PrP: The Dastardly Gauntlet of Doom!

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The Dastardly Gauntlet of Doom

Place: The Arena

Each of you has been approached with the prospect of earning some fame and perhaps some fortune, which you all accepted. You were given a time and a place to be at. The time mid-morning, the place the Arena. You can hear the crowds in the stand cheering as they wait for the heroes to come out. A Lucht Siuil dress in a garishly colored robes comes up and tries to shake each one of your hands, "So glad you could all make it. I'm Master Talisar Romanor. We have quite a show today thank you for all coming. Now your all are going to be fighting four monsters. Don't worry we have clerics on standby. You'll fight them one at a time in pretty rapid succession. We'll give you a chance to heal up in between monsters. If you want out as a group in between the monsters let us know. We don't want anyone to die so if you don't think you can continue let us know. We have another group standing by ready to take over. Everyone understand? Good! Go out and meet your public."'

"'Meet our public'?" Jenner asks, mild amusement on his features. He shakes his head, chuckling with grand humour as he reaches up to brush his hair, straightening his eyepatch absently. "And to think I left my good clothing at home for this unusual affair..."

Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, has no need to earn fame! It is already his. But he has a duty, nay, a solemn obligation, to reward his throngs of fans and admirers with the occasional public display of his heroic might and fantastical mystical powers! And so, Jibbom is here to shake the hand of his fellow Lucht, grinning brightly. "Looking forward to it, Rommy! Hope you found someone decent to stand in for me as announcer on this one. I can't be waiting by the sidelines on all of these!"

Oates does a final check on his gear. "Should be good practice," he remarks, taking a few practice swings with his rapier. His gear is the same as it usually is - even if there's not likely to be a chance to use some of his tools, that's not the same as not having any chance to do so.

Azog nods curtly to Romanor. He's been fairly quiet since arriving. Curt nods to his fellow adventurers, one-word answers. He stretches a bit to say, "I am ready," but there's no more to it. He follows the fellow's instructions to get to the action. He hasn't been able to do a lot lately, and his training has fallen off. Beating up on practice dummies isn't helping, he needs real combat to get his form back.

<OOC> Cesran says, "So you have 2 rounds right now if you want to cast any spells or make any prep you want."

"They have a cleric right here," Jessa says cheerfully. She'll just ignore Jibbom. "Though if it is really that bad, perhaps more won't be the worst of backup plans. I doubt you'll need them though." She adjusts the holy symbol on her chest, bouncing momentarily on her toes before relaxing back down to her feet.

<OOC> Jessa looks through her prep list really fast.

<OOC> Jibbom will put on mage armor.

GAME: Jibbom casts Mage Armor.

<OOC> Cesran thumbs up.

<OOC> Cesran says, "IE for those that want to cast protection spells you can cast 2."

GAME: Jenner casts Mage Armor.

GAME: Jenner casts False Life.

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d10+10: (8)+10: 18

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Wait, is the event supposed to begin immediately? Like, within minuts? Or longer away?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "After everyone has cast their up to 2 prep spells you'll go right in."

<OOC> Jibbom adds mirror image, then.

GAME: Jibbom casts Mirror Image.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Has everyone cast everything they want to cast?"

<OOC> Jenner is set.

<OOC> Jessa says, "Ready"

GAME: Jessa refreshes spells.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "All good here."

<OOC> Oates says, "Ready as I'll ever be."

You are given a few more moments before Romanor waves to the party. Your first monster is ready for you. Go go go before the crowd gets ansy." He will hustle you out. There in the middle of the arena about 50' from the entrance where the heroes will come out is a large two headed humanoid. He is an offense to all the senses. He is ugly, looks dirty, making a horrible grunting noise as he lumbers about the middle of the arena clutching a flail in each hand and he smells so bad you can taste it. You can all hear Romanor's voice magically enhanced to fill the arena, "5 brave heroes have entered the Gauntlet of Dastardly Doom! Their first challenge will be fighting the two headed monster known at the Ettin!"

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Cesran has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Cesran says, "give me +inits please."

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 18

GAME: Jenner rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 16

GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 10

GAME: Jessa rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11

GAME: Azog rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 14

<OOC> Cesran says, "Can you give me entrance order? Who came out first?"

<OOC> Jenner votes for Jibbom, Bane of the Night and Champion of the Arena in All Its Guises!

<OOC> Azog would come out first, unless someone else wants the honor?

<OOC> Jibbom says, "As much as Jibbom's ego would normally demand going out first, he's at least smart enough to know he's better off behind the meatshield."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay."

<OOC> Jenner snickers.

<OOC> Jenner will approach third.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+14: (6)+14: 20

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom you are up!"

Current Initiative Order

21                  Ettin

18                  Jibbom

16                  Jenner

14                  Azog

11                  Jessa

10                  Oates

<OOC> Jessa says, "Cleric stays in the middle of the pack."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+14: (19)+14: 33

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d6+6: (3)+6: 9

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for 9 points. 63 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Sorry, missed it the first time."

The Ettin sees the heroes come out and both of its heads roar out a battle cry. It charges across the packed down sands and goes to smash Azog with his duel flails. The first one smashes into Azog's shield, but the second manages to slip under his shield and hit Azog for some damage.

<OOC> Cesran says, "NP"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Can I hit the ettin with a lightning bolt without hitting anyone else? It's big enough, I assume?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's large and right in front of Azog for the moment, so yes."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Alrighty. Maximized lightning bolt. 48 electrical damage, DC 20 reflex save for half."

GAME: Jibbom casts Lightning Bolt.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+2: (20)+2: 22

<OOC> Cesran says, "Unfortunately he saves."

<OOC> Cesran says, "pose it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are up!"

<OOC> Jenner says, "Cast Shatter on one of the ettin's flails. If it is not magical, it is destroyed."

GAME: Jenner casts Shatter.

As soon as the challenge is issued, Jibbom reaches for the steel rod inscribed with runes he keeps tucked into his robe. He points it at the two-headed giant, mumbles some nonsense, and fires out a bolt of bright blue energy. The ettin is zapped, though he dives away from the worst of the beam. The halfling frowns. "Surprisingly nimble for a giant."

<OOC> Cesran says, "What's the spells DC Jenner?"

<OOC> Jenner says, "16."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Thank you."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9

<OOC> Cesran says, "You destroy the flail. Pose it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog you are up!"

<OOC> Azog says, "I'll full attack him."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+15: (4)+15: 19

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

<OOC> Azog rolls to confirm

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

<OOC> Cesran says, "go ahead"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit and Crit roll it up"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+10: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Azog rolls 2d10+20: (11)+20: 31

Jenner tsks, stepping to one side. The shimmer of pale flames whisper along his skin, rainbow hues and colors of all kinds moving in a silent glamor of mystic force. "A good try," he murmurs, chuckling quietly. "But there is a time for such objects, and a time for more... Certain measures." Flame erupts in a bright pulse, and a golden claw of mystic energy reaches for one of the ettin's flails. It grasps, and with a sudden, cracking burst-- the weapon is gone, in a blast of searing light.

"That," he remarks, grinning. "Is how it is done."

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's dead."

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Cesran has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Pose it Azog. I'll emit afterwards. :D"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d10: (2): 2

Azog leads the way into the arena, having no spells to prep or magic to magic. Sword out and shield up, and he's ready. And not a moment too soon, the ettin comes at him! He raises his shield to deflect the blow and isn't ready for the second swing. They can do two things at once! He wasn't quite expecting that, though he manages to get out of the way barely in time, catching only a minor ding on his armor. He ducks as the lightning bolt sears overhead, catching the creature's upper half, and takes cover behind his shield as Jenner's spell shatters one of the flails, debris clattering off his gleaming shield. Barely leaving time for the dust to settle, Azog stabs the unlucky creature in the thigh, and when it bends over, clutching its leg in pain, Azog delivers a follow-up swing and takes it through the neck, stepping out of the way of the deluge of blood and falling giant.

After Azog's mighty swings the Ettin falls back over to the ground dead. The crowd erupts in cheers for the adventurers as the ground crew comes out. Consisting of some burly giantborn they have the onerous task of picking up and hauling away the Ettin corpse. A troupe of clerics come out to look over one over and quickly run back as one one is really hurt. Master Talisar Romanor's voice comes out over the cheers, "It seems that the Ettin had little chance against the brave warriors...never fear we have more in store for these adventurers."

100 feet across from the adventurers one of the wooden doors start to open up. It's totally dark inside, but then you can see a set of glowing red eyes and then another and then another. From the large door comes another monster. A black dragon's head comes out first followed by the head of a lion and then of a horned goat. The rest of the body comes out as that of a lion with large bat wings. The three head roar out as its wing unfurl. The crowd falls into a hushed silence.

<OOC> Cesran says, "give me another round of inits!"

GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 13

GAME: Jenner rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 16

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 9

GAME: Azog rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 19

GAME: You roll initiative for Chimera: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa?"

GAME: Jessa rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 17

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog you have the honors of being up first. :D"

<OOC> Azog says, "I'm gonna hold for Jenner."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are up!"

<OOC> Jenner will caste Haste on the party. Warp Speed ahead!

<OOC> Jessa says, "?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Hi. :)"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oops sorry"

Current Initiative Order

19                  Azog

17                  Jessa

16                  Jenner

14                  Chimera

13                  Oates

9                   Jibbom

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa you are next, Jenner your on deck"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Prayer."

GAME: Jessa casts Prayer.

<OOC> Cesran says, "go for it."

<OOC> Jessa says, "+1 to most everyone for us, -1 for most everything for the chimera."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner go ahead and cast haste. Azog you are up."

GAME: Azog's inititave total changed to '15'.

<OOC> Jenner says, "I don't have it. Swap out for Keen Edge on Azog instead."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay."

"Ceinara, I ask for your inspirational blessings for us against what appears to be a rather conflicted and complicated sort of foe. Please keep my companions properly creative in this time of trial!" Jessa's smart enough to keep giants between herself and the chimera.

<OOC> Azog says, "I'll move 30' closer to the critter, then, and ready an action to melee attack if it comes within range."

<OOC> Azog says, "Hopefully being out in front will make me the obvious target."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Np."

Jenner draws a breath, rumbling as he exhales-- a strange sound like grating stone, never meant to come from a human throat. Once again the rainbow hues rises, this time reaching for the powerful orc's brandished weapon; unlike with the Ettin, it caresses the device like an old friend, a shimmer melting into the steel. Like blue steel, it gleams as though fresh from the forge, glittering and bright.

"Knock 'em dead," the mage murmurs, grinning quietly.

GAME: Jenner casts Keen Edge.

Azog barely has time to clean the gore from his blade when the next door opens, and this one's got /three/ heads. "We're fighting a hydra before this day is done," he says to his companions. "Bets?" He glances back at Jenner and nods once, waiting for Jenner and Jessa to do their magic. With his spirits high and his blade extra gleamy, he strides forwards, bracing his shield and setting one boot back, ready to lay into the creature once it gets close enough.

<OOC> Cesran says, "The chimera is going to take flight. It's going up 10 feet and flying towards Azog, 30 feet. The distance between Azog and it is 40-45 feet."

The Chimera starts to flap its wings as it takes to the air. It flies right towards the adventurers. Its heads hiss and roar at the crowd as it flies by them, but it's intent is clear. It's going after the party and not the crowd.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates you are up"

<OOC> Oates says, "With it in the air like that... draw shortbow and shoot it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it up"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowAtk+1: aliased to Ranged+1+1: (10)+7+1+1: 19

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowDmg+1: aliased to 1d6+3+1: (4)+3+1: 8

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's got an arrow it it. Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Another maximized lightning bolt. 48 damage. DC ref 20 save for half."

Oates quietly curses as the chimera takes to the wing. "Bit high for a jump," he mutters as he pulls out his bow and lets fly with an arrow, landing a decent hit.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

<OOC> Cesran says, "It saves."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Top of the round: Jessa!"

Jibbom sticks to what he does best, pointing at the flying beastie and letting another powerful blue lightning bolt rip through the air. Again, his target avoids the brunt of the blow, leading to more frustrated scowling. "Where do they find these things?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Searing Light."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Jessa rolls 1d20+10+1: (8)+10+1: 19

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Jessa rolls 4d8: (19): 19

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's looking hurt. Jenner!"

<OOC> Jenner says, "Glitterdust. DC 16 Will."

"Well. That's very high in the air." Jessa is excellent at stating the obvious. Holding her hand up, she focuses on her target while murmuring under her breath. A ray of what appears to be bright sunlight shoots from her hand toward the chimera, doing decent damage to it.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's sparkly! Azog!"

GAME: Jenner casts Glitterdust.

<OOC> Azog says, "Ready a Vital Strike if it comes down into melee range."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Gotcha! It goes."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Flying 20 feet forward. the Dragon opens it up. Anyone right behind Azog?"

The mage swirls his hands, struggling not to chuckle at Jibbom's misfortune. "Defective?" Jenner suggests, words falling off as he intones once more. He weaves his magic, catching along the spell of gleaming light, power searing from the Halfling's hands. It is a piece here, a part there, tiny fragments of the whole; they come together in a whirlwind of shining motes, sparkles suddenly erupting in a blast of glittering power.

And while very entertaining for the audience (ooh! ahh!), the only thing it does to the manticore is make it extra pretty. And particularly ornery.

"...curse it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog roll reflex"

<OOC> Jenner says, "Ah snap. I'll have it!"

GAME: Cesran rolls 6d8: (21): 21

<OOC> Azog says, "Prayer adds to this?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Yes"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d4: (4): 4

<OOC> Jessa says, "Hm."

<OOC> Jessa says, "Directly behind?"

<OOC> Azog says, "+2"

GAME: Jessa rolls ref+1: (4)+7+1: 12

<OOC> Azog says, "?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "ug."

GAME: Jenner rolls Reflex+2: (6)+10+2: 18

GAME: Azog rolls reflex: (1)+6: 7

<OOC> Cesran says, "within 10 feet I'd say it's a line at an angle."

<OOC> Azog says, "Heh, nevermind. ;)"

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for 21 points. 42 remaining.

GAME: Cesran damaged Jessa for 21 points. 26 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner do you have evasion?"

<OOC> Jenner does not!

GAME: Cesran damaged Jenner for 10 points. 55 remaining.

GAME: Cesran damaged Jenner for -10 points. 65 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates you are up!"

<OOC> Oates says, "Firing another arrow."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowAtk+1: aliased to Ranged+1+1: (16)+7+1+1: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowDmg+1: aliased to 1d6+3+1: (3)+3+1: 7

Oates winces at the breath weapon hitting the rest of the group, but lets another arrow fly, adding another shaft to the chimera's body.

The Chimera is now sparkling and it flies closer. The dragon's head opens its maw and a line of acid streams out. It hits Azog, Jessa and Jenner. It burns so badly. The crowd is at the edge of its seat as the battle appears to be on.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom! You are up!"

You paged Jibbom with 'You have been casting appropriate spells right?'

GAME: Jibbom casts Lightning Bolt.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Sorry, forgot to cast that last time. Another maximized lightning bolt. Same as before, DC 20, 48 damage."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

<OOC> Cesran says, "That kills it! Pose it up Jibbom."

Jibbom taps his magic rod, scowling at it. "Is this thing even on?" After he says that, another jet of lightning fires forth into the chimera, hitting it right in the face. Well, one of the faces, anyways. It's enough to bring the creature down, with a horrible smell of sizzling flesh. Jibbom looks pleased. "Mmmm. Hey, save it for later! I bet that thing would go great with a little barbecue sauce."

GAME: Jibbom casts Lightning Bolt.

The Chimera takes the brunt of the lightning bolt this time and that fries out its tri-brains. It crashes hard into the ground and digs a deep furrow into the arena. The crowd explodes in cheers for the adventurers. The Giantborn come out to take away the chimera and the healers come out along with the grounds crew. They work fast. Each adventurer will get one good healing if they need it.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay this is how the intermission will go. The healers will come out. Everyone gets 1 cure serious wounds. If you have a healing spell or ability you want to use you can use it, but you only get one. Same with potions. If you are not injured your cure serious wounds may not be used by another person."

Azog grimaces as the thing takes flight. Well, that gimps his normal plan. In fact, that really gimps his -only- plan. Thinking on the fly is something he's only so-so at; the best he can come up with as the party hurls spells at it is to stand ready to hit it with as deadly an attack as he can lay in, expecting it to swoop and pass by. What he's not expecting, and not ready for, is the roar and stream of acid. It burns him, oh yes it does, and the oruch is not happy at all. He grunts in satisfaction as Jibbom brings it down, though the barbecue sauce comment draws a derisive snort.

<OOC> Jenner is good. False Life cannot be reclaimed that way.

<OOC> Azog poses readying an action. Go me.

<OOC> Cesran says, "If you want healing say so."

<OOC> Azog says, "I want"

<OOC> Oates says, "I don't need it."

<OOC> Jibbom is good.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Do you want to roll the healing azog or shall I? It's going to be 3d8+5"

Intermission comes with the roar and hoots of the crowd, and the sizzle of acid burns away before the gleam of rainbow marks glowing across Jenner's skin. He spares a quick glance towards his allies, nodding quietly as they take what healing comes. He prepares himself by closing his eyes, a mental focus; he ignores that hungry howl in the corner of his mind, letting thought and shape and mystic flame come cool, clean, ready to spark into renewed blaze.

GAME: Azog rolls 3d8+5: (13)+5: 18

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for -18 points. 60 remaining.

<OOC> Jessa says, "I'll save my stuff for in game."

<OOC> Jessa says, "Er."

<OOC> Jessa says, "In combat."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay Jessa roll up 3d6+5 or I can, your choice."

<OOC> Azog says, "Oh wait, I do have an action I need to take. Can I use my Blood of the Dark Fae?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Yes"

GAME: Azog rolls 2d8+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Jessa says, "Cure is 3d8"

GAME: Jessa rolls 3d8+5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for -8 points. 68 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Yes you are right 3d8 sorry"

GAME: Cesran damaged Jessa for -17 points. 43 remaining.

Jessa's content to let the healers heal her wounds for now. She's too busy tsking over her slightly smoldering scarlet and orange outfit. "Now see? The soot just isn't going to come out here. What a shame."

Steel Von Ironblood needs no healing. He spends the intermission flexing and posing for the 'benefit' of his 'fans' in the crowd.

Azog is waiting for the next attack, but it's not coming. He realizes there's a moment for a break, and focuses internally, tuning the arena out. There's a very odd look on his face, and a faraway stare in his eyes which might be slightly unnerving, though the arena healers are stoic enough that they'll use some of their healing magic on him anyhow. Azog's gaze remains distant even as he seems to regain his focus for the most part.

As the Arena quickly clears out of the maintenance crew you can hear Master Talisar Romanor voice again. "We are half way through for the adventurers. What horror will they face next. Taken from the sewers of Alexandria and raised on a steady diet of animal growth potions. This monster is here to avenge every one of its brothers that every little boy every salted or squished on the sidewalk. The Slimy horror of the Giant Slug!" Another door, this one bigger than the opens up and the biggest slug you've ever seen comes out leaving a trail of slime behind it.

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Cesran has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Cesran says, "+inits1"

GAME: Oates rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 15

GAME: Jenner rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 20

GAME: Jessa rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 16

GAME: Azog rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9

GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 12

GAME: You roll initiative for Giant_Slug: Roll: 9 + Bonus: -4 = Total: 5

Current Initiative Order

20                  Jenner

16                  Jessa

15                  Oates

12                  Jibbom

9                   Azog

5                   Giant_Slug

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are first. slug is about 50 feet away."

<OOC> Jenner says, "Cast Mirror Image."

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

<OOC> Jessa says, "Oh crap"

GAME: Jessa casts Searing Light.

GAME: Jenner casts Mirror Image.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa you are up!"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Prayer again."

GAME: Jessa casts Prayer.

Jenner beholds the next entry into the arena, lips twitching with a sudden distaste. "This will prove interesting," he mutters to himself, steeping back as his hand come together again. The fire burns in rainbow and azure, forming into a gleaming orb before the wizard. From one orb to two, and two to four-- it divides five times before taking on human aspects, a shimmering frame.

In seconds, Jenner is multiplied five times, each moving in unison as his hands come together again. "Slugs. I suppose it could have been vampiric topiarary...." Shudder.

"Ceinara, I ask for your blessings again to help my companions be creative and inspired to avoid the worst of this foul creature's attacks. And also that I am inspired to avoid getting slime on me, please and thank you." And then Jessa's again putting giants between her and the slug. Because gross.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates you are up"

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll start circling around, and I'll shoot it with an arrow."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Go for it"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowAtk+1: aliased to Ranged+1+1: (19)+7+1+1: 28

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Oates rolls ShortbowDmg+1: aliased to 1d6+3+1: (6)+3+1: 10

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's got an arrow in it. It hurt it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom casts fireball from staff. DC 20.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20: (3): 3

<OOC> Cesran says, "roll it up"

Oates grins as the slug moves forward. Starting to circle around the arena to outmaneuver the slimy mollusk, the farmboy lets an arrow fly. The arrow goes deep into the slug's body.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 8d6: (29): 29

<OOC> Cesran says, "You burnt it. Azog you are up!"

<OOC> Azog says, "Is it in charge range?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's 50 feet out."

"Oooh, slug!" Jibbom actually seems excited by this latest foe, for some unfathomable reason. "I've heard slug meat goes /great/ with a little orange sauce. Just can't salt it, or it shrivels up all weird. Anywho, let's get roasting!" He swaps his rod for a staff inscribed with orcish runes. Where'd he get that thing? He waves it about, summoning a bright red orb that zooms at the slug, exploding in a blast of powerful flame.

<OOC> Azog says, "I can charge that. I will do so."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Go for it"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Slashing or piercing?"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+10: (8)+10: 18

<OOC> Azog says, "Bastard sword"

<OOC> Azog looks

<OOC> Cesran says, "You are good, just not bludgeoning."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+3-1: (5)+3+-1: 7

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog roll an AoO"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+15: (10)+15: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit roll damage"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+10: (2)+10: 12

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are up!"

Azog's vision clears in time to take in the giant slug. "Well. I was expecting more heads, not less. Ah well.” Waiting for the hail of arrows and fireballs to go by, he hangs tough until the air clears before charging in, grateful for a target that's not flying. Rushing forward, his boots pounding the ground, he strikes with his eerily gleaming blade, though as huge as the thing is, it's hard to tell if the small slash he left did much. It didn't go deep, more like a skitter along the surface.

<OOC> Jenner says, "Exchange a level 3 spell for Arcane Blast. It's a ray attack, so Ranged Touch."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay"

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit"

GAME: Jenner casts Water Breathing.

GAME: Jenner rolls 5d6: (20): 20

The giant slug did not like getting burned at all. It goes to spit a giant blob of acid at Steel Von Blood. The acid blob splashes right next to him and quickly eats away at the ground. It might have made soup out of Steel if it had hit.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa!"

<OOC> Jessa says, "hm."

<OOC> Jessa says, "I'll channel a heal."

GAME: Jessa rolls 6d6: (24): 24

<OOC> Jessa says, "That'll top everyone off."

Spells shimmer, and Jenner prepares another spell for the latest horror of the arena pits. Grimacing at the flight of acid, he molds the next spell into something searing, effective... And simple. Thrusting one hand forward, the wizard snaps off a Word of Power; rather than rainbow flame, the mystic energy simple erupts as a blast of primal force, ravening enrgies rippling through the slug's side with a horrible wail.

GAME: Cesran damaged Jessa for -24 points. 60 remaining.

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for -24 points. 72 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates!"

Jessa's hands go up and she shouts, "Avoid the acid there!" to point out the obvious. Then she sends out a wave of healing energy, the golden fire sweeping through her companions and healing remaining wounds.

<OOC> Oates says, "Can I close to a flanking position and still get a hit in?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's huge. You can, but you'll risk an AoO. I forgot to roll one for Azog on his charge, but he should have gotten one. My mistake."

<OOC> Azog says, "Jessa's heal would have healed it in any event. I hope."

<OOC> Jessa says, "Possibly."

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d10+12: (5)+12: 17

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d8: (15): 15

<OOC> Cesran says, "It would not have, but my mistake, so not going to happen."

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll go ahead and close to flanking with my rapier, rolling Acrobatics to try avoiding the AoO."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it up!"

GAME: Oates rolls Acrobatics+1: (18)+12+1: 31

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2+1: aliased to Melee+1+2+1: (15)+8+1+2+1: 27

<OOC> Cesran says, "That's enough. Hit!"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+1+SA: aliased to 1d6+4+1+4d6: (6)+4+1+(12): 23

<OOC> Cesran says, "That did it. It's dead!"

With Azog in the slug's face, Oates takes the opportunity to dash in. Tumbling to avoid retribution for his approach, the farmboy lances the slug hard, putting an end to the overgrown lettuce-muncher. "And that's for the crops your brethren eat," he says loud enough for the crowd to hear.

"Add it to the pile with the manticore meat. We'll fire up the grill when this is all done. Good eats!" Jibbom is practically salivating with excitement.

"Well. I'm sure there are a few chefs in the wings," Jessa says thoughtfully, inspecting the pile with less anticipation than Jibbom. Still, she -is- a lucht....

GAME: 'Giant_Slug' removed from initiative list.

GAME: You roll initiative for Elemental: Roll: 20 + Bonus: -1 = Total: 19

Azog grunts in relief as the wave of healing washes over him. Refreshed, and wary of the spittle, he continues to try and stab the thing, though even the magical keenness of the blade he wields can only do so much. Luckily, he doesn't need to, Oates finds a vulnerable spot and strikes true, slaying it. "Well done," he says to the Oates. Jibbom gets a sour look. "Are you sure you're feeling all right?" he asks.

The damage from Oates is just too much for the slug and it flops over to the side. The crowd explodes into cheers for the adventurers. Just as the cheering starts the ground begins to rumble and shake. In the space between Azog, Oates and the slug and the rest of the party something huge starts to rise out of the ground. How did they get this? Everyone knows what an earth elemental looks like, well this is the granddaddy of them all. It towers over 35 feet above the floor of the Arena and it grazes around for those to attack. Master Talisar Romanor's voice can be heard, "The final monsters for our brave adventurers. A living mountain!"

Current Initiative Order

20                  Jenner

19                  Elemental

16                  Jessa

15                  Oates

12                  Jibbom

9                   Azog

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are up!"

<OOC> Jenner acks! "And Haste. Stored under Bonus spells of all things."

GAME: Jenner casts Haste.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay you get everyone on your side of the elemental"

<OOC> Jenner nods!

<OOC> Cesran says, "Elemental."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d5: (1): 1

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+21: (4)+21: 25

<OOC> Jessa says, "We still have a few more rounds of prayer."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Gotcha, so just a 24. Jenner that hits you? Roll for your mirror images."

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d10+10-1: (12)+10+-1: 21

Jenner pales briefly as rock and earth and stone come together, a flood of pieces assembling into one terrible mass. "Elemental," the mage murmurs, fingers tightening as he gazes at it. "...very large elemental," he says, fingers tightening. Without another word, the mage reveals his hands again, swift as they work as though on a net, a shimmering field of gleaming energy. He whirls the 'net' over his head, hurling the magic away. It settles with a warming pulse, a quickening fire. Nerves tingle with the giddy sensation of... Swiftness. Speed. Energy, waiting to be used!

<OOC> Jenner says, "...this is gonna hurt."

<OOC> Cesran says, "No more false life"

<OOC> Jenner says, "Absolutely none!"

GAME: Cesran damaged Jenner for 13 points. 52 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You just saw the earth elemental move to within 15 feet of Jenner and smash him"

The earth elemental focus on the voice that is casting. It glides forward and smashes Jenner hard with one of its huge fists.

<OOC> Jessa says, "I'll go do a cure moderate on him."

GAME: Jessa casts Sound Burst.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Sorry I forgot earth mastery. for attack and damage rolls it effectively cancels out the -1 from prayer as long as everyone is touching earth. Don't worry Jenner not going to hurt you more. Roll it Jessa."

GAME: Jessa rolls 2d8+8: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates!"

<OOC> Jenner grins. "No worries. When you are squishy, you expect to get squished.

GAME: Cesran damaged Jenner for -16 points. 65 remaining.

Jessa's tiny little figure can be seen darting forward. A prayer tumbles out of her mouth in the halfling tongue and she places a hand on him, sending a rush of healing into the man. "Do be careful."

<OOC> Oates says, "I'll tumble in to catch the elemental in a flank and stab it."

GAME: Oates rolls Acrobatics+1: (15)+12+1: 28

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's not flanked"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You make it"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: aliased to Melee+1+2: (14)+8+1+2: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+1: aliased to 1d6+4+1: (5)+4+1: 10

<OOC> Cesran says, "if your rapier magic?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "is your rapier magic?"

<OOC> Oates says, "It's +1, yeah."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay. You stab it. Jibbom you are up!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You do some damage."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Can I fireball the elemental without hitting anyone else?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Yes you can"

<OOC> Cesran says, "it's 35 feet tall!"

As the elemental smashes Jenner, Oates darts in. Closing the gap with no difficulty, the farmboy stabs the large hunk of rock, the simple enchantment on the blade driving it through the elemental's hide.

<OOC> Jibbom does so! Casting from staff again.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "DC 20."

GAME: Jibbom rolls 8d6: (30): 30

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+2: (1)+2: 3

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You blow it up!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "But it's still going"

<OOC> Azog says, "Did it rise up within a 5' move?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "No."

<OOC> Azog says, "OK, move and vital strike it."

Jibbom pouts at the latest beast to enter the arena. "What the...?" He sighs in frustration. "... I can't eat a pile of rocks! Believe me, I've tried! They're no good!" He sighs again, waves his staff about, and fires off another potent fireball into the monster's side, blowing away a chunk of stone.

<OOC> Cesran says, "you are about 10 ft from it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "you will get an AoO"

<OOC> Azog says, "Move to flank, eat the AoO, and then attack if I can still move afterwards? Or does the AoO stop my move?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "AoO does not"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+21: (17)+21: 38

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d10+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for 22 points. 50 remaining.

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+17: (8)+17: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Azog rolls 2d10+10: (6)+10: 16

<OOC> Cesran says, "You hurt it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jenner you are up! You are at the edge of the earth elementals range. IE you need to 5ft step to not eat an AoO"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Although it used up its AoO so you are safe."

<OOC> Jenner whews! "5' step away, then cast a level 4 spell as a ray."

Azog's eyes widen as the elemental rises up from the arena floor. But he nods to himself as everyone quickly readjusts to the monstrous presence, and rushes towards the creature. It's faster than he thought, and he takes a clout as he squares off against the creature, swinging his bastard sword, the eldritch gleam catching the light strangely. The blade strikes the creature, a spark leaping up from the point of impact. Who can say if it hurt?

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it"

GAME: Jenner casts Wall of Ice.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit!"

GAME: Jenner rolls 6d6: (29): 29

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom=Are you close to Jenner?"

Blood taste of hot copper and bitter pain, and Jenner blinks at the cuff from the elemental, staggering back. "I'll... try," he manages towards Jessa, smiling a lopsided grin before he steadies himself, gathering the mystic fire once more. Again, a short, sharp Word is uttered; again, fire explodes outward in ravening energy, searing as it scores along the Earth Giant's flank.

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+21: (1)+21: 22

<OOC> Jibbom is still where he was when he entered the arena.

<OOC> Cesran says, "NP."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jessa you are up!"

<OOC> Jessa says, "I'll heal Azog."

GAME: Jessa casts Delay Poison.

GAME: Jessa rolls 2d8+8: (11)+8: 19

The Elemental gets hit from all sides and it focuses on the one in front of it. It tries to slam down its fists again, but it's aim is horribly off and it's fists land on either side of both Jenner and Jessa.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Willing to eat the AoO?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Yeah."

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+21: (3)+21: 24

<OOC> Jessa says, "I'm 19 so that'll get mme."

GAME: Cesran rolls 2d10+10: (15)+10: 25

<OOC> Jessa says, "Ouch."

GAME: Cesran damaged Jessa for 25 points. 35 remaining.

GAME: Cesran damaged Azog for -19 points. 69 remaining.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oates you are up!"

Jessa's exhale is brief as she tries to dash past the fists to get to Azog. As she does, the elemental fist slams into her, eliciting a horrible squeal from the little priestess. She's soon moving toward the fighter nonetheless, laying her hands on him and sending healing energy into him even as she reels.

<OOC> Oates says, "I have flank now?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Yes with Azog!"

<OOC> Oates says, "Hasted full attack, then!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it up!"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: aliased to Melee+1+2: (8)+8+1+2: 19

GAME: Oates rolls RapierAtk+2: aliased to Melee+1+2: (15)+8+1+2: 26

<OOC> Cesran says, "Miss, hit, no flanking. Sorry elemental traits"

GAME: Oates rolls RapierDmg+1: aliased to 1d6+4+1: (2)+4+1: 7

<OOC> Cesran says, "Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Another fireball!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 8d6: (25): 25

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+2: (14)+2: 16

Oates keeps stabbing away, getting his blade into the elemental's rocky hide once more. Excellent hit on the spleen... if it had one, sadly.

<OOC> Cesran says, "You hurt it"

Jibbom continues firing off volleys of explosive flame, staying back away from the melee. But his heart just isn't in it, a pout staying on his face. "What's the point of burning it if it won't even be delicious?" He grumbles.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Azog!"

<OOC> Azog says, "Full attack. With haste"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+17: (6)+17: 23

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+17: (13)+17: 30

GAME: Azog rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Cesran says, "Hit hit miss"

GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Azog rolls 1d10+10: (3)+10: 13

<OOC> Cesran says, "That end it! It starts to crumble and fall into the ground"

Azog breathes a grunt of thanks to Jessa for the healing, though he says, "Watch yourself!" Putting his shield forward, he swings his sword mightily, the magical speed allowing him to move faster than he would otherwise, increasing his already fearsome level of skill tremendously. The first mightily blow sends chips flying, the second one is able to catch it in a fracture in the stone and he drives the blade in with a powerful thrust, cracks soon appearing throughout the creature, and as Azog yanks his sword back out, the elemental crumbles.

The stones from the earth elemental melt back into the Arena. As the last of it disappears the Arena is stone silent for a moment before there is thunderous cheering from the crowd. Master Talisar Romanor's voice is shrill with excitement "The heroes have done it! They have proven their worth today taking down 4 of the wildest, most dangerous horrors we had to offer. They survived the Dastardly Gauntlet of Doom! Give it up for your heroes Alexandria!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "That's it folks. I hope you had a great time!"

<OOC> Azog says, "Sweet!"

With those words, Jenner exhales slowly and carefully, absently reaching up to straighten the silken patch over one eye. Slowly he folds his arms in over his chest, affecting the quiet confidence of something respectful-- and not with a shard of crystal in his stomach.

<OOC> Jenner says, "It was a pleasure. Thanks!"

<OOC> Azog says, "Yes, thanks! I enjoyed it."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Next time I might have to use demons. ;)"

<OOC> Oates says, "Quite enjoyable, that."

Jessa exhales slowly, and stretches her arms out to get some stiffness out. Then she sends some healing to her companions, grunting faintly. "Well. That was an experience."

GAME: Jessa rolls 6d6: (25): 25