rolls craft/artifice+3: (15)+14+3: 32

"Remember, I like /story books/." Rune explains as she pulls a rag from her belt and cleans off her weapons almost ritualistically. "I'm not so much into mad scientist necromancer ramblings. That does not sound like a fun read before bed time." Get kidnapped into a children's story book /one time/ and Rune seemingly will never live it down. "I'm sure the Arcanists Guild will want to take a look, though. Seems up their alley."

Then, looking to the witch, Rune smirks, "Think we could encase that thing in a glass box and then stick it at the bottom of a latrine so all he gets to see is shit and unclean buttholes?" The rogue realy /does/ try to be a good person, but some people deserve to have a little bit of pay-back.

"But..." begins Alaryn. She gestures to the pylon, and then as people start talking about leaving... she almost looks like she is about to panic. She stuffs her four foot weapon into the one foot pouch and withdraws a metal rod which is folded about, then folded again, and then once more. Looks like a pair of prongs..

She steps closer to the pylon and reaches out to poke it with the rubber handled, metal prong. No shock. No discharge. But she crouches and looks where the wires connect to it, and then presses a stud on the side of her goggles... activating detect magic.

She is doing her best to make a quick study of the device at least, "Go on. I'll just be a minute." she says absently as she works frantically... studying bits and pieces. She whips out a slateboard and chalk and begins scribing down notes to herself. Quick equations and such. "If I can't take it, at least let me make some notes!" she adds.

Harkashan nods at Aelwyn. "Lady Alaryn healed me sufficienty. All that remains is but a scarring." He remarks, showing a small area that still looks burnt upon the top of his shoulder by shifting his armor out of the way.

"It will heal alright." He promises Aelwyn, before looking to Rune as she remarks on storybooks. "You never know. Maybe the mastermind behind all of this enjoyed some fiction now and again." He notes, as he steps along to peek into the room Slixvah has found.

He figures he'll just get in the way with that big tail of his if he were to start searching.

"I'm going to check the front door. See if it unlocked on its own." Before poking his head out and motioning to Rune. "Want to help me with the front door?"

Aelwyn looks towards Rune with a 'this one is confused' at Harkashan's explanation, but he then slides the bloody glaive over his shoulder and moves on after the feathered beast.